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Student Name: Logan Bateman

Date: 09/15/19

Artifact Description: Web Launcher-Create a document showcasing education websites that are easily
accessed for lesson plans and students in class. Practice creating easy ways to access external resources.

What you learned: This assignment might be one of the most useful so far. Both as a teacher and
student, making it easy to access external resources and links will make giving presentations and make
teaching much easier. This project taught us how to streamline our resources in order to make a more
effective and expedient gathering of information for out future students. The only real struggle I faced in
this presentation was making my links work with a single click. However, after a bit of searching on
google and through the Word help bar, I was able to uncheck the right box and make my links work the
way I needed too.

I like this assignment in particular because of its versatility of use. This can be used in so many creative
ways and formats for a variety of grade levels. I went for a look through the windows of history for my
own and enjoyed it immensely.

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)•T Addressed:

5b. Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and
resources to maximize active, deep learning.

6b. Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual
environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I could use this particular project in a variety of ways in the
future. No matter the subject area or content I plan to cover in my class I can adapt and transform this
assignment into one which makes it far easier to gather and present information in my student. I could
use this assignment to take my students on a tour through history or through the worlds or scenes of a
novel they are reading. I like having the ability to take students on a journey through the internet in a
way I can control.

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