Viewpoints of Senior High School Student

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Viewpoints of Senior High School Students about Reselling Business

A Research Paper
presented to
the Faculty of Senior High School
University of Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Grade 11
Accountancy and Business Management (ABM)

Nieva Marie Estenzo
Diana Diot
Ceskha Joyce Espinosa
March 20, 2017

The goal of the current study is to explore the viewpoints of senior high school students,

who are taking ABM strand, about the reselling business. It aims to give proper look and

deeper understanding at the opinions of ABM students of University of Cebu - Banilad

Campus, though they are not professionals nor experts on the field, regarding the reselling

business. The study will conduct its interview with the two ABM students with in the

premises of UC - Banilad Campus, which the two participants serve as the main source of

information of the study. The study anticipates to get enough information to prove that the

viewpoints of ABM students can be consider in doing reselling business.



LISTS OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Purpose of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Theoretical Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Limitations of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Definition of Products and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Reseller Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Reseller business and related studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Participants of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Literature Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Data Analysis Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

IV. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS & CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Coded data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
APPENDIXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

A. Research Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
B. Letter and Consent Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
C. Note Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48


1. Defining goods and service: over 230 years and

counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2. Coded data from transcription. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


Nowadays, Filipinos are now more engaged in starting up different and varied

businesses—specifically marketing. One of which is the common and trendy buy-and-sell

business, also known as reselling or reseller business. There are actually a lot of reseller here

in the Philippines, like OLX,, AyosDito and many others and is caused by its wide

range of connections.

Having a reselling business or being a reseller is applicable to all in which we can

perform and accumulate money. You can find a lot of opportunities in a reseller business.

You can buy cheaper products and sell them at a profitable price. The thing that makes it

easier is the use of internet. Many are using the internet to post the products and services they

want to advertise and its only for free.

Since reseller business is common to us Filipinos, competition is also high. Finding

the best choice of products to sell matters. A lot of evaluation and researches must be done

by the entrepreneur in order to come up with the best goods or services they could offer to its

customers which must be feasible to its environment. They might come up with a better

decision but this changes drastically considering that our economy is also changing and


This study aims to explore the viewpoint of ABM students–which are exposed in the

reseller business–on their stand on this type of business. This study will have a case study

and conduct an interview on the participants and will then be interpreted. Each of the

responses would be analyze and will be taken into consideration in achieving the best option

for aspiring reseller entrepreneurs and understanding the viewpoint of students which affects

the result there of.

Statement of the Problem

Buying and selling products or services are known not just in the business world but

to students wanting to earn income or additional savings and thus becoming a reseller. They

are having a reseller business which involves various products or goods bought at a low price

and selling it at a higher price which would accumulate profit. Due to this, the researchers

want to explore the viewpoints of senior high school students, specifically those taking up

ABM strand, regarding the matter of buying and selling products or services. It aims to

answer the following questions:

1.) What is the nature of reseller business?

2.) What are the usual products or services that ABM students want to offer?

3.) What are the advantages of reseller business?

4.) What are the disadvantages of reseller business?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to have an in-depth understanding of the perspective of

ABM students regarding buying and selling of products or services. This study aims to know

the feasibility of a student to have that kind of business and how this business works for them.

This study is also intended to ignite the interests of those aspiring entrepreneur students to be

engage into business as well.


Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of great help in providing knowledge to the

potential and aspiring entrepreneurs, especially ABM students, about the reselling business

and how this works among students. They would acquire ideas as well as things to consider

in having the reselling business. Since this study aims to motivate students, they would find

this study quite interesting and would practically give them the perspective of students that

would trigger their chance to have the reselling business.

Theoretical Perspective
Standpoint theory is an explicitly political as well as social epistemology. Its central

and motivating insight is an inversion thesis: those who are subject to structures of

domination that systematically marginalize and oppress them may know different things, or

know some things better than those who are comparatively privileged (socially, politically),

by virtue of what they typically experience and how they understand their experience (Wylie,

2003). The purpose of Standpoint Theory is to provide an understanding of why people

communicate in different ways and promote the empowerment of marginalized individuals

(, January 17, 2017).

This study applies the concept of standpoint theory, where in the researchers explore

the viewpoints of the participants, which are all students, in order to gain an in-depth

understanding of the kind of products or services they want, though they are still students and

not experts, but the study aims to voice out what they could offer regarding the reselling

business. This study also wants to emphasize and understand the viewpoints of the ABM

students engaging already in the business world in order to hear out what they could say

about business that could help in the motivation of individuals, especially those students who

are aspiring to become entrepreneurs.

Definition of Terms
To better understand this study, these are some terms that are highlighted due to its


Reseller. One who buys goods from a manufacturer and resells them to customers

unchanged (, January 16, 2017)

UC-Banilad Campus. One of the campuses of University of Cebu, an educational

institution in Cebu City, Philippines founded in 1964, located at Banilad, Cebu City,

Philippines. (, January 16, 2017) For the following chapters, the researchers will

use UC-B as an abbreviation to this word.

ABM. This means Accountancy Business and Management, which is a strand and

part of the academic track of the K-12 Curriculum in the Philippines(, January

16, 2017). This is a ticket to the corporate world (, January 19, 2017).

