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Kizaki Souma, who is no more than an ordinary high school

student in modern Japan, ended up getting suddenly
summoned to another other world by someone.

In that world, where humans are oppressing demi-humans after

subjugating them, he decides to fight against the human nations
with his knowledge from games and mangas in order to save the
beastmen who rescued him.

It’s the story of a boy who becomes “God’s Child of Destruction,

Souma Kisaki” feared and called a mass killer and worst-ever
destroyer in future records.
No magic, no skills, no jobs, no status and no harem. No “I’m stroooong.” (T/N: meaning
the typical OP MC) Rather, the protagonist is the weakest.
The main character, who was an ordinary high-school student, sheds tears, throws up
and yet grits his teeth and fights while leading his friends in another world to which he
was summoned all of a sudden. This is a story about him being called the history’s worst
* The time when the main character decides to fight is at chapter 13
* The main character’s first battle will happen around chapter 17 to chapter 19.

First, the death of the God of Creation and the Birth of the Pantheneum

More ancient than thousands of thousands years, older than 10,000 times 10,000

First, at the beginning, there was the God of Creation.

It was at the time when the world had yet to take its shape.

No one besides Him existed and there was nothing except Him.

He was alone.

He hoped and wondered when beings similar to Him would appear. He continued to
wait patiently for that time. However, even after a time longer than hundreds of
hundreds years passed, nothing other than him was born.

The God of Creation, who at last could not bear the loneliness, terminated his own life.

After he did so, seven gods were born from his body which lost its life.

The God of Fire was born from His flowing blood.

The Goddess of Water was born from His streaming tears.

The Goddess of Earth was born from His flesh.

The God of Wind was born from His last breath.

The God of Beasts was born from His genitals.

The God of Birds was born from His body hair.

And, at the end, the God of Humans was born from His head.

Second, the creation of the world and its people

The God of Fire, who was born first, created the sun by placing the burning heart of
the God of Creation in the sky since the world was far too dark. Because of this, the
world was filled with light and wrapped in a heat similar to burning.

Thereupon he created lizards, snakes and such from the body of the God of Creation,
and they praised the God of Fire.

After the God of Fire granted some of them power, they turned into Dinosaurians.

Because the world was almost burnt up due to the sun, the Goddess of Water created
the clouds to block the the light, and made them rain to suppress the heat.

Thereupon, fish were born from the body of the God of Creation, and they praised the
Goddess of Water.

After the Goddess of Water granted some of them power, they turned into Marmen.

Because the world was almost covered by water, the Goddess of Earth made sure that
the body of the God of Creation did not sink so that it could serve as continents and

Thereupon insects were born from the body of the God of Creation, and they praised
the Goddess of Earth.

When the Goddess of Earth granted some of them power, they turned into Dwarves.
Because the world became too rugged and solid, the God of Wind blew his breath and
evened the ground.

Thereupon, trees and grasses sprouted from the body of the God of Creation, and they
praised the God of Wind.

Once the God of Wind granted some of them power, they turned into Elves.

Seeing the world was about to be covered by numerous plants, the God of Beasts
plucked the vegetation that had spread too much.

Thereupon, beasts were born from the body of the God of Creation, and they praised
the God of Beasts.

Once the God of Beasts granted some of them power, they turned into Zoan.

Since the world was about to overflow with the corpses of beasts which had increased
too much, the God of Birds cleared those away.

Thereupon, birds were born from the body of the God of Creation, and they praised
the God of Birds.

Once the God of Birds granted some of them power, they turned into Harpyans.

The God of Humans, who heard the worshipping voices of the animals, which were
flooding into the world, for their respective god, said this,

“I also want to create beings which worship me, like my siblings did.”

Once he said so, humans were born from the body of the God of Creation.

However, the born humans had no claws, no fangs, no feathers and no scales. They
were weak creatures to the degree that they would probably die right away if left as
they are.

“Aah! I wonder, why did I end up creating such weak creatures?”

The God of Humans grieved and moaned greatly.

The God of Fire, who was unable to just watch that, taught the humans the knowledge
how to use fire.

However, the God of Humans didn’t stop to lament despite that.

Next, the Goddess of Water granted the humans the knowledge how to use water and
taught them how to catch fish.

However, the God of Humans didn’t stop to lament despite that.

Furthermore, the Goddess of Earth granted them the knowledge how to cultivate the
soil to obtain food, the God of Wind granted them the knowledge how to procure fruits
from the vegetation, the God of Beasts granted them the knowledge how to fight
against beasts and the God of Birds granted them the knowledge how to drop birds.

The God of Humans, who was finally satisfied with that, stopped grieving and said
following to the humans,

“You guys can use fire, catch fish, cultivate the ground, pick fruits, hunt beasts and drop
birds. It’s fine for you to flourish grandly while obtaining everything in this world.”

Thus the humans were given the greed to steal every single possession of this world
by the God of Humans.

– Extract from the Myth of Creation handed down on the Seldeas Continent.
[…oma… Souma…]

Who? Who’s calling out to me?

[…Souma… Com-… Summoning… Souma…]

Who? Who is it?

Getting the feeling the someone was calling his name, Kizaki Souma stirred from his

He was in his room.

Today, high school had been closed, so he had been lying in bed, reading his weekly
magazine which he had purchased from a convenience store that afternoon, and had
seemingly fallen asleep. The room was a mess, full of clothes he had taken off and
manga scattered about; before he knew it, his room was dyed in a madder red by the
evening sun sinking in the western sky.

As he lifted his head, a page of the magazine that clung to his cheek made a tearing
sound as it peeled off.


Souma took the table mirror located at his bedside and looked into it; what it reflected
was the face of a drowsy-looking boy.

A somewhat short-cut black hair and black eyes revealing his timidness. His looks,
which makes others sense his childishness, are evaluated as cute by elder women, but
he had gradually reached a point where he felt embarrassed about it.

However, now with the imprint from the page of the magazine on his cheek that he
had gotten from sleeping with it, his face looked more idiotic than cute with the circles
projected on it.

Whilst rubbing the ink from his cheek with the back of his hand, Souma let out a great
yawn, left his room and descended his staircase.

“Mom! Did you call me?!”

“Oh, you’re up Souma? Your mother didn’t call for you.”

From the kitchen, his mother’s voice could be heard along with the sound of oil
popping from frying food. Souma wondered whether he misheard after all.

“You’re just in time, Souma. I’ve run out of tofu to fry. I’m sorry to ask this of you, but
your mother is currently making tempura and can’t leave at the moment. Would you
mind going to buy some more?”

“Mmh. Sure.”

Souma put on his shoes at the doorway and took the key from the key hook next to the
shoe holder for the lock of the bicycle that his family shared.

Then, as he reached out his hand to open the door—

Out of nowhere, his vision blurred.

Souma thought that he was still dizzy from just getting up, but the dizziness grew
worse and worse. Eventually, he could no longer stand and had to sit down, but the
dizziness didn’t go away.

Due to the alternating feeling of suspension as if his body’s floating and a heavy
pressure as if he’s pushed down, Souma felt as though he was being played with.

“Souma, you forgot the wallet—”

Souma tried to respond to his mother’s voice, but his voice felt plugged due to a nausea
that seemed to gush forth from within his stomach. He wanted to get help by going to
his mother and thus he extended his arm out to grasp the doorknob to pull himself up.

[… Souma… Come, Souma…]

While once again hearing the auditory hallucination, Souma’s hand stopped in mid-air
unable to grasp the doorknob.

“Souma, you forgot the wallet… Souma?”

At the time when his mother came to the door with the wallet, only the key still being
stuck in the door and the key for the bicycle, which had fallen to the side, were left;
Souma was nowhere to be seen.

Alongside a *bam*, a strong shock ran across Souma’s back.

“Ah… Ow… Ahh.”

Groans and cries escaped from Souma’s mouth.

Apparently his back was strongly hit by something, spreading a damp pain across his
entire back. However, rather than just pain, a feeling of dizziness, fatigue, and nausea
spread throughout Souma’s whole body, causing him to groan in agony.

At that moment, the sudden sound of people stirring could be heard from around him.

Faintly opening his eyes which were shut tightly from anguish, the vicinity had
become dim, making him wonder just when the sun had set.

He thought that he just didn’t notice it as he had lost consciousness, but he immediately
realizes that this was not the case.

Facing upwards, he saw a dim ceiling with needle-like rocks that clung to it — there
was an innumerable amount of different stalactites which hung from above.

Furthermore, the situation is much more unusual than that.

While writhing in agony, he frantically surveys his surroundings. Even though he was
supposed to be at his home’s doorway, his location changed into a limestone cavern
he had never seen before.

Stalactites similar to thick pillars rose amidst the cavern, which was vast enough to fit
an entire house inside. Being bathed in the light of candles which had been placed
everywhere, a fairytale-like scenery was created.

And, among the stalactites, dozens of men and women, completely garbed in black
robes, stared at Souma with expressions of amazement while kneeling on the ground.

“…Where… am I?”

To Souma, who had spoken with a weak voice, an old man in the front row of the group
spoke up.

“Owa! Owa!”

What came out of the old man’s mouth were words with an intonation Souma had
never heard before.

“Diha noiha? Fero ran dirarn noiha!?”

What is this guy saying? Where the heck am I? Where the hell is this place?

Though these questions are running through Souma’s mind, he can’t think straight due
to the crushing bad condition of his body as he desperately tries to get up.

The feeling of being intoxicated and his fatigue worsens over time. His entire body is
hot just like the time when he gulped down whiskey, after being encouraged by his
relatives half in jest, on New Year’s Eve. He also has a throbbing headache which
pulsed throughout his skull, a pounding which violently resounded in his head as he
tried to move.

Additionally, as Souma fell over face-up from the agonizing nausea in his stomach, he
noticed a woman looking down on him and let out a small scream.

No, it wasn’t a living woman.

It was a statue which had been shaved out from a stalactite.

Sharp, pointed claws are growing from the fingers of her hands, which were stretched
out as if she’s trying to embrace Souma, and sharp fangs which poked out from behind
her lips. Rather than a woman, she looked like a demon disguised as a woman.

Suddenly, someone’s hand touched Souma’s forehead.

Before he knew it, the old man was down on one knee overlooking Souma. Once he
brushed aside Souma’s forelocks, which covered his forehead, with a trembling hand,
only the two eyes within the old man’s face with its deep wrinkles engraved all over
opened widely while shining with a glitter.

“Uz yakha kiha! Uz migou seiha!”

The old man exclaimed with excitement as spittle flew from his mouth.

“Uz migou! Uz migou auranos!”

As the old man turned back to face the crowd, he threw his hands up and rose his voice
with delight. Joyous cheers arose from the crowd.

“Magluna Aura! Magluna Aura! Magluna Migou!”

While listening with his entire body to their delighted voices, which echoed loudly
inside the confined limestone cavern to a degree that it might deafen his ears, Souma’s
consciousness suddenly descended into darkness.

The old man was a loser.

Once upon a time, the old man had wielded a powerful authority in an extremely noble
and beautiful place on this earth. However, being caught in a trap by a group of
cowards, he lost everything he had obtained: honour, rank and wealth.

At that moment not only those who were hostile to him, but even those who used to
be obsequious changed their attitudes quickly and the old man was driven out of the
capital with stones thrown at him. Being abused in an evil way by even those of low
birth who were despised like trash worms, the old man had no other choice but to lead
a small number of his clan members and escape to a remote region.

For the body of the old man, who lived a life without any discomfort while being being
waited upon by many people, that escape was something painful and harsh. Even so,
when he was finally able to arrive at this place, all that was burning in his chest was
hatred and fury.

How can I dispel them!? This anger! Hatred! Humiliation!

The only thing supporting this old man’s body and willpower at this point was his
desire for vengeance.

What the old man, who was possessed by his resentment, clung to was the description
in a certain book he once discovered in the great library of the capital.

The records in there wrote about a being who is the greatest and strongest in this

The old man and his clan depended on that being to defeat those who drove them out
and to regain the clan’s glory once again.

Kidnapping the daughter of a low-birthed farmer, they offered her heart, which was
overflowing with warm blood, and earnestly prayed.

To the limits of their resentment they prayed as if continuing for an eternity, and at
last a change occurred.

A boy whom they had never seen before suddenly appeared inside their sanctuary,
where no one but the clan members were supposed to be.

“Ooh! Ooh!”

The old man only raised his voice, unable to form any words due to his astonishment.

They have left lookouts at the entranceway of the limestone cavern which serves as
their temple, making it near impossible to be intruded upon if they aren’t discovered.
Moreover, nothing like a secret passage existed here. And yet, within the cave in the
innermost part of the temple, this boy just appeared as if suddenly spawning.

“Who… are you? How did you get in here?”

Asked the old man, however the boy doesn’t show any sign of answering as he only
groans in anguish.

He has heard about it in rumours: black hair like the savage tribe living on a distant,
remote island, and odd clothes he had never seen before. Even with the information
of the old man, who prided himself in possessing extensive knowledge, they couldn’t
grasp the boy’s true identity.
When the boy rolled over facing upwards, writhing in pain, something caught the old
man’s eyes.

Cautiously reaching his hand out, he brushes aside the groaning boy’s forelocks,
exposing his forehead.

What’s on that forehead isn’t a mistake of the old man but what he expected. No, rather
the thing he hoped for was actually there.

“This is, a seal! This person is the Divine Child!”

The figure that was apparently a combination of the numerical characters 8 and ∞
faintly shone on the boy’s forehead. With it just being bathed in flickering candle light,
the figure seemed as if two serpents were entangling their bodies and biting each
other’s tails while squirming. It was an eerie seal.

“A Son of Heaven! Aura’s Divine Child!!”

The old man, whose body trembled with excitement and joy, turned around to the clan
members and yelled out loudly.

The clan members, who attentively watched the developments until now while
holding their breath, all at once burst into cheers upon the old man’s words.

“Aura the Great! Great Aura! Great Divine Child!”

Everyone cried with great joy, cheering until their throats grew hoarse.

At last, Aura had granted the clan’s wish. Finally the time has come to realize the clan’s

Everyone rejoiced with excitement.

The greater the hardship experienced so far, the greater the joy due to the backlash.

“Hahaha… wahahahaa!!”

And then there was the old man whose unsightly expression distorted in ecstasy more
than anyone else’s as he released a loud laughter.
“Perish! Those who tricked us, scorned us, and drove us away! All of you bastards
getting destroyed will be great! Wahahahahahahaa!!”

It was for this reason that he did not notice the reverberating, intense sounds coming

the cavern’s entrance.


Alongside that command, an innumerable amount of arrows was fired all at once
within the narrow cavern. The old man was eventually struck by one in his chest,
returning him to his senses with a burning pain.

“!? W-What!?”

The cavern’s interior became a maelstrom of pandemonium.

Fully armed soldiers with swords and spears in hand surge in through the entrance,
killing the old man’s family members one after the other. The clan members, who had
no other choice but to rely on Aura as they didn’t have the strength to fight while
holding weapons to begin with, are defeated by the soldiers without even attempting
to resist.

“Annihilate the evil adherents! Let no one escape!”

“These vile heretics!”

“Kill them! Allow no one to get away!”

Basked in the flickering light of the candles, countless shadows are swaying on the
cave’s wall as if dancing. Among them, the old man was unable to do anything but to
simply watch in a daze as his clan was getting killed.

A captain with a light brown tess attached to his helmet, which stands out when he’s
among the soldiers, sprang out in front of the old man. In his right hand he is grasping
a sword which is dyed bright red with the blood of the clan.

“You bastard are the leader here I suppose! I shall take your head!”
Due to the sword swung alongside the voice, the old man’s head, which still had its
eyes wide open in shock, dances high into the air while raising a fountain of blood. The
captain grabs hold of the white hair of the old man’s head which rolled under his feet
and held it up as high as possible.

“I killed the leader!”

In the cavern, the soldiers erupt into cheers.

The soldiers search for those still breathing faintly and deliver the final blows. The
damp sounds of the spears gouging out flesh and the low groans of those, who were
finished off, reverberate within the cave.

As the captain watched attentively over the operation, he heard a low groan from his

“Au… uu…”

Unsure as to whether an evil adherent was still alive, he draws his sword and cautiously
surveys his surroundings.

Thereupon, he discovered a painfully groaning boy facing upwards at the feet of a

statue of a repulsive evil god.

There was a survivor after all, huh? The captain raised his sword overhead, but then
his arm stopped.

The boy had black hair and wore a strange attire he had never seen around here
before. He can’t believe that he’s a comrade of the evil adherents, but likewise he
doesn’t seem like a child that had been abducted from a nearby village.

The eyes of the captain, who hesitated in his decision how to handle this, perceived
something gleaming slightly on the other side of the forelocks which were covering
the boy’s forehead. Warily he used his sword’s tip to clear away the boy’s forelocks.
And then he became speechless.


No matter how often he blinks his eyes, the thing on the boy’s forehead doesn’t disappear.
“This is… an engraved seal?! This child is, a Divine Child?!”

The captain opened his eyes widely with a shudder and stepped back involuntarily.

In the report, submitted by this captain, about the situation at that time, the following
is written:

[On this day we finally discovered the stronghold of the evil adherents who had gruesomely
killed the children and young girl they had abducted from the surrounding villages for
some time now.

Alongside the twenty-four soldiers under my command, we first shot the two guards
standing watch at the cavern’s entrance to death, and then stormed into the cavern.

A suspicious scent was wafting about inside the cavern, and a large number of evil
adherents were in the middle of a bizarre ceremony.

Raiding that place together with my soldiers, we mopped up forty-two evil adherents,
including an old man which appeared the by their leader.

In the midst of doing so, I came across a boy at the feet of an evil statue considered to be
the object of their faith.

On the forehead of the boy with black hair and foreign-styled strange clothing was a seal
I had never seen before. Unable to know if he’s any kind of heavenly child, I decided to
bring him back to the fortress in order to allow for a better judgement.]

Thereafter, he pondered as to whether is was unsatisfactory or not; although it was an

extremely short account, this was the first ever formal document of Souma Kisaki.

Many heroes and sages had carved their names into the long history of the Seldeas

Among those who accomplished that, many of the so-called evil heroes, such as
tyrants and slaughterers, have been included as well.

Driven away after implementing a reckless reform which led to tens of thousands of
people starving to death, [Foolish Emperor] Kashnal.
Having poisoned several people such as her husband, lovers and family for the sake of
leading a luxurious life herself, [Lady of Deadly Poison] Mary Selenar.

Decapitating all the enemy nation’s prisoners, he routed the enemy army with fear by
building a protective wall with those heads, [Decapitating Official] Baga Yang.

Many more names of evil heroes besides them are known.

However, even throughout the many noteworthy evil heroes, there is the name of a
man whose name was deeply etched into the history of this world.

Even now, that name, which is given praise for being loaded with hatred and wrath,
causes everyone to distort their mouths as if having tasted poison once they mention
it and makes everyone’s expression stiffen in disgust and dread once they hear it.

The number of those who died due to the chaos orchestrated by him climbed into
several hundred thousands. And even after his death, an uncountable number of
humans are currently dying due to his influence.

<Atrocious Emperor> Gurla Gumeshis, who devoted himself to slaughter as much as

possible by overthrowing all the enemy nations as well as the commoners and
retainers who rebelled against him, has been aware of his arrogant speech and
conduct, but even for him he was a man that made Gurla say “If compared to the
number of people killed by that man, something like the slaughtering I accomplished
he has probably done countless times”.

Having extinguished numerous cities from the earth with a new bomb he developed
and also having repeated nightmarish human experiments on prisoners, the director
of the empire’s science division who was also a commissioned officer of the army. To
the mad genius scientist Otto Seidenbecher, he was a man who made Otto praise him
with “I destroyed people and cities, but he destroyed the world”.

He appeared on this Seldeas Continent all of a sudden one day.

And then he spread his influence on the entire continent in the blink of an eye, rebelled
against the empire which ruled the continent at that time and at last destroyed its
foundation, inviting turbulent times that continued for several hundred years after

Everybody harbours disgust, hatred, dread and fear towards him and calls him:
[Divine Son of Destruction, Soma Kisaki] —
Souma opened his eyes due to vibrations shaking his body with a sound of rattling in
the background.

As there’s still a sense of fatigue and a feeling of drunkenness remaining all over his
body, his consciousness is hazy. Nevertheless, he opens his eyes slightly.

What jumped into his eyes first was him being sullied with dirt. It seems he has been
put to sleep on some type of loading area. Once he opened his eyes a bit, he saw a
savannah dyed in ochre due to the withered grasses with a cold wind fiercely blowing
through the plains.

“Lu Bana! Lu Bana! Pomus ishytal kimuya!”

He can hear yelling in a foreign language that he has never heard before from somewhere

“Ah… aah… uuh.” (Souma)

He tried to speak up somehow, but nothing but a faint groaning escapes his throat that
was burning dry. He felt nauseated, but with nothing to vomit out of his empty
stomach, he only felt sick.

“Sugabramu! Sugabramu!”

He heard a man shouting nearby.

“Somalua ork furnoiha!”

I don’t understand what he’s saying, but at the very least it doesn’t seem to be Japanese
or English.

After a short while he could hear the clip-clopping of horse hooves which he knew
from movies.
“Ou. Di Ork furnoiha?”

Alongside that voice, Souma’s face was covered by a shadow. Souma couldn’t even
move his neck due to the remaining fatigue that’s penetrated his body. Even so, he
looks at the object that was blocking the sunlight by shifting his eyes.

(…What’s this? Is it a dream?)(Souma)

What entered his slightly opened field of vision is a face similar to that of a lizard.
However, its size was close to that of a horse’s head and it was covered by light brown
hair which a lizard usually doesn’t possess. That lizard looked down at Souma while
flicking its tongue, which is split in two at the end.

There’s no way that such a creature exists in reality.

That’s what Souma thought.

“Diha noiha? Diz migur noiha?”

The voice flooded him from above, but it used words which Souma didn’t understand
at all.

“…Wh… Where is, this place…?” (Souma)

He desperately squeezed out his voice, but it resulted in no more than a quiet whisper
almost indistinguishable from a long breath. And then the consciousness of Souma,
who exhausted his energy with just that much, was once again swallowed by darkness.

Signalling the arrival of a hard winter, a freezing north wind blew through the withered

Until just recently, the season of summer, Zao, dominated with a blazing heat.
However, with the short autumn, Nagurto, passing in the twinkling of an eye, it has
now become the season of winter, Nero.

The Platoon Leader Setius frowned due to the cold nipping wind that felt as if it was
chopping up one’s body.
The subjugation of the evil adherents who troubled the neighbourhood recently was
wrapped up quickly, contrary to his expectations. The priest, who expressly arrived
from the capital, exaggerated by spouting “This is God’s will”. Since it was said that he
came to order the subjugation of the evil adherents, Setius was anxious about their
level of dreadfulness.

However, once he looked at the results of the subjugation, all the evil adherents were
similar to a gathering of amateurs. No terrifying monsters or suspicious magic like the
ones in the tales sung by minstrels appeared either.

It’s to the extent that the march from the fortress was far more difficult than the
subjugation itself.

“Hurry! Hurry up! The sun is setting in the west!”

He could hear one of the squad leaders scolding his subordinates.

I also want to somehow reach the place with the large rocks, which are located beyond
this point, before evening. If we camp out in such windswept savannah, we will be
tormented by the north wind all night long and won’t be able to get a good rest.

“Platoon Leader! Platoon Leader!”

It was the voice of a squad leader who was among the marching forces.

“It seems that the youngster woke up!”

Currently, if the word “Youngster” is mentioned within this unit, it’s about the boy
considered to be a [Divine Child] that was discovered in the den of the evil adherents.

Pulling the reins, Setius turned over the head of the Kiryu. The Kiryu, which Setius is
riding, is a type of lizard that can’t be called a dragon at all even though it has the word
dragon* in its name. It kicks the ground with its two thick and strong hind-legs
whereas its forelegs are are short and slender. The forelegs are used in order to pin
down bitten prey and at the time of standing up with what’s essentially a push-up
when lying upside down on the ground. The Kiryu’s entire body is covered by bluish
black scales with light brown hair growing in-between those scales. If it’s a blade at
the level of a cheap knife, it won’t even be able to make a scratch. It has the drawback
that it’s slightly weak to the cold, but it’s a creature that’s a powerful mount which is
preferred by soldiers because it isn’t cowardly and doesn’t need more care than
horses, which are said to exist in the distant southern grasslands. (T/N: Kiryu is
written using the kanji for mount and dragon, properly it would be Kiryuu, but I cut off
one “u.” )

“Oy! Did the boy open his eyes?” (Setius)

The squad leader replied to Setius’ question with a nod, and pointed at the top of the
loading space of the cart next to him where provisions and arms were stacked.

In a slight gap created between the luggage the boy, who was found at the evil
adherents’ den, was put to sleep while being covered by a blanket which amounted to
no more than a ragged cloth.

Setius approached the cart with his kiryu, matched up with its travelling speed and
peeked at the boy’s face.

Is the boy suffering from a disease? His complexion is pale and he’s leaking painful

If it’s a kind of infectious disease, it will become troublesome, won’t it? He thought this,
but having said that, there’s no way that he can abandon him either.

I guess I have no other choice but to limit access to this boy as much as possible.

As he observes the boy, he faintly opens his eyes, but they seem to be unfocused.

With this he couldn’t expect a decent answer, but even so he tried to question the boy
just in case.

“What kind of person are you? Are you a [Divine Child]?” (Setius)

But, as expected there’s no answer.

At that time the weak voice of the boy reached the ears of Setius who was wondering
whether it was pointless.

“…Wh… Where is, this place…?” (Souma) (T/N: Author writes in romaji here, so imagine
Setius not hearing the words but the sounds of the words)

It was the sound of words Setius had never heard before.

It doesn’t seem to be the Deas Language which is the official language around here, and
neither is it the Holy Language used by the priests. On the other hand, it also seems to be
different from the words spoken between demi-humans such as elves and dwarves.

Going by his attire, the boy seems to be from a far distant foreign place, but starting
with him, no one from the platoon knew where that place might be.

I happened to hear about black-haired humans living on a mysterious island in the far
east in the stories funnily recounted by travelling merchants and minstrels at the bars,
but I wonder whether this boy really came from there?

“From where did you come? Who are you?” (Setius)

However, he was unable to get an answer since the boy lost consciousness once again.

When Setius sighed as if annoyed, the squad leader, who attentively watched the
course of events, timidly called out to him.

“Platoon Leader, what shall I do with this brat?”

“It’s not like we can discard him. Take care of him so that he doesn’t die.” (Setius)

Due to that order, the squad leader only showed a forced smile with cramped cheeks,
and didn’t give his agreement immediately.

“What’s wrong, Squad Leader? Do you have any complaints?” (Setius)

Due to the squad leader showing an attitude that can be taken as a protest against his
order, Setius presses him for an answer while con-notating his words with a

The squad leader ducked his head and said with upturned eyes,

“Platoon Leader, this guy, umm, is a [Divine Child], right?”

Setius consented to that.

Because of an incident that happened a while ago at the fortress where Setius and the
rest of the platoon works, [Divine Child] has truly become a taboo existence.
“Won’t I get cursed to death if I get involved with him in a bad way? Besides, this guy
looks ill.”

It’s not like he doesn’t understand this squad leader’s feelings either. If Setius didn’t
have his duty as platoon leader, he would have wanted to abandon such boy in the
plains as well.

Reluctantly, Setius stretches out his hand by bending himself forward on his kiryu and
touches the boy’s body.

“Look. I haven’t been cursed by just touching him. In the first place, that incident
happened because the lord of the fortress has, umm, how would you call it… a
disturbing fetish. While it may be true that he’s a [Divine Child], you wouldn’t usually
get cursed.” (Setius)

While saying this, Setius was nervous in his mind about being cursed just by touching
him. But, as it’s wrong for him to openly show such attitude, he says such a thing to
the squad leader while bluffing.

“If you say that you are scared of the [Divine Child]’s curse, you will be even more
cursed and resented if you leave him to starve to death by abandoning him in the
plains.” (Setius)

Being told that, the squad leader’s body is shook by a single, intense tremble.

“I understand, Platoon Leader! In exchange, please distribute one bottle of alcohol

once we return to the fortress.”

Once he tells “Got it” to the squad leader, Setius makes his kiryu run to the front of the
platoon by lashing it once with his whip.

At that moment a noticeably strong north wind blows. Once he looked up to the sky,
the firmament was covered by deep black clouds making it apparent that it will snow

“Damn… isn’t this a somehow sinister weather?” (Setius)


This region, which is called Solbiant Plains, was once within the sphere of influence of
the zoan, one of the demi-human species.

However, wishing to expand its grain-producing area which was adjacent to this
region, Holmea State gradually extended its influence into the plains. That’s a story
that took place around 30 years ago.

Of course the former occupants, the zoans, resisted against that. On countless
occasions both sides repeatedly clashed while exchanging blades and blood on the

Individually the zoans were physically stronger than the humans, but in front of a well-
regulated human army, individual military prowess had no meaning. While producing
many victims, the zoans were forced to flee from the place they used to live in.

Nowadays the zoans have been driven away into the hills extending from the Dornas
Mountain Range located in the north of the plains. They lived there as if in hiding.

However, because they even now descend into the plains sometimes to take back their
own soil, a single fortress was constructed in front of the hilly area for the sake of
protecting the pioneering farmers from the zoans.

The platoon led by Setius arrived at that fortress three days after the subjugation of
the evil adherents.

Scolding his subordinates who relaxed their attention and took a breath in relief after
passing through the fortress’ gate, Setius, who instructed them to write reports and to
tidy up after the return, notices the arrival of the Company Commander’s Aide,
Marchronis, and salutes while clicking his heels with a sound.

“Platoon Leader Setius has returned to base just now!” (Setius)

“Good work, Setius.” (Marchronis)

Marchronis is a man who has already entered the period of being past middle-aged.
Several sword scars were etched into his face as if recounting the tales of his military
“The evil adherents, who abducted young girls from the pioneer’s villages, were
completely subjugated. There are no losses among my platoon!” (Setius)

Marchronis revealed a satisfied smile more to the fact that there was no damage to the
platoon than to the accomplishment of the evil adherents subjugation, but when he
heard a loud voice from behind, his face turned sullen.

“You stupid, damned worms! Can’t you walk quickly!? Hurry, move your asses!”

The one shouting those insults was a corpulent, fat man. He is wearing a white and
indigo-blue coloured priest garb, but not matter how you look at him, he doesn’t seem
to be a clergyman. His appearance hints towards him being suited to talking about
food or money-making schemes rather than preaching divine love.

While that priest is raising a shrill voice while sitting on a palanquin that is carried on
the shoulders of two half-naked men, he brandishes the horse whip in his hand.

“See here, see here, Priest Mildas-dono. What happened for you to expressly come to
a place like this?” (Marchronis)

Concealing his grimace, Marchronis greeted the priest in an exaggerated manner of


Priest Mildas is called “Pig” and “Wrinkled Toad” by the soldiers inside the fortress,
but despite that he is still the official campaign priest. On the continent where the
authority of the Holy Faith is powerful, he is an opponent that even a general likely
can’t take lightly, not to mention a company aide.

“No, not at all, Marchronis-dono. It’s about the evil adherents who have wronged the
Holy Faith after all. For this pious servant of god it’s a serious affair. Unable to stand
waiting any longer, this humble me had to come as soon as possible.” (Mildas)

Saying that, Mildas made his throat, sagging with fat, tremble as he laughed.

“So, I wonder, what happened to those abominable evil adherents?” (Mildas)

Setius ordered his subordinate to bring a small linen bag as well as a jar with a size
that allows one to carry it under one’s arm.

First Setius unfastens the cord tying the bag, opens it and displays its contents.
A large amount of cut-off human ears were stuffed into the bag.

“We only brought their right ears as proof of having subjugated the evil adherents.”

Since it would have been laborious to bring back the heads of all the evil adherents,
they sliced off only their right ears instead.

Next Setius removes the lid of the jar, which was placed on the ground, and takes out
the head which was pickled in salt.

“And, according to your esteemed instruction, the leader of the evil adherent. Pickled
in salt as you can see.” (Setius)

Priest Mildas hits one of the men, who carried him on his shoulders, with the whip.

“Hurry up and lower the palanquin. You dullard!” (Mildas)

While leaking mumbled cries of pain, the man lowers the palanquin by going down on
his knees. Once Mildas gets off the palanquin by using that man’s head as stepladder,
he snatches the freshly severed head out of Setius’s hands and continues to take a long,
hard look at it.

Setius drops a deeply sympathetic gaze at the man who collapsed on the ground,
starting with his head which had been transformed into a stepladder. Countless fresh
wounds of whip lashes are carved into the body of the man, who wore a sorry excuse
of worn-out and tattered clothes, with red blood trickling down from several of those.

He thought that it was a cruel treatment no matter the fact of them being slaves, but
once he looked properly, he saw that these men weren’t humans. Their height is that
of human children, but dense beards are covering their faces and they have firm
bodies. They were a species of demi-humans called dwarves.

With that being the case, he could even understand the priest’s way of handling them.

For the Holy Faith which advocates human supremacy, demi-humans are filthy,
inferior species which should be weeded out as they are badly-done humans.

Mildas raised a joyous cheer in front of the severed head.

“Oooh! This is doubtlessly the head of the evil adherents’ leader! Well done! You did a
great job!” (Mildas)

He returns the severed head into the jar as if it’s valuable, takes it under his arm and
reveals a sloppy smile.

“I-I will bear responsibility for this head and take it back to the Holy City! Well, as
expected of you, Marchronis-dono! It’s an achievement, quite an achievement!”

Marchronis realized that it doesn’t seem to be merely the head of a leader of evil
adherents thanks to Mildas’s attitude, but he held back on that fact by bowing lightly
without making a sound.

Since he’s finally in a good mood, there’s no need to shoo a snake out of the thicket by
nudging it with something imprudent. After humouring him to our best abilities, I’d like
him to depart the fortress as soon as possible was his true opinion.

And, according to Marchronis’s conjecture, the old man who was branded as leader of
the evil adherents wasn’t just a simple old man either. As one of the three Arch Priests
who governed the Holy Faith in the Holy City, this old man wielded influence as head
of a prominent household until few years ago.

However, being defeated by a coup d’etat within the Holy Faith, he ran from the Holy
City after having every single position and right stripped off him and was labelled with
the stigma of an evil adherent alongside his clan.

How and from where did he acquire the information? Mildas, who knew that they had
escaped to this area most recently, came up with the idea of killing the old man by
using the soldiers of the fortress while acting as if this is god’s dearest wish.

Even though he was deprived of all authority, he was an old man who once stood at a
place closest to the summit of the Holy Faith. For the Arch Priests who are currently
controlling the Holy Faith, he was no more than a thorn in their side.

If I enter the Holy City while carrying that head, the Arch Priests’ feelings will be
auspicious and I will be entrusted with a parish or, if I play my hand cleverly, even
working in the Holy City isn’t a dream.

Setius called out to Mildas, who is showing a broad smile while imagining the fame he
can obtain from this.

“Priest Mildas-dono, may I ask you one question?” (Setius)

Being disturbed in his precious daydreaming, Mildas answered while looking


“Yeah, yeah, I know. I will properly report your conspicuous service in this as well.
Please don’t worry.” (Mildas)

“No, that’s not what I meant…”, Setius lowers his voice. “As a matter of fact, we
discovered a suspicious boy in the den of the evil adherents.”

“Suspicious boy, you say? What stupid stuff are you on about? If he was in the den of
the evil adherents, that guy is probably one of the evil adherents as well. All will be
fine by you cutting off his head quickly.” (Mildas)

Due to Mildas scoffing while obviously making fun of him, Setius lowered his voice
even further.

“Well, in fact, that boy seems to be a [Divine Child].” (Setius)

Upon those words, not only Mildas but even Marchronis, who silently listened at the
side, had startled expressions.

“Just what kind of [Divine Child] is he?” (Mildas)

“Well, even though it’s embarrassing, as I don’t know what kind of [Divine Child] he is,
I brought him to you as soon as possible to seek your esteemed opinion.” (Setius)

Mildas ridiculed him with “Such foolishness”. Those who were chosen as a [Divine
Child] have a seal engraved somewhere on their bodies. Once one sees that seal, anyone
will understand with a single glance what being chose that [Divine Child]. Not knowing
that is nothing but simple lack of knowledge.

Thinking that it won’t be difficult to exhibit his own superior knowledge to an ignorant
fellow who is at the level of working as soldier in this remote region, Mildas had Setius
guide him to the boy while putting on airs.

“This is the boy in question.” (Setius)

Setius pointed at a black-haired boy who was sleeping on the loading space.

Mildas knits his eyebrows. Even for him it was the first time to see a human who had
this sort of black hair. Besides, this odd attire, what is that?

“And this is the [Seal].” (Setius)

Saying that, Setius cleared away the forelocks covering the boy’s forehead.

The figure similar to a combined 8 and ∞ shone faintly on the exposed forehead of the

“Th-… This is?” (Mildas)

Mildas was stumped. Although he boasted grandly, the seal on the boy’s forehead was
different from any of those he knows. As he definitely can’t say that he doesn’t know
at this point, he decided to try talking his way out of this mess somehow, but once he
looked once more at the seal, he felt like there was something stuck in some corner of
his memories.

Let me see? It appears like I have seen this seal somewhere…?

“…! Ah, aaaahh!!” (Mildas)

Setius and Marchronis opened their eyes widely in surprise due to Mildas suddenly
letting out a cry.

Mildas jumps on the palanquin while causing noisy sounds with his feet.

“Ma-Marchronis-dono! That boy is not allowed to get away! T-The detailed account
will follow later!” (Mildas)

While saying that, he departed in great haste by spurring on the dwarven slaves with
his whip.

The remaining Setius and Marchronis looked at each other while wondering what had
happened just now.

The time when they are going to notice that the jar with the head of the evil adherents’
leader was forgotten at their feet will be a little bit later.

Once Mildas returned to his own allocated room, he began to comb through the books
lined up in the bookshelves.

“This is wrong! That’s not the right one either! Where!? Where is it?!” (Mildas)

Tossing them off the bookshelves, the room was littered with nothing but pleasure and
romance books that one wouldn’t possibly expect to be in the possession of a

“God damn it! Where did I put it? — R-Right! It’s still stored in the luggage box!” (Mildas)

Next, he opened the lid of a dust-covered wooden box in the corner of his room and
started to rummage through the things inside. Underneath stuff like icons, which were
put in by breaking their wrists so that they could fit into the messy wooden box, and
scriptures, which were as good as new as they had never actually been unwrapped, he
found the book he was searching for.

Its title is [Memorandum of Augusto].

For the Holy Faith, the Messiah Innocent has been extolled as Son of God and as
founder of the Holy Faith itself. It’s a book recording the conversations of Augusto,
who was one of his disciples, with Innocent.

However, because he wrote down the livelihood, conduct and speech of Innocent too
bluntly, it’s a book which has been labelled as apocrypha due to its inconvenience for
the Holy Faith which deifies Innocent as Messiah and Son of God.

“I-If I remember correctly, somewhere in here…” (Mildas)

While licking his fat, horn-worm-like fingers, he flips through the pages.

“…! Found it!” (Mildas)

It’s the part recording the conversation of Messiah Innocent, who was finally able to
appear in front of the God of Humans at the end of his asceticism spanning over two

In the middle of the three-day-long conversation there was a moment when the God
of Humans left the venue for some reason. It’s said that a single little girl appeared
from somewhere in front of Innocent.

In the holy scriptures, it’s written that devils came to disturb his conversation with
god. Likewise, angels came to protect Innocent during the absence of the God of
Humans; however, in the [Memorandum of Augusto] it had been recorded that [Who
came out from within the morning mist was a little girl with a mysterious seal shining
on her forehead, I was told by teacher].

This little girl threw several questions at Innocent, but to all of these questions
Innocent answered with the unsightliness of the demi-humans, the superiority of the
humans and the magnificence of the God of Humans, according to the memorandum.

Due to Innocent’s replies, the little girl only answered with [You are quite the amusing
human] and vanished into the morning mist just like she appeared from within.

When the God of Humans returned after a little while, he asked Innocent whether
anyone came to this place. Even while considering it strange that the great God of
Humans didn’t notice the little girl from just now, he honestly told god about meeting
her and the god was greatly perplexed.

While tracing the text with a trembling finger, Mildas read out loud.

“Teacher asked god about the identity of that little girl. And once he did so, I was told
that the great God of Humans said following: [She is the Goddess Aura who is my
mother and my elder sister. You must not extol Aura. You must not show contempt for
Aura. You must not speak about Aura. You must not be touched by Aura. You must not
know about Aura.]” (Mildas)

Once he turned over the page, he found an illustration of the little girl said to have
been drawn by Augusto as he listened to the story of Innocent. The seal which was
drawn on the forehead of the little girl depicted in that illustration is exactly like the
one which shone on the forehead of the boy from before.

It’s an eerie seal similar to two serpents biting each other’s tails while writhing and
twining around each other, and also seems to be a joining of 8 and ∞.

“[The reason being; the Goddess Aura, who is my mother and elder sister, is the
goddess governing over death and destruction]!” (Mildas)
The book slips out of Priest Mildas’ hands with a rustling sound. While opening his
eyes as widely as possible due to surprise, he pressed out his voice from within his
dry throat as if squeezing it out,

“That boy is the [Divine Child] of the Goddess of Death and Destruction, Aura!” (Mildas)
Almost nothing is known about the Goddess of Death and Destruction, Aura.

The only book mentioning that ambiguous goddess is the [Memorandum of Augusto].
Also, a character, which might supposedly be that goddess, sporadically appears in the
folklore of the demi-humans and the orally-handed-down legends of a portion of the
elders; but there are no concrete details about her.

The sole common point among all races is only her being named as “Goddess who is a
mother and an elder sister”.

But, even at the Holy Faith’s Ecumenical Council which was held in order to
consolidate the doctrine which had diverted into many various interpretations due to
local peculiarities after the Holy Faith succeeded in propagating over the whole
continent, fierce disputes arose how they should handle the doctrine’s stance on
Goddess Aura.

The Wise Man Jupidekus, who was the highest intellectual of the Holy Faith at that
time and who obtained the title God’s Scholar afterwards, proposed a daring
hypothesis at the second Ecumenical Council.

It was about Goddess Aura’s involvement in the death of the God of Creation, which
was considered to be the biggest open issue in the Myth of Creation.

The God of Creation, who was supposed to be an almighty being, was an eternally
immortal existence that didn’t even know the concept of death. As such the God of
Creation was tormented by infinite solitude.

Then, why was the God of Creation able to die?

The answer to that is certainly because of the existence of the Goddess Aura.

Goddess Aura was created by the God of Creation. She was a goddess who brought
about death and destruction. By giving birth to that goddess, the God of Creation was
able to die for the first time.

She has been created by the God of Creation just like the seven gods, and by granting
death to the God of Creation, she gave birth to the other seven gods. That’s why she’s
called “Goddess who is a mother and an elder sister” by the seven gods.

That’s what Jupidekus advocated.

However, with the Holy Faith establishing in its doctrine that the God of Humans is the
legitimate successor of the God of Creation due to appearing after all the impurities,
namely the other six gods, had been removed, Jupidekus’ hypothesis was viewed as
potential opposition to the religious framework. Therefore, it was removed from the
official documents in the Holy Faith and it was concluded that the existence of Aura
should be hidden once again.

“It’s bad! Bad, bad!” (Mildas)

Unable to calm down, Priest Mildas restlessly wandered around the room like a beast
that was locked up in a cage.

Those who were chosen by god and blessed with their grace are called [Divine Children].

Some divine children can swim underwater like a fish after receiving the grace of being
able to breath underwater. Yet other divine children received the grace of seeing in the
dark night like a beast, and they are able to act just like at broad daylight even in
starless nights.

The matter of receiving such a blessing after being chosen by a god isn’t something
that happens that often, but it’s also not like it’s something out of myths or legends.

Archduke Buglydarka is one of the three Archdukes and governs the Principality of
Kashluka as an authority of the empire. Arch Priest Austravis who is one of the Holy
Faith’s current three Arch Priests. Holy Maiden Palfena of the Spamul Kingdom located
in the west. All of them are people seizing the day as divine children who were blessed
with the grace of the God of Humans.

Also, even in the fortress where Mildas was staying, a divine child existed.

However, as far as a divine child of Goddess Aura is concerned, the situation changes
“Good grief, I never heard about something like Aura’s divine child! Just what the hell
shall I do? How to handle it best?!” (Mildas)

Until now Aura’s divine children didn’t manifest even once. Not only is that boy’s existence
their first appearance in the history of this continent, but above all, it’s evidence proving
the existence of Goddess Aura who was doubted to be actually real so far.

If that boy’s existence become publicly known, it’s clear the Holy City will erupt in an
uproar as if a jar of oil had been thrown into a raging fire.

But only that much would still be great. If I bring along that divine child, even though
the Holy Faith doesn’t recognise Aura’s existence, it’s very likely that I will be secretly
disposed of alongside the divine child. Having said that, Aura’s divine child is far too
dangerous to be left alone.

“In that case, currently when no one but me has realized that he’s Aura’s divine child…”

Mildas gulped down his spit.

I finally obtained the foothold to success with the head of that old man. As that might
spoil it, it will be best if I pretend that I didn’t see or hear about something like Aura’s
divine child.

“But, then, how do I get rid of him…?” (Mildas)

The problem is whether that boy has been blessed with any kind of grace. It’s no problem
if it’s a common blessing like always hitting a target with a thrown stone or having
powerful strength. According to some there are even graces like cursing others.

As a matter of fact, the company commander had died due to the grace of the other divine
child in this fortress. It turned into a situation where Marchronius, who was his aide, had
to hurriedly be instated as Proxy Supreme Commander of the fortress. Because that
incident has become well-known within the fortress the soldiers will likely refuse the
killing of Aura’s divine child out of fear even if I ordered it.

A revelation flashed within Mildas’ mind.

“Ah, right! He is a divine child! Won’t he be defeated by that other divine child in this
fortress? If the two divine children clash against each other, both of them might perish
if all goes well. And even in the worst case, I will be able to dispose of one of the divine
children!” (Mildas)

“Ru Ork! Fuano!”

Souma, who had his cheek slapped alongside a voice shouting in anger, opened his
eyes faintly. Once he did so, the face of a man with a sloppily grown beard was in front
of him at a distance where he could bite him.

His nausea and dizziness have calmed down somewhat, but the fatigue, as if gnawing
at him, hasn’t abated and he is in the troublesome situation where he can’t even move
a single finger. The spit of the man shouting nearby is covering his face, but he isn’t
able to wipe it off either.

The man, who talks in a language which Souma can’t understand as usual, wears a
metal helmet that covers his head down to the nape with nose and cheek guards
attached. His torso is clad in an armour which had countless metal pieces sewn into a
thick cloth as scales.

“Bibulur! Di Aif seiha?”

Losing his temper due to Souma’s sluggish response, the man called out to his comrade
wearing the same attire standing in the back.


“Ubola rob seiha.”

The man nodded to the words of his comrade, grabbed Souma’s right arm and made
him get up forcibly. His comrade grabs the arm on the other side, and both of them
drag Souma along towards some unknown place.

Souma with his hazy consciousness surveyed the surroundings by moving just his
eyes while being dragged by the two.

It was a place similar to an old fortress in Western Europe.

The high walls, made out of piled-up stones, towered within the descending veil of
darkness while being illuminated by bonfires, as the sun had already gone down. Many
soldiers, who wore the same uniforms as the men pulling him, are trembling due to
the cold as they surround the bonfires in an open square on the ground which was
surrounded by the walls.

No matter where he looks, it’s a scene one wouldn’t expect to exist in modern Japan at

Souma is pulled into the fortress’ basement while gathering the inquisitive stares of
the soldiers in the square on himself.

The smell of sweat and excreta as well as a beast-like scent mixed together and
resulted in an unbelievably bad stench hanging in the air. On the floor of the basement,
which was brightened up by the torches held by the men, a great number of holes with
a diameter of 4 – 5 meters had been dug out, and their openings were covered with
lids possessing bars.

One of the men dragging Souma grasps the chain attached to the bars of one of the
holes with both hands and pulls up the lid using his body’s weight by falling

The torches’ light doesn’t reach the inside of the hole with its lid moved away, which
shrouded it completely in a darkness as if were a bottomless hole. Once Souma looks
down there, he experiences a hallucination of seemingly being sucked in there just like

In the next moment, the man suddenly thrust Souma’s body into the hole.

Souma, who fell into the hole without having even the time to scream, crashes with his
shoulder at the bottom of the hole after a short while of being suspended in mid air.
He fell down unable to even apply ukemi, but because the hole’s bottom was blanketed
with something like half-rotten straw that served as cushioning, he fortunately didn’t
suffer any injuries.

“Uh… uuh… aah…” (Souma)

Nevertheless, the struck shoulder stings with an intense pain. Did the pain have a
positive effect in reverse? The mist-like state which clung to Souma’s mind clears up a
The darkness is dispelled a bit by the flickering light of the torches shining from above.
Once Souma looked up, the men who pushed him down shouted something while
hitting a bag they held with their hands.

“Ru Hap zoanlieu! Nieb, sbil sarmol nolie aiha!”

Saying that, one of the men took out something round from within the bag and threw
it at Souma.

When he looked at what dropped down close to him, it was something like bread with
a size smaller than a fist.

And then, continuing after that, a small leather bag that seems to have some liquid
inside and something like a thin staff fell down. Once he looked properly, the thin staff
with a length of around 1 meter had a pointed piece of metal at the tip of one side. It
seemed to be a simple spear.

“Ru Hap! Ru Hap zoanlieu!”

Once they shouted that, the men covered the hole with the barred lid again and left
the basement.

With the torches’ lights becoming distant, the hole’s bottom was once more plunged
into darkness as Souma frantically endured his shoulder pain, but when that calmed
down after a while, he checked his own situation.

The hole’s depth is approximately 3 meters. Even if I stand on my tiptoes and stretch my
back to make myself taller, my hand won’t reach the bars. Even if it reached them for
argument’s sake, I probably won’t be able to make the lid move at all in my current state.
Once he touches the wall with his hands, the sensation of ice-cold stone is transmitted
to him. With this it doesn’t seem like I will be able to do something like digging holes and
climbing the wall by using those holes as footholds.

Souma’s ears heard faint sounds.

They are similar to small metal pieces coming into contact with each other, and a
growling as if a dog is using its throat to make threatening sounds.

Is there something in the darkness on the other side of the hole?

He tried to stand up right away, but as his weakened legs weren’t even capable of that,
he crawled alongside the wall. He grabbed the spear, which his hand touched by
coincidence while on the move, and thrust it out in order to restrain the thing lurking
in the darkness.

The thing in the darkness stirred.

Souma’s nose smells a stench similar to that in a dog house.

There was a small growl of *grrr* and two small luminous points emerged in the

No, those are eyes. The turquoise shining two eyes glared at Souma.

“Di Hap arui? Genobanda hyurmuiha.”

Once again he could hear a low beastly growl alongside that incomprehensible
language from within the darkness.

The spear he held wasn’t that heavy, but his arms, which were affected by his physical
fatigue, had problems with just propping it up. However, at the thought of a wild beast
lurking in the darkness, he desperately mustered his strength and did no more than
keeping thrusting out the spear.

At that moment, a gap in the clouds covering the sky opened up, and the light of the
moon, which showed its face through that opening, flowed inside the hole Souma is in
through a small skylight hole inserted in the prison.

The pale moonlight lifts the darkness slightly.

What was lurking in the darkness previously isn’t a wild beast as imagined by Souma,
but on the other hand it’s not a human either.

It was a creature which was covered with hair all over and which wasn’t neither
human nor beast.

Souma had his breath taken away due to the creature becoming visible through the
illumination of the pale moonlight.
Limbs that make one feel their wild sturdiness despite being smooth, long and flexible.
Exposed, voluptuous breasts and in contrast to that, a tightly compressed waist.

However, all of that is covered by a layer of short, dark brown fur. It’s not wearing a
pelt though. Obviously it’s the creatures very own fur.

And then, rather than being that of a human, its face is closer to those of leopards and
cats. Its snout doesn’t protrude as much as the one of a leopard; it has a close-to-flat
shape, like the mouth of a human, but its clear, large eyes and the small, protruding
nose are completely like those of cats. Its ears aren’t close to the top of the head but at
a spot similar to the ears of humans. Even though the ears have grown pointed while
being hairy, his out-of-place impression is “Those aren’t like the animal ears from

That creature threatened Souma by baring its fangs.

“Genobanda hyuimuiha! Ru Chikk! Guna ejim talho noiha!”

Souma was surprised. That incomprehensible language gushed out of the creature’s

Well, is that a human who had special make-up applied then?

Though he wondered about that, it doesn’t seem to be something man-made at all

once he looks at the exposed fangs.

Anyway, let’s move away a bit from the creature that I probably should call beastman,
making sure to nuzzle his back against the wall while still thrusting out the spear, he
moves by dragging himself onwards. At the moment when the beastman shifted its
stance to match with Souma’s movement, there was a sound of metal pieces clinking
against each other.

Now that I look properly, iron rings are attached around the wrists of the beastman’s
hands. The chains extending from those rings are connected to the wall. Seeing the
chains’ length, I dare say that it’s unknown whether it can even stretch its hands to
around the centre of the hole, but surely no further than that.

As soon as he understood that he won’t get attacked if he stays close to the wall, he
suddenly lost his strength starting from his shoulders alongside a big sigh. Once the
spear drops out of Souma’s hands, the beastman stops baring its fangs and starts
sniffing with its nose twitching.

“It’s alright. I won’t do anything to you.” (Souma)

He held up both hands in the air to demonstrate that he has no intention to hurt it, but
the moment he does so, the beastman begins again to threaten him by baring its fangs.

It seems that an exchange of intentions is simply impossible.

Besides, because his body is still affected by physical weariness and a feeling of
intoxication, even though it became slightly better, it was troublesome for him to
ponder about various issues. Entrusting his body to the wall, he gazed at the straw-
like grass which vaguely covered the surface of the hole’s bottom. Thereupon the
leather bag with water in it and the object similar to bread, which were dropped
together at the same time, caught his eyes.

Right when he became conscious of the water and food, his body begins to complain
about being hungry and thirsty.

Ignoring the beastman who threatened him each time Souma moves, he sluggishly
extended a hand and picked up the bread and leather bag.

He tries to bite off a mouthful of the bread. The bread crust is damp and tough; it was
completely like biting into leather. Its inside had a texture similar to simply eating
dried wheat. It reminds me of the flour dumplings in soup I created with everyone at the
time of the outdoors activity in elementary school, where we kneaded the wheat flour,
tore off pieces of the yet uncooked dough and boiled it in dashi soup. The bread’s texture
here is similar to eating dumplings which hadn’t been properly boiled.

Usually that’s not something you would eat at all, I think. However ‘hunger is the best
seasoning’ says it all. Once he mixed it with his saliva and chewed it thoroughly through
several times, a faint sweetness unfolded in his mouth and after swallowing, it
permeated his stomach like nectar.

And then, when had bitten the bread several times, he suddenly felt a gaze.

Once he raised his face, his eyes met with the beastman leaning against the wall on the
opposite side. He ended up getting threatened with a snarl, but he ignored it as he
knew that the other party can’t come his way due to the chains.
However, when he bites into the bread once more, he feels the stare again.

This time, in order to not be noticed by the beastman, he doesn’t lift his face and just
looks at the beastman with upturned eyes.

He saw that the beastman was staring this way after all. However, its look was
apparently slightly diverted from him and focussed on something else.

By some chance, stopping to gnaw at the bread, he placed it on his hand.

The beastman’s stare follows downwards.

He brings the bread to his mouth.

The beastman’s stare follows upwards.

When their eyes met, he was threatened once again.

However, with this he knew that the beastman was aiming for the bread.

But, Souma was troubled. The food he has now at hand is only this one half-eaten,
small bread. In addition, even though he’s hungry, he doesn’t know just when he will
be able to get food next. On the contrary, he doesn’t even know whether there will be
a next time at all.

The correct decision at this point is probably to carefully ration out this bread to survive.
In the first place, I have no obligation to rescue that beastman in front of me as we have
no kind of connection either. Besides, since it has been locked up in this place, it might be
a dangerous fellow. Something like sharing my important food with such a fellow is what
an idiot would do.

Persuading himself like that, Souma tried to bite into the bread, but his hand suddenly

[Listen, Souma. The gods are always watching. Make sure to not behave shamefully.]

Those words, which popped up in Souma’s mind, belonged to his grandfather who
died at the beginning of this year.

Souma loved his grandfather who taught him about the old ways of playing, which had
been most recently forgotten, such as taketonbo and spinning tops.

The favourite phrase of his grandfather, which he imparted on Souma, were those

However, because it’s an emergency right now, it can’t be helped.

Souma gave such excuse to himself, but he once again remembered his grandfather’s

[Look, Souma! The Japanese are great after all! The Japanese are a fine race.]

Those were his grandfather’s words at the time when he saw the news about the Great
East Japan earthquake. While encountering an unprecedented great earthquake, the
victims didn’t plunder or rebel, but helped each other by sharing the little food they
had. Seeing that in the news, his grandfather happily spoke about it while revealing
tears of gratitude.

[Souma, you too make sure to not behave shamefully.]

Souma tightened his lips firmly.

And then, while holding out his right hand which held the half-eaten bread, he called
out to the beastman.

“This, do you want it?” (Souma)

The beastman incessantly blinked with its eyes, but it immediately roars while baring
its fangs once again.

“Ru Rugonas! Genobanda noiha!”

It looks like it hasn’t understood my words after all.

Giving up, Souma tossed the half-eaten bread towards a place seemingly reachable for
the beastman’s hands. And, drinking only half of the water in the leather bag, he does
the same with the rest.

After that, in order to cut off his lingering affection towards the food, Souma turned
his back, curled up close to the wall and decided to sleep.
One couldn’t say by any means that the sleeping comfort on the stinking grass was
great, but even so he ended up falling asleep before long.

The next morning, when Souma woke up, the half-eaten bread was gone and the
leather bag had also been crushed flat.
Fagul Garguss Shyemul is a girl belonging to a race called Zoan that follows the God of

The zoans are split into 12 variously small and big clans, but the one Shyemul is
affiliated with is the one which lived in the plains around here.

However, the <Fang Clan> was chased out of the plains by the humans several decades
ago and lives nowadays in the northern hilly area to where they safely escaped.

The zoans, trying to recapture their ancestors’ soil even after being driven out of the
plains; and the humans, trying to exterminate the zoans who made their getaway into
the hilly area and moreover repelled their further pursuit. They repeatedly clashed
against each other in combat centring around this fortress on countless occasions.

Shyemul also fought against the humans as one of the warriors while still being a girl,
but making a blunder and taking an arrow to her foot in the last battle, she was
captured by the fortress’ soldiers at the moment she lost her ability to move.

Just remembering the events after that, she feels a wrath to the degree of her guts
boiling over with an extreme rage.

She had resolved herself to having her head cut off alongside her brethren, having her
corpse being dumped into the plains and then becoming fodder for the wolves.
However, the most important man of this fortress took only her away from her
brethren, who were caught in the same manner as her, brought her into a room with
no one in it, and assaulted her with his eyes gleaming full of lust.

She heard rumours that there are those among humans who have the perverted hobby
of feeling joy in raping other races, but not in her wildest dreams did she think that
this carnivorous desire would be pointed at her.

She doesn’t understand the standard for beauty and ugliness among humans,
however, she was praised for having the most beautiful body and fur in her clan. But
at the thought of being targeted as prey for that reason, she can only feel bitter about
her own body.

She also felt disgust rather than fear at the time when he mounted her after pinning
her down on the bed and tore off her clothes while her hands were bound.

But, once she remembers what happened right after that, Shyemul felt like she could
burst into laughter.

Shyemul is a divine child of the great God of Beasts.

Being chosen as a divine child by the God of Beasts, the proud Shyemul requested that
she’d like to have her own honour being protected rather than being blessed with
power at the time of receiving his grace.

As result of that, Shyemul was granted a grace of bringing calamity to those who
unreasonably hurt her pride in exchange for herself becoming unable to carry out acts
that go against her own pride.

An improper treatment towards a warrior.

The act of trying to rape a zoan while being of a different race.

The brutality of trying to steal a girl’s purity against her own will.

The conduct of the man, who tried to deeply injure her three prides as warrior, zoan
and girl, turned into a terrible calamity. The man died very disgracefully in agony
while trying to lower his trousers.

Once she listened to the chatting of the humans afterwards, that guy was apparently
called the highest standing Company Commander in this fortress. Recalling the final
moments of the man who died vomiting blood while having partially uncovered his
filthy ass with a hand on his trousers, made Shyemul sneer at him once again.

Although he got his just deserts, the humans raged with bright red faces, just like apes,
due to her having killed the most important guy in the fortress. Still, there was no one
who tried to kill Shyemul in fear of a second coming of the Company Commander’s

In reality, simply being defeated in battle and getting killed won’t result in an act that
injures Shyemul’s pride. But there’s no way for the humans to know about that, and
Shyemul has no obligation to kindly tell them either.

The humans, who were troubled how to handle her, were unable to do anything but
lock her away in the basement’s prison.

20 days have probably passed since then? It looks like the humans are trying to starve
me to death. For the last few days here no food or water was given to me. Different from
the weak humans, zoans are resistant against starvation, but all the same, it seems like
I will soon hit my limit.

I wasn’t able to die in the middle of battle, but since I was able to kill the most important
guy in the fortress by inflicting calamity upon him, it’s not that bad, I guess.

It was on a certain day when she thought about such stuff.

Someone arrived in the basement where I have been locked up for a long time. Going by
their footsteps, it’s two people. And, they are making sounds as if they are dragging

When Shyemul strained her ears, those people began to shift the barred cover of the
hole with her in it.

Did they come to take my life directly after getting irritated over me not readily starving
to death?

Believing that, Shyemul smiled broadly.

No matter how starved I might be, I still have the power to make a surprise attack by
jumping at them and bite off their throats. Aren’t they really kind for sending over
someone else to accompany me into death? Shyemul laughed in her mind.

However, counter to Shyemul’s expectations,the soldiers didn’t try to kill Shyemul and
merely dropped a human child into the hole.

“Kill the zoan! If you do, you will be given food!”

Shyemul ground her teeth out of vexation towards the soldier who shouted that.

The dropped child is at a glance a human that can’t fight. It’s likely incapable of holding
a sword, wearing an armour and dashing across the battlefield with such thin limbs. On
the contrary, has it contracted a disease? Isn’t it even unable to stand up properly!?

“Kill it! Kill the zoan!”

Once the soldiers yelled that, they departed the basement leaving Shyemul with the

The human child probed its vicinity with sluggish movements while not even noticing
the existence of Shyemul.

Shyemul felt even more anger due to that.

The one to kill this me, who was hailed as <Noble Fang>, is supposed to be such dim-
witted brat, they say?!

Due to her intense fury, a growl leaked out of her mouth.

Thanks to that, the human child, which finally noticed her existence, backs away to the
wall in surprise at a pitiful level, holds the spear which had been tossed down with
both hands, and thrust it out her way.

It’s completely the stance of an amateur. If it’s the zoan village, even the very young
children are probably able to take a much better stance than that human child.

“Kill me? You disgusting human!” (Shyemul)

She threatens the child by baring her fangs, and her rage gushes forth due to its
cowardice of starting to tremble just because of that.

“You filthy human! Come and get me! I will gnaw through your throat!” (Shyemul)

I hate the bangles, which were attached to each of my two arms, and the chains, which
connect me to the wall by extending from those bangles. If these didn’t exist, I would be
able to get rid of such feeble brat in an instant!

After that I would survive by breaking the taboo of eating the flesh of people! I would
survive, survive and take my revenge against the humans who insulted me like this!

Shyemul was swallowed up by such magma-like anger, but the human child did
something unexpected.

For whatever reason it abandoned the spear which should be its only means to turn a
blade against Shyemul.

As expected, even Shyemul was surprised by that.

What the hell is this guy thinking?

There’s no way that it believes itself capable of killing me with its bare hands, does it?

As she was pondering about that, the human child suddenly spread out its empty
hands and showed them to her.

“It’s alright. I won’t do anything to you.” (Souma) (T/N: Same as in chapter 3, imagine
this to be

the sounds of the words, not their meaning)

What came out of the human child’s mouth are words she had never heard before.

By no means, is this a magic spell as it appears in the tales of the storytellers!?

I see, that’s why it discarded the spear! It is telling me that it is going to kill me with

Shyemul bore her fangs and adopted a stance enabling her to fight at any time in order
to be ready whenever lightning and flames comes flying from the hands of the human

However, no matter how long she waits, nothing like that happens.

The human child leaned against the wall in front of the disappointed Shyemul and
started to nibble on the bread which was dropped down by the soldiers from just now.

Shyemul was confused.

Just who the hell is this guy? How can it calmly and care-freely eat bread in front of my
eyes? ‘Or is that a trap to make me lower my guard?
Don’t fuck with me! Like hell I will get careless! If you make just a single strange
movement, even if it’s just your finger, I will immediately see through it!

While thinking that, she glared at the human child, but her gaze is unintentionally
drawn towards the bread it is chewing.

It’s a bread that obviously seems hard and unappetizing. Even if I eat such bread, it
definitely won’t taste any good. I don’t think that I want to eat it. However, I wonder just
how many days have passed since I have been able to eat something decent. No, no, I
don’t want to eat something like that bread!

While thinking such things, her eyes unconsciously end up following it each time the
human child moves the bread.

It dropped the bread into its hand.

Muh, you won’t eat anymore?

It brought the bread to its mouth once again.

You asshole, are you going to eat it again?

Their eyes met.

Don’t look over here!

Since she was irritated by the expression of the human child which looked her way
with a somewhat lukewarm stare, she threatens him by baring her fangs.

Once I did so, the human child stared at the bread in his hands, and began to brood for
some reason. Revealing a menial smile, making a serious expression, making a sad
expression, his expressions are changing in rapid succession.

Eventually its face indicated that it had decided something, and it held out its right hand
with the bread in it this way.

What’s up? What’s your intention?

“This, do you want it?” (Souma) (T/N: Same as above)

Just like before, it spoke words of unknown meaning.

But, a short time later she understood the human child’s intention.

Is this guy trying to give the bread to me?

A burning hot emotion of shame appears in Shyemul’s chest.

This me, who was called <Noble Fang>, receives pity from such a weakling? Gimme a
break! Don’t mess with me!!

“Don’t get close! You repulsive monster!” (Shyemul)

When she furiously yelled that, the human child’s expression became sad.

The human child gives up on personally giving Shyemul the bread and tossed the
bread, it held to a spot at the centre of the hole close to Shyemul from the centre of the
hole. And, making sure to do the same with the leather bag filled with water, it throws
it her way.

And then it turned his back on her and lied down curling up close to the wall.

She was vigilant about whether it was trying to stab her with the spear at the moment
she approached to pick up the bread and leather bag, but after a short while she
started to hear a regular sleeper’s breath from the human child. She waited and
watched to see if it really fell asleep, however, it seems like it really has ended up

What the hell is this guy?

Next Shyemul felt a doubt regarding the deeply-sleeping human child.

No matter whether it’s a distance I can’t reach, to end up sleeping like that in front of a
zoan who is hostile towards humans! Though it would be good to at least keep the spear
at hand out of caution, it has even forgotten the spear’s existence in itself? The spear
had been irresponsibly discarded.

And, even apart from that, above all else I cannot comprehend its idea of trying to share
the little food it has with a zoan. Really incomprehensible! Just how much of a softie is
this guy?
For a mere baker in this world it’s not even rare to kill people and sell out their family
if it’s for the sake of getting their hands on just one copper coin. And, this is a cruel
world where it’s hopeless to survive if you don’t do so. To say nothing of me being a
zoan, an enemy of the humans. Why does it hesitate to kill me?

Even though it had been told by the soldiers that it will be given food if it kills me, it
doesn’t show the slightest attitude of trying to kill me. It seems like it can’t understand
the language, but if it looked at the soldiers’ gestures, it should have at least understood
that they were saying something, shouldn’t it?

And yet, despite this guy being told so! Does this brat want to die? Has it no will to

Shyemul was driven by an urge of wanting to scream due to being at her wit’s end.

“Father, mother…” (Souma)

Suddenly the human child’s voice could be heard.

However, as it apparently was simple sleep-talking, his regular sleeper’s breath was
audible right after that.

Shyemul lost her strength from the shoulders as she was taken aback by that lonely-
sounding sleep-talk. Shyemul, who felt somewhat foolish for insisting on her own
opinion, stretches out her hand and picks up the bread and leather bag.

As expected, the bread is hard and damp, it’s not something I would usually be able to
eat. The water is putrid as well. It’s a somewhat stickily rotten water.

However, because she tasted some after a long time, it tasted very delicious.

Author Notes:

If there are people who are curious about the language in the different world, I will
lightly explain Shyemul’s word “Genobanda” as it might confuse some since it turns
into “Disgusting human” or “Repulsive Monster” depending on the location.

Genobanda is about an ugly monster rummaging through the excreta at the bottom of
hell (-like place) which appears in the legends of this world.

If you literally translate “genobanda hyumuiha,” it will be “human are genobanda.”

If you literally translate “genobanda noiha,” it becomes “you are genobanda.”

Since the meaning in the literal translation is hard to understand, I translate them freely.

“Disgusting human.”

“(You are a) repulsive monster.”

I have changed it into those sentences.

Oh well, it’s just some trivial playing around.

“You say neither of the divine children has died yet?” (Mildas)

Mildas was surprised.

Three days have already passed since they dropped Aura’s divine child into the hole with
the captured zoan’s divine child in order to make them finish each other off. I had ordered
the soldiers to not give Aura’s divine child anything but a small quantity of food and
water and to tell him that he will be given food if he kills the zoan’s divine child. If Aura’s
divine child makes a move on the zoan’s divine child because of this, the naive divine child
of Aura will also be disposed of due to the zoan’s divine child’s curse. That was the plan.

However, even after three days passed, neither of them had died.

“With the zoan’s divine child still not having fainted, she might be beyond that child’s
powers…?” (Mildas)

Mildas pondered. There was no way for such feeble-looking child to have the capability
to easily kill a zoan warrior, even if she’s become weak and thin. He probably tried killing
her, but got counter-attacked by the zoan’s divine child and was unable to finish her off.

“About that, Priest-sama. Though it’s slightly unbelievable, but…” (Soldier)

Mildas loses his patience due to the ambiguous attitude of the soldier who came to

“What is it!? Get to the point!” (Mildas)

“Yes, Priest-sama. That is, I can’t believe it either, but somehow it looks like that brat
split his own food and water with the zoan.” (Soldier)

Mildas becomes flabbergasted.

From Mildas’ point of view, that’s equal of being told “Fire is cold and ice is hot”.
“You mean it wasn’t stolen by the zoan?” (Mildas)

“No, that doesn’t seem to be the case.” (Soldier)

“Did you give him that much bread that he could share it?” (Mildas)

“Far from it! As requested by you, Priest-sama, it’s been only a very small piece of
bread and a tiny amount of water. It’s such a small amount that he absolutely won’t be
able to satisfy his hunger.” (Soldier)

There’s no indication that the soldier’s lying.

In that case I can’t understand the situation at all. Even though he’s starving as well, he
split the little food he has with a filthy, inferior demi-human species? What kind of joke
is that?

Mildas was irritated due to being held back by such a worthless matter, even though
he wanted to get rid of Aura’s divine child at an early stage and then go to the Holy
City while bringing the old man’s head along.

“Listen! You are absolutely forbidden from giving him any further bread and water!
And, make the boy properly understand once more that he has to kill the zoan!”

“Roger, got it.” (Soldier)

After the soldier darted away with a loud noise of heavy feet, Mildas cursed.

“Good grief. To impede my blessed future, Aura is certainly a goddess of destruction.”


“Ru Ork! Ru Ork! Furno!”

Souma woke up to that angry shouting while being poked into his flank.

Men were standing on top of the barred lid which is blocking the hole’s exit. One of
them let a long staff down through a gap in the bars and poked Souma with it.
And, while hitting the the leather bag with bread in it as usual, he is shouting something.

“Ru Hap zoanlieu! Ru Hap!”

However, different from until now, they don’t drop a bag of water and bread today no
matter how much time passes.

Using the long staff, the men skilfully push the spear, which was carelessly left alone
at the bottom of the hole, close to Souma’s hand. And, displaying the motion of
repeatedly pushing out the staff several times, they shout something while pointing at
the beastman on the opposite side of the hole.

“Ru Hap zoanlieu!”

He doesn’t understand the words, but he grasps what the men want to tell him. I guess
they are telling me to stab that beastman to death with the spear. That means I won’t
get water and bread anymore unless I do as they told.

Souma takes the spear, which was forced upon him, into his hands with sluggish

Once he does, the men above cheer for him with no more than a “Do it!”

Souma musters his scarce amount of strength.

And then the spear, which was thrown by Souma, struck the wall on the right side and
fell down with a dry sound.

For a brief moment silence dominates the basement.

Serves you right! Souma thought.

He already had nothing but willpower left.

My hunger has reached its limit. I’ve been deceiving my hunger by chewing the rotten
grass spread out on the floor, but without obtaining a peace of mind with that, it seems
that my brain has become odd due to the hunger. I have never experienced this level of
starvation while I was living in peaceful Japan. If someone placed freshly cooked rice in
front of me and told me that I could eat it if I licked a shoe sole with dog shit on it clean,
I think I would even lick it with great joy.
However, I have already run out of stamina. Even if they tell me now to kill that
beastman, I probably couldn’t even get up normally anymore. If I’m going to starve to
death either way, it would be much better to find a way to outwit those guys instead of
putting up an unsightly struggle.

That was Souma’s obstinacy.

“Haha… hahahaha…” (Souma)

Though hoarse, a small laughter escaped his parched throat due to the slight feeling
of satisfaction he was able to obtain.

Did the soldiers regard such a Souma as some kind of evil monster? As if they were
trying to escape, they ran away from the basement.

Souma lied down once again while curling up close to the wall.

It has already become bothersome to even think normally. My fingers are trembling, it
feels like they are going numb.

Souma didn’t know, but humans won’t starve from just fasting for a few days. In theory
they can survive for up to one month with only water.

However, the stress from a sudden change in environment, not obtaining enough
water which caused him to dehydrate, and the mysterious feeling of drunkenness as
well as the sensation of fatigue which is constantly gnawing at him, was whittling
down his life force.

I wonder whether this is already hopeless, he pondered about it as if it’s somebody

else’s problem and then lost consciousness.

In the basement after the soldiers ran away, Shyemul fixedly stared at Souma.

As a warrior she had seen death, regardless whether it was that of her allies or
enemies. In the village it wasn’t rare for people to lose their lives over injuries and
illnesses. There were also many occasions where she took care of those people at their
final moments as a divine child.
That’s why she realized that the human in front of her eyes was close to death.

“Just who the hell are you…?” (Shyemul)

She tried to ask him, but there’s no answer.

I wonder whether he ended up asleep once again?

Or did he already pass away?

When thinking so, she remembered an emotion close to remorse due to the mysterious

Why did you share your food with me, going even as far as shaving off your own life?

Why did you try to save a zoan albeit being a human?

I wonder, would he have given me some answers if I spoke to him in the beginning
without threatening him?

Shyemul, who had such questions surface in her mind without stopping and with no
answer, fell asleep once again before she noticed.

And, when she woke up the next time, stars were already twinkling in the sky peeking
through the skylight hole at the ceiling. No matter what I say, me being awfully sleepy
recently is probably because my body has weakened due to the hunger and thirst.

I’m in no state to care about the worries of others, am I? Shyemul mocked herself.

At that moment she noticed the presence of someone descending into the basement.

It’s not the noisy presence of the usual human soldiers. It’s a presence that was subdued
to a level that even Shyemul, who has sharp senses as zoan, ended up missing.

Though I don’t know who it is, that presence is heading this way at full speed.

If that person tries to target my life in this situation, I wouldn’t be able to resist at all.
But, let’s at least show them a last moment that’s not disgraceful for a zoan warrior.

When the presences’ owner looked down the hole through the gaps of the barred
cover, Shyemul growled menacingly while baring her fangs.

“I’m very happy to see that you seem to be full of spirit, <Noble Fang> …”

“<Ferocious Fang>?!” (Shyemul)

It was a zoan who had a physique that was more than twice larger than Shyemul. His
body, covered by an overcoat with a hood attached, is bulging with muscles as if about
to burst, making it appear that he could end up tearing off a human’s head with one
swing of those arms. One long sword cut runs down from his brows, through his nose
bridge, to his right cheek on his sharp face. This gives one the impression of his looks
being those of a tough beast.

“Why are you here?!” (Shyemul)

“Of course because I have decided to come rescue you.”

Saying that, the zoan, who was called <Ferocious Fang>, grabbed the barred lid, fired
himself up quietly and shifted the lid to the side.

“I searched all over for you since the only corpse I couldn’t find was yours. When I
captured one of the fortress’ humans by chance, I came to rescue you like this since he
told me that you are alive.”

<Ferocious Fang> jumps down to the bottom of the hole soundlessly, takes out some
keys and unlocks Shyemul’s handcuffs. Given that the smell of blood was lingering
when he took out the keys, she didn’t ask him how he got them.

“Thanks for your help, <Ferocious Fang>.” (Shyemul)

“Thank me after we safely reach the village. We have to swiftly escape before we get

Looking at Shyemul’s appearance after saying that, he wrinkles up his nose. And then
he tossed the overcoat he wore to her.

“What’s with that appearance? It’s too tempting. Cover yourself with this.”

“S-Sorry.” (Shyemul)
Shyemul tore up the overcoat he had passed to her and hid her breasts and hips with
the pieces.

<Ferocious Fang> placed his finger on a slight protrusion of the wall, jumped up
vertically while using it as a handhold and easily left the hole.

And then he looked back down on the hole’s bottom and tried to help Shyemul leave,
but for some reason she remained at the hole’s bottom.

“What’s wrong. Do it quickly.”

“Please wait. I will take this guy with me.” (Shyemul)

Wondering whether another of his brethren was taken prisoner as well, <Ferocious
Fang> opened his eyes widely in surprise when he peeked at the person Shyemul was
trying to carry in her arms.

“Are you sane, <Noble Fang>!? Isn’t that guy a human!?”

“Yes, I’m sane. I will take this guy along no matter what.” (Shyemul)

After wrapping up the unconscious Souma with the overcoat’s remains, Shyemul puts
him on her back and ties him with an impromptu string, made out of the torn-up cloth,
to her body.

“You are absolutely crazy, <Noble Fang>!?”

Shyemul placed her fingers on the wall’s protrusion just like <Ferocious Fang> and
tried to jump out of the hole, but as she apparently lost more strength than she
expected, she dropped back down to the bottom of the hole due to lacking the
necessary altitude. <Ferocious Fang> gets down behind Shyemul who goes down on
her knees at the bottom.

Ahead of <Ferocious Fang>, who tries to say something, Shyemul turned around to
him, struck her chest strongly with her right fist and declared,

“This <Noble Fang> Fagul Garguss Shyemul swears on my own pride and my father’s
name that I will take this person with me!” (Shyemul)

Shyemul jumps up once again, but can’t get out of the hole after all.

<Ferocious Fang> spoke to Shyemul with a disgusted tone.

“Drop that human, <Noble Fang>.”

“I should have told you. That I will take this guy with me.” (Shyemul)

“That’s why I’m telling you to lower him.”

Due to Shyemul turning her head around not understanding what he means,
<Ferocious Fang> says with a sour face as if he bit into at least 10 bugs all at once.

“Let me carry that guy. For the current you it’s impossible…”

“…! S-Sorry <Ferocious Fang>.” (Shyemul)

He likely does it quite reluctantly as he doesn’t even answer while having a morosely
expression. <Ferocious Fang>, who switched with Shyemul in shouldering Souma,
jumped out of the hole with an agility that was no different from before. After that
Shyemul succeeded in leaving the hole as well.

When the two exited the basement, the corpse of a guarding soldier, who was
apparently finished off by <Ferocious Fang>, was lying in the darkness close to the
entrance of the basement. But without either of the two even looking at it, they quietly
rushed over to the outer wall of the fortress.

They scale the outer wall by using the prepared rope and join up with their brethren
who waited for them. Their brethren had a puzzled expression due to the human who
was tied to the back of <Ferocious Fang>, but there was no one who directly
confronted <Ferocious Fang>, who is the strongest warrior in the village, about it.

The zoans got on all four with <Ferocious Fang> in the lead and broke into a run
towards the dark plain.

Noticing the disappearance of the two divine children before long, the fortress went
into an uproar, but as the time had already advanced into deep night it became
impossible to chase the zoans who vanished into the night’s darkness.

Later on many humans will painfully lament over the chain of events transpiring in
this fortress.

What if they killed the [Divine Son of Destruction Soma Kisaki] at that time?

What if <Noble Fang> didn’t encounter the [Divine Son of Destruction] at that time?

What if the soldiers didn’t let those two slip away at that time?

If one looks back at history there exists a great number of big turning points of fate.

However, these events aren’t understood as one of these turning points of fate until it
becomes something of the past after a long time passes.

Hence, even if one realizes it being a turning point, time that already passed can’t be
turned back, and even arguing about the possibilities of [if] at that point is something
that bears no meaning.

But, despite that, many humans can’t help but to discuss the possibilities of [if] in the
incidents at that time.

The extent of them feeling compelled to do so is owed to the events at that time being
a turning point which ended up greatly altering the history of the Seldeas Continent.

[Divine Son of Destruction Soma Kisaki].

<Noble Fang> Fagul Garguss Shyemul.

That moment, when the fate of those two who originally should have never met,
intersected, was the instant when a new history of the Seldeas Continent was born.
The zoans, who continued to dash through the dark night for around one koku*, finally
arrived at a large rock that seemed to stand out as solitary island within the ocean
called the plain. After checking that there’s no one chasing them or anyone suspicious
nearby by sniffing the scent of the vicinity with their noses, they stood up on two legs
again at last. (T/N: koku is an old measurement for time, it would be around 30 minutes

“Tonight we will rest here. We will head to the village tomorrow morning.”

Several animals with long, hairy legs, resembling gnus, were tied at the base of the
large rock, which is towering as if looking down at those who are approaching, while
making sure that they are hidden well behind bushes.

Once the zoans built a simple hearth by piling up the stones in the surroundings, they
ignited a fire in the blink of an eye by using the weeds and dry wood that they

“Are you exhausted, <Noble Fang>?”

Shyemul, who was breathing heavily with her shoulders incessantly heaving up and
down, wrinkles up her nose while looking ill humoured due to the mocking words of
<Ferocious Fang>. Resisting her desire to collapse on the ground with willpower, she
throws out her chest.

“I’m deeply grateful to you, <Ferocious Fang>, and my brethren. <Noble Fang> won’t
forget this favour.” (Shyemul)

“Humph. Your gratitude is unnecessary. You are the divine child of the Great God of
Beasts. We have to unify the zoan clans for the fight against the humans. Therefore,
you must become the leading figure for that cause.”

Wry smiles appear on the faces of their brethren upon them hearing <Ferocious
Fang>‘s manner of speech. Everyone knew that he was the one most worried about
Shyemul’s well-being. <Ferocious Fang> threatens his brethren by baring his fangs out
of embarrassment, but when Shyemul approached and tried to lower the human child
he carried, he remembered its existence on his back.

“<Noble Fang>, what the hell is this guy?”

<Ferocious Fang> threw out this question due to Shyemul gently lifting the human
child down onto the ground as if handling something breakable. Even though their
brethren around them won’t speak up; they harbour doubts and suspicions about
bringing a human child, whom they should hate, along.

“I don’t know…” (Shyemul)

“You don’t know?”

“Right. Since I don’t know, I brought him with me.” (Shyemul)

Everyone exchanged looks upon Shyemul’s reply that wasn’t to the point.

“Leaving that aside, please give me water and food.” (Shyemul)

As soon as she was given dried meat and a water-skin by a comrade, she gulped down
some water. For her parched body, the water was delicious and seemed to permeate
all over. Enduring her desire to drink more water, she soaks a cloth strip with water
and and uses that to make water trickle little by little through Souma’s cracked lips.
Confirming that the water enters through the lips and that Souma’s throat moved at
its base, Shyemul is relieved.

While making him drink water like that, Shyemul puts the dried meat into her mouth
and chews it many times. Withstanding the urge of wanting to swallow it down on
reflex as it’s been certainly quite a while since she tasted meat, she fed it to Souma by
mouth-to-mouth after chewing it until it completely turned into a soup.

Ignoring her brethren behind her who kicked up a fuss the instant she fed him mouth-
to-mouth, she next bites into the dried meat to still her own hunger.

Her brethren, including <Ferocious Fang>, were surprised. To begin with, the
differentiation between genders is little among the zoan. Usually women also chase
prey as huntresses and where battles are concerned, they become warriors and fight
shoulder-to-shoulder with the men. And even among those, Shyemul was a girl that
might be called especially mannish. For someone like her to gallantly take care of
someone else to such an extent, won’t the Goddess of Earth toss and turn in her sleep
out of surprise, causing earthquakes?

Her brethren looked at <Ferocious Fang> trying to get some help, but it was <Ferocious
Fang> who desired help.

No matter how much he looks, he couldn’t believe the human child which Shyemul
took along to have that much of value. His arms and legs are slender. And even looking
at his grown body muscles, he can’t be described anything but frail. Though not that of
a soldier, he wondered whether he’s the child of a pioneering farmer. However, with
him also having soft palms, it didn’t seem likely for him to have even done farm-work
while holding hoes and ploughs. Next he pondered whether he is the child of the group
called nobles, but that won’t adequately explain why he had been put in jail together
with Shyemul then.

I don’t understand at all.

But, coming to the clear decision that he has to prioritize safely reaching the village
for now, <Ferocious Fang> set up an alternating nightwatch and decided to sleep,
pulling a pelt over his head.

The next morning, at the same time that the sun peeks out at the eastern horizon, the
zoans straddled the gnu-like animals and started to travel north. The zoans boasted of
a running speed that won’t even lose to horses if it’s over a short distance, but the way
of using animals like these for long distances is more comfortable to them.

Souma also swayed on the back of such an animal while once again being held by
Shyemul. Not once did his consciousness return since then. Once provided water and
food, his body reflexively swallowed them down, but for some unknown reason only
his consciousness doesn’t come back. And not only that, Shyemul’s intuition
sensitively felt that his body is rapidly weakening.

And then, once they left the plains which took them the whole day, the scenery of the
environment gradually turned into gentle slopes and the appearance of trees started
to stand out. The leaves had already fallen off the trees’ branches. The sound caused
by the cold northern wind blowing through the mountains and the branches, which
had became bare, plain, frameworks and resembled hands, rumbled with a howling.

While proceeding on the mountain trail, which has a width allowing for 3 horses to
walk next to each other, Shyemul watched the forests growing trees on the gently
descending slope on her left side and the cliff-like steep slope cutting through the
mountain on her right said, and said,

“Hasn’t the path improved quite a bit? Did you enlarge it while I wasn’t here?” (Shyemul)

“…It wasn’t us. Rather than that, don’t lower your guard.”

Upon <Ferocious Fang> saying that while looking sullen, Shyemul tilted her head in

Once we proceed for a bit longer, we will already reach our clan’s village. Even though
she was away from it for just a little less than a month, she feels very nostalgic because
of the sounds of the swift currents flowing on the other side of the forest on her left.

“Alright, stop. From here on we will enter the mountain.”

However, <Ferocious Fang> halted the party and pointed at a mountain with his right
hand. If I remember correctly, we will have to climb a place that becomes a small gentle
slope around here, if we plan to travel the right mountain. But, even without expressly
proceeding to such a place, we could reach the village right away by following the
mountain trail straight ahead like this.

Mentioning that, <Ferocious Fang> shortly said only “You will understand if we get
there” to Shyemul, dismounted from the animal’s back and started to climb the slope
while pulling the animal’s reins. Because her brethren began to ascend the slope in
the same manner without making a single complaint, Shyemul also begins to climb the
slope while paying attention to not drop Souma.

After confirming that their comrade at the end of the line erased their footprints by
smoothing out the ground with a branch he picked up and scattered fallen leaves on
top of it, the party advanced into the inner part of the mountain.

Shyemul felt a sense of discomfort.

Even though this area is already within the zoan’s sphere of influence, and even though
expressly going through the mountain is weird in itself, her brethren are moreover
exposing a cautiousness and tingling tension.

Just what the hell happened during my absence?

“Wait here a moment!”

That’s what <Ferocious Fang> said when they advanced through the mountain for a

“<Noble Fang>, only you follow me.”

Being told so, she began to walk towards the left side by just herself.

She felt awkward about leaving Souma behind, but she pursued <Ferocious Fang>
after telling a comrade, who was nearby, “Please take care of him”.

“Don’t be too loud.”

“What the heck does that mean?” (Shyemul)

“I shall teach you that. Stay silent and follow me.”

Saying that, he started to walk while bending over and drew the woodsman’s hatchet
from his waist.

Going by Shyemul’s perception, they are currently at the area on top of the cliff located
in the back of the village. That perception is correct. Before long it opens up in front
of the two and they exit towards the cliff.

“Don’t peek out with your head too much. Look slowly below.”

As ordered by <Ferocious Fang>, Shyemul took a look at the bottom of the cliff and
was surprised.

Their village should have been at the base of the cliff, which has a height of around 20
meters. There should have been a great number of tents created with pelts and pillars,
deifying their ancestral spirits, lined up. She expected to see hunters, who came back
with the prey they captured, and children who held fish they caught in the nearby
However, what’s currently there are: Tents that were miserly scorched and piled up
like trash. The knocked down pillars of the ancestral spirits. Besides that, just finished
buildings which were built out of wooden boards. A large flag fluttering in the north
wind. A sturdy fence which was erected to surround the village. And armed human

“Shortly after you were imprisoned in the fortress, the humans came to attack the
village. They mercilessly killed our women and children, and reduced our tents to
ashes by using fire.”

<Ferocious Fang> explained to Shyemul who looked down at the place that used to be
her village in a daze.

“When we noticed smoke rising from the village we were still in the middle of
returning from the battle at the fortress. Because we had many injured, the clan head
rushed to the village while taking only those capable of fighting along, but the village
was already a sea of flames. The clan head and us gathered the survivors while fighting
against the humans on site and then escaped into the mountain.”

While listening to <Ferocious Fang>‘s talk, Shyemul’s eyes were rooted at the spot
with the corpses of her brethren, which had been piled up while lying on top of
another, in a lump with the tents’ remains. The corpses of the still young children and
elderly were abandoned almost as if— no, completely as if they are trash.

“Gathering our brethren who had escaped outside, we ran away to the refuge we had
prepared inside the mountain. However, that place isn’t safe either. The humans intend
to exterminate us. Building a base like this at the place which used to be our village,
they plan to flush us out without letting a single one live.”

“C-Clan Head-sama is? What about Clan Head Galguz?” (Shyemul)

“He died. For the sake of letting us escape, he fought to the bitter end.”

As <Ferocious Fang> turned his back on Shyemul and returned the way they came, he
said as if spitting it out,

“Now I’m the clan head.”

The zoans arrived at the refuge when the day entered the time of evening.

When Shyemul, who was the divine child of their god of worship, returned, she gave
her wounded and exhausted brethren a smile in compensation for the last few days.

Though the children wore bandages owed to the burns on their hands and faces, they
still approached and hugged her with a smile. Shyemul strongly embraced each of

However, once they learned that Shyemul had brought along a human child, the adults
showed bitter faces as expected. Especially the warriors, who bore the regret that they
weren’t able to protect their brethren. Some of them even had open hatred in their

As if brushing aside their looks, Shyemul deliberately displayed a firm attitude. It’s an
ostentation that she hasn’t any kind of indebtedness towards them. Even so, all of it is
for the sake of averting the hostility that’s been pointed at Souma.

Shyemul called out to <Ferocious Fang>.

“Is grandmother here?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul’s grandmother is the eldest person in Shyemul’s village and also a shrine
maiden that serves the great God of Beasts. Also, in a village like this, shrine maidens
are from time to time storytellers who hand down the clan’s history and cover at the
same time the role of herbalists who cure injuries and sickness.

“Yea. She’s at the place of prayer near the waterfall. The Elder was worried about you,
too. It’s best if you go to her right away.”

<Ferocious Fang> replied like that while harbouring the intention of getting them
away before the hatred of the villagers suddenly unloads against the human child
Shyemul brought along.
Comprehending his intention, Shyemul decided to head to the place of prayer while
taking Souma with her.

The location Shyemul aimed for is an old tree that grew close to a small waterfall,
which is located at a higher altitude than the refuge. At the roots of the tree, a
multitude of wood pieces and stones were piled up into a small mountain as an offer
by the zoans. Among Shyemul’s clan, there was the myth that the souls of the dead
warriors dwell in this tree and watch over the clan.

Even though they climbed this mountain only at the time of the ritual back when they
still lived in the plains, they are now living in hiding right in front of it. They didn’t
want to think that the actual distance between the clan and the old tree was hinting
towards the time where all of the clan dwells in the old tree being imminent.

An old zoan that looked completely like a monkey’s mummy was in front of that old

“Oh, oh, the immature lass did survive, eh?”

That elderly zoan greeted Shyemul with eyes that were even at the best of times
narrow like threads while smiling once she noticed her.

“To call me immature is rude, you know, grandmother? Even though I might appear to
be so, I’m a girl that makes even flowers blush.” (Shyemul)

“Ka ka ka, wasn’t it just like yesterday when you hid together with the fur, which was
dripping wet due to your bed-wetting, while drying it?”

“T-That’s already a story from ten years back, isn’t it!? Good grief, old people always
talk about the past.” (Shyemul)

At any rate, the one who adopted Shyemul at the time she was born is the Elder in
front of her. She’s a person I’ve been indebted to since then. Even now I’m no match for
her, as she has firm hold on all of my childhood dilemmas I want to forget.

“By the way, isn’t there something you want to request of me? I dare to say that’s likely
about that human child.”

“That’s right, grandmother. Can you check this guy’s condition?” (Shyemul)
She lowers Souma, who was still unconscious, from the animal’s back he had been
placed on, and beds him on top of a flat, big stone that was set up in front of the old

“Let’s see, let’s see…”

The Elder holds her palm over the sleeping Souma and mumbles something
incomprehensible for a while.

“Oh, this is a surprise. Isn’t this child a [Drop Child]?”

“[Drop Child]?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul was puzzled due to the term she has never heard before.

“Yes. I don’t know whether it’s a rare prank by the spirits or the esteemed will of the
gods, but there are people who fall into this world through a boundary different from
this place.”

The Elder takes out a pinch of a suspicious powder from within her bag and sprinkles
it over Souma’s body.

“As expected, right. This child isn’t tied to this world.”

“Not being tied means?” (Shyemul)

“We are connected by an invisible thread to the boundary we were born and raised in.
Because this [Drop Child] isn’t tied to the boundary, it won’t last that much longer.”

“Grandmother! What’s that about!?” (Shyemul)

“We don’t live on food alone. Through the connection with the boundary, we obtain
the energy to live in the shape of food, water and air. This guy has no such connection.
Because of that he’s unable to absorb this boundary’s energy no matter how much he
drinks or eats. Even if he takes in the boundary’s energy by breathing, his body doesn’t
accept it.”

“Can’t you do anything about that, grandmother!?” (Shyemul)

“Well, it’s not like I can’t, but…”

Being urged on by Shyemul, her grandmother began to examine Souma’s body while
wondering Well then, what to do about it? She takes his pulse, puts her ear on his chest
to listen to the sound of his heart and sprinkles the suspicious powder over him.

Eventually, when she tried to check his temperature by putting a hand on his forehead,
she got surprised.


“What happened, grandmother?” (Shyemul)

“I-Isn’t this child the divine child of Aura?!”

At the moment the Elder brushed away his forelocks, the seal on his forehead became

Even for Shyemul, who is likewise a divine child, it’s a seal that she sees for the first

“This is…?” (Shyemul)

“Aura’s seal. It’s also my first time seeing it.”

The Elder was taught the knowledge by the previous storyteller, but for her to see the
real thing was her first time.

“Aura? Though it’s a name I never heard before, is she a goddess?” (Shyemul)

“It’s not about her being a goddess or not! She’s a greater goddess who is older than
the seven gods, including the God of Beasts.”

“I never heard about such a goddess existing though.” (Shyemul)

“I guess so. Aura is a goddess who rules over death and destruction. It’s been
forbidden to mention that name carelessly.”

“Is she an evil goddess?” (Shyemul)

“No. The seven gods were actually born because Aura existed. Because there’s death
and destruction, there’s also life and creation. Aura is a greater goddess that should
also be called a fragment of the great God of Creation.”

“But”, as the Elder shakes her head slightly.

“Death and destruction are things that are loathed after all. If we keep this child alive,
we might bring calamity upon ourselves.”

The current period is especially bad.

Under these circumstances, where they were chased out of their village by the humans
and where they might get attacked at any time, the fact that there’s a divine child who
rules over death and destruction is something that is quite capable of uselessly
stirring up the anxiety of her brethren.

“<Noble Fang>, do you still intend to let this child live?”

The Elder’s words were heavy.

Saving this human at the same time means burdening myself with everything this child
does from now on. Despite him being a human who is hostile towards us under normal
circumstances, this human child is also the divine child of the goddess of death and
destruction. Putting aside myself, there’s no way for me to know what kind of calamity
he will give rise to among my brethren.

Can I really take responsibility for all of his crimes once they came to pass?

That’s what grandmother is asking.

“Indeed. Please, grandmother. I have a debt to this guy which must be repaid.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul answered after making her decision.

Among the zoan’s proverbs, there’s one like this:

[The kindness of a rabbit received at the moment of starving must be returned even if
it means death.]

To say nothing about this human child, who shared what little food he had even while
he was on the brink of starving himself. There’s no way she could let him die without
returning even a single thing, after having received such huge favour.
“Hyo hyo hyo, if you go as far as telling me this much, it will also be wrong for this old
woman to shun any hardships.”

“That’s a great help, grandmother. But, are you alright with that, grandmother?”

Shyemul’s worry was that her having saved this human child might cause troubles to
the Elder afterwards.

“I don’t mind. It’s obvious that the day when we will be destroyed by the humans isn’t
that far away, regardless of killing or saving this guy. Even if our ruin comes a bit earlier
due to that, it won’t make any great difference.”

Her grandmother laughed loudly after smiling broadly.

At the time when the moon was at its zenith, a bright red fire was burning at the place
of prayer.

The firewood, stacked up plentifully, has its sparks dance and burns intensely.

Souma, who is nude after having all his clothes taken off, was lying on top of the flat
rock placed in front of the old tree. He is groaning painfully while drops of sweat are
trickling all over his body which is warmed up by the flames’ heat.

Sitting in front of the blazing fire, the Elder picks up and grasps things similar to
powder from within several pots that were placed in front of her, and throws them
rapidly into the fire. Once she does so, the fire’s intensity flared up even more while
emitting a white smoke that smells like medicine. Once more she grasps powders from
other pots in succession and throws them into the fire. Once she repeated that
countless times, the smells of the many substances mixed with each other, turned into
a unique stench and wafted around all over.

Elder Lady faced the moon in the sky and raised a howl by making her throat warp. At
times violent, at other times plaintive, that howl makes the night’s atmosphere

Joining the howling with its peculiar intonation, Shyemul sprang up.
Her entire body is painted with the colour of soil which was dissolved in water. She is
decorated with richly coloured bird feathers very similar to a mane. A necklace which
has things such as animal teeth, jades and agates threaded on it is hanging around her
neck. She wears golden loops with bells attached to them on her wrists and ankles.

Each time Shyemul’s flexible limbs moved, the bells made a jingling sound.

The Elder’s howling reverberates like a wave approaching the shore closeby and in
the far distance.

Following that, the motions of the dancing Shyemul increased in their intensity as
well. Stepping out to the rear with her right leg visibly dividing her groin in a grand
manner, she stretches her upper body in front as if trying to glue herself to the ground.
In the next instant she leaps up with a *tham* and makes a full revolution in mid air.
At the moment of landing, all the bells jingled.

The Elder began to largely sway her upper body while raising the howling. At first it
was a small swaying, but it widened gradually. She swayed her body back and forth as
if falling over.

When Shyemul’s arm draws a large circle, the bell rings beautifully. Each time she
performs light dance steps like a fairy dancing on a water’s surface, the bells jingle.

As soon as Shyemul made her body bend loosely back and forth completely like a
snake, she dances in mid air while spreading both her arms similar to a large bird.
Performing dance steps with a *ta-tap*, she makes a full turn. In an instant she
becomes four-footed just like a female leopard and howls while facing the sky, after
bending back her spinal column as if displaying her voluptuous breasts.

Heat welled up from within her body, sweat flowed down from Shyemul’s body like a
waterfall while she was warmed up by the heat of the blazing flames, and sprays of
sweat were sent flying alongside the lively motions of her body.

The Elder took a small pot under her arm and rushed over to Souma. And then she
takes out the stick which was stabbed into the pot while singing loudly. A gooey, green
mucus covered its tip. She skillfully operates that stick and draws a complex pattern
on top of Souma’s body.

Once she finished drawing that, Shyemul picked up a water jug that had been offered
in front of the old tree while dancing. And then, just like a beast aiming for its prey, she
circles around the flat rock with Souma lying on it while bending her body. She
narrows down that circle gradually and then the body of Shyemul, who carried the
water jug, looms over Souma’s feet.

The body of Shyemul, who placed both her hands on the ground and was grovelling,
climbs slowly upwards and upwards from the end of Souma’s feet. Swaying her body
left and right while matching it up with grandmother’s howling, as if teasing, as if
having her fill, she climbs up from the ankles to the knees, from the knees to the waist
and from the waist to the chest.

The sweat, which dripped down from Shyemul’s body like rain, and Souma’s own
sweat were mixed together and Souma’s body became soaked.

Shyemul, who had finally reached the head, straightens up her body and sits down on
Souma’s chest.

And then she pressed the opening of the water jug on Souma’s lips and poured the
cloudy liquid in it into Souma’s mouth.

Souma choked fiercely. Even so, the body of Souma, who swallowed the majority of it,
began to tremble all of a sudden.

Next to him, the Elder’s howling reaches its climax and at last turns into shrieking.

As if trying to shake off Shyemul who had mounted his chest, Souma’s body bent back
in an arch. Shyemul clings to Souma so that she won’t be thrown off.

And, at the same time as grandmother’s shrieking ceases abruptly, strength leaves
Souma’s body and it lies there limply.

For a short while the vicinity was dominated by just the cackling of the fire and the
rough breathing of the three.

“Good grief, for my old body to put up with this…”

While grumbling like that, the Elder holds up her hand over Souma’s head.

“I see, I see. It connected, it has connected.”

“Did it turn out well, grandmother?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul asks her grandmother while her whole body has become listless due to the
exhaustion from the dancing and this heat.

“It’s successful. Well, it only applies if he hasn’t died due to this though.”

Due to her grandmother’s words, Shyemul presses an ear against Souma’s chest in
panic and makes sure of his heartbeat. Once doing that, she heard that his heart was
fortunately beating regularly.

Did the sigh that Shyemul leak out of relief brush his face? Souma’s eyelids twitched
slightly and he opened his eyes a bit.

“Did you wake up? Do you understand my words?” (Shyemul)

Though Shyemul asked him that, his look is roaming around the air as it seems that
his consciousness is still hazy. However, eventually his sight turned towards the face
of Shyemul in front of him.

“How about it? You understand?” (Shyemul)

When Shyemul asked a second time, Souma’s lips opened slightly.

As he’s trying to say something, Shyemul brings her ear close to his mouth.

Souma released weak words together with a sigh.

“…It’s beautiful.” (Souma)

And then he ended up losing consciousness again just like that.

“Wh-!?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul has become speechless due to the unforeseen remark.

Seeing Shyemul’s shaken appearance, her grandmother laughed happily.

the seven gods -> The Seven
Mermen -> Marmen

Upon feeling the light of the sun shining on his face, Souma woke up.

He slightly opens his eyes while shading them with his right hand due to the

The location was inside a tent unbeknownst to him. Although it was called a tent, it’s
not the triangle tent which Souma knows so well. It has a shape similar to a bowl
having been turned over. With the top part having a hole it’s close to something
nomadic tribes use. Thick pelts and cloths are spread out on the ground, which is
where Souma was put to sleep while being covered by fur.

“Mmh? Did you finally wake up?”

It was a beastman who was about to enter inside after moving the tent’s entrance
curtain aside.

The surprised Souma backs off, trying to distance himself in a hurry from the
beastman, while still sitting on his butt. The beastman’s face furrowed due to that. It
seems as if it smiled wryly.

The beastman piles up dry leaves in the fireplace that had been built by stacking
stones in the middle of the tent then blows onto the glow and triggers a fire. After that,
it unwraps several slices of thick, dried meat on top of a stone close to the fire and
lines them up. Next it takes out something similar to dumplings and begins to grill
them over the fire after stabbing them on top of a branch tip.

A short while later the fragrant aroma of roasted meat filled the tent.
Souma’s throat gulped.

The beastman smiled at Souma, who blushes out of embarrassment, and then placed
well-roasted meat and dumplings on a large leaf which served as plate and held it out
in Souma’s direction.

“At any rate, eat. There are various things I want to talk about, but that can wait until
your stomach is full.”

It doesn’t seem like the beastman is hostile. Souma pulls the held out leaf to himself and
timidly tastes the meat.

“…Delicious!?” (Souma)

It was so delicious that he unintentionally voiced it out. The dried meat, which had a
condensed, tasty flavour, also has a herb seasoning with saltiness and a spicy taste. Its
tastiness spreads through his entire mouth. The dumpling has a different colour and
texture from the one Souma knows, but with it releasing a peculiar sweetness after
chewing it, it was appetizing as well.

The beastman smiles happily due to Souma devouring the food greedily.

“That’s good.”

Saying that, the beastman sat down cross-legged on the spot and began to eat the meat
and dumplings as well.

Souma observed the beastman while eating his meat and dumplings.

The entire body of the beastman is covered by bright chestnut-coloured fur. Only the
inner side of the body such as from its mouth, which is similar to that of a tiger or
leopard, to its belly is white. A sleeveless undergarment, which had a beautiful grid
pattern and was knitted with vividly coloured ivy, covered its chest and shoulder. It is
wearing something similar to a straw skirt with many small leather pouches and
boards hanging down from it and was knitted with ivy in the same way.

Since the area around the undergarments chest section is bulging, I guess it’s likely for
her to be a female, but I don’t have any positive proof either way since it’s not like I have
any previous experience allowing me to compare a beastman’s gender.
Once the beastman finishes eating, she puts dried leaves into the hot water in the iron
pot which was hanging over the fireplace and, after letting it boil for a while, scoops
the pot’s contents up with a bowl.

“Drink. It will warm your body.”

Once he drinks as told, a good taste similar to that of oolong tea spread in his mouth.
A short while later a pleasant warmth permeated from the inside of his body, just like
the beastman said.

Drinking up the tea, Souma held out the bowl together with the leaf plate to the
beastman. And then, placing his hands together, he bowed his head.

“Thank you for the treat 1.” (Souma)

“Those words, what’s that about?”

“Umm… It means that it was very delicious, serves as thanks to you for preparing the
food and also shows your gratitude towards the things that were eaten.” (Souma)

“I see. Even gratitude towards the food that was eaten, huh? Thank you for the treat, I

The beastman imitated Souma and bowed her head after putting her hands together.

“Umm… I’m sorry if I’m wrong. Were you the person who was in that hole? Or not…?”

“What? You didn’t know about me?”

“Sorry. Since that place was dark, I didn’t see the colour of the fur and such too well…
Also, I didn’t understand the words.” (Souma)

“Hmm. Oh well, it can’t be helped, can it? I don’t grasp the face of a human well either.
Since humans have a weak nose, they don’t understand scents, I suppose. What made
you understand the language seems to be the [connection] grandmother mentioned,
but I also don’t get that part.”

Saying that, the beastman faced Souma, confronting him directly, and lightly bowed
her head while putting both of her fists on the floor.
“I’m <Noble Fang> Fagul Garguss Shyemul.” (Shyemul)

“Fa-Fagul…?” (Souma)

“Fagul is the clan’s name. It has the meaning of <Fang Clan> as one of the 12 zoan clans.
The following Garguss is my father’s name. And Shyemul is my own name. <Noble
Fang> is my nickname.” (Shyemul)

“Then, is it fine to call you Shyemul… san?” (Souma)

“Aye. Well, the [san] is unnecessary.” (Shyemul)

“I’m Kizaki Souma.”

“Kisaki Soma ²? Kisaki is your given name?” (Shyemul)

“No, no, it’s different. Souma is my given name with Kizaki being my surname.” (Souma)

“Hoo. Different from the humans over here, your given name comes last? — Got it. Let
me address you with Soma.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul committed his name to memory by repeatedly muttering “Soma” in her mouth.

“Umm… it’s something strange to ask, but… that… fur, is it real?” (Souma)

“Mmh? What, you don’t know about zoans?” (Shyemul)

“Zoan?” (Souma)

“Yes. We zoans are a race born from beasts by the great God of Beasts. Were there no
zoans in the dimension you came from?” (Shyemul)

“…Probably. It’s different inside myths and folklores though.” (Souma)

“It seems I have to explain from the beginning after all, doesn’t it?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul folds her arms and ponders from where she has to start explaining.

“What I’d like you to understand first is that you are someone called [Drop Child].”
“A noble’s illegitimate child ³?” (Souma)

“That’s right. The location we are currently at is a place called Seldeas Continent. Have
you heard of it?” (Shyemul)

Souma shakes his head. Shyemul picks up the branch she used to grill the dumplings
and draws a rough ellipse on the ashes of the fireplace.

“The size and shape of Seldeas Continent isn’t properly known. No one ever
investigated it. Even though there are those who want to investigate it, there are
several countries on the continent. And, since those countries hate to have their own
countries investigated by others, it remains impossible to do so. However, once you
put the stories of travellers and such together, one at least knows that the continent’s
circumference is surrounded by the sea.” (Shyemul)

She adds several wavy lines to the surroundings of the ellipse.

“Seven races worshipping The Seven live on this continent. Dinosaurians, Marmen,
Dwarves, Elves, Zoans, Harpyans and Humans.” (Shyemul)

“You say Marmen, are those mermen? Err, do they have a human’s upper body and a
fish’ lower body?” (Souma)

“Hoo, so you knew about Marmen?” (Shyemul)

“If it’s about the rest, dwarves are small and bearded, elves are a beautiful race with
pointed ears.” (Souma)

“The male dwarves grow a beard. The elves are… I don’t know whether they are
beautiful or not, but according to what humans say, they seem to all be beautiful.”

“None of them exists in reality. Those are just people appearing in myths.” (Souma)

“I see. But, isn’t it a bit too much for it to be a coincidence. There might have possibly
existed people who dropped to the other side from here, opposite from you.”

Shyemul points at the continent drawn on the ash with the branch in her hand.
“The story ended up deviating a bit, but this continent is our world. There might exist
other continents on the other side of the sea, but at least for now our world is this.”

She picks up a pebble that fell down next to the fireplace and drops it on the drawn

“And it means that you are a [Drop Child] who dropped to this place from somewhere
else.” (Shyemul)

Due to her mentioning the word “dropped”, Souma noticed about the character “Drop
Child” being added in the word “Drop Child” which Shyemul used previously to specify

“As expected. This place was a different world…” (Souma)

His consciousness was hazy at the time, but he has memories left about the things
happening in the meanwhile, though faint.

The suspicious religious ceremony in the limestone cave, the lizard with a horse-like
size, the fortress illuminated by bonfires and the basement.

And above all else, the one he met there, the beastman currently in front of him, Shyemul.

All of those are impossible in modern Japan— the world Souma lived in.

“What’s this, you are believing me more obediently than I thought.” (Shyemul)

Certainly Shyemul thought that Souma likely won’t believe in her right away even if
she told him that he ended up dropping into a different world. Maybe she was even
anxious on whether he would get confused or begin to act up.

However, although Souma was astonished about the surprising facts, he apparently
accepted the circumstances readily.

Though Shyemul didn’t have any way to know about it, stories such as the protagonist
being summoned or dropped into a different world are something commonplace in
anime and manga. Thus, for Souma who is a typical Japanese boy indulging in that
subculture since his childhood; he had the groundwork if it’s merely understanding
this abnormal situation.
Besides, not having the leeway to ponder overly deeply about it as his consciousness
was hazy from the time when he dropped to this world until now, might have been
unexpectedly fortunate for his understanding. As he was able to prepare little by little
for accepting this abnormal situation while his consciousness was still hazy, Souma
apparently didn’t suffer a large shock and didn’t become panicked even when he was
told about the circumstances by Shyemul once again like this.

Comprehending the circumstance he was placed in, Souma first asked the question he
wanted to ask the most.

“Can I return to my previous world? If you know the means to do so, please tell me.”

Shyemul assumed that this question would crop up, but she can only warp her lips
while looking apologetic.

“Sorry. I don’t know. Even the things I told you now are all just second-hand knowledge.”

“I see…” (Souma)

Due to Souma feeling down, Shyemul continues her words in a hurry.

“Grandmother is better informed than me. As I will introduce grandmother to you

later, don’t feel so depressed.” (Shyemul)

“Thank you.” (Souma)

Souma’s face revealed a smile, though awkward, at Shyemul becoming flustered to an

amusing degree.

“But, why are you doing so much for me?” (Souma)

That’s something difficult to ask, but it was also something he had to ask no matter
what as early as possible.

Considering that this place is a different world, acquaintances and a home on which
he can rely on don’t exist for Souma. Also, he doesn’t possess anything of monetary
value either. Let alone the knowledge to just survive in this place, he doesn’t even
know the common sense around here.
As such, though he had been saved for some reason for now, Souma wouldn’t be able
to survive at all if Shyemul’s mood changes all of a sudden and causes him to be thrown

If I have been saved by Shyemul with some kind of intention behind it, I have to grasp it
fast and it will become necessary to put in effort for securing her protection. At least until
I manage to return to my previous world or reach the point where I’m able to support
myself. Shyemul’s protection is essential for either of those as well.

“Before I tell you that, I’d like you to listen to one thing.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul stared deeply into Souma’s eyes.

It was as if she is trying to not miss even the faintest movement of his eyes to see
completely through the bottom of Souma’s heart.

“Why did you try to help me back then?” (Shyemul)

Wondering what kind of difficult question she was going to ask, Souma felt let down.

Therefore he answered her honesty without any kind of enthusiasm.

“Because that’s only natural.” (Souma)

“Only natural, you say!?” (Shyemul)

“Yea. In times of trouble you help each other, that’s what I was taught. Because I
believed that to be the norm…” (Souma)

Shyemul was flabbergasted.

Just how peaceful was the world he came from? It’s common to help each other at times
of trouble, he says? That’s a story from some paradise. I cannot possibly believe that
there’s a world filled with only such fools.

Well, come to think of it, it might be reasonable. Even in the zoan’s village it’s nothing
unusual to take care of someone, who lost the ability to hunt due to sickness or injury,
with everyone. However, when it comes to extending that even to another race, it’s a
different pair of shoes.
Isn’t that so? Shyemul thought.

There were no zoans in Soma’s world. Therefore he isn’t tainted by the common sense
of the humans over here that the zoans are an inferior race that should be weeded out.
From his point of view, a zoan, whom he saw for the first time, is nothing else but a
living being that’s similar to humans. That’s why it was probably something natural to
save them.

In this world the conflict between humans and zoans has been continuing since long
ago before Shyemul was born. As source of evil that’s already impossible to resolve
easily, it nested itself deeply within both races. It has already reached a stage where
nothing can be done about it with the ideology of splinter groups or individuals.

However, if there’s a world of people who help each other without discriminating against
humans or zoans, like Soma, won’t that be something absolutely wonderful then, I

As I know that that’s something totally impossible in reality, that only makes me consider
the Soma in front of me as a very precious existence.

Shyemul straightens herself once more, presses both fists against each other and bows
very deeply.

“Soma, I will never forget my debt of gratitude for that time. <Noble Fang> Fagul
Garguss Shyemul swears on her pride and the name of her father that she shall return
that debt without fail. Stay here for as long as you want. Please accept my hospitality
without reservations.” (Shyemul)

“W-Wait a moment. Raise your head, Shyemul! I didn’t do anything significant!” (Souma)

Shyemul burst into laughter due to Souma getting all panicky.

This [Drop Child] doesn’t understand at all just how amazing the action he is considering
as “nothing significant” is in this world.

Shyemul laughed for a while in front of Souma who had a bright red face, but once she
noticed the footsteps of someone approaching the tent, she subdued her laughter.

“Soma, wrap this around your forehead.” (Shyemul)

As it’s still inconvenient for others to learn of him being the divine child of Aura,
Shyemul tossed a headband that was adorned with embroidery to Souma.

The clearing of a throat could be heard on the other side of the tent’s entrance curtain.
At the time of visiting someone else’s tent, the proper etiquette is to inform those
inside with a cough about your visit before calling out to them.

“Who is it? What do you want?” (Shyemul)

“Shyemul, it’s me. There’s something I want to talk about. Is it fine to enter?”

Once Shyemul moved the curtain to the side after confirming that Souma put on the
headband, a huge zoan with black fur can be seen standing there. The zoan with a vivid
scar caused by a sword cut reaching from his brows through his nose bridge to his
right cheek gazes at Souma with a sidelong glance and wrinkles up his nose while
looking displeased.

“What’s wrong, <Ferocious Fang>?” (Shyemul)

“It’s hard to have a talk here. I’m sorry, but please come with me for a bit.”

It’s very likely something difficult to talk about in front of Soma. Once Shyemul
acknowledged his request, she told him to go ahead first since she will follow in a bit.

“Soma, I’m sorry, but I will step out for a bit. Please don’t go outside for any reason
while I’m not here.” (Shyemul)

“Got it. — But, will you be alright?” (Souma)

Shyemul knew what Souma wanted to say. He is worrying whether Shyemul is put into
trouble because of him.

“It’s fine, Soma. That guy is the <Ferocious Fang> Fagul Garguss Garam. He isn’t a bad
guy in any way.” (Shyemul)

Due to the name he was told by Shyemul, Souma wondered with a “Huh?”.

If I remember correctly, the first part is the clan’s name, thus it means that he belongs to
the same clan of zoans as Shyemul, I guess. But the next part is the name of the father,
I’m sure that Shyemul said that.
In other words, Shyemul and the zoan from before are…

“Ah, you realized? It’s true. Garam is my elder brother.” (Shyemul)

Author’s trivia about the novel:

The zoan’s tents are made by putting waterproofed, treated pelts and fur materials on
top of a wooden framework. The interior has thick pelts and fur laid out and is
equipped with a stove, a fireplace and such. It’s in order to allow all livelihood to take
place there.

Usually an entire family lives in one tent.

Shyemul and Garam are elder brother and younger sister, but since Shyemul is a divine
child and Garam is the clan head, they possess their own tents.

Given that someone else’s tent is a completely private space, it’s courtesy to do the
greeting after announcing one’s visit with a cough first in case of a visit. If you violate
this, it might develop into a fight.

As exception; in case the entrance curtain was moved aside, it’s allowed to do the
greeting without coughing if you are close to the other party.


1 ごちそうさまでした – Gochisousamadeshita – Commonly said after a meal in Japan.

Left it away to increase localization and changed the next line accordingly (back up)

² キサキ・ソーマ – Kisaki Soma – That’s how he is referred in historical books and

whenever those living on Seldeas Continent address him. Just to point out that the
author makes a distinction here, contrary to his real name which is 木崎蒼馬 – Kizaki
Souma and is pronounced slightly differently (back up)

³ “おとしご” – otoshigo – usually means bastard of a noble (or in this case better: ‘a
noble’s illegitimate’ child) and that’s what Souma hears first cause that’s how “落とし
子”, which means “Drop Child” here, is spoken in Japanese. It kind of localizes badly
into English because it’s one of those typical misunderstandings that can happen with
the kanji not being clear by just the pronunciation while lacking the proper context,
which Souma does in this case. (back up)
“Sorry that I kept you waiting, <Ferocious Fang>.” (Shyemul)

The place she met with Garam is where the mountain’s interior opened up into a small
square. It was the playground of Shyemul and Garam, who played here together in
their childhood. The scratches of their height comparisons, which were carved into a
wooden trunk standing at the square’s side, aroused dear nostalgic emotions.

“Shyemul, at least when we are here, you don’t have to be so formal, I believe.” (Garam)

“That won’t do. The village’s strongest warrior, <Ferocious Fang> Fagul Garguss
Garam, serves as clan chief right now as well. No matter how much this me might be a
divine daughter, regrettably I can’t neglect the formalities as one descending from the
Fang Clan.” (Shyemul)

Garam showed a miserable expression due to Shyemul staying all serious while talking.

“Don’t tease me like that, younger sister…” (Garam)

“It’s a joke, brother.” (Shyemul)

At last Shyemul’s expression broke into a smile.

“So, brother, there’s no way that you are meeting me for the sake of deepening the
friendly relationship between an elder brother and his younger sister at such time, is
there? Tell me, just what the heck happened?” (Shyemul)

“Yea… But, first it’s about the human child you brought along.” (Garam)

“I will treat him as my guest. In case he’s guilty of something, I will take the blame.”

Before she’s told anything by Garam, she beat him to the punch with her words.
“*Grml*… oh well, umm, you know, I won’t say anything either if you have resolved
yourself that far, but…” (Garam)

“But, what?” (Shyemul)

“Yea, about that…” (Garam)

Is it something that hard to say. It doesn’t feel like Garam’s going to talk at all as he keeps
chewing on his lips.

“Brother, can you get to the point?” (Shyemul)

“S-Sure!” (Garam)

While saying so, Garam turns his face away to the side.

“The truth is, between our brethren an odd rumour has started circulating, saying that
the reason for you taking the human child along is… umm… because you fell in love
with that guy.” (Garam)

“Huuuh?” (Shyemul)

A harum-scarum voice escaped Shyemul’s lips. And then, in the next instant, she got
angry like a raging fire.

“Is the one who is spreading such an unfounded rumour Pushka again!? Or, is it
Kragaqua?” (Shyemul)

Garam holds out his hand to soothe his younger sister who looks as if she’s going to
go beat them up while mentioning the names of two people who are known for loving
to gossip in the village.

“Calm down! I hit them already after all…” (Garam)

“Good grief. Brother, there’s no way that you believed such a rumour, right?” (Shyemul)

“Don’t be stupid. There’s no reason for me to believe in it, is there!?” (Garam)

“In that case it’s fine, but…” (Shyemul)

“But, you know, aren’t you responsible for that as well?” (Garam)

If she’s seen taking care of a human child, whom she should hate, that gallantly while
she herself is also reeling from starvation and fatigue, anyone will end up suspecting
that something happened.

“At the time when I rescued you out of the fortress, your obsession towards the human
child was abnormal. Besides, it’s because you, who didn’t have a single romantic
relationship so far, lives together with a man, albeit a human, in your own tent…”

“I explained that already, didn’t I!? I told you that he shared his own meagre food with
me when we were imprisoned! Brother, are you telling me to become someone who
doesn’t return [the favour of a rabbit received at the time of starvation]!?” (Shyemul)

“But, it’s like that, even you, as a girl at marriageable age…” (Garam)

Shyemul snapped due to Garam trying to argue with her even further.

“Please stop it already! Jeez, let’s end the conversation with this! If you don’t have
anything else to say, I will go back now!!” (Shyemul)

Even Garam had no other choice but to raise the white flag due to his younger sister’s
menacing look.

Besides, what they will talk about from now on is the real issue at hand after all. Seeing
Garam’s serious expression, Shyemul calmed down and braces herself while
understanding that it’s no trivial matter.

“The clan member I sent as scout to the fortress, where you had been imprisoned,
returned. It looks like fresh human troops entered the fortress.” (Garam)

“Troops?” (Shyemul)

“Yes, their numbers are around 800 in total. The majority of them seem to be soldiers
with prepared armaments. It looks like they are camping in the surroundings of the
fortress as not all of them fit inside.” (Garam)

“There’s even 800 of them!?” (Shyemul)

The only ones in the area who are opposing the humans in that fortress are the zoans.
Newly arrived soldiers means, almost without doubt, that they were dispatched to clean
us up.

“I thought that they were planning to flush us out, but it appears I took their seriousness
lightly.” (Garam)

“How many brethren who can fight do we have currently?” (Shyemul)

“The number of those able to fight doesn’t even reach 50.” (Garam)

This was also Garam’s fault.

At the time when the village was burned, they also ended up losing the food they had
stored for passing the winter. If the winter intensifies from now on, it will become even
more difficult to obtain food. At the current rate everything edible in the vicinity of
their refuge will be consumed in less than a month. What remains is for the entire clan
to simply wait to die to hunger or cold.

Judging it like that, Garam split the still young zoans in the clan into several groups
and sent them out to search for a place where they can pass the winter.

And, the left behind elderly and children, who were considered unfit to endure such
long trip, as well as the families, who have such people, have to ration out and survive
on the food that can be found at the current refuge and its vicinity. Even so, in order to
supplement the lacking rations, the minimal amount of warriors that only remained
in order to protect the refuge were also forced into providing food. The warriors who
had left to find food rationed what the they brought back by sequential order trying
to hold out until spring.

However, because it was such a harsh mountain winter even for the zoans, I never
expected the humans to send out such military force. I misread the humans’ tenacity in
carrying out the zoan extermination, Garam lamented. However, it’s already too late.

Even if I call our brethren together at this point in time, it will probably be too late. In
order to not overlap with each other in the places where they are searching for food, they
should be scattered over a quite wide range.

“Taking on 800 human troops with no more than 50 brethren…?” (Shyemul)

Voicing it out made her realize the desperate situation all over again. Shyemul looked
up to the sky.

“Brother, is it impossible for us to run away?” (Shyemul)

“Tell me to where?” (Garam)

“Anywhere’s fine. Us warriors don’t mind death. However, just the children and
elderly…” (Shyemul)

“Unless there’s something to eat, they won’t be able to run away anywhere.” (Garam)

To begin with, those who were left behind in the village are the people who were judged
to be unable enduring a long trip.

Even if they escaped for argument’s sake, how far will the feet of the elderly and children
be able to run? It’s nothing but suicide to try and escape on a wintry mountain when
there isn’t even sufficient food.

“Can’t we get the other clans to accept at least the elderly and children then?”

Even as she said this, Shyemul knew that it’s something that they could only wish for.
All clans are chased by humans, and thus the best they can do is to simply look after
themselves. Accordingly they don’t have the leeway to accept people of other clans, I

“I will try to sound out the <Claw Clan> and the <Mane Clan>. But, it’s impossible to
expect much out of it.” (Garam)

The <Fang Clan> was once hailed as one of the most powerful clans among the twelve
zoan clans lining up next to the Claw Clan, but when she thought of the current
situation, Shyemul had no apologies towards her ancestors. Far from getting back the
lost soil of their ancestors, the clan’s fate is already in a precarious situation.

“Therefore, there’s something I want to request from you.” (Garam)

“What is it, brother?” (Shyemul)

“I’d like you to become the envoy for the <Claw Clan>.” (Garam)
“Brother!!” (Shyemul)

Shyemul was enraged. She could read her elder brother’s aim. He intends to let her get
away as messenger in name only. Shyemul is a divine child of the great God of Beasts.
No matter what clan it might be, they will welcome her with open arms.

“I refuse! I will stay behind and fight with everyone!” (Shyemul)

“You must not. This is an order as clan chief!” (Garam)

“I refuse! I’m a divine daughter! No matter what the clan chief might say, it’s impossible
for him to make a divine child comply with an order against her will!” (Shyemul)

Garam has an utterly perplexed expression due to Shyemul firmly and stubbornly not
complying with him.

“I beg you. Please listen, Shyemul. I’m not telling you this just out of affection between
elder brother and younger sister. You are a divine daughter. Someday when our zoan
brethren rise up in revolt, the one who is capable of becoming the leader that unifies
all the different clans together is only you.” (Garam)

“Someone who ran away while abandoning her own clan as a leader? Please don’t
make me laugh. If it’s about serving as a banner, my death will be plenty! The divine
daughter of the great God of Beasts fought together with a mere 50 brethren against
800 human soldiers without shying away and died a noble death. If they hear that, it
will probably encourage the other clans as well!” (Shyemul)

As expected, even Garam gave up on persuading her. Since our childhood she’s a
younger sister who stubbornly won’t yield once she decided her stance.

“In that case, I have nothing else to add anymore. You are <Noble Fang>, who is prouder
than anyone else.” (Garam)

“I’m sorry for saying such selfish things, brother.” (Shyemul)

“Once it turns into a battle, I will waste you by using you relentlessly, even if it might
be you, <Noble Fang>“ (Garam)

“That’s what I desire, <Ferocious Fang>.” (Shyemul)

Once both exchanged a bold smile, Garam turned around and started to walk away.

“The humans have still only entered the fortress. They won’t make a move for a few
days.” (Garam)

Even if the humans are going to invade the mountains, they have to first let their soldiers
rest as they are worn out.

“However, we don’t have that much leeway either. Tonight I will gather our brethren
and we will discuss our actions from now on. You come as well.” (Garam)

“We have to regain our stolen village right away!”

The one who shouted that was a vigorous and enthusiastic young zoan.

They are inside the tent of the clan chief, which is the largest among the tents in the
refuge. Although it might be called a tent, its size is in a different league. It’s not only
for the sake of the clan chief living there. It’s also used as the clan’s assembly venue
and moreover as a ritual site; it could even be called a large dome rather than a tent.

The dome’s interior is partitioned into several room by cloths and inside the biggest
room among those, the clan’s important people gathered while surrounding a large,
open fire.

“Even now the remains of our clan’s people over there have been neglected! We can’t
leave them be for even a single day longer! Alongside recovering the village, we will
bury those people and assault the fortress’ soldiers together with their spirits!”

Upon the words of that zoan, many other brethren raise their voices in agreement. All
of them are still young zoan. They were youngsters who wouldn’t originally be
permitted to appear in this venue, but because many adult warriors lost their lives, it
resulted in them turning up at the assembly as well.

“Gajeeta, it’s fine to advocate the recovery of the village, but how do you plan to do

A fairly old zoan said. He is a zoan who has the air of quite the expert warrior, with a
great body that he trained hard and a great weapon that he has used for a long time.
Due to that, the young zoan called Gajeeta, who proposed the recovery of the village,
pushes up his clenched fist forcefully.

“With this blood, flesh and blade!” (Gajeeta)

The young zoans voice out their admiration towards the spirit of Gajeeta, who plays a
leading role among them. However, in contrast to that, the seasoned adult warriors
gave a cold response.

“If that was possible, we wouldn’t struggle this much.”

“They have enclosed the village’s surroundings with a firm fence and secluded
themselves like turtles. Each time of the many times we have attacked them, they only
showered us with arrows like rain without leaving their encampment.”

Saying that, the zoan pressed his hand on the blood-blotted bandage which was coiled
around his shoulder. Once one looks properly, all the adult warriors at the place are
injured somewhere to a greater or lesser extent.

However, considering it as the prattling by cowards, Gajeeta wears a scornful


“Great and true zoan warriors aren’t afraid of something like the arrows of humans! It
will be fine as long as we clear away these frail arrows of the humans, who are similar
to the monster Genobanda who scavenges through the excreta in hell, with our blades!
We just have to trample down their fences! And then reward the humans for having
violated our soil by dragging them out of their wooden houses they use as shelter
without missing a single one of them! Let’s beat them back into hell’s swamp of
excreta!” (Gajeeta)

He earns applause from the young brethren for that.

Conversely, there were those among the adult warriors who even grind their teeth out
of anger.

“<Ferocious Fang> Fagul Garguss Garam, we’d like to hear your opinion.”

The old warrior, who thought that the youngsters can’t be contained anymore unless
it’s someone holding the power of clan chief, passes the baton to Garam. The looks of
all the zoans who gathered in this place, turned at Garam all at once.
Garam, who until then silently listened to the debate of the clan members with his
eyes shut and his arms folded, slowly opened his eyes.

As the strongest and bravest warrior in the village, Garam, who has the nickname
<Ferocious Fang> as he always cuts through as the vanguard in the battles with the
humans, represented an attitude similar to the one Gajeeta has until now. Because of
that, the young brethren, with Gajeeta in the lead, waited for his words with their eyes
sparkling in anticipation.

“…For now we will still wait.” (Garam)

However, what left Garam’s mouths weren’t the words they had hoped for. Gajeeta
stood up from among the young ones who groaned in disappointment.

“<Ferocious Fang>, just what are we waiting for!?” (Gajeeta)

“For the return of the messengers we sent to the <Claw Clan> and the <Mane Clan>.”

Gajeeta got exasperated due to that.

“Garam! Bastard, did you throw away the pride of the!? Seeking help from other clans
is something only cowards do!” (Gajeeta)

Although he was in a position close to the youngsters until recently, Garam is now the
clan chief. For him to call that Garam without using an honorific title caused the adult
warriors to become furious.

“Gajeeta! You little fucker, do you plan to slight the clan chief!?”

“Don’t get carried away greenhorn!”

The young followers of Gajeeta opposed that, and the zoans at the place were divided
right in half and glared at each other. With them threatening each other by baring their
fangs, it turned into an explosive situation with a dangerous air.

At that moment a terrifying roar resounded all of a sudden.

Due to that roar that was completely as if a bolt of lightning struck down in front of
their eyes, all the zoans at the place are startled.
The one who released a roar to the degree of making the frame of the dome, which
was joined together firmly to withstand the powerful north wind, tremble for a while
with a rattling with nothing but its reverberation was none other than Garam.

“Brethren! You bastards’ enemy are the humans!? Or the Zoans!? If there are some
who try to draw their blades against fellow clan members, this <Ferocious Fang> Fagul
Garguss Garam will become your opponent!!” (Garam)

Due to Garam’s yelling in a thunderous voice, the zoans, who glared at each other,
sheathed their swords and sat down. But, everyone sensed that a deep crack appeared
between the adults and the youngsters.

Garam admonishes them.

“Gajeeta, dispatching messengers to the Claw Clan and the Mane Clan isn’t for
requesting reinforcements. It’s for the sake of having them accept the elderly and
children who can’t fight.” (Garam)

“However, <Ferocious Fang>, no matter what answer we receive from them, it won’t
change the fact that we have to get back the village. Isn’t it unnecessary to wait for the
messengers, since we have to attack the humans anyway? I can’t consider it as
anything but waiting for reinforcements to come, sent out of pity by the other clans
who learned of our predicament, even without us explicitly requesting it.” (Gajeeta)

As expected, even Gajeeta didn’t address him without an honorific title this time. But,
his words were full of discontent without even any intention to hide it.

“If you can announce that we will be able to retake the village without fail, this
<Ferocious Fang> will raise a war cry at this moment without any hesitation and
attack while leading the vanguard myself. But, what will we do in the case we couldn’t
retake the village? If we will lose even more warriors on top of those we have already
lost, we won’t be even able to protect the elderly and children any longer.” (Garam)

“Ha! That thinking of losing before fighting isn’t befitting for the reputation of
<Ferocious Fang>. Isn’t that blabbering in the manner of a coward?” (Gajeeta)

There was also the situation not long ago. The adult warriors, who endured it at
Garam’s side, tried to get up once again, but Garam held them back with his arm.

“Yea, I became a coward.” (Garam)

Due to Garam’s frank words, not only Gajeeta but also the adult warriors opened their
eyes in surprise.

“Until a short while ago it was fine if I could stab the humans with my sword without
thinking about anything. It was sufficient for me to simply swing my katana earnestly.
But now I’m the clan chief. The lives of all clan members depend on each of my
decisions. If this isn’t scary, what is then?” (Garam)

Upon Garam’s word, the venue was wrapped up in a quiet silence.

The old zoan, who regarded that as a good time, clapped his hands once.

“Everyone, I believe it’s fine to follow the will of the clan chief here, but what do you

This time no one filed a protest.

Four days passed since Souma became conscious.

After waking up, Souma had Shyemul and the elderly zoan, who was introduced as the
Elder to him by Shyemul, teach him about the basic knowledge and common sense of
this world.

His day begins with him eating breakfast together with Shyemul. After that he is left
in the care of the Elder, who teaches him about myths and the country’s structure.
Shyemul comes to pick him up when the sun reaches its zenith and they return
together to their tent. Once they have lunch, he helps Shyemul until the sun descends.
During that time, Shyemul teaches Souma about the trivial daily customs and taboos
at each opportunity while constantly attending to him. And then, once it becomes
dark, she recites and sings the stories handed down in the zoan’s village.

Souma, who had breakfast together with Shyemul this morning as well, was sent to
the place of prayer by her and he arrived at the Elder’s place to study.

“Elder, I leave him to you today as well. — However, you don’t need to teach him
unnecessary things like you did yesterday.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul bids farewell to Souma, saying that she has some stuff to do in the village.
Before leaving, she said that to her grandmother.

“Oh? What exactly? Did I grow senile? I can’t remember it well…”

“You, you damned hag! Even though you remember things you don’t have to, you
immediately pretend to be senile when it suits you!” (Shyemul)

Souma did no more than smiling wryly at the side of the quarreling two.

Yesterday, Souma was taught by the Elder about the [Divine Children].

“Can you understand that you are a [Divine Child]?”

Upon the Elder’s question, Souma honestly told her that he doesn’t get it.

“As you were told already, The Seven exist in this world. The gods don’t show up in
person, but they are always watching over us.”

What surprised Souma the most after being taught about this world was the fact that
gods really do exist.

Once he explains that gods don’t exist in his world, or that he at least never heard
about them appearing directly although they are believed in, the Elder ended up being
surprised about the reverse being true.

“Of course, even in the world over here, it’s not like the gods can interfere with us that
much either.”

The Elder pointed the tip of her wand at a line of (insects similar to) ants crawling on
the ground.

“Soma, are you able to tell apart a single insect among this great number of them?”

Once he tells her that he naturally can’t do that, the Elder nodded with a “That’s how
it is, isn’t it?”

“It’s the same for the gods as well. No matter how much a race might revere them,
there’s no way for them to pay attention to each and every single member of that race.
Also, even if their own race falls into distress, it isn’t easy for them to help.”

The elder nudged a stone in front of the ant line with her cane in order to obstruct
them, causing the line to detour. Once she does, bugs that like wet places appear from
below the stone and scatter away.

“It would be great if they saved their own race, but if they end up causing trouble to
other races because of that, it might also develop into a conflict between fellow gods.
The gods won’t do anything for most of the people even if they exist.”

The elder thrust the tip of her cane at Souma’s forehead.

“However, the small exception to that are [Divine Children].”

Currently he is wearing the headband he received from Shyemul. Still, Souma was told
about the existence of the strange seal with its combination of an 8 and ∞ even though
he was wondering when it was applied on his forehead.

“Divine Children are people that are considered to be watched and given special
attention by the gods. As proof of that, a seal of the respective god appears somewhere
on their bodies and in many cases they are granted a power as grace.”

“But why was there such an interest in me…?” (Souma)

He couldn’t believe at all that there’s something others might be interested in about
him. He considers himself as an extremely common Japanese child.

“That’s something only the gods know. However, you said it yourself that you heard a
voice at the time when you dropped into this world. The goddess has an extraordinary
interest towards you, I think.”

“Aura, was it? The name of the of the goddess who turned me into a divine son.”

“Don’t speak that name with too loud of a voice.”

The Elder lowers the volume of her voice and confirms that there’s no one nearby.

“It’s regretful, but even I don’t know the details what kind of goddess Aura is. Just that
Aura’s a greater god ruling over death and destruction and that she likely pulled you
into this world as well.”

The goddess Aura who dragged him into the world over here.

Just what kind of intention did she have for bringing me over to this world?

“If you want to return to your former world, you have no other option but to rely on
Aura. It might be called lucky, but as long as you have the seal on your forehead, it
serves as proof that Aura is interested in you. Someday the day where you can meet
Aura might come.”

“It’s possible to meet with a goddess?” (Souma)

“Of course it is”, the Elder nodded deeply. “Although it takes the shape of dreams or
illusions in most cases, it’s possible to speak with a god. Most of the times you meet
with them while being granted a grace after being chosen as [Divine Child], but…”

“However, I don’t possess a power like a grace or something like that.” (Souma)

Souma had already heard about various types of graces from the Elder, but it seems
like he isn’t endowed with any of these.

“Hrm, that’s something unusual, but it’s also not known whether you haven’t been
granted a grace yet or whether it’s a grace that doesn’t stand out in your usual daily

“Such graces exist?” (Souma)

“Yeah. For example, if you have the grace of being able to breathe underwater, that
power won’t be able to manifest as long as you don’t dive into water. If it’s a grace
where you won’t fall ill, as there have been in the past, that’s certainly something you
can’t easily discover either.”

At that moment, she apparently came up with a good idea. The Elder grinned broadly.

“Oh, yes! That Shyemul is also a divine daughter of the God of Beasts.”

“Shyemul is one, too?” (Souma)

That was the first time he heard about it. As far as Souma remembers, he never saw a
seal on Shyemul’s body. She also never told him about her being a divine child.

“Yeah. At the time when the the God of Beasts asked that child what kind of grace she’d
like to have, that child begged him that she’d like him to watch over her pride without
asking for any power. For that reason she was given a grace that brings about calamity
to those who defile that child’s honour and in exchange that child became unable to
go against her own pride.”

“Brings about calamity, you say?” (Souma)

“Well it’s nothing that grand. If one tries to use poison in a duel with her, they will end
up making a mistake and injure themselves. It’s at that level. But then again, depending
on the degree of defilement, the calamity which befalls one will grow in strength as
well. But unless someone does something grave, it should just be at the level of
experiencing pain.”
There was something Souma and the Elder didn’t know. The human, who was the
company commander in the fortress were Shyemul was imprisoned, did such a grave
deed and died in agony.

“I see, so Shyemul was a divine child as well.” (Souma)

For the current Souma, Shyemul is the only person he can rely on. If it wasn’t for her,
Souma would have likely died a dog’s death a long time ago. Sheymul is speaking about
returning a favour, but Souma himself felt a debt of gratitude he won’t be able to repay
through words alone.

Because she is a divine child just like him, albeit that of a different god, he was
somehow very happy.

“Ah, yeah, right. It would be the best if you get Shyemul to show her seal to you for
future reference.”

The Elder proposed that all of a sudden.

“The seal?” (Souma)

“Yeah. Because we zoans are this hairy, the seals are hard to find. Even just showing it
is quite difficult.”

I see. Certainly, if you have as much body hair as the zoans do, it’s probably difficult to
discover the seal on your body.

“I guess Shyemul is busy with various things during daytime as well. But once it’s time
for sleeping, it will be fine to request of her [Please let me carefully examine your seal
for future reference]. Got it? You have to definitely ask her.”

Souma thought it strange for the Elder to emphasize it that fervently, but persuaded
himself with there’s probably some reason to it. Because of that, he requested it from
Shyemul exactly as the Elder told him to.

I don’t want to remember the events of that time overly much.

At first Shyemul opened her eyes widely in visible surprise. Then she wrinkled up her
nose, flapped her mouth open and shut, and showed various funny expressions. After
that she faced Souma directly and admonished him.
“Soma, I know that it’s grandmother’s suggestion. But, my seal is, you know. Umm, that
is, how to say it? It’s above the nipple of my left breast. To show it at night, moreover
at the time of getting ready for bed. Even as a joke, please understand my feelings after
being told [Please let me examine it carefully] by you, who is a male. You might not
know as a human, but even though things might appear this way, I’m still a girl at
marriageable age.” (Shyemul)

And so on and on and on.

Souma, who realized that he said something outrageous, had no choice but to
earnestly apologize until Shyemul got over her bad mood.

Of course he wasn’t able to look at the actual seal, but he was told by Shyemul that the
seal of the God of Beasts depicts “three claw marks”.

“Well then, I will come pick you up around noon again. Please wait here until then.”

Finishing the quarrel with her grandmother, Shyemul informed Souma and went
down to the village.

