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Name: ________________________________G11_____________ 9/25/19 Score:______

Activity No. 2.3

Word Choice in Speech Writing
Words Choice – refers to a writer’s selection of words as determined by a number of factors, including meaning (both
denotative and connotative), specificity, level of diction, tone, and audience. Another term for word choice is diction.

Tips in Choosing Words Appropriately

1. Pic your main ideas. Don’t’ try to put too many ideas into your speech.
2. Write like you talk. Remember that you’re writing a speech, not an essay.
3. Use concrete words and examples. Concrete details keep people interested
4. Get your facts together
5. Persuade with a classic structure
6. Simplify
7. Consider your age group to adjust your vocabulary.
8. Use alliteration to add spice to your prose.
9. Use metaphorical language to add interest to your word choice.
10. Avoid jargon, acronyms or technical words because they can confuse your audience

Importance of Word Choice in Speech Writing

1. Transform a mediocre writer to a better one
2. Make dull subject seem engaging.
3. Create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind.
4. Help increase the impact created to the audience
5. Appeal to the sensory experiences.

Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete the paragraph. Choose words inside the box. Read
the completed paragraph.

A. Close your ____ for a second. Imagine a world without ___. Imagine a life where there is nothing but
_____. Imagine a world full of _____ without light. How would you live in such a ____? Would you be
able to stay ____? Would you be able to continue living each and every day to the _____when you yourself
know you are not doing _______? Take a _____ at it this way. _____ is very common in all parts of the
globe. So, why do _______ do what they do? It can be many things: depression, social anxiety, shame,
guilt, out of passion and no meaning.

despair people fullest alright

hope darkness world eyes
depression look sane Suicide

B. There are many ________ why people would decide to take away their own life. They think it’s the _____
way out, well, that is true. Out of their ______, out their miseries, out of their pain, everything. But that’s the whole
_____. Life was never ________ to be easy. Life was never going to be a ______ drive all the way. Albert Einstein
once said that if you have _______, it just simply means you have not tried anything _____. There is always a way to
get ______ your problems. It may not be the easiest way and it may take _____ time, but you will rise above it, only
if you choose to look at your problems and _____ from another ______.

easy new reasons never failed problems promised

through trials smooth some angle point

C. Proponents of gender selection have a strong ________ and quite a bit of support from many different places.
Dr. Ronald Ericsson, called “Dr. Sperm” by many has been marketing a _________ to help couples choose the gender
of their _______. As a result, he’s quite familiar with both sides of the _______ and has been for the last ______ years.
The ______, though, don’t concern him. “it’s none of their damn business” said Ericsson. “It’s a _______t issue.”
Ericsson suggests that because the _______ is available, people should be allowed to _____ it. Seems _________ to
me, though that after all the ________ things we’ve done with technology, someone would say that because it is
_________, we should use it.

child issue argument home test kit critics human right

use technology strange destructive available thirty

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