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Revenge of a Dead Girl #Wattys2016

by NEEonPink

Her best friend betrayed her

Her boyfriend cheated on her.

Her parents abandoned her.

Her friends, which she thought her friends brutally bullied her.

She has no where else to go. So, she decided to disappear to see if that would
change anything.

But nothing did... no one cared about her at all.

After a year of her death, the students at school are experiencing chaos, connected
murders, deaths of their family,


The lost soul's appearance...

She will make them experience what she felt.

She'll return full of vengeance.

And take her Revenge.


The first book in the series "Playing Demons"

Highest rank: #4 in horror category.



Chappie 1


This is my first time writing a horror story so this book may not be that good.I'm
warning you beforehand, also this is a Korean fanfic, so the names may be
unfamiliar :)Peace out.

A police officer's POV

I was on my way to my office, carrying a cup of coffee in my hand while my other

hand is carrying a folder I took from the lobby.

As I walked pass the dimmed corridors, I took a glimpse of the clock hanging on the
wall to see --12am-- I'm the only one left I assume since I'm not hearing any

I always stay behind longer than my other co-workers so that I have alone time once
in a while. Working in silence is what I want, so doing this is not that

I entered my office to see tons of paper overflowing on my desk, I heavily sighed

and muttered to myself "More work to do."

I made my way to my comfy office chair and sat down, placing my coffee at the side
of my table as I began organizing the folders.

One thing is what I noticed while studying each of the folders, It was all about
the cases from last year.

These folders are probably stacked inside the drawers for a long time, and I'm
guessing that all of these cases are all solved since they put it away.

But why did someone brought it out and put everything on my desk?

Well, I guess I can review all of them to see what crimes happened in this city
last year while I'm still not in my position as of today.

My curiosity is my only source of energy to look at every folders one by one, even
though my heavy eyelids were already closing.

"Tch. I should just get to work already." I sighed, pushing the folders aside.

Sleepiness is slowly consuming me to see only common cases like theft and much more
so I think I'll finish my work first before those folders.

I heard a 'thud' sound just besides my desk making me jump a bit from shock.I look
besides it to see a folder that fell from my desk that caused the thud sound.

I sighed in relief to see that it was only a folder, "That scared me." I said as I
stood up lazily to pick it up and put it on top of all the folders.

I sat down again and took a sip from my now cold coffee since I neglected it for a
few minutes. After drinking my coffee in one go, I started to write my report for
tomorrow, so that I won't cram later.
For a split second, the lightbulb of my office turned off and then when back on
again that left me shaking in fear. Not because the lightbulb suddenly closed for
no reason. It's because while the lights were closed for that short amount of time,
I saw through my transparent door, a shape of a person that illuminated from the
very end of the hallway and then disappeared right when the lights went back on.

"Aish! This office needs to be-" I tried to talk to myself to lessen my fear but my
sentence got cut off as an unusual sound was heard from downstairs.

"Mr Hyun, was that you?" I called out for the janitor of the building who's also
here for his night shift.

Moments passed and I hear no reply from him, which is weird because that janitor is
a talkative person.

I still continued writing, ignoring the unusual sound down stairs. That way, I
won't focus on my fear that is starting to build inside of me.

I felt a cold breeze blew in my office making the folder I picked up ago, make its
way in front of me with the help of the wind.

The windows and the door is closed so where could that wind be coming from?

But I didn't think about that any further and just opened the folder that was in
front of me.

I saw a small picture of a lovely young lady, attached at the upper corner of the

I scanned the first page and its about all of her informations. From her name to
her blood type.

I flipped the page and went on to the second page.

My jaw dropped together with my widened eyes to see another picture of her... dead.

She was sitting down on what I think is a toilet seat, she was wearing a uniform
that was very familiar to me, maybe because my daughter also wears that uniform.

She was covered in her own blood due to the open wounds all over her body, there
were cuts on her thighs and wrists.

I moved on to the details of her death and read everything.


Cause of Death: Blood loss,Severe wounds on her head,Several bruises and cuts.

Time of death: 6 pm,Friday, February 13 XXXX

"She was acting weird that day but we shrugged it off since she's always weird"

"I don't know her that much but she's well known around the school because she's
always bullied"

Is what the questioned students said when asked by the police officers.

Her autopsy results came out and we had come up to the conclusion that she
committed suicide Blah blah blah blah

"Case closed"

"This definitely does not look like she committed suicide." I remarked scanning all
the informations written in the folder

I placed it aside even though I want to help solve the case, but it was already
decided that the case was closed so there's nothing I could do.

As soon as I continued with my work and neglected the folder, I felt someone
choking me and the lights began to flicker again.

"Why won't you help me?" I heard an inaudible whisper, I looked up to see a
silhouette of a girl standing in front of me but she soon disappeared as my phone
started ringing.

I gasped for air and the lights went back on.

Did I just hallucinate?

Okay, no more coffee for me.


When I think that my shift is done, I grabbed my things and began walking through
the empty hallway.
I reached the parking lot and entered my car, and before I started driving I took
my last glance on my office window.

"So many things happened in one night." I sighed and began driving away.

The sun was already rising since it's almost 6 am, I'm sure my daughter is awake
now. I should ask her about that girl, since she attends the same school as her
judging from their uniform.

As soon as I arrived, my daughter -Yoo ma- was sitting on the couch, eating her
breakfast while watching a morning show on the television.

She noticed my presence and smiled. "Welcome home Dad."

I smiled back and sat down besides her, I didn't want to wait any longer so I
immediately asked what I wanted to know.

"Do you know a girl named -Park Young Ji-"

She froze as she heard that name and suddenly became quiet.

I leaned to the side to see her face and saw that she was wearing a guilty
expression making me know that she does know her.

"Nevermind Haha, what kind of question is that to ask my own daughter?" I laughed
it off and changed the topic "Anyway, My grandma once told me about this weird
saying, Wanna hear it?"

She slowly nodded her head, still frozen on her place.

I sighed and began talking "They said that if a soul is not yet in peace... they
would come back a year later, on their first death anniversary." I stared at the
Tv, but not watching. "What do you think about that? Creepy right?"

She twitched, and suddenly said "It wasn't a suicide." Making me widen my eyes.

"What?" I asked again, and she suddenly stood up, balling her fist.

"It wasn't a suicide! She would never just end her life that way!" She yelled and
stormed to her room, stomping her foot in the process.

"What the hell is wrong with that girl?" I muttered, hearing the sound of her door
slam shut.
I shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

If that saying is true in any way...

Then that poor girl's soul will come back... tomorrow.


How's the first chapter? :D

Anyway, I edited this one and perhaps the other chapters. I just realized how awful
I am after I re-read this story. Well of course since i made this when i was like
12 or 13 years old, I can't even remember XDSo yeah! If you see some typos and
wrong grammars on the next chapter that means I still haven't edited it yet. Please
bare with it for a while :)

-NEEonPink ❤


Chappie 2


Yoo ma's POV

My dad came back from work and he asked me an outrageous question.

It was about my deceased best friend, Park Young Ji.

To be honest, I blame myself for leaving her behind all alone. I should've taken
her with me that time...

A phone call at 8pm might be my friends, a phone call at 10pm might be my parents
asking where I am and a phone call at 3pm? Sounds like bad news to me.

That's when I knew that Young ji was dead...

"Yoo ma!" Young ji yelled as she grabbed on to my sleeve like a kid while I was
busy grabbing my lunch at the busy school cafeteria.

"What is it now?" I asked coldly, not even looking at her. I was currently keeping
my attention on the food stands and kept putting different kind of food on my tray.

"Let's sit first" she dragged me away even though I'm still not finished and led me
to an empty table.

"So? Whats the problem?" I placed my tray on the table and started eating, while
she sob in front of me, covering her face with her hands.

"I feel like my boyfriend doesn't love me anymore.." She said as she slumped her
face on the table, using her arms as her pillow.

I continued eating, I knew this was coming. Her boyfriend is obviously a jerk
anyway with those rumors about him spreading around the campus that he sleeps with
all the hot girls in this school.

"He always avoids me whenever we meet at the hallway, and he's always with a girl
every time i see him, he didn't text me last night, he doesn't talk to me at class,
he always cut off our conversation and-" I interrupted her because she's talking
way fast. I didn't even understand a single thing she said.

"That's why I told you from the very beginning to not trust that guy, stupid" I
said, rolling my eyes at her.

"But, I love him" She said with sincerity. While i was left, puzzling over what she
just said. How can she like that asshole? Is she that stupid?

"You know..." I stopped eating and looked at her eyes directly "You are so in love
with him that you ignore how horrible he treats you" I said which made her cry

"I don't care about how horribly he treats me, I still love him" She murmured, as i
sighed watching her stupidity consume her brain.

"Stop crying already. Do you know how ugly you look? Your face is ugly already and
you're crying on top of it?" I lightly slapped her cheeks to calm her down, but if
she didn't stop then I'll have to bitch slap her.

"Okay okay, I'll stop now.." She stopped and wiped her tears away.

"Good because you're interrupting my lunch" I continued eating while she just
laughed at me.
"I'm glad you're my friend Yoo Ma" She showed me a cheeky smile.

"Don't you dare show me your ugly ass smile at me. I'm still mad at you if you
don't break up with your asshole boyfriend" I hissed, rolling my eyes. "I don't
trust that guy. He's a womanizer, don't fall for a guy just because he's handsome"
I tried to convince her to split up with him, but she seemed determine not to do

"Aiish! Yoo ma! You're supposed to support and comfort me!" She pouted cutely,
leaving me powerless.

I offered her some of my food while still glaring at her.

"What?" She asked clueless, tilting her head to the side.

"I'm comforting you. Accept this food as a gratitude from mine." I said and she
giggled a bit. "But I'm not gonna support you in any way with that guy."

"Thats okay, and thanks! I feel better now" She grabbed the food and started eating
"Yoo ma, let's stay forever together!" She said happily, throwing her fist in the

"No thanks" I said coldly, almost finishing my food.

"Hmp. Why not?!" She slammed her hands on the table, faking a cry.

"If I need to go to the bathroom I don't want you with me" I smirked, and she
smiled realizing that it was only a joke. "So, how's your parents?" I suddenly
asked putting my chin on my hands whilst looking at her. I know it wasn't a very
pleasing topic for her but i still need to know about her parents.

I'm worried for her. Her father always comes home at night, drunk. While her Mom
brings another guy at their home while her father is away. Well, it didn't take too
long before he found out about his wife's infidelity and they began fighting every

And as the only child, she is always involved in their fight.

About a week ago, her parents didn't come home. They abandoned her. Leaving her all
alone to survive on her own.

She's alone in that house, trying her best to manage on her own that's why I
always stop by there to make Young ji feel a little better and help her in terms
with financial problems.
"I don't wanna look for them anymore" She said in a muffled voice and kept her head
hanging low. "I... Will never forgive them for making me feel miserable" A tear
unknowingly escaped from her eyes making me sigh.

I cleared my throat trying to change the topic since I noticed that she's about to
cry again.

"Anyway, let's head back to class" I said, standing up and dragging her with me
away from the crowded place.


We reached the hallway and we saw 'Fei' and her friends in front of their lockers,
caking their faces up with those obviously expensive make ups.

As soon as they noticed us walking towards their direction, they smirked and
blocked our way.

"Hey bitch" She said to Young ji, crossing her arms while the girls behind her
giggle in joy.

Oh she did not just call my precious Young ji a bitch.

"I heard you had a fight with Joon" She smirked, twirling her hair with her

"So what?" I asked coldly, giving her the resting-bitch-face look as I hid Young ji
behind me and step in front of them.

"That means I can steal him back" She's still wearing that annoying smirk and her
friends crossed their arms too for no reason. Are they trying to imitate someone
from the movies I watch? If they are, then they're not doing a good job.

"So? Who's more of a bitch here? Isn't it you then." I said and their jaw dropped
open as they realized they were humiliated in front of everyone with us in this

"Oooooh! Snap!" The guys around us yelled in a mocking manner and Fei felt
embarrassed and turned around.

"Let's go girls!" She stormed out of the hallway, while her friends trailed behind
her after giving us a dirty look.

"Don't mind them Young ji, they're just jealous" I said tapping her back, trying to
comfort her.

"Y-yeah." She muttered, We continued walking until she reached her class, I'm on a
different class by the way.

*Ding dong dang dong*

The bell rang and I dashed outside to fetch Young ji but three girls blocked me.
It was Fei's friends or what she calls them.

"What do you want?" I crossed my arms and glared at them. They scoffed at me and
stepped forward, pushing my shoulder while they're at it.

"We heard that you embarrassed Fei a while ago. How dare you, Bitch" The one who
was pushing me said, I rolled my eyes and swiftly grabbed her arm.

"Excuse me?" I said, raising my eyebrows while she remained still because I was
gripping on to her arm really tight.

"Hey let go of me" The girl pushed me back while she hid behind the other two who
was just standing at the background.

"I knew it. Those rumor of you being a bitch is right!" One of them yelled at me, I
rolled my eyes while a mocking laugh escaped my mouth.

Its a beautiful day outside and they're here to ruin it, maybe it wont hurt if I
mess with them.

"You heard that I was a Bitch? Well that's not just a rumor... It's true" I smirked
as i saw their ugly expressions.

"So you flirting with Joon is right? I can't believe it, He's your bestfriend's
boyfriend and you still do that? You're horrible" They said in unison making me
widen my eyes.

"Wait what?! Me? with Joon? No freaking way. Who made those stupid rumors?" I
yelled at them and they seemed satisfied with my reaction.

"Haha. You're too late, Fei already told Young ji about that. If i were you i won't
show my face to her anymore." They said in an annoying tone, obviously trying to
make me mad.
"Why you..." I grabbed one of the girl's collar and a teacher suddenly saw us and
yelled at me thinking that I was violently harrasing them.

I looked at their faces and it was obvious that they planned that this will happen.
Those bitches..

Now i have to spend my precious 1 hour in detention.

Young ji's POV

Here I am, standing at the front gate waiting for Yoo ma, she said we'll go to a
pretty cafe to brighten me up. Even though she's cold towards me I can feel that
that's how she show her affections and she cares about me. She's been helping me
out ever since, i wouldn't know what'll happen to me if she wasn't by my side.

"Oh! There you are!" I saw Fei running towards me with her girls trailing behind

"Wh-what?" I said taking a step back, hiding my face behind my backpack.

I don't want to get involved with her anymore, she's always up to no good.

"Look at this!" She said happily, she showed me her phone.

"Umm... What?" I looked at her with a confused look since she's showing me her
phone that is turned off and i can see my reflection clearly.

"Oh, sorry bout that." She opened her phone and my reflection vanished because of
the light its emitting.

A picture...

A picture of Yoo Ma together with my Boyfriend, Joon.

They look as if they're the one who was dating instead of me.

My heart felt like it just shattered into tiny pieces and my eyes began to blur,
tears were threatening to fall.

"That's a shame. You're Bestfriend and your boyfriend were together up until now."
She patted my back trying to comfort me, although I can see her and her friends
giggling while watching my devastated look.
"I also heard a rumor about her and Joon, I thought it wasnt real but now that I
saw this with my own eyes. She's a backstabbing friend of yours, how nice."

"I know!" Kelly said (one of fei's girls) "let's go to a party! 'Hye Mi' is
throwing a party later, let's go!" They dragged me with them.

- - -

I don't know why I ended up here. The place is so lively and the music is too
loud.I'm sitting on a couch holding a glass of wine, next to me is a couple doing
such things.

Tears started to fall.

I hate it,I hate this feeling,I started to drink the wine,I drank and drank and

My eyes are getting blurry,I'm gonna collapse any minute, all of a sudden a guy sat
next to me and I can't clearly hear what he's saying. I was just nodding my head
distinctly with each word he's saying without even understanding what he's really

He then dragged me to a silent room and before he closed the door I heard Fei's
voice, speaking in a soft and flirty manner.

"Give her lots of Love"

And there my consciousness faded.




Chappie 3


Still about flashback :)

Young ji's POV

I opened my eyes to see a different ceiling than the ceiling I always see whenever
I wake up every morning.

Realizing that this place wasn't my bedroom, I immediately sat up only to find my
clothes scattered everywhere, my body feels awful to the point that I'm gonna puke
out all the alcohols I drank last night.

"Wha-what happened last night?" I said as I grabbed my stinging head, standing up

and walking to the bathroom to let all the unnecessary liquids I consumed last
night out of my body.

After vomiting for almost 10 minutes, I washed my face before quickly wearing my
clothes. I dashed outside to see Hye Mi, the owner of the house I'm in, who's
currently sitting in her living room while watching a morning tv show.

"Oh? You're finally awake." She said eating a toast "Hurry up and get the hell
outta my house, you've been sleeping for like forever" She pointed at the door,
before rolling her eyes at me.

I bowed at her before walking timidly towards the door, as soon as I left the house
and was now walking at the sidewalk. I tried my best to remember what happened last
night but it's useless, I can't even remember what I was doing at that party.

The next day, I went to school to see everyone's eyes on me as if they're scanning
my face before looking back at their smartphones and then gasping.

Some of them are glaring at me like I'm some kind of a criminal, while whispering
at each other.

"Oh look, the ultimate bitch has arrived." I heard Fei's voice behind me so I
turned around, she was walking towards me with her arms crossed while her 'girls'
stood behind her.

"You're not contented to Joon so you flirted with another guy!?" She rolled her
eyes, snapping her fingers and one of her girls gave her a phone.

"What are you talking about?! I never flirt with other guys!" I said trying to
defend myself, watching her tapping her fingers on the phone.

"Oh yeah?" Fei said with a smirk. "Then explain this." She showed me the phone she
was holding, while everyone around us erupted into loud murmurs.

I looked at what the phone is showing and there was a video of me... Naked
And I'm with a guy who I never saw before, who is also stripped naked.

[A/N: I don't want to explain every single detail of the video so go ahead and
imagine things! Good luck!]

The video ended, and I stood there frozen. Not knowing what to say.

Everyone started throwing crumpled papers at me while cursing.

"Bitch!" Hye mi yelled and kelly followed


"Whore!" Soon enough, all of the students who were with us in the hallway did the
same and yelled mean things to me.



I just stood there, dumbfounded."H-how?" I stuttered and Fei walked towards me.

"Oh I'll tell you how"she said as she pulled my hair and dragged me towards the
restroom and her friends followed too.

"You're just a girl who f*cks random guys, Bitch!"

"St-stop it! It hurts!" I yelled trying to break free from her grip.

"Fei, Stop it! The teachers might see us." Kelly said, grabbing Fei's shoulder.

"Don't worry, they're all currently in a meeting right now so it's fine." She said
to her before turning her head to face me and continued dragging me away.

"I wonder what Joon's reaction would be if he saw that video" Hye mi chuckled, and
Jina (One of Fei's girls) followed with a laugh.

"Psssh!! Joon-sshi doesn't even care about that video" Fei said which shocked me.
"He never loved you anyway, Your relationship with him is just a game, just a bet."
A bet?

All this time it was only a bet?So, im not that special to him?

How can he do that to me?

So Yoo ma was right all along.

Tears were welling up in my eyes already as I felt my heart being torn into pieces.

I wish I had just listened to Yoo Ma in the very beginning.

"Aw man! I lost!" Jina cursed, stomping her foot creating a click sound from her

"How much did you bet?" asked Kelly who was laughing at her loss.

"5,000 won " She replied in a low voice, clicking her tongue.

