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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Special Issue: The Year in Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary ecology of telomeres: a review

Mats Olsson,1,2 Erik Wapstra,3 and Christopher R. Friesen4
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2 School of Biological
Sciences, The University of Wollongong, Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. 3 School of Biological Sciences, University
of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 4 School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia

Address for correspondence: Mats Olsson, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg,
Medicinaregatan 18, Box 463, SE-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden.

Telomere-induced selection could take place if telomere-associated disease risk shortens reproductive life span
and differently reduces relative fitness among individuals. Some of these diseases first appear before reproductive
senescence and could thus influence ongoing selection. We ask whether we can estimate the components of the
breeder’s equation for telomeres, in which the response to selection (R, by definition “evolution”) is the product of
ongoing selection (S) and heritability (h2 ). However, telomere inheritance is a conundrum: in quantitative genetics,
traits can usually be allocated to categories with relatively high or low heritability, depending on their association
with relative fitness. Telomere traits, however, show wide variation in heritability from zero to one, across taxa,
gender, ethnicity, age, and disease status. In spite of this, there is divergence in telomere length among populations,
supporting past and ongoing telomere evolution. Rates of telomere attrition and elongation vary among taxa with
some, but not complete, taxonomic coherence. For example, telomerase is commonly referred to as “restricted to the
germ line in mammals,” but inbred mice and beavers have telomerase upregulation in somatic tissue, as do many
ectotherms. These observations provoke a simplistic understanding of telomere evolutionary biology—clearly much
is yet to be discovered.

Keywords: telomeres; life history; aging; longevity; selection; heritability; mechanisms

Introduction cation, however, cannot be compensated for, and, at

a critical stage of telomere shortening, the cell enters
Telomeres comprise repeated sequences of noncod-
a senescent stage and cell division ceases (replicative
ing DNA in association with proteins of the shel-
senescence6 ). Among species, the rate of telomere
terin complex (Fig. 1). They protect the ends of
shortening is correlated with life span,8,9 which has
chromosomes from various insults, such as reac-
generated considerable attention from evolutionary
tive oxygen species (ROS) and other free radi-
biologists, since telomere dynamics may affect the
cals, but they also shield coding DNA from the
aging process per se (longevity) and have down-
DNA-damage response pathways.1,2 In many organ-
stream effects on classic life history trade-offs, such
isms, the repeated telomere sequence is gradually
as current versus future reproduction.10 Therefore,
lost with age, owing to the end replication prob-
mechanisms that regulate telomere dynamics may
lem and assault from free radicals.3,4 However,
be subject to selection that varies with the ecology
telomere length may be maintained or restored
of organisms.
by telomerase,5 a reverse transcriptase coupled
It is clear that there is a range of mechanisms
to an RNA template that replaces the telomeric
involved in the processes that govern telomere
sequence TTAGGG/CCCTAA in all vertebrates.6
dynamics. Across Metazoa, these vary with, for
Rarely, telomeres are also renovated by homolo-
example, homeothermy versus ectothermy, regen-
gous recombination and copy switching (alternative
erative ability of tissue, and variation in telomerase
lengthening of telomeres7 ). All telomere loss at repli-

doi: 10.1111/nyas.13443
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 5
published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The New York Academy of Sciences.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and
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Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

Figure 1. Chromosomal locations of the (TTAGGG)n repeated sequences in (A) male and (B) female Lacerta agilis. The arrowhead
indicates the hybridization signals of the (TTAGGG)n sequence on the W chromosome. Scale bars represent 10 ␮m. (C) Full
karyotype of Lacerta agilis with telomeres as in A and B. Micrographs from Ref. 176.

production across tissue and taxa.11 Even within to be an increasing acceptance and awareness that
monophyletic taxonomic groups that share an there is no single, universal pattern of telomere
ectothermic lifestyle, such as squamate reptiles erosion and that this scenario has been very
(snakes and lizards), there are complex patterns much simplified by studies focusing primarily on
of telomere dynamics,12,13 with increases and laboratory mammal models and humans with little
decreases of telomere length in relation to different or no telomerase production in somatic tissue.
levels of telomerase production through life. These In recent years, and particularly since 2009 when
differences may be apparent even within the same Drs. Blackburn, Greider, and Szostak won the Nobel
species, such as between males and females8,14 Prize for telomere and telomerase research, there has
or between sexual and asexual individuals that been a monumental increase in the research output
may exhibit profound differences in telomere on the associations between telomeres and a broad
regulation. For example, in flatworms (Schmidtea range of biomedical health-related and other biolog-
mediterranea), asexual individuals maintain telom- ical phenomena. These areas range from cancer and
ere length somatically during asexual reproduction disease research,16 oxidative stress biochemistry,17
(fission or regeneration after amputation), whereas assisted reproductive technologies,18 developmental
sexual individuals achieve telomere elongation biology,19 epigenetic control of telomere length,20
through sexual reproduction.15 Thus, there appears and in- and outbreeding genetics21 to life history

6 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The New York Academy of Sciences.
Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

evolution.6 In many cases, these phenomena are components; (3) are telomeres causally related
interpreted to be causally linked to telomere dynam- to relative fitness via disease or in themselves;
ics. However, formally attributing cause requires (4) telomere regulation and dynamics: telomerase
manipulative experiments, which are lacking for and other mechanisms; (5) quantitative genet-
both practical and ethical reasons in humans. There- ics, sex chromosomes, heritability, and evolvability
fore, a critical first step is to determine whether of telomeres; (6) and transgenetic and epigenetic
telomeres are likely to have a causal role in evo- effects on telomere traits.
lutionary processes; in other words, do telomeres
The importance of telomere measurement
act as a selection pressure per se with evolutionary
repercussions? The choice of molecular techniques for measuring
Evolutionary biologists have primarily been telomere length and attrition all have their respec-
concerned with the potential for telomeres to act tive pros and cons. This is not the right forum
as regulating mechanisms in the aging process. In for an extensive debate on methods (see reviews in
particular, do telomeres or telomere dynamics exert Refs. 26–30), but we highlight some of the contro-
selection on or mediate trade-offs, such as whether versy in the field.
to invest now or later, depending on the risk of future The most common techniques used to measure
telomere-related mortality? However, fitness costs telomeres in the literature are telomere restric-
may also arise from a number of telomere phenom- tion fragment (TRF) Southern blotting, quantita-
ena that are not related to aging per se. Examples of tive PCR (qPCR), fluorescence in situ hybridization
these include genetic diseases caused by particularly (FISH) (“chromosome painting” with a molecu-
short or interstitial telomeres;22 predation attempts lar marker), Flow-FISH, and single-telomere length
early in life (perhaps stress and ROS-related analysis (STELA). For a comprehensive description
psychosocially induced telomere erosion23,24 ); of these methods, see Nussey et al.30 and Mont-
epigenetic, transgenerational moderation of petit et al.31 TRF analysis has shown relatively low
parental ability to withstand base pair erosion, and interassay variation but underestimates short telom-
discordant selection generated by different health eres. That said, DNA shearing may inflate the abun-
issues, such as cancer and atherosclerosis.25 Clearly, dance of short telomere fragments, which hence
these factors may be linked and are not mutually may be relatively less of a problem in the TRF
exclusive. Southern blotting procedure. Such compromise of
In this review, we look beyond aging as the sample quality should also become an increasing
only role telomeres play in evolutionary biology. problem if samples are compared through time and
This necessarily involves nonmodel organisms in DNA quality is not controlled for or modeled (e.g.,
natural populations and how factors other than by nanodropping)32 Most studies discussed in this
age affect and potentially bias telomeric effects review do not specifically analyze DNA quality (or
on fitness. We briefly address key issues with at least do not report on such scrutiny). The TRF
methods of telomere measurement. We explore gel DNA smear can be analyzed with densitometry
the correlations between telomeres and fitness and (such as ImageJ), in which smear “grayness” (i.e.,
assess the evidence for their causal role in affecting fragment density) along a molecular size ladder can
fitness. We discuss telomere regulation as a source be used to estimate telomere size. These can then be
of targets for selection and take a quantitative further analyzed in a size distribution partitioned
genetics perspective, along with nongenetic effects, into different percentiles at the researchers’ pref-
to establish a foundation on which to build a erence. Quantitative PCR techniques show more
theoretical structure to understand fitness effects interassay variation (largely dependent on the pipet-
of telomeres. Many of the reviewed papers would ting skills of the researcher) but are relatively fast and
fit into more than one of the categories below and, inexpensive (and measure telomere volume rather
hence, to save space, we have tried to minimize than base pair telomere length directly, as TRF does).
multiple referencing of the same literature. Flow-FISH, which “paints” telomeres that are mea-
Thus, our review has the following structure: sured using flow cytometry, has up to 17% interassay
(1) the importance of telomere measurement; (2) coefficient of variation29 but, like qPCR, better iden-
telomeres as biomarkers and correlates of fitness tifies short telomeres than TRF. FISH can be used to

