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3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel

For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig

Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Profile DRI Goals

Profile Name Main Profile

Sex Female
Height 6 ft. 0 inch.
Weight 206
Age 33 years
BMI 28
Activity Level Low Active
Smoker yes
Vegetarian no
Weight Change Goal Lose 65 lbs.
Per Week Change 0.5 lbs.

DRI Goals
Nutrient DRI
Calories 2349 kcal
Carbohydrates 264 - 382 g 45%-65% of kilocalories
Fat 52 - 91 g 20%-35% of kilocalories
Protein 75 g Daily requirement based on
grams per kilogram of body

Saturated Fat < 26 g less than 10% of calories
Monounsaturated Fat - No recommendation
Polyunsaturated Fat - No recommendation
Cholesterol 300 mg less than 300mg recommended

Essential fatty acids

Omega-6 Linoleic 12 g
Omega-3 Linolenic 1g

Dietary Fiber, Total 25 g
Sugar, Total - No recommendation

Water 3L
Alcohol - No recommendation


1 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Profile DRI Goals
Nutrient DRI
Thiamin 1 mg
Riboflavin 1 mg
Niacin 14 mg
Vitamin B6 1 mg
Vitamin B12 2 mcg
Folate (DFE) 400 mcg
Vitamin C 110 mg
Vitamin D (ug) 5 mcg DRI Adequate Intake
Vitamin A (RAE) 700 mcg
Vitamin A (IU) 2333 IU
alpha-tocopherol (Vit E) 15 mg

Calcium 1000 mg DRI Adequate Intake
Iron 18 mg
Magnesium 320 mg
Potassium 4700 mg DRI Adequate Intake
Zinc 8 mg
Sodium 1500 mg DRI Adequate Intake

2 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Macronutrient Ranges: Energy Nutrient Intake and DRI Goal
Ranges Compared
500 kCal 1000 kCal 1500 kCal 2000 kCal 2500 kCal

Recommended - 2349 Calories

Yours - 2305 Calories

Recommended Yours - Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates 45%-65% 1057-1527 kCal 47% 1075 kCal - Protein
Proteins 10%-35% 235-822 kCal 9% 207 kCal
- Fat
Fats 20%-35% 470-822 kCal 39% 889 kCal
- Alcohol

3 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Fat Breakdown: Fat as Percentage of Total Calories
Source of Fat 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
| | | | |

Saturated Fat 13%

Monounsaturated Fat 15%
Polyunsaturated Fat 6%
Trans Fat * 0%
Unspecified 4%

* Transfat data is not yet reported by all sources and therefore may be under-represented.

4 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake vs. Goals: Intake and DRI Goals Compared
Nutrient DRI Intake 0% 50% 100%
| | |

Kilocalories 2349 kcal 2305.17 kcal 98%
Carbohydrate 264 - 382 g 261.65 g
Fat, Total 52 - 91 g 96.22 g
Protein(g/kg/day) 74.75 g 51.84 g 69%

Saturated Fat < 10% 32.97 g
Monounsaturated Fat no rec 38.78 g
Polyunsaturated Fat no rec 14.25 g
Cholesterol 300 mg 141.28 mg 47%

Omega-6 Linoleic 12 g 12.32 g 103%
Omega-3 Linolenic 1.1 g 1.17 g 106%

Dietary Fiber, Total 25 g 13.51 g 54%
Sugar, Total no rec 124.68 g

Water 2.7 L 0.34 L 13%
Alcohol no rec 17.88 g

Thiamin 1.1 mg 1.27 mg 116%
Riboflavin 1.1 mg 0.85 mg 77%
Niacin 14 mg 14.64 mg 105%
Vitamin B6 1.3 mg 0.64 mg 49%
Vitamin B12 2.4 mcg 2.69 mcg 112%
Folate (DFE) 400 mcg 270.78 mcg 68%
Vitamin C 110 mg 3.78 mg 3%
Vitamin D (ug) 5 mcg 1.43 mcg 29%
Vitamin A (RAE) 700 mcg 51.94 mcg 7%
Vitamin A (IU) 2333 IU 345.1 IU 15%
alpha-tocopherol (Vit E) 15 mg 4.25 mg 28%