"Enough with the talking will you!" Fei yelled with annoyance as we reached the

Kelly locked the door while Jina is filling the sink with water while Fei kept me

All of them where chuckling and giggling by the sight of my pained face. At that
time, I wasn't feeling well and just hoped that I would just disappear already.

"Are you ready Young Ji?" Fei asked with a smile as she grab my hair tightly.

"Stop it!" I said, struggling from her grip.

"Damn it! Help me here!" Fei said as she felt that I'm almost breaking free.

Kelly and jina grabbed both of my arms and feet while Fei is holding my head, my
hair to be specific.

"Don't worry Young ji!" Fei said "Just imagine that you're going to swim" they

"Sto- Blueellruekeekkdlelelel" She started to dip my face at the clear water.

She raised my head every 10 seconds,

And lets me breathe for air for 5 seconds,

"How are you doing?" Hye mi asked, not even looking at me and kept fixing her make
up, looking through the mirror.

I glared at her angrily, and she noticed it so she walked near me.

"Aww. Don't glare at me with those ugly eyes" She smirked, I was irritated about
her arrogant attitude, so I spat on her ugly face.

"Aaah!" She yelled as she ran to the sink and washed her face "Disgusting!" She
screamed, earning a laugh from both Jina and Kelly.

Fei glared at me and continued to dip me down again but this time, its longer than
the last one.

She raised my head every 20 seconds which made me feel weak.

"Have a good day Park Young Ji" Fei showed a warm smile, pushing me down on the wet
floor as they exited the restroom high fiving each other.

I coughed out waters and my eyes were blurry from all the tears wept.

I remained on the floor until I heard the door open and footsteps of someone
approaching me.

I felt a warm hand tapped my head gently, and it felt soothing to me.

"They did this to you?" The person asked in a familiar voice.

"Y-yoo ma?" I coughed as I said her name, sitting up and turning around to see her

"I won't let anyone disrespect you again" She said pulling me up for me to stand.

"Now let's get you clean. Do you have your PE uniform with you?" She wiped me with
her handkerchief that smells like vanilla, as she asked me about my uniform.

"Its in my locker..." I mumbled, looking down in embarrassment.

"I saw the video" She said calmly still focused on wiping my face and my neck.

"I-i don't remember such thing happening to me and-" She cut me off by putting her
index finger over my mouth, reassuring me with a smile.

"I don't believe that you will do such a thing" She said that made me cry and hug

"Yoo ma! I love you!" I sobbed like a child, crying on her shoulders.

"Hey! Your shots will drip on my uniform! Eew!" She said in disgust, trying to push
me away but I kept hugging her.

"You're supposed to say 'I love you too' !" I exclaimed, breaking the hug showing
her a pout.

"Ok, ok, I love you too" She patted my head, before dragging me out of that

We reached my locker and she opened it for me, I frowned and looked down as I saw
my locker filled with trash and my stuffs weren't in there anymore.

My wild guess is that they threw it in the trash can and placed all this junks in
my locker instead. How uncool... everyone is doing this to me just because of that

I was gonna cry again but Yoo Ma slapped my face making me look at her in shock as
I grab my cheek she slapped.

"Stop crying you piece of crap! You look ugly so stop it." She said, before
throwing all the garbage in my locker at the floor and kicking it to scatter it
everywhere at the hallway. "Heh! They have to clean that since they're in charge of
cleaning today. Stupid bitches" She scoffed as she admires her masterpiece of
scattered trashes around the hallway.

"Yoo ma..." I muttered, watching her drag me again from that hallway.

"You can borrow my PE uniform... but just for today." She said, I can see her
glancing behind her shoulder to take a glimpse at me to see if I'm fine and I
showed her a smile.

"Thanks! I owe you one." I said, puffing my cheeks. I saw her smile before she turn
her head in front of her again.
I'm the luckiest to have a bestfriend like her who would do everything just to
protect me.


The next day, I went to school and as usual everyone is glaring at me with

"Watch out! A slut is coming!" A guy yelled jokingly as I walk pass him and
everyone avoided me.

They still throw crumpled papers at me, and worse, they started throwing tiny rocks
at me.

I ended up at my classroom full of wounds and cuts, my classmates noticed me and


"Hahaha! Serves you right!" One of my classmate said, pointing at me and chuckling.

I walked towards my desk to see a lot of vandals, saying mean things to me. I
covered it with my bag and sat down on my chair, while wiping my wounds caused by
the rocks from a while ago.

"Hey, I have good news for you, Young Ji" Fei said holding her phone, and tapping
it with a sassy manner before showing it to me.

"Your scandal reached up to 234,000 views! You're famous now! I might as well take
a selfie with you and post it on my instagram." I ignored her, pretending that I
don't hear a thing she's saying and kept wiping my wounds.

"Hey! If I'm talking to you, you should at least listen." She smacked my head
making me bend down before she walk away towards her friends.

I remained quiet, and just continued wiping my cuts as if that never happened. I
can feel everyone's stare at me as if they're studying an ant before crushing it
with their thumbs.

I feel so miserable...

Yoo ma's POV

Its lunch time and I dragged Young ji from her class so we can eat together.
I was talking nonstop about the movie I saw last night while she's just quiet, not
saying a word.

"What's wrong?" I asked as we arrived at the cafeteria and I started picking my

lunch and putting it on my tray.

"Nothing." She headed first and sat down at our usual table while I am left at the
food stand still picking lunch.

After a while I went to her and saw her with Fei and everybody else gathering
around her while yelling at her face.

"Hey! Stop it!" I shouted, pushing them aside as I make my way towards Young Ji.

"Woah? What's with you? Are you playing the hero here?" Joon said, Young Ji's

Well this son of a bastard is bullying my best friend after he broke her heart.
Im'ma murder this guy right now.

I punched his face really hard that made him land on the cold ground, earning
'Oooh's from the crowd as they watch him miserably got defeated by a girl.

"That's for Young Ji!" I said with a menacing voice.

I kicked him in his chest.

"And that's for harrasing me the other day!" I yelled and dragged a crying Young ji
away from that crowded place.

I led her at the rooftop where no one else is there, which is great.

We sat at the edge, feeling the warm breeze blew our hair.

"You- you mean that the picture fei showed me is..." Young ji whispered, staring at
her feet.

"What picture?" I said eating a sandwich I grabbed at the food stand before walking
out with Young Ji.

"No, never mind " She smiled at me, sweetly. "Hey, Yoo ma." She called "If I die I
want to be cremated."
"What the hell? Really? We're talking about that right now?" I asked with sarcasm,
looking at her with a bored face with the topic she just pulled out of nowhere.

"Well you wouldn't know if you die tomorrow or the other tomorrow so I'm telling
you right now." She giggled a bit which made me thought that she's just joking.

"I wanted to turn into ashes so I would be in peace." She said with closed eyes,
spreading her arms widely in the air.

"I want to be buried underground if I die" I joked, still eating.

"So who ever dies first will do what we wanted, okay?" I smiled at her, and she
smiled back.

"Okay. I promise."


Class is over and me and Young Ji separated because I still have a part time job to
attend to.

I only said 'Goodbye' to her. I didn't even listened to what she's about to say
that time and just ran off because I was already late for my shift.

I should have been more careful at that moment.

If I had been cautious that time... then things might have gone differently.

From that day onward, Young Ji never again showed up...

That was the last time I saw her... alive.


Her lifeless body was discovered inside the restroom, in one of the cubicles.

She's sitting on the toilet, Wounds and cuts all over her body, her face looks
peaceful with her eyes closed and a frozen smile curved on her lips, As if she was
happy that she died.

The item she used to cut herself was never found.

The cops ended the investigation quickly and just said that it was a suicide which
made anger boil inside me.

Its not a suicide...

I'll never forgive who did this.

I'll find out who killed my Best Friend.


Chappie 4


Updating this story while I can.Because tomorrow will be hell of a busy day again.

Yoo ma's POV

I'm walking around in the restroom after her body was transferred in her funeral.

They didn't even tested her body if it really was a suicide or not.

Since that very day, I hated every police. I despise them with all my life for
doing that to Young Ji, without even investigating her case more carefully.

I was about to leave but stopped as I saw a small SD card below the sink.

"Those stupid investigators didn't even notice this Memory card?" I picked it up
and scanned it, I noticed that it has smudges of blood and a little bit cracked,
but since this is found in the crime scene then I think this has something to do
with Young Ji.

I immediately went to the computer room to scan it. I'm all alone there because the
classes have been dismissed early because of Young Jo's death. At least they paid
their respect for her, but I think they're just partying all day because of no

Without further ado, I scanned the memory card to see only a single video which is
entitled "Young Ji"

Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I quickly clicked it and the video started to
I was shocked to see Young ji being tortured by unknown guys.

Their faces were blurry and the video doesn't have any audio since its broken but I
can feel that they're laughing at her.

Young ji is laying on the ground, completely tied and with a blindfold wrapped
around her eyes while being kicked by several students.

She tried to escape but a guy hits her head with a broken pipe that made her land
on the ground again.

They cut deep wounds on her wrist and thighs, She's crying and shouting for help.
But they just laughed at her. I can see in her, the pain she felt.

I covered my mouth with my palm to keep myself calm so opulent erupt into a loud
sob. Although tears were streaming down my cheeks, I tried to keep it in.

After brutally torturing her, She died silently.

The students started to panic, Some ran away and some are trying to carry her to
hide her body.

The video showed how she was dragged towards the restroom by a guy.

I tried to know who that guy is but the video is all blurry and the person who was
holding the camera wasn't calm either since the footage is shaky.

I started to feel a lot of guilt as the video ended.

I regretted that I left her all alone in that classroom. I didn't even stayed with
her for a couple of minutes and just ran away.

I saw our teacher pass by in the hallway so I went to him for him to see this
evidence that its not a suicide.

I dragged him harshly towards the computer.

But when I came back on the computer, The video is already gone.
The folder where that video is located is deleted, and the memory card wasn't
inserted in the computer anymore.

Someone must've went here and took it!

"Im-impossible! It was just right here!" I yelled trying to retrieve the video even
though I know that the memory card is gone.

"I know that Park Young ji's death is painful for you but you don't need to be
violent Miss Kim." He said, patting me on my back before he walked outside the room

"No... No! It can't be gone!" I cried, banging on the computer screen and falling
down on my knees

"I'm so sorry Young Ji... I shouldn't have left you all alone."

Okay, The flashback ends here. Back to the present time :)

Yoo ma's POV

I baked cupcakes for my dad's office workers. I baked alot for everyone to taste it
since today is Young Ji's first death anniversary, I'm sure she would like to see a
lot of cupcakes.

After going out and giving it to them I went to Young Ji's grave, skipping the
morning classes so that I can have time with her.

I placed her favourite flower on her stone before sitting down in front of it.

"Happy first Death anniversary, Young Ji" I whispered, staring at the stone with
her name engraved on it.

After talking for like a lot of minutes in front of her, I stood up and was about
to walk away but an old lady said something that made me stop for a minute.

"Ohh. So its her first death anniversary today?" She smiled, walking while holding
her bent back. "Well, I guess she will return to this place again, young lady" She
looked at me with a smile, wrinkles formed on her face.

From her looks, I'm guessing that she's like a hundred years old already.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with confusion written on my face.
She chuckled at the sight of my confused face and started to walk away again.

"If her soul is not at peace after she died, in her first death anniversary she'll
do what she wanted to do when she's still alive to rest her soul"

Every word she makes became more faint as she walked furthermore until she's
completely out of sight.

"Young Ji?" I whispered particularly to no one, while looking back on her grave
"She'll return today?"


After that, I went straight to my class. I'm currently in my 3rd year in Sr. High.

And in the same class as those people who made fun of Young Ji last year.

I started to avoid them as much as possible to continue my investigation.

"Oh! That's right!" Hye mi said taking everyone's attention "It's Young ji's
DeathDay!" She clapped her hands

"DeathDay?"I asked angrily "Have some respect " I said, glaring at her.

"Ow, sorry. Teehee!" Hye mi is starting to piss me off. I just looked away and
didn't mind her.

"Who is Young Ji again?" Jina asked and Hye Mi did the honor of answering that

"Oh you know, that miserable girl who kept clinging on to Joon? You remember now?"
She chuckled, looking at me from the corner of her eyes to see my reaction but I
just kept ignoring them. She seemed unsatisfied with my reaction so she said more
"She's also the famous girl on the internet because of her Scandal, ooh I wonder
what her parents did when they saw that video."

I looked outside the window ignoring her nonsense talks and just continued reading
my textbook, it wasn't too long when a teacher came stumbling from the door,
sweating and panting.

"Lee Hye Mi!" He yelled, catching his breath. "Come with me for a second"

"What? I don't date older guys" She said looking at her neatly painted nails.
"This is serious! Your parents got into an accident!" His sentence made Hye mi
stood from her chair and earn complete silence from the class. "They're at the
hospital now, and... Their condition is not stable. Hurry if you still want to see
them aliv-" Hye mi pushed him aside making him fall on the ground so she can pass
through the door. The sound of her high heels clanking at the hallway was heard
from our place, she seemed to be hurrying really bad.

"Young Ji" I heard someone said. "Maybe because of young Ji'' All eyes were on that
guy who just said that and they were already sweating.

''Haha. As if she can come back here. She's already dead" The two guys started to
talk, but they can't hide the nervousness in their voices.

"A while ago, Hye mi is disrespecting Young Ji's death. Maybe-" He got cut off by
the sound of the power turning off, all of us looked at the light bulbs that just
turned off.

Its pitch black.

I looked outside to see an incredibly strong storm heading towards us. Huge dark
grey clouds covered the setting sun making the whole city more darker.

The students started to scream, and the teachers came and tried to calm them down.

I wasn't panicking that much because I know that it won't do anything aside from
making the situation worse. So I just sat there watching them run around, bumping
into each other and screaming their lungs out. Seriously, what is so scary about a
simple blackout and a storm?

As they are running around the classroom and panicking, an image caught my eye
making me snap out of my deep thoughts.

Its her.

Sitting on a desk staring outside which she always does when she's still alive, I
stood up from my seat with my eyes wide open as I mention her name.

"Young ji" I said that made everyone stop and look at me "its... Young ji" I
muttered, still staring at her.

Everyone got really scared from what I just said and she vanished from the desk
right after she showed a warm smile at me.

It started to rain really hard, the pitter patter sound of it was deafening to our
ears since it was too loud. Strong winds even made the windows burst open so we had
to put some things over it to keep it closed.

The teachers managed to calm everyone down, but I can see that they're still

"The storm will be over later so stay still as we try to contact the polices to
make you reach your home safe." Our home room teacher said, pulling out his phone.

"You mean were staying here until night?!" Fei yelled, I looked at my watch and its
6pm already.

"Yes, exactly. I dont want any of my students gets washed off by the heavy storm
and ended up floating lifeless on rivers."

"Thats a good idea sir" I exclaimed "We should stay" I looked at everyone and they
were glaring at me.

"Excuse me?" Fei stood up, crossing her arms while sending death glares at me. "If
you want to stay then stay, I'm not gonna wait my ass here until this school gets
washed away." She was about to walk out out the classroom but Hye Mi suddenly
appeared at the doorway, soaked and wet from the rain.

"What happened?" Jina asked, as Fei step backwards and sit back on her seat since
she's wrong and I'm right that we should stay.

"The storm is too strong I can't even see anything outside except for fogs and
rain" She muttered and we all looked outside to see nothing but fog and darkness.

"Oh shit, my phone is out of battery." Joon said as he threw his phone back in his

"We better save power before it runs out" I suggested, and everyone nodded their
head at me for the first time.

The storm outside is dreadful. Loud roars of thunder and lightnings are all you can

We have no choice but to wait for the storm to end.


After a while, one of our classmate "Irene" needs to go to the bathroom really
badly, but it's not safe to go there alone so I spoke to her.
"Its dangerous to go alone, take Hana with you and keep your phones with you." I
said watching Hana grab ahold of Irene's arm and went on their way, without even
looking at me as if I'm invisible.

Psh, at least thank me for being concerned.

We remained quiet in our seats, hoping for the time the storm stops.

We waited and waited but it seems like this weather is not gonna listen to us.

"Hey, what happened to the two who went in the restroom? It's been fifteen minutes
already." Our homeroom teacher asked, looking all tensed and worried.

"Hey, relax Mr Chan. Girls always takes so much time in the restroom." Joon said
from his seat at the back row, earning nods from the other boys.

But still, Mr Chan is not convinced and left the room to look for the other two,
giving the authority to our PE teacher to look over us in the meantime.

I was about to say something but the two girls suddenly entered the classroom,
making everyone's eyes land on them with confusion.

Irene was crying as she grip on her smartphone, while Hana was patting her back,
trying to comfort her.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Did you see Mr Chan on your way here?" The PE teacher
drowned them with questions as he walked towards them.

"Her boyfriend called her" Hana remarked "They broke up"

"Oh. How sad." Kelly said in a faked sad voice while smirking, twirling her hair
with her index finger.

"You..." Irene said, looking to her direction and walked over to her. "You stole
him from me!" She yelled, pulling Kelly's hair and dragged her down on the floor.

"Ack! Let go of me!" Kelly tried to fight back but Irene kicked her chest and kept
her restrained by stepping on her stomach as she pull her hair. Everyone around
them backed away instead of stopping them, they even managed to laugh at Kelly's
miserable state right now.

"Your not satisfied with the amount of guys you have so you decided to add my
boyfriend in your list?!" She yelled, this time, putting her hands around Kelly's
neck and choking her to death.
Some part of me wants to watch her die horribly because she's one of the people who
made my best friend's life miserable, but still...

"Stop it! Both of you!" The teacher seperates them using both his hands. Well, he
is a PE teacher. Thats why he's strong and masculine.

"Irene!" He looked at her, and yelled "Enough of this nonsense! Kelly didnt do

"Seriously!? So you're siding with her?! Not because you two are secretly going out
doesn't mean that you should defend her, she's the one at fault for seducing my
boyfriend!" Irene yelled and they all gasped from what they just heard, a new rumor
to spread for them.

That's what everyone here do anyway, they want to hear and spread nasty rumors to
make the person involved suffer. They want to trample and step on them just for
fun, watching them take their own lives is like their only hobby.

If you step in front and try to protect the people who were being bullied you'll be
added on their list and will also be bullied and it will never end, its either
remain being bullied for the rest of your school year or just commit suicide.
Simple as that.

Funny that even the teachers encourage bullying because they believe that it will
serve as a motivation to study hard or something, more like a motivation to commit

That's why everyone feigned ignorance on how this school works.

"Kelly? Is it true?" Fei stood up and asked but Kelly didn't respond and just kept
her head facing the ground "Well thats good! You finally learned how to-" She got
interrupted by the loud thunder which made us all cower and cover our ears by it's

"The storm is getting strong!" Joon yelled, looking outside the window to see
nothing anymore but just black. It's like we're not looking through a window
anymore and just staring at a wall painted with black.

"No shit Sherlock!" Another student managed to yell a pun, despite the panicking
state of everyone.

"Stay calm everyone" The recently humiliated teacher tried to calm us but no one is
listening to him speak.

"Who would listen to a teacher who's dating a student? Freaking pedophile" Joon
said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Why you-" The teacher looked pissed but his sentence got cut off by a loud
lightning that hit perfectly at our classroom, causing everyone to ran out the
room. Pushing and stepping on each other just so they're not harmed or so.

Half of our classroom were gone and fell off the building, making the strong winds
make it's way inside.

"AAAHHH!" They screamed, still making their way out of the doorway which is
currently crowded.