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 7
published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The New York Academy of Sciences.
Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

identify telomeres and their approximate extent in of cell divisions. In general, the more interstitial
situ on chromosomes.22 Finally, STELA has the telomere DNA there is, and the blunter the method,
highest performance in terms of detecting short the more difficult it would be to obtain an accu-
telomere fragments but is time consuming and rate terminal telomere estimate (if that is what is
expensive.27,30 desired). However, two comments are important in
Results reported using different methods have this context: (1) when telomere attrition is the target
sometimes agreed in the literature and sometimes analysis, any method that assays total telomere con-
disagreed. For example, a comprehensive meta- tent is adequate, under the assumption that inter-
analysis of 40 studies comprising 36,230 partici- stitial telomere content can be considered constant
pants, discussing a range of mechanisms, showed between episodes of measurements (which is prob-
that women had longer telomeres than men, but ably nearly always a valid approximation); and (2)
only when using TRF Southern blotting methods many telomere analyses serve (or are likely to serve
and not in studies using qPCR or Flow-FISH.33 in the future) as part of selection analyses involv-
Importantly, it has been suggested in previous work ing disease ecology and host–pathogen evolution.
(e.g., Ref. 34) that low accuracy in qPCR makes it In this context, interstitial telomeres may prove as
more difficult to detect differences between groups or more important than terminal telomeres, given
(such as gender differences), supported by citing their importance in genetic disease and chromoso-
extreme values in the literature (e.g., 2.3–28%).34 mal aberrations.22
However, in Gardner et al.’s33 meta-analysis, the
Telomeres as biomarkers of aging
coefficients of variation for TRF Southern blotting
and correlates of fitness components
were 1.4–12% for TRF Southern blotting and 1.7–
11.1% for qPCR. Furthermore, much of the extreme Establishment of a causal relationship between
differences in telomere lengths between the sexes telomere traits and components of fitness, such as
(e.g., in sign, larger in men than women) can be longevity, should ideally involve manipulation of
attributed to real-time PCR work by a single research telomeres and assessment of manipulation conse-
group (for details, see Ref. 33), in spite of running quences on the traits of interest. Few studies have
careful cross-checks of potential sources of error managed to manipulate telomere traits (see below),
(such as coding errors, and with interassay coeffi- but there is a rich literature that establishes cor-
cients of variation always below 6%). In summary, relative links between telomeres and components of
the methods used to estimate telomere length can fitness. One such study is that of Bakaysa et al. (using
have important implications for interpretation, so TRF)39 on elderly Swedish human twins, which
throughout this review we explicitly state the meth- showed that the twin with shorter telomeres had
ods used for most cited work. three times the risk of mortality as their twin sibling
One issue that has, in part, dictated the choice of with longer telomeres. Bakaysa et al. suggest that
telomere assay method is the existence of intersti- this effect is perhaps pleiotropic or environmental.
tial telomeres, which seem particularly prevalent in Other research has had quite a different outcome.
birds.35 These are remnants from previous chro- Bischoff et al. (using TRF)40 analyzed the effects
mosomal fusions and may act as recombination of telomere length on mortality risk and life span
hotspots and contribute to genetic disease risk.22,173 in people 73–101 years old. In this study, telomere
On the other hand, broken chromosomal ends length was a significant predictor of future life span
can be stabilized by ribosomal repeats colocalized only when age was not controlled for, in contrast to
with the telomeric sequence,36,37 and telomeres may a similar study by Cawthon et al. (using qPCR),41
have the additional effect of silencing genes located who verified a positive relationship between telom-
nearby (telomere position effects38 ). Furthermore, ere length and longevity, also with age held con-
interstitial telomeres are included in estimates, such stant. Work using both TRF and STELA showed that
as qPCR, and it has been argued that they should be exceptionally old people had an overrepresentation
excluded from telomere analyses, especially in stud- of ultra-short telomeres and that women had longer
ies of aging processes, in which attrition of terminal telomeres than men, at least partly explained by
telomeres may be particularly important if termi- fewer ultra-short telomeres in women.42 In research
nal telomeres serve as molecular clocks or counters by Benetos et al. (using TRF),43 telomere length is

8 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The New York Academy of Sciences.
Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

argued to “significantly contribute” to higher heart DNA for telomere analyses in mammals predom-
pulse pressure and pulse wave velocity in men but inantly comes from white blood cells, with a life
not in women, but, then again, causality is assumed span and exposure time to free radicals of 5–21
rather than verified. Barrett et al. (using qPCR)44 days, whereas for birds and ectotherms it comes
showed, in Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechel- from nucleated red blood cells, with an approxi-
lensis), that telomeres shorten with increasing age mate life span of 120 days in humans51 and 800 days
and body mass and that shorter telomeres, and in reptiles (
telomeres shortening faster, are predictors of mor- 2011_ClinLabMed.pdf). Differences in age or place
tality. Earlier work by Haussmann et al. (using of cell origin could thus affect telomere length and
TRF)45 on tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) also have not been investigated in nonmodel organisms
convincingly demonstrates that tree swallows with (red blood cells are formed in the bone marrow and
long telomeres at 1 year of age have higher prob- white blood cells in the bone marrow, lymph nodes,
ability of survival for at least 3 years following the thymus, and spleen).
measurement. In a captive population of zebra finches (Tae-
Pauliny et al. (using TRF)46 showed effects of niopygia guttata), telomere length at 25 days was
longer telomeres on increased life span in sand the best predictor of life span, although individu-
martins (Riparia riparia). This work has since been als that lived the longest (some for 11 years) had
criticized (e.g., Salomons et al.47 ) for using the Telo- the longest telomeres at all time points through
metric program48 to analyze the gel data, which, life. Interestingly, reproduction further shortened
due to interpolation of data at high molecular telomeres, suggesting a classic trade-off between
weights, results in longer telomeres compared with longevity (somatic maintenance) and reproduc-
densitometry-based analyses, such as ImageJ. How- tive investments (using qPCR).52 Olsson (using
ever, Olsson et al.49 did a complete selection analysis qPCR)53 reported similar effects in wild sand lizards
with both Telometric- and ImageJ-derived data on (L. agilis), with faster embryonic growth predicting
molecularly assigned lifetime reproductive success shorter telomeres at hatching and longer telomeres
in sand lizards (Lacerta agilis). The analyses qual- in hatching offspring than those that died in incuba-
itatively showed very strong concordance between tion and longer telomeres in recruiting young than
the techniques, and the results were only separated those that died as juveniles. In a wild bird population
by a scaling factor. Thus, Pauliny et al.’s work seems (barn swallows, Hirundo rustica), telomere length at
robust and was the first to analyze a wild population hatching was not a significant predictor of life span
with respect to two important fitness components, (using qPCR).54
longevity and lifetime reproductive success (based Simon Verhulst’s team used two sampling events
on molecularly assigned parentage), the latter being to estimate slopes of telomere change for the differ-
an estimate of “true” relative fitness. Importantly, ent percentiles in their telomere distributions and
however, all these studies use cross-sectional data, discovered that this slope was steeper (i.e., greater
with known age entered into the analyses, but this telomere base pair loss) in higher percentiles (longer
may still result in positive correlations between age telomeres) than lower ones. They then examined
and telomere length, either because individuals with whether longer telomeres that lost more base pairs
short telomeres die young or because telomeres were also the best predictors of survival and (sea-
elongate with age. Thus, these data should be fur- sonal) reproductive success.55 Indeed, this was the
ther corroborated by longitudinal studies in which case: individuals that lost more base pairs were
telomere length along a temporal axis is analyzed more likely to disappear (“die”), and this effect
with respect to fitness effects. was stronger in individuals with longer rather than
In human twins, the relative difference in telom- shorter telomeres. Experimental work using tar-
ere length remains similar through life,50 and, across geted transposition of repeat retrotransposons to try
homeothermic species, the greatest telomere short- to maintain chromosome length failed to demon-
ening seems to happen early in life.11 This may strate a relationship between telomere length and
generate among-individual differences in telom- life span in laboratory-kept fruit flies (Drosophila
ere length if there is considerable variation in the melanogaster) but demonstrated a negative relation-
rate of telomere attrition and replenishment. Thus, ship between telomere length and fecundity, fertility,

