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“PSU is Streesfull”

Name: Elías Zúñiga

Date: April 2, 2019
Techaer: Ninoska Payauna
Subject: English
Class: 12 grade A
The nerves and anxiety caused by this test is really significant, because there are many

questions about this test. “How will be the result?” is the big question that students made all

the time.

Around two hundred ninety thousand students give the PSU per year and it con be affirmed

that most of them feel some type of nerve, anxiety,etc. All this is due to several factors,

development all the factors cause fear. The main fear from the students is forget everything

at the moment of the test, it is totally normal to feel that, because they come with an emotional

and they feel overwhelm. Parents have a great expectation of their children which increase

the pressure, because they dont know waht career to study at the university, so some of them

go to psichologists to be guided, because they need to have an option or and a goal. On the

other hand, most of them, during the year should worry about jobs and test frmo the school,

which is joined by private tutors and pre-universty students, who prepare in a better way to

increase the score, and usually, they feel more tired, so they want to sleep more.

In conclusion the PSU is a test that it can be very streesfull for the students, so you should

not push them more than they are, and support them to control their nervees for greater safety

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