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Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 546–549

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A comparison of antioxidative capacities of fruit juices, drinks and

nectars, as determined by EPR and UV–vis spectroscopies
Mariola Bartoszek ⁎, Justyna Polak
Department of Materials Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemistry, University of Silesia, 9 Szkolna Street, 40-006 Katowice, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The differences in the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) values at the same incubation time obtain-
Received 1 March 2015 ed by two different techniques: electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and ultraviolet visible (UV–
Received in revised form 13 August 2015 vis) spectroscopy, which use the same antioxidant-free radical reaction mechanism, were determined for fruit
Accepted 26 September 2015
juices, nectars and drinks. For this study, the stable free radical 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH•) was
Available online 28 September 2015
used. The antioxidant capacity was presented in Trolox Equivalents, e.g., μM trolox per 100 ml of sample.
All of the studied fruit juices, drinks and nectars showed antioxidative properties. Dependencies between TEAC
EPR spectroscopy values and the percent fruit content and sample color were observed for the studied beverages. It was found
UV–vis spectroscopy that EPR spectroscopy is the more adequate method for determining TEAC values for these kinds of samples.
Antioxidant capacity © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fruit juices

1. Introduction transfer (ET) [6,7]. The majority of HAT-based assays apply a competi-
tive scheme, in which antioxidant and substrate compete for thermally
Fruit juices are a good source of many biologically active antioxidant generated peroxyl radicals through the decomposition of azo-com-
compounds, particularly ascorbic acid and phenols. Ascorbic acid is well pounds. ET-based assays measure the capacity of an antioxidant in re-
known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, while pheno- ducing an oxidant, which changes color when reduced. The degree of
lic compounds are known for their anticancer and cardio-protective color change is correlated with the sample's antioxidant concentrations.
properties, and their effect on age-related diseases [1]. Hence dietary One of the most popular methods is the method employing the stable,
recommendations for healthy nutrition include the consumption of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH•), called the DPPH meth-
fruit juices [2]. Citrus fruit juices consistently rank first among the od. DPPH• is a stable radical and appears purple in color absorbing at
most consumed fruit juices in the US. On average, citrus fruit juice con- 515 nm in ethanol solution. This assay is based on the principle that
sumption is 2.5 times greater than that of apple juice, the second most DPPH•, on accepting a hydrogen (H) atom from the scavenger molecule
popular juice [3]. The European Fruit Juice Association (AIJN) published i.e. antioxidant, reduces to DPPH2, and the purple color changes to yel-
a market report concerning the European fruit and vegetable juice and low with concomitant decrease in absorbance at 515 nm. This color
nectar market, which indicates that the most popular nectar and juice change is monitored spectrophotometrically in order to determine anti-
flavor is orange (38.5%), then mixed (19.9%) and then apple (13.3%) oxidant properties.
[4]. Orange juice is not only the most widely consumed juice but also The antioxidant concentration necessary to decrease the initial
it's one of the most studied with respect to its antioxidative properties, DPPH• concentration by 50% is used for the comparison of antioxidant
content and its beneficial health effects on consumers [1,3,5,6]. activities of different compounds. A refinement of this method is the
Studies of antioxidant properties of fruit juices are conducted with use of trolox as the standard and determining the total antioxidative po-
the use of a variety of methods. These methods are basically classified tential TEAC in the units of μmol trolox per 100 ml, allowing for the com-
into two groups, depending on the reaction mechanism: methods parison of the obtained values with TEAC values obtained by other
based on hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) and methods based on electron methods. So far, the TEAC values obtained with the use of the same rad-
ical (DPPH•) determined by UV–vis spectroscopy and EPR spectroscopy
have not been compared. In the case of UV–vis spectroscopy, a decrease
⁎ Corresponding author. in absorbance is observed, while in the case of EPR, the decrease in free
E-mail address: (M. Bartoszek). radical concentration is proportional to the radical quenching capacity
1386-1425/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Bartoszek, J. Polak / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 546–549 547