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 9
published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The New York Academy of Sciences.
Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

and embryo development.56 Embryos with longer

telomeres showed higher hatching failure.
Telomere length and telomerase, and their rela-
tionships to longevity, have yielded mixed results
in comparisons across taxa. Lorenzini et al.57 made
an attempt at comparing the relationships between
DNA double-strand break (DSB) recognition, ver-
sus telomere length, and longevity across 15 species
of mammals, while controlling for phylogenetic
relationships. DSB recognition was significantly
(linearly) correlated with species longevity (r =
0.903, P <0.0001, n = 12). When the authors
performed the corresponding analysis for telom-
ere length, they concluded that the relationship was
not significant. However, data were missing for two
species, and this relationship was significant at α
set to 0.05 (r = –0.062, P = 0.0547, n = 10; with Figure 2. Cross-sectional relationship between loge -trans-
body mass partialled out, P = 0.222). With lim- formed telomere length (T/S ratio) and lizard age (Reprinted
from Ref. 12).
ited sample sizes, the conclusions are clearly labile.
Furthermore, work by Gorbunova et al.58,59 demon-
strates that telomerase activity has coevolved with dosaurus kingi; using qPCR) showed short telom-
body mass and not with life span. eres in young lizards followed by a telomere growth
One of the most thorough and comprehensive period in mid-life and attrition in older lizards.
studies on the relationships between short telomeres Telomere length variance was maintained in older
and aging was conducted on zebrafish (Danio rerio) animals, with an overall curvilinear telomere distri-
in multiple tissues (using qPCR).19,60 Contrary to bution (Fig. 2)12
expectations, telomeres shortened to a critical length Ujvari et al.12 discuss age-specific variance in
only in specific tissues, independently of their prolif- published telomere data and, potentially, what such
eration rate. Notably, short telomeres accumulated data reflect in terms of past and ongoing selection.
at the same rate in the highly proliferative gut tissue The telomere range in tropical pythons was 17.2–
as in muscle tissue that is far less proliferative. In 32.5 kb,13 with a clear tapering off in variance
both tissue types, telomere shortening anticipates with age. The telomere length range was 9.4–
age-associated disease, including cancer.60 Interest- 23.1 and 4.4–23.1 kb, respectively, for sand martins
ingly, another research group found that telomerase and dunlins.46 For sand lizards, the correspond-
production in zebrafish is lifelong in all somatic ing ranges were 14.8 ± 1.4 kb (SD) in a Telo-
tissue and that telomere length was maintained metric analysis and 10.6 ± 1.5 kb in an ImageJ
through life in all tissue and was unaffected by fin analysis of the entire lane length.49 Thus, telom-
clipping–enforced regeneration.61 ere length varies among species, and covariation
Among studies, there have been considerable between mean length and variance is probably sta-
differences in exploring the relationships between tistically expected (as for much phenotypic data).
telomere traits and survivorship or life span, with Since variance components also include variation
some confirming and others dismissing positive due to error of measurements, reporting of inter-
telomere–fitness relationships. One study on trop- and intraassay coefficients of variation is fundamen-
ical pythons (Liasis fuscus) refutes such a relation- tal. On that note, two observations are relevant in
ship (using TRF Southern blotting).13 In this study, terms of choice of methods: (1) an increased vari-
telomere length increased early in life but then ance due to methodology in telomere traits (e.g.,
asymptotically leveled out in older age,13 resulting wider variance in qPCR than in STELA) makes the
in longer telomeres in females than males. No rela- detection of significant covariation between telom-
tionship with survivorship was found.13 A second ere attributes and other parameters more difficult
study by Ujvari et al.12 on frill-neck lizards (Chlamy- to detect, that is, the test becomes conservative; and

10 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

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Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

(2) the test is not more likely to be biased or cause lated to initial telomere length, but lizards that better
spurious correlative patterns unless there is signifi- maintained their coloration also lost more telomere
cant covariation between increasing errors of mea- bases (using qPCR).67 Furthermore, work on the
surement simultaneously in both traits,62 which is same species used its polymorphism with differ-
not expected and can be tested for.62 ences among morphs in head color and associated
Another potential telomere–fitness correlation reproductive behaviors, including level of aggres-
appears at the level of reproductive effort in life sion and investment in reproduction. In accordance
history ecology.10 An intuitive prediction is that with predictions, morphs with high investment in
more effort should result in shorter telomeres. reproduction also had shorter telomeres, which cap-
However, in humans, the pattern seems to be the tures the relatively lower levels of somatic mainte-
exact opposite (although of borderline significance: nance (using qPCR; Fig. 3).68
P = 0.045), with the authors suggesting that lower The underlying reasons for sexual differences in
telomere attrition with more children stems from telomere length have been a contentious issue69 and
protective effects of cooperative breeding with more are still fiercely debated.8 However, one thing is
support from “grandmothers.”63 In fish, (Atlantic clear: when two sexes differ in key traits, such as
silversides, Menidia menidia), more fecund individ- reproductive investment, heterogamety, aging tra-
uals had both shorter life span and shorter telomeres jectories, sexual dimorphism, and disease suscep-
(using qPCR).64 tibility, the prediction is that telomere dynamics
A study by Bauch et al.55 claimed that telomeres should differ between the sexes; we expect differ-
are biomarkers of fitness components (e.g., corre- ences among sexes depending on their current and
lates of arrival date at breeding grounds and repro- past evolutionary biology. Studies on nonhuman
ductive success) rather than being causal, dynamic taxa have both confirmed and dismissed sex effects
regulators of fitness. Their study of the tern (Sterna on telomere length, attrition, and ongoing selection.
hirundo) showed that longer telomeres are “better” Barrett and Richardson8 detailed sex differences
(authors’ definition) indicators of aging, because among the taxa insects, “reptiles” (polyphyletic),
longer telomeres correlate with fitness parame- aves, and mammalia, and, without taking phylo-
ters, whereas shorter telomeres that lose fewer base genetic dependence into account, 10 species show
pairs do not. This is in contrast to their own shorter female telomeres, 10 show no difference,
work from 2 years earlier, which demonstrated that and, in 29 species, males have shorter telomeres.
terns with short telomeres had higher reproductive Barrett and Richardson8 also provide an insightful
output;65 both of these studies were on bird class discussion of potential genetic mechanisms explain-
II telomeres.55 A third paper from the same group, ing among-taxa differences in telomere dynamics
this time on jack-daws (Corvus monedula), demon- (such as the role of heterogamety), but data are
strated shorter life span in birds with shorter telom- (in our opinion) too meager to provide a general
eres. However, this time, the team worked on class I theory. Interestingly, in the marsupial Tasmanian
telomeres (i.e., the shortest bird telomere class35,47 ), devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), telomeres are strikingly
so perhaps this is part of the explanation for these dimorphic between homologues, with a lengthening
differences in outcome. process during spermatogenesis (on the Y chromo-
Another form of reproductive investment is some) and a shortening process during oogenesis.70
sexually selected color traits. If high-level orna- Furthermore, the Tasmanian devil is fraught with
mentation comes at a maintenance cost (which one of the few described contagious cancers in wild
seems reasonable), telomere length and attrition populations, and the tumors resulting from transfer
may reflect aspects of the aging process66 if they of the malignant cells during agonistic interactions
correlate with exterior, phenotypic traits that act all have characteristically short telomeres.70
like “health certificates” to partners and rivals. Few species have been examined in which males’
Giraudeau et al.67 investigated the links between and females’ life history strategies and associated
color fading during the mating season in Australian reproductive investments are drastically different.
painted dragon lizards (Ctenophorus pictus) and One such case, however, is the red-sided garter
telomere attrition. They demonstrated that levels snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis),14 in which
of ROS at the onset of the mating season were unre- males and females differ in their corticosterone

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 11
published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The New York Academy of Sciences.
Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

Figure 3. (A) Male and female painted dragon (Ctenophorus pictus). (B) The four male morphs of painted dragons. (C) Mean
(± SE) relative telomere lengths (RTLs) of the four male morphs. RTL of yellow males was significantly higher than red and blue
males (B and C from Ref. 14; see text) (

levels (higher in males) following hibernation and effects, a similar argument, based on enhanced
males engage in mate searching, courtship, and reproductive output in older animals, has been
mating behavior, whereas females have a more pas- evoked to explain cross-sectional patterns of telom-
sive role. We predicted that telomere erosion would ere length increases with age in edible dormouse
be more pronounced in males than females for (Glis glis; using qPCR). The telomere dynamics were
these reasons, and this indeed proved to be correct; characterized by decreases in telomere length from
males have a (negative) quadratic telomere decline early to middle age and then increasing telomere
with age, whereas females maintain their telomeres length throughout old age. This age-specific pattern
without noticeable attrition (Fig. 4A–D).14 Thus, in cross-sectional data sets can be explained by
identical methods used for both sexes (qPCR) by the differential selection at earlier life stages. However,
same person (Nicky Rollings) strongly suggest that Hoelzl et al.174 also conducted a laboratory-based
these results are robust. It is also interesting from a study using repeated measures (longitudinal data)
natural history perspective that these female garter to verify that relative telomere length decreased in
snakes reproduce every other year, whereas males subadults (<5 years of age) but increased in older
engage in this energetically costly courtship yearly. individuals (5–10 years of age). These longitudinal
Furthermore, male size does not seem to affect male results mirror those found in a previous, field-based
mating success (and therefore age, as snakes have study in dormice by Turbill et al. (using qPCR),128
indeterminate growth). This may generate very who found age-specific telomere lengthening in
different selection scenarios for males and females adults but the opposite trend in subadults during
favoring longevity and somatic maintenance in the spring–autumn active period.
females, as suggested by their lack of telomere Given that telomeres shorten with each cell divi-
attrition.14 Although they did not find sex-specific sion in many species, it is not surprising to find

