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It’s never really over


FOR those of us who haven’t had any direct

experience with cancer, it’s easy to think
that once treatment is over, the cancer is
cured and the patient can jump for joy.
But truth is, like the aftermath of a passing
hurricane, rebuilding one’s life and
getting back to a normal routine takes
time and is an experience that is one’s
After her last chemotherapy session,
Josephine Niles was absolutely relieved
that the worst of her ordeal was over. “I
looked forward to getting my appetite
back. I especially looked forward to my
hair growing back,” she shares.
However, while the hard part of her
battle was over, she still had to undergo
more treatment. She wasn’t too worried
about it, though, as just like her doctor had
assured, it was a walk in the park
compared to chemo.

You’re not alone

“Nothing prepares you for something
like cancer,” shares Niles, who fought her
battle with breast cancer more than nine
years ago. She shares that it was a personal
journey that strengthened her faith as well
as her relationships with her family and
Everyone in a woman’s life plays an
important role when it comes to the battle
with breast cancer. Throughout the whole
process, Niles shares that aside from the
medical team looking after her, her Josephine Niles (centre) surrounded by her loving family. She says her support system was not just the medical team looking after her, but
support system was made up of her late also included her late husband, five children, maid and the prayers of many.
husband, five children, maid and the
prayers of many. introduced me to Facebook. My family and others in similar circumstances, says, “I Staying vigilant
Her children, who were already working friends, who were added to my friend list, treasure the friendships I struck with other
or in university at the time, made it easier were actually wondering if I was really cancer patients.” “Unfortunately, breast cancer can recur,”
for her by taking over many household undergoing cancer surgery,” shares Niles Support groups, whether in person, online says ParkCity Medical Centre consultant
responsibilities. They also kept her with a laugh. or through community programmes, bring breast surgeon Dr Azlina Firzah Abdul Aziz,
company whenever they could and helped She adds that having a support group of people together and provide a safe who adds that among the things to look out
make her comfortable. peers who are either going through or environment and forum for exchanging for are physical changes, sometimes at the
“I remember when one of my daughters have gone through a similar experience perspectives, sharing concerns and gaining
stayed in the hospital with me and also helps. Niles, who has also helped confidence to face the future. > TURN TO PAGE 2

