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5. Asstudent conducts a number of experiments to investigate the rate of reaction between hydro- chloric acid and limestone (ealeium earhonate). (@) Write « balanced equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and limestone (2 marks) (b) 5.0 g of CaCO, is allowed to react completely with hydrochloric acid. Using the ‘balanced equation in (@), calculate the mass of gas that would be produced. [Relative Atomic Mass: Ca= 40, O= 16, C= 12] (©) Suggest ONE way to verify the identity of the gas given off in (a). (Ciimark ) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020, ANUARY/F 2007 (@) Wha data mast be collected if one wants to measure the rate of the Leaction in (aon page 147 (2marks) Gi) Sketch a labelled diageam to illustrate how the data collected in (d} G) abore may be represented. (3marks) 6) State TWO ways in wish the rate af a reaetion could he increased (2 marks) Gi) Explain how ONE of the ways stated in (e) (j) above causes an increase in reaction rate. (2marks) ‘Total 15 marks END OF TEST 01212020) ANUARYIF 2007 de @ SKUHIUNA Answer ALL questions in this seetion, ‘Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet, Do NOT spend more than 30 minutes on Question 1, ‘A group of students are asked to conduct an experiment to determine the effect of ‘concentration of hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction with magnesium. They are provided wath magnesium ritbon 4215 ml dar solution of aqueous hydrochlonie acid a supply of deionized water and access fo laboratory equipment “They ae asked to condvet «set of FOUR experiments using SU em? of acid in each ease @ ai) i) ww) FFxplain the effect of inereasing the concentration of the reactants on the rate of ‘a chemical reaction (marks) ‘Write a balanced equation for the reaction between suagnesiumn and hydro- chloe ac. (marks) (Caleulate the mass of magnesium that will COMPLPTELY react with Stem of 1.5 mol dav HCL (Relative atomic mass of Mg = 24; H= 1; Cl=35.5) marks) Describe how you would prepare 50 cm’ of different concentrations of hydro chlorie acid from the solution of 1.5 mol dm” hydrochloric acid provided. (Gmarks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020 ANUARYIF 2000 (¥) Figure 1 shows a series of diagrams that represents how the students set up the ‘experiment to determine the effect of the concentration of acid on the rate of the reaction, [dentify THREE major flaws in the design of the experiment ‘conducted by the students. Write your answer on page 5. H eat sven? Ti 12g Me sean! 1S din? sae Mer soem, net eM Figure 1. Apparatus used for measuring the effect of acid concentration on the rate of reaction with magnesium GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (> Ta another set of experiments, stdents Were asked to meastne the voluinie of oxygen given off at different time intervals when the enzyme, catalase, decomposes hydrogen peroxide according to the equation: 21,0, 0, + 2,0 ‘Table 1 gives the data obtained by the students. ‘TABLE 1: DECOMPOSITION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE BY CATALASE. time/s ‘otal volume of O, siven off /em? o 0 1s 4 0 8 4 2 o 6 a 19 90 a 105 2 120 B G)Plotthe TOTAL volume of oxygen given off against time, on the graph paper on page 7. (3 marks) (i) Account for te shape of me graph obtained. (2 marks) Gil) From your graph determine the volume of oxygen gas produced after 30 seconds. (1 mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 12120200 ANUARY 62009 man Describe how the students would identify the gas produced in Experiment 2 State ONE physical property of the gas produced that can be deduced from this ‘esperiment Gaal State ONE change that the students would observe if 2 mol day” hydrochloric acid was used instead of | mol day’ in Experiment 2 mark) ‘When the reaction in Experiment 2 had ceased, a smull piece of magnesium sibboa semamed an the liquid n the conical flack. 2) Provide a suitable explanation for this cbservation, mark) 'b)Decesiba what the students would observe if the liquid remaining in the conical ask was tested with red and blue litmas paper, Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1. student was required to investigate the effect of temperature onthe rate of reaction. The materials and procedure indicated below MATERIALS: A.preco of paper, black marker, comea! flask, measunng cylinder, a stopwateh, 250 cn sodium thiosulfate (0.80 M), 25 cm: hyarochlonc acid (1.00™M), Brsen ‘bumer, niped and gauze. PROCEDURE: Step 1: Draw across oma piece of paper and place the paper on the bench top. Step 2: Place $0 cnt of sodium thiosulfate inthe conical flask and warm, Step 3: Place the wan comical ask on the cross, measure the temperaruse of the sodium thiosulfate, immediately add 5 em! of the lvdrochloric acid to the flask. mix. and start taming. Step 4+ Record the time it takes for the eross to disappear. that is. forthe reaction to finish (cesction tims) Step 5: Repeat Steps 14 FOUR times af different temperatures. (GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 01212032JANUARYIF 2014 RESULTS. Figure 1 shows the thermometer and stopwatch readings for Readings 2 and 4. Readings 1.3 and 5 are recorded in Table I on page 5 READING 2 READING ‘THERMOMETER READING we so 7 0 o x0 % STOPWATCH READING ‘Figure 1. Temperature and reaction times for Readings 2 and 4 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01212032/TANUARY/F 2014 Time (9) Temperature () GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 1212032/ANUARYIE 2014 (@) Use the information given in Figure 1 to complete Table 1 TABLE 1: RESULTS FROM FXPERIMFNT ‘Temperature of Sodiam Reading Thfosulfare (°C) Reaction Time (5) 1 38 26 2 3 38 7 4 5 2 6 (4.marks) (©) Usingthe grid provided on Page +, piota graph to show how