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2 Large businesses in my area

The benefit of Sederhana locating in the area is
first, the people around the area can easily
access to Sederhana. The restaurant is not far
and is easy to find. The restaurant is located in
an area for daily transport where many people
pass and is located at the side of a big road therefore its not easy to miss. Which
means its very convenient. Because for example, it can be used as a venue for
people to meet up since the address is not hard to find. Second, if a customer is
on the way to somewhere and is hungry, they can stop by first. And if a customer
at home cannot cook, they can just easily buy a dish from Sederhana. So its very
beneficial to the people around are because they can easily bufood. And third,
Sederhana provides a lot of varieties of dish. So the customers wont get bored of
having to order the same thing again and again. And therefore they increase the
customer satisfaction. And since they they have various dishes, customers can
also request for a catering for big events so they don’t have to worry about the
catering sevice.
However, there are problems faced by the restaurant. Such as first, because
Sederhana is a big business and is well known, just one dissatisfaction from a
customer can affect the whole business’s reputation. The customer can write a
review about it or tell it to other people and it will lower the restaurant’s
reputation since people expect a good quality service and food considering the
size of Sederhana. Second, since its big and it has a lot of branches, its not easy to
be managed. The restaurant has to always be stocked with the food supply and
other necessities. So it wont be easy for the owner to manage and check all of the

The first benefit oh having purwacaraka in the area is, people can easily take
music lessons. They don’t have to travel far just to get music course because
Purwacaraka is available nearby. Second, Purwacaraka provides a lot of music
courses such as singing lessons, guitar lessons and many more. This allows
people to explore their talent and expand it. So Purwacaraka will help people to
develop a new interest elaborate on their talent. Third, if the people have nothing
to do they can just make themselves busy by joining these courses. So instead of
doing nothing they can fill out their day by doing something productive.
There are also problems faced by Purwacaraka. Like first, competition against
other big music studios. Purwacaraka is not the only big music studios because
there are lots of other studios. So its hard to compete with many music studios
and make sure that they have the best course.
Second, Purwacaraka has many branches. So its
hard to manage and the owner cannot teach
the customers personally. And if there are
events, there’s no guarantee that the owner can
be there. So the customers wont feel close to
the owner.

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