12 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

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Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

correlations with growth, body size, and sexual

size dimorphism and sex-specific telomere length.
Indeed, this is an argument for sex differences
in telomere length in species in which females
have longer telomeres than males (when males
are the larger sex).69 Ongoing selection on body
size and corresponding selection in the wild on
telomere length have been demonstrated in a (cor-
relative) quantitative genetics field study of sand
lizards (using TRF).71 Similarly, artificial selection
for shortened tarsus length (a measure of body size)
in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) resulted in a
correlated shortening of telomeres (using qPCR).72
The mechanistic relationship between body size
and telomere length and their shortening with
successive cell divisions suggests that large taxa,
which require more cell divisions to reach mature
body size, should have either shorter telomeres or
increased telomerase activity, which should also lead
to an increased cancer incidence; a prediction for
which there is no evidence (Peto’s paradox).73 Work
using zebrafish telomerase knockdown mutants
shows an increase in short telomeres coinciding with
growth arrest, apoptosis, and other aging symp-
toms, such as spinal curvature, liver and retina dete-
rioration, and infertility.74 Telomerase-dependent
rescue of short telomeres by elongation with
TA-65 (see methods below), followed by lower lev-
els of DNA damage, has been demonstrated to
increase health span in mice with effects on glu-
cose tolerance, osteoporosis, and skin fitness with-
out significantly increasing global cancer incidence.
Nevertheless, telomerase activity correlates with
body mass in rodents (repressed in larger species)
but not with life span, while controlling for phyloge-
netic relationships.75,76 This contrasts with the work
by Haussmann et al.,77 who demonstrated a slower
loss of telomere bases in long-lived than short-lived
birds and argued for such a relationship in mam-
mals in the literature.6,78 Later work by Dantzer
and Fletcher,9 however, lends further support to the
hypothesis that slow-aging wild animals lose telom-
eres more slowly than fast-aging ones (across Aves,
Figure 4. Sex differences in age-dependent telomere length,
with no relation in (A) females but a curvilinear decline of
Bivalvia, Reptilia, and Actinopterygii).
telomere length with age in (B) males in the red-sided garter Ideally, growth should be manipulated while
snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). Females show a much leaving other systemic parameters, such as body
less active reproductive strategy. (C) A passive female (the large, temperature, alone, but very few systems allow
central head) is surrounded by smaller heads of energetically, for such experimentation. A clever way around
courting males. This mating behavior typically takes place in
(D) large competitive aggregations emerging from hibernation
these problems was Pauliny et al.’s79 manipulation
in limestone sick holes in spring (C CRF, from Ref. 68). of growth hormone (GH) levels in salmonids by

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 13
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Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

comparing transgenic fish (with doubled-up GH Given that nonexperimental telomere versus phe-
genes). This resulted in extreme growth rates com- notype trait relationships are correlations, either
pared with wild-type fish in a split-brood design may be assigned as the response or predictor vari-
using the same females for both treatment and con- able; thus, when telomere traits are assigned as the
trol. As predicted, GH-manipulated fish suffered response variable, researchers have assumed telom-
much higher telomere erosion (using qPCR).79 The ere erosion as a cost of some investment, such
same research group looked for effects of compen- as fast growth or reproduction. Conversely, when
satory growth on telomere length in brown trout,80 the telomeric trait is assigned as the predictor, the
but in this experiment the spurt in growth activity researcher assumes that telomere maintenance is
generated by increased GH transcription (not mea- costly and is reflected in the response of some life his-
sured) did not affect telomere shortening (using tory trait. Alternatively, the causal arrow may rotate
qPCR). in a dynamic or positive feedback relationship. The
Growth in ectotherms is the outcome of syn- true relationship is at the mercy of the interpreter or
ergy between a complex set of drivers, such as other supporting data. Parolini et al. (using qPCR)86
temperature and innate capacity for growth set by took the first approach and assumed that telomere
acclimation processes.81 Rollings et al.82 explored shortening leads to cell senescence with negative
catch-up growth effects in mosquito fish (Gambusia consequences for organismic function in barn swal-
holbrookii) and found a weak difference among lows (H. rustica). Telomere length declined dras-
treatment groups, with fish at constant 20 °C tically during the maximal, early nestling growth
having shorter telomeres (using qPCR) than fish in period, but tail and wing length increased with
treatments experiencing a gradual change from 30° relative telomere length, more so in males than
to 20 °C. In (homeotherm) rats, maternal undernu- females.86 Likewise, in brown trout (Salmo trutta),
trition can influence growth and longevity in male Adriaenssens et al. (using TRF)87 showed a relation-
offspring,83 with growth retardation during fetal ship between telomere length and individual aggres-
life followed by postnatal catch-up growth being sion and exploration, assuming that a shorter life
associated with a shorter life and shorter telomeres. span, as a result of shorter telomeres, selects for a
This relationship may be a mechanistic link between bolder, more aggressive personality (linked to the
early low growth rate and degenerative disease.84 pace of life syndrome).
Among-individual variation in telomere length
Are telomeres causally related to relative
may differ 100-fold between species in the same
fitness via disease or in themselves?
class, and some of this variation has been suggested
to be due to differences in shortening rate linked Research on telomere evolution has long been
to life span; mice, for example, have faster telom- fraught with a dilemma: how to independently
ere shortening rates than humans and a shorter life manipulate the telomere traits themselves (e.g.,
span.85 However, Vera et al.85 showed with Kaplan– length and attrition) independent of other phys-
Meyer survival analyses that percentage of short iology or fitness components. For example, if
telomeres (measured using HT-QFISH) at the end telomeres were eroded using ROS17 or rescued from
of each month was a better predictor of life span than those using antioxidants,88 effects on other life
telomere attrition rate.85 In nestling barn swallows, history parameters or cell–cell signaling are likely
however, telomere attrition rate (using TRF) was not to compromise the experimental outcomes and
found to predict life span.54 However, in this study, interpretations. Thus, there has been little room for
less than 5% of the offspring were recruited locally, experimenting with the trait itself and recording a
and 95% were assumed dead within a year. Thus, the response in fitness or a component thereof (such as
population on which selection acted on posthatch- longevity).
ing was 1180 individuals, which would have been the Simons89 published a comprehensive review in
correct sampling cohort; to expect telomere effects which he compiled research outcomes from the
to influence longevity when 95% of the population mechanistic literature, in particular from knockout
is already gone as a result of multifactorial selection, and overexpression studies on aging, a major
including that due to telomeres, is indeed to have advance in the right direction. His review sought
faith. to identify costs and benefits of telomere traits on a

14 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

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Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

