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Runoff, sediment load and land use/cover change relationship: the case of
Maybar sub-watershed, South Wollo, Ethiopia

Article · September 2016


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Abera Assefa Desale Kidane

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research Bahir Dar University


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International Journal of River Basin Management

ISSN: 1571-5124 (Print) 1814-2060 (Online) Journal homepage:

Runoff, sediment load and land use/cover change

relationship: the case of Maybar sub-watershed,
South Wollo, Ethiopia

Gebremedhin Tesfaye, Abera Assefa & Desale Kidane

To cite this article: Gebremedhin Tesfaye, Abera Assefa & Desale Kidane (2017) Runoff,
sediment load and land use/cover change relationship: the case of Maybar sub-watershed,
South Wollo, Ethiopia, International Journal of River Basin Management, 15:1, 89-101, DOI:

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Published online: 18 Oct 2016.

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VOL. 15, NO. 1, 89–101


Runoff, sediment load and land use/cover change relationship: the case of Maybar
sub-watershed, South Wollo, Ethiopia
Gebremedhin Tesfayea, Abera Assefab and Desale Kidanec
Natural Resource Management Department, Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia; bMelkasa Agricultural Research Centre, Adama, Ethiopia; cDepartment
of Geography, Samara University, Samara, Ethiopia


This study analysed the land-use dynamics and its effects on rainfall–runoff and runoff–sediment Received 1 December 2015
relationships at Maybar sub-watershed, Ethiopia. The study compared land use land cover change Accepted 7 September 2016
(LULCC), runoff and sediment load for 1980s, 1990s and 2000 years. A base map produced from
ground base survey, aerial photograph, spot images and field visit/interview had been carried out Rainfall–runoff; sediment
for land cover analysis. Double mass curve with trend curve was used to evaluate the effect of load; land-use dynamics;
LULCC on rainfall–runoff and runoff–sediment yield relationships. The results showed that during double mass curve; Ethiopia
1990s forest land increased while agricultural and grassland decreased, whereas during 2000s
agricultural land increased and forest land decreased. Consequently, the annual slope of trend
curve (STC) of rainfall–runoff and runoff– sediment load during 1980s was more pronounced
compared with 1990s. Similarly, the annual STCs of 2000s were higher than 1990s despite it is not
statistically significant. This implies that, the accumulative annual runoff and sediment load
increases more rapidly from 1982 to 1989 than that from 1992 to 1999, and from 2000 to 2006.
Hence, the runoff and sediment load obtained during 1980s was higher than 1990s and 2000s was
more than 1990s with similar rainfall/runoff. These can be explained by the historic land-use
dynamics. Therefore, in order to reduce soil loss, flood occurrence and sediment load, all concerned
stakeholders such as local governments, planners and farmers should pay attention to apply
appropriate land use and watershed management practices in the studied watershed.

1 Introduction
is the lack of appropriate in-situ river basin management in
Agriculture is the main economic activity in the sub-Saharan the upstream parts that has led to these rates.
Africa (SSA) supporting over 67% of the population, out of In order to reduce the impact of surface runoff on soil ero-
which 60% depends on rain-fed agriculture, generating sion and sedimentation, the Ethiopian government launched
30–40% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (Rockström a massive soil conservation programme beginning in the mid-
et al. 2003b). Likewise Ethiopia’s economy is agriculture 1970s (Kidane 2014). Between 1976 and 1990, 71,000 ha of
based, with a rapidly growing population, severe soil erosion, soil and stone bunds, 233,000 ha of hillside terraces for affor-
dynamic land cover changes and sediment-related problems estation, 12,000 km of check dams in gullied lands,
due to cropland expansion, overgrazing and over exploitation 390,000 ha of closed areas for natural regeneration,
of forests (Assen 2005, Tamene et al. 2005, Bantider 2007, 448,000 ha of land planted with different tree species and
Biratu and Asmamaw 2016). However, the Ethiopian High- 526,425 ha of bench terrace interventions have been intro-
lands are considered to be the water towers of most East duced (Nyssen et al. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, Asmamaw 2016).
and North African countries, especially for Egypt and The loss of soil from land surfaces erosion is widespread
Sudan, with many of the tributaries of various international globally and adversely affects the productivity of all natural
rivers originating from these highlands (Haregeweyn et al. resources (Hurni 1985, 1988). Sedimentation as an ecological
2005, Koch et al. 2012, Asmamaw 2015, Asmamaw 2016). and environmental phenomenon is increasingly affecting the
These areas are characterized by steep slopes, intensively cul- sustainable development of human societies in the Ethiopian
tivated, high intensity rainfall, a sparse vegetation cover and highlands (Haregeweyn et al. 2005). Sediment in the Nile
significant direct runoff generation leading to accelerated basin mainly originates from the Ethiopian highlands with
soil erosion and high risk of ecological degradation (Nyssen large quantities of eroded soil (Kidane 2014). These streams
et al. 2007, 2008a, 2008b, Kidane et al. 2012, Asmamaw from frequently alternating dry–wet seasons coupled with
2015, Kidane and Alemu 2015). The impacts of excessive sur- agricultural over-utilization, overgrazing and wood cutting,
face runoff for downstream water users include a modified are required to sustain livelihoods and housing (Nyssen
flow regime, increased surface runoff leading to drying up et al., 2010, 2011, Setegn et al. 2010). This is resulting in
of springs during the dry season (Bewket and Sterk 2005, deforestation and loosening of the soil surface, thus facilitat-
Haregeweyn et al. 2005, Asmamaw 2015). It is estimated ing and accelerating water erosion.
that the trans-boundary rivers that originate from the Ethio- The change in land use land cover (LULC) alters rainfall,
pian highlands carry about 1.3 billion ton/year of sediment to runoff and sediment relationships. An intensively cultivated
the neighbouring countries (MoWR 1993), whereas the Blue watershed could experience 20-times higher soil loss than
Nile alone carries 131 million ton/year (Betrie et al. 2011). It that of a forested watershed both for peak rainfall event and