Once he saw her off, Souma noticed the Elder staring his way with a broad grin. Since
it gave him the creeps, he asked “What’s wrong?” while slowly drawing back. The Elder
was all smiles and said,

“How were that child’s breasts? They are big, aren’t they?”

Souma looked up to the sky while being utterly amazed.

Souma was troubled about what to do.

At the time when Souma was receiving teaching from the Elder, a zoan whom Souma
doesn’t know came looking for her. While glaring at Souma with a sidelong glance, the
Zoan told the Elder “The clan chief is calling for you.” After apologizing to Souma for
ending the lecture midway, the Elder descended to the village together with the zoan.

On this occasion, Souma was repeatedly told to not go back by himself until Shyemul
comes to pick him up and thus he decided to kill time as a last resort. However, having
been told by Shyemul and the Elder that this place is a sacred place of prayer, Souma
had too much time on his hands, as it would be wrong to arbitrarily tamper around
with the things around him or to casually walk around.

Helplessly sitting down atop a stone at a spot slightly away from the place of prayer,
he waited for Shyemul to come.

When Souma was starting to get tired of waiting since he couldn’t see Shyemul at all,
a rustling sound occurred in a thicket nearby.

Souma stands up and becomes cautious wondering whether some animal will appear.
Even in Japan he heard in the news about people getting attacked by bears that failed
to go into winter sleep every year. Much less to say that this is a different world.
There’s no guarantee that there are no animals unknown to Souma which are more
dangerous than bears.

“…!? C-Children?” (Souma)

However, what appeared from within the thicket were two zoan children.

A largish child with a height that’s not beyond Souma’s waist led a girlish child by the
hand. They wore matching simple clothes consisting of a large cloth with a hole in the
middle for the head.

They are probably an older brother and a younger sister.

“Bro, you’re a human?”

This is likely their first time seeing a human.

The boy asked this while looking at him with big and round eyes.

“Ah, yeah, I’m a human, I think.” (Souma)

I’m not quite knowledgeable about the humans over here, but it’s probably safe to say
that I’m similar to them.

Once Souma answers like that, the girl hides behind the back of the boy.

“Mother said that humans are scary. That they persecute us.”
The boy positions himself to protect the girl. Both of them move back. The appearance
of the boy frantically protecting his younger sister is pleasant, but at this rate it will
result in a terrible misunderstanding.

“I-I won’t do something like that! I won’t torment you.” (Souma)

Once Souma denies that and waves both his hand in panic, both of them look his way
with upturned eyes as if asking “Really?” Souma created a smile trying to make the
two feel safe. At that time he has also forgotten that Shyemul warned him that
“Showing your teeth to a zoan will be regarded as threat.”

The children apparently understood that it was a clumsy smile from Souma. Once they
comprehended that Souma wasn’t hostile towards them, they approached him with
looks of being immensely curious about him.

“Hey, hey, bro, are you a good human?”

“Ye~ah. I wonder whether I’m a good human? I don’t think I’m a bad human though.”

“Come on, which is it? Which of the two?”

Due to the looks of the children, he recalls the child who lived in the neighbouring
house. Even though he was a boy that would enter elementary school next year, he
often clung to Souma because there are no children of his age in the neighbourhood.

Children, even if they are human or zoan, don’t change even if it’s a different world.

“Hey, say, since this bro isn’t a bad human, it fine for me to not use this?”

The heart of Souma, who watched the siblings with a gentle mood, felt a sudden chill.

The girl took out a dagger with a looped pommel, which was hiding in her clothes and
was hung from her neck with a string. Once he looks properly, a string hangs around
the neck of the boy as well.

“Yea, it looks like this bro isn’t a bad human.”

“Then it’s fine, isn’t it?”


The siblings talked with each other while smiling sweetly, but Souma was nervous due
to their abnormal speech and conduct. In order to not agitate them unnecessarily, he
kindly asks the two a question,

“Use, you say. What would you do with it?” (Souma)

As far as he could tell while listening to the explanations of Shyemul and the Elder, this
world seems to be between Middle Ages and ancient times. In those days there were
many places where the control by rules wasn’t complete and thus those places were
dominated by simple violence.

Probably even this children are made to carry the daggers to resist when they are
exposed to such violence.

Once again Souma felt the difference compared to modern Japan, but the reality of this
world was something far more tragic.

“Slit your throat with this before you are caught by a bad human, we were told.”

“Do so because you will suffer a very cruel fate if you are caught.”

For a while Souma was unable to form any words.

The parents of these children have instructed them to commit suicide?

And, these children are considering that as something obvious.

Souma couldn’t believe it.

“Jeeta~!? Shyepoma~!?”

In the far distance the voice of someone could be heard.

“Ah, it’s father and mother.”

“Papa, mama~! Over here~!”

It seems the children’s parents came to search for the two. The children, who discovered
that their parents are coming up this way, wave their hands happily.

“Jeeta!? Shyepoma!?”

Even though the words are the same, the sound of their voices has an urgency different
from before.

I wonder what’s wrong, Souma looked at the faces of the children and tilted his head
in confusion.

Suddenly an intense impact and pain hit Souma’s left cheek. His body topples sideways
on the ground due to that pain and impact. Souma, who blinked his eyes in surprise,
noticed that he was knocked down by a male zoan who had rushed over.

“This filthy human scum! What are you doing to our children!?”

The eyes of the Zoan, who looks down on Souma, were burning with hatred and rage.

Tears gathered in the eyes of the children, who were surprised due to their father’s
threatening attitude, and they burst into tears with loud voices as if a fire was lighted.

“Jeeta, Shyepoma! Are you alright!?”

A female woman, who seems to be their mother, hugs her children and pulls them
away from Souma.

“You fucking humans are not only stealing our land and houses from us, but are even
going to steal our children!? You monsters that scavenge through the excreta at the
bottom of hell! I will kill you!”

The male zoan unsheathed the hatchet at his waist.

Souma’s body trembled due to being hit with genuine wrath, hatred and killing intent
for the first time in his life.

I will be killed!?

What happened? Even though I haven’t done anything wrong, why!? Why!? Why!?

His brain boils inside the skull due to fear and confusion. Unable to even raise his voice
to ask for help, he can’t do anything but follow the motions of the hatchet the zoan
raised overhead with his eyes.

The blade of the largely brandished hatchet shines glaringly.

I’m going to die!?

The hatchet bolt down towards the top of Souma’s head.


The one who restrained it at a hair’s breadth was Shyemul, who finally showed up.

While holding back the zoan, who was still holding the hatchet aloft, with an intense
stare, she stepped up to the crying siblings with a slow pace.

“Don’t cry, Jeeta. You are the elder brother, therefore you have to reliably protect your
younger sister. You too, Shyepoma, it’s wrong to cause your mother troubles by crying
too much.” (Shyemul)

Once Shyemul gently remonstrated them like that, the siblings still heaved with sobs,
but they had stopped to cry. Shyemul caressed the heads of the two while saying
“That’s admirable.”

“Jeeta, Shyepoma, did that human do anything to you?” (Shyemul)

When they are gently asked by Shyemul who kneeled down to match the eyeline of the
two, both of them strongly swing their heads left and right.

“We only chatted with bro.”

“Yeah, we only talked.”

After muttering quietly “I see” and rustling roughly through the hair of both’s heads
once more, she turned around to the male zoan who had drawn his hatchet.

“That’s how it is. That human has done nothing.” (Shyemul)

“But, esteemed Divine Daughter! This guy is a human!”

The male zoan rebutted like that, but not only the man but also the mother, who
hugged her children, raised a voice of surprise due to Shyemul placing her opened
right hand on her left breast.

“That human is my benefactor. I’d like you to please overlook him.” (Shyemul)

For zoans the action of putting one’s hand on the left side of the chest is a gesture with
the meaning of “I wage my heart on this”. It’s not something formal like the “Lifetime’s
request” in modern Japan. If they are really demanded to hand over their heart, they
have to scoop out their heart on the spot. If they can’t do that, it’s inevitable for them
to be slandered as cowards for their entire life. Thus it’s a gesture that isn’t used unless
at very important moments.

There was no way for them to not withdraw if the divine child went this far here. While
glaring at Souma until the end, the man took his wife and children and descended to
the village.

Seeing off their retreating figures, Shyemul lets a small sigh leak and lends a hand to
Souma who is still on the ground.

“That was a disaster, Soma. But, please don’t think badly of them.” (Shyemul)

Souma stood up after taking Shyemul’s hand, but with the recurrence of his fear just
now, he holds his own body that is repeatedly trembling.

While tightly shutting his eyes and waiting for the fear to pass, Souma tried to think

Even Souma noticed that the village’s zoans look at him with different eyes. However,
he selfishly believed that it’s at the level of them just being prejudiced against a
different race.

But, the previous wrath and hatred of the zoan was too much to be caused by something
so simple.

“Hey, Shyemul. What’s there between humans and zoans? Why is there such hatred?”

Shyemul’s expression warped due to Souma asking that. Souma still had difficulty
reading the expressions of zoans, but even so he understood that she had a sad

“Originally I intended to tell you after having you learn a bit more about this world,
but I guess that this is a good opportunity. — Follow me, Soma.” (Shyemul)

Saying so, Shyemul started to walk towards the mountain’s interior and not the village.

“I will teach you about the humans and zoans of this world.” (Shyemul)
The place Shyemul led him to was on top of a protruding rock that was located about
halfway up the mountain.

After standing next to Shyemul on top of the rock, he had an unbroken view of the
surrounding landscape.

A forest of deciduous trees undulates against the ridgeline of the mountains. Once one
peeks into the far south, the plains spread from the feet of the mountains towards a
distance far beyond.

Shyemul pointed at those plains.

“Look, Soma. Over there is the place the humans call Solbiant Plains. And it’s also the
land where our ancestors used to live.” (Shyemul)

Now that he was told so, there was something Souma suddenly understood. The
stories of the zoans that Shyemul told him every evening were almost always set on
the plains.

“However, a few decades ago soldiers from a nearby human country arrived and
started to drive us out of the plains. Of course our ancestors resisted. But, with their
power being insufficient, they were gradually forced into the mountains and in the
end it reached the point of us living secluded in this mountain.” (Shyemul)

“Why did the humans drive the zoans out of the plains?” (Souma)

“Obviously, it was for the sake of obtaining the land.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul talked next to the human Souma while subduing her own emotions, but her
voice was filled with an unsuppressable grief.

“The humans clear away the plains’ grass by burning it, sow seeds there and grow
tuber and other produce. But, if you use the same place for many years, the growth of
the produce will apparently deteriorate. Once that happens, the humans move to the
next place and repeat the same procedure. For that reason they need a vast plot of
land no matter what. Accordingly, they targeted the plains where we zoans lived.”

What Shyemul talks about is the old swidden agriculture.

Speaking of farmwork, what a modern Japanese remembers is tilling the field, adding
fertilizer to it and raise the crops.

In contrast to that, swidden agriculture is about clearing that soil from wildly growing
plants by burning them and changing the plot into short-term cultivated land.
Swidden agriculture is not a farming method of merely burning the vegetation and
using the ash as fertilizer as many people believe. Besides creating a soil suitable for
the cultivated produce by neutralizing the foundation which is heavy on acid, it
improves the soil by burning the earth and also has the effect of exterminating germs,
parasites and other pests. It’s a extremely labour-saving and efficient farming method.

However, from the viewpoint of the zoans, the act of setting fire to the plains, their
former habitat, was something absolutely unforgivable.

“We are resenting the humans this much because we were driven off our land.”

“I can understand that land for procuring food is necessary to the humans. But, it’s
only natural for the zoans to bear grudges against the humans for being forced out of
own land

because of that.” (Souma)

That’s what Souma thought, but Shyemul shakes her head.

“It’s not just that, Soma.” (Shyemul)

Where she took Souma next was to the top of a cliff.

“Be careful. Try peeking below.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul brought her mouth close to his ear and spoke to him with a subdued voice.
Souma swallowed his spit as he sensed her unusual tension and slowly looked down.
The place he looked down was a plateau with a shape similar to a stomach.

In the past more river streams were probably meandering through the plateau
compared to now. The water of the meandering streams strongly whittled down the
mountain’s surface over the course of many years, but what remains of the worn-down
mountain surface, even after the water transformed into a bigger river stream and
withdrew, was just that stomach shaped plateau.

If one assumes the plateau to be a stomach, the mountain trail leading from the
mountain’s foot to the plateau will be probably equivalent to the bowels. Souma doesn’t
have any memory of it, but it’s the path he was carried up by Shyemul’s group until
midway. Looking further from there, the left side of the path approaches the mountain
while the right side leads towards rapid currents which are interrupted by small

Conversely, what’s close to the gullet located above the stomach is a narrow mountain
road crossing through swift currents and steep cliffs. Reaching the end of that road, one
faces the bare surface of the mountain, which had been deforested on a wide scale,
and a slope appears. Wooden fences were repeatedly erected on that slope.

Surveying the plateau nervously, Souma quietly asked Shyemul a question.

“A human village?” (Souma)

For Souma to think of it like that is understandable.

The ones who populate the plateau are humans and not zoans. ‘I don’t have a grasp on
their exact numbers since they are inside the buildings and not visible from this place,
but I suppose there are close to a hundred people living there? Several of them are
gambling with picture cards while sitting in a square, chatting while surrounding
bonfires and making merry by drinking something like sake during daytime.

However, once he looks properly, they are soldiers with swords hanging at their
waists. They are all wearing armours with metal scales and thick cloths.

Shyemul, standing next to him, shook her head slightly and pointed at the end of the

There, the zoan tents that Souma has become familiar with recently were piled up like
Shyemul signals Souma, who turned his head to her in surprise, with a gesture to go
back. Once they fell back to a safe location, Shyemul said,

“Over there is the place where our village stood until recently.” (Shyemul)

The place where the zoan, who lived in the vast plains, took refuge was that narrow
plateau. It’s an unthinkably cramped livelihood after spending their lives in the wide
plains. After having built tents after tents right next to each other, it was a common
occurrence for troubles to spring forth between fellow families living in adjoining

However, Shyemul was an infant with no ego of her own when the zoans were driven
into that place. The place that was referred to as “too cramped”, as if it were their
favourite phrase, by the adult zoans that were chased out of the plains. The place that
served as her home, where she was born and raised.

“Suddenly human soldiers attacked us, reduced everyone’s tents to ashes and built
their own encampment just like that. And now, they are acting as if they own the
place.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul took a short breath and said,

“They are attempting to eradicate us zoans, you know?” (Shyemul)

For an instant Souma was unable to comprehend her words.

Souma, who lived in peaceful Japan, couldn’t understand the notion of exterminating
a race that uses the same language, even if their appearance and figures are different.

“Eradicate, you don’t mean!? Why do such cruel thing!?” (Souma)

“For the humans, the other six races including the zoans are inferior races that should
be weeded out.” (Shyemul)

“Should be weeded out, what’s that!? Calling them inferior races, the hell!?” (Souma)

Due to Souma getting completely enraged as if it concerns himself, Shyemul closed her
eyes as if she had seen something dazzling.

Yeah, for Soma there’s no difference between humans and zoans after all.
It was just as she expected. No, because Souma’s reaction was just as she wished and
hoped for, she hesitates to continue the talk. However, since she understands that it’s
not something that can be hidden, she planned to simply tell him the truth while
pushing aside her emotions as much as possible.

“It’s the result of the Holy Faith promoted by a human called Innocent in the distant
past.” (Shyemul)

When Shyemul became a divine child, she was taught by her father Garguss and her
grandmother about the Holy Faith and the humans in preparation for the time of her
leading all zoan clans one day.

“The guy called Innocent apparently despised all races except the humans. He said
that the humans were the chosen race, as the God of Humans is the legitimate
successor of the God of Creation. And he called the other races filthy failures.”

Although there was some friction between the races when Innocent was alive, it was
an epoch where they respected each other as fellow races worshipping The Seven.
Rather, Innocent’s opinion was treated as heresy and his side even got persecuted.

“However, Innocent was persistent. You might even call it obsessed, I guess.”

After Innocent realized that his own view won’t be accepted by the people, he
ascended a mountain that was said to house the gods. After doing penance there for
two months, he finally met the God of Humans and succeeded in conversing with him
over a span of three days…

The God of Humans, who heard Innocent’s opinion at that time, turned Innocent into
a divine child. That was unprecedented in the history of the continent and spelled the
birth of the human’s messiah Innocent, who had became a divine child after promoting
himself to a god.

However, while it may be true that he became a divine child, that didn’t mean that all
humans would suddenly support his view. On the contrary, Innocent, who repeatedly
advocated extreme opinions and deeds, was finally arrested by a city’s viceroy and
sentenced to crucifixion for the crime of rioting. Because someone who was a divine
child was executed by someone of the same race, it was probably quite the
unpardonable deed.

“And then the madman died and everyone lived happily ever after. — That’s not how
it ended.” (Shyemul)

Innocent’s advocation never stopped as it was secretly passed on by his pupils. But in
everybody else’s perception, Innocent’s teachings were consistently registered as
something heretical.

“What greatly changed that perception is something that happened around 200 years
ago. There was a small country located in the central region of the continent.” (Shyemul)

That small country had a king who had burning ambitions, but with his surroundings
only consisting of countries that possessed more soldiers and bigger territories than
his own country, there was no room to expand his own domain. Nevertheless, the
means of survival of the small country was discovered by the king who refused to give
up – inside the mountain ranges and the vast forests nearby. He was already aware
about the abundant mineral and wood resources sleeping there. Once he could put
those into practical use, he would be able augment his own country’s soldiers and
even cover his war expenditures.

But, the reason he didn’t make a move on those resources while knowing about their
existence was because elves and dwarves had settled there. At the time there was no
way for him to obtain the consent of his people for starting a war without a reason,
even if it was against another race.

“It was the Holy Faith that marked that country thereupon.” (Shyemul)

In those days the Holy Faith was persecuted as heresy and the small country was
looking for a reason to go to war against the dwarves and elves. Both’s interests

“The dwarves and elves are repulsive, inferior races and it’s god’s will to eradicate
them completely. Announcing that, it seems that that country invaded them.” (Shyemul)

Even though there were some quarrels between the humans, who dwelt on a plateau,
and the elves living in the forest as well as the dwarves living in the mountains, they
got along peacefully by splitting their habitats accordingly. It’s said that due to the
human troops invading after breaking that unspoken agreement, the dwarves and
elves were destroyed before they could even prepare for battle.
After that, the small country gained total control over the elves and dwarves. Not only
did they obtain vast funds from exploiting the land’s resources; they also obtained
wealth by selling elven and dwarven prisoners as slaves. Once the king reinforced his
own country’s soldiers, he started wars with the surrounding countries.

As it overthrew the surrounding countries one by one along with the domains of other
races, it rapidly expanded its own domain. The formerly small country eventually
named itself empire, and came to a point where it dominated the continent’s central

The Holy Faith’s growth was at the same time equivalent to the empire’s explosive

Furthermore, in order to emulate the empire; small countries that wanted to cajole
the empire, and human countries, which aimed for the land of other races in a similar
manner, began to adopt the Holy Faith in succession.

And nowadays the Holy Faith has become the religion with the most believers on the
entire continent.

“Even now the other races continue to be displaced by the humans on this continent.
Land, property, life, honour, their relatives, lovers and children, just about everything.
The ones being killed are still on the better side. If they are caught while alive, a collar
is put on them as if they were cattle, and then they get branded and are dropped to
the status of slaves who are put to work until they die from the whip. In the case of the
women, it’s even more tragic. The woman of races which are regarded as beautiful by
the humans, such as elves and marmen, are turned into playthings for human males
and are forced to do acts that are too disgusting to even describe. I hear there are many
people who end up having their spirit broken or take their own lives, unable to endure
being violated by another race. However, in the case of us zoan females, who are quite
different in outward appearance to humans, this doesn’t happen very often.”

Shyemul wrinkles up her nose as if mocking herself.

“But then again, since there are also cases where we are used as a replacement for
hunting prey, I wonder whether that’s a good or bad thing…” (Shyemul)

“Replacement for hunting prey, you say…?” (Souma)

“It means exactly what I said. It seems to be a trend in the empire to release zoan slaves
that survived into the fields during hunts held by human nobles, and then kill them by
using horses and bows. And I’m told that the audience halls of some countries have
been decorated with elegant zoan pelts.” (Shyemul)

Her words, recited indifferently while concealing her emotions, touched Souma’s
heart due to being tinged with excessive truth.

They have gone mad.

Souma was already unable to think anything besides that.

However, going by Earth’s history, such massacres aren’t something rare. The first and
all following crusades to capture Jerusalem, the slaughter of the Prussian people by
the Teutonic Knights, the ethnic cleansing of the Nazis, the Indian wars in America and
so on; after just investigating a bit, humans are carrying out acts of brutality that make
one feel nauseous.

Of course, Souma knew about those things as well. However, being aware of it as
knowledge and being told about it directly from Shyemul’s mouth as a party directly
related to it are two totally different things. Every single word of Shyemul hit Souma’s
heart heavily, as if they were fists of lead.

“Far from recovering our ancestor’s land, even the village, where we lived, has been
stolen and we are unable to take it back as well. This is the current state of the zoans
who were once called the supreme rulers of the savannah.” (Shyemul)

Being a human as well (though it’s unknown whether he’s biologically the same as the
humans of this world), Souma couldn’t find any words to return to Shyemul.

In the dominating silence that made one feel pain in one’s ears, Shyemul’s ears
suddenly moved with a twitch.

“What’s wrong, Shyemul?” (Souma)

“Please stay quiet for a bit.” (Shyemul)

When he strained his ears, he could hear the sound of drums being hit from somewhere.

Ba-Dumm-Du-Dumm-Dum-Dum. Ba-Dumm-Du-Dumm-Dum-Dum.
The colour of Shyemul’s face changed due to the sound of drums being repeatedly hit
with a fixed rhythm.

“Aren’t those the drums of battle!?” (Shyemul)

It was the drum rhythm played by the <Fang Clan> to encourage its warriors at the
time of starting a battle.

“Did the humans attack!?” (Shyemul)

What she first thought of is her brethren starting a counter-attack after suffering a
human raid. However, once she looked at the human encampment by straining her
eyes, it was the humans’ side that was flustered in surprise.

Tracing back the drum sounds echoing through the mountains, they originated from
a mountain slope located in a place going up at the northern slope from the
encampment. The figures of ten odd zoan became visible at a place which had turned
into a bare mountain surface after all of the trees on a wide range had been felled,
seemingly so the humans could build their encampment.

A single zoan stepped forward from among that group and loudly introduced himself.

“I’m Gajeeta, son of Unka, belonging to the <> which is one of the 12 zoan clans!
Humans who infringe upon our lands! If you bastards, who are similar to monsters
rummaging through the excreta in hell, have even a splinter of courage to battle left in
yourselves, fight me!” (Gajeeta)

It was Gajeeta.

The zoans next to him simultaneously lifted the machetes in their hands overhead and
raised war cries.

“What’s this about!?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul was surprised. Giving one’s name before battle is the usual way of zoan
battles, but it’s something done by the most distinguished person on site as the
representative. Originally that’s the role of the clan chief Garam or the warrior leader,
but certainly it’s not something the youngster Gajeeta is allowed to do.

“No way, Gajeeta, that idiot!!” (Shyemul)

“It seems like the humans won’t come out after all, doesn’t it?”

Gajeeta deliberately replied with a loud voice to the words of the young warrior
standing next to him.

“Humph! Those cowardly humans! The adults said this and that, but where’s the need
to be scared of such cowards?” (Gajeeta)

Voices of agreement were raised towards Gajeeta’s words from the surroundings.

Just as Shyemul guessed, Gajeeta gave up on Garam, who doesn’t plunge into battle
readily, as coward. He gathered some of the youngsters who supported him and
arbitrarily started a battle with the humans.

It’s a grave act of disobedience to challenge the humans to a fight with everyone
without the permission of the clan chief Garam.

If I do such a thing, I will doubtlessly be deprived of my warrior qualifications.

For the zoans, who value brave warriors, being deprived of one’s warrior qualification
is the biggest disgrace possible. Even without having one’s life taken, it will sooner or
later result in one leaving the village by their own volition unable to stand the scornful
looks of the surroundings. In this harsh environment, being unable to live in the village
while being left by oneself, is essentially equivalent to a death penalty.

However, Gajeeta thought.

The adults have been unable to recover the village no matter how many times they
have attacked it so far. If he could force it to surrender, the adults probably wouldn’t
be able to punish Gajeeta.

No, not only that, it will probably result in them reviewing themselves, who made light
of the youngsters until now, once or twice.
This is an ideal chance to outwit the adults who addressed us with “The youngsters”
until now as their favourite phrasing.

“Come on, hit the drums of battle! Routing the humans, we will retake our village!”


The drums’ rhythm of Ba-Du-Du-Dumm-Du-Du-Dumm echoes in the mountains.

Alongside the sound of the drums, around 20 zoans suddenly run down the mountain’s
slope on four feet.

“Who was the one hitting the drums of battle?”

The sound of the battle drums reverberating caused a tumult in the hidden village.

Wondering whether the humans came to attack, the warriors took their weapons in
the hands and rushed out of their tents. The female warriors attempt to evacuate the
elderly and children further into the mountain. With tents being kicked down due to
the chaos, children started crying.

Garam roared once due to the uproar that was similar to poking a beehive.

“Calm down, brethren!!” (Garam)

Thanks to his very loud voice, the panicked zoans regain their presence of minds.

“Clan chief, The sound of the drums isn’t nearby the hidden village.”

The one who said that is a red-haired zoan who stood on the right side of Garam. He’s
the man who assisted Garam’s father Garguss, the previous clan chief, as his right-
hand man and was the very first to support Garam taking over as clan chief after
Garguss’ death. His name is Gulkaka.

Rather than lineage, ability is demanded from the clan chief of the zoans who live
naturally and harshly. Gulkaka, who assisted the brave, previous clan chief, has been
also approved by many of his brethren for his ability. Even though it would have been
possible for him to become clan chief if he desired so, he said “Rather than being clan
chief, it agrees more with me to support someone else”. He is an unusual man who’s
content with his current position.

“The drums’ sounds come from the area around the village?”

At the moment he pondered about the fact of the drums being struck in the vicinity of
the village which is currently ruled by humans, Gajeeta’s face was the first thing that
popped up in Garam’s mind… Surveying the surroundings, Garam confirms Gajeeta’s

“Where is Gajeeta?” (Garam)

“Right now, we are looking for him.” (Gulkaka)

It seems that Gulkaka already realized that possibility.

A short time later, a few young warriors arrived at the location of Garam’s group while
being led by an adult warrior. Gulkaka yelled at a suspiciously acting young warrior
who seems to harbour feelings of guilt in his heart.

“Where’s Gajeeta!? If you know something, tell it to the clan chief without hiding
anything!” (Gulkaka)

The young warrior, who resigned himself, answered with an expression close to

“Saying that he will get back the village, he took everyone along and headed to the
village… I tried to stop him by telling him that it’s not good to go ahead with it without
the clan chief’s permission. Because of that, I didn’t accompany them.”

“Why did you stay silent about that? If you don’t say a word, it’s the same sin!” (Gulkaka)

Due to Gulkaka getting angry with his red hair standing on end, the young warrior gets
frightened and hunches his body.

“Gajeeta told me to not inform anyone…”

Having heard that much, Garam ran off. As Gulkaka calls towards the back of the
hurrying Garam to stop, Garam returns a yell over his shoulder without stopping his feet.
“Gulkaka! Protect the refuge together with Rakraka, Mujina and the female warriors!
The humans might attack!” (Garam)

“Clan chief, what are you going to do?” (Gulkaka)

“I will bring back Gajeeta! Warriors, follow me!” (Garam)

The young zoan warriors, with Gajeeta in the lead, run down the mountain on four
feet without stopping.

Running on a slanting surface of mountains and similar terrain is no strong point of

the zoans, who were originally inhabitants of the plains. The time the zoans’ running
really shines is when they run on four limbs. However, because their legs are longer
than their arms, they were bad at running down a slope no matter what.

However, although they are young, they are still zoan warriors. While skilfully
avoiding the felled trees and their stumps, they dash towards the village in a straight
line. Their appearance was similar to that of bird of prey swooping down once they
found their prey.

Confronting that, the human soldiers drew their bows upon their commanders order
and fired their arrows all at once.

The sound of dozens of arrows, which were released at the same time, cutting through
the air, resounds with a “Whoosh!” Rather than calling that a sound of cutting through
the air, it’s already more of one ripping through the atmosphere.

“Scatter!” (Gajeeta)

The zoan warriors leap sideways upon Gajeeta’s voice. Immediately following that, the
sound of countless arrows stabbing the slope reverberates.


Two zoans, who were pierced by arrows in their shoulder and leg due to not being
able to avoid them, collapsed after turning over with somersaults. In front of the eyes
of their comrades, who tried to save them as they tumble down the slope alongside
stones and a cloud of dust, the two suffered yet another rain of arrows and turned into
something similar to a specimen of insects completely affixed with pins.

“You excreta-scavenging monsters!”

The zoans, who burned with rage, rammed the wooden fence that was prepared
towards the slope ahead of time with their shoulders. Due to the zoans hurling
themselves at the fence while carrying on the momentum of having run down the
slope, the wooden fence collapsed alongside a jerking sound.

“Now! Release your arrows!!”

However arrows are fired a third time at the zoans who stopped their feet after
knocking over the fence. Receiving those, a further three collapsed. Even so, the young
warriors resolutely plunge forward to bring down the next fence without hesitation.

But not only were Gajeeta and the others unable to readily take down the next fence
with their momentum ceased once, they were sitting ducks with their feet stopped.

“Gajeeta! If it goes on like this…!”

While clearing away the rain of arrows pouring down with his comrades by using their
machetes, they try to destroy the next fence somehow, but even so they are unable to
accomplish it. Even now, the sole warrior who arrived at the fence somehow, had his
entire body pierced with arrows at the time when he was raising his machete
overhead to hit the rope binding the cross pieces and braces of the fence together,
keeling over face up while unable to raise even a scream.

Gajeeta regretted bitterly as he shook off an arrow.

If they fought directly, these humans would be no enemy for us! We shouldn’t lose to
cowards who use arrows from the other side of a fence while not even crossing their
swords with us!

However, the reality is such that there are still two fences standing in-between Gajeeta
and the soldiers. His machete was long enough to reach the human soldiers.

“Those cowardsss! Fight with meee!” (Gajeeta)

Gajeeta shouted, but the humans’ answer to that was a rain of arrows.

“Tsk! Gajeeta, that idiot!” (Shyemul)

Due to her brethren being defeated one after the other, Shyemul raised her voice in

She wants to rush over there right now, but there’s no way for her to leave behind
Souma, who’s besides her, in the mountains. Besides, assuming that she rushed there
this late in the game, it’s not like she would be in time either. There’s nothing she can
do at the moment.

Even though she would hit the side of his face hard and drag him in front of the clan
chief by his collar if Gajeeta were at this place, it somehow seems to stop at her being
angry and frustrated.

Next to such Shyemul, Souma frowned at the zoans being massacred one-sidedly.

“Why, something that reckless…?” (Souma)

“Really! To start a battle on their own accord without even being aware of their own
immaturity!!” (Shyemul)

Shyemul agreed with Souma’s muttering in a state of being unable to clear away her

However, Souma felt a sense of discomfort from Shyemul’s words.

He feels something like a fatal gap between himself and Shyemul.

“Damn it! Once again our brethren will…!” (Shyemul)

Shyemul intently stares at the battle of her brethren without realizing that.

Garam and the warriors, who came running, became speechless due to the worst
possible situation that exceeded their own expectations. A great number of corpses is
scattered on the slope, which was cleared at the foot of the mountain, with merely a
few still alive.
And yet the young warriors keep trying to knock down the fence, but Garam and the
others couldn’t consider their state as anything but thoughtless.

“Beat the drum of retreat!” (Garam)

Upon Garam’s instruction, the drum player hits the rhythm of retreat.

Ba-dum-dumm-du-dum! Ba-dum-dumm-du-dum!

A single young warrior who noticed that drum sound, looks over his shoulder.

“Gajeeta! The clan chief’s group came!”

Ignoring his comrade who is shouting with a joyful voice, Gajeeta tries to rush forward

“Gajeeta, Gajeeta! It’s the drumming of retreat!”

The hips of the young warriors had already given way. Even they knew that they would
end up annihilated without even coming close to knocking down the second fence.
However, because Gajeeta didn’t tell them to retreat at all, they didn’t move back in
retreat. The drumming of retreat reaching them at such a time is equal to good news
for them.

But, Gajeeta shakes off the clinging look of his comrade and yells,

“Can we retreat at such a point!? Don’t give up! Knock down the fence! Kill the humans!!”

There was already not much difference between Gajeeta and a child in declaring their

If he retreats here, all that’s waiting for Gajeeta is him having his qualification as
warrior being stripped off. Far from only that, having caused so many victims, he will
be banished after having both his arms cut off or become the food of wolves after being
left in the plains while bound.

For Gajeeta, who dreamt of becoming the strongest warrior in the <Fang Clan>, that
was something he couldn’t accept by any means.
“Those morons! Do they intend to get annihilated like that!?”

An adult warrior vented his anger due to the young warriors showing absolutely no
signs of retreating.

Garam felt the same. He wants to tell them “If you want to die that much, just go ahead
and do so!”, but now he’s the clan chief. It’s impossible for him to abandon his brethren
even if they are fellows who are guilty of such folly.

“Continue hitting the drumming of retreat! The remaining warriors follow me! We will
bring back those idiots!” (Garam)

The adult warriors with Garam in the lead ran down the slope after going down on all

“Raise your voices!” (Garam)

The warriors shouted all at once. The human soldiers, who noticed the zoans’
reinforcements due to the roaring that seemingly shook the mountains, began to
shower Garam’s group with a rain of arrows.

“You guys, keep attracting the humans’ attention!” (Garam)

Saying that, Garam runs down by himself. A soldier who noticed Garam doing that
aims his arrow at him, but the arrow doesn’t reach Garam who runs down while
waving his body to the left and right with skilful steps on the slope with its bad footing.

Arriving at the location of the young warriors, Garam jumped while yelling.

“You idiots! Move back and retreat!” (Garam)

Upon the order of the clan chief himself, everyone but Gajeeta began to withdraw.
Gajeeta tried to detain his comrades, but at this point no one listened to what he had
to say anymore.

“If you want to die, do so by yourself! Don’t get everyone involved!” (Garam)

Once Garam says so coldly over his shoulder to Gajeeta who still doesn’t retreat, he
acts as rear guard of the young warriors who are withdrawing and moves back to the
mountain while cutting away the arrows. Even Gajeeta who was left behind by himself,
raised a single roar of regret and withdrew at last.

What the humans lost in this battle were arrows and a single fence. However, being
able to recover the majority of the arrows after the zoans withdrew and having
finished the repairs of the fence before sunset, they essentially lost nothing.

In contrast to that, the zoans had lost a great number of young warriors who were to
shoulder the future of the clan. It would require a time of ten-odd years from now on
to close that hole.

Seen from anyone’s eyes, this is already a crushing defeat for the zoans.

The zoans, who withdrew to their hiding place after having suffered many casualties,
warped their faces in humiliation due to the shouts of victory raised by the human
soldiers from behind them.

“You, you…”

Similar to her retreating brethren, Shyemul’s entire body trembled in humiliation due
to the humans’ shouts of victory.

Shyemul is a warrior. She and her brethren are prepared for death in combat. They
don’t have any intention to resent their opponents over that.

However, what is unfolding over there now isn’t a proper treatment of the corpses of
brave warriors who died while fighting.

Ahead of her stare there were the human soldiers who are holding up the zoan’s
corpses that were left behind as high as possible, as if boasting of spoils they shot dead
during a hunt. Playing with the arms of the zoans’ corpses they lifted up, they make
them move like puppets and laugh at the comical sight of that. Being unable to be
satisfied with just kicking some of the corpses, there are even people who splash their
piss on them.

“You monsters who scavenge through the excreta in hell! You damned monsters!”

There’s nothing Souma, who’s also a human, can say. He had no other choice but to
watch Shyemul’s shoulders that tremble out of fury and sadness while saying silent.

Shyemul, who finally calmed her violent fury unbeknownst to how much time it took,
curtly said “Sorry” to Souma who was watching her intently while staying silent.

“Are we zoans already no more than beasts with some intelligence for the humans?”

‘It’s just as Shyemul says’, he thought. Even from Souma’s point of view, the way how
the humans handled the zoans’ corpses can’t be regarded as anything but them
treating the corpses as spoils they obtained in a hunt.

Shyemul turned around to Souma and said while looking directly into his eyes,

“Soma, I have a huge debt towards you. I swore that I will return it without fail. But,
I’m a warrior of the <Fang Clan>. There’s no way that I will turn my back on my
brethren trying to fight with all their might. I might lose my life while unable to fulfil
my vow towards you. I won’t mind even if you resent this worthless me at that time.”

There was no way that Souma wouldn’t felt shaken by that.

How should I live from then on, if I end up losing the protection of Shyemul in a world
where I still don’t know left from right?

However, as he simply understands the circumstances Shyemul was placed in, he

smiles while mustering the very little amount of pride he has without unsightly
clinging to that point.

“There’s no reason for me to blame you after having received this much from you.”

“…! Sorry.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul says while forcefully producing a bright voice with a smile.

“What, it’s not like it’s decided that we will lose. This time some of our people were
impertinent, but next time we will fight after having joined forces with the warriors of
all clans. If it’s the strongest warrior <Ferocious Fang>, something like such a fence
will likely be broken easily!” (Shyemul)
Due to Shyemul’s words, Souma thought “Huh?”

He sensed it some time ago as well, but he feels as if Shyemul’s way of thinking is
somehow disconnected from his own.

His chest is astir.

Somehow something’s weird.

“Shyemul, maybe…” (Souma)

Starting to say so, Souma hesitated to continue.

‘Is this really something I should tell her?’ Souma, who still doesn’t know this world
well, was unable to make the judgment whether it’s alright for him to tell her.

‘Besides, if I tell her this, it will result in influencing the battle between zoans and
humans in this world.

For Souma, who’s a child of modern Japan, war and murder is no more but something
out of a world of fiction. He harboured tremendous feelings of rejection at being
directly concerned with such things.

“What’s wrong, Soma?” (Shyemul)

That’s why he did no more than answering Shyemul’s question with “It’s nothing”.
As the day darkened, the zoans gathered at the place of prayer inside the mountain
visited by dusk.

The young warriors who were wounded during the day have been put to sleep and are
attended to by their families nearby.

Gulkaka saw the condition of the young warriors covered by bandages all over their
bodies. Noticing that Garam came in, he stepped up to him.

“That guy likely won’t be able to greet tomorrow’s sunrise either.” (Gulkaka)

Upon hearing Gulkaka’s report, Garam didn’t know what to tell to the aged zoan couple
that is attending to the young warrior.

“Among the 18 young warriors who followed Gajeeta, 10 were able to come back, but
among them, three including this fellow have…” (Gulkaka)

Gulkaka was evasive at the end, but Garam knew what he wanted to say.

When Garam toured around the injured, Gajeeta was sitting by himself, at the furthest
edge of the place of prayer’s bonfire. His followers who are usually around him are
currently nowhere to be found.

“Gajeeta, if you have anything to say in your defence, let’s hear it.” (Garam)

Once Garam says so, Gajeeta roared while baring his fangs.

“There’s no need for a defence or anything of the sort! We fought in order to retake
the village as brave zoan warriors! In any case, you, who cowardly won’t even try to
get back the village, have no right to condemn me!” (Gajeeta)

“Gajeeta…!” (Gulkaka)
Garam holds back Gulkaka, who had raised his arm and tried to hit Gajeeta in a fit of
anger. Gajeeta’s speech grow even more enraged.

“If you guys had assisted us at that time, the fence would have broken down! Once that
had happened, something like human soldiers…!” (Gajeeta)

“Do you really believe that the fence would have been destroyed if we supported you?”

Once Garam said that, composed in contrast to Gajeeta, Gajeeta was at a loss for words.

“That is…!” (Gajeeta)

“There’s no way that you, who is a zoan warrior even as a joke, couldn’t comprehend
the situation at that time. Who can you persuade with words you don’t believe
yourself?” (Garam)

Gajeeta, who owned no words to refute Garam, clicks his tongue, looking annoyed and
averts his eyes.

In the next instant Garam’s fist explodes into the side of Gajeeta’s face and he’s
knocked off his feet.

“Gajeeta! At this time, we need every single warrior. For now I will forgive you with
this. Once the crisis is over with, you will receive another punishment. Be ready for it.”

Gajeeta’s spit-out words reached the back of Garam, who left with Gulkaka in tow.

“Once the crisis is over? At that time, everyone will be dead.” (Gajeeta)

Even Garam couldn’t say anything to that.

They ended up losing even more of the warriors, who are lacking in numbers even
under normal circumstances. Even though it was from the start difficult to get back
the village, this has made it even more difficult. Besides, even if they took back the
village in a very unlikely event, there are 800 troops stationed in the nearby fortress
as reinforcements.

A lone warrior ran up to Garam, who looked up to the sky while pondering Just what
the hell should I do?

“Clan chief! The messenger, the person we sent as messenger to the <Claw Clan> has

“Bring him here at once!” (Garam)

For the messenger to return with such timing; God didn’t abandon us yet, did he?

Garam didn’t want to hold any expectations towards what the messenger had to say,
so he plans not to rejoice prematurely.

The warrior, who left as messenger, likely wants to give the report quickly, even if it’s a
second earlier. I guess he returned in a forced march on these wintry mountains. At a
glance it was visible that he was completely exhausted. He was in a state where he
couldn’t walk without a comrade lending him their shoulder.

“Clan chief! Sorry for being late, but just now I have returned!”

“It’s fine! Rather than that, what did the <Claw Clan> say?” (Garam)

The messenger placed both his hands and knees on the spot, and rubbed his forehead
against the ground.

“I-I’m very sorry!”

Voices of despair are raised by clan’s brethren due to his words.

Garam leaked a single sigh.

To begin with, from the time when the <Claw Clan> resided in the plains, both clans were
opponents who quarrelled over each other’s turf. It was probably unreasonable to try
going as far as asking for the help of such a party, when both sides have to do their very
best to just protect their own clans.

“Never mind. From the beginning I haven’t thought that we will be accepted easily. It’s
not something you have to worry about.” (Garam)

He thanked the messenger.

“No, clan chief. The <Claw Clan> said that it’s fine for them to take in the elderly and
children. Also, they assured me that they aren’t reluctant to send out warriors as
assistance if necessary.”

“What?!” (Garam)

That was a response even Garam and the other didn’t expect at all. They heard that
the current clan chief of the <> Kraga Bigana Zurgu is a wild man with battle being his
only redeeming feature, but apparently he won’t abandon those of the same race who
get attacked and overthrown by the humans.

“B-But, there are conditions for that.”

“Conditions, you say?” (Garam)

“Receiving the elderly and children as well as their support in battle are huge issues
that affect the entire <Claw Clan>. Therefore,when the elderly and children are
brought along, they want our clan chief to visit the <Claw Clan’s> den and explain
things to the members of the <Claw Clan> with his own mouth.”

“They are telling the clan chief to come and bow his head, you say!?”

Hearing the discussion, the warriors bared their teeth while growling.

“If it means that the clan will be saved by me bowing my head, I will do so. But…”

Garam is the clan chief. If his clan members can be rescued by simply discarding his
small pride, he will do so.

However, currently it’s a situation where they don’t know when the humans will
attack. It’s impossible for the clan chief to leave this place. The clan chief of the <Claw
Clan> probably understands around that much. This is nothing more than an indirect

That’s only natural, I guess. As Garam gave in to resignation, the messenger continued
speaking further.

“There’s still a continuation to that…”

“What is it?” (Garam)

“If it’s impossible for the clan chief to visit, they said that they don’t mind if the divine
child comes in his stead.”

As soon as he said that, the clan members jeered all at once.

“Don’t screw around, you <Claw Clan> bastards!”

“Instead of the clan chief, how dare you to be so shameless!”

“To begin with, isn’t that just a scheme so that they can get hold of our esteemed divine

The <Claw Clan’s> aim was obvious.

Their real target is only Shyemul, the divine child.

Until this time there had been countless discussions between the clans, talking about
their need to fight against the humans as one and about the ten zoan clans forming an
alliance. But, always disagreeing on what clan should take control, the negotiations
sooner or later ended in failure.

Meanwhile, when Shyemul became a divine child a few years back, the talk about a
clan alliance of all clans resurrected.

If it’s the divine child who was approved by the God of Beasts whom the zoans
worship, it was largely expected that she would be able to command all zoans under
one banner. However, at the same time of being a divine child, Shyemul was also the
daughter of Garguss, the clan chief of the Fang Clan at the time. Because of that, the
Claw Clan feared that the zoan alliance would be led by the Fang Clan as the clan that
brought forth the divine child. They used the fact that she was the daughter of the Fang
Clan chief to cause the talks of a zoan alliance to fall through countless times.

The reason Garam tried to dispatch Shyemul as messenger to the Fang Clan the other
day is because as long as the divine child survives, it will be possible to realize the
zoan alliance through the Claw Clan’s authority, even if the Fang Clan gets annihilated.
Once the Fang Clan is annihilated, the zoans would be able to survive through the
formation of the alliance, bitter decision though it may be.
Even though he had resolved himself to that extent after considering the situation of
all zoan clans, the <Claw Clan> saw the power of the <Fang Clan> weakening and
taking advantage of that weakness, they boldly demanded that they hand over the
divine child to their side.

Even Garam,who had once made the bitter decision of sending Shyemul there, felt a
rage forming, as if his sight was dyed deep red.

You bastard, Zurgu. This late in the game you still can’t see the current situation?

Garam flooded the <Claw Clan’s> clan chief that he remembered with all the abusive
language he has.

A single elder stood up from in-between the enraged clan’s brethren.

“I have lived for long enough now. I don’t wish to lengthen this life by going as far as
offering the esteemed divine child.”

With that as the start, more of the elderly stand up and say the same.

Although they have grown old, they are still proud zoans. They felt extreme anger
about the way of handling things by the Claw Clan in concern to a crisis for the zoan,
who are the same race, albeit in a different clan.

“But, what will we do about the children?”

However, when someone put that worry forth, the vicinity fell silent due to his question.

The warriors are fine with dying.

The elderly brethren, who only have a few years left to live, are fine with dying.

But, what about the children?

After a short time, a mother, who held a very young child in her arms, muttered just a
few words.

“If we sacrifice the divine child, this child will have to carry that burden for the rest of
its life.”
The zoans are a proud race. Although it’s for the sake of saving everyone, if they were
to offer the divine child of the God of Beasts they worship to another clan, the <Fang
Clan> would likely become a target of scorn from then on. Even if it was for the
children to survive, it would result in the children having to take responsibility for that
matter for the rest of their lives.

Unbeknownst from whom, a voice spoke up,

“Let’s fight by ourselves…”

“Yeah! Rather than surviving while losing our pride, let’s die while fighting with pride.”

“Let’s show them the pride of the <Fang Clan>!”

“We will show the bravery of the zoans to the humans!”

The warriors lifted their machetes overhead and yelled out their spirit.

Matching with them, the elders toss their fists in the air as well.

Among them the mother, who had tears in her eyes, hugged her child which is puzzled
as it doesn’t understand what is happening. And the shoulders of the mother are
embraced by the father.

As everyone tried to fire themselves up to fight and resolved themselves to death, only
one person was against it.

“Everybody, don’t hasten towards your deaths!”

It was Shyemul.

“Oh, warriors! Is the pride of warriors only extending to fighting and dying!? If it’s
merely about fighting, how’s that any different from <Fang of Madness> Tabanunu!?”

The legendary zoan warrior Tabanunu lived in the era of myths. Although he was the
strongest zoan warrior with no equal, he, who got drunk on his own power, ended up
killing his friend and lover with his own hands over a trivial misunderstanding. Due
to that, Tabanunu’s heart broke. There’s a legend about him vanishing to an unknown
place after becoming a berserker, whom attacked everyone he noticed without a care.
“I was taught by father… the previous clan chief: Warriors are those who fight in place
of the weak. The time a warrior’s pride gets hurt is when he wasn’t able to protect
those who he should have protected! Therefore, thus…” (Shyemul)

Completely as if coughing up blood, Shyemul mustered her next words.

“I will surrender myself to the <Claw Clan>! If they are telling me to lower my head
like this, I will do so as many times as they like! If they insist on a performance, I will
dance naked! If many or even a single of our clan’s members are saved by that, if
everyone survives thanks to that, I will discard my pride as many times as it takes!”

“Oh divine child…!”

If it was someone else, there probably would have been people calling her shameless.

However, Shyemul is <Noble Fang>. Everybody in this place knows about her high
pride. While having such a humiliating demand thrust at her, she’s still saying that she
will accept and resign herself to it.

Moreover, it’s not for her own sake, but on behalf of her clan’s brethren, for the weak
who can’t fight.

“Everybody, please don’t rush towards your death. If there are people ridiculing you, I
will stake my life on making them stop! If they are talking about you while pointing
fingers behind your back, I will stand in front of them!” (Shyemul)

Before anyone knew, tears were overflowing from Shyemul’s eyes.

“That’s why it’s my wish. I want all of you to survive…” (Shyemul)

All her brethren at the place hung their heads due to Shyemul’s words. Sobbing can be
heard and a child that doesn’t understand the current situation, innocently asks its
mother “What’s wrong with everyone?”

The gazes of the clan’s members naturally gather on Garam who is their clan chief.

“Clan chief, what shall we do?”

“Clan chief, please show us the way!”

Garam contemplated how he should act as his clanmates focused on him, seeking an
answer in silence.

Just what would be the best course of action? If I was a simple warrior, I would tell them
to die together with everyone. I would ask them to die a noble and praiseworthy death
with pride in their chests.

But, I’m the clan chief. I’m the clan chief who has to take care of the lives of all the
members of this <Fang Clan>.

With my words the fate of our clan will be decided at this place.

Father, previous clan chiefs, please tell me what I should do.

Anyone’s fine. Please show me a way!

The voice sounded completely like a divine revelation to the ears of the distressed

“Why aren’t you trying to win?”

By no means was it a loud voice, but the voice was awfully audible as well. All zoans at
the place simultaneously turned their faces to the direction from where the voice

Someone descended from inside the mountain, where the light of the bonfire doesn’t

Who is it? A divine messenger? The ghost of an ancestor?

Garam opens his eyes widely.

“Why aren’t you trying to win, when you are capable of it?”

The one who appeared inside the bonfire’s illumination from within the mountain was
Kizaki Souma, the human child who was taken care of by Shyemul.
“Why aren’t you trying to win?” (Souma)

Everyone was bewildered by Souma saying that.

They knew the guy as the human child who had recently been taken care of by their
divine child. They wouldn’t openly criticize it because they had been told “He’s my
saviour” by the divine child Shyemul herself, but they couldn’t get used to the
discomfort of a human being in their village. Even more so, it was outrageous for the
divine child, a girl at marriageable age, and a man albeit being another race, to stay in
the same tent.

Everyone considered killing him if he did anything.

For the zoans, Souma was nothing more than a cockroach-like pest that was unpleasant
to even glance at.

Everybody there hesitated on how to judge the unexpected words voiced out by such
a human child.

Shyemul was the only one among them to move. In her case, she is thinking that it
would be wrong of her to not defend him first, instead of worrying about what Souma

Showing up in front of her brethren who are resolved to fight the humans and be
annihilated is nothing short of suicidal. He will probably be ganged up on, tormented,
and killed by my enraged clanmates. His head would be used as a sacrifice in the
ceremony for the departure to the front.

Shyemul runs up to Souma and stands in front of him for his protection.

“This guy is my saviour! Please overlook him in deference to me!” (Shyemul)

However, without turning his eyes towards the frantic action of Shyemul, Souma yells,
“Why aren’t you trying to win!?” (Souma)

The one Souma stared at while shouting that was Garam.

With this, it’s quite likely to be interpreted as Souma insulting the clan chief. If it turns
into an insult towards the clan chief, his clan wouldn’t forgive him even if the one
restraining them is the divine child.

Shyemul trembled due to a dread similar to having her entire body’s blood frozen.

“Soma! This isn’t a place where it’s fine for you to come! Disappear quickly! Please go
away!” (Shyemul)

Even Shyemul’s pained shouting didn’t seem to reach the current Souma.

Garam spoke to Souma.

“Youngster, what do you mean with that…?” (Garam)

“Please wait, <Ferocious Fang>! See here.” (Shyemul)

“Be silent, <Noble Fang>! I didn’t ask you!” (Garam)

Shyemul was filled with despair. She wouldn’t be able to smooth it over any more, no
matter what she does.

Garam’s attention is completely focused on Souma.The situation has already turned to

a point where it would be impossible to act as if he hadn’t said anything. Not only that,
a single misstep could cause the situation to develop into one where Souma loses his
life. His clan wouldn’t stay silent, even if Garam had no intention of harming Souma.

However, Souma glared at him as if he hadn’t realized the danger he was currently in.

“It’s as I said just now! You guys aren’t trying to win!” (Souma)

“We are not trying to win, you say?” (Garam)

“Right! What you’re planning couldn’t even be considered a fight! It’s nothing more
than suicide!” (Souma)
The warriors there raised angry voices because of Souma’s statement.

“Are you slighting us, human!!?”

“Bastard, I’ll teach you who’s suicidal here!”

Several quick-tempered warriors unsheathed their machetes and rushed towards

Souma. In order to protect him, Shyemul reluctantly drew her own machete and stood
in their way.

It’s likely that the warriors wouldn’t harm me, because of my status as the divine child.
However, these warriors are zoans who are far stronger than me. From their perspective,
there’s probably no way for me to overwhelm them.

She’s frantically thinking of a way to save Souma, to no avail.

The warriors slightly hesitated because of Shyemul standing in the way, but were far
too angry to be soothed by something that minor. They were about to swoop down on
the two of them to subdue her and tear the rude human apart.

“Stop, warriors!” (Garam)

Their assault was stopped by Garam’s roar.

“This weak human youngster wants to entertain us by prattling his nonsense. Let him
speak until the end.” (Garam)

The warriors reluctantly withdrew due to his words.

Although it’s only temporary, Shyemul was saved from having to cross swords with
her clanmates. However, the danger was still present, so she still stood protecting
Souma with her weapon drawn.

“What’s wrong, youngster? Before you are killed, try to amuse us with your vigorous
chirping.” (Garam)

Due to Garam’s jeering, Souma speaks with an enraged voice.

“You guys are cowards! You are just running away by using the term warrior’s pride!
You aren’t even really trying to win against the enemy! It’s no more than fleeing from
battle!” (Souma)

Shyemul was already close to fainting on the spot. Phrases like cowardice and running
away are terms you must never mention towards a proud zoan warrior.

“We are running away, you say!?”


“What does a human bastard understand about zoan warriors!?”

While holding back his brethren who were raging anew with his hands, Garam jerked
his chin as if he was telling Souma to continue his speech.

“Of course I understand! Isn’t a real zoan warrior already present here!?” (Souma)

Saying so, the one Souma pointed at was Shyemul, standing in front of him.

“Shyemul said it! Warriors are those who fight for the weak. Like she said, the time
when a warrior’s pride is hurt is when they were unable to protect those they should
have!” (Souma)

Souma removed his sight from Garam and surveyed all the warriors present.

“To me it looks like you are fighting simply for your own sake! It appears as if the only
thing you care about is solely your own pride!” (Souma)

“Don’t talk about things like this as if you understand, you lowly human!!”

“In that case, why are you leading those who can’t fight to their death by having them
participate in this battle? Is that what a warrior is?” (Souma)

With such a sore point having been pointed out, the warriors lacked any rebuke.

The warriors understood best their own worthlessness for being unable to protect the
weak children and elderly. With such a humiliation being pointed out in front of them,
the warriors started to expose their teeth and raise threatening growls.

“You human brat, all you are doing is bragging! Or, are you saying that you would be
capable of driving away the humans in that place!?”
“If you are saying that you can win, show us by driving the humans out immediately!”

“Can you? You weak human child!”

Following that, the warriors scornfully jeer at Souma all at once.

However, ignoring their words, Souma yells,

“I can’t do it! However, I know the method you can use to win!” (Souma)

Due to Souma’s remark, the zoans ceased their sneering and murmured.

Even though everyone has given up on their prospect of winning, that human child says
that it knows a way to win?

“If you obey my words, I will ensure that you guys achieve victory!” (Souma)

Despite Souma declaring that proudly, the zoans faltered.

Can we really win?

No, it must be a lie.

Since he’s insisting on it that much, maybe…

While wavering between such affirmations and denials in their minds, everyone was
confused and stood stock still.

“Fuhahahaha…” (Garam)

All of a sudden Garam burst into laughter.

Souma was not alone staring at Garam, with the zoans also wondering what was up
with his outburst.

“Haahahahaha! That was quite funny, youngster!” (Garam)

Garam said so, after laughing for a while.

“It’s pointless, youngster. We are proud zoan warriors. Zoan warriors don’t follow
someone who’s inferior to them. Who would obey the orders of some bastard like you,
who has never held a sword or fought a battle? Your words are empty! Thus, you are
someone who’s definitely not worthy of being accompanied by us!” (Garam)

Garam’s reasoning sharply drilled into Souma’s weak point.

“Bastard, if you were a veteran warrior, we might have lent our ears to your words. If
you were a general who had already commanded 10,000 troops, we might have
obeyed you. But, did the empty you do that!?” (Garam)

Garam thrusts his finger with a claw growing out of it at Souma and shouted,

“Do you possess anything that rectifies these issues and would make us obey you!? Do
you possess anything that allows us to trust you!? If you really want to make us listen
to what you have to say, it would be best to show us proof that justifies placing our
trust in you!” (Garam)

For a brief period silence descends at the location.

“You don’t. — Humph. It was an entertainment more enjoyable than I expected.”


As if the conversation had already ended, Garam turned his back on Souma.

Reading his intention from Garam’s back, Shyemul was thankful. With Garam
deliberately laughing at Souma’s statements and concluding it as an amusing side
show, he had saved Souma.

Even the zoan warriors couldn’t take something that had been concluded as a funny
side show by their chief as a serious insult to their dignity as warriors forever.

All the zoans present considered the matter finished.

“…I do.” (Souma)

“What!?” (Garam)

Garam isn’t the only one surprised. All of the zoans present, including Shyemul,
opened their eyes wide in shock.
While gathering their gazes towards him, Souma slowly raised his right hand.

“If I show you proof that I can let you guys win, you will obey me, correct?” (Souma)

“Y-Yeah. We will…” (Garam)

Garam was baffled.

Just what is this youngster? Does he really possess something that will make us agree
with him?

Garam trembled slightly.

Why is such a weak human child, who seems like he could be killed with me swatting at
him, able to state something so assuredly up to that point? When I look at his eyes, I can
see a strong will within them.That would mean he is definitely not a fool who’s gone mad.

Then, who is this guy?

Garam considered Souma to be a tremendously eerie monster.

Then again, Souma was scared as well.

Originally, he wanted to scream and escape from this place.

However, I stepped forward out of my own volition. I can’t go back anymore.

In reality there’s nothing that I could use to prove myself.

That’s only natural. There’s no way that Souma, who had lived in the peaceful and
modern Japan, had ever participated in a war. He never fought while commanding a
large group of people. It’s just as Garam said. The things I said, I don’t have any kind of
experience to support them. They are empty words with no substance.

However, even if they are empty, I’m able to make them believe that they have substance.
If they tell me that they can’t abide my words if I don’t do so, I will show them substance
that shouldn’t exist. If my words are empty anyways, I will flashily pretend as much as
possible, even if it’s only a glamour. All so that they deem my words for having an
extraordinary substance.
Rather, I will probably be killed if I end up making them lose their temper.

Even so, for me there’s no other option than this.

The sole thing I managed to obtain, the me who had been dropped into this different
world without owning a single thing.

“…! Stop, Soma!” (Shyemul)

Realizing what Souma is trying to do, Shyemul raises her voice in order to restrain

However, it was too late.

Souma’s right hand untied the headband which he wore on his forehead.

What was exposed on his forehead with a faint shine is a seal that seems to be a
combination of 8 and ∞. It looks as if two snakes have entwined each others bodies
and are biting the other’s tail while wriggling. It was an ominous seal.

“Y-You are a divine child…?”

“What’s that seal? It’s something I’ve never seen?”

“What kind of divine child?”

Facing the zoans who were abuz with questions, Souma lifted his front hair that was
covering his forehead, exposed the seal, and shouted after taking a deep breath.

“I’m a divine child! I’m the divine child of Aura, the Goddess of Death and Destruction!”

Souma pointed in the direction of the human encampment that was once the zoans’

“If you obey me, I will bring death and destruction to those humans who make you
suffer!” (Souma)
T/N: Change – God of Creation -> Creator

“Aura? Aura, you say…?”

“I never heard of such a god.”

“However, that’s without doubt a seal.”

The zoans at the place were perplexed.

Faintly shining on Souma’s forehead is certainly a seal that indicates him as a divine
child. However, the shape of it doesn’t belong to the Seven that everyone knows of.
Furthermore, they had never heard of the Goddess Aura of Death and Destruction that
Souma just mentioned. They were wondering whether it was a joke or a fabricated
story, but with Shyemul’s intense agitation over the issue, the zoans present sensed
that it’s not simply a trivial matter.

“Aura is a great goddess older than The Seven.” (Elder)

The Elder suddenly appeared while saying so.

While gathering the attention of all zoans present, she walks towards Souma, with her
cane making a clacking sound.

“She’s the goddess that attends to the last moments of all living creatures, great and
small. She’s the goddess who witnesses the last moments of every single creature.
She’s the goddess who is mother and elder sister, and is solely feared and honored by
The Seven. She is the goddess that killed the Creator, and gave birth to The Seven…”

The zoans are shocked about the existence of this goddess, this being the first time
they hear of her. Until now, the pantheon that they knew of consisted only of the
Creator, whose death gave birth to The Seven that included the God of Beasts, the deity
that they revere. With this news about the existence of a goddess that killed the
Creator overturning their common sense, their astonishment about this is

“Is that the truth, Elder…?”

Garam asked, in a state of shock.

Even Garam had never heard a story about such a goddess. However, the one talking
about it is the Elder, the shrine maiden of rituals and the storyteller of the clan. It
wouldn’t be strange for her to possess information that’s unknown to the rest of the
clan, but the details being so far removed from common sense meant he wasn’t able
to consent to this without confirming it first.

The Elder arrived at Souma’s location and pointed at Souma’s forehead with the tip of
the cane she held in her hands.

“I have been taught about this by the previous storyteller. [It’s a crest that looks like
two snakes have entwined upon each others bodies and are biting the other’s tail
while wriggling. That is Goddess Aura’s crest. You must not give praise to Aura. You
must not speak about Aura. You must not allude to Aura. You must not know about
Aura. That’s because that goddess is the one ruling over death and destruction], I was
told.” (Elder)

Once the Elder turned around to the clan members, she told them this completely as
it was a ghost story while revealing an evil smile.

“In the end, she is the goddess that is singing in the ruins, dancing on the top of
mountains of corpses and scattering death in her wake. That is Aura, the Goddess of
Death and Destruction. This child is the divine son of that Aura.” (Elder)

On top of gods being a reality unlike modern Japan, it’s also a society that believes in
various superstitions since a scientific civilization hasn’t developed yet.

In addition to that, the old and wrinkled Elder looks like a monkey mummy.
Experiencing the realistic performance of the Elder, the weak hearted women and
children screamed.

“I-It’s because of this guy! This guy has brought ruin upon us!”
A single zoan shouted that in a state of panic.

Hearing that, the zoans noisily pull back from Souma. All of them had expressions of
dread due to Goddess Aura, whom they had just learned about, and her divine son,

However, fear changes into rejection and rejection changes into rage.

Presently, they were convinced that Souma was the reason for all the misfortune that
has befallen the Fang Clan. In the currently helpless situation, the warriors who can’t
find a means to resolve it and had nothing to point their fury towards found a
scapegoat. They unsheathed their machetes, swiftly signaled each other with their
eyes and tried to attack him all at once.

“Cease! I told you, right? This fellow is the divine son of the Goddess of Death and
Destruction. If you kill him, we might be visited by any kind of calamity.” (Elder)

Due to the Elder’s words, the warriors withdrew with frightened expressions.

The Elder turned around to Souma and smiled broadly. She then whispered to Souma
with a voice that could only be heard by Shyemul, who was next to him.

“Ka ka ka, maybe I made them afraid of you a bit too much.” (Elder)

“…Elder.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul was stunned to the Elder acting like a child who isn’t shy of mischief.

However, it’s true that a mood of overvaluing Souma had been born between the zoans
thanks to to that.

The gist of it was along the lines of “I don’t understand it properly, but him being the
divine child of such an outrageous goddess… doesn’t that mean that he’s somehow

That kind of thinking didn’t hit the mark whatsoever due to its vagueness, but that
vague part also served to stir up everyone’s imagination all the more. Souma had
become an enormous monster in their minds.

“Youngster, are you really the divine child of that… umm, Goddess of Death and
Destruction?” (Garam)

Souma strongly nods at Garam’s question.

“Are we able to win?” (Garam)

“If you guys are really proud warriors, as Shyemul says.” (Souma)

“Can we truly achieve victory if we follow what a bastard like you tells us…?” (Garam)

“You can!” (Souma)

Souma declared.

It’s unknown whether it was a mere coincidence or a meagre blessing sent to the
divine child by the goddess. At that moment, a strong northern wind swept over the
area all of a sudden, and the bonfire immediately burns brightly. It’s then blown up,
turning into a pillar of flames.

In addition, the shadow that grew from below Souma’s feet, totally flickered as if it
was a huge monster dancing in ecstasy.

“Aura… Aura!”

“Aura, Goddess of Death and Destruction!”

The superstitious elderly, overwhelmed by fear, started to pray to the goddess. The
warriors instinctively took a step backwards to distance themselves from Souma.

Garam shut his eyes and looked up to the sky.

Oh great God of Beasts! Is this your honourable will?

Oh spirits of our ancestors! Is this your guidance?

As if answering those voiceless questions of Garam, Shyemul’s voice was faintly


“Brother…” (Shyemul)
Even though I told her to not call me elder brother in front of our brethren for the sake
of drawing a clear line between official and private business, she’s likely feeling quite
shaken by this turn of events. Once he considers that, his lips suddenly form a smile.

How interesting, he thought.

It’s the first time for my sister to be engrossed by a man this much. Because she’s prouder
than anyone else, she didn’t let anyone get close to her. But, he’s a man my sister tried to
help to the extent of being on the verge of risking her very life.

Once you look at it, it’s probably not a love between man and woman. But that guy did
obtain the tremendously lucky achievement of capturing the heart of my sister, who
didn’t deem anyone acceptable.

It might actually be interesting to take part in these fortuitous achievements.

Making up his mind to do so, Garam suddenly opened his eyes widely.

“Very well, youngster! By the name of Garam, the son of Garguss, and this Fang Clan,
one of the twelve zoan clans, let us obey what a mongrel like you tells us!” (Garam)

Voices verging on screams arise from the zoans.

“Clan chief, please think it over!”

“Yeah! Something like us proud zoan warriors following a human!”

Even though multiple warriors talked at the same time, trying to urge the chief to
change his mind, Garam asked them in reverse,

“In that case, oh warriors, is there anyone amongst you who can boast of being able to
retake the village like that youngster?” (Garam)

To say nothing about the adult warriors, even the youths, who were filled with power
until yesterday, avert their eyes with embarrassed faces.

“Look’s like there’s no one. However, that youngster is saying that he’s able to do that.”

Garam flung off the mask called clan chief, and, showing a smile as the truculent beast
<Ferocious Fang>, the strongest warrior of the Fang Clan, he said to Souma,

“But, youngster! Resign yourself at the time when we were unable to win! I will tear
off your limbs and gouge out your intestines myself!” (Garam)

Even while feeling as if he has his consciousness blown away by the raging bloodthirst
that made the one directed at him by the zoan warriors a gentle breeze, Souma
somehow managed to stand his ground and nod powerfully.

Assembling the warriors around the bonfire, Garam decided to listen to Souma’s

The warriors, who are afraid of Souma, try not to get close to him. Meanwhile, Shyemul
clings closely to Souma as she tries to protect him from the warriors in reverse. This
leads to a scene that looks as if Souma and Shyemul are facing off against Garam’s

As he was basked in the attention of the zoans, Souma conveyed his thoughts while
choosing his words as carefully as possible.

It was only natural, but the warriors had a backlash against Souma’s speech. You could
even say that they were enraged. Souma’s proposal was something running counter
to their pride as warriors.

But the one who salvaged the situation in the end was Shyemul.

“If you are saying that we can win with this, I’m all for it.” (Shyemul)

If that’s said by <Noble Fang> who’s the proudest among them, it’s difficult for the
warriors to object. However, notwithstanding, there were still some who kept hesitating.

“How could we act so cowardly!? Dying would be much better!”

Suddenly, something was thrown at the face of the young warrior who said that.

“Pfffft! W-Wh-What are you doing!?”

Once he removed the thing stuck to his face with his hand, it was a cloth dyed pitch
black. When he checks the direction from where the cloth came from to look at the
perpetrator of such a rude act, the one he found was the Elder.

“Then it will be fine fine to cover your mouth with that.” (Elder)

That cloth was something covering the mouths of the deceased, according to zoan
custom. The zoans believed that the souls of the people were called to the God of
Beast’s location after they die, leaving through the mouth. However, it’s said that when
the corpse is left alone after the soul has left, an evil spirit in the shape of a bug would
enter through the mouth and do awful things with the corpse. Therefore, by covering
the mouths of the deceased with a cloth which was dyed black through a sap that bugs
hate, it acts as something to keep away the evil spirits.

If you talk about the standard image of ancient ghosts in Japan, there’s always a
triangular kerchief (it’s items called “paper triangle worn over the forehead” and
“paper caps”) placed on the head of the deceased at the time of them being cremated.
As something resembling that custom, having the mouth covered with a black cloth is
the standard image for ghosts and apparitions for the zoans.

“I see. If dying is so much better, does that mean it will be fine for you to turn into a
departed spirit by dying from the very start?” (Shyemul)

The first who reacted to the Elder’s prank was Shyemul. She covers her own mouth
with a black cloth and shows it to Souma while asking “Does it suit me?” Souma, who
doesn’t know about the standard image of ghosts among zoans, ends up being
troubled with how he should react. There’s no way for the zoans present to nitpick the
things their divine child does, thus he turns his sight towards Garam as if imploring

“Give up. Nothing will change even, if I did say something.” (Garam)

Hearing that, it’s Shyemul who took offense.

“<Ferocious Fang>, doesn’t that make me look like a complete blockhead in this
situation?” (Shyemul)

“Indeed, <Noble Fang>. I cannot help but worry about you, as clan chief and as elder
brother. You had better check what kind of expressions the clanmates, who heard your
words, made.” (Garam)
When Garam said so while assuming a solemn air, the clanmates, who happened to be
present, all at once turned away their faces from Shyemul.
A group was running through the mountains where the darkness of evening had

Their way of moving, without causing even a single sound, gives one the impression
of them being ghosts.

Once they had arrived at the fence that was set up at the mountain’s slope, the hand
of the shadow that is in the lead unsheathed their machete, which reflects the beaming
moonlight. While the other shadows are cautious of their surroundings, they cut the
ropes tying the braces and crosspieces of the fence bit by bit by bit in order to not
make a sound.

When a rope was severed, the other shadows caught the crosspiece that was about to
fall and slowly lowered it to the ground. After removing the next crosspiece in the
same manner, a gap was created that merely allows the shadows to pass through. They
then headed for the next fence to complete this process again.

Repeating this over and over again, they finally cleared all of the fences and entered
into the encampment.

The interior of the encampment, which was dyed in a pale colour due to being
illuminated by the moonlight, was dead silent.

Even the sentries that would normally keep watch were apparently worn out from the
battle earlier that day, since they were nodding off while sitting down and holding
their spears.

The shadows surrounded these sentries, covered their mouths with their hands, and
at the same moment cut through the scruff of their neck that wasn’t protected by the
armor’s collar in one go. The sentries died while leaking slight, muffled screams from
their restrained mouths.

The shadows ran around the encampment in their search for one prey after the other.
Those who counted the stars to waste time, those who slept deeply while leaning
against the fences and those, who did callisthenics to keep themselves awake; they
had all their throats slit without the time to even scream.

At the time when one of the shadows slit the throat of yet another sentry, the door of
the house standing directly in front of the shadow opened. It’s unknown whether it
was the time for a shift change or whether he merely got up to take a piss, but the
middle-aged soldier, who tried to go outside while releasing a big yawn, faced the
shadow with startled eyes.


The one who was directly in front of the soldier has its mouth hidden by a black cloth,
but due to the armor knit from ivies and the fur peeking out from below that armour,
there’s no doubt that it’s a zoan. Being illuminated by the pale light of the moon, the
zoan had his machete and arms dyed darkly with spurts of blood.

“Enemy att~!”

The soldier tried to shout that, but what came out from his throat were not words but
a flush of blood. The zoan’s machete that flew the distance of around three meters in
an instant, precisely tore the soldier’s throat to pieces. However, due to the sound of
his body collapsing, there were sounds of soldiers waking up in surprise from inside
the houses.

Once the zoan, who dealt with the soldier, gave the sign of “Shoo sho!”, by sharply
breathing out, to his comrades in the vicinity, he raided the house’s inside with his
machete in hand. His comrades, who heard the signal, also stormed into the houses
one after the other, and several muffled screams were risen in succession from inside.

The soldier, killed at the entrance in the very beginning, was in the end reminded of a
single question as his consciousness was being swallowed by darkness as he listens to
the screams of his comrades.

“Why are the zoans here even though there were no drum sounds?” he wondered.

Garam was standing on top of the mountain, looking down at the encampment where
the massacre was unfolding.

As if to not miss a single thing taking place there, his gaze was turned towards the
encampment while not wavering even once.

How much time had passed? There was a change in the encampment. Immediately
after a small fire split away from the bonfires placed at the end of the encampment’s
mountain-side, the fire moved in mid air as if drawing a circle.

“Clan chief! It’s the signal!” (Gulkaka)

Garam nods at the words of Gulkaka who was standing next to him, and,

“Let’s go!” (Garam)

Saying that, he took along the warriors lying in wait behind him and passed through
the opened holes in the fences. What greeted him once he entered the encampment
were 20 warriors whose mouths were covered by black cloths.

They are obviously the best of the elites, going by both their physiques and expressions.

“Clan chief! All the humans were disposed of!”

“What are our losses…?” (Garam)

“Some people have just lightly wounded their hands.”

Even the person himself saying so, had a tone as if being half in doubt.

However, this was an outcome that should be called natural.

To begin with, zoans have high physical abilities if compared to humans. In addition
to their physical strength and toughness that is to the degree of allowing them to be
listed as wild animals, their explosive power is also worthy of a special mention. One
could describe it as their excellent reflexes to catch fish with their bare hands and their
tremendous acceleration that makes use of all their body’s muscles.

To fight in close combat with a zoan without forming the proper ranks could be
considered equal to suicide.
Furthermore, for the zoans, who are genuine hunters, the dark night doesn’t serve as
an obstacle in their activity. Exactly like beasts, they accurately grasp the location of
their enemies with their hearing and olfactory perception. They are also capable of
approaching their prey without being noticed.

Not to mention the humans lack of vigilance towards a night raid by the zoans. They
had relaxed their attention even further due to the victory earlier in the day, and thusly
were completely unprepared for the attack that took place. You could say that the
humans had already lost the moment that the night raid began.

“Clan chief! I guess you don’t mind removing the surveillance of Soma after informing
the refuge about this?” (Shyemul)

Even without him turning around, Shyemul’s delight is conveyed just through her
lively voice. In contrast to that, Garam, who couldn’t get rid of his bafflement, was
unable to do anything but giving a mere, short acknowledgement.

“…Yeah.” (Garam)

“Then, excuse me.” (Shyemul)

Seeing off the retreating figure of Shyemul who is running towards the refuge with
nimble steps, Garam finally squeezed out some words after her figure vanished from

“Hey, Gulkaka.” (Garam)

“What is it, clan chief?” (Gulkaka)

“Just what the hell have we been doing until now?” (Garam)

Because they had tried to fight while holding so much tragic determination, Garam
couldn’t sort out his feelings due to this outcome. As a backlash of his strained tension
being cut all of a sudden, he couldn’t even understand what he should do next.

“I don’t know either. Please don’t ask me, clan chief.” (Gulkaka)

“Soma! Just as you said, we were able to gain total control of the village!” (Shyemul)
Shyemul drives away the two young warriors, who stood on either side of Souma, with
hand gestures.

“I was surprised. Really surprised. For it to work out that easily!” (Shyemul)

Although Shyemul is astonished, from Souma’s point of view, he was surprised that
the zoans hadn’t came up with the idea of a night raid yet.

“If you bet on a night attack, they will be easily defeated. It was just as you said!”

What Souma suggested to the zoans was to stage a “night raid”.

That’s all it was.

When he saw Gajeeta’s rampage earlier in the day, Souma thought that it looked just
like a “Banzai Charge”.

The old Japanese army, which was lacking ammunition and food after having their
supply lines cut off in the Pacific War, was permeated by a non-surrender doctrine
according to a famous military handbook with the paragraph of “Don’t suffer the
disgrace of surviving as prisoner”. Without even attempting to capitulate to the U.S.
forces even as they were driven into a corner, they attacked with the encouraging
shout of “His Majesty the Emperor, banzai!”. That’s the “Banzai Charge”.

Because there were several movies related to the Pacific War screened in these recent
years, even Souma was aware of the “Banzai Charge” carried out by the old Japanese
army. At first, when he saw those movies together with his father, his impression was
“Something like attacking inside such rain of bullets, that’s amazing, isn’t it?”

However, when he talked about it in his school’s classroom, his military maniac friend
declared “That’s no tactic but merely dying without surrender. In other words,

Actually, the assault of the old Japanese army that lacked weapons and ammunition
was nothing more than an easy target for the U.S. forces, who had enhanced automatic
rifles and artillery. On the contrary, in the Battle of Iwo Jima and Battle of Peleliu,
where suicidal attacks were prohibited, the US army suffered heavy losses because
they expected the “Banzai Charge” instead.
The attack led by Gajeeta earlier in the day was something caused by trusting his own
ability as well as underestimating the humans, rather than a completely suicidal act.
However, the end results were similar.

Them clearing the mountain’s slope was probably for the sake of procuring wood for
building houses as well, but their true aim was to prepare for the zoan’s attack, Souma
judged. If you allow the quick-witted and agile zoans to approach, they are dreadful
enemies who also possess tough bodies.

However, in addition to the slope where it’s difficult for them to run, there’s also the
fences that seal their movements. That place was nothing more than a kill zone for the
sake of slaughtering the zoans with good efficacy.

If they plunge in there without a plan, it’s only natural for the zoan warriors to get killed

It’s similar to the old Japanese army’s soldiers that rushed in front of the U.S. Army’s
weapons, such as their machine guns, while raising war cries and without even
possessing decent ammunition.

Seeing that, Souma asked Shyemul “Why, something that reckless…?”

From Souma’s point of view, it would have been fine for them to drop logs or rocks
from the slope if they wanted to destroy the fences. Even without doing something like
that, if the soldiers were unprepared to some extent by an attack without the drums
being sounded out, the raid would have obviously been far easier. And yet, why would
they do such a kamikaze attack, honest to a fault? He asked her with such a meaning.

However, Shyemul’s response didn’t criticize Gajeeta’s reckless suicide attack itself,
but only identified Gajeeta arbitrarily acting on his own authority, as well as his
immaturity to the bitter end.

That’s the true identity of the gap that Souma sensed between himself and Shyemul.
The cause that produced this gap is the result of the zoans being a race that has lived
on the plains since the beginning. On the plains there are almost no obstructions;
therefore, soldiers are unable to hide easily and it would always lead to a direct clash
from the front. For the zoans, they continued this way of doing things where they clash
with the enemy from the front after naming themselves, which had begun as battles
between clans long before they began fighting against the humans.
Moreover, if seen from the viewpoint of the zoans who are physically far superior to
the humans, their way of fighting had a cause in something they were strangely
conscious of. They are thinking along the lines of, “Like hell we will fight against
weaker human opponents in a sly manner!”

Also, if they had actually torn down the fences, the zoans had a chance of winning. At
the time when the zoans’ influence was still going strong, they were able to obtain
victory several times. Due to these experiences, the zoans ended up discontinuing to
reflect further on their way of fighting.

The success of this night raid had also been a result of the humans’ way of thinking.
The empire’s great general Inkdiaz, who made a name for himself in the war against
the demi-humans that took place around a hundred years ago, answered this after
being asked by his subordinate about the requirements for a superior general.

“Bravely fight against dinosaurians and dwarves by using bows, stone slings and
throwing spears while in lightweight armour. Ingeniously lure out the marmen to the
shore. Lead by marching in loose strings while lining up sturdy shields towards the
elven archers. Rely on your battle formation, and be cautious while fighting the zoans,
using bows and spears. Stay resolute, which will enable you to endure the harpyian
arrows and throwing stones until they are used up.”

These are not just the requirements for a general, but are now also taught as basic
tactics in battles between the soldiers of all nations and demi humans.

Just as it’s been written there, the foundation for fighting against the zoans is to fight
them with bows and spears without permitting them the approach, where they keenly
and nimbly run about on the ground with all four feet. Even during Gajeeta’s rampage,
that doctrine yielded definite results.

In short, even the humans got used to the zoans’ battle style, after fighting them that
way for close to a hundred years. This comfort in the proper style of fighting zoans
ended up being one of the reasons for their defeat. So to speak, the night raid proposed
by Souma was a night raid that had been a hundred years in the making.

Not knowing about that, Souma wondered “No matter how you look at it, aren’t the
humans of this world slacking off too much?”

He thought that it was unlikely to end in failure due to the state of the battle during
daytime, but he was still anxious either way. Due to the zoans being able to somehow
get through it, he releases a sigh of relief in his head.

I declared it that impressively. I have to show an expression signifying that it’s only
natural for it to succeed.

On the other hand, because the night raid proposed by Souma was a success, Shyemul
is very happy as if the issue were her own matter.

Due to her state, he thought that it would be great if the zoans took this as chance to
reconsider that they must not adhere to their own way of fighting. Without that, the
next step will be troublesome. That’s because the next time it will become something that
would be even further removed from the zoans’ usual way of fighting.

The next morning, when he arrived at the encampment while being led by Shyemul,
the zoan warriors had already finished cleaning up.

For the zoans who are prideful warriors, they consider all corpses to be the same, even
if it’s a human who they ought to hate. They buried the corpses by tossing them into a
hole that was dug up at the nearby bare mountain surface.

The problem is the corpses of their brethren that were neglected. Originally, the zoan’s
funeral service is about performing a sky burial in accordance with the myths.
However, it seemed as if the corpses wouldn’t decompose properly due to the cold.
Because there was the concern of fatal diseases spreading by touching the corpses
that had been neglected for such a long time, they had no other choice but to burn
them together with the remains of the tents.

While Elder is singing a song wishing for rest for the souls of the deceased, Garam
ignites the firewood that was piled up in the vicinity. The dry firewood burned brightly
in the twinkling of an eye while raising a bright red flame.

While the zoans present there sway their bodies to the left and right, they join the
Elder’s song in a chorus.

That is the zoans’ solemn ceremony. There’s no way for Souma, who’s a human just
like the perpetrators, to join in on that. He had no other option but to gaze at it from a

After a few hours the fire of cremation finally died out and the zoans searched inside
the ashes looking for the articles of their deceased clanmates.

“You were called Soma, right, human youngster?” (Garam)

Garam stepped up to Souma who watched that.

Even though Souma, who was affected by last night’s threats, ended up jumping back
in reflex, Garam shakes his head slightly as if telling him that he won’t do anything.

“Thanks to you, I was able to bury the remains of my clanmates. I was also able to
recover the machete of the previous clan chief.” (Garam)

That machete was discovered to be possessed by a single human soldier as a spoil of


A zoan’s machete is a gem created by the hands of dwarves. From parent to child, from
child to grandchild, it is being handed down alongside the pride and soul of a warrior.
For the zoan warriors the duty at the time of their death is to pass on their own pride
and soul to the next era’s warriors.

“With this, the previous clan chief’s… father’s soul has been handed over to me.” (Garam)

Saying that, Garam lifted the corners of his eyes as he discovered Shyemul walking
over and smiled wryly. Maybe she thought that he was threatening Souma by showing
him the machete of their father.

“<Ferocious Fang>, what the hell are you…?” (Shyemul)

Garam passed their father’s machete to Shyemul by throwing it. Shyemul catches it in

“This is, the previous clan chief’s…?” (Shyemul)

As it’s a machete that has memories for Shyemul as well, she ends up staring at it while
forgetting her words for a brief period.

The hands of father, who held this machete, were the rugged hands of a warrior who
spent all his time fighting.

However, she remembers the hands of her father, who awkwardly stroke the head of
the crying Shyemul after getting injured, as being very gentle. Shyemul resists the
almost spilling tears.

“You have to take care of it. Pass it on at the time when you have a child, okay?” (Garam)

Garam already possesses the two machetes he inherited from his uncle and
grandfather. Besides, although he hid his true intentions by wearing the mask of clan
chief in front of people, Garam was aware that their father was more worried about
Shyemul, who had to bear the heavy responsibility as a divine daughter in such epoch,
than anyone else. The act of him handing over their father’s machete to Shyemul was
because he believed that it will likely give their father a bit of peace of mind.

“With this there’s nothing left to regret. Afterwards, we just have to struggle to our
heart’s content.” (Garam)

If there are the supplies stockpiled by the humans, the elderly and children will be able
to escape from this land. As long as there’s no anxiety about the future, I will simply
ambush the humans’ military forces together with remaining warriors afterwards.

That’s what Garam thought.

However, without knowing about that, Souma calmly said,

“Well then, first we have to set up lookouts. Since there might be regular messages and
scouts that come from the fortress, I don’t want those people to find out that we took
back this fortress.” (Souma)

Being intently stared at by Garam and Shyemul with widely opened eyes, Souma
becomes flustered.

“You will follow my instructions, right?” (Souma)

Given that the night raid he had proposed himself went so well, Souma thought that
his evaluation had risen a little. Nevertheless, he is flustered on whether he will be
driven away after being told that he has already served his purpose.

Without realizing that Souma is losing his presence of mind, Garam said in a state of

“No way, are you saying that you will drive away even the troops coming here after
this?” (Garam)

“That’s right, but…?” (Souma)

Due to Souma saying it as if it was only natural, Garam and Shyemul became speechless.

That was the beginning of the “Battle of Hoghnareah Hill”, noted down as first battle
of [Divine Son of Destruction, Soma Kisaki].
The zoans carried out the large amount of food stored inside the encampment’s
storehouses. The food, which had been largely stocked up in advance for the
reinforcements that will come from now on, was a pleasant spoil of war for the zoans
who had lost their food supply for surviving the winter.

“It seems we will be able to live through the winter if there’s this much of food.”

“True. But is there any need to expressly transport it to the refuge?”

He asked the clanmate next to him while shouldering a bag filled with grain.

At first, the zoans considered relocating to their recaptured village to lie in wait for
the human troops there. In that case, they should instead bring in arms, fuel and
provisions to the village from the refuge. However, what they were talking about was
actually the contrary, transporting the goods from the village to the refuge.

“Aren’t we vacating this place and taking refuge even further within the mountain,
since it seems that the humans will arrive here before long?”

Earlier, the talk about abandoning their current refuge and escaping further into the
mountains had popped up. What made that impossible was them not having any
winter reserves. However, now that they obtained this overwhelming amount of food
that compensates for the food they lost before, it is something entirely possible.

“Now that you mention it, the others were made to proceed with the preparations for
staying in the mountains over the winter, weren’t they?”

He said while remembering his brethren who entered the mountain apart from

“However, that human youngster has said that he will drive away the humans who will
come next.”
Due to that, the zoans present at the location uniformly wrinkled up their noses and
showed difficult expressions.

Certainly, they were able to retake this village by betting on a night raid as Souma had
told them. But, their next opponent are military forces. Even if they, for example,
succeeded in a night raid like earlier, their attack would definitely be exposed at the
moment they killed several dozens at best. It was clear that it would become a
desperate situation of being surrounded by several hundred enemies right in the
middle of the enemy camp once that happened.

“What the hell is that youngster thinking…?”

That question of a clanmate, who muttered it after just now seeing Souma’s figure
from behind as he ran into one of the storehouses after being called by Shyemul, was
something shared by all zoans present.

Unaware of such looks being directed at his back, Souma was delighted about the
information that the items he aimed for were discovered.

“That’s great! I worried about whether those things would be here, but now this
becomes possible.” (Souma)

Having guided Souma to a small warehouse that was built in a place separate from the
other houses, Shyemul tilted her head to the side while looking curious.

“I found the items just as you said, but will it be fine with those?” (Shyemul)

Once she moves the pelt covering the storehouse’s entrance aside, a strong, awful
stench wafts out of it. They were greatly different from the items Souma knew about,
but there won’t be any problems if they could be used in the same manner.

“Yea! Be careful while taking these out, okay?” (Souma)

Souma stood on a mountain road that descended slightly from the encampment.

Last night, what he remembered first when he was pondering how he would repel 800
soldiers coming to attack, was this place.
One could say that Japan is almost completely unrelated to war, but that’s only if the
talk is restricted to reality.

In subcultures such as manga, anime, light novels and games, every possible war
beginning from the ancient times to medieval times and arriving at modern times has
been adapted. It’s every possible war, to the degree that it would be considered lacking
integrity if seen with the eyes of a non-Japanese.

Souma knows of the military strategies in the Annals of the Three Kingdoms from
manga, has seen the way of fighting by Japanese Warring States commanders in
animes, has studied the tactics in the ancient Mediterranean Sea in light novels and
has fought by leading modern military forces in games.

To the bitter end those are no more than imaginary events.

However, at the same time as them being imaginary, it’s not like they are completely
fictional either. Those were created with the experience and knowledge of fighting
which mankind learned through expending massive amounts of lives and blood over
a period of several thousand years.

And, this mountain road perfectly coincides with a certain stratagem’s condition
which he knew from a famous manga.

If I plan to repel a large enemy army with a small amount of people, I have no choice but
to use this, Souma judged.

However, the problem here is that going by Souma’s knowledge, he only knows that
this place meets the conditions of that stratagem.

The manga doesn’t describe anything but the result of the plan succeeding. Even
though a plan was carried out, it hasn’t been depicted as far as what was prepared for
it or how things were prepared.

Then again, even if he was aware about those things, it’s not like the situation is
completely the same as in the manga, no matter how well the conditions are met. Also,
the things that must be prepared to match with this location will change the things
that must be done. For that sake it’s probably necessary to revise the things to be done
and to supplement the things to be prepared.

But, Souma doesn’t have the necessary experience to implement a plan by adapting it
to the requirements of the moment, just like Garam has said.

In that case, what should I do?

If I don’t have any experience, I have no other choice but to guess.

Doing that, I can only guess every possibility like: What’s necessary? What would be the
best course of action? What will happen? What should I do at that time?

First Souma starts to walk towards the encampment along the mountain road.

“Imagine! I’m a soldier. Around me there are many comrades!” (Souma)

Instructing himself strongly, he walks while his footsteps hit the mountain road.

And, looking at the encampment, he acts as if being surprised. After that, looking at
thicket on the left, he acted surprised all the same.

“Well, what will they do from here on?”

After surveying the surroundings, Souma runs up the slope on the right side. The slope
is steep, but he was able to run up to around the middle of it. Holding his ground at
that location, he ponders while donning a complicated expression.

“A trick is necessary over there as well.” (Souma)

While saying so, he returns to the mountain road, and after once again making a
surprised gesture towards the encampment and then the thicket, he now makes a
surprised gesture while looking up further above the slope.

While busily surveying the vicinity after that, he began to move about in confusion at
the spot by himself.

“What will they do next? What is their next action?” (Souma)

The sound of a river flowing on the other side of the thicket resounded in the ears of
Souma, who grumbles out such a monologue.

“A river!” (Souma)
Once he says so, Souma starts to run towards the thicket all of a sudden. Even though
it looked as if he would trip on the way because he broke into a run in such a hurry, he
came out at the river after running through the thicket.

After Souma looks down at the river stream that turned the terrain into a deeper valley
than he expected by shaving off the earth with its rapid current, he stares at the
opposite shore. The width of the river is unexpectedly narrow, but even if one reaches
it with a long jump, the river shore is small. Once he considers the depth of the valley
again, it’s a distance where one will hesitate to jump over to the opposite shore
although they likely won’t die even if they fall.

“All right!” (Souma)

Shyemul and a young zoan warrior stared at such Souma.

“Esteemed divine child, did his mind go crazy?”

Souma’s eccentric behaviour is such that it can’t be helped that that was said if one
looks at his actions from some time ago.

As expected there are no words to defend him to be found.

“I think that Soma is planning something. Yeah…” (Shyemul)

were the evasive words Shyemul used.

“Shyemul! You are here at just the right moment!” (Souma)

Souma, who didn’t notice that such exchange had taken place, rushed over with a
happy face once he noticed Shyemul and the young warrior.

“There’s something I’d like to build as soon as possible and there’s something I want
you to do!” (Souma)

“Oy, as for the hole, is something like that okay?”

A single zoan said as he dug a hole using a rod inside the thicket located at the
mountain road’s side.
“Isn’t that the right way? According to what that human youngster said, it appears to
be fine with it not being too deep. He said it’s plenty with a depth of around the lower

“However, I don’t understand. What are those holes?”

While confirming the depth of the hole by thrusting one leg into it, he tilts his head to
the side in confusion. He has absolutely not the slightest idea what the use is of making
them dig this many holes with a depth that a single leg can enter like this.

“No idea. Anyway, we have been told to dig many holes inside the thicket.”

“Let’s do it quickly. Once this is finished, we have to carry stones from the river shore

“Digging holes and carrying stones, really, what are we doing?”

“I’ve told you that I don’t know, haven’t I? Rather than that, move your hands quickly.”

Even in the refuge the zoans said the same.

“Although the humans are coming to attack, what’s the intention behind making these

What the zoan was creating while moving his hands as he said so is a huge ball-shaped
object. They were creating something that looks like a chestnut burr or a sea urchin
boss by tying the sticks and branches gathered together in the mountains, all into one
piece. They then crammed withered grass and dry leaves into the gaps, and after the
shape is put in order, it transforms into a huge ball.

“Even if you ask me, I don’t know. That guy is probably planning something.”

“Dad, mum~! Mr. Ball is done!”

Even the children, who were mixed in-between the adults, played by making an armful
of balls. Rolling around the finished balls and chasing after them while raising cheers,
the children are charming, but at the thought of creating something that becomes the
children’s toys, the adults feel disillusioned.
“We are warriors, right? Why do we have to do such stuff?”

“However, we were able to retake the village after following what that guy said, you

Everyone sinks into silence due to those words. Something like doing a night raid
without even naming themselves was a way of fighting unbefitting for a warrior.
However, if the outcome is considered, it’s a military result where one cannot complain.

Many zoans wavered on whether it’s fine to admire it or whether it’s better to
condemn it for that reason.

“Don’t talk nonsense. What gave us the village back is the strength of the warriors.
That guy hasn’t done anything, has he?” (Gajeeta)

A cane heartily struck the head of Gajeeta who said that.

“Ouch!? W-What are you doing, Elder?” (Gajeeta)

“Hey there! How about moving your hands if you have the leisure to complain!?”

It was Gajeeta who voiced out his complaints, but due to the face of the Elder, who
looks like a monkey mummy, reprimanding him while widely opening her mouth in
front of him, he ends up bending back reflexively.

“Got it, Gajeeta? What’s important is not what you can do but what you will do!”

Being told so, Gajeeta, who took along the young warriors on his rampage yesterday
and produced victims without being able to retake the village in the end, couldn’t
retort with anything.

The Elder raises a loud laughter of “Ka ka ka!”

“That youngster is interesting! Yeah, he’s interesting!”

“Clan chief! The human soldiers, who stayed in the fortress, started to move!”

Receiving the report from the zoan warrior he had stationed as lookout, Garam

“Their movement was later than expected.” (Garam)

According to Garam’s predictions, the humans should have made a move much earlier.
However, thanks to that, their side was able to spend plenty of time on the preparations.

“I wonder, how long will it take them to come here?” (Souma)

Due to Souma asking that, Garam folds his arms and ponders.

“Let’s see. It will take two days for them to get to the foot of the mountains. After
camping there, they will climb the mountains from the morning on the next day, I
suppose.” (Garam)

Garam makes such an assumption based on the behaviour of the human troops so far.
If it’s around 800 human marching, they shouldn’t be too quick. Besides, since they are
forced to match their marching speed with the speed of the carriages which have the
provisions for 800 people loaded, their travel will become even slower.

“Then, they will be coming around daytime three days later, right?” (Souma)

“It should probably take around that long.” (Garam)

Hearing Garam’s reply, Souma breathed in deeply once and clearly declared,

“In three days they will be annihilated!” (Souma)

The organization of Holmea State’s army is almost the same as that of other nations.

Namely, one squad has six soldiers. Four squads make up one platoon, with one
platoon leader added in to total 25 soldiers. Furthermore, four platoons form one
company. One battalion ranges from four to eight companies. Two battalions are one
regiment. Anything beyond two regiments is referred to as army corps.

What was dispatched this time is one battalion led by Battalion Leader Lugniaz.

Its composition consists of 500 infantrymen split into five companies, 200 archers
split into two companies and 100 supply soldiers in one company, totalling up to 800

An infantryman’s equipment consists of several parts. There is a helmet made up of a

metallic faceguard, an armour to protect the torso that was made out of a thick cloth
with metallic scales sewed in, and sandals with a leather strap twining up to the shin
to serve as footwear. The weapons consisted of a one-handed spear at a length of
approximately 2.5 meters with a metallic spearhead, as well as a double edged sword
that was hung at the waist. To round it off, a large, round buckler that had its surface
reinforced with metal and its inside filled with leather hung off the back.

For these times it’s probably considered to be the standard equipment of infantry.

The equipment of an archer doesn’t differ much from that of an infantryman, but the
helmet is bowl-shaped in order to allow a wide sight, and they possess a bow in place
of the spear and carry a quiver on their back instead of a buckler.

The last portion of this battalion are located at the end of the line and don’t possess
spears. They are the soldiers of the military supply unit, and carry baskets filled with
water and necessary provisions. The creatures pulling the wagons filled with
mountains of provisions are huge lizards known as niryu. They are a subspecies of the
lizards known as the kiryu that are used as mounts, being about one size bigger than
them. In contrast with the kiryu who stand on two legs, the niryu stand on four legs
which are as thick as logs. Due to their power being immense in exchange for their
sluggish speed, they are animals used for physical labour such as the pulling of supply-
laden wagons. (T/N: While Kiryuu meant mounted dragon, Niryuu means pack dragon.
Just like Kiryu, shortened to Niryu)

Finally, standing at the front of the battalion are Battalion Leader Lugniaz and an elite
unit made up of subordinates under his direct control. The armour they wear is more
expensive than that of common soldiers. It’s an armour that has a metal plate nailed
with rivets on top of some leather, which had a hardening processing applied to it. On
their feet, they are wearing something close to leather boots that were affixed with

Among them, the only one on a horse is Lugniaz, who has a blue tuft attached to his
helmet. Apart from him the three people, who have a red tuft attached to their helmets
and are riding kiryu slightly behind him, are company commanders.

“Good grief, those goddamned beasts. They are just making this more difficult for us
by secluding themselves in the mountains.” (Lugniaz)

He frowns due to the chilling northwind blowing down from the mountains.

The mission given to him by the king of Holmea State was to mop up the Fang Clan
remnants. The Fang Clan is the only clan among the zoans in the Solbiant Plains that
is even now unyieldingly opposing the humans. To guarantee the safety of the
pioneering citizens before the planting of seeds in the spring, they need to be wiped

The company commanders follow up on the grumbling of Lugniaz.

“It’s just as it has been said by the Battalion Leader.”

“I want to clean up the beasts quickly and return to the royal capital.”

“Right, right. Thanks to that priest called Mildas or whatever his name is, we ended up
pointlessly wasting time.”

According to their schedule, they should have departed the fortress and headed into
the mountains much earlier.

However, they were delayed because of the sacred teaching’s priest known as Mildas,
who was in the fortress. Mildas made a fuss about searching for a human child that
escaped inside of the confusion caused by the zoan’s prison break, which led to their
departure being delayed by three days. In the end, they were unable to find the human
child and deceived the priest into believing he had died somewhere on the road, but
they were also still sent on a complete fool’s errand that wasted their time.

“If that’s how you think, make the soldiers hurry up. We will enter the encampment
before noon.” (Lugniaz)

Isn’t he in a quite bad mood? The company commanders exchanged glances due to the
battalion leader returning a follow up in ill humour. The most honeymouthed among
the company commanders curries favour without a moment’s delay.

“Please allow me to do so, Battalion Leader Lugniaz. At any rate, what we are riding
are these kiryu.”

While saying so, he hits the neck of the kiryu he’s riding with a slap.

“In this cold the movement of the kiryu is lethargic. Compared to that, Battalion
Leader Lugniaz is riding on a splendid horse. Good grief, it’s very enviable.”

Just as the company commander said, simply making the kiryu move in this cold this
morning was only troublesome. Warming the kiryu with an impromptu heater pack
created by wrapping stones that were heated up by a bonfire in a cloth and making
them drink strong alcohol, they finally reached the point of being able to move.

On that point, horses are more resilient against cold than kiryu. But it’s not only that,
even if one compares horse-power and stamina, horses are one step above kiryu. If
one considers the price and the labour necessary to look after them, kiryu are
convenient, but the wish to possess their own horse one day is the dream of officers
and men in this era.

Additionally, the horse ridden by Lugniaz was just recently obtained by paying a large
amount of money. The company commanders knew that it’s the first battle where he
was mounting a horse.

The mood of Lugniaz, whose horse was praised, improved easily.

“Well, it can’t be helped, I guess. What, as long as you guys perform outstandingly on
the battlefield, you will get one before long, too.” (Lugniaz)
He pretended to be calm, but due to his high-pitched voice that couldn’t conceal his
delight, the company commanders showed wry smiles.

A little while after that the encampment that was surrounded by a wooden fence
became visible ahead of the mountain road.

“Someone! Forewarn them of the battalion leader’s arrival!”

Receiving that order, a single infantryman heads towards the encampment a short
distance ahead. A short time after that soldier entered the encampment, a small
soldier came out and opened the gate in a large motion.

Although he had heard that a unit of skilled soldiers had been dispatched as advance
unit, a single company commander held a doubt whether there was a child soldier
mixed in among them.

However, as it’s nothing significant, he immediately dispels it out of his consciousness.

“What? There’s no reception either?” (Lugniaz)

Due to the fact that not a single soldier came out from the encampment to greet them
even though the advance guard of the battalion was visible from the encampment’s
gate, Lugniaz felt offended. While resenting the soldiers, who still haven’t shown up,
with a “They have done something annoying”, the company commanders still soothe
the battalion leader.

“Battalion Leader, there’s no need to scold country bumpkins over such a minor

However, as one would expect, they began to feel something was abnormal when not
a single soldier showed up even though the battalion’s advance guard had arrived
right in the middle of the encampment.

“This is… what’s wrong? Why is no one here?”

“If I remember correctly, according to our information, there should be around one
company stationed here…”

“The soldier we sent to give a preliminary announcement as well as the soldier who
opened the gate are nowhere to be found.”
While listening to the things the company commanders are saying behind his back,
Lugniaz surveyed the encampment and noticed something odd. All over the
encampment firewood and dried grass has been piled up into bundles.

“Those are, what…?” (Lugniaz)

“I dare say that those are preparations for passing the winter? As the cold will increase
from now on, it might be necessary to light bonfires as well.”

“Then, why aren’t those gathered in one place?” (Lugniaz)

Due to what Lugniaz pointed out, the company commanders surveyed the surroundings
in a hurry.

Not only were bundles of firewood and dried grass next to the buildings, they were
also piled up to mountains on top of the buildings’ roofs and moreover at the gate
exiting to the mountain-side blocking it up.

“Wait, isn’t there some strange smell in the air?”

“Now that you mention it…”

“This smell is…?”

When everyone’s noses twitched due to the awful stench wafting in the vicinity, the
scream of a sole soldier reverberated inside of the encampment suddenly.

Swiftly, one of the company commanders brings his kiryu next to the soldier who

“What is it!?”

“T-The person who was sent earlier for the preliminary announcement, o-over there!”

Once he looked in the direction where the soldier pointed at, he found the corpse of
the soldier stretched out while shedding red blood from below his throat hidden by
the piled-up firewood and dried grass.

“B-Battalion Leader! The soldier we sent ahead earlier has been killed!”
At the time when he heard the shout of his commanding officer, a spark lit in the head
of Lugniaz.

“This smell. No way! Oil!?” (Lugniaz)

Lugniaz yelled while turning his horse around.

“Retreat! This is a trap! Withdraw promptly!” (Lugniaz)

However, it was already too late.

“It’s zoans! There are zoans above us!”

Looking up the cliff located in the back of the encampment due to the yells of the
soldiers, Lugniaz raised a scream in despair.

The ones who showed up atop the cliff were ten-odd zoans including elderly and

And, in the hands of the several zoans standing in front of them, torches raising a
bright red flame are grasped.

A black-haired zoan, who’s clad in an unusual air even visible from a distance, takes
one step in front along the zoans and largely arching back their throat, they raised a
howl that made the atmosphere tremble like an electric shock.

The soldier, who were simply ordered to retreat as it was still impossible to give
precise instructions, move about in confusion as they don’t know what they should do.
Even if they are told to retreat, the mountain road is still filled with the soldiers of the
other companies.

“Move aside! If you don’t get out of the way, you will be crushed underfoot!”

Lugniaz throws insults at the soldiers who are standing in his way like that and
struggles to get out of the encampment, even if it’s just him.

On top of the cliff, a zoan steps forward next to the howling, black-haired zoan and
draws a bow making it give off creaking sounds.

What was nocked onto it is an arrow, burning red with fire.

And, alongside the end of the black-haired zoan’s howling, the fire arrow is released
and the torches are dropped down the cliff.

In the next instant, together with a roaring, heavy sound, the encampment was
wrapped in a crimson inferno.
The torches dropped from above the cliff fell to the ground while drawing a red line.

The fire spread immediately from the torches that tumbled down and bounced off the
ground several times. The oil, which was scattered on the ground in advance, caught
fire. The fire spread quickly and extended itself to the dry grass and firewood which
were piled up at the sides of the buildings and fences.

The explosively spreading fire wrapped the encampment up in a crimson flame in the
twinkling of an eye.


“Fire, it’s fire! We will get burnt to death!”

“P-Please, save me.”

There exists no living creature that doesn’t fear fire.

Even the humans, who controlled nature by using fire as a tool after learning how to
handle it, are no exception to that rule.

I wonder whether there are any humans who won’t be plunged into fear by fire suddenly
burning in front of their eyes?

I wonder whether there are any humans who stay calm while smelling the scent of
burning with their noses and feeling the heat of fire with their skins?

Much less to say, I wonder whether they will be able to keep their composure by
themselves while their comrades next to them panic, scream, and run about trying to
escape due to their fear of the fire?

“I don’t want to die!”

“Hot, it’s hot! Please, someone rescue me!”

The humans inside the encampment are soldiers no longer.

They were no more than mere beasts who tried to escape the fire while striving to be
first out.

“Nooo! Stones are falling down!”

Furthermore, the zoans, who were standing atop the cliff, started to throw stones at

These are not simple pebbles which you can take lightly if they are just thrown at you.
The stones, which have a weight of several kilograms, are dropped from a height of
around 20 meters. If they hit, it won’t end with something so simple as pain.

If those were arrows, it might have been possible to ward them off with shields or
repel them with sword. However, the falling stones aren’t things that can be repelled
by swords. Also, even if they are warded off by shields, there’s also several bigger
stones among the falling stones. The shields that try to ward these boulders off will be

Due to all of these stones, many soldiers have fallen to the ground with their heads
split apart and chests smashed in.

“You bastards, open the way! Open the way, or else!!”

Battalion Leader Lugniaz frantically yells, but such a thing doesn’t reach the ears of

Not only that, the wave of soldiers, who fell into a state of panic, pushed the horse
which Lugniaz rode from all sides. He tried to control the horse by promptly pulling
on the reins, but a horse is originally a cowardly creature. Scared of the fire and of the
screaming soldiers who are running about trying to escape, it suddenly reared on the

The body of Lugniaz is thrown off the horse and he hits the ground with his back.
Unable to breath due to that impact, Lugniaz is assailed by further misfortune as he
groaned in pain. One of the soldiers trying to escape stepped with all his strength on
Lugniaz’ right knee. A sharp pain runs up his right leg alongside a snapping sound.

Lugniaz, who writhes on the ground while unable to scream, noticed a shadow falling
down on top of him. Once he looks up while agonizing in pain, it was the shadow of a
stone dropped by a small zoan child from atop the cliff.

Inside the field of vision of Lugniaz, that stone falls towards him as if being drawn to

The stone’s surface was rough.

That was the final view Battalion Head Lugniaz saw in his life.

The one who shot the fire arrow from atop the cliff was a young zoan with the name
Fagul Grashata Shahata.

Although Shahata was a hunter, he is no warrior. Due to an injury he suffered in his

childhood, Shahata became unable to run.

Once a zoan reaches the point of being able to hunt prey with their own power, they
can call themselves a hunter.

Moreover, once they reach the age where they can be called an adult, they will be made
to hunt an animal that closely resembles gnus in the plains while only possessing a
machete. They will have to discover a flock inside the vast plains, chase them and
decide on a prey that they can surely defeat. And then, once they find an opportunity,
they will have to immediately run on all fours, jump on the back of their prey and kill
it by cutting its throat with the machete.

This is the hunt of a zoan.

When they bring back prey they brought down in this way, they receive the permission
to officially call themselves warrior.

However, Shahata, who was unable to run, had no other choice but to use a bow which
was despised as weapon of cowards among the zoans. Because of this viewpoint, there
are, of course, no zoans who can handle archery. He could only learn by watching how
the human and elven hunters used their bows.

He was only viewed with ridicule by his brethren, but for Shahata there was no other
option than this. After practising desperately, he can brag about his considerable skill.
On hunts he was able to catch a large number of prey that didn’t lose out to his other

But even by accomplishing that, Shahata didn’t become a warrior. That’s because he
won’t be accepted as warrior if he doesn’t run on the ground with his own feet and
brings down his prey with a machete.

Even though many warriors headed into spectacular battles, Shahata always stayed
behind in the village and could only see them off. He continued harbouring gloomy
emotions due to that.

However, it was at that point in time that the human child arrived.

“I heard from Shyemul. You are the best archer around here, right?” (Souma)

Even if he’s called the best archer in the zoan village, that’s not a compliment.

Souma said this with a serious expression to Shahata who only answered with a curt
“Right” due to being unable to contain his feelings of frustration,

“Please lend me your strength.” (Souma)

At first Shahata wondered what kind of joke this was supposed to be. Something like
wishing for him who’s not even a warrior to lend his power in battle. He had never
been told that even once so far in his life. Not only that, fighting in a battle like this is
something he could absolutely never realize even if he aimed for it by himself.

Souma explained to Shahata, who said that he couldn’t believe it, while exhausting as
many words as possible.

While listening to it, Shahata felt something bubbling hot gushing out from within his

It’s something he doesn’t understand. But that urge stimulated Shahata, triggering a
wish to shout out, on the spot, in a loud voice, as he was unable to hold it back any
First, as he was told by Souma, he taught the warriors the way of archery. Since there
was luckily a large amount of arrows and bows provisioned in the human
encampment, they were never troubled about the tools.

Of course the warriors showed reluctant expressions, but for the current Shahata that
wasn’t much of a problem.

“Shahata-san, the success or failure of this plan depends on your skill. I look forward
to working with you.” (Souma)

And then, as requested by Souma, Shahata stands on the cliff and tightly grasps his
hands that are trembling out of nervosity. Below his feet are fire arrows that have been
prepared by having their tips wrapped up by a cloth soaked with oil.

He picks up one of those, stands next to the clan chief who is raising the signalling war
cry and tightly draws the bow to the limit.

That human child bowed its head and asked me, who passed his every day depressed and
gloomily in the zoan village, to lend them my power.

I’m no proud zoan if I don’t live up to his expectations here. I will be mere rotten trash! I
will end up becoming nothing more than garbage!

Shahata, who scolded himself like that, released the arrow from the bow he had drawn
to its limit at the same time as the clan chief’s war cry ended.

What he aimed at is a building that stands in the vicinity of the encampment’s centre.
Because there’s a danger that it will be noticed by the humans too quickly if there’s
too much oil scattered about, he has to directly ignite the buildings standing close to
the encampment’s centre.

The fire arrows released by Shahata pierced into the roofs of one building after the
other. Some of them ended up missing, but he succeeded in stabbing several fire
arrows into the roofs of all of the buildings. From the fire arrows, the fire travels to the
dried grass and firewood placed on the roofs and burns right away. Leather bags with
oil in them hung with a thin string on the roofs. Once that string burned away, the
leather bags would roll down from the roofs while scattering oil. With that oil catching
fire, the buildings burst into flames at once.

Looking down on the spectacle of all buildings burning, the clan chief Garam called
out to Shahata, who felt relieved due to living up to Souma’s expectations, as he was
throwing stones laying next to him.

“I’m surprised. You did well to be able to hit them from here…” (Garam)

It was no more than those words.

However, these words have made Shahata’s chest fill up with surging emotions.

He, who’s no warrior, was praised by the clan chief.

That was more than enough to blow away the gloomy feelings he had until now.

While roughly wiping away the overflowing tears with his arms, Shahata picks up the
next arrow.

“Not yet. The battle is still far from over yet.” (Shahata)

Even the following companies on the mountain road noticed the fire raging in the

A commotion occurs among the soldiers due to the encampment, where their
commanders are, bursting into flames.

However, this commotion immediately changed into screams.

Not limited to the encampment, fire also rose at both sides of the mountain road
where they were situated. In addition to the thicket on their left, the bundles of dried
grass and firewood, that had been hidden under the fallen leaves on the slope to the
right, started to burst into flames one after the other.

Simultaneously, zoans appeared on top of the slope to their right.

They successively set fire to huge balls made out of dried grass and withered branches.
These balls, which had been already soaked in oil, flared up in an instant and the zoans
started to throw them down towards the mountain road below.

The soldiers fell into a state of panic due to the balls of fire tumbling down the slope.
It they were a bit more calmer, they might have been able to kick or throw them away
somewhere before they were scalded by grabbing them with their hands, which were
covered by leather gloves. However, once they tried to jump away after being
surprised by the balls of fire in a dense formation, they collided with the comrades
next to them or ended up being forced back in reverse. With these events occurring all
over, it changed into a jostling, like the children’s game in which three or more stand
back-to-back in a circle and jostle. As all of them tried to get away from the fire even if
only by a bit, this caused a huge chaos.

Moreover, the zoans started to throw stones at that point.

There were also those who boldly tried to counterattack with archery while their
comrades were defeated by the thrown stones one after the other. But, getting dragged
into the mutual brushing aside by their panicked comrades who tried to escape, they
are unable to decently set up their bows. The zoans also shower such soldiers with a
concentrated rain of stones once they find them and don’t permit them to

Among them, the niryu, who were frightened by the raging fire and the panicking
soldiers, started to run down the mountain road while raising roars. Although one
might say that their movements are slow, even the niryu are capable of running at a
reasonable speed if their lives are in danger. The niryu ran wild while trampling and
kicking the soldiers who are in front of them, but being dragged by the largely slanting
wagons that ran aground due to the bodies of the fallen soldiers, the niryu end up
falling into the thicket on the left side. The niryu, who became unable to get up after
being immobilized by the yoke of the overturned wagons, start to howl with
heartbreaking voices after being scorched by the fire, but no one is able to save them.

The intensity of the zoans’ barrage of stones increases. But the soldiers have no way
of escaping with fire raging left and right, and their comrades being blocked by balls
of fire in the front and rear.

One of the soldiers among them who knew of the terrain in this area, shouted,

“There’s a river! There’s a river on the other side of the thicket, on the left side!”

For the soldiers who were being enveloped by the fire, the word river sounded like a
divine revelation.
However, in order to get to that river, they have to break through the burning thicket.
While everyone was hesitating, a single soldier finally resolved himself and lept into
the burning thicket.

With him as start, many soldiers follow him in their search for the river’s water.

Inside the burning thicket it had developed into a situation where they were unable
to breath normally due to the heat and smoke. They feel tingling pain due to the air
that scorched their exposed faces. However, they frantically run through it while
harbouring the sliver of hope to be saved if they reach the river after enduring that.

When the first soldier to plunge into the thicket reached a certain point, his forward-
stepping foot suddenly ended up injured after treading on the ground, and he took a
grand fall. This soldier, who tumbled onto the ground without being able to take a
defensive stance, groans after his body feels the strong impact. However, he is even
more shocked after learning the reason for him falling down.

There was a hole dug into the ground. Its depth doesn’t reach further than around his
shin. It’s a small hole that allows up to one foot to enter. He fell over after being tripped
by that hole. Once he looked properly, those holes had been dug out everywhere inside
the thicket.

These small holes that only cause one to fall down by ensnaring one foot transformed
into atrocious traps only at this time.

Such a spectacle happened all over the burning thicket.

Finally leaving the burning thicket after crushing their comrades underfoot, the
soldiers, who exited at the river beach where nothing burns, felt relieved as if they
were safe with this. But that only lasted for a fleeting moment.

Who would believe, one group of zoans, who had drawn their bows to the limit with
arrows nocked on them while aiming their way, stood on the opposite shore with swift
currents raging between both parties.


Alongside that yell, the zoans released the arrows all at once. The soldiers who arrived
at the river beach first received those arrows and are killed in succession.
“Uwaah! Zoans! Zoans are over there!”

“Return, return! We will get killed here!”

“You have been told to return, right!? It’s an ambush by the zoan!”

Those, who try to return just after arriving at the river beach, and those who try to
come out at the river beach from the thicket, clash and turn into a violent panic.
Among them there are even those who get pushed down on the ground and those who
get pushed from the river beach into the swift current.

Being caught between the zoan and the fire, the soldiers didn’t know what to do anymore.

Some brandished their swords while raising strange voices, some sat down while
crying and some even threw themselves into the swift currents.

And, without differentiating between those people, the rain of the zoans’ arrows pours
down on them.

Rather than a battlefield, that place was already an abattoir of madness.

The ones who performed an ambush on the human soldiers at the river shore were
zoan soldiers led by Gulkaka. They are those who were able to raise their skills to the
degree of being able to somehow shoot arrows directly ahead under the tutelage of
Shahata in a period of several days.

They received the instruction to shoot arrows since the human soldiers would come
running away.

However, as zoan warriors they despised the bow as a cowardly weapon. For them,
battle is something where they kill their enemy by using their machete.

Besides, even though the human soldiers were expected to climb the mountain road,
they couldn’t believe that they would expressly turn up at this river shore.

Being unhappy as they had to use such bows and making light of Souma’s statement,
the morale of the zoans at that place was extremely low. Even Gulkaka, who should
originally correct them, pretends to not see the attitude of his clanmates.
However, when human soldiers jumped out from within the thicket after flames were
risen one after the other, their loose attitude ended up vanishing into nothingness.

If it were soldiers raising war cries while burning with combativeness, the zoans likely
wouldn’t have feared them either. But, what arrived were hundreds of humans
running with desperate expressions while screaming with eyes opened to the limit
due to their fear of being chased by the fire.

Even the zoan warriors were scared due to this abnormal spectacle.

People feel fear towards things that surpass their own comprehension. The horror of
the humans might have been contagious.

Either way, once they thought about those humans, whose nature they don’t understand,
surging forward their way, the zoans trembled with all their hair standing on end.

As a matter of fact, there were quite a few among the zoan warriors who considered
tossing away their bows and fighting with their machetes if the human soldiers really
came. However, such thoughts completely disappeared from within their minds.

All of them frantically set up the bows that they aren’t accustomed to and nock arrows
onto them.

“Loose~!” (Gulkaka)

Alongside Gulkaka’s voice, all arrows are released at once.

However, later on, each of them continued to shoot arrows on their own accord. All of
them earnestly shoot their arrows without minding their aim so that those humans
wouldn’t come nearer, even if just by a bit.

Actually, there wasn’t even any need to aim. The humans, who try to come out at the
river beach, and the humans, who try to escape from the zoans, are huddling together
once the panicked crowd is formed. If they at least shoot an arrow, it will hit someone.
That was the current state of affairs.

Gulkaka and the other don’t remember themselves for how long they continued to
shoot their arrows.

They continued to earnestly fire the arrows in a trance and after they ran out of the
arrows they had prepared to such an extent, Gulkaka and the others came to their
senses for the first time.

Because they used arrows and bows they aren’t familiar with, the skin on both palms
had peeled off and blood was trickling down.

But, such a thing isn’t any real problem.

Due to the scenery in front of their eyes, Gulkaka and the other zoan warriors stood
stock still while being speechless.

The opposite shore was completely covered by corpses and injured humans as far as
their eyes could see. Unable to believe that this was something they could have
possibly done, they continued to stare at the scenery in a daze.

At this time the number of the casualties and wounded that filled the river shore to
the brim was unknown. The blood streaming down from there dyed the river red and
it’s said that it didn’t even stop until more than three days passed.

It’s said that rain often falls after a battle.

The hot air seems to be carried high into the sky after riding the updrafts produced by
the fires of war and turns into rain clouds. The atmosphere is then shook by the cries
of war and blades striking each other, which makes rain fall from these clouds.

It’s unknown whether that’s the truth or not.

However, even this time the sky was suddenly covered by rain clouds, and a short time
later an unusually intense rain for this season began to fall on the Solbiant Plains.
Because of the intense rain keeping falling until the morning of the next day, the fires
died out without spreading any further.

Because Souma only thought about engulfing the enemy in fire at that time, he forgot
about taking measures against the spreading of the fire. If this rain didn’t happened, it
might have led into causing a dangerously large fire, but until the end, Souma didn’t
realize his fortune.

Like this, the curtains of the “Battle of Hoghnareah Hill”, which was named as the first
battle of the [Divine Son of Destruction, Soma Kisaki] who was blessed with good luck
without noticing it himself, were closed.
In later years various other nicknames were attached to Soma Kisaki.

The most famous among them is [Divine Son of Destruction].

Of course, this stemmed from the fact that he is the divine child of Aura, the goddess
of death and destruction. Because this fact alone both disheartened opposing troops
and inspired his own, he actively spread the knowledge that he is the divine child of
Aura. It is assuredly the nickname that had propagated the widest. As for the other
famous nicknames; things like [Son of Genobanda] and [Scorched Earth Destroyer]
have been used, but even among these many nicknames, a large portion of them can
be considered to be influenced by [Fire].

This is probably because it’s said that he liked to use fire-based attacks in many of his

However, if one examines his battle records, there are unexpectedly very few instances
of him using fire in his battles.

Despite that, what caused this mistaken perception stating that he preferred using fire
can be attributed to the strong images left behind by his first battle “Battle of
Hoghnareah Hill” where he used it intentionally, as well as the “Massacre of Bolnitz”
that happened later on.

Especially the “Massacre of Bolnitz”. That was an abhorrent deed even in those days,
where a single city in the domain of his own country was reduced to ashes in its
entirety alongside its tens of thousands of humans. The story of this battle was widely
propagated, and left lasting impact on the neighboring countries.

Events like these were most likely the reason for the mistaken perception of Souma
preferring to use fire becoming an established fact.

But, as a matter of fact, it seems that far from preferring to attack with fire, Souma
would rather avoid using it at all.
In those days there were many cases where a large amount of fire arrows were shot
at fortresses and cities at the time of attack to make fire spread onto the buildings
inside the defended location, and then charge after the defending side was plunged
into chaos. Even so, Souma apparently didn’t like castle sieges to begin with. However,
it has been left behind in several documents that even during the few castle sieges he
participated in, he firmly tried to not accept it when a fire-based attack was proposed
by his generals.

This allows one to guess that Souma himself didn’t prefer fire, contrary to his image
in society.

The “Battle of Hoghnareah Hill” is the first officially recorded battle of Souma. Also,
because of the spectacular achievement of reducing 800 enemy soldier to ashes with
a mere small quantity of zoans, there were many people pursuing the story of that
time, but it’s also true that Souma became tight-lipped at the time when the story
reached that point.

This is probably the truth since Count Bilgrit, who went to hold peace negotiations
with Souma as special envoy of the country Hoghna, left behind a note in his journal
stating [At the time when the topic came to the “Battle of Hoghnareah Hill” during
dinner with him, Soma Kisaki seemed to feel shaken though he feigned calmness.
When I complimented him on that battle, he didn’t smile but looked as if considering
it unpleasant for some reason].

It was also the same for the part of the zoans calling themselves the Fang Clan that had
followed him since that battle. Many of them try to not talk much about what
happened then.

Although it’s a weird story, it seems that everyone who participated in the Battle of
Hoghnareah Hill from the national armed forces of Hoghna, to Souma who devised the
stratagem, and even the zoans who carried it out received a large shock. However,
many historians have also pointed out that the zoans, mired in their old traditions,
likely wouldn’t have followed the tactics that should be called the innovations of
Souma if it weren’t for this massive shock.

The next morning after the rain stopped, Garam stood on the mountain road
accompanied by only Gulkaka.
Once he looked at the surroundings, all he saw was scorched earth.

The mountain, which overflowed with the various colours of weeds, fallen leaves, and
trees is now a mere shadow of its former self. Black soot as well as the charcoal that
remained after the fire, and white, burned-out ash. It had completely changed into a
world that was entirely composed of only these two colours. The air smells burnt and
even now there are trees that didn’t burn down yet, smouldering here and there.

“How terrible…”

Garam gulped due to the scenery he couldn’t describe in any other way.

Next to him Gulkaka agrees as well.

“Do you have any imagination how many humans died, clan chief? The humans that
were late in escaping have been captured and split into several places as instructed by
the youngster called Soma. We have given them medical treatment since we’ve been
told to save as many of them as possible, but there were also many soldiers where the
treatment was too late due to them being injured, with them having large scalds.”

“As things are now, just how many of the soldiers that escaped were able to safely
arrive at the fortress…?” (Garam)

There are no detailed records left behind by the zoans about the losses on the human’s
side at this time.

The only thing that could serve as a reference is the journal of Company Commander
Adjutant Marchronis who stayed behind in the fortress.

According to this journal: After a fire was first spotted in the mountains, soldiers
started to arrive starting three days after the first sighting, and continued to arrive for
several days afterwards. The soldiers that returned from this fire amounted to two
companies of soldiers that served as supply units for the combat infantry, and were
stationed at the tail end of the army’s forces. However, those soldiers’ appearances
were terrible. All of them were dirty with soot and ash and there was a great number
of soldiers who were severely burned and heavily injured by having been hit by stones.
Thus many of them have passed away with proper treatment being useless. It’s said
that those numbers appeared to be a quarter of those soldiers that reached the
From the fact that the number of soldiers per company at that time was 100, it seems
that the number of survivors amounts to around 150.

Moreover it states that the soldiers who had became prisoners of the zoans were
afterwards released sequentially and returned to the fortress, which amounted to two
companies in the end.

Except these, there were likely soldiers who escaped without returning to the fortress,
but since they would have to walk for two more days from the fortress to reach even
the closest village, the number of deserters could be considered to be not too high.
Also, it’s easy to imagine that the majority of them would lose their lives due to
starvation or injuries.

If one considers it like that, the surviving soldiers might amount to just short of 400
even if one were estimating it kindly.

Losing half of the 800 soldiers without them being able to put up a decent fight was
truly an unprecedented event.

In many cases the soldiers at those times were scraped together from refugees that
went broke as well as farmers that had nothing to do, and were only allowed to carry
weapons. Their loyalty towards the country and their commanders was low. It’s no
exaggeration to say that it’s a total annihilation if such a military force loses half its
armed strength in one battle. For argument’s sake, even if they were reorganized into
units, it would likely be impossible to use them normally for a while as the fear of
defeat was burned into their hearts.

“How about our side’s losses?” (Garam)

Gulkaka replied to Garam’s question while lowering his eyes at his own palms that had
their skin peeled off due to him having used the unfamiliar bow and arrows.

“There are some who got burned after making an error when setting fire, some that
hurt their throats by breathing in the smoke and some that injured their hands due to
the bows and arrows they are not familiar with. That’s the extent of it.” (Gulkaka)

Compared to the annihilated human forces, the zoan side’s damage didn’t amount to
anything more than that.

Even so, that’s also a wonderful outcome. It shows that it was only the zoans that dealt
out attacks one-sidedly.

As result of being informed of that, Garam muttered as if shocked,

“What would be the best thing to call this…?” (Garam)

“It probably isn’t a mistake to call it victory?” (Gulkaka)

“Don’t be stupid, Gulkaka.” (Garam)

Garam sighs deeply.

“Is this just a simple victory? At least call it an overwhelming victory.” (Garam)

What Garam says is reasonable. While having such difference in military potential,
they annihilated the enemy without their side suffering any substantial damage. There
is no way for this to be a mere victory.

The northern wind carries white ash like snow as it blows between the two.

Gulkaka hesitated badly whether he should say it, but after resolving himself, he
opened his mouth,

“But, clan chief, honestly spoken, I’m scared.” (Gulkaka)

Garam didn’t answer anything, but he knew well what Gulkaka wanted to say.

“Can you call this a battle? At least it’s not the kind of battle us zoans know of.” (Gulkaka)

While shouting this, Gulkaka pointed at the surrounding scenery that was transformed
into a total scorched earth.

“Is this the power of the Goddess of Death and Destruction? Is this that youngster’s
power? I can’t bear being frightened. Tell me, won’t it be us someday who will have
died in this scenery!?” (Gulkaka)

In Gulkaka’s eyes the corpses of the human soldiers, who are stretching out on on the
mountain that was changed into ashes and dust, apparently overlapped with the
future figures of the zoans.
Garam understood the anxiety Gulkaka harboured.

This is something far too different for the nature of the zoans. If they concerned
themselves with something like this, there was the feeling of dread that the zoans
wouldn’t be able to die as zoans.

However, as the clan chief that has been entrusted with the clan’s future, there was
also another consideration.

“Gulkaka, we might have to change.” (Garam)

“Change…?” (Gulkaka)

“That’s correct. In the past we fought against fellow zoans. There’s honour and pride
to gain in that, and it was a courtesy as well.” (Garam)

Garam reminisced about the zoan battles that once unfolded in the plains, proudfully
recounted by the ancestors.

However, Garam, who is a great warrior, sensed that they won’t be able to win against
the humans with that.

The humans, who are inferior in individual strength, learned how to defeat the zoans by
forming ranks and assembling numbers. In opposition to that, the zoans didn’t learn
anything and didn’t do anything but simply repeating their traditional way of fighting.

At the time when there were still many zoan warriors, just that was plenty enough.
However, due to the long-lasting battles, the zoans ended up losing many youths. In
contrast to that, the humans, who spread their sphere of influence by cutting through
the forests and mountains, have radically increased their numbers and dispatch soldiers
into the plains unceasingly.

The zoans, who are inferior in numbers even under normal circumstances, fell into the
vicious cycle of spreading their forces against the humans the more the battles escalated.

As it is now, not only the Fang Clan but also the zoans themselves will likely end up
perishing before long.

“If things stay as they are, we zoans will be destroyed. In order for that to not happen,
we have to change.” (Garam)
For that sake the power of that human child called Soma will become necessary, by all
means, Garam strongly felt that though he didn’t voice it out.

However, at this time Garam didn’t know.

The matter of a big, unusual phenomenon visiting Souma at this time.

At that time Souma is visiting the encampment while being taking along by Shyemul.

Even now the burned-down remains of the buildings are smouldering and white
smoke is rising throughout the encampment, where the rain had just stopped falling.
Countless zoans were tidying up among the ruins.

Even after arriving at the encampment, Souma’s mood was uplifted and he never
erased his continuous smile. The enemy forces were driven away after splendidly
getting caught in the plan he came up by himself. There’s no way for him to not be
happy. Besides, that’s all the more the case because Shyemul, who’s next to him, talks
delightfully about them having been able to win without any losses, thanks to Souma.

What Souma remembered at the time when he pondered how to go about driving
away the human troops in the recent battle, was one act of the Battle of Bowang from
the famous manga “Sangokushi”. (T/N: Google it if you want, the manga exists under
that name, it has 60 volumes and ended at 438 chapters)

In the manga, Liu Bei was being attacked at Xinye by Cao Cao’s 100,000 troops, led by
Xiahou Dun. Zhuge Liang, who was just welcomed by Liu Bei, devised a plan and lured
Xiahou Dun into what is called the Battle of Bowang.

The second in command Li Dian warned Xiahou Dun, who pursued the enemy as he
made light of their small forces while knowing that they were bait, with [You must be
cautious and be prepared for traps of fire created by the enemy as you walk the
difficult, narrow paths between mountains and rivers, where the vegetation grows
thickly]. At the time when Xiahou Dun looked at his surroundings and realized that
the topography was just as he was told about before, it was already too late. Cao Cao‘s
army fell into pandemonium because of the trap of Liu Bei. They suffered a crushing
defeat with their second-in-command Li Dian being killed.
Not only did Zhuge Liang defeat a large army with a plan for the first time, but he was
recognised for his ability by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were at first against this. It’s
a highly popular scene describing the possibility of gaining trust.

Zhuge Liang is very popular in Japan as a tactician of farsighted and deeply-laid plans.

Also, if Souma was asked to name his favourite character in Sangokushi, he would
likely pick Liang.

It’s only understandable that Souma, who repelled the large enemy army in the same
way as Liang by attacking with fire, was at the peak of his pride at this time.

However, Souma took reality far too lightly.

At the end of the day, the battles he knows about are events in games, manga and
novels. Thus he hadn’t pictured just how disastrous a battlefield is. Also, even if he did
picture it, he would end up vomiting in front of the overwhelming reality that exceeds
anything he imagined.

Thusly, it resulted in Souma learning it by experiencing it firsthand.

The view of a battlefield accompanied by its overwhelming impact can’t be caught by

any kind of elaborate CGs or special effects. The offensive stench hanging over the area
as far as one can see. The voices of the people groaning in anguish. The heat
transmitted by the collapsed buildings that were still smouldering. The taste of soot
unfolding inside one’s mouth by just breathing.

All of Souma’s five sense appeal to Souma that this is reality.

The feeling of exaltation until now ends up cooling down as if it was splashed by cold

The one who noticed Souma’s abnormality was Shyemul.

“What’s wrong, Soma? Do you feel bad?” (Shyemul)

However, without even noticing Shyemul’s voice, Souma doesn’t move while staring in
front of him.

Following his gaze, there was the corpse of a soldier that seemed to have been burned
to death as his lower body was flattened by a burned, collapsed building.

Shyemul slightly frowns due to the corpse that was completely scorched while
donning a terrified expression looking as if he would scream in agony at any time.

“What’s up with that corpse?” (Shyemul)

Turning around while saying that, Shyemul opened her eyes widely while being

All of the blood had been drained from Souma’s face. He had become ghastly pale.
Opening his eyes to the limit, his breathing is going roughly as if he had just sprinted
with all his might. At first he quivered little-by-little, but with it gradually becoming
stronger, his body finally violently shakes, similar to having spasms.

“Aaaah… aaaaaaaaahhhh!” (Souma)

The seemingly squeezed-out cries of pain leaking out of his mouth are disconnected.

“Soma!? What’s wrong!?” (Shyemul)

As soon as Souma’s throat resounded, he vomited intensely.

Even after he spit out everything that was inside his stomach, he doesn’t stop. His body
continued to vomit and convulse while mucus that was mixed with gastric juices and
saliva trickled out of his mouth.

“Soma! Soma!? Someone, please call the Elder! Soma is in a terrible state!” (Shyemul)

While listening to Shyemul’s yelling, Souma collapsed while trusting his face into his
own vomit and lost consciousness.
“Grandmother, you are saying that Soma suffers from [Warrior’s Cold]?” (Shyemul)

“I fear that’s probably the case.”

The Elder replied so to Shyemul, who had inquired about the condition of Souma who
had been put to sleep after making him drink medicinal water to calm his mind.

It was a condition that affected young zoan warriors very infrequently.

In cases where they were about to be killed and retaliated with lethal force to defend
themselves for the very first time in battle, their reactions could become dull as if they
had been paralyzed from that shock. Conversely, they might become very aggressive
or complain about insomnia.

However, because the zoans live in an environment where they constantly kill animals
in hunts and are taught to fight starting from their childhood, these symptoms lasted
as short as a few hours and would abate in several weeks at their longest.

Hence it was called a [Warrior’s Cold], with the meaning that it’s a temporary disease
which afflicts inexperienced warriors.

If you name it with a modern term, it would be called ASD (Acute Stress Disorder).

A personal experience such as something concerned to life and death becomes a

trauma and symptoms of a nervous disorder appear due to that, but it’s a transient
disorder that will heal naturally within a couple of hours up to several weeks.

“I see. Then it’s fine.” (Shyemul)

The intensity of it caused Shyemul to not think of it as the [Warrior’s Cold] that she
knows of, but even still she felt relieved that it was something only temporary.

However, the Elder shook her head.

“The problem is that it’s not limited to only that. — You probably don’t remember
since you were small, but at the time when we moved residence from the plains to this
place, there were many people with an ill mind among our brethren.”

The Elder smiles bitterly as she recalls the period when they just moved inside this
mountain while being chased by the humans.

Unable to familiarize themselves with the completely different environment

compared to the wide plains they had lived in so far, there were many who became
irritable for no reason or suffered from a mental depression at that time.

The Elder knew and experienced firsthand just how large of a burden a mere change
in environment and living space placed on one’s mind.

“I heard the stories from that kid several times as well, but the world where that kid
lived was wealthy and peaceful to an astonishing degree. To an extent that it’s similar
to the [Field of Pleasure] said to house the gods.”

Just as the Elder says, compared to this world, the world that Souma mentioned to
have lived in before is quite the gentle world. Shyemul thought this as well.

“With this much, that child might have carried a heavy burden in his heart without us
realizing that. And at that point a [Warrior’s Cold] was added on top of it. I definitely
can’t see it as something minor.”

Once she said so, Shyemul reconsidered.

When she reflects on Souma’s most recent state, she’s able to assess that his actions
weren’t like his usual self. She ate and slept together with Souma for a few days after
returning to this refuge, but the character of Souma, which Shyemul perceived during
those days, was that of a human that isn’t assertive, for better or worse.

Considering he was suddenly dropped into a different world and tossed into an
environment that is completely different from his previous one, Souma was obedient
to a frightening extent. After the change in environment there were likely many
different burdens pressuring him, and yet he followed what Shymeul said without
making any complaints or expressing any dissatisfaction to a degree where one might
call him meek. And not only that, he never mentioned wanting to do something or
wishing for something.
However, after the night where that battle was decided, that changed completely.

He had become very active, as if he’s a completely different person.

Even though he didn’t even try to approach the zoans outside of Shyemul out of
cautiousness before, he had apparently made various requests and addressed Garam
and Shahata on his own initiative.

Also, despite not knowing when the human soldiers would come attacking, he happily
prepared the ambush without showing a single unease. Despite the end result being
the killing of humans just like himself, he acted as if he hadn’t noticed this at all.

Now that she thinks back upon it, she can judge him being energetic to an abnormal

This conjecture of Syhemul was correct.

In order to escape from the stress brought about by the sudden change in environment
and his anxiety towards the present and future, he fell into something not unlike a
light manic state. Because of that, he felt as if there were no uncertainties within
himself, and on the contrary was enveloped in a sensation of exaltation as if anything
he did would work out in his favor.

However, at the precise moment when the thread of tension that had filled him with
the vigor to drive away the enemy snapped, Souma was for the first time confronted
with the reality of the battlefield that he had caused and this caused him to break

“Grandmother, can’t you do anything?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul presses her for an answer, but the Elder shakes her head slightly.

“This is the only thing I can do nothing about. If it’s a wound of the body, I will know
where it was wounded and how deep it is. But, I have no recourse if it comes to a
mental trauma.”

Even the Elder wants to help Souma, who was able to avert the clan’s crisis.

However, the problem is that she has no hand to play if it’s within Souma’s mind. The
most she can do is to at least ease his mind a bit by making him drink medical water.
“In the worst case, that kid might never be able to get back on his feet again. We have
to ready ourselves for that…”

When Shyemul left the Elder’s tent, Garam was loitering around there in an agitated

“What’s wrong, <Ferocious Fang>?” (Shyemul)

Called out by Shyemul, he said a forced “Yea” in a really awkward way after showing
his surprise.

“That is, ummm, that human child, will he be all right?” (Garam)

“It’s about Soma, huh? If it’s Soma, he has drunken Grandmother’s medicine and is
sleeping now.” (Shyemul)

“I-I see. I hear that he suddenly collapsed or such? I wondered whether something’s
wrong, you know.” (Garam)

“According to what Grandmother says, it seems to be [Warrior’s Cold].” (Shyemul)

“[Warrior’s Cold], you say!?” (Garam)

Feeling something like Garam looking down on Souma from his tone, Shyemul becomes

“I have told you, Soma is a [Drop Child]. Even though he came to a world he isn’t
familiar with as it is, he suddenly had to fight against humans just like him here. And
in addition to that, it was for the sake of saving us.” (Shyemul)

“Yeah. I understand that.” (Garam)

Garam scratched his head uncomfortably while being glared at by Shyemul.

“So, well, I wanted to discuss with him what to do about the human soldiers, but that
appears to be impossible, I guess?” (Garam)

She understood Garam’s distress as well.

They had never captured such a large amount of humans until now.

Currently they have lost their wills to fight due to the shock of the fire ambush, but the
number of captured humans exceeds the number of zoan warriors by large. If they
started to become riotous, it would turn into a disaster.

“If it’s that, I’ve already been told what to do by Soma.” (Shyemul)

As she recalled the state of Souma when he woke up some time ago, Shyemul bit her
lips. Despite not even a few hours having passed since he collapsed, Souma’s face was
similar to a patient who was stricken by a long-lasting illness.

She told him to rest and not worry about anything for now, but Souma insisted on not
having such leeway and issued several instructions.

But, even with Shyemul’s eyes, his state appeared to be stirred up by a sense of
responsibility, or rather a sense of urgency as if he’s being chased by something

After convincing him somehow, we made him drink the medicinal water and put him to
sleep, but he will probably completely break apart before long if we don’t do anything.

“Have the dead soldiers buried and then, once you clean up, choose those who can
return by themselves, and let them return to the fortress in small groups, he said.”

“Send them back!?” (Garam)

“Correct. If you inform the other humans about that, they will probably stay obedient
without acting up, he says.” (Shyemul)

“I see. Got it.” (Garam)

Now that she said it, Garam agreed with it as well.

If we try to kill them, the humans will likely become desperate and act violently. Once
that happens, we will suffer damages as well. Having said that, it’s pointless to leave
them captured as they are for eternity, too. In that case it’s rather less objectionable to
release them.
The released humans might become their foes again and come attacking, but from
what Garam has seen, the shock of the fire ambush was seemingly quite huge and it
doesn’t look like they will be usable as soldiers for a while to come.

Shyemul furthermore informed him of something requested by Souma.

“Also, he said that he’d like you to call out to the other clans for cooperation.”

“Cooperation? What kind of cooperation is he seeking now that we have driven away
the humans?” (Garam)

Shyemul was slightly at a loss for words there.

That’s because Souma told her something that even she can’t believe.

“Cooperate if you want to take back the plains. It seems that’s what he’d like you to tell
them.” (Shyemul)

“Taking back the plains, you say!?” (Garam)

Garam raises a disarrayed voice.

It was only natural for Garam to be surprised after suddenly being told about
recovering the plains, what with his clan being on the brink of annihilation just a few
days prior.