component of fitness and test whether there is a crit- From the perspective of evolutionary biology, dis-
ical telomere length at which senescence is induced. ease constitutes just another selection pressure.93
If so, variance in telomere length should decrease Most importantly, we are interested in processes that
with age (like in a funnel diagram), as predicted act before reproductive senescence. Longevity with
by theory. Simons found no such effect in a large no added bonus to fitness is evolutionarily irrele-
meta-analysis comprising 16,384 human subjects, vant. What is important is telomere properties that
and neither did he find many effects suggesting have effects while an organism is reproductive but
that telomeres causally affect aging in laboratory before the phenotype goes undetected by selection
models (e.g., mice, Arabidopsis, Drosophila). These in the postreproductive years (with the qualification
results were independent of the methods used in the that, in the rare cases of populations with grand-
molecular analyses (the same trends for qPCR and parental care, “grandparents” may contribute to fit-
TRF). ness). Telomeres occur in all metazoans, and there
An example of potential threshold effects of should be parsimonious explanations for telomere
telomere lengths on cell viability are Ujvari et al.’s12 dynamics, such as what role(s) conserved genetic
studies of telomere biology in frill-neck lizards mechanisms play in aging and life history biology at
(using qPCR), in which they conclude, “telomere large. Thus, explanations for telomere causality in
length dynamics reflect an adaptation to maintain aging and life span evolution should not be unique
telomere length above a critical minimum in order to humans.
to maintain cellular homeostasis.” Although telom- Evolutionary explanations in human pathol-
eric signaling of a critical minimum and cell-suicidal ogy often led to the strong, repeated claim that
apoptosis are potential outcomes of this process, a telomere length is causally related to “ . . . the
suite of work reviewed here confirms covariation cancer–atherosclerosis trade-off across humans.”
between telomere length and attrition and varia- Aviv and colleagues suggested that “this trade-off
tion in components of fitness. Life history traits has been principally established through the force
and disease risk, as continuous variables, covary of evolution . . . ”25,94 Long telomeres are associated
with telomere length and attrition dynamics, which with risk of melanoma, whereas short telomeres are
is not predicted by a critical, minimal telomere associated with atherosclerosis. However, to what
length effect. Thus, Ujvari et al.12 seem to con- extent these arguments apply to other disease is
clude that telomere length above a critical minimum open to debate. Work by Strefford et al.95 shows
is irrelevant—noise from lag phases in telomere that short telomeres are significant predictors of
length-attrition and telomerase activity—and neu- leukemia incidence, but no explicit process has
tral to selection (our interpretation); however, the yet been identified that selects against very long
critical minimum idea fails to explain broad, quan- telomeres (although theoretically it could also
titative patterns in telomere associations in evolu- be driven by atherosclerosis in this case). Links
tionary ecology and genetics. between early- and late-life telomere length and
Gerontological and epidemiological arguments association with cancer risk were investigated in a
in the perspective of evolution of life span naturally large sample by Nordfjäll et al. (959 human cases).96
merge, since older people also suffer more from poor They concluded that early short telomeres were
health.90 But how strong is the evidence that telom- not predictive of late-life malignancies. However,
eres play a causal role in disease and therefore act as telomeres are associated with other disease states.
selection pressures in current, ongoing evolution in For example, chromosome rearrangements result-
natural populations? Simons89 suggests that, when ing from telomere loss and those found in cancer
epidemiological associations are “very strong, and cells implicate telomere loss as an important mech-
are corroborated by experimental evidence from anism for the chromosome instability contributing
animals or other supportive evidence, such as in to tumor formation.97 Typically, chromosome ends
the relationship between smoking and lung can- without sufficient telomere repeats are prone to
cer . . . , causality can be deduced.” To assess this, we fusion, and the resulting dicentric chromosomes
need insight into fundamental telomere properties compromise the ability of cells to continue cell
related to “disease,” here defined as any compromise division. In telomerase gene null mutants, for
of the fitness of a phenotype.91,92 example, chromosome fusions and other molecular

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 15
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Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

changes in later generations result in a wide range A critical question that arises from these studies is
of phenotypes, including failure to reproduce, poor how telomeres in a relatively short-lived cell mecha-
growth, and accelerated rates of aging.91 Research nistically influence life span in a much longer-lived
on pancreatic carcinoma and osteosarcoma is con- phenotype (in other words, what is the relationship
sistent with telomere shortening, and more than between replicative, cell-culture senescence and
10% of chromosome ends completely lack telom- whole-organism, phenotypic senescence). One
eric signals. This is indicative of extensive genomic pathway through which telomere length at birth
instability (using FISH analyses).98 In a similar could affect components of fitness, such as life span,
study on breast carcinoma, a PCR-based method is through genomic instability (i.e., increased risk
(telomere-associated repeats) revealed that malig- of malignant tumor formation). Moreno-Palomo
nant breast lesions (tumors) contained telomere et al.108 assessed this with a two-pronged approach:
fusions, unlike tissue from healthy volunteers.99 (1) cord blood from human newborns was analyzed
Other more immediate links between telomere with respect to telomere length (using TRF) and
molecular genetics and disease include specific basal genetic damage, and (2) cells of a subgroup
mutations in the telomerase (TERT and TERC) were challenged for induced genetic instability
components,100 resulting in short telomeres and a using mitomycin C (a mutagen). In both cases,
higher incidence of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis shorter telomeres were associated with greater
(IPF);101 IPF causes depletion of epithelial alveolar levels of genetic damage (i.e., were more genetically
cells, senescence, and fibrosis. Telomeres also short- unstable).108 Since telomere length varies among
ened with age almost twice as fast in patients with individuals at hatching or birth, an obvious next
ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory disease question is whether selection can act via interaction
that predisposes to colorectal cancer.102 Limiting between life history stages109 so that a new-
the number of cellular divisions in human cells leads born/hatchling telomere trait is affected by selection
to a preneoplastic (i.e., potentially precancerous) on an adult trait via genetic correlations. This could
growth arrest state referred to as senescence.103,104 causally affect probability of survival and ultimately
However, premalignant cells expressing viral onco- life span. The best evidence is probably from
proteins can bypass senescence and move into crisis experimental work on the offspring of transgenic
(or terminal telomere shortening). At this stage, nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans), where non-
telomeres are so short that end-to-end fusions occur, transgenic worms in the F1 generation retained life
followed by bridge–breakage–fusion cycles. This span–extending effects from elongated telomeres.110
stage is only rarely bypassed by human cells,103,104 Studying the causal effects of telomeres on fit-
and it is currently unknown how common this is in ness in wild populations, especially when no such
other taxa and to what extent the phenomenon con- effects can be verified, is complicated by a number
stitutes a selection pressure in natural populations. of factors. For example, in work with relatively small
Many chronic diseases are believed to have their sample sizes, high variance in molecular methods,
roots in fetal development, in particular in mater- low recapture rates in the wild, or when only half of
nal stress during pregnancy,23,105,106 and hence such the fitness equation is covered (i.e., reproduction is
factors may well dictate selection in relation to fetal overlooked), the lack of significant fitness effects on
mechanisms and programming. Although these telomeres becomes a curtailed test at best, or mis-
effects are clearly multifactorial, one factor at the leading at worst. For example, in sand lizards, juve-
cellular level is the adverse impact of the intrauter- nile mortality is 0.8–0.9 depending on year;111 the
ine environment on telomere dynamics.105 This may minimum–maximum values for lifetime reproduc-
be caused by psychosocial stress during pregnancy tive success in males are zero (overrepresented) to
(as measured on the Holmes and Rahe stress scale), 76 offspring.49 Thus, judging selection on telomere
which is negatively associated with telomere length length on the basis of differential survival in already
in human infants23,105 (using qPCR and TRF, respec- adult individuals, while ignoring juvenile mortality
tively) and associated with rapid upregulation of and sexual selection, would only capture a fraction
telomerase levels in association with cortisol.107 This of ongoing selection.
psychosocial effect, however, did not persist in terms The most complete integration of proximate and
of telomere attrition after age 30. ultimate evolutionary telomere biology is probably

16 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

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Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

Figure 5. Relationships between malaria infection status, life span, lifetime fledging success, and telomere length in wild great reed
warblers (abbreviated interpretation from Ref. 112). (A) Uninfected birds lived longer than birds with chronic malaria infection.
(B) Uninfected birds produced more lifetime fledglings than chronically infected birds. (C) Relationships between telomere length
and age in uninfected (black line) and infected (gray line) great reed warblers (over life). Telomere length decreased with age but
at a steeper rate in infected birds. Error bars represent mean ± SEM. n values are given for each age group (uninfected above and
infected below error bars).

the work on reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundi- rate, had no effect on telomere length (using
naceus) by Staffan Bensch and Dennis Hasselqvist’s qPCR).68 Clearly, a method of reliably manipulat-
group at Lund University in Sweden. Their com- ing telomere length that has few pleiotropic effects
bination of field studies demonstrated long-term would be a boon for those interested in elucidating
costs of malaria infection on life span and lifetime the causality of telomeres in the context of evolu-
reproductive success and was further supported by tionary ecology.
an experiment in captivity demonstrating direct
Telomere regulation and dynamics:
telomere degradation in infected birds. They con-
telomerase and other mechanisms
clude that chronic malaria infection causes a series
of small adverse effects, of which telomere attrition A number of different mechanisms affect telom-
(using qPCR) was one, eventually leading to phe- ere length through life. Differences in telomere
notypic impairment (Fig. 5A–C).112 Such telomere length are indeed set at the earliest stages of
attrition occurred throughout six major tissue types cell life. Depending on telomere length in dif-
in infected birds.113 This important work leads the ferent hematopoietic stem cells, telomere length
way for future studies that investigate aspects of dis- varies among chromosomes in blood cells.91 An
ease ecology in telomere function and evolution. additional complexity is that telomere length on
An alternative approach going forward to look different chromosomes covaries with the length of
for telomere causality on components of fitness is the chromosomes themselves, with such variation
through manipulative experiments. An example of conserved through life and partly inherited.117 Very
this approach is recent work on zebra finches114 short and dysfunctional telomeres activate a DNA
in which “healthy aging” was examined after treat- response pathway leading to a number of outcomes;
ment with TA-65. TA-65 is a herbal supplement that DNA repair, cell senescence or apoptosis, and
is purported to function as a telomerase activator115 preferential lengthening of shorter telomeric tracts
and increase telomerase activity by upregulating by telomerase.1,6 TEL1, an ataxia–telangiectasia
telomerase transcription factors binding to the acti- mutated family checkpoint kinase, seems to play an
vation domain of the telomerase gene.116 Reichert important role in such telomere elongation, as cells
et al.114 showed that, when telomeres were longer, lacking TEL1 have short telomeres (measured using
regrowth of flight feather was faster in TA-65– qPCR) and show reduced recruitment of telomerase
treated individuals and, hence, longer telomeres components to telomeres.118 These processes are
were concluded to be indicators of overall health also part of autoimmune or immune-mediated
and viability. A similar experiment on ectother- disease and pathophysiological processes.119 Avail-
mic dragon lizards (C. pictus), using elevated TA- able data indicate that telomere and telomerase
65 dosage to compensate for lower night metabolic homeostasis is modified in systemic inflammatory

