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Student Name: Logan Bateman

Date: 8/31/19

Artifact Description: Your Classroom – Use drawing tools to create a 2D representation of my

future classroom set up and provides practice at creating classroom layouts for rosters and school

What You Learned: The Your Classroom project was rather fun to think about. It was interesting
to contemplate how I would go about organizing my future classroom in order to make it a more
effective learning environment. In the future I do plan to emphasize group participation, so I
organized my classroom into groups on long tables. This setup is similar to the setup of a prior
teacher education class I took in high school but with a few unique additions of my own. I faced
where my desk would be so that I had a complete and open view of all my students at all times
and arranged their desks in a way where they could all turn and face their chairs towards the
white board when I am lecturing. I definitely had to gain a mastery in the copy-and-paste feature
in this assignment in order to keep the furnishings of the classroom the same sizes. I did struggle
slightly with how many students to place at each table and how exactly to arrange said tables. I
decided surrounding the area I would be lecturing in would be the most effective formation. I
could most certainly come up with more complex designs and objective in order to achieve a
higher difficulty on this project.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards: 4b-Students select and use digital tools to
plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I think this project is excellent practice for what
future teachers will have to face. I believe this is a perfect example of just how organized an
effective teacher must be. You can’t just show up every day and wing it like in some careers.
You must make a plan and prepare so much beforehand. I’m glad to have experience in
classroom design under my belt now.

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