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1b1 – Drafting (Group 2)


Barrow defined Physical Education as an education of and through human movement
where many of educational objectives are achieved by means of big muscle activities involving
sports, games, gymnastic, dance and exercise.
In addition, Jackson R. Sharman points out that physical education is that part of education
which takes place through activities, which involves the motor mechanism of human body which
results in an individual’s formulating behavior patterns.
As per the Curriculum provided by the Commission on Higher Education, the Physical
Education was included to be one of the required subjects that must be taken up by the college
students in order to make it on the stage and receive the Certificate of Completion, which by
layman’s terms is a diploma.
In order to comply with this academic requirement, the respective and respectable
instructor, Mrs. Maria Clarissa S. Magdael, took up the task to inspire, instruct, and train the
students from 1b1 Class of the BTVTED Program.
During our first sessions, lessons were well discussed, and we were instructed beforehand
about what we must do in order to complete this subject’s requirements. . We were educated
about the importance of Physical Education in life, including its different areas of development:
Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social. However, another area was added due to its manifest
and latent effect on the objectives of the program. The spiritual value added by Physical Education
must not be neglected as one of its most important aspects.
The whole class was divided 4 groups. I was included in Group 2.
During the first half of the semester, the most basic self-testing activities were performed:
Endurance, Flexibility, Balance, and Strength. On the following weeks, we indeed performed the
aforementioned self-testing activities as led by the groups assigned to lead each training activites.
Firstly, we executed the most basic exercises of the combined Endurance, Flexibility, and
Strength Training. Then, we performed the magnified endurance testing-activities. Endurance
testing refers to tests typically done to find out whether an application can withstand the
processing load it is expected to have to endure for a long period. During endurance tests,
memory consumption is observed to determine potential failures. Next, we performed the
Balance-testing Activities. The balance system is a complex one involving coordination of the
vestibular (inner ear), visual (eyes), and sensory nerves throughout the body.
Lastly, each group was assigned to perform their own set of figures in connection to the
self-testing activities. All activities were executed well.
Finally, during the last days of the first half of the semester, we were given a reviewer for
preparation for the Midterms Examination.

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