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Eva Villegas

Di Viki

ENGL 2010

30, August 2019

Notebook: Week 7 6n.

What happen with human believes in God love everybody equally? Do you think when
humans die god sent white people to heavens, brown for purgatory and black for hell?
But where does people who are not totally brown, black or short and tall where they end
up? Do they have another section place to be? Why is so wrong to have different color
skin, if we all live in the same world. I don’t think if god wouldn’t love us equally he
wouldn’t allow living the same planet from the very beginning. He would created worlds
for each race color but he made it this way so we can learn how to love because he
doesn’t make discrimination between human, plants or animal we all are his creation and
he love all living things in this planet.

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