They are all panicking that they didn't notice the teacher's dead body and some
other students who were unfortunate and got struck by the lightning.

There was a mess of blood and entrails on the floor as if someone played with a
bucket of blood and body parts and scattered it everywhere.

I just stood there frozen in place, unable to move from what I just saw.

There, at the back of the room.

Young Ji showed herself again, looking at me with a warm smile.

She raised her right hand telling me to reach for it.

Whenever she's around, I feel so at ease. At this moment, I just want to cling to
her and cry my eyes out for missing her so much.

I slowly walked towards her not even blinking and kept my gaze locked on her
stunningly beautiful figure.

I was so close to her, I finally got to see her again after all this time.


Okay!Gonna update half of the story for now.Sorry bout that.

Anyway, a little trivia from me.

Did you know? That it's true that some of the korean schools encourage bullying? I
learned it from this seminar I attended about korean cultures and stuffs.
K. That's all :)Let's talk on my Instagram @ainee_chan

Comment and vote :)Love ya guys!


Chappie 5

I was about to reach for her outstretched hand, ready to be united with her once

I was so close into reaching her, but someone stopped me, and grabbed me by my
wrist before dragging me outside the half empty room.

My senses came back as that person yelled at me. It was one of my classmate, his
name is Min ho.

"Are you out of your mind?!" He yelled, which made my eyes widen at him. "You're
walking towards a cliff! You almost died there!" I looked back inside the classroom
and the other wall is already gone because of the lightning a while ago.

If Minho hadn't stop me then I'm probably dead by now.

"Let's go to a safer place" He grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me far from the
crowded hallway where everyone is cowering and crying, because they just witnessed
a horrible event.

I looked at Minho's back, pulling me with him. Even though I can't see his face, I
know that he's worried about me. But I shouldn't trust him, I shouldn't trust
anyone here after what happened to Young Ji.

"I think its better to stay with everyone else" I yanked my hand and by that he
stopped from walking and turned to face me.

He stared at my eyes in dismay before saying "Okay" Then he started walking again
and slowly disappeared in the shadows.

I looked back at the hallway where everyone else is, I watch them cower in fear
while they try to contact their families with their phones but one thing is what I
notice the most. Irene walking towards Kelly holding a broken piece of a window,
with the shape of drafting triangle.

"Hey Kelly" Irene said, still not moving on from what happened earlier.
"What?" Kelly asked raising one eyebrow, and crossing her arms in a sassy manner.

Her sassiness didn't last long until Irene charged her, holding the broken shard in
front and piercing it through Kelly's stomach. Everyone around them screamed in
horror and ran away to different directions, afraid that Irene might stab them too.

While I remained standing at the same place, watching Kelly's blood drip from her
body and down on the floor, creating a pool of blood around them.

"Ack... ugh" Kelly coughed out more blood as she tries to push Irene away but to no
avail, her body dropped down on the floor, landing on her own blood and splashing
it everywhere. Large drops of her blood even managed to reach me and stained my
face and uniform, making me more frozen.

"See you in hell" Irene said with a wide grin plastered on her face.

Kelly was gasping for air as she stare at Irene with wide eyes, coughing out more
blood while trying to say something but failed to.

Irene on the other hand, kept laughing by herself, waving the bloody piece of glass
side by side.

Kelly's eyes was mixed with confusion and also fear as she stare at Irene's
laughing state and again she tried to speak with her weak muffled voice.

"Y-young...ji" Her last words were kinda like a faint whisper because she just lost
her life as she said it but I'm really sure that she just mentioned 'her' name.

I stood there frozen again, while everyone else was already gone in this corridor
making it completely empty.

" way... she's really back." I whispered to myself, taking a step back.

Irene noticed my prescence and slowly looked at me with her eyes filled with

"Oh, Yoo ma." She smiled at me, while waving the bloody shard like a crazed woman.
I swear her personality completely changed, she was never this crazy just because
of a guy.

"W-wait Irene! Stop what you're doing!" I said and she slowly walked towards me
still with a smirk plastered on her face.

She started to run towards me so I ran too, our running footsteps was drained by
the sound of the loud thunders and drops of rains since its much more dominant than
our footsteps.

I tried running faster but when I glimpse behind my shoulder, she was also running
in break neck speed as if she was just flying.I feel like she's gonna catch me any
second so I ran much faster.

As I turned left, heading for the stairs I heard her bumped into a teacher, making
her stop from chasing me.

I took this chance to hide in one of the lockers because even if I run, she would
still catch up to me.

"Sir." Irene mumbled.

"Aren't you the student from XX class? Why are you still here? Everyone is supposed
to be at the stadium right now, the other teachers are on their way" The teacher
said in a concerned tone, if he can only see her uniform stained with blood then
that teacher wouldn't dare talk to Irene.

It didn't take too long until I heard the teacher screamed in pain, I covered my
mouth to prevent myself from screaming in fear. I guess Irene just stabbed whoever
that teacher is, since I heard the shard's sound as if Irene pulled it off from the
teacher's dead body.

After I heard a body slumping down on the floor, footsteps began reverberating
across the corridors and was nearing the the place where I hid.

I can see Irene's shadow walking around the pitch black hallway in an odd manner,
her head was twitching as if she's possessed or something.

We also have no source of light unless thunders and lightning occurs to lighten the
hallway for a few milliseconds. So hopefully, it will light our way in these
darkened hallways.

I heard nothing anymore, so I felt relieved. I placed my hand away from my mouth
and closed my eyes.

'Inhale, Exhale, inhale, exhale'I continuously said to myself to breathe to relaxed

my mind.

As soon as I thought that I was safe, when a thunder occurred and lightened the
hallway, I saw her shadow standing in front of the locker I'm hiding made me

She opened the small door and I immediately kicked her right on her chest before
standing up and locking her body so she can't move.

All those martial arts training paid off to finally use it in real life.

I took the shard away from her hands and by this time, my mind had been completely
overtaken. I wasn't myself anymore, and I was running on auto pilot. My vision went
black, it's like I was being controlled by someone.

I didn't realize that Irene was already dead, her chest stabbed multiple times
showing her insides. Her eyes were opened wide and bloods streaming down from her
mouth and also from her chest.

I dropped the bloody shard from my hands as I realized what I've done...

I just killed her.






An hour had already passed since then and I was just wandering around the creepy
dark hallway which makes you feel that someone will jump out and scare you.

I was looking for someone else aside from me in this school, but it seems like I
was the only one here.

A thunder occured, making the hallway more visible with the light it's creating,
and once again... I saw her.

Young Ji.

"Stop" She said with a faint voice, and walked towards me in a fast pace.

She grabbed my neck with both her hands, trying to strangle me to death.

I felt an enormous lump in my throat, blocking the flow of air into my lungs and
momentarily teetering me on the brink of unconsciousness. It felt as if a cold hand
reached into my body and grabbed hold of my life's energy, turning all my internal
organs inside out and leaving me for the dead.

"Stop" She whispered again with a desperate look on her face.

She disappeared into thin air when I heard my name being called. I fell on the
ground, coughing and wheezing heavily as I touch my stinging neck.

"Are you ok?" Fei asked, running to my direction "Who was that? I just saw you with
someone else." She said, scanning the hallway, looking side to side only to see
darkness and a bit of light from thunders.

I never saw Fei since an hour ago where did she went? And why is Young Ji trying to
kill me too? I don't get it...

"Why?" I asked particularly to no one, confusion in my voice "Why is she trying to

kill me?" Fei is more confused than me because of my sudden question.

We heard a sound of rustling from the other end of the hallway and Fei tried
desperately to help me stand up. "We need to hide. The killer might find us here."
She said in a scared and panicking tone as she drags me away from that hallway.

Oh yeah. thats right, I forgot to tell.

In the previous one hour, many murders occured accordingly. Just like young ji's

Tortured to Death

Everyone is already dead, and all their body was dumped just at the hallway and at
this very floor were currently at... bodies scattered everywhere, large entrails of
their blood and bits of chunky red bits are scattered around.

I dont know about the others because i never saw them, I just hope they're still

The storm is starting to calm down too, it would be okay for us to leave already
but we can't, we're trapped in this school since there's a big flood outside. And
even if we try to swim the flood water, we won't make it since the current of the
water is too strong for us to handle so it's better to wait a little more until
everything is clear and safe.

"Have you seen Min ho?" I asked while being dragged by Fei, who is doing her very
best not to make a single sound on her footsteps.
"I'm not in the mood to talk about him right now. I just saw my friend got killed
in front of me" She whispered, while shaking in fear.

Fei's POV

We wandered through the dark corridors, careful not to step on one of the dead

I don't know how all of this happened very fast, I was just in our classroom
waiting for the storm to end and the next thing I know I was being chased around by
some unknown person who is trying to kill me and everyone else. Good thing I picked
a great hiding spot, that's why I'm still alive.

Where's everyone you ask?

They're all dead.

Killed by someone whose identity is still unknown.

Yoo ma asked me about Min ho and I answered too, I was with him not too long ago
but we got separated so now I'm on my own with Yoo ma who I just found, I just hope
we can escape from here without shedding any more blood.

Or so I thought...

"WATCH OUT!" She yelled pushing me aside, that was the last word I heard. I was hit
by something that made me lost my consciousness.

I woke up, smelling a sweet fragrance of flavor mixed with a rusty smell of
something rotting.

I wasn't seeing anything except for pitch black, I think I am blindfolded and was
tied down on this chair I'm sitting on.

I shook my head side to side, trying to loosen the blindfold but it only made my
head hurt more. I forgot that I was hit by something making me stumble and lose

I heard a creaking sound of a door, and distinct footsteps walking to my direction.

"N... no... please help me" I plead to that person, but I just heard a small

"Why would I help you?" The person said, even though I can't see their face. I know
that whoever this person is, is smiling widely at the sight of me pleading for my

I felt my wrist and thighs being sliced by something extremely sharp, I tried to
fight back and wiggled around but the rope used to tie me down is so tight that I
can't even breathe properly.

Pain is starting to consume my every inch of body because whoever is cutting me,
made sure to slice my veins connected to my brain and other organs in my body
causing a stinging pain.

I now felt what Young Ji experienced that day...

"I'm so sorry Young ji" I whispered which made the one cutting me stop in the

"I'm the one who did all those awful things to you, don't put everyone in fault" I
said feeling the tear being dried by the blindfold.

I hear the person standing up and walking away, I sighed in relief thinking that
its already over... But I was wrong.

The person came back, probably holding some weapon and smashed my head really hard
that made me fall down on my side while still tied on to the chair.

The cloth used to blindfold me fell off my eyes making me see where I am.

I was inside a classroom, the chairs and desks were placed at the corners making a
big space at the middle, which is currently where I am.

Even though my vision was blurry from all the tears in my eyes, I'm sure that I
just saw my other classmates.

They're all dead and was hanged on the board and walls with a rope as if they're
some kind of doll. Their own blood dripping from their wounds on their wrist and
thighs also, everyone is here with me...

I heard the person's footsteps, and stopped in front of me, before kneeling down to
take a better look on my face.

"I saved you for the last so you can see all your friends die... Heehee" I was
facing the person directly in their eyes that I can't help not to notice the amount
of hatred in there, this person wanted me dead really badly as I felt another
painful sensation on my head.

I was repeatedly getting smashed until I was already unconscious.

I'm so sorry... I did something horrible.

I deserve to die like this.


I'm gonna update the next chappie

Its all about everyone's death and how they fought for their lives till the very
end. Since the time jumped for an hour, the next chappie will be about what they
all did in that one hour.


Chappie 6


Hye mi's POV

At around 7 pm, a lightning just stroke our classroom that made the other half of
the room gone.

I quickly ran outside pushing everyone who blocked in my way, I don't care about
them, I just want to save myself.

We are all finally outside except for Yoo ma who is staring in a far distance. She
just stood there, walking slowly towards the cliff.

She was getting nearer and nearer to her end, one more step and she'll fall into
her deep sleep for eternity.

My eyes were glued to her in disbelief, why would she walk towards a cliff? Is she

Well, good thing the loser in our class "Min ho" grabbed her arm and dragged her
with us in the hallway.
I shifted my attention to everyone who is currently crying their eyes out. Their
crying voice is battling against the loud sounds of thunders and lightnings that it
was deafening to my ears.

The storm is getting really strong that even us in the hallway are getting wet by
the cold rain.

So I decided to go to the infirmary so I can rest on one of those comfy beds but
going there alone isn't a good idea so I dragged Hana with me, the girl who was
with Irene just now.


We are walking in the dark hallway with our arms attached to each other, even
though I barely talk to her in class.

My eyes were studying the dark to make it to the clinic without stumbling and

"We should've stayed with them" Hana stuttered, scanning the creepy hallway and
tightening her grip on my arm.

I can already see the infirmary door, so I don't need her anymore.

"Why don't you go back?" I pushed her away from me and she crashed on the lockers
which made a 'BAM' sound.

"But-" She got interrupted by a loud scream of other students coming from the place
where we came from.

"What the hell?" I churned my head to where the source of the screaming, all of a
sudden, a group of our classmates were squealing in fear while running away. So I
grabbed Hana's hand to drag her to a safe place with me but she yanked my hand

Stupid loser, I'm trying to be nice and she dares to yank my hand?

"I need to get Irene too" She said, sweating nervously at the sight of the
panicking students.

"What? Is that what you're worried about right now?! Fine! Suit yourself." I ran
away from her, heading for the infirmary door.

And she did the same but in the opposite direction, she was going back to where we
came from.

After walking in the dark hallway I managed to reach the clinic safe and sound.

I dived on the soft white bed and rolled myself in the blankets.

"What a stupid loser, she'll regret that she left me" I whispered to myself,
hugging the soft white pillow.

I was slowly falling asleep, not minding the rustling footsteps outside. What are
they so scared about? It's just a storm anyway.


I was awoken by the sound of the door slamming open.

I quickly stood up in annoyance, and peeked outside, slightly scooting the curtains
to see who it was.

It was just Yoo ma.

She was holding her smartphone creating a faint light while hurriedly searching the
drawers and cabinets.

Because of the light of her phone, I saw her arms and uniform, covered in blood
which made me gasped.

She looked at where I'm hiding and I stepped back. I covered my mouth, as I
realized that i just grabbed her attention.

'Why am i hiding anyway?' I thought to myself.

I heard her footsteps coming nearer so I crawled under the bed and hid there,
hoping that she won't find me.

She pulled the white curtains to see an empty white bed. After seeing that it's
empty, she walked away and continued searching in the drawers, while I remained
under the bed.

She found a white towel and wiped it at her bloody arms. While doing the process,
she said something that made me widen my eyes "Hye mi, why are you hiding?"

She saw me?

I immediately crawled out of the bed, brushing myself as best as I could and
quickly rose to my feet, slapping my skirt in vain to clear away any excess dust
and dirt.

"Who said I was hiding?" I crossed my arms, making my voice calm and sassy.

"Whatever" She said still searching the drawers.

"Moreover, why are you covered in blood?" I asked, stepping forward to her
direction and peeking on what she's doing which is still wiping off the blood on
her arms.

"Kelly got killed..." She said that made me widen my eyes in disbelief "by Irene."

What!? I dont understand at all.

"What the heck? I don't see any connections with you having a bloody hand-" I got
cut by her saying the words

"So I killed her" She said coldly, not minding what my reaction would be.

She never changed huh? Ever since 1st year she's always cold and distant to
everyone, Well, except for Young ji who is brave enough to crack some senses in to
her brain.

"What the Hell?! You murdered her?!" I yelled pushing her shoulders.

"If you don't keep quiet we'll be in deep trouble" She covered my mouth with her
vanilla-scented palm.

"Wae? (Why)" I tried to say it but her grip is strong.

"There's a killer roaming around the school" She said taking her hand off my mouth
"About 10 students are now dead, ans their bodies are found in the hallway"

"What the? Aren't you the one who just killed Irene?! I'll call the police!" I said
panicking and pulling out my phone from my pocket.

She suddenly covered my mouth and wrapped her arms around my neck, dragging me
under the bed.

Is she trying to kill me too?!

I tried to wriggle around and scream through her hands but she tightened her grip
on my mouth making me unable to even make a sound.

It was only then that I realized that she was just helping me not to scream in fear
as the door suddenly slammed open and in came an unknown person.

I can't tell if it's a person or just a shadow since its dark.

We both studied the unknown shadow we're seeing wandering around the clinic, as it
floats around searching the whole room.

It seems floating in air or whatever, I can't describe what it looks like because
its really dark.

We heard a blood huddling scream coming from outside and the shadow followed it and
vanished completely.

We both breathed out and crawled out of the bed, I was sweating nervously while You
ma remained calm and chill.

"Do you think its Young ji's Soul?" I stuttered, biting my nails.

"I don't know what to answer to that question" She said searching for possible
weapons to defend herself "Young ji won't do such a thing" She faced me, lending a
broken pipe to me, while she's holding a baseball bat.

"Let's go, you should always hold on to your weapon." She advised as she walked out
of the room stealthily.

"Wait, we don't have any flashlight!" I said walking towards the table with a
flashlight on it.

"Stop it, let's go now" she whispered waving her hand signaling me to go to her

I rolled my eyes at her, "Why? It's pitch black outside, I don't want to trip on
one of those dead bodies." I said as I hold the flashlight in my hands.

"Its better to be in the dark than to be seen" She whispered still gesturing her
hands at me.

"Oh" I said as I accidentally turned the flashlight on which created a bright light
that filled the whole room, I saw Yoo ma flinched and looked out of the window so I
looked too.

In a window from the other building that's just in front of this building, I saw a
shadow coming towards us in a speed of light.

Yoo ma grabbed my wrist and started to run which made me drop the open flashlight
in the room.

"You stupid idiot" she whispered/yelled, dragging me far from that place.

We stopped running, until we felt that we made a pretty far distance from the

We pant and wheezed, catching our breath.

"Is it gone?" Yoo ma asked, bending down and resting her hands on her knees.

I was about to answer her but a sound of running footsteps in the hallway startled
us. It seems like whoever that is, it's running to our direction in a break neck
speed that it will catch up to us in just a second.

We began to run in our most fastest pace, trying to outrun whoever is chasing us.

But Yoo ma is such an idiot for slipping on the wet floor, I stopped and looked
back at her only to see a pool of blood scattered around the floor making it
slippery. It seems that the blood were coming from the dead bodies laying at the
side of the hallway.

"Yoo ma." I tried to run back to her direction but she stopped me

"Run!" She yelled clutching her knee that looks extremely painful.

I was so confused and scared at the same time that I left Yoo ma struggling in pain
waiting for the unknown person to reach her helplessly.

I took a glimpse behind my shoulder to see the person already close to her, I just
hope she won't get caught.


I was running non stop without looking back, my feet is becoming numb already but I
didn't care, all I want is to get far from that place.
The storm is still taking in place, not even stopping just for a minute. Seems like
well be staying here longer than we expected.

While running, I bumped into someone which I don't know since its dark.

"Ah, good thing you're here! We need to go or else we'll be found!" I yelled,
convincing whoever this person is.


Not a word I hear, This person is not replying nor moving but just standing there,
staring at me.

"Wha-whats wrong?" I asked, taking a step back.

A lightning occurred that created a faint light which made me saw the person's
face, smiling devilishly.

"How did you get here? You're already-" I got cut off by a weapon pointing directly
at my face.

I'm shaking in fear as the person held the weapon up, and then 'Smash!' I felt my
skull broke and I landed on the cold floor.

