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I. Cardiovascular
What is Aerobic Training? 1
The Right Aerobic Workout 1
Basic Diet for Aerobics 7
Aerobic Training Tips 9
Benefits of Aerobic Training 10

II. General Fitness

Getting Started -
Key Fitness Components 11
Fitness Centers 13
Fitness Programs 19
Sports Injuries 30
Fitness Motivation 38

III. Meditation
Concepts of Meditation 39
Meditation in your Life 41
Meditation Techniques 44
Necessary Equipment -
Origin of Meditation 48
Where to Practice Meditation 53

IV. Nutrition
Nutritional Basics 57
Vitamins & Minerals 58
Healthy and Healing Herbs 59
Vedic Culture of India 62
Healthy Food Recipes 65

V. Pilates
Concepts of Pilates 67
Necessary Equipment 69
Origin of Pilates 72
Pilates in Your Life 73
Where to Practice Pilates 76

VI. Skin & Beauty
Face & Body 79
Hair & Scalp 82
Non-Surgical Treatments -
Surgical Treatments -
Skin Conditions -

VII. Weight Loss

Approaches to Weight Loss 85
Your Weight Loss Plan 89
Your Optimum Weight 89
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 93
Diet and Caloric Intake 96
Setting Weight Loss Goals 97
Weight Loss Strategies 103
Nutritional Strategies 100
Weight Loss Programs -

VIII. Weight Training

Benefits of Weight Training 106
Beginners Guide 108
Strength training 109
Body Building 114
Nutritional Requirements 120
Weight Training Tips 126

IX. Yoga
Concepts of Yoga 134
Necessary Equipment 138
Origin of Yoga 142
Where to Practice Yoga 144
Yoga in Your Life 149
Yoga Style 153

Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name:Rose Ashley S.
Course: B.S. Architecture
Subject: Physical Education I (P.E. I)
Title of The Report: What is Aerobic Training? & the Right Aerobic Workout
INSTRUCTOR: Ms. PaulaneNavalta

What is Aerobic Exercise?

By definition, aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and heart rate
will increase during aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise helps keep your heart,
lungs, and circulatory system healthy. According to AAP (American Academy of
Pediatrics), Aerobic training exercise are any activities that increase and make
breathing somewhat harder. Examples are walking/hiking, jogging/running,
biking, swimming, rowing, in-line skating, cross-country skiing, exercising on a
stair or elliptical machine.
Other activities when don in a constant and continuous way, can be aerobic such as
tennis, racquetball, squash, and the martial arts. Weight training, however, is not
aerobic because it is on in a short bursts of few minutes at a time. It is anaerobic
because it requires quick bursts of energy performing maximum effort at short


How often and how long should athletes train?
To achieve a training response, athletes should exercise 3 to 5 times per week for at
least 20 to 60 minutes. Fitness level can be improved with as little as 10 minutes
of exercise if done 2 to 3 times per day. If the goal is also to lose body fat,
athletes should exercise for at least 30 to 60 minutes. Athletes who are not fit will
need to start with lesser amounts of exercise. They can slowly add more time as
their endurance improves. Increasing the level of exercise at about 10% per
week is a good goal to prevent overuse injury.

Cross-training can help reduce the risk of overuse injuries. This is done by
alternating different kinds of activities. To avoid putting too much stress on the
body and help prevent injuries, it is wise to alternate high-impact activities, like
running, with low-impact exercises, like walking, cycling, and swimming.
How hard should athletes train?

Training at low to moderate intensity levels is enough to improve endurance. In
general, this level of intensity is more enjoyable and less likely to lead to injuries
than high-intensity training.

However, aerobic training programs should be designed to match each athlete’s

fitness level. There are 3 ways to measure aerobic training intensity.

1. The “talk test.” During a workout, athletes should be able to say a few words
comfortably, catch their breath, and resume talking. If it is difficult to say a few
words, then athletes should probably slow down. If athletes can talk easily
without getting out of breath, then they are probably not training hard enough.

2. Heart rate. Aerobic training occurs when heart rate during exercise is between
60% to 90% of maximal heart rate. Athletes can figure out their maximal heart
rate by subtracting their age from 220.
How to Calculate Maximal Heart Rate (HR) Between 60% to 90%

Maximal HR = 220 – your age)

60% maximal HR = 0.6 X (220 – your age)
90% maximal HR = 0.9 X (220 – your age)

Example for a 15-year-old

Maximal HR: 220 – 15 = 205

60% maximal HR: 0.6 x 205 = 123
90% maximal HR: 0.9 x 205 = 184.5
Target HR range for aerobic training is 123 to 184 beats per minute.

3. Level of difficulty. Athletes can determine how hard the exercise feels on a scale
of 1 to 10 using the Borg Scale of perceived exertion. The ideal range for aerobic
training is between 2 to 7.

Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion —

How to Tell How Hard You Are Exercising
0. Nothing at all
0.5 Very, very weak
1 Very weak
2 Weak
3 Moderate
4 Somewhat strong

5 strong
7 Very strong
9 Very, very strong
10 Maximal


Cardiovascular exercises can be done at home. There are many you can do with
little to no equipment, too. Always warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before starting
any exercise.

Jump rope
Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers), jump rope
Benefits: Jumping rope helps develop better body awareness, hand-foot
coordination, and agility.
Safety: Your jump rope should be adjusted for your height. Stand with both feet on
the middle of the rope and extend the handles to your armpits. That’s the height
you’re going for. If it’s too long, cut or tie it to avoid tripping on the rope.
Duration and frequency: 15 to 25 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week
Following a jump rope circuit is a great indoor or outdoor activity, though you’ll want
to make sure you have plenty of space. Your circuit routine should take 15 to 25
minutes to complete.
If you’re a beginner:
Start by jogging forward as you swing the jump rope over your head and under your
feet. Do this move for 15 seconds.
Next, reverse your direction and jog backward as you continue to swing the jump
rope. Do this move for 15 seconds.
Finish your set by doing a hopscotch jump for 15 seconds. To do this move, jump
rope in place, and as you jump, alternate between jumping your feet out to the
sides and then back to the center, similar to how you’d move them while doing
jumping jacks. Do this move for 15 seconds.
Rest for 15 seconds between sets.
Repeat 18 times.
If you’re an intermediate exerciser, you can perform the moves for 30 seconds and
rest for 30 seconds between sets. The advanced circuit should be performed for
60 seconds at a time, followed by 60 seconds of rest.

Aerobic strength circuit
Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers), sturdy chair or couch for dips
Benefits: This exercise increases heart and cardiovascular health, builds up
strength, and tones major muscle groups.
Safety: Focus on proper form with each exercise to avoid injury. Keep your heart
rate at a moderate level throughout. You should be able to carry on a brief
conversation during this exercise.
Duration and frequency: 15 to 25 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week
This aerobic circuit is designed to get your heart rate up. Perform the following
strength exercises for 1 minute:
 squats
 lunges
 pushups
 dips
 torso twist
Then jog or march in place for 1 minute for your active rest. This is one circuit.
Repeat the circuit 2 to 3 times. You can rest for up to 5 minutes between circuits.
Cool down afterward with some light stretching.
Running or jogging
Equipment: running shoes
Benefits: Running is one of the most effective forms of aerobic exercise. It can
improve heart health, burn fat and calories, and lift your mood, just to name a
Safety concerns: Choose well-lit, populated running routes. Let someone know
where you’ll be.
Duration and frequency: 20 to 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times per week
If you’re a beginner, run for 20 to 30 minutes twice a week. Your pace should be
conversational during the run. You can alternate between 5 minutes of running
and 1 minute of walking to start. To stay injury-free, always stretch after your run.

Equipment: gym shoes (sneakers)
Benefits: Walking daily can reduce your risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high
blood pressure, and depression.
Safety: Walk in well-lit and populated areas. Choose shoes that offer good ankle
support to reduce your risk for injury.
Duration and frequency: 150 minutes per week, or 30 minutes 5 days a week
If walking is your main form of exercise, aim to get 150 minutes per week. This can
be broken down into 30 minutes of walking 5 days a week. Or, walk briskly for 10
minutes at a time, 3 times each day.

You can also use a fitness tracker to keep tabs on how many steps you take each
day. If your goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day, start with your base (current
amount you walk) and slowly up your daily step count. You can do this by
increasing your daily steps by an extra 500 to 1,000 steps a day every 1 to 2
So, once you’ve identified your base, add an extra 500 to 1,000 steps. Then, 1 to 2
weeks later, increase your daily step count by an additional 500 to 1,000 steps.


Your local gym is a great place to get in some aerobic exercise. They probably have
equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines. There may be
a pool for you to swim laps in, too.
If you aren’t sure how to use a type of exercise equipment, always ask a
professional or trainer for assistance.

Equipment: pool, swimsuit, goggles (optional)
Benefits: Swimming is a low-impact exercise, so it’s good for people prone to or
recovering from an injury or living with limited mobility. It can help you tone your
muscles and build strength and endurance.
Safety: Avoid swimming alone and, if possible, choose a pool with a lifeguard on
duty. If you’re new to swimming, begin by enrolling in swim lessons.
Duration and frequency: 10 to 30 minutes, 2 to 5 times a week. Add 5 minutes to
your swim time each week to increase your duration.
If your gym has a pool, try swimming as aerobic exercise. It’s a nonimpact workout,
so it’s a good choice if you’re prone to injury. You’re also increasing your heart
rate, toning your muscles, and building strength and endurance — all without
adding additional strain to your body.

You can start by swimming laps using one stroke, such as freestyle. As you swim
more, add additional strokes. For example, you could do 1 to 4 laps of freestyle
followed by 1 to 4 laps of breaststroke or backstroke.
If you get tired, rest on the side of the pool between laps. Always follow the safety
instructions and guidelines of the pool where you swim.

Stationary bike
Equipment: stationary bike
Benefits: This low-impact exercise can help develop leg strength.

Safety: Ask a trainer at the gym for help adjusting the bike so that the seat is the
correct height. This will help reduce your risk for injury or falling off the bike.
If you’re biking at home, a general rule is to adjust the bike seat height to maintain a
5- to 10-degree bend in your knee before reaching full extension. Doing so
reduces compression on your knee joint. It’s not recommended to fully extend
your knee while peddling on a stationary bike.
Duration and frequency: 35 to 45 minutes, 3 times per week
Riding a stationary bike is another option for low-impact cardio. Stationary bikes are
a good cardiovascular workout, help you develop leg strength, and are easy to
use. Many gyms and workout studios offer spin classes, which use stationary
bikes. But you can still benefit from a stationary bike workout without taking a
After stretching and warming up by cycling at an easy rhythm for 5 to 10 minutes,
increase your pace to 15 miles per hour and aim for 20 to 30 minutes of steady
cycling. Cool down for 5 minutes. Stretch to finish.

Equipment: elliptical machine
Benefits: Elliptical machines provide a good cardiovascular workout that’s less
stressful on the knees, hips, and back compared to the treadmill or running on
the road or trails.
Safety: Look forward, not down. Use the handlebars if you feel unsteady or to help
you get on and off the machine.
Duration and frequency: 20 to 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times per week
The elliptical machine may seem intimidating at first, but it’s easy to use once you
get the hang of it. After warming up, keep your posture upright while you use
your legs in a pedal motion to move the machine. Look forward the entire time,
not down at your feet. Keep your shoulders back and abdominal muscles
engaged. Cool down and exit the machine to stretch.
Increase the resistance on the machine for a more challenging workout.

Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559
Name: Althea Denise B.
Course: B.S. Architecture
Subject: Physical Education I (P.E. I)
Title of The Report: Basic Diet For Aerobics
Aerobic Training Tips
Benefits of Aerobic Training
INSTRUCTOR: Ms. PaulaneNavalta

I. Cardiovascular

Food and Aerobics

There are different dietary and nutritional

requirements for each method used to increase levels
of general fitness. The food that you eat serves as
fuel for the various activities in which you partake.
Different activities require different fuels and thus
require different foods.
While some people consider dieting to be a
difficult task, you can follow some simple rules to
ensure that your diet compliments your aerobic
training. Follow these rules when designing your
aerobic dietary plan:
 Water
o Drink plenty of water.
 Eight glasses of water (8 oz.) are recommended. However, physical
activity increases these requirements.
Whenever you participate in an aerobic
activity, you should drink water during every
break. As breaks should occur at fifteen-
minute intervals, you will likely get plenty of
water. You should not drink cold water when
exercising. Doing so can be refreshing, but it
can also cause stomach cramps. Drink water
that is at room temperature while working out.
o Many people consider sports
drinks that contain electrolytes as a viable
alternative to water. This is certainly the case if your workout lasts more
than 45 minutes. Any less than 45 minutes and the sports drink simply
becomes empty calories. Stick to water for short workouts. If you are
participating in a sporting event (baseball, football, hockey), sports drinks
are an excellent choice to maintain energy levels.

 Carbohydrates
o The majority of your diet should
consist of healthy, natural
carbohydrates. These should not
come from sugars (even though
sugar is packed with
carbohydrates). Obtain your
carbohydrates from natural
sources such as rice and whole
o Ideally, your diet should consist of
3.6 grams of carbohydrates for each pound that you weight. As you can
see, this can really add up quite quickly depending on your weight.
o Before participating in an aerobic activity, have a small snack that consists
of both protein and carbohydrates. This snack could occur right before the
activity but should occur about 20 minutes before.
o If you have a drive to the gym or shower in the morning before working
out, eat your snack in the car or before you shower. Keep the snack very
small. Half of an energy bar is acceptable as the pre-workout snack. You
can eat the other half when you are done to replenish energy stores.

 Protein
o If you are adding strength training
to your aerobic routine, protein is
especially important. However, all
aerobic trainers should consider
protein to be an integral part of
their diet. After all, the amino acids
that make up proteins are the
small acids that make every
biological function of your body
possible. For those trying to lose
weight, diets high in protein and
fiber are very likely to curb
cravings and make you feel full faster and longer.
o On a very basic level, it is recommended that you eat 1.4 to 1.8 grams of
protein per kilogram of body weight each day. This is usually simple with a
meal that includes a lean cut of meat and snacks of healthy nuts
(almonds, walnuts) and energy bars during the day. Advanced aerobic
trainers and strength trainers may require more protein than the beginner
during the day. As a general rule, aerobic training should make you feel

stronger and healthier. If you feel weak or faint, chances are that your diet
is low in either carbohydrates or protein.

 The Aerobic Training Diet

o Aerobic training has its own dietary and
nutritional requirements that are unique
from any other form of training. To fully
understand the needs inherent to
aerobic training it is important to
understand just exactly how aerobic
training works.
o By providing your body with its required
dietary and nutritional needs you will
put yourself in a much better position to
succeed in your efforts to meet your
general fitness needs. Along with this, it will also make your efforts much
more efficient.
o With how hectic the average person’s life is these days, you want to be
assured that you are gaining the maximum benefits possible in your time
devoted to physical activity.
o This can be assured by making sure that your body has all of the dietary
and nutritional requirements that needed for aerobic activity.
o There are a number of different specific diets that you can follow along
with a number of different tips about foods that you should consume more
of and foods that you should try to avoid. There is also information
pertaining to what your dietary habits should be like directly preceding and
directly following an aerobic workout.
o Many believe that it is during this time that you should be most concerned
with obtaining your dietary and nutritional requirements as it is important to
understand that when your body exerts a high level of energy it depletes
its reserves of many important nutrients.


 Aerobic training is likely the method that is

most familiar to the average person in terms
of trying to improve general levels of fitness
through physical activity. Much of what we
consider exercise falls under the category of
aerobic training.
 By definition, aerobic training involves
improving cardiovascular endurance through
elevating the heart rate for an extended
period of time. More specifically, in order to
achieve an aerobic effect you must elevate your heart rate to your target heart rate
and maintain that level for a minimum of 20 consecutive minutes.

 Yet, there is a great deal of variation in the ways that people go about implementing
aerobic training into their lives. With such great variation, it seems necessary to also
be aware of general tips and rules to which you should adhere.


 Here are some of the many benefits of aerobic exercise:
•Increases the efficiency of respiration
•Improves blood volume, distribution, and delivery to
•Improves cardiovascular efficiency
• Increases the stroke volume, or the amount of blood
pumped from the ventricle during each contraction of
the heart
•Increases cardiac output, or the volume of blood
pumped by the heart each minute
•Decreases resting heart rate
•Improves the condition and efficiency of breathing
•Improves the efficiency of movement
• Improves the body’s ability to use fat as an energy
•Improves body composition by decreasing body fat
•Strengthens muscles
•Strengthens ligaments, tendons and bones
• Helps decrease the risk of developing coronary artery disease, cancer
and diabetes
•Helps decrease anxiety and stress
•Helps you feel better overall


10 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Lopez, Rachel C.

Course: BS Architecture
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1
Tittle Report: General Fitness and Key Fitness Components
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Navalta
Having physical exercise regularly is one of the best things you can do for your
Soon after you start exercising, you'll begin to see and feel the benefits that physical
activity can have on your body and well-being. However, working exercise into
your routine takes a lot of determination, and sticking to it in the long term
requires discipline. If you're considering starting to exercise but don't know where
to begin, this article is for you.
Here's all you need to know
about starting a routine and
sticking to it. Regular exercise
has been shown to significantly
improve your health.
Its greatest benefits include
helping you achieve and
maintain a healthy body weight,
maintain muscle mass and
reduce your risk of chronic
Additionally, research has
shown that exercise can lift your
mood, boost your mental health,
help you sleep better. And that's
not all — it can also help you maintain good energy levels.
In short, exercise is powerful and can change your life.
Involving to any physical fitness can improve mental function, reduce your risk of
chronic disease and help you lose weight.
When we think of the word “fitness,” what comes to mind. Do we thinks think about
the fastest mile you’ve ever run, or the most weight you’ve ever squatted? Total
fitness can be defined by how well the body performs in each one of the
components of physical fitness as a whole. It is not enough to be able to bench

11 | P a g e
press your body weight. You also need to determine how well you can handle
running a mile etc. Physical fitness can be measured in many different ways and
I will brake it down into 10 physical fitness components that we can all work to
develop over time to achieve physical competence.
Since then, these 10 physical fitness components have been adopted by CrossFit,
and are the basis for the programming you will see in every box around the

12 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Santos, Jervin O.

Course: BS Architecture 1
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1
Report: Chapter 2: General Fitness – Fitness Centers and Fitness Tips
Instructor: Ms.Paulane Rojas Navalta

Fitness Center

There are several

different typesoffitnesscenters, and the
fitness center that you decide to join should
be the one that best provides the amenities
you are seeking, offers a comfortable
atmosphere, is ideally located, and is within
your price range. Prior to choosing a fitness
center, you should give some thought to
determining the types of amenities required to
facilitate your specific fitness goals.
More specifically, your decision in a
fitness center should be based on the types
of physical activities you plan on
incorporating into your fitness routine. Spend
some time determining which physical
activities you enjoy the most. Once you have determined the types of amenities that
are required to support your personal fitness goals, evaluate each fitness center against
this criteria. By doing so, you will find that it is easier to maintain your motivation, and
the likelihood that you stick with your fitness routine will increase as well. The following
will define several types of fitness centers and the typical amenities that they offer.

Different Types of Fitness Centers

Aerobic Centers

Aerobic centers typically feature activities

designed to focus on cardiovascular health and
well-being. Aerobic centers generally offer a wide
variety of classes associated with cardiovascular
health, muscle toning and flexibility. This type of fitness center typically provides a wide

13 | P a g e
variety of aerobic activities, with classes including traditional, step, dance, strength
training and martial arts (kick boxing) styles.
Many aerobic centers facilitate the use of several types of cardiovascular
equipment (stationary bikes, treadmills, stair climbers and ellipticals).
Yoga Centers

Yoga centers and studios offer classes

conducted by trained instructors and focus on
techniques associated with deep breathing, mental
and physical relaxation, and movements that are
designed to increase flexibility and elongation of
muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons. In addition,
there are several types and styles of yoga that focus on
developing overall body toning and structural
One of the primary benefits of regularly performing a yoga class is to center,
focus, and calm the mind. For this reason, many members of this type of fitness center
partake in the practice of yoga solely for the benefits related to the mental aspects of
relaxation and stress-relief that yoga provides.
Dance Centers

Dance centers offer a variety of dance classes

designed to teach the individual how to perform specific
styles of dance. Dance allows the individual will improve
their cardiovascular health, flexibility, structural
strength, balance and coordination.
A dance center membership may be an excellent addition to an individual's
overall fitness routine. Many dance routines are very precise and require that the
individual focus on the correct posture, movements and timing associated with the
specific type of dance.
Pilates Centers

Pilates centers have increased in number over

the last decade. This is due in part to the fact that Pilates
is an excellent form of exercise that not only focuses on
the physical aspects of good health, but the mental
aspects as well.
There are seven main principles associated with the practice of Pilates:
1. Proper Alignment
2. Centering
3. Concentration

14 | P a g e
4. Control
5. Precision
6. Breathing
7. Flowing movement
Pilates is an excellent form of exercise that can be practiced at varying levels of
difficulty, thus allowing virtually anyone the ability to regularly participate in a class.

Gyms typically focus on weight lifting and

strength training. All gyms offer an extensive set of
free weights, dumbbells and weight machines that are
specifically designed to exercise, develop and
strengthen the muscles. Although many gyms
provide cardiovascular equipment and sometimes
offer aerobic classes, the primary focus is on weight
For individuals that are primarily interested in weight lifting and strength training,
a gym may be the ideal choice, as most of the members will be solely focused on
weight training as well.
This being said, most gyms have personal trainers and members that are very
knowledgeable in the field of weight training and can provide guidance for the beginner.
Personal trainers and members can provide the beginner with information related
to workout programs, dietary requirements and
nutritional supplementation.
Athletic Clubs

Athletic centers or clubs provide a place for

individuals to participate in virtually all of the amenities
of a fitness center along with the ability to compete in a
sport. Common sports activities include basketball,
racquetball, squash and tennis. A member of an
athletic club will have access to a wide range of
activities, and hence the ability to choose the types
of exercises and events to incorporate into their
fitness routine. In addition, many athletic clubs
provide an on-site restaurant/bar for their members.
Country Clubs
Country clubs typically provide many of the
amenities of a fitness center along with a golf
course. For individuals that enjoy the game of golf, a country club may be the preferred
path. In addition, many country clubs also include dining as well.

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Most country clubs require that the member pay a yearly due to maintain their
membership. However, members will typically have to pay an additional fee for many of
the amenities that the country club offers. For example, members will have to pay a fee
each time they play a round of golf, albeit a reduced fee when compared to a non-
member. Hence, country clubs can be an expensive route for the individual that is on a
tight budget.
For many individuals there is a certain level of pride and prestige associated with
being a member of an exclusive members-only country club.
This being said, most country clubs are well kept, offer numerous activities and
events, and provide an environment that is appropriate for the entire family.

Fitness centers attempt to incorporate

several types of workout facilities into a single
location. For instance, most fitness centers offer
their members a free weight area (gym), weight
machines (gym), cardiovascular equipment (aerobic
and gym), aerobic classes (aerobic), yoga classes
(yoga), swimming pool, jacuzzis, saunas, tanning
beds and child daycare centers. It should be noted
some fitness centers do not offer all of the amenities
listed above, while others offer all of the amenities listed above and more.
Fitness centers provide a wide range of health, fitness, and exercise options, and
tend to attract a diverse array of members. The ratio of men to women, young to old,
single to married and heavy to thin will be very broad and balanced. This type of
environment provides a level of comfort for most individuals and works well across a
large percentage of the population.
In addition, virtually all fitness centers employ personal trainers. Personal
trainers educate members on how to utilize the equipment, design fitness routines with
their personal fitness goals in mind, and discuss the nutritional aspects associated with
good health and/or weight loss.
It is important to question the qualifications of each of the personal trainers.
Some personal trainers only have a fair knowledge of health and fitness. Many other
personal trainers have completed personal trainer courses provided by the fitness
center itself, while some personal trainers are certified by universities and other third
party institutions. In general, certified personal trainers will be the most
knowledgeable regarding health and fitness, and will be able to provide the greatest
amount of detailed information to the member.
By familiarizing yourself with the various types of fitness centers, you will help to
ensure that the fitness center you choose will provide you with the amenities,
environment and motivation necessary to begin your personal fitness routine.

16 | P a g e
By taking the time to first choose the type of physical activities that you enjoy and
then becoming a member of a fitness center that provides these activities, you will
guarantee yourself a life that is filled with health, fitness and mental well-being.
Fitness Tips

Very few individuals have all the

knowledge required to successfully
achieve our personal health and
fitness goals. Even for individuals that
do, there will always be room for
additional knowledge to assist in
maximizing your efforts to obtain an
even higher level of overall personal

With today's hectic and busy

lifestyles, it has become increasingly
more difficult to regularly set aside time to actually focus on our health, fitness, and
mental wellness. In fact, this can be easily witnessed by the elevated levels of obesity,
increases in the percentages of debilitating and chronic diseases, and generally poor
overall health that afflicts millions of individuals today.

There are several individual components that, when combined, can lead to poor
health. Below, there are list of several key components that are required to promote
good overall health, fitness, and mental well-being as truly good health is more than just
exercising or eating right.

There are several definitions that can be used to define what poor health is. For
instance, an individual may regularly exercise and consume a fairly healthy diet but only
sleep 2 to 3 hours a night. While the individual may appear healthy on the outside, their
immune system may be weak due to their consistent lack of adequate sleep.

In another example, an individual may appear healthy but regularly consume

foods that are highly processed and nutrient deficient. In this case, the individual will be
starving their body of the nutrients required to support the various bodily functions that
occur on a daily basis and over time.

Below are the lists of the seven key fitness components.

The Seven Fundamental Key Fitness Components

 Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning
 Strength Training and Muscular Development
 Stretching - Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons
 Core Stability

17 | P a g e
 Nutrition and Supplementation
 Mental Rest and Relaxation
 Sleep

Knowledge is Power

As with most challenges in life, knowledge is paramount to meeting the challenge

of health and fitness. The higher the level of knowledge an individual has regarding how
the human body works, the more successful they will be in implementing a lifestyle
that facilitates good health. If you simply think of your human body as a machine, like
an automobile, you would realize that you would have no ability to fix the automobile
without expert knowledge of how all the various parts work and interact with each other.
The human body is no different. In fact, the human body is the single most complex
machine ever created.

18 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Martin, Carl Angelo S.

Course: BS Architecture 1
Subject: Physical Activity towards Health and Fitness 1
Title: Chapter 2: General Fitness – Fitness Programs and Sports Fitness
Instructor: Ms.Paulane Rojas Navalta

Fitness Programs

Engaging into a fitness program is like

attempting to accomplish something in your
life.In order to accomplish it, it is always a
good idea to take the time to define the
specifics of your plan along with a set of
associated goals. By doing this, you increase
the chance or the probability to accomplish
your goal. A fitness program is also the same
as this. It includes defining your exercise and
nutritional program, setting your personal
fitness goals, and then executing upon your
There are 3 basic steps in making or starting a fitness program:
1. The fact that you have made the decision to take an active approach to your
personal fitness and begin a fitness program is the first step.
2. The fact that you are actively researching the best way to go about implementing
a fitness program is the second step.
3. Once you have decided on the types of fitness exercises in which you'll
participate, you will be ready to define your plan and personal goals.

Developing your Personal Fitness Program

It is said that the first step in starting a fitness program is making a decision to
begin doing it. The fitness program that you implement should be specifically
tailored to meet your fitness goals. For instance, a person who is training for a
bodybuilding competition is going to have a different fitness program than a
person who is training for a specific sport or a person who is focused on simply
improving their general level of fitness.

