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Immaculate L. Fallaria 10-Einstein Advocacy Ms.


Discipline in school life is very important for students. We can’t be well educated without discipline. Without
learning and the following discipline in school life can cost students later in their career. In school education, discipline is
a set of rules & regulations that remind us of the proper code of behavior. Discipline is ever more important during
school life.But discipline is not only important for school students it’s for everyone. Discipline is a self-improvement
practice. It is what helps us all to achieve our goals in life.See a successful business owner, a popular leader and you will
find that are well disciplined. Disciplined founders and leaders have higher business intelligence and strong analytical
skills. Because they practiced their business growth strategies consistently and with focus.For example, you have goals
and dreams. You want to achieve them. And most of the time people got 50% success. But discipline aligns us to keep
going, keep working, keep dreaming until it is not 100%. That’s the way of success. And that’s why I think
implementations of discipline in students mind help them to achieve their goals and dreams later in life. But let’s learn
about the importance of discipline in students life in details with exampleIn school life, students have a tender mind that
does not know what is right or wrong. Students need constant guidance and supervision from his teachers otherwise, he
can go towards the wrong path.Using an analogy to explain this, we can say that a school is like a canal that a farmer
builds for irrigating his fields. There is a purpose behind building a canal.The purpose is to guide/redirect the water to
those areas that are far from the water source. Its purpose is to connect two water sources and provide nourishment to
villages so that crops can grow. Likewise, there is a purpose of building a school. Its purpose is to guide/redirect the
students in school life to the right direction so that they grow up to become socially, scientifically and morally educated.
This is where discipline comes into the picture.The nature of water is to flow where gravity takes it. If there is no canal to
give it a fixed path, it will disperse everywhere. It becomes useless for the farmer because his fields are still dry. In the
same way, a student’s mind is playful by nature, it will go in every direction unless the student is given a fixed path
(discipline) to follow.Building a canal and maintaining discipline in schools is not an easy task. The water in the canal and
the students in the schools will resist any attempts to control or regulate them. The water will try to seep through the
canal if there are cracks in it or it will try to flow over the wall if they are not high enough.Similarly, the students will try
to escape the rules and regulations if discipline is not maintained or enforced strictly. If their mind is not occupied by
their teachers in learning activities, it will wander into bad activities. They might even wonder themselves outside class if
there is no teacher to watch them.Like they say, an empty mind is a devil’s workshop.But it takes a lot of hard work to
build a strong canal that keeps the water flowing properly. With a school also it’s the same; there is a lot of hard work
that goes into running a school such that the students don’t fall out of line.Just like the walls of a canal don’t let the
water go outside it and guide the water to the field, the discipline in school doesn’t let the students go outside their
ethical and moral boundaries and guides them to become good human beings.

Everything starts with discipline ,in order to have cleanliness, orderliness, unity and peace we must first impose
discipline to ourselves because if you have discipline every good deeds will just follow. A regiment or an army without
discipline is a mere mob. Soldiers have to learn to act together as one man under the command of their officers; and the
object of military drill is to make their obedience to orders so perfect that it will become automatic.In the same way no
school or college can exist long where discipline is not enforced. If the boys can do as they like, regular teaching
becomes impossible, and education a farce.

A pair of helpful hand is good, Hundred is better, Thousand is greatness but Million is everlasting. So let's hold
each other's hand to guide people to the right path where their feet can't reach, their eyes can't see and their ears can't
hear. Let's breath the air with worthiness, purpose and responsibility.

My name is immaculate L. Fallaria,15 years of age, hailing from the land where people value unity, dignity,
knowledge and peace...(ung bansa) and I do believe that today you will witness a woman not with a crown that shines
but a flag that stands with value. Thank you.

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