My eyes were wide open looking at the other side of the hallway.

Again, thunder occurred which means there's light for a second again.

In those few seconds of light, I was able to see her again. Surrounded by corpses
of other students.

"Y...yo." I wasn't able to say my last words.

I died

Thoughts in my head are saying that I already died.

But I was wrong...

I flutter my eyes open up to see nothing but darkness, it seems like I was
I tried to move my arms but I'm completely tied down to a chair, I screamed
helplessly hoping for someone to hear me from wherever I am right now.

"HELP! Someone!" I yelled, still wriggling around to break free but I was too weak.
And the wound on my head is just making it worse.

I heard someone laughing and was walking to my direction, the sweet laugh
resonating in this secluded room already made me know who it was.

"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled as I felt a hand stroking my hair.

The person chuckled before pulling my hair upwards making me squeal in pain and
leaned closer to my ear since I can feel their cold breath on my neck and whispered
the word


After those word I started to scream as I felt my wrist and thighs beginning to
bleed uncontrollably, I was losing so much blood in such a short time.

The person on the other hand was enjoying the sound of my pained scream as if it
was music to their ears.

"Hello? Anyone here?" A voice coming from outside entered my ears as if it was the
most beautiful sound I have ever heard since the person cutting me just stopped.

"I'll be back" The person said, leaving me behind in this room that gives off a
nasty smell as if dead rats were gathered here and left to rot.

I heard them talking while I try to break free from this chair as I wriggle around.
I can feel the ropes digging into my flesh as I force my skin out of the ropes.

"Oh? Are you new here? What class are you in?" Whoever that teacher is, said in a
nice tone.

"Umm yes... I'm in class XX."

"Oh is that so, well I better go now and don't wander around too long." The teacher
turned around and started walking "By the way, I'm not seeing any other students do
you know where they all went?"


"Oh? Where are they?" The teacher asked, I finally ripped the rope and immediately
pulled off the blindfold on my eyes and just saw some of my classmates hanged on
the wall like a picture frame making me stumble back, I wanted to cry right now but
first I need to escape.

I decided to go out the window instead of the door since they're just outside this

As soon as I opened the window, I heard the teacher screamed in pain making me
panic and jump out the window. I didn't fall off the building, I just stood at the
small pathway connected at the outer wall and slowly tiptoed my way to the other
classroom, careful not to fall off and plunge to my death.

I'm now currently fighting the strong winds and the pain I'm feeling right now, I
heard the person entering back the room and screamed in anger knowing that I
escaped and ran off.

As soon as I don't hear any footsteps anymore, I quickly went inside the other
classroom and sighed in relief before walking out of the room and almost puke to
see a dreadful sight laying in the middle of the hallway.

The corpse of the teacher from a while ago was laying in an uncomfortable position,
it seems like his head was decapitated and his bones were broken.

I quickly went to the other way and limped towards the stairway to the upper floor.
I don't know where I'm going, but I need to find someone to tell them who the
killer was so they can plan a way to outsmart that culprit.

At least before I die, I want to become useful to other people.

Finally, after limping for like a minute. I saw everyone walking at the hallway. I
limped faster and it seems like they noticed my presence and ran to my direction.

"Oh my god! Hye mi!" Fei caught me in her arms before I land on the ground. She
stroke my head while Jina rip her uniform and wrap it around my bleeding wrists and
thighs to stop the severe bleeding.

"J-jina... Fei..." I stuttered, but they seem to be panicking over my situation

that they're not focusing on my words.

I grabbed Fei's collar to grab her attention instead of panicking and opened my
mouth to speak.

I wheezed and panted, but the words won't come out of my mouth anymore as soon as I
try to form them. Something caught itself in my throat making me choke on my words,
I found myself unable to breathe and doubled over in a fit.
"Stop it Hye mi, don't waste your remaining energy on speaking" Jina cried, I
looked at her eyes and it seems like they're convinced that I'll die here.

I don't have enough blood in my body anymore, I was beginning to get weak and numb.
I can't even open my eyes anymore so I just remained still, accepting the fact that
I'm gonna die in less than a second.

My memories from when I was born up until now, flashes in front of me like a photo
album. I was beginning to see the blinding light in my eyes, and I can feel my body
become weightless.

But before I leave these world, I want to leave something for my friends that'll
help them escape here. Using my last drop of life, I pulled out something from my
blood stained pocket and gave it to Fei's hand.

A scented handkerchief.



For those who still doesn't know, this is a korean story so that's why their names
are like that :)

Comment and vote, I appreciate all those and I love you all :*



Chappie 7


Joon's POV

After the lightning striked our room, we immediately rushed out of the room.

Some are half to death and some only have scratches. While me on the other hand is
perfectly fine, without a single scratch or anything.

'I'm so lucky as ever' I thought to myself.

I was visualizing how lucky I am as I observe everyone who were crying since they
got hurt but I got interrupted by a loud scream.

It was Kelly who was screaming and she just got stabbed right in her stomach by

The students ran away, in fear that they might got stabbed too by a crazed heart
brokened girl.

I also ran away but I didn't forget to glance back at the scene, not a single
student were left in that corridor except for Irene and Kelly. Well of course, the
hero wanna be 'Yoo ma' stayed, staring at them as if she was watching a horror film
and was too shocked to even move.

The teachers advised us to go gather at the stadium but hell no, I'm not going in
the place where it's obvious that everyone is gonna get killed in one go. So I
decided to be a lone wolf and hid myself in the arts room.

I looked outside to see nothing but pitch black, Its like I'm looking at a black
wall outside the window.

I opened my phone to text Fei, since she's the only one who would come searching
for me at times like this. She's like a dog, always coming up to me and even doing
her best to look pretty for me but underneath those amount of make up on her face
is an ugly creature. If it wasn't for her money then I won't date her up until now,
haha I'm lucky she's a complete idiot when it comes to this so she wouldnt know I
was just using her.

"Hey, I'm in the arts room! Come quick!" Without noticing, I sent it to all of the
names in my contacts, even my ex girlfriend (no, not young ji, my other ex gf)

"Crap. Well whatever, it's not like they're gonna come here anyway." I whispered, I
stuffed myself inside the spacious locker, hiding just incase a teacher comes and
throw me out of the room.

"Why are the polices not doing anything? Are they stupid?" I whispered, I am never
this scared in my entire life.

I'm trapped in a pitch black school, with a strong storm outside that would
randomly strike you with a lightning, and Kelly just got stabbed in front of me by
my other classmate.

Well, its Kelly's fault anyway for sleeping with his boyfriend, why would I feel
lonely for her death? She deserves to die like that, haha. I would laugh at her
face when I see her in hell.

I always hear a distant scream from somewhere every minute passing, but I just
shrugged it off thinking that it was just a student afraid of lightnings.

I waited for a lot of minutes for someone to come before hearing the door slammed
opened in a harsh way and in came a distinct sound of footsteps.

I quickly got out of the closet, without thinking who could it be but I know that
its Fei.

"Finally! Do you know how long I waited? Now come here and give me some of your
cigarettes don't keep it all by yourself." I tried to reach for her with my
outstretched hand but she grabbed it and twisted my hand in one swift motion.

"AAAAHGAHAHGAA!!!" I screamed in pain "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I pulled
my hand away from her and took a step back while clutching my twisted left hand.

"It's nice to see you." She said in her most coldest voice, sending chills down my

"Wha? What are you talking about? Who are you-" I was cut off as she pushed me to
the side and smashed my head on the wall, making me lose my consciousness.

I woke up as I hear a sound of someone screaming in front of me, I flutter my eyes

open and saw Hye mi. She was completely tied down onto a chair and a blindfold was
wrapped around her eyes.

I saw the person who was in front of her and was cutting and slicing her wrist,
letting blood flow out of her in a rapid way. She was being tortured also, just
like what happened to me.

I was also tied down on that chair not too long ago, and was blindfolded. My wrist
and thighs were cut open leaving me bleed to death before hanging me on to this

Well lucky for me, it seems like in still not dead after the sever bleeding. I
tried to move but it seems like my hands were tied down by a rope making me kept
hanging on this wall.

I looked to my side and saw my some of my classmates who were also there, tied down
and hanged. But unlike me, they're all dead.
This person is torturing us one by one, letting us die slowly in the most painful
way and hanging us on this wall and left to die.

I also noticed that there were empty spots on the wall with a rope hanging on it,
as I take a closer look, I saw names carved on the wall in order as if it's a list
of who this person is gonna kill next.

I saw the name of next person on the empty part of the wall and it was Hye mi who
is currently getting tortured right now. And the next person on her list is Jina.

I suddenly felt weak, I looked down underneath me and saw that I have already bled
so much that it created a pool of blood under me. So that's why we are all hanged
up here, just like a freshly killed chicken and hanging it up so that its blood
would drain of its body. We are supposed to bleed here until all our blood is

My time is up... I couldn't move nor breathe normally anymore.

Seems like I wasn't that lucky...


I'm sorry this chapter is so short, please forgive me (»_«)

Let's be friends on my other accounts :)Instagram: @ainee_chanTwitter:



Chappie 8.1

Yo. Bonus chapter ;)

Yoo ma's POV

I hate this.

I hate this place.

Corpses everywhere.

Bloods everywhere.
Darkness everywhere.

I wish im not here.

I wish I'm with young ji.

But that would be impossible.

Young ji, is in the afterlife,

While Im still alive.

I should just take my life away,

For me to be with her...

But before I do that...

I'll fight till the very end of this terrifying journey in this pitch black

Young Ji's POV

[The timeline when she was still alive and being tortured by the students]

I was pulled by the hair and pushed on the dirty ground, they tied me down and put
a blindfold around my eyes.

Even though I can't see who the people laughing and kicking me right now, I still
know who they are just by their voices.

What did I do to them?

I already broke up with Joon so that Fei would be happy but they're still not

"Hey, cut her wrist and thighs. That'll teach her a lesson." I heard someone said,
and I know who that is.

Someone kicked me hard on the stomach as the others grabbed ahold of my arms and
feet, keeping me restrained.
I was screaming and pleading for them to stop but they didn't listened and
continued cutting my skin as if I'm just a ragdoll.

I cried and cried out for help, hoping that someone can hear me.

But it seems like everyone is here, they're watching this little show that Fei and
the others is making without even helping me.

They're even laughing at my miserable state right now, without even showing any

I can feel my whole body becoming numb and helpless, but I couldn't do anything to
stop it. I could no longer move on my own accord.

The blindfold around my eyes fell off, making me see everyone who is there watching
me... everyone...

All of them are here...

They were smiling and laughing at me, some are even taking a video of how I
miserably get beaten.

I saw Fei at the middle, together with her friends, looking down and laughing at
me. I was helpless before them as I watch this certain guy readied a weapon to
smash on my head.

This guy can't do anything to harm me, I know Yoo ma is gonna come. She's coming to
save me.


"A...ack.." I whimpered as I felt my own blood gush out of my head.

"Why did you do that?!" I heard someone yell, I saw everyone running away and some
of them were panicking.

I feel so light, like my soul is finally escaping body.

But I'm not gonna die now...

Yoo ma is... coming... I know... She is...

She's... gonna... help me...

She'll...always come...

She's my... best friend...





But in the end... She never came for me.


Chappie 9


I'm currently writing this chappie in the middle of class. And please pray for my
safety that my teacher won't catch me using my phone in the middle of discussion.

Jina's POV

Fei and I were resting in the locker room for girls after a horrible experience. We
witnessed Kelly got killed, we saw dead bodies scattered everywhere, we are trapped
in a pitch black school with a killer roaming around, and my best friend Hye Mi
just died right before our eyes without any explanations why she just died like

Her body was covered in wounds, cuts and rope marks on her skin so I'm guessing
that she was tied down while being tortured.

But what heartless creature would do that to her? She just learned that her
parents were at the hospital and in a critical state and now she died without even
seeing them for the last time. It hurts just thinking about her situation.
I was shaking in the corner as I dial my dad's number, hoping that he would pick up
and take me home from here but he's not answering his phone. Don't tell me he

"Jina! Stop shaking, you're making me nervous too so stay still" Fei exclaimed,
pulling a cigarette from her pocket and lighting it with her lighter.

She exhaled the white smokes from her mouth and it went to my direction, I coughed
out when's inhaled it.

"What? Don't act as if you never smoke" She glared at me, even though she acts like
a bitch right now, I know that she's scared too because she always smokes when
she's scared of something.

"This is not the time to smoke!" I yelled at her, a hint of panic in my tone.

"Pssh! Whatever" She rolled her eyes and continued smoking.

"Should we be going now?" I asked, looking outside the window to see only darkness.

"Why? Its more safe here than outside, Irene might stab you too" She lay down on
the long bench and getting ready to sleep.

"I'm scared, what if it really is Young ji? The handkerchief that Hye Mi gave us...
I remember it from somewhere but I can't remember it clearly yet." I asked which
made her twitch.

"Don't mention her name again" She said and continued to relax, "That handkerchief
that she left is just probably hers."

"But she used all her remaining strength to show it to us... it should mean
something right?" I asked but she wasn't listening to me at all.

I tried to relax too, but the past images still haunts my mind. Kelly, Hye Mi and a
few other students are now dead and I just can't keep calm after that.

I was finally feeling calm and relaxed after a few minutes, not until we heard
someone banging at the door.

"What the-" Fei said as she stood up and grabbed the long metal pipe besides her.
"Who's there?" I asked and the banging stopped.

I slowly walked towards the door.

I checked if its still there by peeking through the keyhole.

I saw nothing but darkness.

I waved my hand at Fei signalling that its gone and we both exhaled in relief.

I walked back at my spot and sat again in the corner. Fei continued to smoke again
while I hug myself trying to make myself warm.

But as soon as I closed my eyes in relief.

The banging sound continued that resulted us to scream.

"Kyaaaa!! Who's there?!" Fei yelled, standing up from the chair in shock.

We heard a laugh from the other side of the door, making us realize who that was.

"Damn it Minho! Stop scaring us!" I yelled and quickly opened the door to let him

"You guys must be so scared like hell." Minho chuckled, entering the room and
closing the door behind him.

"Duck you Minho. Why'd you do that?!" Fei yelled in annoyance as she throw the
cigarette to his direction.

"Just for fun" He replied, dodging the lit cigarette and still chuckling at the
sight of us being scared.

"Anyway, why are you here?" I asked, trying to calm my heart which is about to
explode from being scared.

"I was doing something, like messing around the school" He replied, sitting down on
one of the long bench.

"Like what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him while Fei cross her arms.

"Nevermind, did you guys just saw what happened to Kelly?" He immediately changed
the topic and we subconsciously forgot about our question to him and just answered.

"Yeah, got stabbed by Irene." I said while Fei continued smoking again after
picking it up from the ground.

"Yeah, I saw her body in one of the security cameras." He replied, searching his
hand in his pocket.

"Security camera? Where did you go anyway?" Fei asked, releasing white smokes from
her mouth.

"In the security room, just watching everyone run around the school. That's how I
knew that you're here" He smiled, which is not normal because who would smile at a
time like this when everyone is dying.

"Wait, there's a security room?!" I yelled, I always ignore the cameras stuck on
the walls everywhere since I thought its just for display.

"Yeah. And based on my estimation, about half of the school's population is

gone.... poof!" He said, as if he doesn't give a sheep.

"What do you mean?" Fei asked, eyeing him gesture his hands as he explains.

"They're all dead" He deadpan.

His words made our jaw dropped, we thought that it was only Kelly, Hye mi and a few
other students who died but half of us are now dead?

"How? Who killed them?" I asked, massaging my temples while pacing back and forth.

"I still don't know, the night vision of the camera is kinda broken so I cant see
much," He remarked, finally found what he's looking for in his pocket, which is his
own phone.

"But I do saw a shadow, more like a silhouette" He added, tapping on his phone and
searching it. "And... It's following a certain girl in the hallway, and I think its
Yoo ma"

"What? Yoo ma is being followed by whatever that is?" Fei repeated what he just
said in disbelief.

"Then it really is Young ji" I added, earning a glare from Fei.

"Who's young ji anyway?" He asked puzzling over what I just said. He just
transfered here so he didn't got updated by the news.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know" Fei muttered, and he just shrugged and continued
on his phone.

"Okay, back to the shadow" he sat besides me. "I don't know but I think the shadow
is trying to kill Yoo ma"

His sudden words left us confused and wondering why the hell would Young Ji try to
kill Yoo ma.

"Why would she kill her own best friend?!" Fei said the words that I was about to

"That's what I'm trying to find out" He remarked.

"Oh! I remember now! Young ji hates yoo ma because we showed her a picture of yoo
ma and Joon together" Fei said, snapping her fingers as she recalled her memory.

"I don't think that's the reason." He interrupted, still rummaging his phone.

"What?! What else could be the reason?" Fei replied, while I'm just at the
background thinking really hard.

"I don't know, I'm trying to look forYoo ma in the security cameras but I can't
find her. The other cameras are broken which is weird"

"Someone must have played with the cameras and broke it" I added but he shrugged
his shoulders.

"No, I checked the camera at lunchtime to see if its still working and its good and
fine, but when the storm arrived it started to blur and darken" He said, finally
showing us his phone while my eyes were still glued on to him.

"How did you got to use the computers anyway? Theres no electricity" Fei stated,
raising an eyebrow as she look on Min ho's phone.

"Power supply" He remarked "Now watch this." He showed us his phone and a video
started to play "I transferred this footage from the computer so I can show it
using my phone."

We watched it, very carefully. We saw Yoo ma walking in the hallway holding a
baseball bat, she was rubbing her bleeding knee so we're guessing that she must've
stumbled down and hurt herself.
She was almost out of sight in the camera since she's walking away, until we can
only see her feet.

But she suddenly stopped halfway for a brief moment, taking a step back and then
started to run back to the direction where she first came from.

We can't see her in the camera anymore..

But an unknown shadow appeared and was caught in the camera, moving in an
unbelievable speed as it chases Yoo ma.

The shadow then stopped at the middle as it noticed the camera attached at the
upper corner of the wall.

We saw its eyes, and it was glaring red as if it knows that were watching them
through this piece of electronic.

Suddenly, the camera began to blur and it broke for no reason, leaving a blank
screen with nothing in it.

The video ended there, and we were more scared than before.

"What the hell was that?!" Fei sat up, taking a step back as she ruffle her own

"Why is that thing trying to kill Yoo ma?" Minho asked, putting his phone back in
his pocket.

"Anyway, have you tried and contacted the police?" Fei butted in.

"I already tried multiple times but the line wasn't connecting, the teachers
already done that an hour ago but no one is still coming. Seems like the storm is
stopping from them from saving us here." Minho sighed exasperatedly, he opened his
eyes as if he remembered something and quickly spoke again.

"Hey, one more thing. From continuously walking pass some dead bodies, I can't help
but to notice something really weird." He added, taking our attention. "The other
students died because of severe bleeding caused by a wound at the head" He
explained, staring at us. "While all of our classmates died because they're
tortured to death."

"What kind of torture?" Fei asked as she peek outside the door, I don't know what
she's trying to do but she constantly checks the door each minute.

"I saw them with a lot of bruises and cuts, mostly at their wrist and thighs, and
lastly... They died because of a strong blow at their head. Maybe the weapon used
is a pipe or something else" He stated making me feel nauseous, how can he know
that kind of detail? Did he even went and examined the body, like yuck?

Fei's jaw dropped as she heard his statement, well of course since its familiar to
our ears.

"Thats how Young ji died." I whispered making him look at me, confused. "And she
died because someone hit her on the head with a pipe."