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There are various approaches that you can take in deciding which types of
exercises to incorporate into your personal fitness program:
1. Work with a personal fitness trainer
2. Discuss your fitness goals with a physically active friend or relative
3. Purchase several fitness magazines and fitness DVDs

The Seven Primary Elements

There are 7 primary elements associated
in obtaining fitness, health and mental well-being.
By focusing on the following elements into your
personal fitness program, you will be well on
achieving your goal. The following are the 7
primary elements that you should incorporate in
your personal fitness routine:

1. Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning
2. Strength Training and Muscular
3. Stretching - Muscle, Ligament, and Tendons
4. Core Stability
5. Nutrition and Supplementation
6. Mental Rest and Relaxation
7. Sleep

Here are 2 examples of a fitness program that incorporates the primary elements:
NOTE: The previous Fitness Programs assume that you are getting the appropriate
amount of sleep on a daily basis and consume a nutritional diet that is healthy.
Brisk walking 3x a week No less than 30 mins
Weight training 2x a week 10-30 mins
Yoga Atleast 3x a week
Aerobic Class 3x a week 10-50 mins
Weight Training 2x a week 10-30 mins
Meditation Atleast 3x a week

Aerobics Workout Program

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Aerobics is a unique form of exercise that includes targeting the cardiovascular
system, flexibility, coordination, strength and mental well-being. Aerobics, depending on
the specific type of aerobics performed, can facilitate targeting four of the seven key
components of good health, fitness and mental well-being, and is an excellent form of
exercise to incorporate into any fitness program.

Key fact in an areobic workout program:

1. Maintaining your target heart rate for a minimum of 20 consecutive minutes
provides an excellent cardiovascular workout.
2. Oxygen is a huge part of most aerobic programs
3. In order to achieve an aerobic effect, an individual will need to perform an
aerobic workout for a time period of
approximately 20 to 60 minutes
4. Sports that include a hard sprint, or a short
burst of energy, followed by a period of
moderate inactivity are not considered
effective aerobic workouts.
5. Many forms of aerobic activity facilitate a full-
body workout.

Benefits of an aerobic workout program:

1. lower blood pressure
2. lower body fat percentage
3. increased flexibility
4. coordination
5. balance
6. mind-body synergy
7. muscular strength
8. lessens psychological issues
9. reduce an individual's percentage of body fat

Examples of Aerobic Exercises:

1. walking briskly
2. bicycling
3. swimming laps
4. stair climbers
5. jogging
6. running
7. rowing machines


Cardiovascular workout equipment

is used to facilitate physical activity that
the human body can utilize to promote
good health, lose weight and even relieve stress.Achieving an aerobic effect through the

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use of a piece of cardiovascular workout equipment tends to be very efficient for an

Here are some of the examples of cardiovascular machines:

1. Treadmills - Treadmills are designed to allow the user the ability to walk, jog or
run, all while indoors. Treadmills have been proven to burn more calories per
time spent than many other cardiovascular machines that are similarly
2. Stairclimbers - The stair climber mimics the action of walking up stairs. These
machines offer a more challenging workout than a treadmill, and may cause
individuals to become fatigued much more quickly.
3. ExerciseBikes - Stationary bikes are another great way to exercise the lower
extremities of the human body and achieve an aerobic effect at the same time.
4. RowingMachines, Ellipticals and Circuit Weight Training - Other types of
cardiovascular workout equipment include rowing machines, which promote a
full-body workout as well as the ability to achieve an aerobic effect.Elliptical
machines provide an ideal full-body workout without the impact of running.
Elliptical machines are essentially a combination of a stair climber and a
treadmill.Circuit weight training equipment is designed to eliminate the need for
free weights and dumbbells.

kout Program

Pilates is a form of exercise that is similar in concept to yoga. However, when

compared to yoga, Pilates tends to focus more on balance and flexibility than
strength.Pilates focuses on developing core strength, toning muscle tissue, increasing
mental awareness and improving flexibility. One of the primary reasons that Pilates has
become so popular is the fact that it provides the human body with extensive muscle
tone, thus allowing for a much leaner appearance.

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Key fact in a pilates workout program:

1. Like yoga, Pilates has been regarded as an ideal activity to reduce stress and
refresh the body.
2. Pilates was conceived in the 1920’s by
Joseph Pilates.
3. Despite only becoming popular in the United
States over the last several years, Pilates has
now become one of the most talked-about
types of exercise in the country.
4. One of the aspects of Pilates that makes it
different from several other forms of exercise
is that it does not require that a high number
of repetitions be performed.
5. Pilates is one of the few exercise types that
are can be performed on a daily basis as the
typical poses are not overly intense and
hence, the body requires little time to recover.

Benefits of a pilates workout program:

1. tones every muscle in your body
2. strengthens your spinal column
3. reduces stress, anxiety and depression
4. improves flexibility
5. relieves joint and back pain
6. your abdominal muscles will become flatter and tighter
7. allows you to balance your schedule
8. developes core strength

There are six primary principles

associated with a Pilates fitness
1. centering
2. control
3. precision
4. concentration
5. breathing
6. flow

Examples of Pilates poses:

 Begin this position by lying in a prone position (lying face down and flat on the
floor) with your legs parallel to the floor behind you.
 Without compacting your shoulders, stretch your arms out in front of you so
that they are parallel to the floor.

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 Stretch your arms and legs so that they begin to lift from the floor at an acute
 Alternate between raising and lowering the left arm and left leg and the right
arm and right leg while continuing to stretch them as far out in front of you as
you can.
 Keep breathing while doing this so that you inhale on the left arm and left leg
and exhale on the right arm and right leg.
 This exercise should be repeated 10 times on each side.
 Begin this position by lying on the floor on your back with your arms on the
floor along your sides.
 While exhaling, roll your head and the upper half of your body upwards
towards your mid-section. Remain in this position while inhaling.
 While exhaling, straighten your arms so that they are along your body and
parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
 Now bring your legs up as well. Use your buttocks (the only part of your body
touching the floor) to keep your body balanced on the floor. Inhale deeply and
then exhale slowly.
 This exercise should be repeated 5 times.

Tai Chi Workout Program

Often regarded as the alternative to yoga, tai chi is a fluid, nearly effortless form
of exercise that is designed to relax and cleanse the body and refresh the mind. All tai
chi routines are targeted towards the development of, or obtainment of, stress
reduction, muscular toning, flexibility, coordination, and balance.The images of
individuals flowing through “dance-like” movements and poses as they participate in a
session of tai chi (pronounced tie-chee) are not only compelling, but calming as well. Tai
chi has been described as meditation in motion because it promotes a high level of
serenity through a series of gentle movements, connecting the mind and body.

Key facts in Tai Chi Workout Program:

1. Like many physical art forms, tai chi was originally developed in China as a form
of self-defense.
2. Tai chi is a form of exercise, both
physical and mental, that has
existed for over 2,000 years.
3. Tai chi, often times called tai chi
chuan, is a noncompetitive, non-
aggressive, self-paced routine of
gentle physical exercise and
4. Virtually anyone, regardless of age or physical ability, can participate in tai chi as
it does not require a high level of physical strength or agility

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5. Tai chi is an excellent form of exercise for older adults because the movements
are low-impact and place a minimal level of stress on the muscles and joints.
6. Tai chi does not require special clothing or equipment and can be performed in
the comfort of your own home.

Benefits of Tai Chi workout Program:

1. A reduction in anxiety, stress, tension and depression
2. Improved balance and coordination
3. A reduction in the number of falls due to a lack of strength, balance or range of
4. Improved sleep quality (i.e. remaining asleep longer at night and feeling more alert
during the day)
5. A decrease in the rate of bone loss in women after menopause
6. Lower blood pressure
7. Improved cardiovascular fitness
8. Reduction in chronic pain
9. Improvement in everyday physical and mental functioning

Examples of Tai Chi routine:

 Begin in a sitting position.
 Keep your right toes facing forward while moving your left leg out to the left,
with your toes facing to the left. Lean backwards and place your left hand on
the floor.
 While keeping your eyes on your right hand, lift it up so that your shoulders
form a straight line to the floor. sunshine coast plumbing specialists
 If the pose is done correctly, there should be two visible triangles from the
front - one with your legs and another formed by your left arm and leg.
 Begin in a sitting position with your legs crossed and your back straight.
 Put your hands on your belly and feel the air filling your chest cavity.
 As you exhale, feel the abdominal muscles contract.
 Try breathing in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth (pursed
 Begin in the previous starting position.
 While leaning back, let your air out. Keep your back straight so that your body
is diagonal with the floor.
 Raise your arms to form the letter "Z" with your body (as viewed from the
 Return to the starting position and perform the same exercise 15 times.
Weight Training Workout Program

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Weight training is a specific type of strength training. This being said, all exercise
routines should include some form of strength training in order to create a well-rounded
approach to good health and fitness.The way in
which you design your weight training program
can make the difference between achieving
your personal health and fitness goals or
abandoning them altogether.Prior to actually
beginning your weight training routine, you will
want to take some time to define the specific
details associated with your personal health and
fitness goals.

4 Items to consider in starting a weight

training workout program:
1. Timeframe
2. Amount of time you can dedicate
3. Meet your personal fitness goals
4. Monitor your results

3 Types of weight training:

1. High Intensity Training:
This type of weight training is typically performed at least 3 to 6 times per week.
Each workout, in general, will target 2 or 3 primary muscle groups.The exercises
are intended to be performed in a progressive fashion with a lower number of
repetitions per set until another set of the same exercise would be too difficult to
complete. Gains in lean muscle mass are intended to occur every weight training
2. Periodization:
This type of training relies on focusing efforts over the long term. Workouts are
generally performed 3 or 4 times a week, but you may
spend the first few weeks focusing on endurance, then switch to a heavier load, and
then for the final weeks of the weight training routine do very heavy loads.
3. Hard Gainer:
Many people do not adhere to just one style of training, instead applying of mix of
the two to their overall weight training plan. In general, when people work
different muscle groups every time they exercise (i.e. Monday: Arms, Chest,
Shoulders; Tuesday: Legs, Back, Abdominals) they are using this hybrid method
of exercise, usually referred to as "hard gainer."
 Work the same muscle group twice per week.
 Last 45 minutes or longer.
 Be performed 5 times a week.

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 Last 11 continuous weeks before the occurrence of a week and a half break.

Workout Program for Yoga

Designing an effective yoga workout program is largely dependent on your
personal fitness goals and the specific benefits you want to achieve from yoga.
Yoga is a very versatile physical and mental activity in that its primary focus is on
developing strength, flexibility, mental stability and calmness, as well as physical
and mental balance.
Key facts in Tai Chi Workout Program:
1. The type of yoga that you practice will ultimately determine the types of benefits
you will receive
2. While virtually all yoga poses will increase an individual's strength and flexibility,
there are specific types and styles of yoga that focus more intensely on strength,
balance, a cardiovascular effect and flexibility.
3. When you define and set up your personal yoga routine, you should focus on
designing a sequence of poses in an order that allows for a smooth transition
from one pose to the next.
4. For individuals that decide to participate in a yoga class, simply follow along with
the instructor.For individuals that plan on performing their yoga routine at home
with DVDs or VCR tapes, again, simply follow along with the instructor.
5. When designing your program, it is important to keep in mind that yoga is
intended to be a fluid art that seamlessly combines a series of poses and/or a
sequence of movements to promote an overall benefit to the body, mind and
mind-body connection

6 Several Types of Yoga:

A union of the mind and body with
Traditional a focus on improving flexibility of
Yoga the joints, muscles, ligaments and
Almost solely devoted to achieving
Relaxing a relaxed, centered and balanced
Yoga mind.

Fast Paced Designed to raise the heart rate

Yoga and build strength.
Flexibility Primarily focused on increasing
Yoga flexibility.
Can encompass virtually any
pose, but its primary purpose is
stress reduction.
Chanting Solely designed to reduce stress

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Yoga and create a centered and balance

Sports fitness requires that an individual take a slightly different approach
to improving their level of fitness. Sports fitness requires an expert level of
knowledge of the sport, as well as an understanding of the physical and mental
requirements necessary to succeed. The quicker an individual gains the
knowledge and understanding of a particular sport, the quicker they can design a
fitness routine that specifically focuses on the key aspects of that sport..
One of the primary reasons why many individuals begin to take an active
interest in their general level of health and fitness is to improve their performance
in a particular sport. Participating in a sport requires that an individual be in peak
physical and mental condition if they are going to compete at a high level and
have a reasonable chance of winning. The primary logic of sports dictates that
the person or team that is most skilled in all aspects of the game being played
will prevail victorious the majority of the time.
Choosing the Appropriate Sport for you
Choosing a sport in which to participate can be a tough decision. It is,
however, an important one. Participating in a sport that you don't enjoy simply
because it has the greatest health benefits is unwise and counterproductive.The
amount of calories burned or muscle mass gained is almost always trumped by
the passion and enjoyment of actually playing the game. If you don't enjoy the
specific sport that you're participating in, you will almost certainly fail to be

Here are some of the Key factors in choosing

the right sport for you:
1. COST - Some sports are more expensive than
others. While almost every sport can be enjoyed
in a modified way (with reduced equipment),
finding a sport in which you can participate
competitively is important to personal
development. Startup costs for sports can vary,
but as a general rule, hockey, boxing and golf
are among the most expensive. The least
expensive sports include running, swimming and
2. LOCATION - Whether or not there is a nearby
physical location to participate in the sport you're
considering is obviously an important factor.

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3. PHYSICAL FITNESS - Often times, an individual may want to participate in a
specific sport before they are physically prepared to safely play the game. Never
let your physical condition or limitations determine your long-term goals.
Choosing a sport that you are not yet able to play can have a great effect on
motivation and commitment to an exercise program.
4. TIME - Some sports require a very large time commitment. Not only do you have
to meet for team practices, but you are expected to find time on your own to
prepare for practices through exercise. If you find yourself short on time but still
want to compete, you may want to try a sport that is very training-heavy but only
holds events on occasion.
One of the most difficult decisions that many people face is whether to
exercise or watch television. However, if you are the type of individual that has
difficulty choosing which sport to play, and watching television is not one of them,
you are already on the right track. Simply weigh the pros and cons between the
various sports that you are considering and thereafter, choose the one that best
suits your specific goals and objectives.
When choosing a sport, make sure you have a place to play, the money
necessary to purchase the appropriate apparel and equipment, the time
necessary to train, practice, and play the game, and have fun.

29 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Sorrera, Zayin Kristin F.

Course: BS Architecture 1
Subject: Physical Activity towards Health and Fitness 1
Title: Chapter 2: Sports Injuries and Fitness Motivation
Instructor: Ms.Paulane Rojas Navalta

Sports Injuries
• refers to the kinds of injury that occur during sports or exercise
• The term “sports injuries” is commonly used to refer to injuries of the
musculoskeletal system.

Most common injuries

• 1. Sprain
• 2. Strain
• 3. Shin splints
• 4. Achilles tendonitis
• 5. Fracture
• 6. Dislocation

A sprain is a stretch or tear in a ligament. Ligaments are bands of fibrous
tissue that connect bones to bones at joints.
An ankle sprain often occurs when the foot suddenly twists or rolls, forcing
the ankle joint out of its normal position. During physical activity, the ankle may
twist inward as a result of sudden or unexpected movement. This causes one or
more ligaments around the ankle to stretch or tear.
Symptoms of an ankle sprain

You may have a sprained ankle if you notice the following symptoms in the
 swelling  pain
 tenderness  inability to put weight on the
 bruising affected ankle

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 skin discoloration  stiffness

How to prevent ankle sprains

 Stretch before and after you exercise.

 Do special exercises that strengthen the muscles around your ankle
 Do special exercises to improve your balance.
 If you have had ankle problems before, ask your doctor about taping your ankle or
wearing an ankle brace.

First aid

1. Rest
2. Ice
3. Compress
4. Elevate

A muscle strain, or pulled muscle, occurs when your muscle is
overstretched or torn. This usually occurs as a result of fatigue, overuse, or
improper use of a muscle.
Strains can happen in any muscle, but they’re most common in your lower
back, neck, shoulder, and hamstring, which is the muscle behind your thigh
This can be caused by:
 not warming up properly before physical activity
 poor flexibility
 poor conditioning
 overexertion and fatigue

Symptoms of muscle strains

You’ll usually feel a muscle strain as it occurs. Symptoms include:
 sudden onset of pain  a “knotted-up” feeling
 soreness  muscle spasms
 limited range of movement  stiffness
 bruising or discoloration  weakness
 swelling
First aid for muscle strains
 rest  elevation
 ice
 compression Shin Splints

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The term “shin splints” describes pain felt along the front of your lower leg,
at the shin bone. This pain concentrates in the lower leg between
the knee and ankle.
Shin splints can also result from stress rea\ctions to bone fractures. The
constant pounding can cause minute cracks in the bones of the leg. The body
can repair the cracks if given time to rest.
Symptoms of shin splints
People with shin splints will experience some of the following symptoms:
 a dull ache in the front part of the lower leg
 pain that develops during exercise
 pain on either side of the shin bone
 muscle pain
 pain along the inner part of the lower leg
 tenderness or soreness along the inner part of the lower leg
 swelling in the lower leg (usually mild, if present)
 numbness and weakness in the feet

Treating shin splints

Home remedies
The suggested amount of downtime is typically about two weeks. During this
time, you can engage in sports or activities that are less likely to cause additional
harm to your legs. These activities include swimming or walking.
 Keep your legs elevated.
 Use ice packs to reduce swelling. Shop for cold compresses.
 Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen (Advil)
or naproxen sodium (Aleve). Shop for ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.
 Wear elastic compression bandages. Shop for elastic compression bandages.
 Use a foam roller to massage your shins. Shop for foam rollers.

Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is caused by repetitive or intense strain on the Achilles

tendon, the band of tissue that connects your calf muscles to your heel bone.
This tendon is used when you walk, run, jump or push up on your toes.

Achilles tendinitis can weaken the tendon, making it more vulnerable to a tear
(rupture) — a painful injury that usually requires surgical repair.


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The pain associated with Achilles tendinitis typically begins as a mild ache in the
back of the leg or above the heel after running or other sports activity. Episodes
of more-severe pain may occur after prolonged running, stair climbing or
You might also experience tenderness or stiffness, especially in the morning, which
usually improves with mild activity.

While it may not be possible to prevent Achilles tendinitis, you can take measures to
reduce your risk:

 Increase your activity level gradually. Take it easy. Avoid activities that place
excessive stress on your tendons, such as hill running. Choose your shoes
 Stretch daily.
 Strengthen your calf muscles. Strong calf muscles enable the calf and Achilles
tendon to better handle the stresses they encounter with activity and exercise.
 Cross-train. Alternate high-impact activities, such as running and jumping, with
low-impact activities, such as cycling and swimming.

Tendinitis usually responds well to self-care measures. But if your signs and
symptoms are severe or persistent, your doctor might suggest other treatment options.


If over-the-counter pain medications — such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or

naproxen (Aleve) — aren't enough, your doctor might prescribe stronger medications to
reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Physical therapy
A physical therapist might suggest some of the following treatment options:

 Exercises. Therapists often prescribe specific stretching and strengthening

exercises to promote healing and strengthening of the Achilles tendon and its
supporting structures.

 Orthotic devices. A shoe insert or wedge that slightly elevates your heel can
relieve strain on the tendon and provide a cushion that lessens the amount of force
exerted on your Achilles tendon.

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“Broken bone”
A significant percentage of bone fractures occur because of high force
impact or stress.
However, a fracture may also be the result of some medical conditions which
weaken the bones, for example osteoporosis, some cancers, or
osteogenesisimperfecta (also known as brittle bone diseases).

There are several different ways in which a bone can fracture; for
example, a break to the bone that does not damage surrounding tissue or tear
through the skin is known as a closed fracture.

On the other hand, one that damages surrounding skin and penetrates the
skin is known as a compound fracture or an open fracture. Compound fractures
are generally more serious than simple fractures, because, by definition, they are

The signs and symptoms of a fracture vary according to which bone is affected, the
patient's age and general health, as well as the severity of the injury. However,
they often include some of the following:
 pain
 swelling
 bruising
 discolored skin around the affected area
 angulation - the affected area may be bent at an unusual angle
 the patient is unable to put weight on the injured area
 the patient cannot move the affected area
 the affected bone or joint may have a grating sensation
 if it is an open fracture, there may be bleeding
When a large bone is affected, such as the pelvis or femur:
 the sufferer may look pale and clammy
 there may be dizziness (feeling faint)
 feelings of sickness and nausea.

First Aid

Providing first-aid care for a broken bone?

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If you suspect that someone has a broken bone, provide first-aid treatment and help
them get professional care:

 Stop any bleeding: If they’re bleeding, elevate and apply pressure to the wound
using a sterile bandage, a clean cloth, or a clean piece of clothing.
 Immobilize the injured area: If you suspect they’ve broken a bone in
their neck or back, help them stay as still as possible. If you suspect
they’ve broken a bone in one of their limbs, immobilize the area using a
splint or sling.
 Apply cold to the area: Wrap an ice pack or bag of ice cubes in a
piece of cloth and apply it to the injured area for up to 10 minutes at a
 Treat them for shock: Help them get into a comfortable position,
encourage them to rest, and reassure them. Cover them with a blanket
or clothing to keep them warm.
 Get professional help

A dislocation occurs when a bone slips out of a joint. For example, the top
of your arm bone fits into a joint at your shoulder. When it slips or pops out of that
joint, you have a dislocated shoulder. You can dislocate almost any joint in your
body, including your knee, hip, ankle, or shoulder.

Dislocations typically result when a joint experiences an unexpected or

unbalanced impact. This might happen if you fall or experience a harsh hit to the
affected area. After a joint dislocates, it’s more likely to dislocate again in the


In most scenarios, you’ll easily be able to see a dislocation. The area may
be swollen or look bruised. You may notice that the area is red or discolored. It
may also have a strange shape or be deformed as a result of the dislocation.

Some of the other symptoms associated with dislocated joints include:

 loss of motion
 pain during movement

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 numbness around the area
 tingling feeling

First Aid/Treatment

Your doctor’s choice of treatment will depend on which joint you dislocated. It
may also depend on the severity of your dislocation. According to Johns Hopkins
University, initial treatment for any dislocation involves RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression,
and Elevation. In some cases, the dislocated joint might go back into place naturally
after this treatment.

If the joint doesn’t return to normal naturally, your doctor may use one of the following

 manipulation or repositioning
 immobilization
 medication
 rehabilitation


In this method, your doctor will manipulate or reposition the joint back into place. You’ll
be given a sedative or anesthetic to remain comfortable and also to allow the muscles
near your joint to relax, which eases the procedure.


After your joint returns to its proper place, your doctor may ask you to wear a sling,
splint, or cast for several weeks. This will prevent the joint from moving and allow the
area to fully heal. The length of time your joint needs to be immobile will vary,
depending on the joint and severity of the injury.


Most of your pain should go away after the joint returns to its proper place. However,
your doctor may prescribe a pain reliever or a muscle relaxant if you’re still feeling pain.

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You will need surgery only if the dislocation damaged your nerves or blood vessels, or if
your doctor is unable to return your bones to their normal position. Surgery may also be
necessary for those who often dislocate the same joints, such as their shoulders. To
prevent re-dislocation, it may be necessary to reconstruct the joint and repair any
damaged structures. On occasion, a joint has to be replaced, such as a hip


Rehabilitation begins after your doctor properly repositions or manipulates the joint into
the correct position and removes the sling or splint (if you needed one). You and your
doctor will devise a rehabilitation plan that works for you. The goal of rehabilitation is to
gradually increase the joint’s strength and restore its range of motion. Remember, it’s
important to go slowly so you don’t reinjure yourself before the recovery is complete.


You can prevent a dislocation if you practice safe behaviour. General tips to prevent
dislocations include:

 Use handrails when going up and down staircases.

 Keep a first aid kit in the area.
 Move electrical cords off the floor.
 Avoid use of throw rugs.

To prevent children from possible dislocations, consider practicing the following:

 Teach children safe behaviours.

 Watch and supervise children as needed.
 Ensure that your home is childproof and safe.
 Put gates on stairways to prevent falls.

If you’re an adult and want to protect yourself from dislocations, you should:

 Wear protective gear or clothing when doing physical activities, such as sports..
 Avoid standing on unstable items, such as chairs.

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Fitness Motivation
Finding Fitness Motivation
Often, it's all too easy for an individual to say that they're going to begin a routine
that facilitates a healthy and fit lifestyle. In reality, many individuals fail to actually
achieve their pre-defined personal fitness goals. While there are several reasons
why this occurs, the primary reasons are typically a lack of self-discipline, focus
and time.
In addition, many individuals place a higher importance on caring for the people in
their lives above their own health. In reality, if an individual simply dedicates a set
amount of time to focus on their personal health, fitness and mental well-being,
they typically find that all aspects of their life improve, and are better able to care
for the individuals in their life as a result.

Methods to Motivate Yourself

 Write Down the Benefits Associated with Modifying your Lifestyle
 Set Goals
 Make Your Fitness Routine Enjoyable
 Recruit a Friend

38 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG
Telefax: (075) 632-2559 E OF

Name: Raquel, Leonardo Miguel S.