of the tested antioxidant. Both methods are based on the reduction of A typical reaction mixture contained 1 ml of 200 μmol/dm3 DPPH•
the DPPH• radical in reaction with an antioxidant (AH) species accord- solution in ethanol together with 0.008 ml to 0.6 ml of sample, depend-
ing to the formula: ing on the manifested antioxidant properties. For all samples, regression
equation of the linear relationship between the percent inhibition (%I)
AH + DPPH• → A• + DPPH − H of the EPR signal intensity and the volume of sample (V) was deter-
mined. Based on this equation the %I corresponding to 100 ml of the
studied sample was calculated. Then, from the standard curve obtained
DPPH• + A• → DPPH − A. for trolox, the antioxidant activity given in μmol trolox per 100 ml of
sample was defined. The data presented here are the result of three
Earlier studies have shown that TEAC values obtained with the UV– trials.
vis method with the use of DPPH• depend on the type of solvent used for
antioxidant dissolution, water content in the measuring system, metal 2.3. Determination of antioxidant capacity by UV–vis spectroscopy
and hydrogen ion concentrations, the concentration of DPPH•, incuba-
tion time (5 min–1 h), reaction solvent and the pH of the reaction mix- Antioxidant capacity was determined using the DPPH method [17].
ture [8]. The method was modified to use trolox as the standard. On increasing
The goal of our study is to compare the values of TEAC obtained for the concentration of trolox, the intensity of the corresponding value of
the same samples with two different techniques at the same incubation absorbance decreased and consequently the percent inhibition (%I) in-
time: EPR spectroscopy and UV–vis, which make use of the same antiox- creased. The regression equation of the linear relationship of the percent
idant-radical reaction mechanism. inhibition of absorbance to mol number of trolox was used to calculate
the antioxidation activity of the studied samples in units called TEAC,
e.g., μmol TE/100 ml of the studied sample. The regression equation
2. Materials and methods
for the linear relationship between the percent inhibition of absorbance
and the mol number of trolox was assessed as: y = 876.55x − 2.7,
2.1. Samples and chemicals
where: y is the inhibition [%] and x is the volume of the sample [ml].
This equation was used to calculate the antioxidant activity of the stud-
12 samples were purchased from local markets and 3 samples were
ied samples in μmol trolox per 100 ml of the studied samples.
squeezed from fresh fruit. The juices differed in the type of fruit that was
The percent inhibition of the decrease in absorption at 515 nm calcu-
used for their production, color, % fruit content and turbidity. The fol-
lated according to the following equation: % Inhibition = [(A0 − A)/
lowing beverages were included in the study: 6 juices, 5 drinks and 4
A0] ∗ 100%, where A0 is the absorbance of DPPH• (control sample), and
nectars; S. No. 1 orange juice (50% fruit by volume), S. No. 2 apple
A is the absorbance of DPPH• with a sample.
juice (50% fruit by volume), S. No. 3 fresh grapefruit juice (100% fruit
A typical reaction mixture contained 3 ml of the 200 μM/l DPPH• so-
by volume), S. No. 4 fresh orange juice (100% fruit by volume), S. No. 5
lution in ethanol together with 0.024 ml to 1.8 ml of sample of commer-
fresh citron juice (100% fruit by volume), S. No. 6 fresh raspberry juice
cially available juices, drinks and nectars. For all samples regression
(100% fruit by volume), S. No. 7 blackcurrant drink (20% fruit by vol-
equation of linear relationship of the percent inhibition (%I) of the ab-
ume), S. No. 8 red grape drink (50% fruit by volume), S. No. 9 grape
sorbance to the volume of sample (V) was determined. On the basis of
drink (30% fruit by volume), S. No. 10 cherry drink (30% fruit by vol-
this equation %I corresponding to 100 ml of the studied sample was cal-
ume), S. No. 11 plum drink (30% fruit by volume), S. No. 12 apple nectar
culated. Then from the standard curve the antioxidant activity given in
(50% fruit by volume), S. No. 13 blackcurrant nectar (25% fruit by vol-
TEAC values in μM trolox per 100 ml of sample was defined. The pre-
ume), S. No. 14 cherry nectar (25% fruit by volume), and S. No. 15
sented data are the means of three determinations.
plum nectar (30% fruit by volume).
UV–vis spectrophotometric measurements were performed at
All the commercial juices, drinks and nectars were used as received
515 nm using a Lambda Bio 40 spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, USA).
and kept refrigerated (2–8 °C). Fresh orange, grapefruit and lemon
juices were obtained by squeezing. Fresh juices were measured imme-
2.4. Statistical analysis
diately after preparation.
1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) (Sigma-Aldrich, Poznań, Po-
The presented data are the mean values whereas errors were calcu-
land) was used as the source of free radicals. To quantify the antioxidant
lated as standard deviation (SD). Correlation coefficients (r): TEACEPR
activity of the tinctures, trolox (Acros Organics, Geel, Belgium) was
(Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity obtained by EPR spectroscopy),
used. Trolox (molecular formula C14H18O4) is the water-soluble deriva-
TEACUV–vis (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity obtained by UV–vis
tive of vitamin E. All other chemicals and solvents were of analytical
spectroscopy) and fruit content were calculated by the Pearson test
grade and used without further purification.
with a level of significance of p = 0.05.