CONTACT Desale Kidane

© 2016 International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

for total rainfall duration (Cox et al. 2005). Increased in sedi- climatic zone. The study area is characterized as an erosion
ment deposition at the outlet is a reflection of catchment ero- prone, low potential and oxen-plowed cereal belt of the
sion and deposition processes, which are controlled by terrain north-eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian highlands (SCRP
form, soil type, surface cover, drainage networks and rainfall- 1982).
related attributes (Tamene et al. 2005, Quilb et al. 2007, Yita- The area has a temperate sub-humid climate with temp-
feru 2007, Teferi et al. 2010). Knowledge of the distribution erature range from 14.3°C in December to 19.3°C in June.
and types of land use land cover change (LULCC) are It consists of Alkaline Olivine basalts and tuffs of the Ashangi
believed to be important indicators as, agricultural land use Groups (Paleocene–Oligocene–Miocene), which are part of
changes can influence soil loss and sediment deposition pro- the Volcanic Trape series (Weigel 1986). It is characterized
cess that may have significant impact on terrestrial ecosys- by bimodal rainfall with Belg (small rain between February
tems in the catchment (Jordan et al. 2005). Nationally, the and May) and Kremt (the main rainy season between July
Soil Conservation Research Programme (SCRP) was and September). The rainfall distribution during the Belg
launched in 1981 with the integrated effort of the Ethiopian and Kremit season is between 69.5 and 112.7 mm with
government, scientists and development specialists to con- peaks of 140.9 and 287.8 mm in April and August
serve soils and water for improved agricultural land manage- respectively.
ment. This study was conducted in one of the five SCRP sites
launched in 1981 in Ethiopia. In this research site, there is a
meteorological station and data like rainfall, runoff and other 2.2 Methods of data collection and analysis
climatic data have been generated since 1981. Therefore, 2.2.1 LULCC analysis
using this information to address issues on LULCC and its For the analysis of the existing land cover, base data (base
relation with runoff and sediment load accumulation map), aerial photographs and spot images combined with
(which could contribute to the sustainability of highland field visits and observation were used as source of data. The
environments and the livelihoods of farming communities) LULCC analysis for the watershed was employed continu-
is of paramount importantance. This study was designed to ously on a yearly basis, monitored and used to update the
establish the relationship between land use/land cover change base map originally prepared in 1989 from ground-based sur-
and sediment load and runoff – rainfall processes during veying (Figure 2). This source of information was sup-
1980s, 1990s and 2000s in Maybar sub-watershed. plemented with the help of aerial photographs, spot images
and a field visit for the year 2010–2012. The base map
shows the different land units under different land users
2 Material and methods (farmers) and the communal land including forest/woodland,
grassland, homestead and cemetery.
2.1 Site description
This research had been conducted in the year between
The Maybar catchment is located in the Amhara National 2010 and 2012 by considering three periods (1980s, 1990s
Regional State, South Wollo Zone, Albuko district, Ethiopia. and 2000s). For the 1990s and 2000s, the base maps con-
It is situated at about 20 km south-east of the city of Dessie structed in 1996 and 2006 were considered, whereas a new
and about 422 km north of Addis Ababa (Figure 1). map was constructed from aerial photos that was taken in
Geographically, the study site lies at 11°00′ N and 39°39°E. 1986 in combination with interviews of local residents for
The altitude ranges from 1940 to 2850 m above sea level. It the 1980s. The aerial photograph from 1986 was scanned
has an area of 94.6 ha, categorized under the ‘Dega’ agro- and referenced using the base map. The patterns and shapes

Figure 1. Location map of the study area.