For financial security in times of need

ANYONE recently diagnosed with cancer Territories (Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya) at new challenges.
faces a confusing time. Their initial thoughts 42 cases per 100,000 women and Johor (39 The biggest challenge, however, is With Allianz Cancer Protect,
can include, “What do I do next? Can I cases per 100,000 women). escalating medical costs. WHO reports that policyholders may choose between the
survive this? What are my chances of Improving cancer mortality hinges on 70% of deaths related to cancer occur in low- following options.
leading a normal life? What are my best awareness, early diagnosis and access to and middle-income countries, with l Lump Sum Insured (Coverage A)
treatment options?” treatment, but it is disturbing when the affordable treatment being among the key – If diagnosed with cancer, the insured
Cancer was responsible for an estimated Health Ministry claims that up to 60% of factors affecting mortality rates in addition receives 200% of the insured amount
9.6 million deaths last year alone, according cancer cases reported in Malaysia are only to late-stage presentation, lack of accessible upon approval of the claim.
to the World Health Organization (WHO). detected at stages three and four. diagnosis and late detection.
The statistics are just as alarming in The Healthcare Performance l Overseas Medical Treatment
Malaysia, with the Global Cancer
Observatory 2018 reporting 43,837 new
Measurement and Reporting System noted
that up to half of breast cancer patients in
Be prepared financially Benefit (Coverage B) – If diagnosed
with cancer, the insured receives 100%
cancer cases in the country last year. Malaysia could have been saved if they had Allianz Malaysia Berhad’s latest offering, of the insured amount. Coverage B
Speaking at an event in May, Women, access to the right treatment at the right Allianz Cancer Protect, is aimed at helping policyholders have an Overseas
Family and Community Development Deputy time. Such statistics, however, need not be a Malaysians better manage the financial Medical Treatment Benefit Annual
Minister Hannah Yeoh said Penang recorded lasting reality for Malaysia. burden of cancer treatment. Limit of up to US$2mil (RM8.4mil) and
the highest number of breast cancer cases in A cancer diagnosis is life-altering as it Understanding the needs of cancer an Overseas Medical Treatment Benefit
the country, at roughly 50 cases per 100,000 forces patients and their families and carers patients, Allianz Cancer Protect features four Overall Limit of US$4mil (RM16.7mil).
women. This was followed by the Federal to reconsider their priorities and cope with tailored plans: Plan 125 (for an insured During the 36-month indemnification
amount of RM125,000), Plan 250 period, the insured is allowed to seek a
(RM250,000), Plan 375 (RM375,000) and Plan second opinion and choose to either:
500 (RM500,000). In each plan, policyholders § Receive an additional 100% of the
can choose between a Lump Sum Insured insured amount, or;
Amount (Coverage A and Coverage B) and § Activate the Overseas Medical
Overseas Medical Treatment Benefit Treatment Benefit
(Coverage B only) upon diagnosis.
Additional benefits include:
l Flexible premium payment terms in Malaysia. Lor stresses how important it is
l Up to 200% insured amount of for Malaysian women to be insured in the
guaranteed payment event of a cancer diagnosis, saying, “Ask
l Up to US$4mil (RM16.7mil) in overseas anyone if they have a female figure in their
medical treatment benefit life who is affected by cancer. It could be
family, a friend or co-worker. Most of them
According to Allianz General Insurance would probably say yes. That is the harsh
Company (Malaysia) Berhad sales reality we face today.”
management head Linda Lor, Allianz Cancer
Protect is all about providing protection that n For more information on Allianz Cancer
really matters when it is needed the most. Protect, visit
The prevalence of breast cancer is rising protect or
2 Breast Cancer Awareness SUNDAY STAR, 13 OCTOBER 2019

Ladies, do not
skip your checkups

surgical scar near the armpits or the side of

the lungs, lymph nodes in the neck, as well Support groups, whether in
as pain that can’t be explained.
“Another symptom is feeling unwell or
person, online or through
losing weight unexpectedly because community programmes,
sometimes, cancer can recur in different
organs,” she says.
bring people together and
Dr Azlina advises breast cancer patients provide a safe environment
to undergo checkups every three months
for the first two years and every six months
and forum for exchanging
after that. “The first two years of checkups perspectives, sharing
can be quite intensive and is sometimes
divided between the oncologist and
concerns and gaining
surgeon, depending on how serious the confidence to face the
cancer is.”
While most books tend to say a patient
can come in for an annual checkup after
the fifth year, Dr Azlina advises patients
who suddenly start feeling unwell for any making healthier lifestyle choices and having
reason to undergo a checkup and bring it to a positive mindset.
the attention of the attending doctor. “I choose to be positive. I did have bouts of
Dr Azlina recalls an incident where she tiredness, but I just moved on. I chose not to
was following up with a patient who had dwell on what I had gone through,” shares The key to managing your breast cancer risk is early detection, so learn to self-examine,
undergone treatment for cancer some years Niles, who retired shortly after her treatment attend regular checkups and schedule mammogram and ultrasound exams as advised by
ago. Every time the patient came in, she was completed. your doctor.
was all smiles. However, on this particular We may not be able to avoid all the
day, she wasn’t smiling. After asking her negative feelings in life and it’s unrealistic to Niles, who struggled to get her appetite curable. However, the key to higher
patient some questions and examining her, think that we can. However, people who are back, was grateful for her dietitian friend, chances of survival is early detection.
the only symptom that the patient had was positive know how to keep life’s tragedies who helped her with her diet. Niles’ doctor discovered a lump in her
a loss of appetite. from spoiling all the good things life has to breast during a routine gynaecology exam.
However, tests showed a different story –
her cancer had recurred. “You must always
“You have to cut alcohol out of your life,”
“It won’t happen to me” It concerned him enough that he referred
her to the National Cancer Society Malaysia.
be on the lookout for recurrences,” shares Dr Azlina, adding that if you’re obese, According to the Malaysia National “The early diagnosis made all the
emphasises Dr Azlina. especially if you’re in the menopausal age Cancer Registry Report 2007-2011, cancer is difference,” says Niles.
group, you need to reduce your weight, one of the leading causes of death in Her advice to other women is to learn to
Right choices and a positive because you are at high risk of breast cancer
and recurrences.
Malaysia, with breast cancer being the most
common cancer among women. The report
examine yourself and go for mammogram
or ultrasound checkups at least every
mind She also advocates healthy eating and stated that one woman out of 20 will get alternate year.
urges patients to consult a nutritionist as breast cancer. “Don’t ever think that this will only
Part of the recovery process includes they begin the long journey to recovery. The good news is that breast cancer is happen to someone else and not you.”
4 Breast Cancer Awareness SUNDAY STAR, 13 OCTOBER 2019