"How did you know?" He asked in a firm tone but Fei is signalling me from his back
to not tell him about it.

"Nevermind" I rubbed my neck awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay, as I was saying... I think its not Young Ji" He said which made us more

"W-what? Impossible! She'll do anything just to get her revenge!" Fei yelled,
walking back in front of us.

"No... think about it" He said "The cameras always broke everytime when a murder

"That's right." I added, explaining a bit more so Fei would understand. "The killer
already know where the cameras are located and how to break it, if it's Young Ji
then she wouldn't know because the cameras are only attached there just last

"So the killer is one of us huh" Fei crossed her arms "You do know that its not me
right?" She laughed awkwardly.

We just looked at each other's faces before sighing.

"I dont know" I muttered. I've been with Fei for the past few minutes so I'm sure
it wasn't her but Minho? He said he was in the security room ever since then,
watching everyone through the cameras.
"Isn't it Irene who just killed Kelly?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders while
shaking his head in disagreement.

"I found her body on my way here, has a big hole on her chest... probably got
stabbed multiple times " He sure knows what's the causes of death huh. Is he some
kind of a CIA agent?

"What should we do now?" Fei asked, biting on to her nails as she sat back on the
bench after standing for a long time.

"I don't know" Min ho replied. "But I do know this." He added "If you still want to
survive until tomorrow, never trust anyone except yourself"

I'll follow his advice to be able to live and see the Sun tomorrow... I just hope
that it really is Young ji, I don't wanna think that one of us would actually do
such a thing...


Anyway, I changed the curse words into animals if you haven't noticed, like the
words F*ck and Sh*t and turned it into Duck and Sheep, because I just noticed that
most of you are still kids (which I don't know why they're reading a horror and
gore story).

Parental guidance is needed when reading this so read it with your whole family and
talk about how this story only has killing scenes and nothing else :)


Chappie 9.1

Hello nice people of wattpad :)

I have come in peace, as you may or may not know I am NEEonPink. The creator of
this book :)

I created this random chapter to tell you that I'm really really really thankful
that you guys are reading and voting on this book because I just recently found out
that my book already ranked #46 out of thousands or even millions of books out
there. You don't know how much tables I flipped because of how happy I am.

If only I can send a message to each and everyone of you saying thanks then I would
do it but I can't so here it is, for everyone to see.
"Thank you very much"

You don't know how happy I am :)

Well anyway, If you want clues to help you solve the mystery then kindly comment
down there or send me a message. I will try and reply to it but if I didn't reply
that means I'm busy. Please don't hate me >,<

Give this lame chappie a vote and comment and I'll forever love you :)

Bye bye <3

*Le exits*


Chappie 10



Jina's POV

We stood in an awkward silence after Min Ho mentioned that one of the students May
be the killer, I don't know if these two people I'm with is suspecting each other
or suspecting me since the two of them just kept eyeing each other and then turning
their gaze to me.

"What?" I asked, confused on why they're looking at me like they suspect that I'm
the killer.

"No. Nothing." Fei cleared her throat before sitting back on the bench and crossing
her arms.

"We should go to the the security room unseen, it's much safer there and we can
monitor everyone's actions" Minho suggested, as he stood up and preparing himself
to walk outside by grabbing the door handle.

"Woah woah wait." Fei stopped him from completely opening the door. "Why are we
going there anyway?" She asked the question I was about to ask too.

"Duh, to investigate" He said before opening the door and walked outside calmly.
"What the heck, Minho?" I raised my voice a little bit from his stupid idea. "We're
trying to survive here, and we can only do that by not being Sherlock Holmes. Do
you know how many people die in horror movies because of investigating? Look at the
movie Sinister for example, that dude got fucked up because of his damn curiosity."
I pointed out as I watch Fei pull him back in and closed the door again.

"Then stay here if you want, soon enough the killer would arrive here since he or
she probably checks every room, not leaving a single person breathing." He rolled
his eyes at us, he does make a point so I guess his idea of going to the security
room is not that bad but the only problem is how are we gonna get there without
meeting the killer on our way there?

I was about to ask how but Fei interjected making me just shut my mouth and keep
that question to myself. I'm sure going there with complete silence would do the
trick of not getting found.

"Fine." Fei lifted her arms in mock defeats she walked back towards the door. "Lead
the way." She eyed Minho, opening the door for him.

He smiled at us as if to say finally you've come to your senses, but I was just
starting to get a really bad feeling about this.

In the end, we both followed him since we feared that the killer would find us
here, he does make a point even if I hate to admit it.

"Keep your mouth shut as much as possible, you don't want to be dead in less than a
minute because of your loud mouth and we should also split up, walking in numbers
is a bad idea." He whispered as we crouch in the hallway walking like crabs but I
stopped from walking and squinted my eyes at him.

"Split up? The 'f' you mean split up? Are we now imitating Scooby doo or
something?" I whispered and both of them looked at me.

"What do you mean?" Fei asked, pulling me down back to crouch on the floor with

"You know what that means right Fei? that means Minho is the effing killer trying,
to split us up so he could kill us one by one"

I wasn't thinking straight at this moment, I've become paranoid from seeing some
ugly shits in this school and also knowing that one of us is the killer. Who knows
if this freak Minho is the one behind this, I don't even barely talk to him at
class and now he's acting like were close friends by telling us to be safe in the
security room? Sounds fishy...

"Ugh. I think you're misunderstanding something." Minho sighed "Fine, let's go

together, don't blame me if we've been found" He sighed, continuing to walk or like
walking there like a penguin since we're crouching.

We passed by the hallway of the 1st building in the 2nd floor not saying a word to
each other, we have this feeling that if one of us talk or make a sound, the killer
would pop out and bash our heads off and we don't want that to happen so that's

While making our way to the said destination, I can't help but not to notice the
students at the hallway...

Which of course is lifeless and was just dumped here at the hallway.

It seems like whoever is doing this killing spree thingy, purposely dumped their
bodies here at the hallway so that whoever is still alive can see this scene more

The hallway practically looks like an art museum with all the colors splashed
everywhere, but the only difference is that the only color used is just glaring red
which is their own blood. I even nearly choked from the God awful smell but good
thing I can hold it in.

Great, my new shoes is already strained with their disgusting blood.

"Eww" I whispered, scrunching my face. "Fei, do you have a tissue with you?" I said
as I turned around to see an empty space behind me.

She disappeared.

"Fei?" I called in the dark but there's no response from her. It doesn't seem like
she was left behind or went on first so where have she gone to?

"Whats wrong?" Minho asked, stopping from walking and looking at me as he noticed
that I wasn't following him.

"Fei is gone" I panicked, slightly pulling my hair.

"Calm down, I'm sure she wont get caught." He tried to calm me, putting his hands
over my shoulder but that didn't help at all.

What if she got caught too? I don't want to see another friend of mine die again. I
just can't bare to watch them like that. What should I do?

"Sorry. I'm gonna look for her so you can go on ahead." I yanked his hands away and
ran back at the direction we came from. I glanced behind me and saw that he wasnt
following me and was just standing there.

I looked back in front and kept dashing from corridor to corridor. "FEI! Where are
you?!" I called, practically yelling and I think my voice can be heard all
throughout the school which isn't a good idea so I immediately stopped from yelling
and covered my mouth for mindlessly grabbing everyone's attention with my loud

I ran faster, avoiding dead bodies as much as possible because theyre all over the
place. Like seriously, everyone is gathered here to make one big hill of rotting

I cant take the smell of the decaying flesh so I stopped in front of a window and
opened it only to find myself facing strong winds from the storm.

But I still stood next the window, innhaling the storm winds as if it was fresh

At least it's better than the smell of dead bodies, oh god I can't even describe
how awful they smell.

It's like a dumpster only filled with used gym clothes and socks, a pile of dead
rats, a 1 year old pie and was not refrigerated, with a hint of smelly rusting
metal... okay I'm not even gonna bother. It's just plain awful.

After a while of standing next to the open window, the smell kinda disappeared and
I was about to continue my search when I felt a strong push from my back that made
me fall out of the window.

Though even in my pain and shockness, I managed to grab a pole before I completely
fall and plummet to my death.

"Oh God oh god oh god" I repeatedly said, staring at the long way down underneath
me considering that I'm at the second floor of the building.

I looked up to see who just pushed me, only to find myself face to face with a
person I knew.

"Its you!" I yelled in anger, as my body kept swaying in mid air from how strong
the wind is.

The person was staring at me, smiling like a devil and started pulling off my
fingers one by one which is my only hope of survival since it was holding onto the

I tried to grab the pole with my other free hand but its too late, I was already
falling down.

As I landed on the wet, concrete ground on my back, I felt every inch of my body
became numb as blood gush out of my head.

I tried to move, but it seems like my bones were decapitated from my body. I lifted
my head up a little to take a look down at my body to make my pain more worse as I
realised that my lower part was totally twisted in an odd way.

The rain is only making it worse as it soaks my whole body, feeling the cold as if
I was inside a fridge.

"Wait for me down there okay? Stay still." The person laughed, looking at me
through the window and staring at me with satisfaction in their eyes before

I can't take it anymore, the pain I'm feeling is so painful that I think I'm gonna
die here.I never would've thought to know who the killer was... it was only the
person who I never doubted.


I hope all of the clues I gave you helped with your investigations :) And sorry for
those that I havent replied to, because I'm always late when it comes to checking
the comments and by the time I read someone's comment saying "Give me clues please"
that someone already finished the book and already knows who the killer is, so it's
kinda awkward if I reply to that bcuz yeah.



Chappie 11

Yo! Picture at the media

Guess who's the killer.Comment and vote :)


Chappie 12

Yo! I'm back.

Jina's POV

As I lay there at the concrete ground, I can sense footsteps coming over to my
direction. I drifted my head to whoever is walking and saw a person walking and
stopping as soon as they're in front of me.

"Good, you're still alive" I heard a laugh coming from the person.

My vision we're beginning to blur so I wasn't able to take a definite look on their
face but I still know who this person is.

I felt someone tugging my feet and lifting it up, the next thing I know is that I
was being jerked along the ground by my legs like a heavy sack of rocks, leaving
behind a trail of blood coming from my head. I could feel every step the person
took vibrate across my decapitated body, but I couldn't do anything to escape, I
could no longer move of my own accord.

We finally went inside the school building, leaving behind the dreadful storm, but
it's nothing different. I was still being dragged, inch by inch, across this filthy

I can't move anymore, so I lay there on my back staring at the ceiling. The closed
lights on the ceiling spinning, moving in and out of one another. Alternating
between hazy and distinct and forming spiral patterns in my eyelids.

But then, after for what seems like an hour to me, whoever is dragging me
eventually stopped, threw me down inside a certain room and I rolled hard onto my

I got a glimpse of the dark room and somehow, I saw other people there. Hanging on
the wall with their hands tied with a rope.

I didn't get to scan the place completely as I was pulled up swiftly by my hair and
placed on a chair harshly as if I'm nothing more than a rag doll.

"Ack!" I screamed in pain, feeling my completely twisted body gets more twisted as
I landed on the chair.

"Shh shh." The person hushed me as I felt a blindfold wrapping around my eyes and
ropes being tied down on my arm and legs. I totally can't move anymore.

"Now then... let's do this slowly so you can feel every pain inching in your body
shall we?" I heard a sound of something sharp coming from somewhere and the next
thing I know is that I was being sliced on my legs.
I don't have energy left in my body so no scream escaped my mouth as the sharp
things made its way through my flesh.

I just sat there and accepted my death wholeheartedly, I deserve this anyway...

I have sinned a lot that I can't even count it in my two hands.

I don't want to die yet without saying anything to this bastard so in my one last
breath, I mustered up all my remaining strength and said the words in a soft voice.

"Fuck you."

Before my eyes completely darkened, and I felt my body become lighter to the point
that I fell that I was floating.

Well... this is goodbye for me.

Someone's POV

"Awww." I said in dismay as I felt that my victim isn't breathing anymore "You died
so quickly, I'm not even finished with you."

I stood in front of her, watching her miserable state that I can't help but to
smile at this sight. "Well anyway, you fell down from the second floor so it's
okay." I smiled, placing the sharp pocket knife on the table besides the chair
where she's at and began to untie the ropes and blindfold from her.

"Mmn" I heard from her mouth, I looked closely to her face and saw that she was
still alive. I immediately went for the pocket knife besides her, but before I
could even reach it, she grabbed it before me and jabbed my stomach with it.

"Ouch." I said in a monotone voice as I step back from her, she was still on the
chair since she can't stand or walk with that body of hers but she still gripped in
the knife as if her life depends on it.

"Ha...haha" She even managed to choke out a laugh as she watch me bleed. "If I'm
gonna die now... I'll take you with me." She said pointing the knife at me.

She looked as if she can easily kill me, what an idiot...

"Really? You think you can kill me huh..." a laugh escaped my lips as I looked down
on my wounded stomach. The wound is definitely deep and might have injured one of
my internal organs but I can't feel any pain or anything at all. "Do you think I
look like I'm dying?" I asked with a smile, and she was scared and confused at the
same time on why I was still standing straight even though I have a non stop
bleeding wound on my stomach.

"Wha...what?" Confusion was spinning in her eyes as she watch me walk back yo her
direction. "Ugh... mn." She groaned as I wrapped my hands along her neck, squeezing
it throughly to the point that blood gushed out of her mouth.

She trembled violently, trying to push my hands away from her neck but she's weak,
and I'm far more stronger than her.

After a while, she stopped from moving, her hands falling down from my arms and her
eyes froze in place while staring at me full of hate.

I let go of her and breathed out, pulling her body off the chair and tying her
hands with a rope and hanging her helpless body on the wall together with everyone
else. I'm sure all of them are burning in hell right now, since all these people
are far more worse than me.

It's great that I got rid of the other students, if they were still alive they'd be
here watching this scene and taking a video of it, posting it on their social media
accounts or whatever.

Anyway, I dont care. Since Jina is already dead, might as well go look for the next

Geez, this girl sure is a pain in the neck, even managed to stab me before dying.

Not that I care, no one can kill me no matter what they do...

I'm already dead anyway...


Chappie 13.1


NEEonPink here!

This chapter contains advertisements, unicorns, rainbows and other stuffs so if you
don't want to read this shameless self promotion you can go on ahead on the next
chapter :) Go on... I'm not mad...









You're still here? You don't want to skip this and read on?

Well if you insist then here goes.


Hi. I'm NEEonPink, if I'm your favorite author then please breathe.....



Thank you...

Since you said that I'm your fave author, you should check out my other books as
well :)

If you're an Otaku like me, read my Two Gakuen Alice Fanfics "Goddess of Alice" and
"Natsume's first love"

If you just want a just a simple story you may want to check out "The girl who
waited a thousand years." The title says it all :)

If short stories is what you like most about Wattpad then check out my other book
called "Short Stories" :)

And let's be friends on my other social media accounts :)

Instagram: @ainee_chanTwitter: @Bish_ImAinee

I think that's all of it :)

I will take this shame to my grave.

And to those who hasn't been breathing up until now because I'm not your fave
author, you can go ahead and breathe now :) thanks.


Chappie 13


Pls read my other story "The girl who waited a thousand years"Tenkyu tenkyu

Min ho's POV

I am now inside the security room trying to find Yoo ma through all the cameras, I
have to warn her about 'Young Ji' at least.

While searching, I saw her at one of the cameras which is at the 2nd floor of the
school. I immediately grabbed the broken pipe that I found at the locker room to at
least defend myself and went outside, carrying my phone with me.

I tried to walk quietly as possible but I kept on accidentally stepping on the dead
bodies making a 'Squish Squish' sound.

"Ugh... gotta buy new shoes after this." I whispered to myself as I skipped through
bodies from bodies.

While doing so, I finally found Yoo ma at the hallway coming out from this certain

"Thank goodness I found you" I said, which grabbed her attention and looked back at

I grabbed her wrist and drag her to a room and locked it. "Where have you been? I
have something really important to tell you." I showed her my phone

"Young ji is trying to kill you" I remarked, she doesn't looked surprised at my

statement just now and sat on one of the chairs near the door.

"I know, I don't know why she's doing this" She suddenly became teary eyed at the
thought of her best friend trying to kill her.

I'm very awkward when it comes to being faced with someone who is crying so I just
comforted her by rubbing her back in a circular motion.

"Everyones dead, and its all my fault" She remarked, putting down her weapon on the
floor. "I shouldn't have let her die... I should've saved her."

"What happened to Young ji? How did she die? I heard she was your best friend,
right?" I showered her with different questions and she just nodded in response.

"I don't know at first, but I eventually found a video of her getting beaten by
some people..." She stated, tucking her hair behind her ears.

From this distance, I can smell a sweet scent coming from her, specifically a

"You smell like vanilla, what's your perfume?" I asked. Not the type of question
someone would ask in a school filled with dead people, well at least I changed the
topic since she's gonna cry if we continued talking about her deceased friend.
"Oh, I don't use perfumes, I got this scent because I always bake cakes." She
surprisingly replied like it's nothing, sniffing her sleeve.

"I also baked cupcakes for my dad's office mates this morning" She finally smiled.
"I hope I'll see him tomorrow" her smile soon vanished, maybe because he already
misses her father.

She opened her mouth to say something but a loud bang outside both startled us, we
stepped back far from the door.

We both readied ourself to brace for whatever is coming.

"Get back." She ordered, pushing me behind her as if I'm the damsel in distress and
she's the knight.

I did what she told me to do and hid behind her, gripping tightly on the weapon I

Whoever is slamming the door seems to have a lot of strength since the door broke
and slowly opened that creates a creaking sound.

"W-who's there?!" I tried to make my voice firmer but I can't help but to stutter
knowing that whoever broke the door is walking towards us, with each footsteps
reverberating through the darkened room.

"Ack!" I heard Yoo ma yelped, and her voice was already far from me as if someone
dragged her away in a violent way.

"Yoo ma!" I raised my hand to hopefully grab ahold of her back but she wasn't there
in front of me anymore, leaving my hand in mid air with nothing to grab.

"Yoo ma! Where are you?!" I turned around and then back infront, hoping to spot her
silhouette but who am I kidding. This place is pitch black that my brain is slowly
thinking that I'm already blind.


I heard a girl giggle in an amused tone, as if she enjoys watching me miserably

look for Yoo ma.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!" I screamed, swaying the broken pipe around me in a
violent way to somehow hit whoever took Yoo ma.
"Where did you take Yoo m---" I got cut off as I felt a strong painful sensation
forming on my head as if I was hit by something hard.

I felt my body become numb as I landed on the cold ground, blood streaming down my
head. I tried to force myself to stand up but I was pushed back on the ground by a
single foot, I'm guessing that it belongs to the girl who was just giggling a while

"My... I should've killed sooner. Since you're so full of yourself, I decided to

let you run around the school for a bit." She said in an intimidating tone,
stomping on my back to keep me glued to the ground. "But I didn't expect that you
would be meddling with my plans."

I don't know if my vision is beginning to blur or swirl because it's dark, all I
know is that I'm slowly losing my consciousness.

"Well then, let's end this quickly." I heard her saying a few more words before I
felt another smashing sound on my head.


I fluttered my eyes open to see darkness for the tenth time already, I tried to
move my head but it immediately ached as if my brain is gonna explode.

"W-what?" I mumbled as I felt my flesh stung from being tightly tied down on a
chair. My feet, torso and arms were completely tied with a worn out rope as if it
was used many times before.