Figure 2. View of Lake Maybar watershed (a) (Anna 2007), base map developed for the study area in 1989 (b).

Table 1. Land use/land cover classes description. characteristics such as amount, intensity, duration of time
No Land cover type Description intervals between storm events and erosivity were deter-
1 Cultivated land This unit includes areas used for permanently rain- mined. The rainfall was collected in the float chamber
fed and irrigated cultivation and bare land. where the vertical movement of a float was transmitted into
2 Forest land/wood Areas covered with trees forming closed canopy or
land nearly closed canopy (70–100%). This unit also movement of a pen on the chart up to 10 mm of precipitation.
includes woodlands (60–70% trees mixed with Then, the chamber was quickly emptied via a siphon and col-
short bushes and open areas). lected in a bucket for monthly total records. Thus, the
3 Open woodlands Areas covered with remnant scattered large trees
and planted trees (10–20%), mainly, Juniperus monthly cumulative amount was registered on the chart
procera at different heights and cemetery. role for comparison.
4 Grassland Areas with permanent grass cover, used for grazing; At the outlet of the gauged river discharge and sediment
usually communal and fallow plots.
5 Homestead Areas with settlement, garden around home and load recorder was installed (Figure 3). The type of float-actu-
wood lots. ated recorder used to record stream stage is Ott R16 with 24 h
time scale strip charts with resolution of 2 cm gauge interval
and 10 min time interval. The depth of water stage was taken
on the photograph were used to identify the cultivated land with float-actuated recorders. Manual stage recording has
from the other land uses. The tree covered areas, which been taken place every 08:00am morning local time and
were categorized as woodland, were mainly identified using with 10 min interval when the water changes colour and
the texture and shape elements of photo interpretation. The depth during direct runoff periods during sediment sample
boundary of the different classes were digitized and overlaid collection.
with the base map. In addition, information from local people To measure catchment sediment load, sample of water
had been gathered using the base map of the study area from using one-litre narrow-mouthed bottles from gauged river
1996 to supplement the reconstruction using the aerial photo- satiation was collected (Figure 3). The collected water was
graphs. Besides, the 1996 and 2006 LULCC maps were further taken for analysis to the field laboratory. The sediment was
verified during the field visit through interviewing of local filtered out from the sample using a 75-micron sieve and fil-
people. For the 2006 map spot image was used as an tered through a filter paper. The filtrate from the sieve and fil-
additional source of information. ter paper are oven dried and weighed.
For the analysis of the land cover, three LULCC maps were A total suspended sediment load concentration was deter-
projected/transformed to similar coordinate system. The mined in g/l. The total suspended sediment in ton/day was
recoding/reclassification of the different class were performed calculated using average discharge and suspended sediment
and only five classes such as cultivated land, grassland/fallow, load concentration values. After all these data collected at
forest/woodland, open woodland and home garden were cre- the research stations, TESTMAIN software program was
ated. Some LULCCs such as bare land were included in the used in order to analyse, interpret and manage the whole
major land uses because of their small size. The description databases.
of these land cover types is described in Table 1. The reclas-
sified layers were finally dissolved based on modified land
cover types. Area summary of the land cover types was com- 2.2.3 Statistical data analysis
puted for each period. To evaluate the relationship between land use/land cover
change, rainfall–runoff and runoff–sediment at Maybar
2.2.2 Rainfall, runoff and sediment load data collection sub-watershed, double mass curve analyses were used. The
and analysis procedure to carry out the double mass curve analysis
The rainfall, runoff and sediment load data for the periods of involves the plotting of successive cumulative annual rainfall
1982–2006 were obtained from Amhara Region Research with the cumulative annual runoff collected. In order to com-
Institute, Ethiopia. Precipitation was recorded through two pare the change of relationships in different periods, linear
procedures (continuous and manual). The manual record trend curve for each double mass curve was made and the
includes daily and monthly total. From the rainfall data slope of trend curve (STC) were used to reflect the increased

