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Toray una pyeighted musical Pipe Dreams sr pb AST EP ALTO SAX part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” BALLAD (even BT) Soto ap b= G LYDIAN SCALE (+ rRers.) se Deew) — ceva sort ay been Exeer es vais aneancenenfos 199" 0Y beavar ENTERPRISES. GED BY rent ssioN, iritguattaalD'eSpvasent sbdueeo = vabe- tne s.i, = ALL ALERTS RESERVED, cove STEMATSENT son's ateancenckr® RENaDR HSL, UCL, OELEWN, Mets 10082 oitog 2unouv wookan OV LIOG 3aauy HOUND ‘WOLUIO3 auNoeY wegNaY WOLLIeS army HOCNTT. soy lt reese Pipe Dreams ND Eb QNP EP ALTo SAX (opr. FLUTE) composed & arranged BALLAD (even 8) by John LaBarbera AS {B) [Bq me TO FLUTE (rue) (TaceT iF No FLuTe ) CC) ah P qred. cresc (a tra os mf grad. cresc. bene (BD) teatro COPYRIGHT © 3971, BY BEAVER ENTERPRS asi “ws seeuaovot 2 10 Bf beateh «AION SEC tenet ona eaevi GT SECURED = MADE IR sove SELtte ache? For Tits saeawcEnenr’ Rewer SIG, 1M En RESERVE, ‘WOLLIGR 3uinaHY NOONAN ‘NOILIO] BANKDBY ROONAY Pipe Dreams Part 1 of “A Piece of the Road Suite" AST BP Tenor Sax (orr. FuiTe) conposed 6 arranged BALLAD (even 8™*) ty John LaBarbera ey me | OLLI03 IHN BOON B Ba ——— ye To FLUTE - i ———= —— me fon \ facet iF No Fur \ t grad cresc. mf grad.crese tr WoLLa3 auvevEY WOOWaN (D] to tenor TN woaNay COPYRYGNT © 4974 BY OEAVER CXTERPRLSES an ‘onis aneenceneaT 6 S070 oY SEAVER EMTERPHISES. WED AY FEBMISSION, pieinaTionae Ora} GHF sEcuRED = AADE THe USA. = ALL RIGHT ssove SELLING AGENT ron'rais anvancenexr’ KEOOr Pipe Dreams Part 1 of “A Piece of the Road Suite” QNO Bb TENOR SAX (oer. FLUTE) BALLAD Ceven emis) = SS OWLIOg 3AINDHY MOONY B Ba +~—— zs To FLuTre Cc es (racer iP No FLUTE) f qred Gree tn tt i= ——— z Te iene tee brie SP ON CUE Se nupehe ar a nd Sean 2 =m INTERWATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED — MADE 16 U.S.A. HTS ve sou SERIES SO ete i WEEE Pipe Dreams Eb BariToNe SAX (opt. Fue) ie 4 3 composed § arrange: BALLAD (even aT?) ty John LaBarbera B (Ba Yo FLUTE 4 (Cauer (racer if No Fture ) P grad. evese mE iene gred. cresc: Hae To BARITONE ON CUE ay COPVRIONT 7, eANER EATER vasa anus OS ae BLT ARI Ly emzin, A THURAAPMGNEN cnt aECureo = nue UaszA, = ALL RIGHTS RESERVED cove UEMATIONN SOeTEuis abeaneener™ REDON AOSIC, IRCe, DELEYAN, Re 4042 asin “vous oWiaa 21H WOON Pipe Dreams Part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite’ 48T Bb TRUMPET composed & arranged by John LaBarbera BALLAD (even 8?) Soto ms Ova nH BON opr. Fit Anad TN PLACE OF REGULAR PReT: conrhyonT 0 1974 87 OEAVER ENTERPRISES says. antanconens 511999 07 DEM CRTCHPRVSES, "USED PERALSSION, TILE tPtANGE*ESP mica sEcureD = miGE thoUiszA, = ALL RLGNTS RESERVED ove SRENMATIOUN ESp"Tuns abeatcEnesr” Maou 08, Whe. DELEYA, weNores IN CYS May BE PLAYED’ pega TNaaY OTT ania Pipe Dreams avo pb TRumper Part 1 of "A Piece of the Read Suite” composed & arranged BALLAD (even 8™*) by John LaBarbera ead) —3— onuiog autour ows me —, : Ea ecresc. -— —~. F Gans. case oe ee a ‘ON CUE, oO cone © a7, ote TPA ES EE by ves asi0 ftedadt ona" eum mo Tr ae eeu NMncabOn W3NE, is, ERLEVANS Mee 18082 Pipe Dreams Part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” composed & arranged by John LaBarbera aR> Bb TRUuMpET BALLAD Ceven BTS) —: mf Gano. crese > EOE >— 0 9 aansenen 1008 9 Beate arene Se USED PENMUSSLON naa ona Ee anT thats seen sour SELING sete Fae"tuse alsongener” HeMzon FOSIC, Ine, DEQEYAR, Re 4042 Pipe Dreams Part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” 4TH BP TRUMPET. a TRU eAeL. conposed & arranged BaLtap Ceven 6s) by John LaBarbera [S| "S mp Grad. crese ON CLE Ay aa ‘us aneuicven os 908 of Sette cerewens LTitivAT Tonge Goeve Ger sECuRED = MAGE. US: sous SELEOnG AGgnr For THIS ABBaKGEnENT? nExDoR HSI, MDedevan, eve 10042 Pipe Dreams AST TROMBONE — part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” couponed Brarcensed