“That’s what Soma says, okay?” (Shyemul)

“I can’t believe it.” (Garam)

As expected, Garam was unable to simply believe in it as well.

However, once he tries thinking back, Souma had accomplished taking back the village
and driving away the military forces which Garam and the others couldn’t believe.

“Got it. I will hurry and send messengers.” (Garam)

Shyemul sighed while watching the retreating figure of Garam who is returning to the
village after saying that.
Since the night when Souma spoke so sharply in front of the clan till today, the
situation that the zoans had been placed in ended up changing heavily and becoming
very chaotic

Even among the zoans who are the concerned party, no one grasps the situation.

One might as well say that everything depends on Souma himself now.

It will be fine if he can recover, but I wonder what the zoans should do if he ended up
breaking apart just like that?

Shyemul heavily sighed while being worried about being unable to envision how
things will turn out.

Souma sat down at the mountain slope close to the place of prayer and looked up into
the sky vaguely.

Three days have already passed since the fire ambush.

However, even now Souma isn’t able to sleep at night without the Elder’s medicinal
water. Even when he finally falls asleep, he frequently jumped to his feet after being
plagued by nightmares during the night.

It was unbearably shameful for Souma, as he ends up causing Shyemul to worry each
time this happens.

However, when he closes his eyes, the cruelly burnt corpse of that time keeps being
projected behind his eyelids and Souma is tormented by dread and regret.

As it’s a situation he can do nothing about now even if he secluded himself inside the
tent, he went close to the place of prayer. But far from clearing his mind, he only
became even more depressed.

“Why did I get carried away like this…?” (Souma)

Souma ended up hanging his head in shame while he was at his wit’s end.

And then, when he had spent quite a bit of time wasting away, a small whisper reached
the battered Souma’s ears.


Being startled by that voice, Souma opens his eyes widely and lifts his face.

However, there’s no one to be found.

There’s only a single tree growing there.

Even when he strains his ears, all that he can hear is just the sound of the blowing
northern wind and fallen leaves being whirled up on the ground by it.

Souma wondered whether it was his own imagination, but the voice once again
reaches his ears.

“Hot… hot… painful!”

His heart begins to beat intensely as if it’s about to break through his chest.

This time it was definitely no illusion, as he had heard someone’s voice.

“Help… heeelp…”

Something stirred in the corner of Souma’s field of vision as he is searching for the
voice’s owner.

Once he looked closely, something was moving inside the shadow that extends from
the tree’s roots.

It was something similar to a huge, black spider. It tries to crawl out from the shadow
as its five feet move randomly. Behind that thing, something similar to a rod that’s
likewise black follows.

“…Hii!” (Souma)

A subdued scream spills out of Souma’s throat after noticing their true identity.

That was a hideously burned, pitch black arm.

What he considered a spider is a hand and what he thought was a rod is the arm.

Bright red flesh peeks out from below the skin that had become carbonized and deep
black. Each time the hand and arm moved, body fluids oozed out from there.

“Hot… Painful…”

The arm dug its fingers into the ground and dragged out its body by sliding from
within the shadow.

Its body hair had been burned down without leaving a single strand behind. The
carbonized skin goes beyond the arm. Both its eyes are clouded by fever. Its mouth
that had been spread to the limits is dyed pitch black with soot up to the tip of its

It was nothing but the burnt corpse he saw at the encampment.

“I don’t want to die… don’t want to die…”

“Fire… I’m getting burned by fire…!”

“It’s hot… hot… hot.”

Once he realized this, the voices of the apparitions were audible in Souma’s vicinity as
if they were crowding around him.

From the shadow of the boulder over there, from the shadow of the tree this way, the
apparitions raised groans from within the shadows located everywhere as they
creeped out.

“You killed…”

“You burned…”

“You are! You are…!!”

The dead unanimously blame Souma.

Souma tried to escape while screaming, but his feet don’t move. The hands of one of
the apparitions that are stretching out from his own shadow firmly grasped Souma’s

Once he waves his hands around randomly while screaming something that’s
complete gibberish, the apparition’s arms crumble to dust the second his hands hit

Due to that spectacle, Souma cried and shouted with feelings of guilt and fear rather
than delight over being released.

“I don’t want, no!!”

Being surrounded by the dead, Souma covered his face with his hands, sat down on
the spot and wasn’t able to do anything else but apologizing.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” (Souma)

A soldier that’s bleeding from having his head cracked open by a stone curses at
Souma. A soldier that was pierced by arrows across his entire body sneers at him. A
soldier that had turned into something like a sack after being crushed underfoot by
his comrades in arms pours harsh words onto him.

Due to that, Souma had no choice but curl into a fetal position and trembled as he
wept, in order to close his ears from the voices flooding in on him.

Suddenly one section of the circle of apparitions that denunciated Souma was split

A single girl slowly comes walking towards him from there.

Each time the girl, who wore a sleeveless, loose, simple clothing consisting of a large
piece of cloth with a hole in the middle for the head that had been tied with a string
around her waist, took a step, the apparitions, which were in front of her, open a path
while trembling in fear.

Once the girl arrived in front of the sitting Souma, she stared at the apparitions
swarming the surroundings as if cherishing them.

“You are a truly cruel child, aren’t you? Burning this many of them. Killing this many
of them.”
She then looked down upon Souma. Her lips appear bright red as if they had been
soaked in blood, and her smile formed something similar to the shape of a crescent

“Aah…! How very lovely. My beloved Souma. My dear child.”

“My beloved Souma. My dear child. How very cruel of you. To have killed this many,
many people.”

Though she was saying something so terrible, the girl appeared to be very happy.

“Because, if I didn’t do so, Shyemul would have! Shyemul and the others would have!”

“Is that true? Is that really true?”

Souma is at a loss of words due to the girl’s question.

“It’s because you won’t be able to survive in this world if she isn’t here, right? It’s
because you can’t survive by yourself. Because you are scared. Isn’t that why you had
escaped into the public stance of saving her?”

Although Souma had realized this unconsciously, he had never wanted to look at this
part on his own accord. But the girl still dragged this out into broad daylight.

“I-I haven’t ran away!” (Souma)

“You have, my dear!”

She denied Souma’s pitiful opposition with a brief comment.

“Oh, clever and smart Souma. If it’s you, you knew that it would turn out like that,
didn’t you? However, you decided to not think about it. That’s because you wouldn’t
be able to run away from there if you thought it over.”

Spreading both her arms, the girl said as if singing while spinning around.

“However, a dead-end awaits ahead of where you ran away to. There’s no passage in
front, to the left and to the right. To enter a dead end that you can’t escape from on
your own, while intending to run away. Oh, very, very foolish Souma.”

“It’s different! It’s not like that!” (Souma)

“You can run away if it’s possible to do so, cowardly Souma.”

Those words were sweet and at the same time filled with poison.

“To render the deaths of these children futile. Ah, what pitiful children. Even though
these children would have never died if you ran away from the very start. What
lamentable children.”

Catching the girl’s voice, the apparitions raise blaming shouts all at once.

“Run away. Betray Shyemul who trusted you. Abandon Garam who harbours
expectations towards you. Forsake all of them, everyone!”

The figures of zoans mingled in among the apparitions that swarmed the vicinity.

It’s not only zoans Souma doesn’t know either.

Garam, Gulkaka, Shahata and Shyemul have turned into apparitions and complain to
Souma with regret and agony. They torture Souma severely by asking why he had
abandoned them.

“No! I don’t want this anymore!” (Souma)

“Dear Souma, if they are forsaken by you, the zoans will end up getting annihilated by
the humans. Having killed this many soldiers, the humans certainly won’t forgive the
zoans. They will get massacred after experiencing a very, very horrible hell.”

She gently places her hands on both of his cheeks, left and right, and brings her face
so close that it looks as if their lips are touching.

“There’s no way that you will be able to run away, oh gentle, gentle Souma.”

Despite it not being as if she’s using any strength, he can’t shake off her feminine hands
at all.

“It’s already too late. Oh, miserable Souma. Your hands are bright red as they are dyed
with blood. Where you passed, corpses had been piled up highly. All and everything is
something decided by you. My dear, you aren’t able to go back anymore.”

The girl’s words are a curse afflicting Souma’s heart.

“Oh, Souma, Souma. My adorable Souma. Your kindness will kill a lot more people from
now on. Your foolishness will destroy a lot more things. Ah, my dear child.”

Releasing Souma, she bends back her neck and raised a cackling laughter.

Souma felt it clearly.

The one in front him is not a girl by any means.

It’s something tremendously old.

It’s something preposterously dreadful.

Souma was far more terrified of that girl than the surrounding apparitions.

“No, I don’t want to, nooo!!” (Souma)

Souma suddenly woke up due to his own screaming.

He surveyed his surroundings, and found himself in the usual, unchanged prayer area.
His shoulders were heaving up and down as he breathed roughly.

The figures of the apparitions and the girl who were there until just now have
vanished without a trace.

“…That just now, was a dream?” (Souma)

Tears streamed quickly down from his eyes.

And then he raises a dry laughter.

“For the sake of Shyemul? For the sake of the zoans? Isn’t that retarded? Haven’t I been
just running away…?” (Souma)
He believed that it was just as the girl in his dream said.

Souma couldn’t do anything but laugh about his shameful and pathetic self.

There’s no way that I will be able to run away.

I can’t escape.

He had already crossed a line he shouldn’t have a long time ago.

He couldn’t help but laugh about his own ugliness after trying to avert his eyes from
reality, despite all that happened.

Before realizing it, even his laughter withers away completely and he feebly hangs his

As if ridiculing him, the northern wind blew through with a high-pitched sound.

At that moment, the nearby thicket shook with a rustling sound.

Once Souma turned around as he felt a sense of deja vu, he saw the very young zoan
older brother and younger sister, Geeta and Shyepoma, just like back then.

Because he ended up parting from the young older brother and younger sister with a
bad aftertaste some time ago, Souma felt quite awkward, but both of them come
running up to him with a pitter-patter without showing any signs of minding that.

“Older bro, are you crying? Where are you hurt?” (Shyepoma)

Shyepoma, who just about matched Souma’s eye line while he was sitting, peers into
Souma’s face with a curious look.

Souma somehow transformed his stiff mouth into a smile.

“It’s nothing. Rather than that, what happened, you two?” (Souma)

He loathed himself for causing even such small children to worry about him.

Hence, he unintentionally perceived the young children as a nuisance and used a

rougher tone.
However, not noticing that, the two children started to speak while looking happy.

“We were told by dad; it’s thanks to older bro that we survived.”

“Yea, we were told that it’s fine if we eat plenty of dumplings.”

“It was great that we could eat them until our tummies were full, since there were very
few dumplings recently.”

“Yea. The meat was so tasty too!”

The zoans, who had lost their food for surviving the winter, had managed until now by
rationing their food.

However, given that they were able to procure the provisions brought in by the
humans due to the victory caused by Souma, the zoan’s food shortage was resolved.

Thanks to that, the very young siblings looked tremendously happy that they were
able to eat until their stomachs were full for the first time in a while.

“Also, also, dad and mum stopped fighting, right?”

“Yea, it was sad because everyone had mean faces earlier.”

Children are much more sensitive than adults think. No matter how much they hide it
in front of the children, the grim air that was found between the adults damaged the
hearts of the children just by existing.

“That’s why I wanna give this to older bro.”

What Shyepoma took out after saying this was a necklace created by passing a string
through multicoloured animal teeth, gems and nuts.

It seems that the two young siblings made it together. It’s an item you couldn’t call nice
by any standards, with its irregular gems and nuts used as decorations.

But, Souma thinks of the figures of the young children diligently making the unfamiliar
handiwork to express their gratitude to him.

“”Older bro, thank you.””

The older brother and younger sister, who hung the necklace around the neck of
Souma who had stiffened in surprise, matched their voices and said this.

At that moment tears overflowed from Souma’s both eyes.

He had a feeling of being saved due to the existence of people that thanked him, who
had cruelly killed so many people with his complacent thinking.

If it was Garam and Shyemul thanking him with this, Souma, who hated himself,
probably wouldn’t have been able to accept it upfront.

That doesn’t mean that he believes that they wouldn’t have thanked him from the
bottom of their hearts.

However, both of them have positions that possess responsibility within the clan.
Since they have to worry over the fate of the clan, they wouldn’t be able to completely
avoid having the selfish interest of wanting Souma to save the clan.

However, these siblings don’t hide any selfishness and strategy within their words,
due to them being children. That’s why this strongly resounded within Souma’s heart.

The older brother and younger sister were surprised due to the suddenly bawling

“What’s wrong, older bro? Do you hurt somewhere after all?”

“Are you alright? Wanna talk to the Elder and get some medicine?”

While listening to the worried remarks of the two, Souma was reminded of his

It was the day when Souma learned of Japan’s previous war during class at school. The
very young Souma asked his grandfather whether he went to war and killed people.

Recalling it now, he regrets having asked his grandfather something painful, no matter
how young he might have been at that time.

His grandfather, who has always smiled gently at Souma, only at that time showed a
smile that seemed sad as if he was about to cry and said the following:
[Souma, grandpa only didn’t want to behave shamefully. Please believe that much.]
(T/N: He uses Honshu/Shikoku dialect fyi)

He didn’t clearly state it, but most likely my grandfather killed people at the front, Souma

He doesn’t know what his grandfather thought at that time.

Perhaps he might have suffered and worried more than Souma.

[You must not behave shamefully, Souma.]

Once again his grandfather’s favourite phrase reverberated in his ears.

That’s right. Didn’t I resolve myself?

Whatever motive I had, I decided to help Shyemul and the others myself, and acted with
respect to that.

This late in the game I can’t act as if that didn’t happen.

Souma roughly wipes away his tears with his arms.

‘Even if I pity myself as I sob in such place, it’s nothing but shameful.

‘Besides, if I regret the things I did, it will torment those who were saved by my actions,
and only insult those who died because of it.

“…Thank you.” (Souma)

Words of gratitude towards the siblings naturally flowed out of Souma’s mouth.

“Really, thank you. I’m very happy. Thank you.” (Souma)

Those words weren’t only about him being given a necklace but also included his
gratitude towards them saving his heart, but the young siblings, who don’t comprehend
that, looked at each other’s face as if something was odd.

“You’re weird. Even though we’re thanking you, big bro is also saying [Thank you].”
“Yea, that’s strange, no?”

“Is it that weird?” (Souma)

Though it’s clumsy, Souma shows a smile.

It was a smile that Souma showed from the bottom of his heart after a long time.

“Yea, it’s strange~.”

“Strange, isn’t it?”

Being lured by the older brother and younger sister who started laughing after saying
that, Souma laughed once more as well.

Shyemul watched from the beginning to the end in the shade of a tree slightly apart
from those three.

She wiped away the tears welling up at the corners of her eyes and returned to her
own tent before she could be noticed by Souma and the children.

Having parted from the young siblings, Souma first planned to apologize to Shyemul.

I made her worry quite a bit these past few days. Since I came to this world, I have always
caused nothing but worry and trouble for her, he mused, feeling embarrassed.

It’s not an expression I can show to Shyemul, but I have to tell her that I’ll be fine even if
she doesn’t worry about me anymore, Souma thought.

“Shyemul, are you there?” (Souma)

Just as he was taught he first clears his throat at the tent’s entrance and then calls out
to her. Once he did so, a reply immediately came from within.

“Yes, I’m here. Please enter, Soma.” (Shyemul)

Raising the cover and passing through the entrance, Souma was startled.
Is it my imagination? He felt as if Shyemuls ambience was different from usual. Due to
Souma standing still and being perplexed the moment he entered, Shyemul called out
to him as she sat cross-legged.

“Soma, can you please stand in front of me?” (Shyemul)

When Souma stood in front of Shyemul as he was told, she took several deep breaths
while looking quite nervous.

And then she placed her machete at her side on top of a sheet next to her and suddenly
took off the breast armour that was knit with ivies and the undergarment below that.

The flustered Souma turns his face away due to her abundant breasts that were
suppressed by the clothes, swaying and about to spill out.

“Wh-! What’s the matter all of a sudden, Shyemul!?” (Souma)

“Though I will be ashamed if you turn your face away that bluntly…” (Shyemul)

Even if he’s told that, Souma is troubled as he can’t face her normally.

“Anyway! Can’t you look my way!?” (Shyemul)

With her strongly insisting on it, he nervously looks into Shyemul’s direction.

When he does so, it’s definitely her chest that’s on his mind.

Souma is a boy of appropriate age, too. It’s only natural for him to being curious about
that, but it’s no more than that. It’s also because he was worried about Shyemul’s seal
that he heard of from the Elder.

“Although it’s fine to look this way, don’t stare, umm, too much! Even with this, I’m still
a maiden after all.” (Shyemul)

Souma focuses his consciousness towards Shyemul’s face as much as possible and
restrains his urge to lower his sight by mistake.

Shyemul, who had pulled herself together due to Souma’s behaviour, pressed both fists
against each other after breathing in slightly, bowed her head lightly towards Souma
and said with a dignified voice,
“I, one of the Fang Clan belonging to the 12 zoan clans, daughter of Garguss, Shyemul,
pledge by my pride and the name of my father.” (Shyemul)

Saying so, she suddenly tore her chest with her own claw. Blood is running from the
scratch and her chest fur is dyed red. Shyemul’s mouth warped a bit due to the pain.

Shyemul focuses her stare on the eyes of Souma, who is surprised due to her sudden
behaviour, and continues speaking,

“I will become your eyes, watching everything.

I will become your ears, hearing everything.
I will become your nose, smelling everything.
I will become your whiskers, sensing everything.
I will become your fangs, tearing apart your enemies.
I will become your claws, cutting your enemies apart.
I will become your horn, piercing your enemies.
I will become your hooves, running ahead.
I will become your mane, representing your majesty.
I will become your tail, accompanying you.
I will become your fur, protecting you.
I will become your bones, supporting you.” (Shyemul)

She picked up the machete she had put down before, and cut off a single bundle of her
long hair around her nape with it. She smears her hands with the blood streaming
from her chest, rubbed them together and dyes the hair red with them.

“The me in this place, offers all of this one’s soul, heart and flesh to you, Kisaki Soma,
as my [Navel Master].” (Shyemul)

Shyemul held out the bundle of hair drenched in her blood to Souma.

“Please accept this, Soma.” (Shyemul)

Souma took the hair as he was told and asked with a dumbfounded expression,

“Navel master?” (Souma)

“That’s right. — Us zoans believe that the soul resides there.” (Shyemul)

Saying that, Shyemul placed a hand around the area slightly below her navel.
“At the time when one meets a person they believe worthy of entrusting this place
housing the soul, a zoan calls that person their [Navel Master] and makes a pledge to
offer everything to that person.” (Shyemul)

“Offering everything!?” (Souma)

“Correct, Soma. If you order me to fight, I will fight anyone that might become your
enemy. If you desire this body, I will accept it, no matter how you tamper with it. And,
if you tell me that you want my life, I will give it to you by cutting off my head on the
spot.” (Shyemul)

Due to the far too heavy contents, Souma tries to return the hair he received to Shyemul.

“Don’t make a woman lose her face, Soma.” (Shyemul)

However, he was pushed back by Shyemul’s tender smile.

“B-But, something like that, to me…” (Souma)

“That’s wrong. I want to offer it to you because of the person you are.” (Shyemul)

“But, I’m weak…!” (Souma)

“I know. But, even while weak, you saved us. Even though it’s painful, you are still
trying to help us. Because you are like that, I’d like you to become my [Navel Master].”

If Souma had only been a strong human, she would have likely respected him.

If Souma had been a human who merely repelled the enemy, she would have likely
thanked him for that.

However, he could never hope for her wanting him to become her [Core Master].

The Souma Shyemul knows is a human who’s too weak and kind to survive in this

A person like him desperately drove away the humans for the sake of the zoans with
whom he has no relation whatsoever.
But, notwithstanding that, Souma furthermore is trying to recover for the sake of
helping the zoans.

It’s not because he fights.

It’s not because of being saved.

He is trying to fight even though he’s gentle. He’s trying to not lose even though he’s
weak. He’s trying to recover even though he got injured.

Because he’s like that, Shyemul wishes him to become her [Navel Master].

“But, you will become the [Navel Master] of this <Noble Fang>. You have to be resolved
to that extent.” (Shyemul)

“Somehow it looks like I’m being threatened.” (Souma)

Souma laughed slightly at Shyemul’s way of speaking.

“Got it. I also swear to become a [Navel Master] who doesn’t embarrass you, Shyemul.”

“Indeed, my [Navel Master] Kisaki Soma. We will head towards distant heights together.”

“Yeah, together…” (Souma)

After that Souma went to the encampment that he avoided to visit together with

Because many of the human corpses had been already cleared away, Souma went to
the place, where the corpses were buried, after being informed by a nearby zoan, and
gently and quietly pressed his hands together in front of the soil that was dug up.

It will be a lie if he says that he doesn’t regret it.

Even so, Souma thought that he has to advance forward.

Even though he had believed to have resolved himself, he was nearly staggering due
to how shaken he was by this, and was silently supported by Shyemul.
He was deeply mindful of that while feeling the warmth transmitted from her supporting

In the hilly area of a certain place far away from the refuge of Shyemul’s and the other’s
Fang Clan.

A village of zoans who had to flee from the humans could be found here as well.
However, this place is vastly different from the village of the Fang Clan. A protective
wall surrounds the village, and had been built using cut logs. Guards stood in the
constructed watchtowers. The village had similarities to a mountain stronghold built
by the humans.

A single zoan raised their loud voice in front of a large tent that was conspicuous even
within that village.

“Clan chief! Is the clan chief in!?”

Due to that voice, a red-furred hill that was piled up in the deepest inner part of the
dim tent stirred with a rustle.

No, once one looks properly, it’s a red-haired zoan who slept in the shape of a 大

That zoan stretches a log-like arm and grabs a leather bag that was nearby. And then,
once he turns the leather bag upside down with its opening being opened widely, the
liquid inside poured into his mouth in one go.

With the zoan releasing a single, big burp, the reeking of liquor inside the tent increased

The red-haired zoan, who rose his own body up, scratched his head, made a big yawn
and said while looking listless,

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“The soldier that went as an observer for the Fang Clan has returned.”

“Ohh… It seems something went down.”

Wiping away the listless atmosphere that prevailed until now, he clads himself in an
air that makes others believe that he’s a ferocious beast.

The red-haired zoan stood up slowly.

Once he did, his large build becomes quite obvious. The reason for not making others
feel that he’s long and skinny while having a height that exceeds Garam is owed to his
thoroughly tempered muscles. The muscles, which swell up just like rocks, give him
the impression of wearing a thick armour.

“That damn Garam. He hasn’t said anything after that. Did he kick the bucket…?”

The red-haired zoan places his hand on his left eye, which had become useless due to
an ugly scar.

After that, he laughed, causing his mouth to lift upwards and shouted towards the

“Wake up the elders. I will prepare at once as well!”

Among the five zoan clans that had formerly set up bases in the Solbiant Plains, they
boasted the largest influence at the present. The Claw Clan’s chief Kraga Bigana Zurgu
raised his heavy hips.
When Zurgu entered the room that’s called the meeting space, the important people
of the clan had already assembled.

Calmly walking in front of his clanmates who bow their heads all at once, he sits down
between the elders located at the deepest part of the room.

“Well then, let’s hear the report!” (Zurgu)

Hearing Zurgu’s words, a single soldier steps forward into the middle of the meeting

“I will humbly give my report. Four days ago a human military force that they call a
batallion invaded the domain of the Fang Clan.”

Everyone present here already knew about the matter of the Fang Clan requesting
their Claw Clan to take care of their clanmates who wouldn’t be able to fight, due to
their plan to fight against the human forces. Furthermore, the massive fire four days
ago was around the mountain where the Fang Clan lives, and could be seen from their
place as well.

Once they added up all these facts, anybody could easily imagine that there was a
battle between the humans and the Fang Clan. Nevertheless, the elders groan about
the scale of the invading troops exceeding their expectations.

“If you say a battalion, that’s quite the number, isn’t it?”

“Those damned humans. They seem to be quite intent on destroying us.”

“If I remember correctly, the Fang Clan sets up several areas and separates their clan
into these places for the sake of passing the winter, right?”

It’s not like the Claw Clan had remained a mere spectator until now either.
Currently not only the warrior giving the report at this place but countless other
skilled and strong members were sent out for reconnaissance and reported about the
detailed movements of the Fang Clan. Hence they were aware of the surprising state
of affairs of the Fang Clan.

“Yes. As far as I have seen, the Fang Clan members that could be called warriors were
only slightly above the number of fingers on both hands and toes on both feet.
However, the result is…”

At that point the warrior hesitated to continue speaking.

Zurgu and the others considered that to be understandable.

Most likely he had witnessed how the mountain was set on fire, on top of a massacre
carried out against the entire Fang Clan.

Despite them being a different clan, they are still zoan. Even if he’s called a warrior,
seeing that massacre take place in front of his eyes will likely throw even him into

“It’s fine, you don’t have to speak further!” (Zurgu)

Zurgu held back the warrior who tried to continue speaking.

“Everybody. Although they are from a different clan, they were people of the same
blood if they followed the path of our ancestors. Let’s pray for their happiness in the
next world.” (Zurgu)

All his clanmates dedicate a silent prayer to them.

Among them only Zurgu was irritated.

Garam, you big idiot! You and your pointless stubbornness! If you had obediently bent
your knee in front of me, I would have saved you at any time!

If Garam himself heard that, it’s something that would have enraged him, Zurgu
seriously thought.

Zurgu himself didn’t dislike Garam. On the contrary, he has been evaluating his ability
as a warrior highly.
But, the emotion born from that wasn’t respect and friendship but rivalry.

Even though he secretly thought that he wants to have a one-on-one showdown in due
time, he felt a selfish anger for having lost that chance for eternity.

In fact, stirring up a sense of impending danger with the news of the Fang Clan being
destroyed in order to bring the remaining clans together was part of Zurgu’s plan.
However, losing the divine child Shyemul, who had the qualifications to stand as their
leader, is something that could be considered something very regrettable.

“Was I a bit too greedy?”

At the time when I was asked to look after those who can’t fight, I demanded the divine
child as compensation for that, but I guess I was a bit too greedy there? He mocked

“So, did the divine child die as well?” (Zurgu)

“No, she’s alive.”

This is getting pretty interesting, Zurgu thought.

As long as the divine child is alive, the Claw Clan will become the most reputable clan if
we take in the survivors of the Fang Clan that scattered to various places and shelter

In that case it will be a piece of cake to unify all clans under the Claw Clan by using both
our power as a clan and the divine child as a figurehead.

“Have you been able to grasp the location of the divine child?” (Zurgu)

“Excuse me? I believe she’s in the Fang Clan’s refuge, or their village?”

The questioned warrior answers with a puzzled look.

“I see. Those shitty humans. To detain the divine child there without killing her, do
they intend to lure us with her as bait…?” (Zurgu)

Due to that monologue, the warrior realized that Zurgu had a wrong idea.
“No, clan chief, it’s different!”

“Oh? What is?” (Zurgu)

“The Fang Clan hasn’t been destroyed. They have defeated the human forces!”

The zoan present were all astir simultaneously due to the words they couldn’t even

Even in the best scenario, something like a possibility of the Fang Clan winning against
a number of troops the size of a battalion seems impossible, due to them dispersing
its few combat forces in order to pass the winter.

Because they were under the impression that the Fang Clan had been eradicated by
the humans, or at the very least suffered huge losses, their surprise was great.

“Something like that is impossible!”

“No way! Tell us, how the hell were they able to drive away that many troops!?”

“Did they receive reinforcements from the Mane Clan or the Eye Clan?”

Reining in the elders who started to make an uproar, Zurgu had the warrior explain
everything first.

However, that battle that was later called the “Battle of Hoghnareah Hill” was
something that largely diverted from the common sense of zoan fighting that existed
within the warrior. For that reason the warrior who witnessed it himself hasn’t
reached an understanding of the spectacle and he talked while finding himself at a loss
of words many times.

But, he was able to depict the truth to those present who were listening very closely
to his explanation.

“I can’t believe it…!”

“You don’t say! There exists such way of fighting!?”

The elderly said so unanimously.

“Albeit having seen it with my own eyes, I can’t believe it, but it’s the truth. Even I felt
fear when I witnessed the scene that could be called the reproduction of the legend of
the imperial capital being burned down in one night due to provoking the wrath of the
God of Fire.”

Seemingly recalling the view of that time, the warrior’s body trembles greatly once.

Zurgu, who had listened carefully with his eyes shut and his arms folded as if to not
miss even a single word, opened his eyes and leaked out a sigh.

“Damn Garam. What happened to that guy…?” (Zurgu)

With him having met Garam only a few times, they hadn’t the opportunity to get to
know each other very deeply. Even so, he had heard several time that rumour from the
youngsters around here is that he is hailed as strongest warrior of the Fang Clan.

Once he guesses Garam’s figure from that, it causes him to feel that there’s a far too
large gap in the situation of this time’s battle.

It’s only natural to consider that there was someone, who taught them a plan, rather
than Garam and the warriors of the Fang Clan having come up with something
themselves, Zurgu analyzed.

However, in that case I’m bothered by who had provided that plan to Garam.

As far as Zurgu knows, there’s no person that can come up with such unconventional
idea among the zoan in the plains from where the Fang Clan originated.

“…There’s none among the zoan, right?” (Zurgu)

He can’t sense the way of fighting by throwing an enemy army into chaos through the
usage of fire as zoan-like.

Someone who’s not a zoan commanded Garam and the Fang Clan.

That’s what his intuition told Zurgu.

“Wasn’t there any sign of something having changed within the Fang Clan?” (Zurgu)

“Yes! Now that you mention it, the one thing on my mind is…”
“What? Spill the beans!” (Zurgu)

I might get a clue on the mysterious person who led the Fang Clan, Zurga bent forward.

“I’m not certain since I had only seen it from quite the distance, but several times I
noticed the divine child walking around while taking someone suspicious along.”

“Suspicious, in what sense? Be more clear about it, man!” (Zurgu)

“Understood! That is… no matter how I look at it, it apparently was a human child.”

That was something quite different from the picture Zurgu had assumed.

The image Zurgu had in his mind was a dwarf, who is familiar with the handling of fire,
or a human, whose speciality is a cunning way of fighting, moreover a veteran warrior,
who experienced an uncountable number of battles, or someone with the figure of a

With that much of a personal history, that person shouldn’t be young. There’s also the
reason that the proud zoan shouldn’t abide to a youngster from a different race, no
matter how hard pressed they might be.

“Bullshit! At most it’s an eccentricity of that divine child. She probably saved a child
that got mixed up with the human troops on a whim.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu laughed the warrior’s report off.

Shyemul’s unusual speech and conduct are famous.

Such a girl leading around a human child isn’t worth to get surprised over, Zurgu judged,
but that that human child is the person who brought victory to the Fang Clan and the
one Zurgu wanted to know about the most is something he didn’t believe even in his
wildest dreams at this time.

“Clan chief~!”

At the moment a single warrior rushed over. Once he comes in front of Zurgu, he kneels
down and bows his head.

“What’s wrong?! Did something happen?!” (Zurgu)

“Yes! A messenger from the Fang Clan has arrived!”

This is a godsend.

Whether we form a united front with the Fang Clan or are hostile to them from now on,
it’s no use to decide as long as we don’t know the true identity of the mysterious person
that gave them the plan. Since the messenger from the Fang Clan came just at the right
time, we will profit if we can skilfully get information out from him that will serve as
clue, even if it doesn’t go as far as revealing the true identity of that person, Zurgu swiftly
pondered his options.

“All right! Bring him here right away!” (Zurgu)

“No, that is, he left behind a verbal message for you, clan chief, and went back already.”

Something like going back after leaving only a message behind without greeting the
clan chief is an outrageously rude conduct. Due to that, the clanmates present raise
their voices filled with anger.

However, Zurgu, who was among them, leaked an evil laughter without getting angry.

“This means I’m quite hated by them.” (Zurgu)

It seems that I provoked a fair amount of wrath from the Fang Clan due to demanding
that they hand over the divine child while taking advantage of their weakness.

However, even when confronted with that, Zurgu laughs it off with a “What’s wrong
with that?”

The zoan warriors always talk about pride and so forth, but in the end it’s bullshit that
only serves as self-satisfaction. If you don’t win, you won’t gain anything. The defeated
has no right to speak up in any way.

If you don’t want to have your weakness taken advantage of, you just have to avoid
showing your weak points.

Those were Zurgu’s thoughts.

As one of the proud zoan warriors, this Zurgu held onto thoughts that might be called
“So, what did the Fang Clan say?” (Zurgu)

“As you wish! It’s something that’s hard to believe suddenly, but they said [Assist us if
you want to take back the plains].”

The recapture of the plains is the dearest wish of all zoans, including the Claw Clan, in
this area.

Talking about it is easy, but actually realizing it nothing ordinary.

Declaring that they will pull it off; I have no doubt that the mysterious person, who
supports the Fang Clan, is quite an idiot or an unthinkably great man, Zurgu felt an
excitement as if his blood is boiling.

“How interesting, shitty Garam! You are saying that you will take back the plains!?”

Zurgu laughed for a while and then stood up straight.

“I will head out myself to listen to their story! Prepare some presents! It’s to be
congratulatory gifts for victory! Get food ready to a degree that will astonish the empty
stomachs of the Fang Clan! Gather the main warriors! Let’s show them that we, the
Claw Clan, are at present the strongest clan.” (Zurgu)
Souma, whom would think that it was inconceivable to receive such an excessive
evaluation from Zurgu at that time, met with Garam and Shyemul to discuss the
situation going forward. Then again, even though they were calling it a discussion, the
actual truth of the matter was that Souma, without much of the common knowledge
of this world, is being taught by Garam and Shyemul.

“Among the 12 zoan clans, five clans, including us, the Fang Clan, lived in the plains
around here.”

“12 clans?” (Souma)

Souma asked Garam who pointed at a drawing that was painted with dyes on animal

“Correct. In the beginning the God of Beasts created 12 siblings. With each of them
acting as a forefather, the zoan have split into 12 clans. The Eye, Ear, Nose, Whiskers,
Fang, Claw, Horn, Hoof, Mane, Tail and Fur Clans.” (Garam)

While saying so, Garam pointed one-by-one at the pictures symbolizing the 12 clans.

Having counted the number of clans with his fingers, Souma tilts his head in confusion.

“Huh? Doesn’t that amount to only 11 clans?” (Souma)

Shyemul answers Souma’s question without a moment’s delay.

“Although it’s a story from the distant past, there apparently was a clan driven by their
own desires that brought calamity to all other clans. Provoking the wrath of all the
other clans, that clan was deprived of its name and banished to a different place, from
what I’ve heard. That’s the lost 12th clan.” (Shyemul)

Due to Souma comprehending with an “I see,” Shyemul looks happy for being helpful.
She has an look as if she would wag her tail excitedly if she had one.
Garam continues the explanation, though he considers that behavior of his younger
sister as suspicious.

“Returning to the topic: except us, the four clans that lived in the plains were the Eye,
Claw, Mane, and Tail Clans. As we have already dispatched messengers to all of them
except the Tail Clan, they will likely show some kind of reaction in a few days.” (Garam)

Next Garam explains the names of the clans he just mentioned now.

“First is the Eye Clan, although they are also called the Ritual Clan. Their total number
of clanmates is low, and the number that could be called warriors is even less. In
regards to battle prowess you can’t expect anything from them, but the esteemed head
of the shrine maidens resides in that clan.” (Garam)

“Head of the shrine maidens?” (Souma)

“She’s the head of the shrine maidens, who are handling the rituals of the clans. Our
clan has grandmother as shrine maiden, but grandmother was sent to study under the
Eye Clan in her youth. After receiving the approval of the head shrine maiden there,
she officially became a shrine maiden herself. While it might be true that she’s the
head shrine maiden, she doesn’t possess any special authority, nor is she allowed to
order the other clans around. However, since the shrine maidens deal with the rituals
and she can give the clan’s candidates for shrine maidens her approval or not, they
can’t bluntly ignore her either.” (Garam)

Wondering whether they are similar to the religious head of a temple, Souma ponders
after comparing them to something within his own knowledge that seems to be close.

In reality the relationship between a zoan shrine maiden and the head shrine maiden
doesn’t have the clear structure of a religious organization, as Souma believes. Rather,
it’s close to the relationship between a master and their pupil.

“The Mane Clan are, well, show-offs, I suppose. Since the number of their clanmates is
high, they accordingly possess decent influence. But, as their current clan chief is
indecisive, you can’t count on them.” (Garam)

Garam sounded the Mane Clan out about them taking in the Fang Clan’s clanmates
who can’t fight, but the messenger came back with the reply the day before yesterday,
when the battle had already ended a long time ago. In addition to that, the message
was wishy-washy, telling the Fang Clan to let them think about it for a little while

“The Tail Clan abandoned the plains and moved somewhere else at an earlier stage,
when the humans’ influence became stronger. I don’t know whether they might be,
thus I didn’t contact them this time.” (Garam)

Souma was discouraged by that.

If they are going to fight the humans from now on, they must secure as many warriors
as possible.

What Souma felt after playing simulation games is that “Numbers are power”.

Though it doesn’t mean that one will be able to win by simply increasing their number
of soldiers, it’s the most basic move to gather more soldiers than your opponent.

For that reason he wanted to obtain the cooperation of as many clans as possible, but
it couldn’t be helped since they couldn’t send a message to a clan with unknown

“The problematic one is the Claw Clan and its clan chief Kraga Bigana Zurgu.” (Garam)

By saying it just like that, Garam makes it clear that he doesn’t think highly of Zurgu.

“What kind of person is he?” (Souma)

“If you put it into one word, a beast, I guess.” (Garam)

Even though the zoan themselves are close to beasts from Souma’s point of view, he
couldn’t help to have a growing curiosity to one that even the zoans would call a beast.

“Please tell me as much as you know about that person called Zurgu.” (Souma)

“Okay. — There’s a bit of a fateful connection between Zurgu and me…” (Garam)

From time immemorial it has been said that red-furred zoan have a wild temperament,
but Zurgu was the very personification of that.

When there was an exchange between clans in the past, Garam and Zurgu, who were
already were highly regarded as young warriors that were expected to shoulder the
future of their respective clans, had a match as the banquet’s entertainment.

Even if it was called a match, it was “entertainment” to the bitter end. The contents of
the match were about both of them competing with their techniques.

From the beginning to the end, Garam that excelled in technique but fell short in power
predominated the match. At the end of the intense exchange of offense and defense
Garam cleverly used his two machetes to make Zurgu’s hands drop his machete.

When the referee announced him as victor with that, Garam shifted his eyes over to
referee. In that instant Zurgu lept at Garam with his bare hands.

Garama reacted to that by swinging his machetes at once, and even though it was bad
luck, he ended up gouging out Zurgu’s left eye. The venue went into an uproar for a

Later on Zurgu explained it with “I was too passionate about the match, so I didn’t hear
the voice”, but there was almost no one who believed that.

It was Zurgu’s fault for taking a leap while ignoring the voice declaring the end of the
duel, but Garam, who ended up injuring the son of the clan chief of a clan with a
friendly relationship with his own hands, afterwards visited to apologize, with gifts in

But, Zurgu bragged while smiling at Garam who apologized in earnest,

“The best present I got was this wound from you, <Ferocious Fang>, who is so
celebrated in rumours. ” (Zurgu)

And, while showing a smile that couldn’t be considered amicable at all,

“Next time, I’d like to see those skills on the battlefield.” (Zurgu)

He said something provocative as if they would settle their true match on the battlefield.

After that, Garam, who returned to the village, said the following to Shyemul:

“If he went at me for real at that time, he would have taken my life. He is definitely a
man I don’t want to encounter on the battlefield as an enemy.” (Garam)
Not long after that the relentlessness of the human aggression intensified, the two
clans were separated on a mountain and a hill far away from each other. The exchange
came to a full stop, but even so he still heard the rumours about Zurgu several times.

“Due to his fighting style on the battlefield, similar to that of a crazed warrior, he was
feared not only by his enemies but also by his allies. It reached the point that he is
called by the nickname <Mad Claw>.” (Garam)

“He’s quite strong, isn’t he?” (Souma)

Souma frankly voiced out what he thought after hearing Garam’s story, but Garam’s
reply towards that was something filled with mixed feelings,

“If it’s strength, he has it. But, what makes that guy scary apart from that is his
obsession towards victory.” (Garam)

“Obsession?” (Souma)

“Yes. He will choose victory over pride. If he believes that he can’t win, he will escape
without batting an eyelid even if he’s called a coward afterwards. Even if he lost, he
won’t give up. He will patiently hold his breath until it becomes possible for him to
win. If he sees even the slightest chance at victory, he will swoop down on it like a wild
beast that lurked in the thicket.” (Garam)

At the end Garam said following with a leaden tone,

“<Mad Claw> Kraga Bigana Zurgu is a man truly similar to a beast.” (Garam)

“Esteemed divine child! Sir Soma!!”

The one waiting for the two leaving the tent of the clan chief was Shahata. Since the
fire ambush, Shahata began to address Souma much more respectfully. One way or
another, he felt anxious when talking to Souma.

“Shahata, what is it?” (Souma)

“The wagon you requested is finished.” (Shahata)

That is something he asked the zoan to produce through Shyemul.

Among the human soldiers who became their prisoners in the last battle, there’s a
large number of people who won’t be able to return to the fortress on foot by
themselves due to their burns and injuries. It’s a vehicle for the sake of sending back
these people.

Shahata came to inform Souma of its completion after deliberately searching for him.

“By the way… umm, are you already recovered?” (Shahata)

The fact of Souma’s physical condition being in a continuously bad state until
yesterday was known not only by him, but by every zoan of the Fang Clan. Using the
report about the completion of the wagon as an excuse, he came to inquire about
Souma’s condition.

“I’m sorry for having caused you to worry.” (Souma)

When Souma apologizes by saying that, Shahata waves his hands as if saying “Far from

“Haven’t you done the unreasonable and destroyed your physical condition in order
to save us? As long as you have recovered, that’s the most important.” (Shahata)

While she looks at the retreating figure of Shahata, who left after bowing his head
deeply, Shyemul said,

“I see. You’ve become quite friendly with Shahata, haven’t you?” (Shyemul)

“Yeah. I’m quite indebted to him.” (Souma)

Shyemul was surprised.

Shahata was known as someone eccentric in the village. Without associating with
anyone from the village, he had always worn a gloomy expression. Shyemul didn’t
think that he would do something for the sake of others.

As expected of the natural virtue of my “Navel Master”, I guess, Shyemul gloated by

“Esteemed divine child.”

A warrior called out to Shyemul.

Seemingly having returned from hunting, one rabbit is hanging on his waist.

“What’s wrong?” (Shyemul)

“I came here after bringing this guy down. Umm, please have him eat that.”

Once he pushed the rabbit that was hanging at his waist into Shyemul’s hands without
saying whom he was talking about, the warrior hurriedly departed from that place.

With this not being the first time such a thing happened, Shyemul smiled bitterly.

“Although it would be fine if they were honest without being so strangely obstinate.”

The fact that Souma suffered a “Warrior’s Cold” brought about a change in the mental
state, independent of their feelings, among the zoan.

For the zoan, Souma was thought to be an evil existence that’s called the Divine Son of
Death and Destruction.

Because it was decided by the clan chief Garam and the divine child Shyemul to follow
what Souma says at the time when he said that he would drive out the humans, they
followed him only out of necessity. In their hearts, no one actually expected him to be
able to defeat the humans.

However, by making use of methods that are very far apart from the common battle
knowledge of the zoan, Souma pulled it off.

Also, many zoan ended up feeling a powerful dread, just like Gulkaka.

Among those clanmates there were even some who honestly considered abandoning
the clan and running away.

But, having heard that Souma collapsed and suffered from a “Warrior’s Cold”, the zoan
were taken aback.
For the zoan a “Warrior’s Cold” is nothing more than an illness that inexperienced
warriors rarely suffer from. So to speak, it’s a kind of embarrassing illness one can’t
tell others about readily.

It’s sort of like a rowdy kid that’s known for his scary face actually being a bedwetter
who needs to air their sheets every morning in secret.

Due to an overwhelming difference between their image of Souma that caused them
to fear him and that of him having the Warrior’s Cold, the zoan began to consider their
fear as absurd.

On the contrary, when they considered that such a pathetic guy drove away the
humans to the point of his physical condition crumbling for the sake of saving them,
their evaluation gradually changed into “Despite being weak, doesn’t he get things
done quite well?”

The influence of their divine child Shyemul on their change of opinion was also huge.
With her always being Souma’s ally, they arbitrarily interpreted it as “That means he’s
favoured by our esteemed divine child, doesn’t it?” and were able to accept it cordially.

Of course there were also those who had bad feelings towards Souma, but among the
majority of the Fang Clan, Souma’s evaluation had risen to a surprising degree.

Because of the sequence of events until now, they were still unable to thank or talk to
Souma, but it reached the point that they sometimes delivered hunted prey and food
to him through Shyemul like this.

Shyemul was happy about Souma, her own Navel Master, being steadily approved by
the people of her clan.

“Ah, it’s big bro!”


The ones among the clan who happily got in contact with Souma, just like Shahata,
were the siblings Geeta and Shyepoma.

“Bro, play with us~” (Shyepoma)

Saying that, Shyepoma grabs Souma’s right hand and tries to pull him towards the
mountain. Souma throws a glance at Shyemul as if asking her opinion while wearing
a slightly troubled expression.

“Oh well, isn’t it fine since you currently don’t have anything to do, Soma? Or rather,
what you should do now is to deepen your friendship with my clan just like that, I
believe, Soma.” (Shyemul)

Souma, who obtained Shyemul’s permission, started to walk forward while joining
hands with Shyepoma. Behind him Shyemul follows them while holding hands with
Geeta in the same manner.

Having become emotionally attached to Souma, Shyepoma talks to him, looking very
happy, while showing a smile all over her face.

“You know, you know, it will be great if I become big bro’s bride once I grow up.”

“I see. Thank you.” (Souma)

“But it’s no good if my husband can’t hunt even a single prey. That’s why you have to
polish your hunting skills from now on, big bro, okay?” (Shyepoma)

According to the custom of the zoan, a young man obtains the permission to become
a husband by piling up a mountain of prey he hunted with his own strength in front of
the girl’s parents. It’s an act of showing proof that their daughter will live without any
discomfort, as he has this much power.

“Ye~ah. But, for me hunting is a tad difficult.” (Souma)

“Geeze, you have to be dependable, right? After all you, will become my husband.”

Souma spilled a smile due to Shyepoma using the tone of an adult albeit being very

“Then I will try to do my best.” (Souma)

“Yeah. Go for it~” (Shyepoma)

While thinking “In spite of being very young, even Shyepoma became able to speak in
a mature way” due to such pleasant exchange, the arm of Shyemul, who gazed at the
two, pulled Geeta with slightly stronger force.

“Hey, hey, divine child.” (Geeta)

Shyemul looked down on Geeta.

“What’s up, Geeta?” (Shyemul)

“Divine child, your face is scary. What’s wrong?” (Geeta)

“…Really?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul hit her own cheeks with a slapping sound while looking mystified. (T/N: The
yandere power is strong in that one.) (E/N: I’m just imagining an angry zoan lady slowly
tightening her grip on this kid’s arm while she looks at Soma and the kid. Poor lil’ bro.)
The zoan were busily working in the Fang Clan’s village, having just moved from the
refuge after they cleaned up the human corpses and the remaining buildings that had
mostly burned down.

They were preparing to welcome the emissaries of the other clans that would arrive
here in a few days, but now that the arrival of the emissaries was imminent, several
problems managed to crop up. For that reason, the entire clan was running about from
early morning onwards to deal with them.

Just like that, the warriors arrive at the location of Garam, who was relieved that they
were able to somehow get the village’s appearance to a state where they wouldn’t feel
embarrassed over it.

“The gentlemen and ladies of the Eye Clan and Mane Clan have arrived!”

Once Garam proceeded to the village’s entrance, he saw the Eye Clan and Mane Clan,
who had each brought along 50 clanmates.

First of all, the ones who stood out is a group completely composed of women, wearing
totally white attires.

They wore simple white clothing and had a horizontal cloth wrapped around their
waists. On their head they had a hood with a cloth attached that covered their mouths.
Their appearance is conspicuous for zoan, who prefer to wear light clothes that allow
them easy movement as a race based on hunting.

They are the shrine maidens of the Eye Clan.

The authority of the shrine maidens is stronger than that of the warriors in the Eye
Clan, which is also the Ritual Clan. Things like negotiations with other clans are the
duty of the shrine maidens.

Of course, it’s not just the shrine maidens. Warriors that are protecting them have
joined their group as well, but Garam can’t get rid of a somewhat weak impression.

Garam called out to the middle-aged zoan, who emits a composed dignity while
standing at the head of the shrine maidens.

“By no means did I expect you, the younger sister of the Head Shrine Maiden, to
honour us by attending personally. I humbly welcome you, milady Wai Zanuka
Shunpa.” (Garam)

“It’s been a while, Garam-boy.” (Shunpa)

The zoan called Shunpa said in a calm tone while looking fondly at him.

“Lady Shunpa, please stop with the boy.” (Garam)

“Pardon me for this. You are now the clan chief of the Fang Clan, aren’t you? It’s belated,
but let me express my condolences for your honorable father.” (Shunpa)

Garam quietly received the condolences of Shunpa, who bows as she says that.

At that moment, the Elder turns up while propping herself up with a cane.

“Oh, Lady Shunpa, it’s been a while.”

“Oh my, hello there, elder sister.” (Shunpa)

“Lady Shunpa, you are the younger sister of the Head Shrine Maiden at present.
Although I’m happy to be called elder sister by you, it’s still unseemly.”

“No, elder sister. Even now, I haven’t forgotten that I learned various things from you
when I was little. For me elder sister will always be elder sister.” (Shunpa)

When the Elder trained at the place of the Eye Clan in the past, she mingled with a
very young Shunpa.

While Shunpa and the Elder were renewing their old friendship, Garam greeted the
representative of the Mane Clan.

“Assuming from your appearance, you are the representative of the Mane Clan. I’m the
clan chief of the Fang Clan, <Ferocious Fang> Fagul Garguss Garam.”
“I’m the son of the Mane Clan’s clan chief Manuyn Gujatara Bararak, Banuka. I accepted
your invitation instead of my father, Chief Garam. I have often heard of your fame, Chief
Garam.” (Banuka)

Giving a formal greeting where one can’t deny the somewhat too eager emotions,
Banuka is a young zoan who just turned from a boy into a young man. Even though
armour decorated with feathers has been attached to the front of his neck in an
attempt to imitate a mane, which is a peculiarity of the Mane Clan, it seems that he’s
still not adjusted to wearing it.

At his back he’s accompanied by warriors who similarly clad their bodies with a chest
armour, which had decorations at the collar attached to it and which also serves as
proof of the Mane Clan.

Banuka did his greetings in a hurry and restlessly surveyed the vicinity.

“Ch-Chief Garam. Umm… where is the divine daughter?” (Banuka)

“Mmh? You mean Shyemul? My younger sister is currently occupied with a task which
she can’t leave. I will let her greet you later on as well though.” (Garam)

Because it’s still too early to introduce Souma, he has been asked to hide himself, but
for some reason Shyemul ended up joining him.

It’s not like Garam didn’t feel uneasy about his younger sister recently concerning
herself with Souma by sticking close to him to a frightful degree, but as not all clan
members have yet let their guard down towards Souma, he tolerated it as it was
necessary for him to have a guard.

“Is that so…?” (Banuka)

Learning of Shyemul not being present, it was obvious from him dropping his
shoulders that Banuka was disappointed.

“Now then, although we can’t welcome you sufficiently due to just having finished a
battle, we will strive to do our utmost to entertain you and all of members of your
delegation. Please, come this way.” (Garam)

Garam guides the two parties into the village.

At first they had planned to hold the discussions between the clans at the refuge inside
the mountain, but him purposely guiding the emissaries into the village they had just
recaptured had the intention of letting them see the traces of the battle that occurred
the other day with their own eyes.

Because it’s fortunately possible to simply carry a zoan tent once it has been
disassembled, the moving of their residences from the refuge to the village didn’t
require overly much effort. But as there’s still scorched smell remaining in the village,
they have no other choice but to endure it.

However, the effect of that was outstanding.

To convey the truth, simply seeing it with one’s own eyes outweighs any words by far.

The clan members of both clans, including Shunpa and Banuka, look at the traces of
the battle remaining in the village with shocked gazes.

The biggest issue of this time’s meeting between clans is how to make them approve
of Souma.

Hence Garam’s and the other’s idea is to thrust the existence of Souma at them at the
moment when they were thrown into turmoil, due to receiving a strong shock just like
it happened to the Fang Clan before.

Going by their looks, Garam felt that they had a satisfactory reaction.

At that moment a single warrior came running to him in a hurry.

“What is it! You are in front of guests!” (Garam)

“Clan chief! The party of the Claw Clan has arrived!”

Before that warrior could finish his words or not, Zurgu showed up while bringing
along a tumult.

“Hey, Garam! Been a while, hasn’t it!?” (Zurgu)

Garam’s expression warps due to Zurgu pushing his way into the village as if he owned
the place, without even asking for a proper guide.
The ones following behind him are at a glance strong warriors. Furthermore, their
numbers exceed 100 even with a rough estimate. All of them have brazen expressions
and wear an atmosphere as if they are going to start a battle at any time.

“Zurgu, you bastard! Do you intend pick a fight with us!?” (Garam)

“Don’t get angry, Garam. Aren’t the two of us buddies?” (Zurgu)

As he says so, he puts his arm on Garam’s shoulder in an overly familiar manner. Garam
flings off that arm.

“With what right are you saying such things!?” (Garam)

“Oh? Why are you so angry? In that case, it must be over the matter of the previous
proposal?” (Zurgu)

Zurgu sighed in an exaggerated manner.

“Guess it can’t be helped. I’m the clan chief of the Claw Clan. No matter how much I
myself wanted to help you, I can’t send my clanmates carelessly into battle. However,
I had prepared myself with the intention to send our warriors right away once I had
received a single word from your mouth.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu pointed at the warriors he brought along.

“Look! That’s why I was able to immediately bring along strong warriors like this.
Moreover, there’s booze and food! Please accept it in celebration of your victory!”

The warriors pile up the food and alcohol they carried on their backs on the ground.

However, that’s not something done out of goodwill.

Different from the Fang Clan that has a critical food situation, the Claw Clan has this
many reserves; it’s obvious that they are doing such thing in order to display their
power as clan.

“To do such a threadbare thing…” (Garam)

After cheerfully looking at the irritated Garam, Zurgu shifts his eyes to Shunpa who is
next to him.

“Oh! It’s an honour, Lady Shunpa. We haven’t seen each other since the time when my
father died, right?” (Zurgu)

“Even Zurgu-boy is still a rascal, eh?” (Shunpa)

“Fuhahaha! Even this Zurgu loses face in front of the esteemed Shunpa(sama)!”

And next he turns his gaze towards Banuka.

Banuka became stiff exposing his vigilance while wondering what he will be told, but
Zurgu’s gaze passed above him without stopping.

After that Zurgu made an eyeshade with his hand and surveyed the surroundings

“What! The divine child isn’t here?” (Zurgu)

Blood rushes into the head of the young Banuka due to Zurgu’s remarks that lack even
the slightest splinter of appreciation towards the divine child, which Banuka respects
and loves, as well as Zurgu’s attitude that tells Banuka that Zurgu hasn’t taken any
notice of him.

“Damned Zurgu! There’s a limit to being rude!” (Banuka)

Acting as if he had noticed Banuka for the first time due to that, Zurgu grinned broadly
at him after that.

“Oh ho, aren’t you quite the lively brat!?” (Zurgu)

“I’m no brat! I’m the son of the Mane Clan’s clan chief, Manuyn Bararak Banuka!”

Zurgu comes forth right in front of him without any hesitation.

Being affected by just the pressure emitted by Zurgu’s uncommonly large build,
Banuka’s face becomes stiff and he ends up stepping back.

Zurgu placed a hand on his shoulder. Even though it doesn’t look like Zurgu is putting
any strength into it, Banuka groaned due to the strong pressure, as if a huge rock had
been put on his shoulder. He looks as if he would go down to his knees if he doesn’t
resist it with the power of his entire body.

Zurgu brought his face close to Banuka, who desperately endures it while gritting his
teeth, and bared his fangs.

“Don’t put on airs, brat. I’m the clan chief of the Claw Clan, <Mad Claw> Kraga Bigana
Zurgu. Don’t believe that someone who’s only the son of a clan chief can talk to me as
an equal!” (Zurgu)

Due to Banuka leaking a small scream of pain through his gritted teeth, the warriors
of the Mane Clan unsheathed their machetes all at once. Following that, the warriors
of the Claw Clan and furthermore those of the Fang Clan and Eye Clan also draw their
machetes one after the other.

What forced its way through in this explosive situation was the voice of Shyemul.

“Just when I thought it got noisy; what on earth is going on here?” (Shyemul)

Coming out of a tent, she proudly throws out her chest and glares and the warriors
that had unsheathed their machetes.

“Oh! It’s the divine daughter…”

“It’s divine child Shyemul.”

Due to the appearance of the divine child they can see only seldomly, the gazes of the
other clan’s members gather on Shyemul.

“Are you bastards planning to exhibit a group sword dance here to return the favour
for our hospitality?”

Due to Shyemul’s sharp manner of speaking, the warriors present turn their faces
away while looking awkward. Something like fighting with a different clan in the
territory of another clan is the epitome of impoliteness.

Zurgu, who judged it to be the time to pull back here, lifts his hand from Banuka’s
shoulder and urges his warriors to put away the machetes with his hand. In concert
with the warriors of the Claw Clan sheathing their machetes, the warriors of the other
clans also put away theirs.

“My, my, esteemed divine child, I’m extremely delighted to to be allowed to see your
adorable countenance.” (Zurgu)

“Your insincere flattery and your imprudent remarks are unneeded. Chief <Mad Claw>
Kraga Bigana Zurgu, did you come here to start a fight?” (Shyemul)

“Absolutely not! This is, hmm… a trifling difference of opinions.” (Zurgu)

“Oh ho, so this is trifling, eh?” (Shyemul)

“Indeed! It seems like even the Fang Clan is harbouring bad feeling towards us, but
even so, the petty difference in opinions has gone over the top.” (Zurgu)

As expected, even Shyemul and the other’s couldn’t help but being disgusted at Zurgu,
who declared that shamelessly as he plays innocent in regards to the matter of
demanding the divine child by taking advantage of the Fang Clan’s predicament.

“Oh, esteemed divine child! It has been quite a long time. Do you still remember me?
I’m Manuyn Bararak Banuk, the son of the Mane Clan’s clan chief!”

“…Indeed, if I remember correctly, Clan chief Bararak visited to extend his greetings
when I became a divine child.” (Shyemul)

“You remember that!?” (Banuka)

An excited feeling of delight travels through the entire body of Banuka due to Shyemul
remembering him, even though they didn’t exchange more than one or two words.

“Esteemed divine daughter, you are as beautiful as usual. No! You are more beautiful
than before…!” (Banuka)

If Banuka had been a human, his face would have lilekly turned bright red. His voice
had accordingly become shrill and joyful. And his body was as tense as if he had been
frozen in place.

A warrior of the Claw Clan who saw his state, whispers into Zurgu’s ear,

“Clan chief, it seems that the little brat from the Mane Clan is burning with passion for
the divine child.”

“Humph, even an idiot would realize that after looking at his sorry state.” (Zurgu)

“Well, it’s not like I don’t understand either. I guess it’s only natural, as she’s called a
beauty that overshadows the moon and shames the sun.”

“I won’t deny that, but she’s not to my liking.” (Zurgu)

Even Zurgu recognises Shyemul’s beauty, but unfortunately his taste in women tends
towards the frail ones, going as far as them being on the verge of feebleness. The manly
Shyemul is located on the extreme opposite of Zurgu’s preferences.

“However, if you look at the little bastard’s state, it’s not just that, I think…”

“And with that you mean?”

“He has probably been given clear instructions by his father. That spineless Banuka.
His ulterior motive is likely to make the divine child one of the Mane Clan if possible,
by instigating his son to go after her.” (Zurgu)

In the case zoan tied by marriage are from different clans, the wife belongs to the clan
of the husband. At the time when they would try to make the divine child belong to
their own clan, the method that will cause the least strife is to have a man of their clan
become the husband of Shyemul.

“I see… What will you do about it?”

Due to the warrior implicitly hinting at hindering Banuka, Zurgu waves his palm to the

“It would be unnecessary meddling. That divine child is a female wildcat. There’s no
way to know what will happen if you draw close to that kitten. For now, I have no
intention to make a move on the divine child.” (Zurgu)

What bothered Zurgu far more than that is the person who taught the plan of a fire
ambush to the Fang Clan. Even though he caused an uproar by acting like this, a person
appearing to be that schemer hasn’t shown up.

“Well, well, let’s see… are they putting on airs or is there another reason for it…?”

Although he had heard about it before; when he looked at the traces of battle left in
the village, he is made to realize that what he had imagined couldn’t even reach the
sole of the actual scene in front of him.

‘I think it’s definitely fine to even call it the deed of a god or monster.

However, Zurgu isn’t just simply frightened.

“If the Fang Clan was able to do it, our Claw Clan should be, too. I think we have to
make this guy, who gave Garam this plan, into one of the Claw Clan no matter what it
takes.” (Zurgu)

“What’s that godzilla?” (Souma)

“”Godzilla”, what is that…?” (Shahata)

Due to the monologue of Souma who secretly checked the situation outside through a
gap in the tent, Shahata, who had joined him as bodyguard, tilts his head in confusion.

“Nothing. That red zoan, is that possibly…” (Souma)

“Yes. That’s the clan chief of the Claw Clan, Kraga Bigana Zurgu.” (Shahata)

Souma seems to ponder deeply for an instant.

From now on I have to persuade them to follow my plan with that godzilla as a negotiation

Imagining himself being eaten whole starting from the head at the instant when he
harmed Zurgu’s mood, all blood drained from Souma’s face.

“I-I wonder whether I will be able to persuade them…?” (Souma)

At that moment the sleeve of Souma was pulled repeatedly.

Once he shifted his sight, he found Geeta and Shyepoma who had secretly come to
meet with Souma, as they didn’t know what to do with their free time since their
parents were busy with the preparations for welcoming the emissaries and couldn’t
keep them company.

“Big bro, do your best~”

“Your best~”

Souma’s path of retreat was completely shut off due to the children’s innocent looks
that were filled with expectations.

“Y… Yea. I will hang on.” (Souma)

Souma showed a cramped smile.



Seeing Shyemul —-

Garam “Even while being my younger sister, she’s a beauty.”

Zurgu “Though she’s not to my liking, she’s a beauty.”

Banuka “All the compliments about beauty in this world are for the sake of this lady
(rest omitted).”

Seeing a normal village girl —-

Garam “Her disposition looks nice.”

Zurgu “Okay, I guess.”

Banuka “There’s no point in even comparing her to the divine child (rest omitted)”

Souma “I-I don’t get the difference… orz.”

Entrusting the reception of those who came along as escorts to his clanmates, Garam
led only the important members of each clan to the clan chief’s tent.

Once they were guided to the place for the meeting, they entered and the Eye Clan as
well as the Mane Clan sat down on the inner left side while the Claw Clan took the
right side.

It’s a setup where it’s as if the Eye and Mane clans were confronting the Claw Clan. The
same thing could likely be said on the emotional level, as Banuka, who had been made
a fool of in front of everyone else, faces Zurgu with obvious hostility.

However, that can only be called reckless.

Not only does Banuka have no chance in regards to individual military prowess and
magnanimity, but he also loses on the power of the clan backing him. Since she
probably anticipated that, Shunpa of the moderate faction has sat down on Banuka’s
side to keep the balance.

While harbouring gloomy feelings due to the situation being like this before the
conference even starts, Garam sat down on the seat in the innermost part of the
meeting place. The Elder and Shyemul are next to him on the left and right as advisors.
Shyemul being next to him is in order to show that the divine child is supporting the
clan chief of the Fang Clan.

First of all, Garam begins by explaining the whole story about the string of battles
starting from the night raid.

Before long, even the members of the other clans were greatly fascinated by the bold
strategy called the fire ambush that didn’t exist among the zoan previously, as well as
the remarkable feat of chasing away military forces that had more than 800 soldiers
with the Fang Clan’s meagre troops.

The one Garam paid attention to while talking was Zurgu.

The biggest obstacle in the current conference is how to obtain the acknowledgement
of Zurgu, the clan chief of the Claw Clan, which is boasting the largest power among
them. Hence it is indispensable for Zurgu to recognise Souma’s achievements.

As far as Garam sees at present, Zurgu seems to hold quite a bit of interest.

Unlike the mere surprise of Shunpa who’s estranged from battles and unlike Banuka
who is innocently delighted as if listening to a heroic tale spun by a storyteller, Zurgu
carefully listens to every single word Garam says while slightly bending forward in
order to not miss a single thing.

“That’s all. These are the facts about the battle against the humans that took place on
this occasion.” (Garam)

When he finished talking about everything while allowing questions several times
during his retelling, quite a bit of time had passed.

Right after feeling a little sense of accomplishment due to having finished speaking,
Garam gets bathed in cold water by Zurgu’s next words.

“Humph, I don’t think that it’s a battle befitting a proud zoan warrior, <Ferocious
Fang>.” (Zurgu)

As if him earnestly and enthusiastically listening before was a lie, Zurgu ridiculed
Garam while picking his ear, looking like he was bored.

Although he was grim-faced, Garam didn’t object and only averted his face slightly.

Due to that reaction, Zurgu was convinced of his own conjecture being correct.

If the plan that repelled the punitive force was something thought up by Garam or
someone of his clan, Garam would have likely rebutted one way or the other.

However, he looked sullen because he got stabbed where it hurts. Also, the reason for him
averting his face was because he couldn’t deny what I said, as he himself thought the
same as well.

“<Mad Claw>, in that case, tell us, how would you fight the humans with only a few
troops?” (Banuka)
The one who rebutted him, instead of Garam, was Banuka.

Taking no notice of the youngster who’s misunderstanding this venue to be a place to

promote himself to the divine child, Zurgu furthermore says,

“I’m praising you, <Ferocious Fang>. You, who spoke of the zoan pride like it is your
favourite catchphrase, used a method I couldn’t have possibly come up with myself. To
have reached the point of thinking of such bold move if it’s for the sake of your clan!”

Garam’s face warps due to that plain obvious mockery.

Zurgu’s mockery was based on the scheme that even Garam probably would have no
other choice but to reveal the guy who gave him the plan due to being unable to hide
him any longer, if he’s told even that much.

“It is as <Mad Claw> says. The recent events are not something I came up with. I only
followed the suggestion of a certain person.” (Garam)

Due to the words of Garam who had resigned himself, Zurgu clenches his fists secretly
with an I’ve got it!

“Oh, that’s a surprise, I guess.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu says with a triumphant expression.

“In that case I believe that the talks won’t get anywhere unless you introduce that
person first.”

Garam hesitated. According to the original plan, he should have introduced Souma
based on the circumstances observed as he probes whether Souma would be accepted
by them.

However, what Zurgu says is reasonable.

Judging that refusal would be a bad move here which would only lead to complicating
the story unnecessarily, Garam calls out to Shyemul.

“Shyemul, please bring him here.” (Garam)

After a light nod, Shyemul retreated to inner part of the tent.

And then, when Souma makes an appearance with a timid look while being led by
Shyemul after a short time, a huge commotion occurs at the venue.

“His name is Kisaki Soma. He’s the person who provided us with the plan.” (Garam)

It being a human was within the range of Zurgu’s expectation.

But, the one in his imaginations was a veteran warrior or a general.

A man with sturdy muscles and bones, height and the brazen face of a man in the
prime of his life that was backed by the conceit of having wandered many battlefields.

This was the figure Zurgu imagined.

However, the one who actually appeared is a human child, completely different from
what he had imagined. No matter how you look at it, let alone him being a veteran
warrior or general, it’s a weak youngster that has never even held a sword.

“No way! <Ferocious Fang>, are you telling us that a brave man of your degree borrowed
the power of a human!?” (Banuka)

As if acting as representative of the agitated people, Banuka stands up and presses

Garam with this question without even trying to hide his anger.

Because that reaction was something he had already anticipated, Garam replied

“It’s a fact that we drove away the humans in accordance with Soma’s plan. And, he’s
also the one who said that he will take back the plains.” (Garam)

Everyone intently observes Garam, but there’s no indication of him telling a lie or a

Zurgu was wondering once again.

Garam is a zoan warrior who’s not inferior to me at all. If it’s him, he should have seen a
long time ago that this human youngster is no warrior or general.

For Garam to still recommend that human youngster knowing that, it’s no trivial matter.

Isn’t that truly a display of that kid’s true value?

This has finally become interesting!

Thinking that, Zurgu swiftly peeks at the representatives of the other clans.

Banuka appears to be a greenhorn plainly releasing his hate towards the human.

In contrast to that, Shunpa exchanges whispers with the shrine maidens behind her that
had accompanied her. It seems that they are discussing the stance of the Eye Clan.

Well then, what should I do in this situation?

Zurgu considered it once and then jumped into action.

“The proud zoan of the Claw Clan can’t cooperate with a group that seems to have
joined hands with a human. I will have you allow me to return home.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu stood up sluggishly. The members of his clan follow after him as well.

“Wait, <Mad Claw>!” (Garam)

Garam called Zurgu, who pretended to be leaving, to a halt. Once Zurgu stopped his
feet and looked over his shoulder, he said while openly exposing his contempt,

“Is there still anything left to say?” (Zurgu)

“<Mad Claw>, I do understand your discontent, but please listen to the end.” (Garam)

“Tell me, what’s the necessity to listen beyond that?” (Zurgu)

Zurgu said while facing all zoan present besides Garam.

“Bastard, what you’re saying is an insult towards us proud zoan warriors! Are you
telling us to abide to what a human, moreover a weak brat, says!? To this human brat
that’s even inferior to those excreta-scavenging monsters!?” (Zurgu)
Those don’t seem to be the words of Zurgu, who usually brags that as long as you win,
no matter what’s said, it’s the grumbling of a loser. But if it’s the zoan warriors, all of
them probably think the same.

It’s difficult to downright deny this.

Even so, if he intends to detain Zurgu, Garam has to behave modestly.

Feeling that, Zurgu tried to cleverly seize the initiative by getting the upper hand on
the emotional side by taking an attitude of accepting Souma reluctantly.

However, at that point he got attacked from an unexpected side.

“Zurgu! Asshole, did you fucking insult Soma just now!!?” (Shyemul)

It’s Shyemul, who was emitting a flame of rage from her entire body.

“Yeah, so what about it!?” (Zurgu)

Zurgu retorted like that, but he didn’t anticipate Shyemul’s reaction.

According to Zurgu’s prediction, the one who has got to feel the most unhappy to be
told to do as told by a human should be Shyemul. In accordance to her nickname
<Noble Fang>, Shyemul’s pride is notorious. Such a very proud zoan shouldn’t deem
it acceptable to obey a human that ought to be hated, no matter how much it concerns
the fate of the clan.

Even the report from the lookout stating that she followed around this human child very
likely means that the divine child herself monitored this human child and tried to expel
it if circumstances permit.

Zurgu made such a wrong prediction.

“If you insult Soma any further with that shitty mouth of yours, I won’t stay silent!
Swearing on my pride, I will make your dumb ass atone for it!” (Shyemul)

Zurgu is flustered due to this unexpectedly threatening attitude of Shyemul.

There was no way for him to decisively confront the divine child in front of the other
clans. The feeling of reverence towards the divine child is weak within Zurgu himself,
but he doesn’t take the clout the divine child possesses lightly.

“Dang! Can I have you pull back here, divine child? I haven’t been talking to you. If you
are saying that you can’t allow the insult, it’s more logical to tell the person, who
received the insult, to retaliate! I’d like you, who is unrelated to this, to stop butting
in.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu tries to prevent the divine child’s intervention by stressing that the problem is
to the bitter end the responsibility of the human child.

Even so, Zurgu’s complaint is just.

Everyone thought that Shyemul had no other option but to keep her mouth shut.

“I am related!” (Shyemul)

However, Shyemul declared,

“Soma over here is my [Navel Master]! Do you believe that I will stay silent if you insult
my [Navel Master]!!?” (Shyemul)

Insulting her “Navel Master” to whom she even dedicated her mind, body and soul is
a far more intolerable disgrace than being insulted herself. Shyemul’s wrath is
reasonable as well.

However, due to Shyemul’s rage, the location fell silent.

Even Zurgu solidified with his mouth still open.

The one who recovered the quickest among them was Garam, who, after all, kept
Shyemul company for a long time as an elder brother.

“Shyemul… What did you say just now?” (Garam)

In contrast to the appearance of Garam who had to do his best to just ask that, Shyemul
replied quite indifferently,

“Mmh? I only said that I won’t stay silent if you insult my [Navel Master].” (Shyemul)

“[Navel Master], you say…?” (Garam)

“Uh huh. I had Soma become my [Navel Master].” (Shyemul)

Shyemul boasted while throwing out her chest.

At that moment, all the zoan present at that place raised shouts that were neither
screams nor angry roars.

“What’s up? Is that something that surprising?” (Shyemul)

Only Shyemul remained calm during everybody’s reaction.

But it’s only understandable for everyone to be surprised.

The divine child is a being that enjoys the favour of the god who created them. Because
that divine child said that she offered all of her body and soul to a man of another race,
it’s similar to a thunderclap in a blue sky, or rather spelling the end of this world for
the zoan.

It was likely close to the mental state of zealous believers who were made aware of
their holy woman, whom they worshipped, was actually getting married and even
giving birth to a child.

To say nothing of her partner being a human whom they should hate. The scope of the
shock they received is overwhelming what they can imagine.

It resulted in those like Banuka having completely blank eyes and some among the
shrine maidens of the Eye Clan fainting. As expected, Shunpa doesn’t show such
disgrace as a younger sister of the head shrine maiden and perseveres somehow, but
even so she was also greatly perplexed.

“Shyemul! You with such a guy…!” (Shunpa)

“G-G-G-Garam! You are her elder brother, right!?” (Zurgu)

“Shut up! Even I didn’t know about that!” (Garam)

Due to being grabbed by his collar by Zurgu, Garam shouts with a voice close to weeping.

“Hohohoho! For that bedwetting lass to have reached the point where she possesses
a [Navel Master], that’s a surprise.”
The only one among them who raised a happy laughter was the Elder.

“Elder, the bed-wetting part is uncalled-for!” (Shyemul)

“In any case, it’s a joyous occasion. It would be wrong of me if I don’t give you some
kind of congratulatory gift.”

“Then I’d like to have your treasure, that alcohol, Elder.” (Shyemul)

“Hey, a big one came up here. But there won’t be that many happy occasions. Very well,
come around later to my place to pick it up.”

Garam gets exasperated by the exchange of those two.

“Both of you, what kind of stupid stuff are you talking about!?” (Garam)

“What is it, <Ferocious Fang>? You won’t give me your blessing?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul tells him this while pouting.

The act of fortuitously meeting a person to whom one can offer their body and soul is
the biggest honour for zoan warriors. If there’s a person who managed to obtain a
“Navel Master”, they will usually hold a feast in their honour.

Besides, it’s not like it’s forbidden to have someone from another race as “Navel

Even in the past there are several examples of zoan making people of other races into
their “Navel Master”. All of them are nothing but famous heroes and great men.

Also, there’s no rule stating that a divine child isn’t allowed to welcome a “Navel

But then again predicting such a situation to occur is by nature something

unreasonable. At any rate, there’s absolutely no reason to criticize Shyemul’s deed.

Garam does understand that in his head, but while that might be the case, it’s a totally
different story if it’s about the question whether his feelings can come to term with
He wondered if he should scold her harshly, but unable to find any befitting words,
Garam, whose mouth opened and shut like a fish, finally squeezed out his next words.

“You, idiot!!” (Garam)

Shyemul feels offended by this.

“Calling me idiot, what’s that about? What idiocy?” (Shyemul)

“What’s wrong about calling an idiot by their name!?” (Garam)

“Even though you are my elder brother, there are things you can and cannot say, right!?”

By now it’s a simple sibling quarrel.

Once they were shown others exposing a more disgraceful behaviour than themselves,
the zoan present collected themselves instead. They started to get bored by the
childish sibling quarrel that began all of a sudden.

The two, who haven’t noticed that, finally reached the point of arguing over having
taking or not taken a snack during their childhood. Shunpa coughs loudly.

Shyemul and Garam quickly came to their senses due to that.

“Since we all properly comprehended that you siblings, Chief Garam and Divine Child,
have a very good relationship, how about stopping around here?” (Shunpa)

Being told so by Shunpa with a gentle tone that had a wry smile blended in, the two
writhe in shame.

“It seems to be the same for you two as well, but I’d like to calm my head for a bit I
think. I believe I’d like to take a temporary break at this point and continue with the
conference at a later point again, but how about all of you ladies and gentlemen?”

There were no objections towards Shunpa’s suggestion.

“What’s with that divine child!?” (Zurgu)

Once Zurgu entered the tent allocated to him for the sake of resting, he started jeering.
His state of baring his fangs, breathing roughly and furiously heaving his shoulders up
and down is truly the picture of an enraged wild beast.

Even his clanmates are scared of him. They merely looked at him from a distance.

From among those clanmates, a zoan with orange-coloured fur stepped forward. That
zoan with her small size that was two heads shorter than the other brawny men,
seems to be a little girl because of the slightly bulging area at the breast part of her

“Uncle! Please calm down!”

Due to the voice of the girl that called out to him without fear, Zurgu’s frenzy stopped

“Shishul, huh?” (Zurgu)

The name of the girl called Shishul is Kraga Bunuka Shishul, and Zurgu’s niece.

Being the child of his elder sister who is far apart from him in age, only 8 years are
between her and Zurgu. Because of that Zurgu treats the girl more like a younger sister
than a niece.

“You were told so by mother. Once you become clan chief, you would ponder seriously
over matters because of your duty, but deep down you are a simple, boorish man.
Because you will reveal your faults immediately, she told me to scold you when that
happens.” (Shishul)

Zurgu, who perceived his elder sister that was much older than him as substitute for
a mother as a child, is until this very day no match for his elder sister. Being told the
words of that elder sister, Zurgu slapped his own face.

“Good grief, I can’t beat my elder sister.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu plumped down on the spot.

Immediately one of his brethren brews tea that was prepared in advance and holds it
out to Zurgu. Once Zurgu gulped that down in one go, he leaked a deep sigh as if
spitting out all the raging emotions still swirling within him.

And, having finally calmed down, Zurgu asks Shishul,

“From your point of view, what do you think about that guy?” (Zurgu)

“Even though it was a sideshow, as expected of a warrior that won against uncle. I
keenly sensed his strength even from far away.” (Shishul)

“Not talking about that Garam.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu becomes sullen due to having a unpleasant memory dug up.

“Who do you mean then?” (Shishul)

“It’s about that human kid called Soma or something like that.” (Zurgu)

“Worthless. I can’t understand Garam’s thinking to appoint an important post to such

a person. To say nothing of the sheer act of madness of making him a [Navel Master]!”

Zurgu leaks a smile due to her response being just as he expected.

“Everyone probably has the same opinion as you. As you said, that guy doesn’t seem
to be anything but an insignificant, ordinary person. However, he has been given an
important role by Garam and the divine child made him her [Navel Master]. This in
itself is something extraordinary.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu looked in the far, unknown distance.

“Shishul, in the past I overcame the resistance of our clanmates and surrounded the
village with a wooden fence, didn’t I?” (Zurgu)
Shishul nodded.

That is a story from the time when Zurgu had just become the clan chief.

Suddenly, Zurgu had started to cut trees at the nearby mountain. He said that he will
build a tall wall around the village with those.

Originally being inhabitants of the plains, the zoan had strong resentments against the
village’s circumference being surrounded by a wall. A large opposition was formed. If
handled unskilfully, Zurgu would have been dragged off the seat of clan chief. He only
managed to avoid further problems because of the family of his elder sister’s husband
following Zurgu’s order after getting pressured by her, whom had married into their

“I was also harshly rebuked whether I wanted the proud zoan to imitate humans.”

Recalling the situation at that time, Zurgu revealed a bitter smile.

“I think that as things stand, the zoan will get destroyed by the humans.” (Zurgu)

“Uncle…!” (Shishul)

For a clan chief that has been entrusted with the fate of his clan, those are no trivial

“In order for the zoan to not get annihilated, we have to change! Abandoning the old
ways of zoan fighting, we have to learn new things! We have to change! Even if that
might include the human way of fighting, for example!” (Zurgu)

That was the reason why he built a wall around the village.

However, Zurgu didn’t know that those words that he spoke resembled what Garam
said as he saw the mountain that had been cleared way by fire in the past.

“The zoan are very particular about their pride. The other clans that fear change can’t
be relied upon! Me and my Claw Clan will repel the humans by leading all zoan and we
will establish a zoan paradise on the soil of our ancestors!” (Zurgu)

Zurgu tightly grasps his right fist that he had raised up to in front of his face.
It’s as if he’s seizing something that only he can see.

“I certainly didn’t expect it to cause that much of an uproar.”

Far from being sorry, Shyemul says that cheerfully. Thanks to that, Garam had a

“Umm… Garam. I didn’t know about it, but as it somehow ended up becoming a big
problem. I’m sorry.” (Souma)

Souma bows very deeply towards Garam.

It is just like a man trying to receive the consent for marriage from the father of his lover.
By no means did I expect to actually experience this myself at this age. Fate is something
unpredictable, he ends up getting reminded of something similar to what he realized
just now.

However, in response to that, Garam easily returns,

“No, it’s not something you have to worry about, Soma.” (Garam)

“Right, right. There’s nothing for you to worry about!” (Shyemul)

Due to Shyemul teasing him like that, Garam swiftly threatens her by by baring his
fangs at her.

“I have heard that you are a [Drop Child], Soma. You probably didn’t even know what
a [Navel Master] is. It’s evident that it’s this idiot who suggested it.” (Garam)

The Elder interjects before Shyemul, who is about to flare up again after being called
an idiot.

“However, Garam, it’s definitely not something solely bad.”

“What do you mean, Grandmother?” (Garam)

“Although Shyemul is a bedwetter, she’s a divine child that has been given the grace of
god. There are plenty of moves to use from this.”
The Elder ignores Shyemul who complains with “The bedwetter is unnecessary!”.

“I have a good idea. Since I already took measures, it’s probably time for her to come
here anytime soon.”

As if having matched that timing, a graceful sounding small cough could be heard from
the other side of the entrance’s cover of the room.

“Oh, we have been awaiting you. Do us the favour of entering inside quickly.”

The one who entered after having received the Elder’s permission was the younger
sister of the Head Shrine Maiden of the Eye Clan, Shunpa.

“What an honour, Lady Shunpa.” (Garam)

Garam corrects his seating posture and bows his head towards Shunpa.

“Just what might be your business with us? Did someone treat you in an ill-mannered
way by chance?”

“No, I wish to express my gratitude for all the ladies and gentlemen of the Fang Clan
showing their hospitality towards my retinue. I came here after being called by elder
sister.” (Shunpa)

Having all the looks gathered on her, the Elder smiled broadly.

“First I’d like you, Lady Shunpa, to confirm the seal of Shyemul.”

Guessing the Elder’s intention with only that much, Shunpa’s face suddenly breaks
into a smile.

“I see. Very well, so be it. — Esteemed Divine Child, I’m sorry to impose, but I’d like
you to allow me confirming your seal.” (Shunpa)

“Ah, I don’t mind.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul tries to take off her breast protector on the spot.

“Hey, you men, turn around around now!”

Being threatened by the Elder baring her fangs, Souma and Garam turn around to the
back in a hurry.

“Then, esteemed divine child, excuse me.” (Shunpa)

After saying that in advance, Shunpa pushes through the fur on Shyemul left breast
and verifies the existence of the seal there.

“Certainly, I was able to see it. Without doubt it’s proof that Shyemul is a divine child.”

The Elder, who nodded several times while looking satisfied due to that, furthermore
asked Shunpa,

“Well then, I’d like you to confirm one more seal, Lady Shunpa.”

“One more, you say? Was someone chosen as a new divine child?” (Shunpa)

“I think it’s faster to show you than telling you about it. Soma, please take off that

After affirming that Shyemul had put her armour back on, Souma, who had turned
around, hesitated a bit, but as he was told by the Elder, he took off his headband.

At that moment, Shunpa opened both her eyes widely.

“No way, this is…!” (Shunpa)

Once she touches Souma’s forehead with her hand after brushing away his forelocks
that hid his forehead with a trembling hand, she stares at the seal as if to not miss even
the slightest fabrication.

“Aura! Magluna Aura! Magluna Aura!” (Shunpa)

Shunpa raised a voice similar to a scream.

“…It wasn’t a mistake after all, huh?”

Shunpa comes to her senses due to the voice of the Elder and feels ashamed due to the
disgraceful behaviour she showed.
“I’m terribly sorry. It’s especially rude to you who is serving as Aura’s esteemed divine
child. I will apologize to you by prostrating myself.” (Shunpa)

Shunpa drops down as is and goes down on both knees. She prostrated herself before
Souma by throwing her body down on the spot. Due to that Souma became panicked

“Please stop it. I won’t judge you at all!” (Souma)

“I offer my heartfelt gratitude for your leniency, oh esteemed divine child of Aura.”

Shunpa, who finally lifted her head, scolds the Elder who is making an impish facial

“Elder sister, you intended to get me involved from the very start, didn’t you?” (Shunpa)

“Let me see? What might you be talking about?”

Shunpa spilled a little smile due to the Elder playing dumb.

“I understand, Elder Sister. We, the Eye Clan, will support the Fang Clan and the divine
child of Aura.” (Shunpa)

“Ooh! Do you really mean that?!” (Garam)

Garam raised a delightful voice due to the unexpected offer of Shunpa.

It’s reassuring that we will be supported by the Eye Clan which governs over the rituals.

“The divine child of the God of Beasts has decided for the divine child of Aura to
become her [Navel Master]. This might also be fate. As one of the shrine maidens of
the Eye Clan that watches over destiny, I believe that I want to witness everything with
my own eyes.” (Shunpa)

“You have my thanks as well.” (Souma)

Shyemul satisfiedly watches as Souma, bowing his head very deeply towards Shunpa,
says that. After that, she hits her left palm with her right fist with a slap.
“With this only the Mane Clan and the Claw Clan are remaining, I guess.” (Shyemul)

“About that, as for Banuka-boy…”, Shunpa glances at Shyemul. “It will probably be
plenty easy with a single word from you, esteemed divine daughter.”

“Will it be fine with just that?” (Shyemul)

Shunpa displays a wry smile due to Shyemul wondering about it with a serious look.

Even though he promoted himself that bluntly, she wasn’t aware of Banuka at all. It
was slightly pitiful.

“In that case the problem is Zurgu and the Claw Clan, right?”

Once he ponders about the best way to persuade that wild blockhead, Garam couldn’t
help but to wrinkle his eyebrows.

“Rather than persuasion, you have to propose a duel to him, <Ferocious Fang>. Isn’t it
the fastest way to make him listen to what you have to say by beating him up?”

Just like Shyemul says; at the time when there’s a clash of opinions between zoan
warriors, there’s still the method of settling it with the outcome of a duel.

However, Garam shook his head.

“With him as opponent, I don’t have the confidence to definitely win, <Noble Fang>.”

Putting aside whether it’s an competition of machete techniques just like in the past side
entertainment, if it comes to a duel, Zurgu will probably use every single trick available
to him. It’s next to impossible to win due to that.

“Geeze! Isn’t there some way to cajole that wild blockhead?” (Shyemul)

All the zoan present sank into silence due to the words of Shyemul.

However, the only one among them who was bothered about something else was
Although he hesitated terribly, he timidly spoke about what he felt in order to borrow
the knowledge of everyone in this place.

“I feel like the person called Zurgu is somehow quite different from what I heard.”

According to what he has heard from Garam, Shyemul and the others, Zurgu was a
rude man that doesn’t consider the consequences.

But for Souma, Banuka, who stood up and attacked him directly at the time when he
got introduced, looked like quite a simple-minded person.

Compared to him Zurgu was surprised, but he observed not only Souma but also the
other clans to check how they would react to that.

Moreover, he feels doubt as to why Zurgu, considering that he left his seat after getting
really angry, stopped his feet just because of being called to halt by Garam.

If he had a true fit of anger, wouldn’t he leave without paying attention even if he was
called out by Garam?

Also, even if he stopped his feet for example, the fact of him making an appeal towards
everyone present besides Garam after that could be considered as questionable if one
ponders about it calmly.

“However, is that Zurgu someone who takes things into consideration to such an
extent?” (Garam)

Shunpa remonstrates Garam who smiles wryly while saying that.

“Zurgu-boy is certainly a child that relies on his own strength. But, if it concerns being
a clan chief that has been entrusted with a clan, he can’t stay wild because of the heavy
responsibility. It appears to be the same for you as well, right, Garam-boy?” (Shunpa)

Before, when Gajeeta stubbornly demanded the recapture of the village, Garam talked
about the weight of a clan chief’s obligation. Thus he couldn’t say anything now.

Garam knew about a person growing through the responsibilities they shouldered
from experiencing it firsthand.
After he became the clan chief, he had to always think about the clan’s matters.
Naturally his outlook widened from the time when he thought as a single warrior
reaching the point of him looking at the future.

If he recalls the him, who urged his father, the former clan chief, at every opportunity
to kick about the humans, now that he became clan chief, he only feels ashamed for
having been a fool that was simply swayed by what was in front of his eyes.

Even after having just succeeded the seat of clan chief, he was like that.

I can’t look lightly at Zurgu who has been burdened by the responsibility of being a clan
chief for far longer than I have, Garam remonstrated himself.

“Don’t you believe that the true feelings of the person called Zurgu are that he wants
to cooperate with us?” (Souma)

If one doesn’t consider it like that, Zurgu’s act of making an appeal with his own
opinion to the other clans is incomprehensible, let alone him not leaving the
conference venue despite showing such a vigorous attitude of opposing Souma.

“But, Soma. In that case he would have honestly offered his cooperation, wouldn’t he?”

“That’s not possible, <Noble Fang>.” (Garam)

Garam denies Shyemul’s view with a brief comment.

Having been admonished by Shunpa, Garam tried to predict the thinking of Zurgu as
someone in the same position called clan chief.

“Even I might have done the same if I would have been in his shoes. After successfully
taking down the fortress and recovering the plains, we have to establish the clans’
territories again. At that time it will probably be impossible to not take Soma’s words
seriously. The clan that is closest to Soma will consequently have a big chance of
obtaining the vastest area in the plains. As someone who has to look after a clan, he
definitely can’t take that lightly.” (Garam)

The territorial size of a clan in the plains isn’t only something displaying the clan’s
influence. It’s also directly connected to the development of the clan afterwards and
is the foundation of the clan’s livelihood. Any kind of clan will become desperate in
trying to secure a vast domain, even if it’s just a palm’s size bigger.

“I see. Does that mean that Zurgu can’t cooperate even if he wants to as long as he
doesn’t divide or separate us and Soma?”

Souma interjected at that point.

“Garam, I have told you before, but I want to deal with all clans equally.” (Souma)

For Souma that was something he wouldn’t yield on no matter what.

Although Souma, who grew up in Japan that’s mostly monoracial, hasn’t experienced
it personally, he often saw the news of civil wars and disputes due to confrontations
between ethnic groups living in the same area even in the modern era. Hence it was
easy for Souma to imagine big problems cropping up afterwards if he treats a specific
clan favourably.

Especially now, with the humans being superior in strength, is a time where the zoan
have to band and fight together.

It was necessary for Souma, who has decided to lead them, to distinctly show an
attitude of treating all clans impartially.

“As expected of my [Navel Master]!” (Shyemul)

Shyemul praises him without a moment’s delay.

Due to the state of his younger sister who has thoroughly fallen in love with Souma,
Garam gradually had a feeling of being fed up with her, but he could understand what
Souma was saying.

“However, even if we say that, the people of the other clans won’t believe us. Anyway,
the talks won’t make any progress unless we persuade Zurgu first.” (Garam)

What Garam says is reasonable as well.

“If it’s Zurgu, how about trying to provoke or stir him up?” (Shyemul)

“Esteemed divine child, I believe it advisable to stop that. Zurgu-boy has probably
gotten used to such competitions during his time as a young rascal. Especially now,
when he will be cautious of the Fang Clan’s moves, I think that it will have an adverse
effect instead.” (Shunpa)

“What do you consider to be the best thing to do then, Lady Shunpa?” (Shyemul)

Shunpa answered Shyemul’s question after brooding over it for a short while.

“Rather, isn’t it fine with talking him down?” (Shunpa)

Souma pondered due to that reply.

There’s no doubt that Zurgu and the others first will likely attack incessantly on
whether Souma is worthy to be relied upon in the conference that will be resumed
after this. He experienced the same with the Fang Clan as well, but Souma understood
that his outward appearance was something that was taken lightly, not to speak of
gaining the trust of zoan warriors.

Even so, at the time with the Fang Clan I was able to persuade the warriors because I
had the support of Shyemul, who is a divine child, and above all else, because I’m the
divine child of Aura.

However, no matter how much Shyemul is a divine child, it will probably be difficult this
time to persuade them with the other party being opposing clans. At the very least Zurgu
doesn’t look like he will willingly obey just because the other party is a divine child.

In that case it might be best to startle them by showing actual results like Shunpa says,
Souma’s feelings inclined towards that way of thinking.

“Garam-san, how many people are currently capable of fighting in the Fang Clan?”

“Let’s see. Currently it’s about 60, I guess. Since we launched emergency smoke
signals, the clan members who had been scattered are coming back one after the other.
That number will increase further if we wait.” (Garam)

Souma deliberated while letting his look wander.

“I wonder whether it will be sufficient with that many this time…” (Souma)

“This time?”
“Yeah. I wonder whether I will carry out this time’s fortress attack with just the
members of the Fang Clan.” (Souma)

Everyone equally opened their eyes widely due to Souma’s utterance.

And then Shunpa returned to her own clan temporarily because it became time to
resume the conference while they were scrutinizing Souma’s suggestion.

The Elder, who came to see her off, chose a place where there were no people in the
vicinity and asked Shunpa a question.

“Lady Shunpa, how do you view the matter of the divine child of the Goddess of Death
and Destruction appearing among us zoan at this time?”

The reason for the Elder deliberately coming to see her off was for the sake of asking
that question.

The Elder didn’t consider Souma’s and Shyemul’s meeting to be a coincidence. Though
it hasn’t been caused by Souma, Goddess Aura’s intention should definitely be hidden

“It’s only an assumption, but… Among the seven races living on this continent, we zoan
might currently be considered to have been placed in the biggest predicament.”

That’s because the living space of the zoan lies in the plains. Because the human
influence is supported by the sudden increase of their population going hand-in-hand
with them becoming more powerful, their maintenance of food supplies has become
an urgent matter. And, as a result of the humans extending their sphere of influence
towards the plains which were suitable for growing grain such as wheat, which a
staple food for them, it was the zoan who lived there that suffered the biggest

“If it’s Aura who is the goddess that seeks death and destruction, I guess her objective
is to assist the weakest race to destroy the strongest race.” (Shunpa)

“That’s what you think after all…?”

“Yes. That’s because that method will probably give birth to a lot of death and
destruction…” (Shunpa)

“You are saying that she dropped Soma into this world in order to destroy the humans
by helping the zoan…?”

“Yes. That’s my personal opinion to the bitter end though.” (Shunpa)

However, the Elder had also reached the same conclusion.

If it’s correct, following Souma will surely open a path to survival for the zoan.

“However, please be careful of the divine child of death and destruction.” (Shunpa)

Shunpa said so while intentionally lowering her voice.

“Although I said that he helps the zoan in order to destroy the humans, it’s not
necessarily limited to that.” (Shunpa)

“That means?”

“It’s certainly for the sake of destroying the humans, I think. But he might not
necessarily act for the sake of saving the zoan.” (Shunpa)

“Lady Shunpa, are you possibly saying that…?”

“Yes. It means that us zoan, besides the humans, might get also destroyed by Aura’s
divine child…” (Shunpa)
Souma tried to soothe his heart that was trembling out of nervousness by taking many
deep breaths.

“It will be fine. Calm down, calm down.” (Souma)

He repeatedly and repeatedly persuades himself of this.

Staring at Souma in such a state while looking worried, Shyemul called out to him.

“Are you really all right, Soma?” (Shyemul)

“Yeah… no, I might not be fully okay.” (Souma)

He displays a stiff smile towards Shyemul.

“But, this is something I decided myself.” (Souma)

“However, won’t it be fine even if you don’t try to unreasonably convince Zurgu and
the others by yourself, Soma? I’m the divine child of the God of Beasts. I could do it in
your stead.” (Shyemul)

“That’s no good, Shyemul.” (Souma)

It’s a suggestion he wants to depend on instinctively, but Souma shook off that

“This is not the end either. What about after that? It’s useless unless I make them
approve of me here and now.” (Souma)

Souma believed this to be a critical juncture.

All of the zoan are nothing but highly proudful warriors. I have to stand in front of them
by myself in order to make them recognize me. There’s no way for me to eternally hide
myself behind Shyemul’s back.

“Even though that’s what I’m saying, isn’t it slightly pathetic for my hands to tremble
this much due to my nerves?” (Souma)

Souma showed his quivering hands to Shyemul.

Thereupon Shyemul gently grasps Souma’s hands with both hers and directly stares
into his eyes.

“Fearing failure is only natural. You, who are trying to move ahead despite of that, are
definitely my [Navel Master]!” (Shyemul)

“Thank you, Shyemul.” (Souma)

He felt that his trembling settled down somewhat.

“Well then, my [Navel Master], from here on it’ll be your battlefield.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul once again guides him to the conference’s venue in a theatrical manner.

When he enters the venue by passing through the cover that was installed at the
passage, the looks of the zoan present assail Souma while exerting pressure upon him.

Especially Banuka’s gaze, which has reached the level of killing someone with just his

After rebuking his own waist that is about to give in so that he would sit down on the
spot, Souma somehow manages to sit down in the seat allocated to him.

And, imitating Shyemul and the others, he bowed his head very deeply with both his
fists on the ground.

“I feel honoured to extend my greetings to you once again. I’m Kizaki Souma!”

The one who got the ball rolling first in the reopened conference was Zurgu.

“First I’d like you to let me confirm something. You’re the bastard that taught that plan
to the Fang Clan and also proposed an attack on the fortress now, right?” (Zurgu)

That was a blade masked as words. It’s charged with Zurgu’s spirit to the degree that
anyone would think that it’s quite likely for him to reap Souma’s life at once if he tries
to deliver a poor reply.

Due to that, Shyemul, who stayed behind Souma, reflexively half-rose to her feet.
However, while throwing out his chest as if trying to crush that spirit, Souma lowers
his waist that had half-rosen as well.

“It’s as you say. I taught everyone of the Fang Clan the method to drive away the
humans. And, if you follow me, we will capture the fortress and retake the plains.”

Souma answered firmly, but as a matter of fact he was close to fainting at any time

He somehow mobilizes the bit of fortitude he has so that it doesn’t show on his face,
but even then he isn’t able to stop his face cramping. What was fortunate for Souma
was the fact that it was difficult for the zoan to understand that level of change in a
human’s expression.

“We are proud zoan warriors! There’s no way for us to obey a weak human like you!”

“You will definitely get denounced”, was something they had assumed during the
preparatory meeting with Shyemul and Garam. Therefore Souma answers without
getting flustered.

“Even if you follow me, it will never hurt the pride of a zoan warrior.” (Souma)

“What’s your proof for declaring that!?” (Zurgu)

“Did you forget? The blessing of Shyemul as divine child.” (Souma)

Zurgu is at a loss for words.

There’s no one among the zoan who doesn’t know of Shyemul’s blessing.

Her blessing is about her protecting her own pride. If being obedient towards Souma
was a disgraceful act, Shyemul shouldn’t have turned Souma into her “Navel Master”.

“I verified it just now. Shyemul is even now unmistakably a divine child.” (Shunpa)

At that point Shunpa remarks so as insurance. The younger sister of the Shrine Maiden
Head of the Eye Clan that rules over the rituals guaranteed it. There’s nothing as
reliable as this.

If they insist on obeying Souma as a disgraceful act in spite of that, it wouldn’t just be
an insult towards the divine child Shyemul, but might also be perceived as denial
towards the God of Beasts who made her a divine child.

At the time when he heard what blessing Shyemul received after becoming a divine
child, Zurgu laughed at her that it would have been better if she had received an even
more useful blessing, but now he believed that he has to revise that thinking. The
blessing that signifies that the God of Beasts will watch over her pride is equal to the
God of Beasts guaranteeing that all of Shyemul’s actions are legitimate, if you look at
it from another perspective. Due to that surprising fact, Souma can gain a just cause
for the zoan with him simply being accompanied by Shyemul herself.

It was that much of a terrifying blessing? Zurgu got irritated.

Of course Shyemul didn’t consider that when she received the blessing, but it’s a good
example for the purity of people sometimes giving birth to a surprisingly strong

Zurgu decided to resort to other means for attacking.

“Aren’t you a human!? Why should one of the humans, who are insulting us as inferior
beasts and are trying to exterminate us, try to become our ally!? It appears likely for
you to have an ulterior motive!” (Zurgu)

“I’m not related to the humans here.” (Souma)

“You are not related, you say?” (Zurgu)

“Yes. I’m a [Drop Child] who arrived in this world from a different one. I didn’t even
talk with the humans of this world.” (Souma)

Even though Zurgu and the others show doubtful expressions, the Elder guarantees
Souma’s words.

“I swear on the name of the God of Beasts, that it’s the truth. He couldn’t even speak
the language normally before he was connected to the world over here by Shyemul
and me.”

“The humans of this world threw me, who didn’t understand the language, into a
prison. I don’t have any debt of gratitude towards them and even bear a grudge against
them.” (Souma)

Although he intended to stab at the vital point that Souma is a human and not a zoan,
Zurgu has lost sight of his target of attack due to the unforeseen counterattack and
hesitation appeared in his tone.

“T-Then it’s the same towards us zoan as well, isn’t it!?” (Zurgu)

Since it had been near to impossible for him to have guessed in advance that Souma
was a Drop Child, one couldn’t describe it as anything but bad luck for Zurgu.

However, Souma has no intention to be expressly considerate towards him. As it was

the critical moment, he increased the severe counterattack against Zurgu.

“No, I had my life saved by Shyemul. I heard that there’s a saying of [The debt of
obligation for one rabbit] among the zoan, but even at my birthplace there’s the saying
of [Being beholden to someone for a favour of a night’s lodging and meal]. It means
that the favour of having received help with one meal and a place to rest for one night
must be returned without fail. That’s why I helped the Fang Clan.” (Souma)

“I can’t believe that! Are you saying that you will betray your own race for only having
been provided food at most!?” (Banuka)

Zurgu is stunned due to Banuka’s yell. That’s because Banuka didn’t understand why
Souma deliberately mentioned “The debt of obligation for one rabbit”.

Garam, who had stayed silent until then, revealed a ill-natured smile and said to

“Hoo. It seems that the people of the Mane Clan are lightly looking at [The debt of
obligation for one rabbit].” (Garam)
“N… No, that’s not what I mea…!” (Banuka)

Banuka becomes flustered due to the remark from Garam, who is a warrior he

For a zoan warrior who regards pride above all else, not returning a favour they
received will turn into a disgrace. Conversely, something like merely returning the
favour of one rabbit to the degree of turning their back on their own race isn’t
something many warriors are capable of.

That’s the epitome of an impressive tale.

They will likely be praised and receive the acclamation of many warriors. If one
nitpicks at that, they will only get insulted like Banuka just now.

Even from the standpoint of Zurgu who puts more importance on benefit than pride,
he will never slight pride.

A warrior who only abides to benefits will end up easily becoming disloyal if even
more benefits are dangled in front of them. However, the magnanimity of praising the
pride of others and adopting a proudful stance oneself is connected to gathering the
warriors’ popularity and such warriors will become particularly reassuring allies
when called upon.

Souma arranges his hypothesis on Zurgu thinking that it’s not a profitable plan to
lower his own value by slandering Souma’s moving tale here, putting aside whether
he can obtain even more benefits by doing so.

Due to turning his own conduct into an impressive tale, Souma sealed off Zurgu’s and
the others’ methods of attack.

“…Let’s hear the concrete plan on how you are going to attack the fortress.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu said that as if squeezing out the words with an expression as if he had
swallowed a bitter pill.

Originally he wanted to dominate Souma mentally by finding fault with Souma’s race
and identity and insulting those points before concretely talking about the fortress
But now that it didn’t work out like that, he has to somehow draw the flow of the
conference to his side even if he has to criticize the plan hammered out by Souma.
Hence he waited for Souma to open his mouth with an attitude of not missing even the
slightest problem with the plan Souma will mention.

However, Souma proposed something unexpected.

“Currently I can’t talk about the concrete details.” (Souma)

“W-What was that!?” (Zurgu)

“There’s the saying [A plan won’t succeed unless you keep it secret].” (Souma)

The zoan present are bewildered as they are unable to understand what Souma is

Even Zurgu was no exception, but having said that, his pride was far too high to honestly
admit that.

“I don’t know whether the important plan will fail by it being leaked to the enemy from
somewhere. Therefore it means it’s best to proceed while it’s a secret.” (Souma)

“Y-Yeah! It’s just as you say!” (Zurgu)

Zurgu nodded at Souma’s explanation with an attitude as if he really comprehended


“B-But, in that case, won’t we be unable to decide whether to cooperate with you or
not!?” (Banuka)

Banuka saying that is reasonable, too.

Even if they are asked to assist with the capture of the fortress, they wouldn’t know
how to evaluate Souma’s plan and if they should cooperate with it if its essential parts
were kept secret.

“As for that, there’s nothing I can say but ‘Please place your trust in me.'” (Souma)

“We are telling you that we can’t decide that! On what basis are you telling us to trust
you!?” (Banuka)
“On the basis of the achievement of having chased away 800 humans with only
children, elderly and a few warriors.” (Souma)

If I denounce this publicly, it’s obvious that I will be countered with “Are you able to do

Banuka had no other choice but to keep his mouth shut while looking mortified.

However, Zurgu was doubtful.

No matter how he looks at it, Souma’s reply is odd. If he’s really trying to gain the
cooperation of the other clans, he should instead try to gain our trust by taking the
initiative and being open about the method of taking the fortress. If he has confidence in
his method, that way will probably the easiest.

Of course he will likely expect Zurgu of trying to steal the leadership of the conference,
but he is mistaking the end for the cause if he kept it secret for the sake of avoiding
that. I don’t know what kind of plan it is, but even though he should desire the
cooperation of the other clans to capture the fortress, it won’t result in anything but him
strengthening the distrust of those like Banuka if he is so secretive about it.

Zurgu can’t see whether Souma is instead trying to not request the cooperation of the
other clans with this.

“If you go this far, I won’t hesitate in lending a hand.” (Zurgu)

Rather than behaving obstinate, Zurgu decided change the angle of his attack.

“However, there’s no way for me and my clanmates to be able to believe in what you
say that readily. That’s right, isn’t it?” (Zurgu)

“I believe that it is as you say.” (Souma)

Souma frankly agreed to Zurgu’s search for approval.

Due to that, Zurgu chuckles while thinking Got ya!

“Hey, Garam. First you of the Fang Clan will take the initiative and if you show your
trust towards this human youngster to us, we will imitate you as well. How about
that?” (Zurgu)
Souma’s and Garam’s aim is to shave off the fighting power of the Claw Clan, Zurgu

Because so far when the Fang Clan had started battles to take the fortress, they have
ended up losing many warriors. Compared to them, the Claw Clan, which had avoided
fighting against the humans, has retained its warriors. That should have been noticed
a long time ago already.

However, Zurgu, who couldn’t resist making use of a promising situation, gets Souma’s
promise that it can’t be helped even if he can’t trust him that easily. With that as the
key, he launched a counterattack that the Fang Clan should serve as a role model first
for the other clans by standing at the front as vanguard of the fortress capture.

Zurgu put himself on guard wondering how those two would reciprocate that move,
but Garam’s reaction exceeded Zurgu’s expectations.

“What <Mad Claw> says is reasonable. We, the Fang Clan, had planned to advance as
the vanguard from the very beginning.” (Garam)

Zurgu was surprised. According to the information he acquired, the number of those
who can be called warriors should be less than hundred, going by the current state of
the Fang Clan he has guessed from there. With that amount, they would lose just by
being routed by arrows before they can even reach the fortress’ walls.

That’s already no bravery, but recklessness that doesn’t consider the consequences.

However, Souma’s reply was even above that.

“Yes. I plan to carry out the capture of the fortress with just the strength of everyone
from the Fang Clan.” (Souma)

Everyone became dumbfounded.

“Such absurdity! What will we do in that case!?” (Banuka)

Banuka shouted as if he were screaming.

“If I could have you cheer and play the drums in order to encourage the warriors of
the Fang Clan that will be fighting, that would be plenty.” (Souma)

The warriors, who silently listened to the conversation behind Zurgu, hurled harsh
words at Souma’s manner of speaking.

“Don’t screw around with us! Are you telling us, the proud warriors of the Claw Clan,
to merely raise our voices and play the drums!?”

“Son of a bitch, are you saying that our forces aren’t useful!?”

“That’s an insult towards us warriors!”

Moreover, Banuka and the warriors of the Mane Clan chime in as well.

“We can’t agree with that either!”

“Yeah! Are you telling us warriors to play along and make noise as if we were

For the zoan, the warriors not being allowed to fight is as if they were being told that
they are completely useless. To say nothing of the warriors of the Claw Clan, but even
for the warriors of the Mane Clan that was something they couldn’t possibly agree

However, those warriors are kept in check by Zurgu raising an arm.

“Isn’t that fine? He says that he doesn’t need our strength. Will the Mane Clan also be
ok with letting themselves be treated as spectators of the Fang Clan’s difficult
struggle?” (Zurgu)

I won’t be lured in by such cheap provocation, Zurgu laughed while baring his fangs.

Something like attacking the fortress with only the Fang Clan, which had lost many of its
warriors due to the repeated battles, is nothing more than an act of sheer madness. In
what unsightly, panicked manner will those two, who forced their clan into a dilemma
due to their own speech and conduct, beg for forgiveness? Zurgu was excited in
anticipation of that.

“It helps that I could gain your understanding on this.” (Souma)

However, Souma smiled.

“Well then, we will tell you about the detailed action and schedule in the near future.
Is it alright to end this meeting on this note, if there’s nothing else to be discussed?”

The one who got panicked due to that is Zurgu.

“W-Wait a moment!” (Zurgu)

Souma bends his head slightly to one side looking curious and asks “Is there something

“Ah, no. Do you really plan to take the fortress with just Garam’s clan…?” (Zurgu)

According to Zurgu’s prediction this should have been a provocation from Souma.

However, far from getting flustered, Souma and Garam are already getting ready to
leave their seats after having called an end of the conference. On the contrary, Zurgu
is the one that gets flustered.

“Yes. Just as I told you now, with only the strength of the Fang Clan—” (Souma)

Souma unnaturally claps his hands together.

“Aah, did you maybe think that it was a provocation? If that’s the case, I’m sorry. By no
means do I consider everyone to be useless or weak. That’s not the reason for me
keeping you away from the battle.” (Souma)
“Then, why…?” (Zurgu)

“Some time ago you said that you can’t place your trust in me, didn’t you?” (Souma)

“Yeah. I did.” (Zurgu)

“I don’t trust you either. I don’t know whether you will follow my instructions, after
all. Would you take such people along into an important battle? All the more if those
people are powerful.” (Souma)

Zurgu became speechless due to Souma’s argumentation.

The one who said that he can’t trust Souma is Zurgu himself. It’s already impossible
for him to change his mind and take back those words. He intended to trick them into
a commitment, but instead the one who got tricked was Zurgu himself. Knowing that,
Zurgu regretted it bitterly.

If the fortress is captured by solely the Fang Clan just like this, it will become unfavorable
for us.

The humans built that fortress for the sake of keeping an eye on the entire plains. The
act of capturing that place is directly connected to taking back the plains. If they achieve
such a huge victory, the distribution of the territory of the clans that waited to act will
afterwards be decided on by the Fang Clan’s own discretion. Not only that. We won’t be
able to complain even if the Fang Clan makes the entire plains their own.

However, he wasn’t able to abandon the possibility of it being a provocation based on

what he had predicted up to this point.

“But, something like taking the fortress with just the Fang Clan is absurd! Garam, the
number of warriors you can currently mobilize shouldn’t be more than a hundred.

There are soldiers that remain in the fortress from the start, and didn’t attack with
that group of soldiers from earlier! Besides, because you let the soldiers that attacked
from earlier go right from under your nose, the number of soldiers staying in that
fortress has grown to several hundreds!

And, the fortress’ wall where those guys have barricaded themselves in, has a height
of six melt (approximately six meters) and a width of four melt (approximately four
meters). That’s not something you can easily climb over. It’s different from that time
you rescued the divine child infiltrating by yourself. A large group of people will be
noticed before it can approach the wall. On the other hand, even if you cross the wall
with a select few, it will end with you getting surrounded without having any time to
open the gate!” (Zurgu)

“You are quite well-informed, I think.” (Souma)

Souma praised him honestly.

Even Garam truly couldn’t hide his surprise that Zurgu had gotten hold of the
information of him having rescued Shyemul with a solo mission.

Having noticed that he ended up blurting out even things that would have been better
left unsaid against his better judgement out of sheer agitation, Zurgu closes his mouth
in a hurry.

However he lost himself once again due to Souma’s next words.

“Though, it’s fine. If it’s that level of a fortress, it won’t be a big deal.” (Souma)

Being told that the fortress, which didn’t fall even after getting attacked not only by
the Fang Clan but also the Claw Clan, isn’t anything great, Zurgu’s head became dizzy.

“W-What’s with that confidence of yours, you bastard!?” (Zurgu)

Having lost his presence of mind, Zurgu hurled those words at Souma.

Souma, in order to show it to all the zoan present, slowly grabbed the headband that
was wound around his forehead with a hand and removed it in one go.

What faintly shone on his exposed forehead is the seal that seems to be a combination
of 8 and ∞. It completely looks like two snakes that have entangled their bodies and
are biting each other’s tails while wriggling. It’s the seal of Aura.

“I’m the divine child of Aura, the Goddess of Death and Destruction. I came here for
the sake of destroying the humans that are making you suffer.” (Souma)

That was a huge act by Souma.

Being overwhelmed by those words, Zurgu and the others stiffen up and are taken

At that moment the shrine maidens of the Eye Clan that kept silent until now said in a
chorus all at once,

“The goddess that manages the final moments of all living things.”

“The goddess that witnesses the time of every single being’s final moment.”

“Goddess Aura who is the sole mother and elder sister respected and feared by the

Shunpa adjusted her sitting posture towards Souma.

“Us Eye Clan will support Kisaki Soma who has been turned into the divine son of
Goddess Aura.” (Shunpa)

“”We shall support you!””

Shunpa and the shrine maidens that were behind her simultaneously prostrated
themselves in front of Souma.

The deed of Shunpa and the other shrine maidens was for the sake of wiping away the
anxiety on whether the divine child of the goddess would bring calamity upon the
zoan. At the same time, it gives credibility to the existence of Aura, whom Zurgu and
the others had just heard about for the first time.They aren’t knowledgeable about
battles in the physical world, but as for matters related to the gods, the influence of
the Eye Clan that governs the rituals is huge. Due to them announcing their support,
the other clans became incapable of finding fault with Souma being the divine son of
the Goddess of Death and Destruction.

Zurgu trembles.

What’s this guy!? What the hell is this about!? (Zurgu)

That scream in Zurgu’s mind that couldn’t leave his mouth was something shared by
all zoan present.

When Garam and the Elder returned to the inner room, Souma, who is feebly lying on
his face, and Shyemul, who is delivering a gentle breeze to him with a large leaf, were
already present there.

“Soma, is something wrong?” (Garam)

Once the surprised Garam asks that, Shyemul shows a faint smile.

“It seems he has overheated due to his excessive tension.” (Shyemul)

Having noticed that Garam and the Elder arrived, Souma sluggishly lifted his face. Due
to Souma’s haggard expression, as he had seemingly been strained mentally quite a
bit, the two truly doubted whether it was the same divine child of Aura that made
Zurgu tremble violently some time ago.

“Garam, Elder, excuse me for showing you such an appearance.” (Souma)

Souma raises his body and, borrowing Shyemul’s hand, he sits up.

“So, what about Zurgu’s and the other’s reaction?” (Souma)

Souma, who had his hands full with bluffing away his nervousness, confirms the
events during the conference with the two.

“For a youngster it was a rather fine performance.”

“Uh huh. Mostly the responses were just as we had hoped for, I guess.” (Garam)

He had already heard the assessment from Shyemul as well, but in her case he can’t
simply accept it due to her overestimating him. Being given the stamp of approval by
the two, Souma let out a sigh of relief at last.

“It’s thanks to me having received help from the two of you.” (Souma)

Souma pulling that off successfully with Zurgu’s group was the result of hypothetical
situations that Souma had practiced with Shyemul, Garam and the Elder for several
Especially as Garam had been just in the same situation as Zurgu until a few days ago,
it was simple to predict how he would attack Souma and what he would view as a
problem. Thanks to those predictions coming true, Souma was able to seize the
initiative of the discussion from the beginning to the end.

“But, Soma, can you really take the fortress with only us?” (Garam)

Going by Garam’s worries, it wouldn’t end with the Fang Clan just losing face if they
couldn’t capture the fortress here. With it being only natural for Souma to be tortured
and killed, harm would even reach Shyemul who made him her [Navel Master].

“In that case, pro…” (Souma)

Souma stopped saying “Probably”. As long as I have decided to go through with it,
declaring things with no confidence will only cause Garam and the others to lose their
composure. I mustn’t use vague words in order to protect myself here.

“It’s all right. I’m already working on the preparations to take the fortress.” (Souma)

“You are working on the preparations, you say?” (Shyemul)

Even Shyemul was surprised about this.

Because she almost always attended to Souma, Shyemul should have seen Souma’s
actions in detail. However she has no recollection of having observed Souma doing
something like preparing the capture of the fortress.

“Is that the truth, Soma?”

“Yeah, in other words, please judge the result without simply complaining about the
methods used.” (Souma)

Souma smiled broadly.

Even though quite a bit of time has already passed since the sun vanished behind the
horizon, the fortress that had been built in the Solbiant Plains was engulfed in a
luminance similar to broad daylight due to a grand bonfire

The soldiers are busily running around and angry voices are flitting about

The Company Commander Aide Marchronis, who had been entrusted with the fortress
and who was among them, frantically dealt with his subordinates that were constantly
rushing over to ask for his orders or to give reports.

“Sir Company Commander Aide! There aren’t enough places to let the injured soldiers

“I don’t mind if you lay them down in the passages! It would be bad to expose them to
the chilling night wind with them having lost their resilience already. Check the
conditions of their injuries and carry the heavily wounded into the buildings as
priority!” (Marchronis)

“Sir Company Commander Aide! The ointments are insufficient! It’s the same for
bandages as well!”

“Fetch the wine barrels from the food storehouses! At least disinfect them with
alcohol! There’s probably spare clothes in the storehouse, too. Tear those up and use
them as a replacement for bandages!” (Marchronis)

This uproar was due to the injured soldiers that had arrived at the fortress while the
sun was going down.

It’s been more than half a month since a battalion had departed to mop up the zoan
called the Fang Clan that are lurking on the Hoghnareah Hill to the north. Everyone
considered the cleaning up of the zoan to be a simple task. The zoan had already lost
their momentum from ancient times.
However, it happened three days after the battalion went towards the hill. A large-scaled
wildfire occurred around the area of the zoan village and could even be seen from the
fortress. Marchronis felt a bad premonition due to the huge wildfire, considering that
it burned down the zoan’ village.

He knew that his premonition had come true three days after that.

The soldiers of the battalion that set out to mop up the zoan came scurrying back in a
visibly tragic state. The soldiers were pitch black from head to toe due to soot and
mud. At first it was to the degree that they could have been mistaken for being a group
of vagrants from some unknown place. Also, having reached the fortress, the majority
collapsed on the spot due to intense exhaustion, not even able to move a step further.

‘Once I asked the soldiers just what kind of natural disaster they ran into, I was told that
the battalion suffered a crushing defeat that might as well be called “annihilation” after
shockingly getting attacked with fire by the zoan.

They told me that starting with Battalion Leader Lugniaz who led the battalion, all
personnel beyond the rank of company commander ended up missing in action during
the chaos. The soldiers had no other option but to run away without a moment’s delay.
They were being driven onwards by the fire, and had walked for almost the entire three
days since without eating or drinking until they at last returned to the fortress.

As expected, this was something Marchronis couldn’t believe right from the start

However, when injured soldiers marched into the fortress one after the other after
that day, he had no choice but to accept reality.

Currently the returned, injured soldiers are made to rest inside the overflowing
fortress. Being forced to listen to their endless groans is a hellish experience.

Finishing the first-aid treatment for the newly arrived injured soldiers, the fortress
finally regained its calmness. It was at the time when the moon was close to its zenith
while the sun was already sinking down towards the western sky.

“Sir Marchronis, do you have a moment?”

A soldier that had the tuft of a platoon leader attached to his helmet arrived at
Marchronis’ location.
“What is it, Setius?” (Marchronis)

“There’s something I’d like you to hear about, Sir.” (Setius)

“What’s wrong? Go ahead and tell me.” (Marchronis)

“This place here is, a bit…” (Setius)

He hesitates to speak while pointing with his line of sight at the soldiers that had been
put to rest in the surroundings and the soldiers who are nursing them.

“Understood. Follow me.” (Marchronis)

Marchronis turned his feet towards a building.

Even on the stairs and in the passages of the buildings, many wounded soldiers have
been laid down. Marchronis was careful to not disturb them as they headed towards
the official room of the fortress command.

A large map had been hung on the inner wall. Marchronis sat down on the chair at the
desk for official duties set in front of that wall as if he were collapsing into it.

“You seem to be quite exhausted, Sir Company Commander Aide.” (Setius)

“You are definitely right about that.” (Marchronis)

Beginning with his superior officer, the company commander, having died in agony
after making a move on the zoan divine child, it’s been too many events happening in
succession for the hands of the company commander aide who was close to retiring
from military service.

“I didn’t expect for wounded soldiers being sent day after day like this either. To say
nothing of it being more than forty people that used a wagon in one go today.”

“This is almost as if the zoan are attacking us, isn’t it?” (Setius)

He had the same opinion as Setius.

The injured soldiers belong to Holmea State just like him. It’s impossible for him to
abandon them, but having been flooded with many more soldiers compared to the
amount currently stationed in the fortress, the fortress’ soldiers’ fatigue is already
reaching its limit due to the medical treatment and nursing of the wounded.

“Be that as it may, I can’t tell the zoan to not send them over. On the contrary, many
soldiers have been saved because they received their treatment. I’m certainly thankful
to them and there’s no way for me to blame them either, right?” (Marchronis)

Because our side sent a battalion with the intention of eradicating the zoan, we couldn’t
complain even if the soldiers would have been massacred. And yet the zoan applied
emergency treatment to the wounded soldiers and even expressly built wagons for the
sake of those who couldn’t walk.

In the army they are teaching that the zoan are savage beasts, but as it stands, I don’t
know which side are actually the savage beasts.

“So, what is the matter that you want to report to me?” (Marchronis)

“Actually, the returned soldiers mentioned something worrisome.” (Setius)

“What is it?” (Marchronis)

“The captured soldiers are talking about having seen a human child among the zoan.
Moreover, the same report has been delivered by several soldiers.” (Setius)

“A human child, you say? Did they abduct one from some pioneering village?”

“No, that doesn’t seem to be the case. It’s a story that’s impossible to believe, but they
are saying that they saw the zoan acting in accordance to what that child said.” (Setius)

That’s impossible, Marchronis thought.

Resentment towards the human has likely sunk deep into the minds of the zoan, who
were chased out of the plains where they used to live by the humans. It’s absolutely
unthinkable for the zoan to follow the words said by a human that aggravates this

However, something was stuck in the mind of Marchronis who tried to laugh it off.
“Did you forget, Sir Company Commander Aide? About the divine child that vanished
from this fortress alongside the zoan that broke out of prison.” (Setius)

Marchronis suddenly remembered in surprise.

Slightly before this there was the incident of the escape of the divine child that had
cruelly killed the company commander. At that time, the unidentified divine child that
Setius had brought along from the heretical ritual place disappeared alongside her.

He pondered on whether it was possible for the zoan to have taken him out, but unable
to believe that the human-hating zoan took along a boy to the extent of even braving
danger, it was deemed that the boy took advantage of the zoan’s jailbreak to slip out
on his own.

Because Priest Mildas, who had that unidentified divine child put into the dungeon
together with the zoan divine child, caused a fuss, they searched for the boy and even
depended on the cooperation of the battalion, but in the end they weren’t able to find
him. As it’s unthinkable for a child to survive all by itself in these vast plains,
Marchronis simply thought that he certainly died a dog’s death somewhere.

“No way! It’s that child!? No, wait, wait! You said that the zoan were obeying that
child!? You don’t say that the recent fire assault…!” (Marchronis)

Marchronis obtained a clue to unravel the questions of the last few days.

For him not being able to believe at first that the battalion was attacked with fire right
when he received the report was because that was something far too removed from
the known way of zoan fighting.

However, if the zoan followed the human child as it was seen by the soldiers, I can’t
imagine anything else but this method of fighting that doesn’t appear zoan-like being an
idea of that human child.

“What is that child…?” (Marchronis)

Even if he wanted to question Mildas who apparently knew the true identity of that
divine child, he had already departed from the fortress. On the day the search by the
battalion had been aborted, he thoroughly raised hell and at last, after getting angry,
returned to the city.
“Does it seem possible to forbid the soldier of speaking about this matter?”

If the soldiers learned of being betrayed by a human just like them and that human being
with the zoan, it would likely cause a commotion among them.

“There are many soldiers who witnessed it. The rumour is also spreading among the
soldiers who are in contact with them due to the nursing. I think it’s already too late
for that.” (Setius)

“Fuck! It would have been better if I had that shitty toad spit it out by constricting
him.” (Marchronis)

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

“Anyways, the zoan, who currently have the momentum on their side, might come
attack this place. Everyone’s probably tired, but increase the lookouts. Shorten the
shift change intervals.” (Marchronis)

That’s out of concern that the worn-out soldiers won’t be able to keep concentrating
for a long time.

“As you command!” (Setius)

Once Setius left the room after saluting, only Marchronis was left in the room. He
tiredly entrusted his body to the chair’s back.

“A human whom the zoan obey, is it? Just what the hell is going on here!?” (Marchronis)

The one who could answer Marchronis’ question wasn’t present.

A soldier wrapped in a blanket stood guard on top of the wall, where the cold wind
was blowing fiercely. He discovered something stirring in the plains where the eastern
sky had started to brighten a bit.

Once he strains his eyes, he sees two large wagons and soldiers pushing them.

“Those are… injured soldiers again…?”

Even though forty wounded arrived just yesterday evening, the numbers this time are
beyond that.

He’d like to be pardoned from it once again becoming a great uproar like yesterday,
but there’s no way for them to abandon their comrades who had escaped barely alive.
The guarding soldier bends himself over the wall’s edge and shouts towards the

“Wounded soldiers have come again! This time it’s quite the number!”

Hearing his words, it becomes hectic around the gate.

“Open the gate~!”

Opening the gate together with several people, they usher in the injured soldiers.

The wounded who entered through the gate were in the worst state so far.

All of them are wrapped up in bandages from head to toe. They are like a group of
mummies who received a memorial service according to the burial laws handed down
in the distant southern deserts, going by the rumours about it.

Even the soldiers that welcomed them were convinced that they had gotten used to
wounded soldiers in these last few days, but due to the excessively terrible scene, they
wore pained expressions.

“It’s fine now. Have peace of mind.”

The soldier who rushed over while calling out to them like that, felt a strange sense of
discomfort that he couldn’t express with words.

All of the soldiers that pushed the wagons hadn’t just covered their bodies with
bandages, but went even so far as to wrap up their faces as well. Considering they
suffered injuries from the large fire to such an extent, it seems as if their bodies are
brimming with vitality.

A different soldier who ran over to one wagon and tried to lift up one of the injured
soldiers lying over there in order to treat them became startled and opened his eyes
The skin that’s peeking through a slight gap in the bandages is weird. Let alone that it
doesn’t look like it was burned by fire, it’s awfully hairy. No, even if it was hairy, that
would be too much. It is as if they are wearing a pelt below the bandages.

At that moment he heard a sound similar to the throaty growling of a beast.

Once he timidly turns around in the direction of the sound, he meets the eyes of a
wounded soldier that was wrapped up in bandages up to his face. When he looks
properly, he feels like the pupils of those eyes are odd. Those large, round pupils
resemble those of cats in the the darkness.

Besides, the canines peeking out through the slightly opened mouth were abnormally
long and sharp. Aren’t those just like fangs?

Cold sweat suddenly gushes out on the face of the soldier who noticed that.

“I-It’s a zoooaan!!”

The throat of the soldier that raised a shout is cleaved open by a brandished machete,
making a ripping sound.

With that as the signal, the zoan who had pretended to be injured soldiers fling off the
armours one after the other, tear off the bandages and reveal their true identity.

“I’m Garam, son of Garguss, one of the Fang Clan belonging to the 12 zoan clans! We
won’t kill you if you don’t resist! If you point your blades at us, we will retaliate in

Adopting an imposing stance atop a wagon while holding machetes in both hands,
Garam declared so in a loud voice. And then, once he fills his lungs to the brim with
air, he roars a war cry that makes the atmosphere vibrate.

In reply to that, the furious sounds of drums and countless war cries were raised
outside the fortress successively.

“It’s a zoan surprise attaaack!”

“The fortress has been surrounded!!”

The interior of the fortress had already plummeted into chaos.

“We are proud zoan warriors! We won’t show any mercy to those opposing us!
However, we will never hurt those who surrendered!”

Announcing that, Garam broke into a run searching for enemies.

Furthermore, the warriors of the Fang Clan follow after him while saying in a chorus,

“”We won’t show any mercy to those opposing us! We won’t raise our hands against
those who surrendered!””

The soldiers in the way of Garam’s group raised both hands one after the other,
showing their will to surrender.

Souma had the warriors of the Fang Clan that were assigned to attack the fortress
promise that they definitely won’t hurt those who surrendered.

That is because Souma still felt reluctance towards killing people. In the battle of
Hoghnareah he had intended to show his determination, but notwithstanding, Souma,
who lived in the peaceful Japan, has a strong antipathy towards murder. In truth, he
wants to conclude things without killing people if at all possible.

However, this time there was furthermore the objective of breaking the fighting spirit
of the fortress’ soldiers.

The number of soldiers present in the fortress at this time was around three hundred
if one excludes the injured soldiers who can’t fight due to the seriousness of their
wounds. If one simply goes by the numbers, they would likely be perfectly able to
oppose the sixty three warriors of the Fang Clan that invaded the fortress.

But, if one breaks down those three hundred, it would be one hundred soldiers who
were originally stationed in the fortress and two hundred who returned alive from
Hoghnareah Hill.

Those two hundred didn’t bear wounds to the extent of making them unable to fight,
but many of them have their fighting spirit already crushed because of the fire

Moreover, among those soldiers there are also many who were captured by the zoan
once and then released later on. They who have experienced first hand that the zoan
won’t abuse the humans they captured, were those who knew that the zoan would
keep their promise to release them afterwards.

How likely is it for there to be any among them to brandish their fighting spirit despite
being told by the zoan that they won’t be hurt if they give up?

If they were told that they would get slaughtered, the soldiers would likely gather the
bit of fighting spirit they have and frantically resist against this.

However, hearing that they will go unhurt if they lay down their weapons, they readily
chose the option of surrender.

Furthermore, their conduct even affected the soldiers who were stationed in the
fortress to begin with.

Even though those soldiers drew their swords and roused their fighting spirits after
learning about the zoan’s surprise attack, everyone quickly took surrender for granted
once they surveyed their surroundings. With that happening in the surroundings,
even the fighting spirit they expressly roused ends up withering away in the blink of
an eye.

Even the soldiers that were expected to fight surrendered one after the other without
using their weapons even once.

Like this, Garam’s warriors of the Fang Clan suppressed the fortress’ soldiers with
nothing but words.

Marchronis, who had taken a nap, woke up due to the sounds of the drums and the
tumult occurring inside the fortress. Right when he puts on the armour he had taken
off before his nap, a soldier plunges into the room.

“It’s a disaster, Sir! It’s a zoan surprise attack!”

“Report the current situation!” (Marchronis)

“It looks like the zoan have gained total control of the fortress after invading through
the gate!”

“Invaded through the gate, you say!? Were the guards asleep!?” (Marchronis)
After the experience of a few zoan invading and leading the escape of the divine
children, he had strengthened the guard in the fortress. Especially around the gate, he
has made sure for there to always be ten soldiers on duty by not just increasing the
number of guards but also by setting up a hut for sleeping. It was all for the sake of not
allowing the gate to be opened easily even in the worst case of the enemy breaking in.

“That is… because the zoan pretended to be injured soldiers by wrapping themselves
with bandages, the gate was opened from our side.”

“What idiocy! Did you open the gate without even checking!?” (Marchronis)

“S-Sorry. It was just…”

Marchronis desisted from shouting any further.

Due to injured soldiers arriving almost every day in the last few days here, the soldiers
got used to it without even being aware of their growing complacency.

To say nothing of those arriving being comrades that suffered serious injuries. I guess it’s
human nature to want to apply medical treatment by allowing them inside the fortress,
even if it’s just a moment faster.

To condemn them for that is heartless.

After pondering that far, it suddenly hit him.

“Shit, we were done in! Everything was groundwork for this!?” (Marchronis)

It was in order for the people of the fortress to get used to the injured soldiers being sent
over little by little and not all in one go, causing them to slowly grow negligent.

Sending over more than forty people yesterday was for the sake of spelling fatigue upon
us and to make our judgement dull.

Even the polite returning of the injured soldiers for medical treatment was on behalf of
creating a situation where it wouldn’t be unnatural even if they were wrapped up by
bandages, so that a zoan’s identity wouldn’t be exposed from a distance.

“The guy who came up with this has a rotten character!” (Marchronis)
After spouting all the possible jeers he has inside his chest, Marchronis picked up his
sword, rushed out of the room and left the building. There he encountered the zoan.

The black-haired zoan that stood at the head of the group thrust a machete out
towards him.

“That helmet tuft! It looks like the one of this fortress’ commander!” (Garam)

Marchronis also guessed that this guy is the leader of the zoan due to the captivating
stature of the black-haired zoan in front of him.

As if there’s no use in arguing about it, Marchronis releases a sharp thrust with the
sword in his hands. While parrying the thrust with the left machete he held in a
backhand grip, Garam stepped forward in one go as is and stabbed his right machete
towards the flank of Marchronis. Due to that, Marchronis separated his left hand from
the hilt of the sword at once and stopped the machete by hitting Garam’s right wrist
with his left elbow.

However, at the moment Marchronis’ body became defenceless for that reason, Garam
stepped in even further and delivered a powerful head-butt against Marchronis’s nose.
Marchronis, who is retreating while staggering due to the unexpected attack, is
slapped onto the ground with his back first after getting tripped up immediately after.

“Surrender! Otherwise I will gouge out your throat!” (Garam)

Marchronis, who had two machetes pressed against his throat while being straddled,
gritted his teeth in vexation for a short while, but once his other subordinate soldiers
were arrested by the zoan, he tossed away the sword he grasped in his right hand and
released the strength in his body.

“It’s my loss. I will surrender…” (Marchronis)

“It’s regrettable, but I will accept it.” (Garam)

Due to Garam looking sullen just like his words hinted at, Marchronis asked quizzically,

“Regrettable, what do you mean with that?” (Marchronis)

“It’s because I have been told to not hurt those who surrendered.” (Garam)
Originally, Marchronis, who commanded the fortress, is an enemy that should be hated
for having killed the many zoan that had attacked until now. It’s to the point that they
want to kill him just like that, if they were to express their true feelings.

“I see. I feel slightly gratified.” (Marchronis)

The matter of Garam frowning healed Marchronis’s pride by a bit.

“Did they really capture it…?” (Zurgu)

Zurgu muttered in a daze while staring at a warrior of the Fang Clan flying a large flag
atop the fortress’ walls.

The zoan had made countless attempts to assault that fortress, which was a
cornerstone of the humans’ rule over the plains. However, regardless of the clan, they
weren’t able to take that fortress even at the cost of hundreds of zoan casualties.

Even Zurgu’s intention was to attack that fortress as his first action after unifying all
the clans of the plains. For that reason he talked on numerous occasions with his
brethren about the method to capture the fortress. However, they weren’t able to come
up with anything but attacking it with an overwhelming amount of zoan, so he
prepared himself for it reaping a heavy toll of casualties.

However, as if sneering at that resolve, Souma and the warriors of the Fang Clan ended
up capturing the fortress easily.

In addition to that, an emotion that he doesn’t know nor can he name raged inside his

“As expected of Chief Garam, isn’t that right, Uncle?” (Shishul)

Zurgu grimaced due to his niece Shishul’s eyes sparkling, openly showing her
excitement without noticing his complex feelings.

“It’s not Garam’s achievement. All of it is that brat’s doing.” (Zurgu)

He shifted his attention to Souma who was satisfiedly looking at the captured fortress
at a place slightly away.

The appearance of Souma, who awkwardly smiles at Shyemul who is delighted as if

his achievement is her own, can’t be seen as anything but that of a simple human child.
In terms of a zoan’s sense, he’s a worthless existence.

And yet he caused yet another miracle after the battle of Hognareah Hill.

Right, it’s truly a miracle.

Taking that fortress with just the warriors of the Fang Clan that numbered barely more
than sixty can only be described as miracle.

Surveying his vicinity, it’s not just Shishul. The zoan of all the clans that gathered in
this place were cheering due to this brilliant feat.

Despite this, Zurgu’s mood was quite gloomy.

As anyone can see, there’s no doubt that this is an achievement of Souma and the Fang
Clan. The other three clans remained only spectators as they captured the fortress.

With this, there will be no room for objection even if the Fang Clan said that they would
put the entire plains under their control. Putting aside the Eye Clan that supported
them, it’s a situation where the Mane Clan and the Claw Clan that adopted a
contradictory stance won’t be able to complain at all even if they are told that they
won’t be given even an inch of land.

I was conceited for having a bit of intelligence and thus misread that human brat. That
regret was a bit too late.

“How about the soldiers we called together?” (Zurgu)

The nearby Warrior Leader of the Claw Clan replied in a quiet voice so that the other
clans wouldn’t hear it,

“They have already approached nearby. They can move according to your orders at
any time.”

“I see…” (Zurgu)

In addition to the one hundred warriors that are currently under Zurgu, there are a
further three hundred soldiers that were summoned secretly. With them it’s probably
possible to kill all the other clans in this place, steal the fortress and take control of
the plains in the name of the Claw Clan.
Even if I say so myself, that’s a lowly idea, Zurgu reveals a self-mocking smile on his lips.

“Clan chief, you must not be imprudent…!”

Noticing his clan chief indulging in evil thoughts, the Warrior Head remonstrated him.

“…I know. I won’t do anything stupid.” (Zurgu)

Even if we stole the fortress here and obtained the plains, that will be something temporary.

Zurgu will at times take measures that might be called cowardly, but stealing the plains
here isn’t a cowardly act.

It would be the deed of a fiend.

The reputation of the Claw Clan alongside Zurgu would get smeared with mud and hit
rock bottom. It wouldn’t end with being denounced by the other clans and treated as
enemies, but with the clan scattering after being deserted by their brethren.

If that happens the Claw Clan would probably become the second lost clan.

If I stay idle now without doing anything, the Claw Clan won’t be able to leave its difficult
livelihood on the hills, however, having said that, I haven’t come up with a move I can
carry out either.

The belief that all of this is his own blunder stabs painfully into his chest.

In that case he has to consider begging for forgiveness from Souma and Garam by
going down on his knees. No matter how much of a humiliation it might be, he has
already resolved his mind to accept such a thing when he became clan chief.

“Though it would be great if it finishes with only me being the one to bend my knee…”

The Warrior Head was startled by the monologue that doesn’t fit Zurgu, but he
purposely didn’t say anything.

At the moment he ascertained that it’s a warrior of the Fang Clan flying the flag on top
of the fortress’ wall, Souma’s waist almost gave in.

In exchange, Shyemul, who was next to him, is happy enough to make up for the both
of them.

“Soma! We did it! We captured the fortress!” (Shyemul)

Shyemul triumphantly looked at the soldiers of the three clans that escorted them
under the pretense of acting as bodyguards for the sake of preventing Souma’s escape
in case they couldn’t capture the fortress.

“Did you see!? There’s no need for bodyguards anymore. Hurry up and get lost.”

The warriors that were shoo’d away in such a manner couldn’t complain with the
other party being a divine child and reluctantly went back to their own clans.

“Good grief. What rude fellows to not believe in you, Soma.” (Shyemul)

Souma smiled bitterly due to Shyemul getting all worked up.

“That’s inevitable. Even I wasn’t 100% sure that it would succeed.” (Souma)

“That’s your bad side, Soma. You have to be more confident about yourself.” (Shyemul)

“I will work on it.” (Souma)

Due to Souma answering with a vague smile on his lips, Shyemul sighs as if to say
“Can’t be helped”.

“There’s more I want to say, but let’s head to the fortress for now. The other clans are
troubled.” (Shyemul)

Because the fortress was taken by the hands of the Fang Clan’s warriors, it will be
impolite for them to try entering the fortress before Shyemul and the others who are
from the Fang Clan.

When he passed through the fortress’ gate accompanied by Shyemul, Souma stopped
“What’s wrong, Soma?” (Shyemul)

Once she follows Souma’s line of sight wondering whether something happened, she
found dark red stains spreading on the ground at the end of his gaze.

“It’s still a bit…” (Souma)

Even though he resolved himself for this, for people to be injured due to his plans and
actually seeing traces of blood with his own eyes, he still can’t help but feel shaken.

Hiding that unrest of his, Souma showed a stiff smile.

Shyemul still didn’t understand the finer subtleties of human expressions, but that
isn’t too much of a problem. Since recognizing Souma as her Navel Master, Shyemul
always kept working hard on trying to understand him. She can at least guess what
Souma is thinking at this moment.

“It won’t change that quickly. Besides, if you were to suddenly laugh wildly after seeing
blood like Zurgu, I would be troubled.” (Shyemul)

She says this in the form of a joke to ease Souma’s emotions even if it’s just a bit.
Souma, who was happy about the consideration of Shyemul, was able to display a very
natural smile.

Just at that moment Garam turns up. In his hand he grabbed something like a round,
big cloth.

“Garam, thanks for your hard work.” (Souma)

“Yeah. Though, I haven’t done anything significant. Once we proceeded as you told us,
it was simple to an astonishing extent.” (Garam)

Shyemul, being next to Garam who said that, nodded satisfied while saying “Right,
right”. Seemingly even Garam has already given up on mentioning anything regarding
that. He didn’t say anything and just released a small sigh.

“What has happened with the soldiers that became prisoners?” (Souma)

“I gave strict order to not make a move on the wounded soldiers. The soldiers that
look like they want to fight have been gathered in one place and had their weapons
take away.” (Garam)

Learning that Garam and the others didn’t injure the humans needlessly, Souma
released the tension from his stiff shoulders and took a breath in relief.

“As there’s no problem with monitoring them once you took their weapons away,
please put priority on treating the injured soldiers. If people die due to not getting any
medical treatment, it will aggravate their dissatisfaction.” (Souma)

“Got it. That’s what we will do.” (Garam)

Garam calls a warrior that was close-by, and passes on those instructions.

After that Garam holds out the thing similar to a large cloth to Souma.