Figure 3. Discharge measuring device installed in the study area by SCRP.

speed of runoff or sediment concentration based on rainfall changes. Koch et al. (2012) also stated that the annual LUC
and runoff. varied between −6% and +360% for different classes. The
impact of land use dynamics on the hydrological response
was observed and shown at the daily discharge, the total
3 Results and discussion annual runoff and the peak flow.
Similarly, Abebe (2005) reported that there was an
3.1 LULC change from 1982 to 2006
increase of cultivated land by 3714.0 ha (24.2%) during
The proportion and distribution of LULCC types by hectare (1957–1982) while it decreased by 2467.2 ha (16.0%) in the
and per cent for the year 1986, 1996 and 2006 is presented second period (1982–2001) at Abbay watershed, Blue Nile
in Table 2, and Figures 4 and 5. Of the total study area basin, Ethiopia. Furthermore, Tadesse (2007) investigated
(94.4 ha), cultivated land constituted 47.2%, 39.22% and forest cover change in four districts in south-western rain-
47.22% in the years 1986, 1996 and 2006, respectively. In forest for the period between 1973 and 2005, and found a
the first period (1986–1996), cultivated land decreased by continuous decline of forest by 67% (2.1% per year). A
5.48 ha (5.8%), while it increased by the same amount similar study by Dessie and Kleman (2007) of the Awassa
(5.8 ha) in the second period (Table 2). Consequently, the watershed revealed 80% (≈4.4% per year) forest cover
net change in cultivated land for the 20 years considered in decline between 1972 and 2000, compared to 4.3% per
this study was zero. This result contradicts most reports year decline reported by Seifu (1998) for Munessa-
from Ethiopia and many other places throughout the devel- Shashamane forest. Fite (2009) reported forest decline
oping world where often rapid and continued agricultural rate of 1.3% annually for Yayu forest in the southwest
land expansion is reported at the expense of other land cov- Ethiopia. This implies that forest cover has been declining
ers, especially forest land. Bewket (2002) for example has due to the expansion of croplands. In most parts, old agri-
founded that there was expansion of cultivated lands by cultural lands that exhausted crop production potential are
13% during the period 1957–1982, while there was slight abandoned to area exclosure as well as tree planting (Zeleke
shrinking pattern of about 2% during 1982–1998 in the 2000, Bewket 2003, Bantider 2007, Githui et al. 2009,
North-western Ethiopian highlands, Chemoga Watershed, Shiferaw 2010, Teferi et al. 2010, Wagner et al. 2013,
in the Blue Nile Basin. Abate and Lemenih (2014) conducted Tesfaye et al. 2014, Wagesho 2014). Our finding also
Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics research in South Western agreed with the above reports.
Ethiopia. They confirmed an increase in agriculture land As explained in Table 2, the area under grassland/fallow
and built-up area from 19.16% and 1.46% in 1973 to was about 30.01 ha (31.8%) in 1986, but it was diminished
52.11% and 3.40% in 1986, 65.60% and 8.88% in 2004, to 25.66 ha (27.1%) in 1996 and further to 17.7 ha (18.6%)
respectively. The increase in agricultural land and built-up in 2006. Of the total grassland cover in the base year, only
area was mainly at the expense of forest land, grassland, Riv- 17.7 ha (18.6%) remained in this category, while 13.2% was
erine forest and bush land. They stated that the increasing converted into other land use type in all periods considered.
population has been the major possible reason for the Between 1986 and 1996, 4.7% (4.41 ha) and between 1996

Table 2. Land use/cover change in the Maybar sub-watershed between 1986 and 2006.
coverage Area coverage Area coverage
(1986) (1996) (2006) Change between 1996 and Change between 2006 and Change between 2006 and
LULC type ha % ha % ha % 1986 in (%) 1996 in (%) 1986 in (%)
Cultivated land 44.7 47.2 39.22 41.4 44.73 47.22 −5.8 5.8 0
Forest/wood 2.44 2.5 19.5 20.6 18.33 19.35 18.1 −1.01 16.85
Open wood 15.66 16.5 7.79 8.22 8.02 8.5 −828 −0.28 −8
Grass/fallow 30.12 31.8 25.6 27.1 17.7 18.6 −4.7 −8.4 −13.1
Homestead 1.82 1.9 2.55 2.7 5.94 6.3 0.783 3.577 4.36
Total 94.74 100 94.74 100 94.74 100

Figure 4. Land use map for the year 1986.