"Ah. You're awake" I heard a voice from behind me, followed by distinct footsteps
coming to my direction.

I began to sweat nervously with each steps she took, I couldn't recognize her voice
since I was hit on the head many times making my memories become vague.

"Do you know why I'm doing all this?" She asked, stopping in front of me.

"I.. I... I don't know you." I stuttered, shaking vigorously earning a chuckle from

"You know, this may be random but I want to tell you something I know..." She
began, I can hear a clashing sound of something sharp as if she's sharpening
something. "There are two types of people in this world. Those who kill and those
who get killed."

I can feel something sharp roaming around my wrist, she was preparing to cut me and
let me bleed non stop, earning a slow painful death just like what happened to

"At this moment, you belong to the second category"


Chappie 14

Yo!I'm gonna say who the killer is in this chappie so guessing time is over :)

And the character in this chapter may be unfamiliar to you so lemme explain a bit.
She is a teacher in this school and with her is her two students.


'Teacher' Ah Reum's POV

We wandered through the decaying building cautiously since this whole place is
filled with dead bodies. Visually, this whole thing just seemed like a set-up for a
cursed seance or something. It was kind of scary, and I wasn't the only one who
thought so...

"Ms. Ah reum, I'm scared." Yebin mumbled from speaking against her teddy bear she
always brings, as she tug my sleeve to grab my attention. "I want to see mama, I
want to go home"

Yebin is a pre school student, and I'm in charge of tutoring her at her home,
basically its my fault that a mere child is involved in this killing frenzy since I
brought her here with me.

"I know yebin" I kneeled down to reach her height "But I'm afraid we can't do that,
the storm is still taking in place." I tried to comfort her but I can sense that
she's about to cry again.

"Don't worry Yebin." Seol Ri added, she's one of my students and I managed to save
her from falling down the stairs a while ago. "We'll get home, we just need to wait
for the cops to arrive." Even though can't see her face since its dark, I know that
shes flashing a smile right now to reassure Yebin.

We're lucky that we're still alive, when we went on the teacher's office to find
something useful, all of the teachers there are already dead, with a large empty
part of their head as if someone smashed it with full force to end their lives

All of the students were also dead, laying in the corridors with also large chunky
wound on their heads.

No one made it, except for us. Well, that's what I think since the whole school is
eerily quiet with no sign of other people.

As we were walking in the hallway looking for survivors,

We heard a faint scream of a boy inside a room.

"Someone needs help" Yebin whispered, we walked towards that door and listened

"My, I should've killed you sooner. Since you're so full of yourself I decide to
let you run around the school for a bit, but I didn't expect that you would be
meddling with my plans."

It seems like a girl was talking, while a sound of someone whimpering is heard at
the background.

"Well then, let's end this quickly." We heard a loud smashing sound and the
whimpering sound disappeared.

Seol ri suddenly covered me and Yebin's mouth before pulling us away from the door
and hiding in one of the classroom as we heard a sound of dragging.

We all peeked through the small gap on the door and saw a shadow dragging a body of
a boy, leaving a lot of entrails behind with his blood.

We couldn't give out the definite appearance of whoever is dragging that boy since
its dark, all I know is we have to save that kid.

"Seol ri, take Yebin with you and hide somewhere safe." I said, standing up from
our crouched position.

"What? You shouldn't follow them, that guy is already dead you can't do anything
about it." Seol ri whispered, pulling me back.

"But what are we supposed to do? We can't just let that person escape, we might be
able to stop all this if we catch that person." I suggested, Yebin was at the
background watching us argue.

"Stop what? Everyone is already dead, what's the point? We should focus on what's
important here and that is to survive, we should wait for the storm to stop and
then we could run for it." She exclaimed, still maintaining her quiet voice to
avoid attention.
"Okay... you're right, we should go now." As the words slipped out of my mouth, the
loud thunderstorms and the pit-a-pat of the rain on the roof suddenly subsided, as
if the storm suddenly stopped.

"Teacher... The storm is gone." Yebin ran towards the windows and stepped on one of
the chairs to reach and peek outside. She then turned around and faces us, showing
a bright smile. "We can go home now"

"That's right Yebin, you'll see your mom and dad now." I walked to her and gently
patted her head, but Seol ri immediately interjected with my statement.

"We can't mindlessly leave this school without a plan, we might encounter the
killer while we try to head for the exit. And even if we managed to leave, there's
no way in hell that the killer won't see us from somewhere through the windows and
chase us down before we could even reach the gates." She said with her arms
crossed, destroying our tiny bit of hope.

"So... what should we do then?" I asked, helping Yebin jump off the chair she's on.

"Well... I have an idea but it's too risky, so we have only one option and that is
to wait furthermore. If we saw the killer leave the school, then we should leave
also." She stated, putting her hands over her chin as if she's thinking really

"What? So were supposed to sit our ass down and wait more? And what if the killer
decided to burn this building down to erase any evidence and then we'll also get
killed in the end." I argued, obviously not agreeing with her plan. "What's your
other idea?"

"Nevermind, it's too dangerous." She shook her head and sat down on a desk,
continuing to bite her nails in frustration.

"Tell me." I said firmly, she looked directly at my eyes before sighing.

"My other plan is to directly kill whoever that person is..." She continued, her
eyes burning of desire to kill.

Before I could even comment on her statement, the door of the room suddenly slammed
open and we can hear footsteps approaching us. It was pitch dark, but we can see
two red glowing orbs as if it was their eyes. I immediately hid Yebin behind me to
protect her and she clutched on my sleeve tightly, feeling her shaking body.

"Oh my... I didn't thought that there's still left." We heard a very feminine
voice, following a small chuckle. "And how are you gonna kill me?"
That voice....

Somehow, the voice from this person is familiar. I know I've heard that before, but
the inside of my mind is both chaotic and blurry that I can't even pin point who
this person is.

But I do know that whoever it is... it was one of my students before.

Some part of me is telling that she was one of my remarkable student, with a
distinct jolly personality and I remember that she was stuck glued to another
student who I think is her Best friend.

They were always together no matter where I see them, and I didn't paid any
attention to her because she seems okay... But who would've know that she's the one
behind all this murders...

Yes... it was her...

"Kim Yoo ma"

I gritted my teeth as I mention her name that made my mouth feel disgusting by the
sound of her name.

"As expected from a teacher..." She laughed, While I kept my grip tight on Yebin.
"How smart, none of the students suspect a thing that I'm the killer"

"Why are you doing this?!" Seolri yelled, almost losing her sanity.

She stared at us with her glowing eyes before saying the words in a monotonous


"What the hell?" I exclaimed, stepping backwards and Seol ri followed me, keeping a
tight hold on the weapon she was holding.

"Actually, I died a very very long time ago." She stated, which doesn't make any
sense at all. "But I got the chance to be alive again. And in exchange, I need
everyone's life."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, looking at her with confused eyes.

"Hmm... since its not fun if no one knew what the real story is..." She continued,
somehow even though we can't see her, I feel as if she was doing some weird sorcery
with her hand

"Let me show you everything." She smiled and just like that our consciousness
disappeared as if our souls were pulled out from our body and entered through a
black warphole I saw in front of us before everything else darkened.


I fluttered my eyes open, to see myself standing in the middle of a grassy place,
and to my side was the river with the setting sun reflecting on it.

"Where am I?" I asked myself, and later on noticing that my body wasn't the same
before I got here.

It seems fading and I can see through it, almost as if I was just a soul wandering
aimlessly, or the appearance of a ghost to be specific.

"Ah, I remember. There was a storm, I was inside the school... and everyone is...
dead." I whispered, staring at the sun with a tear seeping down my cheeks.

From the corner of my eyes, I caught a glimpse of a girl crossing the bridge. A
bouquet of white flowers in her hands and she was wearing a pissed off expression,
as if she wasn't happy about something.

I was staring at her, studying her every actions from a far distance.

As I came to realize who the girl was, I mentioned her name in attempt to take her

"Yoo ma!"

I lifted my foot to run towards her, but as soon as I took a step. A group of
large, bulky men blocked her path, wearing perverted looks on their faces.

"Hey there miss, wanna play?" The one guy at the middle spoke in a husky voice, but
Yoo ma chose to ignore them and continued walking.

One of the guy looked pissed with her somewhat arrogant attitude and grabbed her
arm violently, pulling her back to their direction that caused the bouquet to fall
on the ground and got stepped on by them.

She stared at the flowers that were now ruined, her face turning more and more
pissed by the sight of that.
"Don't touch me with your filthy hands" She said in a dangerously calm tone,
intimidating the large men around her.

"Ooh, a tough one aren't ya?" The guy said and they started to grab her feet and
arms, lifting her up from the ground.

"Were gonna have a lot of fun miss Yoo ma" A guy said and started stripping her
clothes off, revealing a lot of her bare skin.

"Wait! Fei said to only scare her! What are you doing?!" One guy tried to pull off
the others from Yoo ma but failed to and got pushed on the ground.

"Fei?" Yoo ma said with both surprised and angered eyes, struggling more to escape
from their grip.

"Damn it! Keep still will you!" A guy yelled, slapping her face.

"Tch." Yoo ma clicked her tounge, and kicked one of the men who was grabbing her,
specifically where the sun never shone before running away. The men followed and
chased her, suddenly taking out knives and other dangerous weapons.

"Help! Someone! Help m--" Before she could even finish her screaming, a knife was
jabbed through her back, piercing deeper and deeper to the point that she was
already bathing in her own blood.

"Well then, our job here is done." The guy who just stabbed her said in a carefree
tone, throwing the knife in the river.

"That's not what Fei told us to do! Why did you kill her?" The one guy who tried to
help her spoke out.

"Keep quiet! Help me out and dispose of this body before anyone finds out."

They began to carry her corpse towards the river and dumped it there, letting her
float around aimlessly.

"Why in the river? We around just bury her in the ground."

"Don't be dumb, she'll float until she ends up at the most isolated place where no
one goes. This river is connected at the forest so it's no big deal." They began to
walk away, as if that incident never happened.

"So that's how she died... And it was because of Fei." I mumbled, finally realizing
a bit of her reason why she's killing Fei and her friends.

I felt my body getting sucked by something, the same feeling I felt before I got

The scenery started to twirl around and blur, the next thing I know is I'm already
here in the forest.

It was already night time, and the tall spiky trees made the moonlight unable to
shine here at the ground level.

I shifted my head side to side to see anything helpful about why I'm here and I saw
a river behind some trees, and I followed it hoping to see Yoo ma's dead body stuck

And my assumptions was right, I saw her laying on the ground just besides the
water. Her body was turning pale and purple-ish and I can see her veins appearing
all over her body as if there wasn't any blood left in her.

I walked over her direction and tried to pull her in a stable place but its no use.

I can't touch anything.

I'm just a wandering soul here, brought to wounds the real story.

"What should I do? Is there any way to alter this so the future will be different?"

As I was contemplating a plan to change the inevitable future, a huge black shadow
began to slowly appear in front of Yoo ma's dead body until it's from became
definite for me to see.

It almost looked like a demon, based on the various bible I read. With it's red
glowing eyes staring in your soul as if your just a mere prey to him.

The shadow began to speak with a hoarse voice, almost shaking the whole ground.

"You shall be brought to life once more, For it is not time for your Death."

The shadow seemed like a nightmare. Those red glowing eyes and those voluptuous
mouth, which it made one shudder to see.

A black hovering shadow escaped from the original shadow, entering Yoo ma's body
through her mouth.
Her whole body returned back to her former skin color, and I noticed that it almost
looked like her soul was brought back.

She opened her eyes that is glowing red, she blinked a few times and then slowly
turned back to normal.

She sat up, looked to her sides to see where she is before noticing the presence of
the nightmare in front of her.

"What's happening? Why am I here?" She asked, her voice seems joyful knowing that
she's alive again.

"Before anything, let me tell you this. It is out of the lore and experience of the
ancients and of all those who are filled with anger and hatred will omit the powers
of the undead. When they become such, there comes with the change the curse of
immortality, they can not die, but must go on age after age adding new victims and
multiplying the evils of the world. You must present me the lives of the mere
humans you hated and in exchange for your new life as a demon, go forth and take
your revenge"

The shadow glowed bright red before it vanished into thin air, leaving a newly born
demon which is Yoo Ma.

She stood up and looked at her hands that is somewhat creating a vague red light.

"Now then... I guess I'll try out this power." She clenched her fists, before
walking back to the direction of the city.


Gonna continue this on the next chappie!

So yoo ma is actually the dead girl taking her revenge and not young ji. Sorry for
the extreme plot twist.

Surprise! ^_^


Chappie 15

The winners are :@MissLenAce_o2 @Ben-Ben_00

Because they guessed first and their explanations were right.

If ever you also guessed right and wasn't mentioned here please don't get mad, I
gave the readers a time on when to stop guessing and it's if I already published
this chapter and I already did, so it's done, it's finished, please move on without
commenting hateful words to me.

Ah reum's POV


My body shuddered, telling me that I will be sent to another scene.

And my assumptions was right, I ended up in a different place with a different

atmosphere from before.

It was in an abandoned warehouse, and I saw those guys who Yoo ma a while ago.

A total of 12 guys...

"Fei should not know about this or else we won't get our money" a guy said pacing
back and fourth rapidly.

"Don't worry, she'll never know"

A guy was about to say something but a loud thunder startled them.

"A storm?" Guy1 said hugging himself.

"Psh! Scaredy Cat" Guy2 said .

"Hey! Im not-" he got interrupted as the huge door bursted wide open to see a
soaked girl in the rain.

"Hey there little girl" a guy walked near to that girl "Its cold outside, why dont
you come in and play for a while" the guy touched the girl's shoulder

"Huh? Why are you so freezing cold? Are you already dead or something q?" He
jokingly said.
The guy heard no response from the girl.

He took a closer look at the girl's face and plastered on his face is a shocked

"Aren't you the girl a while ago?" He stuttered.

"What are you talking about?" Another guy went near her "She's already dea-" He
stopped as he saw her face.

The girl looked at them with red glowing eyes.

The men screamed in pain as the girl entered the warehouse and not a single person
went out of that place except for the girl covered in crimson red blood.

My body shivered again signalling me that another scene will occur.

The place became blurry again and the next thing i know is that im inside a house.

Sitting across me is a guy wearing a uniform for cops drinking a cup of coffee and
a woman cooking in the kitchen.

"The storm is getting strong, where did that girl went this time?" The woman which
i think is the mother of this house said nervously.

"She'll be fine" The police officer said "She said she'll just visit her friend's

And as the woman opened her mouth to talk, the door suddenly opened and they saw
that girl covered in blood.

"Yoo ma!" Her mother rushed to her carrying a towel and started to wipe away the
blood releasing an unexpected smell.

"What did you do?!" Her Dad asked, standing up and closing the door, making sure no
one sees her daughter covered in blood.
"I killed a group of person" she said bluntly not caring of what their reaction is.

"Aish! I need to do something to cover this up" Her father said and i saw yoo ma's
eyes fired.

"Does the cops always cover crimes of others?" She asked coldly "Did you all said
that young ji's death is just a suicide just to cover somebody else's crime?!" She
got mad and stormed upstairs to her room and slammed the door which created an

"Ugh! That girl! At least thank me for not letting you decay in jail!" The police
yelled angrily.

Her parents started to argue about yoo ma's behaviour.

So i went in her room,

I can easily walk through the locked door, Because I'm not part of this world.

I saw yoo ma talking to herself in front of a mirror.

"Don't worry young ji" she said gripping in her hands is a picture of them
together, Yoo ma and Young ji. Written behind the photograph is "Together, forever"

"I'll avenge your death, They will suffer just the way we did" she looked at her

"With this power, I will easily take our revenge"

I just looked at her,

Horrified of her actions.

She was a normal student back then,

But she completely changed...

This world is beautiful,

Yet evil.
To let such an innocent girl turn into a dreadful demon, is a huge mistake .......


Chappie 16


This chappie is about Hana, If you forgot about her go back to Chappie something. I
forgot what chapter she's in XD

The flashback Chappies will be continued on the next one.

Hana's POV

I left Hye mi,

I left her because i want to save Irene too. Hye mi proceeded in going to the
clinic while im running towards the direction of our classroom.

As i got there,

I witnessed Irene's death...

Stabbed by Yoo ma,

I immediately hide behind the lockers. And I took a peek to see a horrifying scene.

Yoo ma is violently stabbing Irene again and again while saying "More! More! Feel
pain more!"

Unable to save her I cried silently. If Yoo ma found me here i'll be dead too.

Irene is coughing out blood, trying to stop Yoo ma from continuously stabbing her.

Stream of blood scattered everywhere.

After the bloody scene,

Yoo ma is done torturing Irene so she stood up and placed the broken shard in her

And slowly walked away...

My shivering feet cant support me anymore so i stayed hidden behind the lockers.

'What should i do?'

'Should i call the police?'

By thinking those thoughts,

I quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket, My shaking fingers pressed the
numbers and dialed it.



"Please pick up." I whispered

"Please pick up"


Someone answered the phone.

"H-hel-help" a guy said coughing, Surprised by the call i accidentally dropped my


The guy in the other line continued saying something

"My- my daughter" he's unable to talk properly and i dont know the reason why. "My
daughter" he tried to speak clearly "She- po-isoned u-us" i heard his heavy
breathing and the call ended.

I froze there, thinking...

His daughter, poisoned them?

How could she kill her own father? Who is her daughter?

I gasped as I recall everyone's identity...

Yoo ma's father is a police officer.

She must've poisoned them so no one would come and save us here!

I need to escape from here and tell everybody else!

I quickly stood up and went back to the direction of the clinic where Hye mi is at.

I opened the door of the clinic with force.

I entered it to see nothing.

'Where could she be?!' I thought to myself.

I ran outside when I heard a scream,

'That must be hye mi'

'I must save her'

I searched and search.

But as i ran through the hallways,

Lifeless bodies of innocent students are scattered.

I was gone for like 15 minutes and this many already died?!

I ended up in the 2nd building.

I'm tired of running, so I stopped beside the window.

My eyes caught a bright light coming from the clinic.

Its hye mi! Holding a flash light.

I immediately ran back to the clinic.

But she's no longer there.

"You stupid idiot!" I heard a voice coming from the hallway and the sound of a
running person. I chased them.

I saw hye mi running with an unknown girl.

I chased them....

The girl tripped and fell on the ground while hye mi continued to run leaving the
girl behind.

I ran closer to the girl to help her.

But i gasped when i saw her face.

"Y-yoo ma" i said with a shaky voice taking a step back

She stood up carrying the bloody baseball bat.

"Well well..." She said as she slowly walk near me. "Girl2, I do remember your
face." She said acting cutely.

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I took another step backward

"You're part of the crime, right?" She smiled swaying her baseball bat "When young
ji died..." She said coldly.
I ran away from her...

But it looks like I'm not even moving.

I turned around to see yoo ma still behind me.

I ran and ran but its no use.

Im still in the same place.

"Tired already?" She laughed

"Then please Rest" she raised her weapon ready for smashing my head "Rest in Peace"


I landed on the floor, getting wet by my own blood.

She kneeled down to face me

"I still need to take care of hye mi so I ended your life quickly" she grinned and
disappeared from my sight like a smoke.

The last thing I saw is a smiling Yoo ma.



Im still not dead.

Im staring in a dark hallway,

Waiting for my death.

A white light caught my attention.

"Y-young ji?" I asked, watching the figure in front of me standing still.

I saw her staring at me with a saddened face.

"Forgive her" She said more like in a whispering manner.