Self-examination is self-care
BREAST cancer is so common that
one in 20 Malaysian women
develops breast cancer in her
lifetime. Dr Daphne Anthonysamy,
consultant breast and endocrine
surgeon at Subang Jaya Medical
Centre, says it is best if the cancer
can be detected early and treated
accordingly for a higher chance of
She advises women to examine
their breasts around 10 days after
their periods, as hormonal changes
during the menstrual cycle may
cause breasts to feel lumpy and
sore and potentially lead to a
For a proper self-examination, Dr Daphne Anthonysamy.
one should stand in front of a
mirror, use the flat of her palms breast implants.
and massage her breasts and the
areas around them, including her
underarms, with circular motions
Reducing the chance of Do not be fooled by the myth and misconceptions of breast cancer. Should you notice any warning signs, get it
to feel for lumps and irregularities. occurrence checked immediately.
Dr Daphne lists several breast
cancer warning signs to watch out There are no confirmed
for: preventative steps for breast Choosing what matters most
l Asymmetry – When the cancer. However, Dr Daphne says
breasts look very different from it can be helpful if we recognise Despite heightened False: Traditional medicine can carry out immediate breast
each other our risk factors and take steps to awareness and technological cure cancer just as well as reconstruction.
l Abnormalities on the nipple minimise our risk of developing advances, Dr Daphne modern medicine
– Peeling skin, cracks and sores breast cancer. Anthonysamy, consultant True: Some people buy into the False: Being diagnosed with
around the nipple “The risk increases as we age breast and endocrine surgeon sweet talk of a painless and breast cancer equals a death
l Nipple discharge – Any nipple and is notably higher in women. at Subang Jaya Medical Centre, easier way of treatment with sentence
discharge requires medical Besides that, a first-degree family says misconceptions about traditional medicine. However, True: Breast cancer is actually
attention, especially when the history of breast cancer, having the breast cancer are still prevalent this may cause a patient’s curable when diagnosed early
discharge is coloured breast cancer gene (BRCA gene) in Malaysia. She clarifies a few, condition to worsen by delaying and treated accordingly. The
l Puckering of the skin – and undergoing hormone as detailed below. treatment. five-year survival rate for breast
Dimple on the breast replacement therapy can increase cancer is 92% to 98% for stages
l Lumps breast cancer risk.” False: It isn’t breast cancer if False: When you undergo 1 and 2, 70% for stage 3 and
All in all, she wishes the public to it isn’t painful treatment for breast cancer, 20% for stage 4.
If you notice any of these signs know that there is a higher chance True: In most cases, breast you will lose your breast
when checking your breasts, Dr of survival for breast cancer as cancer is actually painless. True: If treatment is sought early, False: Only women get breast
Daphne urges you to consult a long as there is early detection and you may not need to lose your cancer
doctor right away. Imaging of the proper treatment. As her final False: Breast cancer occurs breast. Lumpectomy, which is a True: Men can also get breast
breasts can be done via advice for women, she quips, only in elder women type of breast-conserving cancer. While it is rare, it is
mammogram for older women “Always be breast aware.” True: Younger women can be at surgery, only removes the lump. more aggressive when it occurs
with ultrasound as adjunct risk of developing breast Even if you have to remove in men because men have less
screening, ultrasound for younger n For more information, call cancer, too. your breast, surgeons can breast tissue.
women and MRI for women with 03-5639 1212.