“Also, this was requested by you as well.” (Garam)

“Great! That will help.” (Souma)

The expression of Souma, who was given that cloth-like item by Garam, brightens up
in a flash.

“It was in the room of the most important guy in this fortress. According to what he
says, that seems to be the only one they have.” (Garam)

“That’s regrettable. However, it’s still better than nothing. And, please let me speak
with that person later on if possible.” (Souma)

“Understood. However, currently the humans are probably all worked up. It would be
best to wait until they calm down.” (Garam)

Garam winks at Shyemul. Guessing his intention right away, Shyemul answered back
with a slight nod.

It’s hard to say it in front of Souma. It’s not just the prisoners that might not think well
of him speaking to a zoan as an equal. If a human is in the same location as the zoan
like just now, the humans will naturally discover that he led the two battles at the hill
and the fortress.

If the humans were to put two and two together, Souma is in danger of the brunt of
the human’s resentment being directed at him.

If something happened, such as Souma being killed by the hands of such people in the
worst case scenario, the honour of the Fang Clan that elevated him into such a high
position would take a huge hit.

No, the problem isn’t just our honour here.

Garam has reached the point of believing that Souma is an existence indispensable for
the future of all zoan and not just the Fang Clan. If they lose him at this current point
in time, the zoan will once again be driven back into the mountains, and get degraded
to mere beasts that are hunted by the humans.

And above all else, if we let him die so easily without returning a single favor after
receiving so much from him, it would be a disgrace for all zoan.

In order for that to not happen, someone who guards Soma is necessary.

Fortunately Shyemul, who obeys Souma, isn’t only excellent as warrior, but will also
serve as deterrent against zoan who don’t harbour any good feelings towards Souma
since she’s the divine child of the God of Beasts.

As an elder brother he can’t calm his heart about his younger sister that is at a
marriageable age obeying a man despite him being from a different race, but currently
he has no other option but to ignore it.

“Well then, it’s wrong to make the guys from the other clans wait outside forever. I will
go meet them, I suppose?” (Garam)

Garam walked up in order to show in Zurgu and the others that were waiting, who
were likely growing increasingly irritated and impatient in front of the gate.

Once Garam has left, Shyemul’s eyes sparkle with curiosity as she stares at the round
cloth-like item in Souma’s arms.

“Soma, what on earth is that? Please let me know.” (Shyemul)

One would know at a glance that what Souma is holding in his arms isn’t a cloth. Its
rough surface is obviously different from a cloth that was weaved with threads.
It’s a parchment that was manufactured from a large animal skin.

Souma went to a corner of the fortress where there’s no people around and spread it
on the ground.

The surface of the expanded parchment is packed with hand-drawn drawings of what
seems to be mountains and buildings.

“This is a map.” (Souma)

As Souma said, it was a map depicting the state of the plains.

At the time when Soma made plans to capture the fortress, he asked Garam that he’d
like to have a map in order to grasp things like the position of the fortress. Surprisingly
the zoan didn’t possess a map though.

When Souma asked what they would do when they have to explain a location, he was
told that they would draw on the ground at that time.

Once he asked how they decide things like the territory of a clan, they told him that it
was determined by saying things like “From that round rock” or “From those two

Being a hunting race, the zoan have a sharp sense of direction by nature. It was
probably sufficient with only that much.

However, that doesn’t apply to Souma who isn’t a zoan. He wanted to somehow get his
hands on a map. Accordingly, if it’s the fortress that is an important military base of the
plains, they will likely have a map of the plains at the very least. He requested for Garam
to search for it.

“Ohh, these plains look like this.” (Souma)

For Souma, who doesn’t know about this world over here at all, this map that he sees
for the first time is a map of a fantasy world that is overflowing with dreams and
adventures. He gets excited by just imagining what’s over there? or what kind of
animals live here?

“Hey, Shyemul, is this map seriously correct?” (Souma)

Upon Souma’s question, Shyemul looked down on the map while squinting.

“Hmm… I think that this shape is mostly right.” (Shyemul)

The Solbiant Plains that were drawn on the map remind one of a huge bag with its
opening pointing downwards, I guess. Pictures that seem to be the zoan villages and the
fortress are drawn on the upper side, around the bottom of the bag. On the other side
there’s a drawing of something like a city or a village around the area of the tightening
opening at the underside of the bag.

Souma pointed at that drawing.

“Do you know what that is?” (Souma)

“That’s probably a city of the humans. I heard a story that the humans built a huge city
made out of stone around that area slightly before they showed up in these plains.”

Souma fixedly stared at the city drawn on the map.

From just the surface of the map, he isn’t able to read how big that city is, how many
people live there and what kind of life they lead there.

However, he has decided on the things he has to do.

Souma firmly clenched his fists.

“Next we have to attack this city…” (Souma)

With the fall of the fortress of the plains, it seemed like everything succeeded just as
Souma intended for it to.

However, at this time a little incident took place.

It’s the rampaging of a single young zoan.

He had very recently perpetrated an unbelievably huge disgrace.

If things go on like this, he will lose his qualification as warrior. For a proud zoan, that
was a humiliation difficult to stomach.

For this reason, he was very impatient. He had to perform a huge meritorious deed in
the battle for this fortress, no matter what happens.

During the capture of the fortress, Souma, through the warriors of the Fang Clan, first
called out to the humans to surrender and strongly ordered the zoan that they must
not take the lives of those who have surrendered after complying with his call.

However, since he was in a hurry to get an achievement, he slashed human soldiers

without any questions asked.

Certainly, he was conceited and strong. Starting a fight with several soldiers as
opponents, he was able to hold up their decapitated heads.
However, even a mouse will bite a cat if it’s cornered.

One of the soldiers he was about to kill, suddenly mounted a fierce resistance after
raising a strange voice.

He killed that soldier somehow, but during that fight he suffered a severe wound at
his right arm.

At first he thought it was a simple arm injury that will get better soon because of the
muscles and arteries luckily being safe. But on the next day, he suddenly collapsed
after developing a high fever. Getting unlucky, a disease ended up entering him
through the wound on his right arm.

Three days and nights after that he idled between life and death as he had nightmares
due to the high fever.

And then, finally having regained his consciousness on the fourth day’s morning, he
tastes a far larger despair than his delight of having kept his life.

His right arm was no longer there.

While he was comatose, the wound on his right arm deteriorated and at last it began
to rot. Hence, in order to save his life, his right arm had to be cut off.

With his right arm gone, he won’t be able to run across the ground on four limbs like
he had until now and likewise, he won’t be able to fight with his machete. Before it
could be taken away from him, he ended up losing the qualification as warrior all by

He cried and shouted in grief and rage.

However, no matter how much he screamed, the right arm he lost won’t come back.
Even so, he couldn’t bear it without crying and shouting.

His acquaintances greatly worried about him due to his state that was painful to look
at. But, no matter how much they tried to comfort him with words, it didn’t help. They
had no other choice but to quietly watch over him for a while until his sadness would
be alleviated with the passage of time.

Several days after that.

Worried about him not going outside at all even after recovering his consciousness,
one of his friends visited his tent.

However, his figure had vanished from within the tent.

Due to that, his friends gossiped that he likely disappeared voluntarily to some
unknown place after feeling the shame for having lost his qualification as warrior.
However, that was only for a short time. That rumour got buried among the topics of
everyday’s life and the big battles to happen after that, and before anyone realized, his
matter has been completely forgotten.

His name is Fagul Unuka Gajeeta.

In the past he was a young warrior that led many youngsters in the village of the Fang

His name and existence has vanished from the centre stage of history.

For just a short while—

In the past, there was a great war between the zoan and the Holmea State upon the
Solbiant Plains.

Holmea had begun the reclamation of the Solbiant Plains about thirty years prior.

However, the king of Holmea became irritated due to the reclamation not advancing
as planned. It had lagged behind by several years due to the resistance being put forth
by the zoan being much fiercer than expected. Because of this, he passed a decree to
clean out the zoan by using the army.

Receiving this decree, Holmea’s national army carefully prepared and marched
towards the Solbiant Plains after organizing an amount of military troops numbering
around 15,000.

The first to suffer tragedy was the Tail Clan, who had their residence in the southern
area of the plains.

Due to Holmea’s army suddenly advancing upon them, their lands were raided as their
homes burned down, and even the elderly and children were killed. Leading its
survivors, the Tail Clan fled to the north.

They then appealed to all of the clans that lived in the plains together to help them
repel the humans.

The Eye, Fang, Claw and Mane Clans immediately responded to that appeal. The first
allied army consisting of all the zoan clans was formed in the Solbiant Plains.

It was a huge army exceeding 24,000 warriors. It consisted of 1,000 from the Eye Clan,
6,000 from the Fang Clan, 8,000 from the Mane Clan and 2,000 from the Tail Clan.

The united zoan army clashed with the national army of Holmea in the central area of
the plains shortly before the beginning of summer.
First the warriors that won fame in each of the zoan clans stepped forward, and, in
accordance with zoan battle etiquette, named themselves and challenged Holmea’s
national army to duels.

However, Holmea responded with their archer units all shooting arrows at these
warriors simultaneously.

The warriors who had stepped forward to challenge Holmea to duels were shot to
death by these arrows, causing the zoan to rage.

The enraged zoan began to charge forwards, but the pace of the army was unequal
due to their command being held by the clan chief of each clan. Besides that, the
warriors were starving for exploits on the battlefield and wanted to achieve the
highest recognition. The lack of control was obvious.

Hence, even more zoan fell victim to the human archers. Even with this, due to their
numbers as well as their tough bodies and mobility, the zoan charge led to them
closing in on Holmea’s army. The zoan weren’t called the rulers of the plains for

However, what set out en masse to the front line and traded places with the archers
was the heavy spear infantry known by the surrounding countries as “Holmea’s Black
Wall”. They are notable for having their bodies clad in armour that consisted solely of
the color black.

This company of heavy spear infantry set forward into a formation where their large
shields were joined together and their pikes were pointed out. The formation
resembled a sea urchin, or the burr of a huge chestnut. With the zoan only wearing a
torso armour knitted out of ivies that protected merely their chests, the assault was a
suicidal act that went far beyond recklessness.

Being stabbed to death in succession by this formation, the zoan paid dearly with a
heavy toll of death.

When the momentum of the charge was completely halted by the heavy spear infantry,
the tank corps’ that had been deployed at both wings begun their attack by going
around and cutting into the flanks and rear of the zoan army. With this attack
becoming the finishing blow, the zoan were routed.

Furthermore, Holmea’s army organized a pursuit unit centered around the tank corps’
and, counting in the pursuit of the zoan who had started to flee, they completely beat
them down.

The losses of the united zoan army added up to 15,000. The miserable truth is that
they lost more than half their numbers in this short time. In contrast to that, it’s said
that the casualties of Holmea’s national army were no more than a mere few hundreds.
In short, this was a tragedy of the highest order for the zoan.

After this, Holmea’s army reduced the zoan villages left in the plains to cinders and
ashes within several months. They left behind nothing but one battalion at the fortress
built next to the northern hills and withdrew its main army. This battalion was later
on reduced to the size of a company.

However, all of the zoan clans had already lost their strength to counterattack after
they were driven into the hills and ruthlessly split up.

The zoan’s defeat in this grand war was from the fact that they used battle methods
that relied upon the military prowess of the individual against humans who fought
systematically, as well as the army of united clans really being only an army in name
since the command structure and guidelines for their actions hadn’t been
consolidated, especially with the clans being basically an assembly of separate

But even as they suffered such a crushing defeat, the zoan never made use of this

Even after this battle, the zoan adhered to their traditional ways of fighting and
continued to pointlessly sacrifice many of their warriors. Not only that, they had tried
to consolidate their forces by setting up a leader, but that in turn invited a
confrontation between the clans over who should be in command, resulting in them
getting their priorities backwards.

This might be so because of the zoan’s character that could be called earnest and
highly prideful. Those traits, which can be considered as virtues in the right situation,
expressed their obstinacy in front of a new era’s arrival.

Later on, Souma Kizaki would accomplish many reforms and changes.

The zoan were loyal to the point of even being ridiculed as the “Cattle of the Divine
Son of Destruction” by those who opposed them. But according to Souma, they also
weren’t able to easily accept the reforms and changes brought about by him at first.

There are even some who evaluate Souma Kizaki’s battle as a fight against the
conservatives that weren’t able to accept the reforms and changes caused by him.

This means that Souma Kizaki’s biggest battle in the Solbiant Plains might just have
been the fight against the conservative thinking of the zoan.

“Soma, are you listening properly?” (Shyemul)

Souma, who was deep in thought by himself, came to his senses after he was poked by

They are inside a tent that was hurriedly set up outside the fortress.

Going by the schedule, there should be a conference taking place in the fortress right
now. But as all the buildings inside the fortress were littered with injured soldiers,
there was no room to hold a conference. Besides, inside the fortress that was built with
this era’s architectural technology, the rooms simply weren’t large enough to allow ten
odd people to fit inside them, even if it’s just the clan chiefs.

Hence it was inevitably decided to put up a tent outside the fortress and hold the
conference there instead.

The first thing they discussed there was the treatment of Souma.

Currently, Souma’s position was that of being a guest of the Fang Clan.

However, if Souma wanted to give some sort of opinion to the zoan, or if these zoan
wanted to hear Souma’s opinion, they would have to inconveniently go through
Garam, the chief of the Fang Clan, who’s taking care of Souma as a guest.

For Garam there were many advantages such as the Fang Clan’s influence becoming
more powerful through monopolizing Souma, but respecting Souma’s will of wanting
to equally exist for all clans, he endorsed Souma as a guest of all the clans that had
gathered there.

The other clans unconditionally approved of that.

This was with the intention of them wanting to improve the clans’ impression of
Souma, even if just for a bit, for the settling of the clans’ domains coming up after this.
It was also for the sake of preventing the influence of a single clan from rising too much
due to them monopolizing Souma.

However, the talks proceeding well went only up to this point.

Once it came to the discussion about the reconquered plains, the talks stagnated

Souma, who thought that the zoan have to band together and work as one for a
common cause now, decided to shelve the demarcations of the clans’ domains due to
it likely becoming a cause for discord between the clans after talking with Garam and
Shyemul prior to the conference.

However, that in and of itself was interpreted as the Fang Clan trying to hog the plains
to themselves by the other clans.

Of course, Garam tried to dissolve this misunderstanding, but the clan which
obstructed that was the Mane Clan.

Even they were fully aware that it was up to the discretion of Souma and the Fang Clan,
who had taken back the plains, what to do about the plains. And thus, although they
completely misunderstood the situation, they interrupted Souma’s and Garam’s
statements. They feared that they would lose the chance to even get an inch of land in
the plains after the topic was shelved and the effective control over the plains by the
Fang Clan became an established fact.

Since the Eye Clan, which had announced their support of the Fang Clan early on, was
apparently bewildered by the shelving of this topic, the impatience of the Mane Clan
also had the ulterior motive of wanting to stab into this gap. However, they had
expected the Claw Clan and its clan chief Zurgu, who were maintaining an eerie silence
despite revealing an attitude of dissatisfaction, to oppose this far more ardently than

That resulted in the Mane Clan having to make an insipid speech demanding Garam to
share the plains to make up for the role they assumed Zurgu would play, who only
listened to the conference with his arms folded, his right eye shut and a sullen
expression that didn’t fall apart.
For that reason the elderly zoan, who served as an advisor to the inexperienced
Banuka, began talking about the time when the ten siblings, that would become the
zoan ancestors, were created by the God of Beasts. After that he spoke about their own
genealogy. Singing praises to the distinguished services of their ancestors, he then
started to talk about how much territory would be appropriate for them to be given
with that as their reason.

At first he listened to the zoan history with great interest, but upon understanding
that it’s mere bragging and a reliance on past glory, Souma’s interest faded. Not only
that, given that he had to get his next plan started as soon as possible, he began to even
feel irritated with them wasting time idling on such a story.

Finally, as he ignores the speech of the Mane Clan, Souma pondered how he would be
able to persuade them.

But, a remark was hurled out that even Souma couldn’t ignore.

“We haven’t finished retaking the plains yet!”

While he was showered by everyone’s attention as they were surprised as to what he

might mean with that, the zoan of the Mane Clan that had begun to have his first white
hairs mix into his fur threw out his chest seemingly confident about this statement.

“Aren’t there human villages still left in the plains!? You can only say that you have
really retaken the plains once all these humans have been driven out of the plains!”

Certainly, although they had captured the fortress, there is a great number of
pioneering villages that the humans have settled into spread among the plains. They
are even now making a living by burning these plains and cultivating their fields.

“I have heard that the Fang Clan lost many warriors. Can I ask you to leave this part to
us, the Mane Clan?”

In short, it means that they want to do a meritorious deed before the territories are

However, that achievement is nothing more but the murdering of the pioneering
humans in the plains.

Souma’s aura completely changed due to that.

“! What’s wrong, Soma!?” (Shyemul)

Due to Souma suddenly standing up in silence, Shyemul calls out to him in surprise.

Thanks to the silent fury that was transmitted from the back of Souma that was turned
towards her, she remembered it.

It’s about that night. The one she can’t forget either.

It was exactly like the time she stood in front of Garam and the others after she fell
into a predicament for his sake after he yelled at the zoan for their apathy.

“Man, just do whatever you want! I’m leaving!” (Souma)

With Shyemul not having enough time to stop him, Souma shouted out his anger.

“Is there something that has rubbed you the wrong way…?”

The zoan were flustered.

Capturing the fortress was without a doubt Souma’s achievement. If they let him leave
without even repaying a single thing to the person who achieved such a great feat,
those present in this place would likely be slandered for being a horribly inconsiderate

However, Souma didn’t know about that.

The reason for him having recovered from the anguish caused by the battle of
Hoghnareah Hill was because he wanted to save the very young zoan similar to Geeta
and Shyepoma.

Even him acting selfishly was because of the young lives that he rescued, and the zoan
that thanked him for that.

And yet, the zoan, who should have been rescued, now talk about doing the same
things to the humans.

Only that was something Souma could never forgive.

“Once you open your mouths, it’s just the domain of the clans, the domain of the clans!
To me it doesn’t look like anything other than castaways, grabbing hold of the same
small piece of wood in the ocean, and whining about the size of the wood that they’re
holding on to! It’s freaking absurd to fight over a piece of wood that will be knocked
over by a single big wave!” (Souma)

Even though they acknowledged the size of Souma’s achievements, the zoan partially
rose to their feet with the colour of rage dying their faces due to his overly direct verbal

Souma sharply thrusts a finger at those zoan and says,

“Do you believe that all this will be over after the humans get driven out of the plains?!
The humans will DEFINITELY come back! But next time it will be for the sake of
thoroughly and mercilessly annihilating the zoan!” (Souma)

Souma’s words poured cold water on the emotions of the zoan who were elated due
to their victory.

“Did you think that it will be the end once you won? It’s the opposite! It’s just the
beginning! It is the start of a battle that will continue until either side gives up! The
path for the survival of the zoan is nothing else but to continue to win, win and win!”

The zoan saw a vision of the human forces that will likely advance on them due to
Souma’s words.

The sounds of the drums that resound alongside the army’s march, the sounds of the
military shoes, the sounds of the armours and weapons, and the voices of the soldiers
shouting to kill the zoan has turned into an auditory hallucination that makes the
zoan’s eardrums tremble.

“Such a…!”

“As expected, this guy is the divine child of Aura, the goddess of death and destruction!
He came to bring death and destruction upon us!” (Banuka)

Banuka shouted in a manner similar to a scream while pointing at Souma.

Due to that shout, Shyemul, who is a divine child herself, and the shrine maidens of
the Eye Clan are woken up from their fear towards Aura’s divine child and were able
to suppress it by supporting each other.

“What about that!?” (Souma)

However, Souma bragged triumphantly.

“You guys weren’t doing anything besides being crushed for a long time now, right!?”

That brief comment attacked the zoan like a lightning bolt.

It’s the real condition of the zoan all of them know about, but for the proud zoan it was
also something they deliberately avoided recognizing. But, Souma, without allowing
them to do that, clearly thrust the current situation in front of their noses.

Unable to deny it and on the other hand unwilling to admit it, the zoan groaned in

The one among them who approved of Souma’s point was Garam.

“It’s as Soma says. We, the Fang Clan, were right in front of complete annihilation. No,
even now that hasn’t changed overly much.” (Garam)

The ones who fell into the danger of being extinguished the most among the clans
present is the Fang Clan. This late in the game, he didn’t act like he is averting his eyes
from the current situation of the zoan in order to keep up appearances.

“I know that we will perish if we fight. However, even a superior warrior won’t be able
to fight for eternity. What do you intend to do, Soma?” (Garam)

By discussing this with Souma in front of everyone, Garam tried to have all of them
comprehend the situation the zoan were placed under.

“I know that. It’s hopeless unless we finish it by finding some common ground. But,
that’s not a matter relevant now.” (Souma)

Going along with Garam’s intention, Souma, who had regained his composure somewhat,

“I heard the humans attacked with tens of thousands troops in the past. Compared to
that, this time we just won against a mere several hundred soldiers. Seen from the
humans’ eyes, it’s at the level of being hit lightly, once, from behind at a spot that they
neglected. It won’t be any good in that case! With just that, we won’t be able to
convince them that fighting us is a terrible idea!” (Souma)

“What are you telling us to do then?” (Garam)

Hearing Garam’s question, Souma spread the map he entrusted to Shyemul on top of
a sheet.

“This is the fortress where we are now. If you continuously head down from here on,
it looks like there’s a city.” (Souma)

While pointing at the upper half of the map, Souma surveyed the zoan in the

“There’s only one thing we have to do. We will assault this city!” (Souma)
After a moment of silence, a huge commotion erupted.

“The city is outside the plains!”

“Why do we zoan have to leave the plains to fight a battle?!”

Several zoan raised objections, which is only understandable.

The zoan’s world consists of the plains itself. Being suddenly told to leave that world,
there’s no way for them to be able to simply agree with a “Sure, let’s go”. For them, that
would be like telling a fish to walk ashore.

“I can’t think of attacking the city as anything but an act of sheer madness.”

“Indeed! We are the rulers of the plains. Something like attacking a stone city is

Also, even the zoan were easily capable of imagining how difficult it would be to attack
a city. Even though they couldn’t capture even a single fortress until now, an act like
capturing a city, where far more people live, by themselves is nothing more but talking
about a dream within a dream.

If it’s only about repelling attacking human forces, Souma would also choose to meet
them in the plains. If it’s these vast plains, it wouldn’t be difficult for the zoan to defeat
military forces that are even several times their numbers, as long as the zoan exhaust
their enemies with guerilla warfare by capitalizing on their innate mobility.

But, even so, for Souma there was a reason that they must leave the plains.

“But, if you seclude yourselves in the plains, the zoan will get annihilated sooner or
later!” (Souma)

Even if they would be able to ward off human troops in the plains once or twice, it’s
impossible for that to continue permanently. The humans are no fools either. Without
fail they will come up with a plan on how to deal with that, and then the zoan will
likely be defeated before long.

These plains are surrounded by mountains on three sides with the south being left
out. While these mountains serve as a natural barrier to fend off the invasions of other
powers, they also isolate the plains from the rest of the world.

If there was something like a lucrative industry in the plains, there would also be the
option of preserving their strength and nurturing that industry. But, the reality is that
the only ones in the plains besides the zoan are the pioneering villages.

The more time passes, the more the difference between the power of the zoan, who
would hide in the plains that are an isolated area cut off from the outside world, and
the humans, who are living in the outside world, would keep growing.

At any rate, learning of the world outside, there won’t be any future for the zoan unless
they expand towards that world.

With the fire ambush and the capture of the fortress, the die had been already cast.
They had to act as soon as possible.

“You have no other choice but to stop secluding yourselves in such confined plains and
set out into the vast world!” (Souma)

The majority of the zoan present were unable to follow Souma’s thinking. They were
unable to even understand what he was telling them.

However, while negligible, there were also some who felt something from Souma’s

They’re part of the younger zoan, such as Shyemul and Garam.

Because they possessed a more flexible thinking due to their youthfulness, they
sensed the change of an era, even if they couldn’t comprehend everything Souma said.

And, there was also one person in that camp who was quite unforeseen.

“…Pfft! Wahaha… kakaka…!”

All of a sudden someone burst into laughter.

Once everyone shifted their attention in that direction, they found Zurgu who
apologized by raising a hand slightly while resisting the urge to laugh.

“Er, excuse me.” (Zurgu)

Having finally restrained the laughter, Zurgu leaned his upper body forward while still
in a sitting posture and asked Souma. His eyes are filled with a sparkling similar to a
child’s anticipation for something new.

“Brat, are you seriously telling us to attack the city?” (Zurgu)

“Yes. If we don’t do so, the zoan will be destroyed.” (Souma)

“There also will be a turn for us, the Claw Clan, to attack the city… right?” (Zurgu)

Once Souma nodded, Zurgu’s right eye, which hadn’t been crushed, narrowed into
something similar to a smile.

Zurgu then hits his right knee with a loud slapping sound.

“Interesting! How very interesting, brat!” (Zurgu)

Without even trying to suppress it this time, Zurgu breaks into a riotous laughter.

Due to the unbelievably disgraceful behaviour from Zurgu, who had kept his silence
until now, the other zoan including his clanmates were completely dumbfounded

Believing that Zurgu would be delighted if he could go on a rampage, Souma warned

him in a hurry,

“But, the major premise is that you listen to what I say!” (Souma)

“Aye, I see. In that case I will entrust you with this.” (Zurgu)

What Zurgu took out of his bag after saying that was a necklace created from stringing
multicolored jewels and fangs of animals on a thread.

There was a world of difference in its making compared to the one he had received
from Geeta and Shyepoma earlier. The shapes and sizes of the beads of the diligently
polished jewels are completely uniform. Each jewel has a minute design carved into
it. What especially attracted one’s notice are the two huge fangs located in the centre.
It’s unknown from which kind of animal those came, but beautiful patterns had been
drawn with dyes on the surfaces of the huge fangs that are similar to those of a saber-
tooth tiger.

“Clan Chief! That is…!”

Zurgu’s expression changed due to this and he firmly declared to his clanmate who
tried to stop him,

“There’s no other time than now to use this!” (Zurgu)

“This is…?” (Souma)

He had the necklace pushed upon himself by Zurgu, but he has to ask Shyemul behind
him what exactly this is since he doesn’t understand the meaning.

Shyemul stared at the necklace in Souma’s hand with an expression of sheer disbelief.

“That is the Necklace of Victory Prayers which is worn by the chief of the Claw Clan
during battle. However, to entrust that to you…!? There’s no way!” (Shyemul)

“W-What’s this about?” (Souma)

Due to the fervent, agitated manner of Shyemul speaking, Souma, who had noticed
that this isn’t just a simple necklace, becomes anxious.

“The person who wears this will have the same military authority as the clan chief! In
other words, it’s the right to order the warriors of the Claw Clan. It’s not something to
be entrusted to another unless there’s a state of emergency where the clan chief is no
longer able to go on!!” (Shyemul)

This was the trump card Zurgu had prepared.

For the Fang Clan that had lost many warriors due to the frequent battles with the
humans, it’s something they would desire to the extent of strangling someone’s neck
for it. Using this as a bargaining chip, Zurgu intended to get his share of territory with
But, because that was equal to yielding to another clan, Zurgu couldn’t play that trump
card easily. Until now he had silently watched the situation’s development.

“I have already summoned 300 warriors, chosen from the best among the Claw Clan,
to this area.” (Zurgu)

“Zurgu! You bastard, surely you didn’t!?” (Garam)

“Don’t misunderstand, Garam! I had only called them just in case.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu hurriedly stops the enraged Garam.

“Adding even the soldiers nearby, I will now entrust all the four hundred warriors of
the Claw Clan to you, brat… no, Soma. Please use them as you see fit. Of course, I’m
included in this number as well.” (Zurgu)

Placing both his fists on the sheeting, Zurgu bowed his head. All the zoan present were
surprised by his offer.

This was totally unexpected for Zurgu who was infamous for his arrogance.

Shunpa placed a hand on her cheek and had a troubled expression while saying an “Oh
my”. Banuka slapped his own cheeks. And Garam suspected whether or not that’s the
real Zurgu.

“Please raise your head, Zurgu. That saves me trouble. It’s my side that has to wonder
how I may thank you for that…” (Souma)

He had spoken while giving in to his fury, but as a matter of fact he had been worried
whether his words had truly reached the zoan. For that reason Souma was happy and
felt relieved when he was told by Zurgu that he believed in him and would entrust his
warriors to him.

“I look forward to working with you.” (Souma)

Souma placed both his fists on the sheeting and deeply bowed his head towards Zurgu.

However, there was someone who didn’t feel too happy about that deeply emotional
“Bah! Oy, <Ferocious Fang>. We, the Fang Clan, are falling behind!” (Shyemul)

“A-Aye…” (Garam)

Overpowered by the bared displeasure of his younger sister, Garam hurriedly turns
around to Souma and both of them bow their heads after placing their fists on the
sheeting in the same manner.

“Of course, we, the Fang Clan, will obey you, Soma.” (Garam)

“Thank you, Garam.” (Souma)

Shyemul nodded while folding her arms and looked as if she were satisfied due to that.
Then she looks at Banuka of the Mane Clan, who haven’t announced their stance yet.

“Sir Banuka, what will you do?”

“Y-Yes, oh esteemed Divine Child!” (Banuka)

Being called out by Shyemul with respect, Banuka straightens his spine with moistened

“Naturally, we, the Mane Clan, will abide to Soma!” (Banuka)

“…! Young master! It’s wrong to be imprudent.”

Due to that, his clanmates around him remonstrated Banuka in a panic.

“It’s not imprudent. It’s certainly true that I’m inexperienced, but even I know this
much. The Fang and Claw Clan, who were said to not cooperate with each other, are
trying to do so under that Soma. Such a thing once happened in the plains, didn’t it?
Who could have imagined something like that?” (Banuka)

No one was able to answer Banuka’s question.

“I think of this as big sign. If we don’t go with the flow of these times, the Mane Clan
will regret it for all time, don’t you think so? I’m aware that I’m reflected as nothing
more than an unreliable novice in the eyes of everyone. But, I wonder, can’t you believe
my words and follow me?” (Banuka)
It’s not just because he was told to do so by Shyemul.

Even Banuka, without fully understanding Souma’s words, felt something shivering
inside his mind.

Due to these splendid words of Banuka, who was considered to be nothing but flaky,
his clanmates that assisted him until now unintentionally end up choking due to their
tears of happiness.

By now, there wasn’t a single among his clanmates that protested against Banuka’s

With the state of the other clans like that, Shunpa, who was accompanied by the shrine
maidens of the Eye Clan, leaked a small sigh.

“Oh my goodness, with this, us Eye Clan don’t have any other choice than obedience
as well.” (Shunpa)

While voicing it out with words, Shunpa had already accepted that it will turn out like

She knows that it’s impossible for Shyemul to recognise that person as her “Navel
Master” just because he’s called the divine son of the Goddess of Death and
Destruction. She doesn’t know the reason for it, but Souma possesses something that
made even Shyemul, who is known for her high pride, subordinate herself to him.

That might be the flow of the times Banuka spoke of, Shunpa thought.

Certainly, currently she feels a large power streaming towards Souma.

It’s the sole flow that tries to pick up and rescue the zoan who had been merely toyed
with after getting dragged into turbulent times, whether they liked it or not, because
of the increase in power of the humans.

However, what’s waiting at the end of that flow might not be salvation, but death and
destruction which symbolise the goddess that granted her grace to him.

But, despite that, Shunpa felt slightly surprised due to there being a part of her herself
that wants to surrender itself to that flow.
As if hiding the emotions that resembled the violent throbbing of her chest, Shunpa
prostrated herself on the spot.

“We, the Eye Clan, also swear to obey you, Lord Soma.” (Shunpa)

In this instant Souma became a being unprecedented in history for being obeyed by
all zoan living in the plains.

“What’s your intention here, Zurgu?” (Garam)

It was Garam who called out to Zurgu, who was gazing at the faraway mountains by
himself, in the plains that were dyed red by the twilight.

Without bringing anyone along either, Garam stands next to Zurgu.

“My intention, you ask?” (Zurgu)

“About a piece of shit like you nestling up next to Soma.” (Garam)

To entrust the warriors of the Claw Clan to Souma, who isn’t a zoan, much less to say
about him being a human, was an unimaginable act by Zurgu as far as Garam knows

However, with that as an impetus, there’s no doubt that the remaining clans will
gather as well and express their will to obey Souma. It’s a safe bet that Zurgu was most
likely strongly impressed by Souma.

Hence, Garam, who suspected whether or not there’s some bad motive behind that all
the more due to this, feels it necessary to enquire about Zurgu’s real feelings before it
turns into a situation that cannot be undone. And thus he faced Zurgu alone like this.

Zurgu smiled bitterly due to the monologue of Garam, who doesn’t show any effort to
hide his misgivings.

“Hey, Garam. When you were a child, did you happen to think about what might be on
the other side of those mountains that surround these plains?” (Zurgu)

“What is this, all of a sudden?” (Garam)

Unable to understand what Zurgu wants to say, Garam frowns.

“I did. I believed that there’s a Fire country on the other side of those mountains and
that the sun is produced there every morning. I really wanted to visit that place when
I became an adult…” (Zurgu)

Zurgu spread his large arms.

“And now? Once I became an adult, these plains became my world. When I became
clan chief, my world became even smaller. It shrunk down to just the territory of the
Claw Clan. I became desperate in that small world.” (Zurgu)

Zurgu laughed at himself after dropping his shoulders.

“Hey, Garam. The zoan will perish if they don’t change. I thought so.” (Zurgu)

Garam was surprised.

Because it was something Garam had thought as well.

“However, what about it!? Before speaking about what to do about the zoan, it means
that I would have to change myself first! If you don’t call that laughable, then what
else!?” (Zurgu)

While he has talked with his clanmates about them having to change and the necessity
in learning the humans’ way of fighting for the sake of the zoan’s survival, Zurgu
noticed that he himself was still bound to the old values of the zoan.

And, the one who allowed him to realize that is Souma.

“I was astonished by Soma! Not because of his fire ambush or the fortress capture. It’s
due to the size of the world that he looks at!” (Zurgu)

Even Garam felt a strong sympathy with that.

What he senses after getting close to Souma is that he looks at an unbelievably distant

That’s only natural.

If you speak of the world in modern Japan, it’s the entire Earth. To Souma’s awareness
the plains are no more than a small fraction of the continent called Seldeas, no matter
how vast they might be. Not only that, Souma probably wouldn’t consider it strange
even if he was told that they discovered an unexplored continent on the other side of
the ocean in this world, as he knows of the historic discovery of a new continent by

The world that exists inside Souma, who grew up in modern Japan, was a much larger
world than that of anyone in this world.

“I wanted to see it! A vast, expansive world! The world Soma sees!” (Zurgu)

Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Zurgu who yelled that, Garam silently gazed
beyond the mountains in the same manner.

At this time something hot wells up in the chests of these two.

Even if they didn’t put it in words, both of them, Garam and Zurgu, sensed it.

After a while Garam traced back his steps along the path he came, leaving behind
Zurgu who was still continuing to gaze beyond the mountains.

“Zurgu, I forgot to mention one thing.” (Garam)

Garama said on the verge of leaving.

“I thought the country on the other side of the mountains was made out of gold.”

For a moment Zurgu stared blankly at him while not understanding what he was told.

When Garam’s figure had vanished from sight, Zurgu’s shoulders begin to tremble
slightly at last. That trembling becomes gradually stronger. Finally his entire body
starts to quiver.

And then, finally unable to endure it, Zurgu burst into laughter then and there.

There is an expression saying “There are seven arms, one tongue, three horns, one
cloth and two heads on the Divine Son of Destruction” in posterity.

These words originate from the well-known figure of the “Divine Son of Destruction
Soma Kisaki” on a famous fresco within the Kontart Cathedral.

That fresco is something that was painted by the hands of the artist Numari, extolled
as a master painter. Numari was a fanatic believer of the Holy Faith. Even that fresco
was drawn with the goal to instigate the hostility of the believers towards the “Divine
Son of Destruction Soma Kisaki” and to elevate their fighting spirit.

For that reason, the figure of the painted Souma is something that doesn’t appear to
be human whatsoever.

The figure of Souma inside that fresco rides on a dark beast that flies in the air,
launching flames and scattering fire onto the humans and cities resting on the ground.
Souma himself is a grotesque monster that possesses seven arms as well as two heads,
beast and human. Three twisted horns are growing out of the human head which is
adorned with a shabby crown, and a red flame dwells within the human’s eyes as a
long tongue lolls out of its mouth. Its mouth is split open straight up to the ears. Each
of his seven arms have different shapes and colors, and hold a different weapon with
one of the seven deadly sins inscribed upon them in an ancient language. This is to
express the idea that Souma is the root of all sins.

As a matter of fact, this fresco isn’t a painting that only depicts Souma. Souma’s troops
are also shown with him on this fresco.

For example, the beast head that is right next to the human head. This beast head,
which is flattering the human head besides it by licking its cheek, is Shyemul. She was
said to have been one in body and soul with Souma.

Also, the black beast that flies and scatters fire while the grotesque monster rides on
top is Garam.

The seven arms with unique shapes are the seven generals who served Souma and are
called the “Seven Arms Generals”.

Those Seven Arms Generals are a literary creation that came forth in future years. At
that time, official positions with such a naming didn’t exist.

Based on the tales of the Divine Son of Destruction in the future, it reached the point
of them being called the Seven Arms Generals, imitating the fresco of the master
painter Numari who couldn’t leave out the seven generals by any means. They were
the most prominent commanders in each of the clans within Souma’s army, which was
a mixed army consisting of seven races.

One of the Seven Arms inside the painting of Numari tightly grasps a machete. It’s an
arm covered by red fur.

The meaning of the ancient letters written there is “Wrath”.

<Mad Claw> Kraga Bigana Zurgu.

As the bravest general of the army of the “Divine Son of Destruction”, he is a man later
extolled as the <Arm of Wrath> and one of the Seven Arms generals.

Author’s Note:

The Seven Arms Generals are similar to the Twenty-Four Generals of Takeda Shingen.

Souma had at this time succeeded in making the zoan obey him, more or less.

At last he will start to move towards the capture of the city.

However, being pleased by Souma’s steady advance, the shadow of the goddess has…
Several days after the fall of the fortress; Company Commander Aide Marchronis,
hands bound behind his back by rope, was brought into what was formerly his own

He thought that he would be meeting the black-furred zoan who had defeated him in
combat but was greeted by a human child and female zoan instead.

Going by the situation, either of these two summoned me, I guess.

While thinking that, Marchronis observed the two and was surprised. The female zoan
was overly cautious, watching every move that he made.

No matter how you look at it, this is no attitude to listen to someone after having called
them. In that case it’s the human child that has called for me.

He had already heard in the report from Setius that a human child was leading the
zoan, but after having actually witnessed it, he cannot help but wonder whether such
a thing is even possible.

“I’m sorry for having called for you. I’m called Souma. The one next to me is Shyemul
of the Fang Clan.”

It’s a meek attitude hardly fitting for the commander of an occupying army who
summoned a prisoner. After staring at Souma’s face for a short while, Marchronis said

“I’m Marchronis. My rank is Company Commander Aide.”

The mysterious seal wasn’t visible because a headband was coiled around the
forehead, but he remembered that face.

“So it was you after all, huh…?” (Marchronis)

There’s no doubt that he’s the mysterious divine child that Setius brought along to the

“You know of me?” (Souma)

“You probably don’t remember, but I was present when you were brought into this
fortress.” (Marchronis)

“Was brought in… from where?” (Souma)

Marchronis thought that Souma had asked something very odd.

I wonder whether he’s saying that he doesn’t know the place he was found?

“For the details, I’d tell you to ask my subordinate who brought you in. If he isn’t dead,
that is.” (Marchronis)

Once he said that sarcastically, Souma showed a behavior as if he was slightly


“…No, he’s currently doing fine.” (Souma)

Turning to the zoan who brought Marchronis to the room and was even now holding
the end of the robe binding him, Souma said,

“Can I have you unfasten his rope since I’d like to speak with him?” (Souma)

“Is that fine?”, he asked Souma while looking questioningly at Shyemul.

“Yeah. He doesn’t look like someone who will worsen the situation of his subordinates
by acting imprudently. Besides, Shyemul is here as well.” (Souma)

“It’s not something that will impress me overly much.” (Marchronis)

While saying that with his mouth, he softly moves his lips in order to endure breaking
into a smile due to Souma’s words that show his trust in him.

“Thanks. It became more comfortable.” (Marchronis)

After Shyemul personally removed the rope, Marchronis rotated his arms to loosen
his shoulders which had become stiff while his arms were bound. He notices Souma
looking strangely at him.

“Is something wrong?” (Marchronis)

“It’s just that I didn’t expect you to thank her.” (Souma)

After turning his look towards Shyemul for a moment, Marchronis comprehended
with an “Oh!”.

“Did you consider it odd for me to deal normally with a zoan?” (Marchronis)

“Yes. The humans I’ve seen until now have treated the zoan as beasts.” (Souma)

“That’s not unnatural either. In the army the soldiers are taught that the zoan are lowly
beasts. Putting aside if it’s one individual soldier, for some reason, when in groups the
soldiers will compete in acts of brutality against the zoan. I dare say that the ones
you’ve seen have likely been such soldiers.” (Marchronis)

“In that case, what about you?” (Souma)

“I originally drifted here as mercenary. In the mercenary band I was born and raised
in, demi-human species such as dwarves and dinosaurians— ah, excuse me.”

Marchronis corrected himself because it’s a discriminatory term to call the races
besides the humans as “Demi-human species”.

“There were mercenaries from other races present as well. In my childhood I received
a fist from a dwarven baker for stealing bread and I had a dinosaurian soldier with a
nicely taciturn disposition give me a shoulder ride. At that time, I still hadn’t heard of
the Holy Faith and I interacted normally with everyone.” (Marchronis)

“What gave you the idea that zoan are lowly beasts then?” (Souma)

Marchronis wondered about the quite strange things he was being asked. Most
humans won’t question it like that due to the army’s drills and the country’s policies.
That’s because the king, who decides the country’s policies, is the one who governs
the people as a representative of god, and it’s expected for the king to be entrusted
with the soldiers in the army. The populace recognizes it as very normal, something
similar to a natural providence established by god.
However, Marchronis, who wandered through various countries as a mercenary and
changed the masters he served many times, knows that it’s something ultimately
imposed by the ruler’s logic.

“That’s because it’s more convenient that way.” (Marchronis)

For an elderly person spreading his teaching to promising youths is one of their
enjoyments. Marchronis is no exception to that either. He wanted to try teaching his
view to this unusual boy.

“The humans multiplied. Their numbers will likely continue to increase. If their
numbers grow, the mouths to feed will increase in accordance, as well. Thus, it is
necessary to increase the number of fields where they can grow wheat and potatoes,
so that everyone won’t starve. Land is necessary for that.” (Marchronis)

“I know that. The zoan were driven away for the sake of obtaining the plains.” (Souma)

“It is as you say.” (Marchronis)

He said in the tone of a teacher praising an excellent student.

“Humans are mysterious beings. Even though they do savage acts, they love words
such as legitimate and justice for some reason. Although they just want to steal land
to grow something to eat, they teach that it’s justice to chase away the zoan from the
plains. For this, they use the reasoning of the zoan being an inferior race that should
be destroyed. That method allows the soldiers to go for it with no qualms. That’s the
policy of the army.” (Marchronis)

“Even though you don’t believe in that, you mean?” (Souma)

“Indeed. Even if I myself went against the policies of the army, what do you suppose
would happen? I would get dismissed and someone else would simply do the same
thing instead of me.” (Marchronis)

He said while smiling bitterly as if to say that this is the reality.

“There are many new recruits who feel reluctance towards stealing lives, even that of
other races. But, if a person hesitates for an instant in a war, it will result in them
getting killed. That’s why they are taught that it’s fine to kill other races, or rather than
that, that they are existences that should be killed. So that they won’t hesitate when
push comes to shove.” (Marchronis)

Marchronis shifted his attention towards Shyemul.

“It might be an unpleasant thing to hear for you guys, but the safety of my subordinates
is more important to me than that of unfamiliar zoan.” (Marchronis)

“It’s a really unpleasant story.” (Shyemul)

Shyemul said with disgust. Due to Shyemul’s frank manner of speech, Marchronis lets
his head hang slightly and looks with upturned eyes.

“I don’t have any words to retaliate with. Compared to us, the zoan not only took care
of their prisoners, but even went as far as healing their injuries.” (Marchronis)

“Of course! We zoan are proud warriors!” (Shyemul)

As Shyemul boasted while throwing out her chest, Souma had a faint smile.

With Marchronis flattering the zoan by humiliating himself, he won their promise to
guarantee the safety of the soldiers who became their prisoners.

Although Souma feels wary towards his shrewdness, he feels at the same time an
amiability with Marchronis making Souma unable to hate him in some respects. It
might be because he has been using his astuteness to secure the safety of his

“Don’t worry. To begin with we have no intention to do anything to the prisoners. It

will be fine to even carry on the treatment of the wounded soldiers as you did until
now.” (Souma)

Guessing his intention, Souma firmly promised the safety of his subordinates. After
widening his eyes slightly, Marchronis straightened himself and bowed his head very

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your consideration.” (Marchronis)

“However, to prevent any rebellion, I plan to restrict their area of activity and the
number of people they will act together with. They will also be monitored.” (Souma)
“That’s a reasonable forethought. — So, is it alright for me to tell everyone about this?”

He’s a cunning person after all, Souma thought, I have already told the zoan not to harm
the prisoners, but for the prisoners to trust in that it’s probably the best to have them
hear it from their own superior officer. It’s just to make double sure since, in the current
situation, it will result in a disaster if the prisoners cause a revolt.

“Yes. It would help if you could do just that.” (Souma)

“Don’t mention it. It’s for the sake of both of us.” (Marchronis)

Thereupon Souma grinned.

“While we are at it, can I have you teach me various things for the sake of the both of
us?” (Souma)

“…Various, you say?” (Marchronis)

“For example about that city located in the south of the plains or such.” (Souma)

Marchronis smile stiffened.

Will a subjugation unit come to the plains? When will they come, if they do? What kind
of scale will they have? He believed that it would be only such questions, if he happened
to be asked. However, the questions are about the city. Which is to say, they are
targeting it. However, the questions are about the city. Which is to say, they are
targeting it.

“Let me tell you in advance; I plan to ask all your subordinates about it afterwards as
well.” (Souma)

That’s a warning telling him that it will be pointless even if he lies or keeps secrets.

Since it’s not like they arranged their stories to be the same in advance, it will get
immediately exposed even if he lies or keeps secrets here once he compares the
information from Marchronis and his subordinates.

Marchronis dropped his shoulders and sighed.

“…Damn it. I completely forgot.” (Marchronis)

“What did you forget?” (Souma)

“At the time when the fort got captured by your scheme, I thought following: The guy,
who came up with this scheme, planned to attack the soldiers and not the fortress.
Soldiers are human, too. If they get tired from treating wounded soldiers everyday,
their caution will wane as well. Once they judged that injured comrades had arrived,
they opened the gate without any suspicion. And, once they were told that they won’t
get killed if they don’t resist, it made them want to drop their weapons. You splendidly
exploited everyone’s human weaknesses.” (Marchronis)

“…Do you mean that it was unfair?” (Souma)

Marchronis strongly shook his head due to Souma’s question.

“That’s not it. For example, if an ordinary person like me planned to capture a fortress,
preparing siege weapons would be the foremost. I would wonder what’s necessary to
get over that wall or how much time it would take to break that wall.

However, you attacked the gaps in the minds of the people inside the fortress and not
the fortress itself. Indeed, since there are enemy soldiers in the fortress, it’s the
enemy’s fortress. Even if you destroy the fortress or force the enemy soldiers to
surrender, the result will be the same.

And, now it’s the same, too. If you only tried to protect the zoan, you would ponder
how to repel the humans that will come to attack the plains. However, you don’t stop
at only that.” (Marchronis)

Marchronis stared deeply into Souma’s eyes.

“You seem to be someone who’s different from us ordinary people. And, do you know
how us ordinary people call such a person?” (Marchronis)

When Souma shook his head, Marchronis showed an evil smile and said,

“They are called hero or destroyer. Well then, I wonder just which of those two you
are?” (Marchronis)

“Hey Shyemul, I wonder which suits us?” (Souma)

Souma questioned Shyemul, who was besides him, after Marchronis was taken out of
the room once the talks finished.

“Don’t listen to weird stuff. Isn’t that just natural for a human soldier?” (Shyemul)

Shyemul reply was plain and simple.

However, that reply didn’t work for Souma.

Until now the image of soldiers toying with zoan corpses and the humans of this world
massacring the zoan was strong within Souma.

Even so, Marchronis, who should bear a part of the responsibility for that zoan
massacring, was a good-natured person one might even call an intellectual who only
is carrying out his duty and not someone who does it because of religious fanaticism
or a joy in sadism.

Of course, while that may be true, it doesn’t mean that massacring of zoan should be

Certainly, the human soldiers of Marchronis’ unit are enemies that are trying to destroy
the zoan.

I have no doubt in that.

I do understand that logically, but for some reason it doesn’t agree with my heart.

It’s a murky feeling just like at the time when I played my beloved RPG and didn’t
completely finish the underplot until then even though I defeated the demon king. At that
time all mysteries became clear once the great demon king that manipulated the
defeated demon king appeared, but I wonder whether it will be like that this time as well,
he tries to anticipate.

If the human soldiers aren’t the real enemy, is it the army to which the soldiers belong?
He wondered.
However, I feel like it’s somewhat different.

He pondered whether the enemy is the country to which the army belongs, if it’s not
the army itself, but he has a hunch that it’s different from that as well.

He wondered whether it’s the Holy Faith, if it’s not the country, but that doesn’t seem
to fit with him either.

In that case, is it the humans themselves? But he feels like it’s something else after all.

Who the hell is the enemy then?

As of yet it’s something ambiguous with an unknown colour and shape, but it was still
spouting within Souma.

An unusual phenomenon occurred in a small cave located at the edge of Hognareah Hill.

That cave is the den of evil adherents who once kidnapped women and children from
the pioneering villages in the vicinity and sacrificed them to something evil.

However, the evil adherents, who were there, had been slain by Holmea’s soldiers
without a single one being left alive. Their corpses were left there as is. Nowadays
those corpses were devoured as precious food of the animals passing through winter.
There wasn’t anything left of them besides small amounts of decaying flesh, bones and

And, at the place that was the altar, the statue of the evil goddess, which gathered the
evil adherents’ faith onto itself, was smashed into pieces and neglected after turning
into a pile of rubble.

While raising quiet squeaking sounds, a mouse turned up from within that pile of

The mouse restlessly sniffed its surroundings. The mouse, who felt relieved due to
there not being any enemies around, jumped out from the pile of rubble and rushed
over to the corpse of an evil adherent with swift movements. It began to scrape off the
decaying flesh clinging to a bone with its front teeth.
The mouse was scraping off the carrion while making crunching sounds, but suddenly
it completely stops to move. And, as soon as its whiskers started to tremble slightly, it
ran outside the cave while making small squeals.

The cave that had lost its small landlord was filled with silence to a suffocating degree.

As if denying that silence, a weak laughter can be heard from somewhere.

It’s a laughter that can be called similar to the groaning of an old beast and the
innocent laughter of an young girl.

All of as sudden the corpses of the evil adherents that were scattered around inside
the cave started to move by dragging their limp bodies across the ground as if they
were caught by invisible hands.

If one looks down from above, they are gathering by centring around a certain point
just like iron sand that gets drawn towards a magnet.

In the centre of them is the smashed goddess statue.

The corpses of the gathered evil adherents cover the pile of rubble that used to be the
goddess statue and create a corpse hill.

And then a single white arm stuck out from within that hill of corpses with a damp
sound. That slender, purely white arm that hasn’t a single stain grasps at the air and
drags out its own body from within the corpse hill.

What appeared then was a girl who was clad in a simple, snow white clothing that
wasn’t blemished by any dirt at all.

“Ah, my beloved Souma! My smart Souma! You finally realized it, didn’t you!?”

The girl burst into a cackling laughter while staring in a direction where the cave’s
wall was.

“My foolish Souma! You are trying to reach it without knowing anything, don’t you!?”

If it was possible to look down on this world, one would probably notice the location
of the fortress built in the Solbiant Plains long before fixing one’s eyes on that girl.
“Those are the sparks of death you will bring about! It’s won’t be just the zoan, but
also the dinosaurians, the marmen, the dwarves, the elves, the harpians and even the
humans! It’s a small spark that will grown into a flame that will devour everyone’s
souls and bodies! That fire won’t stop at just burning the people on the entire
continent to nothing. It will become a world-destroying conflagration that will rage
far into the future!

That’s the seed of destruction you shall scatter! It’s a small seed that will bud by
changing everything, villages, cities and countries, into ruins and feed on them. That
sprout will become a huge tree before long and it will completely cover the entire

The girl’s loud laughter echoes dully in the cave.

“Oh, Souma! You are my one and only divine child! My beloved, beloved Souma!”
Hopkins is a peddler.

He is a peddler who started with a small niryu and a covered wagon using the funds
he amassed during the 10 years he worked as an apprentice in a city’s mercantile
house. Hopkins began with taking merchandise he procured in the city to farm villages
and exchanging it for agricultural produce, such as wheat.

He deliberately went to farm villages a far distance from the city that don’t get visited
by those of the same trade as him. He accepts that his profit is low in comparison to
the time spent. However, thanks to this method, Hopkins is now at a point where he
experiences passable reactions at the villages that have befriended him to a
reasonable extent.

Brimming with self-confidence from this, he made the proposal of his lifetime to a
woman that he got to know during his time working at the mercantile house. His
cherished family is now staying with him in the back of his covered wagon. Moreover,
three years ago, his important family increased by one more, namely a son.

You could call that a successful yet modest life.

When Hopkins visited a city in Holmea State, the hot topic of gossip was that the army
that had left to exterminate the zoan living in the north of the Solbiant Plains suffered
large casualties from a fire that they had caused in the zoan village by mistake.

Hopkins believed this to be a business opportunity.

Because the Solbiant Plains formerly belonged to the zoan, the common practice is to
form large caravans with fellow peddlers or to accompany the military in order to
trade with the fortress and pioneer villages that dot the plains.

However, if one links up with a caravan, the profit will be split accordingly to all
members. There’s also the difficulty of searching for peddlers that will accompany
oneself. The military’s next departure to the Solbiant Plains is also an unknown. They
would obviously also demand quite a bit of gratuity if one tries to travel with them.

Why don’t I just go by myself and try and sell some goods to the fortress, if that’s the
case? He wondered.

Sure, the Solbiant Plains used to be zoan territory, but that’s a story from the past.

The zoan have been suppressed by the army and were driven away into the hilly area in
the distant north. Therefore, I think there’s almost no chance that I’ll get attacked by the
zoan. If there was anything else to worry about, it would be bandits, but there’s probably
no one stupid enough to be active in an area where the army and zoan prowl about, he

Hopkins really wanted to wring the neck of Hopkins from a few days ago right this

“Well then, what are we going to do about this guy, Garam?”

“Soma told us to even bring along the soldiers without killing them if at all possible. I
don’t think we have another option besides taking him with us.”

A red-furred and a black-furred zoan are talking right in front of Hopkins. With both
of them having muscular bodies, they seem like they were totally capable of plucking
his head off his shoulders with a single twist.

Also, in addition, his covered wagon was surrounded by zoan.

“Zurgu, please have someone run ahead to the fortress to inform them about this.”

“Aye. Got it.”

Once the red-furred zoan went to his other comrades, the black-furred zoan stepped
up to the coachman bench with Hopkins on it.

“And so, I’m sorry, but can I have you come with us?”

Hopkins had no other choice but to desperately nod his head while protecting his wife
and child in the back.

After he was brought to the fortress with his wagon surrounded by zoan, Hopkins
doubted his own eyes.

The vicinity of the fortress is crowded with countless zoan tents. Not only that, the
zoan are boldly coming and going through the widely opened gate of the fortress.
Forget about the zoan village being reduced to ashes, on the contrary, it apparently
seems that the fortress was under the complete control of the zoan.

Once the covered wagon drives through the gate into the the fortress’ square, an
astonishingly great number of humans became visible. Just like in the rumours, many
of them are apparently bearing scalds and injuries.

“Alright, wait here. — You guys, unload the luggage off the wagon.”

The latter half of the black-furred zoan’s words was directed towards the zoan in the
vicinity. They took down the medicinal supplies that were loaded on the wagon and
brought them to the square’s ground one after the other. Hopkins was afraid that they
would hurt his wife and son at any moment, but the zoan didn’t try to touch them at

A short time later a human boy turned up from within a building while bringing a zoan
girl along.

“I was told that a peddler came?”

He wondered whether the boy had been caught by the zoan in the same pitiable way
as himself, but isn’t he calling out to the black-furred zoan in an overly friendly manner?
I’m certain that zoan’s mood is pretty bad because of that. He was nervous on whether
or not the zoan would take it out on him, but the zoan replied without paying a bit of
attention to him.

“The wagon’s load are things like ointments and bandages. I suppose he intended to
sell these to this fortress to begin with.”

“That’s a big help. As we will buy all of it, how much do you want for it?”

“W-Wh-What a thing to say! You don’t have to pay. Therefore, just the life of my family…!”
“That means…”

“You really don’t have to pay any money, so can’t you do anything about saving my
family!?” (Hopkins)

“…How troublesome. Shyemul, I’m sorry, but can you go and call Marchronis?”

Hearing the boy’s words, the zoan girl next to him entered the building and returned
after a short time, bringing along a middle-aged man that had several sword cuts
carved onto his face.

“Just what kind of business do you have with me?”

“I’m sorry for expressly calling you here, Marchronis. A merchant came to sell
medicinal supplies, but since I don’t know the market price, I’d like you to help me out

The man called Marchronis checks the numbers and types of goods lined up on the

“Twenty jars of ointments, two hundred bandage rolls, ten jars of salves and fifty
wrappings with laxative medicine… Hmm, including a bonus for braving the danger to
come sell these here, it will be around thirty seven silver coins, I think.” (Marchronis)

That was mostly the same amount of money Hopkins would have tried to sell it for.

“Will it be alright with that amount of money?”

Even if it wasn’t fine, Hopkins had no other option but to agree with the boy here.

Due to him continuing to nod his head in earnest, the boy interpretes it as having
gained Hopkins’ acknowledgement. He instructs the zoan to carry the medicinal
supplies inside the building.

“By the way, you came here from the city, right?”

“Yes. It is as you say!” (Hopkins)

“In that case I will pay you twice the amount, but I have a little something I’d like to
request from you…”
The sweetly smiling face of the boy reminded Hopkins of the face of a terrible villain.

Several days later Hopkins’ covered wagon travelled south through the plains.

Instead of his family, two strange guests had boarded the cargo area of the wagon that
had become empty after unloading the merchandise at the fortress.

“Yes, indeed, I can’t get used to liking this wagon after all, I guess.”

“Endure it. This time our goal is to enter the city.”

“Ah, no, as long as I’m together with you, Soma, I won’t complain. Naturally!”

The ones leisurely chatting in the cargo area are the mysterious human boy called
Soma and the zoan girl who can be considered a beauty even from Hopkin’s point of
view, possessing balanced limbs and gorgeous fur.

The condition that the boy proposed in exchange for buying the merchandise for twice
its price was to lead the boy to the city. Of course, the boy also attached the condition
that Hopkin’s wife and son will be well taken care of at the fortress.

At first the boy intended to go by himself, but the zoan girl resolutely suggested to
accompany him which caused a dispute. The black zoan frantically tried to dissuade
her, but the zoan girl stubbornly refused to comply, which resulted in her tagging along
while being treated as the boy’s slave.

When the zoan girl stated that she will pretend to be a slave, the zoan in the surroundings
seemed so surprised that they were on the verge of fainting, and there even appeared to
be some who begged her in tears to abstain. Judging from that fact, she’s probably quite
the important person among the zoan.

However, what worries me even more is that the zoan girl diligently takes care of the
human boy.

After watching these two’s interactions in these last few days, I’m surprised by the zoan
girl’s devotion towards the boy.

In the morning she wakes up earlier than the boy, prepares his clothes and meal, and
then patiently waits for him to get up. At bedtime she avoids lying down before the boy
falls asleep if possible. Also, if the boy’s shoulders shiver slightly due to the northern wind,
she gently places woollen cloths on his shoulders. If the boy takes a nap inside the
swaying covered wagon, she places his head on her knees.

It’s like she’s a human maiden experiencing her first love.

For there to be a human that gets offered this much dedication by a zoan while the
humans and zoan hate each other; If he had heard this story from someone else,
Hopkins would have likely laughed it off.

The other thing Hopkins considers to be odd is the fact that the boy doesn’t know that
many things.

“This coin is one dinas? Is what you say?”

The boy asked Hopkins while holding one bronze coin that he took from the war funds
of the fortress

“Correct. It’s one bronze coin and also one dinas.” (Hopkins)

“This is a gold coin?”

Next he pointed at a coin glittering with its dark-gold color.

“No, that one is a brass coin.” (Hopkins)

It’s a coin made out of brass which is an alloy of copper and zinc.

It uses the same material as the Five-Yen coin in Japan.

“Oh, hmm, so what kind of coins are circulating in this world?”

Feeling doubts while thinking this child uses weird expressions such as “this world”,
Hopkins replied,

“The ones circulating in Holmea State are iron coins, bronze coins, brass coins, silver
coins and gold coins. Even in other countries, it’s mostly the same.” (Hopkins)

“How much value does each of them posses?”

“An iron coin is 1/20th of a bronze coin. Four bronze coins become one brass coin.
Twenty five brass coins are one silver coin. Fifty silver coins can be exchanged into
one gold coin.”

“With one gold coin being 5000 bronze coins, it’s also 5000 dinas?”

Surprising. He immediately guessed the value of the currency correctly.

I’m pretty sure the ones capable of calculating in this era are people who have a job
related to counting money such as merchants and government officials, or humans born
into prospering noble and knight families.

However, as far as Hopkins can assess, neither of those applied to Souma. Considering
merchants and government officials, there are too many things he doesn’t know. A
human born into a prospering family shouldn’t be so close to zoan.

“Well, that’s right, but usually a brass coin is called demeranis, one silver coin is called
agnis and one gold coin is called gulkonis.” (Hopkins)

“Wow! Are the names different for each currency? That’s something troublesome.”

I’m the one that wants to be pretty surprised over this…, Hopkins retorted in his mind.

He cannot help but being curious what’s so astonishing about this very common

“One dinas, how much value does that have?”

“Let’s see. If you go to a bar in the city, most jars of alcohol cost about one dinas. And—
.” (Hopkins)

Hopkins stretched out his hand from the coachman seat, opened a food box and took
out one round bread from within.

“This bread costs two dinas.” (Hopkins)

“One bread costs two dinas; that’s always true?”

“Yes. Otherwise everyone would be troubled, right?” (Hopkins)

In this era the staple food is bread, and is something indispensable for life. Most of the
countries’ leaders strictly regulated the price of this bread. If there was a sudden price
jump for bread, many people wouldn’t be able to buy bread and thus starve. If the
starving populace started to plunder and rebel in their wish for bread, that would
cause damage to a country.

But then again, it does happen that wheat gets mixed with barley and similar stuff or
that the weight of the used wheat gets lowered in years with poor crop harvest, but if
the perpetrators go too far with that, that will also result in them receiving

In addition, the fixed bread price also served to stabilize the value of the currency.

Currency also becomes an intermediary for barter. Let’s assume there are two
humans: A who wants to sell fish and B who wants to sell meat. In case A wants meat
and B wants fish, it will be feasible for both to barter for the goods. However, in case
one or both parties don’t want the food possessed by the other party, they won’t be
able to barter. With this, business transactions would stagnate all over.

But, if there exists a currency at that time, A and B will be able to change the goods
both possess into currency temporarily. If either desires something the other party
possesses, it will be fine to exchange the money into fish or meat. If the other party
doesn’t have what the interested party wants, the interested party can just keep the
money on hand and buy what they want from someone else. By doing it this way, it
becomes possible to trade far more smoothly than by bartering.

However, for this the currency has to be something that had its value acknowledged
by both, A and B.

Accordingly, with the country’s leaders deciding one bread to be worth two dinas, the
value of the money has been guaranteed. It also means that it’s easy to understand
and use for the populace, since the price of bread is directly related to their lives.

“Why has this bread been baked with dividing lines on its surface?”

“That’s because it’s easy divide it at the times when you eat in the morning, noon and
evening, if you separate it like this.” (Hopkins)

“This one piece of bread is one day’s share. In addition, there are three meals per day
in this world as well.”
In the modern era it has become normal to have three meals per day, but it’s not
unusual for there to also be two meals per day depending on the place and epoch.
Ancient Rome in Europe had three meals per day, but after them it became two meals
per day until the medieval times. Also, even in Japan it was two meals per day until
close to the middle of the Edo period. (T/N: 1603-1868 CE)

“It’s originating from the fact that The Seven held three banquets per day to bless the
sun which is the beginning of this world.”

Being able to explain it to the boy, the zoan girl talks in a manner that could be called
tremendously happy.

“Morning when the sun revives, noon when its life is the most energetic and evening
when the sun dies; praying for the sun’s rebirth tomorrow, we also take our meals
alongside a blessing towards the sun.”

“I see.”

If you consider him to be intelligent to a surprising degree, that’s about correct. But he
doesn’t know things that even younger children are aware of.

He’s a truly odd boy.

“It’s quite the hard bread, isn’t it?”

“Really? I think that’s just how bread is, though.” (Hopkins)

The zoan girl tilted her head to the side due to the boy who hits the bread’s surface
with the back of a finger.

The boy, who ate the dumplings and meat prepared by the zoan girl during the journey
in these last few days, had a look as if he was very interested in the bread.

The reason why the boy didn’t have the chance to eat the bread during the journey
until now is because when Hopkins tried to prepare food for the two of them on the
first day of their travel, the zoan girl stubbornly declined it while declaring that they
will prepare their own shares by themselves.

“Both of you, the city has come into sight.” (Hopkins)

Once he informed the two in the back that the city’s outline has become visible in the
far distance along the road, the boy bent himself forward and looked from the
coachman’s bench as he sat within the covered wagon, wearing a bright expression.

“Holy smokes… so that’s the city.”

“Yep. Over there you can see the city Bolnis, which is the westernmost city in Holmea
State.” (Hopkins)
Bolnis is the westernmost city of Holmea.

Originally, in order for Holmea to exercise its authority over the northern Solbiant
Plains, it began with constructing a fortress near a river. Farmers that feared the zoan
and merchants as well as craftsmen, who did business with those farmers, naturally
gathered at that fortress. Before long it developed into a city.

In case of an attack by the zoan due to the large gathering of people, a sturdy
brickwork city wall with a height of five melts (one melt is approximately one meter)
and a thickness of three melts was built around the city. With the completion of the
city wall, the construction that used to be the fortress was converted from a military
installation into an administrative facility, and even now serves as the centre of the

The city changed completely over time, and now not only trades with the agricultural
produce brought in from the northern Solbiant Plains, but also developed into a
thriving commercial city. Caravans that headed from the Ocean State Jeboa, which is
even further west from this city, towards Holmea State’s capital city often stopped in
this city for a short rest.

It’s slightly past noon when Hopkins’ covered wagon arrived at the gate of Bolnis with
Souma on board.

“Okay, next wagon!”

Being called out by the gate sentries that are examining the humans visiting the city,
Hopkins slowly advanced his wagon forward.

“From where and on what business did you come to this city?”

“Yes, I’m called Hopkins, a peddler from Jeboa, who finished trading with a reclamation
village around here.” (Hopkins)
Stating that, Hopkins pointed at the merchant guild’s flag that hung on the covered

The merchant guild is an organization that allows for merchants to gather together in
a group for several benefits, including protection.

One has to pay a set amount of money every year as guild dues, but if one flies the
merchant guild’s flag, they can receive various accommodations. In addition, the
merchant guild will never forgive a bandit that attacked a merchant belonging to them.
It was well known that they would be relentlessly hunted down, with a large bounty
placed on their head. This is why one of the benefits of the merchant’s guild can be
considered protection from bandits.

“Certainly, it’s the flag of the merchant guild, I suppose. We will inspect the cargo then.”

“By all means, go ahead. Although you called it cargo, it’s completely empty as I sold
all the articles for sale as a result of God’s divine protection.” (Hopkins)

The squad leader, who was accompanied by a subordinate that had his spear at the
ready, moves the cover of the wagon’s rear aside and checks its interior.

“Whoa! Isn’t that a zoan?”

Tension spreads between his subordinates due to the squad leader’s outcry after
discovering Shyemul.

“Please wait! That’s my nephew’s slave!” (Hopkins)

“Nephew, you say!?”

When the squad leader looked once more inside the covered wagon, he found Souma
sitting next to Shyemul. In his hands, Souma is grasping a chain connected to a collar
that was put around Shyemuls neck.

“He’s the son of my younger sister who married in a distant eastern country, but as he
wanted to study the job of a peddler over here, he accompanied me in my work like
this.” (Hopkins)

The squad leader checks out Souma again. It’s certainly a hair color I have never seen
before. With even his face being smooth with very little roughness, it seems as if there’s
no mistake that he’s not a human from around these parts.

“However, recently the movements of the zoan around here have been quite lively.
Although she’s a slave, there’s no way for me to allow her to enter the city.”

“Captain, sir, can’t you do anything about it? She’s the favorite pet of my nephew! He
brought her all the way from that distant eastern country.” (Hopkins)

Saying that, Hopkins bribed him by slipping several bronze coins into his hand.
Because they will be doubted all the more if he bribes too much, it’s an amount of
money that allows the sentries present in this place to drink a cup of alcohol each after
they get off work.

“Well, in that case it can’t be helped. But, don’t cause any troubles. They may enter!”

When the captain raises his voice as he withstands having his appearance fall apart
due to the weight of the bronze coins in his hand, the soldiers who blocked the front
of the covered wagon clear the road.

“Phew. That was scary…” (Hopkins)

Hopkins made sure that he was quite a bit away from the gate before wiping away the
cold sweat he worked up from that exchange.

“Thank you for your assistance.” (Souma)

Souma bows his head apologetically. Then he turns to Shyemul, who’s next to him, and

“Shyemul, the collar doesn’t hurt you, does it?” (Souma)

“No, there’s no problem.” (Shyemul)

Even though she says that, Shyemul appears to feel uncomfortable due to her constant
fiddling with the collar.

No matter how much it’s for the sake of infiltrating the city, putting a collar on Shyemul
and having to grasp its chain was something heartbreaking for Souma.

“Rather than that, the city is quite the smelly place…” (Shyemul)
Souma had the same opinion as well.

After entering the city, it stinks with a stench that’s rather difficult to describe. The
smell of garbage, the stink of decay and a mysteriously irritating odor mixed with each
other in complete harmony and turned into an intense stench.

Once he looked through a gap of the wagon’s cover, he saw that filth and animal
corpses, the origin of the stench, had been left lying at the sides of the road. Moreover,
orphans that had turned pitch black due to mud and filth are nonchalantly sitting
within that.

It’s probably inevitable since it’s still an era with hardly any concept of hygiene in cities,
but even so it’s a coarse environment.

Zoan have a far keener sense of smell than humans… this must be pretty hard on

“The stench is extreme, but the dust is terrible, too.” (Souma)

Even the road doesn’t have a stone paving, but is simply tread upon. Once the dry
season with barely any rain starts, clouds of dust rise up and dye the city in a faint
yellow color. Together with the houses made out of sun dried bricks located on both
sides of the road, the sight is similar to a desert city you can find in the Near and Middle

As the covered wagon with Souma on it advances slowly along the main street that
connects the eastern and western gates, they can observe a reasonably high amount
of pedestrian traffic.

Doing that, he saw that the attires of the citizens were actually pretty close to his own.

If it’s the men, they wear tunics, similar to one pieces with cuffs reaching down to
above the knees, that are tied with leather straps around the waist. Below that they
wear trousers. If it’s the women, it’s long one pieces with their cuffs reaching down to
the shin. Although Souma hasn’t seen it, it’s only the men wearing trousers whereas
the women don’t wear anything below.

“How many humans live here?” (Souma)

“Heh, don’t be shocked. This city has over than ten thousand people in it! Pretty
amazing, eh?” (Hopkins)

Hopkins bragged, but Souma didn’t do anything except returning a smile with mixed

If you talk about a population of ten thousand people in modern Japan, it’s only at the
scale of around a village or a town. However, this is a fairly big city for this world.

Seeing that he is going to attack this city, Souma was anxious about not catching sight
of many soldiers in the city, which is something that he has to check out.

“I see less soldiers than I expected.” (Souma)

“That’s only natural. Most of the soldiers are stationed on the city wall or at the gates.”

“How many soldiers are there?” (Souma)

“Let’s see. I think around four or five hundred?” (Hopkins)

“That’s unexpectedly little.” (Souma)

“Really? I think that’s how it usually is though.” (Hopkins)

Soldiers don’t produce anything.

Because they themselves don’t grow a single grain of wheat, they have to be supported
by other people in order to maintain a standing army. Naturally, if the ratio of soldiers
in the population is high, that burden will grow large in accordance with that.

Also, the ones becoming soldiers are healthy, young men. It’s the people who would
normally be doing the most work in production and logistics. Increasing the number
of soldiers doesn’t just add to the burden on the food supply but also takes away
people who would help deal with these issues.

Hence, the number of soldiers serving in a standing army in this world are around two
to four percent of the population. The number of soldiers in this city isn’t low by any

“What will you do next, Mr. Hopkins?” (Souma)

“Hm. Since I came to this city, I want to go drink a cup of booze in some bar then go
greet the guild, I think.”” (Hopkins)

Hearing the word bar, Souma’s curiosity stirs.

According to what Souma knows from games and fantasy novels, bars in a city function
as places for information exchange. He imagines merchants with get-rich-quick
dreams exchanging news and remarkable adventurers talking about their travels in a
bar filled with the smell of alcohol and tobacco.

“Is it fine for me to accompany you to a bar?” (Souma)

“It’s not needed if you’re planning on standing guard so that I won’t betray you guys.
Even if I look this shabby, I’m still a merchant. I accepted your money, I will properly
accomplish my duty. Besides, you guys have my wife and son, you know.” (Hopkins)

“No, I’m interested in the bars over here.” (Souma)

“In that case I don’t mind, but you can’t take the young lady over there along.” (Hopkins)

Souma hurriedly calmed Shyemul who became blatantly displeased due to Hopkins’

“Shyemul, could I have you watch these war funds? If those are stolen, it would be
quite the disaster.” (Souma)

Since this is a place with seemingly barely any public order, everyone being gone while
the war funds taken out of the fortress sat in the wagon would be like hanging a
“Please steal me!” sign right next to them.

Even Shyemul understands that she has to do it.

However, Shyemul cannot help being reluctant to separate from Souma even for a bit
inside a city where she doesn’t know when they might get surrounded by human
soldiers after having their real identities exposed, and thus she voiced a single

“Soma, haven’t you actually gotten quite skilled in handling me?” (Shyemul)

Souma instinctively made his gaze wander away.


Souma entered a bar with his chest swelling with anticipation, but the place was
considerably different from what he expected.

He sees people drinking alcohol together and messily eating food at crude tables lined
up in a densely packed formation, but these people looked exactly like the ones he saw
outside. To his disappointment, shady magicians holding magic wands and brawny
warriors wearing weapons and armours are nowhere to be found.

Once Hopkins finds an open table, Souma and him sit down on the chairs.

“Hey! Over here!” (Hopkins)

In order to not lose to the hustle and bustle in the bar, Hopkins calls for a waitress with
a loud voice. When a waitress with an arrogant attitude turns up without even a brief
greeting of “Welcome”, Hopkins hands her a bronze coin first.

“We’d like something to eat and drink.” (Hopkins)

“Something to drink will be one dinas. If it’s food, that will cost two dinas.”

Due to that Hopkins placed a further three bronze coins on the table.

Souma surveys the bar’s interior wondering about a menu, but it seems like such a
thing doesn’t exist. For the time being, Souma ordered the same and also handed over
three bronze coins.

However, while looking down on Souma, the waitress doesn’t show any intention to

Owed to that, he remembered that Hopkins had given her a bronze coin to start out
with. Souma heard in a TV broadcast that Japanese people, who don’t have the custom
of giving tips even in the modern era, are bewildered in stores of foreign countries. He
handed over one more bronze coin in a hurry. After that, the waitress picked it up and
went towards the kitchen without saying a word.

Souma, a Japanese from the modern era, isn’t familiar with it, but in this world it’s
indispensable to give a tip when going shopping.
In reality waitresses like her don’t receive any salary from the store. The tips they
receive from the guests become their income. That means the store offers the
waitresses a location to get tips and receives their help in exchange.

“Are there no adventurers or such in this place?” (Souma)

During the time until the dishes are served, Souma tried to ask Hopkins about there
being no one appearing to be an adventurer around.

“Adventurers?” (Hopkins)

“Umm… people who search for treasures by diving into caves, accept requests and
subjugate monsters for money.” (Souma)

“You are saying some funny stuff, aren’t you? Are those day laborers? Or prospectors?”

Souma sensed his expectation wither away due to Hopkins’ reply.

Even though it’s a long-awaited fantasy world, adventurers like those in games and
novels don’t seem to exist in this world.

“If it’s requests for day laborer work, you can place an advertisement like that if you
ask and pay money to the owner of the bar.” (Hopkins)

Once Souma looked in the direction indicated by Hopkins, he saw a wooden board that
was casually leaning against the wall made out of sun-dried bricks. Countless papers
that might be considered to be advertisements have been affixed with nails on the
wooden board.

Illustrations of [a person swinging a pickaxe in the mountains] and [a person holding

a wooden crate] have been drawn on papers. Below those illustrations several vertical
lines were drawn. The illustrations indicate the details of the work and the vertical lines
signify the number of people they are looking for, I guess.

“Is the literacy rate in this world quite low by chance?” (Souma)

“Literacy rate*? It’s about whether one can read and write characters, right? Well, if
one isn’t a scholar or government official, stuff like that just isn’t happening. Even I
only know several simple words to use them in business.” (Hopkins) (T/N: Written in
katakana and not with kanji as above)

I considered this to be a possibility from there being illustrations and no characters

written on the advertisements, but it seems like the literacy rate of this world actually is
pretty low.

At that point the previous waitress noisily placed cups and bowls on the table without
saying a word. If it was modern Japan, this kind of service would cause an outrage, but
since Hopkins doesn’t show a hint of worrying about it, I guess this is normal around

“Well then, let’s eat?” (Hopkins)

What was lined up in front of Souma was the previously mentioned round bread that
was divided into one third, a small cup that one can hold in one hand and a wooden
bowl with soup in it.

Once he peeked into the cup, it was filled with a dark brown liquid that had things
similar to scum and foam floating on the surface.

Inside the bowl is a hodgepodge soup. Chunks of vegetables and fish that were boiled
to the degree of almost crumbling apart are drifting about inside the soup that had a
color similar to muddy water.

“…This is?” (Souma)

“Ale and soup with bread.” (Hopkins)

Speaking of ale, it’s a well-known alcoholic beverage in fantasy works. It’s a kind of
beer that uses barley malt and was fermented by yeast. If you speak about beer in
modern Japan, it’s about Lager Beer, but if you talked about beer before Lager became
popular, you would be talking about ale as that was the typical alcoholic beverage.

“H-How do you eat…” (Souma)

He pondered about it on the wagon already, but this world’s bread is far too hard. Its
surface is hard like a rice cracker and the inside is crumbling as it’s just a clump of
wheat that was put into fire.

“The ale’s fine if you drink it after blowing away the surface’s scum with your breath.
You eat the bread by softening it through dipping it into the soup.” (Hopkins)

Doing as he was told by Hopkins, he blows away the scum floating on the surface and
timidly tastes the ale.

“…!” (Souma)

A taste beyond description spread within Souma’s mouth.

It was something quite unlike the beer that Souma’s father sneaked to him during
celebrations. If he had to draw a comparison, it’s a lukewarm beer with no carbonic
acid that smells like medicine and has a sour, pungent flavor.

Because the technique of filtering out the impurities after brewing is still insufficient,
this world’s ale was something with an acrid taste stemming from the impurities and
sourness that got fermented even further.

And, the medicinal scent comes from herbs that were put in for the sake of making the
ale long-lasting by restraining the propagation of microorganisms.

As they still don’t have the technique to add carbonic acid to ale, the sensation of
carbonic acid missing is only slightly alleviated by the carbonic acid that was created
by the fermentation. Moreover, since its state of preservation is also awful, it’s even
less after that carbonic acid ends up mostly vanishing as well.

His yearning towards ale that the protagonists drank with their comrades in many of
the fantasy novels that he had read crumbled apart within Souma, making a sad sound.

Pulling himself together despite that, he decided to challenge the bread and soup next.

However, try as hard as he can, he can’t tear off a piece of bread to soak into the soup
because of how inexplicably hard it is. When he looked at Hopkins, he was soaking the
entire bread in the soup.

Imitating him, Souma tried to dip the whole bread inside the soup, but looking into
the white, cloudy eyes of the small fish, who have only their heads remaining whole as
they turned into simply bones with their bodies having dissolved in the bowl, he ends
up losing the mental battle.

“Uhh… I must not lose heart at this point!” (Souma)

Spurring on a pointless sense of duty, Souma, who had become obstinate, dipped the
bread in the soup.

Swelling up after absorbing the soup, the bread became soft, but that scene isn’t
anything that stimulates one’s appetite at all.

However, he still resolves himself and tastes it.

“…!?” (Souma)

The standard soup being served in bars in this world is definitely a hodgepodge.

Cutting the vegetables bought on the market on that day into chunks, it’s barely
cooked and is seasoned with salt. A set recipe doesn’t exist. Given that the soup uses
ingredients that were bought depending on the mood of the cook on that day, its taste
changes according to the days, too.

Furthermore, it’s not like they are making the soup anew each time. If the content of
the soup pot decreases, water and ingredients are added so they can use the same
batch of soup for longer.

Taking many months and years, it has boiled down to a soup stock consisting of
various ingredients and thus it has a complex flavour, but the bitterness and the
astringency of the scum that appeared after adding further ingredients didn’t suit the
tongue of Souma who was used to the delicate cooking of modern Japan.

“M-My dream of fantasy has been shattered…” (Souma)

Souma ended up hanging his head crestfallen in front of the ale and soup.

Unfortunately gorgeous cooking in this world meant a whole roasted wild boar. Even
in his former world something like this existed in the epochs where humans had to do
their utmost to eat. Thus it can’t be helped.

However, if I got summoned anyway, I would have wished for it to be a world where
cooking is developed better, Souma lamented seriously.
Souma somehow managed to gobble down the gut-wrenching dishes of this fantasy
world, and had a feeling of wanting to praise himself for showing Japan’s attitude of
not being wasteful, which was highly praised in his previous world.

Hopkins smiled wryly as he gazed at the retreating figure of Souma, who’s walking to
the covered wagon with a slightly unsteady stride, and said,

“Well then, I’m going to head to the guild next. But what about you guys?”

It’s not very desirable to bring along unrelated people to a guild with strong feelings
of comradery, and that’s not limited to just the merchant guild. Especially since Souma
and Shyemul are quite capable of becoming triggers to bringing about a catastrophe
to the city. If it gets exposed that he took such people to the guild, it would greatly hurt
the guild’s reputation.

Hopkins himself could still explain it away as something unavoidable due to his family
being held hostage, but as expected, there’s no way he would want to drag even the
merchant guild into this.

Sensing such sentiments from Hopkins’ tone, Souma ponders for a bit and,

“We want to look around the city for a bit, but would that be alright?”

“This covered wagon is an important asset for me, so please take care to not break it.”

Actually I would feel relieved if they waited in the wagon, but it can’t be helped.

If they do something like wrecking the covered wagon, I will charge them as much as I
possibly can, Hopkins firmly swore.

However, Souma proposed something unexpected.

“Shyemul and I would like to tour the city by foot. But is that no good after all?”
“What’s that about? What do you plan to do about this wagon?”

“Won’t it be fine with you riding it until you arrive at the guild, Mr. Hopkins?”

Somehow their conversation doesn’t mesh.

Hopkins inserts a momentarily break into his words, calms his feelings and sorts out
what he wants to say. After that, as if instructing children that are slow on the uptake,
he said,

“Please listen well. That jar that has been placed on the cargo area of the wagon.”

It’s the jar with the war funds they brought along from the fortress.

“You definitely can’t carry that, it’s way too heavy. Even without that, it’s something
you really don’t want other people seeing. It’d be dangerous to walk around the city.”

Since he didn’t know who might be listening in, Hopkins kept it vague by using “that
jar” while explaining to Souma that the city is more dangerous than it looks like.

However, Souma’s answer to that was something outrageous.

“Yes. That’s why, can’t we entrust it to you, Mr. Hopkins?”

Due to this Hopkins even forgot about his family being held hostage and ended up
frankly stating what he thought.

“Are you an utter fool?”

He never properly checked the contents, but going by a light estimate, there were one
thousand agnis (1000 silver coins = 100.000 dinas) inside that jar.

If it’s that much, I could even stop peddling and open up a shop in the city. I could
probably even live in the capital for a year, play around, and get served by a bunch of

Something like a wife and son being held hostage doesn’t matter at this point. There’s a
great number of humans who would sell their wife and son joyfully if they could convert
them into this large amount of money.
To entrust such a large amount of money to someone else would be simply insane.

It’s the height of stupidity, a great foolishness.

However, without an inkling of getting angry due to Hopkins’ abusive remark, Souma
answered quite indifferently,

“But, if you felt like it, you would have spilled the information about us to the soldiers
long ago already, right? Even if I were to harbor such worries at this point in time, it
would be of no use.”

Hopkins’ jaw dropped.

I have no doubt that this boy lived at a place filled with very soft-hearted people.

He couldn’t believe anything but him having been born and raised in a place where it’s
natural for strangers to help and support each other, where there’s no need to be
cautious of people being murderers and thieves as they come close to you and where
it’s fine to not doubt others on being swindlers trying to rip you off with a smile on
their face.

Hopkins was about to tell him to abandon such naive thinking with all the abusive
language he can muster, but,

“Besides, Mr. Hopkins, if you were a bad person trying to steal the money, you wouldn’t
expressly tell us about this, right?”

The insults that were on the tip of his tongue turn into soundless air that leaks out
from his mouth.

For some reason, he became ashamed thanks to Souma’s look.

Hopkins, who finally couldn’t bear it any longer, stepped up to the wagon with
deliberately loud footsteps and yelled at Shyemul who was inside.

“What’s wrong with that kid!? Is he a natural fraudster or something close to it!?”

Shyemul, who was grooming herself to kill time inside the wagon, replied to Hopkins’
questions after staring into empty space for a short while.
“Hmm, does that mean that I got deceived by him then?”

In the end Souma and Shyemul separated from Hopkins, who headed to the guild in
the covered wagon, and went to a place in the outskirts that allowed them to look up
at the city wall.

“Does it look like you can climb over this wall?”

Once Souma asked that, Shyemul, who wore a cloak with a hood given to her by
Hopkins so that she can avoid drawing attention, looked up the wall in the same
manner and replied,

“It will be difficult, I think. It’s not at the level of the fortress, but the height doesn’t
allow one to jump up to the top unaided. Besides, with this thickness it likely won’t be
possible to break through it easily.”

The city wall’s height is almost the same as the highest point of the roof of a Japanese
one-story house. Even for the zoan with their powerful physical abilities, it’s not a
height they can surmount easily.

“However, if we run up to it while carrying things like ladders, it will only result in us
becoming easy targets, right?”

The zoan’s strongest advantage is their mobility when they walk on their four feet.

Just as Souma says, running while carrying ladders will lead to them abandoning their
largest advantage.

As they were walking along the city wall, they happened upon the river flowing
through the centre of the city. Once he looked into the river surface from above the
stone bank, a stuffy, rotten smell hit his nose.

The calm river with its gentle flow carries black, muddy water and various pieces of
trash are floating on its surface. It’s not apparent by just looking at it from above, but
the river seems to have a considerable depth.

The river flowed outside the city through an arched hole dug into the city wall.
Countless thick iron bars have been sturdily inserted into that hole.
“With that over there, it will be hard to invade the city through the river.”

How about trying to create an opening by disconnecting the iron bars below the water
surface while diving and using something tubular, similar to a ninja’s ninjutsu art of
water-escape, to get air from above the surface? He pondered.

“But even if a handful infiltrates the city, that would be pretty useless, huh?”

Assuming a few zoan infiltrated the city, the most they could do would be subversive
activities such as assassinations and arson. Even if those plunged the city into chaos, it
would only be temporary measures. In order to gain total control of the city, the zoan
forces have to get into the city all at once.

Besides, the danger for the river to become a weakness allowing infiltration is probably
something obvious for this city’s guards, too. If it turns into a battle, it’s obvious that they
will put this place under heavy guard.

In that case, how about building a dam upstream of this river, having a large amount of
water and logs flow down the river by collapsing that dam to destroy the iron bars in
one swoop and then have all the zoan attack? He considered something like that.

“No, that’s surely no good…”

However, he abandons that thought right away too.

If I were the commander of the city while such thing occurred, I would have archers send
a barrage of arrows into the swimming zoan from atop the wall. I would also have
soldiers stationed on both sides of the river to spear the zoan, whose movements should
be dull inside the water. It would be like sending Garam and the others to the abattoir.

“It’s really difficult. If we can’t send a great number of warriors into the city somehow,
this city won’t fall.”

“Us zoan are weak at attacking a stone city like this after all, you know.”

Shyemul said apologetically to Souma who was at a loss on what to do.

The methods Souma knows from manga and novels about taking castles and cities
with such firm defenses are a siege, negotiations, betrayal, destruction of the wall,
losses of the defenders, a surprise attack and a clever scheme.
As for sieges, there’s the method of getting the defenders to open up the city by starving
them through a siege with a large army.

However, in that case it will turn into a battle of attrition no matter what. If that
happens, reinforcements from Holmea State will arrive before the city falls. That will
lead to a pincer attack against the zoan from inside and outside the siege.

Negotiations refers to making the city’s side open the gate by threatening them or
persuading them of the benefit in doing so. Betrayal resembles that as well. It’s about
winning over humans from the defenders side.

But, the zoan don’t have any negotiation chips that will turn into benefits for the city of
the humans within. Also, even if they threaten them, the city’s side likely won’t listen to

The destruction of the wall is, as the words themselves already imply, the creation of a
breach for the army by destroying the wall.

However, the zoan don’t possess the knowledge and technology to simply build siege
weapons to destroy the wall with something like a catapult. Even without building siege
weapons, there’s the means of destroying the wall by breaking it in one go after digging
a hole from a distance right below the wall in order to cause it to collapse, but that
method is likely an even more unreasonable idea.

Losses of the defenders relates to making the city’s defense capability deteriorate by
killing defenders after directly attacking the city or by luring the defenders outside the

But it’s impossible to lure out all of the defending soldiers to somewhere outside the
walls. To say nothing of a direct attack being nothing less but the height of folly. Bows
and arrows are necessary to kill the soldiers atop the wall, but there’s only Shahata
among the zoan who can decently handle archery.

Next is a surprise attack, but attacking the city swiftly before it can prepare against an
enemy raid relies on getting inside the walls.

Though, on this level ground with its excellent visibility the zoan troops will be
discovered several hours before arriving at the city making a surprise attack impossible.

“What remains is a clever scheme, but there’s actually no such simple idea popping up
in my mind, especially seeing that a clever scheme is an unusual plan that’s different
from normal.”

In manga and movies there were terrifying methods such as building hot-air balloons
and using those to send the soldiers directly into the city, or throwing the soldiers inside
after putting them on catapults.

However, as expected, I can’t consider these as realistic approaches at all.

The two of them turned on their heels, left the city’s wall temporarily and tried to go
to a bridge spanning the river.

Thereupon, they could see a single man walking over while staggering to the left and

The man, who’s walking while at times putting the leather bag in his hand at his
mouth, appears to be drunk. Not wanting to cause an unnecessary dispute, the two
walked at the edge of the street while turning their faces away from the man.

However, seemingly having attracted his attention all the more due to that, the
drunkard stood in the way of Shyemul at the time when they tried to go past him and
rudely peered inside the hood.

“Oh! Ain’t this a zoan!?”

As a zoan slave appears to be rare, the drunkard opened his eyes widely in surprise,
but immediately smiled vulgarly due to Shyemul’s well-proportioned body.

“Man, this is a damn nice body. Even if she’s a beast, it seems she will do fine with
helping out down here.

Hey, brat! Won’t ya sell this bitch to me? If it’s about five agnis, I will pay.”

While saying that, the drunkard suddenly started to lewdly massage Shyemul’s butt
using his hands.

Due to that, all of Shyemul’s hairs stood on end in repulse. She knew that it would
become troublesome if she caused a scene here and thus she desperately endures it
by thwarting her rage and humiliation.
Making a move on someone else’s slave is a an impolite act, but the intoxication by
alcohol and the fact of Souma looking like a weak boy drew out the drunkard’s rude

“She’s not for sale. — Shyemul, let’s go.”

Due to the disgusting feeling similar to something important to him being defiled,
Souma’s tone got extremely curt.

With that attitude spoiling his mood, the drunkard’s face got all red not only due to his
drunkenness but also because of anger.

“What was that, fucking brat!? Did you get angry over me touching your slave you have
take care of your lower half? Ah? You surely had her do her best last night as well, eh?”

Souma tried to leave while ignoring the drunkard, but he unintentionally turned
around due to the extremely vulgar profanities beyond his imagination.

Souma felt something hitting his cheek alongside a wet sound.

Once he touches his cheek with a finger, it’s a sticky sensation.

Faster than the blood can rise into the head of Souma who noticed that it’s saliva spit
by the man, the sound of a wet, heavy blow resounds.


Raising a pig-like cry, the drunkard grandly topples over on his back.

Once Souma looked next to him, Shyemul, who drove her fist with all her might into
the drunkard, was all shook up while she looked at her own fist as if saying “I acted on

Souma picks up the leather bag with the alcohol in it that had fallen next to the
drunkard, who had collapsed with widely open white eyes, and sprinkles its contents
all over the drunkards body. He then took out a silver coin from among the funds split
into small bags by Hopkins for caution’s sake, and made the drunkard’s hand grasp it.

“We are going to escape, Shyemul!”

“Eh…!? G-Got it.”

Souma avoids Shyemul’s chain and grabs her hand, and starts running.

Staying away from the main street and running through back alleys, the two came out
at a vacant plot at the outskirts of the city after a short time.

After confirming that there’s nobody nearby, Souma sits down on the ground while
breathing roughly.

“Ah, that was surprising.”

Souma laughed while remembering the pitiful sight of the drunkard toppled over with
widely-opened white eyes and a nosebleed.

“Umm… Soma, sorry. I unconsciously flew into rage.”

Feeling guilty over pulling Souma’s legs even though she accompanied him against
better judgement, Shyemul became completely dispirited. The tips of her ears are
drooping down, as if they were depressed.

“It’s alright. We’ll probably be fine.”

Even if that drunkard kicks up a fuss, something like a smelly guy who reeks of alcohol
won’t be taken too seriously. Besides, once he notices the silver coin he’s grasping, he
should consider it more beneficial to pocket the money and his own shame.

Even though he tells her that, Shyemul still looks pitiful as she continues to be
dejected. Souma added some more words in an as bright a tone as possible.

“Even if it becomes a serious affair, we can run away at any time as long as you are
here, Shyemul.”

Being implicitly told that she’s being relied on, Shyemul downcast ears finally perk
back up.

While feeling relieved thanks to that, Souma asked something that worried him.

“Rather than that, sorry for making you experience something bad, Shyemul, okay?”
“If it’s about that low-life, I don’t really care anymore since I trounced him.”

“Uh huh. Though it’s not only about what happened just now. That collar…”

Even Souma heard that Shyemul is so prideful that she’s called <Noble Fang> by the
zoan. A person like her not only made Souma her “Navel Master” but also allowed him
to put a collar around her neck. Souma felt bad about making it look like she’s being
pulled along by the chain

However, Shyemul’s reaction was different from what Souma expected.

“Is something wrong with this collar?”

Souma blinked with his eyes due to Shyemul’s quite indifferent look.

“B-But, you hate resembling a slave, don’t you?”

In response to Souma, Shyemul sighs deeply and shakes her head left and right. She
looked at him in exasperation as if she were amazed that he couldn’t understand
something so simple.

Shyemul stares straight into the face of Souma and says,

“I trust you, Soma.”

Souma gets embarrassed by the sudden confession.

“I’m a fool, so there are situations where I get worried as I don’t understand what you
are thinking. I’m also at a loss whether the plan you are talking about isn’t cowardly.
And I’m scared whether the zoan might perish because of you.”

Those were Shyemul’s real feelings that she definitely couldn’t reveal in front of the
other zoan.

“And yet, despite all that, I trusted in the gentle, weak, hurt human called Soma Kisaki
who tries to accomplish something for our sake. I had faith in you as person.”

What Shyemul trusted in aren’t Souma’s schemes.

She believed in Souma himself.

“Even the foolish me comprehends that my [Navel Master] is trying to do something
big. In that case it’s my pride to follow you wherever you go in that. Feeling timid due
to this body being sneered at; isn’t that nothing but disgraceful?”

Shyemul placed a finger on the collar around her neck with the chain attached to it.

“Besides, this thing is at most a collar. Sure, it looks a bit awful. And, even my body’s
freedom gets stolen by it. But, what about it?”

She laughs it off as though it’s not worth it to care about such an item.

“The one who get shamed by bad looks are performers and actors.

For a warrior an insult is about infringing upon their honour. Something like having
the freedom of one’s body taken isn’t a big deal. After all, no one can tie down my heart
and soul.” (Shyemul)

“No one can tie down your heart and soul…?”

Souma repeats Shyemul’s words in order to think them over.

“Right! What ties down one’s heart and soul is only oneself.”

Souma was overwhelmed by the vigor and dignity gushing out from Shyemul’s entire

“What’s tying down a slave aren’t the iron chains but their own fears and resignations!
The fear that their life will be taken. The fear that they will be hit with a whip. That
ties down the heart and soul of a slave.

They are scared of the freedom of their heart, and resign themselves to slavery. They
give up on escaping the weight that decides their own fate. Leaving the chains tying
down their heart and soul in the care of others, they let themselves become real

Shyemul strongly hits her chest with her right fist.

“However, the pride tying down a warrior’s heart and soul is determination, desire.

A warrior kills their enemy. No matter how much you beautify it with words, it still
boils down to killing others. That’s why warriors tie their heart and soul with honour
so that they won’t turn into mere murderers. They discipline themselves. For the sake
of being noble!”

Shyemul smiled at Souma.

Souma couldn’t grasp the subtle variations in a zoan’s expression, but only at this time
did he feel like he saw a smile gently spreading on Shyemul’s face, as if a flower was

“Soma, I recognised you as my [Navel Master], but that’s not out of fear or resignation.
It’s because of my desire to walk on the same path as you and my determination to
take responsibility for all the sins you might commit.”

Souma thought that she’s beautiful.

From the bottom of his heart, he considered the zoan in front of him as beautiful.

“For this reason I can remain <Noble Fang>, a zoan that even now freely runs across
the plains on her own feet.”

Souma understood for the first time why the zoan called her <Noble Fang>.

She’s definitely a zoan that is more beautiful and prouder than anyone else.

<Noble Fang> fits her spot on.


With red cheeks Souma instinctively grabbed both her hands.

“I have been lamenting over having falling into this world. I have even thought that I
want to return immediately, if I could. But, I absolutely don’t regret having met you,
Shyemul. Definitely!”

“I also don’t regret for you to have become my [Navel Master].”

Shyemul strongly squeezes back Souma’s hands.

At that moment something hot welled up in Souma’s throat.

Even though he tries to restrain it, it rushes up his throat uncontrollably making
Souma groan slightly.

“What’s wrong, Soma?”

As Shyemul noticed that Souma’s state had changed, she bent her head slightly to the
side while looking worried.

However, Souma didn’t have the leeway to answer her.

His face cramps up and becomes pale all of a sudden after his cheeks were previously
reddened from the earlier conversation.

“E-Excuse me for a moment…”

Souma shakes off Shyemul’s hands and rushes over to the city wall. Putting both his
hands against the wall, he faces downwards.

“F-Feelsh bad…”

And then he vomits up everything inside his stomach in a grand manner.

“Geez, did you get drunk…?”

Souma, who was lying down with his face up while receiving a lap pillow from
Shyemul, felt like running away due to Shyemul’s tone of being utterly amazed from
the bottom of her heart.

“If you don’t carry yourself properly, it will be troublesome for me, my [Navel Master].”

“…I feel deeply ashamed.”

In contrast to the alcohol percentage in the beer circulating in modern Japan that has
four to six percent, the ale that Souma drank in the bar is closer to the beer of ancient
Egypt which had an alcohol percentage of more than ten percent. This is a dosage close
to wine. In addition of not being used to drinking alcohol, he drank a full jar, though it
was one on the smaller side, and finally ran around the whole city. It would have been
odd for him to not have any alcohol sickness.
“Well, if you were perfect at everything, I would be troubled as well since there
wouldn’t be any chance for me to support you. Having you make a blunder occasionally
allows me to have a peace of mind, too.”

Shyemul fiddles with Souma’s hair as if she’s grooming him.

Time flowed gently by.

Fortunately, because the vacant plot with the two of them on it was located upwind, it
was free from the unpleasant and bad smell of the city, and they were able to deeply
breath in fresh air into their lungs after a good while. The two soaked their bodies in
the sense of liberation for a brief period.


“What’s up, Soma?”

“Thanks to you I came up with an idea how to take this city, Shyemul.”

The gentleness vanishes from Shyemul’s expression due to Souma’s words and she
shows the expression of a warrior.

“What are you planning, my [Navel Master]?”

Souma raised his head from Shyemul’s lap and stood up on the spot.

What’s ahead of his sight is the city with its strange bad smell hanging in the air.

The closed-off city that’s full of filth and pollution.

“I plan to buy slaves.”

Author Notes:

No alcohol before the age of 20.

The minimum food expenses of a commoner family with four people (it’s almost nothing
but bread!):
2 dinas per day x 4 people = 8 dinas.

240 dinas per month.

Approximately 3000 dinas per year.

The food expenses of a middle class family with four people: round about 20.000 dinas
per year.

The daily wages of a soldier temporarily hired to subjugate the Fang Clan: 8 dinas.

8 dinas x 800 people x 30 days = 192.000 dinas

There are also special soldiers the Lugniaz Battalion didn’t have to pay, but since it
also includes bonus rewards for soldiers who did a meritorious deed, this much
campaign funds were stored at the battalion fortress as a setting.

While we are at it, gold coins aren’t overly much in circulation. They are only utilised
for exchanging presents or reasonably big business negotiations.
“Hey, Shyemul, I don’t look suspicious, do I?”

Souma, wrapped in the clothes he had hurriedly requested Hopkins to order, takes a
good long look at his own appearance.

He’s wearing a set of trousers and a one piece not too different from what the people
of the city wore, but with fabric made from something of finer quality. Then again,
when it comes to Souma’s standard, it’s a rough fabric that couldn’t be considered a
fine quality whatsoever

He’s also wearing a blue fez hat, a thin cloth is hanging down at the back of his head
and a large shawl with native-styled embroideries is wrapped around his body above
the tunic.

“I don’t quite grasp human clothing, but I think it fits well as a foreign country’s

Souma felt relieved due to Shyemul’s remark.

Souma planned to match his outfit with the image of him having come from a distant
eastern country that he assumed when he entered the city. However, even Hopkins
didn’t know what kind of place that eastern country is to begin with, so he put together
some clothes that look as if they fit that image.

Nevertheless, given the uniqueness of Souma’s hair and skin color, he manages to look
like a human that came from a different country.

“Oi, you two. The slave merchant residence is over there.”

Hopkins turned around at the coachman bench of the covered wagon and pointed

What Hopkins pointed at is a large mansion surrounded by an earthen wall. The roof
of the house that peeks out from the other side of the wall is not a roof thatched with
planks and straw like the ones of the commoners that can be frequently seen in the
city, but a dome-shaped roof that was made out of bricks.

“Sorry, but I don’t really want to have much to do with slave dealers. I’ll be waiting out
here for you guys.”

Hopkins then lowered the speed of the wagon.

Souma wondered whether Hopkins might have resistance towards introducing him to
a merchant like himself due to the catastrophe he will likely cause in the city. However,
there was another reason why Hopkins didn’t want to get involved with a slave dealer

There are slaves such as criminals that were deprived of their freedom as punishment
and those who sold themselves out of poverty among the slaves handled by slave
dealers, but most of the slaves being sold are war prisoners and members of
subjugated ethnic groups.

And, in this world, where the Holy Faith that insists on weeding out sub-humans has
expanded its influence to a large extent, the greatest merchandise of slave dealers
would be the people of other races that are called sub-humans.

Hence, slave dealers who want to get their hands on slaves collude with the clergy of
the Holy Faith, going even as far as openly inciting wars against the so-called sub-
humans in many countries.

Furthermore, the Holy Faith realized that the slave trade involving sub-humans would
allow for tremendous profits. They named the handling of these filthy sub-humans as
a danger that could lead to heresy, so they set up a license system in the Holy Faith for
slave dealers and constructed an organization that serves to procure enormous
almsgivings from the slave dealers.

However, the slave dealers are not to be taken lightly either.

Using the license system against the Holy Faith, the slave dealers obstinately insisted
that they are members of the Holy Faith. They used this to get the Holy Faith to agree
to various privileges, beginning with the exemption of things like city tariffs and tolls
for using the roads and bridges.

In this way, slave dealers reached the point of gaining profits that exceeded the
almsgiving. But, that triggered an intense animosity from other merchants at the same

Most likely, there exists not a single person that considers it fine for the slave dealers
to evade taxes by utilizing the privileges of the Holy Faith when they’re diligently
paying their own taxes

Moreover, the rumour that a part of the slave dealers are secretly dealing in merchandise
other than slaves is something often gossiped about among the merchants.

If they really were able to carry in tax-free merchandise, it would become a matter of
life and death for the other merchants. It’s not certain whether it’s the truth or not,
but that doesn’t change the fact that there is a large divide between the slave dealers
and the other merchants.

Nowadays it’s even said that slave dealers and the other merchants have a relationship
that’s gotten to the point where they meet at the merchant guild, their gathering spot,
and smile at each other as they hold knives behind their backs

This is why Hopkins kept his distance from slave dealers.

Once the wagon has stopped in front of the mansion, Souma makes his way towards
the slave dealer’s residence accompanied by just Shyemul.

At the gate of the earthen wall stood two spear-holding men with a strong build. Their
heads were shaved as if they looked like they’re villainous pro wrestlers.

Souma walks up to them with a bold stride in order to not be suspected and asked,

“Can I have you announce my arrival to the master of this mansion?”

Thereupon one of the gatekeepers briefly told him “Wait here” and entered the

After a short time a middle-aged man possessing a sturdy build arrived together with
the gatekeeper.

Souma stretched out both palms, as if he were reverently holding a case, in order to
show them to the other party. And then he bowed and said the greeting, as he was
taught by Hopkins.
“I visited to bring you good luck and wealth.”

According to Hopkins, that seems to be the greeting carried out between fellow

The act of holding both palms turned upwards and showing them to the other party
signifies that he doesn’t possess any weapons and means “I have no malicious intent
towards you”. Also, at the same time, it carries the meaning of “I brought fortune that’s
not visible to you”.

The man stated the same words in return after displaying the same hand motion.

“Good luck and wealth to you as well. — I’m the master of this mansion, Grokakos.”

The man that introduced himself as Grokakos checked out Souma from the tip of his
head down to the toes.

“So, who are you, and where are you from? What did you come here for?”

“Yes. I came to this region from a distant eastern country in order to do business and
to receive my father’s teaching. My name is Soma.”

They pondered on whether he should use an alias, but they decided against it since
it’s likely he’s not already known around here. It saves him from the trouble of having
to awkwardly use a fake name.

“Oh. From an eastern country, you say…?”

“At the moment when I decided that I want to possess several slaves, I came visiting
after hearing that you are the best slave dealer in this city.”

Upon Souma’s flattery, Grokakos snorted as if saying “Of course”.

“Well, certainly. I do suppose I am the best.”

Grokakos looked at Shyemul who was standing next to Souma.

“But, even with such first-rate goods right next to you, you still want slaves?”

“Yes. I have heard that the zoan are riotous around here. Thus I’d like slaves other than
zoan working as guards for me.”

“I see. Come this way then.”

Passing through the gate behind Grokakos, they enter the mansion. The mansion was
built with baked bricks, not sun-dried bricks as commonly seen in the city, and thus
hinted at Grokakos’ assets.

Souma and Shyemul leave a short pathway after entering the mansion, and come out
with the sun overhead once more.

The mansion’s courtyard is a far too spacious plaza with tuff loam as a base. The
mansion is constructed in a way that it surrounds the courtyard, with two floors
serving as a residential area and one part of a floor being used as a jail, secured with
bars. The sight of the jail, which was partitioned into several cells that surround the
plaza in a circle, is just like that of a zoo.

However, the ones put into the cells are not animals.

The ones huddling together inside the gloomy cells were people who had become

They seem to have not even received any decent washing. Souma pinches his nose
softly due to the stench of filth and sweat drifting into the surroundings.

“No matter what slaves you need, they are at our disposal. Farming slaves, combat
slaves. Highly educated slaves that can works as teachers or manage your fortune.
Also, there are female slaves here as well, of course.”

As if telling him “You get the meaning, don’t you?”, Grokakos showed a vulgar smile.

Grokakos sits down in an arrogant manner on a bench located below the shadow of a
sun-shading tree, which had been planted directly in the centre of the courtyard.
Calling over a female slave that doesn’t wear anything besides a loincloth despite it
being winter, he has her pour alcohol into a cup on top of the table.

The female slave has dark brown skin, which makes her being a southern human
apparent. She has goosebumps on the skin of her slightly quivering body. Souma is
troubled where to look, because it pains him once he considers her circumstances
rather than her exposed, voluptuous breasts.
“At any rate, you are lucky, you know. Currently the slaves with good vitality are all

Upon Grokakos’ words, Souma focuses his consciousness on him in a hurry.

“Did something happen?”

“You don’t know? The celebration of our esteemed king’s birthday takes place very
soon. This year he will turn exactly forty years. Apparently it will become the grandest
celebration in recent times.

And thus, because of the festivities, we have gathered sub-human slaves. Since we got
nothing but zoan ‘round here, we specifically stocked up on slaves that were sold by a
distant country in Jeboa. Since a caravan of slave dealers serving as the purveyors for
Holmea’s royal family will be arriving here in five days, I’m going to go together with
them to the royal capital to earn some money.”

Grokakos drinks up the alcohol in one gulp and, while playing with the empty cup in
his hands, asks,

“So, what kind of slaves are you looking for?”

“Strong sub-humans. If possible, smart ones will be nice too.”

“Sub-humans, powerful and strong, right…?”

While voicing out Souma’s request, Grokakos let his gaze wander through the empty
sky for a while.

“Hey! Bring Dvalin here!”

When Grokakos shouted that, one of the jail overseers took out a single slave from
within the cells and turned up while pulling a chain.

Souma opens his eyes widely due to the slave that was brought along.

His height is as short as that of a child, but he has a firm physique as if he had been cut
out of stone. The lower part of his face is covered by a grey beard. His face is
surrounded by disheveled hair and has deep wrinkles carved into it, similar to the tree
rings of an old tree. There was a characteristic pair of strong-willed eyes and a big
dumpling-like nose within that face.

His age is hard to guess by his outward appearance, but he is emitting an aura of
having accumulated quite a few years.

However, his body doesn’t let one feel as if it’s weakening due to age whatsoever. As
his body isn’t covered by anything but a loin cloth, one could perceive the thick
muscles all over his body moving, as if they are swelling below the skin each time he
takes a step.

He wore shackles that had holes for his neck and his two wrists, and two wooden
boards that were fastened with hinges just like a bleaching rack. Chains with an iron
ball at their end have been attached to his ankles. However, far from becoming
subservient due to this treatment, he’s puffed up with pride and is surrounded by an
imposing air. The slave overseer, who grasps the chains extending from the shackles,
looked the part of a servant accompanying his master.

Due to there being a well-known race that appears in many fantasy novels in front of
him, Souma’s voice sounds shrill out of excitement.

“A dwarf?”

“Correct. This guy’s name is Dvalin. He’s a dwarven war-leader that fought by leading
the dwarves in a distant imperial region.”

Grokakos stands up and takes the whip out of the slave overseer’s hands. He hits the
sturdy chest of the dwarf called Dvalin with a snap.

“Look at this burly body! It appears to repel even spears and swords. In addition, these
strong arms. Most guys will get trounced if they receive a hard blow from this guy.
Besides, he’s smart, too. After all he led countless dwarves as a war-leader! You won’t
be able to easily run into such a good bargain too often.”

A red trace was left on the chest hit by the whip, but Dvalin’s face didn’t twitch even

But Souma noticed that Dvalin faintly grasped his right hand the instant his chest was
lashed. And that wasn’t a reflexive movement due to the pain. It was only the right
hand, but it was grasped tightly,
“I’m pleased with him. How much do you sell him for?”

“Ha! This guy is commodity that will even stand out as a drawcard in a martial
tournament. If I were to sell him… let’s see. I guess he would cost around eight
hundred silver coins.”

Grokakos was seemingly belittling Souma, thinking that there’s no way for him to be
able to buy Dvalin at such price. He snorted as if regarding Souma as a fool.

“Understood. — Shyemul, bring money from the covered wagon.”


However, Grokakos raised his voice in disarray due to Souma’s immediate response.

As told by Souma, Shyemul brought bags filled with silver coins from the wagon. She
places those in front of Grokakos. Each time she does this, Grokakos eyes open greatly.

“Here’s eight hundred silver coins. Please confirm it.”

Being told so by Souma, Grokakos hurriedly summons servants after snapping out of
it. The servants proceeded to take out the silver coins from the bags. In addition to
ascertaining the quality of the silver by hitting the coins with their nails, they line up
the silver coins in a hollow slot carved out on a wooden board. The slot had been
shaped into a length to snugly fit ten silver coins. The servants counted the coins with

Due to the servants slightly nodding after having counted all the silver coins, Grokakos
faces Souma with a look of surprise as if asking him “Is it really okay?”.

“Will it be acceptable for you to sell him to me with this?”

“T-That’s! Certainly!”

Grokakos, for whom it would be terrible if Souma changed his mind, replies in a hurry.

“Are there any formalities necessary?”

“No, since he’s a fresh slave who hasn’t been even branded yet, it will be fine for you
to take him with you just like that. Yes!”
Souma’s mouth crooks due to the word ‘brand’, but Grokakos, who had his soul stolen
by the silver coins piled up in front of him, didn’t even notice a small change like that.

Believing that even he would somehow end up getting corrupted if he stayed here like
this, Souma received the keys for the anklets with the iron ball and the neck shackles
of Dvalin, turned on his heels right away and was about to leave.

But, Souma is quickly called to halt by Grokakos.

“P-Please wait a moment. Since we also got other good slaves, I’d like you to have a
look at them by all means. Hey, you lot! Pour some wine for our honoured guest!”

Showing an insincere smile, Grokakos wiped away the dust on the bench he was sitting
with his sleeve and offered it to Souma. Using the same bench as a man like Grokakos
was revolting, but since it would become bothersome if he hurt his mood by refusing
here, Souma reluctantly sat down.

Once he did, a female slave tried to pour wine into a new cup, but Souma, who just
displayed a shameful sight a bit ago due to one cup of ale, firmly refused even that
single cup of wine.

Shyemul kept the female slave at a distance by lightly glaring at her and brought her
mouth close to Souma’s ear.

“That guy suddenly changed his attitude, how come?”

“…I know, right? I wonder where I managed to mess up.”

Thinking about it for a bit, Souma had an idea about the blunder he perpetrated.

It’s something he read in a certain manga before. It seems to be common in foreign

countries to haggle over the price at the time of buying some goods. As the store’s side
is aware of that as well, the first price they put up is quite exaggerated.

If that’s right, my act of buying Dvalin at the slave dealer’s asking price certainly made
him regard me as easy prey. That also complies with him suddenly having improved his
manners, as if he changed his attitude completely.

Souma readied himself to try beating down the price next time.
At that moment Grokakos, who was all smiles, arrives while pulling other slaves along.

“Well, well, thank you for waiting. There we go, these guys are also quite good bargains.”

Rubbing his hands together, Grokakos had the five dwarves that were led by a slave
overseer line up in front of Souma.

Souma wrinkles up his nose due to those dwarven slaves.

Even judging by Souma’s inexpert eyes, the condition of those dwarves was terrible.
He can’t feel any vitality from the five people who have empty looks just like dead fish.
Blood is trickling down and bandages are coiled around their faces, which had been
thoroughly beaten up. The color and tone of their skin is horrible. They might have
possibly contracted some kind of sickness.

“How about it? Two hundred silver coins per creature. If you purchase all of them
together, I will give you a price reduction to eight hundred silver coins.”

“Don’t screw with me! Isn’t it at most ten silver coins each?”

As he felt irritated due to the cruel treatment of the dwarves, Souma’s tone became

“Eh? Oh? Huh?”

Grokakos’ expression changes into something amusing.

Souma was flustered wondering whether he had failed.

To begin with, he’s a typical Japanese who’s weak at haggling. Even if he haggles, as he
doesn’t know what kind of price might be good to suggest at the start, he simply said
ten coins as it’s a nice number as a suitable cut off.

Even though he tried to beat down the price, he was drenched in cold sweat
wondering whether five percent of the original price was too rash. However, as he’s
worried that he might get taken advantage of if he withdrew what’s already been
offered, he somehow pretends to be calm.

Thereupon, after acting as if being surprised, Grokakos shouted at the slave overseer
standing next to the slaves.
“You dunce! If you look properly, you will see that those aren’t the slaves I told you to
bring along, now are they!?”

Due to that Souma almost retorted with “No, it was you who brought them with you,
right?”, but he wisely limited it to just saying that in his mind.

The slave overseer that had something whispered into his ear by Grokakos pushes the
dwarves back into their original cell. He returned with a new set of five dwarves from
a different cell.

The slaves he brought along this time were obviously different from the dwarves just
now. They certainly fall short if compared to the dwarf called Dvalin, but nevertheless
they are healthy and strong dwarves.

“I’m very sorry for just now. Young master, over there are the slaves I actually

“They are quite decent slaves. How much do they cost?”

Even though he draws back from suddenly being called young master, Souma says this
as if he knew exactly what he was talking about.

“As you said before, dear guest, it will be ten silver coins per creature. I suppose that
will also serve as an apology for the blunder just now. Fifty silver coins will be
sufficient for all five creatures.”

“That’s fine with you!?”

Souma ended up yelling that reflexively.

They are far healthier and stronger than the previous dwarves. And yet, he’s told that
the price he thought might’ve been a bit too low was acceptable.

Even Souma couldn’t hide his astonishment.

Seeing Souma’s surprise, Grokakos nodded several times while looking satisfied for
some reason.

“Got it. Then, at that price…”

Souma had a feeling as if he got bewitched by a fox, but for the time being he agreed.

~ PoV Grokakos ~

Grokakos, who expressly saw Souma off until he was outside the mansion, recalled
what had just happened as he sat on the courtyard bench once more, drinking the
lukewarm wine as if licking it.

In Grokakos’ opinion, the brat that said that he came from an eastern country was a
complete greenhorn.

Going by his looks and attire, it doesn’t seem like he lied about coming from a distant
eastern country, but he’s a complete failure in bargaining.

Perhaps some blockheaded merchant failed in his business in the eastern country. He
sent his son to a distant foreign country before him, while harboring the foolish dream
of attempting a comeback here.

Thinking like that, Grokakos belittled Souma completely.

Hence, showing Dvalin whom I planned to sell in the royal capital of Holmea State was
solely to show that I had slaves of such high quality in my shop. After all, I definitely
couldn’t except him to possess such a fortune that he would simply buy Dvalin.

However, Souma was completely ripped off, without even trying to haggle it down.
That certainly struck even Grokakos dumbfounded.

This guy is an unexpectedly good customer with a dimwitted brain and a loose wallet.

Grokakos, who judged it like that, decided to push the dwarven slaves that are unlikely
to find a buyer onto Souma.

They were the slaves I brought alongside Dvalin on the same ship, but because of the
inferior environment, malnutrition and fatigue, their bodies are weak. Among them
two of the creatures even suffered from an illness. Thus it doesn’t seem like they will
last that long, anyways.

They are slaves that have no other use but serving as fodder for the wild animals in
the sideshows of the Martial Tournament.

“How about it? Two hundred silver coins per creature. If you purchase all of them
together, I will give you a price reduction to eight hundred silver coins.”

Due to his own crookedness of asking two hundred silver coins per slave, Grokakos
shows a vulgar smile.

As long as it’s cheap slaves, one can buy combat slaves for forty silver coins and
farming slaves for sixty silver coins. Because Grokakos presented slaves that cannot
be used for anything but fodder for wild animals, his unscrupulousness becomes quite

“Don’t screw with me! Isn’t it at most ten silver coins each?”

However, contrary to Grokakos expectation, he was now told with a displeased look
that the price is far too high right after Souma looked at the dwarves.

And moreover, the price Souma mentioned was precisely spot on with Grokakos’
estimated selling price for the dwarves.

Just what the hell does this mean?

While concealing his turmoil, Grokakos’s mind was racing.

And then he realized.

Wasn’t buying Dvalin at our asking price maybe what you generally call a celebratory

This brat started his business here after getting ordered to do so by his father. His
father isn’t a merchant that failed in his business as I thought, but actually a major
dealer who is trying to spread his influence to the soil of a foreign country.

And, in order to start his business in a foreign country, he planned to form a

connection with a prominent merchant in the city — in other words, me. Accordingly,
him agreeing immediately to the rip-off price was to demonstrate that he has this
much fortune.

However, not having realized that, I made the terrible mistake that he’s a customer
who’s easy to fleece. Not only that, I even tried to push slaves of poor quality onto him.
Didn’t this brat display his own business ability by precisely guessing the exact price
of the slaves?

Grokakos suddenly trembled due to his own train of thought.

Far from being a customer with a dimwitted mind and a loose wallet, this guy is a
terribly capable merchant.

What a frightening brat to lead this Grokakos with his youth around by the nose!

This is bad, Grokakos thought.

If it’s a major dealer of a foreign country possessing assets to the degree that he can
generously pay such a large amount of money in cash, there’s no doubt that it will lead
to the possibility of obtaining huge profits later on if I get hold of a connection to him
here. In reverse, if he buys while displeased with my place, he will likely end up
disappearing to another merchant.

How can I fix this mistake?

After acting artificially surprised, Grokakos shouted at the slave overseer.

“You dunce! If you look properly, you will see that those aren’t the slaves I told you to
bring along, now are they!?”

Even though he did as I told him, I bring my mouth close to the ear of the slave
overseer, who is confused as he doesn’t know why I’m shouting at him, and whisper,

“Choose at your own discretion five of the healthy dwarves that we planned to sell in
the capitale and bring them here quickly!”

The slave overseer imprisoned the dwarves in their previous cage in a great hurry and
returned while bringing along five new dwarves from another cage.

“I’m very sorry for just now. Young master, over there are the slaves I really recommend.”

“They are quite decent slaves. How much do they cost?”

Even though I brought out first-class dwarves, his response is weak.

Due to the failure just now, Soma’s interest has drifted away. Thinking that, Grokakos
decided that he has to take measures that surprise the other party in order to redeem

“As you said before, dear guest, it will be ten silver coins per creature. I suppose that
will also serve as apology for the blunder just now. Fifty silver coins will be sufficient
for all five creatures.”

“That’s fine with you!?”

There’s no way it is!… is what I want to say but I make an effort to hold back here.

They are sturdy dwarven slaves with nothing to criticize about their health. They will
likely perform well as combat slaves or as slaves to be put to work on farms or in

They are dwarves that will be definitely appraised with two hundred to three hundred
silver coins per creature if I sell them.

It’s a loss to the degree that the profits which I obtained from overcharging for Dvalin
not too long ago will mostly vanish.

However, there seems to be worth in being resolved for that much of a loss.

Due to Souma being surprised so that he isn’t even able to hide it on his face, Grokakos
nodded several times in satisfaction.

With this not only the failure from just now was mended but I’m sure that I was able
to strongly impress him with our excessiveness.

“Got it. Then, at that price…”

Seeing Souma still unable to stop being surprised, Grokakos was confident in his

Since that young master came awfully close to the appointed day when I will depart
to the capital, it’s very likely that he plans to visit this shop once more before long.

If I stock up on healthy slaves until then, I will probably be able to sell them as
expensively as Dvalin. Grokakos chuckled.

Around that time, Souma and the others had left the city with the bought dwarven
slaves on the covered wagon.

Hopkins and Souma were lined up on the driver’s bench. Shyemul sat inside the wagon
while making sure to watch the dwarven slaves who had turned their backs on Souma
and Hopkins.

The pillories and anklets had been taken off the dwarves by Souma, but at present
they are obedient and don’t show any will to resist.

“You are saying you didn’t even pay nine hundred silver coins for all these dwarves?”

Hopkins, who had asked Souma about the events pertaining to the slave dealer’s
mansion to kill some time, was surprised by what Souma was narrating.

Once he looks inside the wagon by turning just his head to the back, he sees six strong-
looking dwarven slaves.

Dwarven slaves, who have strong power as well as a robust health and fortitude, are
traded for a higher price than human slaves. As far as Hopkins knows, nine hundred
silver coins is basically a bad joke, if they don’t suffer from an illness or are injured to
a large extent.

If I look at the dwarves on this wagon, it wouldn’t be odd even if they went for a price of
three hundred silver coins each, Hopkins estimated.

“Just what kind of magic did you use to be able to buy them at such a price?”

Slave dealers don’t regard people as people and are known for being greedy. If there’s a
secret method that allows me to browbeat the prices for slaves this much with them as
an opponent, I’d like him to teach it to me by all means, Hopkins strongly wished.

“What kind of magic, you ask… I just tried to haggle normally?”

There’s no way for that to be true. Fed up, Hopkins looked towards Shyemul, who has
her back turned on them, in order to ask for help.

Thereupon, looking over her shoulder after noticing Hopkins’ gaze, Shyemul answered
as follows after pondering about it for a bit:

“Isn’t that Soma’s natural virtue?”

Hopkins hung his head crestfallen after realizing that he made a mistake in the person
whom to ask.
As Dvalin sat in the cargo area of the covered wagon, he thought back about himself.

The Obsidian Kingdom where I was born and raised was overthrown in a futile struggle
against the human empire. All my relatives who survived, were captured and forced into
slavery. They’ve probably been sold like me. Maybe they were forced to dig holes in the
mines until their eventual death.

Even if I want to go and save them, I don’t even know where I am. Let alone that, who
knows if I’ll even get to see tomorrow.

Dvalin lowers his eyes at his own feet.

Those iron ball anklets that were on me for a few months are gone. In that case, maybe
there’s an opportunity for an escape.

However, even if I run, I have no place to go. I’ll just die a dog’s death. If I just keep robbing
and stealing for food, the humans will notice, and I’ll be hunted down like an animal
sooner or later.

Once I get caught, I’ll just be another slave that turns into a gruesome example. They
might even treat my body like a toy, depending on how long I went on robbing and
stealing. Certainly, it will be an extremely disgraceful death.

Dvalin is a warrior.

He doesn’t fear a death in battle, but instead a pointless, shameful death.

I don’t know if it’s fortunate or not, but that human that bought me seems like he’s
treating us quite decently. Compared to the other humans and their slave treatment, the
difference is like the one between heaven and hell.

At least he doesn’t seem like he’ll do something to us right away. In that case, I’ll be
submissive for now. It’s probably good to start planning an escape during this time.
Dvalin pretended as if he were talking to himself as he spent the time looking at the
land that was visible through a gap in the caravan’s canopy.

[Does anyone know where we are?]

There’s no reply from the other dwarven slaves. It looks like no one knows.

Because Dvalin’s words just now were in dwarven language, the zoan girl shouldn’t
understand whether it was him simply talking to himself or him addressing his
comrades. However, seemingly being very distrustful, the zoan girl fixed her eyes on
Dvalin while baring her vigilance.

But, an unexpected reply comes shooting back at him there.

“This place is the south of the Solbiant Plains.”

Dvalin was surprised by Souma’s words.

He never even dreamed for a child of the humans that look down on dwarves to
understand the dwarven language.

“Soma, you could hear what this guy said?”

“Eh? Yeah, he asked [Does anyone know where we are?].”

Souma answered with a puzzled expression due to the fact that Shyemul, who should
have a far better hearing than him, couldn’t hear Dvalin’s words.

Shyemul pondered about every possibility with a serious face. Apparently, she came
up with an idea and, facing the dwarves, scornfully said,

“I heard that all dwarven warriors are broad minded men of valour, but that seems to
have been a lie. To secretly have a private chat amongst each other is the act of
cowardly women. Soma, it seems we made a mistake and ended up buying a bunch of
fat elves.”

Even in this world, elves and dwarves are mutual, bitter enemies.

Thus, for a dwarf being called an elf is equal to the worst possible insult. They fell into
slavery, but there are no dwarves who won’t feel enraged after being denounced as

Even though they didn’t do something as foolish as succumbing to their fury and
attacking, each dwarf present slightly stirred in anger.

Due to that, Shyemul reveals an ironic smile.

“Great! Looks like everyone understands the continent’s common language.”

Upon those words, Dvalin clicks his tongue unintentionally.

It’s a trivial thing, but that zoan girl meant to check our side’s reaction by insulting us in
the common tongue.

Dvalin and the other dwarves were irritated for being thoroughly fooled by that.
However, they opened their eyes widely due to Shyemul immediately bowing to them
after she adjusted her posture.

“Please excuse my tasteless insult, comrades of the earth.”

The dwarves look at each other’s faces upon that sudden apology.

“I was well aware that it was impolite, but even so, I wanted to ascertain that you
understand our words for the sake of ensuring my lord’s safety.”

Dvalin was impressed by Shyemul’s magnificent warrior conduct.

He thought that he might worsen his own standing if he says something imprudent,
but that concern just as quickly vanished. His pride as warrior won’t allow for him to
stay silent after being shown such a degree of conduct.

“Please raise your head, beast comrade. There’s no way for me to condemn that
devotion, which doesn’t shy away from smearing yourself in mud for the sake of your
lord that you ought to protect, and that devotion certainly has to be admired.”

However, due to that alone, there was something that bothered him.

“Just what kind of person is the lord you ought to protect?”

The instant she heard that, Shyemul’s entire body overflowed with joy.
Because she looks as if she can’t bear the wait of wanting to tell him, Dvalin’s interest
as to how much of a great man this person might be has been aroused.

“Kisaki Soma over here is definitely my [Navel Master].”

Souma, who had attentively watched the exchange between Shyemul and the dwarves
until then, seemingly became embarrassed by Shyemul’s look of respect and affection.
In a panic, he quickly tried to turn around to the front to hide his embarrassment as
he squeaked out,

“Shyemul, it seems to be the forest over there?”

“Mmh? That’s right. There’s no mistake in that.”

Being asked that by Souma, Shyemul bends herself forward in the coachman bench,
looks at the forest ahead of the wagon’s path, and answers like that.

The dwarves felt surprised at the sight of Shyemul’s back, but even though there was
no way for her to not have noticed anything, she sat down while facing out of the
wagon’s front as if nothing had happened.

Due to that, the dwarves groan while looking sullen.

To deliberately point her defenseless back their way is an expression of Shyemul’s

sincerity. Dvalin and the others grasped that well.

Their position is that of slaves who Souma bought and paid for with money. Shyemul,
who is trusted by that Souma, is probably someone similar to a slave leader who
manages the other slaves while being a slave herself, so to speak. It was unexpected for
this zoan girl, who is believed to be the slave leader who is naturally a target of hatred,
to actually display this much of a warrior’s conduct.

With only that, the dwarves were confused on whether they should hate her as a slave
leader or respect her as a warrior. They felt irritated that they couldn’t make up their

Gradually, Dvalin feels silly for acting so meek. He heavily sat down cross-legged,
folded his arms and released a single, big nasally breath. The other dwarves imitate
him all at once, too.
Because of that, Shyemul looks over her shoulder. It wouldn’t be strange for the
dwarves to all be whipped for displaying this sort of rebellious behavior. Surprisingly,
Shyemul only laughed happily and turned to face the front once again.

I had expected it, but her behaviour as a warrior is really annoying. With only that,
Dvalin couldn’t help but being baffled.

That apparently means that the human child sitting on the coachman bench is the lord
whom she’s trying to protect to the extent of even a female warrior of her clout acting as
if mocking others.

Dvalin understands at a glance that Souma doesn’t have the physique of a fighter

Even taking a single look at his attentiveness towards his surrounding and how he moves
his body, he’s obviously different from someone who had been trained with weapons such
as the sword or the spear. Although it’s only natural, I don’t sense anything warrior-like
from Souma at all. And yet, I cannot help but be curious about the extent of Shyemul’s
loyalty towards this Souma, which ought to be called outright respect and affection.

While Dvalin is racking his brain over something like that, the covered wagon reached
the forest it was heading for. When they left the city noon had already passed, but now
even the sun is already inclining deeply towards the west. An ironclad rule for
travelers is to set camp before the sun completely sets.

Dvalin, who gazed at the forest for no particular reason as he thought that they will
likely camp over there, felt a great number of presences hiding inside the forest.

“Turn around! There might be bandits in there!”

Before Dvalin’s words finish, several figures jumped out from within the forest.


The ones who rushed out of the forest and surrounded the covered wagon are all
brawny zoan warriors.

The ones who caught Dvalin’s eye among them are a one-eyed red-furred zoan and a
black-furred zoan, who has a sword cut across his face. They seem to be the leaders of
these zoan.
Either way, it’s not just their physiques. You can immediately grasp that they are high
first-class level warriors if you look at how they pay attention to their surroundings and
the movement of their bodies.

Even Dvalin, who is prides himself on also being a first-class warrior, isn’t conceited
enough to think that he could win unarmed against these two as his opponents.

“Youngster, give me a weapon! I still don’t want to die!”

I fear the zoan that are opposing the humans came to make these humans traveling
across the plains with merely one wagon pay the price for that folly.

If only the humans are shred to pieces by the zoan it’s something to be celebrated, but
there’s no guarantee that we’ll be overlooked just because we’re dwarves.

Souma, who was able to half-rise from the coachman bench, raises one hand to stop
Dvalin who has resolved himself with such a do-or-die spirit.

“Thank you for waiting, you two.”

Dvalin is immediately startled, wondering what Souma’s talking about.

With a sidelong glance to Dvalin, the black-furred zoan— Garam slightly shook his
head in a manner as if to say that there’s no problem, and says,

“The most important thing is that you’re safe and sound, Soma and <Noble Fang>. How
was the city?”

“Garam, we have brought along slightly unexpected guests, but the course of events is
looking great.”

Due to those words, Garam and Zurgu peek inside the wagon over Souma’s head.

“Oh! Dwarves, how rare! The last time I’ve seen one of these guys was when I had them
forge my machete.”

“Hee, there were dwarves around here as well?”

Souma felt curious due to Zurgu’s remark.

“How wonderful for you to ask about it, Sir Soma. Look at me! As you can, see my body
is big and my strength is powerful, too. Given that a normal machete wouldn’t be able
to satisfy me, I expressly went to the dwarves living in the mountains east of the plains
to request a machete for myself. At that time, I was still a brat who had just turned
twelve years old. To pay for the machete, I needed to gather a great number of pelts.
So I…”

“<Mad Claw>, stop the bragging.”

Zurgu, who tried to recite his heroic saga, gets mercilessly cut off by Shyemul.

“Soma, in the past we traded with the dwarves that lived in the eastern mountains. It’s
said that our machetes are like precious gems created by the hands of the dwarves.
Our warriors who were unsatisfied with the machetes inherited from their ancestors
visited that place, using a mountain of pelts as payment. But nowadays, they seem to
have vanished from sight due to conflict with the humans.”

In contrast to Souma who consents with a “I see”, Zurgu, who had his legendarily
heroic tale interrupted, wrinkles up his nose as if he’s sulking.

Due to that peaceful-looking exchange between Souma and the zoan, Dvalin and the
other dwarves only stared at them with dumbfounded expressions.

“<Noble Fang> and <Mad Claw>, just what are you doing when our guests are still on
the wagon?”

Garam, who chided the two while sighing grandly, lightly hit his chest towards the
befuddled dwarves and said,

“Please have a peace of mind, comrades of the earth. If you were invited by Soma, we
will treat you as important guests.”

Surrounding the bonfire that raises a bright red flame, Souma relayed the plan he
came up with to the main warriors of the zoan such as Garam and Zurgu and the
dwarves around Dvalin.

“Indeed. If that goes smoothly, I guess it will be possible to take that city with a
minimum number of losses.”

First, Garam, who listened with folded arms, indicated his approval of Souma’s
strategy. Zurgu also considered it as interesting, but at the same time points out a
problem with it.

“I think it’s an interesting move, but what will you do about the weapons? Even if we
exceed them in numbers, we still can’t fight unarmed.”

“You should have confiscated weapons from the soldiers when you gained control of
the fortress. We will put those to use.”

Because what Zurgu pointed out was within the range of his expectations, Souma was
able to answer without hesitation.

“Got it. I will dispatch someone to have Banuka, who’s in the fortress, bring the
weapons in a hurry.”

Garam called someone known for being a fast runner from among his clanmates that
were nearby, and sent them to the fortress as a messenger.

“With this, the remaining problem is…”

Upon Garam’s remark, the looks of everyone turn towards the dwarves around Dvalin.

Due to that, even Dvalin, who listened to the talks with an attitude as if it’s somebody
else’s affair, lifts his head with an interested look. It’s not like he can ignore them
either, but he ends up turning his head away after just a small snort.

“You are weird fellows. We are slaves bought by this human youngster. He just has to
order us, no?”

Unable to stomach Dvalin’s attitude, Zurgu was about to rise on his feet, but Souma
stopped that with a gesture of his hand and clearly said to Dvalin,

“It’s not slaves that we want. It’s people who will cooperate with us out of their own
free will.”

“To ask for will from slaves? Don’t make me laugh. If I told you that I decline, what are
you going to do then?”
A dangerous atmosphere spreads from the surrounding zoan due to Dvalin’s manner
of speaking. However, without any indication of minding that, Dvalin stares at Souma
in order to provoke him instead.

Due to that, Souma scratched his cheek as if troubled.

“I won’t do anything.”

“Nothing, you say?”

“Since you have listened to our strategy, I will have you confined until the matter is
finished. I’ll release you after it’s over though, so please do as you like.”

“You are saying that you will release a slave you bought with a large amount of

Something like unconditionally releasing a slave that was bought with the large
amount of eight hundred silver coins; Dvalin had never heard of something like that

“Yes. After all, I believe it to be wrong to turn people into slaves.”

It wasn’t just Dvalin. All the other dwarves were astonished as well.

It’s because that’s a heretical way of thinking in this world.

In those days, the strong taking everything from the weak after a battle is a matter of
course, for any race.

Thoughts that contradict Souma’s opinion emerge in Dvalin’s head, but those were
shattered into smithereens in front of Souma’s next words.

“People stealing the freedom of others like them and treating them like trash; you
should have experienced it firsthand how ugly that is.”

It was as Souma said.

The only thing Dvalin and the other dwarves saw after they were defeated in battle is
just the ugly side of humans.
Even if it were an elegant lady or a general that knows of decorum there were no
exceptions. Their lips that warped in disgust when looking at Dvalin and the other
dwarven slaves and their eyes filled with a superiority complex that coexits with a
deep sympathy for someone else’s suffering. With only their outward appearance
being beautiful, their rotten smelling ugliness stood out all the more.

“I don’t want to become someone I regard as ugly. Therefore I deny slavery.”

People believed it to be heretical thinking, but it was a trivial yet very reasonable

However, it’s a reality that one can’t say that his rationale is impossible

If it was the former Dvalin, he would have likely sneered at Souma for being a naive
dreamer that doesn’t look at reality. However, the current Dvalin has thoroughly
experienced suffering after he was reduced to a slave. The words of Souma were far
too beautiful to him, and he couldn’t resist considering them as something

“Allow me to hear just one more thing, youngster. Why did you choose me?”

There should have been plenty of other dwarves in that place. He could’ve gotten a lot
more dwarves at a reasonable price rather than specifically buying me. So why did he
choose me? Dvalin wanted to know the reason for that.

“That’s because you grasped your right hand when the whip of the slave dealer hit
your chest.”

The answer Souma provided was something that exceeded Dvalin’s comprehension.

“What do you mean?”

Souma picked up a single pebble from the ground and passed it to Dvalin with a throw.
While not understanding what he means with that, Dvalin receives the thrown pebble
with his right hand.

Confirming his suspicion, Souma smiled sweetly.

“At that time you formed a fist with your dominant arm. You restrained yourself from
trying to hit the slave dealer, didn’t you?”
Dvalin replied with nothing more than a small grunt.

However, that’s because what Souma said was correct.

“I was taught that slaves are people who gave up on fighting, after they lost to the fear
within themselves.”

Souma gives a sidelong glance to Shyemul standing right next to him.

Shyemul pretends that she hasn’t noticed his look, but the tips of her ears were
cheerfully bobbing up and down.

While leaking a smile due to that, Souma continued his words.

“However, you were about to fight. Holding yourself back wasn’t because you gave up,
but because you judged that you should endure it until the time comes when you
should fight, I believed. In that case, you aren’t a slave, but a warrior.”

Souma looked directly into the eyes of Dvalin.

“Warrior Dvalin, please lend me your strength.”

The instant he heard those words, something hot wells up within Dvalin’s chest.

“Warrior, huh…? That’s a nice word.”

Since losing the war and becoming a prisoner, the only words that were thrown at
Dvalin were derogatory terms such as “Worm”.

Alongside such insults, he was slandered in any possible way, lashed by whips and
spat at.

“The reason for becoming a slave is because you lost. The reason for losing is because
you are weak. Worms are weaker than humans. Weaklings have no value. You are
worthless. You are scum. Scum has to lick the ground, as it befits such wormlike scum.
Don’t defy us esteemed humans. I can’t stand your face. I can’t stand your nose. I can’t
stand anything about you. You’re rebelling, I’ll whip you. Are you happy being lashed?
If you are happy, show a happier face. What, this conceited bug.”

Such a procedure is meant to remold the heart of a slave into something submissive.
Denying the values and character of those who became slaves, they are repressed with
violence and their rebellious spirit gets thoroughly crushed.

The abusive language of the slave overseers ground at Dvalin’s heart.

Due to the anguish, he even thought to himself, how easy it would be to just give in to
this and throw away my self-respect and pride.

Even so, while comforting himself a bit with the dream of knocking down the slave
overseers, he endured it and endured it, even though it was likely that his self-respect
would break and even though it was likely that his pride would be smashed to pieces.

Although the inner corners of Dvalin’s eyes become hot, he puts up with it by closing
his eyes and looking up to the sky.

After a passage of time where one could have slowly counted to ten, Dvalin opened his
eyes and stared at Souma.

“Do you understand the meaning of calling me a warrior and asking me to lend my

Souma nodded strongly.

“Then I have three demands.”

“Demands, you say?”

Dvalin raises three fingers.

“First off, food. Let me eat to my heart’s content.”

“Of course. Even in my home town there’s the saying [One can’t fight a war on an empty

Dvalin counts down one finger upon Souma’s reply.

“Second, alcohol. I haven’t drunken any for countless months already. Since I won’t
question the type and quality, just give me enough drink to where I could bathe in it if
I wanted to.”
“Got it. I don’t know how much you can drink, but I will try to meet your request as far
as possible.”

Lowering a second finger, Dvalin displayed a dark smile on his face and stated his last

“Prepare a place appropriate for me to die at.”