The only word i heard from her

And there,

My vision blackened.

Yo!So the shadow Yoo ma and Hye Mi saw when they were at the clinic was
ActuallyHana and not Young Ji. Surprise surprise!


Chappie 17


The continuation of Ah reum's adventures inside Yoo ma's memory~

Ah reum's pov.

I'm still in this world.

How did I end up here anyway?

I forgot what happened because of these shocking events in yoo ma's life.

She experienced a lot of pain,

She's been hiding it with a cheerful smile.

I don't know exactly how it feels but I can see in her eyes all the anger and
hatred filling up.

The scene forwarded.

And its the day where all the students will die.
February 13 XXXX.

I learned that its Young ji's death anniversary.

And that is today...

I saw yoo ma arguing with her dad in their house.

"What!? You can't make me leave! Never!" She yelled stomping her foot.

"You have too! Or else you'll get caught by my co-workers that you killed those
guys! They're almost finished with their investigation!" He yelled back louder.
Siding with him is yoo ma's mother nodding her head every time he said something.

"Mom!" She yelled "I don't wanna go there!" She begged but her mother disagreed.

"Its for your best, The cops will soon arrest you. And that would be painful for
us. Its better if you just go back to america" She remarked.

"I better go now" The father said opening the door of the house and leaving only
the mother and yoo ma behind.

Her mom waved goodbye to her husband as he drove away with his car while yoo ma is
boiling with anger, glaring daggers at her mother.

"Mom" she exclaimed taking her mother's attention "this is the last time I'll say
it again. I DONT want to go back" She puts a tone in the word 'Don't'

"Tsk tsk" She shook her head "You have to, or else the police will get you" She
walked towards the kitchen leaving an angry yoo ma behind.

"Hey, Mother" Yoo ma again took her attention and turned around to face her.

"What is it this time? I told you already, the police will come and-" She got
interrupted as she saw yoo ma surrounded by black deadly looking spirits hovering
around her

"What if I eliminate all the police?" She said with an evil smile, making whoever
see it shudder. "That way, they can't arrest me" she giggled and her eye color
changed into crimson red.

Her mother shocked in her daughter's appearance don't know what to do, so she just
stood there dumbfounded.

"Well then" yoo ma walked slowly towards her frozen mother. And leaned towards her
mother's ear "I guess I should kill you first" she whispered and her mother
screamed in pain as one of the black spirits stabbed right through her body.

The lifeless body of yoo ma's mother fell on the ground.

You can't hear nothing except for yoo ma's unexplainable laugh. Its quite cheerful
and unusual because yoo ma never laughs at school. Anyone would think that its not
yoo ma who is laughing.

"Well then, I better get to work." She kneeled down besides her mother's body and
placed her hand on top of it.

She started saying something that is kinda like a Latin language, Maybe a ritual.

After saying those unusual words,

Suddenly, a white light, more like a smoke, went out of her body and went straight
to yoo ma's body, Making yoo ma look more powerful than before.

She then went to the kitchen and started to bake something.

While doing the process, she giggled every time she puts another ingredient in that
mixing bowl.

After everything is done, she was about to place all the cupcakes in the oven but
she stopped.

"Almost forgot" she grinned and took out something from her pocket that is a small
black bottle with the word "Sleep Tight" labeled on it.

She puts a small droplet on each cupcakes and placed it in the oven.

While waiting for it to be done, she carried her mother's body in to the kitchen
and mopped all the blood.

After that, The scene changed into the place where the cops work.

Im outside of the building standing there watching every person that went pass
through my body.
My eye caught sight of yoo ma carrying a bagful of cupcakes.

"Daddy!" She yelled happily that made her father surprised

"Here!" She gave him a cupcake "My apology for yelling at you a while ago, im
sorry. Youre right, i should go back to America"

"Woah? What happened to you?" He said as he took the cupcake from her hands and
took a bite which made yoo ma grin ominously.

"Delicious! Who taught you this?" He asked as he took another bite.

"Mother helped me out in baking these" She smiled menacingly. "I baked alot for
your co-workers too dad!" She took all the delicious looking cupcakes from her

"Woah! Really? Thats great, i'll distribute it too them, so you go now" he gently
pushed yoo ma away but yoo ma resisted.

"No can do, im the one who made it so im the one who will give it to all of them"
she crossed her arms and pouted.

Her dad let out a sigh "Okay, just go inside to give it to them" he continued
eating the cupcake and went inside the building with yoo ma.

"Hey guys, my daughter baked cupcakes for all of us!" He yelled and all of the cops
came stumbling down towards yoo ma and grabbed a cupcake and returned to their

"Thanks!" They all said in chorus.

"Did all of your office mates got some?" She asked her dad.

"Oh yes. That's all" He smiled "Now go back home and help your mother pack your

"Hey, I still need to go to school you know" She walked away as she grabbed her bag
and waved goodbye to her father "Bye Dad! I hope you have some good rest"

"Yes yes I will" her dad replied not suspecting a thing, while yoo ma is making a
sinister appearance.

Before going somewhere again, she went at the fire station.

"Okay, this will be easy" she hides behind the pillar and used her power to flatten
every tire of the firetrucks without anyone noticing.

She giggled as she walk away

"Stupid humans"

She then went to the hospital and did the same to the ambulances and cars.

After that, she went to the Electricity Storage building, then went straight to the
cemetery where young ji's grave is.

She placed a white rose on top of it and kneeled down.

"Young ji, Hi." She sat on the grassy floor "Its been a while since i last visited"
she chuckled "Last time, i was about to visit you carrying a bouquet of white roses
and a cake because its your birthday but Fei did something terrible to me"

She started to tell everything that happened to her in the past year

"I'm thankful to fei, because if not because of her I wouldn't be dead by now. Yes,
I'm already dead young ji, did I surprised you?" She giggled "But I got the chance
to be alive again, because I still have something to do, and its Revenge... Don't
worry young ji, I'll torture them too just like what they did to you, they will
suffer too" She said as she look at her wristwatch "I better go now, its time for
school. It'll be the last time that they'll go to school" She walked away.

As she said those words and walked away, i stood there staring at young ji's grave.

My eyes widened to see her.

Watching yoo ma walk away with a worried expression.

She said something but yoo ma didnt heard it but i sure did.

"No! Stop it Yoo ma! You should not kill them!" She screamed with anxiety.

I remember the saying when i heard young ji scream

If a soul needs to do something important before it goes to the afterlife,They'll

return to the real world to do the things that they want.
So that's why young ji returned,

To stop yoo ma from killing everyone.

My eyes widened more to see young ji looked at me.

"Please help me, Stop her" she whispered. I gulped and nodded at her.

I see now, everything is clear to me. I understand everything now.

I should kill yoo ma before she kills me and everyone else.


Chappie 18

Yohoho!Sorry for not updating lately,

Ah reum's POV

I woke up in the same place where I lost my Consciousness

Except, I'm all alone...

Seol ri is not here neither yoo ma.

Yebin is right beside me, unconscious.

I immediately checked her pulse "Thank goodness you're alive!" I yelled in joy.

"Hey, are you okay?" But she just moaned in pain.

I carried her at my back and started walking to find seol ri holding a flashlight
and a baseball bat.

After a while of walking, I couldn't find anyone.

I looked outside and its still dark, I opened the window to experience the strong
storm winds play with my body so I immediately closed it again and continued

How many hours have we been here?

The sound of my rumbling stomach echoed through out the silent hallway,

I'm hungry, my dry throat yearned for crisp aqua.

I'm getting weak...

My eyes are slowly closing and blurring.

No, I must not die yet.

I need to do what young ji want.

So everything would be in peace.

I walked faster to save time.

To kill yoo ma already.

But how?

She's a demon, she's cursed to have immortality, and I'm just a mere human. How can
she possibly die?

As I was walking I heard yebin. Humming a weird tone.

"Yebin? You awake?" I said keeping my sight in front of me.

But she just continued humming.

I turned my face slightly to my back to see her.

"Yebin? What's with that song?" I asked in a giggling tone.

"Rest in peace" yebin said which made me shocked and feel a painful sensation at my
shoulder that made me drop her. She bit me?!
I screamed in pain as I touch my bleeding shoulder "Yebin?! What did you-" I
stopped as I saw yebin with crimson red eyes and pointy teeth.

She laughed in a hoarse tone.

"You don't have to look for seol ri" she said "She's already dead"

I gripped the baseball bat I'm holding "You... You're not yebin! Yoo ma! Where is

She laughed in joy "You really are a smart teacher, I wanted to play with yebin a
bit more" she giggled "This body is just an illusion, its not yebin's body. So feel
free to kill it" she smiled thinly.

She ran towards me getting ready to bite me again so I hit her with full force that
made her hit the window.

The glass broke that made yebin, No... Yoo ma, fell.

I looked down to see a child's body.

A black smoke, more like a black light strands came out of her body and disappeared
along with the winds.

"Tsk!" I said as I felt my bleeding shoulder sting "I should stop it from bleeding"
I sat down and placed my bag in front of me and took out the first aid kits we
found in the clinic.

I disinfected it and wrap a load of bandages on it.

I calmed myself for a while and continued searching.

My body started shivering as I felt the coldness invade my body. I'm getting weaker
every time I take a step forward.

My hunger and thirst made it worst. What more, my shoulder is still stinging.

My knees are far to weak to support me anymore so I fell on the ground.

My vision is blurring again.

I'm gonna die...

No! I can't die yet!

I need to save yebin and kill yoo ma...

I tried to stand up but my body refused to. I can't do it,

I'm gonna die here, together with my students.

I slowly closed my eyes,

Giving up is the best option.

"Wake up you lazy ass hell of a teacher!" I heard from somewhere that made me open
my eyes widely

"What the hell?" I asked confused "who are you?" I asked the air.

"If you want to save your buttface students then get the hell up!" I felt a kick
from my back that made me stand up

"What?! Where are you?! Answer me!?" I yelled turning back and fourth to see nobody

"Duh! Have you forgotten about our agreement?! Its me! Young ji!" She said that
made me facepalmed myself and she showed herself.

Young ji is standing in front of me, both her hands are at her belly and her
eyebrows are furrowed.

"So that's your true personality huh?" I asked rubbing my back that she kicked

"Hurry up and walk! We still need to find yoo ma!" She scolded me

"Cant you just use your magical powers to find her?" I asked happily. I can finally
witness a ghost use her powers.

"Stupid! What powers?" She asked looking at me with a what-a-stupid-human-you-are


"Well you know, when a ghost appears the windows will slam back and fourth and they
can teleport anywhere. Just like in the movies." I said and she smacked my head.
"Enough with your stupidness" she said as she walked away

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled and matched her walking pace

"So whats the plan?" I asked

"Her heart" she said bluntly

"Heart?" I asked confused "what?" She looked at me pissed

"Are you sure you're a teacher? How did you pass the boarding exam anyway?" She
said releasing a black aura.

"Sorry sorry" I said crying

"Aren't you just dying a while ago? Why are you so energetic?" She asked.

"Well its my first time to see a ghost! That's my dream!" I happily smiled

"Why are you poking me?" She asked that made me stopped from checking her body if
my hand would pass through.

"Does ghost pass through walls and stuffs?" I asked

"Stop with those nonsense and focus on the plan you stupid ass teacher!" She said
angrily while releasing a super deadly aura.

"Okay okay" I said looking like a dog getting scolded by my owner.

"So what about her heart?" I asked and she facepalmed herself

"She will only die if her heart was stabbed just like her death when she was still
a human."

"Ahh, I get it" I said feeling my invisible beard

"I'll distract her and you do what you have to do"

"What should I do?" I asked

"To stab her at the heart you stupid buttface ugly teacher!!" She said pissed off.

"Okay okay." I said "I have a question"

"What is it this time?" She said looking more pissed

"Isn't she your best friend? would it be okay for you to make me kill her?" I asked
that made her expression softened.

"Its better to kill her before she kill everyone else, she killed everyone in this
town already. I don't want her to kill all humans"

"What?! Everyone's dead?! How?!" I asked. How can she kill everyone else?

"There's a storm right? She made it more strong that caused a great flood and
destroyed all houses"

"Oh god" I said covering my face "my Mother is gone too?" I asked and she nodded

"Everyone is dead"

Those words of her made me rage. I would gladly kill yoo ma with my own hands.

I'll never forgive that demon...


This chappie became a bit comedy because of young ji.Forgive her behaviour because
its been a while since the last time she talked to a human, So she got excited.

Stay awesome guys!The end is near!


Chappie 19


Decided to update right away :D

Ah reum's POV

We were searching for yoo ma in the hallway where I heard a faint scream.

"Did you hear that?" I asked young ji

"No" she said with no interest

I hushed her so we stopped from walking and remained silent.

"Help!" Were finally able to hear it loud and clear.

"Its yebin!" I yelled

"Yebin-what?" I immediately dragged her and followed the sound.

After running through the hallway skipping the dead bodies scattered everywhere,
the sound lead us to a room.

"Are you sure this is the place? This is the restroom ya know" she said

"Then we should check it" i said as i grab the door knob and slowly twisted it.

I opened the door, there's nothing in there but darkness.

"Hey, turn the flashlight on" I said to young ji

"How?" She said studying the weird looking flashlight.

I snatched it away from her hands

"Geez, you're just dead for a year, it's the same model." I said as I turned it on.

"Well duh! I never had a flashlight before! I just used my smartphone" she said
crossing her arms.

I entered the restroom and checked each cubicle.

I opened the last cubicle and saw young ji twitch

"What's wrong?" I asked

"That's where i died" she said pointing the cubicle in front of me.

"How did you die anyway?" I asked that made her look at me with a serious face.

"Well, its a long story"

"Tell me please, since the cops said that its a suicide they never investigated" I
remarked "i want to know... I just remembered, yoo ma dragged me in the computer
room violently saying that there's a video of you being tortured by your
classmates. Is it true?"

"Yes, they killed me." She said with angered eyes "but doing revenge didn't even
cross my mind"

She started explaining what happened and i gasped as I heard each word she said.

"Its so gore! You mean the video is only the half of everything they did to you?!"

"Yes,that's true. They did all the worst thing they could possibly do" her eyes got
a little teary

"Amazing" I said with awe "so ghosts can cry too?"

She smacked my head downwards "I'm being serious here!!"

"Sorry sorry" I apologized

"Let's go! There's nothing in here" she was about to go out but the door slammed

"What?" She tried to open it but its jammed. She stopped for a second "its yoo
ma... I can feel her prescence somewhere"

I went in front of the cubicle where young ji died and pointed at the toilet

"The sound is coming from the toilet" young ji went beside me and looked at the
toilet. We stared at it closely and heard a faint sound.

"Help!" We both heard and looked at the mirror behind us and young ji punched me
again at the head
"Its coming from the mirror! you stupid ass teacher!" She said with anger and
walked near the mirror and touched it.

Her hand passed through."There's a passageway here, let's go, buttface" she said as
she dragged me and jumped inside the mirror

Everything became black and void I can't see anything.

"Hey! Where are you? I cant see you" my voice echoed harmoniously. No one replied.
There's no one here but me.

My aching head made me unconscious again.


I woke up in a hallway.

And to my surprise,

Everyone's there,

My students, the teachers.

"Good morning teacher ah reum" they greeted me and continued walking

"What?" I asked. I'm just in the restroom a while ago, how did I end up here. More
importantly, why are they alive? They all died, right?

"Ahh, there you are!" A voice from behind called out so I turned around. "Seol ri?"

"Yebin is waiting at the nursery room. Its time for you to tutor her" she said as
she taps my back "Class is starting, I better go now" and she started to run .

"Hey!!!" I yelled and seol ri stopped and looked at me

"What?!" She yelled too

"No running in the hallway!!"

I yelled much louder. And she bowed and walked away steeply.
I smiled because I get to see them again "this isn't so bad after all" I started
walking "I guess I was just dreaming" I skipped like a kid and reached the nursery

I opened the door to see yebin playing with her stuffed toy.

"Yebin, stop playing. Its time to study" i smiled thinly.

"Okay teacher" she smiled too and sat on the chair and placed her teddy bear on the
table in front of her.

"So were going to study about numbers today,okay?" I sat down too and placed a tons
of books on the table. "Are you ready?" I asked

"Yeah!" She said happily and took a pencil from her bag.

She started writing at her notebook while I'm just smiling to see a happy yebin.

"Write all the numbers from 1-100 okay" I smiled and she nodded.

I looked outside and the sun is brightly shining. Birds are fluttering around the

I looked at the calendar hanged on the wall, and its Sunday today.

I'm so into the weather today that I forgot to check yebin if she's doing it right.
I looked at her and asked "are you finished?"

"Yeah!" She smiled happily and gave me her notebook for me to check it.

Instead of seeing numbers from 1 to 100, I just saw two words.....

"Having fun?"

My eyes can't believe what I just saw. I dropped the notebook and looked at yebin.

"Yebin?" I asked.

Yebin is again with crimson red eyes and has pointy teeth.
She laughed hoarsely again."I would like to take a bite of you" she said and
crawled on the table and i stood up and took the pen in my pocket and pointed at
her and she laughed.

"You're gonna kill me with that pen?" She laughed and stopped from crawling.

I heard Young ji's voice in my mind. "Her heart"

From hearing those words I was about to stab her but she jumped and landed on top
of me making me land on the floor.

She tried to bite my shoulder again. But she's now bleeding.

I stab her at the heart.

I moaned as I felt her blood flow at me. I pushed her body so I can stand up.

"This is not happening, this is just a dream" I tried to convince myself. I ran
towards the door and opened it.

I went outside of the nursery room.


I'm at the hallway again, dead bodies everywhere. The storm is strong as ever.
Darkness everywhere....

"No..." I cried "this isn't true!"

I yelled that echoed through out the hallway.

I felt a kick from my back that made me fall on the ground

"You're a loud bloody irritaring teacher" just by hearing those rude words i
already know who it is. "Keep quiet will ya!"

I stood up and wiped my tears.

"Y-yo-" i walked towards her.

"Whats wrong with you?" She asked confused

"Young ji!!!!!" I hugged her and cried. I wiped my face at her clothes.

"Eww! Dont wipe your snot there!" She pushed me but im totally stuck to her.

"Young ji!!!" I cried again.

"What are you? A kid?" She pushed me again but I'm not letting go.

"Get the hell off me you freaking crybaby!!!" She yelled as she punched my head
that made me fall off and land on the ground again "if you're just gonna cry then I
might as well kill you." She said releasing black aura.

"I'm sorry" I said suppressing my tears.

"Hurry and get the hell up, we're gonna go back to the restroom" she started
walking and I stood up and walked too

"What happened? I woke up at the hallway and every body is there and-" she
interrupted me

"I already know everything, i cant believe you fell for that trick. Didnt you
notice the suspicious things?!" She yelled. What suspicious things? I didnt notice

"What are those?" I asked and she planted her palm on her face.

"You looked at the calendar right?" She asked that made me remember what I did

"Oh yeah! I looked at the calendar!" I said

"And?" She said looking at me

"And what?" I asked

"Are you really sure you're a teacher?!" She yelled angrily."Its freaking Sunday!
Who would go to school at Sunday, you stupid ass teacher!"

"Oh yeah! Its Sunday!" I smiled looking like an airhead.

"Anyway, why are we going back to the restroom?"

"To pass through the mirror again, we made a mistake to enter it quickly so we
ended back here."

"What should we do?"

"One person at a time, i'll enter first then you follow" she said as we reached the
door of the restroom.

"Okay" i said raging. I cant wait to kill yoo ma.