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 17
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Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

length (using qPCR). In many taxa, it would be

advisable to control for family effects in such anal-
ysis (since siblings are unlikely to be independent
statistical units of inbreeding), but, in Seychelle
warblers, clutch size equals one in most cases,
so sibship is unlikely to be a confounder (David
Richardson, personal communication). Olsson53
reported near-identical approaches in sand lizards
(L. agilis) and showed that inbreeding affected
telomere length negatively when family effects were
not controlled for. However, with sibship accounted
for using maternal identification number as a
random effect, all inbreeding effects vanished.
Socioecological variables, such as dominance and
pack affiliation, affect telomere length in hyenas
(Proteles cristata), well known for their strong domi-
Figure 6. Relationships between mother’s age and the mean
early-life telomere length of her offspring in relation to mother’s
nance aggression, with dominant hyenas having sig-
malaria infection status in wild great reed warblers (abbreviated nificantly longer telomeres (measured using TRF)
interpretation from original Ref. 112). Uninfected (black line) than psychosocially compromised, lower-ranking
and malaria-infected (gray line) mothers differed in the rela- individuals.125 Exposure to predation is likely to
tionship between the mother’s age and the brood mean telomere similarly cause psychological stress and be compa-
length of her offspring.
rable to anxiety stress in humans. Indeed, predation
vigilance has been suggested to have driven the
disease (e.g., lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid evolution of anxiety and the perception of fear in
arthritis, and granulomatous disease) and con- humans.126 In sand lizards, as in many lizard species,
tributes to premature immunosenescence.119 Thus, an unsuccessful predation attempt may lead to
this seems to be an avenue for selection to operate autotomy (tail dropping) and subsequent regener-
on telomere and telomerase properties. ation. During the regeneration phase, lizards adopt
Observations of telomere restoration have been a much more cryptic lifestyle, and bodily growth
made with nuclear-transfer techniques using cul- is stunted in favor of tail regrowth (the regrown
tured somatic cells (cloning) in sheep, without tail can be used for further antipredation until the
involving germline cells.120 Shiels et al.120 showed last original vertebra with a fracture plane is lost).
that telomeres (using TRF) were shorter in all However, this comes at a cost in terms of telomere
three nuclear-transfer animals than in age-matched length, but only in males (not in females, as they are
controls. However, in another cloning experiment camouflaged).24 Recent work shows that the actual
in cattle,121 cloned bovine fetuses had telomeres autotomy process itself initiates telomerase upregu-
(also using TRF) that were extended in length lation, which would be favored by selection via tail
beyond those in both newborns and age-matched regrowth as a predator-avoidance mechanism.127
controls.121 Thus, Lanza’s study shows repair of Interestingly, work on rodent torpor behavior
eroded telomeres during the cloning process, which (dormice (G. glis), using qPCR) shows posttorpor
was not the case in sheep.120 The exact mechanis- telomere attrition in relation to loss in body mass
tic difference(s) between these results is not fully during torpor: the greater the loss in body mass,
understood.121 the greater telomere attrition (using qPCR).128
Another genetic factor that has been suggested to Similarly, Turbill et al.129 showed that Djungarian
affect telomere length is inbreeding depression (e.g., hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) lost less or even
with long telomeres and high somatic telomerase increased telomere length during torpor. This effect
levels throughout the body122–124 ). For example, was higher in cold than warm environments and
Bebbington et al.21 analyzed molecular inbreeding covaried positively with higher food consumption,
data on Seychelles warblers (A. sechellensis) and suggesting a strong link to metabolism. Metabolic
showed that inbreeding negatively affects telomere or nutritional effects also occur in zebra finches

18 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

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Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

(T. guttata; using qPCR),130 with attrition of telom- of telomere shortening, suggesting that high-quality
ere length being associated with sexual maturation birds were indeed less stressed, grew faster, and
in females, but not males, possibly because of better maintained their telomeres.138 Stress also
different allocation strategies in the two sexes affects the production of telomerase; for example,
(males allocate micronutrients to the development in a laboratory rat model (Long-Evans), telomerase
of sexual coloration). Similar effects can be seen in levels were 54% higher in stressed than nonstressed
wild sea birds (Uria lomvia), in which the best pre- rats.139 Stress was induced (by tilting cages and
dictor of among-year variation in telomere length lightly pinching tails), and the stress outcome was
was environmental quality, with longer telomeres verified with corticosterone assays. Thus, this work
in more food-rich colonies and years.131 Effects of convincingly demonstrates that stress, resulting in
environmental harshness were also found in wild a physiological stress response, induces telomerase
salmon, with shorter telomeres in fish growing in upregulation (verified with Gel-TRAP reactions).
colder water.132 Research on humans has targeted How stress mechanistically causes telomere attri-
ill effects of overindulgence and obesity and shown tion in situ is likely to be a complex, multifacto-
(with marginal significance) that telomere length rial process, but one important route is via elevated
is negatively linked to obesity in women and levels of ROS.4,106 In agamid lizards, elevated off-
high glucose levels in men, but with a positive spring superoxide levels were significantly associ-
relationship to high-density lipoprotein (HDL, the ated with shorter telomeres (correlative data), even
“good” cholesterol) in men (using qPCR).133 after controlling for maternal telomere length (the
Developmental stress, in the form of greater strongest predictor of offspring telomere length and
competition generated by larger clutch size in significantly heritable).140 Similarly, in gull chicks
jackdaws (C. monedula), is associated with telomere (Larus michahellis), experimental administration
shortening but not length per se.134 Similar work by of ingested antioxidants (vitamin E and C cock-
Bateson et al.135 on captive starlings (Sturnus vul- tail) had a protective effect from oxidation and
garis) confirmed that enlarged clutch size through resulted in longer telomeres in the treatment group
cross-fostering, in particular when nest mates (using qPCR).141 Importantly, the effects of ingested
were heavier, resulted in telomere shortening with antioxidants on ROS and associated parameters
concomitant links to behavioral foraging decisions have met with some skepticism in recent years.142
(using qPCR).135 Whether this is a result of per- Endogenous antioxidants (e.g., catalase and super-
ceived stress (which could be measured as elevation oxide dismutase) may have similar or stronger
of stress hormones) or simply due to nutritional antioxidative effects, especially since these enzymes
compromise is unknown. Working on the same evolved in response to oxidation as a selection
assumption—that enlarged clutches increase pressure.88,143
stress—cross-fostering and brood size manipula- Growth rate is a multifactorial trait, and in some
tions in nestling collared fly catchers (Ficedulla cases hormones dictating growth rate may be the
albicollis) showed no effect on telomere length, real driver of telomere attrition. This is supported
whereas body mass was negatively influenced by direct manipulation of hormones: in captive
by increased clutch size.136 Another experiment zebra finches (T. guttata), prelaying females treated
on starling nestlings allowed manipulation of with either corticosterone or estradiol exhibited
size-induced stress (a target chick being larger or corticosterone-induced stunted growth in sons and
smaller than brood competitors), which resulted telomere loss (measured using qPCR) in moth-
in telomere attrition independent of growth.137 ers and daughters. Sons treated with estradiol
However, clutch manipulations with enlarged or gained weight, and oxidative stress was reduced
reduced clutch size may be hard to interpret when in both sexes, without causing elevated telomere
no index of stress is directly measured. Building attrition.144
on these links to developmental stress, work on In a study of barn swallows (H. rustica), a team
black-tailed gulls (Larus crassirostris) using single of researchers screened nestlings for morphometry
nestlings or those with siblings showed that single- and sex effects on telomere length during the most
tons had longer telomeres than birds with sibs.138 intense growth period (days 7–16). Quite extraor-
High growth rates were associated with low degrees dinarily, the authors describe a decline in mean