BALLAD Ceven BTS) by John LaBarbera ao ——,,. a... Gal erese ey A oe ee oy mf Grad. eres. — =, ~ oo LEV AN, Hote 28682 oid aunmogy woaNay 5 (NOTICE: The Tew pre ing or represuction Pipe Dreams no e @N© TROMBONE — part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” conposed & arranged BALLAD Ceven 8") by John LaBarbera = _—— 2 —~ we — 4. —o ‘WLS TAMRON HOON mp crese pm {c) F decreas ay (cd — MP Gred.cresc. — -— oD Taf Grad. crese. z — etsy ») {DI 5 2 iD). ——. _— FF deccese — —— ae ~ a ~ : te 2 2 z — MP cormiaut o 1971, sy weaver enrenrnists £ 2 su rss nana ey EaLbR eant te SEE BES ay eens 5 fae stemamwe 220 tlpta'e able dash, “ae AonTS eAERED z soe TEMMATIOME fon 'Furd abeanecfenT® MENDON MUSIC, INEM, DELETAN, WY. 18002 Pipe Dreams ARD TROMBONE Pert 1 of “A Piece of the Road Suite” BALLAD Ceven 8) I composed & arranged by John LaBarbera —_—,.. ae Bt = mp evese (Cc) jecrese mp Grad. crese w ic nw SO wa be Te? be Ate mmf Grad. erase Ay wo ma «) — 2, SS Taf convavaur © 197 by oeAvER ea a9 tis, srtagoea thy oy Setter cen Se TEAMAT ONAL COPVELGRT SECURED ~ MAE sour SELLING AGONY FoR Ms saPancEnenTs REWOF ows gawo4Y WOON AKU HONS Pipe Dreams : AT! TROMaONE PAPE FOF "A Pfece of the Romd Suite" a Battap Céven a) eareeea Lascrete 3— = & mp crese. p Grad, cvese mp Grad. evese C4 w) mmf Grad. evesc. a) so gry sn ena He rece baptism coe ere ae are aeaineenenT? KexDOn OBIE, tRE- SOELEYAn, eve W042 Pipe Dreams Part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite" conposed & arranged PIANO by John LaBarbera BALLAD (even BT) % naa (22) cases cilsus Dai? GTS Fema C Dut GTR Cue Abint Gas? eS [come avtty Bhan? Bua? Cua? Gua! Fas? Expt Eby? Eni Feat Guat Bess Anat ? Daa? GSH Cuil Y Ran® Gn? Fain? Bhan Am aus? Gar “9 B Chat Fauna Gnd Flat Bt? Emad ebwit aby? GMa 7 [B's GEM Epa lH) Day? TSS yyy CHAI?) Feat Emit atr(ta) 5 3 or 4 asia coyeigyr-© 4974 Sy oeaven eXTENPRLSES ‘ws amamcenen 49) eave CRTHOHISES USED PY PERSSON, yTeawat Mae cOPvELGRT secu ries, = ALL RIGHTS BESEAVED Sour SELLING AGeNT For THIS ABRANGENENT. EKOOR VUSIE, TACs, DELEVAN, HoT 18062 Pawo Aad Gait Fua™ baad Bust Cunt PIPE OREAMS (at) Bed 7 Cans Ht CuaT Ted (DI oma £ Nae? Ge | me 2 b: 1 fed. Gr sus decresc : wit Fun b tha Amid Ped... 1 Ped .. Faaadii) Band Ami? Dia on cue GMA A @ravs Fey wo WOLLINS An1RONY BOUND ‘aMnOUY HOON. Goirar, Batiap Cevew 8™) ap Anat Ew Fant Ant 4x7 — ein" f Pipe Dreams Part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” re cuit? _ cot 1 Eng§ ; Fn GD Bra? Cont composed 6 arranged by John Labarbera gus G” Gt Cmé (aa) Fist Bla 4 On? GG" Fat Bla? 2) @) Cul 213 mp grad. Fag Bb Ao? rapaant RP aia ou EE ae see corrioat 197, 94 outs orcarnsts Df grad. eres Dut Gi ‘on cue. a Guat mea HUY HOON : 2AoUy WOON Pipe Dreams BASS 5 ‘te composed & arranged BASS Part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite ag eee ihe Ballad (even 8) Dm? Gres Fun(th) pat gr Cnt — ™p Aud Cut Bt a? Bh? Bua Co? Gua? Fou” CulLAB De” Ebant Aw? Cm Bhan? Ga Ful Guat gree Ctl? Cnt kun fn? pn? Gan Blom? Ftp BAT Eat fy? Aba Gant Fut emt TED Jy? ot pHa tH Du? G7" Cui Atma? Gai? Fin? Boon? F Cc ams Co? Cua? pred Grose decrese. P , Ic af grad. eres mp grad. erese orm [1 Dua one Ft) Cha bs? Dt decrese. Am? a Cou? rn) Cun? Alva Fics? — Bhat oneve Guat Gut —————> = 7 man the BR i ? ° AT rOwAL COPYRI GIT SECURED — MADE i HU, ses USES ey rem 3 8 ‘uingey HOON a Pipe Dreams ae Part 1 of "A Piece of the Road Suite" : len 8, conposed & arto fallad (ev © ) by John LaBarbera Brushes § — simile an ™P ‘simile Sime Fl ‘Sinile O] alts on a P grad.crese. Cai mp grad. crese mf grad. crese. ua iP Be Sticks ew) HF — decrese. ‘Brushes a 7p cOvALONT © 974 By DEAR EATER SES ai ys annanaenent o 1998 89 mats OBE oy rene MeSuaTGnae"ESrve Sn seo = nate Sit huts aesenveo soce SIEATSEAT foe" Twi sana READOW HUSIE, IC," DELEVAR, Mets 10082

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