Course: BS. Architecture
Subject: Physical Activity towards Health and Fitness 1
Title of your report: Chapter 3: Meditation, the concepts and practicality in
everyday life
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Rojas Navalta

Concepts of Meditation

Meditation is the practice of achieving and balancing, the mental, physical, and
emotional aspects of one's existence. Today, meditation is used to reduce, or
eliminate, the symptoms associated with depression, stress, and anxiety.
Similar to the concepts of yoga, the aims of meditation is
almost the same. Both depended on the participant to ignore, or
rather, “free themselves of any distraction”, focusing on the
development of one’s soul and body self-improvement through
disconnection of the world. On the other hand, while yoga is
more on the body, concentrating on the physical, meditation
concentrates more on the mind on separation to achieve on
what they call Dharma. As we move on, the subsequent
paragraphs below talks about specific meditation concepts. Karma Symbol

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The first talks about Karma, which refers to any physical and mental action a
person may do or think. This concept deals with the consequences of each
action a person does, to put it simply, “a person must expect to eventually
receive any action that you force onto another person in your life. Also, there are
three types of Karma. The first is all acts
performed in all lives of a person through
reincarnation. The second refers to the acts of
your current life. And the last refers to the acts
you are performing right now.
Next, We move to Swadharma, the
obligation of a spirit to follow the Dharma.
While Dharma refers to the guidelines and
rules, Swadharama refers however to the need
for a spirit to follow such rules, to which the
concept is related to maternal and fraternal principals.
Furthermore, every individual spirit will have a different level
of said concept which then determines their Dharma and
can be raised through meditation or decrease from the lack
of it.
Moving on, we must discuss Manah, a Sanskrit word for
mind; this, however, does not mean the entire mind
rather focusing on the portion that receives sensory
signals from other parts of the body.
Buddhi, or the Sanskrit term for intelligence, or rather
the overall intelligence of one person, is the conscious ability to
understand the concepts taught to you. This also focuses on the
ability to think through situations, using reason to make important
Samskara, on the other hand, is translated as
your memories. This is referred to as the impression
stored in your mind through every action you make,
whether or not it is good or evil. To obtain
immortality, one must remove negative impressions
caused by bad actions. This also deals with
maternal and fraternal instincts.
Whenever your mind stores impressions caused
by action or memories, they are group together
based on certain similarities between them. These
groups are what you call Vasana, these
“unconscious” yet active bundles govern the
development of experience and maturity and must
be restored through deep concentration and meditation.
The actual practices/exercises of the techniques found in Yoga are called
Kirya. Not only does it refer to the correct physical motion but also the correction
of incorrect technique and skill involved when performing every movement.
These movements are said to purify the body in small amounts but will result in

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higher levels of metaphysical awareness and a heightened sense of
Viveka or the concept bluntly relate to the ability to realize the difference
between what is real and from what is not. Also, it pertains to the difference
between the temporary and permanent aspects of the current and afterlife. The
practitioner is required to remember to differentiate between reality and illusion
and do make proper action based on their current
The disinterest in anything of the current life is
the Vairagya, a concept to which a participant is required
to distance himself from pleasurable acts to better
prepare for the afterlife as well as to omit indifference
towards earthly possessions that cause enjoyment.
And finally, we are on Sannyasa, the concept
that tries to sum up all other previous concepts that
make a well-led life. It adheres to all other concepts and
the pursuit of perfection of all aspects of life to gain a truly perfect healthy
Meditation in your Life
In our lives, meditation may not be for everyone, and it’s okay. However,
the main thing is, a lot of people who claim meditation won’t work for them
haven’t been observing long enough to see the benefits of, said people are afraid
of failing to gain such benefits. In truth, a person cannot fail at meditation, anyone
could do it, but as most activities do, it’s a skill that you practice and improve over
time. It’s always good to start at the basic before tackling the advance techniques
in meditation, that way, a person can slowly, but surely, reach a higher level of
skill prior than the level they started at.
People usually have problems in meditation when they try to focus on the
benefits rather on the process and development. People are getting behind on
actual progress rather than improving at a normal rate. By simply connecting
your mind with your thoughts, a person can free themselves from their worry
through identifying such thoughts and focusing back on the present moment. To
put it simply, your mind is forming interconnected webs which gain power if you
give them power. The following paragraphs show the various lessons an
individual would learn throughout their course of meditation, it would go as short
as a year and as long as a decade. What’s important is that you learn, practice,

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and apply what you have learned.
The first lesson to note is that at times you won’t be able to exert the
expected effort you’d think you did, and that’s okay. It is natural for people to not
do as well when we start to do a certain activity without prior knowledge, and it’s
okay. What’s important is that a person identifies his or her mistake and corrects
them accordingly.
The second lesson teaches us that poison; this being pleasurable urges,
decreases mindfulness and makes you chaotic. A person must practice the art of
self-discipline if he/she wishes to maintain and increase their mindfulness of
certain situations. Practice not indulging in
pleasurable activities and you’d be in a sure way
to a calm mind.
The third lesson is to stay persistent.
Always experiment on how long you can practice
complete silence and concentration, but
remember to take short but necessary breaks
when the time comes. Keep a notebook with you
so that you can keep a record of your progress
and how much you’ve grown.
The fourth lesson states that you are not your thoughts. You and your
thoughts are two separate things, remember that. While we use words to
communicate, we can't explain in a concrete way how the meditation state is like
to someone who has never tried before. This is because we can’t understand it in
our minds, rather, we only live it through when your mind takes a step back. To
put it simply, the state of meditation is when you experience a state of being
without any thoughts, a state of thoughtless thinking.
The fifth lesson states to stay present. Meditation
can allow a person to develop an inner core through practice
and discipline which serves as an anchor, a way to stay present
and aware of one’s surrounding, a state of mindfulness
whenever problems would try to knock you down. And
regardless of the scale of the problem, a practitioner always
comes back to their center, their place of concentration.
The sixth lesson
talks about taming one’s ego.
It’s okay to feel confident in one’s ability, but
too much can be hazardous. Learn that the
world isn’t always about you, the people you
see at a daily schedule have lives too, dreams

and aspirations. And there will always be someone

better than you, and it’s okay. The best thing a person
can do is to stay humble, know your limits and your
abilities and success would be just around the corner.
The seventh lesson states that “we are all
one”. By ignoring the mental constructions and
reaching the very essence of ourselves, beyond the
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created labels of others, we realize that we are all the same. Quoting from a
person who practices meditation over four years “We are all the One — a
conscious nothingness without shape, form, not bounded by space and time”.
The eighth lesson teaches us that there is no easy way. Whether you like it
or not, the path towards enlightenment is a difficult one. Commitment to
meditation is hard, and it should be. For when you taste the fruits of your labor
and hardship, only then would you know true satisfaction.
The ninth lesson ironically states that enlightenment is not the goal. No,
rather it is about the process of constant self-development. It is the journey
towards knowledge that we gain experience and therefore wisdom from.

Before concluding, here are a few tips that would aid you in meditating: 1.)
Skipping meditations are okay, as long as you continue. It’s okay to take a break
once in a while, rejuvenate when needed. 2.) It’s okay to move. If you feel the
impulse to do so, do it, as long as you do it with a pause and consciously be
aware of such movement. 3.) Don’t go meditating when you’re hungry and don’t
do it being full either. Eat light food like bananas to quell the hunger. The point is
to remove unnecessary distractions after all. 4.) Don’t eat meat, meditation
practitioners state that consumption of meat promotes different anxiety states. 5.)
Sit comfortably. Again, we need to avoid unnecessary distractions. Fix your
posture and find your “sweet spot”. And for the last tip, 6.) Let go. When you lose
your state of concentration, relax and find it again. Let your thoughts flow through
like water to reach said state.
And so, that concludes the concepts and how an individual can apply
meditation in their daily lives.

43 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Ramil, Arriane Jade E.

Course: Bs Architecture
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Health 1
Title Of Report: Meditation Techniques
Instructor: Paulene Navalta

Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way that fitness is an approach to
training the body. But many meditation techniques exist — so how do you learn how to

The four techniques described below—a sitting meditation, visualization practice, a mantra
practice, and a walking meditation—involve activities that you do every day, but rather than
doing them unconsciously, you bring your total focus and awareness to the simple task at hand.

4 Must-Know Techniques:

Meditation Technique #1: Sitting Meditation

Cross-Legged: One of the most accessible meditation poses is called Sukhasana (Easy Pose).
Sit on the floor and cross your shins to provide a broad base of support. If you're more flexible,
you might create a stable base by sliding one heel on top of the opposite hip crease, so that
you're sitting in Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose).

In either position, if you feel yourself slumping, sit on the front edge of a cushion, block, or
folded blanket for support. Reach underneath each sitting bone with your hand and slide your
flesh back so you can feel your pelvis rooting down firmly into the earth. Slide your shoulder
blades down your back; broaden the collarbone. Lengthen the back of your neck. Rest your
hands on the knees with the palms facing up.

Legs Out in Front: If you have knee or hip pain, extend your legs along the floor in front of you
and sit with your back against a wall. Slide a cushion or a few folded blankets underneath your
buttocks to bring your hips higher than your knees. Make sure that your head, neck, and torso
are properly aligned. Rest your hands in your lap, palms facing up.

In a Chair: Let go of preconceived notions: It's still meditation if you are sitting in a chair. "In this
case, just make sure your feet are firmly planted and your thighs are parallel to the floor," says
Bennitt. Sit up straight and allow your shoulders to drop away from your ears. Reach the crown
of your head toward the ceiling and rest your hands on the thighs with the palms facing down.

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Meditation Technique #2: Visualization
The eyes are a powerful sensory organ, and they're typically hyperalert, focusing on the outside
world. A visualization meditation can help you reverse this natural tendency. "Let's say you're
walking down Broadway in Manhattan," says Nikki Costello, a yoga and meditation teacher
based in New York. "Your eyes get pulled toward the flashing lights, the neon signs, the shop
windows. When you sit for meditation, a visualization gives your mind an image to focus on, and
it pulls your eyes inward." The mind naturally follows, and meditation becomes more effortless.

Most of the visualizations Costello teaches are based on images from nature: light, water, earth,
sky, and mountains. They're soothing to the senses, they have a quality of purity, and they tend
to bring us into the present moment. As a result, Costello finds, the mind relaxes and the breath
deepens. Once you're able to relax, you can begin to invoke the qualities of the images you're
visualizing—and this is where visualization can be transformative. "The idea is to picture
something that's soothing or balancing," she says. "If you want your mind to be more clear,
visualize a cloudless sky. If you want to feel grounded, visualize a mountain. Instill the quality of
the mountain inside yourself."

Nature-based visualizations, Costello says, can help you harness your power of sight and use it
in a way that is calming and beneficial. "Visualization can guide you out of a narrow thought
pattern to something more expansive and free," she says.

This meditation technique is ideal for visual learners, or people who learn best through sight. If
you are an artist, painter, or designer, you might find that meditations with strong visuals are
easiest for you. If you always remember faces but you struggle to remember names, you are
very likely a visual learner and might enjoy this practice.

Meditation Technique #3: Transcendental Meditation

Mantra meditation involves silently repeating a sound to help quiet the mind. Although there is
no direct translation of the Sanskrit word mantra (the syllable man means "to think"), Richard
Rosen, a Yoga Journal contributing editor, the author of many yoga books, and the director of
Piedmont Yoga in Oakland, California, thinks of it as an "instrument of concentrated thought." A
mantra can consist of a single letter, a word, or one or more full sentences. In the yoga tradition,
Om is thought to be the "root mantra" from which all other Sanskrit mantras have emerged.

The main difference between Transcendental Meditation and other forms of meditation is the
mantra you're asked to repeat during a meditation session. "In TM, the mantra, used as the
vehicle to help the mind settle down, is a meaningless sound versus other types of meditation
that use words, phrases, or visualizations during the meditation practice," says Pink. By
focusing exclusively on your mantra, says the Mayo Clinic, you aim to achieve a state of perfect
stillness and consciousness.

How to Do Transcendental Meditation:

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1. Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet on the ground and hands in your lap. Leave your legs
and arms uncrossed.

2. Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to relax the body.

3. Open your eyes, and then close them again. Your eyes will remain closed during the 20-
minute practice.

4. Repeat a mantra in your mind. This is typically a Sanskrit sound learned from a TM teacher.

5. When you recognize that you're having a thought, simply return to the mantra.

6. After 20 minutes, begin to move your fingers and toes to ease yourself back to the world.

7. Open your eyes.

8. Sit for a few more minutes until you feel ready to continue with your day.

Meditation Technique #4: Walking Meditation

If you are a high-energy, restless type or if you have aches and pains that prevent you from
sitting comfortably, try walking meditation.

Think of walking meditation as mindfulness in motion. Instead of focusing on your breath or a

mantra, focus on the sensation of your feet touching the ground. "For some people, sitting
meditation can cause a lot of restlessness," says Paul Weitz, who teaches yoga and Thai
massage in Chicago. Similar to mindfulness meditation, walking meditation focuses on
observing thoughts and sensations and labeling them as they arise.

As you walk slowly, you'll mentally note what is happening as you lift your foot, move it forward,
and place it down on the ground. "You can track your movement through space as a way of
staying present moment to moment," Weitz says.

During walking meditation, you might find that you have trouble balancing or that your
environment distracts you. That's all par for the course, Weitz says. "There is a lot going on, but
just allow the practice to be simple."

If you are a high-energy, restless type or if you have aches and pains that prevent you from
sitting comfortably, try walking meditation. Weitz explains that this technique was traditionally
used as an adjunct to seated meditation, and it's often used as a counterbalance for
practitioners during long meditation retreats. "If you are sitting all day, it's balancing to stand up
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and walk." He also recommends using this technique if you meditate after eating, or if you tend
to feel drowsy during seated meditation.

1. Find a location. Find a lane that allows you to walk back and forth for 10-15 paces—a
place that is relatively peaceful, where you won’t be disturbed or even observed (since a
slow, formal walking meditation can look strange to people who are unfamiliar with it).
You can practice walking meditation either indoors or outside in nature. The lane doesn’t
have to be very long since the goal is not to reach a specific destination, just to practice
a very intentional form of walking where you’re mostly retracing your steps.
2. Start your steps. Walk 10-15 steps along the lane you’ve chosen, and then pause and
breathe for as long as you like. When you’re ready, turn and walk back in the opposite
direction to the other end of the lane, where you can pause and breathe again. Then,
when you’re ready, turn once more and continue with the walk.
3. The components of each step. Walking meditation involves very deliberating thinking
about and doing a series of actions that you normally do automatically. Breaking these
steps down in your mind may feel awkward, even ridiculous. But you should try to notice
at least these four basic components of each step:
a) the lifting of one foot;
b) the moving of the foot a bit forward of where you’re standing;
c) the placing of the foot on the floor, heal first;
d) the shifting of the weight of the body onto the forward leg as the back heel lifts, while
the toes of that foot remain touching the floor or the ground.
Then the cycle continues, as you:
a) lift your back foot totally off the ground;
b) observe the back foot as it swings forward and lowers;
c) observe the back foot as it makes contact with the ground, heel first;
d) feel the weight shift onto that foot as the body moves forward.
4. Speed. You can walk at any speed, but in Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress
Reduction (MBSR) program, walking meditation is slow and involves taking small steps.
Most important is that it feel natural, not exaggerated or stylized.
5. Hands and arms. You can clasp your hands behind your back or in front of you, or you
can just let them hang at your side—whatever feels most comfortable and natural.
6. Focusing your attention. As you walk, try to focus your attention on one or more
sensations that you would normally take for granted, such as your breath coming in and
out of your body; the movement of your feet and legs, or their contact with the ground or
floor; your head balanced on your neck and shoulders; sounds nearby or those caused
by the movement of your body; or whatever your eyes take in as they focus on the world
in front of you.
7. What to do when your mind wanders. No matter how much you try to fix your attention
on any of these sensations, your mind will inevitably wander. That’s OK—it’s perfectly
natural. When you notice your mind wandering, simply try again to focus it one of those
8. Integrating walking meditation into your daily life. For many people, slow, formal
walking meditation is an acquired taste. But the more you practice, even for short
periods of time, the more it is likely to grow on you. Keep in mind that you can also bring
mindfulness to walking at any speed in your everyday life, and even to running, though
of course the pace of your steps and breath will change. In fact, over time, you can try to
bring the same degree of awareness to any everyday activity, experiencing the sense of
presence that is available to us at every moment as our lives unfold.

47 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

NAME: Rhyzen T. Cariño

COURSE: B.S. Architecture
SUBJECT: Physical Education I (P.E. 1)
INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Paulane Navalta


There is no brief history of meditation. Our teachers hail from all corners of the
globe. As leaders in their area of expertise, their knowledge and teachings go deep
within the fields of spirituality, religion and psychology. Some are secular, others are far
from it. There is not just one origin of meditation; its roots travel back to ancient times
and have developed into many forms of meditation practices used by millions of people
from different beliefs systems and nationalities.

This overview pins down the main origins of meditation practices that are as
diverse as their practitioners.




-Different cultures and religions of the world have developed manifold traditional
meditation practices. It is believed that the earliest meditation practice dates back to the
ancient Hindu tradition Vedantism 1500 B.C. In the West, meditative practices were first
mentioned in Jewish writings. These teachings especially focused on the meditative
approach during prayer. The diversity of traditional origins is reflected in our free
meditational origins is reflected in our free meditation library.Explore thousands of
guided meditations from these traditions:

48 | P a g e
-Bahá'í Faith Meditation


-Kabbalah -Sufism

49 | P a g e
-Bhakti -Hinduism

-Shamanism -Taoism

-Buddhism -Islam

50 | P a g e
-Shinto -Vedic

-Christianity -Judaism

` -Sikhism


51 | P a g e

-Science meets meditation: Scientific fields such as Psychology and

Neuroscience have brought religious and spiritual practices to secular perspectives. The
first physiological studies on meditation took place in 1950s. Since then, meditation
research has expanded into many scientific fields and given us insight into how the
brain is affected by meditation practices. Research keeps discovering more and more
benefits such as Stress Reduction, Lengthening Attention, Span, and Improving sleep
Explore guided practices from these scientist origins of meditation:
- Science
-Sport Science
-Secular Mindfulness


Established world theories also evolved meditation practices.

Browse through popular conceptual meditation practices:

-Alternative Medicine

This list of origins of meditation is not finalised --- it will never be. New practices can be
develop at any time in any culture. Meditation is mainly a personal experience and
exploration. Individuals keep evolving new practices that will be passed on by

52 | P a g e
generations. This overview show what an important integral part meditation has been
playing in the evolvement of humanity.


 Where Would You Love to Meditate?

Ready for real journey to uncharted territories? It’s time to sit! And where are
the best places to meditate? A quiet room definitely counts, but there are plenty of
other good choices out there. The best locations aren’t necessarily the most exotic –
they’re the ones where you let your inner adventure roam free.
Adventure travel doesn’t always require daunting mountains and formidable
jungles – sometimes all we need is to dare explore our inner terrain. We often spend
so much time focusing on the world around us that we forget to spend quality time
discovering our own thoughts, feelings and desires.

 Here are 5 meditation places we love:

1. The Special Meditation Room

- Think about turning one of your rooms into a special meditation haven. A study,
for instance, could be a great place to meditate, as could a corner of your
bedroom or living room. But before transforming it into a meditation room, first
you’ll need to spruce up your special space and make sure that it’s clean, tidy
and well organized. Try to choose a place that isn’t too noisy. Make it sacred with
cleansing herbs, incense and comforting lighting. Choose colours and furnishing
that inspire you to go further in your quest for centering and awareness. Prepare
your space with a wish or a prayer that gives voice to your deepest meditation

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2. Gardens

-Mother Nature offers many sanctuaries for the resourceful meditator. Changing
your meditation venue once in a while shakes things up in a good way – after all,
“a change is as good as a rest.” Fresh air, bird song, a keen awareness of
interconnectedness and harmony with other living beings – soon the garden or
park will be at the top of your best places to meditate list. Moreover, studies
suggest that grounding, or coming into physical contact with the earth, offers
surprising benefits for both physical and mental health.

3. Holy Places

- Whether you’re religious or not, meditating in a holy place is a great way to

revitalize the spirit. Churches, temples and mosques are some of the sacred
spaces that encourage introspection and communion. Some meditators seek out
shrines because of their powerful spiritual energy. Look for a holy place with an
atmosphere of serenity that’s a good fit for your practice.

Buddhist practitioners often set their sights on places where the great meditators
of the past have spent time practicing. These places are often located in remote
areas that are alive with the energy of meditation. Whether caves in the

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mountains or hermitages in the forest, such spaces are considered a particularly
supportive environment for practice.

4. Near rivers, Streams and Fountains

The banks of rivers and streams are some of best spots for meditation. The
gentle sound of running water is very well-suited for meditation – is calms the
mind and inspires it to remain in the present moment. When you meditate near
running water, allow the stream of thoughts in your mind to flow the same way –
in a continuous, non-obstructed manner. Don’t hang onto, judge, reject or cling to
your thoughts. Simply acknowledge them when they appear and let them pass,
like colourful autumn leaves floating by on a stream.

5. A rooftop, patio or balcony

- If you’re looking to tweak your routine a bit, rooftops, patios and balconies are
great alternatives to your indoor meditation space. When safe and accessible,
rooftops especially are prime spots for sitting. Just climb up, settle in and bask in
the morning sun as you practice some silent meditation. This not only creates a
sense of calmness and tranquillity, it also boosts your intake of vitamin D. Make
sure you take along some water and a meditation mat and cushion. Choose a
Guided Meditation from the Mindworks App and settle in. you can also meditate

55 | P a g e
on your rooftop at night and enjoy the sense of peace as the world continues in
its incessant busy-ness below.


56 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Villanueva, Michael John R.

Course: BS. Architecture
Subject: Physical Activity towards Health and Fitness 1
Title Report: Chapter 4: Nutrition
Instructor: Ms.Paulane Rojas Navalta

All foods are divided into different categories, known as food groups. In
the early 1900s, when food science was still in its infancy, there were only really
four food groups that scientists claimed we needed -- fruits and vegetables, dairy,
meat, and grains. But as nutritional science has developed, so too has our
understanding of the basic food groups and how the contribute to a healthy diet.
Foods are present in food groups because they share the same basic nutritional

Your recommended daily intake from each category helps your body receive all of
the nutrients it needs within your recommended daily caloric intake to maintain a
healthy weight. This doesn't leave a lot of room for additional calories, which is
why it's so important to consume empty calories like junk food, sugary desserts
and drinks, and alcohol in moderation.
Healthy sources of whole grains consist of foods like bagels, oatmeal, brown rice,
popcorn, pretzels, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, English muffins, pita
bread, and grits. Grains are an excellent source of natural carbohydrates, which
your body needs to supply your muscles, tissues and organs with energy.
Healthy fruits include pineapples, apples, grapes, oranges, grapefruit, ugli fruit,
peaches, melons, mangos, pears, and cherries. If you're on a vegetarian diet,
and thus not receiving the iron needed from protein sources like meat, fruits like
dates, raisins, raspberries, and blackberries are a must for your regular menu as
they are rich in iron.
Vegetables are a low-calorie and nutrient-rich food source that should be a heavy
part of everyone's diet. Healthy vegetables include carrots, broccoli, squash,
potatoes, beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, collards, green beans, and peppers.

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Some vegetables like avocados are also rich in dietary fat and satisfying meat
alternatives for sandwiches and salads.
Most of your daily intake of dairy products should consist of fat-free or low-fat milk
and milk products to avoid too much fat in your diet. For example, reduced-fat
mozzarella cheese made from skim milk is a healthy alternative to full fat cheddar
and other cheeses. If you don't like the texture of skim milk, 1% milk has a much
thicker texture and is still a healthy alternative to whole or Vitamin D milk. Healthy
dairy foods include all low-fat or fat-free yogurts, milks, and cheeses. If you enjoy
ice cream, be sure to watch your sugar intake. Many ice cream products branded
as "low fat" are very high in sugar.

To maintain a healthy diet, favor white meats like chicken and turkey over red meats
like beef and lamb, which can be much higher in fat. Healthy meat sources
include all fish like anchovies, salmon, trout, perch, and tuna -- as well as poultry
such as chicken and turkey. Look for leaner cuts of all meat to cut fat from your
diet. For example, boneless chicken breast tends to be lower in fat than other
types of chicken, like drumsticks or wings.

Necessary Nutrients: Water

Water is necessary to keep every function performed by and in your body operating
normally.Depending on body size, your body contains anywhere from 55% to
75% of its mass as water and requires anywhere between one and seven litters
of water every day to fight dehydration.Normal adults will lose around 10 cups of
water from their natural stores, or consumed water, every day through excretion,
breathing, sweating, and other normal bodily functions.

Most of your body's need for water can be met through the beverages you consume,
especially plain old water. However, water is also a major component of many of
the foods we eat, such as watermelon, soups, tomatoes, and celery. An
appropriate daily intake of water can assist your body in its ability to perform
several required functions and processes, including the following:

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals are like the specialized workers of your body's "factory", each
helping and assisting your body in being better able to perform the various
biological functions required to support life and to combat diseases and viruses
that attach the body. For example, vitamin D helps your body thwart a disease
called rickets, while a lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy.

58 | P a g e
Many of the vitamins and minerals required to support good health are naturally
produced within the body, with a few notable exceptions. For example, your body
cannot produce calcium, a vital nutrient for bone density and health. Thus,
calcium must be absorbed from food sources like dairy and proteins.
Supplements and multivitamins are readily available and can assist in ensuring that
your body receives the nutrients required to perform the various bodily functions
to sustain life. However, most people can expect to get all of the nutrition they
need by consuming a well-balanced diet as supplements are never a good
substitute for natural food sources.
Vitamins play a vital role within the human body and are required for virtually every
bodily function that occurs. While several vitamins are essential for life itself,
others are required to maintain good health, ward off disease, and promote
various functions to occur within the body.The importance of vitamins within the
human body, and virtually every bodily function that occurs cannot be overstated.
For instance, vitamins provide metabolism for normal growth,
There are 13 primary vitamins and each vitamin is categorized as either water
soluble or fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins (B vitamins and C) are stored in the
body for a brief period of time and eliminated through the kidneys (in the form of
urine). For this reason, water soluble vitamins must be consumed from either
food or a vitamin supplement on a daily basis.
Minerals are involved in several metabolic functions that occur within the human
body. Several minerals are components of enzymes (protein based molecules
that speed up a chemical reaction in a living organism) which act as catalysts for
many of the chemical reactions that occur within the body. Minerals also regulate
and manage the normal function of human and animal organs, muscles, and
For instance, both vitamins and minerals are needed to make antioxidant enzymes
that protect the body from free-radical damage.

Minerals are not manufactured within the body. The only way to provide the human
body with minerals is through a healthy and nutritious diet or supplementation.
Healthy and Healing Herbs

Herbalism- Herbalism refers to folk and traditional medicinal practice based on the
use of plants and plant extracts. Herbalism is also known as phytotherapy. The
use of herbs to treat disease is almost universal among non-industrialized

59 | P a g e
*Herbology-herbology (uncountable) The study of herbs and their medical
properties, especially when combined.
Herb is a plant that is used for medicinal purposes, aromatherapy, spices
for cooking, and relaxation. Herbs can be purchased in many forms; including
fresh or dried products, liquid or solid extracts, tablets, capsules, powders, or tea
The actual plant, leaves, stems, oils from the herb, roots, flowers, and
resin can be used in various ways to provide a wide range of both physical and
Aloe vera is primarily used to facilitate the body's health
ability to heal externally. When applied to the benefits,
skin, aloe vera has a soothing, healing effect and and to
is commonly used to treat burns, scalds, sunburn improve
and infection. rest,
n, and a
sense of
Also known as Aniseed, and Sweet Cumin. s.
Anise is known to aide in digestion and alleviate
flatulence. Anise is commonly used as an
expectorant, loosening mucus from the chest
and throat and is even used as a sleep aide.

Lemon balm is used to enhance the body's

natural sleep cycle. Lemon balm, in
aromatherapy, is used to treat depression. It can
also be ingested to reduce cold symptoms, upset
stomach, and treat wounds and viral infections.

Cinnamon has a multitude of health benefits,

including proper urinary tract function, improved
memory, improved digestion, and clearer skin.
Cinnamon is also used to soothe toothaches,
improve oral hygiene, and fight infection.

60 | P a g e
Garlic is a powerful herb that bolsters the
immune system. Garlic acts as a natural
antibiotic and antioxidant and is known to lower
cholesterol, prevent heart disease, lower blood
pressure, and prevent cancer

Ginger acts as a digestive aide and is known to

calm the stomach. It also works as an appetite
stimulant and reduces the effects associated with
nausea, motion sickness, morning sickness, and
menstrual cramps.

Ginseng stimulates the immune system and may

be effective in the treatment of diabete, angina,
and even HIV and AIDS. It also lowers
cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reduces the
probability of a heart attack, and protects the

Lavender is a fragrant herb commonly used to

promote mental calmness and healthy sleeping
patterns. Lavender oil is used in massage and to
treat depression and can be massaged into the
scalp to reduce hair loss.

Marjoram, also known as oregano, supports

healthy digestion and may aide in stabilizing
sleep patterns. When applied externally,
marjoram can relieve pain, aches, and even be
used to treat cold sores and genital herpes.

Mint is used to aide the digestive process, relieve

congestion and cold symptoms, and reduce
stomach nausea and morning sickness. When
used externally, mint relieves pain related to
insect bites and sunburn.

61 | P a g e
Parsley serves as a diuretic, allowing the body to
discharge urine and prevent water retention. It
also helps to stimulate menstrual flow, lower
blood pressure, reduce fevers, aide digestion,
and freshen breath when eaten.

Also known as Piper Nigrum, red peppers aide in

digestion, relieve diarrhea, increase metabolism
and burn fat, improve circulation, alleviate nerve
pain, combat headaches, and possibly even fight

Rosemary promotes healthy digestion and

circulation. It is used to fight cold symptoms and
congestion, kill bacteria, bolster memory,
eliminate flatulence, and improve cardiovascular
function. Rosemary is also a food preservative.

Tea leaves are used to eliminate bacteria, colds,

congestion, diarrhea, tooth decay, and to reduce
the symptoms of asthma. Depending on the type
of tea, either a calming effect or a heightened
level of alertness may be achieved.