Calcium 1000 mg 346.91 mg 35%
Iron 18 mg 13.29 mg 74%
Magnesium 320 mg 96.36 mg 30%
Potassium 4700 mg 1217.72 mg 26%
Zinc 8 mg 5.79 mg 72%
Sodium 1500 mg 3231.38 mg 215%

5 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
My Pyramid Analysis
Goal * Actual % Goal
Grains 7 oz. eq. 6.5 oz. eq. 93%
Vegetables 3 cup eq. 0.4 cup eq. 13%
Fruits 2 cup eq. 0.5 cup eq. 25%
Milk 3 cup eq. 0.3 cup eq. 10%
Meat & Beans 6 oz. eq. 5.6 oz eq. 93%
Discretionary 290 712.3 246%

Your results are based on a 2349 calorie pattern.

Make Half Your Grains Whole! Aim for at least 3.5 whole grains.

Vary Your Veggies! Aim for this much every week:

* Dark Green Vegetables = 3 cups weekly
* Orange Vegetables = 2 cups weekly
* Dry Beans & Peas = 3 cups weekly
* Starchy Vegetables = 3 cups weekly
* Other Vegetables = 6.5 cups weekly
Oils: Aim for 6 teaspoons of oil a day.

* My Pyramid contains recommendations only for calorie levels up to 3,200

per day. If Diet Analysis Plus recommends more than 3,200 calories per
day for you, talk to your instructor for guidance on how to use the Pyramid.

**CAUTION! Recipes and Custom Foods are not included on the

MyPyramid Report, as pyramid values for these cannot be calculated.

6 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 10/30/2009
Item Name Meal Quantity Weight Kcal (kcal)
Hot Dog on Bun Breakfast 3 item 255 g 749.70
Devil's Food Cupcake with Dinner 3 item 105 g 360.00
Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Brittle Snack 6 oz. 170.1 g 826.68
root beer schnapps Snack 4 svg. 113.4 g 288.00
Totals: 2224.38

Item Name Protein (g) Carb (g) Fat (g) Sat Fat (g)
Hot Dog on Bun 27.18 56.71 44.93 16.85
Devil's Food Cupcake with 6.00 60.00 12.00 5.40
Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Brittle 12.88 121.18 32.28 7.05
root beer schnapps - - - -
Totals: 46.06 237.89 89.22 29.30

Item Name Mono Fat (g) Poly Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Chol (mg)
Hot Dog on Bun 21.09 6.13 - 73.95
Devil's Food Cupcake with 4.80 1.80 - 57.00
Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Brittle 13.72 7.75 - 20.41
root beer schnapps - - - -
Totals: 39.60 15.68 0.00 151.36

Item Name Omega-6 (g) Omega-3 (g) Diet Fiber (g) Sugar (g)
Hot Dog on Bun 5.33 0.80 5.86 6.86
Devil's Food Cupcake with - - 2.10 -
Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Brittle 7.75 0.00 4.25 87.31
root beer schnapps - - - -
Totals: 13.08 0.80 12.22 94.17

Item Name Water (L) Alcohol (g) Thiamin (mg) Ribo (mg)
Hot Dog on Bun 0.12 0.00 0.73 0.53
Devil's Food Cupcake with 0.03 0.00 0.12 0.15
Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Brittle 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.07
root beer schnapps - 24.00 - -
Totals: 0.15 24.00 1.08 0.75

Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (mcg) Fol (DFE) (mcg)
Hot Dog on Bun 8.37 0.27 2.12 191.25
Devil's Food Cupcake with 0.90 - - -
Chocolate Frosting