Limitations of the Study

This study aims to explore the viewpoints of senior high school ABM students about

buying and selling of products or services or what the researchers refer to as the reseller or

reselling business. This study does not include all the viewpoints of ABM students and is

limited only to the subjects of this study. This will provide a deeper understanding of the

subjects and how they have come up with that outlook of the reselling business. Since the

subjects are all students, there might be discrepancies of how they view the business world

but still this is what the study is all about, and aims to understand why they view it in that


Chapter Summary
This chapter discusses the objectives of the researchers and its expectation to have a

thorough explanation and presentation of the viewpoints of its said participants, with the

outlooks of achieving a well establish idea or body of knowledge regarding the reselling

business. This chapter also mentioned the use of case study approach in gathering the

information needed prior to the research study proper. This also discusses the problem that

the researchers want to address as well as its aim to explore the viewpoint of senior high

school ABM students about the reselling business. They will conduct a case study regarding

the matter and have interview as its tool to acquire the information. Overall, this gives the

plan or strategy that the researcher will use for its research study. In the succeeding chapters,

this paper will describe other related studies about the reselling business and about products

or services that includes the similarities of those to that of the present study.

This chapter presents the review of related studies which have a bearing upon the

present study. The review of related studies will stress different aspects. First, the review of

the definition of products and services, and how they are similar to each other. Second, the

place of reseller market in the world of marketing, and views in marketing which is related

to reselling business. Third, the feasibility of the reseller business and studies related to the

reseller business. Lastly, the consideration of the subject matter, which hold the greatest

factor in this present study.

Definition of Products and Services

Product is a broad term in the field of marketing, it refers to what the customers buy to

fulfill their needs. It is more about buying for benefits than just buying a set of

characteristics. Services, which are indeed a product, are activities that can be distinguished,

intangible and are essential to satisfy the wants if its customers (Etzel, Walker and Stanton,


Today, many are still looking for the best product or service that they could have in the

business. As mentioned, products or services refer to what satisfy the needs and wants of

people, and different people have different wants and needs depending on many factors, so

finding for the right product or service for your business will not be easy. You need to look

for researches to be able to come up with the best that you could offer to your customers.

This present study aims to look at perspectives that would give the right product or service

for aspiring entrepreneurs, since product or service would gradually evolve to fit in the needs

and wants of its customers. So a product or service can be anything that could supply the

needs of its customers, but the product or service that would be align in your business must

be sought to find.

The figure below shows the evolution of the definition of the goods and services.

Figure 1. Defining goods and service: over 230 years and counting

Reseller Market
According to Etzel, Walker and Stanton (2009), manufacturing has major part of

the business market but then there are still six other constituent of the business

market, namely––agriculture, reseller, government, services, nonprofit, and


international. They are all essential element of the business market though they are

often missed out due to the great attention given to manufacturing (p. 121).

In the same book they have mentioned that buying products from suppliers and selling

them again in the same form as when they have acquired it towards their customer, is what

resellers usually does. Resellers make the time, place, information, and ownership utilities

rather than create utility itself (p. 122).

Same as the present study, the reseller market–which has been overlooked–would be

given emphasis. Not the manufacturing organization but the reseller market view is what

the researchers want to look at.

Buy-and-sell business, or what the researcher refers to as the reselling business, is just

simply buying new and low priced products that we all need, use or desire to have, and then

reselling them the way it is for a profitable price. Your profit would be your payment for the

cost deducted from your selling price. The motto for this type of business is simply

purchasing low, selling high (Stephenson J., 2017).

Reseller business and related studies

Shopping is what Filipinos always do whenever and wherever, regardless of hindrances

to it, they would still be able to look for the best goods or services they can have in exchange

to their hard-earned money. That is the reason why, it is a good idea to start a reselling

business in the Philippines (, 2017).

A reseller once posted an opinion about reselling, which states that there are good

advantages of being a reseller. According to the post, for beginners you could make money,

which can easily be seen since doing business always aims to earn profit, and your work hours

would depend on you so you can adjust your schedule based on your preference. Though that

benefit can have negative effects if you tend to be lazy and always procrastinate. Still, since you

are being exposed on looking for good bargains in the business and know how to buy cheaper

priced goods then you can have things in an easy and convenient way (, 2017).

Retailing business is also the same as reseller business. Similar as the operations in reselling,

retailing involves buying large quantities of products and selling them at retail prices, meaning

the price of goods in relatively small quantities, this can be the underpinning of a business

concept. Retailing and reselling are quite similar yet they also have difference. Retailing involves

reselling items at end-users–those that would directly use or consume the items being sold–while

reselling still involves reselling items but not directly to the end-users– they can be to another

seller, or buyer that does not use the item but instead make use of it again–though both is

primarily involves knowing what to sell, where to buy it, and how to resell it at a profit

(, 2017). Reseller business can be done by anyone since the concept is

really simple which can be executed and operated even by students or workers wanting to have

extra money. It has its own advantage as well as its disadvantage but still it would bring money,

freedom for your schedules and is applicable to any place, especially to the Philippines where

thousands of Filipinos are demanding great deals they could have in exchange for their money.

At present, there are no related studies or past studies about the perspective of ABM students

in UC-B since the K-12 curriculum has just been implemented in the Philippines. To this reason

the researchers want to explore the viewpoints of ABM students for there are no existing

studies to which they are the participants.