Even Dvalin is no idiot.

It’s unthinkable that we will be able to win against the humans with only that many
zoan. Even if we take the city, the determined military forces of the humans will be
coming for us next. We can’t possibly win against those.

That being the case, dying in a magnificent battle was Dvalin’s desire.

“I will reject that.”

However Souma refused that without a hint of hesitation.


“We are not looking for a place to die. We are trying to create a place for the sake of

That means it’s for victory.

Through their exchange of words, albeit only slightly, Dvalin also understood that
Souma is no fool that has absolutely no vision how things will turn out.

The difficulty of taking the city and the hopeless difference of combat power between
both sides with the human forces that will arrive afterwards. There’s no way for him to
not know of those.

And yet, despite being in this desperate situation, Souma, who focuses on the future
beyond that, surpassed the range of Dvalin’s comprehension.

What the hell is this guy looking at?

What the hell is this guy trying to achieve?

For Dvalin Souma even appeared to be a huge being that was beyond people’s

That’s why Dvalin ceased to worry about it.

“Ah, whatever. What does it matter. For now, just some food and booze is fine.”

If I can’t understand it, then I’ll just take it at face value.

Compared to the big mountains and mother earth, the worries of a single dwarf are very
small. Even if I fret over it, what will be will be. Rather than worrying, there might be an
unexpectedly good result if I just do it quickly. Even if I fail, what’s the big deal? I can just
laugh about it with everyone else.

Because Souma and the zoan were bewildered due to the far too quick change of
attitude Dvalin becomes amused and says “I guess you don’t understand anything”.

I can once again fight as warrior.

Only someone who understands the despair of having fallen into slavery will
comprehend this joy. Moreover, although it’s a different race with whom he will fight
side-by-side, they are elite warriors to the degree of even Dvalin admiring them. If
there’s booze and food to go with this, what’s there to desire beyond that.

“Bring all the alcohol! In compensation I will perform the [Song of Forging Steel] that
has been handed down among us dwarves!”

Eating tasty food, drinking delicious booze, singing in a loud voice and dancing merrily;
all’s right with this world.

That’s because I’m a dwarf.

Like this Dvalin happened across the “Divine Son of Destruction” through his hapless

This chance meeting was brought about by the goddess of fate. It might not have been
more than mere whim.
However, who might have been able to imagine at this time the large change this would
bring upon the continent.

Later on, it was Dvalin who led the heavy dwarven infantry in the army corps of the
“Divine Son of Destruction”, but he’s a person whose name spread widely for a reason
other than that.

It’s said that Dvalin built many tools using the knowledge of a different world, which
the “Divine Son of Destruction” brought with him as a base, that made him play such
an important role. It has been said that Souma’s knowledge would have never taken
form without him being there. Hence Dvalin received the infamy of being called
“Destroyer of Technology” as he completely destroyed the continent’s current level of

But, he has a pseudonym that’s known even beyond that.

It’s a name deriving from his muscular, big arm that is tightly grasping a battleaxe, as
one of the seven arms of the fresco “Divine Son of Destruction Soma Kisaki” drawn by
the master painter Numari.

The meaning of the ancient letters written there is “Gluttony”.

Dvalin of the <Steel>.

He is the man who assumed the name of <Arm of Gluttony> as one of the Seven Arms
Generals in posterity.
“The wagon over there, stop! If you are going to enter the city, we need to inspect the
passengers and cargo!”

The squad leader, who was assigned to the inspection of cargo and people coming and
going through the gate of Bolnis, stopped the covered wagon that came along the
highway and the cart that followed behind it.

Catching sight of the man sitting on the coachman bench of the covered wagon that
was being pulled by a niryu, the squad leader felt like he remembered his face from
somewhere. He seems like he’s trusted as a partner in small trades, but most likely, he’s
not too accomplished as a merchant. With that timid but sincere face, he doesn’t seem
like he’d be some sort of villain on a wanted poster.

The squad leader’s question of where he saw this man earlier vanished after seeing a
boy with a zoan right next to him greeting him over the shoulder of the peddler.

“The peddler from some time ago and his nephew, huh? Even though you just left the
city the other day, for what did you come this time?”

“Of course, for business. This time we came with not only this wagon but also the cart
behind us filled with goods.” (formal)

Guided by his words, the squad leader looked at the cart that followed behind the
carriage. Just as the man had said, many packages are piled up on the wagon. Quite a
few heavy things seem to have been placed inside it. Two dwarven slaves pulled the
shafts. In addition, two slaves pushed from behind and one slave on each side, left and
right, pushed the wagon all the way up to here. All of them were breathing heavily,
with their entire bodies drenched in sweat.

“What’s your cargo?”

“Yes. It’s things such as swords and spears which were laying in stock.”
The squad leader was surprised due to the dangerous words that were coming out of
the peddler’s mouth.

“Bastard! To carry in this many weapons, what the hell are you planning!?”

Due to the squad leader’s threatening attitude, the merchant answered in a panic,

“I’m told that the zoan are riotous in the northern plains, isn’t that so?”

Those words cause the squad leader to frown.

Suffering a crushing defeat from the likes of the zoan is an outrageous disgrace for
Holmea State. Thus, a gag order was widely imposed on the soldiers. Even so, that
doesn’t stop the young soldiers from gossiping about it to get their hooks into a
woman when going out to the bars and brothels.

Even the squad leader was well aware that this had already become a well-known fact
in the city.

However, due to the gag order being placed by the higher-ups, he still doesn’t feel too
great about the situation.

Due to the squad leader’s face turning unpleasant, the peddler grabs the squad
leader’s hand without a moment’s delay and bribes him with several bronze coins.

“It’s nothing bad for everyone if there are many good weapons, right? Also, if my wallet
gets a little fatter because of this, that would be an exceedingly great blessing.”

“I see. Indeed, the argumentation that it will help us as well if we have good weapons
is pretty reasonable.”

The squad leader’s mood easily improved due to the weight of the coins in his palm.
Furthermore, letting a silver coin also slip onto the other coins, the peddler secretly

“This is merchandise I strived to bring for the sake of helping everyone. Thinking
about helping the lowly me here…”

“Oooh! I’m sure it’s just as you say.”

The squad leader called out to the tax collection soldier who checked the number and
types of weapons in the cargo.

“This person is a merchant quite capable of thoughtfulness.”

As the tax collector understood the gist of what the squad leader was trying to say in
a roundabout way, he promptly finishes the cargo inspection he was in the middle of.
He dips a wooden stick that was sitting atop a wooden table near the gate into an
inkwell and carefully writes something on a piece of paper.

“How about something like this?”

The peddler shakes his head at the import tax sum proposed by the soldier.

“I have heard that it’s necessary to file a report if I bring in a number of weapons above
a set amount. Therefore, can’t you somehow…”

Showing a further silver just to make double sure, the soldier peeks at the squad
leader’s face. Confirming that the squad leader returned a small nod to that, the
soldier rewrote the document anew.

“How about this?”


After he scanned the document several times, the peddler agreed and paid the written

The soldier couldn’t suppress breaking into a smile due to the unforeseen
extraordinary additional income, but noticing that something is wrong with the state
of the squad leader, who followed the covered wagon and cart vanishing into the
hustle and bustle of the city with his eyes, the soldier calls out to him.

“What’s wrong, captain?”

The squad leader answered to his subordinate while bending his head slightly to the

“No, you know, I feel like the youngster sitting on that carriage said something strange…”
I don’t have an idea why such words escaped the boy’s mouth.

He wondered whether he made a mistake in his hearing, but the ears of the squad
leader definitely heard the boy muttering it.

“I think he said [Excuse me] towards me.”

Geez, a boy speaking of weird stuff.

Enriching their own wallets by cheating the tariffs like this is something akin to a
special privilege of the gatekeepers. Also, because the merchants were able to make
things more convenient for themselves by using bribes, it’s become a relationship of
give and take. In reality, arrangements just like this were simply very prevalent.

I have never heard of a merchant apologizing every single time like that.

“Well, didn’t he feel guilty as they brought in that many weapons outside the records?”

The squad leader consented to this with a “That might be it.”

“In that case, how about making merry in a grand way with these silver coins tonight
so that the child can live without having a guilty conscience.”

The gatekeeping sentries exchanged broad grins due to the words of their squad

“Ooh! Welcome! How wonderful of you to visit!”

Soon after Souma arrived at the mansion of Grokakos and announced his visit to the
gatekeeper, Grokakos emerged from the mansion all joyful smiles and happiness.
Souma performs the merchant’s greeting while being slightly hesitant towards
Grokakos, due to him completely changing his attitude in welcoming him in
comparison to last time.

“I visited to bring you good luck and wealth.”

“Good luck and wealth to you as well.”

Grokakos returned the greeting hurriedly and asked a question.

“Well then, Mr. Soma. I wonder, just might be your business with me this time?”

“Yes, today, there’s something I’d like to request from you a bit.”

Souma shifts his sight fleetingly to the side. Following that look, Grokakos discovers
the cart that was stopped on the street.

“Ah, the slaves you kindly purchased from me seem to be worked quite a bit, do they

Seeing Dvalin and the others, who are tied with chains to the cart, Grokakos nodded
with a satisfied look.

“Yes. Not only as guards, but they are also made useful by them pulling a cart such as

“That’s great. I’m pleased that the things you purchased from me are working well.”

Grokakos said with an expression as if he’s going to lick his lips any time soon.

“Since you are here, I don’t suppose that you are looking for new slaves again?”

“Yes. There’s that as well, but there’s something slightly troublesome…”

“Ho, what might that be?”

“Actually I’m worried about an inn for tonight. Me and…” Souma points at Shyemul
with his eyes. “I found a place to stay, but without a location to hold the merchandise
and the dwarves…”

Grokakos thought I see.

Right now a caravan heading from Jeboa to the royal capital is staying in the city. The
caravan’s important members are lodging in the feudal lord’s mansion, but because the
servants and guards are lodging in the city’s accommodations after splitting up, every
place is probably booked for tonight.

“If at all possible, I’m wondering whether or not you could introduce me to some place
where I can leave those dwarves and the cart with the merchandise on it.”

“Indeed, that does appear to be problematic.” After thinking about various options,
Grokakos claps his hands. “How about this? Let me take charge of those slaves and the
cart. Since the slaves had stayed at my place to begin with, they would be accustomed
to the environment.”

“Eeh!? Really?”

“Of course. What do you think? Rather, how about staying in my mansion, Mr. Soma? I
will gladly give you a warm welcome.”

“No, it will be plenty with just being allowed to leave the slaves and the cart with you.”

Souma said in the form of a joke,

“Besides, with you selling me slaves the entire night, Mr. Grokakos, I’d end up bankrupt
by tomorrow morning. Please pardon me, at least from that.”

“Hahaha! Good gracious, you are quite wary of me, aren’t you?”

Souma lets a small bag with silver coins slip into the hand of Grokakos who becomes
cheerful due to being flattered.

“This is just a little something, but please accept it as thanks for the trouble.”

Guessing the rough number of silver coins from the weight transmitted to his hand,
Grokakos is astonished.

“To be given this much for just taking care of a cart and some slaves…”

“Please deduct the excess amount from the prices of the slaves I will buy tomorrow.”

“I see. If that’s how it is.”

Agreeing, Grokakos accepted the bag of silver coins.

“So, I wonder what kind of luggage on the cart are you entrusting to me?”

“It’s this.”
When Souma stripped off the cover of the cargo that was stacked up high on the cart,
a large amount of swords and spears were stowed there.

“According to the rumors, the armed forces that headed out to subjugate the zoan had
the tables turned on them, or something of the sort. Since the plains will likely become
chaotic for a while, I plan to try selling these to Holmea’s national army.”

Until just recently, there was a rumor circulating that the subjugation force suffered
many casualties due to being swallowed by a fire they had set themselves. But now,
the true information that was getting out from loose-mouthed soldiers was that they
had the tables turned on them by the zoan.

But, that’s something that occurred just recently.

As expected, if it’s a skilled merchant who came from a distant eastern country, they have
sharp ears, Grokakos admired.

Grokakos, who amused himself by chatting with Souma while making Dvalin and the
others pull the cart to the backyard of the mansion, suddenly claps his hands.

“Oh, yes. Because I got my hands on a rare slave, I’d like you to have a look at them by
all means, Mr. Soma.”

Saying that, he started to walk from the mansion in the direction of the courtyard
without even waiting for Souma’s reply. Souma, who doesn’t want to displease
Grokakos either, reluctantly pursues while bringing Shyemul along.

“Here, please have a look at this. It’s a valuable slave I especially received from a slave
dealer of the royal family purveyors.”

Grokakos talked like a showman in front of a single, huge cage placed in the courtyard.

Seemingly reacting to his voice, a huge shadow stirred slightly within the cage.

With only that, the countless chains that were attached all over the slave’s body, make
noisy clinking sounds.

“…! T-This is!?”

Not only Souma, but even Shyemul opened their eyes widely due to the atypical
appearance they see for the first time.

“I see, even you, Mr. Soma, are seeing this for the first time, I guess? Well, well, that’s
not very strange either. The places where these guys live are mainly on the southern
desert and the Fire Islands, after all.”

Grokakos, who was pleased by Souma’s and Shyemul’s reaction, explained while
putting on an air of superiority.

“Please look at it, this mountain-like large build. Of course, that’s not for mere show
either. In front of its physical strength, even dwarves are a pushover! It doesn’t possess
merely strength either. This tough skin won’t receive a single scratch from something
on a simple knife’s level! Claws that gouge out flesh! Sharp fangs that tear off flesh!
And, what’s fearsome above all that is its ferocious temperament! It’s not an
exaggeration to call it a race that was truly born to fight.”

Stopping his speech for a moment at that point, Grokakos took a large breath and
recited the name of that race.

“This is a dinosaurian!”

Grokakos, who saw off Souma, had a smug smile.

Today he wasn’t able to force a sale, but the reaction of Souma at the time when he
showed the dinosaurian martial tournament slave was even beyond Grokakos’
expectations. If it’s like this, he would still profit from having unreasonably asked to
receive the slave from one of his acquaintance slave dealers among the royal family’s

When he comes tomorrow to take back the slaves and the cart he entrusted to me, I will
certainly be able to get him to buy that thing at a high price.

Dreaming of the bags filled to bursting with silver coins because of Souma’s payment,
a gross laughter spilt forward from Grokakos. “Gufufu.”

At that moment the figures of Dvalin and the others, who are being put into a cage by
the slave overseers, caught his attention.
“I’m sure you have dearly missed this, Dvalin. You are happy to meet me after a while,
aren’t you?”

The cheerful Grokakos called out to Dvalin just for entertainment.

Grokakos couldn’t stomach this dwarf that repeatedly had a rebellious look in his eyes
even though he wouldn’t take action. He had showered him with all kinds of jeers and
had whipped him, albeit to an extent where it wouldn’t lower his value. While being
well aware that Dvalin shouldn’t be happy about reuniting with him, Grokakos
deliberately and readily reveals his twisted character.

However, Dvalin’s answer was something unexpected.

“Indeed. I’m happy as well.”

Being taken by surprise by this unforeseen reply, Grokakos wasn’t able to immediately
talk back. Once he unnaturally clears his throat and pulls himself together, he says,

“If you weren’t the slave of someone else, this conceited mouth of yours would be
given the whip. Be grateful to your master.”

Due to the unexpected reaction of Dvalin, whom he considered to likely tremble in

vexation towards his obvious sarcasm, Grokakos ended up taken aback. Although he’s
still not fully satisfied, he can’t treat Dvalin too cruelly due to him being the property
of Souma, whom he wants to build a favorable relationship with from here on out.

Grokakos reluctantly turned on his heels and was about to return inside his mansion,
but a voice reached him from behind.

“Yes. I’m deeply grateful.”

Feeling a restless stir due to that voice, Grokakos turned around while being startled
and matched his eyes with Dvalin who had already been put inside a dim cage.

Once he does, Dvalin shows a crooked smile on his bearded face.


Due to that smile, he recalls the face of ferocious watchdogs at the time when they are
given huge lumps of meat as scrap. Grokakos is lost for words.
However, Dvalin immediately went into the same cage as the other dwarves and lied
down while turning his back towards Grokakos.

“Y-You impertinent worm…!”

Grokakos cursed at Dvalin in order to hide the turmoil in his heart, but his voice was
shaking with indescribable anxiety.

The next morning Souma and Shyemul were at the vacant plot where Souma sobered
up from his drunkenness when they visited the city the other day.

Telling Grokakos that he had arranged an inn for the two of them was a lie and they
made only Hopkins stay there. The two of them passed the night without sleeping until
morning on this vacant plot to avoid any unnecessary contact with other people.

Last evening he couldn’t sleep for most of the time because of his nervousness, but
Souma got up alongside the sunrise and gazed at the countless puffs of smoke
extending into the sky as the citizens were preparing their breakfast.

It’s a peaceful sight.

What a peaceful view of the world it will probably be if I try to cut it down to just this
place. The sight of a mother preparing for a new day starting once again and making
breakfast for her husband and her children surfaces in his mind.

Once he quietly shut his eyes, the scenery of his family’s breakfast when he was still
in Japan came to his mind.

What’s lined up on the table is the typical Japanese breakfast of rice, miso soup and
grilled fish.

His mother that woke up earlier than anyone in the house and prepared that breakfast.

The scolding of his mother, whom he believed to be naggy, is now something very

His father, who finished his meal first in a short time, drinks a coffee while reading the
I wonder when was it that I heard that drinking a hot coffee, even though one ate a
Japanese breakfast, is for the sake of motivating oneself before going to work?

Even though it hasn’t been more than a few months since I fell into this world, that view
is like a memory from an unbelievably distant past.

I’m trying to destroy such warm, gentle and heartrending sceneries.

Souma gently held his tense and painful chest.

“Why are you acting like a good person this late in the game, my terrifying Souma?”

The voice of a girl that is just like the whispering of sweet love, reaches Souma’s ears.

No sooner than that, Souma’s back was pushed by something appearing behind him.

It’s the heat of burning fire, the stench of people getting burnt and the presences of
countless dead.

Just like a frog that was glared at by a snake, Souma’s body couldn’t move, just as if
was bound by dread.

The pores across his whole body open all at once and cold sweat overflows, as if
gushing forth.

“Oh my gentle Souma, who was it that did something like that to these children, I

A chill crawls up his spine due to the girl’s laughter, a cheerful giggling.

“Oh my cowardly Souma, you decided to advance forward. Then you must not stop,

These children are always behind you. These children are very lonely by nature. They
cannot help wanting to really become your friends.”

Souma sensed countless hands just now trying to stretch out to his back and nape.

“Look. If you stop, these children will have you in the palm of their hands, my miserable
Souma’s breath becomes rough.

His heart is throbbing intensely as if its about to tear apart.

A freezing pain, similar to being stabbed by an infinite number of ice needles, travels
through his entire body.

The instant a scream was about to emerge from Souma’s mouth,

“What’s wrong, Soma?”

Souma came to his senses due to Shyemul’s voice calling out to him.

He turns his look behind in panic, but nothing’s there.

“…An illusion?”

I guess I saw a daydream due to my nervousness and the lack of sleep?

Souma pulls himself together by shaking his head slightly.

“Oi! What’s up, Soma?”

“Mmh? Ah, it’s nothing.”

As Shyemul, who wrinkled up her nose in worry because of Souma’s unusual state,
peers into his face, Souma shows a smile to the best of his ability.

“I might be slightly nervous.”

“Really? But, don’t be too unreasonable. Please don’t hesitate and just tell me if it gets

Shyemul was a bit unhappy about Souma’s attitude.

Even though it has reached the point that he opens his heart quite a bit to her, there
are still some parts he’s holding back. Shyemul vaguely had the feeling that it’s
something like a racial trait that was imprinted into Souma’s character, but in
Shyemul’s eyes she perceives it as him being somewhat reserved.
Shyemul tried to say some more, but due to horn sounds echoing through the whole
city as if interrupting her, she looked up to the sky while making her ears move with a

“It has begun, I guess…”

Souma, who likewise looked up to the sky, nodded upon Shyemul’s remark.

“Yeah, it started…”

As the city of Bolnis started to rise, a day filled with extreme disturbances opened its
Late at night, inside the forest located far upstream of the river that flows through
Bolnis, figures of zoan can be found moving about.

The zoan, who quietly travel through the forest, reach a number exceeding eight

Their breakdown was as follows: 150 people of the Fang Clan, 400 people of the Claw
Clan, 50 people of the Eyes Clan and 300 people of the Mane Clan.

This mass of zoan that by all means should be called the Four Clan Alliance is led by
Ferocious Fang Fagul Garguss Garam, who is highly praised as a hero among the zoan
of the Solbiant Plains.

The approximately nine hundred zoan that were led by this black-furred zoan lined
up and began to cross the river one after the other after a shallow area was discovered
in the river.

When barely around four hundred of them had crossed over, an unforeseen accident

A stone that was being used as a foothold by a young warrior as he was crossing the
shoal suddenly crumbled. That warrior lost his balance and fell into the river.

Surprised by the pronounced sound of splashing water, the zoan drew their machetes
all at once.

Due to the air of tension, all of the zoan were shaken. It was as if their fur were tingling
from some static electricity.

“What is it? What’s going on? Is it the enemy!? Where? Where is the enemy!?”

The one that appeared while releasing a yell full of joy, as if he were breaking that
tense air apart, is a red-furred giant — Zurgu. Zurgu jumped from the riverbank and
landed close to the fallen, young warrior while raising a sheet of spray.

The zoan were uniformly dumbfounded by his sudden action.

Zurgu, who surveyed the surroundings while creating an eyeshade with a hand as all
eyes are filed upon him, released a grand sigh after realizing that there’s no enemy.

“What! There’s no enemy? How boring!”

And then he abruptly lowered his eyes at the young warrior who looks up at him in a
daze with his buttocks still in the river.

“What are you doing?”

“Eh? No, that is…”

Zurgu gestured towards the young warrior that became flustered as if having noticed

“I see. Even an idiot like you is in front of a great battle that the zoan have never
experienced before. That means your body is burning fiercely? Well, mine too.”

Saying that, Zurgu threw his large body into the river. He causes a great spray of water
that cannot be compared to the one of the young warrior before. The water falls upon
the zoan around him like rain.

“Aah! This feels good!”

Zurgu, who got his entire body dripping wet, returned to his post in the rear with a
hearty laugh.

Snickers spontaneously spill out between the zoan due to his appearance.

Even the mouth of the young warrior who was still sitting in the river formed a slight

Thereupon, alongside the phrase “Hold on” a hand is held out to him. The young
warrior realises that the hand belongs to Garam after he gets pulled up.

“Th-… <Ferocious Fang>!?”

The surprised young warrior straightens his back and stands ramrod straight, as if
someone inserted a pole into his spine.

Garam shows a slightly strained smile and lightly taps the shoulder of the young

“Don’t let your body get cold. Dry yourself properly later.”

Garam, who came ashore while listening to the shrill and nervous reply of the young
warrior, says to Gulkaka who had waited for him there,

“Good grief, I’m not capable of doing something like that.”

What Garam is talking about in equal parts of admiration and shock is Zurgu’s action.
Gulkaka, walking shoulder to shoulder with Garam, responds,

“If you acted like that, we would be troubled, clan chief. That’s kind of like a beast
that’s moving by instincts.”

However, Garam flatly returns,

“Don’t take that guy lightly. Look, because of what he did just now, everyone’s mood
has changed.”

An attack on the stone city located outside the plains is an unprecedented battle for
the zoan. Not only that young warrior, all the warriors were more or less nervous.

It’s fine if the tension were at moderate levels, but right when Garam began to think
they were straining themselves too much, Zurgu had acted.

It was the usual conduct of that crazy Zurgu, but it’s a fact that the warriors have
loosened up a bit because of that. They were a bit too nervous. Even Gulkaka can’t help
but to admit that fact.

“I can’t believe that to be <Mad Claw>. We’ve all looked down on him as if he were a
beast, even now. Honestly speaking, I doubted that guy’s sanity when he suggested to
work under you, clan chief.”

Garam responded with a “Me too” to Gulkaka’s look, clearly showing that he still can’t
believe it.
That was something which occurred a few days ago at the conference venue for the
city’s attack.

“I won’t allow for us to commit the same mistake as the all-clan alliance that suffered
that crushing defeat on the plains against the humans in the past. The zoan should
discard their ill feelings that exist between the clans and unify into one.”

Right after the conference had started, Zurgu broached such topic.

It was only natural for everyone who was present at that place to think “You’re the one
saying that!?”.

Zurgu had been the one to thwart each all-clan alliance talk up until that point.

The one who bit into Zurgu’s proposal as the very first was Shyemul.

“<Mad Claw>! You bastard, are you saying Soma is incapable!?”

“That’s not what I meant! Don’t jump to wrong conclusions, <Noble Fang>.”

Zurgu denied the accusation in a hurry.

“I don’t have any objection in obeying Sir Soma either. But! Someone who leads the
warriors and responds to the constantly shifting state of a battle on an actual
battlefield, is indispensable. There’s no way that we can simply rely on Sir Soma for
this, is there?”

As expected, even Shyemul had no other choice but to accept the sound reasoning in
Zurgu’s words.

Even now there are many among the zoan warriors who don’t approve of following
Souma, who’s completely lacking in qualities as a warrior. The reason that the
warriors are even going along somewhat with what Souma is saying because he has
the support of the zoan heroes, Zurgu and Garam.

Putting aside the case of a calm discussion on obeying the two heroes, if one were to
ask whether such warriors would meekly obey Souma’s orders in a state where blood
has rushed to their heads on the battlefield, they would be compelled to just hold their
“So, who are you suggesting to lead in those cases then?”

He’s likely going to say that we should hand over the right of command to him, anyways,
Shyemul thinks as she adds an implicit contempt to her words.

Due to that, Zurgu expressed a bitter smile without even getting angry and said,

“I believe <Ferocious Fang> Fagul Garguss Garam to be a good choice.”

That was truly a bombshell announcement.

The zoan that happened to be present at the venue were all equally unable to believe
their ears. Looking at the reaction of those right next to them, they affirmed that they
didn’t have a case of bad hearing and were surprised anew.

Probably upset by them getting surprised to such a degree, as can be expected, Zurgu
became sulky and said in discontent,

“My reputation is the worst, just as you can see right now. Having said that, Banuka,
who isn’t even a clan chief, and the warriors of the Eye Clan are inadequate for the

Even the warrior leader of the Eye Clan and Banuka couldn’t help agreeing to this.

“In that case, there’s only <Ferocious Fang> left. If it’s the hero <Ferocious Fang> who’s
obtained many feats and is referred to as the strongest warrior on the plains from his
young days onwards, there won’t be any objections, right?”

Being praised by Zurgu who faced him with open hostility until just the other day,
Garam frowns and has a bad feeling that doesn’t sit well with him at all. He says,

“But I’m the clan chief of the Fang Clan. The warriors of the other clans will likely
oppose obeying me. Rather, isn’t the divine daughter of the Beast God, <Noble Fang>,
the better choice here?”

However, that’s immediately denied by Zurgu.

“That’s not correct, <Ferocious Fang>. Certainly, it wouldn’t technically be wrong to go

with <Noble Fang>. But, what one can rely on most on a battlefield that puts one
between life and death is their own ability. When push comes to shove, the warriors
will follow a warrior that is superior to themselves and not a divine child.”

Of course Zurgu was well of what Garam was worrying about.

“If you are worrying whether us, the warriors of the Claw Clan, who were hostile to
the Fang Clan until now, will obey the Fang Clan, it’s a needless anxiety. We definitely
know that <Ferocious Fang> is a great warrior mainly because we opposed him. If it’s
an excellent warrior, we won’t have any complaints in obeying them. If you say that
you are still worried—”

Zurgu urged the small zoan with the mandarin orange colored hair, who has until then
been intently watching the proceeding’s development while staying silent next to him,
with his gaze.

That zoan introduced herself with a shrill and nervous voice.

“I-I’m called Kraga Bunuka Shishul. I’m the niece of clan chief Zurgu!”

“This is the girl I love just like a little sister. Place her at your side as an assistant. If
you do, even my clan mates won’t complain.”

This suggestion of Zurgu was equal to saying that he will hand over his cherished
family as a hostage.

“I were often told of your esteemed fame, Sir <Ferocious Fang> Fagul Garguss Garam!
I believe it to be a very happy occasion to be allowed to fight under you!”

Shishul pressed both fists against each other and kowtows towards Garam, with her
forehead hitting the sheeting.

Refusing after they had gone this far would instead crush the honor of Zurgu and
Shishul. Receiving the support by everyone present, Garam agreed to becoming the
grand clan chief who will command the all-clan alliance.

While remembering the happenings of that time, Garam said to Gulkaka,

“Maybe Zurgu’s wild behaviour so far was for the sake of irritating us.”

Even while sensing that there’s a danger to the existence of the zoan, the other clans,
including the Fang Clan, continued to adhere to a fighting style that satisfied the pride
of the conservative warriors.

From the eye of Zurgu, who tried to protect his clan to the point of even adopting the
human’s fighting style, such as building a wall around the village, to the extent where
he was slandered as not even being like a zoan, such an adherence to the old ways
must have been very tantalizing.

“I see. That means it was our side that was foolish.”

Gulkaka answered calmly.

Once Garam lowered his voice so that it couldn’t be heard by the surroundings, he said
quietly but charged with a strong will,

“Convey it to our clanmates. From now on all of our discord with the Claw Clan is to
be forgotten. And also tell them, those, who seem to look down on <Mad Claw>,
definitely won’t be forgiven by this <Ferocious Fang>, okay?”

Gulkaka nodded to that without even a moment’s hesitation.

Once everybody crossed the river uneventfully after that, the zoan advanced through
the forest again while being vigilant of their surroundings. And then, a short time later,
the group’s vanguard reached the borders of the forest.

“<Ferocious Fang>, will we advance a bit further?”

Being asked by a warrior who was in the vanguard, Garam lines up next to that soldier.

“Can you see the city?”

Upon hearing Garam’s question, the warrior peeked slightly through the gaps between
the trees and pointed at a lone fire burning atop the pitch black horizon.

“Yes, I think that’s the city.”

“It will be bad if we get too close. Around here will be fine.”

Saying that, Garam stares at the eastern sky.

“There’s still time until the sun rises, I guess. All of you, take a light meal so that it
won’t slow down your bodies and rest up.”

Once that order is circulated, the zoan sit down on the spot and eat dried meat or drink
water from leather bags.

A single zoan runs up to Garam who was taking Gulkaka along as he checks the state
of the warriors.

“<Ferocious Fang>, isn’t there anything else I should do?”

The one who asked Garam with her eyes sparkling in anticipation was Shishul.

Garam, who was overpowered by her pure eyes, spontaneously asks for help from
Gulkaka with a glance. But Gulkaka unnaturally said “Well then I guess I will go and
check the situation of our friends over there?”, turned his back on Garam and left.

Gulkaka is trembling repeatedly due to not being able to hold back his laughter on the
verge of leaving. Garam couldn’t consider it to be anything other than Gulkaka
enjoying his chief’s baffled state.

“No… umm… brace yourself from now on and work properly at the critical moment.”

“Okay! I will show you that I can fight for a whole day as long as you order me to!”

Pressured by the spirit of Shishul who fervently appeals to him with her fists clenched,
Garam backs off by one step.

Garam, who is highly honored as hero among the zoan of the Solbiant Plains, was used
to having such admiration thrust at him by the young zoan.

However, if it’s among those of the same Fang Clan, there’s no one who admires him
this strongly since it’s not a relationship where they don’t know each other. Also, the
youngsters of the other clans had their own clanmates next to them. There was no one
who was this straightforward with Garam in their admiration.

Hence, being hit head-on with such genuine yearning was a first for Garam. It made
him rack his brains on how to deal with Shishul.

“F-Fight when it’s time to fight, rest when it’s time to rest. This is the duty of a warrior.”
“I see! Got it! This Shishul will rest with all her power!”

Shishul departed while overflowing with such fighting spirit that didn’t allow for one
to think that she will try resting at all. Replacing her, Zurgu shows up.

“Yo, <Ferocious Fang>. My niece hasn’t become a burden, has she?”

Garam wavered about on what the best way would be to reply to Zurgu’s question, but
then decided to state the truth as is.

“She hasn’t become a burden, but honestly speaking, I’m troubled with how to treat

Zurgu feels a strong sympathy towards Garam’s distress.

“It’s because Shishul is a girl, I think. — Well, she’s less objectionable than your
younger sister, right?”

“That one is an exception! No matter how much you call zoan girls earnest, there are
limits to it!”

Zurgu leaked a snicker due to Garam’s words that were filled with his personal
experience to the brim. If he has to watch Shyemul’s devotion towards Soma, there will
likely be various situations where he can’t stay calm as her older brother.

Garam groaned with a bitter expression, but suddenly his expression changed and,
after making sure that there was no one around them, said to Zurgu,

“<Mad Claw> Kraga Bigana Zurgu…”

“What’s up? Being so formal all of a sudden.”

Sensing something unusual in Garam’s tone, Zurgu suppresses his laughter and adopts
a serious expression.

“You didn’t want to become the grand clan chief?”

Implicitly Garam was saying that Zurgu was more suited for the post of the grand clan
chief than himself.
Upon Garam’s words, Zurgu opened his eyes widely in surprise. He looked deeply into
Garam’s eyes for a short while, but he couldn’t find anything but a brilliance that
showed there was no lie or jest within them.

Due to that Zurgu groans quietly with an “Uhh.”

However, he immediately forced a smile.

“Grand clan chief and the like; that’s only troublesome. There’s absolutely nothing
interesting about it and it’s only full of worrying. That’s why I pushed it on a dumbass
like you.”

Garam smiled wryly due to the overly obvious lie.

He has already been informed by Shishul about Zurgu incessantly convincing the
warriors of the Claw Clan who felt dissatisfaction about working under him.

That’s not something a man who hates troublesome things would do.

That’s why Garam feigned ignorance and went along with Zurgu’s lie.

“It’s you after all. I had pretty much expected that it would be something like that.”

And then, unbeknownst on who started it, both looked at each other with broad

After that, when Garam stares at the eastern sky that begun to lighten up slightly,

“Dawn will break soon. At last, huh?”

“Indeed. — I will take the honor of being today’s vanguard. Esteemed grand clan chief,
you can watch my arse from behind.”

“…Good grief, having become the grand clan chief is the blunder of my life.”

Garam said with a displeased expression from the bottom of his heart.

Due to Zurgu asking him “What’s this about?” with his eyes, Garam became sulky and
told him,
“Watching your filthy arse is disgusting as well, but leaving that aside, being called
grand clan chief by the likes of you just makes me cringe.”

Zurgu ended up unintentionally bursting into laughter after hearing that.

Garam, who made a sullen face, pushes out his clenched, right fist towards Zurgu
who’s laughing so hard his shoulders are shaking.

“Just as always, call me [Garam].”

“That’s a big help. To tell you the truth, I also hate calling you the [grand clan chief].”

Zurgu also clenched his right fist and lightly bumped it against Garam’s right fist.

“Have the warriors get ready. We will move with the sunrise. Zurgu, I will leave the
vanguard to you.”

“Aye, leave it to me, Garam.”

The young warrior that stood in the lookout this early morning let out a single, big

He’s standing in the lookout that’s built atop the city wall because his eyes are slightly
better than those of other people. However, even though he’s being tormented by the
freezing northern wind, it’s not like he’s even getting a bonus for this. To be honest,
there’s nothing good about a duty like this.


At the corner of his vision that was blurred by his teary eyes caused by the yawn, he
catches a glimpse of something. The soldier took another look in that direction after
wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

At that moment his look wanders north, upstream towards the river flowing through
the centre of the city and then further west from there. He sees a light brown cloud.
After straining his eyes further, it’s obvious that the cloud is gradually growing bigger
and heading this way.
“…! That is!?”

Noticing that it was a cloud of dust that occurs when a great number of riders and
people are running, the young warrior got panicked.

That’s a zoan attack, isn’t it?

However, if it was the zoan coming, it would be from the direction of northeast where
the plains are. To approach from northwest while raising a cloud of dust, they would
need to cross the river at least once. No matter how low their intelligence might be, I
can’t believe that the zoan would expressly choose such a meaningless action.

Then he wondered whether it could be military forces of the ocean nation Jeboa, but
that’s impossible as well. It’s a well-known truth that the king of Jeboa is a puppet of
the merchant guild. He can’t think of a reason for the merchant guild that strives for
steady trade rather than the franticness that comes from war to start one themselves.
Besides, to begin with, Jeboa is located in the southwestern direction. It’s unlikely that
they would deliberately detour to the north.

However, it doesn’t matter either way. There’s no mistake that an unidentified group is
advancing on the city.

The young soldier quickly grabbed the horn set up at the lookout and blew into it after
filling his lungs with air to the brim.

The sound of the horn which makes the atmosphere vibrate with a “Buooooh” echoes
throughout the entire city.

Once he blew the horn two and then three times, he could gradually hear the
commotion of the people and the sounds of wood plates being hit with thwak-thwak-

“Just what the hell’s going ooon~!?”

The grand commander, who leads the city’s guards, asked while raising his voice
towards the young soldier from below the lookout.

“I have confirmed an unidentified group heading this way from northwest while
raising a cloud of dust!”
Once the commander looked northwest, he found a group heading this way while
kicking up a sand cloud just like the young soldier said.

According to the commander’s measurement by eye, the group is heading this way at
a speed of a horse’s trot. At that speed they will likely get close to the city in around a
half koku. (Because the time that split the daytime into six parts is treated as one koku,
a half koku is roughly one hour, though it changes depending on the season).

It wasn’t a distance where he could recognise their figures by eyesight, but the
battalion leader already guessed their true identity.

The unidentified group is travelling at a speed that’s not possible unless they are entirely
composed of cavalry. However, I never heard of an organization that can allot valuable
horses and kiryu to everyone with such a big number of people.

If they move at such a speed without using horses and kiryu, the answer is naturally

Those are the supreme rulers of the plains, the zoan, who can run such higher speeds on
their own feet.

“Hurry and call back the residents who have gone outside the city! It’s a zoan attack!
Close the gate after a quarter koku (approximately 30 minutes)! Don’t open the gate
no matter what happens after that!”

The residents, who went to pick up firewood that will be used as fuel in the nearby
copses and such, tossed away the wood they had gathered at great pains and returned
to the city with great haste. In order to avoid allowing for suspicious characters to slip
in amongst them to assist in the city’s invasion, the sentries keep watchful eyes on the
returning residents.

“Prepare messengers on horse! We have to inform the capital of the emergency! It’s a
zoan raid!”

Receiving the order of the commander, the guards choose the best horses and riders
from the four companies. For the sake of avoiding being hindered by the zoan along
the way, each of them alters their route and time a little bit and heads towards the city
of Luoma, which lies to the east.

Furthermore, the grand commander hurls orders in rapid succession at the gathered
company commanders.

“You, promptly confirm the provisions and at the same time make the city’s merchants
deliver further provisions!”

“At your will!”

“You will check the weapons and armors in the armory!”

“Sir Battalion Leader! I’m already making my subordinates check and carry out the
weapons and armors!”

“Very well! In that case, recruit men from the city who can fight!”

“Roger, Sir!”

The battalion leader, who saw off his subordinates that ran away after receiving his
orders, once again stares at the zoan heading this way on the horizon.

I still don’t know their precise number, but no matter how much I overestimate the size
of their group, the zoan are in a state that they won’t reach a thousand people.

There are more than ten thousand humans in the city of Bolnis. If you furthermore
include illegal residents, that number will likely get even bigger. If I estimate the number
of men who can fight to be at around a fifth of the whole, the number of our soldiers will
surpass two thousand due to the compulsory recruitment.

If we have this many soldiers and this sturdy city wall, there’s nothing to fear from a
group of around one thousand zoan attacking.

Besides, reinforcements will arrive at the latest in twenty days. Until then it’s the duty of
the garrison to defend the city and not to launch an attack in search of distinguished war

The battalion leader was familiar with that.

“Each of you, carry a bow and arrows, and lie in wait atop the city wall!”

Once he orders that to the soldiers who were gathering atop the wall one after the
other, the battalion leader slightly raises his right hand while staring at the
approaching zoan.

At the moment when the zoan would enter the range of the arrows, the hidden archers
all at once will release a rain of arrows in order to make the zoan lose their morale.

The battalion leader felt an invisible pressure upon his right hand, that will give the
signal, through the looks of all humans present focussing on it.

However, he never swung down that right hand.

Without advancing up to the city wall, the zoan kept a distance the arrows can’t reach
and lined up on the west side of the city. And then they started to hit their drums and
raise war cries at that spot.

“Those guys, what the hell are they planning…?”

The grand commander tilted his head to the side due to the zoan’s behavior.

There’s no indication of them coming to attack. They don’t do anything but kick up a fuss
at a distance our arrows won’t reach since they got here some time ago.

A company commander, who felt a similar doubt, comes to ask the battalion leader.

“Do these guys have any intention to attack?”

“I don’t know. They might intend to threaten us, but don’t get careless.”

Maybe it’s a threat so that the humans won’t attack the plains and thus they came to
give us a warning? The battalion leader guessed.

‘In that case, I can even understand them just being noisy at a distance where our arrows
won’t reach.

However, the battalion leader couldn’t shake off some unpleasant premonition.

I never heard talks about the zoan leaving the plains until now.

It’s possible to think that they are getting carried away after turning the tables on the
subjugation unit, but in that case they might have attacked long ago already.
Something’s taking place that’s different from until now.

Such obscure anxiety swirled within the chest of the great commander.

At that moment a commotion occurs among the surrounding soldiers. That

commotion violently assaulted the ears of the battalion leader, who was worried about
the reason of the zoan’s behaviour until then, and he couldn’t ignore it.

“You bastards! The zoan might attack at any time! Don’t relax your attention!”

However, even with the battalion leader’s roar, the soldiers’ commotion doesn’t stop.

Not only that, they had turned their backs at the zoan outside the city, pointed at the
townscape inside the city wall and were talking about something severally.

The battalion leader, who looked in the direction where the soldiers were pointing at
while getting irritated as he wondered just what they are seeing to cause such a fuss,
lost control of himself for a short while.

After taking a moment to deeply breathe in and out, he’s finally able to comprehend
the scenery he was seeing. Forgetting even his own position, he shouts,

“W-What’s happening!?”
Right before the commander’s outburst, the slave dealer Grokakos was going around
and checking the state of the slaves.

The slaves who have been mistreated and lived in this awful environment have built
up their dissatisfaction and rage, and it was like a volcano where one wouldn’t know
when it would blow. Usually these feelings are suppressed with whips and chains, but
it wouldn’t be strange for them to explode if a chance shows itself.

The unexpected zoan attack was more than enough of an opportunity for this.

When the slaves heard the sounds of wood plates being hit and horns being blown
throughout the city, no matter how quiet they might be, even they could guess that
some odd situation is taking place in the city.

For that reason Grokakos was trying to restrain his slaves from rioting by showing off
the slave overseers, who held whips in their hands

A voice reaches Grokakos, who is currently looking around the cages with a
deliberately composed air as he takes along his slave overseers.

“Oi, what happened?”

Suddenly being called out, Grokakos was surprised. There shouldn’t be a human who
would ask something in such an arrogant towards the master of this mansion.

Grokakos, who surveyed the surroundings to find who it was, noticed a dwarf staring
at him from within one of the slave-holding cages.

“…Dvalin, huh?”

It was the dwarven slave I’m taking care of for that boy Soma.

“It’s nothing that concerns worms! It would be best if you slaves stayed quiet!”
However Dvalin strokes his beard while letting the chains of the handcuffs that were
affixed to both his hands resound with a jingling, and calmly said to the enraged

“Let me guess what happened… I’d say… didn’t zoan come to attack the city?”

Grokakos furrowed his eyebrows.

He felt something disturbing from Dvalin’s tone.

“…You bastard, what do you want to say?”

“Who knows. The important esteemed human doesn’t understand?”

“This damn worm. Do you think that you won’t get any whipping because you’re a
slave someone entrusted to me?”

Grokakos laughed scornfully.

“You have taken quite the big attitude since yesterday, haven’t you, you little worm?
Don’t push your luck! Even if you are something left in my care, nobody would
complain if I treat you a bit roughly as long as I call it a cheeky slave’s education.”

However, Dvalin didn’t cease twisting his bearded face into a broad grin inside the
cage. Grokakos lost his cool due to that attitude.

“This pesky bug! If you want the whip so much, I’ll give it to you!”

Grokakos gave orders to the slave overseers and Dvalin was dragged out of the cage.
And then, once Dvalin’s chains are tied to the tree in the courtyard, Grokakos takes a
whip that’s hit the bodies of countless slaves into his hand.

“How is it, worm? I’m lenient. If you go ahead and beg for forgiveness and lick my
shoes, I wouldn’t mind pardoning you.”

Although he didn’t even have the slightest of intentions to do that, Grokakos pretended
to be generous in order to get Dvalin to beg for mercy. If I whip him after allowing him
to hold onto a little bit of hope, that will make the worm feel a far deeper despair and
agony. Grokakos sadistically laughed as he imagines such a scene taking place. He
awaited Dvalin’s reaction.
But, Dvalin’s reaction was different from Grokakos’ expectation.

“To do something to this warrior Dvalin after showing off your uselessness that’s just
as bad as your crude ulterior motives, you are quite the laughingstock. You only have
worth of the level of making my abs sore, at the most you are making me laugh.”

Grokakos ended up dumbfounded rather than angry due to the unforeseen insults.

After a short while he finally grasped that he was insulted and Grokakos’s face
resembles the appearance of a beet due to his overwhelming rage.

“Warrior, you say!? The likes of a dwarf!”

The tip of the whip moved quickly as it was swung, and causes a whacking sound as it

Due to that, not only Grokakos who swung the whip, but also the slave overseers who
were watching with vulgar smiles, opened their eyes wide all at once.

“There you go, look. Aren’t you just as useless as your shabby plans?”

The whip swung by Grokakos was tightly grasped in Dvalin’s right hand.

The shackles that should be affixed to that hand have fallen right next to Dvalin’s feet.

Dwalin hauled in the whip he was tightly holding all in one go with his thick arm.
Grokakos, who was standing upright and unable to understand the situation that’s
taking place right in front of his eyes, is dragged along with the whip and pulled
straight towards Dvalin after falling down.

Once Dvalin grabbed him by the collar, he used all of his strength to drive his right fist
into the nose of Grokakos.

With blood leaking out of his nostrils and screaming like a piglet that’s about to be
butchered, Grokakos yelled,

“W-Wh-Why? The shackles? How? Why!?”

Dvalin spit right into Grokakos’ face.

Something that was mixed into the spit hits Grokakos’ cheek and falls down at his feet
with a “plop”. Grokakos, who looked down at his feet, discovered a rolled up wire
which was shining wet with saliva.

“Us dwarves have dexterous fingers, you know? If it’s a single wire that’s just to the
extent of picking a lock, I can do that while I’m dozing off.”

He drives his fist into Grokakos’ face again.

It’s only then that the slave overseers, who at last grasped the situation, try to knock
Dvalin down with the sticks they’re holding in their hands. However, the war cries that
arose from behind them made their bodies freeze.

One after the other the dwarven slaves removed their handcuffs and chains, and
jumped out of the cage where Dvalin had been put in. They swoop down on the slave
overseers while brandishing the chains of the wooden shackles that had restrained

“Steal the keys! We will release our comrades!”

Receiving Dvalin’s order, the dwarves grabbed the keys from the waists of the
knocked-down slave overseers, opened the cages in quick succession and removed the
shackles of the dwarven slaves.

“Now, warriors! The time to fight has come!”

The suddenly freed slaves were moving about in confusion and anxiety wondering
what they should do, but once they hear the yell from Dvalin, they once again realize
that they were finally set free.


The people who had been slaves raised shouts from the bottom of their stomach due
to their pent-up wrath and the delight of finally being released.


Grokakos and the slave overseers screamed due to the slaves’ outcry.

However, all that resulted in was them drawing the attention of the people that used
to be slaves. Raising jeers and angry voices that were unintelligible at this point, all of
them attack Grokakos and the slave overseers at once. Grokakos and the slave
overseers were made to pay in full for the atrocities they had carried out towards the
slaves until then.

Dvalin, who saw the ghastly tragedy of revenge with his own eyes, steps up to a single
cage that hasn’t been opened with a key as of yet and calls out to the inside.

“Yo, dinosaurians. We will struggle against some human opponents from now on, but
what will you do?”

Upon Dvalin words, the clanging of heavy chains could be heard as a large body slowly
stood up within the cage.

“Release us, dwarf. Even for me the boredom is too much to handle.”

“W-What’s happening!?”

What the great commander saw are flames rising from a conspicuously imposing
mansion inside the city and the black smoke that rose up from there. When he looks
even closer, he perceives a great number of figures rushing out of that mansion while

At first the battalion leader wondered whether the citizens who were sent into a panic
due to the notification of a zoan attack were careless with fire. However, not only do
the people coming out of the mansion not try to extinguish the fire, but when they
started to move throughout the city destroying small street stalls standing on both
sides of the street in the process, he understood that it’s a far more serious situation.

Just then a messenger had been sent by the company commander whom he had
ordered to head out and draft some of the citizens of the city.

“An insurrection of slaves, you say?!”

Due to the contents of the message, the battalion leader feels a shock that almost
causes him to crumble to his feet.

On top of the worst-case situation of the city getting attacked by the zoan, there’s a
slave insurrection. The battalion leader wanted to hold his head.

“If the zoan outside act in concert with this, it will turn into a terrible situation! Lead
your company and suppress them swiftly!”

Receiving the great commander’s order, one of the company commanders, who stood
close-by, descends from the city wall while calling his subordinates together.

A short time later the soldiers who headed out to subjugate the slaves that were
rampaging within the city raise war cries and attack the slaves. In the blink of an eye,
screams can be heard and blood flows as many slaves get cut down.

However, the soldiers’ superiority lasted only for a moment. The scene of the soldiers
getting slain in succession by the slaves, who rallied their spirit right away, could be
seen even from atop the city wall.

“Those cowards! What are they doing!?”

A single soldier ran up the stairs of the city while looking towards the location of the
grand commander who stamped his foot on the ground several times in irritation.

“Message! Message!”

The soldier, who ran while shouting that, kneels down on one knee and bows in front
of the battalion leader even while his intense breathing is disturbed.

“The resistance of the slaves is fervent. It’s not possible to suppress them easily! I was
asked to request for reinforcements!”

The great commander reflexively replied by yelling.

“Don’t screw with me! Why do you have such a hard time with a simple slave
insurrection!? And yet you morons call yourselves soldiers of Holmea!?”

No matter how big their numbers might be, the opponents are only rampaging slaves
that took advantage of the chaos. Completely armed soldiers losing to a bunch of slaves
armed with farm tools and fire hooks that can be found laying anywhere is at best
something completely unforgivable.

However, due to the next explanation provided by the messenger, the battalion leader
became speechless.

“That is, apparently the slaves got their hands on weapons from somewhere.They are
armed with swords and spears. Because we attacked them without knowing about
that, our side ended up suffering a great number of casualties!”

Attacking the guards of the slave dealer and the soldiers who were heading out to draft
some citizens, and stealing a few weapons is something I’ve expected. But, from the way
the messenger is speaking, the number of weapons possessed by the slaves appears to be
a much larger amount.

Just where the hell did they obtain such a great amount of weapons? Entirely unable to
guess where the weapons could’ve come from, the commander felt confused.

If he learned that the weapons held by the slaves had been illegally brought in by
handing a bribe to the sentries at the east gate, the battalion leader would have likely
slain the sentries of the east gate with his own hands out of sheer rage.

“Sir Battalion Leader! There’s a change at the zoan!”

Once he turns around towards the area outside of the city, the zoan, who had only
kicked up a fuss by hitting their drums until now, started to move all at once. Dashing
across the ground while raising a cloud of dust, the zoan head towards the northern
side of the city.

Due to that, the battalion leader harbored the faint hope that they have given up on
taking down the city and are returning to the plains.

However, betraying that hope, the zoan who ran to the northern side of the city jump
into the river one after another, seemingly planning something and attempting to
cross it via swimming.

Due to that sight, the battalion leader finally guessed the zoan’s intention.

“Are they trying to circle around to the city’s east side!? W-Why!?”

A dreadful idea flashed like lightning inside the great commander’s mind.

The battalion leader, who once again turned around towards the city’s interior,
surveyed the state of the slave insurrection by swiftly letting his head turn around.
The slave insurrection that began at the mansion of the slave dealer Grokakos attacked
the mansions of other slave dealers one after the other and increased their forces with
that. Destroying all houses in the vicinity, they headed towards the eastern part of the

Even though there were also places close to the west gate among the mansions of the
attacked slave dealers, the slaves that caused the insurrection are heading towards
the east gate without even looking at the west gate.

“…! No way! Not only is it a what if they are acting in concert with the zoan. They were
already cooperating with them!?”

The majority of the soldiers inside the city have been concentrated at the west side. The
ones protecting the east side right now probably don’t even number a hundred.

If the east gate gets attacked from outside and inside at the same time, it definitely won’t
last long.

He pondered whether they should immediately reinforce the east gate, but the slaves
are already marching towards it like a swarm of black ants surging towards sugar.

The battalion leader, who judged that it would be impossible to defend the east gate
any longer, decided to abandon the city.

“All hands, we are moving to the residence of the feudal lord! That place used to be a
fortress. Even if the city falls, we will be able to defend until reinforcements arrive if
we confine ourselves there!”

“What will we do about the city’s inhabitants!?”

“It’s impossible, give it up!”

The grand commander discarded the citizens below with a roar.

“This city will fall anytime now!”

“Why would you attack the east gate? It’ll take up a bit of time”
Shyemul asked Souma and bent her head slightly to one side with a curious look.

Because of the river flowing through the centre of the city of Bolnis, one has to cross
the river no matter what to travel between the east and the west of the city. Because
they started a diversion at the west side of the city after crossing the river during the
night this time, they had no other choice but to make the double effort of crossing the
river once again to attack the east gate. Thus it’s a justified question to ask whether it
wouldn’t have been fine to attack the west gate after starting a diversion on the east
side of the city without going through such extra work

“That’s because it’s the east gate where we entered this city with Mr. Hopkins.”

Due to that answer of Souma, Shyemul understood it as notion that it would be likely
easier to attack the east gate which they had checked with their own eyes.

But, the reason why Souma had the east gate attacked has a totally different aim.

His objective is to kill all the soldiers protecting the east gate.

No matter how much he was forced by being taken hostage, Hopkins’ standing would
deteriorate if the the information that he cooperated in the capture of the city spread.
He had been given the promise of a large monetary reward so he could make a
comeback in a foreign country after leaving Holmea, but only that much is not enough.

Not protecting the profits of a cooperator thoroughly is wrong.

Without doing that, one will lose a precious cooperator. However, if you instead protect
the interests of said cooperator, it will result in you not only gaining the trust of that
cooperator but also make it easier to gain new cooperators.

The protection of a cooperator’s profit consequently directly connects to one’s own


But, something darkish emerged within Souma’s chest.

Assaulting the city, it’s naturally wrong to not open either of the gates, east or west. At
the same time that also implies that the soldiers protecting that gate will be killed.

For the final choice of which gate, east or west, should have its soldier killed, he took
his and Hopkin’s own benefit into consideration.
That resulted in Souma considering it as a lowly act of weighing the scales, calculating
the lives of others against his own benefit, and choosing the higher benefit.

The voice of a shady girl whispers into the ear of Souma who revealed a self-
deprecating smile on his lips due to those thoughts.

“Oh, my lowly Souma. Are you trying to make it easier for yourself by despising, pitying
and thinking of yourself as low, at this point? How unsightly you are. How miserable
you are. It looks like you forgot your resolution after making merry for a bit, my
beloved Souma.”

Souma immediately turned around due the dread that was similar to his heart being
stabbed from behind, with a long, thin, needle.

“? What’s wrong, Soma?”

But, the only one behind him was Shyemul.

Was the girl-like voice I had heard just now an auditory hallucination?

The feelings of guilt within myself might have pointed at my own weakness by taking the
voice of an imaginary girl? Souma wondered what was going on, but even so, he can’t
wipe away an indescribable uneasiness.

That was Souma’s mental state, but he came to his senses due to Shyemul shouting as
she points towards the sky.

“Look at that, Soma! A fire!”

Just as Shyemul said, black smoke could be seen rising up from close to the city’s

Souma discards the matter of the auditory hallucination from his mind and turns his
consciousness towards the events taking place now.

“Dvalin couldn’t control everybody!”

They came to the clean decision that it was inevitable for the slave dealers who
incurred the enmity of many slaves. However, Souma wanted to avoid damage
spreading to the city’s other residents.
Hence, thinking that it’s only natural that the residents won’t be attacked too much,
Souma strongly insisted on the detailed instructions of having Dvalin turn the slave’s
attention away from the residents to the east gate. Dvalin would have them continue
shouting while throwing open the east gate as quickly as possible in order to allow the
zoan, who are the slave’s allies, into the city.

However, not only was a fire set, but screams belonging to the residents could also be
heard up to this distant location. Souma heavily regretted taking the slaves’ hatred

“Shyemul! I will go to the east gate, too!”

“Don’t be foolish! The liberated slaves are rampaging at that place. Soma, if you, a
human, go to such a place, it’s not going to take a peaceful ending!”

Shyemul also noticed that the insurrection of the freed slaves has turned into a
situation that diverted from Souma’s calculations. She gives her disapproval to take
Souma to such place.

“B-But, I have to go! I have to join up with Garam and Zurgu as fast as possible.”

Shyemul felt uncertain due to Souma appealing to her with an expression as if he’s
about to cry at any moment due to to his regret and impatience.

The other day, when Souma discovered a plant that had small red fruits in the plains,
he observed it with great interest. Because he was dropped into this world from a
different one, he is brimming with curiosity about the various things in this world.

However, because that red fruit actually possessed a strong poison that would at worst
bring about death if eaten, Shyemul told Souma to be careful.

Once she did, Souma, who had observed the plant with his face as close as his nose
touching it until then, jumped up in a panic and completely stopped trying to approach
the plant, even though he’d be fine as long as he didn’t eat its fruit

Souma has such an unexpected thick head towards danger. But that’s because he
doesn’t realize the danger of this world itself and because he trusts others easily.
However, from Shyemul’s point of view, he has a cowardly aspect towards things that
are obviously dangerous, to the degree that it can also be called oversensitive.
For all that, him stating that he wants to go to such an obviously dangerous place,
where the slaves are rampaging like they are now, is not a decision that’s befitting of

Even so, Shyemul had an idea why he said that.

It’s that battle, the one that will be later on called “Battle of Hognareah Hill”.

Thanks to that battle, where eight hundred enemy soldiers were reduced to ashes by
utilizing his fire plan, Souma suffered from a severe “Warrior’s Cold”. That one time
where she felt anxious wondering whether he had a mental breakdown is still fresh in
her memory.

Maybe Soma severely fears others dying from a fire that he caused himself. It’s possible
that he’s being driven by the desire to join up with Garam and the others and prevent
something like that from happening, without considering the danger to himself.

Shyemul wavered.

Souma is the keystone of the zoan’s counterattack strategy. Exposing such a person to
danger is normally something unforgivable.

Shyemul dropped her shoulders in a grand manner and sighed.

“Good grief, you sure are willful, Soma. To get through the place where the slaves, who
resent humans, are wreaking havoc and safely reaching the location of our brethren is
even at best an unreasonable demand!”

Even the current Souma was capable of comprehending Shyemul’s point. Souma tried
to apologise for him thrusting an outrageously absurd demand at her, but before he
can do that, Shyemul bares her fangs with a brightly smiling expression.

The reason why Shyemul recognised Souma as her “Navel Master” is not because he
has utility value.

She wanted to support Souma who had his feelings hurt deeply for the sake of the zoan
even though he’s gentle to the degree of not being able to hurt anyone in reality.

In that case it’s clear as day what has to be done.

“However, if this is the wish of my [Navel Master], there won’t be any objection from
this <Noble Fang>!”
While the slaves that were causing an insurrection began closing in on the eastern
gate, two platoons with a total of fifty soldiers were protecting that position, including
the squad present when Souma entered the city.

Once the soldiers judged that the slaves were heading towards their gate, they built a
defensive barricade with nearby wagons and sandbags in preparation for the
incoming attack.

As the dwarven slaves were noisily charging towards their position, the platoon leader
that was in command of the position ordered them to be showered with a rain of
arrows from atop the city wall. The slaves were armed with swords and spears, but
didn’t wear any armor and therefore are brought down in a kerfuffle by these arrows.
A part of the slaves that maintained a sliver of composure avoided the main street
which had no cover and went through alleys. They advanced with an assault against
the defensive perimeter from the sides of the houses located close to the gate, but they
were still repelled by the spears of the soldiers who were lying in wait at the edges of
the perimeter.

As one would expect, even the slaves who took heart were at a loss on how to continue
due to that.

At this time the squad leader who was protecting the gate when Souma entered the
city is inside the defensive perimeter. Not knowing that he himself took part in this
slave insurrection, the squad leader is lamenting his own bad luck.

“Of all things, you don’t have to come to this gate, now do you? Go to the western gate,
go west.”

The squad leader, who had checked the situation of the slaves through a gap between
the feet of a table used to build the defensive perimeter while he was in the middle of
complaining, began to doubt his very own eyes.

“W-What’s that…?”
It was a stall.

A stall in itself isn’t anything unusual. The ones who can run a shop inside the city are
just a limited number of merchants. Peddlers and farmers of the outskirts, who come
to sell their agricultural produce, trade in their goods by lining up small stalls along
the streets. That’s only natural.

What the squad leader is currently seeing is one of such stalls. It has something of a
very handmade impression, only using an unstable wooden stand and eaves to
provide shade from the sun. It isn’t something that would attract any particular

However, that would only be true if it wasn’t charging it’s way right down the middle
of the road.

Of course there’s no way for the stalls of this world to have castors attached to their
feet. Someone is lifting up that one stall and charging, using it as a shield.

“Shoot! Shooooot!”

Upon the platoon commander’s order, arrows are all at once released from atop the
city wall, but as those simply pierce the eaves and stand of the stall meaninglessly, the
arrows are unable to stop its momentum.

“Shit, run away!”

The charging stall is getting very close, so the squad leader lies down inside the
defensive perimeter with his face turned downwards as he shouts frantically

Immediately following that, the stall, which charged without losing any of its force,
collided with the defensive perimeter and blew into very small pieces alongside a part
of the defensive perimeter.

“Son-of-a-bitch! What kind of idiot…!?”

Prostrating himself on the ground while protecting his head from the wood splinters
falling upon him, the squad leader opens his eyes wide after receiving a startle.

What was in front of is eyes were strong-looking feet with three toes.
Once he looks up as he prostrates on the ground, he sees a gigantic body surpassing a
height of two melt (approximately two meters) supported by two thick legs, similar to
tree trunks, as they stand by making their deep black claws dig into the soil. Their
body, which was covered by grey scales that had a greenish tinge, was towering over
him like the cliff of a rock.

In addition, what was attached on top of that gigantic body is a head closely
resembling a lizard. That person glares at the squad leader with eyes that had oblong


The voice of the squad leader in front of his inescapable death was one of despair.

That dinosaurian fills his lungs with air to the brim and releases a piercing cry capable
of shattering glass into pieces. With just that, the soldiers protecting the gate were
unable to stand up out of fear.

“Mine name is Jahangil Hesam Jalji! Experience the dreadfulness of mine wrath as the
descendant of a great dragon, you human louses!”

The sentries experienced firsthand the combat ability of a dinosaurian that was
described with “Hand-to-hand combat with their race equals death” by the famous
imperial general Inkdias.

What’s grasped in the claw-sprouting hands of the dinosaurian that introduced

himself as Jahangil are chains with large iron balls attached at their ends. Those were
iron balls a human would be barely able to drag along, but in Jahangil’s hands those
transform into fiendish weapons.

Raging around by brandishing the iron balls so that they buzz through the air, Jahangil
was truly the incarnation of a tempest of violence. The soldiers that got dragged into
that tempest have their heads pulverized by the iron chains just like too ripe fruits and
their bones from head to toe were broken by the chains.

There were also brave soldiers that struggled their way through the wielded iron balls
and swung their swords against Jahangil, but all of them were simply blown away like
dolls with a single swing of Jahangil’s hands that were covered with claws.

Dvalin leaks a sigh of admiration at Jahangil’s terrifying raging.

“Ho, dinosaurians belonging to the Tyranno species… their ferocity is definitely not
just for show.”

The dinosaurians are actually not a single race.

Nagaraja, the royal species that boasts of the largest size among the dinosaurians and
which had a figure similar to a huge lizard with horns and fangs. Radon, the priest
species possessing arms which turned into huge leathery wings that have a wingspan
three times the size of their body once spread, extremely short and degenerated legs,
and a special crest on their head. And many others.

The dinosaurians are a mixed race which owns a unique caste system where social
status and occupation is inherited for all of the species which differ even with their
outward appearance.

But, the first thing that comes to mind among the different warrior species when the
other races talk about the dinosaurians is the warrior species called Tyranno, which
is said to own the most ferocious, excellent warriors.

With a sidelong glance at the soldiers, who had already even lost their will to escape
let alone the morale to fight back, being mowed down by Jahangil like wheat that’s
harvested by a farmer, Dvalin rushes over to the gate while taking along several
dwarves. Avoiding the piled-up sandbags, they removed the gate’s bar.

“There! The gate’s ooopen!!”

Once Dvalin and the other dwarves open the gate, a red and a black zoan plunge in
trying to squeeze their bodies through the small gap.

“Yahooo! I’m the first!”

The leaping-in red-furred zoan— Zurgu raises a war cry. However, once he turns he
frowns right away. He faced the black-furred zoan, who leapt in slightly after him, and
complained while thrusting his finger at him.

“Garam! You said that you would leave it to me, so why the hell are you competing with

“No, it was just in the heat of the moment…”

As expected, he obviously feels guilty. Garam acts evasive and averts his face.

Just at that moment Souma and Shyemul came out of a back alley and showed up
between two houses. Souma was completely hidden by a hooded coat in order to avoid
the looks of the slaves even if only for a bit, but Garam ends up exposing it right away.

Because Souma, as a human, was brought to where the slaves are rioting, Garam
becomes enraged to the point of losing his presence of mind.

“<Noble Fang>! Are you an idiot?! Take Soma along and leave this instant!”

“I’m very sorry, <Ferocious Fang>! However, Soma’s argumentation…”

Interrupting the words of Shyemul who tried to explain in a hurry Souma removed his
hood and shouted,

“I’m sorry, Garam. I had her bring me here against her will!”

Due to Souma’s face that got openly exposed, murderous intent and wrath spilled out
of the body of Jahangil, who trampled over any soldier that’s even weakly breathing

He cannot forgive the human race that treated him as a slave, even if it might be a
young boy.

Jahangil made the iron chains rattle and tried to spring them upon Souma, but noticing
that, Shyemul and the others moved into action.

Protecting Souma with her back, Shyemul stands in the way. Furthermore, Garam and
Zurgu set up their machetes in front of her and threaten Jahangil by baring their fangs.

Due to that, Jahangil passes his destination and stumbles forward.

If it’s just a female zoan, he can likely pulverize her alongside the human child with
one blow of the iron ball. But even Jahangil must stay on his toes due to the fighting
spirit he feels from the two zoan standing in front of them. As long as it’s a one-on-one
battle, he doesn’t feel like he would lose, but as one could expect, handling both of
them at the same time would put him at disadvantage.

“Zoan, you intend to protect a human!!?”

Due to the fact that zoan warriors, who are at a level of overpowering even him who
is a dinosaurian, are protecting the likes of a human child, Jahangil gets irritated.

“Stop it, Jahangil! That human child is the one who released us from slavery!”

Even Jahangil couldn’t ignore the words of Dvalin who freed him and stopped. But, his
eyes were filled with the intent to tear Souma to shreds if a chance presents itself.

However, seemingly not realizing this dangerous situation, Souma launches one
command after the other.

“Garam, please hurry and gain total control of the feudal lord’s official residence as
planned! I saw someone with a blue tassel on their helmet atop the western city wall.
It’s likely that they are the commander of this city’s soldiers. Zurgu, handle that

Having to leave behind Souma in front of an angry dinosaurian, the two of them,
Garam and Zurgu, hesitate, but when told once more by Souma, they take their
clanmates along and dash towards their respective targets.

“What about Banuka!?”

Banuka, who was called by name next, appears in front of Souma in a hurry.

“Ah, yes! I’m here!”

“Banuka, please suppress the rioting former slaves quickly! We must not damage the
city any further! I don’t mind even if you get slightly violent with them!”

“What was that!?”

Being told to suppress his comrades, even Dvalin couldn’t let that remark slide.

“We came here in order to get our hands on this city! I don’t have any intention to go
along with you venting your anger!”

However, as expected, this words of Souma were badly chosen.

“This human brat! Are you screwing with us?! Calling our deserved revenge a simple
venting of our anger!!?”
Jahangil released a wrathful voice at a level of even making the zoan warriors in the
surroundings draw back reflexively as he threw a fit of anger.

But, only Souma steps forward in reverse.

“Shut up! Be silent, iguana!”

Jahangil didn’t understand what the “iguana” is about, but either way, he still knew
that he was insulted.

Putting aside the time when he had been a slave, it never happened even in his wildest
dreams that someone from another race used such an abusive language in front of his
very eyes, him, a dinosaurian with a weapon that can be used freely.

“What’s wrong about calling rampaging without thinking of the consequences as

venting your anger!? You kill the humans you find, destroy their property and then
what!? What do you plan to do after that!? Answer me!”

Jahangil is at loss for an answer due to Souma’s question.

Jahangil wanted to simply rampage with all his effort. Naturally he had no reason to
consider the consequences afterwards.

Moreover, Souma shouted at him in order to press him for a reply.

“We have to proceed forward! Don’t stand in our way!”

At that moment a gust of wind blew through.

The bangs that covered Souma’s forehead flap in the wind and the seal hidden below
becomes exposed.

“! This guy is a divine child!?”

It was Shyemul’s suggestion to remove Souma’s headband.

For the people of Seldeas Continent where gods exist, they will hold a feeling of
reverence even if they encounter the god of another race. She did so in the hope that
the slaves, who turned into a rioting mob, would potentially hesitate to attack Souma
after they realize that he’s a divine child.
And, just as intended, the hand, which Jahangil had raised overhead, hovered idly in

Nevertheless, Jahangil, who felt offended by simply lowering down the raised hand,
acted brave and said,

“This human brat doesn’t know of us who are admired for being Tyranno by the

For Jahangil him being a Tyranno, who are the most feared even among the dinosaurians,
is a fact that he is very proud of.

However, only this time the opponent he asked was a bad match for him.

“I don’t know anything about something like that!”

Souma cut down the basis of Jahangil’s bragging with a single line.

Being a drop child that came to this place from a different world, there’s no way for
Souma to know about stuff like that.

However, Jahangil, who doesn’t know about that at all, felt shocked.

So far everyone trembled in fear as soon as they learned that I’m a Tyranno. But I
wonder, did I misunderstand it? Maybe the fame of Tyranno didn’t reach other races? In
that case, am I, who talked while full of confidence, not just an unthinkable clown?

Seemingly considering Jahangil, who worried over such a disgrace, as pitiable, Banuka
timidly called out to him.

“Umm… truthfully, Sir Souma simply doesn’t know.”

The explanation of Banuka that kept it far too short became the finishing blow to the
pride of Jahangil, who was somehow keeping it together until then.

Jahangil groans quietly and drops his shoulders in a crestfallen manner.

Even though Banuka becomes confused wondering whether he said something

impolite due to Jahangil’s state, his clanmates,
“Come now, young master. Let’s us accomplish our duty as well.”

They took along Banuka who reveals a questionable expression where one can’t
decide whether he’s smiling or smiling bitterly.

“You, you lowly beasts are~!”

The battalion leader raised his voice in anger atop the city wall.

The zoan split into two groups after they destroyed the east gate and invaded the city.
One of those groups headed towards the feudal lord’s official residence whereas the
other group came towards the city wall where he is located.

Adding to the retreat of the soldiers, who are bewildered by the fact that the city is
falling, not proceeding as he planned, they ended up allowing an attack by the zoan at
a time when the soldiers hadn’t even ordered their ranks after they finally got down
from the city walls. This was owed to the zoans’ mobility that could very well be called

When they arrived at the bottom of the stairs, the humans and zoan are jumbled
together and a fierce battle has unfolded. Even covering their soldiers with arrows is
impossible in this melee.

“We will go down at another location! Follow me!”

Either way, I don’t know until when we will be able to hold out on the city wall. Taking
along only a few soldiers and trying to head to another stairway, the feet of the
battalion leader stop.

“I guess at last I have luck coming my way, too? That helmet’s tassel is the commander
of this place, right?”

The one who stood in front of their way was Zurgu.

The great commander immediately searches for an alternative escape route, but even
in the distant rear he could see zoan running up the city wall from another stairway.

“I want to show mine and the Claw Clan’s good parts to Sir Soma. There’s certainly no
way that I will let you go.”

At the same time of making the majority of his warriors face the humans directly,
Zurgu climbed the city wall from another stairway together with a few warriors to cut
off the human’s retreat. Swiftly discovering another stairway and being able to take a
roundabout path from there in almost no time truly suits the zoan’s mobility.

“What are you doing!? The enemy is just one beast!”

Following the great commander’s voice, two of his escorts assault Zurgu with a sword.

But, Zurgu dropped the two guards off both sides of the city wall with just his kicks
and fists.

“I’ll tell you just in case, but I’ll spare your lives if you surrender.”

“This lowly beast! Don’t flap your big mouth at us humans.”

Zurgu’s words stirred up the battalion leader’s rage all the more.

But, Zurgu instead laughs happily from the bottom of his heart due to that.

“This is very appreciated.”

Zurgu licked his lips with a slurp.

“I’ve been told to not kill you if possible, but there won’t be any complaints even if I
kill a trashy asshole like you. Besides—”

“Oh god of humans, please watch over me!”

While not letting Zurgu finish speaking, the battalion leader unsheathes the sword at
his waist and swings it with all his might.

It was one of the best slashes in his career.

However, the large palm of Zurgu, who closed the distance with a light pace as if going
out for a stroll, clasps the hilt of the sword and that slashing attack gets stopped
alongside the battalion leader’s hands.
And then, in a flash,

“Besides, I will dispose of someone like you without even giving you a break!”

The great commander couldn’t hear Zurgu’s words anymore.

His body was split into head and torso, and each of the parts was dropped off both
sides of the city wall as if following the example of the guards just now.

Leading the warriors of the Fang Clan, Garam ran through the city on four feet like a
gale and arrived in front of the feudal lord’s official residence in the blink of an eye.

The vicinity of Bolnis’ feudal lord’s residence has a firm defence due to the moat that
drew water from the nearby river, and the protective wall which was made out of
baked bricks and had eyelets in the shape of a saw (protrusions for the sake of
attacking the enemy while allowing the archers to hide themselves as they are still
able to see the rampart).

Assaulting the residence directly from the front is next to impossible. One has to
invade faster than the defenders can hole up after getting the report that the gate was
destroyed, and take the fort straight away.

“Everybody, don’t fall behind!”

Once Garam says that, he raises the running speed even further.

Garam, who came up to the side of the drawbridge that spanned across the moat,
noticed that a single soldier inside the still opened gate raised something like a pole
above his head.

“Charge in!!”

Garam strongly kicked the ground with his rear legs and made his body jump across
the drawbridge.

Immediately after that, no sooner than when the soldier swings the pole down and
hits something with it, the bridge rises sharply alongside a boisterous chinking sound
of the chains.
Behind Garam, who slides down the diagonally raised drawbridge as if it’s a slide, are
his clanmates who weren’t in time. They fell into the moat and caused many loud
splashing sounds.

However, it’s not the end with this. While the soldiers additionally try to lower a gate
with thick, wooden grid patterns in front of their eyes,


While shouting that, Garam barely leaps off the ground and plunges inside. His
clanmates, who were late in that, raised screams as they got penetrated from above
by the lowered grid-patterned gate.

Garam, who rolled on the ground due to the momentum of having jumped, slays a
soldier, who is standing ramrod straight out of surprise over the intruding zoan, with
his machete in order to recover.

“How many were able to get in!?”

“Including me, it’s five people!”

Similarly slashing at a soldier within reach, Gulkaka answered.

“I need two… no, one is fine! Follow me! The rest of you open the gate!”

Hearing that, Gulkaka tried to nominate the one covering Garam, but faster than he
was able to do so, there was someone who named themselves.

“I will go!”

It’s Zurgu’s niece, Shishul.

Garam was surprised that she, who’s not only a woman but also at an age where it’s
fine to call her a girl, could keep up with them without falling behind. Moreover, her
eyes are brimming with power and not an inkling of fatigue can be found.

“I guess it’s fine. Come with me!”

Unsheathing both of his machetes with his hands, Garam pushes his way into the inner
part of the feudal lord’s residence. On the way they get challenged by sentries many
times over, but all of them are finished off by Garam with a single blow. The soldiers
were truly being crushed.

Among the sentries there were also those who attacked from behind, but those
sentries were completely eliminated by Shishul.

As he cuts down another sentry, Garam thought Easy going.

Obtaining deeds of arms on the battlefield is taken as the highest honor by the zoan
warriors. Hence there’s a tendency for people to appear who disregard their clan chief
and just try to fight.

However, Shishul has absolutely no intention to try obtaining meritorious deeds for
herself. Because she was purely devoting herself to protecting Garam’s blind spots,
Garam was able to focus on just in front of him.

They leave the narrow passage leading from the gate while scattering the soldiers and
come out at an open space.

In the past there was a residential building befitting a fortress for the sake of fighting,
but nowadays it had been reconstructed into a mansion similar to a holiday house
that’s used by nobles and merchants. Once he entered, a red sheet spread out below
his feet as if politely guiding him towards the location of the feudal lord.

Garam kicks open a stately-built door located ahead of where the red sheet leads up
to and enters.

As soon as they went in, they were assaulted by two soldiers, but Garam and Shishul
easily cut down one each.

Beyond the door is a wide room where only one chair was placed at a spot that was
higher up than the front part where one would enter at.

Due to the luxuriously-made chair, considering the feudal lord of a single provincial
city sits on it, Garam guesses, So this is the room used by the clan chief (?) of this city.

He quickly lets his look wander across the room, but there’s no one in it.

However, Garam’s ears move with a twitch.

He could hear faint sounds.

The direction from where he heard those sounds is on the right inner part of the room.
Once he looked properly, he could see a thin cloth hanging down on the right side of
the set up chair, and it swayed slightly in the wind.

When Garam casually clears away that thin cloth with his arm, he finds the entrance
to an adjoining room there, just as he thought.

He peeked inside while being cautious of an ambush and discovered a room with a
gaudy interior design. If it was Souma, he would likely label it as the bad taste of a
nouveau riche.

Garam found the target human on top of a huge bed set up inside that room.

“I’m Garam, son of Garguss, member of the Fang Clan, which is one of the ten zoan
clans! You’re the most important person in this city, aren’t you!?”

But, towards Garam’s warrior introduction, the man didn’t even name himself and
pulled the sheet over his head while trembling.

Moreover, with his appearance, which bared his chubby butt despite intending to hide
himself, reminding Garam of a boar that searches for fodder by thrusting its head into
a hole, Garam gets fed up with him.

Since it doesn’t look like he will listen to our side’s story, it’s also impossible to fight or
demand his capitulation.

Reluctantly Garam grabbed the man alongside his sheet and flung him into the room
with all his strength.

The man, who tumbled over while causing grand sounds as he drags in a table and
other such things, grovels on the floor with a swift movement one can’t imagine from
his obese body.

“I-I surrender! I’m the feudal lord! I’m important! You can get a lot of ransom if you
take me hostage! Therefore, don’t kill me!”

Garam and Shishul couldn’t feel anything besides disgust towards his shameful
“Sir Garam, what’s this fat, rabbit-like thing?”

While the redeeming feature of a rabbit is their ability to run away out of cowardice,
they won’t be anything but mere prey if they lose that quality once they become fat.
For that reason “fat rabbit” is the worst possible insult against someone weak-willed
among the zoan.

After wryly smiling at Shishul’s precise observation, Garam sighs once.

“Even so, it looks like this guy’s the most important fellow here. Please tie him up with
something suitable.”

Until then Shishul had happily followed Garam’s orders, but at the thought of touching
the fat rabbit-like feudal lord, even she showed an annoyed expression.

The cheers of the slaves and zoan roared throughout the entire city.

They were able to kill the great commander who led the soldiers, and on top of that
could secure the feudal lord. Thus it’s not wrong to call it an overwhelming victory.

The zoan, who had been always done in by the human soldiers up until this point,
restored their pride and confidence with the brilliant achievement of taking a human
city and thus were excited.

And, the slaves, who continued to be showered with slander and the whip by their
tyrannic masters so far, trembled in delight of getting released and accomplishing
their revenge.

However, during that surging great joy, it’s only Souma who had his expression
distorted by regret.

“Like this it’s no good. This serves no purpose…”

What Souma looked at wasn’t the zoan or slaves drowning in delight.

What he stared at were the destroyed houses.

The corpses of the city’s residents who turned into victims.

And the huge problem that was visible alongside those.

The zoan who take pride in their merits of war.

No good. In that case it’s hopeless.

The dwarves that celebrate their release.

No good, in vain. Pointless.

The dinosaurians who shout for even more revenge.

No good, useless, in vain!

“What should I do? What would be the best thing for me to do?”

From somewhere Souma’s ears could hear the laughter of a girl as he does nothing but
repeated soliloquising.

Author’s notes (abridged):

Listing of the Dinosaurian Species

Royal Species: Dragon

Warrior Species: Theropods (Tyrannosauros Rex, Valociraptor, etc.)

Priest Species: Pterosaur (Pteranodon, etc.)

Scholar Species: Ceratopsian (Triceratops, etc.)

Commerce Species: Stegosaur and Ankylosaur families (Stegosaurus, etc.)

Commoner Species: Ornithopods (Iguanodon, etc.)

Slave Species: Sauropods (Diplodocus, etc.)

The figures of people had vanished from sight within the city.

Even the main street, which pierces through the city’s centre and had been flourishing
with people until yesterday, had not a single cat loitering around. Instead, one could
spot fresh bloodstains on the ground and the traces of larger-scaled destruction
visible on the street’s houses.

He accepted it as the natural outcome, but upon witnessing that scenery, Souma was
lost for words due to the difference in the scenery compared to yesterday.

Shahata, worried over the unusual state of Souma, sent a questioning gaze to Shyemul,
but she shook her head lightly and whispered “Don’t say anything”.

Shahata had been staying behind in the fortress to take care of Hopkin’s family, per
Souma’s request.

No matter how much Garam and the others swore that they will follow Souma’s
orders, there are still many among the zoan who harbor negative feelings in regards
to humans. One of the few zoan that Souma felt comfortable entrusting Hopkin’s
family, who are also important hostages, was Shahata. Besides Shyemul, he is the one
that Souma trusts the most.

Shahata was disappointed that he couldn’t participate in capturing the fort and that
he wasn’t allowed to follow Souma even as his guard, but it would be very unlikely for
him to be able to refuse a request from Souma.

Shahata racked his brain how to look after Hopkins’ overly frightened wife and his
son, who had actually gotten emotionally attached to him to a degree that he became
perplexed instead. Eventually, they were able to return the two to Hopkins as
promised in addition to taking the city. Believing that he will finally return to guard
duty after this, Shahata was delighted. But since reuniting with Souma after a long
time, Souma himself was far from happy, despite taking the city splendidly. Even
Shahata, who still struggles to guess the emotions of humans, could see how dispirited
Souma was from just a glance at his face.

He wonders whether something happened, but with even Shyemul looking troubled,
it’s difficult for him to ask.

Shahata also gradually ended up assuming a gloomy look as he wonders what the
problem is.

However, Souma didn’t have the composure to notice the state of those two.

Souma aimlessly wandered through the city in silence while accompanied by them.
Before he realized, he was heading towards the mansion of the slave dealer Grokakos.

While he’s aware of the result of the operation he designed himself, Souma leaks a
small groan from his mouth after seeing the mansion.

The mansion, which had been built with baked bricks, had burned down beyond
recognition. Even from outside the mansion, he can spot many corpses scattered here
and there within the spacious courtyard. The hate of the former slaves apparently
even befell the earthen wall that surrounded the mansion. It was so thoroughly
destroyed that it had transformed into a lump of soil.

Souma, who averted his face away from Grokakos’ mansion, by chance looks at
something laying in an alley ahead of his sight and knits his eyebrows.

What he saw there was the corpse of a little girl.

Spreading her light-brown, long hair on the ground like a large-petalled flower, the
little girl had collapsed face-down. The white one-piece like clothes she wore are
smeared with mud and blood, and tainted with spots.

While pressing his hand against his chest that hurts sharply due to the acute feeling of
regret, Souma squeezes out his voice.

“Shahata, please bury that girl properly.”

Right after saying that, Souma turned on his heels and left on the spot.

Shahata saw off the figures of Souma and Shyemul, who chases Souma after swiftly
exchanging looks with Shahata, until they vanished around a street corner and sighs
with a worried look.

“I wonder, is Sir Soma really alright…?”

However, the only thing Shahata can do currently is to hold a memorial for the corpse
of the girl while keeping it as courteous as possible. I guess it’s fine as long as it eases
Souma’s mood to some extent.

Thinking that, Shahata, who tried to carry the girl’s corpse, doubted his own eyes.

The corpse of the girl that had been there until just now had vanished.

He surveys the surroundings in a panic, but the girl’s corpse has disappeared without
a single trace. He tries to blink his eyes many times over, but it’s not as if the girl’s
corpse will rematerialize due to him doing that.

“…Have a I mistaken her for something?”

But it wasn’t just me. Soma had seen her as well. Even while thinking that it’s impossible
for him to have made such a mistake, Shahata couldn’t think of any way to explain the
situation with anything but that.

Something moved in the corner of Shahata’s vision.

Once he shifted his focus that way in a hurry, he caught sight of the retreating figure
of a girl turning around the alley’s corner at that exact moment.

Seemingly being happy about something, the girl vanishes around the alley’s corner,
skipping at a light pace.

Due to that, Shahata’s body shivered without him knowing the reason for it.

The lives of this world’s people were aligned to the sun.

People rising with the sunrise and going to sleep at sunset is common.

This was mostly because things that would be used as a source of light, such as
candles, were expensive commodities. In addition, there was also a fear of fire. It
wasn’t something that could easily be used by ordinary commoners. Hence, meetings
and banquets that were held late into the night were a rarity, due to need to hire
guards specialized in maintaining the lighting and acting as a night watch. They were
limited to a small fraction of nobles and merchants.

And, since it was strictly prohibited to go out at night in Bolnis according to Souma’s
order, the city welcomed the night faster and more deeply than usual.

In a room of the feudal lord’s official residence, which had been confiscated by the
zoan a short while ago, Souma sat in one of the room’s corners, clutching both of his
knees in worry, and not catching a wink of sleep.

Souma already understood what the problem was.

Everyone’s objectives are all over the place.

The highest priority for the zoan is protecting the plains where they live.

Garam and Zurgu understand the necessity for the zoan to go outside the plains, but the
majority of the other zoan are just following them as their clan chiefs. I can’t discard the
possibility that we will be confined to the plains if the situation worsens either.

The dwarves around Dvalin apparently strongly desire to return to their own native

Having been boarded on a ship as slaves and transported to a distant country without
any regards towards their will, he could understand their feelings of nostalgia. They
want to go back home as soon as possible, but because there’s no way that they can
accomplish that, the real situation is probably that they are reluctantly obeying
Souma. Because of this, there’s even the concern that they would flee without a fight
if a large human army showed up.

And, the most problematic ones are the dinosaurians who have chosen Jahangil as their

They are foremost instigating their revenge against the humans instead of returning to
their own lands. With how warlike they are, if an army were to show up, they’d be the
ones to ignore orders and fight without a second thought. If they were to self-destruct
like that it’d be their own problem, but if we get dragged into it, we will lose everything.
A group with such scattered goals and intentions now being somehow gathered on a
single spot makes me fear the punitive force of Holmea State that’s bound to show up

However, Souma couldn’t consider something like that as anything but completely

No matter how many troops we gather and no matter how much they excel in individual
military prowess, if they can’t even cooperate, they are nothing more than a disorderly
mob. In that case we should have no real chance against a trained military force.

Even in the unlikely event that I was wrong and we win, only self-destruction through
internal discord awaits us next. As such, the only difference is whether we will quickly or
slowly be annihilated by the humans.

Absent-minded murmurs leak out of Souma’s mouth.

“I have to change everyone’s goal into one and unify their wills…”

If the goals are split apart, it will be fine as long as I can focus them on one thing.

But, how do I do that?

The goals are different depending on the race and the individuals. No matter how much
I reconcile these, transforming them into one is impossible.

“In that case I have to fabricate a bigger goal…”

It will be alright if I tout a big goal, which ends up overshadowing the goals of the races
and the individuals, in front of them. It will be fine as long as everything’s painted over
by one big objective.

If everyone’s goals turn into one, their wills will naturally get united.

“That’s right. A big goal is necessary. And in addition to that, it has to be a goal similar
to an extraordinary and huge dream.”

He was able to consider that as a very good idea.

The bigger the goal, the better.

I don’t mind even if trials and tribulations stand in the way of achieving it. Not only that,
even if hardships stand in front of such a dream-like goal, they will likely change in order
to obtain the delight of having overcome that.

And, Souma knew of precedents that accomplished that.

Through the means of a major power that was composed of many races, with differing
languages and skin colors.

Through the means of a dictatorship that unified the people suffering from starvation.

“If everyone becomes one, the probability for winning will be high as well…”

Souma shuddered due to the voice he spoke himself.

What did I plan just now?

To rewrite everyone’s goals for the sake of victory.

To unify the wills of everyone for the sake of victory.

Isn’t this totally similar to thought control or brainwashing!?

Noticing that his thoughts started to run into a dangerous direction, Souma shakes his
head in panic to get rid of those thoughts.

However, those thoughts don’t vanish from his mind and clog it, just like sticky clots
of blood.

“But, to save everyone…”

Not only that, just like clotted blood clinging to his hands, which he had been trying to
clean, similar thoughts are rapidly filling Souma’s mind.

He couldn’t help considering that much as fascinating idea.

He couldn’t help considering that much as terrible idea.

“Say, my beloved Souma. Why are you wavering so much?”

Souma stands up with a jump due to the girl’s voice that echoed within the room that
should have no one besides him in it.

Surveying the vicinity swiftly, Souma discovered a single girl in the darkness of a
corner of the room.

“Even with different appearances, the people of different races will unify for a single
goal. Everyone will live for the sake of that goal and everyone will die for the sake of
that goal.”

The girl has long, light brown hair and wore a simple, white and poncho-like one piece.
She revealed an entranced expression, as if drunk on her own words, and steps
towards Souma from within the darkness without making a single sound.

“A spiraling stairway repeatedly stacking up life and death for the sake of a single
dream. Everyone dreams of ascending those stairs and using up all their strength
along the way, they also become a part of the spiral.”

The feudal lord’s official residence, which Souma was staying at, had a tight security
set up by the zoan to guard against the residents, whom might rise up in revolt at an
unknown time, as well as the slaves with highly strung emotions. The girl who
managed to trespass up until this room without being seen or questioned by anyone
among the zoan horrifies Souma.

Is it the revenge of a residential girl whose family was killed in the battle during the day?

Or is she an assassin that was already dispatched by Holmea State to deal with me?

However, a convincing hunch that easily blew away such guesses hit Souma.

This girl is neither an avenger nor an assassin.

She’s nothing that cute.

She’s something much older.

She’s something much more frightening.

“An endless dream and the spiral of life and death linked to it. Aren’t those simply
wonderful things, I wonder? Right, my precious Souma?”
The girl bends her head slightly to one side in a lovely motion and seeks Souma’s

But, due to Souma being bound by fear and thus unable to return any response, the
girl slightly pushes out her small lips as if sulking.

“Everyone will die if you can’t win. At that time anything and everything will come to
an end. It’s for the sake of saving everyone. There’s no other way. As it’s inevitable, you
have to do it, right? Of course that doesn’t mean that you like doing it. Everyone will
understand as long as they are aware of that. Right? Isn’t that so?”

That’s a justification towards the sin that will be committed by Souma.

Souma wants to stretch out his hands to that sweet temptation, but even so Souma
feels hesitant in his own deliberations. Due to his half hearted attitude, the girl’s lovely
smile vanishes and is replaced by a scornful expression.

“Why are you acting like a good child? Did you already forget? Since a long time ago,
your hands are stained bright red with blood. There’s a mountain of corpses below
your feet and a horde of the dead behind you.”

Alongside the girl’s words, he feels a slippery sensation on his hands.

Once he opened both hands in panic, his palms were covered in fresh blood that is not
his own. When he tries to move back and raises a scream, his feet are grabbed by
something from below and he ends up falling on his backside. Another scream escapes
from Souma’s mouth, who checked what was ensnaring his feet. Before he became
aware of it, countless corpses had accumulated at his feet, and he had been tripped up
by one of them.

“You strengthened your determination to to go forward for the sake of saving

everyone, didn’t you? You had the resolve to kill others for that reason, right? And yet,
why are you hesitating at this point in time now?”

While sitting on his butt, he hugged his body with both arms. Looking down on Souma
who was terribly quivering in fear, the girl told him with sympathy,

“But, that’s not unreasonable either.”

Completely changing over, the girl shows a feeling of joy across her whole face.
“I mean, you are empty after all.”

Those words stabbed Souma’s heard like a sharp knife.

“Oh pitiful Souma, I accepted you as my divine child and yet you haven’t changed at all
since that night. You are an empty box with nothing in it. An empty box that only had
its exterior decorated.

That’s why you end up easily toppling over by just a small stumble. You end up shaking
like a leaf with just the smallest nudge

The resolve and determination you should have made are only empty husks. The real
you doesn’t have the resolve to save everyone no matter what you have to do for it.
You don’t have the determination to save everyone by betting it all. Oh, how unsightly
and pathetic you are, my Souma.”

It’s just as the girl says, Souma thought.

Once I try to think back, everything simply came to be in the course of events.

Within the despair and anxiety I felt after falling into this world from Japan, in this world
where I didn’t know left from right, I relied on Shyemul, the only person that treated me
gently. Because I couldn’t let her predicament pass, I only ended up saving the zoan by
lending my knowledge for their battle with the humans. And because I felt indebted to
the lives already lost for that reason, I merely continued in a loop of paying my debts.

The girl cornered Souma, who was immersed in such masochistic thoughts, even

“There’s only one single thing within you.”

The girl shows a mischievous smile similar to that of a child that is about to disclose a
precious secret.

“It’s something beautiful you saw for the first time in this world.”

Upon those words, Souma’s heart beats with a single, big throb.

“The moment you were connected to this world was the time of your second birth.
What the you, who had only been born then, encountered was something very
beautiful and noble.

That’s why you yearned for it and the reason why you felt attracted by it.

You couldn’t forgive for that to get hurt, could you? You acted as a good child because
you didn’t want to be hated, right? You played the role of a hero because you wanted
to be loved, didn’t you?”

The girl stretched out her white, slender hand in front and what was placed on her
hand, starting from the wrist, was a puppet.

With black eyes that were drawn with ink in a disorderly fashion and black, knitted
wool hair, it’s a ventriloquist puppet that would flap its big mouth open and shut in
accordance to the girl’s finger movements.

[Look at me! Don’t desert me! Stay with me! Don’t leave me alone!]

The girl says this in a falsetto while making the puppet’s mouth flap open and closed.

“Oh, how ridiculous it is. How lovely it is. And how ugly and disgusting it is!”

Souma’s shame and wrath for having his hidden feelings exposed exceeds his fear
towards the girl that was cackling with a look of glee, as if she were enjoying it from
the bottom of her heart.

Souma stood up, thrust his finger at the girl and shouted with conviction,

“Be quiet, Aura!”

At that moment the girl’s light brown hair color is immediately dyed in the purest

On her pure white forehead without a single blemish, an eerie seal appears. It looks
like two snakes coiled around each other, writhing and biting each other’s tails in
something that looked like a combined 8 and ∞, as a dazzling red light pulses out of it.

“You are Aura! The goddess of death and destruction!”

Aura simply stared at Souma with a broad grin even as he raises his voice in anger.
His attitude is excessively affected by his temper. Souma presses a question at Aura as
if yelling at her.

“What are you planning to do to me!?”

However, seemingly not even feeling a gentle breeze from Souma’s wrath, Aura
smoothly answered,

“It’s what you desire and want to do.”

“What’s your objective!?”

“For you to be yourself.”

“Don’t screw with me!!”

In spite of not even trying to answer seriously, Aura unnaturally fakes a sob and uses
her lightly balled up firsts to rub against the corners of her eyes, which actually don’t
even have a single tear towards the raging Souma.

“Oh, unkind Souma, for you to not believe in my words. There’s no necessity to do
anything to you. After all, your existence in itself is already a deadly poison for this

“…Deadly poison?”

“Indeed. You are a deadly poison. Something that drives the functions of a body mad
and which drives others into death is a poison. That being the case, calling you, who
throws the principles of the world out of order and drives people into death, a poison
is fine, isn’t it?

Your thoughts, words and actions, all of those are such a lovely and diverse deadly
poison for this world. It’s fine for the deadly poison that you are to stay as you are.”

Souma himself sensed that as well.

For my words and deeds that were disconnected from the common sense of this world to
be about to cause an unthinkable state of affairs.

For my knowledge that doesn’t exist in this world to be about to give birth to terrible

Forgetting his shame and honor, Souma spat out what he really thought.

“Send me back to Japan! Send me back to my former world right away! Send me home!”

That was a complaint he definitely couldn’t mention in front of Shyemul and the

However, due to that, Aura answers with a happy look instead.

“Yes, that’s good, my miserable Souma.”

A mouth opens on the white face of the girl in the shape of a gaping smile just like a
crescent moon that became flat.

“But I wonder whether you can really go home? Can you really abandon everyone who
followed you, those who believed in you from within their hearts? If you disappear,
everyone that got left behind by you will be slaughtered.

Not only that, it’ll be such a very gruesome sight.

Their eyeballs will be gouged out, their tongues will be torn out, their ears will be
plucked off, their noses will be cut off, their blood will be extracted, their teeth will be
broken, their fingernails will be ripped off, their skin will be roasted, their hair will be
torn out, their fingers will be chopped—”

“S-Stop! Don’t say it! Just stop!”

Each and every single of Aura’s words tore Souma’s heart into shreds. Aura revealed a
lewd smile due to Souma’s anguish and peered into his face.

“There’s no way for you to be able to go back home, is there, my kind, kind Soumaaa?”

Souma’s body lost its strength because of his despair and he fell on his back on the
spot, with a loud thump.

Aura raises a cackling laughter towards Souma’s state.

“If it’s my smart Souma, you have understood it since a long time ago already, haven’t
you? It’s too late by now. You have no other option but to forge onwards. And yet you
are only worrying and hesitating. Even for me, that’s a bore. It’s so very, very dull.
That’s why I will make an exception only this time. I will push your back just a tiny

Saying so, she slightly pushed the back of the puppet. Due to that impact, the head of
the puppet falls off and lightly rolls up to Souma’s toes.

After the puppet vanishes from her grasp, Aura slowly extended her right hand in front
of Souma’s terrified face.

Thereupon the horrific scenery of a battlefield spreads behind Aura’s right side.

Within the scenery, where many corpses of soldiers are lined up, where the blood has
turned into a river and where broken spears and swords have been thrust into the
ground like grave-markers, behind her, Aura solemnly announced,

“In order to save your precious people, you either kill other people, or—”

Then she stretched out her left arm next and a scenery of a burned-down city of Bolnis
spread out on the left side behind Aura.

The bodies of zoan, dwarves and dinosaurians are piled up all over the city and their
freshly severed heads were impaled by spears, as they stared at Souma with hateful

And, among those, there were also the heads of people Souma knows.

Over there’s Garam. In this direction is Zurgu. That way are Banuka, Dvalin, Shunpa,
Jeeta and Shyepoma.

And, over there is, over there is…!

“Or abandon those precious to you for the sake of saving other people—”

With the two sceneries behind her, Aura opens the palms of both her extended hands
in a grand manner and urges Souma to pick either of them.

“Hurry and choose, my cute, cute Souma.”

The head of the puppet that had toppled sideways below Souma’s feet turned its face
his way. It started to flap its mouth open and shut, and raised its voice.

[Choose! Choose! Choose!!]

Souma plugs both his ears to get rid of the puppet’s jarring voice and frantically

“No! No more! I don’t want to kill anyone! I don’t want to destroy anything!”

Due to Souma’s shameful behaviour, Aura licks her lips with her tongue moving
bewitchingly in a manner that doesn’t befit a young girl.

“Not choosing is a choice as well, isn’t it? The outcome of that choice is…”

Saying that, Aura slowly lowers one hand.


Souma instinctively grasped the hand Aura tried to lower.

A silence descends on that place that seems to result in an earache.

Even though Aura doesn’t say anything no matter how much time passes, Souma, who
felt anxious, secretly gazed with upturned eyes at Aura’s face as he slightly lets his
head hang in shame while his body trembles repeatedly.

Once he looked up, the two eyes within the girl’s face sparkled dazzlingly.

“You made your choice, didn’t you, Souma?”

Upon Aura’s whisper, Souma promptly shakes off the hand he was clutching.

While turning around and delightfully caressing her own hand that had been shaken

“Very, very admirable, my adorable, adorable Soumaaa.

I will watch attentively. How many corpses you will pile up. How deeply you will dye
the earth red. Until the time you die within the sea of blood you spilled and on top of
the corpses you piled up yourself. I will always, always watch over you.”

Aura’s cheeks flushed faintly and her eyes were thickly filled with lust.

“Oh! My beloved, beloved Souma. I feel awfully good. After all, you called my name for
the first time.”

And then, as if confessing her love, she sweetly whispers to Souma,

“That’s why I will give you my blessing.”

Originally, in this world it’s a mysterious power people don’t possess which also serves
as a proof of the gods’ deep affection.

However, even though he will be bestowed that, an indescribable chill ran along
Souma’s spine.

“My sole divine child. My precious and irresistable divine child. I worried what would
be the best blessing to give you, but I will grant your wishes. I will give you the blessing
you desired.”

Approaching Souma to the extent of touching his body, Aura pressed her white finger
against the seal on Souma’s forehead. Because that chain of actions was far too natural,
Souma is unable to run away or brush off her hand, and thus tolerates it.

“No matter who it might be, you won’t be able to injure them. No matter what it might
be, you won’t be able to destroy it. — That’s my blessing for you.”

At that moment a pain travels through Souma’s forehead.

Looking down on Souma who raises a small cry of pain and suppresses his forehead
with a hand, Aura said as if singing,

“Oh, my arrogant Souma. To not want to kill anyone even though you have to eat
something besides yourself for survival! To not want to destroy anything even though
you have to wage war either way to protect someone! What do you call that if not

Aura laughs cacklingly in front of the suffering Souma.

“You must use others in order to survive. You must force those you love to wage war
in order to protect those you love. Ah, how foolish, arrogant, ugly, cruel and adorable,
right!? My Souma! My beloved Souma!!”

“Are you alright, Soma?”

Noticing his shoulders being gently shaken, Souma suddenly opened his eyes.

The one in front of him was not Aura, but instead Shyemul, who had a worried frown
on her face.

“I am, just what…?”

“You had quite the nightmare, Soma.”

Once he looked around him, he saw that it was the feudal lord’s bedroom that had
been allotted to him. In the room that was illuminated by bluish-white moonlight
which shone through the window, there’s no one beside him and Shyemul. The figure
of that mad goddess is nowhere to be seen.

“…A dream? Was it?”

It was a terrible nightmare.

I have wracked my brain too much over the problem of the plans from now on and how
to persuade the former slaves which awaited me by tomorrow. That was becoming more
of a burden on my mind than I expected, which probably made it possible for a nightmare
to appear.

After lightly shaking his head in order to shake off the remnants of the nightmare
clinging to his mind, Souma called out to Shyemul.

“Sorry for making you worry. I might have been more nervous than I thought since I
have to persuade everyone on what to do tomorrow.”

“In that case it’s alright. But please don’t force yourself too much, Soma.”

“Yeah. But can you leave me alone? I want to think on how to persuade everyone
tomorrow for just a bit longer.”

It didn’t seem like she agreed with it too strongly, but with Souma going that far,
Shyemul couldn’t say anything.

“…Got it. But, please, don’t be unreasonable.”

Even though the tips of her ears were hanging down slightly and despite her feeling
painfully reluctant, Shyemul left the room. I probably ended up making her worry quite
a bit since she looked like that, when she usually isn’t that fussy, Souma releases a single
big sigh.

“In any event, I wonder whether I’m worn out for having such a weird dream?”

Just when he was talking to himself like that, there was a clanking sound inside the

Once Souma turned around in the direction from where the sound came from, he saw
a small wooden box that had fallen on the ground.

I guess the box that had likely been placed on top of the desk fell to the ground due to
some chance.

The box that’s sparkling with twinkles after being bathed in the moonlight is probably
something similar to a jewel box where one hides valuable items. Its surface has been
decorated with elaborate ornaments. It has been adorned with something that seems
to be gold leaves and small gems.

However, contrary to those showy ornaments, the box’ inside that had peeked out
through a gap in the lid that opened when it fell to the floor was completely empty. It
was merely a decorated yet empty box.

“What, it’s just an empty box, huh…?”

Muttering that, the remark of Aura, which Souma had heard within his dream, revived
in the ears of Souma.

“You are an empty box with nothing in it. An empty box that only had its exterior decorated.”

Souma got goosebumps.

“You don’t say! That was a dream… merely a dream…!?”

Losing his grip on the differentiation between reality and illusion, Souma’s head was
in chaos.

When he unsteadily steps back, his back bumps into the wall. While pressing his back
against the wall just like that, Souma sat down on the spot and felt a hard sensation
next to his waist. Once he tries to touch it, it’s the small machete he was given by
Shyemul for self-defense.

Fixing his eyes on that machete for a while, Souma abruptly drew it out of its scabbard.

And then, he gently presses a finger against its blade that reflects the bluish-white,
glaring moonlight.

While feeling his heart beating strongly as if it’s about to jump out up to his throat,
Souma made the blade slide across the finger he pressed against it in one go.

However, there’s not even a single wound on that finger.

“No way…!?”

Souma got up and stood in front of the thin cloth that was hanging over his bed. And
widely brandishing the machete, he instantly swings it down while targeting the thin

But, he wasn’t able to cut it.

He messily brandishes the machete and slashes at the thin cloth.

Even so, he can’t damage even a single strand of it.

“This is… something like that is my blessing as divine child…!?”

The machete slips out of Souma’s hands and loudly tumbles on the floor.

“Aura! Damned Aura! You told me to make everyone shed blood by deceiving everyone
in order to save everyone, didn’t you!?”

Souma crumbled to his knees then and there.

“To this me…!”

All of his paths of retreat had been shut out.

There was only one path left for Souma.

For the sake of protecting those important to him, he has to defeat everyone else.

For that reason, Souma would release the seed of destruction and the spark of death
he brings about as “Divine Child of Destruction” towards the zoan and slaves.
The next morning, Shyemul visited the bedroom to wake up Souma and ended up
frowning unintentionally.

Even though she had told him to not overdo it that much, the bed shows no traces of
Souma having slept there.

Sighing and dropping her shoulders in a grand manner as if to say that he’s really
incorrigible, Shyemul turned her head around wondering where she could actually
find Souma. Thereupon she discovers Souma sitting in a corner of the room, with his
head hanging down and arms wrapped around one knee. She wondered whether he
nodded off in that posture, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Seemingly unaware
that someone had even entered the room, Souma was mumbling something to himself.

Shyemul started walking forward, making loud footsteps to make herself noticeable.
With this, Souma finally became aware of Shyemul and sluggishly lifted his head.

“Ah… Shyemul.”

“Don’t [Ah… Shyemul] me! Soma! I’m sure I told you to not force yourself!”

Due to her angry look, Souma’s vacant eyes came into focus at last. He slowly looked
around him and noticed that the morning sun was shining into the room.

“Huh…? When did it become morning?”

Shyemul is stunned due to his comment.

“I have a wish, Soma. Please don’t make me worry so much.”

While saying that, she sat down next to Souma and took out the breakfast she had
brought along. It’s a grilled bird leg seasoned with salt and herb, and a powder of
crushed nuts that was turned into dumplings.
“This morning I found a stupid bird that lost its way into this mansion’s garden. Since
it looked plump and delicious, I caught it while thinking of breakfast.”

Souma thought that the bird didn’t lose its way but was kept instead, but he couldn’t
tell that Shyemul who’s brimming with innocent happiness.

Being handed the well-done bird leg, Souma was about to sink his teeth into it, but
stiffens suddenly. Shyemul noticed Souma’s state of hesitating while holding the leg.

“What’s up? Do you dislike bird meat?”

“No, it’s not that…”

Shyemul bites into her own share of leg meat. The good flavor of the meat that had
plenty of fat, the salt that had been sprinkled over its surface and the tingling herbs
blended into a salty, hot flavor and has a deliciousness one can’t argue against.

The taste’s not the problem either. And yet, I wonder why he isn’t eating any of it?
Shyemul wonders curiously. Being urged by her gaze, Souma nervously bit into the

After biting off a large piece of meat and chewing it within his mouth several times,
Souma gulped down the bird meat and whispers,

“…I can bite food?”

Due to that, Shyemul masticates while checking the meat she bit off once more and
tilts her head to the side as she asks “Is it that tough?”

The two of them silently continued their meal for a while after that.

In the meanwhile, Shyemul constantly felt that something’s odd from Souma. She
wanted to question him about it, but at the same time she also senses a brittleness like
the thin ice at the beginning of spring that make it look like he will break apart if she
touches the topic unskillfully. Even though she’s searching for the proper words to use
in this situation, Shyemul couldn’t find them.

Hence, when Souma, who finished eating, called her name, she unintentionally
“W-What is it, Soma?”

“Can I have you call Dvalin and tell him to gather the former slaves in this mansion’s

“Understood. You are going to appeal to them to cooperate in the battle against the
humans, aren’t you?”

However, Souma didn’t return a clear answer towards Shyemul’s question. Instead he
asks her for something else.

“Also, there’s something I’d like you to prepare.”

Saying so, Shyemul has a puzzled expression upon hearing the names of the two items
Souma mentioned. Neither of them is something of significance. Those are items that
can be immediately prepared in this city.

“What do you intend to do with those items?”

“Well, they will work as trifling props.”

Souma smiled ambiguously at Shyemul, who all the more couldn’t comprehend what
his plan is.

Garam gazed at the state of the former slaves, dinosaurians and dwarves, that had
assembled in the square.

With them being freed only yesterday, they had been frenzied to the point that it
wouldn’t be unthinkable for them to attack the zoan who helped free them. But thanks
to a proper meal and sleeping for a night, they had apparently calmed down quite

Then again, that’s only on the surface level.

The looks the former slaves are pointing at us zoan are definitely not the friendly kind.
In their eyes, we freed them from slavery, but that doesn’t mean that they had asked for
that to happen. It looks like they believe we only did it on the fly to help in our capture of
the city. It isn’t just that either. Some like the dinosaurian Jahangil believe that we only
took the city because they lent us their help.

Just how the hell does Soma want to convince such a group? Garam couldn’t help

At that moment Zurgu, who was just as grim-faced as Garam, shows up.

“Zurgu. How does the situation look over there?”

“Basically the same as what’s going on here,” Zurgu spat out.

“The problematic ones are the dinosaurians centered around the guy called Jahangil
or whatever his name is. I don’t know when they will start rampaging around.”

“As expected, they won’t be satisfied with obeying the human Soma, is what you are

From their point of view it might look odd that the zoan are abiding Soma, one of the
humans who dropped them into slavery and exposed them to the limits of cruelty.

“There’s that as well. Also, they are saying we should slaughter all the humans living
in the city. That’s the only thing they talk about when they open their mouths. Even
I’m fed up with it.”

Garam suddenly shows a small smile upon Zurgu’s bitter tone.

“Their hot-bloodedness exceeds even yours, you mean?”

“I’m not that hot-blooded! Right, Shishul?”

Having silently waited behind Garam so far, Shishul is at a loss for words after being
suddenly addressed.

Thanks to Zurgu’s miserable expression due to the unexpected betrayal by his niece,
Garam, unable to endure it, burst into laughter.

Zurgu, who snorted with a sullen look because of that, raises his voice with a quiet

“It’s the entrance of Sir Soma and your younger sister.”

When Garam turns around, it was right at that moment that Souma was walking over
to them from within the mansion.

Garam scrutinizes with his eyes when he sees his sister following behind Souma as
usual. That’s because Shyemul held something unfamiliar.

“Those are… shackles and a bag?”

It was at a distance, but what Shyemul carried in her hands apparently were wooden
shackles that are usually affixed to the hands and neck of a slave, and a small bag.

“What does your sister plan to do with something like that?”

Garam shakes his head towards the question of Zurgu who likewise watched the items
held by Shyemul.

“I don’t know. I fear that it’s likely some kind of idea by Soma.”

Garam couldn’t even imagine what Souma was planning.

But, his intuition, that had been honed by him struggling through many battles
between life and death, is strongly perceiving that something unbelievable is going to
happen from now on.

For some reason Garam felt the fur at his nape standing on end due to the small human
boy who stood in front the former slaves while being accompanied by his sister.

Standing in front of the people gathered in the square, Souma was overwhelmed by
the looks focusing on him.

The several hundred people that are filling the sight in front of him are pouring their
stares only at him. That turned into an intangible pressure and felt as if it is trying to
crush Souma’s small body.

However, grasping his fists strongly and tightly, Souma resolves himself.

And then, once he fills his lungs with air to the brim, he shouted undaunted by the
“I’m Kizaki Souma, the one who commands the zoan, obtained this city and freed you!”

Talks about Souma had already been disseminated between the former slaves by
people such as Dvalin.

However, what came to their minds from the words that a human whom the zoan, the
supreme rules of the plains, obey is a heroic veteran with a brazen look or a human
similar to a tactician that can’t be taken lightly even as he’s interrogated or scrutinized.
However, the one who actually showed up in front of them was a boy with features
one might call homely.

It’s understandable that skeptical whispers began to leak out from the former slaves.

However, Souma, who had already experienced something similar when he persuaded
Zurgu and his fellows, didn’t plan to clear away those doubts with words. It’s because
he learned that the act of showing a single truth is more convincing than a million

“I also know what you guys are worried about right now. It’s what we are planning to
do with you, right!?”

Even those who looked at Souma with distrusting eyes cannot help getting serious if
it concerns their treatment. Keeping their mouths shut, they listen carefully by
bending forward wondering what Souma will propose.

“I have been completely entrusted with complete discretion in regards to your


Saying that, Souma points at Garam and Zurgu who are in a corner of the square.
Noticing that, the two nodded with exaggerated gestures so that it can be seen by
everyone present on the square.

The former slaves are shown the reality that the zoan are in fact obeying the boy in
front of them and get surprised all over again. The colors of suspicion and disdain
towards Souma had vanished from their expressions when they once again turned
their gazes back to Souma.

Understanding their change from experience and having obtained sufficient feedback,
Souma said the words they most likely want to hear the most after waiting until the
time is ripe.
“You are free! You are slaves no longer!”

Being once again affirmed in the fact that they were released from slavery, the former
slaves cheered. They embrace the shoulders of the comrades standing next to them,
those who belong to the same race, and there are even some who are stifled by tears
of gratitude.

In front of them celebrating, Souma shut his eyes and didn’t try to say anything further
with him only listening to their shouts of joy.

After a while, the cheers of the former slaves gradually die down.

Among them, who have cooled down from the temporary passionate delight, a sense
of impending danger slowly and faintly gains in strength. Just because they were freed
from slavery, it doesn’t end at that point. Everyone present understood that there’s no
hope for the humans to leave such large-scaled slave revolt alone.

However, Souma, who was expected to address their anxiety, only stood in front of

Everyone gradually starts to feel uneasy due to Souma continuing to stay silent while
simply keeping his eyes shut.

At last a single dwarf couldn’t bear it any longer and asked,

“So, what do you think we should do!?”

Consenting voices saying “Yeah, yeah” rise in the surroundings.

Due to that, Souma opened his closed eyes and slowly surveyed the people assembled
then and there.

“I’m sure I told you that you are free. Do as you like!”

With that line, shocked voices could be heard from the former slaves and zoan
warriors crowded around, due to Souma’s forsaking manner of speaking.

It’s because he should have appealed for a joint struggle with the released slaves in
order to fight against the humans’ military forces that will come soon, according to the
plan they had heard.
The looks of the zoan warriors naturally gather on Zurgu and Garam who lead them.

Even the two of them felt shaken by Souma’s completely unexpected statement, but
locking that up in their hearts, they pretended to be calm. The two, who know that
unrest will spread among their brethren if they expose their own turmoil, couldn’t do
anything but frantically hide it. However, they’re among the ones who want to
question Souma the most in this place, due to the fate of their clans resting on their

Instead, a single former dwarven slave spoke up.

“I heard that you will fight against the humans’ armed forces, but is that really true?!”

Souma nods grandly at that.

“It’s the truth. We have to fight against the humans’ forces that will come here soon!”

Due to that reply, the former slaves finally discovered a way they can tread on.

“In that case we will fight as well!”

“That’s right, that’s right! It’s time for revenge!”

“We will cause a bloodbath among the humans that made us into slaves!”

Hearing that, Garam thought that it was successful.

Souma didn’t appeal for their cooperation, much less did he force them into it. The
former slaves voluntarily chose to fight against the humans.

They weren’t told to do so by someone else and those, who decide to fight by their own
volition, are strong.

Soma changed the former slaves into warriors that will fight by their own free will,
Garam assessed.

However, that was a complete misunderstanding.

“I refuse!”
Everyone doubted their ears due Souma’s refusal that went even beyond their wildest
Of course, for the zoan who are related to the upcoming battles, but even for those
among the former slaves who could somewhat foresee how things would pan out, this
refusal of Souma was something very improbable.

Holmea’s punitive force might already be on its way. It would just be waiting to gather
as strong of a military force as possible in order to deal with the zoan and former
slaves in one go. In order to survive, there should be no way that he can refuse the
participation of the former slaves and fight with just the zoan.

Anxiety, doubt, distrust and bewilderment.

All these emotions jumbled together and noises leaked out all around the square.
Everyone wanted to hear his real intention behind this refusal, but Souma continued
to remain silent as he just gazes at the stirring crowd.

Due to Souma looking as though he won’t open his mouth no matter how much time
passes, people perceive that he’s waiting for everyone to be ready to listen to what he
has to say. Eventually, it reached the point where everyone quieted down in order to
hear him out.

Souma, who actually felt that everyone present is waiting for his words, starts his
speech with a calm voice.

“All of you are misunderstanding. Is everybody thinking that this is a worthless slave
revolt? Do all of you think this is really just a trivial act of revenge that will end as soon
as Holmea’s royal army appears to suppress you?”

For those that experienced the hardships of slavery, revenge against the humans was
nothing but justice. It was their ritual of rehabilitation for the sake of regaining their
own pride and making them feel like a person again.

However Souma concluded that this was something worthless and trivial.
Due to that, the former slaves felt enraged, believing that their emotions were looked
down upon.

On the verge of that rage being about to erupt, Souma said powerfully,

“But, it’s different! Our fight isn’t something so tiny as a rebellion or revenge!”

The people who were about to turn their anger at him were bewildered.

Contrary to their initial thoughts that he’s making light of them, he says that it’s not
so. On the contrary, he says that the fight isn’t such a small thing instead.

Nobody could comprehend the meaning of Souma’s words and confusion spreads.

And, as if taking advantage of that confusion, Souma hurled sharp words,

“Everyone! Look at the appearances of those next to you!”

Being induced by Souma’s words, all of them looked around themselves.

“The ones you might find there are zoan, dwarves or dinosaurians.

But, no matter to which race they might belong, the ones you see there are people who
had their pride, feelings and beliefs hurt. They are people who were injured by
irrational violence.

And, that also applies to you yourself.

You were the weak who got injured, had the freedom of your mind and body stolen
and had your dignity trampled underfoot, with the only reasoning being that you are
from a different race.

Once you close your eyes, you likely see the figure of your tyrannical master who
whipped you as if you were a piece of cattle. Once you listen carefully, you probably
hear the jeers of the overseers trying to break your spirit.”

Upon those words, some touched their scars, traces of the whips which even now
remain on their back. Some rubbed the wounds on their wrists caused by a prolonged
wearing of handcuffs. Moreover, some covered their ears trying to shut out the jeers
they can hear even now reverberating in their ears. And some hid in shame the brands
burned onto their bodies.

However, Souma reprimands those people.

“But, you are injured weaklings no longer! Now at last you have recovered your dignity
and freedom with our own hands and have become the strong!”

These people had a dark shadow cast on their heart after hearing their own painful
past exposed, but they also felt a single bright ray of hope from those words. No matter
how intentionally fabricated this hope and shadow may have been, they cannot help
but cling onto the single ray of hope.

The former slaves all across the place nodded deeply due to Souma’s words.

However, finding this level of reaction insufficient, Souma even further appeals to

“Are you weak!? Or strong!? Which is it!?”

In reply to that, at first several people shout “We are strong!”. And, hearing that, even
more of those in the surroundings raise their voices in agreement one after the other.
Similar to a ripple spreading across a water’s surface, it spreads to all those present in
the square.

Those who hung their heads in shame after recalling their painful past when they were
slaves, threw out their chests with pride and shouted loudly with their cheeks flushed.

Watching that spectacle for a short while, Souma chooses a suitable time and raises a
hand slightly.

That’s all he does.

That’s all he does and yet the stirring people fell silent.

It’s not like they were given detailed instructions or were ordered to do so by
someone. But even so, before realizing it themselves, they were captivated by every
single move of the small human child standing in front of them and looked forward to
every word coming out from its mouth.

“Then I will ask you, who are strong! What’s the enemy we should fight!?”
Until just a little while ago, no one doubted that the humans are the enemy.

However, due to the words said so far by Souma, they already sensed something like a
premonition that there’s no way for the answer to be that easy. Hence, none of them
can find the words to answer Souma’s question as they look at each other’s faces.

Souma affirmed that there’s no one that can provide an answer and made grand
gestures as he yelled,

“Is the enemy the slave dealers who whipped you? No! They’re nothing more than
small pieces of trash! Then, is it the Holy Faith that labelled you as inferior races!? No!
They’re a bunch of retards that believe in the ravings of a madman who died ages ago!
In that case, is it the human race itself!? That’s not right either!”

That was a denial of the existing way of thinking.

He lists one after another those that would come up as enemies by the former slaves
present in the square and rejects all of them.

“Those are wrong! Your way of thinking is mistaken!”

Being denied like that, it created doubt in their own way of thinking. Doubt becomes
anxiety, and anxiety turns into fear. And in order to escape from that fear, people
search for something they can rely on.

“Why is that so!? Won’t slaves disappear if the humans disappear? There’s no way for
that to be true! Once the humans disappear, the next race in power will turn the other
races into slaves. If that race disappears as well, the next race will do just the same
again. Even if all the other races perish, slaves and those who oppress those slaves will
be born among the remaining race.

Your comrades, who are now at this time standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you and
with whom you shared the joy of being released from slavery, will change into
tomorrow’s slaves and their tyrannic masters.

Can you allow for such thing to happen!? No, it’s impossible to tolerate that! That in
itself is wrong! That’s what must be corrected!”

And then, Souma thrust a big answer into the hearts of those who are searching for
something they can rely on, into the hearts of those having lost their way.
“The enemy we should fight is this world! The structure of this mistaken world itself!”

That’s something preposterous.

It was something far too outrageous.

It’s such a silly, grand thing that would normally be laughed off as simple-minded

However those words strongly carved themselves into the hearts of the people

“Does the sun change its brightness depending on the race!? Does rain pour down
distinguishing between races? Does night descend after choosing a race!? Does the
ground come in contact with people after differentiating them by their race!?

No, of course not!

Originally all people on this world were equal. That truth got distorted in this world
by the greed of people who managed to get a hold of power!

However, the truth is different!

Your souls, your will is free! And, no matter what race it might be, there’s no inferiority
or superiority between them, no ranking depending on lineage and blood relations!
Everyone is equal!”

Freedom and equality.

Those words which are unfamiliar to everyone’s ears, appeared to be something

extraordinarily fascinating for some reason.

“In order to protect the equality, freedom and dignity you gained! For the sake of the
comrades standing next to you! For the sake of your loved ones that might be standing
next to you! For the sake of the children that might come after you! For those

Completely changing from the passionate words up to that point, Souma revealed a
gentle smile and said,
“Let’s create a country.”

Those words were absorbed by the hearts of everyone listening, like water that was
sprinkled on parched soil.

And, putting a bit more passion into it than just now, Souma says once more,

“Let’s create our own country. Our own country of freedom and equality! With these
hands of ours!

This is not a mere rebellion! It’s no revenge either! Those wanting to fight for such
things are unneeded! After all, this is a fight for the sake of creating a place to call

However, completely changing over, Souma distorts his expression in sadness, shuts
his eyes and averts his face.

“But, that’s a path filled with suffering. Those who profit from twisting the world, will
definitely try to get rid of us in order to protect their selfish desires.

Those people will be mighty enemies. If we fight against those people, many will likely
get hurt and lose their lives.”

Souma turned back his averted face in the direction of everyone again, and thrust a
firmly grasped fist into the sky.

“However, at the end of those sacrifices there will definitely be our country! Our

The harsh reality that was thrust at them and the dream that can be found at the end
of it. The hearts of the people are shaken grandly the steeper the difference between
those two is.

Souma takes the small bag and wooden shackles out of Shyemul’s hands, who stood
next to him. First he showed the wooden shackles by hoisting them high up into the

“Even so, if you fear death and wish to survive going as far as discarding your dignity
and freedom, you can place these shackles around your neck by yourself and return
to the filthy slave pens! Live while being abused and whipped like cattle!”
The wooden shackles that was tossed by Souma rolled on the ground with a clattering

And next he hoists up the small bag into the air.

“If you fear the fighting and wish to escape, you can take these silver coins and run
away from the city! Keep running away until your death, in fear that the humans might
hunt you down at any time!”

The small bag that was thrown by Souma fell to the ground and the silver coins from
within noisily scattered on the ground.

“Well now, choose!”

Souma’s voice echoes throughout the square that become still as death with the
people being overwhelmed by what they were told.

Everyone was bewildered.

Due to being unable to comprehend the contents that diverted from this world’s
common sense.

Everyone hesitated.

Even though they can’t understand it, they sense an inexplicable enthusiasm welling
up within themselves.

In this square that is dominated by such heavy tension, a single dwarf moves.

It was Dvalin.

He pushes his way through his comrades and proceeds to in front of Souma.

Everyone present on the square observed what Dvalin would do.

Even Souma, who acts bravely while looking as if he will pop with a snap once touched,
invested all of his very small amount of courage and also waited for Dvalin’s words.

He might get scolded. He might get ridiculed. He might not even get accepted as
worthy by the other side.
Souma waited for the dwarf’s words while trembling in worry in his mind, just like a
sinner that’s about to receive their final judgement from their god.

And then, Dvalin quickly breathed in and shouted with a loud voice,

“I don’t need any wood or silver!”

He pushes out his burly right arm with its palm turned upwards towards Souma.

“Give me iron!”

The wood relates to the shackles and the silver is about the silver coins.

And, the iron is about weapons made out of iron.

Dvalin didn’t ask for the shackles to become a slave again, nor did he request silver
coins in order to flee, but instead demanded an iron weapon for the sake of fighting.

Guessing that, the dwarves and dinosaurians all at once started to move.

“Right! Give me iron as well!”

“Hand us iron as well!”

“Iron! Give me iron!!”

As they shouted, everyone thrust their tightly grasped fists towards the sky.

Unable to contain themselves due to the violent emotions rising up from deep within
their chests, they are furiously stamping on the spot and continue to shout themselves

Being affected by that zeal, even the zoan joined in by thrusting their fists into the air
and shouting severally.

“”Give us iron! Give us iron!!””

Souma, who is completely bathed in those wildly enthusiastic shouts, noticed that the
figure of Shyemul, who had stood next to him, had vanished before he realised.
No, Shyemul was still there.

The reason why he thought that he can’t see her is because Shyemul, who stood there
in order to protect Souma, had unnoticed fallen on her knees. Deeply lowering her
head towards Souma, her cheeks were wet with tears overflowing from her eyes.

“Oh, Soma, my [Navel Master]! I consider it my pride to have offered everything of my

soul, heart and flesh to you. You are definitely my [Navel Master]! You are definitely
my everything!”

Shyemul’s thoughts seemed to have gone haywire.

As though she’s burning up, blood is rushing to her head giving her a high that feels as
if a great joy is being released from all the pores across her body.

Once she looks directly into Souma’s face in that state, she was frightened by the
premonition that something that she had suppressed within herself will be released.
Desperately covering her face, she was unable to do anything besides repeatedly
saying the name of her respected and loved “Navel Master”.

That’s why she didn’t notice.

That the face of Souma, who looks down on her who waits upon him, was warped
looking as if he will burst into tears at any time.




“Hmm~, I wonder what I will say to everyone tomorrow?

[Holmea’s royal army is a wreck. Let’s daringly tell them that they are scum!!],
something like this is no good, isn’t it?

Then, [Gentlemen, I like emancipation of slaves. Gentlemen, I’m fond of emancipation

of slaves. Gentlemen, I love emancipation of slaves!], this is, as expected…

It feels like a waste to dismiss Me●lgear’s G●ne’s speech. The speech of the red one
that can move six times as fast is cool as well, isn’t it…?”

The chirping of a small bird

Shyemul: “Don’t [Ah… Shyemul] me, Soma! I definitely told you to not overdo it!”

Souma: “Huh…? When did it become morning? (Somehow it feels like I watched anime
and manga all night long.)”
There were two humans who looked at the various wildly shouting races from the side
of the square.

It was Company Commander Aide Marchronis and Platoon Leader Setius, summoned
from the fortress as advisors in regards to the proper policies and handlings after the
human city surrendered.

“That’s quite the immature justice of a brat, isn’t it?”

Marchronis smiles bitterly at Setius, who spat that out.

“Say that after taking a look at your fists.”

Setius looked at his own fists in surprise and blushed in embarrassment over how
tightly clenched they were.

Once again shifting his eyes from his subordinate, who hides his fists behind his back
with an embarrassed look, he gazes at the square where wild enthusiasm swirls about
and says,

“Certainly, it’s the immature justice of a brat.”

And then Marchronis sighed grandly as if spitting out passionate emotions.

“However, with only that, he shakes the hearts of men.”

For men that live in this world, they were likely to have dreamt of becoming a hero
that slays a great evil or even just a proud and independent person.

Marchronis is also one of those. He recklessly kept running towards his dream with a
sword in hand since his time as boy.

However, reality is cruel. Each time he struggled through a battlefield, he was made to
realize that an unknown mercenary becoming some great hero is nothing more than
a pipe dream. And before he noticed, he was worrying about the day’s expenses
instead of talking about tomorrow’s dreams.

But, despite that, the still existing remains of his childhood dreams are even now
smoldering within his chest.

And now, a single boy was about to start running towards the dream they couldn’t
accomplish— no, rather towards something far bigger.

Will he be defeated halfway through his dream just like them? Or will he really reach the
end of his dream?

I want to see how far that boy can go, Marchronis thought.

Besides, even if Souma and the others lose to Holmea State, all that awaits Marchronis
is taking responsibility for having failed to defend the fortress. It would be great if it
ended with a mere demotion, but likely it would be best for me to resolve myself to losing
my head.

That being the case, it might be more interesting to follow these passionate feelings in
my chest.

“Hmm, that’s not bad either, is it…?”

In Marchronis’ eyes, the zoan and the former slaves aren’t in any shape to be called
military troops. He also couldn’t help but think that they didn’t have a single clue on
how to handle things once they even managed to take the city of Bolnis.

Therefore, there should also be opportunities allowing him to capitalise on his

knowledge and experience.

“No good. I became excited in a manner unworthy of my years.”

When Setius, who got surprised by that unresting monologue, turned around, he
found Marchronis looking at the scenery with shining eyes just like a child’s.

Even after sunset the feverish excitement of the zoan and former slaves hadn’t cooled

Gathering in the feudal lord’s official residence and all around it, they are all chatting
with agitated looks. Moreover, the surprising part is that the ones talking amongst
each other aren’t limited to those belonging to the same race.

As a zoan enthusiastically talks with a dwarf, a dwarf hits the shoulder of a

dinosaurian while laughing next to them. On the other side, a dinosaurian normally
holds out a cup filled with alcohol to a zoan.

However, originally that was an unlikely scene.

Apart from the humans that naturally gather under the banner of the Holy Faith, the
relationships between fellow races couldn’t be called good by any means. They aren’t
all to the extent of the hostility between the dwarves and elves that has existed since
the age of legends, but whichever race they may belong to, they never truly stepped
foot into another’s domain nor would they allow others to tread in theirs. It is a sort
of unwritten law.

For example, even when something happened like a zoan requesting for a dwarven-
forged machete, it was nothing more than a simple exchange of services rendered.

Something like the talks between different races in regards to a single, common
objective like in today’s Bolnis was something impossible if you exclude the small
fraction of oddballs that can belong to any race. To say nothing of the thought that
hundreds of people belonging to different races would be meeting together and
talking with each other in such a manner.

Shyemul is staring at such a view in satisfaction.

The one having accomplished that being her “Navel Master” to whom she had offered
her everything made Shyemul unbearably happy. Due to the vortex of raging delight
inside her chest, she wasn’t able to stay still. She requested that Shahata guard Souma,
which was something unusual for her, and wandered throughout the city at night by

Once she got away a bit from the feudal lord’s residence, the place became dead silent
as if it was a ghost town. That’s something inevitable, due to the residents being under
strict order to not leave their residences during nighttime as well as the capture
having just taken place yesterday.
However, for Shyemul, who wanted to cool off by herself, that was convenient.

Walking at a light pace while quietly humming a song inside the city illuminated by
the pale moon, she suddenly felt like the moon had moved and lifted her face. Looking
up at the round moon that’s currently shining directly above the towering city wall,
she wrinkled up her nose.

With the round moon as a background, there was just then the figure of someone on
top of the city wall.

Even if the zoan and slaves join together, they aren’t able to monitor all the residents
that total to ten thousand with their numbers that slightly exceed a thousand. Also,
rather than awkwardly, strictly watching them, the method of limiting their
movements to the extent of prohibiting going out at night will likely encounter little
opposition from the residents, according to Souma. Upon his order there shouldn’t be
any guards atop the city wall either.

Feeling some bad premonition, Shyemul drew her machete and went up the stairs of
the city wall with quiet steps.

Shyemul, who arrived at the top of the city wall after erasing her presence, saw
something unexpected there.

“…!? A human girl?”

The person standing atop the city wall, which still had traces of blood here and there,
was a little girl clad in an attire similar to a white poncho. The girl spreads both her
arms and moves about in a revolving dance.

Just a kid that came to play on top of the walls without telling her parents about it,
Shyemul believed, but when she tried to call out to that girl, she froze.

“Aaah! My cute, cute Souma!”

The girl clearly mentioned the name of her respected and beloved “Navel Master”.

As of yet the majority of the city’s residents shouldn’t know of Souma’s existence, let
alone his name. Even if they knew it, there would be no reason to mention that name
in such a place.
This girl is obviously strange.

Even if she might be a girl, there’s no way that Shyemul can overlook something that
could bring danger to her beloved “Navel Master”. Shyemul decided to interrogate this
girl about that and even resolved herself to fight against the girl depending on the

Therefore, I will take step forward and call out to the girl.


However, she wasn’t able to do that.

For some reason her body has stopped moving as if it was frozen in place. Even her
voice felt like it was clumped up inside her throat, refusing to come out.

Without noticing Shyemul, who is in a state of confusion about the bizarre happenings,
the girl continues her words in a sing-song voice.

“Oh, my adorable Souma. Your spark is brightly burning. It’s such an intensely burning
spark! It’ll consume all of them, the dinosaurians and marmen, the dwarves and elves,
the zoans and harpyians, and even the humans as its precious kindling! Desiring its
warmth, the freezing people will try to get close to your spark. But, it will be a dreadful,
world-destroying conflagration that will turn everyone into fuel and burn them to
cinders. Everyone will happily offer their bodies to the conflagration for your sake!
They will burn out even as they call your name!”

What’s this!? What’s this girl!?

Shyemul, who was still frozen like a sculpture, raised a question resembling a scream
within her chest.

“Finally it was planted, the seed of destruction! The hurt people will flock to the large
tree grown from that seed while looking for peace. But, that seed will sprout into a
great tree, which will swallow all the people gathered under its shade as its own
beloved nourishment! Destroying everything and anything, it will stand towering over
the surroundings by itself!”

The girl embraces her body with both arms and says in a sweet and heartrending
“Oh, how very foolish, Souma. Because you have shown a dream to everyone they
should aim for, you have to play the act of a hero, don’t you? To deceive everyone in
order to save everyone! To deceive yourself in order to save everyone! Oh, how foolish,
ridiculous, ugly and how lovely, Souma.”

The small, slender legs of the girl firmly step on the city wall. Thereupon, as if released
from gravity, the body of the girl that lightly floated up swoops down atop the parapet.

Even though she will fall headlong below the city wall if she makes one wrong step,
the girl stood atop the parapet with her back turned towards Shyemul without
showing even an inkling of fear.

“In order to guide everyone, the empty you will decorate its exterior and play the part
of a fictive hero. Even though the beautifully adorned box is empty, a mere hollow

No, what’s inside it is the real you. The very small, weak, cowardly and the very
frightened real you.”

The girl nimbly bends her fingers and joins both hands together as if forming a bowl.

“In truth, the decorated box that was hidden by you is a big egg. That egg will give birth
to the monster which is you. The bigger the egg becomes, the bigger the monster
inside will grow. The thicker the egg shell, the more terrifying the monster inside will

I wonder, what kind of monster will be the real you that will be born once that egg’s
shell finally breaks?”

The girl pressed her cheeks against her hands that had taken the shape of an egg while
looking at it dearly.

However, as if her hands have suddenly burst open, she opens them.

“But, if the egg breaks before growing into a monster, everything will come to nothing.
That will be very, very boring.”

Suddenly the head of the girl bent as if trying to fall backward with a snapping sound.

Shyemul swallowed her voice that didn’t became a scream.

The girl, whose face had become upside-down with her long, white hair flowing down,
turned her face into Shyemul’s direction and obviously stared at her.

Within the girl’s face with its pale skin that was illuminated by the moonlight, there
are only eyes, but they are shining with glitter and sparkle.

“That’s why, make sure to dearly protect the egg, okay, Shyemul?”

Shyemul was scared.

This is something absurdly old.

This is something outrageously terrifying.

Encountering it for the first time personally, Shyemul’s thinking became completely
blank due to the indescribable terror.


And then she comes to her senses.

The girl that was just in front of her had suddenly vanished. No matter how much she
checked her surroundings, there’s not a single trace of the girl’s existence left behind.

Was it a hallucination?

However, due to the overwhelming intensity of the view she had witnessed just now,
Shyemul mind had been burned out.

As if swimming in cold water, her entire fur was soaked in cold sweat. While wiping
below her chin with her repeatedly trembling hand, Shyemul muttered,

“Just what the hell was that…?”

There was no one who could give her an answer to that.

The proclamation of the “Divine Son of Destruction Soma Kisaki” that took place in the
square of Bolnis was afterwards called “Proclamation of Iron”. It became known as the
first reference to freedom and equality on this continent Seldeas.

In those days it was still an era stuck in the ancient legends. The rulers controlled their
countries while pretending to be the incarnations and agents of the gods. Many of the
ignorant masses believed that and accepted the government of their rulers out of their
free will.

The “Divine Son of Destruction Soma Kisaki”, who was able to hold onto the ideals of
freedom and equality in such an era, truly was a heretic— no, an existence that might
be called unique.

Even the great history scholar Sokras has written in his own literary works that “It
makes me want to seriously verify the legend of the Divine Son of Destruction being a
visitor from a different world that was circulated in those days to deify him”.

However, evaluating the reference to freedom and equality as the true meaning of this
“Proclamation of Iron” and as something groundbreaking is limited to only a very small
fraction of historians.

The majority of the historians judged it as nothing more but an incitement of the masses
by Soma.

In a certain area there’s a local proverb saying “Those fallen into hell even pursue a
spider’s thread”. It means that those who have fallen into suffering and predicament will
frantically try to cling to anything, even if it’s as fragile and easy to cut as a spider’s

For the zoan and the former slaves, the words of Soma were probably truly a “Spider’s

Very likely there didn’t exist any people among those present at that time, who truly
understood the meaning of the words freedom and equality Soma mentioned.

However, for the zoan, who had been driven into a disadvantageous situation and had
no hope for the future, the words of Soma, which made them expect something new even
though they didn’t understand them, were sufficient to ignite the fire in their hearts.

That strikes true all the more if applied to the former slaves. It’s easy to imagine that the
words of Soma, which mentioned bestowing them the dignity, freedom and equality that
was completely stolen from them after they fell into slavery, might have sounded as
something sweet in their ears.

It’s said that grasping the people’s nature and using the cajolery of freedom and
equality in this “Proclamation of Iron” was a plot to unify the wills of the disconnected,
different races by presenting them something that would become the foundation of
“Our Country”.

The evaluation of the “Proclamation of Iron” was greatly split like that, but as for the
following matter, the opinions are one.

Namely, “The [Proclamation of Iron] made by the [Divine Son of Destruction Soma
Kisaki] was nothing more than a declaration of war against the entire world in those
days, including the nations and the commonly accepted ideas in the world”.

And, as if proving that, the people led by the “Divine Son of Destruction Soma Kisaki”
gleefully threw their lives into the horrors of war while yelling the Divine Son of
Destruction’s name and the glory of everyone being free and equal without regard to
the races and their circumstances until then.
T/N: Holmea State -> Holmea

Darius Brutus is a general.

However, even if he’s called one, humans from foreign countries probably wouldn’t
know who he is. But as long as the discussion is limited to Holmea, it’s no exaggeration
to say that if one is talking about a general, it’s equal to talking about Darius Brutus.

The Brutus family that gave birth to Darius is one of the most highly ranking noble
families in Holmea. If one pursues their family line long enough, ties to the royal family
can even be found. Being born as the eldest son, he was obligated by birth to fight by
leading others. In his first decorative battle at the mere age of ten, a person excelling
at battle among the knights serving the Brutus family was attached to him as
chaperone, but he had suddenly been entrusted the command of fifty soldiers.

It’s said that the very young Darius felt a strong responsibility towards controlling the
lives of the soldiers with a single of his orders.

After that, he strived diligently in his own studies without showing a hint of
haughtiness due to his lineage. Not only did he polish his own martial arts and
subjected his strategy reading to a strict analysis, but he also worked with the common
footsoldiers. For the sake of staying in touch and understanding the true character of
the men he was leading, he talked with them, had meals from the same pot as them,
and recognized them for their achievements without paying any heed to their
heritage, even though he is the son of a high ranking noble.

This is a quite strange behaviour for a noble at that time. It’s said that Darius’ retainers
didn’t look too kindly upon it either.

However, in exchange for that, Darius’ popularity among the common soldiers was high.

In contrast with many nobles that didn’t treat ordinary soldiers as anything but
disposable pawns, Darius, who held the lives of the soldiers dear and kept in mind to
battle steadily with little danger, was a welcome existence for the common soldiers.

Hence, when the soldiers fought under Darius, they exhibited strength at a frightening
level. Whereas many soldiers would have deserted under strenuous enemy fire once
defeat seemed inevitable under other generals, the soldiers under his command
would keep fighting tenaciously and overturn many of their predicaments, bringing
victory to Holmea.