I twisted the doorknob and opened it slowly.

And to our surprise.

Yoo ma is standing there waiting for us.

"What took you so long?" She asked smiling ominously as she points the broken shard
shes holding to me.

I don't have any weapon.

What should I do?!



What should ah reum do?Tell me :D

Anyway, should I tell you guys how young ji died? :)

Young ji and Ah reum's relationship kinda reminds me about yoo ma and young ji.
ya'know, yoo ma is so cold towards young ji and young ji is clingy and a crybaby.
Just sharing. :)


Chappie 20

I'm a baby octopus...What?Never seen an octopus before?!

Ah reum's POV

Waiting for us beyond this door was yoo ma, holding a weapon ready to kill me. What
should I do in this situation?

I looked at young ji and she's pointing her heart telling me to stab it. But how? I
don't have any weapon with me...

I grabbed young ji and started to run.

"What the hell are you doing? She's right there!" She yelled at me and we both
looked behind us.

Black smokes or kinda like something black (ugh! I can't describe its appearance)

The smokes are following us like hell fast.

"Hey! Do something about this!" I yelled at young ji.

"Okay okay" she threw something at the smokes and they stopped and looked at what
she threw.

"Run faster!" She yelled so I ran faster.

All of a sudden the hallway where the black spirits are located exploded.

"What the hell?! What did you threw at them?" I asked.

"A grenade" she said as she showed me her collections of grenade behind her

"Huh?!?! Why are you carrying a buttload of grenades?!"

"Duh! In case of emergency I would just throw grenades at their faces" I facepalmed
myself because im with a total idiot.

"What's the plan now?" I asked still running

"Her heart! Find a weapon first!" I looked near the window to see a screwdriver and
went near it and accidentally stepped on a corpse that made my shoes slimy and
gross. I immediately grabbed the screwdriver and continued running

"Now what!?" I asked

"Go back to yoo ma" she said as she looked behind us.

"Ugh... There's no hallway there anymore, how should I go back"

We stopped from running and stared at each other.

"Damn it! I should've just kill those black things with my gun"

She took out guns and rifles out of her clothes.

"You idiot" I said releasing black aura "you should've told me you had a gun, do
you know what I've been through just to get that screwdriver?"

"Hey. Forget about that, here" she threw the rifle at me and landed on my face and
then fell on my hands.

"Thanks" I smiled thinly.

"No problem, that's an M4 by the way. Be careful handling that gun" she said then
gave me two pistols and extra ammo and also three grenades.

"Umm. I'm just going to kill yoo ma not joining a war" I said as I hang the
grenades and ammos on my belt and placed the two pistols in my pocket.

"The two pistols only have nine bullets, 18 in total. Use the grenade only if the
black flying things appear" she lectured me all about the guns,

"Where did you learn these things, anyway. Youre just a student" i said and she

"Hehe, I studied COD" She said

"What's COD?" I asked. I never heard of that training camp.

"Duh! That game is so famous around the world, never heard of it? Its Call of Duty"
she said happily "I remembered when my mission is to save the president but
instead, I killed him. Oh how I love to remember those memories"
"Ugh, Enough. Let's go kill yoo ma already" I continued walking and she followed
"by the way, can yoo ma see you?"

"No, she cant see me because I don't want her to see me and I don't want anyone to
see me"

"Okay.... Let's go to the school ground prepare for battle" i said

"Sir yes sir!" She said like a soldier

"And also I'm a woman, don't call me sir" I corrected her.

"Yeah Yeah, hurry up will ya" she said pushing me.

We're walking at the hallway because that's what we've been doing since I appeared
in this story.

I've been thinking how to use a gun, I once handled a gun but only a pistol. How
should i do that.

"Were here" youngji said and I looked around. We're already here at the main
ground. Its wide and spacious, perfect for a battle.

"How do I get yoo ma to come here?" I looked at young ji.

"No need, she's already here" she said and I looked at where she's looking.

Yoo ma is sitting on top of a car, inside the car is yebin tied and sound asleep.

"I see you have found where yebin is located" yoo ma said smiling thinly

"Not really, I never thought that she's actually here" i whispered to young ji.

"So, mere human. What do you want to do now?" Yoo ma asked.

I just noticed that black smokes are hovering around yoo ma making her look like a
demon. Well, she is actually a demon.

"Kill you and save yebin" I said raging.

"Kill me?" She asked and suddenly laughed. "I would like to see you try"

I aimed the rifle at her and getting ready to shoot but young ji kicked my butt
again making me fall on the ground.

"Stupid! If you shoot now you might kill that yebin too!" She scolded me. Yoo ma
just stared at me confused on how I ended up on the ground, she can only see me.

I stood up and yelled at yoo ma "hey yoo ma! Come here and fight like a woman!
Without using your demon powers! You coward!" I think I just dug my own grave by
yelling those words. Yoo ma raged, her eyes turned red and her black spirits became
huge as hell.

"You stupid idiot. Now you deal with her" young ji said.

"H-hey! I said no powers!" But as I said those words she's already in front of me
and stabbed me at my arm.

"I'm going to kill you slowly until you die." she looked at my eyes with those red
eyes of her. Its like I'm looking at hell.

I ran away from her and yelled again "Im gonna kill you so hard you'll die to
death!" I aimed my rifle at her and shoots.

"Ugh!" She moaned. I shot her! Yay! She fell on her knees.

"I won!" I yelled happily

"Just kidding" yoo ma smiled and teleported again behind me and stabbed my other

"You should keep in mind that I'm immortal. Know your place, Human" she kicked me
that made me flew across the place.

My body is again shaking in pain. No, not this feeling again. The feeling that
you're gonna die any moment.

'I must save yebin first before i die.'

I stood up and aimed the rifle at her and shoots endlessly at her

"Die!!" I yelled. There's no more bullet so I reloaded it and shoots again at her.
"How foolish" she said and pointed her hand at me and the black smokes flew towards
me fast.

I tried to run but they already captured me. The black things surrounded my body
making me restrained and unable to move, they took my rifle and crushed it just by
surrounding it.

I'm afraid that they might crush me too.

"Well well. What do you want to do now?" Yoo ma asked.

"Kill you and save yebin!!" I yelled but I think I'm not able to do those things,
the black spirits are slowly crushing my body.

"Tsk tsk. You stubborn human, you can't kill me nor save yebin' she smiled and
looked at the car. Just by staring at it, the car is already burning with fire.

"!! Yebin!!!" I cried, every time I speak the black things tightens their
grip making me crushed.

"Its too late now, she's dead" yoo ma smiled ominously. "Now, what do you want to
do?" She asked again but I didn't answered her question because my emotions are
dominant. My little yebin died because she killed her.

I gave up...

What's the point? My purpose to kill yoo ma is to save yebin. Now that yebin is
dead I am nothing now. I should just die, yes that's right, I'll just die here.

"Do you still want to live?" Yoo ma asked with firing eyes and with an evil smile.

"Yes... Kill me already" I said with no emotions.

"Okay, as you wish" she smiled as she held the shard on her right hand. And slowly
walked towards me smiling like a demon.

"Yoo ma" I said that made her stop

"What?" She asked angry because i interrupted her from killing me.

"Young ji hates you" i smiled that made her more angry

"Young ji will never hate me! She wants me to kill everyone who made fun of her
until she died! She will never hate me! Never!" She snapped and became more crazy.

Fire started to eat the whole school because of her power.

The storm stopped making the fire spread faster.

"You!! You should just die!!" She said and i felt the black spirits tightened their
grip crushing my body.

"Yoo ma" young ji said and showed herself to yoo ma making her shocked.

"Y-young ji... Its you" she hugged young ji and laughed "I'm so happy to see you
again, do you know how much I missed you? I'm doing these for you-" she got cut by
young ji saying


"What? Young ji? I'm doing these for you! Can't you see? I'm avenging your death!"
She explained, her mixed emotions made the black smoke out of control and dropped

I coughed and coughed inhaling the smokes from the burning buildings.

"Teacher ah reum!" I heard yebin called.

"Yebin?" I looked at her safe and sound not a single scratch on her.

She ran towards me and hugged me

"How?" I asked, she died in that car right?

"A girl saved me, she said I should help you escape this school because its already
surrounded in flames" she said dragging me.

"Wait, young ji!" I looked at her.

"Dont worry ah reum, i'll handle this... Thank you for your help" she smiled at me
like shes saying goodbye forever.

I took my last glance at them and saw yoo ma on her knees crying and yelling.
Young ji is holding the shard that yoo ma used to cut everyone's wrists and thighs.

I ran dragging yebin with me.

We went through a burning hallway and saw all the corpses burning and withered to

"Where should we go now, teacher" yebin hides behind me.

"Dont worry, we'll find a way" we ran far from the hallway and went through the

My body is already weak, i cant go on anymore.

The fire has spread everywhere.

There are nothing else to see but red flaming fire blazing from their dead bodies.

"Teacher! I can see the exit!" Yebin dragged me but i fell on the ground. "Teacher?
Whats wrong?"

"Yebin" i said. I noticed a bite mark at her neck "whats with your neck?" She
touched it.

"The girl bit me... She said that i should grow up to become powerful" She said

I was surprised. Damn that yoo ma... Giving her curse to an innocent child is the

"Anyway... Yebin, I forgot my books at the classroom, i'll just go and get it" i
said crying and forcing a smile.

"Teacher? Its burning back there..." She said still clueless

"If i dont get those books, what would i teach you? Go now... Always remember,
don't talk to strangers when you go out okay? I love you, yebin" she nodded and

"And if you see a police go and tell them that your teacher just took all the books
and will be back in a moment" My tears cant stop from flowing. My body is telling
me to just lay on the ground. I'm dying...
"Okay" yebin said as she stood up too "be careful teacher, hurry up and take your
books so you can teach me tomorrow" she said as she ran towards the exit.

Im watching her run to escape this school. Ahh, what would she look like when she
grew up. I want to watch her grow. I want be with her. I want to tell her that
teacher really really loves her. There's so much things I want to do. My tears are
endless. I can't move anymore.

I'm slowly closing my eyes remembering all the happy memories. The fire is already
here besides me.

Im glad i died without regrets, I saved yebin.. And that's all I wanted to do...

"Goodbye Yebin" those are my last words...

Author's POV

Yebin ran and ran until she reached the school gate.

She looked at the road and saw firetrucks and policemen from the other town.

"Hey! There's a kid here!" One of the cops yelled and went to yebin and covered her
with a huge blanket and made her sit inside the ambulance.

"Are you alone?" A police asked.

"No, my teacher said that she'll be back, she just went back to take her books so
she can teach me tomorrow" Yebin smiled. The police already know why the teacher
said that and knows that she's already dead.

"Umm... Kid, you're teacher is already dead" the police tried to say it with
sincerity to make yebin less lonely.

"No no, she's just going to take her books, she'll be back" yebin said still

The firemen are yelling that took yebin and the police's attention

"We found her at the basement! Hurry and check her pulse!" They said carrying a
woman bridal style.

Yebin is shocked to see ah reum. Half of her body is already burned.

"Teacher!" She yelled and ran towards her.

They place her body inside the ambulance and checked everything.

"Teacher! Hey! Wake up!" Yebin yelled. The police just watched yebin yell and cry.

"Poor kid" he whispered to himself.

The firetrucks extinguished the fires and went inside along with the cops.

The doctor noticed yebin crying "I'm sorry kid, she's gone now." He tapped her head
and left the two of them alone.

"Teacher, you said youre just gonna get your books! You lied to me!" She cried on
top of her lifeless body.

Yebin looked outside to see a fireman carrying a girl with a shard stucked on her

"Check this girl's pulse too! I think she's still alive!" He yelled.

Yebin stared at the doctor as he checked her pulse.

"She's still alive! Hurry and get the oxygen!" The doctor yelled.

Yebin went out from the ambulance and went to the other ambulance where the doctor
and the girl is.

"Hey kid, stay outside. We're doing a-" he got interrupted as yebin pulled out the
shard from her heart and continuously stabbing her heart.

"Kid!!! What are you doing!?" The doctor grabbed her hand but yebin yanked his hand
that made the doctor slam at the wall.

"You're a demon!!!" She yelled at the girl getting stabbed endlessly "You killed
everyone and teacher too!" She cried and cried. The girl has no more pulse and

"Kid... What do you mean?" The doctor asked confused but yebin didnt replied
because she's crying.

Yebin went out from the ambulance and went back to where ah reum is.
"Teacher... She's dead now" she whispered.

Yebin watched the firemen carrying corpses of students and teachers. The firemen
placed all the corpses at the ground and covered it with a cloth.

One of the corpses are not covered in cloth.

Yebin stared at that corpse.

Seeing the body covered in cuts and wounds made yebin sick so she just layed
besides ah reum's body and slept

The bite mark on her neck is glowing red.

That means...

Another demon is born.


This is the ending... I hope you don't get disappointed about yebin being a demon
and all.There will be a book 2 and its about yebin.She is growing and becoming more
demon-like.Her story will be the complete opposite of yoo ma's ☺Please wait for the
release of book 2 !

NEEonPink signing out...Bye bye!



Yebin's POV

Its been 10 years after that dreadful incident. The city managed to restore its
beauty and peace again.

New people arrived here in this city and settled down not knowing what happened
They lived their lives peacefully without any threats.

Since I'm the only survivor I'm the only one who witnessed the incidents here. And
knows every secrets this school holds.

I'm already 16, studying at the same school where everything happened. The students
doesn't suspect a thing that there are souls lingering in this building waiting for
the perfect opportunity to haunt them.

Im bitten by a demon...

Which means im also a demon,

I'm experiencing painful sensations everytime I try to refuse using my power.


I was walking towards school after eating lunch in a cafe.

I walked by the riverside and stared at the river flowing endlessly.

"This is where she died, right" i whispered to myself as that memory flashed in my

Ripples formed on the water surface as a raindrop fell on it joining with the fresh

I held out my hand and looked up to see a dark cloudy sky.

Rain started pouring.

I continued walking not caring about the rain.

I entered the classroom soaked in rainwater and everyone is looking at me.

"Look who's here, its the weirdo coming at class soaked" One of my classmates said
and i just ignored her and went straight to my desk and sat on my chair besides the

I wiped myself and brushed my wet hair and tied it into a pony tail.

"Hey yebin" my friend called out and i looked at her.

"Can you come with me shopping after class for chocolates?" She pouted begging me.

"Chocolate? What for?" I asked clueless while im writing on my notebook.

"Hello?" She waved her hand in front of my face "its valentines tomorrow!" She said
that made me stop from writing and looked at her surprised.

"What? Did you forget because of your stupidness?" She laughed.

"What day is it?" I asked with a panicking tone.

"Huh? What's wrong?" She asked confused of me panicking.

"Its February 13" she said and my jaw dropped and looked outside of the window to
see a huge dark cloud nearing our school.

"We need to get out of here" i mumbled.

"What? I didnt hear you" She said leaning her ear near me.

"We need to get out of here!" I said and made my voice more louder that took
everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry, sorry. Shes just exhausted, please dont mind us" my friend calmed them
and returned to their own business.

"What are you talking about? You're freaking me out yebin" she stuttered

"Im telling you we should get out of here before its too lat-" my sentence got cut
by the power turning off. Blackout.

"Ehh? a black out?! I haven't charged my phone yet" my classmate said waving her
phone. "Ehh? theres no signal?"

I stared in horror as the scenes ten years ago occurred again.

The storm started and rained heavily. I grabbed my friend's hand and dragged her
out of the class room but she yanked my hand.

"What are you doing yebin?! Class is starting" she said as she took a step back.
"You don't understand! We need to go!" It was just then I realized a tear running
down my cheeks.

My friend, horrified by my action ran back to the classroom and decided to stay.

"No... Youre all going to die" i whispered in fear.

I wasted my time standing in front of the classroom.

"Ms. Yebin? What are you doing? Class is starting" a teacher said.

I ran away from the teacher and went pass through the classroom.

An image flashed in my mind.

The hallway... Filled with dead bodies and darkness and silence stretched out. I
shook my head to stop me from remembering those scenes.

I ran and ran and finally reached the exit.

But as I got outside....

Screams and unusual sounds echoed inside the school.

Students screaming for help.

I can't leave them here....

I should do something that teacher ah reum did to save me...

Without thinking twice I once again entered the school and the door behind me
slammed shut and i heard a laughing voice echoed in the hallway.

Its her voice....

"Nice to see you again...Yoo ma" I said gritting my teeth.

She laughed and said something to me "I see that you have grown into a fine lady."
She said staring at me. "I want to see you use the powers I gave you" she said and
disappeared into thin air.
She returned just to see me, huh. I'll show her my vengeance...


This Book will be Published

Hello everyone!

The title says it all :)

"Revenge of a Dead Girl" is getting published under the "APeach" book publishing
company. I got a messaged from them yesterday saying that they want it and they
already hired an editor to edit this book and I already sent them a soft copy of
this story.

It all happened because you guys supported me until the end of this book and I'm
really happy about it.

Please buy my book if ever you see it on one of the bookstores in your place :)

But I just have to ask you guys first...

Are you happy about it?


You shouldn't because its not true :D

Happy April fools day! Haha!

Did I get you? Sorry I'm such a jerk.

I'm just gonna bid my farewell to my readers because I won't be updating anymore...

Just kidding. Just gonna advertise myself :)

Shameful self promotion coming in 3...2..1

Kindly go to my profile and click "Follow" before reading my other works :)

I appreciate it :)


I was just stalking all of the people who were reading and commenting on this story
and I just saw, many of them has a story that has the same plot as this one, as in
they're veeerryyy identical, Yoo ma is even in their story.

As a writer I felt happy that some of them are using my story as an inspiration but
I won't acknowledge them using my own story without my permission. Basically,
they're stealing my ideas, not that I don't like it but I don't like it since that
is my own story and plot. If you want to make another story out of this one then
please ask for my permission first and give the rightful credits or copyright or
whatever it's called to me.

Thats all thank you :)

I love you guys!!

IG: @ainee_chan


Author's Note


As you can see,

The first story of the series "Playing Demons" ended, and I'm going to publish a
2nd book which is the story about yebin...

Also, I want to say sorry because this book is poorly written, and has a lot of
typos and wrong grammars [Blame auto correct for all of that] I'm just so happy
that you're still here reading this lame author's note.

How's my story? Is it good?

Did I make you cringe on how awful it is XD sorry.

Well anyway, as I was saying. This Book is poorly written because I wrote this just
for fun and planned the story plot without even elaborating the ideas about it and
was just YOLO-ing all the way, I didn't edited the typos because I thought that
this would only have 4 or 5 reads.

Seriously, I literally have no idea that this would grab a lot of attention and
reads and this piece of sheep book even ranked in the top 50 and I was like

I still remember the day how I jumped and rolled on my bed when this reached 1k
reads, I was extremely happy just by that but now that this book gained more reads
I was more than happy.


Seriously... Thank you guys.

I hope this book will inspire you to write your own story and share it with
everyone else.

That's all :)

Bye bye everyone.


Book two


The second book is already released! Yay!

If you want to continue and finish the "Playing Demons" series then check it out.

Go to my profile and look for it, it's entitled "Playing as a Demon"

I don't have any talent in making story titles so I just mindlessly picked the name
of the series and add "as a" at the middle if you haven't noticed XD

Well anyway, I already squeezed my brain for a more interesting plot so I think
it's gonna be okay than this? I guess...
Revenge of a a Dead Girl officially ended from 2/14/15 to 4/1/15.

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