Participants of the Study

The participants of this case study will be two ABM strand students of UC-B, which

has already experience engaging in the field of reselling. The University of Cebu - Banilad

Campus is a school in Banilad, Cebu, Philippines. Its vision is to democratize quality

education, be the visionary and industry leader and would give hope and transform lives.

While its mission is to offers affordable and quality education responsive to the demands of

local and international communities (, 2017).

The ABM strand students, which are under the Senior High School department of UC-B,

are the pioneers of the K-12 program that just recently been adapted by the UC-B. The ABM

students, where their lessons are naturally inclined with business, will be the respondents or

the participants of this study. There will be two ABM students that will be the subject for

case study since the researcher will dig-in deeper to each of their responses. These two

students have vast knowledge and have already tried buying and selling goods or services to

their customers. The students would serve as a sample out from all the ABM students from

the Senior High School department of UC-B.

Literature Summary
Reseller business is all about buying low and selling high of goods or services yet the

choosing the goods or services is what matters in this field. Aside from the important participants

of this study, which are the ones said to be able to give out their own view of the reseller

business, goods and services are one of the key factors of the reselling business which are define

to create satisfaction on its customers. The present study wants to help in choosing the goods

or services fit for the future businesses so this study would conduct its research of the

perspective of ABM students, who are exposed to reseller business, about their view of

reseller business. It aims to define what are the right products or services applicable to a

business and though reseller business has similar operations with retailing business, it would

all come down to what matters most in a business, which is the right goods or services and

how to sell them in profitable price and where to buy them.


According to California State University, qualitative research is aimed at gaining a

deep understanding of a specific organization or event, rather than a surface description of a

large sample of a population (, January 16, 2017). This research aims to have

that kind of qualitative study in order to come up with an in-depth understanding of the

viewpoints of ABM students regarding buying and selling of goods or services. In addition to

it, this study will also use case study approach that excels on bringing an understanding of a

complex issue or object and can extend experience or add strength to what is already known

through previous research (, January 17, 2017).

Research Design
Moreover, this qualitative study will acquire information from the participants

through a one-one-one interview as its strategic approach in gathering the data. The

participants are the ABM students from the Senior High School department of UC-Banilad

Campus which has experience engaging in a reselling business or has vast knowledge in the

buying and selling of goods or services. The responses that will be gathered during the

interview will then be interpreted and the subjects in the research are thoroughly considered

during the progress of the study, since this study will have a case study in organizing and

presenting data.

Research Setting
This study will conduct its interview in UC-B, where one of the clean, comfortable

and peaceful rooms at 2nd floor college building will be allocated for the site of the interview

with the two participants which are the ABM students. This floor is where all the morning

session classroom for ABM students are found, therefore the participants will not have a hard

time adapting on its ambiance for they are familiar to the place. Each of the respondents will

be interviewed, after their classes, one-on-one together with the researchers. During the

interview, the researchers will aim to give the best accommodation for the participants and an

environment where they can freely express their selves and talk with the researchers with no

doubt and uneasiness.

The population of the present study comprised of ABM students in UC-B, which are

exposed to the reselling business. There will be two ABM students that the researchers

would seek to voluntarily (convenience) accept a one-on-one interview with the researchers.

The participants will be recruited based on their capacity and ability in the reselling business.

The researchers has already one prospect to have as a participant, for the participant is

already known to have engage in reselling business and is familiar to it. The remaining other

one would be picked through the level of its knowledge and exposure in the reselling

business, the greater its knowledge and exposure to the reselling business the greater chance

the students will be chosen as a participant that is if he or she would gladly approve to

engage in the present study. The study is therefore geared in making a single case type of

study which aims to explore and gives analysis on a unique perspective of the ABM


This present study incorporates a structured interview towards the collection of data

from its participants. The structured interview is drawn out from the main problem and

issues that this present study want to address. Along with the structured interview comes

with a structured questionnaire for the participants, and the questionnaire are made out of

consideration to the comprehension of it towards the participants. Open-ended questions are

also presented to accommodate the free formatting as well as to intend not to limit the

answers of the participants. In addition, the instrument will be further furnished for revision

and will then be confirm to be used in the study.

Data Analysis Strategy

Qualitative data analysis can be described as the process of making sense from research

participants‟ views and opinions of situations, corresponding patterns, themes, categories

and regular similarities (Cohen et al., 2007:461). For this present study, the researchers

will make use of the data collected from the responses of the participants and will

transcribe the data to come up with an option of a reselling business which aims to give

better benefits to the future entrepreneurs. Moreover, the responses will be analyzed and

will be look in all aspects in order to not overlook the things that might create a better

conclusion to the problem. The researchers will find a common aspect or common

responses between the two participants and would establish a viewpoint of reselling

business that fits to the criteria of their responses. The researchers would apply critical

analysis on the data to make objective views. The result that will be interpreted will be

further furnished to make sure there are no discrepancies and if there are, it will be

considered for revision, but still the result would be based from the interpretation of the

responses which holds the greatest part of the result.