Figure 5. Land use map for the year 1996.


and 2006, 8.5% (7.89 ha) grassland was transformed to 3.2 Rainfall, runoff, and sediment load relationships
other land use/cover types. These indicated that grasslands
3.2.1 Relationship between size of cropland and runoff
had been relatively decreased. The increasing demand for
and sediment load
wood lots and reforestation might have contributed to the
To see the relationship between the area coverage of different
deterioration of grasslands. The result agreed with the find-
agricultural crops and their effect on runoff and sediment
ings of Mammo (2006), which indicated decreasing grazing
load pattern, regression analyses between the two variables
land from 19% (1965) to 16% (1986) and then to 13%
(runoff and sediment load) with area of crop types were
(2006) at Golo-Tiso catchment. Eastern escarpment of
made (Tables 3 and 4). The R 2 value for every regression
Wollo, Ethiopia. Bewket (2002) also supported this report
line was less than 10%. This indicated that there exists a
by showing a decrease in grassland in Chemoga watershed,
weak relation between crop area and runoff (sediment load),
between 1957 and 1998. On the other hand, it differs from
in the sub-watershed for the period 1982–2006. (Figure 6)
Zeleke and Hurni (2001), who reported an increase in
grassland cover in the Anjeni area, Northwest Ethiopia,
for the period between 1982 and 1995. Seifu (2005) also 3.2.2 Patterns of rainfall–runoff relationships between
found expanded grassland by over 50% of the original 1980s, 1990s and 2000s
cover at headstream of Abbay watershed, Blue Nile basin, To analyse the rainfall–runoff relationship in the study area,
between 1957 and 2001. annual and average monthly rainfall and runoff data from
The land use land cover analysis showed increased for- 1982 to 2006 were plotted. The result indicated that rainfall
est cover between 1986 and 1996 (first period), and a slight shows a slightly increasing trend (Figures 7 and 8), while run-
decrease between 1996 and 2006 (second period). In 1986 off shows a slightly decreasing trend during 1990s and
the area under forest cover was 2.44 ha (2.5% of the study increases during 2000s. However, in the highlands of Ethio-
area), which increased to 19.5 ha (20.6%) in 1996 and pia, Hurni et al. (2005) reported that there have been no sig-
decreased to 18.3 ha (19.35%) in 2006 (Table 2). There nificant trends in total annual rainfall over the long term. As
was an increase in the forest cover during the first period, for average monthly rainfall and runoff, it was observed that
while some part of the study area was used for area exclo- the highest values of rainfall and runoff occurred during July
sure and rehabilitation of the degraded land. On the other and August and strong relation between rainfall and runoff
hand, following the fall of the Derg regime (who ruled were also observed (Figure 8).
Ethiopia for 25 years), deforestation of the exclosure was The STC, which can be obtained from the regression coef-
taking place in the second period. This can be a singular ficients of linear equations (Wen-wu et al. 2004), is used to
reason for the decrease of forest cover in the year 2006. judge the trend of runoff. That means steeper slopes are
In all the periods considered, the area under forest characterized by high runoff while flatter slopes are associated
increased by 15.9 ha (16.85%) from what existed in the with reduced runoff. The results in Figure 9 and Table 5
base year 1986 (Table 2). The annual increment of forest showed that, the annual STC in 1980s are sharper than that
cover in the first period was 1.5 ha and the annual decrease of 1990s and 2000s despite statistically non-significant differ-
during the second period was 0.125. This result is in line ences in rainfall amounts and runoff generated during the
with the findings of Bantider (2007), who indicated an three decades. This indicated that compared to the cumulat-
increase in forest cover from 19% in 1986 and 18.5% in ive annual rainfall, the annual cumulative runoff has slightly
1995 to 33% in 2001 in the eastern escarpment of decreased in the period from 1992 to 1999 compared to the
Wollo. On the other hand, the result contradicts with earlier period from 1982 to 1989. And more runoff was
the findings of Zeleke and Hurni (2001), Seifu (2005), obtained during 1980s than during 1990s at a similar rainfall
and Worku (2009), which all showed a decreasing trend amount. This might be due to the increased forest cover of the
of forest cover in northern Ethiopia. For instance, area as explained above.
Worku (2009) reported that forest cover had decreased Our finding coincides with the findings of Alansi et al.
from 10% (1965) to 8% (1986) and then to 7% (2006) in (2009), who found that cumulative annual runoff had
upper Gilgel Abbay catchment, northwest highlands of increased slightly from 1990 to 1998 compared to 1980–
Ethiopia. 1989s, and there was more runoff during 1990s than that of
It was found that open woodland constituted 15.66 ha 1980s at similar rainfall amount following the reduction of
(16.5%), 7.79 ha (8.22%) and 8.02 ha (9.5%) of the study forest cover during 1990s in Bernam Watershed, Malaysia.
area in 1986, 1996 and 2006, respectively. The open woodland Ngigi (2003) also reported similar findings with this paper.
decreased by 8.3% in the first period, while in the second
period it did not show much change (0.2% increase). One Table 3. Linear relationship of runoff with different crops 1982–2006.
of the major reasons for this change was afforestation activity, No Cover type Linear equation R2 S P-value
which had taken place to increase the density of this wood- 1 Maize DIS = 364−0.35 maize 0.0% 120.5 .001
land. From the result of the LULC classification, it was 2 Fallow DIS = 315 + 1.59 fallow 0.0 119.6 .000
observed that homestead accounts for the smallest area of 3 Pulse DIS = 450−4.52 pulse 9.0% 112.3 .000
4 Cereals DIS = 242 + 3.08 Cereals 2.7% 116.2 .015
all LULC types identified (Table 2). The area under
this category was 1.82 ha (1.9%), 2.55 ha (2.7%) and
5.94 ha (6.3%) of the study area in 1986, 1996 and 2006, Table 4. Linear relationships of sediment load with different crops.
respectively. During the entire period, the proportion of No Cover type Linear equation R2 S P-value
homestead and wood lots and garden area increased steadily 1 Maize Sed. = 2566−17.2 maize 0.0% 1487 .042
by 0.736 ha (0.783%) in the first period, 3.36 ha (3.577%) in 2 Fallow Sed. = 1759 + 11.4 fallow 0.0 1490 .064
the second period and 4.09 ha (4.36%) from 1986 to 2006, 3 Pulse Sed. = 3186−53.6 pulse 7.8% 1402 .000
4 Cereals Sed. = 1643 + 10.9 serials 0.6% 1490 .175