Don’t let fear get in the way of treatment

“A LOT of women are afraid to mastectomy because of body image surgery before you decide. If you usually taken into consideration
come to hospitals for breast issues, as they can’t imagine seeing are someone who wants to have before undergoing breast
cancer treatment because they themselves with one breast. “This children after reconstructive reconstruction surgery. “When we
are afraid that if they are is where breast reconstruction surgery, you will also need to talk suggest the type of reconstruction,
diagnosed with cancer, they are comes in,” says Dr Tan. to your doctor to find the right we look at the patients’ breast as a
going to lose their breast,” says Dr Breast reconstruction surgery procedure for you. whole, taking into account the
Tan Gie Hooi, consultant breast can be done either immediately “Most of the time, ideal breast size and shape to know
and oncoplastic surgeon at during the mastectomy or at a later candidates for breast the volume required for
ParkCity Medical Centre. date. Delayed breast reconstruction reconstruction surgery are patients reconstruction,” she says, who adds
However, that is far from the usually is done about one or two less than 55 years old, who don’t that you should not be afraid to ask
reality. With modern technology years after treatment is complete. have any pre-existing medical your doctor what your options are,
and advancements in medicine, problems, such as diabetes or emphasising that every woman
there are many more treatment
options for women in their fight
Talking to your doctor hypertension, and is a non-
smoker,” says Dr Tan. However, if
deserves to be told about breast
reconstruction and it is up to them
against breast cancer, one of There are two types of breast you do have any of these to decide if they wish to undergo
which is reconstructive surgery. reconstruction for patients to conditions, more caution is taken the procedure.
“Doctors will always try and choose from – the use of implants with reconstructive surgery.
save the existing breast with Dr Tan Gie Hooi. or tissue flap procedures. Because every person’s body is n For more information, call
breast conserving surgery While breast reconstruction is unique, a number of factors are 03-5639 1212.
(lumpectomy),” says Dr Tan. Only whole breast) conducted. available for everyone, you and
in instances when it is not In this scenario, Dr Tan finds your doctor will need to talk about
advisable to have a lumpectomy that a lot of women are fearful your wants, needs, medical
is a mastectomy (removal of the about going through with a conditions and any previous

Types of breast reconstruction

It’s important to choose capsular contracture, which is a attached to its blood supply, in
breast reconstruction that is response of the immune system to what is called a pedicled flap.
suitable for your body type. foreign objects in the body, years Other times, where a free flap is
The two types of breast after getting the implant. This will done, the blood vessels are
reconstruction available are: require changing the implants and disconnected and then
l Implants a capsulectomy. reconnected to a blood supply
Breast implants, usually l Tissue flap procedure near the new location (breast).
made of silicone, are surgically In this procedure, a woman’s In instances where a TRAM
placed to reconstruct the own tissue is taken from within flap is used, part of the core
breast. These implants are the the tummy (TRAM flap) or back muscle of a patient’s abdomen is
quickest and simplest form of muscle (latissimus dorsi flap) and harvested. Hence, patients are
breast reconstruction. used to create a mound to advised not to stress the
However, an implant does not reconstruct the breast. Sometimes abdominal muscle too much
last forever. There is a risk of the tissue being moved is kept after the surgery. Women must remember there are medical treatment options for patients
with breast cancer, including reconstructive surgery.

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