Vedic Culture of India

Vedic Culture
Many of the eastern medicinal treatments still in use today have been
drawn from a period of more than 1500 years in central India, known as the
Vedic Period. From 1700 B.C. to 1100 B.C., the early Vedic period saw the
creation of a crucial text to Eastern philosophy and medicine, including the oldest
scriptures associated with Hinduism.
But almost all knowledge gained during the Vedic period was passed on to
future generations through oral traditions, not being written down until the post-
Vedic period. And India would see a fantastic boom in literature indeed, as the

62 | P a g e
following period, the birth of the Maurya Empire, would later be referred to as the
"golden age of classical Sanskrit literature."
Understanding Vedic Religion
It's important to note that early Vedic religion stands in stark contrast to the practices
it would later evolve into, namely Vedanta and Yoga. In fact, it's quite likely that
the practice of early Vedic rituals would be forbidden even in a religiously free
America, let alone not the kinds of activities you'd expect to find housewives and
young executives engaged in at lunch. No -- in fact, early Vedic religious practice
viewed Deities as a sort of celestial shopkeeper; not all-powerful beings, but
beings that would follow the will of humans provided that an adequate transaction
took place.
The Gods of Vedic Religion
Vedic religion was, of course, polytheistic and thus involved worship of
multiple Gods. These deities often appeared in different forms depending on the
religious sect providing the sacrifice or chants. Much like the great religions of
ancient Greece and Rome, Gods of Vedic religion were ranked in ascending
order, with one God reining on high as the literal "king of the Gods." He shared
his celestial throne with two other deities, Agni and Soma.
Indra- "King of the Gods": The King of the Gods, a familiar figure in Hindu
mythology, certainly had his hands full. In addition to ruling the heavens and the
Earth, Indra also served as the god of war and weather, the guardian of the
elements and directions (North, East, South, West), and the eternal combatant of
the Gods' bitter enemies, the demonic Asuras. The Rigveda includes around 250
hymns dedicated to Indra.
Agni- "Immortal Messenger": While Indra was treated with awe and reverence, Agni
was considered far more important to the average Vedic priest. Agni, literally
translated as "fire," served as the intermediary between humans and deities.
Without Agni, prayers fell on deaf ears and sacrifices went on in vain. Agni
echoed the mythical phoenix as he was immortal and forever young, but had to
be born anew each day in fire. Agni as he appears in Hinduism is often depicted
riding a ram. Corona CA professional electrical contractor
Soma- "The Drink of Immortality": Not all deities took human form. Like the Vedic
goddess Saraswati (which was a river), Soma was thought to be such a powerful
consumable that it could be nothing less than a God. Indeed, drinking Soma not
only gave the drinker immortality, but in essence created him or her as a God or
Goddess, similar to the ancient Greek drink of ambrosia, which was enjoyed by
all of the Greek gods.
Vedic culture
Soma is now a lost ingredient, but was thought to have grown in Indian mountains
like Mount Mujavant. The yellow or tawny plant with a long stalk would be

63 | P a g e
crushed by Vedic priests, filtered through lamb's wool, and combined with
ingredients like cow's milk.

Today, the eastern philosophies important to new practices like Yoga are still widely
known in Western cultures. Medical, religious, and fitness concepts still echo in
modern society as "Ayurvedic practices." An understanding of the Vedic roots
and Ayurvedic evolution is crucial to an understanding of eastern medicine and
well-being altogether. In America, almost all of the emphasis of health and fitness
is placed on diet and exercise. Yet, this is to ignore a very important aspect of
overall health and well being.
By understanding the Eastern approach to mental stability and well being you can
begin to take steps to implement the techniques into your lifestyle. The various
techniques and viewpoints used in Eastern cultures to promote mental well being
and stability will be outlined in the following pages and articles.
Ayurvedic Principles and Self Healing
Ayurvedic Principles
Ayurvedic medicine and principles are grounded in historical texts, despite not being
supported by a large amount of modern scientific data. Some of the earliest texts
addressing Vedic principles appeared during the mid-second millennium BC in
India -- part of the appropriately named "Vedic period."
Over the following years, medical practitioners have added to these ancient
practices, techniques, and approaches with preparations and surgical procedures
for a large variety of ailments and conditions. In general, as modern science has
revealed the root cause of more and more conditions, Vedic medicine has
evolved to address their root causes.
The Vedic approach recognizes not just the five elements of which everything in the
universe is composed, but also seven elements that make up the human body. A
healthy balance of plasma, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, and semen (or female
reproductive tissue) is thought to prevent most ailments. As such, returning these
elements to a healthy balance is thought to treat abnormalities that result in
illness. Despite it's obvious close relationship with modern medicine, Ayurvedic
principles are a very different approach to modern medicine for a variety of
-It is an all around approach that is meant to improve the entire body (or life energy)
and thus recover from illness rather than addressing the symptoms of a single
-It approaches every individual with different routines and cures in order to be a
more effective remedy for different body types. This system recognizes that
although mutliple people may show the exact same symptoms, their bodily make
up may be very different and require differing methods of treatment.

64 | P a g e
Ayurvedic medicine recognizes the flow off all intellect and knowledge as stemming
from the same source, known as Paramatman. It combines this principle with the
laws and balance of nature, or Prakriti, to become an all encompasing system of
Much like Yoga, Ayurveda is mainly focused with the union of the body and mind. It
believes that, through Ayurvedic principles, it is a way for people to tap into the
deeper aspects of human demeanor.
The body (in fact every entity in the universe) is made up of a combination of space,
air, fire, water and earth.

Ayurveda has many rules and guidelines to govern how a person lives a more
healthy and balanced existance. Some of the rules include:

 Waking Up
 Washing
 Exercising
 Meditating
 Clothes
 Sleeping
Healthy Food Recipes
Breakfast Recipes
Consuming a nutritious and healthy breakfast each morning is imperative to a healthy
lifestyle. In fact, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not only does
consuming a healthy and nutritious breakfast provide the body with immediate energy to
start the day, but breakfast has also been linked to several health benefits.

Egg and Tomato Sandwich

Toasted whole wheat bread topped with salty caper egg whites,
smoky salmon and fresh tomato slices. Red onion adds a bite to
this flavorful breakfast sandwich. One serving has just over 200
calories and 5g of fat.
Boiled Eggs w/Buttered Toast
Buttered bread sprinkled with salt and pepper, baked until crispy
and cut into strips, served alongside classic boiled eggs. This
recipe will bring out the chef in you in both technique and
presentation! One serving has less than 200 calories

65 | P a g e
Lunch Recipes
Consuming a healthy and well-balanced lunch is an important aspect of overall good
health and fitness for several reasons. First, eating a healthy, nutritional lunch
provides the body and mind with the nutrients it requires to perform optimally and

Bean and Corn Soup

A one pot wonder, this southwestern soup is made with two
kinds of beans, black eyed peas, corn and tons of spices. With
only 1g of fat and 261 calories, be sure to stock the pantry for
multiple batches!

Cold Avocado Soup

Pureed avocado soup served with a cilantro, red onion and
shrimp topping and crumbled queso fresco. This refreshing soup
has just under 300 calories and is high in protein.

Dinner Recipes
Consuming a healthy well-balanced and calorie conscious dinner is important for
replacing the nutrients and energy that was required to exist throughout the day.
In addition, it is important to provide the body with all of the nutrients required for it to
perform the countless rejuvenating functions that occur while the body sleeps
(i.e. muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis, and the release of growth

Lemon Tilapia Soup

Tender jasmine rice simmered in a lemon broth with firm tilapia,
peppery arugula and shredded carrots. One serving of this
refreshing soup has 239 calories and 3g of fat.

Sweet Chicken Thighs

Boneless, skinless chicken thighs tossed in a sweet and spicy
sauce. This low-carb chicken dish is ready in 15 minutes and 2
thighs have 187 calories and 5.7g of fat..


66 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Totaan, Erica Mae F.

Course: Bs Architecture 1-C
Subject: Phsical Education
Report: Chapter 5: Concepts Of Pilates
Necessary Equipments
Instructor: Ms. Paulene Navalta

Since the exercise form’s conception,
Pilates has been known to be a type of exercise
that set itself
apart from similar
forms of exercise
like Yoga. One of
the major
between arts like
yoga, meditation
and Pilates, is the
absence of religious or spiritual concepts present in the latter.
Instead, Pilates focuses upon form, function and concentration as a way of relaxing
the mind and freeing the body from harmful emotions and waste build up. In
addition, Pilates exercise routines can be performed without any equipment
similar to yoga or
performed using
equipment that is
specifically designed to
perform the movements
that are unique to Pilates.
The form of exercise was
originally developed by
Joseph Pilates in the
1920’s and was designed
to facilitate rehabilitation
and body control for

67 | P a g e
prisoners of war that were injured on the battle field. In fact the original name of
Pilates was actually Contrology. The exercises are meant to develop the body
into a form of complete mental and physical control through use of machines or
the body itself.


The intent of this article is to discuss some of the basic equipment that is required to
successfully practice Pilates. There are various machines that are available but
the beginner
should focus on
the smaller, more
portable aspects
before moving on
to the use of
machines for
more advanced
exercises and
There are no
exercises that
require the use of
device. Focus on
selecting your
chair, ring and
table for your
simple exercises
and seek professional help in selecting or using machines for complicated
In order to be successful in your Pilates program, you should be familiar with the
equipment that is often required. As a general rule, this equipment is simple and
easy to use. All equipment is for support of the body as you focus on making
your exercises more effective.
Any product that promises to melt away the pounds faster and normal exercises is
probably not a good choice. Your success in Pilates depends solely on the
control that you have over your body and your ability to perform movements
smoothly and fluidly. Only invest in equipment that helps your body to avoid
injury as a supporting device. As with all activities, avoid investing too much initial
money until you are certainthat the equipment you wish to buy will work or you.

68 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name:Cansino, Jericho
Course:Bs Architecture
Subject: Physical Education
Report: Necessary Equipments For Pilates
Instructor: Ms. Paulene R. Navalta



The Pilates reformer looks a bit like a low bed made from wood, plastic or aluminum.
The top surface consists of a padded platform, mounted on wheels. This is
known as the carriage.

The carriage is attached to the frame with springs at one end which increase the
resistance as you slide it back and forth. More springs can be used if you wish to
increase the resistance further. At one end of the carriage is a shoulder block
and at the other a foot bar.

These keep your body in the correct position on the carriage as you exercise. The
Pilates reformer also has the option to attach straps so that both pushing and
pulling exercises can be performed.

Exercises can be carried out in standing, sitting and lying positions, making the
Pilates reformer a highly versatile piece of equipment.

Added resistance helps to improve strength and flexibility, while the shape of the
reformer reduces the strain put on your joints during exercise. This makes the
reformer an ideal piece of equipment for beginners or those recovering from

There are many designs of Pilates chair now available, but the most popular must be
the Wunda Chair. It was invented by Joseph Pilates in the early 20 th century, and all
modern Pilates chairs have evolved from this original design.

A Pilates chair is a box-like seat with a pedal on springs attached to the bottom of one
side. This pedal is used to provide extra resistance while exercising and some even
come in two parts so that you can exercise your right and left sides independently.

69 | P a g e
Some chairs also have the option to attach handles to the sides to increase the range of
exercises which you can use it for.

Exercises can be performed sitting, lying or standing, making the Pilates chair a great
all-rounder. It is especially suitable for anyone wanting to focus on their core muscles,
arms, and legs.

Another advantage of the Pilates chair is that it is far more compact than the reformer,
making it an ideal solution if space is limited.


A Pilates barrel or arc is a piece of equipment which can be used to enhance mat
exercises, especially those aimed at increasing the flexibility of the spine. They come in
several different shapes and sizes which are designed to fit people of various heights.

A Pilates barrel or arc is a wooden block with a distinctive curved top which gives it its
name. It is used to target the core muscles while lengthening and stretching the spine.

There are several different designs. Some comprise of a straightforward arc, available
in different sizes. The step barrel has an extra groove and flare, making it possible to
perform a wider variety of exercises.

The ladder barrel is the same shape as the step barrel but has the addition of a short
ladder at one end, again increasing its versatility.

Barrels and arcs are designed to challenge the postural muscles and increase spinal
flexibility. In fact, they are also sometimes known as “spine correctors” in Pilates circles.
They allow the head and neck to hang in an upside-down position while supporting the
arch of the back.

Barrels and arcs are ideal if you are recovering from or trying to prevent back pain.

However, you should take extra care if you have injured your back and be sure to use
the correct shape and size barrel or arc as recommended by a trained professional.


Pilates balls can be used to add variety to workouts as well as providing extra stability
for exercises such as planks. They come in a variety of sizes – large balls are suitable
for sitting upon or lying over, while smaller balls can be held between the knees or
ankles to aid positioning.

A Pilates ball, sometimes simply known as an exercise ball, is an inflatable ball which
can be used in a variety of different ways to enhance your Pilates practice.

70 | P a g e
As with most Pilates equipment, Pilates balls help to enhance core strength, improve
balance and encourage good posture.


Pilates blocks are a simple tool, generally used to improve the practitioner’s comfort
as they exercise. A Pilates block is a piece of solid foam, usually rectangular. It
can be used to support your head or lower back while exercising on a mat or
used to perform certain exercises which require the practitioner to be raised
slightly from the floor. They come in a variety of sizes and can even be stacked
on top of one another if necessary.

A block is a handy tool for anyone just starting out in Pilates, or for more
experienced practitioners looking to add variety to their routine.

Compact, light and affordable, this key piece of equipment can increase the comfort
of your workout while helping you to achieve the six principles of Pilates;
Concentration, control, centring, precision, breathing, and flow.

71 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Tolentino, Nelia O.

Course: BS. Architecture
Subject: Physical Activity towards Health and Fitness 1
Title of your report: Chapter 5: Origin of Pilates
Pilates in your life
Where to practice Pilates
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Rojas Navalta


Pilates takes its name from Joseph Pilates. A
German-born emigré to Britain and then America, he
devised the Pilates method as a new approach to exercise
and body-conditioning in the early decades of the last
century. His method included the use of equipment referred
to by him as: apparatus. Perhaps the best known piece of
equipment, is the Pilates reformer, which is in use in the
Pilates Central studio today.

The original purpose of Pilates was to rehabilitate prisoners

of war. Joseph Pilates has described his system of exercises as
"contrology". In other words, practicing Pilates requires intense
concentration that is centered around a strong abdomen (core),
deep stretching, and focused breathing.

After realizing the Pilates exercises could improve everyone's level of fitness and
mental well-being, Pilates entered the mainstream around the world as a viable and
effective exercise type. Although Pilates has only become popular in the recent years
within the United States, Pilates is now regularly practiced across the country at
thousands of studios and fitness centers.

Pilates exercise routines are designed to promote good health and fitness across
the entire age spectrum, for individuals that have suffered an injury, and for individuals
that suffer from several types of debilitating diseases (i.e. arthritis, osteoporosis, low
back pain...). In fact, there are even DVD's and video tapes of Pilates exercise routines
for toddlers and infants.

72 | P a g e

Pilates was originally intended to facilitate the rehabilitation of individuals

that had suffered an injury or were battling a
debilitating disease like arthritis,
osteoporosis, and lower back pain, just to
name a few.

However, it soon became apparent

that regularly performing a Pilates fitness
routine was an excellent form of exercise for
virtually everyone. This being said, Pilates is
an exercise type that focuses on both the
physical and mental aspects of good health.
For this reason, we recommend that virtually
everyone consider adding a Pilates and/or
Yoga routine to their overall fitness routine.

Provided below are just a few of the

physical and mental benefits associated with
incorporating a Pilates workout routine into
your life on a regular basis. Remember, Pilates is one of the few exercise types
that you can perform every day without the worries of over-stressing the joints,
skeletal structure, or soft tissue.

 Physical Benefits

1. Lowers Blood Pressure: Studies have shown that regularly performing a Pilates
exercise routine can actually help to lower blood pressure to normal levels if it is
too high.
2. In terms of lowering blood pressure: A study conducted in 2004 revealed
fantastic benefits. A group of 25 people with an average blood pressure of
142mmHg (systolic) and 86mmHg (diastolic) participated in traditional yoga for
11 weeks. At the end of the study the average blood pressure of the group had
dropped to 126mmHg (systolic) and 75mmHg (diastolic).
3. Stretching: To assist in the recovery from an injury; individuals that participated
in Pilates classes reported a decrease the amount of time that was required for
several types of injuries to heal. Gentle stretches that can be held for 20 seconds
without too much additional pain are all that are needed.
4. The results of a survey exploring the types of injuries where Pilates was
proven beneficial in reducing the recovery time were as follows: 50% had
back injuries and 35% had knee injuries. The rest were arms, (7%) shoulders,
(5%) and necks (3%).
5. Minimizes Pain Associated with Arthritis: Many practitioners claim that Pilates
is very valuable in the easing of pain associated with arthritis.

73 | P a g e
6. Strengthens the Immune System: Some promising studies have shown that
people that regularly practice Pilates have much stronger immune systems than
those who do not. One key reason for this is that continuous activity without a
break puts great stress on the body's ability to protect itself from illness and
7. Reduced Muscle Tension: People that regularly experience tense muscles or
joints often find Pilates to be a valuable agent in the reduction of the tense body
8. Reduction in Headaches: Pilates has often been shown to reduce or eliminate
the pain associated with headaches and (sometimes) migraines. The long
periods of mild activity may eliminate the pain or at least give you an extended
break from it.
9. Facilitates Weight Loss: People that are trying to lose weight may find Pilates
particularly helpful. Several studies successfully showed that Pilates was very
effective in both the control of ideal weight levels and the revamping of lost
motivation or focus.
10. Increased Lung Function and Capacity: The deep and soothing breaths
associated with Pilates are often successful in the improvement of air flow and
increasing of lung capacity. A recent wind musician's survey showed that Pilates
was able to increase lung capacity by 5% in only two weeks of regular practice.
11. Lowers Cholesterol Levels: Most likely due to the more apparent amount of
mental control shown by individuals that regularly practiced Pilates, the vast
majority of participants exhibited lower cholesterol levels than those who did not
regularly practice Pilates, according to a recent survey.
12. Improved Central Nervous System Functionality: The lowered amounts of
electrical activity in the brain afforded by Pilates has often been shown to
increase the function of the central nervous system and make reaction time
13. Improved Breathing Regularity: When you control breathing while exercising,
breath becomes more regular and any form of activity becomes approximately
56% more effective. Remembering to breathe while lifting and/or performing
movements with the body, rather than holding your breath, is important for
muscle oxidation and the prevention of strains.
14. Improved Lung Capacity: In a study performed on 10 people recovering from
lung conditions, Pilates was shown to reduce recovery time by 60% more than
people that did not participate in fast paced Pilates.
15. Promotes Weight Loss: A study conducted in 2005 found that in 15,500
average people (over 4 years), the individuals that performed Pilates lost 5
pounds by doing a 30 minute session per week. The individuals that did not
perform Pilates gained an average of 14 pounds.
16. Reduction in Symptoms Associated with Illness: A study of people with
chronic diseases (AIDs, obesity, asthma, arteriosclerosis) found that doing
Pilates in a weight loss regimen actually relieved the symptoms of these

74 | P a g e
 Mental Benefits

1. Reduction of Anxiety: Anxiety attacks have been shown to occur far less
frequently in individuals that regularly practice Pilates. In addition, for individuals
that still suffered from periodic anxiety attacks, the severity was lessened.
2. Motivation: In a recent study, 4 out of 10 physically active people claimed that
Pilates was their primary training tool for remaining motivated in activities not
related to Pilates.
3. Increased Focus and Concentration: By allowing your brain time to relax,
Pilates has the ability to greatly increase focus and concentration. By practicing
Pilates before undertaking a large project or physical activity, you can assure that
you will more able to perform the functions of the activity more effectively.
4. Emotional Stability: People that regularly practice Pilates have been shown to
be less likely to experience anxiety, stress, minor depression and conditions like
bipolar syndrome.
5. Improvement of Memory: By relaxing the brain, Pilates has often been shown
to increase memory in the participant. In fact, early tests have been promising in
the use of Pilates along with prescription drugs for the reduction or delay of
Alzheimer's disease.
6. Improved Problem Solving Abilities: Pilates is often helpful in dealing with a
minor problem or resolving an issue without turning to more drastic measures
that are unnecessary. This opportunity to truly think through situations may save
even more stress or additional problems.
7. Improved Intelligence Capability: People that participate in Pilates are often
shown to have higher brain function in the ability to receive and process
8. Reduction in Insomnia: Pilates can be very helpful in curing insomnia and
helping the regular participant to fall asleep faster. Pilates may also help the
practitioner to sleep better while resting.
9. Improved Sleep Patterns: A recent study of Pilates as it relates to sleep
revealed that people who regularly engage in Pilates at least one hour before
going to sleep were: 56% more likely to fall asleep in 10 minutes or less; 67%
more likely to stay asleep; 78% more likely to awake feeling rested and
rejuvenated. The study used a testing group of 15 and a control group of 25.
10. Promotes Mental Stability, Strength, Will-Power, and the Elimination of Bad
Habits: Studies have shown that Pilates can be very effective in helping to
reduce of the need to smoke, drink excess amounts of alcohol, or overeat. For
this reason, individuals may find Pilates to be beneficial if they are trying to quit a
bad habit.
11. Increase in the Release of Serotonin: Pilates has often been shown to be
effective in the increased release of serotonin from the brain. Increased levels of
serotonin can be helpful in the reduction of the symptoms associated with mild
depression, suicidal tendencies, lack of motivation, lethargy, and poor or
pessimistic attitudes.
12. Improved Stability in Relationships: You may try Pilates to become a better
friend or partner with the people that are important to you. Pilates has been

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shown to be valuable in the promotion of healthy and sustained relationships.
This is most likely due to the improvements in self-confidence, attitude, and
overall outlook that individuals that practice Pilates experience.

As is evident, regularly performing a Pilates exercise routine provides countless

physical and mental benefits. These benefits are not
only realized by the individual that performs the
exercise routines, but the lives that the individual
touches as well.

Pilates provides and supports several of the

physical aspects associated with good health and
fitness. However, it is also important to remember that
a well-balanced whole foods diet is also required for
good health and fitness.

To this end, combining a Pilates exercise routine, in

which you regularly perform, with a sound dietary regime is an excellent step towards
living a prosperous and well-balanced lifestyle.


There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to perform your
Pilates exercise routine in your home or at a Pilates Center. The decision may ultimately
be based upon which type or style of Pilates you select for your exercises or whether
you prefer exercising alone or within a group environment.

In addition, performing the various Pilates

movements, poses, and series of movements can
be very difficult to master as a beginner. For this
reason, you may want to consider attending a few
Pilates classes to ensure that you understand and
can perform the exercises correctly before flying
solo at your home. This approach is commonly
used by many individuals and may be one option
to consider.

There are many benefits of deciding to

exercise at a Pilates Center. These centers are specially designed to give you the
proper training to perform the movements required by Pilates. If you are unsure of your
technique or form and could benefit from some help, a Pilates center could be your best
option. If you are uncomfortable around other people or do not feel ready to work with
other people while doing your poses, you may consider working out at home. This
article will list both the benefits and costs of either approach.

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Benefits of Practicing at a Pilates Center

 Group Support

Individuals do not usually attend Pilates classes to

criticize other participants. The true practice of the
teachings of Pilates would not permit it. Most
experiences at a Pilates center will be positive
reinforcement and aid from your teacher and
other, more experienced students. Having a tight
group that you see every week to exercise can be
helpful in keeping you on schedule and not losing

 Visual Aids

It is true that there are many books and videos that you can utilize to help you perform
Pilates exercises at home. However, nothing compares to attending classes where an
instructor not only demonstrates poses but can help you if your pose is not quite right.

Pilates exercises are much more effective if they are done correctly and to their full
potential. In fact, some exercises require near perfection to have any effect at all.

Having visual aids and a nearby instructor can have vast benefits on the effectiveness
of every pose that you perform in Pilates.

 Calming Environment

Many people cannot focus at home. In addition, if you have several children, it may be
impossible to get some peace and quiet.

Pilates centers are specifically designed to be peaceful and calming environments. In

addition, the only purpose of a Pilates center is for Pilates. This means that there are far
less distractions and a much greater ability to concentrate on meditation, breathing and
the poses that you perform.

Benefits of Practicing Pilates at Home

 Cheap

You may want to invest in some videos, books and proper equipment, but otherwise
practicing Pilates at home is free.

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Individuals that are turned off by the cost of a
membership or classes may find it much more
economically viable to practice at home.

In addition, sessions performed at home with videos

will easily pay themselves off over a long period of

If you feel like you are learning enough from videos or

books, you may not feel the need to make the
continuous investment required when employing an

 Private

If you are shy about practicing in front of other people because you are unfamiliar with
exercises or not confident with our body, home practicing can be a welcome and private
venue. Many people choose to workout at home until they feel comfortable working with
other people.

They may even start having Pilates parties of their own until they are comfortable
working with strangers. In this case, practicing Pilates at home could be the best option.

 Schedule

You have the ability to make your own schedule when you practice Pilates at home.
Due to its quiet nature, you may even be able to practice very late at night if you need

Not having to adhere to class schedules can be a very welcome benefit for busy people.
You may even decide to attend a few classes every month as a refresher on proper
form and do the rest of your sessions at home. Whatever you do, practicing at home is
certainly a break for your weekly planner.

78 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Fabro, Noralene O.

Course:Bs. Architecture
Subject: Physical Education
Report: Chapter 6: Skin And Beauty (Face And Body & Hair And Scalp)
Instructor: Ms. Paulene R. Navalta

Skin and Beauty

One of the first things that a person looks at
when they meet another person is the quality of their
skin. This is because our skin is the most apparent
aspect of our physical appearance. Healthy and
beautiful skin is a good indication of an individual’s
overall level of general health and fitness. Last year,
Americans reflected the importance of healthy skin by
spending over 2.4 billion dollars on various face, hair, and body care products.
While our body produces many nutrients and minerals, and others can be
found in the food we eat, the average American's diet often lacks an adequate
supply of these nutrients. To help boost your body’s ability to maintain healthy,
vibrant skin, it is sometimes necessary to apply various skin care products.
People with different types of skin will have to enact different techniques to
keep their skin as healthy as possible. Furthermore, there are certain topics
under this chapter specifically focus on certain types of skin, common conditions
associated with the various skin types, hair and scalp conditions, and surgical
and non-surgical procedures to help you customize your skin and body care
routines, but my report were only focusing in discussing face and body and hair
and scalp.
Face and Body
Many people forget about the largest organ in their body when considering
a lifestyle of good health and fitness; the skin. Proper care of your face and body
is essential to a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of many entirely preventable
In fact, most people find that taking care of their entire body, both inside
and out, can provide a large boost to their self-esteem, a more positive outlook
on their daily activities, and a healthier and more optimistic overall lifestyle.
Moreover,this topic discusses the proper care of the face, skin care tips for your
face, and proper care of the body.