2.2. Determination of antioxidant capacity by the EPR spectroscopy 3. Results and discussion

Antioxidant capacity was determined using the method described The antioxidative capacity TEAC of fruit juices, nectars and drinks
previously [9]. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra were obtained that was determined with the use of DPPH• and by EPR spectroscopy
with a Bruker EMX EPR spectrometer (Bruker-Biospin, Germany) oper- ranges from 41.37 to 412.33 μM/100 ml of sample. The same samples
ating at the X-band frequency at room temperature. The typical instru- as analyzed by UV–vis spectroscopy yield results from 26.43 to 382.78
ment parameters were: central field, 3480 G; modulation amplitude, μM/100 ml of sample (Table 1).
2.0 G; time constant, 40.96; gain, 1 ∗ 104 G; microwave power, A linear relationship was observed between the TEAC values obtain-
20.12 mW. ed by EPR and UV–vis spectroscopies, which can be expressed by the
The regression equation for the linear relationship between the per- equation y = 1.08x + 13.2 (r = 0.99), where y is the TEAC value obtain-
cent inhibition of EPR signal intensity and the mol number of trolox was ed from EPR spectroscopy (TEACEPR), and x is the value obtained from
assessed as: y = 987.60x + 16.36, where: y is the inhibition [%] and x is UV–vis spectroscopy (TEACUV–vis).
the volume of the sample [ml]. This equation was used to calculate the The slope of the resulting line is close to 1, indicating a constant dif-
antioxidant activity of the studied samples in μmol trolox per 100 ml ference between TEAC values obtained with these two methods. Both
of the studied samples. methods make use of the same free radical (DPPH•) and have the
548 M. Bartoszek, J. Polak / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 546–549