Before he even realized it himself, Darius was extolled as the best general of Holmea
and appointed as Holmea’s Grand Marshal.

The grand marshal was the military’s supreme commander who had been given full
authority over the army by Holmea’s king. It was such a high position that if there was
no qualified person, it would belong to the king.

One might say that Darius’ greatness is easily understandable with that much.

But, even an amazing person like him couldn’t defeat the approach of old age.

“There’s no accomplishment in some senile old fool like myself forever resting on his
laurels as the grand marshal.”

It’s been five years since Darius said such and relinquished his title of grand marshal
to the king. In short, he wanted to excuse himself from such a high post because he
thought he has grown old and weak.

Certainly, his hair has turned a pure white and wrinkles run deeply through his face,
which indicates that he is getting on in years.

But even so, it’s said that Holmea’s chief vassals, once they heard that statement, were
puzzled out of their minds as they wondered what kind of nonsense he was on about.

The figure of Darius walking gallantly by clad in dignified armor as his white hair
flutters in the wind was by no means the image of a senile old man. It might be owed
to his daily training, but above that, the vitality which surges out his body made them
feel as such.

Even now, five years later, that hasn’t changed at all. Darius, after dumping the heavy
responsibilities of grand marshal, was overflowing with energy to the extent that his
friends told him that it seemed like he was getting younger. That’s only reasonable,
since he zealously went about the military drills of his private army and his own
training when he had free time as the grand marshal, in order to vent some of his
frustration for being stuffed into a room of the royal palace.

Regarding that, his close subordinates say in unison the following:

“I think that person is a general through and through.”

Everyone would somehow find a way to agree with that comment.

The one called Darius was such man.

Today as well, Darius is doing his practice swings in his mansion’s courtyard with a
wooden training sword with his upper body undressed. At that time an old butler
turns up at Darius’ training spot.

“Master, guests have arrived.”

Due to that, Darius gave the wooden sword one final swing while giving out a sharp

“Let me see. I believe that I had not made any arrangements for anyone today, but who
is the one that came asking?”

Darius stabbed the wooden sword into the ground, picked up a cloth he had hung over
the branch of a nearby tree and wiped his body which had sweat rising up as steam.

“It’s some insolent fellows that have come by visiting without making any prior
arrangements. However, I have humbly come by just to confirm with you to make sure,
master. Allow me to take it upon myself to deal with them.”

Darius calls the butler, who was heading out after a bow in order to seemingly turn
away the visitors, to a halt.

“Wait, just what is wrong?”

This butler is a person who has served the Brutus family for a very long time. Although
they share a master servant relationship, he’s also a close childhood friend of Darius.
Darius guessed the identity of the visitors that came from the unbefitting attitude of
that butler he knows well.

“I see, so those guys came? — It can’t be helped. Guide them to the detached study.”

The butler admonishes Darius because of that.

“Master, although I know that it’s impertinent, being associated with such lowly
fellows stains master’s name…”

“I know what you want to say, but this sort of people are a necessity as well.”

The butler looked to still not be satisfied with the reply, but if the master he serves
goes as far as saying so much, it will be insolent to go on further with his worries. The
butler bowed very deeply and left.

Having finished wiping his sweat, Darius changes his wet clothes and heads by himself
to the detached room that his guests have been guided to.

This study that was created in a detached part for the sake of focusing on reading and
writing was actually used to receive guests that he couldn’t meet too openly, rather
than for its original purpose.

He went through the door that had a rather solemn design, and saw that his two guests
had already arrived in the study and were waiting for him.

Darius sits down on the couch placed in the room’s centre with a calm gait while

“Did I make you wait?”

The first one who caught his attention is a tall woman who likely gets often mistaken
as man. The woman has tied her fiery red hair into a bundle and allowed it to flow
down her back. Because she’s wearing a man’s attire, he ends up mistaking her as
imposing young man on a first glance. But, once he looked at her chest, it became quite
obvious that she’s a woman. As she deeply bows her head to Darius who finally
arrived, her chest, which bulges as if it had been stuffed with big fruits from the
southern countries, sways droopingly.

However, Darius’ gaze immediately went beyond the woman and faced the other
person next to her.
“No, it is us who should apologize for our sudden visit, Your Excellency.”

The one who said that with a bow was a pretty boy who lets out a decadent
atmosphere just like a male paramour kept by noblemen’s wives.

A dangerous light is dwelling within his eyes that are as narrow as a piece of thread.
Olive brown bangs hang down the right half of his white, beautiful face. On his slender
body, which staggers just with him standing, is a large cloth similar to a toga of Ancient
Rome twined around atop a jacket-like tunic. Even his lower feet were completely

“Tutu, I’m well aware that you have a bad knee. You don’t have to force yourself, please
sit down.”

“Then I shall accept your kind offer.”

Once the pretty boy called Tutu says that, the woman circles around behind him with
a flowing motion and moves the wooden wheelchair that was parked there, matching
up with him sitting down.

At the moment Tutu sat down on the wheelchair, the cloth that had been put on both
his shoulders fell down without delay.

Thereupon his arms, which were hidden below the cloth, become visible.

No, if you are to appraise it more precisely, it became visible that he has no arms. Both
of them are gone past his shoulders. As the only thing there are the tunic’s sleeves
with nothing in them, they slowly sway dependent on his movements.

The woman put the fallen cloth back onto his shoulders and stood behind Tutu in

Because she’s nothing more than Tutu’s servant, even Darius won’t do something like
deliberately offer a seat to someone who doesn’t exist.

“That’s rare Tutu, isn’t it? For you to directly visit my mansion.”

“I’m deeply sorry. I feel ashamed to have everyone experience such a discomfort.”

He used a far more classy manner of speech than his outward appearance suggested,
but Darius didn’t consider that to be strange. He doesn’t seem to be anything more than
a pretty boy, but his age doesn’t fit his appearance at all, Darius suspects.

For Darius, who is a high-ranking noble, to have made acquaintance with such a shady
person of unknown birth started when drunk subordinates of Darius picked a fight
with the woman who is currently accompanying Tutu.

The five soldiers that found fault with her, albeit being heavily drunken, are brawny
man who had been always thoroughly trained by Darius. However, she beat up those
five soldiers in the blink of an eye. It was right when Darius, who had arrived after
hearing of the turmoil, tried to control the situation.

When Darius, interested in her skills, invited her for tea using the pretext of an apology
for his soldier’s behaviour, it was this Tutu that she introduced as her master.

At first Darius wasn’t interested in anything besides the woman’s skill. However, while
speaking with Tutu at the tea place, Darius’ interest immediately shifted to Tutu

The height of discernment sensable from each and every single of his words. The
extent of knowledge comprehendable by the customs and manners of areas Darius
had never even heard of.

However, what drew Darius’ interest towards Tutu above all that were Tutu’s own
personal connections that are widely spread within the dark society and his
understanding of humans’ often not so overly respectable occupations.

Very likely my subordinates were caught by this guy’s trap, Darius realized.

His objective is to sell his own resourcefulness to me like this.

“Won’t you let me hire you?”

And, accepting that, Darius bought Tutu’s resourcefulness.

That because it was a quick wit that was hard to get for Darius.

No matter how friendly his relations are with the common soldiers, Darius is a high-
ranking noble. Since he can’t deny that there’s a big gap between commoners and
nobles, he wouldn’t actually be able to reach a relationship with the common soldiers
where they truly speak their mind. To say nothing of that being all the more true if the
other party are criminals who should be censured by Darius, who rules the public

“It will be an unexpected delight for me as long as I’m allowed to work under you, Your
Excellency Darius.”

Like this it was decided that Tutu would work as Darius’ spy. Since then, Tutu’s work
satisfied Darius as expected, no, even above that.

However, even with Darius appointing him to a responsible post, he remains a lowly
fellow of unclear family background. Tutu even directly showing up in the mansion
like this was rare, as he was afraid of harming Darius’ reputation.

“Today I came to report about the state of Romania as was requested by you, Your

Saying so, Tutu lightly jerked his chin at the woman standing behind him and she
presented a prepared bundle of papers to Darius.

That was a previous request to Tutu by Darius. It was a report from a secret
investigation after having hidden in the neighboring country Romania.

Romania is a major power touching the eastern border of Holmea. Both countries
were bitter enemies who repeatedly battled many times in the past over the
hegemony of the whole area around this part of the continent. “Romania laughs if
Holmea cries and Holmea laughs if Romania cries” is an oft-said saying that well
demonstrated the relations between both countries.

Darius takes the documents into his hands and his eyes can be seen following what
was written in silence for a while.

“…Hoo, that damned Romanian king. Is he trying to split Holmea apart?”

The documents listed the names of nobles, who are keeping in touch with the hostile
Romania while belonging to Holmea, and details times they do things like exchanging
letters with Romania.

“It is indeed as you say. Lord Rastiatos and Lord Legnacis, those two have frequently
exchanged letters.”
Darius places a hand on his chin and recalls the locations of the territories of the two
nobles mentioned by Tutu.

“Both of their territories are next to Romania, aren’t they? Does that mean they are
also trying to build friendly relationships with Romania just in case something were
to happen?”

“Yes. Therefore I believe it to be fine to ignore it unless the situation in Holmea


For the feudal lords around the national border, who don’t know when they will be
invaded by the neighboring countries, it was a matter of course to form friendly
relations with the neighboring countries for moments when it truly came down to
crunch time. Gossiping about each and every one of them is quite capable of driving
such feudal lords away to the neighboring countries instead.

“In that case, the problem is Lord Boldain.”

Darius mentioned the name of a noble who is exchanging letters at around the same
frequency as the two previously mentioned while having a territory in a place quite
far away from the border.

“Given that he is someone who likes to waste money, they either took hold of his
weakness or he got charmed with gold coins, or perhaps even both.”

Darius revealed a ferocious smile upon Tutu’s words.

“A shitty pig selling his motherland…”

Tutu smiles wryly as he imagines the tragic last days awaiting the noble on whom
Darius had zeroed in on.

Darius, who also finished the exchange of various information after that, nodded while
looking satisfied.

“As always, it’s a splendidly written investigation report. You are always a big help.”

“No, this much is not worthy of your words of gratitude towards me.”

Due to Tutu adopting a humble attitude upon his words of thanks, Darius lifts the
corners of his mouth into a broad grin.

“However, if it’s information at this level, it would have likely sufficed for you to simply
send a messenger as usual. Did you visit today with some sort of special information
that should be conveyed?”

“Goodness gracious, I was found out, wasn’t I?”

Tutu shows an embarrassed smile like a small boy that had his actions of mischief
exposed. However, he immediately put on a serious expression and said in a whisper,

“Would you be able to understand if I said it’s about Bolnis’ case?”

I wonder from where he obtained that information. He has sharp ears as usual.

“I just heard the story from someone in the royal army this morning. I’m told that sub-
race slaves caused a revolt in Bolnis and that the zoan took advantage of the confusion
and occupied the city, or such.”

Although one might call it a slave revolt at the level of taking a city, it’s something that
happened because of a part of the sub-races. This sort of revolt expanding in one go like
a wildfire is frightening, but as the ones who staged the revolt are sub-race slaves, the
humans in the area aren’t likely to join their cause. As such, it should be fairly easy to put
down the revolt if a punitive force of reasonable size is sent.

It’s impossible for Tutu to not know about something like that.

Darius continued speaking while carefully observing just what Tutu’s anxious about.

“Even though it might be a part of the sub-races, ignoring this will result in
encouraging the sub-race slaves within the country. Also, because it’s in the province,
farmers, who harbor dissatisfaction towards their lords, might see this as chance and
plot a rebellion as well. In any case, they should be crushed promptly.

It’s very likely that’s also His Majesty’s wish.

Recently there haven’t been any big battles either. This will allow the young men to
earn meritorious deeds. I suppose it will become a good chance to have them gain
some experience.”
“General, would it be alright for me to give you a single piece of advice?”

Tutu said at that point while interrupting Darius’ words.

“You must not take this time’s matter of Bolnis lightly.”

Darius knit his brows and stared into Tutu’s face, but there was no hint of him telling
a joke.

“Here’s what I humbly prepared in advance”, he says as the woman behind Tutu hands
a new report to Darius.

“It’s the details about Bolnis and the defeat of the zoan subjugation unit that happened
at the Hognareah Hills the other day.”

Reading the report, Darius’ face is filled with an expression of surprise.

“…Is this true?”

Darius said with a face as if he couldn’t believe it after finishing to read.

“The one who wrote it is Company Commander Aide Marchronis who guards the
fortress in the Solbiant Plains.”

The name mentioned by Tutu even sounded familiar to Darius. If I recall correctly, he’s
a veteran soldier who climbed to the rank of company commander aide from being a
wandering mercenary.

What Tutu submitted was a part of the petition addressed to the lord of Bolnis for the
sake of requesting relief reinforcements and some lacking medicinal supplies by
Marchronis. The report wrote about the details of the fire ambush, summarized by
him, after he interviewed the soldiers that had barely returned alive to the fortress.

Tutu had obtained that from somewhere.

“For the zoan to repulse our army with an ambush like this, it’s unbelievable for that
to be improvised…!”

Darius had fought against the zoan on countless occasions while leading an army, but
so far it never even happened once that the zoan used fire in an ambush.
“Certainly, it is as you say, but this is a fact. Besides, since Bolnis has fallen, there’s
likely no doubt in regarding the fortress as already lost as well.”

Tutu leaned his armless upper body half forward and drew closer to Darius.

“General, this counterattack by the zoan and the slave revolt; there’s someone pulling
the strings in the shadows.”

“A spy of Romania…?”

He can’t think of anyone in this area but Romania that would try to put Holmea into a
disadvantageous situation.

“That I do now know. However, the person pulling the strings in the back of the chain
of events; not only did this person repel the subjugation unit with this ambush, but
they also captured the fortress in a flash and forced Bolnis into capitulation by using
the slaves faster than the news reached us. Such an act is nothing that should be
possible for an ordinary person.”

Due to Tutu’s words, Darius folded his arms and sank into a gloomy silence.

After taking enough time that allowed one to fully count to twenty, Darius finally
unfolded his arms and said,

“It seems like the youngsters will complain about an old man like me butting in again,
won’t they?”

Reading his decision within Darius’ sarcastic manner of speaking, Tutu bows his head
very deeply.

“I believe that to be a wise judgement.”

“Very well. I will report to His Majesty and depart to the front myself.”

After getting on the wheelchair pushed by his servant, Tutu left Darius’ mansion through
the backdoor.

Tutu was carried and placed by the woman on top of the load area of a covered wagon
he had wait for them in a backstreet. He languidly laid his body on a cushion created
by tucking straw into a sheet. And then he carefreely watched the woman and the male
wagon driver affixing the wheelchair on the load area.

Tutu, who soon felt a dryness in his throat, gets a leather water bag that was stored in
a corner of the load area by stretching out a foot while lying sprawled. Removing the
stopper of the water bag with the nails of his toes, he skilfully brought it to his mouth
with just his feet and and began to drink the delicious-looking water by inclining the
water bag.

Having finished drinking, Tutu inserts the stopper of the water bag again and notices
the woman, who finished affixing the wheelchair, looking his way with scrutinizing

“Master, it’s not limited to someone looking somewhere. Please stop with that sort of

Saying that, the woman closed the entrance of the load area covered by a canopy with
a thin cloth, called out to the driver and had him move the covered wagon. Tutu smiled
wryly with an embarrassed look as the wagon started to move slowly accompanied by
slight vibrations, but he realizes that there’s another emotion dwelling in the woman’s

“Damia, is there something you want to tell me?”

The woman in male clothing called Damia opened her eyes widely in surprise, but
after hesitating for a bit, she said,

“It’s about the leader of the zoan and slaves that caused a revolt in Bolnis.”

When Tutu jerks his chin as if telling her to continue, Damia voices out her question.

“Isn’t he the [Hero] you told me about, master?”

“Someday a [Hero] opposing the Holy Faith will appear and a great war will take place.”

Those were the words Tutu told her before.

The Holy Faith, which is currently conquering this continent, is too radical.
It’s declaring that the other races ought to be despised and weeded out for the sake of
making the humans into the supreme race. Because the current power of the humans is
strong, they are able to get away with that, but the resentment accumulated as the other
races endured such treatment will probably trigger something that will shake the entire
continent in due time.

At that time someone, who will try to overthrow the Holy Faith, will appear among the
various races.

That was Tutu’s prediction.

Doesn’t this time’s revolt by the zoan and slaves look exactly like what was foretold by
Tutu? Damia wondered.

However, without answering Damia’s question, Tutu asked her a question in reverse.

“Say, Damia. What do you think the empire gains because of the Holy Faith?”

After thinking for a little while, Damia hit upon an idea and replies,

“Isn’t it a reason to invade the countries of the other races?”

“That’s nothing more than what’s visible on the surface.”

However, Tutu denied her question with a brief comment.

“The human obtained enemies and pride due to the Holy Faith.”

A sarcastic smile forms on Tutu’s lips.

“The humans aren’t strong like the dinosaurians and can’t freely move about in water
like the marmen. They don’t possess a high technological skill like dwarves. They
aren’t as beautiful as the elves either. They can’t run quickly like zoan. Nor can they fly
through the sky like harpyians.

Everyone probably believed in the innermost depths of their hearts that the humans
are the most inferior among the seven races, right?

However, the Holy Faith arbitrarily decided the other races to be inferior. There’s no
reason to it either. They are simply saying that the humans are superior and the other
races inferior. With that it was plenty enough for the humans who were tormented by
an inferiority complex.”

Tutu snorted quietly as if to say “How absurd.”

“Moreover, the Holy Faith demonstrated and drew up a conflict that’s easy to
understand by everyone, be it humans or the sub-races. By fabricating such a clear
enemy, namely the sub-races, and bestowing the emotional prop called pride, the
empire concentrated the power of its citizens and built up a powerful nation with a
centralised authoritarian rule.

This is what the empire gained through the Holy Faith.”

Thereupon Tutu takes out one bundle of papers from a box that was stuffed with
various letters and shows it to Damia with his toes.

“This speech of the revolt’s leader in Bolnis is truly interesting.”

It was a report detailing the “Proclamation of Iron” held by Souma which was sent by
a spy whom he had stay hidden in Bolnis.

“These guys are a mixed army of the zoan and the slaves, who were released by the
zoan. Right now they have gathered under one banner in their fear of the humans, but
their respective objectives are different. The zoan probably want to protect their own
sphere of daily existence. However, the slaves’ objective is to return to their
homelands, extract their revenge on the humans, and various other conflicting ones.
With this one won’t be able to control them, right?”

While being here, a place far away from Bolnis, Tutu accurately saw through the
problematic issues of Souma and the others.

“The easiest method to instigate the zoan and former slaves into fighting is to view
Holmea State and the humans as enemies. Telling them Defeat Holmea, kill the humans.
That’s very easy to understand. However, the leader of the zoan didn’t do that. Do you
know what this means?”

While Damia shook her head to the left and right slightly, Tutu grinned broadly and

“If this guy accepts the things called [Freedom] and [Equality], that’s also saying that
he will befriend even humans.”

Damia opened her eyes widely as if saying “You don’t say!”

“What a cunning fellow he is! While having created an enemy for the sake of unifying
his allies, he leaves room to become stronger by possibly swallowing up the humans
that used to be enemies if they accept their point of view. Something like the Holy Faith
doesn’t stand a chance in comparison to this fellow!”

Tutu chuckles.

“This guy is a hero? You shouldn’t say such stupid things. This guy isn’t such a petty
person. This guy is a far more frightening person.”

Tutu, who laid sprawled, suddenly got up and gazed at the reports spread out on top
of the loading area with an intense concentration.

As if he could discover the figure of Souma giving the “Proclamation of Iron” there.

“This is surprising. I wonder in what kind of environment this guy grew up? I wonder
what kind of education this guy received? How did he come up with such idea? I can’t
imagine it at all.”

Tutu doesn’t know.

About Souma coming from a different world and him being a Drop Child.

How that in that world the strongest country is a multiethnic one that governs
immigrants of different nations under the words of freedom, equality, and the
country’s own justice.

About there being a dictatorship that unifies its people by appealing for them to band
together and work for a common cause and by creating false enemies outside the
country, even though its economy and agriculture are failing.

“Then you intend to kill the leader of the revolt, master Tutu?”

That was also a question implying that Tutu can kill him easily without something like
inciting others. The reach of Tutu, who is capable of at least that much, extends far and
However, Tutu shook his head.

“I want to watch the situation for a while, you know?”

“Isn’t it bad to have spurred on General Darius then?”

No matter how resolutely they go for it, in the end it’s zoan, who are on the decline, and
slaves who caused a revolt without thinking of the consequences. Their next opponent is
a punitive force consisting of Holmea’s regular army. Their equipment and proficiency
cannot be compared to something at the level of a defeated provincial city’s garrison.
Much less to say, that the one leading them will be that General Darius. I guess it will
finish without him being able to even wait and see what happens

However, Tutu slightly snorted with his nose as if belittling someone and said,

“If they are crushed by the likes of General Darius, they are insignificant.”

“The likes, it is…?”

General Darius is without doubt Holmea’s best general. For this reason Tutu curried
favor with Darius going as far as treading on thin ice. However she didn’t comprehend
her master’s aim in evaluating that Darius as “the likes of”.

“The likes, it is indeed. This leader picked a fight with the world as an opponent. Since
we are talking about him trying to take on the world, he needs to win easily against
someone at the level of General Darius. If he’s unable to achieve something even at
that level, it would be best for everyone if he were to exit the stage quickly.”

Damia was lost.

Does my master possibly have expectations towards this zoan leader? Or is he merely
trying to give him a crushing defeat?

“I have no doubt that General Darius will lead the punitive force. Well then, I wonder
what this guy will do with Holmea’s best general as his opponent? What will he be
able to show us?”

The face of Tutu talking like that sparkled with joy and anticipation, just like that of a
boy receiving presents for his birthday.

The matter of Holmea’s western city Bolnis having surrendered to the zoan and slaves
was reported at the council with Holmea’s King present just before noon of this day.

Holmea’s king Warius Sadoma Holmeanis was angered by this. With his overwhelming
rage, King Warius unleashed his next words

“Impale the heads of those zoan and slaves on every road there is!”

This furious wrath doesn’t stem from just the zoan, who he despised as mere beasts,
and the sub-race slaves causing a revolt. King Warius’ birth festival would soon take
place. He likely considered the fall of Bolnis that happened in this period as the worst
possible insult towards him by the zoan and slaves.

With King Warius’ rage being like this, the punitive force that was centered around
Holmea’s national army was formed hastily.

And, the one who was chosen as its supreme commander was the former grand
marshal Darius Brutus.
Having received the official appointment to suppress the slave revolt that took place
in Bolnis by Holmea’s king, Darius left the castle and directly headed towards the
national army’s garrison located in the suburbs.

The general entrusted with this garrison was naturally surprised. Even if you say that
the two were generals of equal rank, the other party was a former grand marshal,
albeit a retired one. Darius was an opponent he cannot hold a candle to in regards to
career, nor pedigree or age. He jumped out in surprise, put on his formal mantle to at
least show off in some manner, and rushed out to greet the other party. Alas, Darius
only said “I’m coming in”, and rudely began to walk throughout the garrison with a
sidelong glance at the general.

Noticing that his destination were the barracks where the common soldiers are
staying, the general tries to detain him in a hurry, but Darius chases him away with
the brief comment “Do not interfere.”

Darius opened the door that had begun falling apart and entered the barracks.

“Is Bolgus here!?”

The voice of Darius reverberated inside the barracks, which had simple beds lined up
in a cramped manner.

The soldiers are startled due to Darius’ sudden visit. A middle-aged man with shortly
trimmed dark hair streaked with grey and an unshaven face steps forward. It’s a rough
looking man that would fit the appearance of a stereotypical bandit boss, if this
weren’t the barracks of the national army.

He is a veteran that brought together the common soldiers that served under Darius
in the past.

“Hey there, Your Excellency the Grand Marshal. What are you doing in this kind of
The reactions among the soldiers inside the barracks were split twofold. The relatively
young soldiers, who never even considered the possibility of a high ranking noble
general visiting their barracks that’s recognised by them and others as a filthy garbage
dump, were frozen in place with surprised looks. However, the veterans, who have the
experience of fighting under Darius in the past, are hooting and hollering things like
“We’re pigs!?” and “A pigsty is still better than this dump”.

“I’m not the marshal anymore. — However, it’s good to see that you are the same as

“Excuse me for that then, Your Excellency the General. Well, the ones called humans
don’t really change that quickly.”

“There’s no mistake in that.”

Darius loosened his expression suddenly as if looking at something dearly missed, but
that immediately completely reverts into a stern expression.

“You have heard about Bolnis, haven’t you?”

“That is, well…”

Guessing what Darius wanted to say with only that much, Bolgus said next,

“Meaning, you are going to need us for something, right?”

“I will organize a punitive force from now on, but I’d like you to take charge of two

“I don’t mind, but the young noble masters are going to be upset again.”

Judging from Darius’ manner of speech, it seems like he will form a force for some special
mission and he’s thinking of making me its commander. However, as it’s a unit that will
carry out such a special mission, it will be easy to obtain meritorious deeds with nothing
more than participating. For the noble commissioned officers, who are thirsting for
achievements, it’s a role they’d desperately like to take upon themselves. If that’s
snatched away by a human that came from some commoners, they won’t take too kindly
to that.

“Don’t care. There’s no need to humor children who mistakenly believe they can battle
with just their lineage.”

“Haa… However, the one’s facing their displeasure will definitely be us, don’t you

“That’s why I’m asking you. You can likely handle this naive and retarded treatment.”

Since the time when Darius brilliantly flourished as general, he had appointed this
Bolgus to a responsible post one way or another. Not only did he value his nerve when
it came to speaking his mind even to a high ranking noble like Darius, he was tolerant,
for which he has been idolized by the common soldiers below him.

But what Darius valued above all else is how he evades the harassment of his superior
officers of noble origin, who were jealous of him being assigned to important posts by
Darius, like an eel and his toughness.

“Well, you are not wrong about that, I guess. — So, what caused you to deliberately
come to this place? If it’s only that much, it would have been fine to talk with me after
you put the formation in order, right?”

“In which case it will be too late. There’s something I want you to do right away.”

Saying that, Darius spreads a map of Holmea’s western part he had an attendant hold
and spoke about the details of the mission. Due to that, Bolgus wears an expression
telling that it doesn’t make sense, although he is able to understand the details.

“Hee, I see. But, are the zoan that capable? I have never heard about that being the case.”

“It doesn’t matter even if it’s just a fool’s errand. Then it will just be a matter of
pinching and crushing them.”

Once Darius acknowledges it, there’s no objection by Bolgus. He lightly bows as if

sticking his head out and answers “Understood”.

“I leave the selection of the soldiers under your command to you. As for your
equipment and supplies, I will explain it to those of military affairs. Do as you like.”

“That’s appreciated.”

Bolgus turned around to the soldiers who attentively listened to their conversation,
and said in a loud voice,

“You heard him, you bastards, didn’t you!? We will give victory to the former grand
marshal, who only has a few years left to him, to decorate his last performance.”

The barracks shook from the resounding cheers that came from the soldiers.

Drum sounds reverberate in the plains located east of Bolnis.

Matching those, countless roar-like yells could be heard and the earth trembled with
the rumbling footsteps. The ones causing those yells and footsteps are close to 1,000

And, in a place slightly apart from the zoan, the dwarves and dinosaurians gazed at
that spectacle.

Garam raises his prided loud voice towards them.

“Got it!? If the drums continuously beat in an intense Dododon! Dododon! like just
now, it’s the signal for charging. Next we will play the drums for the standby order!”

Shishul, who followed behind him, makes the drums she holds resound with a Don!
Dodon! after hearing Garam’s words. Thereupon the running zoan suddenly stopped
all at once.

“This is the signal of standing by. — Then, everyone please participate now as well!”

Upon Garam’s words, the dwarves and dinosaurians start walking in groups and enter
in-between the zoan. After confirming that everyone had assembled, Garam shouts,

“Then, start!”

Hearing that, Shishul begins to play the drums.

What they were doing was training for the sake of acting as one upon command.

The ones who obeyed Souma so far had only been the zoan. But now that they had
taken Bolnis and absorbed the freed slaves into their force, they were compelled by
necessity to consolidate the methods for mobilization upon command.

The rhythms of the drums used for those commands were adopted without change
from the ones used by the zoan. The zoan, who lived in the wide plains, possessed the
skill to convey surprisingly many various information by just combining the rhythms
of playing the drums. Naturally, it’s not as if everybody can learn all of them right away.
Currently, they’re limited to having them completely memorize the rhythms for
attacking and waiting.

“It’s simple, but there’s no other option but to have their bodies memorise it by
repeating it many times over. Sooner or later, they’ll be at the point where their bodies
react to the commands before they even understand the rhythm they just heard.”

Garam, who explained it like that to Souma who is standing nearby, gives an
instruction with a gesture of his hands. Once he does, Shishul plays the drum with the
rhythm of standby.

Thereupon the zoan immediately stood still on the spot. However, the dwarves and
dinosaurians that still don’t know the drums’ signal yet end up late as they wonder
what the rhythm means, resulting in them finally stopping as well after seeing the
response of the zoan. Moreover, once Garam has Shishul play the signal of standby
once more, only the dwarves and dinosaurians among the zoan, who don’t take even
a single step, start running by reflex and the scenery of them stopping in panic could
be seen all over.

“Well, they only started. It’s inevitable.”

To Garam, who smiles wryly, Souma also returned a wry smile.

A rude voice could be heard speaking to Souma from behind.

“Oi, brat.”

It was the dinosaurian warrior, Jahangil Hesam Jalji, who lied on his belly on top of an
even rock located slightly away from Souma and the others.

“When will the battle start?”

Souma honestly answers to Jahangil who asks with a really sullen voice,
“Yes, we are still waiting for the move of the country called Holmea.”

“I see…”

Jahangil says this as he seemingly has already lost interest again, and widely opens his
large mouth with its fangs and yawns. But, a short time later he calls Souma once
again, still denouncing him as a brat.

As Souma regards himself as brat to begin with, he doesn’t mind. However, a

dangerous aura resembling bloodthirst leaked out of Shahata, who accompanied
Souma as his guard, each time he was called brat. While soothing Shahata with a bitter
smile, Souma replies frankly,

“What is it?”

Even though he had called out to Souma by himself, Jahangil stayed silent for a short
while as if searching for words and then suddenly said,

“I’m strong.”

“…I see. I have heard so as well.”

In reality he had received the warning to be careful around this dinosaurian warrior
from Garam and Zurgu. Since both of them, whom Souma believes to be the strongest
zoan warriors, have gone as far as saying “Never get close to that guy when both of us
are not present” in unison, he suspects that Jahangil must be quite the impressive

“That’s right. I’m strong.”

Seemingly pleased by Souma’s reply, Jahangil opened his nostrils widely and took a
rough breath through them.

“Good grief, what’s the deal with that guy…”

Having heard the exchange between Jahangil and Souma behind him, Garam said at a
low volume so as to not be heard by the two. Implicitly one can feel his anger of Join
the others in the training if you have that much spare time.

Due to that, Zurgu revealed a face with a wry smile as if he already gave up and said,
“He apparently approved of Sir Soma to a certain extent, but he likely won’t abide
obediently in the coming events. However, it looks like he’s determined.”

“…What do you mean?”

“Look at his tail.”

Shishul plays the drums of charging.

The tip of his tail fiercely shakes back and forth.

Shishul plays the drums of standby.

The fierce tail movements stopped all of a sudden and then it swayed slowly while
waiting for the next drum.


Zurgu lightly shrugs his shoulders as if saying “I told you, didn’t I?” as Garam, who’s
next to him, muttered that. Getting irritated by that for some reason, Garam revealed
a malicious smile.

“As expected of an experienced person. It seems you are pretty clear about your past
self, no?”

Zurgu grimaces after Garam took a dig at the time when Zurgu hesitated to follow

“Don’t say anything stupid. I had a high opinion of Sir Soma from the beginning. —
Right, Shishul?”

Shishul, who was asked to agree with her uncle like that, placed a finger against her
jaw, pondered for a short while and then said,

“Certainly, uncle valued Sir Soma from the start. At any rate, it was to the extent of him
looking forward to how much he would make you cry, Sir Garam, once he stole Sir
Soma from the Fang Clan.”

“…Oh. That’s a very interesting story.”

Garam glares at Zurgu.

“S-Shishul! You betrayed me!?”

“Hasn’t it been you, uncle, who told me that I will be able to obtain his real trust if I
treat Sir Garam with more respect than my own clan, now that I became Sir Garam’s

“T-That is…”

This was truly a fine example of not knowing what to say. Shishul, who talked down
her uncle, puffed out he small chest towards Garam as if saying “How about that!?”,
however Garam pressed a hand against his forehead, apparently getting a headache,
and said,

“Everyone is waiting for the next instruction.”

Noticing her brethren, who are looking her way wondering what happened due to the
drums not being played for a long period of time, Shishul played the drums in a fluster.
Leaving the training to Shishul and Gulkaka, Souma decided to temporarily return to
the city of Bolnis while taking only the key members with him.

Once they pass through the left open gate, the attention gathers on Souma’s group
from everywhere.

However, that’s only natural.

The two great men representing the zoan, Garam and Zurgu, the dwarf Dvalin who had
a splendidly long beard, and the dinosaurian Jahangil, who is following despite saying
this and that; each of them releases an intense aura. It would be impossible for them
to not draw attention.

And, the one who drew the most attention among them was Kizaki Souma, a human
boy one might call weak, who walks in the lead accompanied by Shyemul and Shahata
as his guards.

From the eyes of the zoan and the freed slaves belonging to various other races, he’s a
mysterious leader that appeared suddenly. From the eyes of the city’s residents, he’s
an invader accompanied by terrifying sub-races.

While apparently getting overpowered by the fearful and inquisitive gazes of the
people, Souma surveyed the state of the city.

As far as Souma sees it, the city of Bolnis has, for the most part, calmed down.

When they had first taken the city, people couldn’t be seen anywhere on the city’s
streets. But now that several days have passed, residents could be sporadically seen
on the main street. However, in order to avoid causing needless troubles with the zoan
and former slaves, the residents kept their heads down, walked on the edges of the
street, and tried their hardest not to make eye contact. They scattered in all directions
like a clutch of baby spiders after seeing Souma, which secretly hurt Souma’s feelings.
But, even so, the city’s atmosphere has improved quite a bit.

It’s the result of news on Souma’s policy, where he doesn’t intend to oppress the city’s
residents, spreading among the residents.

It’s natural, but public media similar to newspapers or radio doesn’t exist in this
world. Hence, to make some kind of announcement to the residents, the feudal lord
would invite the influential people of the city to his official residence and directly tell
them the details of what would be announced there. These people would then
announce this information to those under their control, and the information would
spread from there like a telephone game. It would eventually spread across the whole

However, Souma and the zoan didn’t know about this arrangement at all.

The one who saved them there was Marchronis.

“Since the residents are likely to be anxious and frightened, you will want to counter
that as soon as possible.”

Hearing the advice of this company commander aide of Holmea’s army, who is awfully
cooperative while insisting that it’s only because his subordinates have been taken
hostage, Souma immediately called together the influential people of the city, told
them that his group has no intention to hurt the residents pointlessly and worked
towards dispelling their worries.

What made these people feel the safest was that Souma stated that they were free to
take their belongings and peacefully leave the city if they so desired.

Although he told them to decide it by themselves, Souma secretly felt uneasy

wondering whether that wouldn’t result in the majority of the residents leaving, but
only a negligible amount of people actually left.

Souma didn’t understand it, but the act of leaving the city one was born in was the
same as risking one’s life in this world. If one goes a bit outside the cities and villages
which have guards and vigilante corps, the area essentially becomes lawless. Not only
are there natural disasters and wild animals to be found there, but there are also
countless bandits and robbers who are far more dangerous than those.

Even if one was able to arrive safely at a city or village after escaping from those
dangers, it would be difficult for them to find work and set up a house there as long as
they don’t have the connections necessary there. It is no exaggeration to say that cities
and villages are their own little worlds. In the eyes of Souma, who lived in modern
Japan, they are surprisingly exclusive and unsociable towards outsiders.

Hence, as long as they are not compelled to do so by an obvious danger, they would
not give up on the city they live in.

But then again, it’s an unshakable truth that Souma allowing them to freely run away
from the city gave a sense of security to the residents.

Going through the city and returning to the confiscated official residence of the feudal
lord, Souma and the others sat down in a circle in the courtyard underneath the
blazing sun and discussed their future plans.

“I plan to have everyone continue their training as is for the time being.”

Garam nods at Souma’s words.

“There’s no objection from me. There are various things I’d like to try, but rather than
meddling with this and that in a half-assed manner, it’s probably better to do things
soundly one after the other.”

“The training’s fine, but what about the arms?”

Dvalin, who had volunteered to take care of the armaments and materials, replied to
Zurgu’s question,

“As long as they aren’t picky about the weapons, the numbers are all fine. However, the
armors are a problem. Since all of the gear is ready-made for human use, it doesn’t
really fit us. We’re going to have to take em’ apart, and remake them so that we can
wear them.”

“About how long do you think it will take to have enough for everyone?”

Upon Souma’s question, Dvalin ponders for a brief period while stroking his abundant

“Let me see… As we’ve also got to train and prepare the materials, it will take around
ten days, even if we work day and night.”
“Will it be in time like that? Wouldn’t it be rather better to affix the armors for human
use to their bodies with strings or something like that as is?”

At the present time where they don’t know when the punitive force might arrive,
Zurgu’s suggestion isn’t mistaken. However, the one he’s dealing with is after all a
dwarf who possesses a strong obsession about craftsmanship.

“Do you intent to mock us!? Skimping out like that would just be damn embarrassing!”

Souma admonished Dvalin, who said that.

“I’d like you to put priority on everyone’s lives over your embarrassment for just now.”

“…No helping it.”

He can also understand Souma’s point, but Dvalin, who can’t readily come to terms
with a compromise towards his pride as a dwarf, became sulky.

Even so, since Souma believes that Dvalin is someone who will get the things done that
he must do, he doesn’t say anything further. Also, for that reason Dvalin didn’t became
obstinate and backed down in the end.

During these heated arguments and discussions about the countermeasures towards
the punitive force, Garam noticed the state of his younger sister who was there in body
but not in spirit.

“What’s wrong with you, <Noble Fang>?”

Garam whispered in a quiet voice so as to not disturb the ongoing discussion, but
Shyemul shows no indication of having heard him. Once Garam pokes her shoulder
out of necessity, Shyemul finally lifts her head all of a sudden.

“…! Wh-, <Ferocious Fang>, what happened?”

Garam frowns due to that weak reaction of Shyemul, who until recently had always
steeled herself for such occasions, due to her advising Souma due to his lack of sense
about this world.

Once he tries to think back, he remembers that she was weird even when Jahangil
called Souma a brat a while ago. If it’s the Shyemul he knows, it wouldn’t have been
that strange if she had flared up at Jahangil over such a statement.

“Recently your state of mind seems weird. Sometimes it looks like you are brooding
over something. Is there a problem?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Are you really alright?”

“<Ferocious Fang>, I’m a woman, too. Even though I’m your sister, don’t you think it’s
bad to persistently try and ask a woman about things?”

That was an indirect refusal. Once he’s told something like that, even Garam can’t
question her unreasonably. Shyemul was full of guilty feelings towards her elder
brother, who withdrew with an expression that he wasn’t fully satisfied with her

What is casting a dark shadow on Shyemul’s heart these last few days is the
mysterious girl she saw at the night of the day when Souma made his declaration in
front of everyone.

Even now it causes a chill to run down along her spine and cold sweat to pour out,
once she recalls it.

That is something very evil.

Like a raging storm that makes everything disappear, like a large swarm of locusts that
scours the earth, it’s something that can’t ever be opposed with a person’s strength, a
mighty and atrocious power, Shyemul’s intuition warned her.

The measurement when encountering something like that is set in stone.

That is, to avoid it at all costs, don’t oppose it head-on, and pray for dear life that it

Originally, even Shyemul wanted to to do just that.

It would have been best if I had plugged my ears and shut my eyes so that I wouldn’t have
seen or heard anything. I could’ve just shrugged it off as some dream or hallucination.
However, only this time she couldn’t do that. That’s because that thing mentioned the
name of Souma, who is Shyemul’s “Navel Master”.

Moreover, it even left behind the prediction that Souma would become a terrifying

Shyemul looks at Souma in secret.

She can’t sense a glimpse of a terrifying monster from Souma, who has a desperate
discussion with everybody while holding his head high, at all. Shyemul wondered
whether that was a mere illusion after all, but even so she cannot help but feel
something similar to a lingering uneasiness dwelling within her chest.

As if shaking that off, Shyemul lightly shakes her head left and right.

I don’t know whether it was a dream, a hallucination or an evil being that visited under
the cover of the night’s darkness. But, now is not the time for my heart to be misled by
something like that, Shyemul remonstrates herself strongly and forces her
consciousness to focus on the discussion.

And, even while Shyemul was worrying, the discussion was able to make some

“In the end, it’s painful that we can’t obtain information about the punitive force, isn’t

Souma grumbled while unable to quite pinpoint the countermeasures.

Souma and the others couldn’t even forecast the scale of the punitive force and when
it would show up.

That’s because Souma’s group wasn’t able to obtain information regarding Holmea.

“The one controlling information, controls the world”, there’s such a saying, too. Even
the manga and novels Souma knows of had put high importance on intelligence about
the enemy, and depending on the circumstances, they even made use of their trump
cards. For that reason Souma tried to get information about Holmea’s army from the
imprisoned soldiers that used to be the city’s guard unit.

However, that didn’t work out at all in the end.

That’s because the prisoners, who believe that they will be soon freed by the punitive
force, stubbornly refused to disclose information so they wouldn’t be punished for
having leaked intelligence.

Due to that attitude of the humans, Jahangil fervently insisted on having them spill the
beans through torture if they don’t fess up, but there was no way that Souma would
approve of that. Besides owning the moral values of the modern world that demands
a humane treatment even for prisoners, Souma believed that it would become a major
problem concerning the ruling of the city from now on.

However, even so, all of that will end up as a pointless consideration if they can’t repel
the punitive force. Completely unable to obtain information to this degree, as
expected, even Souma couldn’t help but worry whether they shouldn’t default to

“Currently we don’t know the scale of the enemy or when they will come here. I think
we have no other choice but to wait for the other side’s move, and scout them out as
much as we can.”

Souma suggested this conservative method reliant on waiting and observing, but
some words were returned to Souma from an unexpected newcomer.

“If it’s the scale of the punitive force, I think they will likely have from around at least
four thousand to at maximum six thousand.”

The one who said that was Company Commander Aide Marchronis who turned up
without them noticing.

“What’s this about?”

Garam says with a look as if seeing someone fishy.

Those were words hurled at him due to Marchronis himself actively taking the
initiative to leak crucial army intelligence. However, Marchronis deliberately
misunderstands that as Garam asking for the basis of the numbers he gave.

“Holmea’s military forces are approximately 20,000 soldiers strong. Half of these are
used as a border guard against the eastern country Romania. Even the remaining
10,000 soldiers are comprised of unmovable corps’ such as public order units at
various places and the capital’s royal guard. If you deduct these, there’s only around
four to six thousand soldiers left who can be moved immediately.”

While saying that, Marchronis joins the sitting circle in a manner that could only be
called natural.

“Your guys’ military strength at the time when you attacked this city has already been
leaked by messengers sent by the guard corps. If you also add the former slaves to
that, it’s probably more than one thousand.

Since it’s necessary to have military forces that exceed the defenders by three times
or more if you are going to take a city with a wall like this, the military forces of the
punitive force will have certainly more than four thousand soldiers. Even if it’s only
the national army they can move right away, they can probably scrounge up that
number somehow.”

Due to the words of Marchronis, who has reasoned that out logically, everyone listens
closely with serious expressions.

“Different from the national army which is a standing army, the feudal lord’s private
armies can’t be moved swiftly due to their tasks of controlling the territories and such.
It would be a different matter if there was more time available, but this revolt— oops,
excuse me. In the eyes of Holmea it is though. The revolt spreading to other areas will
be troublesome. As such, they likely want to crush you guys swiftly.”

At that point, Marchronis revealed a bitter smile and scratched his hair.

“Also, there’s another reason why they want to crush you quickly, you know? His
Highness Vlitas, a person you guys secured— it’s about the feudal lord, but that
gentleman is His Majesty the current King’s younger brother.”

Due to that remark, everyone present stared at Marchronis in surprise, as expected.

“The reclamation of the Solbiant Plains has been carried out under the leadership of
Holmea’s royal family. Hence, His Highness had been deployed to this city of Bolnis,
which is at the forefront, as feudal lord. However, you being able to arrest His Highness
the King’s younger brother is a slap in the face of the royal family’s honor. As for His
Majesty the king, he likely wants to subjugate the revolt and free His Highness the
King’s younger brother as quickly as possible.

If you consider it like that, he believes it to be best if he can crush you with just the
forces that can be moved immediately rather than mobilising soldiers which will need
time to gather, I think.”

Now that he was told that, Souma changes his mind.

When Souma met with the feudal lord of Bolnis whom had been apprehended by
Garam, that person stressed that he is an important figure and they would be able to
obtain a high ransom for him.

Once I think back upon it now, it was a strange story from where that ransom would
come even though his own territory had been snatched away. But, that means there was
such a reason behind it.

“Nevertheless, it’s indispensable to gather the provisions for several thousand people
and to check the equipment of the soldiers. Besides, for a city that was protected by
such a strong city wall to have fallen, it will probably become necessary to prepare
siege weapons. Only those preparations will take more than one week.”

“One week?”

When Souma, who got worried whether a week would be the same as it was in the
world where he lived, asks Shyemul with his look, she immediately understood and
tells him,

“Starting from the day of the God of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Beast, Bird and lastly
finishing with the day of the God of Humans, there is in total seven days.”

The name of the days were naturally different, but comprehending that it seems to be
seven days just like in modern Japan, Souma felt relieved.

There’s nothing like a Sunday, equivalent to a day of rest in modern society, but Souma
learns about that a bit later.

“Thus, finishing the preparations for various things, it will take them close to three
weeks, no matter how much they hurry, to come here after finally passing through the
city of Luoma from the capital, you know?”

In the current situation where they are unable to even to have a unified order as of
yet, three weeks are short, albeit appearing to be long. Souma, who considered it
advantageous to gain as much time as possible, voiced out a certain idea,
“Is is possible to negotiate with Holmea’s king by using his younger brother whom we
have arrested?”

“That’s impossible.”

Marchronis declares.

“To put it bluntly, His Highness the King’s younger brother has a very bad reputation.
Not only is he incompetent and gutless, but he also thirsts for pleasure. He gathered
not only human but even female slaves of other races in his private residence in the
capital, indulged in banquets that are difficult to even speak about, and neglected
important national affairs many times over. It was bad enough to make him the feudal
lord for this city, which was basically a sort of exile.

Even if you were to use His Highness the King’s younger brother’s life as tool for
negotiations, the king would ignore you and attack the city. Even if his younger brother
got killed due to that, it could just be used as a form of propaganda for the public. I
think you can say that I would bet everything I own that His Majesty the King would
undoubtedly do just that.”

Since he has gone this far to make his point, I should probably give up on negotiations
involving the king’s younger brother.

Souma lowered his eyes on the regional map of this area that had been spread out
right in the middle of the circle.

The enemy has at the very least more than four thousand soldiers. It’s impossible for us
to win if we face them directly. Turning that around, I should ponder about methods of
not fighting them directly.

If I do that, there’s nothing but this place.

Thinking like that, Souma observed a certain point located on the map. And then he
places a finger on his chin and broods motionlessly.

Believing that the discussion has reached its end with Souma sinking into silence,
Dvalin began to speak,

“At this point there’s no other option but for this this become a siege battle.”
Garam states his disapproval to that.

“However, us zoan are bad at fighting while holing up.”

The currently largest military forces among those following Souma are the zoan.
However, if it turns into a siege battle, the zoan won’t be able to use their mobility,
which is their strongest point, and they will become unable to wield their full strength.

“Then you want to plunge into a punitive force that has more than four thousand

Garam was at a loss for words due to this retort of Dvalin.

Garam is brave but not an idiot. The story, where his own parents suffered a big,
crushing defeat after recklessly charging towards Holmea’s army, had been told to him
so often that he got calluses on his ears. With no more than that, there’s no way for
him to make the same mistake as his parents.

As though giving up, Garam raised both his hands up to the height of his shoulders.

“Even if I’m stubborn, there’s no other way. If it turns into a siege battle, we will follow

Due to that Dvalin nodded satisfied.

“It looks like we will be able to do various works on the city’s gates and walls if we
have three weeks. Ah yes, we have to also check the provisions and materials, right?”

In this world the dwarves are not only known for their excelling skills in crafting, but
also for their strength in defensive battles at military positions. As far as him being
able to exercise his own talents in his field of expertise to his heart’s content was
concerned, Dvalin felt as if his blood was boiling in excitement.

“Soma, I think that there’s no other option but a siege battle, but what do you think?”

The sound of Dvalin’s world felt more like him seeking approval than asking for an
opinion, but there was no one who interjected with an objection against that. That’s
because all of them currently believed that there was no other option but a siege
However, Souma said something that apparently struck all of them dumb.

“I’m thinking along the lines of making an attack instead of defending in the city.”
“Are you sane?”

Marchronis’ words represented the feelings of everyone present and even Shyemul,
who would usually flare up at such remark, apparently couldn’t find any fault with

“With only the zoan, we have around 800 troops. Even if we add the released slaves to
that, we still fall short of 2000 troops. Challenging the national army that has more
than 4000 soldiers would be suicide.”

Only Jahangil got worked up and said “They will be scattered by my kicks!”, but the
others stayed silent while uniformly showing bitter expressions.

“If we face them from the front, we won’t stand a decent chance. I also believe this.”

Understanding that Souma hasn’t given into despair, Marchronis let out a sigh and
tried to calm his emotions.

However, while revealing a provocative smile, Souma asks Marchronis,

“Mister Marchronis, I think that you are closest to understanding the thought process
of the commander of the punitive force among those present here. If you were the
punitive force’s commander, would you expect us to pick a fight with you by departing
from the city?”

“I would be cautious at the level of They might come attacking after getting excited
having taken the city, as fools who can’t even understand the difference in combat power
between both sides.”

Marchronis deliberately used a sharp manner of speech, which implied that he was
remonstrating Souma’s hasty act. Guessing Marchronis’ intention, Souma returned a
wry smile.
“I also think that it’s a dangerous gamble. But our side is overwhelmingly inferior on
the side of combat power. Sooner or later it will become necessary to take some kind
of risk.”

“That seems correct, certainly, but…”

Taking into account the hypothesized difference in combat power, they will definitely
lose if they fight normally. If they want to win despite that, they have to take a dangerous
bet. Even Marchronis can understand as much.

However, Marchronis thinks. Even if the punitive force were to be careless, for
argument’s sake, only that won’t be enough. Moreover, on top of that they have to obtain
victory with their own hands.

“What are you planning to do?”

Souma changes his expression after Marchronis’ question and,

“Before I tell you that, there’s something I’d like to confirm—.”

Souma points at a place on the map.

“This is a river and this a bridge, right? How deep is the water and how much water
does the river carry here?”

The map showed a river, which streams from the northern mountains to the south
after passing between Bolnis and Luoma, and a bridge that spanned over said river at
the place he pointed at.

“Currently there isn’t that much water due to the dry season. Especially the place
where this bridge is located at, has a wide river width making up for its water depth
that at most reaches to one’s knees.”

“I guess it’s impossible with this amount of water. Besides, we probably won’t have the
time either…”

What Souma thought of first was to wash away the punitive force with a muddy stream
after making a dam that would be built upstream burst while matching the time with
the punitive force’s river crossing. It’s a move often used in manga and light novels
about military history, but even the dwarves, who possess a high engineering skill,
would probably be hard pressed to build a dam that can accumulate enough water to
wash away the enemy troops in a short time.

If that’s the case, I will confirm whether I can realize the other move I came up with.

“What kind of bridge is it?”

Marchronis answered while digging up the bridge’s structure from within his

“It’s a bridge that was created by laying many logs that were split vertically across
rocks that protruded out of the river. If I remember correctly, its width has an extent
that would be filled up by one largish carriage or wagon, I think.”

Among the bridges of this era there are many such simple constructions that only laid
planks or logs across rivers. It bases on the preamble that the bridge will be dropped
to hold back an invasion when getting attacked by an enemy.

“Are there other places, besides this bridge, where it’s possible for people to cross the

“There sure are. The current isn’t that rapid, so if one doesn’t mind getting soaked with
water, up to around the waist, even if they don’t swim, it’s possible to cross almost

For Souma that became increasingly convenient.

Adding the information he learned just now to the strategic plan he had devised,
bustling simulations repeatedly played back within Souma’s head.

What will the other side do against our actions?

What are our advantages?

What are disadvantages for our enemy?

When everyone started to get impatient due to him having sunken into a deep
brooding, Souma finally lifted his face.

“I’m planning to throw the punitive force into terrible chaos.”

Within the gazes gathering on him and asking him to explain what he means by that,
Souma asked Marchronis a question instead of addressing those inquiring looks.

“What would be the most troublesome action we could take as far as Holmea is

Upon this sudden question, Marchronis places his hand on his chin, and answers after
careful thinking,

“Let’s see. — If it was me, I would be afraid of you going around defenseless cities and
villages and pillaging them one after the other like bugs devouring fields.”

Shyemul got angry due to that.

“Do you think that the proud zoan would do something like that!?”

For the zoan a battle is a place to demonstrate their own bravery. Something like
assaulting those who don’t possess any combat strength is nothing else but a disgrace.
Just the fact that they are regarded like that is an unbearable humiliation for Shyemul
who has a high pride to the extent of holding the nickname of <Noble Fang>.

Souma threw a lifeline to Marchronis who is baffled due to Shyemul’s menacing look.

“I don’t believe that the zoan would do something like that.”

“…Then it’s fine.”

She pretends to act really reluctant, but her desperately resisting forming a smile gave
it away immediately.

Feeling embarrassed due to Marchronis’s look praising him for grasping the heart of
a zoan girl, Souma played it down with a cough and continued his words,

“However, I intend to use that misunderstanding.”

Unable to comprehend the meaning of Souma’s words, all of them had questioning

“The foundation of the plan I have come up with is a hit & run that capitalizes on the
zoan’s mobility. Umm… I mean, a repetition of delivering a blow and withdrawing

Souma points at the picture of the bridge that was placed on the river which was
drawn in the upper half of the map.

“First off, at the moment when a certain number of the punitive force’s soldiers – a
number allowing us to damage them with an attack – crossed the river, we will attack.”

“You mean you will limit the number of enemies that can actually cross swords with
us by using the river, right?”

Souma nodded at Marchronis’ conclusion.

“And, at the same time of attacking them, we will set the bridge on fire. Once the bridge
has burned down, the pace of the soldiers crossing the river should slow down, even
if the water’s depth only reaches up to their knees. We will withdraw speedily before
the following units manage to cross over.”

No sooner than sliding his finger towards Bolnis’s side at the upper part of the map,
Souma moves it towards the river’s upper reaches as if drawing a U turn.

“Then, while the punitive force is fixing and rebuilding the bridge, we will search for a
place allowing us to cross upstream or downstream, and go across at that place.”

At that point Zurgu raised a question.

“The river isn’t that deep, right? Won’t they advance without fixing the bridge?”

If it happens as Zurgu says, the punitive force will invade the city of Bolnis with the
main force of the zoan not present.

However, there was a voice immediately denying that.

“That’s very unlikely.” Marchronis declared.

“There won’t be any issues if it’s only the soldiers. But there are going to be wagons
filled with things such as provisions and siege weapons. It’s impossible for those
things to enter the river just like that.”

It’s an age where wagons and such end up stranded just due to getting stuck in the
road’s mud. It’s difficult to imagine that the punitive force will make those wagons
forcibly cross through the river even if the depth is only at the level of reaching up to
the knees. Besides, as food preservation techniques haven’t been developed either,
they are sure to avoid something like exposing their precious provisions to the river

Souma, who obtained Marchronis’ certification, continued while feeling relieved in his

“And, once we cross the river, we will show ourselves at this fortress and the next city.”

“We won’t attack?”

Garam is surprised after being told that they will only show themselves even though
he was certain that they would attack the city in the rear.

“Yes. To the bitter end we will only show ourselves close to the city and the fortress.”

“Why do something like that?”

“The news that the city of Bolnis was taken by us has already circulated. So what do
you think will the people think after seeing the zoan showing up close to their city?”

With that reply, Garama comprehended.

“I see. They will be afraid of getting pillaged by us, just like Marchronis said. And,
because they know that the punitive force is nearby, they will first request rescue from
them, right?”

“Having received the rescue requests, the punitive force should prioritize subjugating
us over the liberation of Bolnis. After all, it would be intolerable if cities and villages
were attacked one after the other due to them neglecting the zoan that invaded deeply
into the country.”

Once Souma lets his gaze wander after saying so, Marchronis shows his agreement.

“To use the misunderstanding; so that’s what you meant, huh? — I guess you are right.
If they sacrificed other cities and villages in exchange for regaining this city, it would
be meaningless. Even I would turn around the army promptly.”
“Accordingly, once the punitive force goes back, we will strike them again.”

“…I see. How interesting.”

Having understood the strategy, Garam faces Zurgu after saying that. Once he does,
Zurgu bares his fangs and grins broadly.

“I also consider it to be interesting. It means that we will lead the human troops by the
nose by capitalizing on the speed of our legs.”

Souma looks hopefully at the two great leaders of the zoan who were full of motivation.

“Let’s teach Holmea a lesson, that we can appear all over Holmea at any time. Once we
do, it will become difficult for them to easily meddle with this city.”

However, right after that, Souma dons a serious expression.

“Even I don’t believe that we can rout the punitive force with only this much. But, it
will buy us some time. What we require the most right now is the time to amass

Souma turned to the back and called out to Shahata who is standing at a slightly
distant place without having joined the sitting circle.

“Please call Mister Hopkins.”

Souma slightly lifts the corners of his mouth in a meaningful way towards all those
present who are puzzled why the name of the human peddler has come out at this

“Alongside passing him the reward I promised, there’s something I’d like to request
from Mister Hopkins.”

The king of Holmea, Warius Sadoma Holmeanis, overlooked the orderly ranks of the
royal army facing his way while sitting on an impromptu throne on a formal podest
that had been set up in an open field in the royal capital’s outskirts.

King Warius, who will reach the respectable age of forty this year, is an impressively
skinny man with goggling eyes and sunken cheeks. Because he was continuously
combing down his Fu Manchu moustache, which he had grown in favor of gaining
dignity, with his fingers since a while ago, it emphasized his nervous expression all the

Darius, who went up the stairs of the formal podest in front of King Warius, puts down
the helmet he wore under his arm, kneels down on one knee and bows his head.

Standing up from his temporary throne, King Warius received a treasured sword from
a chamberlain and immediately disposed the sword of its scabbard. King Warius’ hand
that holds the sword, which shines glaringly after being struck by the sunlight,
trembled slightly as he bears the sword’s weight, but of course there’s no one who
would point that out.

“Darius Brutus. I expect you to slay the foolish rebels with this sword in my stead.”

King Warius announces with a slightly shrill voice and places the treasured sword,
which was put back into its scabbard, on to of Darius’ hands which he held out in order
to receive it reverently while bowing his head.

“I shall humbly receive your official appointment. All for the sake of His Majesty.”

Darius affixed the treasured sword to his waist, stood up while still bowing and backed
off several steps in that state. After that he put on his helmet and turned around to the
soldiers, who are watching the ceremony of departure, while making his mantle flutter
with a sound.

And, while letting the violet tuft of his helmet, that signifies him being the general, trail
in the wind, Darius unsheathed the treasured sword at his waist and thrust it towards
the sky.

Seeing that action, the soldiers thrust out their spears and swords in the same manner
and raise fervent cheers.

“”King! King! King!””

The fervent cheers chanted by several thousand people all at once made the atmosphere
vibrate with a rattling.

Darius, who sensed the soldiers’ high morale, descended the formal podest’s stairs
after nodding once in satisfaction, and boarded the chariot that had been parked there.

It’s only natural, but although it might be called tank*, it’s not an armored combat
vehicle running on caterpillars and possessing a rotating gun turret like the ones
existing in the modern world.

If you speak of chariots in this world, they are wooden boxes with two wheels, which
are pulled by horses or other mounts. The wooden box, which carries people, has a
slightly tall part at its front and its rear has been left open for boarding. It can carry
two people, a driver and a soldier who stand shoulder-by-shoulder, and it’s pulled by
two kiryu or horses. If it enters battle, the driver takes the reins while protecting the
soldier with a small, round shield, whereas the soldier fights by using a bow or
throwing spears.

There are also four-wheeled chariots that can carry four people. These have a higher
offensive ability than the two-wheeled versions because the number of boarding
soldiers increases by one in exchange for a loss in maneuverability.

And the chariot boarded by Darius is a big version with six wheels that was pulled by
an astounding six horses.

A chair for the commander has been installed in the centre of the chariot that was
covered by a roof to protect the passengers against arrows. A great drum to relay
commands had been placed beyond a partitioning screen in the back of that chair. The
boarding passengers are in total five: the commander and the driver, one soldier on
the left and right side of the chariot each, and moreover one person to hit the drum.

Once it has reached this point, it’s probably better to call it a mobile command post
rather than a chariot.

“Play the signal for departing to the front!”

Hearing Darius’ order, the drummer starts to hit the drums as powerfully as he can.

Accompanied by the drum sounds and a little shock, the chariot with Darius on it
started to move. Following that, two-wheeled chariots boarded by the regimental
commanders, who wore helmets with green tufts that indicated their military rank,
and the infantry regiments, which moved in two columns, begin to march.

The nobles, who came to see off the punitive force on both sides of the marching route,
cheered while hoisting many flags that had big crests drawn on them in order represent
the respective noble household.

“How foolish. That’s nothing more than horseplay.”

His personal guard, who was nearby, calmed down Darius, who spat that out due to
the uproar, with a bitter smile.

“It can’t be helped. It’s the parental love of those who wish to grandly celebrate the
first campaign of their own child.”

This time there were many noble youngsters, for whom this will become their first
battle, included among the commissioned officers of the army led by Darius.

That’s because the nobles had their children, who didn’t have the chance to experience
their first battle so far, join the punitive force together in a group.

As even the battle with their bitter enemy Romania stayed in a lull most recently, there
weren’t any major battles to be fought. What suddenly came up in this situation is this
rebel subjugation in Bolnis. According to what they heard, the rebels consist of a small
force that doesn’t exceed a thousand by much. Moreover the one heading out to
subjugate them is General Darius who is highly acclaimed as great commander. No
matter where the nobles looked, they couldn’t find any factors that would point
towards a defeat.

For the parents, who wish to adorn the first campaign of their sons with a magnificent
victory, there would be no other such convenient battle.

As result of that, the army heading out to subjugate the rebels of Bolnis had reached a
scale that exceeded the initially planned estimate with a total number of a nominal
10,000 troops. The real number swelled up to a large army corps of 7,000 troops.

Even Darius himself considered a rebel subjugation as just the right opportunity for
the young commissioned officers to gain experience in combat, but having said that,
he can feel that they are too light hearted due to their numerical superiority. Sensing
a need to slightly pressure the young chicks, Darius called the commissioned officers,
who stayed at the sides of his chariot, together.

“We will make a short break in half a koku. After that we will fix the formation of the
army’s ranks.”
“At your command! Can I request permission for the soldiers to remove their
equipment at that time?”

The soldiers were completely equipped because of the troop dispatch regulations.
Moreover, because each of the soldiers carried provisions and water bags for several
days on top of that, the total gross weight of what they carried was quite a burden. Just
walking with this caused them to quickly accumulate lots of fatigue.

Hence, the soldiers would change into lightweight equipment as long as they don’t
have to fear an imminent enemy contact, and depending on the situation, they would
place all their gear on the wagons. Reducing the soldiers’ burden is a common
marching practice.

This suggestion of a commissioned officer was something very reasonable in this area
that was still far away from the city of Bolnis where the rebels are.

However, Darius stares at this commissioned officer with a glare.

“The soldier’s equipment will stay as it is. The ranks will switch from the two columns
formation into a tight formation. In addition you will choose a scout unit from among
the cavalry and have them go ahead.”

They will link up into a tight formation while fully armored and advance as they search
the area with scouts. That’s the common method of the royal army once they don’t
know when they might encounter enemy forces. However, in that case the soldiers will
end up wasted before the battle due to fatigue. Putting aside doing that close to the
city of Bolnis, it’s not something you would do in a situation where the army hasn’t
really left the area of the capital yet.


Upon the order of Darius, which he hadn’t even expected, the commissioned officer let
a reply leak that showed his feelings, which might also be interpreted as disrespect
towards the general. The commissioned officer immediately notices his own error and
straightens up his back in panic.

“As you wish! Certainly!”

Darius smiles wryly at the commissioned officer who cannot hide his confusion
despite answering like that.
“Chick, it will probably turn into a nice training allowing you to lead your subordinates
while stifling your own exhilaration.”

The commissioned officer consented to that reply with a “I see.”

Seeing off the retreating backs of the commissioned officers, who are going to relay
his orders to the units following behind, Darius mutters,

“…Though it’s not only that, you know?”

Darius twists his mouth, that was hidden by a full beard, into a broad grin.

“Your Excellency!”

At that moment a cavalryman, who ought to be close to the head of the ranks,
approached Darius’ chariot with his horse.

“A strangely dressed woman handed me this letter for you, Your Excellency.”

Due to the words of the cavalryman, who holds out a beautifully folded letter, Darius
is reminded of the woman in male clothing who serves her armless master.

“It’s a messenger of an acquaintance of mine. Hand it over.”

Once he opens the letter which he received through his personal guard, who is riding
the chariot next to him, only a concise sentence was written in Tutu’s handwriting,
which Darius recognizes.

[The enemy might be the strongest army. Make absolutely sure to not be careless.]

The strongest army.

Due to that phrase, Darius recalls the time when he passionately debated the strongest
army he dreams of while drinking booze together with his fellow young commissioned
officers, at the time when he was still a greenhorn.

However, his indulging in that nostalgia only lasted for a mere moment.

“The enemy might be the strongest or the weakest; it won’t change what I have to do.
I will simply pulverize the enemy with all my might, without even the slightest fraction
of conceit or carelessness.”

Saying that, Darius audibly tore up the letter.

Souma’s strategic outline

Author’s Notes:

Souma will try to repel the punitive force with a strategy of striking once and then
withdrawing while making use of the river.

It seemed as if everything is proceeding as planned.

However, at that time there’s a slight feeling of discomfort that hit Souma.

“You don’t say…!?”

What Souma felt was a chill he couldn’t identify.

Next story: “Chill”


Explanation of the Novel’s Setting

Regarding chariots—

Chariots are used preferably over cavalry in this world.

As of yet things like horse tacks haven’t been developed in this world. For that reason,
an advanced skill is necessary to mount a horse. Moreover, there are kiryu that have
spread instead of valuable horses, but those are animals that are even more difficult
to handle as mounts.

Because kiryu are running on two legs, just like the epic Cho●bo of a certain RPG, the
impact and swaying will become far more intense than when riding a horse. On top of
that, since the part where one can sit on is far smaller than with horses, it’s difficult
for the rider to stabilize their body.

Hence the rider makes sure to strongly hold onto the torso of the kiryu with both legs
when sprinting with it. They will end up being thrown off if they don’t stabilize their
bodies by firmly grasping the bump that sticks out at the front of the saddle with one
hand (depending on the situation, with two hands).

Therefore, shooting arrows or swinging one’s sword or spear while riding a kiryu, as
it often happens in movies and manga, is almost impossible.

Compared to that, a chariot can be boarded easily by anyone, and on top of that it’s
possible to attack through soldiers while moving at high speed. There’s also the
advantage that the burden on the kiryu or horses is low.

For those reasons chariots are used more often than cavalry.

However, that doesn’t mean that cavalry won’t be put to use at all. The branches of an
army, which require quick actions such as messengers, are mostly composed of

Regarding kiryu—

Just as mentioned above, kiryu are far more difficult to manage than horses. Also, since
they are weak to cold and inferior in speed, they are regarded as one rank lower than

However, there’s a single point in which the kiryu are overwhelmingly superior
compared to horses.

That’s the fact of the kiryu being omnivorous.

One has to prepare large amounts of fodder when using war horses for things like
cavalry, chariots or transport. Because they are forced to transport that fodder, even
more warhorses are necessary… a fact like this exists as well.

But, since the kiryu and niryu are omnivorous, they can be fed with the same
provisions as human soldiers.

Given that especially meat excels much more in energy efficiency than fodder, the
amount of given feed becomes far less than that of a horse’s fodder. That turning into
a reduction of fodder that has to be transported also results in the labor required for
that transport to become less.

For poor commissioned officers that cannot buy a horse, the relative affordability of
the kiryu’s price and breeding costs carry a huge appeal, even if they are difficult to
Due to the zoan scouts that infiltrated deeply inside Holmea despite being aware of
the dangers, Souma learned that the punitive force being lead by General Darius had
departed from the capital in less than a day.

This was outstanding, since the distance between Holmea’s capital to Bolnis took
several days even if one were to ride fast horses and regularly change them.

The thing that enabled this speed was a new method of information transfer devised
by Souma.

Having grown up in modern Japan, Souma understood the value of information and
the importance of its transfer speed more than anyone else. It’s only naturally that he
desired means of faster and more precise information transfer.

And what Souma zeroed in on for that were the zoan’s drums.

In this age a fast horse runs the distance of around 10 kuiri (approximately 30 ~ 40
km) in a half toki. In contrast to that, the sound of a drum naturally travels at 340 melt
per second since it’s the speed of sound. If you calculate simply, the information
through the drum sounds is 30 to 40 times faster than a fast horse.

While one would have to set up relay points for the drums within hearing range of
each other, there was still value in this speed even if you considered the cost of labor.
In addition, the zoan’s drums are astonishing in their quality, and could reach places
that were one kuiri away in good, windless weather, according to the documents of
that time.

If one were to think of even faster methods for information transfer, the answer would
probably be smoke signals.

However, some of the weaknesses of smoke signals include how they’re influenced by
weather such as wind and rain, and that they can’t be used in circumstances where
confirmation by sight is impossible. Moreover, the information that can be given using
smoke signals is fairly limited. It mainly relies on the smoke color and how the smoke
rises, or lack thereof, to relay information.

What made the zoan’s drums superior in comparison is not only the possibility to pass
on information during the nighttime and it being less influenced by the weather than
smoke signals, but also the amount of information that can be passed on using the

Furthermore, harboring the fear that the drums’ information relay will be interrupted
for some kind of reason, Souma boosted the information accuracy by making the
warriors deliver the information orally in the same way that a long distance relay
works after they finish beating the drums.

Later on Souma would establish an information transfer method that also

incorporated the special abilities of marmen and harpyians, but he had already
created the prototype of it at this time.

At the time when this first, quick report arrived through the zoan’s drums, Souma and
the others were being taught Holmean army’s strategies that Marchronis assumed to
be their strong points.

“This cluster formation using the heavy spear infantry might be considered the
Holmean army’s forte.”

Marchronis pointed to an organized unit of the city’s garrison that had transformed
into a temporary heavy spear unit as he said this.

The soldiers’ armor is the same as the armor worn by the common soldiers of Holmea
that Souma and the others had seen so far

The only difference is the long spear in their right hands.

The spears’ length is around four to five melt. Their way of waiting for orders while
stabbing the spear into the ground is just like a pole vault athlete waiting for their
start. The soldiers ranks were organized in a three-by-twelve fashion.

“We have only produced a formation of three people per line with a depth of twelve
lines, but at the time when the army gained control of Solbiant Plains in the past, they
constructed a dense formation of 128 soldiers per row with a depth of 64 lines.”
All the zoan present grimaced uniformly with the topic of that great war, where the
zoan suffered a historically devastating defeat, being brought up.

“Although you call it a dense formation, isn’t this a bit too dense?”

It’s understandable for Souma to think so after gazing at the dense formation. It is
because they are crowded to such a degree that the soldiers are touching shoulders
with the ones next to them in the lines, and even the back row soldiers’ chests are
touching the front row soldier’s backs.

I’m sure that it’ll be hard to move like this.

“The essential part of the cluster formation is how dense it is. In the past, General
Darius, who is extolled as one of our greatest commanders, inspired his soldiers by
saying “Those considering themselves to be heroes: move closer together by one more
step.” — Well, you’ll understand once you actually witness it.”

Saying that, Marchronis turns around to the soldiers forming a cluster formation and
gives them an order.

“Prepare your spears!”

At the same time of hearing Marchronis’ command, the soldiers in the first six rows
noisily prepared their spears.

“Uwaah, this is…”

Souma, who looked at it from directly in front, properly comprehended the reason
why the zoan lost against this formation.

Even if the one facing off against me is only a single soldier looking from right in front,
the spearheads of five soldiers, who are waiting in the back, are sticking out this way
with their length gradually changing as the spears pass at the sides of the first soldier.
That means there are five spearheads waiting for me even if I dodged the spears of the
first row’s soldiers.

This is just like fighting against Asura who held a weapon in each of his six arms. No
matter how high the zoan’s physical ability might be, it’s nothing more than suicide to
challenge this directly from the front.
“So it’s no good unless you destroy the formation with long-distance archery, huh…?”

Marchronis broadly grins at Souma’s monologue.

“At that time, you do this. — Prepare the shields!”

This time they prepared their shields all at once.

“T-This is…”

The front row soldiers lined up their shields in front of them, just like a wall. As these
shields overlapped each other, there’s not a single gap. Moreover, the soldiers of the
second row and beyond held their shields overhead and form a roof.

Marchronis picks up several pebbles at his feet and throws them at the cluster
formation. All of the pebbles are repelled by the shields.

“Even a master archer will likely find it hard to nudge in an arrow into those gaps
unless they shorten the distance by quite a bit. It’s said that in the past General Inkdias,
who was referred to as one of the empire’s great commanders, defended against the
torrential downpour of a hail of arrows from elven archers in a battle against the elves,
and mowed them down in one go once his army closed in upon them.”

In this world elves are also known for their mastery in archery. Even those elven
archers were defeated in front of that cluster formation.

“In particular it raises Holmea’s offensive ability towards the front. In contrast to the
common spear length of two to three melt in other countries, Holmea uses spears with
four to five melt. In order to allow them to hold those spears with one hand, they have
come up with a leather strap that hangs from the shoulders to support the spears. I
suppose you might say that Holmea’s cluster formation prides itself with its
invincibility when clashing in the front due to this.”

The weapon’s length is a big advantage. Even considering it plainly, there’s a big
difference in just being able to attack from a range which the opponent’s weapon
doesn’t reach. Even in Japan there are famous stories of achieving great military gains
by creating spear units that held long spears of 21 feet (20 shaku, roughly 6,4 meters)
against the ordinary spear length of 9 feet (9 shaku, roughly 2,7 meters) at that time.

Noticing Marchronis’ unduly emphasis on the word front, Souma asked a question,
“What about the flanks and rear then?”

“They are frail”, Marchronis declared. “On top of being in a close formation, they are
holding those long spears and big shields, so a change of course is difficult. If there are
no signals such as drums or flutes alongside the commander’s orders, they are unable
to normally change their direction. If they try to change their course unskillfully in a
hurry, fellow soldiers will collide with each other and the whole formation will fall
apart. As that’s common knowledge, it’s normal practise to defend the flanks by
placing infantry or chariots to the left and right of the cluster formation.”

Even while bracing himself by thinking it won’t go that easily after all, Souma properly
kept this information in mind.

At that time a single zoan warrior came rushing in with a staggering momentum.

“New information reached us through the drums! It looks like a human army deemed
to be the punitive force has been confirmed marching towards some city called

Due to the words of the warrior, tension spreads through everyone like an electric

“It finally came!”

The one who hit his left palm with his right fist with a slap was Zurgu.

Though it’s not only Zurgu who is excited over the long-awaited news about the
punitive force.

He doesn’t speak up, but Garam grasps his fists tightly in secret. Dvalin plugs up the
leather bag with ale in it, which he had thoroughly enjoyed until now, with a cork.
Jahangil busily struck the ground with his tail.

“What’s the enemy’s scale?”

The zoan warrior answers Souma with,

“Yes! The enemy has more than 7,000! There’s no mistake in that as the second and
the third drum relayed the same number!”
“More than 7,000!?”

Souma’s voice unintentionally became shrill and nervous due to number of soldiers
that exceeded his expectations by a lot. However, if he, who designed the strategy,
reveals his unease here, everyone will end up becoming anxious. Souma immediately
covered up his discomposure by clearing his throat.

“It’s a lot more than expected, isn’t it?”

“Damn it. Aren’t they going to arrive later with a bigger number than what you said?”

Zurgu was saying this with a threatening voice towards Marchronis right after
Souma’s comment.

That also held the meaning of restraining Marchronis, who had settled into a position
similar to Souma’s military advisor, unaware by the others.

Marchronis, who guessed his intention, contemplates I guess I have butted in a bit too
much recently.

Marchronis promoted his own opinions after seeing through the fact that Souma is
originally an amateur who has no campaign experience, but once they exchanged
words, he noticed that far from being an amateur, it would be better to call Souma

However, that’s not in the meaning of dim-wittedness. Souma greedily absorbed the
things taught by Marchronis like water that was sprinkled on sandy soil in the desert.
For a teacher there are no pupils more worthwhile to be taught than that. Because of
that he unintentionally got engrossed in it while he forgot the looks of those around

“I feel ashamed. It looks like my perception has somehow failed me.”

Marchronis apologized honestly.

He can even understand the apprehensions of the zoan who restrained him. They were
able to obtain the support of the dwarves and dinosaurians in addition to the zoan due
to that speech, but it’s unknown how stable that backing is. There’s also the fear that
the support they gained at great pains will sway if Souma appoints Marchronis, who
is a human just like him, to a responsible post at this point, which would also cause
the others to wonder if Souma gives preferential treatment to humans after all.

“Leave it at that, Zurgu.”

It was Garam who mediated at this point that had become slightly awkward.

“No matter what the enemy might do, it will be fine as long as we accomplish our

Even Zurgu understood the value of Marchronis’ advice. Given that he was able to
achieve his goal of restraining Marchronis, he only snorted lightly and doesn’t object
to Garam.

Garam delivers a backhand blow to Zurgu’s abundant chest. Going by the appearance
of the blow, it was a light poke, but there’s an unexpectedly heavy sound and Zurgu
groans slightly.

“The zoan demonstrate their power with deeds and not words, isn’t that right?”

“…For sure, right!?”

As if to pay back, Zurgu slapped Garam’s back with his palm. The slap has a strength
that makes Garam’s body fly forward. Once Garam glares at him, Zurgu turns away
with an expression of feigned ignorance. However, apparently hurting from hitting
Garam’s back, Zurgu shook his right hand back and fro.

“I told you to demonstrate your power, but I never talked about showing off your
stupidly great strength.”

“Ah! I intended to pat you lightly, but was it too strong for the frail, esteemed Grand
Clan Chief?”

Due to them starting to quarrel all of a sudden, Souma worries whether it will be
alright to leave the surprise attack to these two. Once he looks at Shyemul as if asking
for her help, she sighed and said,

“It’s just two brats messing around. You lose if you worry about it.”

Souma couldn’t resist smiling wryly at Shyemul’s blunt remark.


Two days passed after Garam and Zurgu took along the elites they chose from among
the zoan warriors in Bolnis, and went to launch a surprise attack against the punitive

The zoan ambush unit had already been laying in wait close to the bridge for quite a
while, but with the march of the all-important punitive force being much slower than
expected, no reports about the battle having started have arrived as of yet.

In exchange, the warriors who had been playing the drums after confirming the
punitive force began to return, and even further details about the punitive force’s state
was delivered to Souma.

According to that information, the majority of the punitive force seems to be

composed of infantry with only a small fraction of the commissioned officers using
chariots and being cavalry. As far as the zoan warriors could judge, it appears that the
punitive force’s morale as well as the soldiers’ proficiency are high.

Due to that report, Souma grumbled,

“That’s not an overly pleasant story for us.”

“I think it’s better than being belittled. Battle is all about fighting with both sides
staking all their honor and ability.”

Due to that remark befitting of Shyemul with her high pride, Souma secretly mumbles
“Though it would be easier if they did look down on us”. However, the sharp ears of a
zoan apparently didn’t fail to hear that. Shyemul breathed a sigh as if to say “You are
faint-hearted, my lord”.

“Around when do you think will they arrive at the bridge at this pace?”

Being asked that by Souma, the warrior replied as he recalls the circumstances of the
punitive force that he had seen with his own eyes.

“Let’s see. They are moving slowly, but I believe that they will arrive within less than
a few hours.”

“I see. At last, huh?”

Souma prayed for Garam’s and Zurgu’s surprise attack to succeed splendidly. He can’t
erase his worries no matter how hard he tries, but he has no other choice but to
believe that it will be alright if it’s those two.

However, something suddenly bothered Souma.

“…Wait a moment!”

In a panic Souma reconsiders what it was that worried him in the exchange just now.
Around the time when the warrior lost his calm due to worrying whether he hadn’t
ended up saying something bad, Souma finally lifted his face.

“Just now you said slowly, didn’t you?”

“Huh? Umm… Yes, I did, but what about it?”

Souma asks yet another question on top of that,

“Is the human army’s movement slower than usual?”

It’s not like the warrior said slowly while harboring any particular intention. Certainly
not considering that this aspect will be sharply pointed out, he replies while becoming

“Eh… no… that’s only what I felt somehow.”

Souma had some kind of bad premonition.

It’s a sensation as if he just now truly noticed the point of a knife being thrust in front
of his eyes. It’s a chill as if a piece of ice had been thrust down his spine. The blood
vessels in his entire body freeze and his heart pounds.

Something’s wrong – very wrong.

“What’s wrong, Soma?”

Souma calms down due to Shyemul, who noticed Souma’s abnormal state, raising a
puzzled voice.

At any rate, let’s think it through after I calm down, he took a deep breath. After that he
broods on why he felt bothered by this word. Pondering about it for a while, Souma
reached a certain conclusion.

“…Is it possible that they are being cautious?”

However he immediately puts it down as impossible.

Just like Garam and the others said, until now the zoan have never left the plains to
attack. As a matter of fact, even at the time when Souma proposed to take this city, the
zoan showed their disapproval towards leaving the plains. Even just taking this city is
an irregular event to such an extent. On top of that, who would even think of the zoan
leaving the city to launch a surprise attack? Much less to say about this being a small
force. By no means should they expect something like a surprise attack against an enemy
that excels in numbers.

I’m overthinking it, he persuades himself, but Souma’s intuition continues to fervently
ring the alarm bells.

Besides, Souma had a high assessment of the zoan’s perception in regards to battle,
what with them being a hunting race. He can’t neglect something perceived by a zoan

Which reminds me, Souma recalls. The punitive force’s marching speed is slower than
Marchronis anticipated at first. Marchronis said that his own perception was off, but is
there some kind of meaning in that?

Isn’t it possible that the punitive force has deliberately slowed down its march for some
kind of reason Marchronis couldn’t predict?

“But why are they acting as if they are trying to gain time?”

Holmea should desire the suppression of this revolt to take place as fast as possible. And
yet it seems that they have come up with a strong reason to have purposefully slowed

“…Are they waiting for something?”

What Souma thought of as the very first is the possibility of reinforcements. If he

believes in the words of Marchronis, there are no reserves of the national army left
over that can be moved. However, there are still the feudal lords’ private armies in

However, it’s more than 7,000 soldiers of the punitive force against us who are even less
than 2,000. It’s difficult to imagine that they would expressly request reinforcements
from the feudal lords while going as far as giving our side a surplus of time. To say
nothing of it not being strange if revolts occurred at various places after being triggered
by our revolt. He couldn’t believe that the feudal lords would send reinforcements even
when they have to prepare for such unexpected situations as well.

Just what are they waiting for then?

Pondering about it like that, the worst possible prediction pops up in Souma’s mind.

“Don’t tell me, they are waiting for us to attack them?”

Souma quickly spread the map and stared at it with a look as if glaring at an enemy.

If I were the commander of the punitive force and expected a zoan surprise attack, what
would I do? Souma asked himself. Once he did, the answer became apparent right

“…I would set up a trap.”

The reason why Souma picked the bridge as a place for the surprise attack is because
there was no other spot to carry out a surprise attack other than there. To put it
bluntly, if they are going to make a surprise attack, it’s only possible at this place.

However, the same can be probably be said for the enemy as well.

“If the zoan are going to make a surprise attack, it’s only possible at this place”,
meaning that the punitive force will be able to turn the tables on the enemy, who
launched a surprise attack, by laying a trap if they have realized about the surprise
attack and the location for it. If Souma were to be the commander of the punitive force,
that’s what he would definitely do.


Souma reflexively backs off from the map where he senses the shadow of the punitive
force’s commander that he hasn’t seen yet.
Because the enemies until now didn’t know about my existence, I was easily able to
entrap them with my plans. However, this time I cannot help feeling as if someone is
trying to trap me in their plans after seeing through my intentions.

Souma’s body suddenly trembled due to that guess.

It causes Souma to waver on whether he should stop or carry out the surprise attack.

If there was really a trap laid out, the zoan, who would launch a surprise attack, would
suffer a major blow.

However, there’s no evidence for the enemy to have set up a trap. It’s only a conjecture
from what a single warrior vaguely felt. Besides, if we properly fought with this large of
a difference in military power, we will definitely lose. That’s why Souma is troubled on
whether it’s good to waste the surprise attack even though they depend on it.

“Should we have a go as originally planned even if it’s in vain…?”

However, he immediately denied that thinking. The ones selected for the surprise attack
unit are the chosen elites among the zoan. If we lose them, it will result in a big crack in
the main force.

What should I do? What would be the best option?

At the end of his worrying, Souma finally spit out his conclusion,

“Relay the order to retreat to Garam and Zurgu. We will stop the surprise attack!”

“What’s wrong? You have a weird look.”

Garam asked Zurgu while lying on the ground.

They are within a thicket which was slightly away from the bridge where they are
planning to execute the surprise attack. The notification that the punitive force would
soon arrive was delivered by the scouts. Within the drifting air of excitement as the
battle would finally start soon, Zurgu has frequently been snorting and wrinkling up
his nose for some reason since a while ago.
“Yeah. My nose somehow feels itchy.”

“A cold?”

Due to Garam frowning as if telling him to at least properly watch his own physical
condition, Zurgu answered with something odd,

“It would be great if it was a cold, but…”

Garam frowns due to the Zurgu’s way of speaking as if there’s even a far more worse

Due to that Zurgu said with a grave tone while scratching the hair on his head,

“At times when my nose itches like this, it’s a harbinger that something bad will
definitely happen.”

“A harbinger of something bad, you say?”

“Yeah. It was the same even on the evening before the village, where I lived during my
childhood, was burned down by humans. It also happened at the time when my old
man, whose injuries grew worse, died.”

Garam is at a loss for words due to the far more heavy content than expected.

Due to Garam’s reaction, Zurgu also notices that it wasn’t a good story to talk about
just before launching a surprise attack, and smoothes it over in a hurry.

“Sorry. Don’t worry about it. I wonder, did even I of all people become sensitive before
a great battle?”

He said jokingly, but Garam had no intention to laugh at all.

Garam tried to ask Zurgu whether there’s something that bothers him, but before he
could speak out those words, he’s called out by a warrior whom he sent out as scout.

“Grand Clan Chief! The humans are in sight!”

Once he turned his look towards the river, he saw the long-awaited punitive force.
“You will follow as rear guard then.”

Zurgu was entrusted with the role of rear guard, who holds back the pursuing enemy
soldiers at the time of retreat. Garam hesitated whether to call out to Zurgu who was
about to return to his own station, but Garam gives up after deciding that he should
focus on the enemy in front of his eyes for now.

During that time the vanguard of the punitive force began to cross the bridge.

While controlling his feelings of impatience, Garam fixedly observes the state of the
punitive force. If the number of soldier crossing to this side is low, the damage they
will be able to inflict on the punitive force will be low as well. Having said that, if he
gets greedy and allows for a big number of soldiers to cross, it’s very likely that the
surprise attack itself will fail.

Garam, who chose the best opportunity to launch the surprise attack, suddenly stood

“Chargeee! Hit the drums!”

The drums are hit intensely alongside Garam’s yell. The zoan warriors, who hid
themselves in the thicket, get up all at once and start to run on the ground after
dropping to all fours.

Zurgu, who was at the end of the line, noticed a voice calling out to him when he was
just about to start running.

“Clan Chief! Clan Chief Zurgu!”

“What is it!?”

Once Zurgu turned around, a single warrior was running his way.

“Clan Chief Zurgu! Soma ordered to cease the surprise attack and to withdraw!”

“What!? At this point!?”

Zurgu was taken aback due to the words of the warrior, who is breathing roughly while
his shoulders are heaving up and down. With the attack signal already having
resounded, they had already started charging at the punitive force with Garam at the
lead. By now it’s not a situation where they can fall back and retreat.

Besides, once he takes a look, the punitive force that just crossed the bridge is moving
about in confusion after getting surprised by their ambush. If they cut into them like
that, it’s pretty obvious that they will be able to cause a major blow against the
punitive force. Zurgu hesitates as he wonders whether it’s good to let such a fine
opportunity slip away right from under their nose.

However, at that moment a flash of light passed through the corner of Zurgu’s vision.

Once he turns that way, there’s only the thickly growing forest there. The eyes of Zurgu,
who wondered whether he only imagined it, once again caught sight of something
twinkling within the forest.

At that instant Zurgu felt the hair along his spine stand on end all at once.

“So that’s the reason!!”

While changing to four feet and breaking into a dash, Zurgu orders the warriors in a
loud voice,

“Play the signal of retreat! Immediately!”

Once the addressed warrior rings the signal of retreat in a hurry, the ranks of the zoan,
who were about to cut into the punitive force like a single pointed spear with Garam
at the tip, become disordered. While having the enemy, who is in a panic due to their
surprise attack, in front of their eyes, the warriors stumble around on the spot
wavering on whether they should advance or retreat, due to the sudden signal of

Zurgu, who ran through the zoan like a red arrow, catches up with the leading group
from the side, and swiftly discovers Garam who is trying to calm down the confusion
of the surrounding warriors while probably not understanding why the signal of
retreat was sounded.


Zurgu shouts loudly while suddenly braking by making his thick foot claws dig into
the ground.
“It’s a trap! There are humans inside the forest on the right!”

“!? What!”

When Garam turned around was exactly the moment when the human soldiers
jumped out of the forest while raising shouts. What Garam confirmed is them being
around one hundred to two hundred soldiers.

However, those few humans will likely gouge out the vital spots at the flank of the zoan
who are attacking the subjugation unit like a small, sharp knife.

What’s the best option here?!

Garam hesitates for an instant. Because he understood that this attack is the sole
chance to counterattack for them, he entertains the question whether to thrust into
the enemy just like that with the resolve to suffer losses.

However, a voice cuts apart his hesitation.

“Garam, we have to escape!”

Zurgu raised a loud voice while kicking the butt of a warrior that was nearby.

“Don’t fight! Concentrate on escaping! Hey, run! Run away!”

Garam got over his indecision due to those words.

“Retreat! Immediately return to the city!”

At last the warriors in the surroundings start to move due to being ordered to retreat
by both great warriors together.

However, it was slightly too late.

Alongside a sound of whistling, arrows pour down like rain from atop their heads.

Garam and Zurgu at once jumped back in a grand manner while trying to make their
bodies small. Right after that, the place where those two were is loudly pierced by
countless arrows.
“Zurgu! You alright!?”

Garam, who got up on one knee after rolling on the ground, calls out to Zurgu who is
next to him.

But, without replying, Zurgu glared in the direction of the punitive force with a look of
rage that even Garam sees for the first time.

“What the hell is wrong?” Following Zurgu’s line of sight, Garam becomes speechless
as well.

A unit, which most likely fired the arrows just now, advanced to the front from within
the punitive force that moved about in confusion until now. What the unit, which
shows disciplined movements obvious from even this far away, within the chaotic
punitive force holds up is a huge flag that depicted a lion face seen from the side made
out of golden threads on a black background.

“This is Black Beast!?”

Neither Garam nor Zurgu know.

That in itself is the flag signifying General Darius Brutus who was extolled as a famous
commander of Holmea.

However, even without knowing that, Garam had been told about this flag countless
times by his father.

There’s no doubt that it’s the abominable flag that was hoisted up in line with
Holmea’s flag in the centre of the human army that invaded the Solbiant Plains in the

A bloodflow of rage, similar to lava, bustles about in Garam’s whole body. It stirs his
urge to let loose a great war cry and attack that unit, which is flying that flag.


However, he suppressed it by almost biting his lips.

In order to shake off the impulse that is even now smouldering within his chest, he
faced Zurgu and shouted as if persuading himself as well,
“We have to run away now! Any more losses are bad!”

Zurgu finally takes off his eyes from the black beast flag due to Garam’s voice. After
that, as if spitting out something bitter within his mouth in front of the ten-odd zoan
warriors, who are lying down in front of him, Zurgu said,

“…I know. Right now we don’t have any other choice but to run away, do we?”

There might be still some who are breathing, but they can only abandon them.

Currently the two of them could only devote themselves to escaping while swallowing
their anger and regret.

There’s no way for a normal human to chase after a zoan running on four feet without
horses or kiryu. The ambush unit, which had no other choice but to watch the
retreating figures of the escaping zoan while grinding their teeth even though they
would have been able to annihilate the zoan in just a little bit more time, headed
towards the main force of the punitive force to join up with them after the zoan weren’t
visible anymore.

Once they do, it’s General Darius himself who expressly welcomed them.

“Thanks for your hard work, Bolgus.”

“Oh, Your Excellency. Thank you for going out of your way to welcome us, I guess.”

The one who led the ambush was Bolgus — a middle-aged man with short-cut dark
hair streaked with gray.

He, who secretly went ahead of the punitive force after receiving Darius’ order, made
two companies lurk in the forest since several days ago. While being in the terrible
state of being covered with fallen leaves and mud due to concealing in the forest for
several days, Bolgus bowed his head with an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry. It looks they ended up noticing us just before our ambush.”

However, far from being disgusted by his appearance, Darius taps Bolgus’ shoulder
with a satisfied look instead.
“Even I didn’t expect for them to properly run away with all their power like that. It’s
not your fault.”

Something like hiding in the forest while continuously bating their breath for many
days with the zoan, who have sharp senses, as an opponent is something which the
commissioned officers with noble origin that have only high pride are unable to do.
No matter who might have done it, it would be the same result if Bolgus wasn’t up to
the task.

“Just lose the dirt in the river. I will incorporate you as a unit under my direct control
after that.”

“Okay. I will gladly take you up on that.”

Darius, who ordered to give Bolgus’ group a warm meal and booze after they had taken
a bath in the river, looks in the direction where the zoan had disappeared.

“However, isn’t that a truly splendid way of escaping?”

A praise that had no exaggeration and much less ridicule resounded in his voice.

They saw that they were caught in a trap and thus executed a prompt escape without
disgrace and honor. Not everyone can do this. As result of that, it ended with us being
able to only bring down ten-odd zoan even though they fell into our trap mostly as

“I expected them to pick a fight with us here if they understand the situation more or
less, but it’s just as I thought, huh? Be that as it may, don’t they possess quite the good

Darius reveals a smile on his lips.

It was a smile reminding one of a cunning lion.

“However, their sole chance to launch an offensive was thwarted. I wonder what they
will do next? Or, is this the end for you, leader of the insurgents or whatever you are?”

The flag depicting a golden lion on black background grandly fluttered in the north
wind above Darius’ head.
Shyemul, who stood at the window, can hear the drum sounds reverberating in the
distance if she strains her ears. The meaning of these sounds are [Charge], [Failure],
[Enemy] and [Trap].

“The attack failed. The enemy set up a trap.”

Upon those words Souma, who was behind her, had his breath taken away.

“…! So I was right after all. Are Garam and Zurgu fine!?”

“Calm down, Soma. I can’t hear the drums.”

Souma shuts his mouth in a hurry after being told so by Shyemul.

The following signals are [Retreat], [Loss], [10], [4] and [Comrades]. [Loss] is a signal
that heavily emphasized that something was lost rather than something having failed.
In that case, it probably means that they lost something, but were able to retreat. And it
would be common sense to consider what was lost as the following: [10], [4], [Comrades].

“Although they were able to withdraw, they lost fourteen brethren.”

Shyemul makes an effort to describe the content depicted by the drum sounds
indifferently, but even so Souma grits his teeth due to the naivety of his own planning
while feeling as if he’s getting reprimanded for having missed the enemy’s trap.

Once the drum sounds continue even further, Shyemul doubted her own ears.

It’s not only Shyemul either. The zoan present all stand up at once with a serious look,
drew near the window and strained their ears.

For the sake of reliably conveying important information, the signals are always
repeated a second time. If they didn’t mishear, the same drum signal should be played
In the end the same drum signal resounded once more.

Shyemul recounts the content signalled by that drum sound almost unconsciously.

“The enemy is the Black Beast.”

“Black Beast…?”

Shyemul, who came to her senses after Souma asks her with a parroting of her words,
let out a great breath as if she were spitting out the rage in her heart and then responds
to Souma after she somewhat regained her composure.

“It’s the flag hoisted by the enemy who in the past defeated the All-Clan Alliance in the

Instead of Souma, who still doesn’t comprehend quite well, the facial color of
Marchronis changed.

“Is it a flag that depicts the side profile of a gold-threaded lion on black underground?”

“Lion? You are right if you are talking about a beast growing hair on its head, but…”

Due to Shyemul’s reply, Marchronis appeared to have received a great shock and
staggered towards the ground.

“T-That flag is the flag of General Darius…!”

“General Darius? Do you know him?”

Even as he trembles violently, he somehow manages to answer Souma.

“There’s no way for me to not know him. He’s called Holmea’s greatest general. But,
no way… for His Excellency to personally…!?”

It’s highly unlikely for anyone living in Holmea to not know about General Darius. Even
Marchronis wielded his spear on countless occasions under General Darius in the

However, he didn’t expect for General Darius himself to appear as the leader of this
punitive force. Putting aside if it was a battle with their arch-enemy Romania, if it’s at
the level of a rebellion within the country, he should be recommending the young
commissioned officers to take up command due to him getting on in years. Of course,
calling himself elder is a means with the intention of letting the young officers
accumulate experience in actual battles, but Marchronis was under the impression
that even this time would certainly be the same.

“General Darius…”

Souma spoke the name of the enemy general he finally learned as if he were
thoroughly chewing on it.

“What kind of person is he?”

“He’s a person who leads battles in a steady and secure manner. Without any
haughtiness and without looking down on his opponents, he corners the other party
by taking reliable measures as if applying established tactics on a game board. That’s
the kind of person he is.”

That’s a troublesome opponent. Especially in this time’s case, where we have few
numbers while the enemy has many, it’s a common practise to attack by making use of
the enemy general’s conceit and negligence. However, since he’s skilled enough to have
seen through our surprise attack and countered it by laying a trap, I can’t feel any kind
of conceit or negligence from him, just like Marchronis said.

Souma resists his desire to slump to the floor due to being at his wits’ end, so that he
can take as many measures as he can think of right now.

“Contact Garam. Tell him to have only a few warriors cling to the punitive force and to
return with the rest as fast as possible!”

Even if might be only a few, they will be cautious of an attack if they see any zoan. That
should lower the pace of their march. And, while it buys me a little bit of time, I have to
think of a breakthrough solution during that respite. Receiving his order, a warrior
leaves to play the drums in a hurry.

Next he urges Marchronis to leave the room and secretly orders a zoan warrior to
strictly monitor his actions. Because of Marchronis’s look when he heard the name of
General Darius, it’s a necessary step so that he won’t do anything this late in the game.

Moreover, since Shyemul was very agitated in a similar manner, Souma, who felt it
necessary to also confirm the condition of the other zoan, told Shyemul,

“Shyemul, I’m sorry, but go to check the state of everyone who’s outside the city.”

The zoan live in the wild plains, so they naturally dislike a crowded environment.
Because of this, they stayed in the plains outside of the city walls except for the
warriors that were necessary for maintaining the city’s order.

“Gotcha. Then let’s go together.”

Souma shakes his head towards Shyemul who naturally intended to go together with

“Sorry, please go by yourself, Shyemul. Everyone might hide their true feelings if I’m

Shyemul hesitated to act separately from Souma, but even she understood that it
wasn’t a situation where she could say something selfish as this. While still feeling
reluctant over the matter, she calls out to the nearby Shahata.

“Shahata, sorry, but I entrust Soma’s protection to you.”

“Please leave it to me, Divine Daughter.”

Once Shahata consented readily, Shyemul finally left the room.

After sending Shyemul off, Souma depressedly hangs his head.

It’s the worst situation.

Souma lowers his eyes on the map spreading out on the table. From the bridge until
Bolnis where they are, there was apparently no other place to stage a surprise attack.
He pondered whether to carry out a night raid at their camping ground, but it’s highly
unlikely for an opponent, who saw through the surprise attack this time, to be unable
to predict that kind of attack at this point.

However, he was absolutely sure that they wouldn’t be able to win in a siege battle or
in the open field.

“What should I do? What’s the best option here?”

However, there’s no way for a decent plan to pop up in his mind that easily now after
all that happened.

Should I propose abandoning the city and retreating to the plains?

Such an idea comes to mind, but it’s evident that it’s no more than a stopgap measure.
Due to his own cowardice that makes him incline towards such thoughts of escape,
Souma encouraged himself by slapping both of his cheeks.

However, he ended up hitting himself stronger than he intended, and far from raising
his spirit, he feels as if he sees stars in front of his eyes

At that instant Souma thought of a good idea.

“…! That’s right! There’s that as well, isn’t there?”

What came to Souma’s mind at that time is something that was used by a protagonist
that was summoned to a different world, just like himself, in a manga and light novel
he read in modern Japan.

If he can actually implement it, he will literally blow away their current predicament.

It was an idea that had that much of a potential to turn around the hopeless situation.

In a fluster Shahata chases after Souma who is about to fly out of the room.

“Sir Soma! Where are you headed to?”

Souma turned around to Shahate while walking in a quick pace and said the following:

“The blacksmith’s workshop! I’m going to meet Dvalin!”

A previously vacant land located in the outskirts of Bolnis had now become the
dwarves’ blacksmith’s workshop. In the smithy that was surrounded by windbreaking
partitioning screens, the sounds of still red-hot steel being forged resounds
throughout as if it could tear apart one’s eardrums, and several furnaces are billowing
flames with roaring sounds.
The one who was supervising this smithy was Dvalin. Not only is he a first-class
warrior, but he’s also a craftsman to the level of being entrusted a workshop in his
homeland, the Obsidian Kingdom. According to Dvalin’s orders, the dwarves devoted
themselves to the production of armors and materials around the clock in preparation
for a siege battle.

Souma, who plunged into the workshop while bringing Shahata along, discovers
Dvalin on the other side of an anvil, stripped of his shirt and holding a mallet.

“Dvalin, do you have a moment!?”

Dvalin, who noticed Souma who was having a shouting competition with the smithy,
gave several orders to the nearby dwarves and went over to Souma.

“We won’t be able to talk here due to the noise. Let’s go outside.”

Once Dvalin goes outside the smithy, he dumps a wooden bucket of water over his
head to cool off. While steam rises from all over his body as if he just poured boiling
water over himself, Dvalin, who wrung out the water by squeezing his beard, urged on
Souma to start talking.

“So, what kind of business do you have with me?”

Souma braced himself and asked,

“I’d like you to tell me if you know, but is there a black powder that explodes or burns
very strongly once ignited in this world!?”

“What’s that supposed to be? A burning black powder, is that something that changed
into powder after burning black stones or charcoal?”

Burning black stones is about coal. Even in this world, some of the people such as
dwarves used coal that was mined from underground as an important fuel.

“No, although it does transform into an ingredient for charcoal powders as well, it’s
something that burns even more intensely when you mix it with various other things.”

Dvalin wracked his brain over it for a while, but apologetically answered,

“Hmm… Sorry, but I never heard of something like that.”

“Not at all! It’s better if you don’t know about it!”

Souma tightly grasped his fists.

“As expected, that means there’s still no black powder in this world!”

What Souma came up with from the manga’s and light novel’s different world
adventure he read was black powder.

As everyone knows, black powder is the oldest gunpowder used in history after
mixing charcoal, sulphur and saltpeter.

“With this the goddess of victory is on our side. It will be fine as long as we put black
powder to use.”

As one might expect, they wouldn’t have enough time to create guns.

However, there should be plenty enough of an effect by simply making the black
powder explode. Even in the modern era where people know about gunpowder,
there’s no one that wouldn’t be shocked by the sound and light of it exploding. Much
less to say that it will likely be an unknown terror for the humans of this world who
don’t even know about black powder.

The first weapons using black powder which the Japanese encountered are said to be
“Thunder Crash Bombs” which were used in the Mongol invasions of Japan. It’s
something similar to a grenade that had black powder and plenty of iron scraps
crammed into an earthenware container. It was thrown at the enemy after igniting a

According to the records of these times, the cavalry and warriors froze in surprise due
to the sounds and smoke after it exploded, and there were also many people who lost
their lives to these bombs.

‘If I cause explosions within the dense ranks of the heavy spear infantry in the same
manner, there’s no mistake that it will cause a big chaos.

“What’s that, this black powder?”

“A terrific weapon. If we use this, we can create guns and bombs.”

Souma told Dvalin as much knowledge about guns and bombs as he knows himself.

It’s a pleasant feeling to showcase one’s own knowledge to others. Unintentionally

Souma even forgets about the pressing time and doesn’t notice how long he spent
talking about all the information he has on black powder and the weapons which use

Even Dvalin, after hearing about such weapons for the first time, seemingly got excited
as a dwarven craftsman and attentively listened with his eyes sparkling like a child.

“Hoo, it’s quite the amazing item, isn’t it? That black powder or whatever.”

“Yes! You create it by combining charcoal powder and sulphur together with saltpeter.
Given that even I don’t know the exact mixing proportion, we will have to experiment
with it several times though. — Ah, I wonder whether we will be in time? We have to
get started as soon as possible.”

Souma was flustered as they they have to start working on it as soon as possible, but
his expression was cheerful. That’s because it’s a bright idea he came up at a point
where he worried whether they have no other choice but to run away. It can’t be
helped that he’s in such state either.

However, even that hope vanished due to Dvalin’s next remark.

“By the way, I do know of charcoal powder and sulphur, but what’s saltpeter?”

“Saltpeter, you say? That’s—”

As Souma tried to explain saltpeter, he was lost for words.

“Umm, how to explain it…?”

Saltpeter is a type of nitrate called nitric acid potassium.

This nitric acid doesn’t burn by itself, but it possesses the property of releasing and
resolving oxygen once it’s heated. If highly concentrated oxygen and flammables catch
fire in a mixed state, it will cause intense combustion reactions such as explosions.
Saltpeter is mixed into black powder as the oxygen supply. This saltpeter is naturally
collected as crystal in arid regions, but one can hardly find it in warm, damp climates.
For that reason saltpeter was produced through the old soil method, the culture
method and the saltpeter hill method which made it possible to extract saltpeter by
decomposition through microbes from things like excreta in medieval Japan. 1

However, there was no reason for Souma, who was a very common senior high school
student in modern Japan, to know what to do to obtain saltpeter and what’s necessary
for it, even if he is aware of the word saltpeter.

“What is it? Even someone like me won’t be able to create something they don’t know.”

Souma had no words to reply to Dvalin who seemed to have given up on it.

Unfortunately black powder was never implemented in Souma’s era. For black powder
to actually be invented on this continent of Seldeas will be around 200 years later.

The ones who would implement black powder for the first time were dwarves of a
northern kingdom. They armed themselves with large quantities of guns and bombs,
invaded one neighboring country after the other and in the end dominated two thirds
of the entire continent.

After that, the kingdom was renamed into an empire, but at the ceremony of the
empire’s inauguration, the first emperor Alsyov has stated something along the lines

“Those of you who turn their blade against us, fear our weapons! These guns and
bombs are divine works of destruction personally granted to us by our great ancestor,
the [Divine Son of Destruction]!”

It’s said that the people on the continent trembled in fear due to the wisdom of the
[Divine Son of Destruction] still exhibiting its menace even after several hundreds of
years had passed.

Shyemul, who returned from the zoan encampment outside of the city, felt relieved
that should would apparently be able to give the worrying Souma good news as the
unrest among her brethren was less than expected.

Although their surprise attack was seen through, it luckily didn’t develop into a major
failure because ordered the retreat just before the human ambush. Realizing that their
enemy is General Darius who has a fateful connection with the zoan, her brethren’s
fighting spirit has risen instead.

Even so, there were also some who felt anxious.

Shyemul called out to those zoan and ascertained them that they can believe in Souma.
Being personally told that by Shyemul, the divine daughter of the God of Beasts, her
brethren at least somewhat regained their composure on a surface level, and told her
that they would support Souma without any changes.

It took her more time than expected to mostly finish touring the encampment.

Shyemul was about to hurry back to the feudal lord’s residence, probably intending to
give Souma a peace of mind as soon as possible, but just as she passed through the city
gate, she discovered the figures of Souma and Shahata, who came back from the
blacksmith’s workshop just now, in the distance.

Wanting to give her report at once, she calls out to Souma who still hasn’t noticed her.

“Hey, Soma!”

However, even though she made the effort of calling out to him, Souma doesn’t notice

Shahata, who noticed it instead, pointed her way making Souma apparently become
aware of her at last.

However, even though Shyemul waved her hands, Souma only returned a non-
committal wave of his hand and started to walk while casting his eyes downwards.

Even though she went to check on everyone as told by Souma, it’s an unexpected
reaction. Having been sure that he wants to hear about the state of everyone, Shyemul
stares in puzzlement.

But, once Souma exits her sight entering the shadow of a building after turning around
a corner of the street, her excitement is superseded by something murky that welled
up in her heart.

Shyemul folded her arms and frowned sullenly.

Since she was told to do it by all means, Shyemul had reluctantly left her guard post,
expressly headed to the encampment, checked whether her brethren are feeling
shaken and soothed those who felt uneasy.

And yet, what’s with that attitude? Shyemul wonders.

Right, I did my best after all. If he’s my Navel Master he should thank me for my hard
work and listen to my report even if he has to neglect other things.

If Garam was present, he would have commented the matters Shyemul was seriously
considering with “Why are you acting like such a brat?”.


Was Shyemul struck by some kind of idea? She revealed an impish smile.

The more hope he invested into black powder, the bigger Souma’s disappointment.

However, he cannot afford fussing over this matter forever either. He must think of a
method to fight the advancing punitive army with the military power he currently has.

Not wanting to postpone it for a moment longer, Souma frantically wracked his brain
even on the way back from the smithy.

In the end I have to efficiently make use of the zoan’s strength, which is our biggest
military power, in the battle.

In that case, what is the zoan’s strength?

I guess it’s their running speed that’s equal to a horse when on four feet, and their

And, if I plan to make use of that mobility, I have no other option but to fight in the plains.
They would incessantly attack the weak spots in the enemy’s formation while freely
running around and using their mobility.

However, we will be discovered long before we can launch a surprise in the plains due to
the unobstructed view, and the other side will be able to adopt a stance that can deal
with us.

Originally, a unit that has such mobility and lightweight equipment displays its power
by restraining the movements of the enemy as a vanguard. However, the dwarves and
dinosaurians, who will act as the vanguard unit on our side, have slightly more than 300
troops. They definitely won’t be able to receive the attack of the punitive army with its
7,000 soldiers and restrain their movements.

Souma roughly scratched his head.

The more I think about it, the further I fall into a stalemate.

“Hey, Soma!”

At that time Souma heard a voice calling out to him from the distance.

However, Souma, who is immersed in his own thought, doesn’t even notice. Once
Shahata looked in the direction of the voice, he saw Shyemul, who was apparently
about to return from outside the city, waving her hands this way from a distance.

“Sir Soma, the Divine Daughter is calling you over there.”

Being told so by Shahata, Souma finally lifted his head.

“…Huh? What’s wrong?”

“The Divine Daughter is over there.”

Once he looked in the direction pointed by Shahata, he saw Shyemul grandly waving
her hands just like a puppy that shakes its tail in delight upon meeting its owner.

However, Souma, who is worrying about what to do from now on, returns a apathetic
wave and immerses himself in his thoughts once again.

Seemingly surprised by that kind of attitude of Souma, Shyemul ended up stopping

suddenly with her hands still in the air.

And once Souma turns into a side street in order to return to the feudal lord’s
residence, she starts to show a sullen mood that’s easy to see even from far away.
That’s bad, Shahata thought.

Folding her arms with her lips forming the shape of a へ is a behaviour that was
sometimes shown by the young Shyemul who was an unwomanly leader of the kids in
the past.

For example, when those brats ridiculed me during my childhood when I couldn’t run
due to that leg injury. Or at the times she was scolded by Elder for wetting her bed.

It’s a gesture the young Shyemul showed at such times.

And, after showing that gesture, Shyemul would always do something good-for-nothing.

At the time when I got ridiculed, she first delivered a dropkick to the guy who started
with the mocking, then fought against the remaining brats by herself, which unfolded
into a huge brawl. In the matter with Elder, she threw insects she gathered in the
mountains into the Elder’s hut as she slept.

Both of them are memories I don’t really want to remember all that much.

At the time with the brats, she smacked me and shouted “Why don’t you get angry!?”
after she beat up everyone. At the time with Elder, I was caught together with her, albeit
having tried to stop her, for some reason, and had my butt slapped by the Elder’s palm
to such an extent that I couldn’t sit anymore for a while.

Shahata, who believed that she’s definitely planning something because of those bitter
experiences, calls Souma to halt in order to warn him in advance.

“Sir Soma, do you have a moment?”

However, it was already too late.

“…Eh? Something?”

In front of Souma, who looked over his shoulder, something that jumped out from the
side stands in the way.

Naturally Souma ended up bumping into it without the time necessary to avoid it.
Souma, who got slightly repelled to the back, is flustered and confirms the thing that
bumped into him.
“You are careless, aren’t you Soma? You have to properly look ahead while walking.”

It was Shyemul.

“Eh? Huh? Shyemul? We-Weren’t you over there…?”

Behind Souma, who is surprised about Shyemul that should have been far ahead on
the street until just now, Shahata sighed as if to say “Good grief”.

Shahata, who was several steps behind Souma, saw the whole event, from the start to
the end, when Shyemul appeared in front of Souma. Shyemul jumped in front of Souma
out of a nearby private house at the side of the street. It’s very likely that she ran
through the back alleys and in between the houses in order to surprise Souma as she
probably couldn’t stomach being given the short stick.

She’s still immature, Shahata was fed up, but Shyemul looked smug for having
surprised Souma more than she expected.

“It can’t be helped that you don’t know what to do, but it’s wrong to forget about
paying attention to the surroundings because of that. — No! Since you are wracking
your brain for our sake, I have to help you by always accompanying you after all, right

Shyemul nodded after agreeing with herself, but after a short time she notices that
there’s no response from Souma. Once she looks at him, Souma is staring at her in a
daze with his eyes wide open.

“Soma? What’s wrong…?”

Maybe I ended up triggering something terrible even though I only intended to prank
him a bit? Shyemul, who became worried, timidly calls out to Souma.

Thereupon, the frozen Souma raised his voice all of a sudden.

“Right! That was it! I misunderstood!”

Shyemul and Shahata back off in surprise due to Souma abruptly yelling. However,
without even noticing the state of those two, Souma seems immersed in his own little
“Umm… for that we have to use the terrain. I also read in a book that one should offset
a disadvantage in numbers by capitalizing on the terrain. Ah, but such convenient
terrain… no, no! At any rate, I have to search for it!”

After saying that, Souma suddenly started to run away from that place.


“Sir Soma, what’s going on?”

Due to that, the panicked Shyemul and Shahata call out to Souma to stop him.

“I’m going outside the city for a bit! Tell everyone that they don’t have to worry!”

However, Souma didn’t stop his feet, and left the two very confused zoan in the dust.

Translation Notes:

1 – Old Soil Method: a method to extract saltpeter soil under old houses – Saltpeter Hill

Method: As supply from outside Japan became difficult because of various political
incidents at that time, they invented this method which separates saltpeter by piling
up a mix of soil, garbage, excreta, limestone and foliage that contains nitrogen in well-
aired huts, and urinating on it regularly. UP
Souma, who had Shyemul and Shahata chase after him, first headed to the feudal lord’s

At any rate, a means of transportation is indispensable.

Souma went to the stables and had them take out a carriage that’s been used by
messengers. It’s a two-wheeled carriage that has no cargo area and only a coachman’s
seat where people can ride. The ones pulling those kind of carriages aren’t niryu, but
the fast-paced kiryu.

While climbing on the coachman’s seat, Souma mutters as if giving himself a warning,

“It should be fine as long as I do it just like Mister Hopkins taught me to.”

During the travel from the fortress to this city, Hopkins taught him the proper way to
operate a carriage after he asked about it.

At that time it was just playful curiosity, but he certainly never expected for a time to
come where it would actually be useful. This time I will be handling a kiryu and not a
niryu, but the basics should be the same.

Souma picks up a thin stick that had been placed on the coachman’s seat. Just like a
rider’s whip, it’s an item to make the kiryu run by hitting its backside. At the end of
the stick, there’s a metal fitting with several spikes attached to it. The stick was made
this way because neither the niryu nor the kiryu will feel pain from a common whip,
as their scales are reasonably tough.

If he didn’t hit the niryu strongly enough, it wouldn’t work, but Souma, who is handling
a kiryu for the first time, spanks it lightly with the stick to begin with. Upon being hit,
the kiryu started to move its feet slowly, apparently having realized that it was struck.
However, its speed is only slightly higher than that of a human’s walking pace. It’s far
off from the speed desired by Souma.
No other way, this time I will hit it stronger than before.

However, even then the pace of the kiryu doesn’t change.

He tries to hit it several times, but, let alone running, the kiryu eventually came to a
halt and swung its tail around while looking annoyed.

The voice of a girl reverberates in the ears of Souma who is getting irritated as he’s
trying to get the kiryu, who doesn’t move as he wishes, to budge.

[No matter who it might be, you won’t be able to injure them. No matter what it might
be, you won’t be able to destroy it.]

Thinking Could it be…, Souma tries to hit his own thigh with the rod.

Certainly there was a sensation that he was hit. However, even though he hit himself
with the metal part that has spikes, he can’t feel any pain at all. There was no way for
the kiryu to run like this.

“Shit! At such a time…!”

By no means did he expect to be hindered by the blessing of that ill-mannered goddess

at a time like this.

Souma was at a loss what he should do.

“What are you doing? Please move to the side.”

Shyemul said that as she pushes Souma to the side.

“Shyemul, if you don’t stay behind, explaining to everyone will be…”

“I left that to Shahata. Rather than that, let’s go!”

She hits the buttocks of the kiryu once with the rod she snatched out of Souma’s hand
as though she wouldn’t allow a single objection. Thereupon the kiryu began to run
while pulling the carriage. Shyemul, who left the feudal lord’s residence by crossing
over the drawbridge, asks Souma,

“So, where are we headed?”

It’s a fact that he can’t move a single carriage decently by himself. He is anxious
whether Shahata, who isn’t a divine child, will be able to persuade all the stubbornly
egoistic members, but Souma resigned himself to his fate.

“Leave through the eastern gate and gallop along the mountains to the north of the

Shyemul took the reins and made the kiryu head towards the east gate. On the way
Souma calls out to the surprised zoan warriors “We will be right back” as he leaves the
city accompanied by Shyemul.

“Soma! Hold fast!”

Having left through the gate, Shyemul made the kiryu dash by hitting its buttocks with
all her might.

The wheel of carriages in this epoch finally started to use solid, wooden spokes
through round, wooden discs. Of course, these aren’t wheels with a elasticity like gum
tires. In addition, since mechanisms that buffer the impacts such as springs don’t exist
either, it was quite difficult to make a carriage travel on ground with unprepared soil
even if it’s an open field.

The carriage bumps up and down due to any small pebble or undulation.The impacts
that seem to push up the passengers from below are strong enough to throw one off
the carriage if they lose focus for even an instant. If he doesn’t cling to the coachman’s
seat without any shame and honor, Souma’s body will be hurled to the ground in the
blink of an eye and will likely suffer major injuries.

In contrast to that, as expected of Shyemul, she skillfully kills the impacts by lightly
bending her knees as she holds the reins in a half-risen posture. Not only that, she
magnificently controlled the violently shaking carriage by quickly shifting her weight
if it looks like they were about to topple sideways.

“Now that I’m making the carriage travel by myself like this, I must say that it’s a nice

Shyemul says this happily as the wind blows through her fur from the front.

However, Souma, who heard that, nearly screamed. No matter how one hears it, the
way she phrased that just now makes it apparent that it’s her first time driving a

Souma felt as if he were about to die.

“Soma! This way is correct, right!?”

Shyemul asks while raising her voice in order to not be drowned out by the sound of
the carriage rattling. Souma tried to answer her, but it looked like he’d bite his tongue
clean off if he opened his mouth during the crazy ride. Having said that, he could easily
imagine himself being thrown off the carriage in the instant he removes his hands
from the carriage in order to point at the location. Thinking of a way around this
dilemma, Souma jerked his chin frantically towards the target direction.

“Mmmmh! Mmh! Mmh!!”

“Got it! You are telling me to head to that forest, right?”

As she says that, Shyemul whipped the kiryu once.

Souma is about to burst into tears due to the carriage accelerating even further. Being
shaken around by the far too intense vibrations, he has long ago lost any feeling in his
own body. He would probably believe it even if he was told that the carriage had
turned over or was plummeting off a cliff.

That torturous period came to an end at last. Once the carriage stopped, Souma
unceremoniously tumbled off the carriage.

Because he desperately clung to the carriage in order to avoid being thrown off, Souma
can’t even stand up due to his excessive fatigue.

Nevertheless, after he managed to tumble and crawl off the carriage, he opened his
eyes wide and carefully surveyed the surroundings in order to not miss even the
smallest detail.

It’s a place that has turned into a boundary between the mountains and an open field.

There’s a steep mountain slope very nearby on the northern side. In contrast to that,
the southern side has little undulations and there’s a plain at the foot of the gently
sloping mountains. Ahead of the mountain’s foot one can see a road, similar to a single,
long line that was pulled through the plains. They can’t be seen right now, but this is
likely to be the road the punitive force will approach by.

And, on the eastern side a forest is thickly growing as if it protruded out of the
mountains, whereas the western side had rocks and such sticking out their heads here
and there, becoming a mountain foot with slightly less undulations than the southern

While looking up the the northern mountain slope first, Souma asked Shyemul,

“Shyemul, can you run up this mountain?”

“I think that’s impossible. The inclination is too steep. That doesn’t mean that I can’t
ascend it, but running would be impossible.”

Shyemul replies while lining up with Souma and looking up the mountain.

Souma, who was satisfied with that answer, tried to stand up in order to go to see the
forest next. However his body doesn’t do as told and his knees are about to give way.

“Grab my shoulder, Soma.”

Finally getting up while holding onto Shyemul’s shoulder, Souma walks towards the
forest with a shaky stride.

The forest spreading in front of Souma is largely different from what a Japanese
person would associate with the word forest.

If it’s close to a city, there will be traces of people due to gathering firewood and letting
their pigs graze, but once you move away from a place where people live, the forests
of this era will be primeval regions that have lasted since ancient times. There are
various trees and grasses, of which Souma doesn’t know the names of either, growing
there, and even though it’s winter, it was wrapped up by a dense atmosphere.

In reality he wanted to also check further inside the forest, but being hindered by
protruding foliage and thick roots that grew on the ground, Souma gives up on that

However, for Souma those were ideal circumstances.

“The northern side has a steep mountain. The east has a deep forest that would
obstruct one’s view. The south has a gentle slope!”

If he were to be honest, he wanted a forest or mountain on the western side, but for
now he has no choice but to be satisfied with things as they are.

Souma suddenly grasped both his fists tightly.

“This is it! There’s no better place than this!!”

“That brat still hasn’t returned?”

As if displaying his displeasure, Jahangil repeatedly struck the floor with his long, thick

Several hours have already passed since Shyemul and Souma left the city.

Although Garam and Zurgu, who managed to return after failing their ambush, felt
dumbfounded for an instant due to the absence of the two, they immediately cover up
their agitation and gathered the main members of their forces into a room of the
feudal lord’s residence.

“Stop asking the same thing all the time.”

After Garam chides him with a dangerous tone, Jahangil snorts grandly and turns
away. However, his tail started to hit the floor even more intensely.

They switched their meeting place, which was usually carried out in the courtyard to
account for the zoan’s dislike of closed spaces, to an indoor area in order to not worry
the surroundings of Souma and Shyemul not being present at the location where all
the main members have gathered.

It would be especially fatal for them to learn about Souma’s absence.

Currently it’s no exaggeration to say that the military forces that have gathered in
Bolnis are doing so in support of Souma’s “Proclamation of Iron”. It’s obvious that
these military forces would fall apart immediately if they thought the person that had
made the proclamation ran away.
The sun that is shining through the window has already started to be dyed in the
crimson light of dusk.

If Souma and Shyemul don’t return before the end of the day, Garam and the others
will probably put an end to it without waiting for the punitive force.

Due to that only, not just Jahangil but even all the others stayed silent, but within their
minds they were losing their patience to the anxiety and irritation.

The son of the Mane Clan’s clan chief, Banuka, who couldn’t bear that heavy silence,
whispers to no one in specific,

“Umm… there’s no way that they ran away, right?”

Right after that everyone present glared at him.

A soundless scream wells up from within Banuka’s throat, and then his facial color
changes and he vindicates himself with “It’s a joke, a joke!”, but that caused even more
dangerous looks to be sent his way.

And yet, there was no one who denied Banuka’s words. That’s because it got straight
to the point of the anxiety of everyone present in this place.

However, at that time a single zoan raised his voice.

“Sir Soma won’t run away! He will come back without fail!”

It was Shahata who said that.

If they were to follow zoan customs, Shahata, who isn’t a warrior, wouldn’t be
permitted to speak up in a meeting related to battle. Not only did he act in such
manner unbefitting of his social status in front of the two great zoan leaders, Garam
and Zurgu, but Shahata threw out his chest in pride without faltering even though he
received the sharp gazes of the dwarven and dinosaurian warriors upon himself.

Dwavlin, who continually twirled and brushed his beard, stops moving and asks

“Do you have any guarantee?”

Hearing those words, Shahata moved his right hand.

In the next instant that hand powerfully hits his left breast.

“It will be fine for you to do with this life as you please if those two don’t return!”

The act of hitting his left chest with his hand holds the meaning of “I offer this heart”
for the zoan. Shahata had the resolve to gouge out his own heart if the worst case
scenario happens and Souma and Shyemul don’t return.

Even Dvalin and Jahangil, who don’t know the meaning of the action, comprehend
Shahata’s resolve after looking into his eyes.

Dvalin opened his eyes a bit and Jahangil, who kept hitting the floor with that much
irritation, suddenly stopped his tail.

The people present, you could as well call heroic veterans without being wrong about
it, were charmed by the appearance of Shahata, who firmly pushed out his chest while
pressing his hand against his left chest.


By no means is it a loud voice, but Garam’s voice could be heard awfully well.


Believing that he would be reprimanded for having been too forward without
considering his status due to his emotions, Shahata immediately straightens his back
and stands at attention.

However, the words that left Garam’s mouth were not ones of rebuke.

“Call yourself a warrior from today onwards. I permit it.”

Those were unexpected words.

For Shahata calling himself a warrior is a dream that he’d never thought would come
true. Because of that, Shahata had a moment of bewilderment before being delighted.

“B-But, with my leg injury… Umm, given that I can’t hunt cattle by running, that…!”
Even though he wants to jump at Garam’s words, he just says things that are
contradictory. Garam sighs lightly at Shahata.

“Being able to hunt cattle is not what’s required of a warrior. Hunting cattle is no more
than a display of one’s courage as a warrior and above all else the ability to fight. Just
now you demonstrated your courage and spirit, which are more important than
anything as warrior, even without hunting cattle.”

While folding his arms, Garam intently stared into the eyes of Shahata.

“This <Ferocious Fang> Fagul Garguss Garam approves of it. You have the qualifications
to call yourself a warrior.”

Shahata was touched by Garam’s strongly stated words.

Tears overflow from Shahata’s widely-opened eyes and wet the fur on his cheeks. Even
though he should be happy, he doesn’t understand why he’s crying. While saying
“Huh? Why?” in perplexion, he wipes his cheeks. Garam bluntly said “Don’t show your
tears as a warrior” to Shahata.

As if making fun of those two, Zurgu cut in,

“Wait a minute, Garam! You kept forbidding a man of such calibre to become a hunter
at your place?”

“…Shut up! Don’t butt into the matters of other clans!”

Seemingly amused by Garam’s reaction, Zurgu called out to Shahata while grinning

“Hey, you. If it’s not enough with this Great Clan Chief approving of you, this <Mad
Claw> Kraga Bigana Zurgu will give you his authorization as well. Come to the Claw
Clan if there’s no place for you at the Fang Clan. I will treat you as a warrior.”

“Zurgu, don’t go trying to headhunt a warrior of the Fang Clan in front of my eyes!”

Far from being timid, Zurgu endures laughing out while his shoulders tremble due to
Garam threatening him by baring his fangs.

Due to that Garam snorted and fell back into the backrest of the chair, acting sulky.
At that moment the ears of the zoan present in the room move with a twitch

“…I guess you were right, Shahata.”

As Garam says that while slightly lifting the corners of his mouth, Dvalin and Jahangil
wonder what he might be talking about. However, noticing the footsteps gradually
approaching from the room’s entrance door that was left open, they also grin broadly.

And before long the owners of the footsteps showed up at the room’s entrance.

“Sorry! We ran late!”

It was Souma accompanied by Shyemul whom they had eagerly awaited.

Souma and Shyemul were expecting a scolding for having made everyone wait for such
a long time, but they quickly became aware of the delicate mood within the room.

For some reason Shahata has turned away his face and is wiping his eyes. The others
turn their gazes away from him, feigning ignorance.

“Did something happen?”

After Souma asks that, thinking that he might have made them wait too long, all of
them simply look at each other and avoid answering him.

However, that might be natural.

Of course, they wouldn’t say that they suspected him of running away directly into his

Even so, there was a single person who doesn’t read the mood.

“We discussed if you didn’t run away.” Jahangil said.

Dinosaurians have meager facial expressions, so they tend to prefer frank speech and
conduct. Either due to this racial trait or his own personality, or a mix of both, Jahangil
calmly states what none of the others were able to say.

Due to that Shyemul was rather shocked than angry.

“Good grief, you guys… there’s no way that Soma would run away, is there?”

Everyone awkwardly averts their eyes upon those words.

However, only Souma cast his eyes down with a pale face while not even noticing the
reactions of his surroundings.
He was anxious that the trust in him might be shaken due to his surprise having been
seen through, but by no means did he expect them to go as far as considering that he
would run away.

The plan that he was about to tell everyone from now on is accompanied by quite the

Saying it frankly, it’s practically something similar to a gamble. Not only that, it’s a
gamble with poor odds.

But even then, our chance of winning, which is already very low, would vanish when the
trust in me is as unstable as it is now. The plan is akin to finding victory, even barely, by
putting our backs up against the wall.

Therefore, they need to resolve themselves to fight their enemies while continuing to
believe in me until the very end. If they harbor even the slightest doubt towards my plan,
it will likely cause a crack from where the whole plan will fall apart.

A certain idea came to the flustered Souma as he wonders how to regain this lost trust.

It should be fine to let them know about that secret I couldn’t talk so easily about

Once I do that, it will become a guarantee that I will never run away. And, if I stress its
abnormality, it will also connect to them trusting in my plan.

Yes, that will be the best solution.

Even though he came up with a solution, a dark smile appeared on Souma’s face for
some reason.

Shyemul, who finally noticed that the atmosphere around Souma is weird, suddenly
remembers. She ended up completely forgetting about it due to how busy she had
been, because of his ambush being seen through by the enemy and Souma having her
make sure that her fellow zoan aren’t too disturbed by the failure.

However, she didn’t report to Souma about that.

Thinking that Souma is possibly anxious and fearful over the suspicion of him running
away, Shyemul tries to tell him in a hurry that it’s a needless fear.
But the ears of Shyemul, who had those words on the tip of her tongue, move with a

She thought that she might have misheard due to the overly weak voice, but she had a
feeling as if Souma had muttered “Just the right time to get rid of that ballast”.

“I won’t run away!”

Souma said during Shyemul’s moment of bewilderment.

“No, rather I can’t run away. I’m sharing my lot with you.”

Shyemul was filled with doubt. Looking at the words at face-value, he’s expressing his
determination to fight alongside them, but with how he says it, she could sense a dark
shadow similar to self-deprecation.

“You are a human. Wouldn’t it get exposed if you left this city?”

Due to Jahangil’s statement that once again failed to read the mood, everyone shouted
“Someone gag this moron!” within their hearts.

“Then I have to show you evidence, don’t I?”

Even those who felt troubled by Jahangil’s remark are intrigued by Souma’s words.

“Garam, I’m sorry, but can you lend me one of your machetes? I’ll give it right back.”

“…I don’t particularly mind?”

He didn’t know why the hell Souma would want to use his machete, but he handed one
of his two machetes hanging at his waist to Souma along with its scabbard.

Souma slowly draws the blade out of its scabbard as everyone watches him.

As expected of a machete of the zoan hero Garam. It has been sharpened diligently and
cast a sheen that brightens the polished machete blade.

“It looks to be quite sharp, doesn’t it?”

“…Indeed. Watch out to not touch the blade at a wrong spot. You can easily lose a

Garam warns Souma as he feels something eerie from him.

However, Souma only returned a faint smile to that.

“Excuse me for a bit.”

Saying that, Souma holds the machete with a backhand grip and thrusts it forward.
And, in front of everyone, who stares in wonder, he stabbed the machete into the map
spread out on top of a table. An intense sound is triggered when the machete’s point
hits the table.

As he’s intently and wordlessly watched by everyone due to the sudden outburst of
violence, Souma puts down the machete for a moment, picks up both ends of the map’s
surface and opens it up

“Look. There’s not a single scratch, right?”

There’s not a single cut on the fluttering map, just as Souma said. Judging by how he
stabbed it with so much strength, it’s something strange indeed. And after they look
at the table, they couldn’t find any trace of it being hit by the machete’s point.

Without understanding Souma’s intention, everyone looks at each other.

They question why he has to show such a sleight of hand at this location when they
had better things to be doing, such as discussing how to fight against the punitive force
from now on.

Souma once again picks up the machete within that atmosphere of bewilderment.

He then calmly presses the blade against his own throat.

“…! What are you doing, Soma!?”

Seeing that, a scream begins to surge out from Shyemul’s mouth.

However, Souma casually slit his throat without a moment’s hesitation.

All of them envisioned fresh blood scattering through the empty air.

Shyemul, who twisted her face in shock, ends up slumping down on the spot behind

“Look, I’m fine, am I not?”

Let alone blood spraying, there’s not a single drop of blood to be found on the machete
held by Souma.

Everyone present felt that they had to be in a dream.

They definitely saw Souma pressing the blade against his throat. No sleight of hand
could fake something like that. Not only that, they saw his skin sink in due to the
pressure applied by the blade. There’s no way for his throat not to be cut if he used
the blade in such a manner.

“This is my blessing as divine child.”

Souma’s voice that might be called gentle sounded like a distant thunder to everyone
present in this place.

It was common knowledge that Souma is a divine child, but it was thought that the
blessing given to every divine child was unknown to him at the moment.

Everyone is at a loss for words. Souma slit his own throat, had nothing come of it, then
stated that this was his blessing.

The one who opened his mouth first after a short period of silence is Garam, due to
having some knowledge of the bizarre powers of a blessing because of his sister.

“…No way, is it a blessing of not getting injured by blades?”

That was truly the first idea Garam came up with.

However, that can’t explain why the map wasn’t cut.

He didn’t have the slightest idea just what kind of blessing Souma received going by
what he just now showed what he was capable of.
“No, it’s something else. No matter what it might be, I can’t damage or destroy it with
my hands. That’s the blessing I received.”

Turning around the meaning of the words Souma said several times within his head,
Garam finally comprehended and felt dumbfounded.

“Did I get you to understand? Even if I wanted to help obtain my share of food for the
day, I can’t hunt a single bird or even reel in one small fish. Even if I were to be attacked,
even if that opponent were a small child, I can’t turn a blade against them.”

Souma floats a self-mocking smile and suddenly shrugs his shoulders.

“See? There’s no way that I could run away. At this point, I don’t have any other options
but to survive together with you.”

The blessing mentioned by Souma widely diverted from the general concept of a
divine child’s blessing Garam and the others have known so far.

“Such absurdity! There are such foolish blessings!?”

If we assume that something like this exists, that’s no blessing.


“Isn’t that just a curse!?”

Garam’s shout expressed what all the others present thought.

A blessing is no more than a power given to someone who is loved by the gods.
Receiving a blessing that apparently doesn’t give anything but disadvantages to the
divine child is incomprehensible.

“You’re right. — It’s probably a curse.”

A cruel smile forms on Souma’s lips.

“It’s so that I can’t leave you guys. It’s so that I have to cooperate with you guys.”

Souma told them implicitly;

that he had been sent here by the goddess.

that he’s here to destroy their enemies.

Garam feels a sense of deja vu after seeing Souma like that.

Doesn’t this resemble a scene I have already seen?

The scene when Souma told them for the first that he’s Aura’s divine son surfaces in
Garam’s mind.

That’s right. I chased it out of my consciousness, but the human boy in front of me is the
divine son of Aura. He’s the divine son of a sinister goddess who brings about death and

All the fur on Garam’s body slightly stands up due to the fear travelling up his spine.

It’s not just Garam either. Everyone present couldn’t move a single finger as they were
overwhelmed by Souma, who has an abnormal aura which is unimaginable when
compared with his usual behavior.

However, among them only Shyemul stands up, swaying.

Then, she raises a firmly grasped fist over her head,

“You idiot!!”

And struck Souma on the top of his head with it.

A hysteric shriek escapes Souma’s mouth.

Without exaggeration, the impact made him wonder whether his eyes were going to
pop out of his skull.

As one would expect, even the timid Souma looks back at Shyemul with blood rushing
to his head due to the sudden act of violence.

However, his anger is erased without a trace, just like a bonfire that was swallowed by
a flood, in front of Shyemul. She has faint tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.
“You big idiot!”

Shyemul roared.

“I thought you would really commit suicide! Do you understand!? How surprised I
was!? I thought that you will really, really die! Thinking that you would die, I was so

Due to the appearance of Shyemul, who shouts at him while trembling slightly with all
her fur standing on end, Souma feels like running away.

“…I-I’m sorry.”

Once Souma apologizes, Shyemul’s attitude makes a complete turn and she begins to
feel flustered.

“R-Rather than that, is your throat really alright? Let me have a look. There’s really no
injury, right?”

Shyemul grabs Souma by the collar and pulls him towards herself. Then she makes
him forcibly expose his throat by lifting his chin.

“Wai-Wait a moment, Shyemul. It tickles.”

“Be quiet! Let me have a proper look.”

Once she brings her face close enough that the tip of her nose touches Souma’s throat,
she stares at it intensely, opening her eyes widely so that she doesn’t miss even a single
scratch. She only feels relief after confirming that, just as Souma said, there isn’t a
single wound. Thereupon, the anger that she had briefly restrained comes roaring up
to the surface once again.

So she hits Souma on the head again!

“I-It hurts, Shyemul…”

Shyemul opened her mouth widely all of a sudden and bared her fangs at Souma who
protests while becoming teary-eyed.

“Shut up! To begin with, what’s with that blessing!? When were you given such blessing!?
Or did you trick me despite having been given that blessing from the start in reality!?”

“I-I haven’t deceived you! Some time ago! Some time ago in a dream—”

“Why did you stay silent about such an important matter!? Do you trust me that little!?
Am I not an unthinkable clown for not being trusted by my [Navel Master]!? If you are
going to make me live in such disgrace, order me to offer you my head at once! I will
show you proof that the words that I would offer my everything to you are no lie! Come
on, say it!!”

Due to the menacing attitude of Shyemul, who looks as if she’s about to draw her
machete and do a repeat of Souma’s actions on herself at any moment, Souma’s facial
color changes and he soothes her.

“Sorry, Shyemul! I apologize, so calm down! Okay?”

Once Souma soothes her by clinging to her body, the fur that was standing on end
finally loses its strength and gently hangs down. However, she had still half-opened
eyes that were filled with doubt.

“Are you really feeling sorry?”

“Yeah, I feel truly sorry.”

“…Next time I won’t forgive you, got it?”

“I’m really sorry.”

Souma felt relieved for having received her pardon at last.

Suddenly there’s a laughter at that moment.

When the two turn their heads in the direction of the laughter in surprise, everybody
inside the room is guffawing at them. Only Garam and Banuka have sour expressions
among them.

At that point the strained tension that dominated the place just before had vanished
without a single trace.

“That’s unheard-of. For a zoan warrior to hit the head of their [Navel Master]…”
Garam said with a bitter tone.

Shyemul, who came to her senses due to that, realizes what she has done and makes
her body shrink while standing next to Souma.

“However, only this time it’s Sir Soma’s fault. He doesn’t understand how important of
a decision it is for us zoan to choose a [Navel Master]!”

It’s Banuka who said that. He glared at Souma with a resentful look that contained a
personal grudge. Even Zurgu follows suit with that.

“Just this once I have to agree as well. Even I would want to cut off my head if I felt that
I’m not trusted by my [Navel Master].”

Due to that, the zoan present demonstrated their agreement with wry smiles.

“…You lot, stop pampering <Noble Fang>.”

Garam says over his shoulder with a glance at Banuka and Zurgu. And then he glared
at Shyemul who was agreeing with their words by bobbing her head up and down
slightly, as if saying “Right, right!”.

“<Noble Fang>, now is an important time where we have to discuss what we will do
about the human forces that are closing. And yet you…!”

“What, <Ferocious Fang>! Let’s calm down. We will talk after things settle down!”

“Hoo… Certainly, even though it’s just us two siblings, we didn’t have any opportunity
for a calm chat recently, did we? — Very well. let’s have a thorough chat between the
two of us later.”

While his eyes are twitching to due to his strong anger, the expression Garam shows,
who laughs as he shows his fangs, didn’t make it look like it would be a private chat
between elder brother and younger sister at all.

“And, Soma…”

The body of Souma, who had his name called out, trembles with a start as he’s also
expecting to be scolded. However, in front of such Souma, Garam sighed quietly and
abruptly revealed a wry smile.
“Many of our brethren were saved by you. The debt of gratitude for that and the fact
that you gained nothing from it, we definitely won’t forget that. Even if you don’t do
something like this, we plan to obey you.”

Souma blushed shyly due to Garam’s words.

Garam had seen through his act as the divine son of the Goddess of Death and
Destruction where he tried to make everyone obey with fear.

“That’s right! You idiot!”

Souma showed an embarrassed smile at Shyemul who said that while lightly poking
his head.

In the end it was trivial. He simply jumped to a hasty conclusion by himself and was
frightened due to incorrect assumptions. Not only did he not believe in everyone while
at the same time wishing for them all to believe in him, but on top of all that he tried
to put on airs to keep everyone at a distance.

The look of Shyemul, who is still putting her wholehearted trust into him even though
he exposed such disgraceful behaviour, made him happy and also embarrassed.

Even the lips of Garam, who watched the exchange between the two, show a small

From Garam’s standpoint, Souma felt very unsteady.

Souma is poor at relying on others, or rather, he has an extreme tendency of hating to

cause other people trouble or worries.

It’s still much better than him becoming arrogant due to his achievements, or him giving
instructions without listening to us, but it would be better if he learned to rely on others
a bit more, Garam felt.

