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Student Name: Logan Bateman

Date: 09/08/2019

Portfolio Artifact Description: Graffiti Painting- Practice painting tools by painting over our
teacher's face and writing a short story to go with it.

What I Learned: I definitely struggled to get this project to a point with which I was happy with.
I struggled with staying in the lines, something I haven’t had to really think about since grade
school and to create a design that would fit with the story I already had in mind. In the end, I
managed to put together a piece I rather liked though it took much longer than I originally
thought. I also struggled slightly with exactly how to write my story. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to
write in the third person or first. In the end, I decided to write it from the perspective of someone
who studied creatures like a troll and actually had a lot of fun with it. I experimented a lot with
Microsoft Paint before getting a handle on the brush system and some of the shaping systems but
towards the end of the project, I felt I really got a handle and ended up adding more detail and
quicks than I originally planned. I really like this lesson as it was but for a longer duration on the
lesson I would have the student craft more in-depth stories and create multiple characters along
with descriptions of said characters.

ISTE/(NET)s Addressed:

· Standard #4: 4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas,
testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

· Standard #4: 4b Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process
that considers design constraints and calculated risks.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: Whether I was teaching English or history I would
use this project to tell stories or maybe even have the students do something similar by drawing
historical figures over pictures. I myself definitely needed the experience in painting programs
and thought of a variety of ways to transform this assignment into an even more interesting

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