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Tell Me Your Dream

By: Sidney Sheldon

The story revolves around a gorgeous, workaholic and brainy techie named Ashley
Patterson, who works at a leading firm at the silicon valley, Toni Prescott, who loves to sing, party
and enjoy, and Alette Peters - who loves artwork and has inborn talent of painting .Ashley fears
she's been stalked by someone and fears that her life could be in danger. Her father, Dr. Steven
Patterson, a famous cardiac surgeon always warns her about men and relationships and was the
reason for her teen age breakup as well, which saw them move out of London, just after her
graduation. Her father also warned her about Dennis Tibble, her co-worker, who always flirted
with her, soon he was brutally murdered and Ashley comes into suspect. Alette goes to Rome
where she meets an artist whom she had previously known, but later after Alette leaves him, he
is found to be murdered. On the other side Toni visits Quebec city and meets Jean claude, whome
she knew via an online chat room and he gifts her an Emerald ring, asks her to accompany her
for lunch and asks her to join her, which she rejects.

When nothing is going proper in Ashley's her life, two identical murders happen at Rome
and Quebec, where Toni and Alette had been, and in both the cases the men were brutally killed
and castrated after sex, while Alette and Toni had nothing to do with the murders, also the police
couldn't trace them. A few days later Ashley finds a warning message " You will die" written with
red lipstick on her dressing table mirror. In this fear she asks Deputy Sam Blake to stay at her
place to safeguard her. When she wakes up the next day, she is arrested for the murder of depty
Sam Blake and also, found to be guilty of the previous two murders which occurred at Rome and

Upon investigations, the DNA samples collected from the site of murder matched Ashley
Patterson. she is found to have been present at all the three murder spots, but has no idea or
any memory about any of these incidences and was actually telling the truth when subjected to
Polygraph test (a lie detector). How could it be that she could be present at the spot, but had not
committed any cold blooded murder ?? Ashley was soon to undergo her trial as all the evidences
pointed her to be involved in those murders.

David Singer is a corporate lawyer, who worked with a private firm, sees the news about
Ashley Patterson being convicted and remembers her father Dr. Patterson who saved her
mothers life and in turn David worked as a driver for him (during his days of studying criminal
law) in order to repay him for saving his mother's life. Soon David was to become the leading
lawyer of his firm and makes major plans along with his wife Sandra. Later in the day he is
approached by Dr Patterson to take up his daughter's case. For the sake of the firm he initially
rejects it, but later after visiting Ashley, he decided to take up the case and have a break from
the private firm.

Soon David revisits her with a leading psychotheraphist Dr. Royce Salem, who diagnoses
her to have Multiple personality disorder (MPD) and found to have Toni and Alette within her.
As days passed the trail begins and David faces a whole lot of challenges as he defends Ashley.
Unfortunately, the court doesn't accept on any of the proofs shown by David in support of his
client Ashley. And, when the trial comes to the final day, David tricks Ashley under hypnosis from
Dr Salem and records a video and presents it to the court, which later proves her alter to have
found to commit the murder and decides to send her to a psychotherapist rehab center where
she would be treated.

At the rehab asylum, Dr Gilbert decides to treat her and tries to find out the horrid
reasons for the birth of these two insane characters within her. As Gilbert tries to dedicate more
time to this case he realizes to have been attracted towards her. As years pass by, Gilbert is
unable to find out the route cause of trouble and unable to progress in treating her apart from
making those characters friendly with him. He find out that Toni is the dominant one and is very
aggressive, who loves to dance and sing, while Alette is calm and loves art and paintings. The
twist comes in the story when Dr. Patterson comes to visit Ashley with her Fiance' and her
daughter, and starts playing with her daughter. That's when she realizes how her father sexually
assaulted and abused her every night, that's when Ashley faints and is rushed to the emergency,
and Toni comes into anger. During this anger period Dr Gilbert gets the whole story out from her
why she committed crimes . Toni confessed that she committed these murders just cause they
tried getting into her and poor Ashley and Alette couldn't do any thing, she also felt that all men
were the same wanting to bed a woman. Now that the week point was known, Dr Gilbert decides
to use it to make Toni fed up of her dad and soon show her its pointless doing anything with him
and end up uniting all three characters within Ashley and soon puts and end to the other two
characters Alette and Toni. Soon Ashley is relieved from the asylum and moves among normal
people and has a normal life and normal colorful dreams.

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