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 Proper Care of the Face
By just donating 5-10 minutes per day to the upkeep of your face, you can
decrease the effects of aging and reduce the effect that harmful oils can have on
your hair follicles and pores. Consider following this simple face cleansing routine
every day:
Morning Session
 When you first wake up, begin by cleaning your face with warm water and a cream
based pore cleanser or washing it with a gel wash intended for purification.
 After completing the first part, a simple toning session is ideal. Whatever cleanser
you used for the first part, small particles of the product will be left behind on your
 After toning, use a moisturizer to restore fluids to your skin. This product will make
your face feel soft and smooth and can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles. If
you are going to spend a long time outside, consider adding a sunscreen
immediately after moisturizing.
 Finally, if you wear make-up, you may apply it to your face.
Evening Session
 Before you go to bed, clean your face with warm water and a
cream based pore cleanser or wash it with a gel wash
intended for purification.
 After completing the first part, a simple toning session is
ideal. Whatever cleanser you used for the first part, small
particles of the product will be left behind on your skin.
 Without drying your face, a short exfoliating session is
desirable. When you exfoliate your face, you remove any
dead surface skin that can dull and reduce the brightness of
your skin.
 As your last step before bed, you should use a moisturizer to restore fluids to your
skin. This product will make your face feel soft and smooth and can also reduce the
appearance of wrinkles.
Additional Skin Care Tips for your Face
 Avoid sleeping while your make-up is still on. Doing so can cause clogged pores and
a prevention of skin shedding and breathing.
 If you wear make-up that is waterproof, the best method of removing it is to use a gel
based cleanser.
 One of the most damaging agents to the face is the sun. If you are going to be
spending a great deal of time outdoors, you need to use sunscreen. Not doing so
can cause rapid wrinkle development and skin cancer.
 If you struggle with acne and using a daily cleansing method does not help, you
should visit a dermatologist.
 Consider using an ice pack on your face for 5 minutes after your evening session.
Doing so can increase your complexion.
 Proper Care of the Body
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Your body is entirely protected by a layer of skin. This skin has many functions that
 Removing toxins
 Preventing harmful agents from entering the body
 Controlling body temperature
 Providing a sensory input when you touch something
 By applying a daily cleaning regimen for your entire body, you allow your skin to
perform its various functions properly and unhindered by outside agents. Taking
a shower every day and doing so properly (as easy as it may seem) is the best
way to protect and clean your skin.
Consider this daily cleaning routine for your body:
 When first beginning to enter the shower, place your
clean clothes in an area where they will remain dry.
 Placing them on or near the toilet can expose them to
harmful germs while setting them too close to the shower
may allow water and/or residue from your cleansing
products to land on them.
 Before showering, brush your hair to remove any loose
hair to make the shampoo more productive.
 Turn the water on and check it with your hand before stepping in to avoid serious
burns or a chilling surprise.
 Before applying any soap or hair cleaning products, make sure that your entire body
is wet. Most body cleansing products will not work without moisture.
 Use a very small amount of shampoo and gently spread it over your hair. Use your
fingers to rub it into the scalp. After rubbing for 1-2 minutes, immediately rinse it.
 At this point you can use a conditioner in the same way as the shampoo. Allow it to
remain in your hair for 2-3 minutes.
 Next, use a gentle soap to clean your entire body. Using a washcloth or other
cleaning device is best. Make sure that you wash every part of your body. This
includes behind your ears, between your toes, under your arm pits and the back of
your neck.
 You can now rinse your entire body once again to remove the soap from your skin
and the conditioner from your hair. This is also a good time to use any face cleaning
 If you plan to shave in the shower, be sure to use a cream or gel based shaving
agent to prevent burns and irritation.
 If you shaved or used a face cleaning regimen, rinse
your body once more and turn off the water.
 When you dry your hair, avoid rubbing it and instead dab
the towel to remove moisture.
Additional Skin Care Tips for your Body
 When bathing, avoid using water that is too hot. This can
increase dryness in your skin.
 If you have the time, consider allowing your body to dry

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naturally rather than using a towel to do so. This can be very beneficial in
moisturizing your skin.
 To avoid mold build up in your bathroom that can be harmful to your skin, use a fan
to remove steam or leave the bathroom door open after showering.
 When your hair is wet, it becomes very sensitive. Completely dry your hair before
brushing it.

Hair and Scalp

Although other animals may have features that
greatly resemble hair -- such as whiskers, cilia, or
feathers -- actual hair is often considered one of the
defining characteristic across all species of mammals.
Although it may appear that some species of
mammals have very little visible hair, upon close
examination you will always reveal some obscure hair
growth on some part of the mammal's body. Humans, as
with several species of mammals, have a particularly
intimate relationship with their hair.
For the information to many individuals the actual hairs you see on your
head, face, and body are in fact already dead -- the actual living hairs reside
beneath your skin.
Full and shiny hair is often attributed to youth, while thinning, dull hair is
more likely to be associated with illness or old age. But there are a variety of
factors that contribute to the lackluster appearance of hair, especially:
 Melanin Levels: While little is known about the genetic codes passed on to children
in regards to hair, parents do pass on certain genes that determine how much
eumelanin is present in offsprings' hair. Eumelanin is a type of melanin that
determines hair color -- lots of eumelanin results in dark hair while a little will result in
blonde hair.
 Diet: Hair is made up of ninety-eight percent proteins. As such, a protein-rich diet
high in omega-3 and -6 fats, and other essential fatty acids contributes to a healthy
scalp. Essential fatty acids are not produced by the body, and so must come from
food sources.
 Genetics: One hereditary condition that can be passed on to offspring is androgenic
alopecia, a condition that causes increased levels of the hormone 5(alpha)-
reductase. This nasty hormone morphs testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. The
result - follicles sprout finer, shorter hairs before eventually failing to sprout any at
all, the onset of male pattern baldness.
Myths about Hair Loss
Like weight loss, hair is also subject to a variety of myths -- largely a result
of the thriving "quick-cure for baldness" industry. The following myths about hair
loss are simply not true:
 Wearing hats will make you go bald

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One of the most popular myths. If you're a male and start to notice thinning on your
scalp, the natural tendency is to start wearing hats everywhere. This fuels the
myth that wearing hats too often causes baldness. This is a logical fallacy on the
order of "Jake drank water while he had a cold and the cold developed into the
flu - therefore water causes the flu."
As long as you give your head at least seven hours a day to breathe, wearing a hat
does not increase the speed of or cause hair loss.
 Too much Sun kills hair
Remember that your visible hair is actually already dead -- so no amount of Sun can
really have much impact on the vitality of the hair on your scalp. In fact, your hair
actually serves to protect your scalp from UV rays. Those who spend too much
time in the Sun may experience some thinning in leg and arm hair, however.
 Traumatic experiences cause hair loss
Cartoons may be the culprit in this popular myth. Cartoon animals that shouldn't
have a full head of hair to begin with (ducks come to mind) go through a
traumatic experience and, in an instant, lose their precious locks. This won't
happen to you, no matter how traumatic the experience. Much more dangerous
to hair is prolonged stress, which can cause hair loss through three conditions:
alopecia areata, trichotillomania, and telogen effluvin.
 Hair products are hair assassins
There aren't any hair sprays or gels that contain active ingredients known to cause
male baldness. You can take a step in the right direction by using natural
products with ingredients like Aloe Vera and chamomile, but even the ingredients
you can't read that you see in hair products are harmless to your hair and scalp.

Types of Hair
Humans grow many different types of hair on their bodies, depending on
age and genetics. In addition, each of these types of hair also appear in several
different variations.
Lanugo hair is hair that is located on an unborn baby. The hairs are very fine and
soft and begin growing around three months of conception. This hair grows at the
same rate and therefore is the same length.
Vellus hair is short hair. These hairs are only a centimeter or two long and contain
very little pigment, or no pigment at all as follicles that produce this hair do not
have any oil glands. This causes them to never produce any other type of hair. provides up-to-date information about thousands of American
landline and cell numbers. The reverse phone number lookup function allows to
learn all the legally available information about the number’s owner.
Terminal hairs are long hairs that grow on the head and the body. These hairs are
produced by follicles with sebaceous glands. Individuals, who have inherited a
tendency for baldness, will notice that these hair follicles will become thicker and
shorter and eventually will look like Vellus hairs.
Newborn babies that are full term actually have two types of hair. They
possess terminal hair, which grows on the scalp and the eyebrows, but nowhere

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else on the body. The rest of the hair is Vellus. Once the baby begins to grow, so
will the hair on his head, creating an even tone.
Two periods of the baby's growth will cause the hair to grow at a rapid
speed. The hair growth begins at the forehead extending back to the neck. At
around two to three months the baby's hair will actually shed naturally. As the
baby grows, the hair on the head grows too.
The first year of the child's life all the hairs on the child’s head will grow at
the same rate. The hair will finally have full coverage. Next, the hair will grow
independently at different rates.
Many children's growth patterns will change as they grow. Before puberty,
the scalp carries a mixture of short Vellus-like hairs and longer terminal hairs,
together with various 'in-between' hairs.
After an individual reaches puberty, in both sexes, most of the scalp hairs
are terminal hairs. The terminal hairs of the scalp are thicker in diameter than the
childhood hairs, especially in darker haired individuals. Hence, when puberty
arrives, so does terminal hair.
Older individuals find that their hair continues to grow quite rapid and strong and
continue to have quite a bit of hair at 80. Other people have hair that begins to
thin as they age and by time they reach 80, they have very little hair. This is
caused by both genetics and the health of the individual's hair.

84 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Uson, Lea L.

Course: Bs. Architecture 1c
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Health And Fitness
Title Of Report: Approaches To Weight Loss
Instructor: Paulene Rojas Navalta


Weight loss refers to a reduction of the total body mass.

You can lose body fat by making a few healthy changes to your
eating and exercise habits. These changes should be things that
you can maintain as part of your lifestyle- that way you will lose
weight and keep it off.

There are five primary approaches that an individual can take to

losing weight and achieving their ideal weight target.
 Exercise
 Food in take
 Stimulate Metabolism
 Suppress Appetite
 Surgical Options

Regular exercise , or some form of physical activity, should be part of everyone’s

daily lifestyle. Adding an exercise routine to your daily lifestyle is not only the great way
to reduce weight or maintain a healthy weight but to promote good physical health as
well. You may treat exercise as a way to burn calories that you ate above your normal
daily needs. Regularly performing some form of exercise will promote improvements in
flexibility, joint range of motion, balance and coordination.
Adding an exercise routine or physical activity to your daily lifestyle will promote a
greater sense of mental well- being. This is essential for supporting a healthy outlook
and positive attitude. In conclusion, any successful nutritional diet is even more
successful when exercise is added.

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Eating balanced, nutritious diet and being physically active is the best way to stay
healthy and help reduce your risk of disease. If you use more energy than you
consume, you will lose weight. Take note, skipping meals is not recommended. In fact,
if you skip meals you may find you eat more when you do eat and this may lead to a
larger stomach capacity.
There are two primary approaches to weight loss under the food intake
approach. The first one is working with a weight loss company that prepare well-
balanced, low-calorie, low-fat meals and ships them to your door. This approach works
well with individuals who have a busy schedule. In addition, it reduces the temptation of
preparing unhealthy foods.
The second food approach in take is providing their members with a large array
of healthy , low calorie recipes where they are the one who consume and prepare meals
to themselves. This approach is appealing to individuals who enjoy cooking. Most of the
scenario, individuals with families often find it more convenient.

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The weight loss approach of increasing one’s metabolism works on the basis of
increasing the rate at which their body burns calories. By doing so, the individual will
enter a state where they are burning more calories than they are taking from food.
Under normal conditions it is recommended that the individual include an exercise
routine to their increased metabolism weight loss approach to increase the
effectiveness o their overall weight loss regimen. But, there are several types of
metabolism stimulants that needs a prescription because it have been known to
promote negative side effects including high blood pressure. Addiction, stroke and even
heart attack.


Appetite suppressant are designed to decrease food cravings and hunger . This
approach is effective to individuals to that are seeking to lose weight , but are having
difficulty controlling their food cravings. However, it is important to understand that the
body requires healthy and nutritious foods on a daily basis.
There are basically two types of appetite suppressors available: natural appetite
suppressors and medical appetite suppressors. All appetite suppressants should be
used with caution.

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Surgical options is the most dangerous method of weight loss. This approach is
risky and expensive which also needs a large lifestyle change. When individual tried all
the method and repeatedly failed then it is time to consider surgical weight loss option.
However, as with most surgical procedures, there are several side effects and
detrimental conditions that many arise.

88 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Dela Cruz, Lyka Mae D.

Course: Bs Architecture
Subject: Physical Education
Report: Your Weight Loss Plan And Your Optimum Weight.
Instructor: Paulane Royas Navalta

Defining Your Personal Weight Loss Plan

Prior to embarking on a weight loss program, it is highly

recommended that you take the time to develop a
health and fitness program that facilitates a
systematic approach to obtaining your personal
weight loss goal. Although taking the time to develop
a personalized, detailed weight loss plan may seem
unnecessary, doing so will greatly increase the
probability of actually attaining your personal weight
loss goals.
The intent of this article is to provide an outline that you
can utilize to define and create your personal
weight loss plan. Once complete, you will have a well thought out approach to
safely and effectively losing any excess body weight required to achieve your
personal health and fitness goals.
In order to effectively lose weight and obtain you optimum weight goal, a plan must be
created that will facilitate a systematic approach to your weight loss. The systematic
approach to defining, creating, and thereafter implementing your personal weight loss
plan is as follows.

Determining Your Optimum Weight

With the United States being one of the most
overweight nations in the world, it is no wonder
that the topic of weight loss has become so
mainstream. In addition, while the percentage of
adults that are either overweight or obese has
continued to rise, likewise, the percentages have
risen within the adolescent and teen populations
as well.

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According to results derived from a study conducted by the National Institute of
Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) in 2007, more than 60% of all
Americans aged 20 years and older are overweight. In addition, the study also
concluded that nearly one-third of the entire American adult population is considered
Obesity is a serious health concern for children and adolescents as well. Data from
the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted during the
time periods of 1976–1980 and 2003–2006 concluded that the prevalence of obesity in
children and adolescents has increased. For children aged 2–5 years, obesity
prevalence increased from 5.0% to 12.4%; for children aged 6–11 years, prevalence
increased from 6.5% to 17%; and for adolescents aged 12–19 years, prevalence
increased from 5% to 17.6%.
The Surgeon General has determined that obesity is responsible for over 300,000
deaths per year - a toll surpassed only by tobacco, to which 400,000 deaths are
attributed. In addition, there are several health complications and diseases that have
been directly linked to obesity.
Obesity Complications and Diseases

1. Coronary heart disease

2. Type 2 diabetes
3. Cancers (endometrial, breast and colon)
4. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
5. Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
6. Stroke
7. Liver and gallbladder disease
8. Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
9. Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
10. Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)
The intent of this article is not to overwhelm our readers with statistics, but rather
to discuss the various techniques and approaches used to determine an
individual's optimum weight, and thereafter facilitate the obtainment of that body
weight. The art of weight loss, or weight gain, is fundamentally straightforward. Simply
put, in order for an individual to lose weight, they must consume fewer calories than
their body burns in a day.
In other words, if an individual consumes 2,000 calories in a day and their body only
burns 1,500 calories per day, they will store 500 calories as additional body weight.
Furthermore, if that same individual continuously consumes 500 calories above the

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number of calories their body burns per day, they will gain 1 pound of body weight in a
7-day period (3,500 calories is equal to one pound of body weight).
By understanding how to correctly determine your optimum weight, you will be able
to define your personal weight loss goal. Following this, you will be able to define a
fitness routine that will facilitate the attainment of your personal weight loss goal. By
taking an active approach to your personal fitness, you will embrace a lifestyle filled with
good health, fitness and mental well-being.
Methods and Techniques for Measuring Weight and Body Fat

As previously mentioned, there are several methods and techniques used to measure
an individual's body fat level and percentage of body fat.
The following briefly discusses the most prominent methods currently used to
determine an individual's optimum body weight:
Body Weight Measurement - Simply put, this is
the weight scale typically seen in most homes
and is solely a measure of the total body weight
of an individual in either pounds or kilgrams.
2. Body Mass Index (BMI) - A method of estimating
a person's body fat percentage based upon
their weight and height measurements.
Although the BMI calculation is an indirect
measurement of body fat, it has been found to be
a fairly reliable indicator of body fat measures in
most people.
3. Skin-Fold Caliper - With the skin-fold caliper
method, an individual would take pinches of their skin at three points on their body (6
points using the Yuhasz method), and thereafter calculate their body fat percentage.
There are electronic calipers that sense the correct pressure to pinch and perform
the calculations as well.
4. Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) - With the BIA method (similar to a body
weight scale), a device sends a small electrical signal through your hands or feet and
uses the data to determine how much of your body is fat and how much is
water. Muscle and lean tissue are primarily comprised of water. To perform the body
fat calculation, an individual only needs to enter their gender, age and weight.
5. Height/Weight Charts - Height/weight charts are designed to represent an individual's
body mass index. Height/weight charts also provide generic healthy weight ranges
for men and women. These charts can typically be found in the offices of medical
professionals, nutritionists and dietitians. Several height/weight charts include weight

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recommendations categorized by body frame type (i.e. small, average or large)
and age.
6. Waist Measurement - Simply put, this method solely measures the waist.
Thereafter, the results are compared to data compiled by organizations such as the
International Diabetes Federation.
7. Waist-to-Hip Ratio - The waist-to-hip ratio compares the measurement of the
narrowest part of the waist to the broadest section of the hips. Measure your waist
between the rib cage and the hip bone as viewed from the front. The broadest
hip/butt measure is best determined from the side. Do not pull in your stomach while
taking your measurements. Once the measurements have been taken, divide the
waist measurement by the hip measurement. The ratio should be no more than 0.9
for men and 0.8 for women.
For example, a man with a 42-inch waist and 40-inch hips would have a waist/hip
ratio of 1.05. As a health indicator, several medical professionals have determined
that this ratio is more accurate than the waist measurement alone, particularly for
heart disease risk assessment. One study determined that there was an increased
risk of heart disease when this ratio exceeded 0.8 for women and 0.9 for men.
8. DEXA Scanning - DEXA stands for "dual energy x-ray absorptiometry" and is
sometimes called DXA. DEXA is primarily used to measure bone density and lean
mass, but can also be used to determine fat mass readings. The DXA system uses a
body scanner, takes approximately 15 minutes to run, and costs upwards of $100 per
session. The DXA scanner is fairly accurate and typically delivers results within a 3%
error margin.
9. Hydrostatic Weighing - Hydrostatic weighing consists of submerging an
individual completely underwater while they sit on a scale and expel all the air from
their lungs. The technology utilizes the displacement of water and the differing
densities of fat and lean muscle mass, and is considered highly accurate. However,
very few establishments have a hydrostatic weighing system, limiting accessibility for
most individuals.
10. The Bod Pod - The Bod Pod method of determining body fat levels has been
available since 1997, and may be the most accurate method of all. The Bod Pod is
an egg-shaped cocoon in which an individual is enclosed for approximately 5
minutes. It works via the same principle as hydrostatic weighing, except the
medium is air instead of water. The process is defined as "plethysmography." Since
there is no water involved, the process involves less hassle and mess.
While there are several methods and techniques associated with determining an
individual's body fat level, several of the approaches are less reliable, less accessible
or more costly than others. Hence, the intent of this section of our website is to discuss
the techniques that are more common and readily accessible to most individuals.

92 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Maria Angeline P. Millet

Course: B.S. Architecture
Subject: Physical Education I (P. E. I)
Title of the Report: Basal Metabolic Rate
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Navalta


What is Basal Metabolic Rate?

 Your body converts what you eat and drink into
energy. The calories in food and beverages are
combined with oxygen to release the energy your
body needs to perform your body’s most basic
(basal) functions like breathing and
cellproduction. Even when you’re at rest, your
body needs energy for all of its “hidden”
functions, such as breathing, circulating blood,
adjusting hormone levels, and growing and repairing cells. The number of
calories your body needs to carry out these basic functions is known as your
basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Why It’s Important to Know Your BMR

 Whether your goal is to lose weight (body fat), gain weight (lean muscle), or to
just maintain your current weight, knowing your basal metabolic rate can help
you attain and maintain your goals. If you are like many women who are doing all
the right things, like eating healthy, exercising and still not losing weight. Knowing
your BMR can be helpful for your weight loss tool-box.
The Basal Metabolic Rate calculator shows you the number of calories you burn
when at rest. This is before you even get out of bed in the morning. This is the
number of calories your body needs just to stay alive and function daily. It is a
great way to know if you are eating too few calories. Eating too little, skipping
meals and saving calories for later will all backfire on you.

How to Calculate BMR

One popular way to estimate BMR is through the Harris-Benedict formula,
which takes into account weight, height, age, and gender.
BMR = 655 + (9.6 × weight in kg) + (1.8 × height in cm) – (4.7 × age in years)

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BMR = 66 + (13.7 × weight in kg) + (5 × height in cm) – (6.8 × age in years)


1. Genetics (Race):
Some people are born with faster metabolism and some with slower metabolism.
Indians and Chinese seem to have a lower BMR than the Europeans. This may as well
be due to dietary differences between these races. Higher BMR exists in individuals
living in tropical climates. Ex. Singapore.
2. Gender:
Men have a greater muscle mass and a lower body fat percentage. Thus men have a
higher basal metabolic rate than women. The BMR of females declines more rapidly
between the ages of 5 and 17 than that of males.
3. Age:
BMR reduces with age i.e. it is inversely proportional to age. Children have higher BMR
than adults. After 20 years, it drops about 2 per cent, per decade.
4. Weight:
The heavier the weight, the higher the BMR, ex. the metabolic rate of obese women is
25 percent higher than that of thin women.
5. Body surface area:
This is a reflection of the height and weight. The greater the body surface area factor,
the higher the BMR. Tall, thin people have higher BMRs. When a tall person is
compared with a short person of equal weight, then if they both follow a diet calorie-
controlled to maintain the weight of the taller person, the shorter person may gain up to
15 pounds in a year.
6. Body fat percentage:
The lower the body fat percentage, the higher the BMR. The lower body fat percentage
in the male body is one reason why men generally have a 10-15% higher BMR than
7. Diet:
Starvation or serious abrupt calorie-reduction can dramatically reduce BMR by up to
30%. Restrictive low-calorie weight loss diets may cause BMR to drop as much
as 20%. BMR of strict vegetarians is 11% lower than that of meat eaters.
8. Body temperature/health:
For every increase of 0.5° C in internal temperature of the body, the BMR increases by
about 7 percent. The chemical reactions in the body actually occur more quickly at
higher temperatures. So a patient with a fever of 42° C (about 4° C above normal)
would have an increase of about 50 percent in BMR. An increase in body temperature
as a result of fever increases the BMR by 14-15% per degree centigrade which
evidently, is due to the increased rate of metabolic reactions of the body.
9. External temperature:
Temperature outside the body also affects basal metabolic rate. Exposure to cold
temperature causes an increase in the BMR, so as to create the extra heat needed to
maintain the body’s internal temperature. A short exposure to hot temperature has little

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effect on the body’s metabolism as it is compensated mainly by increased heat loss. But
prolonged exposure to heat can raise BMR.
10. Glands:
Thyroxine is a key BMR-regulator which speeds up the metabolic activity of the body.
The more thyroxine produced, the higher the BMR. If too much thyroxine is produced
(thyrotoxicosis) BMR can actually double. If too little thyroxine is produced
(myxoedema) BMR may shrink to 30-40 percent of normal rate. Like thyroxine,
adrenaline also increases the BMR but to a lesser extent. Anxiety and tension may not
show on the face but they do produce an increased tensing of the muscles and release
of norepinephrine even though the subject is seemingly quiet. Both these factors tend to
increase the metabolic rate.
11. Exercise:
Physical exercise not only influences body weight by burning calories, it also helps raise
the BMR by building extra lean tissue. (Lean tissue is more metabolically demanding
than fat tissue.) So more calories are burnt even when sleeping.
12. Pregnancy:
The BMR is not changed during pregnancy. The higher value of BMR in late pregnancy
is due to the BMR of the foetus.

Significance of BMR:
1. The determination of BMR is the principal guide for diagnosis and treatment
of thyroid disorders.
2. If BMR is less than 10% of the normal, it indicates moderate hypothyroidism. In
severe hypothyroidism, the BMR may be decreased to 40 to 50 percent below normal.
3. BMR aids to know the total amount of food or calories required to maintain body
4. The BMR is low in starvation, under nutrition, hypothalamic disorders, Addison’s
disease and lipoid nephrosis.
5. The BMR is above normal in fever, diabetes insipidus, leukemia and polycythemia.

95 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Tulao, Joan Mae B.

Course: Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Subject: Physical Education 1
Title of Report(s): Diet and Calorie Intake &Setting Weight Loss Goals
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Navalta


A calorie is a unit of energy. It is a necessity that enable one to live and function.
Calorie is found in all types of food and in different forms. Its main sources are
fats, proteins, carbohydrates or sugars. These sources are important for the
human body nutrition and efficient performance. In Physics, calorie was
described as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram
of water from 0 to 1 degree Celsius. Scientists made different calories through
diverse temperatures. Hence, calorie, in nutrition, is in fact, 1,000 of these
small/gram calories or sometimes referred to as the 15-degree calorie.
The number of calories an individual consumes on a daily basis or during
a specific timeline. Hence, calorie intake determines the amount of calorie
storage wherein excess amount of these calories are turned and stored as body
Refers to a person’s daily consumption of food and beverages. The food
that isset to be consumed is usually supervised and regulated to reach the goal
of either maintaining, reducing, or gaining weight. The term diet is often used to
refer to the act of reducing food intake or having weight-loss regimen. However, it
is actually the set of food and beverage that is chosen to satisfy a certain goal
concerning body nutrition.
The volume of the food an individual consumes as his/her diet determines
his/her calorie intake. Calorie intake for each person is different for it depends on
their lifestyle and diet. However, according to some studies, one should meet the
required calorie ingestion according to some factors including their age, sex,

96 | P a g e
height, weight and physical activity. This helps a person to either decrease,
increase, or maintain body mass to desired or prescribed condition.
It is recommended by the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
that men are likely to need 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day and for the women,
1,600 to 2,400 calories. On the other hand, as for Filipinos, the suggested calorie
intake per day is 1,500 calories for women and 2,000 calories for men.
Furthermore, Filipinos must aim for 500 calories a meal, as said by Dr. Anthony
Leachon, the Department of Health consultant on non-communicable diseases.
Decreasing Caloric Intake for Weight Loss
Losing weight means the need consuming calorie a level below their Basal
Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR refers to the average number of calories that a
person’s body burns on a daily basis.
To effectively reduce weight, the ideal way is to reduce calorie intake
through controlling diet and begin to involve in an exercise program. With this
approach, an individual aiming to lose weight will not only reduce his/her calorie
consumption but will also increase the amount of calorie they are burning. By
doing so, one will have a healthier and more rapid weight loss regime.
However, one could use a doctor’s prescription as a guide for their diet
and exercise routine concerning their current health status. It is also advisable
that only a pound per week or 3,500 calories must be reduced by a person.
Losing more than 2 pounds typically implies that an individual will begin to lose
water weight and lean muscle mass instead of losing two full pounds of excess
body fat. This will create a body with an unstable biological terrain, leading to
less energy, an unhealthy lifestyle and a higher probability of gaining the weight
back.However, in some instances, individuals with serious health concerns
associated with obesity may have legitimate reasons for losing weight more
It is the process or a plan of decreasing/reducing the body weight or body
mass of an individual through various ways such as exercising, setting a diet
plan, or anything under weight loss and fitness program.
Regardless of your specific reasons in reducing weight, successful weight
loss and healthy weight management highly depend on setting realistic goals and
expectations. It is important to set attainable goals to be able to achieve
immediate fitness objective and maintaining those accomplishments on a long-
term basis.