Table 1 compounds (anthocyanins, carotenoids, etc.) in the samples or due to

Names of the samples and TEAC values obtained for the studied samples by EPR and UV– the appearance of secondary reaction products between the chromogen
vis spectroscopies.
and the samples being analyzed [12]. In the case of sample S11 a greater
Sample Fruit TEACEPR TEACUV–vis TEAC value was obtained with the UV–vis method as compared to that
[μM/100 ml] [μM/100 ml] obtained by the EPR method. This can be due to the turbidity of this
S1 Orange juice 412.33 ± 7.30 381.46 ± 13.21 sample. It is known that the UV–vis method can be easily affected by
S2 Apple juice 175.62 ± 4.08 158.06 ± 11.86 the color and turbidity of a sample [8,12,13]. In addition, it must be stat-
S3 Fresh grapefruit juice 263.67 ± 5.99 232.37 ± 8.55
ed that a large turbidity may even make it impossible to measure the
S4 Fresh orange juice 318.35 ± 6.04 282.92 ± 21.93
S5 Fresh citron juice 405.87 ± 7.83 382.78 ± 13.10 TEAC total antioxidative capacity (e.g., for sample S15 it was impossible
S6 Fresh raspberry juice 239.27 ± 4.34 198,42 ± 8.19 to determine the TEAC value using UV–vis spectroscopy). Due to the
S7 Blackcurrant drink 314.8 ± 3.38 250.01 ± 38.00 above, the EPR spectroscopy method seems to be the more adequate
S8 Red grape drink 239.34 ± 7.80 207.91 ± 71.28 one for determining antioxidative capacity using the DPPH• free radical.
S9 Grape drink 41.37 ± 4.18 26.43 ± 3.79
S10 Cherry drink 148,77 ± 10.11 108,27 ± 7.27
It is suited for studying turbid samples and samples of a color close to
S11 Plum drink 50,69 ± 2.71 78.31 ± 9.02 that of the free radical.
S12 Apple nectar 225.39 ± 39.90 188.22 ± 27.24 High TEAC values by both methods were obtained for samples S1, S3,
S13 Blackcurrant nectar 407.32 ± 14.51 357.59 ± 21.45 S4, and S5 (Table 1). All of these samples are citrus juices, which are the
S14 Cherry nectar 204.61 ± 21.23 162.69 ± 13.78
most popular juices among consumers [3]. The flavinoids, beta-caro-
S15 Plum nectar 53,2 ± 4.14 Not determined
tenes and large amounts of ascorbic acid that these juices contain are re-
Abbreviations: TEACEPR: trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity obtained by EPR sponsible for their antioxidative capacity. It must be stated that the
TEACUV–vis: trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity obtained by UV–vis spectroscopy.
vitamin C content in these types of products has a wide range, and it de-
Each value of TEACEPR and TEACUV–vis is presented as mean ± SD (n = 3). pends to a large degree on fruit type, ripeness, and losses due to process-
ing and storage [1,3,5,6,14].
Among the studied antioxidants, the blackcurrant nectar and
same reaction mechanism of the radical with the oxidant. However, EPR blackcurrant drink are worthy of attention (S7 and S13) (Table 1). It
spectroscopy is a method that is unique to free radicals, and other sub- must be stated that despite a low fruit content in the blackcurrant nectar
stances have no effect on the registered signal, i.e. it reflects the true an- and blackcurrant drink, their TEAC values are very high (Table 1). It is
tioxidative properties of the studied material. In the case of UV–vis known that blackcurrants have very high value of total antioxidative ca-
spectroscopy, the change in the absorbance of the DPPH free radical so- pacity, which amounts to 200.3 μmol TE/g dried fruit mass. This results
lution is measured before and after the reaction with the antioxidant, from high polyphenol, anthocyanin and vitamin C contents [15,16]. The
and therefore the antioxidative capacity determined with this method total anthocyanin (cyanidin-3-rutinoside + cyanidin-3-glucoside +
may contain some interference. Earlier studies of the correlation be- delphinidin-3-rutinoside + delphinidin-3-glucoside) content is very
tween the optical and paramagnetic properties of DPPH• solutions high in fresh fruits and amounts to 897.2 given as mg/100 g of fresh
show that the decrease of the absorption maximum in the UV–vis spec- weight. The four main pigments: delphinidin 3-O-glucoside,
trum does not always correlate with a decrease in the concentration of delphinidin 3-O-rutinoside, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and cyanidin-3-O-
the free radical [10,11]. rutinoside contribute up to 97% of the total anthocyanin in
It was observed that in the case of samples that were of a light color blackcurrants [15,17]. However, it was shown that the retention of an-
(S1–S5, S9, S11–S12, S15) a closer agreement (described by the equa- thocyanins in the blackcurrant beverages appears to be rather poor [18].
tion y = 1.09x + 0.87, r = 0.99) between the values obtained from The next group of studied fruit antioxidants were apple juice and
both techniques can be found than for dark juices (S6–S8, S10, S13– nectar S2 and S12 (Table 1). Apples are especially rich in chlorogenic
S14) where a greater difference was observed (described by the equa- acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, catechin, epicatechin,
tion y = 1.06x + 31.94, r = 0.99) (Table 1, Fig. 1). The greater difference procyanidines (B1, B2, trimer C1), rutin and phloridzin [19], which are
in the TEAC values obtained by UV–vis and EPR spectroscopies for prod- responsible for relatively high values of TEAC for apple juices. Relatively
ucts of a dark color is caused by the fact that the more color there is in a high TEAC values were also obtained for cherry nectar and the cherry
sample, the smaller the absorbance decrease and the less antioxidant drink (S10 and S14). Cherries are a flavinoid, organic acid and cyanide
activity is measured, even when working with minimal sample vol- source. They also contain numerous vitamins, including vitamins A, C
umes. The interference arises because of the presence of colored and B-group vitamins, which affects their antioxidative properties. On
the other hand, low TEAC values were obtained for plum nectar and
plum drink (S11 and S15), despite the fact that plums contain bioactive
compounds such as carotenoid, vitamins A, C and E, anthocyanins and
other phenolic compounds [20,21].
Another group of studied antioxidants were grape drinks (S8 and
S9). The value of TEAC for the red grape drink was higher than that of
the white grape drink (Table 1). The difference in TEAC values between
white and red grapes is caused by the higher polyphenol and flavonoid
content in red grapes [22]. It was generally observed that for darker
samples, TEAC values are higher than for lighter-colored samples
(Fig. 2). Similar dependencies were observed in comparing the antioxi-
dative properties of red and white wines [22,23]. Only the citrus juice
group distinguishes itself by having high TEAC values with a light
color. It must be noted that all of the studied fruit juices had a high per-
cent fruit content (50–100%) and were characterized by a high vitamin
C content.
Differences were observed between the antioxidative capacities for
juices, nectars and drinks (Fig. 2). The mean value for the studied juices
Fig. 1. Linear dependence of TEAC value obtained by the UV–vis and EPR spectroscopy (301.34 μM/100 ml) is the highest as compared to that of drinks (228.43
techniques. μM/100 ml) and nectars (146.59 μM/100 ml). A juice defined as a
M. Bartoszek, J. Polak / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016) 546–549 549

Fig. 2. A comparison of TEAC values of fruit juices, drinks and nectars, as determined by EPR and UV–vis spectroscopies for dark and light samples.

beverage that is capable of fermentation but is unfermented, and is pro- UV–vis spectroscopy, the sample color has no influence on the results,
duced from healthy, ripe, fresh or chilled fruits, while nectar is water-di- and therefore it is possible to study unclear and turbid samples.
luted juice, fruit paste, or mixture of the two. Drinks have the lowest
percent fruit content, and therefore the lowest nutrient content, since
they contain even less juice than nectars. The TEAC values for juices References
are the highest because they contain the highest percent fruit content.
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