Years in reselling 1
1 year 2 years
business 2
Age 17 18 Comparing the two,
participant 2 is clear
“Kuan kanang “So first kay
and precise while
mupalit ka ug murag hadlok siya
participant 1 gives
product nya imo sad ba kay what if
ideas and details about
ibaligya sa lain nya scam na siya what
reselling but not as
imong pun-an og if in.ana ana then
peculiar as participant
kuan presyo para naa ang akong parents
2. Therefore, years in
kay profit. Pwede ra kay against ana
doing reselling
siya sa tanan as long kay walay
business is important
as kanang naa kay salig,ofcourse
to be more
time nga maka kuan grade 9 pako ato
knowledgeable in the
baligya dili kay then makuan sila
hectic imong nga , what if
schedule nya magmeet-up meet-
mamaligya ka,so up then murag
kinahanglan kanang walay salig ba, nya
kuan naa kay time what if kidnapon
Background in maka meet sa imung daw in.ana, dili
Reselling Business buyers” baya na malikayan
so ang sa akoa na
case, kay ang
akong meet-up kay
kanang dapit rajud
kay sa amo, like
dili, ang akong
pagresell kay dili
ko magmeet-up
meet-up sa mga
malls, so sa amoa
rajud dapit. Then
ang kanang kuan,
kay magpaspecial
meet-up lang ko
during sa meet-up
nako sa akong

“so reselling in my
case kay ofcourse
kung magresell ka
naa man jud kay
suppliers ana niya
if your a reseller
you are into
wholesales , kay
kung wholesale
makadiscount man
gud kag dako ana
unlike sa retail .
Then in my case sa
online shop dili ka
nila matawag nga
reseller kungf sili
ka magacquire
anang wholesale
kay like anang
ilang wholesale na
3-5 items dapat
makaorder kag 3-5
items niya if 1 ra
imong gipalit dili
ka nila maconsider
nga reseller . Dapat
mareach gud nimo
ilang minimum na
item para matawag
ka nila nga
reseller , then in
return naa kay
“Buy-and-sell cars, “So para nako in Different people have
kuan daghan siyag my case kay like , different ideal
branch, dli ra siya since naka start business. The other
Ideal Business in brand new cars naa naman kog resell want to pursue
the Future puy kanang mga ang ako lang ba reselling while the
kuan used cars kay kay for 2 yrs and a other just want to take
naa man puy half kay mas grabe a rest from reselling
ganahan mupalit ug naman kog and take on lesser

barato.” experience like ang work.

akong gusto kay
kanang magkuan
lang bitaw ug shop
ay kanang akong
own nga botique
- Mas nindot man
gud kay murag
mag muragchill
nalang kay ka ba
maglingkod nalng
ka ana then
maghire nalang
kag mga workers
para ana imong
kuan, kay kuan
baya grabe nasad
baya kag
pagkabata pa nimo
dapat ig ka dako
nimo naa nakay
achievement nga
in.ana like
mupahuway nalang
ka ing ana ba.
Since naa namay
experience,So in
the future ing ana
gani pareha sa
penshoppe ug sa
ubang botique .
Like anang
imporium ,ganahan
sad kog ing anan
kay botique siya
pero naa didto
tananag nagtapok
mga online shops
mura siyag
nagpaabang ba ,

mao na akong
plano , then
ofcourse dako sad
kog halin ana .For
example naa kay
50 ka stand , niya
every online shop
murent didto ug 8k
a month mura
rasad kag
galingkod ana niya
dawat rakas mga
rent sa online
shops. - Niya ang
imong expenses ra
ana kay kanang sa
kuryente ug ubang
utilities . Like sila
nalay bahala ba
niya dawat rakos
mga bayad.”

“mura siyag ug “for me it is a Reselling business can

hobby kay kuan man hobby already , be a hobby, as what
gud if dili ka kay kuan man gud the two participants
ganahan maninda since grade 10 describes it. You could
murag wala ray pulos gikapoy nakog learn to be
ang imong eskwela sige independent at the
pagbaligya ,nya nalang jud kog same time filled with
kanang if magresell negosyo negosyo excitement, as what
ka kay dapat kanang bisag karon participant 2 said and
Reselling for them imong banabanaon if gikapoy nlang jud according to
ang presyo ba nga kog eskwela niya participant 1 you need
imong gipatong kay after class kay to measure the price
maafford raba sa magmet up . Oo that you will add on
imong mga mupalit naa say excitement your cost so that it will
or sobra rasad kaayo kay ofcourse be affordable to the
kay naa may uban makagain sad baya costumers.
nga kanang murag ka ana like being
dili na gani sya independent .”
sobraan ra kadako”

“kuan kanang mga “So in my case The products they

cosmetology nya akong gichoose resell in their business
kanang mga nga product kay has bases. It is
customize bags , mga sanina or therefore important to
drawstring then , clothings jud, if consider products that
tshirts, initial tees magpili man gud are trending or popular
niya mga bikini nya kog makeup, naay today. Both
kuan pud kanang mga class A niya if participants also
mga sinina, mga we Class A kay what pointed out that the
love, like if mu-order sila products they resell
that ,usahay” anang cosmetics are what the people
niya madaot ilang need or want in order
“kuan kanang mga
nawng ba imo na to make sales and the
bags og initial tees
hinoun nang common product they
kay daghan ang
responsibility , have are clothings.
muorder ana”
maong akong
“kay mao may ibaligya sinina
trending karon ug lang. Dependes
mao may season , if summer
kinahanglan sa mga kay mga bikinis ,
Products Engaged taw,mas dako ko ug kung tigtugnaw
ah if sa kuan lang kay mga
daan sa initial tees pangtugnaw
kay daghan, dako depende jud siya
kay kog profit na kay mga mostly
makuha ” teenagers mofit in
raba jud sa
population , mga
pachuy chuy mao
sad jud na ako
ibaligya. Bati sad
kaayo mga luma
ako ibaligya aw
dili siya mahalin sa
akong mga items
nga gibaligya,
magdepende na
unsang uso anang
panahuna.Oo, base
pud sa needs ug
ganahan sa