STEP 1: Determine if you need to lose weight

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If any of the following conditions apply to you, you may be a candidate for weight loss:
 A Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or higher
 A waist-hip ratio higher than 0.8 for women and 1.0 for men
 An abdominal girth measurement of more than 35 inches in women and 40 inches
in men
 A body fat percentage greater than the recommended percentage for your sex
and age
It should be noted that the above indicators are only general guidelines and not definite
indicators of whether you should lose weight. Also, a physician’s advice is highly

STEP 2: Evaluation of Factors Associated with Body Weight

There are several factors that determine your current weight:
 How much and what types of food you consume
 Whether your lifestyle includes regular physical activity
 Whether you use food in response to stress or other situations in your life
 Your physiologic and genetic make-up
 Your age and health status
STEP 3: Setting Reasonable Goals
Your goals must be set upon these measures -- specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and tangible.It will be helpful to set specific weight loss
plan that runs in a timeline. With this you can set different minor goals as you
lose weight helping you to attain your ideal weight without causing stress to your
psychological aspect.
Everyone must set their goals on having a healthier or fitter body and not
only on shaping their body figure to their ideal desires. It is important not to lose
weight extensively in trying to reach a definite body figure.

Step 4: Setting Realistic Approach

Realistic approach is essential to achieve goals on losing weight without taking
other health aspects for granted. It's important to ignore products and programs that
promise rapid and simple weight loss results, or that promise permanent results
without permanent changes in your lifestyle. In fact, several "rapid weight loss"
approaches and products are questionable in terms of overall health and safety.

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Concentrate on regularly participating in a fitness routine and maintaining a
nutritious and healthy dietary regime. A nutritious and healthy dietary routine would
include consuming a natural food base.
This means decreasing the amount of fast food in your diet, lowering fat
consumption, and increasing levels of fish, lean chicken, fruits, vegetables and whole
grains. By doing so, you will be modifying your personal lifestyle to an approach that is
healthier, more sustainable and even more enjoyable over the long run.
 Leonard, Barb (n.d). What is Diet and Nutrition?. Retrieved from
 Nordqvist, Christian (2018). How many calories should I eat a day?. Retrieved
 Uy, Jocelyn (2013). FDA pushes for calorie labels on food products. Retrieved
 FitnessHealth101 (2019).Diet and Caloric Intake. Retrieved from
 FitnessHealth101 (2019). Setting Weight Loss Goals. Retrieved from

99 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Domingo,John Mark P.

Course: BS Architecture 1
Subject: Physical Activity towards Health and Fitness 1
Title: Nutritional Strategies and Weight loss strategies
Instructor: Ms.Paulane Rojas Navalta

Nutritional Strategies:

Reduce Caloric Intake

Dietary and nutritional aspects associated

with safe and effective weight loss are
actually fairly simple to understand and
implement. For example, you will need
to consume 3,500 fewer calories than
your body burns to lose one pound of
body weight. The example below is
designed to provide a solid approach to
losing weight in a safe and effective

You set your weight loss goal to effectively and safely lose 2 pounds of excess body
weight per week, This is a very doable, safe, and reasonable goal.
 Based on the math, you will need to eliminate 7,000 calories per week from your
dietary intake (or 1,000 calories per day) to meet
your goal.
 You determine that you currently consume
approximately 3,400 calories per day.
 You will need to decrease your daily caloric
intake to 2,400 calories per day to meet your
personal weight loss goal of losing 2 pounds per
week. By doing so, you will create a caloric deficit
of 7,000 calories, enough to safely lose 2 pounds
of body weight per week.
 Eliminate calories derived from foods that
do not provide nutritional value

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 A highly processed foods, foods that are high in sugar and fat, and foods
that provide a high number of empty calories (calories that do not provide
vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates or amino acids). Soda is a
perfect example of an empty-calorie food to eliminate.
 Do not replace sugary foods with sugar-free or low-fat alternatives.
 These products leave you feeling less full and may make you crave more
sugar or fat. In short, eating a 700 calorie meal that is derived from healthy
foods is much better than eating seven 100-calorie sugar-free cookies.
 Drink as much water as you comfortably can.
 Water will refresh and rejuvenate your body like no other beverage, and
will assist in the removal of the excess body weight you are seeking to
 Don’t Skip Breakfast
 Eat breakfast.It will energize you for the day and keep your diet in Check.
 Nibble, don’t gobble
 Use the three-bite rule with dessert,have three small bites and put yur fork
 Keep the burn going
 During your workout,rest no more than 30 seconds between exercise.
 Avoid late-night snacks
 Finish eating three hours before bedtime.your metabolism slows down
when you slee so you shift fro fat burning to fat storage
 Don’t forget to dumbbells
 Increase the strength component of your workout.adding lean muscle to
your body not only tones,also increase your metabolism.
 Questionyourcravings
 Before you eat ask yourself,Am I hungry?
 Don’t skimp on sleep
 Get six to eight hours of sleep a night.without it the appetite hormone
ghrelin increases,which could result weight gain.
 Start with greens
 Eat in the right vegetables first to naturally have more of them
and ultimately eat a fewer calories
Common Misconceptions About Nutrition and Dietary Approaches
 If I eat only one meal per day, I will lose weight.

Actually, consuming one meal per day may cause you to gain weight. Scientific
research has shown that eating only one meal per day will decrease your
metabolism, and more of the calories consumed from the one meal you eat will
be stored as fat. By consuming only one meal per day, your body will
automatically go into starvation mode and store more of the calories that are
consumed to ensure that it has an adequate level of energy reserved for times of
severe food shortage. Your body is not able to determine that the starvation
mode that it has entered is self-imposed by you consuming only one meal per

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The best approach to safe, effective and permanent weight loss is to consume five
or six small meals that are calorie-conscious, balanced, healthy, nutritious
and derived from whole foods. All healthy weight loss programs should include
an exercise or physical activity portion as well.
 Supplements will replace all of the nutrients that I do not get through my
This is incorrect as well. Supplements are intended to compliment the hard work that
you are doing, not serve as a standalone approach to nutrition. For example,
avoiding vitamin C from food and then expecting a multivitamin to meet your daily
needs of this important vitamin is an ill-conceived plan. Your body is designed
to intake and digest real food, not pills. In addition, your body will crave food
and you may find that you are binge eating, which may actually lead to weight
gain. Add nutritional supplements to your dietary regimen to ensure that you are
getting enough vitamins and minerals, not as a replacement for food.
 I do not need to exercise if my nutritional habits are sound.
No matter how good your nutritional habits are, exercise is an important part of
dieting and your overall lifestyle as well. This is not to say that you need to go to
a fitness center and work out for hours every day. If your nutritional habits are
sound, a 30-minute to 1-hour exercise routine performed 3 to 4 times per
week is sufficient. Think of exercise as an additional support function for your
weight loss program. From the previous example, you already know that you will
burn 2 pounds of excess body weight per week based on your reduction in
dietary intake. By adding an exercise routine to your weight loss plan, you will
create an environment where you are burning additional calories per week and
improving your physical health at the same time. This approach will increase the
rate at which you are able to effectively and safely lose weight, exercise has
been shown to improve mood, reduce
food cravings, improve cardiovascular
endurance, increase lean muscle
mass and strength, improve
coordination, balance and flexibility,
and provide a whole host of additional
benefits like strengthening your heart,
maintaining bone density, and
minimizing the probability of
contracting a degenerative disease. If
nutrition forms the walls and floor of
your "weight loss house," think of
exercise as the roof. It is important that
your "weight loss house" be
constructed on a solid foundation - an
overall approach and lifestyle that is
conducive to good health, fitness and mental well-being.

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Weight loss Strategies:

Drink Water, Especially Before Meals

It is often claimed that drinking water can help with weight loss — and that’s true.
Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24–30% over a period of 1–1.5 hours,
helping you burn off a few more calories
Eat Eggs For Breakfast

Eating whole eggs can have all sorts of benefits, including helping you lose weight.

Studies show that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs can help you eat
fewer calories for the next 36 hours as well as lose more weight and body fat.

Drink Coffee (Preferably Black)

Coffee has been unfairly demonized. Quality coffee is loaded with antioxidants and can
have numerous

Studies show that the caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by 3–11% and increase
fat burning by up to 10–29% (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular eating pattern in which people cycle between periods of
fasting and eating.

Short-term studies suggest intermittent fasting is as effective for weight loss as

continuous calorie restriction

Additionally, it may reduce the loss of muscle mass typically associated with low-calorie
diets. However, higher-quality studies are needed before any stronger claims can be

103 | P a g e
Use Smaller Plates

Using smaller plates has been shown to help some people automatically eat fewer
calories However, the plate-size effect doesn’t appear to affect everyone. Those who
are overweightseem to be more affected.

Keep Healthy Food Around in Case You Get Hungry

Keeping healthy food nearby can help prevent you from eating something unhealthy if
you become excessively hungry.

Snacks that are easily portable and simple to prepare include whole fruits, nuts, baby
carrots, yogurt and hard-boiled eggs

Eat Spicy Foods

Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a spicy compound that can boost metabolism and
reduce your appetite slightly However, people may develop tolerance to the effects of
capsaicin over time, which may limit its long-term effectiveness

Do Aerobic Exercise

Doing aerobic exercise (cardio) is an excellent way to burn calories and improve your
physical and mental health.It appears to be particularly effective for losing belly fat, the
unhealthy fat that tends to build up around your organs and cause metabolic disease

Lift Weights

One of the worst side effects of dieting is that it tends to cause muscle loss and
metabolic slowdown, often referred to as starvation mode The best way to prevent this
is to do some sort of resistance exercise such as lifting weights. Studies show that
weight lifting can help keep your metabolism high and prevent you from losing precious
muscle mass.

Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits have several properties that make them effective for weight loss.

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They contain few calories but a lot of fiber. Their high water content gives them low
energy density, making them very filling.

Studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits tend to weigh less.

Get Good Sleep

Sleep is highly underrated but may be just as important as eating healthy and
exercising.Studies show that poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity,
as it’s linked to an 89% increased risk of obesity in children and 55% in adults

Don't Do Sugary Drinks, Including Soda and Fruit Juice

Sugar is bad, but sugar in liquid form is even worse. Studies show that calories from
liquid sugar may be the single most fattening aspect of the modern diet .For example,
one study showed that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60% increased risk
of obesity in children for each daily serving Keep in mind that this applies to fruit juice as
well, which contains a similar amount of sugar as a soft drink like Coke .

Don't Diet — Eat Healthy Instead

One of the biggest problems with diets is that they rarely work in the long term.If
anything, people who diet tend to gain more weight over time, and studies show that
dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain Instead of going on a diet, aim to
become a healthier, happier and fitter person. Focus on nourishing your body instead of
depriving it.

105 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Melendez, Jeremian B.

Course: BS Architecture
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1
Report: Chapter 8: Weight Training and Benefits of Weight Training
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Royas Navalta

Weight training is a type of (resistance) training to increase the strength and size of
skeletal muscles primarily using bars, dumbbells and/or other equipment. Weight
training is necessary for sports like bodybuilding, weightlifting and powerlifting
where strength, power, and/or muscle mass are necessary. It is used in many
other sports, such as football, wrestling, and rowing, in order to increase the
performance of athletes and reduce the frequency and severity of injuries.

Definitions: A repetition is a single complete movement of an exercise. It normally

consists of two phases: the concentric muscle action, where muscles contract
(usually during lifting the weight), and the eccentric muscle action, where
muscles are lengthened (usually during lowering the weight). The weight that is
used is called resistance (in the literature also referred to as load). The ratio of
the weight to the maximum weight that can be lifted for one repetition is called
intensity of resistance.
Weight training has many benefits for non-athletes as well, since it can reduce
the signs and symptoms of many diseases and chronic conditions including:

• Arthritis (by reducing pain and stiffness, and increasing strength and flexibility).
• Diabetes (by improving glycemic control).
• Osteoporosis (by increasing the bone mineral density).
• Heart disease (by improving the lipids profile).
• Obesity (by increasing the metabolism).
• Back pain (by strengthening back and abdominal muscles).
Increased strength also improves the capacity to perform everyday tasks more
easily. Weight training is further associated with reductions in anxiety symptoms,
improvements in sleep quality and improvements in self-esteem.

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Weight training: How much is enough?
You don't have to be in the weight room for 90 minutes a day to see results. For
most people, short weight training sessions a couple of times a week are more
practical than are extended daily workouts.
You can see significant improvement in your strength with just two or three 20- or
30-minute weight training sessions a week. That frequency also meets activity
recommendations for healthy adults. The Department of Health and Human
Services recommends incorporating strength training exercises of all the major
muscle groups into a fitness routine at least two times a week
Weight training: It's all about technique
Weight training offers important health benefits when done properly. But it can
lead to injuries, such as sprains, strains and fractures, if it's not done correctly.
For best results, consider these basic weight training principles:
Learn proper technique. If you're new to weight training, work with a trainer or
other fitness specialist to learn correct form and technique. Even experienced
athletes may need to brush up on their form from time to time.
Warm up. Cold muscles are more prone to injury than are warm muscles. Try
brisk walking or another aerobic activity for five or 10 minutes before lifting
Do a single set of repetitions. Theories on the best way to approach weight
training abound, including countless repetitions and hours at the gym. But
research shows that a single set of exercise with a weight that fatigues your
muscle after about 12 to 15 repetitions can build muscle efficiently in most people
and can be as effective as three sets of the same exercise.

Use the proper weight. The proper weight to lift is heavy enough to tire your
muscles after about 12 to 15 repetitions. You should be barely able to finish the
last repetition.
Start slowly. If you're a beginner, you may find that you're able to lift only a few
pounds. That's OK. Once your muscles, tendons and ligaments get used to
weight training exercises, you may be surprised at how quickly you progress.
Once you can easily do 12 to 15 repetitions or more with a particular weight,
gradually increase the weight.
Take time to rest. To give your muscles time to recover, rest one full day
between exercising each specific muscle group. You might choose to work the
major muscle groups at a single session two or three times a week, or plan daily
sessions for specific muscle groups. For example, on Monday work your arms
and shoulders, on Tuesday work your legs, and so on.

107 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

NAME: Godoy, Jerwin F.

COURSE: B.S. Architecture
SUBJECT: Physical Education 1 (P.E. 1)
TITLE OF THE REPORT: Beginners Guideline (Bodybuilding)
INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Paulane Navalta


There are fifteen (15) beginners’ tip/guidelines for body building to become more
prepared and to know the advantage/benefits of having a beginner’s guideline.

 Stick to Free Weights

 Do Compound Movements
 Have a Program and Stick to it
 Don’t Train Everyday
 Train Each Muscle Group Every Week
 Learn the Correct Form of Each Exercise
 Gradually Increase the Weights
 Be Cautious
 Eat a Lot of Protein
 Be in a Caloric Surplus
 Eat More Often
 Avoid Junk Food
 Consume Fruits and Vegetable
 Rest and Recover
 Act Like an Athlete

These are the list of fifteen (15) tips/guidelines to ensure and get a fast result, unexpected

108 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559 ART

Name: Ranit, Jamever S.

Course: Bs. Architecture
Subject: Physical Education 1
Report: Strength Training
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Rojas Navalta

Strength training is a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to induce
muscular contraction which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal
muscles.When properly performed, strength training can provide significant functional
benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being, including increased bone,
muscle, tendon, and ligament strength and toughness, improved joint function, reduced
potential for injury, increased bone density, increased metabolism, increased fitness and
improved cardiac function. Training commonly uses the technique of progressively
increasing the force output of the muscle through incremental weight increases and uses a
variety of exercises and types of equipment to target specific muscle groups. Strength
training is primarily an anaerobic activity, although some proponents have adapted it to
provide the benefits of aerobic exercise through circuit training.

Strength training is typically associated with the production of lactate, which is a limiting
factor of exercise performance. Regular endurance exercise leads to adaptations in
skeletal muscle which can prevent lactate levels from rising during strength training. This
is mediated via activation of PGC-1alpha which alter the LDH (lactate dehydrogenase)
isoenzyme complex composition and decreases the activity of the lactate generating
enzyme LDHA, while increasing the activity of the lactate metabolizing enzyme LDHB.
ncreased physical attractiveness

Many people take up strength training to improve their physical attractiveness. There is
evidence that a body type consisting of broad shoulders and a narrow waist, attainable
through strength training, is the most physically attractive male attribute according to
women participating in the research. Most men can develop substantial muscles; most
women lack the testosterone to do it, but they can develop a firm, "toned" (see below)
physique, and they can increase their strength by the same proportion as that achieved by
men (but usually from a significantly lower starting point). An individual's genetic make-
up dictates the response to weight training stimuli to a significant extent. Training can not

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exceed a muscle's intrinsic genetically determined qualities, though polymorphic
expression does occur e.g., Myosin heavy chains

Studies also show that people are able to tell the strength of men based on photos of their
bodies and faces, and that physical appearance indicates cues of strengths that are often
linked to a man's physical formidability and, therefore, his attractiveness. This is aligned
with studies that reveal those who undergo strength training attain more self-esteem and
body cathexis when compared to individuals who do not undergo training or exercise. In
addition, people who undergo strength training tend to have a more favorable body image
even than those who also engage in regular physical activities such as walking and
running. More women are also increasingly revealed to be dissatisfied with their body
today than those surveyed in 1984 and they often turn to exercise such as strength
training to improve their body shape.

Workouts elevate metabolism for up to 14 hours following 45-minutes of vigorous exercise.

Increased general physical health

Strength training also provides functional benefits. Stronger muscles improve posture,
provide better support for joints, and reduce the risk of injury from everyday activities.
Older people who take up weight training can prevent some of the loss of muscle tissue
that normally accompanies aging—and even regain some functional strength—and by
doing so become less frail. They may be able to avoid some types of physical disability.
Weight-bearing exercise also helps to prevent osteoporosis and to improve bone strength
in those with osteoporosis. The benefits of weight training for older people have been
confirmed by studies of people who began engaging in it even in their 80s and 90s.

Though strength training can stimulate the cardiovascular system, many exercise
physiologists, based on their observation of maximal oxygen uptake, argue that aerobics
training is a better cardiovascular stimulus. Central catheter monitoring during resistance
training reveals increased cardiac output, suggesting that strength training shows
potential for cardiovascular exercise. However, a 2007 meta-analysis found that, though
aerobic training is an effective therapy for heart failure patients, combined aerobic and
strength training is ineffective.

Strength training may be important to metabolic and cardiovascular health. Recent evidence
suggests that resistance training may reduce metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk.
Overweight individuals with high strength fitness exhibit metabolic/cardiovascular risk
profiles similar to normal-weight, fit individuals rather than overweight unfit individuals.

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For rehabilitation or to address an impairment

For many people in rehabilitation or with an acquired disability, such as following stroke or
orthopaedic surgery, strength training for weak muscles is a key factor to optimise
recovery.For people with such a health condition, their strength training is likely to need
to be designed by an appropriate health professional, such as a physiotherapist or an
occupational therapist.

Increased sports performance

Stronger muscles improve performance in a variety of sports. Sport-specific training routines

are used by many competitors. These often specify that the speed of muscle contraction
during weight training should be the same as that of the particular sport.

For the pleasure of the activity

One side effect of intense exercise is increased levels of dopamine, serotonin, and
norepinephrine, which can help to improve mood and counter feelings of depression
(dopamine and serotonin were not found to be increased by resistance training).

Developing research has demonstrated that many of the benefits of exercise are mediated
through the role of skeletal muscle as an endocrine organ. That is, contracting muscles
release multiple substances known as myokines which promote the growth of new tissue,
tissue repair, and various anti-inflammatory functions, which in turn reduce the risk of
developing various inflammatory diseases.
The most important strength increasing exercises are the ones that involve complex
movements and work your major muscle groups as well as your secondary muscle
groups. Developing your large muscle groups will help you increase your lean muscle
mass and burn fat at a much higher rate.

The following are the five most important

strength training exercises. Incorporate
each of these exercises into your strength
training routine twice a week for optimal

1. Bench Press
The Bench Press is an extremely important
upper body exercise. Not only does the
bench press develop your chest muscles,

111 | P a g e
but it works to develop surrounding muscle groups like your triceps, shoulders and upper
back. You can perform the Bench press in a variety of ways to work different upper body
muscle groups. If you want the best variety make sure you are performing Barbell Close
Grip Bench Press, Barbell Incline Bench Press and Barbell Decline Bench Press on a
weekly basis. This will develop all areas of your chest and give you the most strength

2. Pull Ups
Pull Ups are another great exercise that
increases strength in your back and
arms. Pull Ups can be done in a
variety of ways to isolate your biceps
or different areas of your back. The
most effective strength building
exercise is the Wide Grip Pull Up, as
this works your arms, lats, and middle
back. Pull Ups should be done 2-3
times a week for maximum strength increases. If simple Pull Ups are not enough for you,
try Weighted Pull Ups.

3. Squats
Squats are the king of the lower body
strength training exercises. Squats
will develop very strong
quadriceps, as well as working
your glutes, hamstrings, and lower
back. Squats are an integral
strength training exercise as they
put a great deal of stress on the
major leg muscles. If you are serious about strength training and want a full functional
body, make sure to incorporate squats into your
routine twice a week. You can also do Barbell
Overhead Squat, Dumbbell Jumping Squat, One
Leg Bodyweight Squat if you are looking for an
added challenge.

4. Dips
Dips are another fantastic upper body strength
training exercise. One of the best exercises for
building a strong chest and triceps is the

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Weighted Tricep Dips in which you hang a weighted plate from a power dip belt or put it
on top of your legs. This adds another element to the exercise and will develop an
incredibly strong chest and triceps. The dip exercise works your outer chest muscles,
shoulders, triceps, and even upper back. Dips are one of the best exercises for increasing
upper body strength.

5. Deadlifts
Deadlifts are often
overlooked but happen to
be one of the most
important strength
training exercises.
Deadlifts are one of the
few exercises that
develop strength in the
hamstrings and lower
back simultaneously. For
this exercise, you can use
dumbbells or barbell like in Barbell Deadlift, Dumbbell Deadlift, Smith Machine Stiff
Legged Deadlift. Deadlift is great for developing full body strength because it isolates 2
major muscle groups that are often overlooked by strength training programs. The lower
back and hamstring muscles are vital for full body strength, and the deadlift works to
develop both of these key muscle groups.

113 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Gabot, John Prence Q.

Course: Bs. Architecture
Subject: Physical Education 1
Report: Body Building
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Rojas Navalta


Bodybuilding, a regimen of exercises designed to enhance the human

body’s musculardevelopment and promote general health and fitness. As a competitive
activity, bodybuilding aims to display in artistic fashion pronounced muscle mass,
symmetry, and definition for overall aesthetic effect. Barbells, dumbbells, and
other resistance training devices are used in the exercises. For the use of similar
exercises for sports training and conditioning, general conditioning, and rehabilitation
therapy, see weight training.

1. Olympic Squat
This is a favorite leg developer of old-
school bodybuilders. For this squat variation,
the bar will be up high on your traps and you
will take a narrower stance. This will force
your knees over your toes and allow your
torso to stay upright, leading to a more quad
dominant exercise. While this squat variation
is more quad dominant, your glutes and
hamstrings will still get a good workout
(assuming you squat below parallel.)

2. Deadlift
Obviously this is the number one
move for back development. There is nothing
quite like a heavy-ass deadlift for adding
slabs of meat to your back. On top of working
the muscles of the back (and nearly
every muscle in your body,) the hormonal
response elicited by deadlifts is highly
favorable to building lean muscle.

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3. Bench Press
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Doug Young,
Ronnie Coleman, and Bill Kazmaier all had
the bench press at the core of
their chestroutine. This old favorite is highly
effective for muscle building because it
allows you to use more weight than any other
upper body exercise, resulting in massive
upper-body growth.

4. Overhead Press
This is one of the best overall delt
developing exercises. You'll also get
the added benefit of working your
triceps. When performing this move,
just make sure that you are not doing
a push press, don’t bend your knees
and explode up. By doing so, you will
be making your legs the prime mover
at the start of the lift rather than the
inteded delts.

5. Bent-Over Row
This can be done off the floor or off of
an elevated platform. Experiment and find
out what works best for you. Regardless of
the style you choose, the key is to squeeze
the shoulder blades together at top of the
movement. This exercise works the entire
musculature of the back and was a favorite
of Mr. Olympia, Ronnie Coleman.

6. Wide-Grip Pullup
Wide-grip pullups are absolutely
essential to developing an impressively
wide back. They are more lat intensive than
their normal grip counterpart. To perform
wide-grip pullups grasp the pullup bar wider
than shoulder width, and make sure to come
all the way down on each rep.
Use muscle intention to really feel your lats
doing the work. Pull yourself all the way up
so that the bar is around chest level at the
peak of the movement.

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7. Barbell Curl
Grab a straight bar, not an EZ curl
bar, with a supinated grip and use a full
range of motion. Because your arms are
supinated throughout the entirety of the
movement, your supinator muscles are
forced to work overtime, which can lead
to bigger, stronger biceps.

8. Skull Crusher
Triceps extension,
skullcrusher, whatever you want to
call it, just make sure you do this
move. The triceps extension is an old
school, classic triceps
isolating exercise. It has been
around forever and used by some of
the best bodybuilders of all time. It
works the triceps from the elbow to
the lats. Keep your elbows close
together and pointed towards the
ceiling. Bring the bar down toward your forehead to maximize triceps activation.
The temptation is to flare your elbows out because you can do more weight—

9. Straight-Leg Deadlift
The focus when doing
this exercise should be on activating
the hamstrings. Your feet should be
shoulder-width apart with
your legs straight throughout the
movement. This forces the brunt of the
work to be done by the hamstrings.
You are going to effectively hit the
hamstrings, glutes and back with this exercise. The straight leg deadlift has
helped build many ironclad physiques.

10. Standing Calf Raise

A physique is not complete without
bulging calves. The standing calf raise is king
when it comes to developing the muscles of
the calf. Put the bar on your back (just like
a back squat) and raise up on your toes. It’s
as simple as that. You can also effectively do

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this exercise in the Smith Machine. And don’t be afraid to go heavy.

9 Great Bodybuilding Foods

1. Oysters
Oysters contain zinc, which plays a big role in
hormone production, a fact that's relevant to anyone
who lifts.

A 2011 study published in "Biological Trace

Element Research" reported that giving trained
athletes a zinc supplement for four weeks (30 mg/day)
prior to exhaustive exercise resulted in higher post-
workout testosterone than the placebo1,2.

2. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is produced in part by straining
excess liquid and carbohydrates from regular yogurt,
yielding a higher concentration of protein. The straining
process used to create Greek yogurt results in a higher
concentration of casein, a "slow-digesting" protein; it
slowly releases amino acids into the bloodstream.

3. Steak (And Other Foods With Saturated Fats)

Many bodybuilders can benefit from saturated
fats (steak and eggs, full-fat dairy, or poultry). A study
published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition"
randomly assigned 45 men to either a high-fat/low-fiber
or a low-fat/high-fiber diet. The subjects followed each
diet for 10 weeks. For each group, the high-fat/low-fiber
periods yielded 13 percent higher levels of total serum
testosterone compared to the low-fat/high-fiber diet

4. Oatmeal (And Other High-Fiber Foods)

Underrated and undervalued, fiber holds
considerable water and provides "bulk" to food residues
in the GI track. Among other benefits, fiber exerts a
"scraping" action on the cells of the gut wall. Fiber can
also dilute harmful chemicals or bind with them to inhibit
their activity. It also hastens the speed of unwanted food
residues through the digestive track.

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5. Grapefruit
Grapefruit contains ample vitamin C to facilitate
adequate function of your metabolic system. Research
has demonstrated that vitamin C has some fat-burning
capabilities, and half a grapefruit contains approximately
40 mg of vitamin C.

6. Beets/Beetroot
The value behind beets and beetroot juice lies
in their ability to increase the body's production of nitric
oxide (NO), a gas which causes blood vessels to dilate
to accommodate greater blood flow.

Improved blood flow leads to greater oxygen

and nutrient delivery to muscles and other surrounding
tissues. This improvement likely aids in improved
athletic performance and recovery—which is essential
for mass building.

7. Grass-Fed Beef And Butter

Grass-fed beef and butter are by far superior to

regular beef and butter, mainly because of the higher
nutrient content like CLA.