7 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 10/30/2009
Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (mcg) Fol (DFE) (mcg)
Peanut Brittle 4.50 0.13 0.02 78.25
root beer schnapps - - - -
Totals: 13.78 0.40 2.13 269.50

Item Name Vit C (mg) Vit D (ug) (mcg) Vit A (RAE) (mcg) Vit A (IU) (IU)
Hot Dog on Bun 0.00 - 25.50 0.00
Devil's Food Cupcake with 0.00 - - 240.00
Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Brittle 0.00 0.14 66.34 241.54
root beer schnapps - - - -
Totals: 0.00 0.14 91.84 481.54

Item Name alpha-T (mg) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) Magn (mg)
Hot Dog on Bun 0.43 168.30 5.30 38.25
Devil's Food Cupcake with - 63.00 2.10 -
Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Brittle 4.35 45.93 2.08 71.44
root beer schnapps - - - -
Totals: 4.79 277.23 9.48 109.69

Item Name Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)

Hot Dog on Bun 346.80 3.39 2152.20
Devil's Food Cupcake with 138.00 - 276.00
Chocolate Frosting
Peanut Brittle 285.77 1.48 756.94
root beer schnapps - - -
Totals: 770.57 4.87 3185.14

8 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 10/31/2009
Item Name Meal Quantity Weight Kcal (kcal)
Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food Breakfast 2 item 248 g 969.68
Hot Dog on Bun Lunch 2 item 170 g 499.80
Cheeseburger, Double Patty Dinner 1 item 228 g 649.80
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered Snack 0.5 c. 7g 36.47
root beer schnapps Snack 4 svg. 113.4 g 288.00
candied almonds Snack 1 svg. 100 g 474.00
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda Snack 4 fl. oz. 120 g 0.35
Totals: 2918.10

Item Name Protein (g) Carb (g) Fat (g) Sat Fat (g)
Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food 24.23 80.08 63.56 28.44
Hot Dog on Bun 18.12 37.81 29.95 11.23
Cheeseburger, Double Patty 29.73 53.12 35.27 12.77
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered 0.57 3.62 2.33 0.66
root beer schnapps - - - -
candied almonds 10.00 68.00 18.00 2.00
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00
Totals: 82.66 242.68 149.11 55.10

Item Name Mono Fat (g) Poly Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Chol (mg)
Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food 25.64 6.05 - 69.44
Hot Dog on Bun 14.06 4.09 - 49.30
Cheeseburger, Double Patty 12.64 6.37 - 93.48
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered 0.66 0.87 - 1.47
root beer schnapps - - - -
candied almonds - - - -
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Totals: 53.00 17.37 0.00 213.69

Item Name Omega-6 (g) Omega-3 (g) Diet Fiber (g) Sugar (g)
Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food 5.43 0.53 2.73 5.75
Hot Dog on Bun 3.55 0.53 3.91 4.57
Cheeseburger, Double Patty 5.62 0.65 - -
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered 0.82 0.05 0.63 0.03
root beer schnapps - - - -

9 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 10/31/2009
Item Name Omega-6 (g) Omega-3 (g) Diet Fiber (g) Sugar (g)
candied almonds - - 3.00 63.00
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05
Totals: 15.42 1.76 10.27 73.41

Item Name Water (L) Alcohol (g) Thiamin (mg) Ribo (mg)
Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food 0.07 0.00 0.79 0.57
Hot Dog on Bun 0.08 0.00 0.49 0.35
Cheeseburger, Double Patty 0.11 - 0.57 0.43
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01
root beer schnapps - 24.00 - -
candied almonds - - - -
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda - 0.00 - -
Totals: 0.26 24.00 1.86 1.36

Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (mcg) Fol (DFE) (mcg)
Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food 6.55 0.22 1.02 143.84
Hot Dog on Bun 5.58 0.18 1.41 127.50
Cheeseburger, Double Patty 8.34 0.27 2.07 132.24
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered 0.10 0.01 0.00 1.12
root beer schnapps - - - -
candied almonds - - - -
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda - - - -
Totals: 20.57 0.69 4.50 404.70

Item Name Vit C (mg) Vit D (ug) (mcg) Vit A (RAE) (mcg) Vit A (IU) (IU)
Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food 0.25 3.25 24.80 111.60
Hot Dog on Bun 0.00 - 17.00 0.00
Cheeseburger, Double Patty 2.74 0.91 - 371.64
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered 0.02 - 5.18 30.50
root beer schnapps - - - -
candied almonds - - - -
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda 0.00 - - 0.00
Totals: 3.00 4.16 46.98 513.74

Item Name alpha-T (mg) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) Magn (mg)
Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food 2.73 255.44 5.16 39.68
Hot Dog on Bun 0.29 112.20 3.54 25.50

10 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 10/31/2009
Item Name alpha-T (mg) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) Magn (mg)
Cheeseburger, Double Patty 1.98 168.72 4.72 36.48
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered 0.33 0.77 0.18 6.86
root beer schnapps - - - -
candied almonds - 10.00 11.00 -
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda - - - -
Totals: 5.33 547.13 24.59 108.52

Item Name Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)

Biscuit with Sausage, Fast Food 396.80 3.10 2142.72
Hot Dog on Bun 231.20 2.26 1434.80
Cheeseburger, Double Patty 389.88 4.13 921.12
and Bun, with Condiments and
Popcorn, Popped in Oil, Buttered 14.35 0.17 59.78
root beer schnapps - - -
candied almonds - - 13.00
COCA-COLA Coke Zero Soda 15.50 - 14.00
Totals: 1047.73 9.66 4585.42

11 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 11/1/2009
Item Name Meal Quantity Weight Kcal (kcal)
Devil's Food Cupcake with Breakfast 0.5 item 17.5 g 60.00
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, Breakfast 4 fl. oz. 120 g 0.00
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea Lunch 20 fl. oz. 600 g 150.00
McDONALD'S French Fries Lunch 1 item 114 g 360.24
Hot Dog on Bun Dinner 2 item 170 g 499.80
BUSCH Light Beer Dinner 6 fl. oz. 177.5 g 47.50
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda Snack 12 fl. oz. 360 g 145.50
SUNSWEET California Grown Snack 15 item 120 g 360.00
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea Snack 20 fl. oz. 600 g 150.00
Totals: 1773.04

Item Name Protein (g) Carb (g) Fat (g) Sat Fat (g)
Devil's Food Cupcake with 1.00 10.00 2.00 0.90
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea 0.00 40.00 0.00 0.00
McDONALD'S French Fries 4.34 44.48 18.38 2.38
Hot Dog on Bun 18.12 37.81 29.95 11.23
BUSCH Light Beer 0.35 1.60 0.00 0.00
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda 0.00 40.50 0.00 0.00
SUNSWEET California Grown 3.00 90.00 0.00 0.00
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea 0.00 40.00 0.00 0.00
Totals: 26.82 304.39 50.33 14.51

Item Name Mono Fat (g) Poly Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Chol (mg)
Devil's Food Cupcake with 0.80 0.30 - 9.50
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
McDONALD'S French Fries 8.90 5.32 0.15 0.00
Hot Dog on Bun 14.06 4.09 - 49.30
BUSCH Light Beer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUNSWEET California Grown 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

12 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 11/1/2009
Item Name Mono Fat (g) Poly Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Chol (mg)
Totals: 23.76 9.70 0.15 58.80

Item Name Omega-6 (g) Omega-3 (g) Diet Fiber (g) Sugar (g)
Devil's Food Cupcake with - - 0.35 -
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00
McDONALD'S French Fries 4.90 0.40 4.79 0.23
Hot Dog on Bun 3.55 0.53 3.91 4.57
BUSCH Light Beer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.50
SUNSWEET California Grown 0.00 0.00 9.00 81.00
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00
Totals: 8.46 0.94 18.05 206.46