Figure 6. Land use map for the year 2006.

Figure 7. Annual rainfall and runoff for the period 1982–2006.

Figure 8. Average monthly rainfall and runoff for the period 1982–2006.

Figure 9. Double mass curve of annual rainfall and runoff for the Maybar watershed.

Table 5. Difference between runoff and sediment load for three decades (at
95%CI). woodland, cultivated land and grassland has decreased by
P-value of 8.3%, 5.8% and 4.7%, respectively (Table 2). The accumulat-
rainfall vs P-value of runoff ive annual runoff from 1992 to 1999 is less than from 1982 to
No Time runoff Significance vs sediment load Significance
1989, however, it is not statistically significant. The reasons
1 Annual 0.276 N 0.195 N
for the presence of high runoff during 1980s and increment
Note: N = not significant at 95%CI.
of annual STC during 1980s compared with the 1990s
could be the expansion of forest land. Mohawesh et al.
(2015) conducted research on the effects of a sequence of
The relationships between rainfall and runoff were evalu- land use changes, and soil conservation measures on soil
ated in the three periods (from 1982 to 1989, from 1992 to degradation. The effects of changing the land use and whether
1999 and from 2000 to 2006) and the annual double mass the changes were associated with the construction of stone
curves and its trend curves of rainfall and runoff is presented walls varied according to the annual rainfall. The changes in
in Figure 9 and Table 5. As can be seen in Figure 9, for every soil properties could be used as indicators of land degradation
regression line the best fit is very high (R 2 > 0.9). Similar find- and to assess the impact of soil conservation programmes. The
ings had been reported by Kliment and Matoušková (2008), results help in understanding the effects of land use changes
which stated that the largest deviations in STC were observed on land degradation processes and carbon sequestration
in the Ostružná River basin following the expansion of agri- potential and in formulating sound soil conservation plans.
culture and reduction in forest cover. Negusse et al. (2013) also conducted field research in northern
The annual STC during 2000s was greater than that of Ethiopia. Based on their report, the volume of runoff and
1990s though the difference is not statistically significant groundwater recharge before and after the intervention was
(Figure 9). This indicated that, compared to the cumulative found to be 26.88%, 17.19%, 1.43% and 19.04% of the mean
annual rainfall, the annual cumulative runoff had increased annual rainfall of the catchment, respectively. The availability
slightly from 2000 to 2006 compared to that from 1992 to of groundwater has increased more than 10 times since 1993.
1999, and more runoff was observed during the 2000s than They suggested that the construction of additional physical
that of 1990s with similar rainfall. Similarly, Restrepo and conservation structures is essential to improve further the
Syvitski (2006) reported that most of the tributaries in the groundwater availability in the area.
upper Magdalena basin have experienced a significant Similarly, studies conducted by Saikia and Kumar (2010)
increase in sediment load during the period (1991–2001), fol- at Gaula catchment of Himalayan region have concluded
lowing the severe decline of forest cover and incremental that LULCC can be considered as the main reason for
encroachment of agricultural land cover during the period increased runoff and sediment load.
of study. Pascual-Ferrer et al. (2014) agreed that river basins In addition, from a small catchment experiment, Huang
are challenged by different factors in the world, particularly in (2006) indicated that runoff increased about 40 mm per
the; such as the local economy’s reliance on agriculture, small year when 60% of woody plants were removed. Zhang et al.
and scattered water users, economic water scarcity, large (2009) also stated that runoff decreases along with the
pockets of poverty and widespread environmental degra- increase of vegetation coverage in Lao Shi-Kan watershed,
dation. This indicated that siltation and runoff are not northern Zhenjiang, China. This implies that rainfall and
uncommon; so managing forests and other related resources runoff do not have a unique relationship, and thus cannot
are of paramount importance to improve water availability fit directly into a simple linear model. This is because the for-
and to help the local society to diversify its income. est coverage differed during different periods. A decreased
discharge during spring time was reported as a result of
increased in forest area coverage (Huang 2006). The results
3.3. Effect of LULC pattern on rainfall–runoff
of this study corroborated the conclusions from several
other experiments (Bewket 2002, Descheemaeker et al.
According to the land use analysis result, from 1986 to 1996, 2006, Girmay et al. 2009, Mbano et al. 2009, Asmamaw
forest land has increased by 16.77%. On the contrary, open 2015, Mekonnen et al. 2015, Araya et al. 2016, Asmamaw