“Nagresell sad diay
kog glasses, ay no
mga frames ra. So
ofcourse as a
reseller, kay
muchoose jud kag
kanang barato,
pero nindot syag
quality nya need
pud siya sa usa ka
taw. So ang sa
akong specs, kay
kuan ako syang
gipili, kay since
wala may mga
online shops diri
nga naninda ug
kanang mga specs ,
so mao na akong
gipili nga kanang
mareplacable man
sad sya so mailisan
jud syag kanang
grado especially sa
mga taw nga dili
kaklaro. Then Sa
mga sanina, nindot
syag quality , uso
siya, nya barato ra
“ imake sure niya “So in my case, In buying products or
nga legit ang iyang dili jud ka musettle services, you need to
gipalitan kay naa ug kanang , as a make sure that it is
Tips in Buying man guy uban reseller, dili jud ka reliable and true, that
Products or payment first then musettle ug kanang includes its quality and
Services in niya dili na maabot mupalit ka ana kay its price. In buying
reselling business imong product so nindot siya, dapat you need to be careful
dapat tinuod jud na, imo sad tan-awon because there are those
oh, reliable” iyang presyo,nya that are not real and
dili mo mahadlok are scams but as
anang shipping participant 2 reassures,

shipping na kanang that it won’t happen if

nationally kay your sources has a lot
kanag kuan man, of followers and the
kay for example in feedbacks are good.
my case , pag first
experience nako sa
shipping sa
batangas sa specs,
then kuan ofcourse
mahadlok ka kay
ang imong
gipadala kay 2k 2k
in.ana mga 2k 3k
mahadlok ka, pero
dili ka angay
mahadlok kay inig
shipping ana naa
man ilang
complete name,nya
imong complete
name sad,nya ilang
email address,
ilang facebook nya
if kanang mascam
ka, kay pwede man
nimo sila mapost
nga scammer, nya
dili man sad ka
makaingon nga
scammer na sila
nga kanang
supplier kay naa
man sad na silay
facebook page, nya
kanang daghan sad
silag followers ba,
dapat ang kanang
imong supplier
imong tanawn if
nindot ba ang
feeback sa ubang
mamalitay nila
dapat daghan silag

“kuan kanang ma- “Para makahibaw A good product is
use gani siya for a ka nga nindot sya something that is
lifetime, kanang nga product kay, useful, not just
good iyang quality, ang iyang quality, pleasing to the eyes
then kanang nindot iyang quality jud. but is durable or has
siya,nya kanang lig- So, dapat quality good quality
on, nya ma-attract jud ang kuan
ang mga taw if nindot nga
makakita sila ana, characteristic ana
nya kuan pud kanang nga product. So in
useful sa everyday my case sa akong
life” specs, basin
magpalit palit raka
ana kay nindot
syag porma nya
uso uso pud nya
diay kung
malingkuran or
makuanan kay dali
ra mabali ba so di
Good Product ba kas kaayog
kwarta, nya kato
pajud nga specs
kay naa nay grado
nya imong for
example nabayad
sa grado kay 1000,
so imong nagasto
kay 1000 kapin, so
murag nawaste ra
imong kanang
kwarta kay tungod
sa imong specs nga
dili nindot ug
quality, nya if dili
sya nindot ug
quality kanang ang
imong mga buyers
kay dili na mubalik
nimo ug palit ba
sya , ayg palit ana

ang uban muingon

ayg lag palit ana
kay bati ang
quality ilang
quality dali ra
“Interviewer: Then “So ang akong The participants have
asa man ,unsa imong gusto kay kanang contradicting opinions
iprefer, one selling products nga ako about their preferrable
those products or ra jud ang source of products.
services you yourself naghimo. Kay Still both of them
have made or katong kuan independent point out that they
resell items nga ka sa ubang taw choose to have
imong nakuha rasad? ba, kay if products coming from
Aha man ka? magresell ka man themselves or from
gud ka, or katong suppliers because for
Participant: Sa
sa imong them they find it more
giacquire, what if convenient.
Interviewer: Ah so ang nag-order ana
katong naghimo, dili nga item, ang
ka sa imuha rang imong buyer
gibuhat? Dili ka? muana nga’avail
pani sya miss?’
Participant: kay mas nya muask nasad
Preferable source
mabusy man ko ana, ka sa imong
of products
mas gasto kanang supplier
Interviewer: So adto ‘miss avail pani
ka sa two? sya?’ nya if dili na
avail kay mukuan
Participant: Oo nasad kas imong
Interviewer: Then kuan nya kapuy na
Pwede ka ma-add, ba, so para nako
nanung ganahan kag kay murag,ang
two? gusto nako kay
kanang ako na
Participant: kay kuan akoa jud ang
kanang unsa na, dili product, direct
nako kinahanglan, nasad dili kamag-
aw dili ko mahasul agad sa laing taw
kanang magbuhat
buhat pa then mas na
gay koy time
makameet up ana,

mas daghan kog

mameet nga klase
klase nga customers
ug kuan
Interviewer: So mas
dako ka ug time?
Participant: Oo
Interviewer: Instead
nga iallocate nimo sa
paghimo sa item,
iallocate nalang nimo
sa katong pag
meetup sa mga
customers? So mas
maka, para nimo mas
maka kuan ka?
Participant: Mas
maenjoy ko”

