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Tense which relates to time, and aspect, which has to do with the internal structure of the action

occurring at any time, are dealt with separately at first, the system that results from their subsequence
combinations is much easier to see and, therefore, easier to learn.

Aspect Simple Perfect Progressive Perfect

Tense Progressive
0 Have + -en Be + -ing Have + -en
Be + -ing
Present Write/writes Has/have written Am/is/are writing Has/have been writing
Has/had been walking
Walk/walks Has/have walked Am/is/are walking
Past Wrote Had written Was/were writing Had been walking
Had been walking
walked Had walked Was/were walking
Future Will write Will have written Will be writing Will have been writing
Will have been walking
Will walk Will have walked Will be walking

In pairs they will go to caadi, internet or library to look for definition and examples of the different
tenses and aspects. In groups of four they will share what they have and compare and complement the
information they have. They will present the tenses at random.

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