2016), where they stated that LULCC affects the runoff and 3.4 Patterns of runoff–sediment relationships
sediment load relationship. As presented in Figure 9, the between 1980s, 1990s and 2000s
annual STC during the 2000s are greater than that of 1990s,
To analyse the runoff–sediment relationship in the study area
however, the difference is not statistically significant. This
annual runoff and sediment load data from 1982 to 2006 were
indicated that compared to the cumulative annual rainfall,
plotted (Figures 10 and 11). During the 1990s study period,
the annual cumulative runoff has increased slightly from
there was a slight decrease in sediment load amount com-
2000 to 2006 than that from 1992 to 1999 and more runoff
pared with the 1980s, whereas during the 2000s there was a
was observed during the 1990s than the 2000s with similar
slight increase in sediment load amount when compared
rainfall. This is probably due to declining forest land and
with the 1990s (Figure 10).
the incremental increase of cultivated land, as cultivated
In terms of months, sediment load presents bimodal
land is characterized by high runoff volume and sediment
peaks; one in March–April and the major in July–September,
yield (Higgitt and Lu 1999, Girmay et al. 2009). Mekonnen
with the highest being in August (Figure 11). There was also a
et al. (2015) studied the sediment trapping efficacy of sedi-
strong overlapping pattern between runoff and sediment load
ment storage dams (SSDs) built in the outlet of eight small
justifying that sediment load is a function of runoff predomi-
sub-catchments in north-west Ethiopia. They reported that
nantly (Figure 11). The double mass curve plots of runoff and
the SSDs trapped an average of 1584 t yr−1 of the inflow sedi-
sediment load for the three periods (1982–1989, 1992–1999
ment and catchment-specific sediment yield ranging from 8.6
and 2000–2006) and the STC were shown in Figure 12.
to 55 t ha−1 yr−1. They suggested that although constructing
Despite not being statistically significant, the STC of annual
SSDs is costly, they are promising off-site structural measures
runoff–sediment double mass curve in 1980s is greater than
to trap significant amounts of sediment at the outlet of the
that of 1990s. This indicates that annually accumulative sedi-
ment had decreased slightly from 1992 to 1999 compared
The reason for the insignificant amount change in runoff
with that from 1982 to 1989. And the sediment concen-
and sediment load in the catchment can be explained in
trations during the 1980s were higher than that of the
different ways. The small proportion of forest/woodland cov-
1990s with the constant runoff amount.
erage in the catchment compared to the land covered by agri-
Getachew and Melesse (2013) studied the impact of land
culture may not cause a substantial impact on rainfall–runoff
use change on the hydrology of the Angereb watershed,
relationship. The other factor might be that the soil and water
Ethiopia. The evaluation of the SWAT model response to
conservation activities implemented in the catchment’s culti-
the land cover has shown that the mean wet monthly flow
vated land since 1983 did not affect the catchment’s runoff
for 2011 land cover increased by 39% compared to the 1985

Figure 10. Annual runoff and sediment for the period 1982–2006.