From now on the things Soma must shoulder will rapidly increase. If he tries to bear
everything by himself, he will definitely hit his limit someday.

And that… will cause something absolutely terrifying at that time.

It was premonition close to conviction. That’s what his warrior’s intuition told him,
and he had refined it through many life and death situations.

For it to not turn out like that, he ought to get used to sharing the burden that he carries
with others from now on.

While pondering about that, he thought that it might be a good fortune that Shyemul
is at the side of Souma.

Even deducting the fact that an elder brother sees their younger sister in a favorable
light, Shyemul is a nice woman who will thoroughly devote herself to a partner she has
decided to be the right one for her. If it’s Shyemul, she will probably stop Soma yet again
with a hit to the head, if he was about to take the wrong path.

Garam looked at Shyemul with a gaze that carried the love of a brother and his faith in
her, but at that time Shyemul, who was trembling due to the remaining dread of recent
events, didn’t notice.

Once she recalled Souma’s state at that time, Shyemul felt her spine freeze even now
due to fear.

However, Souma’s state Shyemul is afraid of is not when he pressed a blade against his
throat or when he slid that blade across his throat.

It’s when he was talking about his own blessing, about how he’s here to destroy the
human army.

At that moment Shyemul had a vision of a city bursting into flames around Souma.

That city… is not this Bolnis. It’s a place unknown to Shyemul. Brightly burning flames
lit the city like a bonfire, and the screams of men and women that were burning to
death in the conflagration could be heard over the roaring of the flames.

That scenery, which was truly a picture of pure pandemonium, suddenly appeared in
front of Shyemul.

And the face of Souma, who was surrounded by that illusion, looked like a dreadful
monster to Shyemul.

In the next instant, as a result of her being stimulated by an incomprehensible fear,

she unintentionally ended up throwing a punch at the illusion.
Oh no! Now that I think about, for me to do something that outrageous…, cold sweat
streams down on her whole body.

Shyemul looked at the back of Souma who is spreading the map over the table in
preparation for explaining the plan to everyone.

The person there is the usual Souma she knows well.

There was no trace or shadow of that incomprehensible illusion left behind anymore.

Shyemul laughs at herself for having seen something so absurd

I must be crazy to see my gentle Navel Master as monster.

However, Shyemul feels shocked by the words she was reminded of.

What is filling her mind is that announcement of that phantom-like girl she saw at

Shyemul fiercely swung her head left and right as if to banish that from her mind.

What nonsense! Are you telling me that what I saw just now is a glimpse of the dreadful
monster that girl talked about!?

Shyemul strongly denies that image.

“What’s wrong, Shyemul?”

Once she looks up, Souma stared at her curiously. Shyemul waves her hands trying to
smooth her previous brooding over.

“Ah, no. It’s nothing. Don’t worry!”

“…? I see. If it’s nothing, then I guess it’s fine.”

While saying so, Souma still couldn’t grasp Syhemul’s behavior in his mind. However,
without time to probe further into it, he’s pestered by Jahangil with a “Hurry!”.

Reluctantly Souma clears his throat once and switches his thinking towards the
“It’s a counterplan against the approaching punitive force, but—”

Souma declared like this while being aware of everyone concentrating their looks on

“In the end I still believe that that we have to leave this city and ambush them.”

“Your Excellency, what might you be doing by yourself in a place like this?”

A single commissioned officer called out to Darius, who is taking a stroll through the
encampment by himself without taking any guards along.

It was a young commissioned officer with looks that are unrefined and honest, far
from masculine. Holding the helmet, which had an ornamental bird feather with a rich,
flashy color, under his arm, the pure white mantle on his back swayed lightly in the

The gaudy attire, which doesn’t fit his looks, is owed to him being a messenger.

Going by the sense of a modern Japanese citizen, a messenger is considered to be

similar to a soldier running errands.

However, if you talk about a messenger in an era where wireless communication and
such doesn’t exist, it’s an ornamental branch of an army admired by the young
commissioned officers.

That’s because messengers possess the quick wittedness of making independent

decisions depending on the situation, as they own the intelligence to understand and
remember the order of the commander to begin with. Moreover they have to combine
military prowess and excellent horsemanship to allow them to runthrough a
battlefield, where enemies and allies alike are all jumbled together, as a single

Hence it’s an eternal rule in any country that messengers are allocated as elites that
were singled out by choosing from among the brilliant young commissioned officers
with great stamina.

Furthermore, messengers are given various special rights. For example, they are
allowed to answer in front of the general while on horseback, and even if they slay
anyone that might stand in their way while they are in the middle of passing on
messages, they won’t be accused of any crime.

With only that it’s easy to understand how highly regarded messengers are.

Also, as if supporting that, the empire’s famous commander Inkdias admonished an

emperor, who tried to abolish messengers because of a lack of riders in the past
empire, by saying “Your Majesty, are you telling us to fight while shutting our mouths,
covering our eyes and plugging our ears?”. The abolition being annulled is a famous

“Marius, eh? — What, there are just a few things I want to think over for a bit…”

Darius replies while showing an intimate smile to the young commissioned officer
who had walked up to him. That young commissioned officer, favored by Darius, is a
young man called Marius.

He had become the guardian of Marius, who lost his father in the dispute with
Romania and lost the deserted house he couldn’t succeed as family head while being
a boy. This was due to Darius having been a close friend of Marius’ late grandfather,
and Darius even now loved the young man like his own grandchild.

“Let’s see, I wonder what might be troubling you, Your Excellency? Is it the words of
the residents of the liberated city? Or is it how to use the reward you were granted by
His Majesty?”

It’s a joke based on the fact that he knew that it’s impossible for such trivial matters
to make Darius rack his brain.

“That’s called [Dreaming of an abundant harvest without even sowing any seeds].”

The phrase Darius returned alongside a wry smile is essentially this region’s “Don’t
count your chickens before they hatch”.

“So, what might be troubling you then?”

“…I was pondering what kind of measures the rebels will take.”

Marius widens his eyes a bit upon those words. Going by his judgment, it seemed as if
the the rebels have already no path left to take except for running away or holing up
within the city.

Apparently that doubt became apparent on his face. Darius laughs lightly and turns
his look towards the western horizon.

Marius knew that the city of Bolnis can be found over there, albeit they can’t see its
appearance yet.

“I guess this is more a prediction than a hope.”

Darius vaguely felt that this would very likely become the last time he will fight at the
head of an army himself. For this reason Darius hoped that it will be a formidable
opponent, appropriate to decorate his last battle.

“I’m wondering whether the enemy won’t leave the city and try to ambush us.”
“Ultimately, I believe that we should leave the city and assault the punitive force.”

Everyone exchanged glances due to Souma’s remark.

Just the other day, Souma said the exact same thing. The ambush that was devised
from this ended in failure. And yet, he’s repeating that they should leave the city once
again for another assault. They don’t understand his true intentions behind this.

All of them stayed silent and while surveying their faces, Souma said,

“Of course I don’t think that my opinion is absolute. If you have doubts or have come
up with, umm… another good idea, speak up and don’t hold back.”

After being urged on by this, there’s no way for them to stay silent.

First, Garam, who actually saw the punitive force and experienced the difference in
combat power firsthand, makes an objection.

“To me it seems very unreasonable to attack such a large army outside the city…”

“I agree with him”, Zurgu says. “Is there any need to push for leaving the city in order
to attack them? I think it would be better to lay waste to various places inside the
country as we had planned at first.”

As the two great zoan warriors voiced an opinion contradictory to Souma’s in unison,
even the other zoan raise their voices in agreement.

“Can’t we throw this country into chaos by attacking fortresses and cities all over the

“I think that’s a great idea; it capitalizes on our mobility as zoan.”

However, Souma denied that.

“I think that we can’t use that move anymore. — The punitive force has already
approached very close to this city. Even if we devastate the distant rear at this point in
time, the punitive force will come to take back this city before pulling back. It’d be
impossible to hold the city with the main force, the zoan, absent.”

Souma made a pause in his speech at this point, and then, after looking at the faces of
all everyone present, declared next,

“And, if this city is taken back, it spells our defeat!”

“What’s wrong? Is it unexpected that the rebels would try to leave the city and attack

Marius, who had surprise and doubt show on his face due to Darius’ words, becomes
flustered and covers up the lower half of his face with his palm in order to hide his

“Please excuse me for my great blunder, Your Excellency.”

No matter how close their personal relation might be, they possess the positions of
supreme commander and a messenger within the military. Marius demonstrated his
apology by bowing his head.

In reaction that, Darius lightly raises one hand as if telling him to not mind it.

“Hmm. It’s just the right way to kill some time. — Marius, if it’s you, how do you think
the rebels will move?”

Sometimes Darius just throws questions like this at the young commissioned officers.
Marius released the tension in his body, thought it over for a bit and returned an
answer in order to get away from Darius’ playing around.

“Let’s see. — If I was the leader of the rebels, I would cause disturbances in our rear
using the zoan.”

The concrete details of what Marius said next was about circumventing the punitive
force and attacking the villages and fortresses in the rear. This is mostly the same as
the plan Souma came up with before.
“Certainly, that would be a threat. — I judge that the leader of the rebels won’t do that.”

“Why might that be so?”

“By now, we only have a little ways left until Bolnis. Even if the zoan try to head to our
rear, I will take Bolnis first. Once I do that, it will be the end for the rebels. The enemy
isn’t someone who doesn’t know that.”

Just as Darius says, there’s only a short distance left until Bolnis. While it may be true
that they didn’t run into the zoan so far, it’d be inconceivable for them to go back
without achieving any kind of result either. After they recover the city of Bolnis first,
they would head out to subjugate the zoan who went around the army to attack the

Even Marius understood that, but he didn’t comprehend why that’s related to the
zoan’s defeat.

“But, to begin with the zoan are a race that wandered the plains. There would be no
problem even if we were to get back the city they assaulted, would there?”

Rather, Marius thought that the city of Bolnis had turned into a pair of shackles for the
zoan. For the zoan who pride themselves on short-distance mobility equal to that of a
horse, them not establishing a specific base of operations and instead rampaging within
Holmea with random guerilla attacks is far more frightening.

“That’d be true, if this time’s rebellion was for the sake of the zoan’s retribution when
it comes to the invasion of the plains.”


Due to Marius’ question, Darius chuckles as if he just remembered something funny.

“The rebel leader, who is leading the zoan, apparently made a grand speech.”

Even Marius had heard of the speech the rebel leader made in the city of Bolnis.

“If it’s that, I have heard about it as well. They say he was talking about creating a
country of different races or such…”

“In that case, it applies all the more!”

Darius strongly asserted.

“If it was only the zoan, it would probably be feasible for them to go around pillaging
cities and villages without building a base of operations. However, there are also
dwarves and dinosaurians among them. Putting aside if it’s for a short period of time,
but continuously fighting and moving while not having a base where they can rest
would let guys like them run out of stamina. If the dwarves and dinosaurians drop out
due to this, the country of different races advertised by the rebel leader would lose all
of its meaning.”

Darius laughs scornfully with a “Humph.”

“If a group loses its objective, they are no more than a group of bandits. If it’s a simple
group of bandits, they might cause a lot of damage to a few villages, but they aren’t
formidable opponents.”

What is truly fearsome is a group that resolutely acts towards a common goal, even if
there might be only a few of them. And, the rebels, who are currently occupying Bolnis,
are precisely such a dreadful group.

What made Darius, who was at first unsure whether the rebels are mere bandits,
consider them as a power that could potentially oppose Holmea with a real objective,
is the attack at the river.

For Darius having the two companies led by Borgus lay an ambush was, so to say, a
test case.

If the rebels were solely consumed by their rage for having been forced into slavery and
their hatred for the invasion of the plains, they would have charged at the punitive force
recklessly. Even if they had the intellect to somewhat think it over, they would have either
returned to their plains or invaded Holmea in their search for their next prey, after
pillaging Bolnis to the limit.

However, if the rebels really intended to create their own country, they would stage a
surprise attack aiming for the time when the punitive force was crossing the river, which
was the sole good opportunity to make an offensive move against the punitive force, in
order to protect the city of Bolnis that has become their base, Darius judged.

And, that is what turned into reality.

“If the rebel leader plans to create a country like he says, he won’t be able to discard
the dwarves and dinosaurians. And, above all else, he can’t abandon the city that will
become a cornerstone in the creation of that country.”

“Not only are the enemies no simple bandits, but they are a fearsome, hostile force.”
While saying that, Darius’ tone trembled with delight.

“But, can’t they simply get a new base as a substitute for Bolnis?”

In Marius’ eyes, Bolnis is already in a precarious state as well. It would be much better
for them to obtain a village or city as a new base without insisting on Bolnis, he thought.

“That’s impossible.”

However, even that is denied by Darius.

“I heard that the number of zoan that attacked Bolnis numbered fewer than a
thousand. If you bear in mind the zoan’s circumstances that they had to absolutely
take the city, it’s very likely that this is even the biggest force that they can muster at
this point in time.”

Darius feels sad even though he knows that he’s the main cause for the zoan’s decline,
who were thought to have had several tens of thousands warriors in the past.

“The zoan, who were called the supreme rulers of the plains, are probably unskilled
at siege battles. On top of that, it’s impossible for them to take a city that possesses a
sturdy wall with less than a thousand warriors. With that, they had to open the city’s
gates from inside by inciting the slaves. — No, they wouldn’t have been able to capture
the city without doing that.

However, the slave revolt taking part in the the fall of Bolnis is already well-know in
cities all over Holmea. They won’t be able to use the same move in another city.”

As a matter of fact, the monitoring of the sub-race’s slaves had become more severe in
Luoma, the city closest to Bolnis.

“However, what’s even more important than that is that the rebel leader definitely
can’t abandon Bolnis if he really plans to raise a country.”

Marius tilts his head slightly to the side in confusion due to that.
“Why is that so?”

“It would be best if you looked at the map. The Solbiant Plains are surrounded by steep
mountains except for the south. Those are equal to a protective wall. The city of Bolnis
is located on this southern portion of the plains. In short, it serves as a gate to the
Solbiant Plains.

If we take control of Bolnis, the zoan won’t be able to leave the plains after returning
to them. In reverse, if the rebels hold onto Bolnis, we won’t be able to make a move on
the plains. In other words, controlling Bolnis is equal to controlling the plains’ fate.”

Darius spread his arms widely.

“The Solbiant Plains are massive. If we can reclaim them, they will transform into a
granary capable of providing food for a million soldiers. Moreover, being surrounded
by a wall of mountains, the granary wouldn’t be able to be endangered by enemy
forces, making their value immeasurable.

The Solbiant Plains is truly a region that can become a cornerstone of the country.

If I were about to create a country, I would try to get my hands on the Solbiant Plains.
Even more so, as the plains are their ancestor’s soil for the zoan. They want to regain

That’s yet another reason why the rebels won’t give up on the city of Bolnis.”

Marius readily agreed with Darius’ words. Now that he mentions it, there’s probably no
other region as suitable for creating a new country as the Solbiant Plains.

Even if you ignore that, possessing the city of Bolnis would be safe as well.

The Ocean State Jeboa lies west of Bolnis.

This country developed through trading as an important relay point of maritime

transportation in the Baness Bay. This makes the merchant guild’s authority strong. It’s
a well-known fact that the merchant guild is running a puppet government, despite
having crowned a king for the time being. The merchant guild holds the true power
behind the state, but also has no interest in anything besides making money. So far they
haven’t shown any ambition regarding expanding their territory.
If it’s Jeboa, then there’s no worry that they would invade even if the defense of Bolnis’
west was lacking, for argument’s sake. They would probably only have all their military
forces guard the border with Holmea.

‘The more I think about it, the more obvious it becomes that there’s no city as convenient
for the rebels as Bolnis, he assessed.

“Then, what about holing up in Bolnis?”

If it’s such a convenient city, the rebels will likely try to defend it by all means possible. In
that case, wouldn’t it be smarter to hole up while accepting one’s disadvantage? Marius

However, Darius laughed that away with a booming voice.

“If we could get them to do that, it would be easier for me as well though.”

Those inside the room were unable to speak up right away due to the value of Bolnis
that Souma explained.

“…Certainly, if you say that this city has this much value, the enemy will very likely
head directly here, won’t they?”

Once Garam says so with a frustrated look, Zurgu scratches his head.

“If it’s like this, we don’t want to send out any warriors, even if it’s only a handful of
them. It’s even worse when we can’t expect any real effect from disturbing their rear.
Rather, that being the case, it would be yet better to strike the rear guard of the
punitive force while disregarding the losses among our warriors.”

It’s an opponent that has planted a trap against our side’s surprise attack. I think it’s
very likely that the supply unit transporting the army’s goods has an impregnable
defense added to it. It’s obvious that we would have the tables turned on us even if we
attacked that place.

Due to Garam looking at him with reproach, probably due to his willingness to
sacrifice warriors pointlessly, Zurgu smiles bitterly and shrugs his shoulders as if
saying “There’s no way that we would really do that, is there?”
“Though, I still think it’s absurd to leave the city and stage an attack…”

Due to Banuka’s remark that lacks in confidence, Garam and Zurgu growl without
speaking up.

“Isn’t it, after all, the best plan to seclude ourselves in this city and wait for the enemy’s
momentum to abate?”

Dvalin had the conceit that the city won’t be taken that easily even if was surrounded
by an army of 10,000 soldiers. On the contrary, he got all worked up that the punitive
force would even get annihilated if they tried to attack unskillfully.

“No, I think that is for sure the worst possible option.”

However, Souma calls the idea of holing-up a bad plan.

“If it were me, I would do following— I would have the army line up at a place where
arrows can’t reach and call out to the city’s people, telling them [We came to help you.
Come on, let’s fight together. Open the gates.]”

Souma’s group soothed the city’s residents as much as possible following Marchronis
advice, but obtaining their support isn’t that simple. Souma and the others are still
aggressors who suddenly attacked their city. Even them currently staying obedient
without rebelling is due to their fear of Souma’s group. The residents are basically just
locking themselves up within their homes and waiting for the storm to pass.

If the punitive force advocated the liberation of the city at this point, the residents
would likely welcome them with open arms.

“It’s not worth it to fear the humans of this city! Such a trash-like bunch can be easily
driven away by my people just glaring at them!”

Jahangil boasted to make up for Dvalin, who was at a loss for words. But Souma shook
his head at him, who is roughly breathing through his nose.

“Even if we suppress them with fear, that’s only a temporary measure. The more they
are suppressed, the larger the anger among the residents piles up.

If this city has 10,000 residents, half of them are men. If you exclude the elderly and
children among them, one third of the men can fight. Only that many are more than
1,500 people. However, if they all at once stage an uprising in the whole city, even the
women and children, who originally can’t fight, will join in and their numbers will
likely grow to a few thousand people. There will be several thousand enemies within
the city while we have to also deal with the 7,000 soldiers of the punitive force outside
the city. To me it doesn’t look like we would have any chance of success there.”

Even Jahangil couldn’t object this and only groaned with a mortified look.

In exchange, Garam offers his opinion,

“Then, wouldn’t it be for the best to retreat to the plains and set up plans for the next

He could understand that they won’t be able to hole themselves in the city, as
explained by Souma.

However, just because of that there should be no necessity to expose ourselves to danger
by unreasonably attacking the punitive force. It will hurt to lose the city that we took at
great pains, but temporarily pulling back here and waiting for a good chance is yet
another move, he thought.

But, even that is denied by Souma once again.

“I believe that will just delay the inevitable.”

“Isn’t it very likely that the zoan will retreat to the plains in the end?”

As expected, Marius couldn’t believe that the rebels would elect to leave the city and
attempt an attack on them, as Darius had said.

Certainly, if you consider the rebels’ objective, it appears unlikely that they will abandon
Bolnis. But as long as they defend the Solbiant Plains, even if they lost Bolnis, it seems
obvious that the rebels will achieve their goal of creating a country. In that scenario,
there’s the option of retreating to the plains without insisting on defending Bolnis, he

“Surely, I suppose that might be the smartest choice.”

The zoan will probably bring it into a war of attrition by defending to the bitter end after
they retreat to the plains.

Capitalising on their locational advantage that is the huge Solbiant Plains, they would
work their bodies to the bones by launching tenacious attacks against Holmea’s supply
lines, which would be stretched thin for the sake of invading the plains. If supplies such
as rations are delayed, that would accordingly cause the soldiers’ morale to plummet
and they would even become unable to fight normally.

In order to counter this strategy, we would have to slowly expand our sphere of influence
within the plains through the construction of several forts, which would act as bases for
us within the plains.

But, to carry it out, it would require Holmea to invest a huge amount of money and
manpower as well as time in the decades. It would likely produce a large delay in
Holmea’s plains reclamation plan.

And it would be fine for the zoan to once again patiently wait for an opportunity to
invade the region outside the plains.

“However, I believe that method to be no more than an extension of the inevitable.”

The crux of the problem is the differences in fertility between the zoan and Holmea
due to the sizes of their populations.

The zoan clans, who would have been driven out of the plains by then, would
eventually have lost most of their power. That’s obvious from the fact that the zoan
didn’t even field 1,000 warriors when they assaulted Bolnis, even though they
assembled more than 20,000 warriors in the great battle between the zoan and
Holmea in the Solbiant Plains thirty years ago.

There’s nothing they could do about the widening of the difference between Holmea,
which would imprison the zoan in the plains through Bolnis, and the zoan who would
have to continue fighting against Holmea while maintaining their lives as hunters.
Once the difference became conclusive, the zoan will face their annihilation and the
plains will be completely and thoroughly owned by Holmea.

“With that being the case, I believe that the rebel leader will deliberately come out to
attack, aware of the dangers.”
“Please remember the reasons for why we attacked this city.”

All the zoan leaders present think of the same words:

— If you seclude yourselves in the plains, the zoan will get annihilated sooner or later!

— You have no other choice but to set out into the vast world!

Those were the words Souma threw at the zoan, who disapproved of capturing Bolnis.

“We cannot afford to lose Bolnis, no matter what. With that as the premise, it’s
completely necessary that we leave the city and attack the punitive force.”

A gloomy silence descends at the meeting venue.

After a short time, Garam, who once again distinctly remembered Souma’s words
when they attacked Bolnis, had his eyes fill with fighting spirit and says,

“…The reason is clear. It’s not like we can run away when we’re in this deep.”

Taking over for Garam, Zurgu says,

“So, I guess the problem is on how we are going to fight?”

Garam and Zurgu look at each other for a short while, and without knowing who
started it first, both shined a smile all of a sudden.

After that, Garam erases that smile, faces Zurgu with a serious expression and states,

“How about assaulting them on foot?”

Zurgu denies that by shaking his head.

“There is a limit for our feet as well. In such an open field with no real obstructions,
they will see us charging from far away. The enemy will likely welcome us with a line
of spears when we finally come in contact with them.”

Next Zurgu proposes a plan to Garam.

“How about launching a surprise attack after laying an ambush somewhere?”

“I think the opponent is expecting at least this much. Even if it went well, there’s no
way we’d defeat all 7,000 soldiers with one ambush. If we miss our chance to retreat
by even a moment or if we run into some unexpected troubles, it will spell our end.
It’s too dangerous.”

Triggered by their dialogue, the others also voiced their opinions one after the other.

“How about attacking at night?”

“It’s an opponent that saw through our ambush at the river. They’ve surely thought of
countermeasures against something like that long ago.”

“What about assaulting them repeatedly while capitalising on our mobility?”

“With such a large army as an opponent, our side will fatigue before the other side will
be forced to pull back.”

“I wonder, what about trying to set up traps?”

“What kind of traps could damage that large of an army from now on? We’re not
hunting boars and deer here.”

Opinions fly about from everywhere, with heated arguments and discussions on what
each person believes to be correct, but no actual conclusion becomes apparent.
Gradually, things begin to quiet down. At last, they stopped presenting their own
opinions, and everyone’s gazes naturally began to focus on Souma.

Conscious of those stares as he stands up, Souma slowly stretches out his right hand
and points at a location on the map that was spread out on the table.

Shyemul, who looked at it from next to Souma, yelps quietly in surprise.

There was no doubt that it was the spot she had visited together with Souma just a bit

“I plan to build an encampment in this place.”

“Marius, if it were you, how would you attack us?”

Marius couldn’t immediately respond to that question.

Compared to the rebels whom have less than 2,000 warriors, our forces number more
than 7,000. Even if they tried to attack us, there’s only plain fields until we reach Bolnis.
There’s no chance for the rebels with their inferior numbers to assault us there.

“Anything’s fine. Try saying it.”

Being pressured by Darius, he presents several ideas even while considering them
impossible himself.

“It would be the height of folly to enter into a direct clash with an enemy that has
several times the numbers of your own army. I would force losses among the enemies
by using tactics such as throwing stones, spears, and jars of fire as I retreat and avoid
a direct confrontation. Otherwise, I would make use of the zoan’s mobility and attack
the rears and flanks of the punitive force while running about. I guess that’s about it?”

“In that case I would split the army into two or three parts, leave them to people whom
I can truly trust, and have them go around to the rear and flank of the rebels.”

With our side having more than twice the numbers of the rebels, that’s a reasonable

Even if they attack with throwing weapons or directly clash with us by making use of
their mobility, it’s not like they can keep on running away while they attack us. If we
manage to cut them off by having detached forces circle around to the enemy’s rear, the
rest will be annihilated through a pincer attack

Marius tries to present the next plan in desperation.

“That being the case, how about trying to build an encampment?”

“I suppose that’s quite the interesting idea. I hear there are also many dwarves among
the rebels. If it’s them, it might be possible to build a strong encampment in a relatively
short time. — So, where would you build that encampment?”

“I would make sure to block the road we will definitely pass?”

‘If the preamble is that it will be a defeat if the city of Bolnis is taken, the primary focus
would be to not allow us to get close to the city. Considering that, I think it would be
natural to build an encampment that blocks the road.

“However, they won’t be able to win by just taking up position in an encampment. We

can deal with that by simply surrounding the encampment.”

Marius, who knew that even without being told, had a further idea. As if having waited
for those words, he announces,

“I would only leave the dwarves and dinosaurians, who are slow-footed, inside the
encampment and employ the zoan as a mobile unit. The dinosaurians boast of
unrivaled hand to hand combat skills and can act as shield, and the dwarves are
supposed to be skilled at defensive battles. I don’t think it will be possible to take that
encampment so easily. Moreover, if we try to take the encampment, we will be forced
to suffer attacks from the zoan in our rear.”

With that, even Darius read Marius’ aim.

“I see. And, if we face the brunt of the zoan attack, we will be next attacked by the
dinosaurians stationed in the encampment. If we face them, that would mean that we
will once again be threatened by the zoan in our rear, huh…?”

“It’s just as you say. How about that?”

Marius asked with a sparkling expression as if demanding to compare the answers of

a test with a teacher who is respected for his vast knowledge.

Darius thinks it over while stroking his goatee for a while and then replies,

“Wouldn’t it be better to not build the encampment at the road then? I’d make sure
that the mountains located north of the road are to the back of the encampment, for
“Have the mountains in the back?”

“Yeah. No matter how sturdy the encampments built by the dwarves might be, they
wouldn’t be capable of defending against a continuous onslaught from all four cardinal
directions. However, they would be able to prevent an attack from one direction by
having the mountains protect the back of the encampment. And it’s not only that. By
cutting off their own path of retreat, they would corner their comrades, who would be
ready to run away at a disadvantage, and force them to fight with the madness of
someone who will die.”

No matter how much soldiers are used to battle, they will end up preparing to flee
once they are surrounded by the enemy. In that case, cutting off the paths of retreat
would be something you would call rather gutsy.

And it would be unwise to forget how strong soldiers who have resolved themselves
from death truly are.

“If the rebels came upon us like that, how would you attack them, Your Excellency?”

If we directly fight with soldiers who have resolved themselves for death despite their
disadvantages, we likely won’t lose, but our side’s casualties would be large as well.
Darius answered with an expression similar to that of a mischievous boy to Marius,
who asked with that face full of curiosity on how Darius would face such an enemy as
his opponent.

“I wouldn’t fight them. Naturally, I’d just ignore them and head straight for Bolnis to
capture it.”

“The place where we’ll set up the encampment is here. With the northern mountains
in our back and a forest spreading in the east, we will be shielded from two sides. If
it’s this place, the enemy’s options for attacking are limited to the south and west.”

Thereupon Souma faces Dvalin.

“With the abilities of the dwarves, can you build an encampment at this location within
a short period of time that can withstand the attacks of the punitive force?”
Dvalin sighed with a displeased look. If their dwarven abilities are called out here, it’s
impossible for him to say that they can’t do it.

“Still, there’s not enough time to build an encampment that can repel an enemy
numbering 7,000 soldiers. — But, if you tell me that it will be fine as long as it can get
us through the attacks for just a short while, we can do anything as long as we put our
mind into it.”

Souma nodded, satisfied upon that reply.

However, Garam immediately brings up a question at that point.

“Won’t the punitive force ignore us and attack the city first?”

Even without having that pointed out to him, Souma had pondered about that as well.

“Of course. The possibility exists.”

However, Souma had a secret plan to counter that.

“But, I do have a little plan of my own. If it goes smoothly, I think we will be able to
protect the city with only brushwood from the mountains without using even a single

“Protect the city with only brushwood from the mountains, you say!?”

Everyone voiced out their surprise simultaneously.

“Just what the heck do you mean by protecting protecting the city with brushwood
from the mountains?”

“I can’t believe that you are going to defend the city with only that from the enemy

Due to the questions flooding in one after the other, Souma makes a gesture similar to
restraining them with both his opened hands as if telling them “Calm down.” Due to
that, even the people who lost themselves out of surprise regained their composure
and settled down.

Acting as representative for all of them, Garam then questions Souma in detail.
“Honestly said, I can’t believe it. Just how are you going to do that?”

“Sorry. At this current point in time I can’t tell you.”

However, Souma refused to answer as he shakes his head.

“It will be the end of the road for us if the enemy learnt of this. I don’t know if enemy
agents… err, spies? Informants? Ummm… those kind of people have infiltrated the city
from somewhere. Please allow me to keep it a secret for as long as possible.”

It’s unlikely that any of them would be agreeable with his answer. However, what
Souma has said is reasonable. Garam had no other option but to agree against his will
while sighing very deeply.

Having switched over his feelings with that, Garam threw another question at Souma.

“However, assuming we would build an encampment there, can we win with only that

Souma answers with an outrageous reply.

“No, we can’t.”

Everyone feels dumbfounded due to Souma’s answer, which even goes beyond
betraying their imaginations.

However, there was a continuation to Souma’s answer.

“— That’s why we will do it like this.”

Souma moved his finger from the place, which he indicated as the site for the
encampment, to an area close to the entrance of the Solbiant Plains.

“We will have a few zoan lay an ambush around here.”

“…Your Excellency.”

Marius feels let down. He was looking forwards to some ingenious answer. Darius
shook his beard grandly and launched a cackle at Marius who looks his way as if saying
“That’s not all, is it?” with upturned eyes.

“I told you, didn’t I? If Bolnis falls, it will be rebels’ end. If they seclude themselves in
an encampment, be it on the road or near the mountains, recovering the emptied
Bolnis will be a brief entertainment, won’t it?”

“That is certainly so…”

Marius says with his eyes suddenly sparkling.

“I see! You say that the rebel leader is a fellow who has come up with an unexpected
plan? He might have worked out a plan that doesn’t allow us to make a move on Bolnis!
What will you do in such case?”

Due to the state of his favorite pupil, who tries to get the information on how he’s going
to defeat the rebels that would have built an encampment out of him by all means
necessary, Darius answered after smiling wryly.

“I would split our army in two after all. I would have one part get ready to occupy the
zoan, and first crush the encampment with the remaining army. It will be alright to
finish off the zoan afterwards.”

Darius had already grasped around how many sub-race slaves were present in Bolnis
at the time when the revolt took place by getting the information out of the people
who escaped from the city.

According to them, the total count of dwarves is around three hundred, and even if
you add the dinosaurians to this number, they don’t reach four hundred.

Even if I used 2,000 soldiers, which would be twice the number of the zoan, as a unit
prepared to deal with the zoan, there would still 5,000 soldiers remaining within the
main force. No matter how many dwarves skilled at defending the encampment they
might have, assaulting the location will probably be easier than taking candy from a
baby if we have close to twenty times more troops than them.

And, once even the encampment falls, the remaining zoan will have no other option but
to face annihilation in a pointless battle or face a slow destruction after running away.

“However, if I had a defense plan for Bolnis as the rebel leader, I think I would play yet
another hand.”

“What kind of move might that be?”

After nodding once with a big motion at Marius, who asks with his eyes gleaming due
to curiosity, Darius answers,

“I wouldn’t use all zoan as mobile unit. Instead, I would entrust a handful of soldiers
to someone I truly can trust and have them lay an ambush somewhere.”

“An ambush with a few soldiers, you say?”

“If they not only place the dwarves and dinosaurians in the encampment, but also the
majority of the zoan, even we would have to attack with the whole army. And even
then, the encampment probably wouldn’t fall that easily.”

At that point Darius pauses his words for a moment, and after stirring up Marius’
interest, said the following,

“And, while we would have a hard time with the capture of the encampment, the
ambush troops would strike our vital points.”

The throat of Marius, who held his breath due to Darius’ words, mves with a gulp.

“What do you mean with vital points?”

“The left or right wing, or the rear of the heavy spear infantry’s dense formation. Or

Darius slaps his nape with a palm.

“Or they would come aiming directly for my head, I suppose.”

“While we will be holding back the enemy’s main force’s fierce attack that will come
from the southern side at the encampment, a unit consisting of zoan elites will move—

Souma’s finger busily dances across the map.

“— And then they will stab the enemy’s main army’s flank!”

Everyone’s faces are full of astonishment after chasing the movements of Souma’s
finger with their eyes.

After slowly looking at everyone’s faces, Souma said,

“The dense formation of the heavy spear infantry is a formation specialised on attacks
towards the front. If you attack their flank, you should be able to defeat them even if
you have a numerical inferiority.”

“They would lose everything if the encampment was destroyed before they can carry
out the surprise attack. Also, if they use too many soldiers, our side will be able to infer
the existence of an ambush unit. In that case, the number of troops they can use in this
squad is around two to three hundred, going by the biggest possible estimation.
Therefore it would be fine for us to hit them with one battalion which included the
two companies of Borgus and the soldiers under my direct command.”

Is this a man who has long ago reached the stage of senility? Marius cannot help but be
amazed. Giving off a powerful aura, Darius continued,

“If they come directly aiming for my head, it will be alright as long as I retaliate against
that. It will also be alright to exclusively focus on defense until the heavy spear infantry
unit overruns the enemy’s encampment. If they try to attack the rear or the flanks of
the heavy spear infantry, it will be fine as well, since we will strike their rear or flanks
in reverse!”

“I will defeat the punitive force through this surprise attack!” Souma says.

“I will defeat the rebels by killing every single last one of them!” Darius says.

The statements of the two were fired at the same time by chance at places far distant
from each other.
“Are we really able to pull off something like that…?”

Garam, feeling slightly dumbfounded, asked Souma that…

“To be honest, I’m not sure either.”

Believing it pointless to be blatantly pretentious here, Souma speaks the truth.

“It might just be a castle in the sky. But, this is the only thing I could up with as a plan
to confront an enemy with this much of a difference in combat strength.”

“For argument’s sake, what if that plan is seen through? No, what will happen if we are
simply annihilated by the enemy’s main force?”

For an instant Souma is at a loss for words because of Garam pointing out these issues.
However, he resolved himself and answered,

“It’s will be total annihilation.”

The sound of someone gulping down their spit resounded awfully clearly.

“Victory or annihilation, eh…?”

As Souma says, if the attacking zoan can’t crush the main force, they and then the
remaining stronghold will be completely annihilated after it was surrounded. Garam
couldn’t simply give an immediate reply due to the excessive dimension of losses if
they were to fail.

In exchange for Garam, Zurgu laughs and says,

“Isn’t that interesting? It means that we will charge into the middle of an enemy that
has more than several times our numbers, doesn’t it!?”
He said this with a ferocious smile, making the other zoan think of the times he lost
his temper in irritation over the futureless fate of the zoan.

However, Zurgu is no fool. In that smile, Garam can perceive Zaram’s resolve and
acknowledgement of the danger.

Next, Dvalin spoke up as well.

“Please decide quickly. I’d like to have some time for building the encampment.”

That was nothing else but a consent of the plan Souma suggested.

Even the others harbor similar feelings. Someone like Jahangil, who is delightfully
hitting the floor with his tail, doesn’t have to even be mentioned here.

As if it’s no big issue, everyone’s already inclining towards getting on board with the

Even Garam accepted his fate.

“…Very well, I will join you on this bet as well.”

Once that was decided, the further talks went quickly.

Each of them rushes out of the room one after the other to do what they have to do.
Some leave to repair weapons, others go to procure the necessary materials and yet
others head out to secure provisions.

Souma stops Garam and Banuke who were about to leave the room in the same way.

“Please stay behind, Garam and Banuka. There’s something I’d like to talk about with

Wondering what it might be at this point in time, the two looked at each other.

“Us dwarves were living in mine tunnels where the sunlight doesn’t reach. There won’t
be much discomfort as long as there’s moonlight. Rather than that, time is of value.”
Being told so, Souma had left the advance party to Dvalin’s dwarves, and he left the
city himself with the zoan and dinosaurians on the day after.

If they had left the city at night all together, the city’s inhabitants would think that they
ran away in fear of the punitive force. Firmly resisting the feeling of impatience at this
point, Souma made only the dwarves go first and the others moved at next dawn.

“I don’t have any intention to change this city into a battlefield. We will leave the city.”

Souma said in front of the city’s influential people who were forcibly summoned early
in the morning.

Even Souma thought that it was quite the condescending line to say that they don’t
plan to turn the city into a battlefield after having attacked it by themselves, but he
works hard at pretending to have an arrogant attitude. Of course the influential people
don’t retort to that. All of them have honestly relieved expressions after recognizing
that the city would be avoiding involvement in the battle.

However, their smiles freeze just like that due to Souma’s next words.

“But, we plan to return right away once we rout the punitive force.”

Souma smiled sweetly.

“At that time I’d like to form friendly ties with you, okay?”

In short, he gave them a warning of “We are departing from the city, but don’t do
anything stupid during that time!” And, while still showing the same smile, Souma
made a sign to Jahangil who waited behind him.

Thereupon, the group of dinosaurians led by Jahangil roar and gather at the gate. In a
flash they bring down the gate’s door by hitting it with their weapons and fists.

Moreover, Jahangil gets carried away and breaks the fallen gate to pieces with his foot.
He then began to throw the gate’s fragments around the vicinity.

As a matter of fact, they made the gate’s door easy to destroy in advance by loosening
the metal fixtures and cutting it all over.

Doing that is a play intended to make the influential people realize that it’s pointless
even if they seclude themselves behind the walls when they come back to the city.
However, even Souma, who came up with the idea, ended up drawing away from
Jahangil’s frolicking around.

But, with only that much, the effect of the threatening is extraordinary. As expected,
all the influential people’s faces turn pale simultaneously due to Jahangil’s crazy
attitude. There were even some among them who sat down, unable to keep standing
out of fear.

Thinking that threatening them this much should be plenty enough, Souma
intentionally left the city slowly in order to show their composure.

Once Souma and the others arrive at the scheduled spot for the encampment, Dvalin’s
dwarves, who were already busy since last night, were in the process of carrying in
the trees, which they felled deep in the forest, one after the other.

When they search for Dvalin, they find him next to the forest, sitting in a circle of
dwarves that particularly excel at engineering works discussing the encampment.

Dvalin, who noticed the new arrivals before Souma even spoke up, left the circle by
himself and walked over to Souma’s group.

“You finally got here, huh? What a happy-go-lucky bunch you are, even though we
stayed up all night and continued working.”

Souma knew that it was a joke, but he bows his head once alongside a “Excuse me”
and then asks,

“How’s the progress of the encampment?”

Dvalin scratched his head with a bitter expression.

“To put it bluntly, there’s not enough time left. At most we can dig up trenches, build
an embankment on the inside and set up a paling. Afterwards we plan to flatten the
ground inside the encampment.”

There are many depictions of tactical plans in the military history novels and manga,
which Souma uses as reference for battle, but there’s not much description about the
construction of an encampment. ‘Rather than interfering in a detrimental manner, I
have no other option but to entrust everything to Dvalin here’, Souma thought.
“Dvalin, please handle it in what you think is the most appropriate manner.”

“Aye! Leave it to me!”

Dvalin hit his thick chest with a thunk. After that, he turns around behind and calls out
to the dwarves who were waiting to see how things would play out over here.

“Go on and dig the trenches! Pile up the dug-up earth inside and use it for an
embankment by hardening the ground through hitting with planks!”

The dwarves curtly answered with an “Aye!” and picked up spades and pickaxes.

Many of the dwarves in this world turn the caves and tunnels that they excavated
themselves into their dwellings. Even Dvalin’s home country, the Obsidian Kingdom,
is a nation built underground, with the foundation being tunnels of obsidian. It’s only
natural that the dwarves, who are born underground, grow up with rocks as their
company and play with the earth as if it was their toy. Because of this, they would
possess excellent engineering techniques that the other races can’t possibly compare

In accordance with those rumors, Dvalin and the other dwarves fully demonstrated
their famous dwarven engineering skills.

With one swing of their spade, a surprising amount of earth is dug up. That earth is
then tossed towards the area they’re making an embankment at. However, the earth
is distributed uniformly, as if they were measuring it, even though it appeared as if
they were doing nothing but tossing some dirt over.

Souma and the others couldn’t do anything but watch with dumbfounded looks as the
trenches are dug out, as if it’s an act of magic, by merely a little more than hundred

“What is it, you guys? Aren’t you going to hurry up and help out!?”

Noticing Souma’s group standing around without doing anything, Dvalin shouted at
them with a sullen expression. Everyone tried to help out in a panic, but none of them
knows what they should do. After slightly shaking his head due to that situation as if
say “Good grief”, Dvalin called out to a nearby dwarf.

“Hey! Look after these guys.”

Under the direction of that dwarf, who had braided his beard, the zoan and the
dinosaurians also joined the work of digging out soil or removing dug-out rocks.

Even Souma was about to join in as well.

“You are a nuisance, so go over there!” He got immediately chased away by Dvalin.

However, that’s inevitable, too. When he used a spade to try and dig up the earth, the
tip wouldn’t even cut the ground one bit. When he tried carrying the soil, it had a
higher efficiency to pass the tools, which were used by the weak, modern Japanese
Souma, to another person and make them use it.

Thereupon, Garam, who was unable to to just watch that, brought over two baskets
that could be carried on one’s back.

“If it’s picking up stones, you are probably able to do that. Please go around with
Shyemul and take care of that.”

At the same time as the encampment is being built, the preparations for the battle
have to advance as well. Garam nods slightly at Souma while passing him a basket for
the sake of picking up stones for throwing.

Due to that, Souma suddenly realizes something.

As a matter of fact, there was something Souma had to tell Shyemul, but he was
wavering about the best method to broach the topic. Guessing Garam’s intention of
trying to give him that opportunity, he says, “Thank you.”

“Alright! Let’s go, Soma.”

Shyemul, who carried the same basket as Souma, is in high spirits and heads towards
the foot of the western mountains where rocks can be seen everywhere.

Souma followed her in a hurry, but he can’t readily grasp a chance to start talking due
to Shyemul picking up stones agily as she hums a cheerful tune.

In the end Souma misses his chance to speak with her and the time for lunch arrives.

They sat down on one of the rocks protruding out at the mountain’s foot. Souma
fretted over what to do even while eating the lunch that had been prepared by
Shyemul. With this worry still in his head, he’s asked by Shyemul instead.

“Hey, Soma. There’s something I’d like you to teach me, but—.”

“!? Eh? About what?”

He panics while wondering whether Shyemul noticed that he’s hesitating over
something he has to tell her.

But, what Shyemul asked was something else.

“It’s about your blessing.”

“Gotcha, my blessing huh…?”

Shyemul nods at Souma who secretly felt relieved all of a sudden.

“Yep. Just going off last night’s explanation, I don’t really get it. Is your blessing merely
being unable to damage or break things?”

For Shyemul, who has to properly know about Souma’s blessing as she will support
him from now on, this was a justified question. But Souma was at a loss for a reply.

“…Truthfully, even I don’t understand it well yet.”

Souma, who doesn’t know how to explain it best, thought that it would probably be
better to actually show him doing it.

“Take a look.”

Putting aside the plate with a serving of half-eaten dried meat, he placed a big leaf on
the ground. Afterwards, he swung the machete that he was given for self-defense in a
grand motion, with a backhand grip, and stabbed the dried meat.

But, far from piercing through the dried meat, the machete’s tip doesn’t even cut the
meat at all.

After showing that to Shyemul, he next picks up that dried meat, slices off a part of it
with the machete and eats that.
Shyemul tilted her head in puzzlement due to Souma chewing the meat.

“I guess I don’t quite get it. Piercing is no good, but cutting is fine?”

After swallowing the masticated meat down, Souma replies,

“Even I don’t really understand it yet either, you know? It looks like simply trying to
stab it is no good. But it feels like slicing it off for the sake of eating is fine, I suppose?”

“I have no idea how that’s any different.”

Souma smiles wryly due to Shyemul wrinkling her nose with a dissatisfied look.

“Look, cutting it up for consumption can’t be called [damaging] or [destroying], right?

I think that’s probably the crux of the matter here.”

“That’s a very vague effect, isn’t it?”

Shyemul says so, as if fed up.

“Yeah, That’s why I feel like I will receive a great return if I consider trying to make
convenient use of the fact that I can’t damage or destroy things.”

“I can’t consider the one called Aura as anything but thoroughly ill-natured.”

Souma also feels a strong sympathy with that opinion. No matter how you think about
it, anyone will likely consider a blessing like this as nothing but harassment for Souma.

However, that was not all what Souma is sensing from that blessing.

“I feel something far more malicious from this blessing.”

Shyemul frowns due to those alarming words.

“Isn’t it just so that you can’t leave us?”

“I wonder, wouldn’t Aura have used a totally different kind of blessing if just that was
her goal? At the time when I received this blessing, I had already decided to fight. After
all, Aura had already shown me that it was impossible to run away this late in the
Souma lowers his eyes on his own opened right palm.

“That’s why I wonder whether she has a completely different aim with this blessing.”

“…That makes sense.”

Shyemul swiftly throws a half-eaten dumpling into her mouth and swallows it down
after chewing it several times. After that she said to Souma with as cheerful a tone as

“However, isn’t that what you call [Lamenting over the quality of a pelt you don’t

Worrying about the quality of a pelt you haven’t even hunted yet is pointless. Just like
that, it’s pointless to fret over something that hasn’t even happened yet. That’s the
meaning of the zoan proverb.

“That might be true… I guess…”

‘There are still only unclear things about the the goddess called Aura and the blessing
I was bestowed. I think that I won’t reach an answer right now even if I ponder about
this and that in regards to the blessing and Aura at this point.

He decided to stop thinking about this for now.

Although it’s not like he resolved it, it has lightened his heart a bit by putting a
temporary stop to the problem of the blessing, which was one of his causes of worry,
within his mind.

As if choosing that time, Shyemul said,

“So is there something you’d like to tell me, Soma?”

Souma’s body trembled slightly with a start.

Even though he was worried about it for awhile, unable to say anything by himself,
Shyemul had noticed it a long time ago. Just now, she expressly gave him the
opportunity to talk about it.

“…I guess I’m no match for you after all, Shyemul.”

Souma raises both hands and completely capitulates to Shyemul who worries and
knows about him better than anyone else. Due to that Shyemul widened her nostrils
as if to say that it’s only natural.

Souma puts on a serious expression and faces Shyemul directly from the front.

And then he said full of strong determination,

“Shyemul, I’d like you to join the ambush.”

“Shyemul, I’d like you to join the ambush.”

Upon those words, Shyemul frowned with an unhappy face.

“It’s the decision of the Great Clan Chief, <Ferocious Fang>, whether one will join the
ambush or not.”

“I have already received Garam’s consent.”

Souma stated this coldly while suppressing his emotions.

It was for the sake of discussing this matter that Souma held Garam and Banuka back
after the preparatory meeting last night.

After distracting Shyemul away from them with some excuse, Souma told the two

“I’m planning to place Shyemul and you, Banuka, with the ambush unit.”

So far Soma never meddled with the formation of the warriors. So why now, of all times?
Garam slightly widened his eyes.

“…Can I ask for the reason?”

Garam had a need to know Souma’s intention with that proposal. That’s because the
God of Beast’s divine daughter Shyemul has quite the strong influence on the zoan
with her attitude and treatment of others.

Souma answers after giving a small nod to Garam,

“This time’s battle is really sink or swim. No, to put it honestly, I think that we don’t
have much of a chance for winning. The enemy needs to move as I predict, and
moreover it relies on the opponent’s carelessness and overestimation of their own
abilities. Adding all of this up, we will still need an absurd amount of good luck for us
to grab victory in the end. That’s the kind of battle it is.”

And, after faltering to continue for a little moment, he said following,

“That’s why I also want to consider the case of our defeat ahead of time.”

“I know that this is a reasonable measurement, but I don’t understand how that
connects to the reason for having Shyemul and Banuka join the ambush troops.” Once
Garam questioned that directly, Souma answered,

“After all, the safest place is the ambush unit.”

Upon this comment, Garam furrows his eyebrows whereas Banuka shows a surprised

“If we lose this upcoming battle, isn’t there no other option but to rely on the power
of the Mane Clan in the battle against Holmea for the plains?”

When pointed out by Souma, Banuka hung his head obviously feeling ashamed.

In case they lost this battle, only the Mane Clan would have enough strength left to
defend the plains.

However, that’s only because the Mane Clan has saved some of its power by preserving
their warriors, unlike the Fang Clan and the Claw Clan, which were recruited up to
their clan chief.

Up to now, Banuka has actually sent multiple messengers to his father Manuyn
Gujatara Baraque, the clan chief of the Mane Clan, in order to request reinforcements.
But far from sending some warriors as reinforcements, not even a reply has been
delivered. It’s likely those elders are continuing with their ridiculous discussions even

When he lived in the village, he thought of his father’s cautious attitude as something
thoughtful. Now that he was in the frontline of battle, he couldn’t regard it as anything
but indecisive, similar to the other clans’ opinion.

After laying a hand on Banuka’s shoulder in order to console him, Garam says,
“I see. So that’s why Banuka has to be left behind?”

A person who has seen the strength of Holmea personally with their own eyes is
necessary to tell the warriors of the Mane Clan about Holmea’s threat. The only one
capable of doing that is the son of the Mane Clan’s chief, Banuka.

“Yes. Banuka, I will now tell you the plan I was able to come up with to the best of my
abilities. It might be a stopgap measure, but I believe it will allow you to protect the
plains from Holmea for a short while.”

“And leaving Shyemul behind is for the sake of having her act as flagbearer?”

Souma nods strongly due to Garam’s question.

“The divine daughter Shyemul must be present for the sake of unifying the other

For example, even if a clan’s power is high, it’s very unlikely that other clans will obey
them just because of that. For the sake of unifying all clans, the existence of the divine
child, who will become the flagbearer, will be essential no matter what.

Garam, who shut his eyes and folded his arms as if carefully scrutinizing Souma’s
words, leaked a long sigh a short time later.

“Soma, one more last thing, okay?”

“What might that be?”

“You said that you will tell the entire plan to Banuka, right? — What do you plan to do

Being asked with a sharp glint as if to say that lies or deception won’t be forgiven,
Souma is at a loss for words for a moment. However, he showed a faint smile that looks
as if it would break into pieces right away if it were to be touched, and answered,

“Of course, I will stay in the encampment.”

Having drawn up such a high-stakes plan, there wouldn’t be any excuse for him to
move to a safe place. Putting himself in danger is also owed a bit to his small pride of
serving as the moral support for everyone during their fight against Holmea’s army.
Due to that, Garam suddenly shows a smile.

“…Even though you seem to be smart, I guess you are an idiot.”

Souma only returned a wry smile.

That’s what happened last night.

Once Souma finished briefly talking about it, he waited for Shyemul’s reply while
quietly staring into Shyemul’s eyes.

“…Once again, you didn’t tell me anything and do as you please. I have to hit you again.”

“Even so it’s something I have to do, so…”

Even Shyemul probably understands that it has to be done this way. However, the
problem is whether she can accept it emotionally.

In order to deliberately push aside Shyemul’s feelings, Souma wields the privilege of
a “Navel Master” he didn’t consider using even once so far.

“As your “Navel Master”, I order you—”

“Don’t say it!”

Shyemul interrupted Souma’s words with a piercing shout.

The two lock eyes with each other as if glaring at one another.

The howling northern wind blew in between them.

The one who averted her eyes first after a short time is Shyemul.

“…It will be fine as long as I join the ambush unit, right?”

Shyemul said with a blunt tone.


After that, there were no further words between the two.

They finished eating the rest of their lunch in silence, but at this point in time neither
of them has any motivation to continue picking up stones. Their feet naturally carried
them towards the others who are likely building the encampment.

Once the two returned, the place had completely changed within the few hours they
were gone.

The place, which was a mere mountain’s base until this morning, had an encampment
that was surrounded by a moat and a paling.

With Souma standing at the base of the moat, the height of the embankment reaches
up to his shoulders. A paling, which was joined together horizontally and vertically by
trees that still had their bark, had been erected on top of the embankment which was
created by piling up the dug-out soil. In addition, the inside of the paling had been
freed of hindering rocks and stumps, and then evened afterwards. Moreover, since the
ground was firmly hardened through the use of rocks, it allowed swift movement
within the encampment.

Due to the sight of the encampment, Souma feels as if he’s seeing the sports ground of
a school surrounded by a fence.

While many dwarves, zoan and dinosaurians are still working busily, Garam, Zurgu
and Dvalin could be seen gesticulating and discussing something.

“How’s the condition?”

“No problem. I tried spinning it, but since the foothold is properly firm, it’s easy to
drive it to a surprising degree. If I had to mention a downside, then it would be that it
feels a bit small.”

Once Garam gives that answer to Dvalin’s question, even Zurgu, who’s next to Garam,
demonstrates his agreement by nodding.

“You’re just going to have to deal with it. It’s not like I can expand the thing any further”

Dvalin frowned and displayed a troubled expression, but once he discovers Souma on
the other side of the paling, a boastful smile appears below his beard and he beckons
Souma to come inside.

Having entered the encampment after walking around the paling, Souma asks Dvalin
as very first,

“Did you complete it?”

“Aye. Somehow I made it in time.”

Souma breathed a sigh of relief due to Dvalin’s answer. After viewing the state of the
encampment in a circle,

“At any rate, I’m astonished. To build such a splendid encampment in such a short time.
Honestly, I didn’t expect it to reach up to this level.”

In contrast to Souma, who praises it without holding back, Dvalin scowls discontendly.

“Just how is this splendid!? If the folks back home knew that I built such a skimpy
encampment, I’d be a laughing stock for my whole life!”

In Souma’s eyes it looks like a decently solid encampment, but Dvalin wasn’t satisfied
with it. Did those thoughts appear on Souma’s face? Dvalin explains the dissatisfying
aspects of the encampment.

“The number and depth of the trenches, and the height of the embankment are lacking.
If I had time, I would have also built watchtowers. Besides, not only would I have piled
up soil for the embankment, I would also have installed [Antlers]. I would have even
prepared [Lilies]. Also…”

The Antler mentioned by Dvalin is a defense weapon that is stabbed into

embankments. You use trees with many branches as the material after you remove the
leaves, peel off the bark, and sharpen the tips of the branches. It obstructs enemies
from climbing over the embankment by piercing their bodies with the sharpened

Also, Lily is likewise a defense weapon. It has a shape where a single sharpened stake
is standing after being baked in the centre of a pit that is dug out in the form of a
mortar. This name has been given to it since it resembles a Lily.

In addition to these, there are also things such as Cow’s Herding Pole and
Tombstone. Although Souma doesn’t entirely understand what kind of things they
are, those are words which make him roughly imagine them as worthless traps and
weapons. Due to Dvalin firing those words out of his mouth one after the other, Souma
interrupted him in a hurry.

“I-It’s enough!”


Dvalin looked as if he had still a lot more to say yet.

If I had requested Dvalin to construct an encampment from the start, would he have built
a sturdy encampment that could even repel one million enemies? Souma is shocked.

However, right now we don’t have flexibility in time either. It will also be troublesome if
the the enemy ends up hesitating to approach due to the encampment being built too

At this moment Garam interjected.

“According to the scouts we dispatched, we will soon be able to see the punitive force.
We have to send out the ambush unit before they arrive.”

That was an implicit confirmation on whether Souma had told Shyemul that she will
join the ambush.

“Got it. — I rely on you.”

The second half of Souma’s statement was pointed at Shyemul who was behind him.
However, Shyemul doesn’t confirm or deny it as she faces away.

Garam sighed deeply due to Souma smiling bitterly while being troubled. And, calling
out to a nearby warrior, Garam has him bring something over.

Garam took it into his hands and casually tossed it towards Shyemul.

“Banuka has already finished his preparations and is waiting. If you are leaving, then
take this and head out quickly.”

What Shyemul embraced at her chest right away is merely firewood that was tied up
with a rope.

While holding the small bundle of firewood close to her chest, Shyemul glared with a
reproachful look at Garam, but Garam receives it calmly and doesn’t even look at her.

After a short time, Shyemul turned on her heels with a small snort and ran away while
holding the bundle of firewood.


A voice is about to leak out from Souma’s mouth towards Shyemul’s retreating figure.

“Leave her alone. She’s just sulking.”

Garam said this over his shoulder, but in the end Shyemul left the encampment with
Banuka’s group without saying anything to Souma.

Souma, who saw off Shyemul and the others from within the encampment, feels his
body tremble due to the blowing northern wind.

Even he himself thinks that he’s effeminate, but without Shyemul being at his side like
usual, the wind felt somewhat extremely cold.

“Hey, Soma! Look at that!”

Garam calls out to Souma who kept staring in the direction that Shyemul and the
others had left for, even after they were no longer visible.

Once he looks in the direction where Garam points to, he could see something similar
to an ocher mist beyond the distant horizon. And, within that, there’s something like
some black shadow wriggling.

Straining his eyes while wondering what it might be, Souma is surprised.

What looked like a mist was a cloud of dust.

And, the shadow wriggling within that are armed soldiers marching in ranks.

“So the enemy has come…”

At last, Souma catches sight of the punitive force led by General Darius.
The first person to notice the encampment at the northern mountain foot was a
mounted commissioned officer in the punitive force’s vanguard. That commissioned
officer immediately summoned a messenger and made them head to Darius.

The messenger forced his horse to gallop with a skillful rein handling and got close to
Darius’ chariot.

“Your Excellency! We have confirmed military forces believed to be the rebels at the
mountain foot, north of the road! Please give us your orders!”


Darius’ murmur after he heard the messenger’s report sounded as if he was amused.

“Stop the whole army!”

Hearing Darius’ order, one of the soldiers on the chariot heads to the back and hits the
large drum located there. Once the heavy drumming sound that seems to cause one’s
bowels to shake reverberates steadily, the commanding officers all over the punitive
force shout their instructions to stop the soldiers’ march.

Even so, it took a while until all of the 7,000 soldiers of the punitive force came to a

During that time new information also flows in to Darius.

“An encampment has been built at the mountain’s foot! We have spotted zoan within!
There’s no mistake, it’s the rebels!”

Those words also reached the ears of Marius who was close to the chariot with Darius
on it. Marius can’t conceal his surprise that the situation is developing in the
completely same way as the plan he had discussed with Darius last night.
Standing up from his chair with a creaking sound, Darius stares at the enemy camp
built at the mountain’s base, which is slightly visible through the gaps between the
flags and spears held up by the soldiers.

“I see. That one, eh…?”

Darius swung his right army widely to the side.

“Notify the entire army! Today’s march will stop here! Start to prepare your camps

The nearby messengers all at once spur their horses forward to propagate the
message, repeating Darius’ words.

“Kadomos! Kadomos, are you there!?”

A young, adult commissioned officer, who had a green tuft attached to his helmet,
indicating his status as regimental commander, brought his horse close to the chariot
upon Darius’ yell.

“Yes! At your service, Your Excellency!”

“Choose a few strong-hearted fellows from among the cavalry and send them out as
scouts towards the enemy camp and Bolnis. And, don’t be negligent on monitoring the
enemy camp’s area and watching the surroundings. I don’t think that they will come
attacking at this point, but make sure to be on guard against a surprise attack by the

“At your will!”

Without even shifting his eyes towards Regiment Commander Kadomos, who gallops
away on his horse, Darius fixedly gazes at the enemy camp.

His eyes shone with excitement and expectations, just like a child who stares at the
lights of a festival celebrating the harvest.

“So you are saying that you will fight me without escaping to the plains? What a
pleasure you are giving to me with this.”

Zurgu called out to Garam, who is gazing at the condition of the punitive forces with
his hands shading his eyes.

“How is it? Does it look like they will attack?”

While continuing to stare at the enemy camp, Garam curtly answers,

“Shut up. If you want to know, look yourself.”

“It can’t be helped. Thanks to a certain someone, I have a pretty bad eye.” Zurgu
responds to Garam’s remark in a jesting tone as he shrugs his shoulders slightly.

“You reap what you sow.” Garam says over his shoulder.

Souma, after forcing his way between the two in the middle of their sarcastic banter,

“If possible, it would also be a big help if you could explain the situation to me…”

It’s definitely not as though Souma has a bad eyesight, but from this place he can’t see
the punitive force as anything but sesame seeds. He couldn’t grasp what they are doing
at all.

In contrast to that, the zoan, who lived in the plains, generally have excellent eyes. It’s
said that there are humans who can see man-made satellites flying in the distant
upper skies even during daytime among the African tribes, who live the lives of
hunters in vast plains. It’s probably the same as that.

Showing a displeased expression towards the grinning Zurgu, who is standing next to
Souma, Garam unwillingly starts to talk.

“They have stopped walking. All of them are gathering at the wagons, I think. They
take down something from those wagons… are those tents? Also bags and things
similar to pots, I suppose…”

“What, today they are going to rest over there?”

Zurgu says as if feeling let down.

“The soldiers are probably exhausted from the long march.”

Souma recalled something he read in military history records in the past.

In many literary works you can see the development of achieving big military gains by
launching an attack under the cover of night against the camp of an enemy who just
arrived at the battlefield. At the time Souma said to his military maniac friend that it
would be best to attack quickly to not give the other side a chance to launch such an
attack, he was told following,

“They would have walked all day long while carrying heavy equipment, causing them
to be completely exhausted. There’s absolutely no way that they would be able to fight
if they weren’t allowed to rest for a few days.”

Indeed, I can agree with that. Putting aside the commissioned officers, who are riding on
chariots or mounts, the fatigue of the footsoldiers, who were forced to walk a long way
while carrying heavy equipment, is unavoidable. One should be able to obtain huge
military achievements by attacking a camp site filled with only soldiers who sleep like
logs due to their exhaustion.

Once he explains that to the others, the very hot-blooded Jahangil immediately latches
onto it.

“Will we assault that place then?”

However, Garam denies that.

“I think it would be best to desist from doing so. They have likely prepared for at least
this much.”

“In that case, the battle will be tomorrow and the days after?”

Souma smiled bitterly at Jahangil, whose tail slumps down disheartedly.

“I think that’s correct. — But, the other side can’t help but to also take it slowly. I don’t
know how much their soldiers can recover within a single day, but at earliest it will be
tomorrow. No matter how slowly they go at it, I believe the battle will take place within
a few days.”

In a single, big tent located in the centre of the punitive forces’ campsite, starting with
Darius, the messengers and commissioned officers entrusted with units had

When all of them were present, Darius lightly waves his hand as if saying “Start!” Once
he did, a soldier, who went to scout the area around the enemy camp, was told to step
forward first.

“I shall give you my report! The encampment has been built so that the mountain’s in
its back. I could catch sight of many zoan and dwarves there.”

After a single nod, Darius asks,

“What kind of defense measures does the encampment have?”

“From what I’ve seen, they have dug out a moat in the surrounding, piled up that soil
to form an embankment and set up a fence.”

Darius was disappointed due to that reply.

“For something made by dwarves, it doesn’t seem to be that sturdy, does it?”

When he attacked a dwarven village within the mountains around here in the past, he
was forced to suffer a thoroughly bitter experience by the fortress built to cover
several acres on the mountainside. Compared to the village of the dwarves at that time,
this encampment might as well be called naked

However, for something that was established in a short time, it’s a sturdy encampment.
As might be expected of dwarves. Besides, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any
skilfully hidden traps to make one believe that it’s easy to attack.

“How about the enemy numbers?”

“Ha! The total number of enemies was around 1,500.”

Upon this reply, Darius considered it strange.

Analysing from the information he obtained in advance, he estimated the number of

rebels to be in the range of 1,000 ~ 1,500. According to the scout’s report, a number
close to the limit of what Darius had estimated has entered that encampment.

However, in that case there will be almost no troops to be used in an ambush.

“…There won’t be an ambush?”

That’s impossible, he thinks.

Are they really thinking that they can take on the punitive force with its 7,000 soldiers in
an encampment of that level?

Were there some reinforcements we didn’t hear of? There were zoan forces who adopted
a wait-and-see stance in the plains. Did they finally move their lazy asses?

No, even assuming they had such forces, it’s difficult to imagine that they would move at
this time to advance on our punitive force. They would probably decide on their actions
after observing the tide of battle against our punitive force.

Just what the hell is the rebel leader thinking then?

Darius broods for a bit while stroking his beard.

Just at that moment, the report that a soldier, who was sent to scout out Bolnis, had
returned. The soldier, who was immediately let through into the tent, is urged on to
give his report by Darius after a swift greeting.

“The gates of Bolnis have been left open. I have checked to the best of my abilities, but
I couldn’t see any zoan or slaves.”

The commissioned officers gathered in the tent looked at each other due to that

“Just what is this about?”

“Aren’t they pretty much telling us Please take the city back?”

“Did they abandon the city after pillaging it?”

“However, it doesn’t look like that has happened.”

According to their assumptions, they expected that they would liberate the city of
Bolnis used as shield by the slaves, who caused a revolt.

And yet, for the city that ought to be liberated to have been left alone defenseless is a
situation they haven’t even imagined. They would have been still able to come to terms
with it if it had been after the city was pillaged and burned down. But, since there were
no traces of rampant destruction visible in the city, their bewilderment was only

“Didn’t you enter the city once you couldn’t see the enemy?”

There would be no meaning in sending him to scout if it ends with “I couldn’t see the
enemy in the city.” Due to Darius’ blaming tone, the soldier straightens his back and

“Ha! I thought the same, but once I tried to get close to the city, I discovered something
suspicious on top of the wall. Considering it dangerous to get close carelessly, I decided
to pull back.”

“Something suspicious?”

“Yes. I’m not completely sure as I saw it from a far distance, but—,” he takes a short
break at this point and then said, “— I think it’s a mountain of firewood.”

A small stir takes places within the tent.

“Firewood? A mountain of firewood, you say?”

“Why something like this…?”

A certain line was dropped among the puzzled commissioned officers.

“Maybe, they plan to use fire in some manner…?”

Due to that, the other commissioned officers raise slightly surprised voices of “Ah” and

“I see! Hasn’t it been said that they killed the subjugation unit by engulfing them in
“That makes sense. I guess they are planning to reduce us to ash together with the city,
using the same move they used before!”

“They are taking us for fools! Do they really believe that they can use the same kind of
method many times over!?”

“However, with this we can’t attack even though the city has become empty.”

“Yes, yes.”

Suddenly there was a loud laughter while the commissioned officers, who were
agitated after seeing through the vicious plan of the enemy, voiced out their irritation
and scorn towards the rebels.

“Your Excellency Darius?”

“Excellency, what might be the matter…?”

The one who laughed out loud was Darius.

Darius’ beard is trembling as he laughs, and he is trying to bend back by pressing his
back against the chair’s backrest.

The commissioned officers, who were confused by Darius’ erratic behaviour, end up
feeling dumbfounded.

With his shoulders slightly trembling due to the reverberations of his laughter, Darius
said to the commissioned officers,

“Not half bad, rebel leader.”

The commissioned officers look at each other. They didn’t understand why Darius
praises the enemy even though they had just seen through the rebels’ plan moments

A single commissioned officer resolves himself and asks Darius,

“Your Excellency, just what is this about…?”

Darius surveyed the commissioned officers sitting in two rows within the tent with a
glare. Only that much gave birth to tension as if static electricity is crawling across
their skins within the tent.

“It’s not a preparation for a fire attack.”

Darius declared with a heavy voice.

“Most likely the mountain of firewood has just been placed on top of the wall.”


Darius explains to the surprised commissioned officers.

“If they intended to burn our army together with the city, they would have probably
prepared suitable fire triggers. They would have to set up firewood and oil not just on
the wall, but also at every important point of the city.

Even the city’s residents probably know about the subjugation unit that was burned
to death in a fire by the zoan by now. And yet, even though the city’s gates are open
and the slaves can’t be seen anywhere, there’s only very few citizens who flee the city.

In other words, such fire triggers haven’t been prepared.”

Each and every point raised by Darius was reasonable.

However, even so they still don’t understand the meaning of placing firewood on top
of the wall.

“However, Your Excellency, the mountain of firewood on the wall, what on earth…?”

Darius reveals a wry smile upon that question of a commissioned officer.

“Haven’t I already given you an answer to that?”

Due to the commissioned officers raising their voices in an unsavory manner with a
“Huh?” as they don’t understand the meaning of his words, Darius snorted slightly and
continued speaking.

“It means that we won’t be able to attack the city easily if we fear an attack by fire.”
The commissioned officers look blankly due to that remark.

“He’s an amusing fellow. I suppose he’s trying to protect the city from our troops with
a single mountain of firewood!”

Once again Darius laughs while making his beard sway.

In contrast to him, the commissioned officers, who finally noticed that they splendidly
fell for the enemy’s scheme, got enraged with bright red faces.

“You assholes! So that’s how you want it!”

“To make a fool of us! Now it has come to this, let’s take back the city first and then
teach them a lesson!”

Supportive opinions are voiced out to that one after the other.

However, Darius didn’t respond to that immediately.

Darius declared that there won’t be any fire attack, but that’s because he’s in front of
the commissioned officers.

He believes that he’s not wrong in nine out of ten cases, but he can’t definitely state
that there’s not one such case among the ten.

For example, there could be the counterplot to make them believe that it’s a pretense
by deliberately showing only one mountain of firewood. Or, there might be a reason
why they have to enter the city after seeing the mountain of firewood. There’s also the
fear that the enemy has prepared to burn them down alongside the city if they enter
the city with fire triggers, which were deployed in a way so that the residents wouldn’t

Until a while ago he considered whether to also gain control of Bolnis with a detached
force while restraining the rebels with the main force.

However, in the worst case scenario where they really did prepare fire triggers, that
detached force would be annihilated.

He can also believe that it’s possibly the rebels’ plan to take advantage of the main
force’s soldiers being thrown into a turmoil once the detached force is burned to death
alongside the city.

In that case, should we fight the enemy’s main army first rather than taking back the city
which would have worrying elements?

Even if traps had been planted in the city, it won’t have any meaning if we defeat the
enemy’s main army.

To say nothing of the enemy having slightly less than 2,000 against our 7,000 soldiers. If
we fight them normally, the probability of losing to them is next to zero.

However, even then Darius hesitated.

If I look at the movements of the rebels until now, there’s no way for the person leading
them to not realize at least this much. Furthermore, on top of knowing that, they set up
an encampment over there and are provoking us.

There’s something, he believes, but he doesn’t know what it is.

He’s worried, wondering whether they won’t suffer an outrageous backlash if they
attack just as the enemy has predicted.

He pondered whether they should wait for a bit to check the situation.

But, seeing the faces of the commissioned officers sitting in front of him, that doesn’t
seem to be a valid option.

Leaving aside if it was a sturdy fortress, but with an encampment that looks as if it will
be crushed with a little bit of shaking once they use the whole army, he has no other
choice. If he hesitates to attack in front of something like that, it will also affect his
command of the entire army.

Besides, maintaining this punitive force isn’t simple either. There’s the matter of
provisions for 7,000 people of course, but also things like the fodder for the dragons
and horses responsible for transporting the provisions. They eat up a surprisingly
massive amount of money within the army just by existing. His real opinion is that he
wants to finish it as soon as possible, if it’s something that can be done.

And, another problem adding to that was the Holy Faith’s campaign priest, who was
sitting there proudly and arrogantly while sticking out his fat belly.
“What is there to hesitate about, Your Excellency! You have to punish those repulsive
sub-races and the one calling himself their leader at once!”

According to his own words, the campaign priest, who introduced himself with the
name Mildas, encountered the zoan rebellion at the time he was in the city of Bolnis.
He lived under the roof of the church in the city of Luoma after escaping with luck and
trouble, but even during that time, he apparently burned with rightful indignation
when thinking of Bolnis, which has been occupied by the filthy sub-races. When he
heard that a punitive force would go to Bolnis, he apparently requested an interview
with Darius wondering whether his own religious piety couldn’t be useful.

“The residents will be killed mercilessly if they defy the sub-races, who watch them
with beast-like, sharp eyes, even the tiniest bit. For me to escape without a single
injury like this from such a dreadful Bolnis, is truly owed to nothing else but the divine
protection of the Human God! Give me the permission to join this campaign in order
to distribute this divine protection, which is more than I deserve, to the brave soldiers
of the punitive force, by all means!”

Does he believe that it’s only natural that it will be permitted? Without even extending
any greetings towards Darius, Mildas shamelessly stated his own opinion.

Thinking back to that, Marius, who got enraged due to the rude attitude of Mildas,
placed his hand on the hilt of his sword as he stood behind Mildas. If Darius had been
slightly late in lifting his hand to hold back Marius, Mildas’ head would have probably
danced in the air.

“Your Excellency! As long as I’m here, there’s no need to fear something like sub-races!
Oh, great Human God! Bestow your godly protection to Holmea’s brave soldiers who
are faithful to you!”

Nothing but contemptful thoughts welled up within Darius due to Mildas offering a
prayer with his disgusting voice, who didn’t even notice that he was about to die just

He says that he was able to escape Bolnis due to god’s protection, but from the
merchants, who likewise escaped the city already, Darius knew that the rebels
approve people leaving the city, to say nothing of them suppressing the inhabitants
with force.
Even this priest, who calls himself Mildas, probably escaped the city secretly by mingling
among the residents after throwing off his priest clothes. Who do you think you are
kidding by saying that it’s god’s protection?

Besides, Darius, who completely believed in reality, doesn’t go into a battle while
relying on something like divine protection.

However, it’s also a fact that he can’t take the Holy Faith’s authority lightly.

If Holmea tries to increase its national power by developing the Solbiant Plains from
now on, the neighboring country Romania will likely come to interfere. If he lets a
priest of the Holy Faith join the campaign to gain total control of the Solbiant Plains, it
will turn into a reason to insist that this development is being carried out with the
Human God’s consent.

For Darius it’s quite the ridiculous story, but this is also diplomacy, one of many
political moves.

With such ulterior motives existing, Darius approved of Mildas joining the campaign,
however, Mildas himself had his own agenda as well.

Mildas’ ulterior motive is vengeance.

Mildas, who was able to luckily obtain the head of the evil adherent’s leader, tried to
go to the Holy City, the centre of the Holy Faith. Just when he attempted to leave the
city after arranging for a ship to ferry him using the money he scammed off of
believers, the zoan’ rebellion took place.

Even Mildas knows the fate that would await him if he were to be caught by a sub-race
as priest of the Holy Faith.

Immediately and without hesitation, Mildas threw away his priest’s garb, the holy
crest and the sacred icons that make it apparent that he’s a priest of the Holy Faith,
and while only carrying the expensive ornaments with him, he deliberately pulled a
overcoat that was soiled with mud over his head. And then, with the all-important evil
adherents’ leader’s head in a jar under his arms, he hid himself in back alleys.

Once the city had calmed down after a while, he heard that the foolish sub-races were
allowing the residents to leave the city. For caution’s sake he observed the situation of
the people leaving and the sub-races dealing with them near the gate, but there was
no sign of the sub-races looking for priests of the Holy Faith. If it’s like this, it looks easy
enough to escape the city by pretending to be one of the lowly people.

However, the head in a jar was a problem.

The residents have been allowed to freely take property such as household belongings
with them when they leave the city, but the sub-races were doing a simple check-up
for mere formality, probably so that no suspicious things are carried out through the
gates. There’s no way he would be able to nonchalantly walk through such a place
while carrying the severed head of a person.

He pondered whether he shouldn’t secretly lower a rope from the city’s wall at night
and escape while just taking the head along in that case, but something like him
walking on his own two feet until the next city was preposterous for him.

However, if he didn’t escape as soon as possible, his life would be in danger. He didn’t
know when he would be discovered by his dwarven slaves that took advantage of the
commotion to run away. They even forgot his kindness of letting them carry the
palanquin he sat on!

Tearfully Mildas hid the jar with the head by burying it at the base of a tree located in
a corner of the city and escaped to the city of Luoma by getting a merchant leaving
Bolnis to take him along on his carriage.

Now that he thought back on the chain of events, hatred boiled within Mildas’ chest.

He got delayed in going to the Holy City where a brilliant future awaits him. Most of
his money and goods were ripped off by the merchant rising the prices on him when
he went along with the carriage leaving the city. He, who is a priest of the Holy Faith,
had to even act as a lowly commoner. All of that is the fault of the disgusting sub-races.

No, the one who I can forgive the least is the divine child of Aura who led those sub-races.

Once he recalls the face of Aura’s divine child walking through the city as if owning the
place while taking along those disgusting sub-races, Midas hurled jeers at that divine
child within his chest.

To begin with, the first bad omen started after that divine child of Aura showed up. Even
him being delayed in departing the fortress was thanks to that guy. For the zoan, who
should have been exterminated long ago, to get total control of the city, is also owed to
that guy.

Each and every of them including that guy is evil! Until I present that bastard’s salt-
pickled head in the Holy City, alongside the head of the evil adherents’ leader, the hatred
boiling in my chest won’t die down no matter how long I wait for it.

I will kill the sub-races and that divine child of Aura by all means!

Having decided that, Mildas instigated the commissioned officers with his eyes

“Brave Warriors of Holmea! Now is the time for you to show your piety to god! The
brave warriors, who demonstrated their faithfulness in this battle, will have their
names extolled in the Holy City’s cathedral by this Mildas!”

For soldiers it’s the highest honor to make their name widely known in this world.
Much less to say that there’s nothing that exceeds the Holy City which is said to be the
centre of the continent.

A part of the commissioned officers, who were told this at each and every single
opportunity, became completely incited.

As if also infected by the insanity of Mildas just now, they are waiting for Darius’
decision with glazing eyes full of bloodlust.

Darius mutters in his mind I won’t be able to stop them.

“It won’t be too late to liberate the city after annihilating the rebels.”

I won’t have the leeway to investigate whether a fire attack has really been set up in the
city. In that case it’s more reliable to fight the enemy’s main force in front of us rather
than deliberately taking a risk.

“First we will fight the rebels with the whole army!”

Sighs dyed with delight and excitement fill the tent.

“Kadomos! Judius!”

Being called out by name, the two regimental commanders stand up.
“I will leave one regiment of the heavy spear infantry to each of you. Trample down
the enemy from the front!”

“”It will happen at your will, Excellency!””

“Gaudias and Brafuss, I will entrust one infantry battalion to each of you. Protect the
flanks of the heavy spear infantry regiments!”

“”I’m humbly accepting the official appointment!””

“Burgis! I will leave one infantry battalion to you. Threaten the enemy encampment
from the left-wing and support the main force!”

“Acknowledged, Your Excellency!”

“Cashias! I will leave one archer battalion to you. Open hostilities as you see fit!”

“Please leave it to me!”

Darius slowly gets up from his seat.

His appearance was similar to a huge lion standing up.

“My main army will deploy in the rear of the heavy spear infantry regiments. We will
be ready for a zoan surprise attack!”

And then Darius thrust out his right arm towards the ceiling.

“Tomorrow this ground will be dyed red with the blood of the rebels!!!”
Feeling the presence of someone, Souma woke up.

The sun had already risen above the horizon and the surroundings are filled with the
sounds of people bustling around.

Suddenly his nose was tickled by a delicious aroma. Once he follows the scent, he
discovers dried meat that had just been heated up by a fire as well as dumplings,
placed on a big leaf that served as a plate right next to his pillow.

Probably someone brought breakfast for me, Souma gets up and while rubbing his half-
asleep eyes, he ate the dry food.

Once he finishes eating, Souma brings his hands together and says “Thanks for the
meal.” Even though it’s his usual daily routine, the breakfast tasted somewhat bland
due to Shyemul, who was always together with him until now, not being present.

When he was fixing his clothes that got dishevelled during his sleep, he heard some
noise from within the encampment. Did something happen? Souma hurriedly looks for
Garam. Thereupon he found Garam at the southern fence where one can see the
punitive force in the distance, along with the other main leaders such as Zurgu, Dvalin
and Jahangil.

“Good morning.”

Garam glances at Souma and gave his greetings.

“Did you finally wake up?”

Last night Souma had difficulty falling asleep due to his emotions being too highly
strung, but that won’t serve as an excuse for anything.
“You’ve got quite the balls, considering we are about to be fighting for our lives.”

“Eh, it would be pretty bad if our general didn’t have some balls.”

Jahangil took the line of Zurgu, which he said in a jesting manner, seriously, holded his
arms and nodded with a “Yeah, yeah.” That fanned Souma’s shame even further

“H-How is the situation over at the punitive force?”

He hurries to confirm the current situation while also using it as a means to change
the topic.

“Until just a little while ago the smoke of cooking fires was rising, but now it has
vanished and the humans have started to assemble in front of their camp site.”

Ahead of where Garam points the punitive force had started to roughly split itself into
three groups.

First a large unit forms in the centre with one squad setting out in each direction from
there. And then another unit appears on the right side, slightly apart from the central

Among them, what stands out the most is the biggest unit situated in the centre. The
majority of the punitive force has very likely gathered into that unit.

“All soldiers in the group over there are holding long spears and big shields. There’s
no doubt that they are the heavy spear infantry mentioned by the human called

If it’s as Garam says, that one should head out in a dense formation.

If it’s done that way, the units located on the left, right and behind the heavy spear
infantry will protect the weakness of the formation. The unit in front probably has the
role of being the first to open hostilities before the formation.

“What’s that unit over there?”

The unit Dvalin pointed at with the halberd in his hands is the only one that has been
placed in location away from the others.
“They are probably watching out for our surprise attack, or they might attack this
place separately from the main force.”

Souma replied, but he mostly suspected it to be a unit that will attack the encampment
by going around and cutting in from the west side.

The deployment of the unit seems to be too inclined towards the west for being on guard
against a surprise attack. They might have concluded that the surprise attack will come
from the plains, but going by the steady command style of the enemy’s general up until
now, I don’t think that’s the case.

Rather than that, it makes more sense that it’s a unit for the sake of assisting the heavy
spear infantry that will attack from the south by attacking the encampment incessantly
from the west. The terrain with its undulations and rocks would make it difficult for the
formation of the heavy spear infantry to move.

At that moment Souma notices Garam clicking his tongue slightly.

“What’s wrong?”

Garam, who didn’t expect that his tongue clicking would be heard, puts on a slightly
awkward expression.

“It’s nothing major. It’s because I saw the flag of the black beast…”

Souma had heard that the “Black Beast” mentioned by the zoan refers to the flag hoisted
by General Darius.

Once he squints his eyes, he can somehow see a blackish flag fluttering in the wind
above the unit that was deployed behind the heavy spear infantry. That should be the
headquarters where the general called Darius is located at.

“It means the enemy general is over there…”

Souma glared at the unit where the the enemy general, whose face he hasn’t even seen
yet, is most likely situated at.

At the same time, Darius also intently glared at the enemy camp with Souma within.

The front of the campsite of the punitive force, which was about to finally enter the
decisive battle against the rebels, was overflowing with the yells of the commanding
officers hurling orders and the sounds of the soldiers’ military boots as they were
lining up, forming into a concert of many great noises.

However, as if he was in a different world, only Darius, who was right in the middle of
that hustle and bustle, calmly allowed his thoughts free reign.

“…It’s really strange after all.”

Darius muttered to himself while resting his chin on a hand with his arm placed on
the armrest of the chair provided in the command chariot.

What worried Darius is the number of enemies.

In accordance with the scout report from last night, it looks as if there are around
1,500 rebels in the enemy camp. However, with that, even if there were ambush troops
as predicted by Darius, they probably couldn’t spare more than about a hundred
troops. With those numbers, leaving aside the regiment of heavy spear infantry, they
won’t be even able to break through the main force where I am.

“A surprise attack aiming for my head— no, do they plan to carry out a suicide attack…?”

I’m well aware that the zoan, who hunted in the plains, are strong at hiding themselves
in the bushes. Even they won’t be able to hide themselves if a few hundred of them gather
in one place, but if they narrow it down to a very small number, they might be able to
draw quite close to the main force without being discovered. And I suspect it’s possible
that those few will carry out a suicide attack that aims only at my head.

However, if they intend to fight by relying on a chance of winning with a rate of 1 in

10,000, not to mention that it’s a sink-or-swim strategy, I will have overestimated the
rebel leader far too much, Darius reveals a smile and laughs at himself.

“Increase the number of soldiers guarding the vicinity. Have them be thorough to the
extent that not even a single mouse can get through.”

He calls a nearby messenger and passes him such an order.

With this he also prepared a measure against a suicide attack with a small number of

Even though he has made countermeasures against all plans the rebels might come up
with by now, Darius’ mood didn’t improve for some reason.

What the hell am I afraid of?

Darius asks himself, but an answer to that is to no avail.

“Your Excellency! The setting-up of the formation is complete! Now we are just waiting
for your command, Your Excellency!”

Due to the voice of Marius, who brought his horse right next to the chariot, Darius
returns his consciousness that was stuck in thought back to reality.

Once he did, all units had already finished lining up orderly and were eagerly awaiting
Darius’ command.
However, Darius’ words were different from what Marius had expected.

“Have them standby like that for a short while,” and then, after looking up to the sky
over his shoulder, “Wait for just one koku.”

“Your Excellency, why can’t we attack right away?”

No matter where Marius looked, the soldiers’ morale was high. However, if they are
forced to wait too long, that morale will plummet. He wanted to know the reason why
they won’t attack immediately from Darius, who should be well aware of something
like this.

“Look at that.”

Darius pointed at the enemy camp.

“The enemy has gained the soil where they built their encampment as an ally and they
have also won over the wind that carries the north wind. In that case—.”

Next he shifts the finger towards the sky.

“We won’t be punished as long as we have the sun on our side.”

Due to those words, Marius looks up to the sky after letting a quiet, surprised voice
leak. Once he did, he saw that the sun would be probably right behind them as they
attack the enemy camp if they wait for one more koku. If they attack with the sun in
their back, the enemy will naturally be forced to fight them with the sun in their eyes.

“As expected of you, Your Excellency…”

He always makes absolutely sure to be at the peak of perfectness.

This is how Darius, who was hailed as Holmea’s strongest general, fights.

The punitive force still hasn’t moved?

Quite a bit of time has passed since the punitive force went into formation. However,
there’s absolutely no indication of them coming to attack. Different from the surprise
attacks so far, Souma sighed or repeatedly scratched his cheeks or nape since a while
ago due to the tension of confronting an enemy that will head their way with fighting
spirit for the first time.

“Don’t show any fear or impatience as the one commanding the warriors. Calm down
a bit.”

After being warned by Garam, who was unable to let it pass unnoticed, Souma was
taken aback.

A general mustn’t openly show what’s hidden in his heart. That’s because the soldiers
are always watching the general that leads them. If the general is shaken, the soldiers
will be as well. If the general surrounds himself with an air of composure, the soldiers
will also feel relieved.

Souma remembered something along those lines having been written in a strategy
book he read for fun when he was crazy about the Annals of the Three Kingdoms.

Souma, who reflects on those lines, breaks out into a cold sweat. Is everyone maybe
shaken because of me? Wondering about that, Souma timidly surveyed his
surroundings, but fortunately he can’t find any indications for that being the case. On
the contrary, he senses even a lukewarm look towards himself telling him “I’ll let it
slide this time.”

However, even so he notices that it’s because it was deliberately overlooked by Garam,
Zurgu, Dvalin, Jahangil and the others around him, in a calm demeanour.

He blushed in shame realizing that he didn’t have the composure to at least notice
something like that until now. Souma, who just realized that he has to get it together,
takes a slow, deep breath to calm his heart and surveys the encampment once more.

Once he did, he had a hunch that he could see things he hadn’t seen so far.

As Souma pondered about such things, he doubted his eyes and exclaimed “Huh?”

Next to the lining up zoan warriors, he discovered someone who wasn’t supposed to
be there.

It’s a single female warrior who stands there almost indistinguishable among the
brawny zoan warriors. For the zoan, where women and men fight in a battle, a female
warrior isn’t rare, but he recognised that female warrior with her bright chestnut-
colored fur.

He strains his eyes trying to make sure that he doesn’t mistake her for someone else.
However, no matter how he looks at it, he can’t imagine him making a mistake there.

The female warrior, who noticed his look, bluntly turned her face away.

Even now Souma wasn’t able to tell apart zoan faces, but as expected, after living
together for several months, he can at least distinguish her from other zoan.

Souma walked up to her with rough footsteps and, without giving her time to escape,
he asked her,

“Shyemul… why are you here?”

The closer he looks at the female warrior from nearby as he approaches, the more
obvious it becomes that it can’t be anyone else but Shyemul.

“You have the wrong person. I’m not the divine child.”

Blatantly receiving a reply in a dubious falsetto, Souma ends up truly troubled as to

how he should retort to that.

Using that opportunity, the female warrior turned on her heels and hurriedly ran away
from there. In a panic Souma chases after the female warrior who tries to leave at a
quick pace.

“Hey! You are Shyemul, aren’t you? It’s definitely you, Shyemul.”

“You have the wrong person. You have the wrong person.”

She continues to run away while repeating the same words like a broken voice
recorder, when suddenly a black shadow stood right in front of her.

It’s Garam.

The female warrior turned her back on him trying to get away in a hurry, but the
stretched out arm of Garam tightly grabbed the nape of her body armor. Garam lifts
the female warrior, who is struggling to escape from his hand, with one arm.
“Soma. There’s no way that this guy is <Noble Fang>, right? — Right?”

The last word looking for confirmation was pointed at the lifted female warrior. Even
to someone like Souma, who had reached the point where he could somehow
understand the zoan expressions, the smile Garam revealed at that moment, is pretty
obviously one filled with an enormous amount of spite.

“T-That’s right…”

“I mean, it’s certainly impossible for that fellow, who received the nickname <Noble
Fang> because of her high pride, to disregard the order of her own [Navel Master]. To
say nothing of her definitely not doing something as shameless as desperately begging
her brethren to stay silent without questioning her about having secretly returned in
the dead of the night.”

Souma shows a troubled expression as he can’t say anything in return.

It seems he’s reminded of Shyemul’s appearance acting suspiciously at that time.

“Much less doing something like placing the prepared breakfast secretely at one’s
pillow so that she won’t get discovered.”

At that point Garam displays a dejected expression and spits out in a whisper,

“Good grief, some maiden in love you are. How sickening.”

Souma realized that the breakfast he ate this morning was likely prepared by Shyemul.

With her being held in the air by the nape of her neck as she receives such a verbal
tongue lashing, even Shyemul became unable to stand it any longer and screams,

“Please. For the love of God. Please forgive me already, <Ferocious Fang>!”

Due to that, Garam snorted slightly with a “Humph” and threw Shyemul on the ground.
Souma leans over and asks Shyemul, who groans due to the pain of her butt having hit
the ground,

“Umm… what about the ambush?”

“Banuka told me As long as I’m here, it will be alright. Please don’t worry. Even If I’m
not there, it’s no problem!”

No, that probably doesn’t carry the meaning of “please leave the ambush to me,” but it’s
rather an act of him appealing himself to Shyemul, Souma judged.

He decides that he didn’t hear the nearby warriors, who seemed to belong to the Mane
Clan with their feather decorations imitating a mane attached to the collar of their
body armors, muttering “What a pity, young master” while gently curbing the inner
corners of their eyes.

“Besides, yesterday Soma didn’t clearly tell me to join the ambush. Therefore it’s not
like I was ordered to go with them.”

You’re acting like a child. Besides, it’s not that I didn’t tell you clearly, I’m pretty sure you
didn’t allow me to tell you, right? Souma was astonished.

“In other words, you planned to stay with us from the start…”

Garam sighs deeply due to Souma’s grumble.

“You only realized that now?”

While hitting the head of Shyemul, who sat down on the bare ground, with his fist,
Garam seriously said,

“Listen, Soma. This fellow here is called noble and such by everyone, but if you allow
me to put it in my words, she’s just a stubborn, willful idiot.”

Seemingly feeling inferior, Shyemul did as she was told by Garam while being hit, but
as if to demonstrate the extent of the anger she’s holding back, all her fur stood crisply
on end.

“At the time when the previous clan chief and the Elder decided for her nickname to
be <Noble Fang>, I seriously doubted their sanity. Did you think that such an idiot
would go to a safe place by herself while letting her [Navel Master] be exposed to

Now that he mentions it, I have a feeling that she was indeed too obedient. Considering
the usual Shyemul, it wouldn’t have been strange if she even made more of a fuss over
the matter.
“That’s why I said you are a fool who appears to be clever the other day.”

Souma finally notices that the words of Garam at that time had such a meaning. Even
so, it would have been nice if you had explained it earlier.

“<Ferocious Fang>! What’s this about Soma being a fool!? Calling him an idiot!?”

“You moron, get it in your head that your words and deeds also affect the dignity of
Soma, your [Navel Master]!”

As expected, with Souma being called an idiot, Shyemul, who couldn’t control herself,
flares up, but in front of Garam’s just reasoning, the wind is completely taken out of
her sails.

At that point Zurgu turned up.

“Hey, Great Clan Chief. Postpone the foolish sibling quarrel. The enemy has started to

As if slapped by those words, Souma and Garam rush back to the fence.

Sensing a presence behind him along the way, Souma turned around and noticed
Shyemul following him as usual while feigning ignorance.

When she perceives Souma’s look, Shyemul snorts slightly as if to say “Do you have
some kind of problem with that?” and floats a sullen expression.

Souma sighed due to that. Even though he had entrusted the future of the plains to
Shyemul, he doesn’t know why he even bothered and fretted over the matter so much.
It turned into a nicely wasted effort. For that reason it was kind of inevitable that
Souma’s tone became slightly rebuking.

“I only wanted you to be in a safe place, just in case, Shyemul…”

Shyemul’s reply to that was very simple.

“Then we just have to win. If we do, the just in case will disappear.”

Souma feels dumbfounded due to Shyemul saying that without any kind of hesitation.
If it was as simple as saying it, Souma wouldn’t have been troubled over it.

Souma thought I guess I have to give her at least once a scolding, but the words, which
were on the tip of his tongue, vanished all of a sudden.

“If it’s you, you will definitely win, Soma! I believe in that!”

She says this without blinking an eye and stands next to him just like usual.

With just that, his mood changed somehow.

“…I guess you’re right. Let’s win.”

“That’s the way! Just what I expect of my [Navel Master]!”

Both exchanged a smile with each other.

“Your Excellency, I think it’s about time.”

When Marius proposed so after looking up to the sky and checking the location of the
sun, Darius nodded slightly and ordered the army’s advance.

“Advance the soldiers until they are next to the hill!”

First Darius makes the punitive force move to a location that had enough distance
from the enemy camp.

Making the entire army stop there temporarily, Darius got up from his chair, took an
imposing stance on top of the chariot and hurled his orders towards all troops.

“Hit the drums! Raise your war cries!”

A soldier beats the large drum placed in the back of the chariot with all his might. Once
the large drum’s sound reverberated while causing the atmosphere to tremble, next
the horns were blown all at once and moreover gongs resounded noisily.

And then the soldiers scream while hitting the ground with the butt ends of their
spears held in their hands.
“”Yeah! Yeah! Yeaaah!!””

It’s a war cry made out of thousands of people raising their voices.

In the past the famous imperial general Inkdias has stated following:

“Blowing the horns and having the soldiers raise war cries all at once is a ritual of
starting the war that has continued since ancient times. By no means is it a
meaningless act. Due to that, the enemy will feel fear and the morale of the allies will
be raised.”

And Souma was overwhelmed by that.

If it were only loud voices, he would have likely been surprised by their volume.
However, those voices are distinctly filled with hostility. Being overpowered by the
very loud voices of several thousand humans transmitting their intention of wanting
to kill them from now on, Souma stepped back, visibly staggering.

But then someone’s hand gently supports the back of Souma.

It was Shyemul.

After conveying that he is already alright to Shyemul with his eyes, Souma says to

“Garam, we will answer, too!”

“Yeah! We will raise our voices as well!”

Garam thrusts up his right hand which held an unsheathed machete.

Thereupon the zoan warriors shouted while stamping on the spot,


And following that, the dwarves and dinosaurians raised their voices while hitting
their breastplates and weapons as well.

Having his back pushed by their zeal, Souma also shouted to the limit of his voice.
Due to the battle cries reaching him from the enemy camp, Darius nodded in satisfaction.

“A splendid spirit while facing an enemy army that has numbers several fold higher
than your own! But, a battle can’t be won with just spirit! — Contact Cashias! Tell him
to open hostilities!”

The messenger, who heard Darius order, headed to the place of Battalion Leader
Cashias who had been entrusted with the archery unit. Hearing that message, Cashias
hits his own chest once.

“Inform His Excellency! This Cashias will show him that he can scatter the rebels by

After boasting like that, Cashias had the archer battalion advance.

The battles in this era always began with a shoot-out of the armies’ archers.

Both forces bring their archer units to the forefront and fire their arrows all at once as
soon as they enter a range where the arrows will be able to barely reach the enemy.
Since the arrows were released diagonally upwards in order to increase the range and
are also affected by things like the wind, their accuracy is bad and some momentum
is lost as well. Because of that, they fire barrages of arrows and rely on the strength of
numbers rather than accuracy to hit the enemy. It’s an act following the goal of
restraining the enemy and throwing their formation in disarray.

However, this time’s opponents are zoan, dwarves and dinosaurian. All of them are
known for being races that are prominent at hand-to-hand combat without relying on
archery overly much.

Accordingly Cashias took the headwind into consideration and decided to fire the
arrows from a place closer to the enemy camp than normal.

However, when they approached a place that was still quite distant, he could see
something vigorously flying up into the sky from the enemy camp.

It makes Cashias remember the scenery of flies that gather at eaten corpses, and
grasshoppers that devour the fields all at once taking off in swarms.

However, its true identity was far more fiendish.

“Y-You don’t say…!?”

When the something that was flying out of the enemy camp headed towards them
after overcasting the sky, a sound, which a leader of an archer unit would never fail to
mishear, reached Cashias’ ears.

“Lower ranks! Prepare the shields! It’s arrows! It’s the enemy’s attaaack!!”

Right after Cashias’ shout came to an end, countless arrows tore through the air and
descended like rain while causing high-pitched sounds.

“No way!? Why are there archers with the enemy!?”

Moreover it’s an archery unit with an outrageously high proficiency. It’s reasonable
for the distance to go up due to tailwind. But, even though it wouldn’t have been
strange for the arrows to go astray due to the wind, it was a precise marksmanship as
if they completely predicted the flow of the invisible wind.

The archers of Cashias’ archer battalion were all accompanied by a lower ranking
soldier holding a shield in order to block the enemy’s range weapons, but, as might be
expected, receiving the concentrated fire of dozens of arrows made it impossible to
defend against each and every single of them with a shield. The archers were hit by
arrows alongside the lower ranking soldiers, and were brought down in succession.

“If it goes on like this, we will be annihilated! Return fire!”

The archer unit was in disarray, but hearing the order of Battalion Leader Cashias,
several archers fire back. However, such sporadically fired arrows won’t make the
enemy falter. And not only that, the majority of the arrows slump down after being hit
by the headwind, and only fruitlessly stabbed into the ground located far away from
the enemy camp.

Because he led the archers, Cashias had confidence in his eyes. Trying to at least
confirm the enemy archers, he strained his eyes and saw unexpected figures within
the enemy camp.

“You’re kidding! Those are…!?”


The chaotic state of their allied archer battalion was also perceived at Darius’ place in
the distant rear. Due to this unforeseen event, the commissioned officers and
messengers around Darius busily moved about in order to grasp the current situation.

At that moment a single mounted messenger rushed over from the front line.

“Message! Message!”

The messenger, who arrived at Darius’ place while kicking up the ground, reports to
Darius from atop the horse.

“The enemy has an archer unit! Our archer unit has suffered tremendous losses! They
are retreating!”

Just as the messenger stated, Cashias’ archer battalion, which was supposed to open
hostilities by firing a rain of arrows down on the enemy camp, started to withdraw
unable to fire almost any arrows.

“What the hell happened!? Are our Holmea archers weak soldiers that would be
routed in such a simple manner by the likes of zoan archers!?”

The messenger trembles violently upon the voice of Darius, who raised his voice due
to the weak-mindedness of the soldiers, but even so, trying to fulfill his duty, he says,

“I have been entrusted with a message to be told to His Excellency by Battalion Leader

At that point the messenger slightly hesitates to continue. It’s because he himself also
believed it to be something totally outrageous.

“He says Elven archers are in the enemy camp…”

Darius was rendered speechless for a moment and then raised a voice full of surprise,

“Elves, you say!?”

Just as they are depicted in many fantasy works, the elves of this world are also natural
archery masters. It was said that an excellent elven archer could even match ten
human archers.

The great imperial general Inkdias has gone so far as labelling “An archery shoot-out
with elven archers” as one of the mistakes one must not commit on the battlefield.

However, the reason for Darius to be surprised wasn’t just that.

It’s because he didn’t understand from just where the elves in the enemy camp sprung

It’s well-known that there are dwarves and zoan in the area of the Solbiant Plains and
Holmea, but he never heard about elves being present as well. If it’s just a few, he could
have considered them to have wandered in from somewhere. However, it should be
impossible for a significant number to be present within the enemy camp.

Darius believed this rebellion to be a sudden occurence triggered by the zoan


However, if he assumes that they invited elves, who live in a far distant land, the
possibility of it having been a rebellion that is part of a far grander scheme has to be

Darius thought that almost all the rebels are staying in the enemy stronghold, but he
started to suspect that there might possibly exist a power, unknown to him like the
elven archers, which is hiding out as an ambush somewhere.

“Increase the number of soldiers patrolling the vicinity! There might be a large-scaled
enemy attack!”

However, that was a mistake.

Darius Brutus is a just and upright general who knows shame.

Even if the subjugation and persecution against the other races was approved as
national policy, he himself didn’t harbor such animosity toward other races at all. And
not only that, he even frowned upon those who unnecessarily persecuted against
other races while blindly following the national policy.

However, this kind of thinking made Darius subconsciously forget about the relevance
of these persecuted people. He knew they existed, but he didn’t consider them as
combat forces.

The people whom Darius excluded out of his thought process were the female elven
slaves who had been transported to the city of Bolnis to be kept as sex slaves.
“Listen, Eladia. Devote yourself to your brothers and sisters. That’s the duty imposed
upon us.”

Those were the last words Eladia’s father left behind for her when she was still young.

Her father, who gently caressed the head of the sobbing Eladia, took along the few
surviving warriors, and ran towards the other side of the brightly burning forest.

They did this despite a great number of soldiers from a place called the Empire
awaiting them there.

And Eladia never saw her father again after that.

It’s a tale from when the Empire still spent all its time on warring to win the hegemony
of the continent’s centre.

An elven woman is a living treasure.

This is by no means a figurative expression.

Even in reality, elven woman are treated as prized possessions. It’s not rare to give an
elven woman instead of riches as gift to a business partner, as a reward to a military
commander that achieved meritorious deeds, or as a present for powerful people.

This treatment was largely influenced by the traits of the elven race.

Among the seven races inhabiting this Seldeas Continent, elves are considered to be
the race closest to humans. In the myths it’s said that the Human God even used the
elves as a reference when he created the humans.
It’s not entirely certain whether that part of the myths is true or not, but it’s a fact that
the appearance of elves and humans resembled each other very closely. If you exclude
the long, pointed ears which is a typical characteristic of the elven race, it becomes
difficult to distinguish elves and humans just going by their outward appearance.

Also, the resemblances aren’t just limited to their outward appearance.

Normally mixed parentage between different races is considered as impossible.

However, it was said that a mixed parentage between humans and elves, and humans
and mermen was possible. But, in contrast to the mixed parentage between humans
and mermen that doesn’t leave the area of rumors, it’s an undeniable fact that half
elves, the kind of mixed parentage where there is viable offspring, are born between
humans and elves.

This fact that children can be made between them made it easier to overcome the
mental barrier that raping a different race was taboo.

And, yet another typical elven trait changed the situation into the worst possible
tragedy for the elves.

In the eyes of the humans, elves have in general extremely well-featured appearances
as a racial trait.

Even though there’s a difference in preference between people, almost all humans
would probably answer that elves are beautiful if they were asked about it. The beauty
of the elves excels to such an extent that there’s no way to express it as anything but
them being an entirely different species.

Due to their good looks, the elves fell prey to the carnal lust of the humans.

Moreover, the superstitions that are whispered between the influential humans spur
that on.

Thanks to the elven trait where aging is hardly visible from their outward appearance,
elves were considered to have perpetual youth and longevity between the humans.

However, in reality even elves have a lifespan.

The elves’ lifespan is roughly around 300 years. Although one can’t possibly say that
they are immortal, it’s only understandable that it’s misunderstood as such by the
humans with their short lives.

Because of that misunderstanding, the superstition that one will stay young if they
have sex with an immortal, young elven girl was born.

What those in power and those possessing huge riches desire the most in all ages and
countries is to live eternally. Wielding their obtained authorities and wealth, they
pursued pleasure with elven women. In many countries, beginning with the Empire,
elf hunts are carried out frequently. Because virgin girls were especially highly valued,
countless numbers of elven women had their virginity stolen and were forced into
becoming sex slaves.

And the ones who were present in the city of Bolnis were the victims of exactly that.

It’s not like those women were happy at the time when Souma, who captured Bolnis,
loudly announced the emancipation of slaves in his “Proclamation of Iron.”

As a matter of fact, when Souma made his “Proclamation of Iron,” they were still
enslaved as sex slaves.

If one were to ask why their release came that late, simply look to the dwarves.

Elves and dwarves are, since the time of legends, bitter enemies. When the dwarves
began to rebel, they didn’t go as far as causing harm to the elven women, their arch
enemies, but neither did they take the initiative to rescue them.

Because of that Souma only learned of their existence after finishing the
“Proclamation of Iron” and checking the state of Bolnis for the sake of ambushing the
impending punitive force.

Souma, who learned of the elven woman being kept as sex slaves, immediately freed
them. And then he made them live in the rooms of the feudal lord’s official residence,
where it was difficult for them to be exposed to public notice, and asked the female
zoan warriors to look after them.

This handling of Souma was naturally something he decided upon after carefully
considering their circumstances until now.

However, the elven women didn’t consider it like that.

They didn’t think of it as anything but them being gathered as loot in that house by
their new human master who was accompanied by their archenemies, the dwarves.

However, no matter how long they waited, their new master never visited them. And
not only that, there was no sign of any of their sisters being summoned to his bedroom.
They could sense that even the female zoan, whom they believed at first to be
surveillance, were quite worried about them.

As one and then two weeks passed in such state, the elven woman gradually started
to feel anxious.

Something’s odd.

Originally it was a situation that should be delightful for them, but the eleven women,
who had a pessimistic outlook because of their circumstances, hallucinated that they
fell into some kind of unimaginable, frightening trap.

This misunderstanding was also owed to Souma’s carelessness.

Originally he should have explained the “Proclamation of Iron” to them at the time
when he released them. Also, he received reports from the female zoan about the
condition of the elven woman being weird and about them still secluding themselves
in their rooms. He had as much time as he wanted to take measures.

However, Souma left them alone and didn’t make any kind of moves either.

Yet, that was only reasonable.

That’s because Souma never experienced befriending women so far. Not just that, even
at school he only talked with male friends, and if you exclude regular greetings, he
wouldn’t be able to bring up any other name but that of his mother if he were to be
asked about a member of the opposite sex with whom he had a normal conversation.

It was probably only natural for Souma, who was so inexperienced with women, to be
timid about meeting with the elven women who thoroughly experienced the hardship
of falling prey to the human male’s lust.

Even though Souma also believed that to be wrong, he ended up delaying and delaying
to deal with the elven women, using the approaching punitive force as excuse.
At the time when the anxiousness between the elven woman gradually became worse
while such a pending state continued, a single woman finally started to do something
about it.

Her name was Eladia, a high-class elven prostitute who was sold here from distant
imperial soil.

In a place that was slightly more south than the imperial capital located in the
continent’s centre where the emperor lives.

A dense, ancient forest that no human approached.

However, that’s a story from the past. Nowadays you will only find there a huge
arsenal. It was single handedly responsible for producing the arms of the imperial
army during the warring periods, when the Empire had just founded its nation. The
ground, which was covered by lichens like a carpet in the past, has become a barren
red soil, which had been dug up in order to collect ores, and the big trees, which spread
their branches and leaves towards the sky, have been felled without leaving a single
one standing. The whole area had been reduced to a ruined plot of land. No traces of
the old days are to be found there anymore.

That long lost ancient forest is the birthplace where Eladia spent her life until she
became a young girl.

On that day, when the imperial army attacked the forest in their desire to eradicate a
sub-race and to expand their domain, her life made a huge turn.

Not only was her birthplace reduced to ashes and her father killed, but Eladia, who
was captured by the imperial army, was put into an iron cage together with her sisters
in the same circumstances, and taken to the stone capital called imperial capital.

And there Eladia was put up for sale at an auction.

The one who won the bid for her was an old man with a body that was withered like
that of a dead tree. He was an elder close to death with the god of death’s fingers
wrapped around his neck, but she remembers that only his eyes were glaringly shining
with greasy lust.
The night of the day she was sold at the auction, Eladia had her virginity stolen by the
old man.

Even after that she was raped every night. If she had just a little bit of a defiant or
opposing attitude, the old man relentlessly hit her with his cane. Those days were as
if she were watching an unending nightmare.

Before long, within such hell, Eladia noticed that she had split herself into two.

One was her own body which was getting raped as usual, embraced and entangled
with the old man on top of his bed.

And the other was her other self that dispassionately looked down upon that scenery
from above.

It was a mysterious sensation where she lost any link to reality, as if she was
appreciating the terrible events of the hateful tragedy with the protagonist being a
doll that looked exactly like her.

That was likely a defensive action Eladia took in an attempt to protect her heart by
pushing the wretched, painful experiences onto her flesh and disconnecting her own
consciousness from that.

It’s not clear whether that was a good or bad idea, but at least Eladia stopped crying.

A short time after that the old man ended up dying quickly. It’s an irony that the death
of the old man, who was somewhat delusional, was caused by him shortening his life
by drowning in Eladia’s body.

Eladia, who was once again put up for sale in an auction, was purchased by another
man and raped by him as well. As that repeated itself many times, Eladia learned the
techniques to entice men and make them enjoy sex with her.

All of it was for the sake of honoring her father’s last words.

She couldn’t save all elves. In that case she at least had to save her own sisters whom
she could catch sight of. For that sake she had to at least suitably affect the disgusting
human males who deeply desired her.

Maybe you could call it fortunate, but Eladia had grown into an outstanding beauty,
even among the elves.

Her long blonde hair that had grown down to around her hips while waving slightly,
giving one the impression of a golden wheat field rustling in the wind. Her skin, white
like freshly squeezed milk, that softly sticks to a finger like the thread of a spider upon
touch. Her slender eyebrows that look as if a straight line was drawn with a writing
brush, and her neatly shaped nose bridge. Her lips with their slight thickness are
sensual and along with her deep, emerald eyes, she is able to melt the heart of any

A poet with a reasonably renowned name in the empire formerly expressed her
beauty in such a way.

Eladia continued to enslave countless men with her beauty as weapon.

And then, while she was owned by the king of a certain large country affiliated with
the Empire, she made use of her beauty and her completely mastered wiles just as
usual, and tried to appeal for the livelihood of her sisters to be improved, even if only
for a bit.

However, an unexpected hindrance came into play.

It was the queen who flew into a jealous rage.

The king, who seemed to surround himself with sub-race prostitute beauties, almost
completely neglected the conjugal relationship. The empress being the empress, she
sometimes made out with male slaves.

As a matter of fact, that empress possessed a number of lovers and male slaves that
surpassed the number of fingers on both her hands, but even so she apparently
couldn’t stand her husband, the king, being infatuated with other women.

Choosing a time when the king was absent from the county on official business, the
empress immediately summoned the imperial household’s slave dealer and sold
Eladia off. For the empress to sell Eladia to the slave dealer instead of killing her off
wasn’t out of compassion.

In this era the imperial citizens perceived the central area of the continent, where the
Empire lies, as the centre of the world and they labelled the western region of the
continent, where Holmea is located at, as uncivilized, savage lands. The empress
wasn’t content with just killing Eladia, she tried to turn her into a plaything of

“I will have that loose body being toyed with to the utmost by ugly barbarians.”

Even the verbal abuse by the empress filled with all scorn she had to offer at the time
she was handed over to the slave dealer didn’t cause Eladia to feel the slightest bit of
humiliation. Not only that, she even admired how ugly a human could become due to
being twisted by hatred, albeit the beauty of the empress was extolled as that of a
blooming rose.

From Eladia’s point of view, who had as usual detached her consciousness from her
body, this also was no more than a part of the hateful tragic events appreciated by her
as bystander.

The boat trip from the empire to the western region wasn’t bad by any means. The
treatment of elves, who are high-priced merchandise, was worlds apart from that of
the other slaves. Especially the treatment of Eladia, who was a high-class prostitute
that kept even royalty company, was exceptional.

Once Eladia, who finally arrived in a country called Jeboa after passing several months
on ship, was introduced in an advertisement calling her “The elven beauty that came
from the Empire” by the slave dealer, she garnered wide-spread rumors in a flash.

However, the selling price attached to her was a staggering amount of money even for
a beautiful, elven high-class prostitute. If you consider her beauty and personal
history, it was a valid pricing, but as might be expected the wealthy merchants and
high-ranking nobles hesitated, causing even the slave dealer in question to believe that
she wouldn’t be sold immediately.

And yet a buyer immediately came forward.

It was the slave dealer of Holmea’s royal family.

He searched for a slave that would become the centerpiece of the birthday festival of
Holmea’s king, Warius Sadoma Holmeanis, which would be held in around one month.
For this slave dealer, Eladia was truly the ideal slave. The slave dealer, who was
satisfied with this unexpected harvest, decided to depart Jeboa earlier than scheduled
in order to deliver Eladia to the king as fast as possible.
And then, in Bolnis, the city of Holmea Eladia visited first, she met with Souma.

Author’s Notes:

Finally the entry of elves. I’m afraid to say, but they are muscular (T/N: Lies Mr. Author!
Read your own fuckin’ chapter, filled with hundred of words depicting how that blonde
bimbo is an outrageous beauty!!)

After I write about the meeting between Eladia and Souma in the latter part, we will
once again return to the battlefield.

Also, the reason why Darius wasn’t able to notice the existence of the elves is a result
of various coincidences overlapping with each other.

Souma “Proclamation of Iron!”

The zoan dwarves and dinosaurians “Give us iron!”

Tutu’s spy “The three brawny races caused a rebellion!”

The elves “(´・ω・`) in slave room”

Darius “Advance towards Bolnis!”

A citizen who escaped the city “There were around 1000 people of nothing but the
three muscular races!”

The elves “(´・ω・`) in feudal lord mansion”

The elves “We are going to fight for the sake of Souma-sama! (`・ω・´) *shakin* in

Darius “F-From where did the elves pop out?!”

“I beg of you, can’t I request an audience with the ruler of this city?”

Eladia, who wanted to learn more about the situation she and her sisters had been
placed into, first asked the female zoan warriors, who were taking care of them,
whether she could be allowed to meet with Souma.

She was told that Souma is absent as he has gone out of the city with everyone for the
sake of training. But, the female zoan, who felt sympathy for the circumstances of the
elven women, decided to get in touch with him by using the drums and even received
an answer.

“It looks like he can meet you if it’s in the evening and afterwards.”

It was a reply she received due to the good intentions of the female zoan, but Eladia
sighed slightly in her heart thinking Ah, as expected.

It’s because according to her experience so far being told that she can only meet them
in the evening and beyond always meant that she will be brought into their bedroom.

For that reason Eladia prepared for the meeting with Souma by cleansing herself with
water from the well, applying lipstick, having her sisters comb her hair and dressing
herself with the best clothes she had.

The appearance of Eladia, who had prettied herself up like this, possessed a beauty
that couldn’t be seen as anything but an illusion that will vanish once touched. Her
sisters, who noticed from her appearance that she was about to offer her body to a
human for their sake, could only shed tears.

The place where Eladia, who was sent off by her sisters in tears, was led to was the
location where Souma was arranging the countermeasures against the punitive force
together with Garam and the other leaders.
Eladia, who had thought that she will be certainly brought to the bedroom, or that it
would at least be just the two of them, was slightly bewildered.

Even so, she immediately switched her thinking and swiftly surveyed the people

According to the stories of the female zoan this rebellion is led by a human.

Currently there are merely two humans present in this place.

One is a frail-looking boy. It can’t be this one. The other one is a man at the prime of his
life with an expression that immediately tells that he’s a veteran soldier with one glance.
There’s no doubt that he’s the human who directed this rebellion.

Coming to that conclusion, Eladia tried to guess what kind of woman that man likes,
but the one to whom the female zoan, who guided her here, called out to was the boy.

The boy came up to Eladia, who was bewildered while thinking Well, I never!, and
smiled at her.

“Nice to meet you. I’m called Souma. Umm…”

Eladia felt shaken beneath her smiling mask.

Eladia, a high-class prostitute, was confident in her ability to appraise a man. However,
even with her using that ability, the boy in front of her didn’t look like a person who
would do something so outrageous whatsoever.

But, once she slightly observed the movements of the people in this place, it became
apparent to her that this boy being the core of this place was an undeniable fact.

Feeling surprised, albeit only slightly, due to her being this confused for the first time
after several decades, Eladia breathed out slightly and calmed her emotions.

“Excuse me, but would it be fine for you to tell me your name?”

Souma first asked Eladia, who was in such a state, for her name.

She considered it strange that he was someone speaking in such an extremely humble
manner, but, Eladia introduced herself without batting an eyelid.
“I feel extremely delighted to see your countenance. I’m called Eladia. I’m very pleased
to make your acquaintance.”

She showed a gentle smile while saying so. With just that, the eyes of Souma, who isn’t
used to women, began to slightly waver.

The sharp-sighted Eladia, who didn’t fail to notice that, muttered in her heart “He’s
more childish than expected.”

Souma, who doesn’t know that she was thinking about him in such way, awkwardly
scratched his cheek while asking,

“I heard that you have something you wish to consult me about?”

Are you going to play it like that? Eladia revealed a faint, ironic smile.

If there were men, who pushed her down with force as if there was no use in arguing
about it, there were also those who tried to attract her affection by praising her beauty
while laughing vulgarily. And, understanding that she’s in a position where she can’t
resist, there were also men who enjoyed inducing her to say indecent words or words
of submission by playing dumb like this.

That’s why Eladia chose words to flatter a man’s vanity in order to win a man’s favor
just as usual.

“I’d like to be honored with your esteemed benevolence, Lord Soma. My pleasure is
your pleasure. I shall offer all of this body and soul to you, Lord Soma. Please, grant
your endless compassion to this humble me.”

Souma was flabbergasted due to Eladia going on her knees while spreading the hem
of her clothes on the floor like a flower.

Due to his reaction, Eladia lamented whether she made a mistake in her way of dealing
with him. Wondering whether he maybe prefered a woman, who shows more
resistance, over an obedient one, she made her body tremble, averted her eyes slightly
and pretended to conceal her shame, contrary to her previous words.

But, instead Eladia became baffled due to Souma starting to panic.

“Wa-Wait a moment!”
At last Souma realized that there was a discrepancy in their mutual understanding.

“What do you mean by that!?”

Marchronis, who happened to be present, was unable to watch this any longer and
told Souma,

“She’s wishing for your favor. You might even call it servitude.”

But, even so Souma only continued blinking his eyes incessantly, not understanding
the situation at all. Marchronis, who thought that it wouldn’t get through to him unless
he chose a more direct approach, explained plainly,

“She’s telling you to ravish her as you like. It looks to me as if she will accept that
delightfully. In exchange, she requests your protection.”

Finally Souma understood the state of affairs. Just as he did, his face became bright
red, he opened his eyes very widely and yelled,

“Eh!? Eeeeh!?”

Souma is a man as well. In the novels he read in modern Japan, he didn’t dislike the
trope where the protagonist, who made a trip to another world, creates a harem and
has sex with various cute girls. He even had the dream of also creating such a harem,
if he ever went to a different world. Of course he intended to properly reserve spots
for elven girls in that harem.

However, once he actually came to a different world, he absolutely never had the
leeway to create something like a harem. But then again, even if he had the time to do
so, Souma, who didn’t associate with women, probably wouldn’t have the ability to do
so in the first place.

He looked at the others around him to find some help, but the males apparently
couldn’t understand why Souma had lost his composure to such extent.

In this world, where strength still meant everything, it was a matter of course that the
winner obtained the right to freely do anything with everything the loser owned.
That’s exactly why it would be unlikely for someone to criticize him, if he made Eladia
his sex slave as requested by her.
Souma comprehended that this appeared to be the common sense of this world, but
there was no way for him to be capable of simply changing his attitude completely and
receive her happily. If he had such nerve, he would have led a slightly different life.

Besides, after all is said and done, the unshakable trust of Shyemul, who whispered
“Don’t confuse Soma with such a vulgar man” next to him, was very terrifying.

Souma didn’t have the guts to the degree of saying that he would accept Eladia in this
kind of situation.

At any rate, because Souma resolved his misunderstanding, he frantically persuaded

Eladia, waving his hands around like crazy while doing so. In a certain sense he might
have been more desperate than at the time of making the “Proclamation of Iron.”

“…Are those your true feelings?”

As result of that, Eladia was finally able to realize her own misunderstanding. Her face,
that looked artificial like that of a doll until just now was only filled with puzzlement.
It had become extremely human.

“I don’t plan on turning anyone into a slave! It’s the truth! You and your elven friends
are free.”

From his frantic behavior, Eladia judged that Souma didn’t seem to be lying.

At that moment the consciousness of Eladia, which had been detached until now, fell
straight into her body.

And then Eladia cried.

The many years, where she had her heart and body thoroughly defiled and yet
continued to protect her sisters while using her father’s last words as sole support,
weren’t in vain. She felt that she had been repaid for all of it.

“Father…! Father…!”

Eladia sobbed at times while having a fit of crying.

Eladia continued to weep in front of Souma and the others, who were bewildered by
her suddenly bursting into tears, for some time.
Once Eladia finally smiled charmingly after having run out of tears, she apologized for
her impoliteness until now and began to talk to Souma,

“Don’t you need elven archers?”

Currently Souma’s forces only consisted of zoan, dwarves and dinosaurians, all of
them great warriors who possess strong bodies. However, they can only demonstrate
their might in hand-to-hand combat, and are really bad at fighting with ranged

Because of that Souma, was wracking his brain on what to do with the punitive force’s
enemy archers. The words elven archers were exactly the kind of words Souma wanted
to hear.

But, although it’s only natural for the elves of the fantasy works known by Souma from
modern Japan to be strong at archery, he felt doubts whether that was really true in
this world.

Seemingly those doubts appeared on his face. Eladia laughed slightly and told him
“Please look at my skills first.”

As it had been decided that Eladia would exhibit her archery skills in front of everyone,
a scarecrow was hurriedly set up in the feudal lord’s residence’s courtyard. And then,
while being observed by Souma and the others, Eladia stood around thirty melt away
from the scarecrow.

At the time when she was about to pick up the bow that had been prepared for her,
Eladia hesitated slightly.

For elves bows are tools they use every day. They are companions who share their joys
and sorrows. And to some they are even holy. Won’t I get rejected by the bow, if the
sullied me tries to touch it? That worry crossed her mind.

However, she resolved herself and took the bow into her hands.

The touch of the leather coiled around the grip part. And the existence of the wood
she could feel through it. An agitation similar to blood regurgitating immediately ran
throughout her entire body alongside the feeling of the bow sticking to her palm.

Yeah, in the end I’m really an elf.

Eladia trembled due to the suddenly deep emotions she felt after actually touching a
bow for the first time in several decades.

After Eladia enjoyed that excitement for a short time, she checked the bow once more.
The condition of the grip, the bend of the bow and the strain of the bowstring. The
bow was bigger than Eladia’s ideal bow, but in reverse its tension and elasticity felt
unsatisfactory. But she came to the decision that a crude, strong bow would be
probably be for the best as her skill had declined as result of her not having drawn a
bow for a very long time.

Eladia, who directly confronted the scarecrow serving as target, checked the contents
of the quiver at her waist with a glance. There were seven arrows inside.

“Since it’s a bow I’m holding for the first time, I’d like to be allowed to only test it with
two shots.”

Eladia combed her hair upward, exposing the elves’ characteristic long and pointed

It’s not like the elve’s ears are big for no reason. It’s essentially the result of them
having evolved so that they won’t miss a single faint sound in order to find prey, and
in reverse, to sense the approach of dangerous beasts within the forest with its bad
visibility due to the thickly growing trees.

Moreover, they are not just big. One won’t know if they don’t observe them from quite
close-by, but inside the external ear (A/N: An ear is composed of external ear, middle
ear and inner ear. The parts appearing outside the body belong to the external ear. Those
parts are commonly referred to as ear.) there are minute creases depicting complex
flowlines. One can consider their effect as an amplifier which efficiently collects the
sounds caught by their long ears.

Moreover, according to a theory, the elven ears are highly efficient sensors that can
sense not only the wind’s direction and its strength, but also the temperature and the
level of humidity, on top of the atmospheric pressure. In reality, fine nerves,
incomparable to those of the humans, run along the elves’ external ears.

And, for the elves in question that wasn’t a theory, but instead they instinctively knew
that they can sense the situation in their vicinity by exposing their ears.

Eladia fired one arrow first. That arrow largely diverted to the right of the scarecrow,
and moreover fell down with a “plop” far away from it.

Next was the second shot. This time it flew straight ahead, but even so it dropped next
to the scarecrow.

Among those who observed that an atmosphere resembling that of disappointment

spread as they wondered whether the elven archery, of which they had heard in
rumors, was really something like this.

Eladia nocked the third arrow.

If one said that she wasn’t nervous, that would be a lie.

With the two shots so far she was mostly able to grasp the peculiarities and power of
the bow. However, apart from that, her own skills after not having touched a bow for
several decades had declined more than she had expected.

But, if she didn’t show the proficiency of the elves here, they would inadvertently fall
behind the other races.

Eladia’s nerves were screaming due to her tension, just like a bowstring that was
causing grinding sounds after having been drawn to the limit.

At that moment a gentle gust of wind rustled along Eladia’s ears.

[No good, Eladia. If you put that much power into it, it will deviate to the right.]

The words of her father teaching her archery in the past reverberated in Eladia’s ears.

The elves have only few things they are obsessed with. It’s because they have the
leeway to simply enjoy the things that caught their interest at times due to their long

However, the sole exception was the bow.

Elves are born while grasping a bow.

This was a timeless phrase extolling the elven skill in archery that had been widely
spread across the Seldeas Continent.
As one might expect, that was too much of an exaggeration, but the elves let their
babies hold onto toy bows and they are given bows to train with as a present once they
reach the age where they gain the ability to understand what’s going on around them.
From the time she became aware of her surroundings until the time when she was
caught by the imperial army, Eladia endeavoured in training everyday with her father
as teacher.

For elves that was a short time, but in reality it was comparable with the period it
takes a single human to be born and grow up into adulthood. The basics, which were
carved into Eladia while training for those many years, still dwelled within her.

“…Understood, Father.”

Eladia fixed her aim slightly.

And then she shot the arrow.

A light thump was audible.

At first everyone didn’t understand what kind of sound it was. But, once they strained
their eyes, they saw the scarecrow’s body quiver faintly with one arrow stuck right in
its middle.


Admiration leaked out of everyone’s mouths.

The next shot arrow pierced a location slightly right above the previous arrow. Souma
and the others wondered whether its aim was slightly off. However, with the next shot
arrows piercing the scarecrow’s throat, forehead and head, they understood that the
previous arrows pierced the heart and the solar plexus.

Souma, who isn’t well-informed about archery, considered that to be amazing, but
because he didn’t know just how amazing it was, he asked Shahata, who was extremely
knowledgeable about archery among those he knew.

Shahata answered him with a resentful look,

“Sir Soma, you are a tease. Please spare me from asking about the difference between
the light of a candle and the radiance of the sun.”
If it was such a distance, hitting the scarecrow wouldn’t be difficult for Shahata. But,
as expected, precisely aiming at the vital spots up to that point was impossible for him.
Precisely because he thought that he had reasonable skills himself, Shahata dropped
his shoulders in a crestfallen manner.

Seeing that, Souma admired it with “To such an extent?”

At that point, Eladia, who had finished shooting the arrows, walked over and
gracefully bowed towards Souma.

“I’m very ashamed for showing you such crude skill. With this, this is the best I can

“Is that bow bad?”

Souma was surprised due to her phrasing it as if she would be able to show him even
better results if she had a better bow.

“No. Isn’t that a good one for a human bow? But, once you experience an Elven Bow,
you will always feel dissatisfied with anything else.”

“Elven Bow?”

“Those are bows that are handed down among us elves. I’d like to make one if we have
time, but this time I have no other option but put up with this bow.”

A strong conceit could be sensed in Eladia’s words. I guess she’s quite confident in that
Elven Bow or whatever it was. Having his interest aroused due to that, Souma asked
for no particular reason,

“Hee. What kind of bow is it?”

“You are interested in it?” Eladia’s eyes shone mysteriously. “The manufacturing
method of Elven Bows is something that’s not allowed to be taught to others by all
means, but if you insist on it, Lord Soma…”

At that moment a weird voice resounded.

It was a strange voice that came out because Dvalin forcefully swallowed his surprise

Dvalin was probably the only other person in this place that knew the value of an Elven

The range and power of shooting arrows also depends on the archer’s skill, but the
tension and elasticity of the bows that are commonly used are set. For that reason it’s
fine to make big bows with a rather high tensile strength if one tries to raise the the
range and power in a very simple way. In other words, a long bow.

However, for the elves, who hunt in the forest, the bow is a daily tool. Carrying such a
lengthened bow within a forest overgrowing with foliage and vines would be very

Accordingly the elves enhanced their bows by improving on the used materials
instead of lengthening them.

What came out of that process was the bow called Elven Bow.

In contrast to the bows of this era that were created by using just one kind of lumber,
an Elven Bow is created by pasting together several materials such as metal, and the
horns, bones, skins and tendons of animals. By combining materials with different
levels of hardness and elasticity, they regulate the tension and elasticity of the bows,
and it has reached the point where the different composition of the materials can
endure the strength that will be put into the bow.

Due to the devising of the combination of materials and the bow’s shape, an Elven Bow
is a super-weapon that has the size of a small bow while possessing power and range
equal or even beyond that of a longbow.

It was only natural that the human countries, starting with the Empire that spent all
its time warring, wanted to get their hands on the manufacturing method of that Elven
Bow. However, the production process of the Elven Bow is a secret of the elves. All
human craftsmen, who tackled its manufacture, failed.

It’s said that thereupon the Empire’s imperator caught the elven king, who knew the
production method, and tried to extract the knowledge from him through torture.
However, no matter what torture he was forced to suffer, the elven king never
disclosed the secret. The emperor, who was enraged by that, thoroughly raped the
elven king’s queen and princesses in front of him, but even so, the elven king didn’t
say anything. Finally the elven king used a momentous gap in his surveillance and
threw himself out of a window, and thus protected the secret of the Elven Bow with
his own life to the bitter end.

Souma, who didn’t know about those circumstances and the value of the Elven Bow,
showed a modesty characteristic for a Japanese.

“Err, well, if it’s such important manufacturing method, you don’t have to force
yourself to tell me.”

Due to that, Dvalin, who had pricked up his ears to the limit, leaked a small sigh.

Dvalin, a dwarven craftsman, harbored complicated feelings about the Elven Bow.

Even with all the boasting of the skilled dwarven artisans, one thing they weren’t able
to make in this world was the Elven Bow.

They disassembled the few Elven Bows they managed to obtain and thoroughly
investigated those. Using the same materials, the even created a replica to the degree
that one wouldn’t be able to tell it apart from the real bow, and yet, no matter what
they did, they weren’t able to reach the power output of the real Elven Bow for some

At last a single dwarven artisan put aside his pride, and after piling up mountains of
gold and silver treasures, he asked the elven king to teach him the manufacturing
method. However, the elven king answered like this:

“Would you feel like teaching me the manufacture method of glass if I piled up the
same amount of treasures?”

Just like the manufacturing method of the Elven Bow for the elves, the manufacturing
method of glass is a secret for the dwarves they would never share with others.

It’s said that the dwarven artisan left dejectedly while unable to return a single word
to the elven king.

After Eladia slipped a chuckle due to the disappointed Dvalin, she changed her
expression and deeply bowed her head towards Souma.
“I’m very sorry for doing something as boorish as testing you, Lord Soma.”

Due to these words Souma realized that he was tested whether he would flatter the
elves in order to get the information about the secrets of the Elven Bow out of them,
but he didn’t even show an attitude of being offended and only smiled wryly. Not only
that, Souma frantically soothed Shyemul who became angry due to Eladia’s rudeness
in his stead.

After that he once again praised Eladia’s archery highly.

That wasn’t just because he had been taught about the greatness of her ability by

It was because Eladia is a master archer and a beautiful elven woman. She was exactly
like a character out of the fantasy novels which Souma had repeatedly read in modern
Japan. It couldn’t be helped that Souma, who likes fantasy, would get excited with such
a person in front of him.

Due to Souma admiring her with glittering eyes owed to his childish excitement, Eladia
reflexively revealed a smile.

What sweet person he is.

Eladia was truly astonished of herself for harboring such emotions towards a human.

“So, is it possible for me to be employed as archer?”

Of course there was no way for Souma to refuse that request. The result was that the
elves were added to Souma’s camp.

It’s a digression, but another day even Souma was allowed to draw a bow as a test.

However, despite Eladia drawing the bow easily, Souma couldn’t pull it even halfway,
no matter how much strength he put into it.

“A bow is not only about strength. It’s something you draw with reason, Lord Soma.”

Although he was told so, Souma didn’t understand at all. He pulled the bowstring
desperately, but at last it reached the bow’s limit and he reflexively let go of it. Because
his way of drawing was a total mess, the nocked arrow shot off sideways going in who
knows what manner. It eventually bounced off Garam’s chest, who was standing
around that area.

After comparing Souma and the arrow that fell at his feet, Garam said following,

“Soma. You are someone with a blessing, but you shouldn’t be a nuisance to your
surroundings, okay?”

Souma couldn’t do anything besides feeling ashamed.

Eladia, who received Souma’s consent, immediately rushed to her sisters while
holding a bundle of bows in her hands.

Although Eladia was clad in a somewhat vague mood that she would be broken at the
time when she left, she ran back with an expression full of life. Her sisters were
surprised wondering just what had happened to her.

Eladia simply explained Souma’s intentions in front of the bewildered women, and
then said,

“If there’s some among you who want to regain their stolen freedom and dignity, pick
up a bow alongside me!”

Of course no one raised an objection.

The elven women, who stood up with bows in their hands, started to move full of
motivation, as if taking back the time they spend in idleness until now.

For the sake of regaining their archery sense that had started to dwindle in the many
years that had passed, they started to train while even forgetting to sleep and eat.
Seemingly unable to be satisfied with the bows that had been used by Bolnis’ guards,
they borrowed tools from the dwarves and remodelled the bows with their own
hands. Being unsatisfied with those as well, there were some who started to make
bows by themselves.

“Making bows and arrows is nice and all, but are you guys alright?”

It was natural for Souma, who visited their workshop, to be worried. As far as Souma
knew, the elven women continued to train and make bows and arrows with almost no
rest or sleep. It was a big help that they were doing their best, but it was obvious that
they would collapse if they went on like this.

However, Eladia shook her head slightly.

“I’m very sorry for causing you to be worried, Lord Soma. But—.”

Eladia turned her eyes towards her sisters who were making bows and arrows.

“Please look at them. Those happy expressions. Those girls are currently very happy.
It’s because they can touch a bow, although they thought that they would never again
be able to touch one, and they can make arrows, although they thought that they
wouldn’t be able to make those. Please let those girls do as they like for now.”

Once he was told so, Souma couldn’t say anything.

‘Certainly, the faces of the elven woman, who are making bows and arrows, are
sparkling vividly. Their appearances already aren’t those of sex slaves who only live
with their raw pessimism. They look like warriors who are about to fight by their own

“Please make sure to watch their performance of repaying your favor, Lord Soma.”

And then Eladia entered the encampment alongside her 200 sisters. Although they
had the overwhelmingly advantageous condition of having the northern wind in their
back, they repelled the archer battalion of Holmea, according to Eladia’s
announcement, almost without even giving the opponent the leeway to shoot their
own arrows.

The elven women at this time covered their mouth with a black cloth, feeling ashamed
to reveal their faces on the battlefield because of their stain of having been sex slaves.

This was something they did in imitation of the zoan after hearing that they did the
same when they launched a night raid according to Souma’s instructions for the first
time. After this it became a custom for them to always conceal their mouths with a
black cloth whenever they stood on the battlefield.

Even though they were slandered for being the “ [Divine Son of Destruction]’s
prostitutes” later on, at the same time, their loyalty and superior archery, which was
feared by the surrounding countries, became the archetype of the “Black Elven

Once his momentary shock passed, Darius collected himself and surveyed the enemy

Going by the movements within the enemy camp and the number of arrows released
against our archer battalion, I estimate that the number of elven archers is around 200.
Even if they might be elven archers, there’s absolutely no need to be afraid of them if it’s
such a small number.

Also, even if there was an ambush hiding somewhere, he couldn’t believe that they
would have a bigger number than those within the enemy camp. As expected, if there
had been such large-scale reinforcements, it should have been noticed at some point, no
matter how you look at it.

Once he thought so, I guess there will be an ambush as predicted at first. Apart from
that, there are slightly more than expected. In that case this battle will reach its
conclusion as long as we defeat the enemy’s main force that’s secluding itself within the
enemy camp with our entire army rather than idling around and being afraid of an

Having made his decision, Darius passed a decree to a messenger.

“It will never end like this! Tell the heavy spear infantry battalion! Advance and
trample down the enemy camp!”

“I shall repeat the order! Tell the heavy spear infantry battalion! Advance and trample
down the enemy camp!”

Having heard Darius’ order, the messenger whipped his horse once and galloped
towards the heavy spear infantry battalion. A short time after his figure vanished
within the regiment, the drums were played and the regiment ran, similar to ripples,
in a joined formation alongside the beats of the drums.

At last the prided heavy spear infantry started to move in a dense formation.
The roaring voices of several thousand people reverberates at the foot of the mountain
that had become a battlefield.

“”Advance, advance, Holmea’s brave men! Go forward! Go forward shoulder by

shoulder with your comrades! Open a path for the comrades following behind you!
Come on, comrades! Advance forward together!!””

That was the song Holmea’s heavy spear infantry unit sings when they link up into
formation and advance.

Them being made to collectively sing that is not only because of the drum beats,
neither is it for staying in step so that the march doesn’t get disordered, but it’s for the
effect of alleviating the soldiers’ fears by having them sing with loud voices.

The drum and fife instruments play and the heavy spear infantry regiments raise their
voices to the noise, marching on as they line up their spearheads. The spectacle went
beyond dread and entered the realm of being bizarre.

That doesn’t mean that Souma and the others simply watched on as the heavy spear
infantry regiments closed in.

First the archer unit led by Eladia delivers a preemptive strike.


Eladia shouts while nocking an arrow to the string of her own bow as well. Matching
that, the elven women simultaneously nocked arrows to their bows.

“— Draw!”

The sound of bows being bent with heavy, dull creaks resounds all over.
“— Fire!!”

The released arrows pour down on the dense formation like rain coming down in

However, the arrows were blocked by the shields of the heavy spear infantry. There
were a few soldiers who were wounded through small gaps in the shield wall by
chance, but the soldiers in the rear immediately filled those holes, not allowing the
formation to fall apart.

Eladia’s beautiful face is dyed in the color of irritation.

I had been told about it in advance, but I believed that we would be able to inflict more
damage if we made use of our archery skills. But, the defence of the dense formation is
tighter than predicted. At this rate we probably won’t be able to obtain any military
achievements no matter how many arrows we shoot.

In addition, due to not having touched a bow for a long period of time, they already
felt their arms getting heavy and tired, causing doubt on whether there’s any sense in
pointlessly continuing to shoot arrows like this.

At that moment voices were raised from the western side of the camp.

“The enemy has come to attack from the west!”

The ones who were closing in on the encampment from the western side in concert
with the heavy spear infantry regiments was just one unit that had been deployed in
a place further away from the regiments.

“They came after all!”

Souma ran up to the western fence and checked the enemy forces.

The formation of the heavy spear infantry regiments sustained a clean rectangular
shape while advancing. In contrast to that, the unit attacking from the west had an
unstructured formation in order to advance while avoiding the rocks spread out in the
terrain, and looked similar to an amoeba from afar.

According to their plans, they should deal with it by assigning around 30% of their
forces to the west if they were to be attacked from there as well. But because the elven
archers were stronger than expected and the heavy spear infantry regiments’ defence
was solid, Souma decided to change the plan.

“We are altering the plans! Eladia and all elves, move to the western side! Please
prevent the enemy unit to get close by any means necessary!”


Eladia gallantly waves the hem of her clothes and moves towards the western part of
the encampment while taking her sisters along.

“The other people will get ready for the enemy main force coming from the south!”

Yelling that, Souma looks for the others. Finding them, they had already started acting
before even receiving Souma’s order.


“Yes, I know, I know.”

Dvalin and the dwarves waiting behind him took bundles of firewood and dry grass
into their hands. The dwarves efficiently piled those up before the fence.

And, at the moment it swelled up like a hill, Dvalin set it aflame with a torch he held in
his hand. The bundles of dry grass and firewood caught fire, and as green wood was
put in in-between, a dense white smoke rose up. Being carried by the north wind
blowing down from the mountain in the rear, the smoke flowed towards the heavy
spear infantry regiments.

Ascertaining that with his own eyes, Souma hurled further orders.

“Garam’s group, fall back! Dvalin, Jahangil!”

The zoan, who were throwing stones in front of the fence, withdrew behind Souma.
The dwarves and dinosaurians went in front, as if changing places with them, and
lined up in a row behind the fence. The sight of them lining up with their burly bodies
looked just like a wall of flesh.

“Hey! Fighting Spirit! Raise your fighting spirit!”

Alongside Dvalin’s encouraging yell, the dwarves and dinosaurians raised their voices
while banging the butt ends of their long-handled weapons in their hands against the


Those screams even reached the ears of Regimental Commander Kadomos who led
the heavy spear infantry regiments on the other side of the white smoke.

The enemy camp was already at a distance of beckoning.

Originally attacks by arrows and stones would intensify at such a distance and it was
an established tactic to charge without stopping at that point. If it was this level of
distance, the soldiers had been trained for running it at full power while maintaining
the dense formation.

Of course the rebels will likely counterattack with stones and arrows, but at most they
will be able to launch one or two waves of arrows until we reach the enemy camp. Even
if they throw stones at us, they won’t be able to throw more than three stones per person.
If it’s that much, we will reach the enemy camp without suffering any considerable losses.

The rest would be keeping the enemy at bay by thrusting the spears into the fence, and
once we knock down the fence and destroy the embankment with ramming attacks using
our shields afterwards, that will likely decide our victory.

