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1. Match the clause with the time expression you hear from the video

Will you be ready A. about twenty minutes

I´ll be ready B. soon

Will Mr. Henderson C. in half an hour

He´ll be back in D. in a few seconds

Will Dr. Smith be E. be back soon

She´ll be here F. soon

Will the train arrive G. in five minutes

It´ll arrive H. here soon

2. Complete the conversation with the words you hear.

mom and dad, be back soon?

Yes we will , we´ll be . I´ll miss you mom

, I´ll miss you ; we´ll miss you too I´ll miss you too
He´ll be fine
will I hear from you?
You need to go ,or
Yes, you will. get a every
Goodbye Jonny, goodbye mom and dad.
day, and you´ll to us in the telephone
Goodbye honey I love you

Bye mom , bye dad I´ll see you soon.

Will grandma and grandpa know how to reach you?

Yes, they will

They´ll have our at the hotel

Oh, that´s our taxi.

Now about a thing, we´ll be fine

good care of Jonny

We know you will dad

3. Choose the right answer according to what you hear from the conservation between William
and Christine .

-They need to have a meeting about - william is going to Washington

a. a weeding a. on Monday

b. an account b. on Thursday

c. their salararies c. on Friday

- Everybody will meet

a. On Monday next week
b. On Wednesday next week
c. They don´t decide when to meet

4. Number the lines as they appear

1) Maybe you will , and maybe you won´t , we´ll just have to wait and see
2) Do you think it´ll rain tomorrow? Maybe it will ,
3) Do you think the neighbors will be upset about all this noise?
4) Do you think you´ll like your new apartment?
5) Maybe they will , and maybe they won´t , we´ll just have to wait and see
6) Maybe he will , and maybe he won´t , we´ll just have to wait and see
7) Maybe I will , and maybe I won´t , we´ll just have to wait and see
8) Do you think the boss will give us a raise soon?
9) Do you think I´ll be famous someday?
10) and maybe it won´t , we´ll just have to wait and see.
Do you think there will be any food in this party? maybe there will and maybe there won´t , we´ll just
have to wait and


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