Depending on the breed of cow, grass-fed beef

contains 2-5 times more omega-3s than grain-fed

8. Bananas
Bananas contain the enzyme bromelain, which
some studies have found boosts a man's libido. They are
also rich in B vitamins such as riboflavin. Bromelain is
also abundant in pineapples, which have been used for
centuries in Central and South America to treat
indigestion and reduce inflammation.

9. Grapes
The skins of red grapes contain resveratrol, an
organic chemical which contains polyphenols. Similar to
many fruits and vegetables, these polyphenols act as
antioxidants in the body and can help scavenge free

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radicals. These unstable molecules have damaging effects throughout the body and to
many bodily systems.

Resveratrol has important regulatory function in grapes; it helps protect them

from invasion by bacteria and fungi.

119 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Palacay, Gherlie Abalos

Course:Bs Architecture 1-C
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Health And Fitness 1
Report: Nutritional Requirements; Weight Training Tips
Instructor: Ms. Pailane Rojas Navalta

Nutritional Groups
 Protein
 Carbohydrates
 Fat
 Fluids
Balance between all these nutritional groups is important.
Appropriate nutrition is required in order for all individuals
to live a healthy and disease-free life.
“YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” -- if you regularly consume a
well-balanced, healthy, whole foods diet, you will be more
likely to live a life that is filled with good health and wellness.
The nutrients derived from the foods we consume provide the human body with the
necessary fuel to optimally perform all essential bodily functions. Without these
nutrients, our bodies begin to deteriorate and become far less capable
of warding off diseases including cancer, diabetes, heart attack and stroke, to
name a few.
I. Weight Training requires Additional Nutrients
Regular weight training exercise/
strenuous exercise place a higher By combining the two terms on the
level of stress on the entire body. bullet check mark () will
guarantee that you are supplying
Individuals who regularly perform a your body with all the nutrients
weight training program need to necessary to perform at an
focus on: optimum level, and to
successfully increase your lean
 The actual workout
muscle mass and strength.
 Nutritional intake
NOTE: Begin is with an all-natural, well-balanced, whole foods diet that is rich in
It is imperative that the body receive appropriate levels of protein, complex
carbohydrates, healthy fats and fluids in order for it to operate at an optimum

120 | P a g e
level. This is especially true for individuals that perform a high intensity weight
training program with regularity.
Protein is the primary catalyst for muscle
growth and development. Protein is
responsible for developing lean muscle
mass and strength, and repairing and
regenerating muscle tissue that has been
damaged during a weight training session.
However, protein, by itself, is not a reliable
source of energy for the body.
Although, if an individual is not consuming
enough carbohydrates in their diet, the
protein will be transformed into
carbohydrates by the body and will no longer be available to build and repair
muscle tissue.
This is why carbohydrates, not just protein, are essential for weight trainers.
The primary food groups that contain high levels of protein include eggs, dairy
products and meat. Beans and grains contain reasonable levels of protein as
well, and can act as secondary source of protein. Legumes (i.e. nuts and seeds)
are also high in protein and are an excellent secondary source of protein as well.
Individuals that regularly perform a weight training exercise routine should consume
approximately 1.5 to 1.8 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight per
day, or 0.7 to 0.8 grams of protein for each pound of body weight per day.
This level of protein intake will account for approximately 20% of your total daily
caloric intake.
Carbohydrates are the primary source of
energy for the body. Carbohydrates are
stored within the liver and muscle tissue
as glycogen. The glycogen is then used to
provide the body with energy.

Carbohydrates can be broken down into two

groups: simple and complex. Simple
carbohydrates are comprised of one or two
sugar molecules and are consumed quickly
by the body. An example of a simple
carbohydrate is fructose, found it fruit.

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Complex carbohydrates contain more than two molecules and are processed more
slowly by the body. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates include whole
grains and rice. Consuming ample complex carbohydrates is important to the
serious weight trainer, since the body will turn to protein as an energy source if
carbohydrate levels become depleted.
The best sources of carbohydrates are whole grains, fruit and most vegetables.
Avoid consuming sugary foods (i.e. simple carbohydrates) as they are digested
quickly and only create short-term energy. On the other hand, complex
carbohydrates are digested more slowly by the body and provide a more
sustained energy level. Most foods that are high in protein are not typically high
in carbohydrates. For this reason, you will need to ensure that you diversify your
daily food intake to ensure that you are receiving enough protein and complex
Strength trainers should design their dietary intake to include approximately 2.1 to
3.0 grams of complex carbohydrates for each pound of body weight per
day. Under this scenario, a 200-pound individual would consume between 1,680
and 2,400 calories from carbohydrate sources each day.

While consuming excessive quantities of

empty calories (i.e. calories lacking in
nutrition) that are filled with fat is unhealthy
and can lead several disease types over
time, fat is an essential nutrient that plays
an important role within the human body.
Fat has the ability to act as a secondary
energy source in the event that the body's
carbohydrate stores are depleted.
In fact, consuming a healthy diet that contains
no more than 30% fat can protect your
protein reserves from being converted to
energy, and allows the protein to support,
repair and develop lean muscle tissue.
The best sources of fat are from healthy oils like olive, canola and peanut. Lean
cuts of meat that also contain protein will provide adequate levels of fat as well.
Additional healthy sources of fat include most seeds and nuts, as well as
avocados. All of these foods provide healthy fats to the body and promote good
health and wellness, so long as they're consumed in moderation.
The majority of your fat intake should come from unsaturated sources. Unsaturated
fats generally take on a liquid state at room temperature, while saturated fats
remain in a solid state at room temperature.

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Muscle tissue is comprised of approximately

75% water, and the entire body is
comprised of approximately 60% to 65%
water. As such, fluids are not only vital to
the growth of new muscle tissue, but to
the repair of existing muscle tissue as
Water is absolutely essential for transporting
nutrients throughout the entire body, and
to provide oxygen to the various
muscles and other soft tissues.
In fact, water is so vital to the human body that
it can only survive without water for 3 to no longer than 5 days. On the other
hand, the human body can survive for as long as 8 weeks without food.
Fluid consumption should primarily come from healthy beverages and the purest
form of liquid: water. Soda and other carbonated beverages should be kept to a
minimum since they generally contain large amounts of simple carbs in the form
of sugar.
Caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee contain water, but should generally
be avoided because they may do more to dehydrate the body rather than
hydrate it.
The average human being should consume at least eight glasses of eight ounces
of water per day. However, individuals that regularly perform strenuous exercise
routines should consume an even greater amount of water per day. In addition, it
is important for individuals that aggressively exercise to consume water at
regular intervals instead of relying on their thirst to tell them when they are
dehydrated. As a general rule, consume at least 8 ounces of water for every
20 minutes of exercise.

II. Tips for Constructing a Healthy Nutritional Diet

Below are a few tips for constructing a healthy and nutritious diet that will support the
demands placed on the human body through weight training:
 Never skip meals. Eat three large meals every day (morning, afternoon, evening),
and supplement in between with foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and
 Satisfy your fat intake requirements when you consume your three primary meals
and avoid snacks that are filled with empty calories and a high level of fat.

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 The meal you consume after your weight training routine is vital to replenishing
the carbohydrates and protein that were depleted during your workout. The nutrients
that you consume after your weight training workout will not only replace the depleted
nutrients, but aid in the repair and recovery of muscle tissue as well.
 After your weight training workout, consume a carbohydrate snack (energy bar
or fruit) to immediately restore the energy that was depleted from the workout. Try to
consume one of your three primary meals within one hour.
 Consume approximately 1.5 to 1.8 grams of protein for each kilogram of body
weight per day, or 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein for each pound of body weight per day
to ensure muscle repair and development.
 Consume at least 5 servings of fresh fruit every day to provide the bulk of your
carbohydrate needs.
 Consume 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day to replace most of the minerals
and vitamins that were depleted through your weight training workout.
 Consume dairy products that are filled with protein as well as other nutrients and
minerals (i.e. calcium and phosphorous).

III. Weight Training Supplements

The health supplement market is filled with products

that claim to have miraculous effects on muscle
and strength development. As a general rule, any
product that promises unrealistic gains in lean
muscle mass development and strength should be
viewed with skepticism. Supplements work by
providing additional nutrients and energy to the
body. In essence, nutritional supplements are
no more than additional food sources.
In some instances, nutritional supplements are
consumed by individuals that have a special
circumstance that requires additional
supplementation. For instance, a vegetarian that
regularly weight trains may find it difficult to meet their daily protein
requirements. In this case, the individual may supplement their dietary intake with
a whey protein product to ensure that they are receiving enough protein to
support muscle development and growth.
It is highly recommended that individuals that intend on adding supplements to the
daily food intake routine research each supplement type and ask themselves
each of the following questions:

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1. Does the supplement actually do what it says it will do? Research the product in
medical journals and on the internet to determine if studies and/or trials have been
conducted to prove that the product's claims are true. Studies paid for or conducted
by the manufacturer should be viewed with skepticism.
2. Is the supplement GMP-certified? Many supplement manufacturers produce their
supplements in facilities that are GMP-certified (i.e. Good Manufacturing Practices)
and provide a certificate of analysis for each ingredient that is contained within the
supplement. Companies that meet these standards and requirements tend to use
higher quality ingredients, produce higher quality supplements, and have less batch-
to-batch variation.
3. Is the supplement harmful? Does it produce any adverse side effects? Virtually
all items (i.e. water, food, supplements) that are consumed can have adverse side
effects when consumed in large quantities. This includes supplements that contain
herbal and/or all natural products as well. Both natural and artificial supplements can
have other side effects depending on their ingredients and manufacturing process.
4. Is the recommended dose reasonable? Some supplement companies have had
success with their products when consumed in large doses. In some instances,
supplement companies will conduct tests on their supplements in which large doses
are consumed in order to publish a successful study. Thereafter, the company will
package their supplement in small pills that have little or no chance of producing the
results that were seen in the study.
5. Have you ever heard of the company before? It's always a good idea to perform
research on the manufacturer of the supplement to evaluate the manufacturing
process they utilize, the ingredients chosen for their supplement and the source of
those ingredients, and the preservatives and additives that the manufacturer adds to
the supplement. View message boards and blogs to see what other current and past
users of the supplements are saying about the products and the company.
6. Do you really need to take the supplement? Supplementing with reasonable
doses of vitamin C and E typically only produces positive effects. Some individuals
may need to supplement their dietary intake with whey protein or creatine to satisfy a
protein deficiency. However, always ask yourself if you can receive the same level of
nutrients through your dietary intake, since consuming your nutrients through "real
food" is the preferred approach.
As with any strenuous exercise
routine, nutrition plays a vital role in your
level of performance and the results that
you achieve through regular participation.
Weight training is no different. It places a
high level of stress on the entire body, from
the muscle tissue to the joints to the
skeletal frame. As such, weight training
consumes several nutrients and requires
a reasonable level of energy and focus to
125 | P a g e
perform. This is especially true for individuals that perform their routine with a
high level of intensity and effort.
Ensuring that you are consuming the correct nutrients in the correct quantities is
imperative to successfully performing your weight training routine and achieving
your weight training goals within the timeframe you have specified. This being
said, there are two primary requirements for obtaining your weight training
First, you must perform your weight training routine with a high level of intensity and
with a regimented frequency. Second, you must feed your body with the nutrients
required to allow your muscles to repair themselves after a strenuous workout,
and thereafter develop additional muscle tissue and strength.


There are several weight training tips and

guidelines designed for all strength trainers
to incorporate into their weight training
routines to ensure that they maximize their
efforts and minimize their probability of
It is important to understand that regularly
performing a weight training routine in
which heavy amounts of weight are used
creates a high level of stress on the
joints that are utilized during the exercise.
Joint sensitivity and injury is typically the
most common injury reported within this
exercise category. For this reason, beginning weight trainers need to learn the
proper form for each exercise, and combine muscle groups and exercises in
such a way that they minimize the stress on their joints.
Provided below are several weight training tips that can be implemented to ensure
an effective weight training program that maximizes your overall effectiveness
and allows you to set and achieve your personal weight training goals:
I. Define and Plan Your Weight Training Program

Take the time to learn the various muscle groups and how each is intended to
function. The next step is to learn the various exercises that can be
performed for each muscle group and how each exercise works the muscle
group. Certain exercises are designed to increase lean muscle mass and
strength, while others are designed primarily to add definition to the muscle.
Other questions to ask yourself when defining your weight training program
include the following:

126 | P a g e
1. How many days do I intend to weight train per week?
2. In general, how many minutes will it take me to complete each of my weight
training sessions?
3. Am I going to primarily use free weights, circuit weight training machines, or
a combination of both?
4. Am I going to perform my weight training routines at a fitness center or at
5. Am I going to perform my weight training routine with a partner?
6. Do I have any past injuries that I need to take into consideration when defining
my exercise routine?
7. What muscle groups am I going to combine and exercise in each weight
training session?
8. What are my personal weight training goals and what do I ultimately what to
Once you have successfully answered each of the previous questions and any
others that come to mind, it is time to define your personal weight training goals.
II. Define Your Weight Training Goals

Setting your personal weight training goals is one of the most important aspects of
your weight training program. By setting your weight training goals, you are
defining your road map to the body that you want to have in the future. As you
consider your goals, it is important to remember that it takes time to transform
your body, so be sure that your goals are realistic and attainable within the
timeframe that you set. In addition, be sure that each short and long-term goal
you set is measurable and has a specific date on which you intend to achieve
the goal.
III. Maintain an Accurate Weight Training Log

Utilizing a weight training log to record virtually

every aspect of your weight training routine
will allow you to monitor your progress,
evaluate your overall weight training
approach, and determine whether you are
on schedule to achieve each of your
personal weight training goals.
In the event that you find you are falling behind

127 | P a g e
on achieving a personal weight training goal, you can review your entries in your
weight training log to better understand why, and make the necessary
modifications to get back on schedule.
Below are several items to consider entering into your weight training log:
9. Each exercise performed divided by muscle group
10. The number of sets, repetitions, and the amount of weight used for each set
11. If performing maximum single repetition exercises, record your maximum weight
12. The duration of each workout
13. The physical measurements of each muscle area/group (i.e. chest, upper arms,
upper legs, etc.)
14. Your body weight
15. Your percentage of body fat
16. Your daily dietary intake (i.e. foods, total number of calories, amount of fat in grams
or as a percentage)
Depending on how you view the importance of a weight training log, you can pick
and choose the items that you will track on a daily basis. Some individuals may
elect to track all of the previous items and also calculate their percentage
gain on a monthly basis. For example, you may see value in calculating the
percentage gain for each of the exercises that you perform a maximum single
repetition on. By doing so, you may find that your maximum single repetitions on
a few exercises are lagging in terms of percentage gain. If this is the case, you
can modify your exercise routine for that specific muscle group to increase the
rate with which you obtain your strength gains.
IV. Develop and Strengthen Your Structural Foundation

The first step for beginning weight trainers is to strengthen their structural
foundation, also defined as your overall mass strength level. There are several
exercise types per muscle group that are designed to accomplish this. For
instance, the flat barbell bench press is designed to increase the mass strength
of your chest. The barbell bench squat is designed to increase not only your
overall structural strength, but your lower back and leg strength as well. As
another example, the standing barbell curl is designed to increase your overall
biceps strength.
There are various mass strength exercises that can be performed for each muscle
group. While it's important to perform multiple exercise types per muscle group,
you should place a high level of importance on developing your structural frame
and increasing the mass strength of each muscle group.

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V. Focus on Intensity and Speed

It's important that you perform each and every weight training session with a
reasonable level of intensity. By doing so, you will help to ensure that you obtain
your personal weight training goals within the timeframe you have
specified. However, when performing your weight training routine, you will have
days where you feel better, more energized and more focused in comparison to
other days.
You will also want to pay attention to the actual speed with which you perform a
single repetition for each exercise. For example, on explosive exercises such
as the flat barbell bench press, you will want to control the bar as it moves toward
your chest and explode as you push the bar away from your chest. Another
type of speed that you need to monitor is the amount of time you spend resting
in between sets.
VI. Allow Adequate Rest Between Sets

The amount of time that you spend resting in

between sets can vary depending on the
weight training routine and the equipment that
you are using.
Performing a machine circuit training routine, in
which you exercise all muscle groups in a
single session, typically involves resting very
little and progressing through the entire circuit
at a fairly rapid pace.
On the other hand, when performing exercises
with a heavy amount of weight and low number of repetitions, resting for a
longer period of time to allow the muscles to recover is required.
In addition, when aggressively exercising the larger muscle groups (i.e. legs, back,
chest) you will find that you require more rest than when exercising the
smaller muscle groups (i.e. biceps, triceps, etc.).
Reasonable rest periods between sets are as follows:
17. 1 to 3 repetitions: 3 to 5 minutes
18. 4 to 10 repetitions: 1 to 2 minutes
19. 10 to 15 repetitions: 15 to 60 seconds

VII. Learn to Listen to Your Body

It is important to learn to listen to your body because regular weight training will
place a high level of stress on your joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and
structural frame. For this reason, it is imperative that you know the difference

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between good pain and bad pain. While muscle soreness is a common
occurrence when weight lifting, joint pain should not be.
As you become more in tune with your body, you will want to ensure that you take a
break when you feel that the pain goes beyond normal muscle soreness. It
will also be important to understand what is causing the pain. In many instances,
there may a certain exercise that causes discomfort to a specific joint. In this
case, you may want to consider eliminating that exercise from your workout
routine and replacing it with another exercise type.
VIII. Vary Your Weight Training Workouts

To increase the rate at which you make gains in lean muscle mass and strength, you
will want to vary the exercise types and sequence in which you perform them.
Performing the exact same weight training routine for each muscle group over a
long period of time will allow the muscles to become accustomed to the routine,
and your gains will begin to slow.
By varying the exercise types that you perform per muscle group, you will force your
body to continually adjust to the new demands you are placing on it. For
individuals that weight train 3 to 6 times per week, it is common to modify their
weight training routine every 4 to 8 weeks.
IX. Always Perform a Warm-Up and Stretching Routine

It is important to do a quick cardiovascular warm-up and a light stretching

routine before you begin each weight training session. The warm-up routine
increases your body temperature and increases the flow of blood and oxygen
throughout your entire body. The stretching routine forces additional blood and
oxygen into all soft tissue and prepares the muscles for exercise. Typical warm-
up exercises include riding an exercise bike, walking or jogging on a
treadmill, jumping rope or using an elliptical, and should be preformed before
the stretching routine for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Typical stretching
routines should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete and should stretch all major
muscle groups.
X. Allow Your Muscles to Receive Adequate Rest

There are two types of rest periods to

consider when allowing your muscles to
adequately rest and recover. The first
is allowing your muscles to recover from
a single workout session. For example,
after performing a workout session in which
you exercised your chest, back and biceps,
you will want to allow 24 to 48 hours to
elapse before you exercise them again. This

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will allow those specific muscle groups time to repair the muscle tissue that was
damaged during their workout.
In fact, approximately 95% of muscle development that occurs will be achieved
during the recovery periods in between workouts, while the other 5% of muscle
development occurs during the actual weight training workout.
The second rest period to consider is after you have completed an 8 to 10-week
weight training cycle. After aggressively performing your weight training routine
for 8 to 10 weeks, it is a good idea to allow your entire body to recover
for several days to an entire week.
This will allow your muscles to fully recover and ready themselves for the next 8 to
10-week weight training cycle. This is also a good time to consider modifying the
exercises that you perform for each muscle group as well.
XI. Monitor Your Nutritional Habits

It is important to maintain a balanced dietary intake consisting of nutritious, whole

foods. Aggressively and regularly performing a weight training routine will
place additional nutritional demands on your body. To this end, you will want
to focus on consuming foods that are nutritionally rich, in the correct portions,
and at the correct times.
Even if you are trying to lose weight, remember that your body needs more food to
generate the energy to perform your weight training workouts. Rather than
reducing you caloric intake, replace empty calories with nutritious ones and allow
the workout itself to burn fat from your body. Remember, carbohydrates are the
preferred source of energy for the body. Once depleted, the body will turn to
protein as its energy source. This, in turn, will reduce the amount of overall
protein that you are able to supply to your muscle tissue.
XII. Maintain Confidence and Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is the result of thorough preparation and variety. Believe in yourself

and be proud of the fact that you made a commitment to improve your overall
health, fitness and mental well-being through physical activity. Make sure that
you define your initial short-term goals to be reasonable, attainable and
relatively easy to accomplish (i.e. to perform your weight training routine 3
days per week, to learn how to perform each exercise correctly, etc.). This will
set you up for success and for the challenge of achieving your other short and
long-term goals. In addition, focus on your overall approach to your fitness
routine and do not be afraid to modify your routine wherever you see fit.
XIII. Maintain a High Level of Focus, Intensity and Effort

In order to effectively build new lean muscle tissue and strength, you will need to
perform your weight training routine with regularity, focus and intensity. Lean
muscle tissue will not increase just because you want it to - rather, you will need

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to force your muscle to grow in density. This is where a weight training log
may be of value, since you can enter the number of sets, the weight used, and
the number of repetitions performed for each exercise. This will allow you to look
back over your previous workouts to determine if you are making gains in
strength and endurance.
In order to significantly increase your strength level, you will need to perform each
exercise to failure, or near failure. This is where it becomes important to
understand the difference between good pain (fatigue) and bad pain.
XIV. Utilize Multiple Measuring Methods and Devices

There are several methods and devices that

you can use to monitor your progress. The
first is a weight training log. By entering
the exercises that you perform, as well as
the number of sets, weight and repetitions
that you perform per exercise, you will be
able to evaluate whether you are increasing
your strength level for each muscle group.
Other forms of measuring devices include
the tape measure and body weight scale.
Use the tape measure to measure your
chest, neck, back, upper arms, forearms,
waist, hips, thighs and calves. If your goal
is to increase muscle size and density, then
you should expect to see increases in your measurements.
In addition, you can utilize a body weight scale to determine if you are gaining or
losing weight. Remember that lean muscle tissue by volume weighs more
than fat. For individuals that have a goal of losing body weight through
performing a weight training routine, it is important to understand that their body
measurements are the most important indicators of their progress.
In many cases, an individual may only lose 5 to 8 pounds of total body weight while
losing a total of 8 inches in their body measurements. This may be due to the fact
that they are replacing excess body fat with lean muscle tissue. The bottom
line is that if you are happy with the overall appearance of your physique and
each of your body measurements, body weight may not be important.
An additional measuring device is the skinfold caliper. A skinfold caliper is used to
calculate the percentage of body fat at various locations throughout the body.
Again, if you are satisfied with your body measurements and your percentage of
body fat, a body weight scale will be unnecessary.
It is recommended that you monitor your physical results on a 30-day basis. This
will allow your body the time necessary to transform itself. By monitoring each
body part, you will be able to compare the changes from month to month to
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determine which areas are responding to your weight training routine and which
areas are not. For example, when comparing previous to past measurements,
you may determine that your thighs are not producing the same percentage
gain as your chest and/or upper arms. In the event this occurs, you may want to
modify your weight training routine for your legs.
XV. Incorporate a Cardiovascular Exercise Routine

Complementing your weight training routine with some form of cardiovascular

exercise is an excellent approach to improving your overall level of health and
fitness, especially if one of your personal fitness goals is to lose weight.
Regularly performing a cardiovascular exercise routine will increase your caloric
expenditure and promote a greater caloric deficit. The end result is a faster rate
of weight loss. In addition, cardiovascular exercise will rush nutrients and
repairing enzymes to your muscle tissue faster than weight training will. This
promotes muscle repair, and muscle repair equals muscle growth.
XVI. Vary Your Weight Training Workout Times

When first beginning a weight training routine, you may want to consider performing
your workouts at different times throughout the day. The intent of this approach is
to determine the ideal time for you to work out. For instance, you may find
that if you work out in the morning before work you have a higher level of energy,
greater focus and greater intensity compared to working out after work. By
determining your best time to work out, you will ensure that your workouts
are productive and efficient, and that you achieve your personal weight training
goals in the shortest possible time.
Regularly performing a weight training program
is not only enjoyable, but an excellent way
to improve your health, fitness and mental
well-being. In fact, it is out belief that all
fitness routines should include some
form of regular strength training.
In other words, the benefits derived from
regularly strength training are essential for
overall good health and fitness and, in our
opinion, should be part of every fitness
However, to receive the maximum benefits from your weight training routine or any
other exercise routine, it is important to regularly perform your exercise
routine and ensure that you are consuming a healthy and nutritious diet.
In addition, for individuals that are just beginning their weight training routine, it is
important to learn to perform each of the exercises with the correct form to maximize
efficiency and minimize the risk of injury. Weight training should be viewed as a lifelong
endeavor, and not something that you perform for a short period of time.
133 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559
Name: Aba, Princess Janyne P.
Course: Bs Architecture
Subject: Physical Education
Title Of Report: Concepts Of Yoga
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Navalta

Yoga Fitness
In Sanskrit, the word yoga is literally translated as "yoke," meaning to attach, join,
or unite. But the specific goals of yoga vary based on the exact type and style
being practiced, and range from achieving moksha, meaning "release" to
improving flexibility, balance, and coordination, enhancing physical health, and
calming and centering the mind.
To some practitioners, yoga implies a lifestyle, and many of the tenets of Eastern
Hindu philosophy apply. To many others, yoga is an enjoyable and healthy
activity that has been shown in numerous studies to improve joint flexibility,
cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and mental health
Concepts of Yoga
There are generally considered to be 12 major
concepts associated with Yoga. All of these
Yoga concepts were derived from the original
meanings of the words that make up these
As many early writings about Yoga appeared in
the ancient language called Sanskrit, unlocking
the true meaning of each concept depends on
an understanding of the language. Fortunately
for you, all of the major concepts in their original
language are explained within this article.
The intent of this article is not to provide a Sanskrit lesson on the specific words
used to describe the various concepts associated with Yoga.
Instead, the intent is to summarize the 12 major concepts of Yoga into an
understandable format that you can easily implement in your daily life to enhance
the overall quality of your lifestyle.
 Original Sanskrit Word: Yuj
 Interpretation: A joining or union.

This concept refers to the joining of the practitioner with a supreme being. This
includes any method that you might choose to achieve this union. The major
consideration with this term is the uniting of an individualized spirit with the

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almighty spirit. This concept was originally taught by the widely considered
founder of Yoga, Patanjali.
 Original Sanskrit Word: Kri
 Interpretation: To act or create

This concept refers to any type of physical or mental action. In addition,

this concept deals with the consequences of each action. An easy way to
understand this concept lies in the biblical law of "an eye for an eye". You must
expect to eventually receive any action that you force onto another person in
your future life. There are actually three types of karma. The first is all acts
performed in all lives (reincarnation). The second is the acts of you current life.
The third type of karma id the acts that you are performing right now.


This concept deals with the correct way to live your life and receive good karma.
This concept not only concerns itself with physical and mental acts against other
spirits, but also with the ability of the practitioner to achieve enlightenment and a
union with the supreme being. This may sound familiar to followers of all types of
religion that claim that good deeds alone are not enough to achieve immortality.

Swadhara is the obligation that a spirit has to follow dharma. Where dharma
regards the rules and guidelines, swadhara pertains to the need for a spirit to
follow those rules. This concept is much related to altruistic principles and
instinctive feelings such as maternal and fraternal. According to the teachings of
Yoga, every individual spirit will have a different level of swadhara. This level will
determine their dharma and can be raised through meditation or reduced through
lack there of.


This concept is the Sanskrit word for your mind. However, the manah is no the
entire mind. The manah is the portion of the mind that receives sensory signals
from other portions of the body. This is not only the scientific concept of sensory
perception but the metaphysical ability for the mind to
receive signals from the spirit.

