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Lesson Plan: The Telling of a Story

Subject: English

Grade/Content Level: 12th

Educational Standard(s)-National:

4a. Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories,

creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

4b. Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that

considers design constraints and calculated risks.

6a. Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of

their creation or communication.

Educational Standard(s)-Nevada/State:

1.A.12.1 Apply new and existing knowledge to independently, or in collaboration with others,

generate new ideas, products, or processes with digital tools.

1.B.12.1 Create an original work using digital tools, including planning, research, editing, and


2.B.12.1 Create digital text, images, sound, and video for use in communication.

2.B.12.2 Critique appropriateness of digital formats for audiences and purposes.

Other Content Standards:

ELA/Writing Nevada Academic Content Standards:

3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,

well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences

3c. Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a

coherent whole and build toward a particular tone and outcome


Students will practice using electronic design tools to create vivid depictions of their original


Students will write their own children’s picture book story which will help them develop an

understanding of story-telling techniques

Students will combine different forms of media to gain an understanding of how various media

can influence and aid in the telling and tone of a story.


• PowerPoint

• Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, Apple Music, etc.

• Cardstock

• Colored Ink

• Printer

• Hole Punch
Group Size: 1-2 students will work to create and design their stories.


• The teacher will begin the lesson by explaining to the class the power of stories and how

literature can be used to deliver powerful messages and that these messages can be most

powerful in literature for children.

• The teacher will then tell the students that they will be developing children’s picture

books which will have to deliver meaningful message.

• The teacher will then explain to the students that, while creating children’s book is

effective on its own, that there are ways to make even more of an impact.

• The teacher will then begin the lesson by having the students develop story ideas which

could be important lessons for a younger audience that they will build into entertaining

stories. Ex. Eat healthy.

• The students will then begin writing dialogue for their stories and develop a cast of


• After the students have the basics of their story planned out, they will begin the most

time-consuming portion of the assignment, creating the illustrations.

• The teacher will instruct the students to open up power point where they will use a

combination of drawing tools and clip art to create backgrounds and characters which

they will use in their stories.

• Using the various coloring and editing tools, the students will begin piecing together an

actual story out of the pictures and which must be eye-catching and show that obvious

work was put in.

• This portion of the activity may take several class periods to complete but will force

students to be creative and use a variety of technological techniques to create original and

stunning backgrounds.

• After the students have finished creating their picture books through PowerPoint, they

will print them onto cardstock and bind them together so they can be easily flipped


• The teacher will then explain the next part of their lesson which relies on the use of

Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, Samsung Music, or YouTube.

• Students will be asked to create a soundtrack that will follow along with their book and

represent the events that transpire during the book.

• The songs they choose can come from traditional artists, video games, movie scores, etc..

• This is meant to represent how music and other forms of multimedia can work together to

create a more effect story and how they can aide in storytelling techniques.

• The students must pick school appropriate songs which they will use to create a six-song

playlist that they think will aid in the presentations of their stories.

• The students will then present their stories to the class while their soundtracks play in the


Assessment: Students will be assessed on grammar, creativity, and originality of their final

products when they present their stories to the class and will be asked to write a one-page word

processed document explaining how their songs tie in/aid in the telling of their story.
Playlist for The Amazing Adventures of Super Egg!

• “Main Theme-Zelda Breath of the Wild” by Nintendo

• “Evil” by Instrumental Rap

• “Marvel Studios Fanfare” by Brian Tyler

• “The Code” by Geoffrey Wilson

• “I am the Doctor” by Murray Gold

• “Captain Marvel” by Pinar Toprak

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