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 19
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Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

telomere length in little more than a week, with Finally, there seems to be no consensus on how
daughters better maintaining telomere length than various stressors feed into regulatory pathways that
sons. We are not aware of an estimated life span of govern telomere length. Nevertheless, these mech-
red blood cells in barn swallows, but if it is close to anisms are part of the mosaic target for pheno-
that of chickens (28 days) and ducks (42 days),145 the typic selection and environmental effects. Stress and
result could be explained primarily by DNA dam- physiological perturbations due to single, specific
age in the red blood cell population at hatching54 environmental contaminants (such as biomagnify-
or biased mortality toward red blood cells (and the ing organohalogenated compounds) have not been
minority of leukocytes) with long telomeres during proven to correlate with telomere length.149 How-
just a 9-day period. ever, the summed effect of the urban versus the
Telomerase production in homeotherms has been rural environment has telomere-eroding effects, as
considered exclusive to germ line and early life stages demonstrated in a cross-fostering experiment in
as an evolved antitumor mechanism. However, work great tits (using qPCR).150 Likewise, experimental
by Haussmann et al.146 clearly demonstrates that manipulation of traffic noise showed that telomere
long-lived birds with lower rates of telomere short- length eroded under elevated noise levels without
ening have higher telomerase activity in their bone noise having an effect on growth or fledging success
marrow throughout life. In contrast, work on the (using qPCR).151
leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), which
Quantitative genetics, sex chromosomes,
exhibits inertial homoethermy due to its large body
heritability, and evolvability of telomeres
mass, demonstrates that there is no difference in
telomere length (measured using qPCR) between A key aim of this review is to identify evolu-
hatchling and old turtles, suggesting a high telom- tionary processes associated with telomere dynam-
erase activity early in life.147 A study on tropical ics. In this section, we deliberately deviate from
lizards12 (also using qPCR) provides information Simons’s89 stringent criteria for acknowledging
on a positive, linear relationship between telomerase causality of telomeres in phenomena like aging,
expression and telomere length; if telomere short- longevity, and ultimately lifetime fitness. Whereas
ening triggers upregulation of telomerase produc- Simons looks for immediate mechanistic, molecu-
tion, you would expect a negative—not their verified lar effects by the telomere itself on the aging pro-
positive—relationship; the unexpected relationship cess, we acknowledge all telomeric effects, including
is made even more explicit by flipping the corre- regulating effects on other genes or gene products
lation around—the shorter telomeres a lizard has, that affect fitness as a correlated mosaic of quan-
the less telomerase it produces. However, a lag phase, titative traits (thus, epistatic and regulatory effects
causing an overshoot of telomerase production sub- count, too).
sequent to telomere elongation, could explain such A first indication that selection and drift make
a positive relationship. This result clearly calls for populations diverge in telomere characteristics
an experimental approach in which telomerase is would be to find historical evidence of popula-
manipulated and time-lag effects on telomere length tion genetics processes, such as those between eth-
and attrition are explicitly teased out. An example of nic groups in humans.25 African American infants
a negative relationship between telomere length and have longer telomeres at birth than European Amer-
telomerase production is found in rats. Telomere ican (Caucasian) infants, which researchers have
length (measured using TRF) increases in spermato- expressed concern for, given that longer telomeres at
zoa as they develop from the round spermatids in the birth have been associated with more attrition later
testes compared with the spermatozoa stored in the in life.152 A number of birth outcomes and demo-
epididymis, but telomerase production is lowest in graphic factors were controlled for in this study, with
the testes and highest in the epididymis.148 Thus, the the strongest effects observed in daughters (with
biological pattern during spermatogenesis is oppo- the longest telomeres by comparison). This said, it
site to that in Ujvari et al.’s12 study on blood. These seems appropriate to mention that most concern
differences between studies point to the potential has previously been in regard to having short—not
for spurious correlations between telomerase levels long—telomeres at hatching or birth, and the con-
and telomere length in different tissues. sequences of this.

20 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

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Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

In all other fields of evolutionary biology, relative be independent in the sense that the response to
fitness is the “product of survival and reproduction,” selection (R) is proportional to their respective val-
but, in telomere biology, the second half of this equa- ues taken in isolation. In fact, R is not, since both
tion, the effect of reproduction as a component of h2 and S depend on the environmental variance,
selection (i.e., selection differentials and gradients), which causes a negative correlation between them.
has been remarkably overlooked. In this section, we This implies that a large selection differential or high
start with the simplistic framework of the breeders heritability will not necessarily lead to a large evo-
equation (response to selection (R) = the narrow lutionary response.156
sense heritability (h2 ) × S (the selection differen- It was shown recently that the correlation between
tial)). The reason for this approach is to decompose heritability and evolvability is essentially zero,156
and make explicit the different processes affecting possibly owing to positive correlations between the
telomere characteristics during evolution. Impor- additive variance and other components of the
tantly, it also prompts us to make explicit the roles phenotypic variance. This means that heritabil-
(if any) of reproduction, independent of longevity ity may be unsuitable as an indicator of evolu-
and its aging process, in the evolution of telomere tionary potential in natural populations, and that
traits. In addition, heritability of telomere traits has wide within- (not to mention among-) species vari-
been reported for a number of studies in humans ation in heritability may be influenced by these
as well as other taxa, but often with highly contra- additional variance parameters (e.g., environmen-
dictory results. Thus, we have virtually no base on tal effects, epistatic effects (gene interactions), and
which to formalize thinking and make evolutionary dominance). Therefore, it may not be surprising
inferences or predictions about telomere dynam- to see variation in reported telomere heritabilities,
ics in the wild. Most evolutionary explanations of which are likely due to differences among popula-
telomere dynamics invoke selection agents that act tions or taxa in these variance parameters. Given
after reproductive senescence when selection has no that heritability is a proportional estimate of addi-
leverage, unless the species in question has grand- tive variation in relation to phenotypic variance,
parental care, as in humans. it should never be possible to obtain an estimate
In a quantitative genetics framework, short-term larger than 1.0 (100%). However, estimation of her-
evolutionary potential (or evolvability) depends on itability is, of course, a sampling procedure suscep-
the additive genetic variance in a population, which tible to sampling and measurement error like any
is often measured as the narrow-sense heritability other. This may contribute to the exceptional esti-
(h2 = VA /VP )—the fraction of the total pheno- mate by Atema et al. (using TRF)157 of a heritability
typic variance that is additive or, in other words, of telomere length of 99% in a laboratory popu-
the parental genetic contribution that, additively, lation of zebra finches and a corresponding esti-
affects the corresponding trait in the offspring.153 mate in wild sand lizards (L. agilis) of more than
An alternative approach to assessing evolvability is one (1.23) for son–sire heritabilities and 0.55 for
to measure evolutionary potential as the expected daughter–dam estimates.71 Given that the telom-
proportional change under a unit strength of selec- eres of all sand lizards were sampled and analyzed
tion, which yields a mean-scaled additive variance in the same way, the results clearly suggest a more
as a measure of evolvability.154 complex inheritance pattern than simple Mendelian
Before attempting to understand the heritability processes.71 Furthermore, it is important to note
and evolvability concepts in the context of evolu- that, for sand lizards, the offspring were released at
tionary telomere biology, we need to make a few random (geographically) at the study site for over a
observations regarding these genetic concepts them- decade and, hence, there was no environmental con-
selves. To be approximately accurate, the heritabil- found of the regression effects of mean offspring on
ity estimate requires random mating, gametic phase parental telomere length,71 whereas this effect can
equilibrium, absence of additive × additive epistatic only be statistically accounted for when parents and
genetic variance, and absence of common environ- offspring share a nesting environment.
mental effects.155 Furthermore, as used in the breed- In white-throated dippers (Cinclus cinclus),
ers equation (R = h2 × S), the heritability estimate Becker et al.158 used an animal model to ana-
and the selection differential (S) are assumed to lyze telomere heritability (using qPCR), Z-linked

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 21
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Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

