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Student Name: Logan Bateman

Date: 09/08/19

Portfolio Artifact Description: Can O’ Town- Create a description based off the label of a soup
can and design an appealing label depicting your own hometown.

What I Learned: Most of the hurdles of this assignment came from a design aspect. I tried to take
a lot of care in design to try and still make the depiction appear as a soup can label. I struggled
with was creating the barcode/UPC. I was able to overcome this hurdle by zooming in much
close when creating the barcode and drawing my lines then rather than in a zoomed-out
perspective. I was able to get my lines much closer together and to make the barcode look much
more believable. I used many of the past skills used on projects in this one but was able to
successfully bring together what looked like a total design. I had all the tools and pieces I needed
but was able to assemble them in this project. This project could be changed in dozens of ways
from creating more complex designs to challenging students to find new topics or even making
descriptions of themselves.
ISTE/(NET)s Addressed:

 Standard #4: 4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas,
testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
 Standard #4: 4b Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process
that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I think this assignment did a great job of honing the
skills we have learned in class so far so that we may better apply them for the future and
introduced us to working on the smaller aspects of a project. For example, the barcode needed a
lot more precision than you would originally think and this assignment allowed us to practice
focusing on research and more complex details.

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