“Interviewer: So do “So in my case kay Reselling business

you love diay good jud sya, kay gives profit to resellers
reselling? kanang since grade and it is a good way to
10 until now, kay have experience for
Participant: Yes
kanang murag ang the businesses your
Interviewer: Is it kanang magain going to have later on.
good to have nimo kay imo sad It also allows students
reselling business ? makeep ba para sa to earn income so that
imong kaugalingon they won’t need to ask
Participant: yes but then, di sa money from their
Perks of Reselling
business Interviewer: Why? ingon nga kaya na parents. In short it,
Nanung nindot nga nimo ang wa reselling business is an
magka reselling imong parents, income generator.
business? pero like makuan
nimo ba nga di
Participant: kay sa naka mangayog
simple nga kuan baon everyday, oo
nimo resell nimo naa naay income.”
man kay makadawat ”Katong
nga profit niya independent ka sa
kanang mura ganig imong parents,

kuan rasad ,a sort of nya ofcourse kay

kanang practice nimo makaexperience
sya nga inig ka ,like kanang,
kabusiness nimo ig confident ka ba,
dako like dili naka
Interviewer: mura mauwaw
sya’g foundation makigtalk sa mga
para sa business nga people kay
imong kuanon? ofcourse abm
students baya ko
Participant: Oo ,
nya what if
dapat naa kay
magtuga tuga kog
tukod ug akong
Interviewer: business nya di ko
Experience? kabaw makigstorya
sa mga taw so
Participant: Oo, much better if
experience” magsugod ka if
bata paka like
fourth year high
school kay para
murag nagtrain
nasad kas imong
kaugalingon kaysa
magtrain naka
when its too late
na, kanang murag
daghan na kaayo
kag process, so in
my case I’m more
on positive.”
“ kuan kanang naay “Pero ang nakabati Reselling business as
moorder nako niya lang, kay murag its disadvantages. One
kanang muadto nako dili na kaayo ka of which is that it
sa supplier then kuan sa imong takes your time,
Cons of Reselling magkuha ko ug parents ba, like especially for those
business kanang product niya kanang malain nya who have other things
muana siya nga dili sila, kay dili naka to do. It also makes
na niya dayunon so mu, like sa akoang you less closer to the
murag hala ang case kay dili na people you once
akong kuan, so mulambing kay dependent on because
masayang then muna mangayo jud ka you are slowly

maproblema ko usahay,dili baya na becoming

kinsay mupalit, niya malikayang independent. More
kanang mga bogus mulambing ta nila importantly, reselling
buyer. oo makatapal kay mangayo business has business
ka, nya ang negative kwarta, nya karon transactions which
side sad niya kay kay dili na does not turn out right,
kanang imbis nga mulambing kay like having bogus
maghunahuna ka sa ing.ana” buyers or having a
imong teenager life complaint from
“So sa akong
kay nagbusiness costumers due to delay
naexperience, so
hinoon ka ana, so of products, so those
ang akong kuan
murag matunga things are part of
kay pre-order, so
akong time ana, niya having reselling
pre-order means,
mabusy na hinuon business.
kanang buyer kay
muorder nako, nya
magsabot mi nga
one-week ang
process ana, so
after one week kay
anha pa niya
makuha ang item
so mao nang pre-
order. Ang akong
case , muana ko
nga ‘miss avail sya
naba’, muask ko sa
akong kuan, muana
sya ‘yes miss avail
sya ig ka ugma’
nya maabtan
nalang one week
dili pagihapon
avail, dili
malikayan nga
kog costumer nga
kanang grabi kaayo
mureklamo ba, o
nya, ako kay
instagram man ko
then kanang naa
may fill up form.

Once makafill up
na ang buyer sa
kanang ay order
form, kay kuan
kanang dili na niya
pwede icancel
iyang order, naa
may uban nga after
ni kanang fill-up,
magfill-up fill-up
nya after ug
icancel ba nya
iblock na dayon ka
para di makuan. If
in.ana man gud nga
case, ikaw nga
instagram user,
imo man jud na
iscreenshot iyang
nawng nya imong
ipost nga kani siya
kay bogus buyer.
Ang usa pa sa
akong nakuanan
kay kanang ganing
gabi-i na kaayo ka
mauli, daghan
kaayo kag meet-up
nya gabi-i na
kaayo ka mauli nya
murag makuyawan
sad ka ,
makaconsume pud
syag time.”

Table 1: Coded Data from Transcript


Summary of Findings
This study includes two participants, both are ABM students whose names will be

anonymous due to confidentiality and safety purposes, that has engaged in reselling business.

The participants had undergone a one-on-one interview with the researchers this it to gain

information about their viewpoints on reselling business. Based on the collected data, it was

observe that both parties are actively enjoying, as well as earning from their reselling

business. Both of the participants agreed on describing reselling business as a good way to

start engaging yourself into business for it will help you gain confidence and experience.