the time taken for the reaction, to finish (reaction time) varies with temperature and draw the best-ft line through the pene (marke) (© What conclusions can be made about the rate of the reaction based on the graph in (b) shore? (marks) One precaution that should be taken in this experiment is to control the temperature (Suggest ONE way of controling the temperature. G2) State TWO peecantions. one of which avast he related to safety which should be ‘taken while carrying out this experiment (marks) (©) At38°C, instead of using 50 cm of the sodium thiosulfate olution, 40 em" of thiosulfate and 10 cas of water ware used. @ Would you expect more than 26 seconds or less than 26 seconds for the cross to disappear? aur @ Give ereasen for your answer in (j) above mak © Thesodium thiosulfate mmast be ofa mininanm concentration for this experiment to work, (@__ Whensodium thiosulfate (Na,S.0,) reacts with hydrochloric acid. sedinm chloride water. sulfur and suifur dioxide are formed, Write 2 balanced chemical equation (teelucing siate symbols) forthe reaction, @ marks) GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 01212032 7ANUARY/F 2014 ‘You should NOT spend more man 30 les on Question 1. 1. G)_—_Astudlontisrequired to investigate he nue of rcastion in which fixed mass of mugnesiam ‘metal (0.12 g) is alded to different volumes of 1.5 M hydrochloric acid. The acid is added forms hureitesind water addled ta make the Final volime af Sem Tae time taken for the magnesium ribbon to disappear is reonrded. Figure 1 below shows the bureite readings for the volume of acid added and the time taken for the magnesium to disappear for each reaction. The initial burette reading is always 0.0 cm RypiNe. Rpt. No.2 “oo “hoo no 120 Tiowe For mageesians lw disappear’ as ss Expt nas FxpeNas “no 90 240 suo Time For magnesium todisappcars 6 8 Figure 1. Burette readings and times taken tor ‘magnesium metal to disappear GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG 0121 2020UJANUARYAE 2005 ExpL.NO. 3 170 2» Expt. No.6 la10 Ja30 ® 0 aw «itt ww o From the results shown in Figure { construct a table to show experiment number, volume of seid added! from the burette, volume of water added to the acid, and lime taken for the magnesium to disappear. (4 marks} Using he wtapispuper on page 4, plot graph of time taken for the magnesium ribbon w disappear against Volume of acid ade from the bure [4 maths} Explain the shape of tho graph Using the data from the gras deters cid to react with the magne {1 mark) Write balanced equation for the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric ci [2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 12120200 ANUARY/F 2005 fu. /an9nq HO POPPE PPE aHHN|OA ime/s GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01212020 ANUARY/F 2005 (i) Calculate BACH of the following: 4) ‘The number of moles of Mg in 0.12 g (Relative Atomic Mass of Mg = 24) (1 mark) b) The volume or hydogen yas produced at cup. when all the magnesture ribbon reacts with the acid (lmole of gas at et.p. oceapies 24 din? ) (2amarks) cid (vii) _ Explain why it is necessary, fr each experiment, to make upthe volume of 10 50." by (1 mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1212020/1ANTTARWIE 20815 SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. ‘Write your responses in the spuces provided in this booklet. DO NOT spend more than 30 minutes on Question 1 1. Hyklrogen peroxide (11,0,) decomposes to produce oxygen and water, ‘The rate of resction can be increased by the use of catalysts. ‘The effect of the mass ofa catalyst on the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide was investigated Tor EACII experiment, a difforent mass ofthe catalyst, manganese(1V) oxide (Mn0,) was combined with $0 em’ of 0.8 mol dim? hydrogen peroxide solution and the volume of oxygen province! was ‘measured, The masses used ae shown on the halances displayed in Figure L Figure 1. Masses of manganese(IV) oxide GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020¢F 2017 f= A A | ‘0171202008 (@) The rate of the reaction for EACH quantity of catalyst used was calculated and recorded in Table 1. Use the balances shown in Figure I on page S to complete Table |. TABLE 1 : RATE OF REACTION BY MASS OF MANGANESE(IV) OXIDE experiment | M#s50f maces) Oxide Haat Beez ' 00 00 2 06 3 i 4a an 3 4s 6 50 (S marks) (b) Define the term ‘rate of reaction’. mark) o tial equation (o show the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, @ marks) (a) Using the axes in Figure 2 om page 7. plot a graph of rate of reaction versus mass of manganese(IV) oxide from the information in Table 1. One point has already been plotied, Circle the plotted points on the graph @, and draw the line of best fit. marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020/F 2017 - eet I 3 2 ‘Mass of manganeso(1V) oxide (.5°Tm) wenaeas Jo o7ny, Figure 2. Rate of reaction versus mass of menganese(IV) oxide GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020/F 2017 r 5 (6) Using your graph, (@) describe the relationship between the rate of reaction and the mass ofthe catalyst @ marks) i) determine the rate of reaction using 3.0 g ofthe catalyst md mark) (Gil) determine the volume of oxygen produced after 10 using the value obtained from ai (1 mark), (Complete and labet the energy profile diagram in Figure 3 to show how a catalyst affects the rate of reaction Energy level Reeactants——— ——— Products Time igure 3. Energy prone diagram (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020 2017 0 L oan | 9 7 (©) Draw labelled diagram of the apparatus (including reagents) that was used to conduct the ‘experiment and collect the gas. (4 marks) (h) List TWO other factors which ean affect the rate of reaction, @ marke) ‘Total 25 marks

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