However, coming up to this place, white smoke was rising from the enemy camp.

I can’t believe that they are betting on fire in such an open place. Besides, considering
that it’s a fire attack, it’s extremely weird for only white smoke to rise up.

In that case, all that I can think of is them using it as a smoke screen or maybe they plan
to stop our feet with the smoke.

Kadomos calmly surveyed the area from the heavy spear infantry regiments up until
the enemy camp. Because the northwind is strong, the smoke disperses before reaching
our location. At most it is at the level of worsening the visibility of the enemy camp and
its surroundings.

If ropes to trap our feet have been spread out or pitfalls have been dug out around there,
it will become troublesome.
Kadomos called a nearby messenger.

“Send a message to Judius who’s leading the regiment on the left. Drop the march
speed. Be cautious of traps in front of the enemy camp!”

The messenger repeated Kadomos’ words, turned his horse around and galloped to
the location of Regimental Commander Judius.

After confirming that, Kadomos ordered the drums and fifes to slow down the march
rhythm with his hand. Thereupon the advance speed of the dense formation matched
with that and became slower as well.

“Front row! Advance as you hit the ground in front of you with your spears!”

In accordance with Kadomos’ order, the spears of the soldiers in the front row match
up with the drum beats, adding the sound of hitting the ground to the whole. With this
they should be able to discover any ropes or pitfalls in advance.

Moreover, he also instructed for the infantry to watch out for stones that may be
thrown out from the other side of the white smoke.

“Properly maintain the defensive shield wall! We don’t know from where arrows or
stones might be coming in!”

However, at present he didn’t sense any danger from thrown stones.

The shields held by the heavy spear infantry are reinforced with metal on the surface
of its wooden board and have leather affixed to them on the inner side. Even if they
can stop arrows because of this design, they are not capable of blocking heavy stones
many times over. The white smoke has made it difficult to see the approaching stones,
but the enemy has also lost the ability to focus their throws. That’s instead convenient
for us as we will be able to avoid the increasing power of the stone throws as the distance

All that’s left is to trample down the enemy camp!

At the time when Kadomos thought that, Darius’s place also saw the scenery of white
smoke rising from the enemy camp.

“…What’s that?”
Darius stared intensely and scrutinized the enemy camp trying to read the enemy’s

“Your Excellency, is it the enemy’s fire attack?”

The commissioned officers, who heard of Souma having burned 800 Holmean soldiers
to death with fire, wondered whether he was trying something similar.

Darius also considered that possibility, but rejected it right away.

“That’s not it. There’s probably no meaning in launching a fire attack in an open area
like this. Besides, even if it was a fire attack, I can only see smoke but no fire.”

Just as Darius said, only smoke was visible without a single trace of flames blazing up.
Darius thought that the goal is to either use it as smokescreen or as method to stop
the advance, just like Kadomos did.

Even while thinking that, the march music played by the drums and fifes slowed down
and so did the advance of the heavy spear infantry regiments.

That’s a steady judgement and command befitting Kadomos, Darius smiled faintly.
Deciding that there wouldn’t be any issues if he kept leaving it to Kadomos, Darius
turned his attention towards the surprise attack unit that might appear.

“Don’t be negligent on your watch of the surroundings! There might be an enemy

attack at the worst possible time!”

While ordering so, Darius let his look wander towards the surroundings of the
battlefield once again.

His appearance closely resembled that of a ferocious old lion searching for its hidden

The ambush troops led by Banuka were concealed inside the thickets located slightly
away from the mountain foot that had turned into a battlefield, towards the plains.

The zoan, who hunted in the plains, are used to waiting for their prey as they hide in
the bushes. Continuing to bate their breath and staying quiet in one place since the
punitive force arrived hasn’t been very difficult for them.

However, that’s only limited to talking about waiting.

Because Banuka and his troops were able to oversee the entire battlefield from their
separated location, they could clearly perceive the difference in numbers between
them and the punitive force. With only that much, they definitely couldn’t stay calm
once they considered how much danger their brethren are in.

And, above all, their respected divine child of the great God of Beasts, Shyemul, was
over there as well.

Banuka gnashed his teeth due to his worthlessness of being unable to do anything but
simply wait.

“Young master, please calm down. Impatience is taboo.”

After being chided by his clanmate next to him, Banuka realized that he had
unconsciously half-risen to his feet.

Rushing here and ending up discovered by the enemy would mean losing everything.
Banuka intentionally took a deep breath and calmed his own heart.

Soon after that the long-awaited time came at last.

“Young master! Smoke is rising from the encampment!”

That was exactly the signal they had waited for.

Banuka turned around and addressed his clanmates.

“Everybody, let’s go!”

After confirming that all of them returned powerful nods, Banuka went down on all
four and was about to start running. However, he felt a weight as if his waist was being
pulled. The feeling of confusion due to the sensation different from the usual one when
he runs across the ground lasted only an instant.

“Divine Child. This Banuka shall come for you right now!”
Banuka, who muttered that under his breath, started to run and kicked up a cloud of
dust alongside his clanmates.

The cloud of dust caused by Banuka and the others was immediately discovered by
the soldiers watching the surroundings, and the information was delivered to Darius
in a flash.

“Your Excellency! A cloud of dust is rising in the direction of the plains!”

Darius reflexively hit the armrest of his chair with his hands due to that report.

“As expected, they came, huh!?”

Once he looked in the direction indicated by the soldier, he could see a huge dust cloud
rising up. Darius guessed from the size of the dust cloud and its way of rising the scale
and type of unit below it.

A cloud of dust rising up high and straight upwards is proof cavalry or chariots moving
at high speed. There’s no doubt that the cause are the zoan. And going by the scale of the
cloud, there numbers can be estimated to be around 200 to 300.

It’s a safe bet of that being the eagerly awaited surprise attack unit.

Concluding so, Darius got up from his chair on the chariot and swung his arm forward.

“I command the unit under my direct control! Turn around towards the enemy
surprise attack unit! Bring the heavy spear infantry to the forefront and have them
join up in ranks! Line up your shields in case the enemy charges, so that you can defend
against this!”

According to his commands, Darius’ unit started to move.

The unit under Darius’ direct control was a battalion of approximately 500 soldiers
consisting of Darius’ private army, the elite unit of Holmea’s army. In addition, there
are two companies of common soldiers led by Borgus. While the number of soldiers
was only that much, it was the same unit that was thoroughly thrown into action when
the zoan surprise attack happened before. They smoothly reset their formation into
one to counter surprise attacks.
In front the heavy spear infantry lined up with their huge shields at the ready. Then
came the spear infantry with their spears ready. And even further, archers lined up
behind those two.

It was a sound setup that had the archers first shoot their arrows while the attacking
zoan would be held back using the line of shields and spears.

Darius gazed at the battalion’s condition that had reset its formation while imposingly
standing on top of the chariot which was slowly changing its direction, but being
concerned about the situation at the enemy camp, he looked behind over his shoulder.

What he saw then was the infantry battalion incessantly attacking from the west while
the heavy spear infantry regiments were about to finally reach the enemy camp. Before
long the enemy camp will probably be bitten and torn apart from the west and south. No
matter how much the rebels might try to resist, they’ve essentially reached the end of the

Darius, who was convinced of his victory, sat down on the chariot’s seat.

It happened at that moment.

Some black shadow passed by in a corner of Darius’ view.

Darius, who felt strangely bothered by that for some reason, completely turned
around in the direction of the enemy camp and strained his eyes.

And, making sure of the true identity of that black shadow, Darius voiced it out for no
particular reason,

“…A bird, huh?”

“…Birds, huh?”

It was several birds that took off from the forest located east of the enemy camp.

Birds that can be seen often around this area, nothing unusual.

But, for some reason it strangely weighed on Darius’ mind.

“Your Excellency? Did something happen?”

One of the soldiers, who noticed Darius staring at the flying birds, calls out to him.

“No… I guess those are birds.”

He states the bare truth while wondering why this worries him so much. Thereupon,
the soldiers turns his eyes in the same direction as Darius.

“…Ah, some birds have flown away from the forest, right?”

Even while he said so, another batch of birds took off.

“Perhaps they have been surprised by the regiments’ spirit.”

Due to the words of the soldiers, which felt like a joke, Darius feels an impact as if
having been hit by a blunt weapon on his head.

“Wh-… What did you say?”

Darius bends himself forward from the chariot and intently stares at the enemy camp
that was already right behind him.
“What’s the state of the enemy camp!? How are things going!?”

The soldiers confirms the question ambiguously, “It’s not very visible from here due
to the smoke.”

Mostly ignoring what the soldier was saying, Darius shifts his attention towards the
zoan ambush unit approaching from the plains.

Straining his eyes, Darius fixedly stared at the cloud of dust, but he suddenly opened
his eyes widely.

“…We have been had!”

As if matching with Darius’ shock, the chariot’s wheels ran aground causing it to sway.
Due to that the dumbfounded Darius staggered on his feet and was about to fall, but
he managed to steady himself on his chair with both of his hands.

“Have the unit return in a hurry! Messenger! Inform the heavy spear infantry
regiments and the right-wing infantry battalion to prepare for an enemy ambush!
Drums! Hit the drums!”

“What happened, Your Excellency!?”

Once asked by the soldier who became surprised to Darius panicking all of a sudden,
Darius points at the cloud of dust raised by the zoan ambush unit.

“Look properly! Even though the dust is rising up, the zoan have not been visible at all
since a while ago!”

Now that he mentions it, the dust is blowing around with quite the force, but so far
the zoan are not visible. It’d be strange if the zoan weren’t able to shorten such a
distance with their leg strength.

Spitting out the bitter taste of regret spreading within his mouth, Darius said,

“Those are dummy soldiers! They are pretending to be many with a few soldiers!”

Darius’ assumption was correct.

The ones blowing up the dust are merely a ten-odd zoan led by Banuka. They are
dragging bundles of brushwood with ropes they had coiled around their waists. They
cause a large cloud of dust to rise up by running side to side, making others believe
that there are several hundreds of military forces present at that moment.

“Dummy soldiers, you say!? But, for what reason!?”

Darius turns around and thrusts his finger into the direction of the enemy camp due
to the soldier’s surprised outcry.

“It’s the forest! Birds have flown up from the forest one after the other!”

Because the birds have taken off, it means that there’s something that has frightened

However, that’s not because of the heavy spear infantry regiments having closed in, as
the soldier said. Seeing that the rebels, who are a lot closer to the forest, had raised
battle cries many times, the birds would have probably flown off a long time ago if
they were to be surprised by something like the heavy spear infantry regiments. Also,
Darius wondered whether it was because of the white smoke caused by the rebels, but
looking at the wind direction, that was impossible.

Considering all that, the existence, which frightened the birds inside the forest at this
time, could be only one thing right now.

“The real ambush unit was at the enemy camp! The white smoke is a smoke screen,
but it’s not for the sake of hiding traps located near the enemy camp! It’s for the sake
of hiding a part of their soldiers who have moved inside the forest behind their

The commissioned officers and soldiers nearby were lost for words.

“If it goes on like this, the right-wing infantry battalion will suffer an attack from their
right rear by the enemy’s ambush unit! Hurry! Inform the right-wing infantry
battalion! The enemy isn’t coming from within the forest, but is going to approach
from the rear after circumventing the forest!”

As if waiting for those words of Darius, an ambush group dashed out from the other
side of the forest while raising war cries.

“N-No way! No matter how you look at it, it’s too early!”
Even Darius is no fool.

There’s no way that he wouldn’t watch out for a forest if it’s close to the enemy camp.

However, that place is a deep forest where the trees are growing densely. Such a forest
that doesn’t allow soldiers to move easily through it won’t serve as anything but a wall
that protects the encampment’s eastern flank. If that wasn’t the case, Darius’ side
would have likely formed a unit to attack the enemy camp from the forest.

And yet, seemingly using some kind of sleight of hand, the rebels had a unit move from
the encampment, even though barely any time has passed since the smoke screen was
thrown up.

And, the ones appearing from the other side of the forest are roughly 800 zoan

That number is equal to almost all zoan that were present in the enemy camp.

The commissioned officers raise angry voices due to that.

“Unbelievable! Not an ambush unit, but the main force that was inside the

“Don’t screw around! Splitting their already small force while in front of a huge
number of enemies, they have them go around to our flank!? Are these guys crazy!?
Isn’t that nothing more than suicide!?”

It was a tactic that completely deviated from the common sense of battle.

But, no matter how much they cursed at it, it was impossible for them to stop the
movements of the zoan.

While being watched by the enraged commissioned officers with bloodshot eyes, the
zoan first assaulted the right rear of the right-wing infantry battalion that protected
the flank of the heavy spear infantry regiments’ dense formation.

Originally the right-wing infantry battalion should have held back an enemy trying to
attack the flank of the dense formation.

However, what actually assaulted them wasn’t a small ambush unit, but a number of
zoan who exceeded their predictions by far. Moreover, because the attack didn’t
originate from the forest but from their right rear, the right-wing infantry battalion,
which got completely outwitted, was completely routed without any means to resist.

And, the zoan, who gathered even further momentum due to that, finally drove into
the flank of the dense formation.

“Are you asleep!? Hurry and turn around the unit! Reorganize the formation!!”

Darius shouted in a thunderous voice at the commissioned officers who are moving
about in confusion due to the unexpected situation. The commissioned officers and
messengers, who finally snapped back to reality due to that, transmit the orders to the

However, no matter how much they yelled, a unit that started to move once won’t stop
that easily. Even as the commissioned officers and messengers frantically passed on
the orders, Darius had no option but to grind his teeth in vexation due to the unit that
wouldn’t move as he expected.

At this point we revert the story to a time a little bit before this.

“Garam, fall back! Dvalin, Jahangil!”

Once white smoke rose from the bundles of firewood which were ignited by Dvalin,
the zoan led by Garam and Zurgu retreated from the fence as instructed by Souma,
and yielded their place to the dwarves and dinosaurians.

“Now then! Time for some fighting spirit! Get into it!”

They line up at the fence in order to hide the zoan, and hit the ground with the butt
ends of their long-handled spears and shout excitedly alongside Dvalin’s encouragement.
They gather their attention on the approaching heavy spear infantry regiments.


Under the cover of those very loud yells, Garam and Zurgu took their brethren along
and moved to the rear of the encampment.
They headed to the entrance towards the byroad leading through the forest.

It was a path opened up by having all the dwarves, except for a little bit more than one
hundred for constructing the encampment, putting their efforts in this direction.

Even though it’s called a path, there’s not much difference to an animal trail. As a
matter of fact, they made use of an already existing animal trail for the majority of the
distance. The path’s width is narrow to the point that it only allowed at the very most
two grown men standing next to each other, and even then, it would be a tight squeeze.
The path had been flattened and solidified by the dwarves dropping rocks on the
ground many times over, but as they didn’t have the time to remove thick tree roots
and rocks, there are also places with extreme undulations.

Chariots wouldn’t be capable of passing through it like this.

No matter how much they might level the ground, trying to pass this kind of road with
a chariot will likely lead to them toppling over. But then again, as the path’s width is
narrow, they wouldn’t even be able to enter.

And cavalry won’t be able to use it either.

If you were to try running through it while mounted, the rider’s body would get
knocked down from the mount’s back due to being hit by foliage, or their neck would
be caught by ivies.

However, assuming a passage, it would only be infantry and they won’t be in time.

Even if there’s a path, you have to leave the forest with the footsoldiers in one piece
and furthermore go around to the rear of the enemy by circumventing the forest from
there. If they do something so conspicuous, the short-handed encampment would end
up being overrun by the enemy.

Chariots and cavalry can’t pass through. On the other hand, infantry won’t be in time.

However, it’s a different talk if it’s zoan.

At first Souma considered to use the zoan, who can run as quickly as horses, similar
to infantry. For that reason he only thought of fighting in the plains for the sake of
making the most use out of their mobility.
But, the agility allowing them to run through the complicated back alleys of the city as
shown by Shyemul, is impossible for cavalry. Rather, that’s the lightly equipped
infantry’s area of expertise.

In other words, the zoan are a race that combines the quickness of infantry and the
agility of lightly equipped infantry.

If it’s those zoan, they will be able to pass through the forest. Because it’s those zoan,
they will be in time.

This was a path cut open by Souma as if capitalizing on the characteristic trait of the

Garam, who ran through the bypath like a gale, stops once after leaving the forest to
wait for the following warriors. Before long all warriors gathered and Garam said in
front of them with a voice that wasn’t loud by all means but carried well,

“The enemy is several times larger than us. There won’t be a shortage in opponents to
fight. And, the outcome of this battle was completely entrusted to us. If it cheers you
up, the enemy are no zoan warriors. — Is there anyone present who is not a warrior?”

Everyone replied with a daring smile towards Garam’s question.

After nodding once in satisfaction due to that, Garam pushes out a fist towards the
nearby Zurgu.

“I leave that side to you, Zurgu.”

“Yeah, I got it.”

Zurgu bumps his fist with Garam’s.

After that Garam declared to the warriors he’s going to lead by himself,

“Let’s go! Follow me!”

Only a little bit more is left until the enemy camp.

All that’s left is to order the heavy spear infantry to charge.

Regimental Commander Kadomos felt disappointed due to there being no traps albeit
being wary of those, but as might be expected, once it has reached the phase of
ordering an assault to end this battle, he can’t stop his excitement from welling up.

Kadomos was just about to give the order, when he heard a tumult from the right rear.
Once he strained his ears, screams and angry yells appear to be raised from the
direction of the right-wing infantry battalion.

Wondering what the hell might have happened, Kadomos turns his horse to the right

“What on earth is going on!?”

Seemingly preoccupied with something, the infantry battalion’s soldiers didn’t even
try to answer the question barked by Kadomos while keeping their backs turned his

“That Brafuss, what is he doing…”

Kadomos cursed at his colleague who was supposed to command the right-wing
infantry battalion.

At that time the infantry battalion broke apart and zoan sprung out through the gaps.

In front of Kadomos, who feels dumbfounded by the all too sudden event, the soldiers
of the infantry battalion were defeated one after the other. At last the formation
collapses and the soldiers start escaping towards Kadomos while turning their backs
on the zoan, but there’s no way for human legs to escape from zoan that are hot on
their heels. They were slaughtered without a single person remaining.

“Why!? Why are the zoan in our back!?”

A single black-furred zoan with a splendid body build rushed out from within the
group of zoan that routed the infantry battalion and headed towards Kadomos, who
was confused and unable to grasp the situation. Holding a machete in each hand, the
zoan introduces himself to Kadomos.

“I’m Garam, son of Garguss and member of the Fang Clan, one of the twelve zoan clans!
Here I come!”


Kadomos pushed out his sword at once. Garam, who swooped down on the mounted
Kadomos while dodging the sword’s point at the same time, swings his two machetes
as if trying to knock the two blades together from left and right. The body of Kadomos,
who had had his neck severed partly due to that, drops off the horse while rising a
fountain of blood.

Kadomos, who fell to the ground, formed his lips as if calling Darius’ name, but at this
point no sound escaped them anymore.

Having killed Kadomos, Garam dashes towards the heavy spear infantry which had
been thrown into panic due to the sudden appearance of the zoan.

“Those who wish to die, step up in front of me!”

The zoan warriors with Garam in the lead plunged into the dense formation and fierce
bellows as well as blood sprays were scattered into the surroundings.

Battalion Leader Burgis experienced an intense feeling of irritation.

The decree of General Darius, which was handed to him and his battalion, was to
intimidate the rebels’ encampment from the western side and to cover for the heavy
spear infantry regiments closing in from the south.

However that isn’t showing as much effect as expected.

The reason for that are the elven archers who are even now shooting their arrows in
their direction.

As soon as we try entering their archery range, arrows come flying with a surprising
degree of accuracy. Thanks to that we have no other choice but to slowly approach while
using rocks as cover.

Originally it’s the established tactic to close in on elven archers while lining up large
shields. However, because they thought that the enemy only consists of zoan, they
made the blunder of not preparing anything but small, sturdy, round shields in
preparation for stone throwing. Burgis regrets that they should have prepared large
shields if it was going to be like this, but now it was too late for that.

As a nervous atmosphere has already started to linger among the soldiers, Burgis
clicked his tongue once.

“Your bastards! Look at the enemy camp!”

Burgis was yet another excellent commander, as might be expected of the one
entrusted by Darius to cover the heavy spear infantry regiments. He was very familiar
about the ways to encourage his soldiers.

“The ones over there are elven women! Listen, it’s elven women, elven women, I tell
you! Elven women you won’t get your hands on unless you are royalty or nobility are
standing over there! If you invade the enemy camp, you can do as you like with those
women! You won’t encounter such an occasion a second time!”

For the soldiers, who were affected by the madness of the battlefield, there was no
better stimulant than this. A glaring light of lust dwelled within the eyes of the soldiers.

For a brief moment Burgis felt relieved that he was able to restore their morale with

Without even waiting for his order at all, the soldiers in the rear started to climb the
hill towards the enemy camp while shouting. It’s only natural, but the soldiers, who
jumped out in such reckless manner, were shot to death by the elves successively.

Burgi regretted that this was a far too strong medicine for them, but he immediately
notices the abnormality within an instant.

The soldiers’ outcries were screams rather than war cries. All of them paid attention
to the rear and not to the enemy camp in front.

And, above all else, there were sounds of intense bellowing and metal hitting against
metal coming from the rear of the battalion.


What Burgis saw after turning around was a group of zoan that bit into the rear of his
own unit.

Those are the zoan warriors led by Zurgu who detoured the rear of the heavy spear
infantry regiments’ rear. For Burgis’ battalion that completely focused on the elves in
the enemy camp it was equal to abruptly being hit in the back of the head.

“Why are there zoan coming from behind!?”

Burgis, who jumped out of the rock that he used as cover, tries to distance himself from
the approaching zoan, even if only a bit, and retreats while wielding the sword in his
hands to threaten them.

However, a sharp pain assails his back alongside a dull impact.

Once he looks over his shoulder wondering what was going on, a single arrow was
stuck in his own back.

Burgis tried to curse at his own stupidity for exposing his back to the elven archers
due to being too preoccupied with the zoan, but he died after having an arrow, which
drove through his opened mouth, pierce his larynx.

Having lost its commander, the battalion has become brittle. Even the remaining
soldiers were attacked by the elves and zoan from two sides and ended up getting
routed all too easily.

Zurgu, who routed Burgis’ infantry battalion, thrusts his blood-drenched machete at
the infantry battalion protecting the left flank of the heavy spear infantry regiments.

“Next up are those guys! Come on, it’s time to plunge into the deadly fray! Devour the

The zoan warriors attacked with Zurgu in the lead while raising battle cries.
The heavy spear infantry regiments that suddenly received a zoan’ assault at the flanks
of their dense formation fell into chaos.

To begin with, the dense formation was specialised for attacking the front. Moreover
the spears in Holmea are longer than those in other countries and a device to support
the spear with a leather strap hanging from the shoulder to allow handling the long
spear with one hand has been invented. The device, which exhibits a big effect if fellow
dense formations clash against each other, turns instead into a huge weak point when
an enemy is permitted to draw close.

Trying to turn the spears towards the zoan, who are rushing in from the flank, the
spectacle of the spear bearers accidentally hitting their comrades with their
spearhandles or entangling their spears took place everywhere. As the spears were
already long even under normal circumstances, that chaos was a natural outcome
once they tried to change their direction without following any directions from a
commander while inside a close formation that might be called overcrowded.

Of course the soldiers had swords as spare weapons hanging at their waists, but the
number of soldiers, who were able to keep their calm to the degree of throwing away
their spears and drawing their swords in front of the assaulting enemies, are very few.
The majority of the other soldiers attempt using their spears, resulting in their bodies
and spears crashing into each other. Having lost their composure, the soldiers try to
wield their spears forcibly despite all that and push down their allies, with whom they
collided, with their spears or struggle with their entangled spears, increasing the
chaos all the more.

The zoan, who charged in at that point, drilled into the dense formation’s flanks just
like a hot knife cutting into cheese.

In a flash corpses of heavy spear infantrymen pile up and screams of death agony
reverberate all over alongside sprays of blood.
Moreover, that commotion also spread to the heavy spear infantrymen in the front

The turmoil causes the spearheads, which were lining up orderly until then, to become
disordered and produces cracks in the wall made out of shields.

Having seen that as good chance, Souma yells, “Now’s the time!”

Upon his order, the dwarves threw their spears all at once. The spears dove into the
largely opened gaps between the shields and caused many injuries and deaths among
the soldiers. Moreover, adding stone throwing by the dinosaurians and volley firing by
the elves into the mix, the heavy spear infantrymen in the front rows collapsed with
clattering sounds one after the other.

Seeing their comrades, who were in the front of them, successively falling after being
pierced by spears, hit by stones and penetrated by arrows, the soldiers become scared
and withdraw to the rear, trying to get as much distance from the enemy as possible.
However, once they do something like that in a dense formation which is already
overcrowded even without that, they immediately bump into the bodies of their allies.

And not only that; the dense formation, which was under attack by zoan from the left
and right side, concentrated its efforts into trying to retreat from the front, left and
right. They fell into a tragic situation where the people in the central area of the
formation got crushed to death by their retreating comrades.

While being partly in a stupor due to that spectacle, Marius voiced out what he

“No fucking way! Is something like that even possible!?”

Something like losing control of himself and shouting in front of General Darius, whom
he respects, is a mistake he normally would never commit.

However, it wasn’t unreasonable either.

“Why is that happening!? How come that our army with its numerical superiority has
been surrounded by the small force of rebels!?”

The formation of dwarves and dinosaurians attacking from the front and the zoan
charging in from left and right was truly nothing else but an encirclement.
Yet, usually it’s the big force that surrounds the small force.

However, in front of their eyes the big force of the heavy spear infantry regiments has
been encircled by the small force of rebels.

“I-I have never seen or heard about something like this! This sort of stuff hasn’t been
described in any kind of military science and history books! Your Excellency!?”

The battle situation unfolding right now in front of Marius’ eyes is a very improbable,
reckless tactic, going by the common strategy knowledge he had learned so far. You
might even call it a suicidal act. But, in reality the heavy spear infantry regiments have
been completely herded together. Marius felt an impact as if his own legs had given in
with a tremble.

“Messenger Marius! I don’t remember having asked for your opinion! Know your own

No matter how close they might be, on the battlefield their ranks are merely those of
a general and a messenger. Those outcries just now were a disgraceful behavior and it
wouldn’t be strange to call them insolent. Darius relaxed his tone towards Marius, who
was covering his face that had lost all its color due to the excessive shame.

“It’s natural for unforeseen incidents to happen on the battlefield. However, a general
must not get flustered in front of the soldiers.”

Darius roared at the panicked Marius, however, even he himself felt shocked due to
the state of the battlefield that looked as if it would ridicule all the knowledge he
obtained in books and the experience he had fostered on the battlefields until now.

Saying that it overturned the common practice of battle is simple. But, something like
overthrowing the accumulation of one’s own rules obtained through many battles,
which are serving as foundation of one’s military practices, is nothing simple.

However, the rebels are right now truly about to overturn those common practices
with a do-or-die spirit and the resolve to deliberately do the reckless.

“What’s that retard Kadomos doing…!”

Darius muttered the name of his trusted commissioned officer to whom he gave
command over the heavy spear infantry regiments.
If it’s the Kadomos whom Darius knows, he should immediately see through the
rebels’ encirclement as thin, skin-like layer that will be torn by nothing more than a
little poke. Anywhere’s fine! As long as he concentrates his military forces and breaks
apart the the encirclement, the enemy can be split into parts. Moreover, he should have
noticed that we can annihilate those splinter groups by surrounding them with our
forces afterwards.

However, the fact that this hasn’t happened until now made Darius understand that
Kadomos had died.

Darius tightly grasps his fists loaded with his rage and regret.

But, it’s not like that would change the battle progress for the better. While swallowing
down the anger and despair over having lost a trusted commissioned officer, Darius
tries to regain the flow of the battle.

“Prepare messengers and the large dru-!”

At that point Darius suddenly hesitates to continue.

He was puzzled what order he should pas on to the heavy spear infantry regiments
right now.

If Kadomos is alive, there’s no need to say anything.

If I’m going out of my way to give instructions, it should be “Attack.” With just that much
Kadomos will likely take the very best measures after reading the situation.

However, if Kadomos isn’t alive anymore, the one currently leading the heavy spear
infantry regiments is Judius.

It’s definitely not like he’s inferior to Kadomos in his qualities as regimental commander,
but in Darius’ eyes he’s still quite inexperienced.

It would be fine if he found a weak spot in the encirclement and focused his forces
there, but if he were unable to accomplish that and tried to recklessly break through,
it’s very likely that the losses would become much higher instead.

Attack or defend?
Darius wavered.

“Your Excellency! What kind of orders should we communicate!?”

Being urged on like that, Darius announces his decision while squeezing out his voice.

“Order them with the drums to “Defend.” They have to hold out by all means until I

“You bastards, line up the shields without panicking! Keep up the formation!”

While listening to the drum sounds signalling “Defend” in the far distance, Regimental
Commander Judius continued to shout himself hoarse atop his mount.

As soon as the soldiers are about to disturb the ranks, he reprimands them, trying to
somehow maintain the formation.

“Calm down! Units at the flanks, abandon your spears, draw your swords and fight
back against the zoan! Central units, keep up the dense formation!”

However, as Darius had said, Judius was inexperienced.

His qualities might be sufficient, but he lacked the experience to make use of them.

If Kadomos had been present in his stead, he probably wouldn’t have limited it to
shouting about fight back against the zoan and maintaining the dense formation.

If it had been Kadomos, he would surely have given the soldiers their desired hope.

He would have probably inspired the soldiers by weaving together wishful thinking
and truth into phrases such as “Even if they are surrounding us, the enemy will fall
apart soon due to their small numbers” or “Darius’ unit will arrive very soon as

However, Judius didn’t do anything besides scolding the soldiers who are about to run
away soon.

But, blaming only Judius for that is heartless.

“You wimps! Tightly hold onto the reins of your own units!”

The addressees at whom Judius barked are the captains who had been entrusted with
platoons. All of them were young nobles with this battle being their first campaign.
With their first battle having developed into a melee, there’s no way for them to
properly control their own units. And not only that, there are even some who look as
if they are about to resign from their command by running away.

Seeing their own captains preparing to flee, the soldiers’ anxiety was stirred up,
whether they wanted for that to happen or not, causing the captains to lose control
over their unit all the more while being pushed back by the rebels even further. It was
a vicious cycle.

In addition to Judius having to take over for Kadomos in command after his
unexpected death, he’s also forced to cover for those young nobles. Either way, Judius
didn’t have the time to carefully consider the feelings of the soldiers as he was doing
his best to solve the problems at hand.

Even now Judius hurled orders with at the top of his voice after discovering a unit that
seemed to be on the verge of collapsing, but in the eyes of the zoan, he stood out quite
obviously. Due to the zoan rushing towards Judius to take his head, the soldiers were
almost pushed down, unable to mount a decent resistance. Judius, who kicked the
arses of those soldiers and somehow forced the zoan back, spit out in disgust,

“Compared to the bloodcurdling spirit of the zoan, our soldiers have cold feet. Just
what is going on here!”

And the biggest reason for the punitive force to be overwhelmed so much is the
difference in drive between the fighting parties.

This battle was seen as set victory by the soldiers of the punitive force.

After all, in addition to having such a difference in military forces, the one leading the
army is General Darius, a general extolled as the best in Holmea, making it difficult to
spot any reasons for a loss.

Hence many soldiers pondered all the time throughout the battle how to use the
reward they would receive after the battle was over or thought about the welcome of
the residents they would receive in the liberated city of Bolnis. From the outset they
underestimated this battle.
On the contrary, the group around Souma was well aware of the fact that it would spell
their doom if they lost this battle. All of those participating in this battle threw
themselves into the fights with the resolve to die.

This difference manifested itself in the actual battle in a distinct shape, which even
Judius could apparently sense.

But, Souma began to become impatient.

Even Souma knew that an encirclement of the heavy spear infantry regiments was
something very dangerous on top of having to somehow manage to keep a balance
that might as well be called a miracle.

Despite this, as they haven’t collapsed until now, the heavy spear infantry regiments are
more tenacious than expected. Even the zoan who keep pushing now will likely reach the
limits of their willpower and stamina in due time.

No, even before that, the unit led by Darius will return. Once that happens, the zoan, who
are surrounding the heavy spear infantry regiments will be attacked from outside, and
it will be our side next that’s caught in a pincer attack from outside and inside.

For the sake of that not occurring, we must hold back Darius’ unit for now. Just for a little
bit will be plenty.

And then Souma, who was pondering how he should restrain Darius from now on,
suddenly remembers. There are people inside our camp that are capable of
accomplishing that.

Souma ran to the rear of the encampment and raised a loud voice towards the
towering trees on the mountain’s slope.

“Pipi! There’s a change of schedule! Please obstruct the rear unit!”


No sooner than a high-pitched female voice could be heard from up in the trees, leaves
and branches are scattered and something takes flight from atop the tree.
It was eight girls looking still very young.

However, they are no humans. Both arms are big bird wings that flutter as they are
filled by the wind. Below their knees they have bird feet with talons growing out. Large
tail feathers peeked out through the butt part of their unique dresses which had a bold
slit from their flanks to their buttocks.

They are harpyians, one of the seven races living on this Seldeas Continent.

Those eight harpyian girls appearing in front of Souma was right after his
“Proclamation of Iron.”

“I’m called Pipi Totto Gigi! I was very deeply moved by your words! By all means,
please allow us harpyians to become your subordinates!”

Once their representative said that in a clear voice, the harpyians all at once kneeled
down on one knee and bowed their heads while trying to lay down their big wings on
the ground.

However, Souma was caught by surprise.

That’s because the eight harpyians kneeling in front of him were all girls younger than
Souma himself.

The girl, who was at the very front representing the harpyians, was at the age of a
middle school student, no matter how you looked at it. She was a little girl where it
wouldn’t be weird even if she were an elementary school student.

Once she spread her big wings sparkling in cobalt blue, it looked as if the span length
was more than four melt, but her height is at most reaching up to Souma’s chest even
if she stands erect.

Also, probably because she has somewhat big eyes in comparison to her whole face,
she looks quite young. Hence her eyes with a strong will dwelling within give off a
cheeky impression.

In addition to this, her hair has the same cobalt blue color as her wings which is
impossible for a human. She even owns unusual, frizzy hair that seems to have a sense
of touch.
“Anime hair and a cow-lick1!? From what anime did they pop out!?”

Souma couldn’t help spurting that out unintentionally.

As a matter of fact the head hair of harpyians consists of a variation of feathers.

Bird feathers have a hard rachis in their center. Plumage called barb grows from there,
forming a feather. This is no different for harpyians either.

However, only the feathers on their heads have a thin and soft rachis. Those feathers
are lying on top of each other while pliantly hanging down. From a distance they really
look like human hair.

But, it doesn’t change the fact that these are basically feathers. Unlike hair that has its
color set by just the pigments contained within, the structure of the feathers’ surface
creates its colors through the interference and reflection of light, becoming multi-
colored and beautiful to the degree of being incomparable to human hair. Also, what
Souma considered to be a “Cow-lick” is probably a remain of ornamental, bird of
paradise-like feathers.

As might be expected, Souma felt reluctant to recruit girls that are younger than
himself to fight for him, and thus hesitated to give an answer.

“Are you maybe having a misunderstanding here?”

Guessing Souma’s doubts, the harpyian girl asked alongside a bitter smile.

“Humans and others often misunderstand, but even looking like this I’m a fully-
fledged adult.”

“…! Eh? Eeeeh!?”

Once the surprised Souma looks at Shyemul searching for help, she told him after
giving a preface of “Which reminds me…”

“Harpyians seem to look like children in the eyes of humans.”

I’d like you to tell me such things sooner, Souma thought.

“Umm… Miss, Gigi?”

Wondering whether the last part might be the name of the person just like with the
zoan, he asked that, but the girl shakes her head.

“No, Gigi is my grandfather’s name. Totto is my father’s name, and Pipi is my name.
Formally I’m called Pipi, daughter of Totto who is the son of Gigi!”

“So it’s Miss Pipi then. — Umm, it’s a nice name.”

In reality Souma wanted to say that it’s a cute name, but he decided to use the safe way
of calling it “nice name.”

“Yes! I’m named after Lady Pipi, a great female warrior, who was called <Wild Eagle of
Fresh Blood> after decapitating many commanders in the battles against the humans
in the far distant past. It’s a name given to me by my grandfather!”

Far from being a cute name, it seems to be the name of the <Wild Eagle of Fresh
Blood>. Due to that Souma welcomed Pipi and the other harpyians even while having
a slightly cramped expression.

However, Souma didn’t reveal those harpyians in the battle until up to this point.
That’s not because he preserved them as trump cards. It’s merely owed to him being
unsure about the best way to use them.

He heard from the girls that throwing stones from high in the sky is the harpyians’
strong point, but it was questionable just how much effect that would have with a
mere eight people. On the contrary, if they were to fly above the enemy, they might
become hindrances for arrow and stone-throwing attacks instead.

Because of that Souma had no other option but to keep them on standby in their role
of messenger for the sake of everyone cooperating with each other and as relief at the
time when they would charge with everyone after the heavy spear infantry regiments’
dense formation fell apart.

However, currently there’s no one except them who is capable of holding back Darius’

Also Pipi and the other harpyians, who took off after receiving Souma’s instruction,
were delighted that the time for them being useful has come at last.

They knew that Souma was racking his brain about the best method to use them
because of their low numbers. For that reason they didn’t complain and grumble at
all, but in the end they felt ashamed as they couldn’t do anything but only watch the
other races’ hard fighting.

It’s easy to imagine just how much Souma’s order cheered up the harpyians who
finally gained the opportunity to be useful.

Pipi’s group, which flew up to above Darius’ unit in one go, skillfully grasped stones
from within a basket they held with one leg with the other leg while circling on the
spot and started to throw these at the humans below.

The soldiers moved about in confusion due to the stones raining down irregularly
from above their heads.

Among them there were some who tried to shoot down the harpyians with arrows,
but as they were in the middle of changing their formation in order to head out as
reinforcement to the heavy spear infantry regiments, that was prone to fail. If they
stopped at a bad point, it would disturb the ranks instead.

The punitive force’s soldiers couldn’t do anything besides looking up at the harpyians’
stone throwing from far above them, where their own attacks won’t reach, without
any usable means to counter.

Suddenly Darius’ roaring pours down on those flustered soldiers.

“Don’t panic! It’s only pebbles that are falling down! That’s nothing you have to be
afraid of!”

Just as Darius says, the stones dropped by the harpyians had at most a size allowing
the harpyians to grasp them with one foot. No matter from how high above they drop
those, the stones aren’t capable of causing a single bump from atop the helmets.

This is the reason why the harpyians couldn’t keep up with the humans even while
possessing the overwhelming advantage of air superiority.

The harpyians’ bodies are specialized for flight.

Their bodies being small to the extent of Souma misunderstanding them as children
is for the sake of lowering their weight by downsizing their bodies. Also, except for
their pectoral muscles to sustain their wings, their muscles are weak and slender to
an astonishing degree.

Furthermore, compared to the other races, they possess only a little amount of bones.
This is because they consolidated several bones into one, lowering the total number
of bones, to make their bodies as light as possible. In addition to that, the bones
themselves are hollow inside, making them remarkably lighter in comparison to other
animals. In order to make up for the shortfall of their bones’ strength, a coarse,
sponge-like bone tissue inside the hollow area supports the bones that have turned
into braces, but even so that doesn’t change the fact that their bones break easier than
those of other races.

Thanks to these bodies that might be called feeble, the harpyians were treated as a
kind of pet, rather than as slaves, for the sake of admiring their beautiful wings.

After all they can’t be used for labor with their physical strength being inferior to
human children. On the other hand, seeing as they get injured easily if treated roughly,
they are unusable as sex slaves, although one might say that their appearance
resembles that of humans closely, because they will die due to bone fractures
throughout their entire body if they are mounted.

Even so, the flight ability of the harpyians – they gained in exchange for those weak
bodies – was something that required all their effort to just allow their own bodies to

During battle harpyians prefer dropping stones and throwing arrows from above
while capitalizing on that flight ability. However, the harpyians’ flight has harsh
limitations in regards to load. It had the big shortcoming of them being unable to fly if
they held onto too many stones and throwing arrows.

One of the conditions for a great commander according to the famous, former imperial
general Inkdiaz is “Fortitude allowing one to bear with the harpyians’ stone throwing
and archery until they run out of ammunition.” If you turn that around, the harpyians’
stone throwing doesn’t last long and only requires bearing with it patiently.

“Something like harpyians aren’t worth any fear!”

Darius drew the sword at his waist and successively cut down the pillars supporting
the arrow-protection roof that covered the chariot alongside a small yell. And then he
adopts a daunting pose atop the chariot that had lost its overhead protection.
The soldiers’ disorder quickly calmed down due to Darius who showed through his
own actions that the harpyians’ stone throwing isn’t anything to be scared of.

This caused Pipi and the other harpyians to get flustered.

They had deliberately chosen to bring along pebbles they can carry in big numbers
instead of big stones possessing a strong penetration force.

While they were already limited to throwing the stones they brought along, they
would furthermore become unable to continue for a longer time if they used big
stones since they were no more than a mere eight harpyians. If it was something
allowing them to kill a great number of enemies such as bombs or fire jars light enough
that they could fly while carrying those, for example, it would be a different story, but
on top of such things not being at hand, they chose to at least increase the numbers of
stones they can throw. However, this time that choice backfired on them instead.

One of the harpyians, who noticed that their stone throwing had lost all of its
effectiveness, shouts towards Pipi,

“I will directly hit that commander with a stone!”


Pill calls out to her trying to stop her, but that harpyian flew up in the sky once and
then swooped down in one go towards Darius from there.

Although the harpyians’ feet can be moved as skillfully as human hands, the stone
throwing from high up in the sky suffers from accuracy problems after all. To hit a
specific human with a stone, they have to swoop down at their target like this and
throw the stone at the last moment.

Detecting her with his sharp eyesight, Darius laughs slightly through his nose.

“Lend a bow to me.”

Darius drew the bow, he received from one of his guards, to the limit and released the
arrow towards the harpyian descending his way. The harpyian receives the arrow with
her chest without any time to avoid it, and plummets to the ground while spinning.
After crashing, she got surrounded by the soldiers in the vicinity and was cut into
The soldiers raise cheers at the archery skill of Darius.

“Now then, don’t worry about the harpyians! Hurry and put the ranks in order! We are
heading out to reinforce our allies!”

The harpyians had already lost any means to stop Darius’ unit.

To begin with, they were prepared for not being able to restrain the enemy for long as
the number of stones thrown is too low, no matter how many pebbles they might have
brought along, but for them to be rendered helpless at such an early stage was

Unable to return for a throwing stones replenishment at this point, Pipi’s group
couldn’t do anything besides circling above Darius’ group in order to at least distract
the enemy’s attention while biting their lips in frustration.
No matter how disordered their formation might be, it’s reckless to challenge a heavy
spear infantry, specialized in attacking towards the front, from the front with a dense
formation. For that reason Souma and the others planned to attack the enemy
formation with ranged weapons such as stones and spears until their formation
genuinely fell apart, but as the punitive force was persisting more than Souma
expected, he took a bet.

“Dvalin, Jahangil! At this rate, it will be our side that crumbles first! There’s no other
choice anymore, you have to charge at them!”

Jahangil shouts out his delight due to Souma’s decision.

“Yeah, yeaaah! Finally, eh!? I got tired of playing around with stones!”

While everyone started to prepare in a hurry for the hand-to-hand combat, Shyemul
called out to Souma.

“Soma, fall back together with me.”

If something happens to Souma, it will be a drama. Shyemul was about to withdraw

deeper inside the encampment while escorted by zoan warriors. But, Souma denies
her request.

“I don’t want to. I will go together with them!”

Shyemul became speechless for an instant due to his words. However, as if making up
for that slight gap in her response, she immediately protests vehemently.

“What foolishness are you spouting!? You will just be a burden!”

Shyemul was right.

Not only doesn’t he possess the strength or courage to raise his hands against others
yet, he isn’t even able to injure anyone else due to his blessing. He won’t be anything
else but a mere drag.

However, Souma pleads frantically,

“But, it’s really wrong for me to stay in a safe place while everyone else is risking their

Even Shyemul is at a loss for words here.

Bluntly said, the statement of Souma is an immature remark stemming from his pride
that only he himself, who caused this battle, shouldn’t stay in a safe location.

However, that argumentation certainly fit to a degree with the common sense of
battles in this era.

Even until the present day, it is natural for a commissioned officer leading soldiers to
cut into the enemy at the very front at the time of a charge. If you watch things such
as overseas movies, this is also evident from there being the phrase “Follow me” when
the time to attack an enemy has come. With the commissioned officers showing their
bravery first in such manner, it enables the soldiers to also fight bravely by imitating

That’s no different in this world either. That’s the reason why Garam and Zurgu, who
lead their clanmates as chiefs, attack at the head of a charge.

Of course, even if they disregard the existence of his blessing, there’s no one in this
place who thought that Souma can fight while holding a weapon. However, while that
may be true, it’s a fact that it might very well affect the morale of the warriors if Souma,
who is their commander, retreats to a safe place while they are told to throw
themselves into a life-threatening battle.

But, even so Shyemul, who felt reluctance to take Souma to a place that will turn into
a melee, hesitated.

“Then get on my back!”

The one turning his back on Souma and lowering his hips after saying so was Jahangil.
“There’s no safer place in this battle than my back!”

“Thank you very much!”

In front of Shyemul shouting, “Don’t say anything uncalled-for!” Souma’s face

brightens up in delight and he jumps on Jahangil’s back. Shyemul loudly clicked her
tongue at that.

“Bah! You will be shaken off like that! — Anyone! Please bring a rope or a string!”

Receiving the rope brought by one of the zoan warriors who answered her call,
Shyemul roughly binds Souma to Jahangil’s back while feeling quite irritated. Souma’s
intestines were about to come out through his mouth due to being tied while getting
stepped on his back.

“Ouch! I-It hurts…!”

“If you hate it, stay back here!”

Shyemul yelled, putting her own wish into her words, but Souma shakes his head even
while his face becomes red due to the pain. Due to that, Shyemul twisted her
expression in annoyance and bound the rope even more strongly, making Souma
scream like a crushed frog.

Jahangil, who doesn’t feel anything despite being bound with the rope alongside
Souma, confirmed that Souma’s body had been properly affixed and easily stood up.
Going by his movements, it looks like he really doesn’t care about Souma’s weight at

“Everybody, stop attacking for a moment!”

Souma shouted from atop Jahangil’s back. Thereupon the intense throwing of stones
and spears stops all at once.

“—!? The enemy stopped! Now’s our chance! Attack them in one go!”

The heavy spear infantry that identified that as good opportunity charges towards
Souma and the others.

It was the over-eagerness of a few commissioned officers while Judius, the regimental
commander, was busy directing the defense. Moreover, because the flank of the dense
formation is severely struggling with the zoan, it’s only a part of the soldiers around
the center who are actually able to join in on the attack.

However, the heavy spear infantrymen, who exceeded a thousand in number despite
that, were a controlled dense formation in name only and recklessly charged, closing
in like a tsunami that breaks and swallows everything in its path.

Due to that pressure, the looks of everyone gathers on Souma as if asking whether it’s
fine to continue throwing stones and spears.

“No, not yet! Draw them in deeper!”

Even while trembling himself due to the pressure of the heavy spear infantrymen,
Souma restrained everyone.

And then, once the infantry approached to a distance where it was possible to make
out the faces of each and every single of them, Souma yelled,

“Now! Goooo!!”

Alongside Souma’s yell, the dwarves threw their spears, the dinosaurians threw their
stones and the elves shot their arrows all at once. The heavy spear infantrymen, which
hadn’t even prepared their shields properly, received those, somersaulted and


Upon the command of Dvalin, who also held a spear in his hands, the dwarves kicked
down the fence and assaulted the heavy spear infantry.

Even though it’s already under normal circumstances difficult to properly handle
spear thrusts from below as unleashed by the short dwarves, the heavy spear
infantrymen in their disordered formation received those while unable to defend.
Within little to no time, several hundred of them are killed.

However, that’s only the beginning of the heavy spear infantrymen’s misfortune.

Jumping over the dwarves, who are fiercely facing them with their spears, many
largely-built figures descended among the heavy spear infantrymen.
In the next instant, the soldiers, who were close to the landing points, dance in the air
like splinters without even the time to scream. Due to the abnormal scene, which even
feels like a hilarious act of a comedy show, the heavy spear infantrymen opened their
eyes and mouths widely.

“My blood boils. My very blood is seething! In the end battle has to be like this!!”

Jahangil, who sent soldiers flying with one swing of his arm, tightly grasps his hands
as if ruminating over the sensation. He calmly glares at the heavy spear infantrymen
in the vicinity and suddenly opens his mouth widely, bearing his fangs.

“Mine name is Jahangil Hesam Jalji, a descendant of the great dragons! Feel my wrath!
Experience my dreadfulness!”

Jahangil and the other dinosaurians, who had been released from the trivial way of
fighting by throwing stones they had been forced to do until now, raised shrill, jarring
war cries towards the battle – after bending back their throats – due to their delight
and excitement.

According to their name as tyrants of the battlefield.

According to their name as incarnations of combat.

According to their name as avatars of slaughter.

Being right in front of a member of the Tyranno species, known as being the most
ferocious among the dinosaurians who are feared while having many other nicknames
like that, all the blood is drained out of the soldiers’ faces.

The dinosaurians’ dreadfulness on the battlefield had come up as topic many times in
barracks and bars. They considered quite a few of those as exaggerations, but now
that they were actually in front of their eyes, the soldiers realized that not only were
those far from being exaggerations, but instead the entirety of the dinosaurians’
dreadfulness hadn’t been fully handed down.

“Follow me!”

Upon Jahangil’s order, the dinosaurians leapt upon the heavy spear infantrymen in
front of their eyes.
What Jahangil held in his hands is a thick chain with an iron ball attached at its end. It
seems that the slaves of some country came up with a martial art called iron chain
arts, which made use of the iron chains connected to their feet, to oppose their cruel
master, but in Jahangil’s case he’s only swinging it with all his might due to the mere
reason of “Since it was always fastened to me, my hands got used to it.”

However, if you possess the superhuman strength of dinosaurians, that much is plenty.

The iron ball, which was wielded while making use of the centrifugal force, blew away
the soldiers alongside their shields. Its thick chain entirely gouged out parts of their
flesh by simply grazing their bodies. In the blink of an eye corpses of soldiers piled up
around Jahangil that would be best described as massacred, or rather destroyed.

Getting increasingly excited due to that, Jahangil indulges in rampaging to his heart’s
content while standing in front of the dinosaurians.

Even though Souma stifles a scream with a face that’s close to weeping each time blood
splashes on him, flesh hits him or the swung iron ball and iron chain brush against his
hair, Jahangil doesn’t show any concern towards him.

Souma had already stopped feeling alive.

The rope fastened by Shyemul with all her strength has no leeway at all, causing all of
Jahangil’s motions being directly transmitted to Souma’s body. Compared to this, the
jet coaster he boarded together with his friends at a leisure park is no more than
child’s play.

“Look! Sir Soma himself has come to the vanguard!”

Souma didn’t even have the composure to deny Dvalin’s words audible from behind.

If he had listened very carefully, he would have likely heard that Dvalin’s voice was
shaking slightly due to him holding back his laughter, Of course even Dvalin guessed
the actual circumstances of Souma.

However, the true state of a situation always depends on the subjective views of those
watching it.

The human leading them, moreover a human child, who is worthless and weak in their
eyes, has become the vanguard, attacking the enemy. There was not a single warrior
who didn’t get encouraged by this.

“Uoooo!! Follow Sooooma!!”

Regardless of their race, all of them raise war cries and charge.

Souma thinks that this might be too fast in various ways, but it’s too late now. He was
completely unable to do anything besides clinging to Jahangil so he doesn’t get thrown

In exchange, Shyemul, who finally caught up with Jahangil, jeers,

“This stupid lizard! Where will you find an idiot that will jump into the front line while
carrying Soma!”

However, Jahangil merrily focuses on the battle, and doesn’t seem to notice Shyemul.
Shyemul really harbored an intent to kill Jahangil, but she turns her eyes towards a
dangerous presence facing her.

The one she found there was a dinosaurian who was small in comparison to Jahangil.
Dual-wielding curved, single-edged swords similar to shamsir, the dinosaurian
screams angrily at Shyemul while running next to her on the right,

“The likes of a beast girl like you has no right to complain about my father’s actions!”

Going by these words, this dinosaurian apparently is Jahangil’s son. Shyemul opened her
eyes widely in surprise. Apparently sensing her shock, he strongly and roughly
breathes out through his nose while looking displeased.

“My name is Meflazard Hesam Jalji! The one over there is my younger brother,
Niyusharl. The one behind us is my youngest brother, Palsharl.”

Tempted by the words of the dinosaurian who introduced himself as Meflazard,

Shyemul looked to the left, finding there a dinosaurian wielding thick iron canes with
several protuberances sticking out of them. Moreover, right behind her there’s a
dinosaurian swinging a very long halberd. Once their eyes meet, he gives a small bow
to her.

“The only ones we Tyrannos entrust our backs to is the Royal species! Even though I
detest the thought of such weak human with a low standing riding there, I don’t
complain about it!”

The one who rebuked Meflazard was the youngest child Palsharl running behind

“Older brother, Sir Soma was acknowledged by father. That means it’s rude for you to
say it like that.”

The second son Niyusharl shows his agreement to that by nodding in silence while
wielding his iron canes.

“Beast girl, don’t worry. Protecting the back of father who cuts into the enemy is the
task of us siblings. Just as father said, there’s currently no safer place on the battlefield
than his own back.”

Now that Palsharl mentioned it, Shyemul noticed that there were absolutely no
enemies around her.

If watched from above, one would likely be able to see the blank space of the kite
formation created by Jahangil and the three brothers on the battlefield where allies
and foes were jumbled together while fighting.

Shyemul had no other choice but to admire the strength of the dinosaurians who made
that possible.

“They are tossing the dinosaurians into the fray at this point, huh?”

Even Darius was well aware of the dinosaurians’ dreadfulness. The strength of that
race in hand-to-hand combat might be regarded as belonging to a different dimension.
They are what you’d call a living mass of violence. There’s no way to win against those
things if you fight them directly from the front.

Even though you have to normally fight them by shooting them with arrows to death
from a distance or making sure to not allow their approach with spears, it’s painful for
them having been suddenly thrown into the hand-to-hand combat.

In accordance with Darius’ worries, the lines of the heavy spear infantry have holes
torn into them at many places by the rampaging dinosaurians.
However, Darius revealed a ferocious smile at that.

“You stupid rebels, you hurried to win, didn’t you?”

Once my own unit arrives, that will definitely settle the outcome of this battle. They
probably wanted the dense formation to fall apart before that, by all means possible.

Certainly, due to the dwarves and dinosaurians pressing with hand-to-hand combat,
the pressure on the dense formation rose.

However, no matter how much I look, the number of dinosaurians is capped at around
50. If it’s only that much, it’s not difficult to single them out with the soldiers and have
them defeated by stabbing them with spears, despite them being dinosaurians.

Rather, with the rebels abandoning their protection called encampment, it’s now the
ideal chance to reverse the battle flow.

Darius, who was extolled as best general of Holmea, identifies Souma’s impatience and
doesn’t let this small, good opportunity pass.

“Play the big drums! It’s “Advance!” and “Attack” in alternation!”

The intense clash from the front shows the true worth of the dense formation of a
heavy spear infantry. There were holes torn into the formation from the front into the
further lines, but the layers of the dense formation are still a lot thicker than that. If
the entire formation was sent to the front, the dwarves and dinosaurians should be
definitely defeated, no matter how many they fielded.

As if living up to Darius’ expectations, a large flow is created within the heavy spear
infantry regiments.

Until now they have been incessantly assaulted from the front, left and right. The
heavy spear infantrymen hesitated in their decision to where they should point their
attack. However, being finally shown a direction, into which they ought to go, at this
point, the heavy spear infantry’s hesitation vanished and all of them started to move
in a single direction.

Seen from a distant place, it’s a spectacle similar to water in a barrel, with a water
surface that was irregularly and fiercely splashes against the barrel’s walls, suddenly
gushing out in a single stream due to the uncorking of the barrel.
The move of Holmea’s best general was about to change the flow of the battlefield.

The dinosaurians’ assault was terrifying. The front rows of the heavy spear infantry
regiments got pushed back to the rear by about 20 steps in a flash. But, as might be
expected of the thick layers of the regiments, the encounters and opposition
intensified from there on, and even the dinosaurians weren’t able to overcome their
resistance, turning it into a situation where favorable and unfavorable terms for either
side changed every minute.

At this point the battlefield seemed to be equal to a contest of wills and endurance.

Among them, Souma, who noticed that the rhythm he heard from the unit led by
General Darius had changed, feels a somewhat bad premonition.

Suddenly, Jahangil, who had pushed on and on until then, fell back, albeit it being a
mere few steps. Groaning in frustration, Jahangil tries to advance forcibly, but in return
he’s pushed back to the rear.

What Souma saw after looking over Jahangil’s shoulder by stretching his neck
wondering what happened, were the heavy spear infantrymen, who prepared their
shields and lined up their spears orderly, changing completely from before.

Souma laments due to that. After all it was still too early to take it into hand-to-hand

At this rate the dwarves and dinosaurians will end up crushed by the front line of the
dense formation. And, not only that, even the zoan incessantly attacking from the left
and right of the formation’s flanks will be attacked from the rear and sides next.

Souma swiftly looks to the right and left side, but even the zoan led by Garam and
Zurgu are encountering fervent resistance by the heavy spear infantrymen. It looks
like they won’t be able to attack any longer in a few minutes.

And, even during that time, Jahangil was forced to retreat further due to the heavy
spear infantry advancing with a terrifying pressure.

There’s no hand Souma can play anymore.

In the end it was a reckless fight against an opponent with a great number. Everyone
will end up dying. Because of me, everyone will get killed.

The blood of Souma froze due to his feelings of guilt and terror.

At that time, a dearly missed voice revives in Souma’s ears.

[If you are so afraid, you won’t be able to do what you are capable of, Souma]

It was the voice of his deceased grandfather.

At the time when Souma was still very small; when he practiced riding a bicycle. When
Souma tumbled over in the training after taking off the training wheels for the first
time, his grandfather said to Souma, who was scared and unsettled,

[Are you afraid? Then try speaking up in a loud voice. Mmh? Anything is okay. If you
shout loudly, fright and such will be blown away. Come on, try it. You are a child
capable of that. You are grandpa’s prided grandchild after all.]

He remembers the warmth of his grandfather’s hand placed on his shoulder alongside
those words. As if urged on by that warmth, Souma raised his voice.

“Everybody, raise your voices! Shout at the top of your lungs!”

Hearing that, the dwarves and dinosaurians, who are fighting desperately, raise their
voices together. Following them, even the voices of the zoan, who were attacking from
the left and right of the dense formation, could be heard.


The voices, which piled up into one, turned into a loud vibration, shaking heaven and

Souma also shouted to the limit of his voice.

“Break them dooown!”

And finally that time came.

It started from the soldiers in the rear and the center. Because they were in the middle
of an overcrowded formation, where they are touching the shoulders of their allies,
they still haven’t directly seen the enemy. They could only guess the enemy’s existence
from the intense bellows and weapon sounds audible around them.

And, that gave birth to a wrong impression.

Before the start of the battle, the rebels’ numbers have been far lower than theirs,
making them think that they would be able to rout them easily. However, once the
battle started, they heard the enemy’s terrifying war cries from the left and right, and
not only from the front. Being informed about the rebel’s state in advance, they got
scared and bewildered due to the completely different situation.

Us being told that the rebels are in the minority isn’t a mistake?

Isn’t a great number of enemies necessary to surround us?

Is it possible that it’s not the rebels having the inferior numbers but us?

The soldiers’ morale, supported by the predominance of having the numerical

superiority, slowly started to get corroded by dark anxieties and fears.

When they are actually crossing swords with the enemy at the front, the soldiers likely
don’t have any time to think about such things. But, with there being no enemy in front
of them as of yet, the soldiers had the leeway to brood and instead got frightened by
nonexistent imaginations.

The very loud voices raised according to Souma’s order at that point fiercely shook the
heart of the soldiers who were trembling in worry.

And, a part of the soldiers in the rear of the dense formation, which is the only area
that hasn’t been surrounded by the rebels, began to break out off the formation
retreating to the back.

At first it was one or two. However, being tempted by those, another one and then two
soldiers withdraw to the back. Their numbers are gradually growing from 10 to 20
soldiers and so on.

Souma, who spotted that promptly, shouted at once,

“Look! The enemy’s rear has collapsed!”

Hearing Souma, those around him shift their focus to the enemy’s rear, but they
become discouraged after seeing that the current stage of collapse isn’t worth any
mention. However, Souma furthermore yells,

“The enemy’s rear is falling apart! Everyone, pass that on loudly and clearly!!”

“A-Aye! Got it!”

Even while being bewildered, Jahangil, who heard Souma’s yelling close to his ears,
repeats his words.

“The enemy’s rear collapsed!”

Moreover, hearing that, those in the vicinity started to shout unanimously.

“The enemy has become disarranged!”

“The enemy’s rear has begun to split apart!”

As those voices are gradually increasing in numbers, a commotion among the heavy
spear infantrymen, who are facing them, breaks out. The soldiers at the front rows,
who fought desperately, were unable to check the validity of the statement since they
can’t look at the rear, and looked for answers in their surroundings while stumbling
around on the spot.

Due to the pressure of the enemy stopping for that reason, albeit only for a short
moment, Souma furthermore shouted,

“It’s our victory! Raise your voices in triumph!”

Souma and the others threw their hands in the air while cheering.

In front of Souma and the other rebels being in such state, the soldiers forget to attack
and just stare at them blankly.

Right now was just the moment when they started to counterattack and yet the
opponents were suddenly crying in triumph; the soldiers were unable to comprehend.

However, they aren’t able to clearly defame the opponent’s shouts of victory as lies.
After all, if you look at the condition of the battle, which they considered as being
naturally their win at first, the dense formation has become tattered after being
attacked from the flanks, and they have been trapped in an encirclement by an enemy
said to have a small force.

It’s understandable that the doubt of “Is it possibly true?” welled up within the
soldiers’ minds.

“…Did we lose?”

And, with those words, leaked from somewhere within the dense formation, being the
start, the soldiers all at once began to raise their voices into sounds resembling

“We lost!?”

“For real!? We got defeated!?”

Judius and the commissioned officers are confused by the anxious voices of the
soldiers, not understanding why the soldiers started to say something like that even
though they were now finally at the point where they had begun to force back the
enemy. At any rate, Judius and the other officers frantically denied those words, but by
now it was already too late.

Their voices spread to the entire dense formation in a flash.

Moreover, one of the soldiers who looked back to the rear, noticed the harpyians
restlessly flying above the unit led by General Darius. It was the view of the harpyians
being at a loss how to continue, but that’s not how the soldier interpreted it.

“Look! The general is under attack by birds!”

That became the finishing blow.

“R-Run away! We lost!”

“There’s no hope anymore! Run awaaay!”

“We will be killed!”

The soldiers of the punitive force threw away their weapons, turned around and
started escaping while shouting those words everywhere.

Turning into an unstoppable torrent at this point the dense formation breaks apart as
the soldiers started to run away.

Due to that spectacle, completely the same words leaked out of the mouths of Souma
– in delight – and Darius – in despair,

“They collapsed!”
“Stooop! Maintain the dense formation! I’m telling you to stop!!”

Judius frantically shouts at the top of his lungs, but the collapse of the dense formation
that had already started doesn’t come to a halt. The dense formation, which should be
a firm construct, is so brittle that it makes those watching its collapse dumbfounded.

And among the escaping soldiers, many of the noble commissioned officers, who had
their first campaign this time, were seen to escape scrambling to be first. As such
there’s no way for the common soldiers to obey Judius’ order.

At this point the collapse of the punitive force couldn’t be stopped by anyone, no
matter how much they gave out orders.

The battle had already been decided, but Souma doesn’t let his guard down.

Although they are running away now, the number of soldier in the punitive force still
exceeds ours by a lot. If they regained their senses from the chaos of defeat, once again
organized themselves into proper files and ranks and closed in on Souma and the
others, they would have no chance to win this after having devoted all their strength
into that plan. Even if it might be called heartless, we should now thoroughly mop up the
remnants of the defeated army and rob them of their spirit and ability to rally again.

Souma swung his arms in big motions atop Jahangil’s back and shouted,

“We are going to sweep up the defeated soldiers!”

Hearing Souma’s order, a nearby zoan soldier fiercely plays the drums.

In response to that, everyone raised war cries and started to pursue the escaping
punitive force.
Of course the ones in the lead are the zoan who are dashing on four feet. They catch
up with the escaping soldiers in the twinkling of an eye and knock them on the ground
by leaping on them from behind, cutting their throats with their machetes.

“Those idiots! Do they believe that they will be able to run away with their backs
turned against zoan as opponents!?”

As Marius furiously shouted that while watching that spectacle, Darius firmly grasped
the armrests of his chair in silence once more.

The time when the most casualties appear in a war is not when the fighting parties
face each other with spears, but when the defeated side turns its back on the enemy
and escapes while being chased.

Much less to say if their opponents are zoan who can run at the speed of a horse. No
matter how frantically foot soldiers try to get away, they won’t be able to escape. At
this rate it was impossible to imagine just how many casualties would crop up.

In order to hold back this zoan pursuit, it was indispensable for any of the units to
serve as rear guard, but the only ones under any proper command at this point in time
were the soldiers directly commanded by Darius. However, no matter how much
Darius’ unit boasts being composed of elites, they likely won’t be able to hold back the
current zoan’s pursuit, which has gained its full momentum, with a mere 500 soldiers.

If there was at least a narrow valley or a deep forest, they would be able to use those
as defensive positions, allowing them to depend on that for their fighting, but
unfortunately there’s nothing but plains in the direction of the retreat. Even the
encampment that was built yesterday is no more than a gathering of tents. It was
impossible to expect it to serve as defensive encampment.

Given the situation, it’s cruel, but there’s already no other choice but to abandon the
soldiers who were late in escaping and are being decimated by the chasing zoan unit.
While the zoan are delayed by mopping up the resisting soldiers and disarming the
soldiers who surrendered, we will withdraw to the rear. There we will gather the soldiers,
who managed to escape, by hoisting a flag and reorganize the units. We have no choice
but to retreat to the city of Luoma while restraining the chasing zoan.

Of course even Darius feels deep sadness over being forced to let his soldiers die.

He can’t stop feelings of regret over why it had turned into such a crushing defeat
welling up.

Up until before the battle started, Darius considered the rebels to be a mish-mash

The zoan, dwarves and dinosaurians are all races that possess tough bodies and are far
more valorous than humans, if regarded individually. There’s probably no chance for a
human to win against them in an one-on-one battle.

However, a battle isn’t something carried out by individuals. No matter how excelling
their individual military prowess might be, they will be nothing more than a disorderly
mob if they can’t function as a single military unit. If it was simply a group of freed slaves
moving about aimlessly that only huddled together while being scared of the punitive
force, they would probably escape as soon as the situation turned slightly
disadvantageous while selfishly leaving the other races behind, and the whole would

He didn’t intend to underestimate them, but with the opponents being the zoan, who
had caused a rebellion, and the slaves, who had been only released by them, thinking
like that was valid.

However, once we actually tried crossing swords with them, it’s become absurd to
consider them as disorderly crowd.

Because it’s an encampment where they have barricaded themselves in, something
like having the majority of the zoan, who are the main force, circle around towards the
flanks of the dense formation can’t be described as clever scheme but should be rather
labelled as a gamble. And yet, the ones remaining in the encampment held out without
escaping, and the zoan, also answering their comrades’ determination, splendidly cut
into the flanks of the dense formation.

If this was a merely jumbled-together group of individuals, the ones left behind in the
encampment would have followed the zoan’s example and escaped. The zoan likely
wouldn’t have charged into the dense formation either.

That’s not all. Even at the time when it turned into a severe fight while encircling the
dense formation, they fought without a single one of them retreating while taking on
enemy forces having several fold their numbers.

Once I remember our army’s soldiers, who collapsed weakly once their arrogance of
having the superior numbers was threatened, I even feel regret that it was rather our
side which was a mish-mash assembly of troops.

Just what happened for them to unify into one unit?

The eyes of Darius, who thought about that question, discovered a single human
among the rebels, as if being drawn to him.

It’s a human child carried by a dinosaurian.

Even though Darius was at a distance where the child looked as small as the tip of a
pinky finger, his eyes perceived the child with a surprising clarity for some reason.

Because he had heard from the residents, who escaped the city, that it’s a human boy
leading the rebels, he isn’t surprised by it. What astonished Darius was the fact of the
human boy riding the back of a dinosaurian— moreover, that of Tyranno.

Within the dinosaurian social system, the Tyrannos belong to a privileged class that’s
called warriors. Put into human terms, it’s comparable with nobles and samurai.
Moreover, the Tyrannos are at the top of the nobles below the ones called Royal

A Tyranno, who fights to protect royalty by standing in front of them, will only turn
their back towards royalty. Something like a Tyranno entrusting their back to someone
besides royalty was unimaginable. All the more if it’s a human, who are despised as
“meagre apes” by the dinosaurians.

That guy is the rebel leader, isn’t he!? That’s him, right!?

Darius felt terrified.

If he can even get a Tyranno of the dinosaurians, who despise humans as trash because
of their valor, to entrust their back to him, he should also be capable of subduing the
proud zoan. He should be able to have the elves and dwarves to abandon the antagonism
between both their races to cooperate with each other. He should be also able to make
the whimsy harpyians put their lives on the line.

The rebels haven’t rallied together out of fear towards the punitive force.

That boy isn’t a mere flag bearer who was lifted up into a high position either.
Precisely because it’s that boy, the other races are obeying.

That boy is the definitely the corner stone of the rebels!

At that moment Darius recalls a dearly missed voice.

[Hey, Darius. What do you think is the strongest military force?]

That was during his time as commissioned officer, when he was still young and full of
wishes towards the future.

The immature Darius sallied forth to bars with his friends every night and they chatted
among each other about various matters such as the country’s future, their own future
and on top of that which prostitute was a good catch while drinking booze.

And at a particular time they talked about the strongest military force they could come
up with.

Next to Darius, who was wracking his brain about what would be the best answer, a
cocky prodigy, who was referred to as future commander-in-chief among them, said,

[Heavy infantry brave like the dinosaurians, sailors who know the waters as well as
marmen, skilled combat engineers like the dwarves, excellent archers like the elves,
nimble cavalry like the zoan, swift messengers like the harpyians, and a cunning
human general. That’s for sure the strongest military force.]

Due to his answer, his friends with Darius in the lead roared with laughter saying,
“That would certainly be the strongest” while applauding enthusiastically.

That’s because it was a joke.

There’s a joke that resembles this: [The strongest military force consists of an
American general, German commissioned officers, Japanese non-commissioned
officers and Russian soldiers].

A heroic American as general who decides the overall strategy, the methodical
Germans controlling the operation, the diligent Japanese as non-commissioned
officers implementing the operation and the valorous Russians as fighting soldiers;
this is something like a joke making use of the befitting national characteristics of all
nations mentioned.
However, in the end it’s no more than a joke. There’s no way for something like that to
happen in reality. That’s why it’s a joke.

However, that strongest military force, which was impossible to exist as anything but
a joke, was right now in front of Darius’ eyes.

Moreover, it’s not something with the vague expression of “like” as mentioned by
Darius’ friend in the past.

The brave dinosaurian heavy infantry, the skilled dwarven combat engineers, the
excelling elven archers, the nimble zoan lightweight infantry, the swift harpyian
messengers, and a human commander who brings all of them together into one.

As of yet you couldn’t call it complete, but the model of the strongest military force
was already about to take form.

Darius recalls the contents of Tutu’s letter.

Wasn’t it written in there as well?

That the enemy might be the strongest army.

“That’s what it was about!?”

The reason why the human troops were able to dominate the other races until now is
because their soldiers are highly general purpose. Due to swiftly shifting into a
military branch which is the opposing race’s weakness, they were always able to
proceed through a battle far more predominantly than the race in question.

However in front of this strongest military force that capitalizes on the special traits
of all the various races, something like human troops are degraded into an army that’s
a Jack of all trades and master of none.

Darius becomes shocked due to his own imaginations.

They lasted only for a period of time allowing one to slowly count to three. However,
to Marius, who always followed Darius, it felt abnormally long.

With him being forgiven for his insolence, Marius urged Darius to give his next orders.
“Your Excellency, this is how far it goes! Please give the order to retreat as soon as


Darius refused Marius’ advice at once.

Not having expected to be refused at all, Marius stares in surprise. Towards such
Marius, Darius refuses even more strongly,

“No! We must not, Marius!”

“Why!? The outcome has been already decided! Someday there will definitely come a
time where we will clear away this humiliation, as long as we retreat now while
abiding our shame!”

“It will be too late then, Marius!”

The rebels, who won this battle, will likely gain full control over the city of Bolnis.
However, even if they rule over Bolnis, that’s no more than a single provincial city.
Although we failed this time’s rebel subjugation, there’s still room to recover from it.

Besides, we only lost once. We can still build a large army similar to this time and wipe
the enemy from the earth in one stroke, and although we were unable to display the
authority of Holmea’s king to the country, it will allow us next time to adjust the army’s
size properly. It will be fine with an appropriate military force. It will be alright to
exhaust the rebels by incessantly and repeatedly attacking them over and over again like
the waves hitting the coastline.

Of course that will likely exhaust our side as well, but the strength of a country is
completely different to that of a single provincial city. The rebels’ strength will run out
long before that of Holmea. It will be okay to carefully capture Bolnis after that.

If you consider it normally, that much is plenty enough.

It should be at least.


Is that really enough?

Worries cross Darius’ mind.

I might as well have a look and think it over. Weren’t the zoan on the brink of ruin merely
several months ago? Those zoan reduced 800 soldiers to ashes, captured an impregnable
fortress and even made the city of Bolnis, which was unlikely to be attacked, surrender.
And at last they defeated the punitive force of more than 7,000 soldiers with a mere 1,000

Just who would have expected them to be able of pulling off such feat? Even if I just limit
it to this battle, didn’t the person leading the rebels completely overturn our side’s
common knowledge?

What will happen if those guys get their hands on the vast Solbiant Plains?

What will happen if they are given time?

“We must not grant even a little period of time to these guys! — No!”

It’s not them.

It’s him.

“It’s the guy leading those rebels!”

Darius thrust his finger pointing at Souma who’s in the middle of the approaching

“Whatever we do, we have to kill that guy in this place! He’s someone we must kill now
and here! If we don’t, he will bring calamity to Holmea! There’s no doubt that a big
catastrophe will visit our Holmea! Only him we have to kill no matter what it takes!!”

It was Darius’ intuition that convinced him of it.

If we miss this chance, he will turn into an existence we won’t be able to handle by

If we don’t defeat him here, he will become a terrifying enemy for Holmea.

Darius’ intuition, he had forged on the battlefields for a long time, told him so.
“B-But, teach us, how are we going to accomplish that!?”

In order for a blade to be able to reach the rebel leader, it’s indispensable to first break
through the zoan who are advancing while riding the momentum. Even if they
managed to do that, for argument’s sake, dinosaurians, known for their bravery, are
around the rebel leader. Even though they would likely lose many soldiers just to break
through the zoan ranks, the would still have to defeat the dinosaurians to kill the rebel
leader. That’s very unreasonable.

However, Darius made a shocking statement.

“We will dispatch my chariot onto the battlefield and assault that guy!”

“What did you say!?”

“Got it!? Don’t look at the other enemies at all! Only aim for the enemy’s leader who’s
carried on the back of that dinosaurian!”

Marius was lost for words.

With that it’s a suicide attack with the resolve of dying a honorable death.

But, Darius himself knew that all too well.

“Kill that guy by laying down your lives! As long as we kill him, it will be Holmea’s
victory, even if we die! For our Holmea!”

Sensing Darius’ determination being very firm, Marius didn’t object any longer.

“At your will, Your Excellency!”

Darius stopped Marius who was about turn around his horse’s neck to convey that to
the rear of the unit.


“What might it be, Your Excellency?”

Darius said to Marius, who had turned around, as if spitting blood,

“Sorry, Marius. I believe that you have definitely the caliber to become the next
commander-in-chief, and I trained you for it. But, you have to blame my incompetence
for being forced to lose that chance in such a place.”

Marius was slightly surprised, but immediately a smile blooms across his entire face.

“What are you saying, Your Excellency? I feel prouder about being able to fight
together with you like this than becoming commander-in-chief.”

“…Forgive me, Marius.”

Besides Marius, the unit directly under Darius is a gathering of elites among elites who
continued to fight together with Darius for the whole time until now. Once they
learned of Darius’ resolution, they naturally strengthened their resolves as well.

Feeling the determination from his subordinates, Darius is convinced, If it’s like this,
I’m sure that a sword will reach that rebel leader.

“Listen! The aim is just the human on the back of that dinosaurian! No matter how
many might get defeated, don’t stop moving! Just aim for that guy’s neck!”

The soldiers knock their swords and spears together in silence, displaying their
fighting spirit.

“I will open a path! Step over my corpse and kill that guy! I will go to the entrance gate
of Hades one step ahead of you. I look forward to the victory song by you guys!”

“”For the sake of His Excellency!””

The soldiers said in a chorus.

Darius assembled the unit into an arrowhead formation. And, normally the
commander stays at the end of the formation, but Darius deliberately stands at the
head of his chariot and at the same time as he’s going to make use of the chariot’s
charging strength, he will open a path with his own life as he had announced before.

With this, those who accompanied Darius for a long time would have no other choice
but to get cheered up.

All the soldiers would turn into death soldiers not caring about their own lives.
The 500 troops that had assumed an arrowhead formation would truly transform into
a single arrow. A fatal arrow that will very likely steal the life of their enemy if released.

And, right at the moment when the fatal arrow was about to be fired towards Souma
by Darius’ right arm, which was widely held aloft, swinging down, a voice spoke up

“It’s no use anymore! We have to run away. Let’s escape!”

“It’s no use anymore! We have to run away. Let’s escape!”

The one who raised that pathetic scream was the Campaign Priest Mildas.

Until the start of the battle, Mildas lied on his back with his legs outstretched on top
of a palanquin, which lined up with Darius’ chariot and was shouldered by muscular
human slaves, while pushing out his belly that surpassed corpulence. He thought that
he could treat himself to the spectacle of the rebels being annihilated if he stayed
together with the general leading the entire army.

However, once the battle began, he thoroughly suffered. Not only was he forced to
move around all over, he even got into a panic after having stones thrown at him by
the filthy birds.

And not just that, next he heard that those zoan are going to charge at full force. In
Mildas eyes something like attacking while simply aiming at the head of the enemy’s
leader, even though defeat had been set in stone, couldn’t be considered as anything
but the act of sheer madness.

“Since it’s a fact that we lost, let’s get away quickly!”

However, there’s not a single person responding to Mildas.

For Mildas, who was under the impression that anyone will listen to and obey his
words, the words of a priest of the great Holy Faith, it was a bizarre spectacle going
beyond his understanding. Moreover, being hit by the bloodthirst seeping out of the
soldiers’ bodies, who are eagerly and impatiently waiting for Darius’ order to make a
suicide attack, he feels sick. Mildas voiced out his regret while having greasy sweat
trickle down all over his face.

“After all it was a mistake. If I only hadn’t gotten involved with that guy…!”
However, that was a verbal slip.

Naturally Darius raged after hearing that.

“You bastard! Do you know the one leading these rebels!?”

It was just the moment when Darius was about to give the order to charge, but as one
might expect, there was no way for him to ignore that remark.

Mildas’ way of speaking made it apparent that he knows the person leading the rebels.
There’s the possibility that it wouldn’t have resulted in such unsightly defeat if they
had known the details in advance. Welling up with anger close to hatred towards
Mildas, who concealed that information until now, was only reasonable.

Even though it was after the fact, Mildas restrains his mouth in panic after realizing
his own slip of tongue, but words once spoke can’t be taken back anymore.

“Spit it out! What do you son of a bitch know!?”

Affected by Darius’ wrath, the soldiers around Mildas become instantly murderous.
They thrust their spears at Mildas and glared at him with eyes full of killing intent.

Being surrounded by bloodthirst that felt as if his whole body would be skewered if
he said something unwise, Mildas’ face changes into an expression of being on the
verge of bursting into tears. He surveys his vicinity looking for someone that might be
willing to help him, but of course there was not a single person that seemed to have
pity with Mildas to be found in this location.

Guessing that he had no way of escape anymore, Mildas resigned himself and whispered,

“T-… That guy is, a Divine Son… s—”

“I can’t hear! Speak loud and clear!”

Alongside Darius’ angry roar, the thrust spearheads of the soldiers close the distance
without hesitation. Mildas, who quietly screamed with a “Hiii” due to that, raised his
voice into a loud one after becoming desperate.

“That guy is a Divine Son!”

The soldiers stir due to the unexpected words from Mildas.

“Divine Son!? Are you saying that a Divine Son of the Human God is cooperating with
other races!?”

It’s natural for Darius to think that it’s someone granted the Human God’s blessing if
he’s told about a human Divine Son. Mildas denies that misunderstanding in a fluster.

“No, that’s not it!”

If a Divine Son of the Human God liberated sub-human slaves and caused a rebellion,
it might very well shake the foundation of the Holy Faith’s doctrine that advocates the
superiority of the human race. If that happened, let alone his authority as priest of that
Holy Faith, even his life would be in danger.

“That guy is Aura’s Divine Son!!”

Darius manner of speech became even rougher due to the name Aura which he doesn’t
remember having ever heard before.

“Aura!? What’s that, this Aura!?”

Without thinking of the consequences, as he tries too hard to dissolve the misunderstand
of the raging Darius, Mildas ends up revealing the existence of a goddess that was
hidden by the Holy Faith.

“Aura is the goddess who killed the Creator and gave birth to the The Seven! She’s a
Greater Goddess older than The Seven! She’s a great goddess governing over death
and destruction!”

Those words turn into an invisible shock, bursting in the hearts of Darius and the

Not only the soldiers present, but even Darius becomes speechless out of
overwhelming surprise due to the existence of a dreadful goddess they hear about for
the first time.

In a mere moment an eerie silence descends, unfitting of a battlefield.

After a short time, whispers leaked out between the soldiers. Frail murmurs, as if
scrutinizing the contents of Mildas’ speech within their mouths.


“Aura, the Goddess of Death and Destruction…?”

Like a ripple, those murmurs spread among the soldiers.

“The Divine Son of Aura!”

“The Divine Son of Aura, the Goddess of Death and Destruction!”

The ripples overlap with each other and turn into a single wave.

“The Divine Son of the Goddess of Death and Destruction!”

“The Divine Son of Death and Destruction!”

And, what had become a wave, surged on even further, smashing the hearts of the

“”Divine Son of Destruction!!””

Those were screams.

The soldiers’ eyes, which were filled with fighting spirit until then, were obviously
dyed with the color of trepidation.

Darius deeply regretted pressing Mildas for answers.

All those present in this place are veteran soldiers who got through many battlefields
together with Darius. Even if the enemy army had a million troops, they wouldn’t feel
any fear as long as they were together with Darius. Of course that’s because those
trusting Darius have been taught that they would gain eternal life after being called to
the Human God’s side once they heroically died in battle as soldiers.

That’s why they don’t fear to die while fighting.

But, that completely changes if they kill a divine child.

If they kill a divine child, they might incur the wrath of a god.

That possibility encompassed a dread that was yet different from death.

In the past era of legends, there was a human called Genobanda. One day the foolish,
arrogant Genobanda incurred the anger of The Seven. After having his appearance
transformed into that of an ugly monster, he was knocked down into the bog of excreta
located at the bottom of the planet. And it’s said that even now Genobanda is begging
the gods for compassion while rummaging through the excreta in the depths of the
planet where no light ever shines down to.

This is a famous legend commonly-shared by all seven races of the Seldeas Continent.
If it’s a person living on that continent, regardless of their race, everyone will be raised
by their parents while being warned “A bad child that doesn’t listen will turn into
Genobanda” during their childhood. Calling someone else “Genobanda” has also
become the worst-possible insult.

And, the soldiers feared themselves becoming a second Genobanda by killing a divine

However, that’s a needless anxiety.

It might have been possible during the era of legends, but no matter how many divine
children that were granted blessing had been killed, the gods never did something like
interfering with the world of people. There are also divine children that got
assassinated or killed in battle in the past, but the gods never punished the person
who caused the divine child’s death with that as a reason. This is also obvious from
the fact that Innocent, the founder of the Holy Faith, was executed by the hands of
humans like him.

But, the soldiers, who fight on battlefields while risking their lives, are prone to being
superstitious. For such superstitious soldiers the act of killing a divine child, which
might incur the wrath of a god, was the height of horror.

Moreover, in addition, the soldiers’ imaginary delusions spur on their fears as they
wonder whether Darius, who was their trusted general, didn’t lose to an enemy with
inferior military forces because the Divine Son of Destruction used some kind of
terrible sorcery or such.

Due to the soldiers being scared and horrified, Darius grit his teeth as bitterness
spilled through the gaps in-between.

By now the last chance of winning was lost.

Death soldiers that became fearful stop being death soldiers. Their fear towards the
Divine Son summons fear towards fighting, and the fear towards fighting summons fear
towards death. Once that happens, they are nothing more but simple soldiers. The have
turned into simple soldiers terrorized by fear.

Fear might make the feet of soldiers grow dull.

Fear might bind the soldiers’ hands that swing their weapons.

There’s absolutely no way for the sword of a soldier that had become like that to be able
to reach the location of that Divine Son.

However, if we let this opportunity go, the rebels will amass power and turn into a huge
calamity for Holmea. Precisely because he knew that, Darius hesitated whether he
should withdraw despite that or not.

The one who made the decision for Darius was Marius.

“Turn around His Excellency’s chariot! It’s a retreat! We are going to retreat!”

Marius looks towards the zoan pursuit unit heading their way. The zoan had already
gotten very close. Even if we change towards retreat at this point, our rear will be bitten
away. Seeing that, Marius calls out furthermore,

“Only those not holding their lives dear are to stay behind! In order to allow His
Excellency to escape safely, hold back the enemy here together with me!”

“Ma-Marius!” Darius became panicked. “Absolutely not! You must not sacrifice your
young live for the sake of letting an old, senile fool like me live! I will serve as rear

“No, Your Excellency!”

Marius rebuked Darius. Darius is dumbfounded as he certainly didn’t expect to be

reprimanded by a young man he considered to be his son and pupil.
Marius laughed cheerfully due to Darius’ reaction.

“As I’m a novice, I don’t know what you are fearing so much, Your Excellency. The only
one capable of correctly telling His Majesty the King about the things Your Excellency
is afraid of is no one else but you, Your Excellency.”

For Darius that meant that he had to return to the king alive and report his own defeat.

“Are you telling me to expose myself to living in shame!?”

“The real worth of a general is called in question at the time of defeat. Correctly
conveying the cause of defeat to those who are going to proceed towards the next
battle, so that they don’t repeat the same mistakes, is the duty of a defeated general.
Isn’t that your own teaching?”

Being confronted with the words taught by him in the past, even Darius couldn’t find
any rebuttal.

At the time when the chariot, which slowly changed its direction even while he was
searching for words, finally finished turning about, Darius says while hanging his head

“…Sorry, Marius.”

His voice trembled slightly as it was tinged with him being tear-choked.

And then he suddenly lifts his face and says as if entreating Marius,

“But, don’t hurry to your death! Survive by all means!”

Unable to voice out any words as something hot clogged his chest due to Darius’
sorrowful expression, he observes for the first time, Marius bows his head deeply atop
his horse.

And then, after the chariot started to run while kicking up a cloud of dust, Marius
finally raised his head and silently muttered towards Darius, who’s looking back while
bending himself forward from the chariot,

“It’s our farewell in this life, Your Excellency. Please return safely to the royal capital
without fail.”
Next to Marius, who turned the neck of his horse towards the approaching zoan, lined
up a middle-aged man with shortly-cut salt and pepper hair and an unshaven face.

Due to that Marius widens his eyes slightly. He remembered that man. It’s a
commoner-born soldier who was intimately addressed by Darius several times.

“If I remember correctly… you were called Bogus or such?”

“Aye. I’m an insolent fellow that has risen from being a commoner, but I will have you
allow me to accompany you.”

It was an attitude that might be taken as rude towards a noble like Marius, but Marius

“I often heard about you from His Excellency. — He was dissatisfied with the work as
company commander given to you. He said that, if it wasn’t for the annoying lot calling
you commoner and such, he wanted to work you hard as his own right-hand-man.”

Bogus, who certainly didn’t expect to be praised in this situation, scratched the tip of
his nose while blushing.

Marius, who subdued his laughter, changes his expression and ask that Bogus,

“But, Bogus. Even the noble commissioned officers ran away. There’s no reason for
you, a commoner, to stay behind either.”

“That is certainly true, but I had the privilege to experience various good memories
with His Excellency the General. If I escaped here despite that, I would be no man,

“That’s for sure!”

Once Marius, who agreed jokingly with Bogus while smiling, turns to the back, there
were around 200 soldiers left with them. Most of them are commoner-born soldiers,
who have been following Darius for many years like Bogus.

“My goodness, there are so many fools wanting to die!”

Marius said while revealing a bottomless, bright smile.

Bogus replies to that by laughing.

“Well that means they are hundred times more eager to hold back the zoan for the
sake of helping the general than taking the head of the guy called Divine Son of

Once stopping his laughter, Bogus continues with a serious expression,

“Well then, boss. Please give us our orders at once.”

“Boss, eh…?”

Gnawing on those words for a short while, Marius nods once, as if having come to term
with it for some reason.

“That’s not bad at all. I dreamed of leading an army as general one day, but that won’t
come true.”

Marius unties the cord of his mantle that was fastened at his chest. Thereupon the
pure-white mantle, which slipped off his back, drops to the ground, becoming stained
with mud.

The pure-white mantle, that’s used for the sake of being discerned at a glance by his
allies, even on a chaotic battlefield, is a prided proof of him being a messenger.
Something like letting it fall to the ground and dirtying it with mud is something that’s
not tolerated by all means. Depending on the circumstances, he will receive a severe
punishment such as being removed from his role as messenger.

However, Marius did that on purpose.

In other words, he showed to everyone that he has no intention to return alive.

“Form up the ranks! Front row, prepare the shields! Those possessing spears, line up
behind the shield bearers!”

The look in the eyes of the soldiers suddenly change due to Marius’ orders.

As if it had been carefully prepared in advance, the soldiers set into their own roles
and created impeccable ranks.
“Now then, right now is the best chance for you to show your spirit as Holmean
soldiers! Knock your weapons! Raise your voices!”

Once Marius, who made sure of the execution of his orders, lifts up a spear, he was
given by a lower soldier, high into the sky, the soldiers knock the shields and weapons
in their hands, stamp with their feet and shout,

“”Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!””

The voices of the merely 200 remaining Holmean soldiers roared across the battlefield.
Marius and the others, who raise their voices in provocation and form orderly ranks
within the punitive force that is in the process of collapsing, naturally gathered the
attention of the zoan who were pursuing the escaping soldiers. The zoan swiftly
exchange looks with their fellow brethren and turn their fangs at Marius’ group.

“Scatter the humans!”

Dashing across the ground on all four, the zoan charge at Marius’ group with angry

“Lower your waists! If you don’t hold onto your shields properly, you will be blown

Holding up a large shield in front of himself, Bolgus lowers his waist and prepares for
the impact by drawing his right foot back widely to the rear.

In the next instant terrifying impacts of flesh and iron clashing into each other roared
across the battlefield.

The soldiers were rammed by the zoan warriors, bringing them close to be sent flying
alongside their shields. The force is dreadful. The soldiers end up being pushed back,
the soles of their firmly planted feet sliding across the ground.

Moreover, the soldiers are dragged out from behind their shields. As they are about to
have their throats sliced, the claws and machetes of the held-out hands scrape along
the shields’ surface with scratching sounds.

When they were beginning to wonder if their shields’ defenses would be broken
through, Marius cried out with a thundering voice,

“You bastards, is this all your resolve amounts to!? Show me how you stand your


The soldiers put even more strength into their bodies with a shout of fighting spirit.

Even though the zoan pushed one-sidedly until then, they became unable to move any
further, as if the weight of the shield wall had immediately increased.

“Force them back!”

Moreover, alongside Marius’ order, the soldiers pushed back the zoan. Due to this
unexpected counterattack, the zoan warriors end up being bent backwards or sent
flying to the rear.

“Stab them!!”

With the zoan warriors staggering, the spear infantrymen, who waited behind the
heavy spear infantry, all thrust their spears forward at once. The zoan warriors, who
had lost their balance, are unable to dodge that and casualties and injuries occur
among many warriors.

“Open a path!”

The soldiers’ ranks divide and Marius sallies forward from there.

In various movies and novels there’s often a scene where mounted knights or
commanding officers kick about the ordinary soldiers. Seeing such scene, there are
probably people thinking that you just have to knock down the riders by using long
weapons such as spears.

But they should consider it properly. The horses in this world and during such periods
of medieval times are about one size smaller than those seen in modern Japan. And
yet they still have quite the body weight. Moreover, on top of various harnesses and
armors having been affixed to them, a completely armed human is riding on them.

If you compared the gross weight to a horse of the modern era, it’s almost equal to
that of a minitruck.

Something like that is rushing at the zoan with a speed of 50 km/h. In addition, it’s not
running stably like an automobile. The hooves cause loud sounds as they hit the
ground and since the horse’s body is heading towards them while moving up and
down in big motions, its impact exceeds the imagination of a modern person. If it’s not
a person with quite the build, they will not be able to withstand the charging mount.

As a matter of fact, the zoan in front of the mounted Marius also didn’t do anything
besides running about trying to escape.

Having decided to aim for a zoan that looked like the strongest among them, Marius
threw the throwing spear in his hands towards that person. No different from its aim,
the thrown spear pierced the chest of the zoan, inflicting a fatal wound.

Moreover, after Marius had ransacked plentifully among the zoan while making his
horse draw a wide arc, he turns back the neck of his horse towards the soldiers.

The zoan warriors were about to charge into the middle of the soldiers while chasing
Marius in a hurry, but because the soldiers once again readied their defense by lining
up their shields in front, the zoan couldn’t do any more than stumbling a few steps
forward on the spot.

“A spear!”

In response to Marius request, Bolgus throws over a throwing spear. Grasping that,
Marius pushed it towards the sky.

“Since we are those who want to die, come at us, zoan!”

Matching up with Marius, the soldiers also strike their weapons and shields, intimidating
the zoan.

Not only did the small force, which the zoan warriors considered to be easily routable
until just a short while ago, launch an unexpected counterattack, they even provoked
them. As expected, even the zoan faltered due to that.

At the same moment one of those zoan warriors backed off, his back collided with

Once that warrior looks at the party he collided with, he begins to tremble with his
teeth clattering.
“Hoo, even among the humans you can find warriors, eh?”

It was a red-furred giant— Zurgu.

Without even looking at the warrior that bumped into him, Zurgu focused his eyes
only on Marius riding his horse,and showed a ferocious smile across his entire face.

“Now then, there’s a bastard this marvelous me is going to fight myself—you lot, open
a path.”

Zurgu tried to come out in front by pushing the warriors aside with his log-like arms,
but he notices a single presence rapidly approaching him from behind.

Suddenly Zurgu suffers an impact as if being pushed from above on his shoulders as
he stopped his feet and tried to look back, wondering who it might be.

“Zurgu, I’m going to borrow your shoulders.”


Using Zurgu’s shoulders as stepping stone, they jumped over the warriors arrayed in
front and landed after a full revolution.

And then, they deeply inhale to the brim of their lungs as if building up their tension
and release the air alongside a very loud voice,

“I’m Garam, son of Garguss, of the Fang Clan, one of the 12 zoan clans! Being the clan
chief of the Fang Clan, I have been appointed as Great Clan Chief of the All-Zoan-

The introduction of Garam echoed on the battlefield like a thunder.

Due to the introduction of their Great Clan Chief, who leads all the zoan fighting here
and is also regarded as prided hero of the Solbiant Plains, all the zoan warriors present
raise cheers.

“T-That’s unfair, Garam!”

Among them only Zurgu stamped his feet in vexation.

“Ooh! The zoan’s Great Clan Chief, eh!?”

Even Marius revealed a tone of admiration due to Garam’s bold introduction. After
immediately advancing his horse onwards, Marius also replies with an introduction.

“I’m Marius Meshis! Great Clan Chief of the zoan, come and fight me!”

Once he whips his horse once after saying so, he made his horse gallop towards Garam.

Answering that, Garam goes down on all four and dashes forward.

This one-to-one fight is like a flower on the battlefield.

Everyone present here holds their breaths and attentively watches the outcome of that

While making his mount gallop, Marius wondered how the zoan, who named himself
as Great Clan Chief, would move.

If I judge his agility from when he jumped over the lined up zoan, it’s obvious that this
zoan isn’t a Great Clan Chief in name only. Even if I throw my spear from this distance, it
will probably be dodged easily by this caliber of an opponent. I have to throw my spear
after closing the distance as much as possible.

However, wanting to close the distance also applies to that zoan. Thinking about it, zoan
rarely possess long-handled weapons, let alone bows. To defeat me, he must knock me
off my mount first. And for that there’s probably no other option for him except going
around to my side as he dodges my spear and then wrestling with me, capitalizing on his
previously shown jumping power.

In that case, the match will be decided in the instant we pass each other.

“Let’s see, from which direction is he going to come!?”

Marius lowered his line of vision slightly and stared at the throwing spear in his hand.

He’s holding the spear in his right hand. As such, that zoan should try to approach from
the left side where it’s difficult to throw the spear, as the horse’s head would be in the
Indeed, that’s if I consider it normally.

But, Marius reassessed.

If it’s that black-furred zoan who named himself as Great Clan Chief, he will betray that
prediction and ignore both sides, opting to jump over my horse from straight ahead.

That was his premonition.

And, in accordance with that prediction, the body of Garam, who dashed at him head-
on, immediately bent back in an instant, as if it were a bow drawn taut. It was as if
Garam danced in midair towards Marius as he kicked off the ground, almost like he
were bouncing.

Due to that Marius is certain of his victory.

He very likely succumbed to the pressure of the horse as it approached close to him. Even
if he leaps over the horse’s head, his jump is too early. With that, the time for him to stay
airbound unable to dodge becomes long.

Marius was convinced in the zoan’s certain death and tried to throw his spear at
Garam who was in the air.

However, Garam’s moves his left hand sharply and an instant faster than that. Making
a silver trace sally forth from there, a machete flew towards Marius’ throat.

Marius tried to evade the machete by twisting his body above his mount, but unable
to full dodge it, the machete deeply stabs into the root of his right shoulder. Due to the
intense, burning pain and him having twisted his body, Marius’ thrown spear missed
its target and pointlessly pierced the ground.

Seeing Garam leaping upon him following the machete, Marius thought that he will be
thrown on the ground at this rate, resulting in a grappling contest. Alongside
deliberately stretching his body on top of the mount, he heartily kicks Garam’s chest
with his raised right leg.

Marius, who tumbled down off his horse, fell to the ground while protecting his head
with his arms. It was his luck that he wasn’t kicked by the horse at the time of falling
off it, but even so his body complained with dull pain from all over.
Through sheer willpower, holding down the desire to sit down on the spot and cry,
Marius stood up using the sword hanging at his waist as if it were a cane.

Garam, who had recovered his stance a short step faster, lowers his upper body half
until it is parallel to the ground and comes charging Marius’ location without any

He fell from a higher place than the horse and moreover likely couldn’t adopt a proper
way of falling after being kicked by me. And yet Garam charged with a momentum as if
he hasn’t felt the slightest bit from it, causing Marius to be struck with terror.

“You monster!”

At the same time as he pulls out the sword he used as cane from the ground, he makes
the soil, which he tore up with the sword’s point, fly towards Garam. Due to the dirt
hurled towards his face, Garam immediately took a plunge directly to the side and
evaded it. However, because his feet stopped due to that, Marius assaults him with his
sword held above his head. Garam stopped that blow with his machete that he held in
a backhand grip.

Determining that this would be his last good chance, Marius tries to overwhelm Garam
by using his body weight to push down from above. Compared to Marius, who puts his
entire body into the sword, Garam has difficulty fully making use of his strength as
he’s in a stance of being pressed down from above. Even Garam can’t completely
overturn that.

With their blades continuously grinding against each other intensely, Marius and
Garam glare at each from such a close distance that they can feel each other’s

Suddenly Garam’s body sinks in slightly. Marius, who used his entire body’s weight,
lost his balance due to the power holding him upright abruptly leaving, even if it were
only for an instant.

Within that instant, Garam stretches out his left arm.

The arm’s destination is the other machete which was stuck in Marius shoulder.
Within a single breath, Garam pulls the machete out and swings it towards Marius’
And then fresh blood whirled around in the air.

“Y-Your Excellency… Da-Darius…!”

Those were Marius last words. Collapsing from the knees, Marius crumbled into the
bloody mud and never stood up again.

Once Garam thrusts his big arms into the air, stirs of dejection run through the
soldiers, but at the same time the zoan cheer grandly in excitement and exhilaration.

Garam thrust a machete dyed with fresh blood towards the shaken soldiers.

“Mop up the rest of the defeated lot!”

With that as the signal, the zoan, who got encouraged by Garam’s gallantry, swooped
down on the soldiers while raising battle cries. Having been outnumbered to begin
with, the soldiers trembled due to Marius having been killed in front of their eyes, and
thus the shield wall was easily penetrated.

If it’s destroyed at one part, it becomes something brittle. The soldiers are swallowed
in no time into the crowd of zoan who advanced on them.

Even so, there’s not a single person who surrendered or ran away. Every single soldier
fought to the last before he was killed.

The one who defeated Bolgus within the melee was Zurgu.

As expected of a veteran soldier like Bolgus, he was able to exchange several blows
with Zurgu, who can call himself of being in line with Garam strength-wise. But, due
to the fierce attack of Zurgu, who seemed to vent his anger about having the spotlight
stolen by Garam, Bolgus’ sword was sent flying before long and he ended up having
his throat sliced.

Zurgu regarded that as the match decider, but was taken aback due to Bolgus, whom
he deemed to be in a hopeless situation by then, trying to grapple his waist while
raising a soundless war cry. But, Zurgu immediately responded to even this
unexpected counterattack and lightly dodged the arm trying to catch him.

Falling to the ground while grasping air with his outstretched hand, Bolgus died.
After confirming that, Zurgu was about to go out in front to look for the next enemy,
but at that moment he stops due to noticing his waist being pulled from behind.

Once he casually looks down at his waist, he saw Bolgus’ fingers stuck in his string
belt. Whether he made a mistake in reading the distance, resulting in being unable to
completely evade, or whether it was a miracle created by Bolgus’ tenacity on the verge
of death, remains unknown.

Whichever it might be, Zurgu stops his feet and frowns.

“Clan chief? Is anything wrong?”

A soldier, who considered it strange that Zurgu doesn’t move from the spot, called out
to him. In response Zurgu waves his hand as if saying “It’s nothing,” and makes that
warrior join the pursuit.

And yet Zurgu kept standing there. Eventually, Bolgus’ fingers slipped off his string
belt due to the weight of his arm, and Zurgu finally moved his feet.

“I suppose I fulfilled my obligation.”

Once he says so over his shoulder, Zurgu goes down on all four in order to participate
in the pursuit and dashed forward.

Hearing over his back the zoan cheer far in the distant rear, Darius lowered his face
slightly and curbed the inner corners of his closed eyes while biting his lower lip.
When he was called out by one of his guards, who got worried due to Darius having
completely stopped moving, Darius stretched out his right arm and squeezed out a
hoarse voice.

“Lend me a bow…”

Receiving a bow from his guard, Darius raised himself up to his full height on top of
the dashing chariot, nocked an arrow into the bow and drew the bow to the limit.
Before the surprised guard could say anything, the arrow is released while raising a
cutting sound through the wind.

That arrow splendidly pierced the head of Mildas who was clinging to palanquin
carried by slaves. The body of Mildas, who died with an expression of shock plastered
all over his face, shakes violently and rolls down from atop the palanquin. The slaves,
who carried that palanquin, tossed the empty palanquin away without a second
thought and ran away.

Glancing at the corpse of Mildas which turned into something like tattered rags after
being crushed underfoot by the soldiers following from behind, Darius says as if
spitting out,

“Apologize to Marius and the others, and then fall to Genobanda’s place. You filthy pig!”

But, having lost the young man, whom he acknowledged as his own successor, and
many subordinates, who went through countless battlefields together with him,
Darius’ grief couldn’t be healed even a bit by him killing the priest, who was tainted
with worldly desires, with his own hands.

In the end Darius barely managed to escape to the rear thanks to the sacrifice of
Marius, Bolgus and their small force. After that Darius delivered a crushing blow to a
part of the zoan, who got carried away and attacked him, after hosting his flag,
gathering the soldiers of the defeated army that managed to escape, and reforming
their ranks. Darius, who managed to cross the river while holding back the zoan, who
were at a loss on how to continue after that, burned the bridge in order to prevent any
further pursuits and was finally able to withdraw into the city of Luoma.

The number of soldiers, who safely reached Luoma together with Darius at that time,
is said to have been less than 3,000.

For an army with more than 7,000 soldiers in total this was a huge and overwhelming
defeat. What was even more painful for Darius was that many of the excellent
commissioned officers, whom he had nurtured so far, ended up dead.

Due to this, Darius’ support in the Holmean army took a steep nosedive.
Except for the zoan, who were entrusted with the pursuit, the majority stopped
chasing before long. The pursuit effort naturally slowed down as all the soldiers who
had been late in escaping were defeated.

Those who stopped on the spot looked at each other for a brief moment. During that
time, only the sound of their rough breathing was loudly audible, without any words

It was as if they were inside an illusion or a dream, with them fearing that it would
pop and vanish once they said something.

“Did we win?”

A timid voice escapes someone’s mouth after quite a long time passed.

Taking that as the start, everyone begins to speak one after the other.

“We won, right?”

“Really? Did we really win?”

“It’s not a dream, is it? We won, didn’t we?”

As the actual feeling of their own victory washes over them, passion fills their voices.

“We won!”

“Yeah, we did it!”

“It’s our victory!!”

At that moment cheers erupted.

Everyone looks delighted, demonstrating their joy with gleeful expressions, thrusting
their fists into the air, stomping their feet and embracing the person next to them.

Being among them, Shyemul’s body also trembled in rapture and she shouted,

“You did it, Soma! As expected of my [Navel Master]! Nothing less from you, Soma!!”

While listening to her voice, Souma, who was tied to Jahangil’s back, breathes out in

He thought that he has to respond to Shyemul, but rather than the happiness over the
victory in battle, the fatigue and physical weariness now that it had finally ended won

All power left Souma and he felt dead tired, but when the rope affixing his body was
suddenly cut, he ended up falling to the ground, landing on his butt.

Placing his hands at both sides of Souma, who is frowning in pain of having his butt
hit, Jahangil easily lifted him up. And then he puts the surprised Souma on his
shoulder, effectively giving him a shoulder ride.

Shyemul, who grasped Jahangil’s intention, threw her arms up in the air and yelled out

“Praise Soma’s name! Praise Soma who gave us this victory!”

Upon Shyemul’s words, everyone suddenly stares at Souma. And then, after one
heartbeat, they raise the as-of-yet biggest cheering.

“”Soma! Soma! Soma!!””

All those present shout Souma’s name, giving free rein to a wild enthusiasm.

However, contrary to their enthusiasm, Souma only feels flustered and doesn’t manage
to give them any answer.

Receiving congratulations for a victory is an important role for a commander. As

Souma doesn’t try doing so, Jahangil tilts his head to the side in confusion.
“What are you doing? Hurry up and reply to everyone.”

“L-Let me down quickly! Please, let me down!”

Jahangil’s urging only panicked Souma. Jahangil, who started to think that the
flustered state of Souma is awfully suspicious, suddenly felt the area about his nape
getting wet.

“…! Don’t tell me! You…”

Souma’s face cramps up, turning red in shame upon Jahangil’s words.

“I-I’m very sorry…!”

Seeing a battle from close-by for the first time, Souma became incontinent due to the
overwhelming fear.

But even Souma can read Jahangil’s face – a dinosaurian’s face which is usually difficult
to read for a human – that has a tendency to change abruptly.

“That’s why I told you to quickly let me down…”

Due to Souma being on the verge of crying because of his excessive feelings of remorse,
Jahangil closes his mouth tightly with the shape of へ.

“What’s wrong, Soma?”

As Shyemul felt suspicious about the exchange of the two, she asks Souma while
looking up at him. Due to that Souma’s face dyes red in shame, and he only flaps his
hands in panic, unable to answer.

After looking in alternation at Shyemul, who’s inclining her head to the side in
curiosity, and Souma, Jahangil breathed out through his nose grandly as if sighing.

“Stay like this until it dries.”

Seemingly quite surprised by Jahangil’s words, Souma blinked. Since he thought that
he would surely be thrown onto the ground out of anger, Souma hesitated wondering
what to answer.
Due to Souma’s bewilderment, Jahangil said with bitterness,

“It can’t be helped. It often happens on one’s first campaign.”

Sensing something from the way Jahangil said this, Souma timidly asks,

“Possibly, Jahangil has as well…?”

“D-Don’t be stupid! There’s no way for me to have done something like that!”

Then, after mumbling something under his breath, he whispered,

“It was just a bit, really just a little bit…!”

Souma ended up unintentionally laughing a bit. Jahangil becomes flustered due to


“No! It’s only an example! — Rather than that, hurry up and reply to everyone!”

Being pestered by Jahangil, Souma raised his right hand timidly.

As reaction cheers full of passion erupt.

The zoan, the dwarves, the dinosaurians, the elves and the harpyians, all of them had
joyful faces and repeated Souma’s name passionately.

“”Soma! Soma! Soma!!””

Souma responded to that by forcefully and widely waving his right hand with his
cheeks dyed red – not in shame, but due to excitement.

Something hot wells up within the chest of Shyemul, who looked up at her “Navel
Master” being rendered homage like that while squinting her eyes as if watching the
bright sun.

The human boy, who was about to die in that dim dungeon, has reached the point of
being admired fervently by a great number of people, regardless of their race. Just who
could have imagined that?

Even Shyemul would have likely laughed it off if she had been told such a story in that

But, if it’s now, she can believe in it.

I’m pretty certain that Soma will become a legend.

A legend, yearned after by everyone.

That conviction took hold inside Shyemul.

But just in that moment Souma loses his balance as he got carried away in all the
excitement, and it looks as if he’s teetering off of Jahangil’s shoulder. Shyemul was
scared to death because of that, but Souma immediately fixed his posture and revealed
an embarrassed grin while sticking out his tongue a bit, as if glossing over his blunder.

Shyemul sighed and shrugged her shoulders at that with an air of relief.

‘Geez, my “Navel Master” is somewhat careless and troublesome. I simply cannot take my
eyes off him. Yeah, as expected, he’s no good without me.

Becoming aware of Shyemul, who’s agreeing with herself in such manner, Souma calls
out to her,

“What’s wrong, Shyemul?”

Souma asks with a voice loud enough as to not lose out against the cheers. Shyemul
answers by raising her voice as well,

“Soma, looking at you, you are totally unreliable. You are useless without me being
around after all!”

Souma widened his eyes slightly, obviously surprised, and then showed an impish

“Do your best supporting me then, okay?”

Due to this unexpected rebuttal of Souma, it’s now Shyemul’s turn to stare in wonder.
After a short moment Shyemul is assaulted by a laughing seizure and ends up laughing
out loud.
“Good grief, you are really something.”

As if getting infected by Shyemul’s laughter, Souma also bursts into laughter.

With the laughing two playing the central part, the cheers celebrating the victory
continued without showing any indication of coming to an end anytime soon.

“Well, I never! For him to have really won with that General Darius as an opponent…”

Standing atop the wall of Bolnis and gazing at the battlefield, Marchronis muttered
while partly dumbfounded.

In addition to the speech that fascinated people of various races, Soma, who possesses a
thinking outside the norm that can’t be seized by common sense, picked the one
possibility allowing him to even win against General Darius. However, it was nothing
more than a possibility. In reality, the chance for success probably wasn’t even 1 in

However, once you look at the results, he overturned a difference in combat power that
was larger than expected, and really came out victorious.

If you can’t call that a miracle, I don’t know what else you could call that.

“I-I’m sure, it’s a fluke! Something like that General Darius losing…!”

Setius, standing next to Marchronis, said that as if he were spitting out. ‘In the end it
looks like a soldier, who served Holmea, can’t easily come to grips with General Darius’

However, even though those words were filled with a substantial amount of a sore
loser’s griping, there was some truth to them.

In the future, Souma, who heard General Darius’ prediction before the battle from a
prisoner of war, leaves the following words behind:

“That time’s plan was a desperate measure taken under the pressure of necessity as
we were outnumbered heavily. No, far from a last resort, it was nothing more than a
huge gamble. And by chance it actually paid off. If the punitive force’s numbers were
less by even the slightest amount and if my troops had been slightly more than they
had been, I would have likely moved according to General Darius’ prediction.”

Obviously clear from these words, Souma knew better than anyone else that the
victory in this battle, which was afterwards called “Decisive Battle of Bolnis”, was
owed to a huge amount of luck.

But, despite that Marchronis declares,

“It might have been a fluke, but a win is a win.”

There’s no point in denying the result of something that already took place.

And yet Setius argues vehemently,

“However, such a fluke won’t ever happen again! A new punitive force will be
dispatched immediately, and it’s decided that those guys will lose this time for sure!”

“From where are they going to gather that new punitive force?”

“There’s still a national army exceeding 10,000 soldiers remaining in Holmea! If they
call together all the feudal lords, that number will probably grow even further – so
much that people like them won’t be worth any mention.”

Marchronis shakes his head lightly.

“The majority of Holmea’s army has been deployed in the eastern half of the country
for the sake of holding Romania in check. They can’t be moved unless the relation with
Romania improves.”

The result of this battle will probably reach Romania soon. The news of Darius’ defeat,
who can be called a guardian deity of Holmea, might invite an invasion by Romania,
which had been thwarted by his authority until now.

If you consider it like that, it’s an even bigger loss for Holmea, being unable to afford
thinning the defense of its eastern flank.

“T-Then, won’t be fine if they simply recruit new conscripts!?”

“I guess that would even the numbers.”

As Setius slackens his cheeks, feeling that it’s exactly what he thought as well,
Marchronis asked him in return,

“So, who is going to lead those ten thousands new recruits who would have been
merely assembled at that point? If it was me, I would refuse to do it. All the more if
you tell them to face an enemy who defeated General Darius who led 7,000 elite
soldiers of the national army.”

Setius was at a loss for words.

Certainly, if you were to tell an army consisting of nothing but new recruits to defeat an
enemy who repelled Holmea’s mightiest general, Darius, any of Holmea’s soldiers will
flinch, no matter who it might be.

“The replenishment of the soldiers lost in this battle, and the new formation of a
punitive force will probably take its time. I have no doubt that the boy called Soma
gained precious time with this. Though I don’t know whether it’s a half year or a full

The extension of time procured by that boy in this time’s battle probably isn’t overly
much. But, if it’s that boy, he will grow rapidly and tremendously during that little period
of time granted to him.

Marchronis had such a premonition.

“If other people refuse, I’m sure General Darius will assume that task. If it’s the
general, he will next time definitely…”

Marchronis assumed a gloomy look due to the remark of Setius who still seemed to be
unsatisfied with the situation.

With Soma having devoted himself to a clever scheme that could only work in this time’s
battle, and him having exposed his battle array as well, it’s probably impossible for him
to win against that Darius a second time.

However, Marchronis couldn’t believe that Darius would lead the punitive force a
second time.

It’s well-known that Holmea’s king Warius has a strong temperament. In addition,
even the low-ranking Company Commander Aide Marchronis has heard about the
time when the fame of Darius as a soldier had been shunned by Warius, who is a
literary person.

Marchronis gazed anxiously in the direction where Darius’ army had withdrawn.

“It will be fine if he doesn’t garner His Majesty’s disfavor, but…”

However, Marchronis’ worries proved to be true.

“You fool!”

The sound of a goblet, thrown by Holmea’s king, Warius Sadoma Holmeanis, rolls on
the floor following an outburst of anger, echoing awfully loudly inside the dead-silent
audience hall.

“Losing to the likes of slaves; how dare you show your face shamelessly in front of

Having returned to the royal capital after gathering the remnants of the defeated army,
Darius directly reported to the king about the need to reorganize the army to
subjugate the rebels promptly alongside the news of his defeat.

However, King Warius, who was enraged by the news of the defeat, didn’t even try to
listen to Darius’ words. And yet Darius continued to passionately explain the danger
of the rebels and the person leading them, but at last that got on Warius’ nerves.

King Warius’ body trembled in rage as he widened his eyes and glared scornfully at

“Until now I considered you to have the caliber of being the Commander-in-Chief, but
it seems my eyes were flawed. Not only were you unable to suppress a rebellion by
mere slaves, you are even telling me to be afraid of them? To top it off, you are blurting
out bullshit such as us having to reconcile with our sworn enemy Romania, about how
the slaves should be the enemies we must defeat!? For you to be willing to go this far
just to cover up your own defeat!”

Darius, hit by the thrown goblet, appeals to the king with blood dripping down from
his forehead and his face drenched with wine while being leveled with insults,
“Your Majesty! I shall fully take the responsibility for this defeat upon myself! But, I’m
telling you this for those precious to—”

“Silence, Darius!”

Interrupting Darius’ words with an angry shout, King Warius stood up from his

“You said that you are going to fully take responsibility for the defeat upon yourself,
didn’t you? Very well! — Anyone! Drag Darius out to the plaza and behead him!”

Even the courtiers, who watched the development indifferently so far, opened their
eyes wide in surprise due to that, as might be expected.

Darius is a very meritorious retainer who brought countless victories to Holmea while
serving various generations of kings. No matter how much of a crushing defeat he
suffered, to lop off his head for nothing more than a single loss is beyond reckless.

However, anyone trying to remonstrate King Warius once he’s become like this
wouldn’t just receive the brunt of the king’s disfavor. Unable to bear the risk of sparks
flying their way if they covered for Darius with his fallen reputation, the courtiers look
at each other and shove the responsibility around in-between them.

At that moment a small figure jumps out from a corner of the audience hall and goes
down on their knees as if snuggling up to Darius.

It’s a little girl with as-of-yet innocent looks and her amber hair styled into a bob cut.

Two pieces of cloth, dyed in a faint pink and sewed together at her shoulders, hang
down at the front and rear of the girl’s body. That cloth was tied by a broad, corset-
like, leather belt slightly below her breasts. Furthermore, on top of that, a long, faint
pink cloth covered her body from the right shoulder like a stole.

This is a dress only allowed to be worn by children of a certain part of the upper class
of this era’s Holmea.

“Dear Father, please, please forgive Uncle Darius.”

Due to the girl with her body trembling slightly as she plaintively cast her pale face
downwards, King Warius sat back down on the throne alongside a deep sigh.
“Princess, women must not interfere with governmental affairs.”

I knew that she’s become deeply emotionally attached to Darius for a while now, but I
certainly didn’t expect the fainthearted princess, who only stays inside the royal castle
because of her weak constitution, to act like this.

“Please, listen to me, oh father…”

As expected, even King Darius, who had lost his cool, was unable to refuse something
petitioned by the still-young princess with tears in her eyes.

“…Darius, you have to thank the princess. — I shall revoke the decapitation. However,
you shall be no longer a general and your privilege to join the court council shall be
stripped as well! You are under house arrest in your mansion!”

That was the biggest compromise possible for King Warius.

However, that’s not what Darius desired.

“Your Majesty! I won’t mind if you behead me. I beg you, my words—”

“Be quiet! I don’t want to see your face any longer.”

“Your Majesty!”

Without even taking notice of Darius’ yell, Warius left the audience hall with brisk

Having been left behind, Darius falls to his knees in the audience hall, hanging his head
dejectedly. There wasn’t a single person trying to console Darius. Rather, the only
things Darius hears are voices full of scorn as they let him intentionally hear their

“For that to be the highest-ranking general. Age is certainly something dreadful.”

“Indeed. I sure don’t want to become like that.”

The ones in the center of those hurling such contemptful words are the people who
had their children join the punitive force for the sake of completing their first
campaign. Not only was their children’s long-awaited first campaign stained by defeat,
there are also many among the youths who haven’t come back home. It was only
natural for their parents to turn their anger at Darius who led the punitive force.

While being abused like that, a soft cloth is pressed against Darius’ cheek whose
shoulders are trembling as he is down on his knees, suffering from his own
disappointment and regrets.

Once he quickly shifts his look, the princess, who petitioned for his clemency, was
wiping away the wine soaking his face with a handkerchief.

“It’s alright, Uncle Darius. Please be patient for a while until father’s rage calms down.
Then your house arrest will be rescinded immediately and you will be able to return
to your rank as general. After all is said and done, you are a person who dedicated your
life to Holmea, Uncle.”

Darius weakly smiled due to the young princess frantically trying to comfort him.

“Princess, I’m indebted to you.”

Thereupon the young princess heaved a deep sigh of relief.

However, armed royal guards force their way in-between those two.

“Your Highness, please back off.”

In front of the princess, who widens her eyes in surprise wondering what’s going on,
Darius was forced to his feet without any care about his own opinion by the royal
guards standing on both sides. The sword hanging at Darius’ waist is taken away
before the eyes of the princess who tried to get close to Darius in panic.

“Your Excellency Darius, your house arrest has been already announced by His
Majesty. Please restrain yourself as you will be sent back to your mansion at once.”

Their words are polite, but even Darius is confused due to being treated like a criminal.

“J-… Just what sort of reason do you have for this violent treatment!?”

Even as Darius protests, the royal guards maintained their mask-like expressionless
faces and indifferently informed him,
“It’s not a violent treatment. It’s His Majesty’s compassion. Something like being afraid
of mere slaves; His Majesty suspects you being simply confused by the defeat.
Allowing you to repeat such nonsense will only hurt His Majesty’s reputation. As His
Majesty felt misgivings about that, we were ordered to accompany you to your

“His Majesty’s order, you say…!”

Darius widely opened his bloodshot eyes.

“I have been shunned by His Majesty to such a degree!? Even though I only… only
devoted myself to Holmea! To such an extent has His Majesty…!”

“Your Excellency, if you keep going any further, even if it’s you…”

The royal guards flaunted the swords at their waists by placing their hands on the hilt.

Due to that Darius feebly lowered his head.

“Then we shall accompany you to your mansion.”

All life vanished from Darius’ face who is walked off out of the audience hall by the
royal guards.

As if the curse of age finally seized Darius, who kept it away with his strong will until
now, Darius’ face became decrepit and ugly with age lacking any trace of his former
self during that small period of time.

Due to that the princess tries to run up to Darius with tears welling up in her eyes, but
that is obstructed by the arms of the royal guards.

A murmur escaping the cracked lips of Darius reached the princess’ ears who tried to
shake off the arms holding her back.

“At this rate Holmea will be destroyed. It will be overthrown by that guy. By that guy—”

A heartbeat later words – as if fresh blood is oozing out – flowed out,

“By that [Divine Son of Destruction]…!”

Watching Darius, who was taken out of the audience hall while being accompanied by
the sneers and scornful remarks of many courtiers, until he vanished into the corridor,
the princess muttered in a daze,

“[Divine Son of Destruction]…?”

Even while not really understanding what’s meant by those words, the princess felt
her heart stirring excessively for some reason.

And thus the determination of Darius, who tried to convey the deeds of the [Divine
Son of Destruction] while going even as far as sacrificing the youth he had designated
as his successor, fell on deaf ears.

According to a future historian,

“There’s no doubt that it had been the [Divine Son of Destruction] who caused a fatal
wound to Holmea. But, the one who gave it the finishing blow was no one other than
King Warius who ignored Darius’ advice. If King Warius had taken Darius’ advice
seriously at that time, it might have changed history.”
The news that General Darius had been defeated in the outskirts of Bolnis spread like
a wildfire, triggering shock and surprise.

The location was a slum located in the suburbs of Holmenian, the Royal Capital of

It’s a plot of land always wrapped up by thickly humid air as the big river, which
streams through the centre of the capital, was criss crossing through that area.
Because of the water flooding each time the river swelled since ancient times, it’s an
area avoided by the people.

In such a region, there was that small slum.

Farmers who lost their land. Criminals who were banished from the city. Refugees who
escaped their homes for various reasons. The types of people living in that area were

And, as if making the chaotic spread of its residents apparent, even the townscape is
a disarrayed jumble.

The miserable shacks, which were built by patching together any building materials
available, have various shapes, sizes and colors, without one resembling the other.
Complex and complicated paths weave their way in-between the many houses, just as
if it was a labyrinth.

Laughter reverberated from within an old thatched hut-like building located around
the center of the slum.

“Aha ha ha ha! This is a surprise! Yeah, that got me really good!”

Contrary to its partially slanted exterior, the thatched hut’s interior had been
constructed properly. The furnishings installed are simple, but by putting priority on
practicality, there’s not too much nor too little furniture.

What stood out especially among these is a bookshelf installed at one of the walls.
Letters, wooden slates, scrolls in various languages have been lined up orderly in the

A single youth was literally rolling about with laughter (rofl) inside that thatched hut.

“They really won! They really won against that Darius!”

The young man bangs the soles of his feet in front of the letter depicting the details of
Darius’ defeat, which was spread out on top of the floorboards, in exchange for the
arms he had lost.

“Hey! You were surprised as well, right Damia?”

The one being called out is a woman with a tall figure whose fiery red hair had been
gathered into a single plait, streaming down her back. Pulling a slightly wry face,
Damia asked her master,

“Master Tutu, hasn’t it been in vain for you to curry favor with General Darius until
now with things having turned out like this?”

“Ah, yeah. I guess so.”

Because they sold their services after getting close while using any kind of trick
available, they were appointed to jobs that can’t be spoken about in public. The
hardships to reach that point weren’t ordinary either. However, all of it has come to
nothing with Darius losing his standing.

“Darius having fallen is painful. It’s truly the height of bitterness, I guess.”

But, considering all that, Tutu’s expression was cheerful.

“However, I can’t help fancying this guy’s side rather than Darius. Ahhh, just what kind
of guy is he? I wonder what’s going on in that guy’s head? Yeah. I’m thrilled. I’m very,
very excited!”

Damia sighs as if being utterly fed up due to her master’s disgraceful behavior.
“It’s wonderful that you are enjoying yourself so much, but how do you plan to proceed
from now on?”

Upon Damia’s question, Tutu abruptly stops laughing.

And then his thread-like thin eyes shone sharply like a bird of prey that found its prey
as he said,

“Investigate everything about this guy. Name, face, height, physique, hobbies,
preferences, birthplace, personal history as well as his words and deeds. — And that’s
not all. What did he eat on that day? What alcohol does he drink? With what kind of of
woman does he sleep? When does he take a dump? Everything. Find out all of it.”

“Will that much suffice?”

Damia implicitly proposes that she’s capable of going even further. However, Tutu
shook his head.

“As of yet, it’s too early. But, get ready so that we can make a move at any time.”

After receiving various additional detailed orders, Damia bowed to Tutu and left the
thatched hut to prepare for the sake of completing her instructions.

Having been left behind by himself, Tutu bends himself over the letter spread out on
the floor and stares at its content while concentrating intensely.

What was written there is the given name of the person who led the rebels as it was
in the process of circulating throughout Holmea from the soldiers that managed to
return alive.

“… [Divine Son of Destruction], just what kind of person are you?”

There’s still no one who could have answered Tutu’s question.

And in the border city located next to the river separating Holmea and Romania—

A soldier on a kiryu rushed through the city while leaving an intense cloud of dust in
his wake.
“Somehow it’s quite noisy today, isn’t it?”

The peddler Hopkins, who bought dried crimson glory vine at a street cart, grumbled
while wiping of the dust that had fallen on his shoulders.

“That ain’t no wonder. After all even the soldiers are startled out of their wits.”

Due to the cart owner speaking as if he knows something, Hopkins asked while
receiving a bag full of dried crimson glory vines,

“Did something happen?”

“It’s just between you and me, but according to a soldier who frequently visits us—”

With that as preface, he lowered his voice, obviously minding his surroundings, and

“You won’t believe it, but he said that Sir General Darius lost a battle close to a city
called Bolnis. Man, even I was shocked after hearing that!”

“That Sir General Darius did? Really?”

Even Hopkins couldn’t believe that all of a sudden.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s true, really. After a fast messenger arrived two days bringing the news,
new messengers arrive here almost every day.”

Besides that, the cart owner spoke about Bolnis having been occupied by slaves, that
the one leading those slaves is a dreadful divine child of death and destruction and
about Darius losing his standing.

Seemingly unable to endure his pressing urge to talk to someone, the cart owner
chattered about various topic to Hopkins without even asking him a single thing.

Hopkins paid the dried crimson glory vine after adding several copper coins as thanks
and turned his feet towards his covered wagon where he made his wife and child wait.
Returning to the wagon, he calls out to the canopy-covered load-carrying tray, causing
his wife to peek out from within with an anxious and gloomy look. While examining
the surroundings, his wife asked him,
“Say, dear. It looks like the soldier from just now was in quite a rush; you don’t say…”

She didn’t voice out the next words, but Hopkins understood what his wife wanted to
say even without.

She’s frightened, wondering whether we won’t be chased by soldiers trying to arrest us

if someone discovered that we cooperated with the zoan.

Hopkins intentionally puts up a cheerful expression, trying to give his wife a peace of

“It looks like that’s not it. It seems that the people of Bolnis managed to win against
Sir General Darius.”

“Against that Sir General Darius?”

“Yeah. That appears to be the reason for the soldiers’ mad rush.”

Hopkins climbed on the driver’s seat while saying “Yo-heave-ho!”

“Dear, what are you going to do? Go back?”

“No, let’s head to Romania, just as planned. I think it’s still alright, but I don’t know
whether we will be found out sooner or later. — Besides, there’s the matter I was
entrusted with by that kid.”

Suddenly a young boy showed up next to his wife, who heaved a small sigh due to
Hopkins’ reply.

“Mum, Dad, tell mee, ish uncle Sshahata going to bee fine?”

Their son, who had become emotionally attached to the zoan who took care of them
during the time they had been hostages, asked while lisping. Thereupon Hopkins
stores the dried crimson glory vine away and gently caresses his son’s head.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’s fine.”

Once again he stroked the head of his son who smiles happily due to his answer.

After that Hopkins whips the buttocks of the niryu once, causing the covered wagon
to advance slowly.

While sitting on the rattling driver’s seat, Hopkins thought back about the things he
had heard from the cart owner some time ago.

“[Divine Son of Destruction], eh…? He didn’t look like such scary child to me at all

And, also in the royal palace of a neighboring country—

Even though it’s winter, a carpet of flowers is blooming profusely in the royal palace’s

It’s a flower garden where flowers bloom throughout the entire year by having them
transplanted at each season for the sake of the princess loved by Romania’s king.

A courtier arrived at the location of the elderly king, who is narrowing down his eyes
and smiling as he watches the very young princess frolicking around among the
flowers while showing an innocent smile.

“Your Majesty. There’s something urgent I need to inform you about…”

“What boorish fellow you are. Is it something so pressing that you would disturb mine
and the princess’ relaxation time?”

The courtier brings his mouth close to the ear of the elderly king.

“A rebellion of sub-human slaves in Holmea, you say? Moreover, General Darius, who
headed out to subjugate the uprising, was defeated!?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty. It seems that fellow, who defeated that Darius, calls himself
[Divine Son of Destruction].”

“I see. — Call everyone together at once.”

Seeing off her father who left the flower garden while saying so, the small princess
muttered the word she had just heard by chance as it weighed on her mind for some
“… [Divine Son of Destruction]?”

In the royal palace of a small country where all kinds of intrigues converge—

Even though illuminated by bright sunshine through the widely opened window, the
room, where the youth was staying, was somehow filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

What that youth is facing with undivided attention is a wooden board that hung on
the wall. The stucco that was painted on the wooden board just a while ago was still
in a state of being half-dried. The youth has drawn a beautiful landscape painting with
the stucco by using colorants with a paintbrush and even his fingers.

“Your Majesty…”

Before the youth realized, the figure of a person bowed their head while on their knees
in the darkness of a corner of the room.

“An emergency report arrived from the [Source] in Holmea.”

“What happened? Speak.”

The youth referred to as Your Majesty keeps moving his hand without rest even during
that conversation.

“There’s an uprising by the zoan and slaves in Holmea’s western city, Bolnis. The
punitive force of 7,000 soldiers led by General Darius, which headed out to suppress
this revolt, has…”

The youth dips his little finger into red colorant mixed with water and is about to paint
that on top of the stucco.

“—Against a fellow calling himself [Divine Son of Destruction], they suffered a

crushing defeat where they lost more than half of their soldiers.”

Shaking his little finger, the colorant turned into drops and fell on the stucco.

For a short while the youth gazed at the red drops that fell upon the stucco, but after
letting leak a single tongue click, he tosses the painted board on the ground. The dried
stucco was smashed to pieces and scattered on the floor after the board hit the ground
with a loud bang.

“For that Darius to have been defeated…”

The youth stands up from his chair and wipes the colorant off his fingers with a cloth
situated on top of a nearby table.

“As for the narrow-minded Warius; I guess he had Darius demoted?”

“It’s exactly as you concluded. Darius, who suffered King Warius’ disfavor, was
deprived of his rank as general and his privilege to participate in the court council.”

The youth covered his mouth with a hand, suppressing his laughter. The colorant
sticking to his fingers dirties his cheek, but the youth pays no heed to that.

“What a fool you are, Warius. Darius is a color that cannot be absent in the picture
depicting Holmea. Isn’t it impossible to draw a beautiful painting if you remove a
major color that also serves as a first coating?”

The youth slovenly wrote up several letters with his hands still smeared by paint. Then
he takes the candle of a candle stand, spills its hot wax on those letters and applies his
seal by pressing the seal ring on his finger into the wax.

“Deliver these to the [Sources] in Holmea and Romania.”

Once the youth threw the letters on the floor, a figure appeared from within the
darkness of the room and squirmed on the ground like a bug. And then, when the
figure picked up the letters from the floor, it once again disappears into the darkness
of the room after reverently holding those letters with both hands.

Making certain of that with his own eyes, the youth muttered,

“[Divine Son of Destruction], huh? —Let’s see what kind of color it is…”

At the ocean—

A big island floating in the Beness Bay, located to the south of the Ocean Commercial
State Jeboa.

That island, which was surrounded by a belt of reefs with various sizes, is known as
perilous pass which can’t be approached easily with a ship.

The figure of a single girl was visible on one of the reefs surrounding that island.

Even though it was still the cold season, where a chilly northern wind is blowing
violently and where the water is piercingly freezing, the girl doesn’t wear a single
piece of cloth to protect against the cold and only covers her breasts with a wide,
leather belt that had shells sewn on it like the scales of a fish. Moreover, her hips, which
she lowered on the wave-covered reef, are even now below the sea level.

Ocean water trickles down from her silver hair that was tied up into a ponytail. She
had an appearance making it obvious that she had just now emerged from the sea, but
even so, without showing an inkling of being bothered by the cold, she directly gazed
in the direction of the distant land.

Suddenly the girl puts her hands on the trident she had placed on the reef.

“…Elder sister. So you are over here. I was looking for you.”

The one who had her head peek out in-between the waves is a little girl that gives an
impression of being slightly younger than the girl. The girl called elder sister
separated her hand from the trident, and asked the little girl a question,

“Is something wrong?”

“Her Majesty is calling. I hear slaves of various races decently raised the standard of
revolt against the humans or something along those lines.”

The girl widened her eyes slightly, but as if comprehending right away, she heaved a
little sigh.

“So it finally happened, huh…?”

It’s something the girl had foreseen a while ago.

The persecution against the other races by the humans taking place on land and its
relentlessness was something that made the girl frown from just the few stories that
reached her ears.

It’s impossible for the other races to endure that injustice forever. Sooner or later, there
will definitely come a time when all of them simultaneously rise against the humans, she

However, the girl is astonished by the next words of her younger sister.

“But it appears that a human is leading that revolt.”

“A human? No way. You are saying that a human fought against the humans while
leading the various races?”

Upon the girl slightly shaking her head sideways as if saying that she can’t believe that,
her younger sister continues,

“Yes. They say it’s a human calling himself [Divine Son of Destruction] who possesses
terrifying powers.”

“[Divine Son of Destruction], you said…?”

Her heart throbbed furiously in surprise.

Even though it was a name she heard for the first time, her heart beat wildly for some

The younger sisters looks curiously at the girl who had suddenly sank into silence.

“…Sister? What’s wrong?”

“—! No, it’s nothing.”

Answering quickly in a fluster as if covering up her state, the girl wiped away her idle
thoughts with a little shake of her head and picked up the trident.

“Anyway, let’s go to Her Majesty the Queen.”

As she said so, the girl slid off the reef and dove into the sea. Her younger sister
submerges her head into the sea in order to follow after her.
After the girl and her younger sister vanished into the sea, for a mere instant
something like the tail fin of a huge fish became visible between the waves, but that
also sunk below the sea level at once.

In a country full of hot sand—

That person woke up due to the talking voices audible from above.

It’s the rowing area of a galley that’s enveloped by stuffy hot air and offensive smell.

Through peep holes and gaps in the deck above some rays of sunlight illuminate the
dim rowing area in a spherical shape. While being tied by chains in the same manner
as the slaves in the surroundings, that person slept like a log while leaning against an

The thick chains tying down their huge build resound with a jangling as that person
shifts their attention to above – the origin of the talking voices. Once that person did,
they caught a glimpse of the sailors through the gaps of the planks talking while
standing on the deck.

“—leave. With Holmea—slave revolt—that’s what I heard.”

“That’s—so, that guy—what is said.”

That person listened carefully for a short while to the conversation of the sailors which
was only audible in disconnected parts.

It looks like slaves of various races caused a rebellion against the human country with
the port we are heading for next. Furthermore it’s story of them having succeeded in
their rebellion, gaining total control over a single city.

However, that person immediately lost interest in that.

I have been a slave by birth. I don’t know any other way of life than that of slavery. There’s
no way that I can succeed as anything but a slave. It’s a story that has nothing to do with

That was no resignation.

For that person it was nothing more than a proven fact.

Believing that they have to prepare for the next departure by resting their body as
much as possible for now, that person once again leaned their body against the oar
blackened with dirty marks.

“—is,–divine child—what did you say!”

While entrusting their body to the immediately arriving lure of sleepiness, that person
unconsciously voiced out the words of the sailors they heard moments ago,

“… [Divine Son of Destruction].”

At last, on the soil of the Empire, located in the far-away center of the continent—

“Hey, did you hear!? It seems there was a sub-human rebellion in the western regions
of the continent.”

As the young knight, who entered the room without any greetings, rattled on in such
manner, a young man, seemingly of the same generation, dons an expression as if
having swallowed a bitter pill.

“Don’t you know the word manners!? Just what the hell are you on about all of a

However, without minding that, the young knight, who suddenly plunged into the
room, sits down on a chair as he pleases and pours alcohol into a cup from a jar placed
on the table without even bothering to get permission.

It’s an overbearing behavior, but the young man only sighed as if being fed up with it.

“It’s just as I expected after all. I was convinced that it would happen in due time! In
the first place, it’s a mistake to allow the priests of the Holy Faith to meddle with the
country’s affairs!”

The young man looks at the young knight, who keeps talking one-sidedly, in resignation.

“So, just what are you telling me to do about this?”

The young knight, whose face brightened up as if having only waited for those words,
drains down the alcohol and slams the cup on the table.

“Of course this is about reforming this rotten Empire with our own hands!”

Due to the young knight’s cheeks blushing in excitement and not drunkenness, The
young man shrugged his shoulders as if saying “Good grief.”

“For heaven’s sake—if you speak of this to anyone else, you will be sacked due to

“Of course it’s something I would only tell you.”

The young man protests with “Just when did I became your friend?”, but in return it
results in him being asked “We are friends, aren’t we?” by the young knight.

While it’s something that takes place each time they meet, the young man, who
realized that it’s useless no matter what he says to this person, reluctantly decides to
get on with the topic.

“Let’s set aside the matter of our Empire. Do you really believe that the influence of a
slave revolt in the far, distant western region is going to reach this Empire as well?”

“Of course it will!” The young knight declares in response to the young man’s question.
“The influence of the guy, who caused this rebellion, will definitely spread to the centre
of the continent! I have no doubt that a terrible chaos is upon us!”

After having finished saying what he wanted to say up until this point, the young
knight suddenly began to tilt his head to the side in doubt.

“Huh? Umm, I wonder, what was it? The guy who caused this rebellion. What was he

While letting his look wander through the air for a while, the young knight probed his
memories. Suddenly his face lightens up.

“Ah, yeah! It’s [Divine Son of Destruction]!”


Like this the world finally got to know about the [Divine Son of Destruction].


On the hill in the outskirts of Bolnis where Souma and Darius had their showdown.

Uncountable burial mounds orderly line up on that hill which is illuminated by the
pale light of the full moon that had ascended high into the sky. Each of those mounds
had an abandoned sword or spear stuck upright into the soil.

It’s a gravesite.

The many soldiers, who fell in the decisive battle over Bolnis, are resting there so that
they never wake up again.

The hill with such burial mounds lining up was wrapped up in silence as if lording
over the deceased.

However, it’s an odd silence where one can’t hear the sound of the wind or the chirping
of any insects. Without even the small animals such as mices that rob the graves being
present, although they ought to be, the entire hill seemed to be afraid of something.

A single bluish-white flame suddenly lit up above the burial mounds within that

It’s a will-o’-the-wisp.

Taking that as a start, will-o’-the-wisps appeared all over the hill. And then, being
illuminated by the will-o’-the-wisps dancing on top of the burial mounds, as if
emulating a candle night, a white figure appears.

“Aaah! My cute, cute Souma!”

It’s a single little girl wearing a plain, white dress.

That little girl widely spreads her arms and dances among the will-o’-the-wisps by
whirling around and around.
“The world finally became aware of you! But, this is yet nothing but the beginning.
Your name will spread and become much, much more famous. Alongside terror!
Alongside fury! Alongside despair! Alongside hatred!”

As if being drawn into the little girl’s outstretched arms, the bluish-white will-o’-the-
wisps that are floating on the battlefield are attracted.

If one were to look from right above on this place at this time, they would likely be
able to see a vortex of bluish-white flames centered around the little girl. Clad by
countless bluish-white flames, the little girl spins her words as if singing.

“My kind Souma. You will likely save many people! My clever Souma. You will likely
enrich many people! But, in the end you will be definitely betrayed. You will be
betrayed by this world. At that time the eggshell called false hero will break and the
real you will be released from within!”

A smile cracks open widely within the little girl’s white face.

“You will definitely become a legend. You will become a legendary person feared by

The little girl bent her white throat back, releasing a cackling.

“Aah! I wonder how dreadful you are going to be. I wonder how repulsive you are going
to be. My cute Souma! My beloved Souma! My terrifying Soumaaaa!!”

—However, the world still doesn’t know of his true dreadfulness.

Author Notes:

“Yeah, yeah, I mean I don’t give a fuck even if you tell me that it’s unreasonable, Soma-
sama. I just gotta go for it for as long as I can, right?”

A woman with freckles all over her cheeks grumbles.

“Lad! You are a funny one!”

An elder with a white beard laughs loudly.

“Aaaaaah. I wanna eat delicious stuff…”

A boy says with his cheeks stuffed full with bread.

Souma tries to amass his power in the city of Bolnis in preparation for the battle
against Holmea expected to take place in the near future. Is his knowledge going to
bring development or turmoil to Bolnis?

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