Ch2 Ldrship Ethics Traits

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Leadership Traits

And Ethics
SMU Classification: Restricted

 Recognise the Big 5

 Understand Achievement Motivation Theory
 Identify Leadership Attitudes
 Theory X & Y
 Pygmalion Theory
 Self-concept
 Ethics
 Ethics and traits
 Justifying unethical behaviour
SMU Classification: Restricted

 Traits
 Are distinguishing personal characteristics

 Personality
 Is a combination of traits that classifies an
individual’s behavior

 Personality profiles
 Identifies strong and weak traits of an individual

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Personality affects
 Behaviour
 Attitudes
 Perceptions

 Helps ‘predict’ behaviour & job performance

 Personality tests

SMU Classification: Restricted

 To be done at your own leisure


 Complete questions 1 to 60 only

 Fill in only your gender and age

 Click the submit button at the bottom of the


SMU Classification: Restricted


Agreeableness Neuroticism

Conscientiousness Openness to

Source: Adapted from T. A. Judge, D. Heller, and M. K. Mount. “Five-Factor Model of Personality and Job Satisfaction:
A Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (June 2002), 530(12).

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Extroversion (Surgency or Dominance)

 Leadership and extraversion traits
 Want to be in charge
 Agreeableness
 Traits related to getting along with people
 Sociable, friendly – compassionate, friendly
 Neuroticism (Adjustment)
 Traits related to emotional stability
– Stable = self-control, calm, good under pressure, relaxed,
secure, and positive

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Conscientiousness
 Traits related to achievement
 Responsible and dependable
 Desire to achieve goals
 Openness to experience
 Traits related to the willingness to try new
 Seek change

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Attempts to explain and predict behavior and

performance based on a person’s need for
achievement, power, and affiliation

 Also known as McClelland’s Needs Theory

 n Ach, n Pow, n Aff

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Internal locus of control

 Self-confidence
 High energy
 Goal oriented (realistic goals)
 Moderate risks
 About 10% of population

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Want to be in charge (in authority)

 Self-confident
 High energy
 Competitive
 Ambitious
 Less concerned with what people think about

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Socialized power
– Used for the betterment of one’s self, the group, and
the organization

 Personalized power
– Used for personal gain at the expense of others

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Strong personal relationships

 Sensitivity to others
 Joins groups & associations
 Prefer “helping professions”
 Concerned about what people think of them
 Usually have low need for power
 Avoids leadership opportunities

SMU Classification: Restricted

Leadership Attitudes

SMU Classification: Restricted

The positive or negative feelings

about people, things and issues

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Theory X and Theory Y

 Attempt to explain and predict leadership
behavior and performance based on the leader’s
attitude about followers
 Pygmalion effect
 Proposes that leaders’ attitudes toward and
expectations of followers, and their treatment of
them, explain and predict followers’ behavior and
 Self-concept
 Collection of beilefs of oneself. Refers to the
positive or negative attitudes people have about
themselves 16
SMU Classification: Restricted

Theory X Attitude: Theory Y Attitude:

Employees: Employees:
 dislike work  like to work
 must be closely supervised  do not need to be closely
 must receive coercive,
autocratic leadership  expect more participative
 must be subject to external
means of control- threats and  look forward to internal
punishment motivation and rewards

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Proposes that the leaders' attitudes toward

and expectations of followers, and their
treatment of them, explain and predict
followers' behavior and performance
In other words:
“If you believe you can,
you can;
if you believe you can’t,
you can’t.”
SMU Classification: Restricted

 Effective leaders train ordinary employees to

do a great job

 Leaders’ expectations influence the behavior

and performance of followers

 Teacher to students: ‘Since you are from this

faculty, I will make it easier for you’

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Collection of beliefs - positive or negative

attitudes – of oneself

 Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s own capability to

perform in a specific situation

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Are the standards of right and wrong that

influence behavior
 Right behavior is considered ethical
 Wrong behavior is considered unethical

 Business ethics, and ethics codes, guide and

constrain everyday business conduct

 Question: Are we ethical because we want to

or because we have to?
SMU Classification: Restricted

 Ethical behavior is related to individual needs

and personality traits

 To gain power, people may be unethical – be

careful with your power and authority

 Opposing argument: Self-confidence can

allow a person to make ethical choices. True?
SMU Classification: Restricted

 People are more likely to act unethically:

 In highly competitive situations

 In unsupervised situations

 When there is no formal ethics policy

 When unethical behavior is not punished or is


SMU Classification: Restricted

 Stanley Milgram & Phillip Zimbardo's studies,

applied to the Abu Ghraib Prison atrocities – 6 mins

 Viewer discretion is advised

 Note: Of late, the Stanford Prison experiments have been

accused of being inaccurate. What do you think?

SMU Classification: Restricted

 Higher purpose – greater good

 Displacement of responsibility – others at fault
 Diffusion of responsibility – we are all at fault
 Advantageous comparison – not as bad as you
 Disregard/Distortion of consequences
 Attribution of blame – others were the catalyst
 Euphemistic labelling – cosmetic words to
sound acceptable

SMU Classification: Restricted

 60% of employees have someone at work who ‘looks out

for them’

 51% of S’poreans would sacrifice a friendship if it

leads to a promotion

 33% of professionals believe their colleagues understand

them better than partners (gf, bf, spouse)

 22% only socialise with colleagues to help them

climb corporate ladder

Relationships@Work, Linkedin, Human Resources Aug 2014 26

SMU Classification: Restricted

 The courage to do what is right in the

absence of authority or accoutability

 ‘Right’ can be debatable

 ‘Right’ refers to what is legally &

professionally expected of you

SMU Classification: Restricted

 An ethically courageous leader must:
 Focus on a higher purpose
 Draw strength from others
– Family and friends
 Take risks without fear of failure
– We all fail sometimes
 Take action to stop unethical behavior – even if
the decision is unpopular


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