inheritance, and environmental effects while con- of the population variance due to additive genetic
trolling for inbreeding effects (Wright’s f). In variation), and ignoring higher-order epistatic gene
spite of strong nest-mate– and mother–offspring actions that are often considered beyond statistical
resemblance, Becker et al.158 concluded that this reach,155 Bischoff et al.40,162 assumed that the total
resemblance was not explained by additive genetic variance in telomere length in the population could
variance, Z-linkage, or W-linkage (on the basis of be decomposed as V = A + D + C + E, where
strong resemblance between ZW mothers and ZZ V equals the total population variance in telom-
sons). It should be noted that, in spite of a relatively ere length, A refers to the variance contribution of
large initial sample size (n = 662 over 15 generations, additive genetic effects, D refers to the variance due
1987–2012), once parentage was traced, the sample to dominance (intralocus interactions), C refers to
sizes dropped quite considerably to an initial 177 the variance contribution of shared environmental
individuals for some and 114 individuals for most effects (i.e., environmental factors that are shared
analyses. Although it was an impressive effort, few by reared-together twins and are thus the source of
studies of natural populations find significant heri- their similarity), and E refers to the variance due to
tabilities for almost any trait with such low sample nonshared environmental effects (i.e., environmen-
sizes. In stark contrast to these zero heritability esti- tal effects that are not shared by reared-together
mates, and with similar sample sizes in a laboratory twins and are thus a source of dissimilarity). If
population (66 females, 57 males, and 73 broods), so, and assuming that shared environmental effects
Atema et al.’s157 0.99 heritability estimate using TRF contribute equally to the resemblance of MZ and
was indistinguishable from one (1.0). In another DZ twins, the expected twin covariances are given
bird species, (king penguins, Aptenodytes patagoni- by cov(MZ) = A + D + C and cov(DZ) = (1/2)
cus), maternal heritability of telomere length (mea- A + (1/4)D + C.
sures using qPCR) was significant between mothers For analytical details, see Bischoff et al.,162 but,
and chicks early in life, but was no longer signifi- in brief, variance components were estimated from
cant as offspring became older.159 Another example the observed twin variances and covariances, and
of maternally linked heritability in a bird species heritability was calculated to be 0.36, with no
is that of the kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) from difference between males and females. Thus, if
New Zealand,160 which also showed longer telom- estimates of inheritance and selection coefficients
eres (using TRF) in males than females but with no relating to telomere traits show bias, we need to
relationship to age (exact heritability estimate not understand why and how they may confound or
given). complicate evolutionary inference. One reason for
In humans, the most commonly studied species, differences in heritability among taxa may be the
heritability estimates predominantly come from use of different techniques for estimating breeding
twin studies161,162 (but see Ref. 163). In medicine, equation components, such as heritabilities, using
twin studies have been seen as the gold standard for twin studies, animal models, or mid-offspring–
differentiating between a trait’s genetic and envi- mid-parent regressions. For instance, the difference
ronmental components since the late 19th century, in estimated variance between monozygotic twins
when the Scottish obstetrician J. Matthews Dun- in shared versus nonshared environments will
can suggested that there were two types of twins, always be near impossible to obtain data for in
later suggested by Francis Galton as a useful sce- other taxa in natural populations. Furthermore,
nario for teasing out genetic versus environmental recent work by Asghar et al.112 shows that telomere
trait variation.164 In classic twin studies, monozy- length in offspring increased with maternal age in
gotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) intraclass correla- hatchlings from malaria-uninfected female reed
tions for a trait are compared, and a significantly warblers, whereas offspring from malaria-infected
higher correlation in MZ twins suggests a genetic mothers had shorter telomeres as mothers got
effect on the target trait. Thus, genetic determin- older (Fig. 6). Elsewhere, Asghar et al.165 showed
ism of telomere length is supported by the finding maternal (but not paternal) heritability (h2 =
that monozygotic twins have more similar telomere 1.08 for mothers, 0.28 for fathers) for telomere
attributes than dizygotic twins.117 In order to esti- length. Thus, this may suggest that age-dependent
mate the heritability of the trait (i.e., the proportion telomere loss due to disease may affect not only the

22 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28 

C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The New York Academy of Sciences.
Olsson et al. Evolutionary ecology of telomeres

heritability estimate but also evolutionary inference also demonstrates that telomere elongation in the
on the basis of the breeder’s equation (see also Ref. haploid sperm cells occurs after meiosis and in the
175 for a recent overview of h2 estimation in the absence of genomic replication and, hence, rep-
wild). resents an alternative telomere-extension pathway
Quantitative trait loci analysis has shown that (using Q-FISH and TRAP).170 Furthermore, telom-
variation in the DNA helicase gene DDX11 on erase gene null mice exhibit progressive defects in
chromosome 12 in humans explains 49% of highly proliferative tissues and decreased fertility
overall variability in telomere length and that and, ultimately, sterility.171 These mice studies also
this contributes strongly to the 81.9% telomere indicate that germ cells lacking telomerase ulti-
heritability found by Vasa-Nicotera et al.166 Other mately lose telomere base pairs or entire telomeres,
work shows that X-linked inheritance is the most resulting in aberrant fertilization, partly due to
likely explanation of sex-biased heritability in sperm DNA fragmentation172 and abnormal cleav-
humans between fathers and daughters, mothers age of embryos. Thus, this indicates an important
and sons, fathers and sons, and between siblings— role for functional telomeres in germ cells under-
but with no correlation between telomere lengths going fertilization and cleavage development.171
of spouses.167 Nongenetic (epigenetic) factors also
seem to contribute to telomere length, as indicated
by accelerated telomere shortening in the inactive In summary, we review the literature on telomere
X chromosome (Xi ).168 A possible mechanistic biology from the perspective of evolutionary ecol-
explanation to this would be that, since the Xi ogy and genetics. We find strong correlative links
telomeres are part of the Barr body and less available between telomere length, telomere attrition, and
to telomere-maintenance mechanisms, such as selection pressures, such as those associated with
telomerase and recombination, comparing Xi and phenotype-compromising effects on reproduction
Xa (activated X) gives an indication of the efficiency from cancer, atherosclerosis, and other disease—
of these processes for maintaining telomere length. all at least potentially debuting before reproductive
senescence. Evidence for directly causal effects of
Transgenetic and epigenetic effects
telomere traits on life history and fitness param-
on telomere traits
eters is limited. Heritability estimates of telomere
One tissue type of fundamental importance in traits vary dramatically across studies and taxa,
evolutionary biology is spermatozoa, the source and perhaps some of this variation is due to dif-
of paternal genetic and potentially epigenetic ferences in estimation techniques, such as mid-
inheritance. Interestingly, telomeres are modified offspring–mid-parent regressions, animal models,
by ROS, influence offspring fitness through vertical and (mostly in humans) twin studies. To what extent
transmission of genetic material, and have direct, this picture is biased from unpublished null results
proximate effects on the swimming ability of is not known. There are considerable publication
sperm.18 Standard swim-up trials used to select the records on robust research using both qPCR and
best sperm for assisted reproduction in humans TRF (Southern blotting) in evolutionary ecology
show that faster-swimming sperm have longer and genetics. Future work in evolutionary ecol-
telomeres and less DNA breakage.18 Interestingly, ogy on telomeres needs to embrace work on non-
telomeres are longer in sperm from older men, model taxa in natural populations, incorporating
which thus follows the same age trend as telomeres the effects of telomere traits on reproductive param-
in blood (using TRF).42 In sand lizards, however, eters. In particular, species with telomerase produc-
Olsson et al. (using TRF)71 showed that paternal tion in somatic tissue may be suitable models for
age is negatively correlated with offspring telomere understanding selection pressures from disease sus-
length, suggesting that sperm telomeres shorten ceptibility (e.g., cancer) associated with variation
through life. Work on mice showed that telomeres in telomerase production and associated variation
are longer in spermatozoa than in oocytes, that old in cancer risk. We encourage researchers to pur-
males have shorter telomeres than younger males, sue studies of interstitial telomeres, since these have
and that offspring from younger males have longer been linked to elevated recombination rate and a
telomeres (using qPCR).169 Other work on mice number of fitness-compromising effects.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1422 (2018) 5–28  C 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 23
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Evolutionary ecology of telomeres Olsson et al.

Acknowledgments 15. Tan, T.C.J. et al. 2012. Telomere maintenance and telom-
erase activity are differentially regulated in asexual and sex-
We gratefully acknowledge support from the ual worms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109: 4209–4214.
Swedish Science Council (to M.O.), the Australian 16. Lin, K.W. & J. Yan. 2008. Endings in the middle: current
Research Council (to M.O. and E.W.), and the knowledge of interstitial telomeric sequences. Mutat. Res.
658: 95–110.
National Science Foundation (to C.R.F.). Thanks
17. von Zglinicki, T. 2002. Oxidative stress shortens telomeres.
also goes to Pat Monaghan and Dan Nussey for Trends Biochem. Sci. 27: 339–344.
organizing their highly important and encourag- 18. Santiso, R. et al. 2010. Swim-up procedure selects sperma-
ing “Telomere Meetings” in Scotland funded by tozoa with longer telomere length. Mutat. Res. 688: 88–90.
the Lewerhulme Trust; to Francois Criscuolo for 19. Henriques, C.M., M.C. Carneiro, I.M. Tenente, et al. 2013.
Telomerase is required for zebrafish lifespan. PLoS Genet.
insightful feedback and discussions of telomeres,
9: e1003214.
stress, and red blood cells; and to Jörgen Johns- 20. Blasco, M.A. 2007. The epigenetic regulation of mam-
son, David Richardson, and an anonymous reviewer malian telomeres. Nat. Rev. Genet. 8: 299–309.
for valuable criticism of a previous draft of the 21. Bebbington, K. et al. 2016. Telomere length reveals cumu-
manuscript. lative individual and transgenerational inbreeding effects
in a passerine bird. Mol. Ecol. 25: 2949–2960.
Competing interests 22. Matsubara, K. et al. 2015. No interstitial telomeres on auto-
somes but remarkable amplification of telomeric repeats on
The authors declare no competing interests. the W sex chromosome in the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis).
J. Hered. 106: 753–757.
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