Figure 11. Average monthly runoff and sediment load for the period 1982–2006.

Figure 12. Double mass curve of annual runoff and sediment load at Maybar Watershed.

land cover. On the other hand, dry average monthly flow to other land use system during 1990s. The STC of annual
decreased by 46% in 2011 compared to the 1985 land cover. runoff–sediment double mass curve during 1990s is less
Wagesho (2014) also agreed that the simulated surface runoff than that of 2000s though it is not statistically significant.
component has increased progressively since the 1970s. He That means the sediment concentration during 2000s has
noted that percentage annual surface runoff varies from slightly increased from that of 1990s. The result of the current
10% to 23% at Bilate and 16% to over twofold at Hare study coincides with the findings of Wen-wu et al. (2004),
watersheds. who indicated that the STC of annual runoff–sediment
Similarly, Alansi et al. (2009) reported that the annual STC mass curve during 1980s was less than that in 1990s at
during the 1990s was more than that of the 1980s, when the Zichang Watershed of the Loess Plateau, where the forest
forest land was converted into other land use system during cover was decreased. This means that sediment concentration
the 1990s. The STC of annual runoff–sediment double mass during 1990s has increased slightly higher than that during
curve during the 1990s was less than that of the 2000s, though 1980s with the same amount of runoff.
it was not statistically significant. This implies that the sedi- As observed in Figures 3–5 and Table 2, there was a slight
ment concentration during the 2000s has slightly increased change in land use/cover from grassland and forest/wood-
from that of the 1990s. lands to cultivated lands from 1996 to 2006. Consequently
Adamu (2013) studied LULLC impact on hydrology in the sediment concentration during 2000s has increased
north-western Ethiopia. The result shows that the mean slightly more than that of 1990s (Figure 11). This might be
monthly stream flow increased by 16.26 m3/s for the wet due to the increment of cultivated land and the decrease in
months while for the dry months decreased by 5.41 m3/s. forest land during 2000s.
This means that the flow during the wet months has
increased, while the flow during the dry months decreased.
3.5. Effect of LULC change on runoff–sediment load
The Surface runoff increased, while Ground Water Flow
decreased from 1986 to 2001 due to the increment of culti-
vated lands. Wen-wu et al. 2004) also documented that the Comparing the land-use patterns from 1986 to 2006 in the
STC of annual runoff–sediment mass curve during 1990s study area, we may get some explanations for STCs variation
was less than that in 1980s at Zichang Watershed of the from 1980s to 1990s and from 1990s to 2000s. As indicated in
Loess Plateau where, the forest cover was decreased. This Figures 3–5, some cultivated lands, grasslands and open
means that sediment concentration during 1990s has woodlands were slightly changed into forest/woodlands
increased slightly higher than that during 1980s with the from 1986 to 1996. Consequently there was a slight decrease
same amount of runoff. in sediment load amount during 1990s than that of 1980s for
The double mass curve plots of runoff and sediment load the same amount of runoff (Figure 11). The slight increase in
for the three periods (1982–1989; 1992–1999 and 2000–2006) forest cover during 1990s could be the possible reason for
and the STC were shown in Figure 11. As can be seen in decreased sediment load amount in the same period. The
Figure 11, despite it is not statistically significant, the STC sediment yield of rivers is often sensitive to changes in catch-
of annual runoff–sediment double mass curve in 1980s is ment land use and in situ watershed management practices
greater than that of 1990s. This indicates that annually (Adamu 2013, Biratu and Asmamaw 2016, Kidane and
accumulative sediment has decreased slightly from 1990 to Alemu 2015, Mengistie and Kidane 2016). Such an impact
1998 than that from 1980 to 1989. And the sediment concen- is most likely to be demonstrated at a restricted spatial
trations during 1980s were higher than that of 1990s with the scale, particularly in headwater catchments. The findings of
constant runoff amount. Hence, soil is more susceptible to this study coincide with Barkordari (2003), who reported
loss during 1980s when land use/cover were slightly changed that the distraction of natural vegetation covers have resulted
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(2009), who stated the annual STC during 1990s is more (2003) also indicated that deforestation causes an increase
than that of 1980s, when the forest land was converted in in the annual mean discharge. Adamu (2013) investigated

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