 Original Sanskrit Word: Budh
 Interpretation: To realize or help realize

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The Sanskrit term for intelligence. This concept is the conscious ability to be able
to understand the concepts that are taught to you.
It also concerns itself with the ability to think through situations and to use reason
when making important decisions. Your overall intelligence is referred to as your

This concept is literally translated as your memories. Basically, every action that
you perform (whether good or bad) creates an impression stored in your mind.
Negative impressions must be cleansed in order to obtain immortality. In addition
to being a moral protection device, this concept also deals with maternal and
fraternal instincts.

When your mind stores impressions of actions, or memories (samskara), they

are typically grouped together based on similarities between them. These groups
are referred to as vasana. These bundles are unconscious and must be restored
through deep focus and meditation. These bundles are active even if they are
held in the unconscious.
For example, you may be triggered to perform another "happy" bundle of actions
because they left positive impressions in the past. In addition to acting as
constantly referenced emotions, these bundles are what govern the development
of experience and maturity.

This concept refers to the actual practice or exercise of the techniques found in
Yoga. It not only pertains to the actual correct physical motions involved but also
the correction of incorrect technique and the skill
involved in performing each movement. These
motions are intended to have a purifying effect on the
body in small amounts. Performing these motions will
result in higher levels of metaphysical awareness
and a heightened sense of purpose or being.

This concept is directly related to the ability to realize

the difference between reality and the fantasy or
unrealistic portion of life. Not only does it involve
knowing the difference between realism and the
opposite but also the difference between the temporary aspects of life and the
permanent aspects of the current and after life. When employing this concept,
the practitioner must remember to constantly review what is real and what is fake
and employ proper reactions based on their discoveries.
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Vairagya concerns itself with the disinterest in anything of the current life. This
concept requires the participant to distance himself from anything that they enjoy
in their mortal life in order to better prepare for the after life. This includes the
indifference of possessions, enjoyed feelings and the enjoyment of any emotional
action or response.


Sannyasa is the concept that attempts to sum up all of the other Yoga
concepts that contribute to a well led life. More specifically, Sannyasa involves
adherence to all other yoga concepts and is the eventual pursuit of perfection in
all aspects of life to attain a truly healthy and perfect after life.
As is evident, there are several concepts associated with the art of Yoga. While
not all individuals will care to learn the specifics related to each of the 12 major
concepts of Yoga, for individuals that would like to understand these concepts,
and have a better understanding of the various philosophies associated with
Yoga, please feel free to peruse through our section on Yoga.
However, it will be important to understand the various concepts associated with
Yoga, at a cursory level, as it will better prepare you to choose which type, and
how, you will practice and integrate Yoga into your daily lifestyle.
In addition, as you better understand the various concepts related to yoga feel
free to experience the different concepts that present the most interest to you.

137 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

NAME: Mones, Ma. Stella Heyden G.

COURSE: B.S. Architecture
SUBJECT: Physical Education I (P.E. I)
INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Paulene Navalta



In gyms and yoga studios, its

commonplace to use a yoga mat, also
called a sticky mat. The mat helps define
your personal space, and more
importantly, it creates traction for your
hands and feet so you don’t slip,
especially as you get a little sweaty. The
mat also provides a bit of cushioning on a
hard floor. For most types of yoga, mats
are necessary.


Yoga Blocks are used to make you

more comfortable and improve your
alignment. Yoga blocks are made of
foam, wood, or cork. They can be turned
to stand at three different heights,
making them very adaptable. Blocks are
particularly useful for standing poses in
which your hands are supposed to be
on the floor.

Placing a block under your hand has the

effect of ‘raising the floor” to meet your
hand rather than forcing the hand to

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come to the floor while effectively compromising some other part of the pose.

Yoga Bolster

This usually cheap support mechanism is meant to support the spine while more
complicated movements are performed. These devices very closely resemble
bolsters used during weight training to prevent injury. Rather than preventing
injury, yoga bolsters work to make movements more comfortable and relaxing.

There are two basic bolster shapes: round and flat (more of a rectangular shape).
Flat bolsters tend to be more ergonomic; however, round bolsters can be useful
when you want more support or a deeper stretch.

Yoga Blanket

This blanket is typically just a blanket. For this reason, consider simply bringing a
comfortable blanket to class rather than investing in a separate blanket for yoga.
Blankets can be use for extra padding and support for the knees and sit bones.
But the application of these blankets is to keep you in a relaxed and comfortable
state during the practice of breathing exercises.

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Yoga Strap

Yoga straps, also called belts, are meant to help you perform movements that you
may not be truly flexible enough to achieve yet. They are really extensions for
your limbs so that you may, for example, be able to reach your ankles with your
hands if it is not yet possible. In addition, straps may allow you to hold positions
for longer periods of time.

Exercise Ball

These devices are used in yoga in only a few poses. It is also known as physioballs,
Swiss balls, or fit balls -- are large, vinyl balls you can use to strengthen and
stretch your body, improving core stability and balance.
A primary benefit of exercising with an exercise ball as opposed to exercising
directly on a hard flat surface is that the body responds to the instability of the
ball to remain balanced, engaging many more muscles. Those muscles become

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stronger over time to keep balance. Most frequently, the core body muscles —
the abdominal muscles and back muscles.

141 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name:Badua, Rhesa B.
Course: B.S. Architecture
Subject:Physical Activity Towards Health And Fitness 1
Title of Report: Origin Of Yoga
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Navalta

 Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India
over 5,000 years ago.
 The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig Veda
(collection of texts containing songs, mantras and rituals to be used by
theBrahmans or Vedic priests.
 Yoga was slowly refined and developed by the Brahmans and Rishis who
documented their practices and beliefs in the Upanishads, a huge work
containing over 200 scriptures.
 . The Upanishads took the idea of ritual sacrifice from the Vedas and internalized
it, teaching the sacrifice of the ego through self-knowledge, action (karma
yoga) and wisdom (jnana yoga).

 The Classical period is defined by Patanjali’s Yoga-Sûtras, the first systematic
presentation of yoga.The text describes the path of Raja Yoga, often called
"classical yoga".
 Patanjali organized the practice of yoga into an "eight limbed path" containing
the steps and stages towards obtaining enlightenment.

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 Patanjali is often considered the father of yoga and his Yoga-Sûtras still
strongly influence most styles of modern yoga.

 Stage where the yoga masters rejected the teachings of the ancient Vedas and
embraced the physical body as the means to achieve enlightenment.
 They developed Tantra Yoga, with radical techniques to cleanse the body and
mind to break the knots that bind us to our physical existence.

 In the late 1800s and early 1900s, yoga masters began to travel to the West,
attracting attention and followers began at the 1893 Parliament of Religions in
Chicago, when Swami Vivekananda wowed the attendees with his lectures on
yoga and the universality of the world’s religions.
 1920s and 30s, Hatha Yoga was strongly promoted in India with the work of T.
Krishnamacharya, Swami Sivananda and other yogis practicing Hatha Yoga.
 Krishnamacharya, Swami Sivananda
- opened the first Hatha Yoga school in Mysore in 1924 and in 1936.
- writes over 200 books of yoga and established nine ashrams and numerous yoga
centers located around the world.

143 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Lagula, Arvie Joyce S.

Course: BS Architecture 1
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1
Title: Where to Practice Yoga
Instructor: Ms. Paulane Rojas Navalta

Yoga is a mind and body practice

including physical postures, breathing
techniques, and meditation that promotes
mind control improvement, well-being
enhancement, relaxation, and spiritual
connection towards nature. Given that yoga
comes in many forms and styles requiring a
specific setting, one must consider the place
where it should be performed. For example,
a Bikram Yoga is done in a 105-degree Fahrenheit room with 40% humidity, Vinsaya
Yoga that is practiced in a dark or candle-lit room, Yin Yoga being accommodated with
props and music, and among others.

Yoga can be both done at home or in yoga studios. The decision where to practice yoga
must be based on the style one is interested or suited to, but the best place to take yoga
would be an environment that is comfortable and convenient to one’s enjoyment and
one’s needs.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Where to Take a Yoga Class:
 Location
 Cost
 Availability of Classes
 Type of Yoga You Are Interested in
 Instructor Knowledge
 Your Goals

The best place to take a yoga class is the place that meets your needs.
Yoga is an intricate practice of body movement. Thus, yoga centers are a good
place providing proper trainings on the execution of a particular yoga style.

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People who wanted to start doing yoga is highly recommended to go on a yoga
center for formal assistance. Meanwhile, if one does not feel at ease doing yoga
with a lot more yogis, he can take yoga at home, but preferably, he must engage
in a yoga class first before doing it by himself afterwards.

Benefits of Practicing at a Yoga Center

Group Support- Yoga means union or connection. A
yoga class is collectively a core of like-minded
people interested in friendships, community,
compassion, and the shared connection of not
just physical fitness, but the human mind and
soul. Being in a yoga class can benefit a yogi by
means of gaining reinforcement from the yoga
instructor and other members of the yoga class
he is attending to.A studio with a good community can deepen one’s experience.
They might also help in establishing daily or occasional yoga habit.

Visual Aids- attending at a yoga center,

one can see actual poses performed by the
instructor.Instructors can help students make
certain they are performing the poses
correctly without contorting the body
ineffectively and unsafely. They can also
correct one’s misdoings resulting a more
effective poses towards one’s goals.

Calming Environment- Yoga centers are

specifically designed to be peaceful and
calming since yoga is particularly known
to be a relaxing activity. In addition,
yoga centers are only for yoga.
Meaning, it eliminates all the distractions
one can encounter at home.It also
provides elements that help yoga
practitioners maintain their mindfulness
such as mediative music, dim lights, tranquil décor, and some incense.
A good yoga studio must be clean, well lit, and will provide a variety of
classes taught by highly qualified and trained yoga instructors.

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Costs of Practicing at a Yoga Center

Membership Dues- Yoga centers give

proper trainings but give off considerable
rates as well. Before going in a yoga class,
one must be capable of sustaining finance
for learning and practicing yoga at a yoga
center for it requires engagement in a period
of time.

Shyness- People who are new at

attending yoga class will most likely feel intimidation towards other yoga students
in the same room, resulting to the preference of doing yoga at home. If this case
happens, it is recommended trying on an introductory yoga class as a start so
one can feel a sense of belongingness knowing that other students are still
beginning to learn yoga.

Schedule- availability of time takes a big part on deciding

whether to seek a yoga studio or practice yoga at home
instead. It is hard to settle in a yoga habit if the studio
opens at a time conflicting the time one wish to take yoga
classes. Most yoga studios do not open 24 hours a day
and 7days a week. In addition, yoga classes, like any
other classes, usually resume regardless of the number
of attendees.

Top Five Places Where to Practice Yoga

1. India- the birth country of yoga

asanas (poses) for
spirituality and
way oflife.
Rishakesh- for
an authentic taste
of where yoga all

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- The perfect place to learn more about ancient and ever growing yoga practice

2. Thailand- the serenity and beauty of islands make them fantastic for doing yoga.
Tonsai Beach- has a tiny yoga studio nestled in the jungle (which is a
much slower and more
intensively stretching practice).

3. Costa Rica- the home of ‘Pure Vida’,

meaning Pure Life

4. Bali- any surfer on this town will usually have

some yoga too, as the two activities are such
a great combo.
Canguu - if you are a beach loving yogi
Ubud- for a more authentic Balinese and Hindu
culture and experience.
Nusa Lembongan- where you can practice
yoga and go scuba in a quiet location off of
the beaten track.

5. Australia- the perfect yoga destination-beautiful

beaches and surf breaks, jungle, an emphasis on
health, fitness and wellbeing, and happy, relaxed

Benefits of Practicing Yoga at Home

Cheap- aside from

the materials one will
be needing to practice,
home yoga is free.
There will be no need

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of considering the cost of travelling to a yoga studio and the fee an instructor and
a studio is worth for.
Private- Home is where one can find ease and comfort. The possibility of being shy
and conscious of one’s body and posture in front of other people is at high
percentage. For this matter, home yoga could be an answer.
Schedule- One who is practicing yoga at home can prolong a session for him to be
able to attain perfection on the execution of the style he is engaged to. In
addition, he can perform yoga at any time of the day or as often as he wished to.

Cost of Practicing at Home

Lack of Group Support- doing tasks alone will most likely lead to procrastination or
worst, not doing it totally and quit doing yoga.
Lack of Strong Visual Aids-referring to a book or online courses makes a barrier
between the learner and the right practice of yoga style. Doing yoga alone means
limiting the knowledge one can gain from a well-trained instructor.
Lack of Calming Environment- Homes usually have a lot of distraction
disabling a practitioner to concentrate and perform yoga well. Some of them are chores,
work, phone, children, roommate and kids. It is crucial that the environment be peaceful
and soothing in order for the mind, body, and spirit to accept the physiological benefits
of deep relaxation.

148 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City COLLEG
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Lechinco, Chanty &Gante, Kristi Vianne C.

Bs Architecture
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Health
Title Of Report: Yoga In Your Life
Instructor: Ms.Paulane Rojas Navalta

For the past years yoga, which originated in ancient India and is practiced to
improve and elevate physical, mental and spiritual aspect, is now becoming more
popular due to various benefits that it can give to people who practice it. Some
people see yoga as only a trend or they think people who does yoga are only
trying to be “in” on the trend however, what they don’t know is that it actually
contributes a lot to the wellness of people who does it.
Yoga is not a religion; it is a way of living that aims towards 'a healthy mind in a
healthy body'.
Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being; yoga helps promote a balanced
development of all the three. Other forms of physical exercises, like aerobics,
assure only physical well-being. They have little to do with the development of
the spiritual or astral body.

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Yogic exercises recharge the body with cosmic energy and facilitate:

 Attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony

 Promotes self-healing
 Removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body
 Enhances personal power
 Increases self-awareness
 Helps in attention, focus and concentration, especially important for children
 Reduces stress and tension in the physical body by activating the parasympathetic
nervous system

The true essence of yoga revolves around elevating the life force or 'Kundalini' at the
base of the spine. It aims to achieve this through a series of physical and mental

At the physical level, the methods comprise various yoga postures or 'asanas' that
aim to keep the body healthy. The mental techniques include breathing exercises or

'pranayama' and meditation or 'dhyana' to discipline the mind.

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The aspirant feels rejuvenated and energized. Thus, yoga bestows upon every aspirant
the powers to control body and mind.
The ultimate goal of yoga is, however, to help the individual to transcend the self and
attain enlightenment.
As the Bhagavad-Gita, divine song sung by Lord Krishna says, "A person is
said to have achieved yoga, the union with the Self, when the perfectly disciplined mind
gets freedom from all desires, and becomes absorbed in the Self alone."

Yoga is not just about bending or twisting the body and holding the breath. It is a
technique to bring you into a state where you see and experience reality simply the way
it is. If you enable your energies to become exuberant and ecstatic, your sensory body
expands. This enables you to experience the whole universe as a part of yourself,
making everything one, this is the union that yoga creates.

The founder of Yoga, Patanjali stated, "Sthiramsukhamasanam." It implies that a

posture that appears to be firm and agreeable is your asana. You may be astounded to
know that an asana is just a preliminary step into the act of yoga. It is a way that
encourages you to achieve the greater good. Yoga focues on idealizing concordance
between your mind, body, and soul. When you adjust yourself so everything functions
brilliantly within you, you will draw out the best of your capabilities.

Benefits of Yoga

The art of practicing yoga helps in controlling an individual's mind, body and soul.
It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind;
it helps manage stress and anxiety and keeps you relaxing. It also helps in increasing
flexibility, muscle strength and body tone. It improves respiration, energy and vitality.
Practicing yoga might seem like just stretching, but it can do much more for your body
from the way you feel, look and move.

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Yoga asanas build strength, flexibility and confidence. Regular practice of
yoga can help lose weight, relieve stress, improve immunity and maintain a
healthier lifestyle.

In 2014, Indian Prime Minister NarendraModi suggested the United Nations to

celebrate June 21 as the International Yoga Day as it is the summer solistice; the
longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

"Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. This tradition is 5000

years old. It embodies the unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint
and fulfillment; harmony between man and the nature; a holistic approach to
health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of
oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and
creating consciousness, it can help in well-being. Let us work towards adopting
an International Yoga Day." — NarendraModi, UN General Assembly, September

Dabur. (n.d.). Retrieved september 4, 2019, from

Honairesort. (n.d.). Retrieved sept 4, 2019, from


Team, M. C. (2013, March 07). Medindia. Retrieved September 4, 2019, from

152 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

NAME: Paglingayen, Febe, Angelei A.

COURSE: B.S. Architecture
SUBJECT: Physical Education 1
INSTRUCTOR: Ms.PaulaneNavalta



Traditional Yoga follows the original intentions and applications of Yoga as closely
as possible. Traditional yoga is a spiritual practice, with a goal of union with the
absolute or the divine, while contemporary yoga focuses more on fitness.

The aerobic benefits of the traditional style are few because it focuses upon other
areas such as a union of the mind and body and flexibility of the joints and
muscles.It is often thought to increase the flexibility of areas that are not entirely
addressed by other styles and daily activities.

Anyone can perform any movement in traditional yoga making it a great way for
anyone to get started.

In general, traditional yoga will target several large muscle groups that make up the
core (back, hips, pelvis, abdomen) in order to maintain and stabilize the spine.

Common poses:

 Pose of the Tree  Triangle Pose

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 Locust Pose
 Cobra Pose


Relaxing yoga is for individuals that are interested in learning to focus, and calm their
mind while, at the same time, improving their control over the movements of their
body. In general, relaxing Yoga routines are typically performed at the end of the day to
calm and free the mind of any distractions and stress that it experienced throughout the

In addition, relaxing Yoga is often thought to be a form of movement that is meditation

based. When performed correctly, the mind will be set free to focus on the individual
movements, concentrating on the intent of each movement and forming a mind-body

If you are aiming to reduce stress or find inner peace, then considering relaxing yoga is
wise. If you are looking to lose weight and strengthen muscles, consider another style of

Relaxing Yoga targets every muscle group in the body or just one.

Common Poses:
 Child’s Pose  Warrior’s Pose


Fast paced yoga is the most aerobically focused styles of yoga, and is designed to
increase the heart rate of the participant to a point where they are strengthening their

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body's cardiovascular endurance and toning and strengthening muscle tissue in almost
all of the major areas.

A major difference between yoga and other forms of strength training is that it is not only
designed to use only the body to build its own muscle, but continues to stress a freedom
of the mind and relaxation.

Fast paced yoga is ideally designed for individuals that have had experience performing
other types and styles of yoga.

Fast Paced Yoga will test your body.

Common Pose:
 Power Yoga

Power yoga is a high intensity form of yoga, closely related to Ashtanga.

Power yoga is a newer type of yoga and is intended as a more active form that is
designed to improve your endurance, muscular tone, and core strength.


Flexibility Yoga specifically focuses on improving an individual flexibility, balance, and

agility.By regularly practicing virtually any form of yoga, most individuals will not only
improve their overall flexibility, but their joint range of motion as well.

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This, in turn, will also raise agility and make strength and aerobic training exercises
easier and safer to perform.

Flexibility style of yoga will also reduce the probability of suffering several types of

Common Poses:

 Eagle Pose  Cobra Pose

 Baby Pose  Triangle Pose

 Goddess Pose  Cobbler’s Pose

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Injury related Yoga is specifically designed for individuals that are recovering from an

Obviously, the movements performed under this Yoga type are targeted and gentle,
making this type of Yoga an excellent choice for senior citizens and individuals who
have suffered an injury.

Yoga works to rejuvenate the body after injury:

Yoga causes more blood to flow to the areas that it is affecting. The increase in blood
flow allows more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the area and thus, speeds up

Yoga for Back Injuries:

 Begin this program with a gentle stretch using the Mountain Pose.

 While doing this, lightly press your arms against your sides. Tighten the muscles
of your abdomen and inhale slowly.

 Slowly kneel but try to keep your back straight. Raise your right foot in front of
you a few inches and form a square with your right leg and the floor.

 With your arms above your head, slowly lift your body with the right leg and push
the left leg pack until it is on a diagonal with the floor

 Now return to a kneeling position but keep your knees apart.

 Bend forward until your head touches the floor and bring your arms in front you
so that your shoulders are lightly against your ears. Stretch your arms in front of
you for a few moments until finally returning to first a kneel and then standing up.
Yoga for Knee Injuries:

 Start by sitting against a wall and let your weight rest evenly on your buttocks.

 Position both of your legs so that they are straight out in front you, no pressure
should be placed on either of your legs while allowing them to lie flat.

 First gently raise your right knee and point your left toes outward. While doing so,
breathe slowly. While you inhale, flex the right foot. While you exhale, point the
toes of your left foot. After doing this 25 times, switch to the other leg.

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Yoga have to be meticulous in their execution as one of the major benefits of Yoga is
associated with improved focus and a drive towards perfection.

Individuals that practice a meticulous style of Yoga expand upon this concept and take it
to a whole new level by ensuring that perfect execution is achieved during each and
every pose and movement.

Meticulous Yoga arose from a movement in traditional yoga that stressed extreme focus
and concentration as the fastest road to mental peace in the late 90s .

It requires a great sense of focus and a strong foundation in the art. In order to really
study each move, you need to be physically fit enough that moving into the position is

Common Poses:
 Warrior II  Half Moon
 Side Crow

 Scorpion pose  Upward Facing Dog  Compass Pose

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 Standing Forward
Bend  Sun Salutation

 Sukhasana


Self-motivated type of Yoga is typically practiced alone and focuses on setting personal
goals, achieving them, and remaining consistent.

This style uses the same equipment as other approaches to yoga and the type of health
benefits (aerobic, strength, flexibility, etc.) depend largely on the poses and movements
being performed. The major benefit of this style however, are related to the mind.

For individuals that have a high level of self motivation and do not require, or enjoy,
group classes, self motivated Yoga may be ideal.

In addition, individuals that have sporadic schedules may find that the self motivated
Yoga type better suits their daily lifestyle.


Chanting Yoga is the only type of Yoga that completely emphasizes the spiritual and
mind connectivity aspects of the art.

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"Vibrational medicine" is an approach to the diagnosis and treatment of illness based on
the idea that we are all unique energy systems.

Participants combine meditation and the repetition of mantras with concentration on

sound vibration. The repetition of the mantras is designed to improve concentration, and
thus, free the mind.

In addition to abandoning the physical aspect of yoga, chanting yoga does not require
any special circumstances or equipment to perform, other than your voice.

Chanting Yoga has virtually no aerobic benefit as movement is minimal. The only parts
of the body employed are the lungs and the throat/mouth when strengthening muscles
is concerned.

It is important to stress that a person wishing to try chanting yoga must have an open
mind and really desire to live by the teachings of yoga. Faking a desire for inner peace
and unity with nature will do nothing for you.

The most popular type of chanting yoga is Kundalini.

160 | P a g e
161 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Vicente, Urdaneta City E OF
Telefax: (075) 632-2559

Name: Kathlene Mae A. Dela Cruz

Course: Bs Architecture - 1c
Subject: Physical Activity Towards Fitness And Health 1
Title Of Report: Yoga Types And Styles (Second Half Of Report)
Instructor: Paulane Royas Navalta

The origin of Yoga can be reliably traced back approximately 5,000 years ago to
around 3,000 B.C. To date, the earliest reference to the practice of Yoga was
discovered during an archeological excavation in the Indus valley; the most
prominent and influential civilization during the early antique period.
The civilization developed throughout the areas located around the Indus and
Sarasvati (no longer exists) rivers in northern India near the border of Pakistan.
The original techniques practiced by the Indus were designed to promote spiritual
growth. In other words, the yogis promoted a union between the finite Jiva
(transitory self) and the infinite Brahman (eternal self).
Over the last 5,000 years Yoga has evolved into several different types and styles,
each with their own set of purpose and intention. For this reason, it is important
to understand the differences between the various types and styles before you
choose a specific discipline to participate in.
For individuals who intend to integrate a type and style of Yoga into their daily live it
is important to understand the differences between the varying disciplines and
choose the type and style that best meets their personal health, fitness, and
mental well-being goals.
For example, an individual that is looking to primarily achieve inner peace would
choose a different type and style of Yoga than would an individual who is focused
solely on improving their level of fitness.
Many individuals simply pursue a trial and error approach to choosing a type and
style of Yoga to practice while others join in the first Yoga class that they
participate in. However, it is highly recommended that you first educate yourself
on the various types and styles of Yoga before you commit to a specific
discipline. Not only will this approach save you time and money, but, it will also
help to ensure that you practice a style of Yoga that best suits your lifestyle and
meets your specific health, fitness, and mental well-being goals as well.

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Below is a brief summary of each of the primary types and styles of Yoga. For a
more in-depth understanding of the various types and styles of Yoga please
review the articles under this section of our website.
Injury Related Yoga
Injury related Yoga is specifically designed for individuals that are recovering from
an injury. As multiple studies have shown that Yoga is a very effective
recuperative device, many individuals that have suffered a physical injury
incorporate this type of Yoga into their overall recuperation program.
Obviously, the movements performed under this Yoga type are targeted and gentle,
making this type of Yoga an excellent choice for senior citizens and individuals
who have suffered an injury.
Meticulous Yoga
Individuals that appreciate the finer details of each Yoga movement will enjoy the
meticulous Yoga type. To a varying degree, all types and styles of Yoga have to
be meticulous in their execution as one of the major benefits of Yoga is
associated with improved focus and a drive towards perfection. Individuals that
practice a meticulous style of Yoga expand upon this concept and take it to a
whole new level by ensuring that perfect execution is achieved during each and
every pose and movement.
Mental attitude, focus, and values play a large role in determining if the practice of
meticulous yoga is right for an individual. Individuals that tend to be a
perfectionist often find that meticulous Yoga is ideally suited for there mindset.
Self Motivated Yoga
Of all of the forms of physical activity that exist today, Yoga is an activity that
requires a fairly high level of commitment (both physically and mentally). For
some individuals, this level of commitment can be difficult. The self motivated
type of Yoga is typically practiced alone and focuses on setting personal goals,
achieving them, and remaining consistent. For individuals that have a high level
of self motivation and do not require, or enjoy, group classes, self motivated
Yoga may be ideal. In addition, individuals that have sporadic schedules may find
that the self motivated Yoga type better suits their daily lifestyle.
Chanting Yoga
Chanting Yoga is the only type of Yoga that completely emphasizes the spiritual and
mind connectivity aspects of the art. By using what followers refer to as
"vibrational medicine" participants combine meditation and the repetition of
mantras with concentration on sound vibration. The repetition of the mantras is
designed to improve concentration, and thus, free the mind.
In addition to abandoning the physical aspect of Yoga, chanting Yoga does not
require any special physical attributes or equipment, only a capable voice and
the ability to control the mind. More specifically, regularly performing a chanting

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Yoga routine requires that the individual have an open mind and is dedicated to
improving and strengthening their control over their mind.
As is evident, there are several types and styles of Yoga to consider before
beginning a Yoga routine. In general, all types and styles of Yoga are physically
and mentally beneficial. However, it is best to take the time to evaluate the
differences between the various types and determine which approach will best
meet your personal health, fitness, and mental well-being goals.
In addition, individuals will want to consider whether they will be performing some
other form of physical activity in conjunction with their Yoga class. In other words,
if a Yoga class will be the only form of physical activity that the individual is going
to regularly perform they may want to consider participating in a Yoga type that
exercises the body a little more aggressively. Likewise, any physical limitations or
injuries need to be taken into account prior to choosing a Yoga type to perform.
Yoga is an excellent form of exercise and focuses on both the body and mind. This
being said, virtually everyone can improve their physical and mental state by
performing a Yoga routine with regularity. For additional information on the
various types and styles of Yoga that are available please review the articles
listed under this section of our website.

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