(See Table 1).

Moreover, it was found out that reselling clothings like t-shirts, initial tees , will give

you a profit, for these are the needs of people and you would make sales out of it. Reselling

of frames or specs could also be a good reselling item for not many shops offer this item. For

beginners in reselling, the participants advice them to look in the quality of the product that

they will buy as well as its price and if it is useful. Based also on the results, in reselling

products or services you need to make sure that the product is popular or trending for it will

have a great impact in reselling those products.

Furthermore, the data collected give emphasis to the viewpoints or outlook of the two

ABM students about their say about reselling business. Both the participants have similar

opinions about reselling business, still there are a few aspects that made their responses

different from each other. Furthermore, it was found out that both of the participants treat

reselling business as their hobby (See Table 1).


Non-experts entrepreneurs, like students engaging in business, is often overlook for

they are not as able as what experts could provide in the field of reselling business. Yet, the

voices of these students could still be accommodated and would still help in making

innovations as well as options in reselling. The opinions of these students are still important

to make decisions especially for those who are aspiring entrepreneurs and wanting to engage

into business like them.

To emphasize their viewpoints, they provided background of a reselling business and

how it does it run for a student like them. This study was able to find out that the reselling

business is applicable to all because it is simply buying items and reselling them at a

profitable price, yet you need to engage your time and enjoy doing it. Reselling business

would give profit and would help student financially. Though reselling has disadvantages, to

which you will have more time spent to the business that to others, you would also find it

hard during your transactions with your costumers for you are not the direct supplier and you

are still dependent on your supplier which makes reselling really troubling. Still, enjoying

and making it as your hobby would make you more engage to the business, be confident in

talking with customers and be able to establish a foundation in business.




Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2007) Research Methods in Education (6th ed.).

London: Routledge.

Etzel, M. J., Walker, B. J., & Stanton, W. J. (2001). Marketing (12th ed.). Boston, MA:

McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Wylie, A. (2003). Why Standpoint Matters. In R. Figueroa and S. Harding (Eds.), Science

and Other Cultures: Issues in Philosophies of Science and Technology (pp. 26-48).

New York, NY: Routledge.

Online Sources

Constantino, A. (2016, November 29). 5 Things About Senior High School ABM Strand -

Edukasyon PH. Retrieved January 16, 2017, from

Manarang, R. (2016, March 1). How to start a buy-and-sell business in the Philippines.

Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Small Business,


Stephenson, J. (2005, June 29). How to buy and sell products for a living. Retrieved

December 9, 2016, from Business Ideas,

Retrieved January 16, 2017, from

Retrieved January 16, 2017, from


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Retrieved January 16, 2017, from


Retrieved January 17, 2017, from


Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Flipping,




Interview Guide

A. Introduction and Demographic Info

a. Name (Optional)

b. Background of reselling business

c. How long have you been in this reselling business?

d. Age

B. The outlooks of ABM students in a reselling business

a. Can you describe the business that you are going to have someday?

b. What is reselling business for you?

c. What are the products that you engage into your reselling business?

C. Perspective as a buyer in a reselling business

a. Where do you usually buy products or services?

b. What products or services do you usually buy? Why do you buy those?

c. How can you be smart in buying goods or services?

d. What characteristics do good product has? Why those?

D. Reselling products or services

a. What products or services do you want to resell?


b. Which do you prefer: 1. selling those product or services you yourself have made

or 2. Resell items that you’re acquired? Why?

c. Is it good to have reselling business? Why?

d. What things you find negative in a reselling business?





To whom it may concern,

Warmest Greetings!
The following students whose names appear in the letter will be conducting a research study
on the viewpoints of students about reselling business. In line with this, the researchers
would conduct an interview just within the UC-Banilad Campus, so their safety is ensure and
would like to appeal to you that they will not need any assistance or someone to accompany
them during their interview. Your approval to for the appeal would be highly appreciated.
I hope this appeal merits to your kindness.

Venus Jais Campanilla II

Research Teacher

Students involved: Nieva Marie Estenzo

(ABM - E Ceskha Joyce Espinosa
Zeal students) Diana Diot

March 1, 2017

Parental Permission for Participation of a Child in a Research Study

University of Cebu – Banilad Campus

Description of the research and your child’s participation

You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by ABM-E Zeal students namely:
Nieva Marie Estenzo, Ceskha Joyce Espinosa and Diana Diot. The purpose of this research is
to gain more information regarding reselling business which is the buying and selling of
goods or services.

Your child’s participation will only involve his/her opinion or responses of the questions that
are to be asked by the researchers during the interview which is to be conducted within the
UC-Banilad Campus premises.

The amount of time required for your child’s participation will be only be for about 30

Risks and discomforts

There are no known risks associated with this research. He or she might not want to disclose
to the researchers the information that is being asked. In this situation, the researchers will
not force your child to answer or to respond to the question and can answer freely based on
his or her own pace.

Potential benefits

This research may help us to understand about your child’s perspective about the reselling
business and would greatly contribute and affect the findings of this research study, for you
child’s responses will serve as the key in solving the issue that the researcher want to address.

