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Assessment Implementation

Jennifer D. White
Client Information
Client Name​ - Linda Gail Stone
Organization​ - Telfair County Elementary School
Email ​- ​
Certificate #​ - 254624

The Actual Assessment

Students will use a Chromebook and a Web 2.0 infographic design tool to create an infographic
that explains the main stages of the water cycle, the importance of water conservation, and ways
to conserve water.

Water Cycle Infographic Instructions

Now that you know all about the water cycle and water conservation, your task is to create an
infographic to share your knowledge with others. An infographic is a visual image used to
make information quickly and easily understandable. Infographics are very similar to posters.

1. Review the 3 Web 2.0 infographic design tools and choose one to create the
○ Canva -
○ Piktochart -
○ Venngage -
2. Check your spelling and grammar.
3. Make sure your infographic is pleasing to the eye.
4. Make sure font and font colors are easy to read.
5. Make sure images are relevant.
6. Make sure to include the following components.
○ Identify and describe the 3 main stages of the water cycle.
○ Identify 3 ways to conserve water.
○ Identify 3 reasons why water conservation is important.
7. Review video if needed. ​
8. Do your best work.

Review the rubric before you submit your work in order to make sure you have included all
necessary components. Your work should be submitted via Google Classroom by Wednesday,
March 20, 2019. You will submit either the URL or an image of your infographic.

The Measurement Tool

Rubric Title ​- Water Cycle Infographic Rubric
Rubric Description​ - An analytic rubric will allow the teacher to grade individual components
of the infographic and then determine an overall score. The rubric will allow students to plan
their infographic design based on the provided expectations. The rubric will allow the teacher to
grade consistently and provide feedback to the students.

Water Cycle Infographic Rubric

Student: ______________________________ Date: ________________________

Assignment Exemplary Proficient Developing Needs Score

Components Meets All Meets Most Meets Some Improvement
Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Not
3 points 2 points 1 point Met
0 points

Spelling & The The The The infographic

Grammar infographic infographic infographic contains more
contains no contains 1-2 contains 3-4 than 4
misspellings or misspellings or misspellings or misspellings or
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
errors. errors. errors. errors.

Visual Infographic is Most of the Some of the Infographic is

Presentation pleasing to the infographic is infographic is not pleasing to
eye. Font and pleasing to the pleasing to the the eye. Font
font colors are eye. Most font eye. Some of and font colors
easy to read. and font colors the font and are hard to read.
are easy to font colors are
read. easy to read.

Images The The The The infographic

infographic infographic infographic contains no
contains at contains 2-3 contains 1 relevant
least 4 relevant relevant relevant images.
images. images. image.

Water Cycle All 3 stages of Only 2 stages Only 1 stage of No stages of the
Stages the water cycle of the water the water cycle water cycle are
are correctly cycle are is correctly correctly
identified and correctly identified and identified and
explained. identified and explained. explained.

Ways to The The The The infographic

Conserve infographic infographic infographic does not
Water identifies 3 identifies 2 identifies 1 identify ways to
ways to ways to way to conserve water.
conserve conserve conserve
water. water. water.

Reasons Why The The The The infographic

Water infographic infographic infographic does not
Conservation identifies 3 identifies 2 identifies 1 identify any
is Important reasons why reasons why reason why reasons why
water water water water
conservation is conservation is conservation is conservation is
important. important. important. important.

Comments:______________________________________________________ Total _____/18

One Example of Student/Participant Submission with Teacher Feedback and
Report of Your Findings
The implementation of the assessment was successful. The students responded well to
the assessment and its instructions. The students asked very few questions regarding the
instructions. They understood the guidelines for the performance task assessment. The students
were very excited to complete the assessment. The students were not accustomed to completing
an assessment by creating their own work. A typical assessment for these students is usually
multiple choice or short-answer tests.
Students were allowed to choose between Canva, Piktochart, or Venngage as the
infographic design tool. Each student was required to create an account for the design tool they
wanted to use to complete the assessment. The creation of the student accounts took a little
longer than expected. Both the client and the coach helped students create accounts in order to
help speed up the process.
The expectation for the assessment was for student performance to be good and for
students to be responsive to the idea of creating an infographic. The students put forth their best
efforts in creating the infographics and took pride in their finished product. The students
appeared to be very engaged throughout the completion of the assessment. According to the
client, it seemed as if the students were more focused watching the OER video than they
normally were during other videos that have been shown throughout the course of the class. The
students may have been more attentive because they were excited about the performance task
and the creation of their own work to show learning and understanding.

Report of Impact on Student Learning

The 4th grade class consisted of 11 female students and seven male students for a total of
18 students. Five females and two males were identified as Caucasian. Five females and four
males were identified as African Americans. One female and one male were identified as
Hispanic. The whole class average for the assessment was 92.16%. The females averaged
91.82% and the males averaged 92.71%. The Caucasians averaged 93.43%, the African
Americans averaged 90.67%, and the Hispanics averaged 94.5%. The Hispanic female
outperformed the Caucasian and African American females. The Caucasian males outperformed
the African American and Hispanic males. Overall, the scores for the assessment were very
good. Both the client and the coach were satisfied with student performance.
Average by Race and Gender
Caucasian Female 92%

Caucasian Male 97%

African American Female 90%

African American Male 91.5%

Hispanic Female 100%

Hispanic Male 89%

Future Instructional Plans

A review of the data was conducted with the client. The client was pleased with student
performance, student engagement, and the finished products of the assessment. The client stated
the students performed better on this assessment than they typically do on more traditional
assessments such as multiple choice and short answer tests. The client also states the students
were more engaged during instruction time and during the time they were working on the
assessment. The client said she had not seen student excitement levels that high in a long time.
The client was very pleased with the results of student performance. The client did not
believe much revision needed to be made to the water cycle instruction. The client suggested
allowing the students to present their completed infographics to their classmates. This would
help enrich the project and also give the client an even better understanding of student
knowledge. The coach and the client also discussed allowing students to choose other ways to
present this information and not limit students to only being able to create an infographic. The
client could allow students to create a slideshow, comic, poster, video, infographic, or animation.
This would allow students to have more choice and control of their creation. The client would
still provide a list of Web 2.0 tools the students could use, but the student would choose the tool
based on the way they would want to present the information.
During implementation, there was some confusion among the students when they were
creating their account for the infographic tool they wanted to use. In future instruction, the client
will create a document that has step-by-step instructions for the account setup process for each
Web 2.0 tool the student may choose to use. The document would provide screenshots to make
it easier for students to follow. The client would provide the instructions document to students
based on the Web 2.0 tool they plan to use for the assessment.

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