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Learner Achievement Verification

This is to certify that the management of Alison has decided to award Dipanshu Kalra living in India the certificate of

completion in Fundamentals of Service Marketing.

Learner Details

Name: Dipanshu Kalra


Country: India

Course and Result

Fundamentals of Service Marketing

This course will introduce you to the main concepts of service marketing and define
exactly what is meant by the term 'service'. You will look at the characteristics and
Score different types of services and study Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as well as Max-Neef’s
80% fundamental human needs. The course will discuss the tasks of marketing management
Study Time as well as the 7Ps of the marketing mix. You will also study the types of marketing in
service industries.

Modules Studied

Module 1: Module 1: Services

Module 2: Module 2: Understanding Macro and Micro Environments

Module 3: Course assessment

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