Protection of confidentiality

The information that the researchers would acquire will not be disclosed to anyone and
would secure the confidentiality of the information. We will do everything we can to protect
your child’s privacy. Your child’s identity will not be revealed in any publication resulting
from this study, so your child’s identitiy and his/her responses will be safe in our hands.

Voluntary participation

Participation in this research study is voluntary. You may refuse to allow your child to
participate or withdraw your child from the study at any time. Your child will not be
penalized in any way should you decide not to allow your child to participate or to withdraw
your child from this study.

Contact information

If you have any questions or concerns about this study or if any problems arise, please
contact Mr. Venus Jais L. Campanilla, Research Teacher at University of Cebu- Banilad
Campus at (032) 255 7777 or through e-mail at

Noted by:

Venus Jais Campanilla II

Research Teacher


I have read this parental permission form and have been given the opportunity to ask
questions. I give my permission for my child to participate in this study.

Child’s Name: _______________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________
Signature of the parent/guardian over printed name Date



Topic Text Citation

Components of the Certainly manufacturers constitute Etzel, J. , et al. (2009).
Business Market a major portion of the business Marketing (12th ed.). NY:
market, but there are also six other McGrawHill/Irwin.
components––agriculture, reseller,
government, services, nonprofit,
and international. Although they are
often underrated or overlooked
because of heavy attention devoted
to manufacturing, each is a
significant part of the business
Definition of a Buy- A buy-and-sell enterprise is nothing Stephenson, J. (2005, June
and-Sell Enterprise more than purchasing cheaply, new 29). How to buy and sell
or previous owned products that we products for a living.
all need, use or want, and reselling Retrieved December 9, 2016,
these same items for more than from Business Ideas,
cost. The difference between what
you paid and what you sold it for, m/article/74316
of course, is your profit. The mantra
of every buy-and-sell enterprise is
simple, and easily memorized: Buy
low, sell high.
Buy-and-Sell in the Filipinos love to shop! Shopping is Manarang, R. (2016, March
Philippines an activity that knows no season in 1). How to start a buy-and-
the Philippines. Traffic, bad sell business in the
weather, credit crunch, or tight cash Philippines. Retrieved
flow–all these don’t matter. January 31, 2017, from Small
Filipinos always find the best Business,
bargains for their hard-earned
money. That’s why it’s a good idea buy-and-sell-business-
to start a buy-and-sell business in philippines/
the Philippines

Definition of Reseller The basic activity of resellers– Etzel, J. , et al. (2009).

Market unlike any other business market Marketing (12th ed.). NY:
segment–is buying products from McGrawHill/Irwin.
supplier organizations and reselling
these items in essentially the same
form to the reseller’s customers. In
economic terms, resellers create
time, place, information and
possession utilities, rather than
form utility
Meaning of Product In marketing we need a broader Etzel, J. , et al. (2009).
definition of product to indicate that Marketing (12th ed.). NY:
customers are not really buying a McGrawHill/Irwin.
set of attributes, but rather benefits
that satisfy their needs.
Meaning of Services Considering these distinctions, we Etzel, J. , et al. (2009).
define services as identifiable, Marketing (12th ed.). NY:
intangible activities that are the McGrawHill/Irwin.
main object of a transaction
designed to provide want-
satisfaction to customers.
Competitors Thus, marketers must do more than Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G.
simply adapt to the needs of target (2012). Principles of
consumers. They also must gain Marketing (14th Ed.).
strategic advantage by positioning Philippines: Pearson
their offerings strongly against Education South Asia Pte
competitors’ offerings in the minds Ltd.
of consumers.
Online Purchasing to These customers, especially the Lusch, R., et al. (2011).
younger ones younger ones, are accustomed not Retailing An Introduction.
only to the speed and convenience Philippines: ESP Printers Inc.
of purchasing online but also to the
control it gives them
Opinion about buy- For starters, you can make a good Kelly (N.D.). I buy and sell
and-sell online living. That’s pretty obvious online for a living. Retrieved
though. The freedom to work your January 31, 2017, from
own schedule and limited hours are Flipping,
the biggest benefit in my
opinion…Lastly, because you are omments/1m5jsd/i_buy_and_
always finding deals and know how sell_online_for_a_living_and
to buy low, you can usually get _am_here_to/
things you need for next to nothing!

How to Buy Buying wholesale products and Tardif, L. (N.D.). How to

Wholesale and Sell selling them at retail prices can be Buy Wholesale and Sell
Retail the foundation of a solid business Retail. Retrieved December
model. The concept is simple - a 9, 2016, from Business Love
product is purchased at a low price to Know,
and resold at a higher price. http://business.lovetoknow.c
However, there is much more to om/how-buy-wholesale-sell-
becoming a successful retailer than retail
just buying low and selling high -
primarily determining what to sell,
where to buy it, and how to resell it
at a profit.
Deciding What to Sell
Choosing the right products to offer
is one of the most fun parts about a
retail company. More important, the
right product can determine
business success. Some retailers
focus on products related to
personal passions such as sports or
social causes. Others simply follow
the trend- what's hot today becomes
a product for sale tomorrow. Still
others identify a market need, such
as dishwasher-safe baby gear, and
build a portfolio based on the niche.
Before making any sizeable
investment, it is key to determine
that the products can be purchased
at a low cost, and that there is
adequate demand so the items can
be sold at a profitable price.

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