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Ref: DC/HDR 01/01 /2018

Date: 01/01/2018
Subject: Letter of recommendation

On behaJf district administration, we hereby certify that (Kerey construction and Trading
Company) is a registered local non-governmental and nonprofit company that has been
operating in development, Trading and Construction services in Huddur district and
surrounding areas more than 12 years.
(Kerey construction and Trading Company) has proven to be reliable, trust-worthy and has
been collaborative with the district authority in its programs and successfulJy got the
confidence of the communities that it has been serving for since the start of its operations in
the district.
We would therefore recommend (Kerey construction and Trading Company) for any future
partnership with both local and international organizations, UN Agencies and donors in the
implementation of any intervention programs and any other activities in Huddur district and
elsewhere of greater Somalia.
Your cooperation is highly recommended in the regard.

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