Item Name Water (L) Alcohol (g) Thiamin (mg) Ribo (mg)
Devil's Food Cupcake with 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, - 0.00 - -
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea - 0.00 - -
McDONALD'S French Fries 0.05 - 0.37 0.04
Hot Dog on Bun 0.08 0.00 0.49 0.35
BUSCH Light Beer 0.17 5.65 0.01 0.03
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
SUNSWEET California Grown - 0.00 - -
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea - 0.00 - -
Totals: 0.62 5.65 0.89 0.44

Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (mcg) Fol (DFE) (mcg)
Devil's Food Cupcake with 0.15 - - -
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, - - - -
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea - - 0.00 -
McDONALD'S French Fries 3.15 0.59 - -
Hot Dog on Bun 5.58 0.18 1.41 127.50
BUSCH Light Beer 0.69 0.06 0.04 10.65
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

13 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 11/1/2009
Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (mcg) Fol (DFE) (mcg)
SUNSWEET California Grown - - - -
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea - - 0.00 -
Totals: 9.57 0.83 1.45 138.15

Item Name Vit C (mg) Vit D (ug) (mcg) Vit A (RAE) (mcg) Vit A (IU) (IU)
Devil's Food Cupcake with 0.00 - - 40.00
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, 0.00 - 0.00 0.00
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea - - - 0.00
McDONALD'S French Fries 8.32 - 0.00 0.00
Hot Dog on Bun 0.00 - 17.00 0.00
BUSCH Light Beer 0.00 - 0.00 0.00
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda 0.00 - 0.00 0.00
SUNSWEET California Grown 0.00 - 0.00 0.00
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea - - - 0.00
Totals: 8.32 0.00 17.00 40.00

Item Name alpha-T (mg) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg) Magn (mg)
Devil's Food Cupcake with - 10.50 0.35 -
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, - 0.00 0.00 -
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea - - 0.25 -
McDONALD'S French Fries 2.35 19.38 0.98 36.48
Hot Dog on Bun 0.29 112.20 3.54 25.50
BUSCH Light Beer 0.00 7.10 0.05 8.88
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda 0.00 7.20 0.40 0.00
SUNSWEET California Grown - 60.00 0.00 -
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea - - 0.25 -
Totals: 2.64 216.38 5.82 70.85

Item Name Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)

Devil's Food Cupcake with 23.00 - 46.00
Chocolate Frosting
LIPTON Green Tea with Citrus, 15.00 - 30.00
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea 40.00 - 50.00
McDONALD'S French Fries 638.40 0.50 258.78
Hot Dog on Bun 231.20 2.26 1434.80

14 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Intake Spreadsheet: 11/1/2009
Item Name Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)
BUSCH Light Beer 37.28 0.02 4.50
COCA-COLA Classic Cola Soda 0.00 0.07 49.50
SUNSWEET California Grown 810.00 - 0.00
Pitted Dates
ARIZONA RX Stress Herbal Tea 40.00 - 50.00
Totals: 1834.88 2.85 1923.58

15 of 16 11/2/09
3 Day Average - Main Profile Mastroianni, Angel
For days: 10 - 30 - 2009, 10 - 31 - 2009, 11 - 01 - 2009 B00391532, Sarah Brunnig
Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack HUN 1201, 21z
Energy Balance
Date kCal Consumed kCal Burned Net kCal
10/30/2009 2224 3542 -1318
10/31/2009 2918 3312 -394
11/1/2009 1773 2925 -1152
Totals: 6916 9779 -2863

Daily Caloric Summary kCal

Recommended 2349
Average Intake 2305
Average Expenditure 3260
Average Net Gain/Loss -955

16 of 16 11/2/09

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