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Everything are creeping us out.

After what happened to Blade and Paul, we could not feel being
safe anymore. We need to be extra careful just to make sure that the killer won't go near us. I
could not take losing one of my friends any more.

Psyche POV

Late night, while everyone is in the middle of their sleep, I suddenly woke up as I feel something
wrong and I realized that there is a power outbreak in the whole university. I immediately
searched for my phone and I turned its torch on to check my friends, but there's no Alice and
Yna sleeping on their bed. So many things are running on my mind on that moment. Where the
hell did they go? What really happened to them? I won't forgive myself if something bad
happened to them. What if the killer kidnapped them and killed them? I didn’t waste any chance
to look for them so I call warren and told him that Alice and Yna are missing. After a minute,
Warren came with Ian and Kill. "What happened?" Warren worriedly asks. I feel like he is so
anxious because Alice is missing. "I woke up in the middle of my sleep when I noticed that Yna
and Alice are not here in our room, so I called you as soon as I could" I said. Ian suddenly
interrupted our conversation “We better not waste any minute and look for them, it's getting late
and darkness is slowly eating the surroundings, I’m sure Yna and Alice are so scared".
Everyone agreed and we decided to divide our group to find them easily. Warren and Ian are
going to the college building, Kill and I will search first on the girl’s dormitory. It's so quiet, the
only thing that we're hearing is our footsteps in the hallway. Too dark to see everything, the only
light we're using is the torch on our phone. As we are walking, Kill randomly ask "Do you think
someone kidnapped them?” I stopped as he finish his last word and answer him "I don't think
so, but I won’t forgive the culprit if something bad happened to them. This is too much". Kill
stare at me for a while and started walking again. On the other side, Warren and Ian are eagerly
looking for Alice and Yna. They never waste a minute to search for them in the college
department but are failed, not even a single trace of Yna and Alice is there. Warren is so
worried and he loses his control and punches the wall out of frustration. While Ian is still brave
and continues to lighten up the mood for Warren assuring that everything will be fine. Though
Ian is in fear, he continues to remind himself that this is not the right time to be weak. They must
find their friends as soon as possible before anything bad happen to them.

We are diligently roaming around the area searching for littlest evidences that might lead to our
friends, but the night just keep getting deep and no traces leads to what we are searching for.
Apparently, we decided to meet again to look for their friends as one.

Warren: (calling) let’s meet at the clinic. Now!

I didn’t even have the chance to answer him since he ended the call right after his order.
Together with Kill, we ran immediately to the school clinic. At the middle of our way to our
meeting place, Kill suddenly held my shoulder and utter words which left chills to my body.

Kill: Someone's calling you. She's calling you.

I don’t know what is happening since I was lost out of confusion and suddenly, a blood dropped
over my right eye. Kill: She's calling you. I started running while holding Kill's hand. He's still out
of his mind that still saying words such as "she's calling you" and "she's running with you".


Exactly 5 minutes upon our arrival on the school clinic. Psyche and Kill are approaching. Ian:
Did you found any clue?? Psyche didn’t answer. He's pointing out Kill who looks weird and is
facing one side of the way saying "she's calling you". I started getting confuse with what he's
acting knowing that Kill is the bravest among the squad and he's now getting attacked by both
anxiety and panic. I brought pails of water hoping that he'll wake up with his current condition,
but he's still looking away. Suddenly, a loud crashing sound shocked the four of us. Kill came
out of his anxiety and started asking what is happening. I don’t even have the idea what is
happening so I started asking Psyche about their search on the dormitory. Pscyche started
telling the story to us and upon hearing every word that he's saying, the feeling is getting
heavier and colder. The night is getting deeper and every little sound matters. We decided to let
Kill lead the way since he can feel and see what our naked eyes cannot. Along the way, we
found a necklace.

Ian: Is this Yna's necklace?

The necklace is full of mud and dirt, however, opening the necklace's pendant showed a photo
of a mother and her child on her arms.

Psyche: How can we know that such necklace belongs to Yna?

Then I remembered, Yna used to show a necklace to me showing the engraved numbers at the
back of it.

"Can I see the necklace?” I asked.

I started searching for the number at the back of the pendant and it shows, "13 11 98".

"This is her necklace. November 13th is her birthday"

Having one clue does not lessen our frustrations and it keeps getting even bigger. This only
means that we only have less time since the clock doesn’t stop running. Exactly 12 am when
the wind started blowing our hearts out. Suddenly, a voice started whispering “Iam here”. Kill
with teary eyes and tremulous with what we heard immediately said, “She’s with us from the
very beginning”

Psyche: Who are you?

Psyche shouted so loud but everyone can feel his fear. Kill pointed out a dark space. The space
he pointed is the ladies comfort room. All lights are off during that time, but we can clearly see a
lady in white. She’s sitting on the comfort room’s sink while mumbling words that are impossible
to understand. With her current state, we know that she’s asking for help. We immediately ran
towards the lady.

My feet seem to have been nailed on the ground. I can feel something’s strange with this lady.

“Who are you”, I asked.

Instead of answering my question, the lady showed us her face. She has scratches on her face
and blood is flowing from her arms. Warren decided to lead her and applied first aid on her
wounds. The lady started crying. Out of frustrations, not even a single word from her came
understandable. We let her cry while we’re planning for our next steps. Few minutes later, Kill
asked her again.

“Who are you?” he asked.

The lady looked directly to his eyes. “I know where your friends are”. We looked at her with
hope in our eyes. We ran towards her to listen to what she might say. But instead of talking, she
gave us a piece of cloth. We exactly know that the cloth was a piece of Alice’s dress.

“They’re together, I saw them”, the lady fearfully said.

Warren: Wait, how did you recognize our friends? We don’t know who you are.

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