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1. Consider the enrollment data for Business Week’s top 30 U.S. graduate business
programs in the file HW_06.xlsx. Use the data to estimate a multiple regression equation
to assess whether there is a relationship between the total number of full-time students
(Enrollment) and the following independent variables: a) the proportion of female
students, b) the proportion of minority students, and c) the proportion of international
students enrolled at these business schools.

a. Interpret the coefficients of the estimated regression equation (please follow the
rigorous interpretation approach in our textbook). Do any of these results surprise
you? Explain.

b. How well does the estimated regression equation fit the given data?

c. If we add another independent variable, type of schools (Column D) in the above-

developed multiple regression model, what’s the new multiple regression equation?
How are you going to interpret the difference between private school and public
school on enrollment in the new regression equation?

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