Critical Examination of Recycled Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Ash (Monroy-USA-2019)

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Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

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Critical examination of recycled municipal solid waste incineration ash as a T

mineral source for portland cement manufacture – A case study
Linda Monroy Sarmientoa, Kyle A. Claviera, Jerry M. Parisb, Christopher C. Ferrarob,

Timothy G. Townsenda,
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, PO Box 116450, Gainesville,
FL 32611-6450, USA
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, P.O. Box 116580, Gainesville, FL
32611-6450, USA


Keywords: Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) ash has the potential to be used as mineral feed for portland cement
Recycling manufacture but is not currently used in this manner in much of the world. A scoping study was performed using
Beneficial use samples and data from Florida, US, to assess the potential magnitude of material that may be recycled to create a
Cement viable clinker. Results indicate that MSWI ash possesses the elemental ingredients to serve as a partial kiln feed
replacement. Large amounts of MSWI can be used based on mineralogy alone, but chloride and alkali content
limitations decrease allowable replacement amounts, especially for fly ash. Average allowable replacement
Ash percentages that did not exceed standard chloride and alkali limits were 6.4%, 0.33%, and 1.17% for bottom ash,
fly ash and combined ash, respectively. MSWI bottom ash may be the preferred material stream in the absence of
pre-processing techniques such as washing. The scoping study found that available MSWI ash could supply a
large amount of the current kiln feed demand, and a feasibility and cost assessment supports that both MSWI
facility and cement kiln operators have justification to pursue this technology with more detailed evaluations.

1. Introduction originally present in the waste (Oehmig et al., 2015), and while the
characteristics of bottom ash and fly ash differ, in general MSWI ash is
Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation in the United States has composed in its majority by calcium, aluminum, iron, and silica
been steadily increasing over the last 30 years based on data reported (Kikuchi, 2001; Lam et al., 2011; Saikia et al., 2006; Shih et al., 2003).
by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), reaching over Trace elements such as arsenic, copper, lead and zinc are also present in
235 million metric tons in 2015 (USEPA, 2015). MSW incineration the ash, with larger concentrations often present in the fly ash
(MSWI) serves as an important management technology that results in a (Siddique, 2010).
reduction of up to 90% waste volume and provides the opportunity for Though mainly disposed of by landfilling in the US (Oehmig et al.,
energy generation and materials recovery (Wiles, 1996). The preferred 2015), several studies have evaluated alternative applications for MSWI
management option of many European and Asian nations (Saikia et al., ash such aggregate substitution in asphalt pavement or portland cement
2007), MSWI accounts only for around 13% of the MSW managed in the concrete mixes, granular base in road construction, or fill material
US (USEPA, 2015). The ash produced from MSWI must be properly (Ferraro et al., 2016; Olsson et al., 2006; Roessler et al., 2016, 2015;
managed. Schafer et al., 2018; Siddique, 2010; Wiles, 1996). Another potential
MSWI ash is classified into two types: bottom ash, which mostly MSWI ash recycling opportunity is the manufacture of portland cement
corresponds to unburnt material retained on the grates of the com- clinker (Clavier et al., 2019; Krammart and Tangtermsirikul, 2004; Lam
bustion chamber, and fly ash, a finer material collected by the air et al., 2011, 2010; Saikia et al., 2007). Portland cement clinker is
pollution control system. Many facilities in the US combine bottom and produced by the high temperature reaction of calcium, aluminum, iron
fly ash at a ratio of approximately 80% bottom ash and 20% fly ash to and silica oxides (Lam et al., 2011), creating four major mineral phases:
obtain a product known as combined ash. MSWI ash contains con- alite (tricalcium silicate, Ca3SiO5, commonly referred to as C3S), belite
taminants of potential concern (COPC) at higher concentrations than (dicalcium silicate, Ca2SiO4 or C2S), aluminate (tricalcium aluminate,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T.G. Townsend).
Received 2 March 2019; Received in revised form 30 April 2019; Accepted 1 May 2019
0921-3449/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
L.M. Sarmiento, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

Ca3Al2O6 or C3A), and ferrite (tetracalcium alumino ferrite, which this material may be introduced into cement kilns based on the
Ca4Al2Fe2O10 or C4AF) (Taylor, 1997). The elements necessary to create discussed constraints. Our objective in this scoping study was to provide
clinker are provided by mined materials such as limestone, sand, and a critical examination of the potential use of MSWI ash generation for
clay, as well as industrial wastes such as mixed coal ash, waste glass, or cement production based on mineralogy and chloride and alkali con-
steelmaking byproducts (Carvalho et al., 2017; Schneider et al., 2011; tent. Florida, US serves as a case study; of the 77 MSWI facilities active
Shi and Zheng, 2007). As waste materials are already used frequently in in the US in 2016, 11 are located in Florida (the most in any US state)
cement production worldwide, the high content of calcium oxide (re- (Michaels and Shiang, 2016) as well as six cement kilns, thus providing
ferred to as C in cement chemistry), aluminum oxide (A), iron oxide (F), a valuable opportunity to assess the feasibility of cement production
and silica oxides (S) in MSWI ash makes it another potentially viable from MSWI ash. Ash samples were evaluated based on their chemical
replacement or complement to traditional cement raw materials (Saikia composition and calculated clinker mineral phases without exceeding
et al., 2007). standard chloride and alkali limits established by American Concrete
Full-scale application of MSWI ash for use as a cement kiln feed has Institute (ACI) 318 (ACI, 2014) and American Society of Testing and
been limited, such as “eco-cement” produced in Japan (Ampadu and Materials (ASTM) C150 (ASTM, 2015a,b). An economic and materials
Torii, 2001), or it is known to be incorporated into cement production flow assessment was also performed to evaluate the financial implica-
at select kilns, mostly in Asian countries. Several related research stu- tions of implementing this practice. Our study does not purport that the
dies focused on using different ashes at varying replacement percen- grab samples of MSWI ash used herein are sufficient to characterize
tages have been pursued. One such study found that up to 1.75% and MSWI ash as a whole, but rather this research provides a means to
3.50% fly ash and bottom ash, respectively, is capable of creating viable screen a diverse region of MSWI ash for its viability as a clinker additive
clinker (Pan et al., 2008). Other studies have demonstrated acceptable in order to justify whether further exploration of this recycling oppor-
bottom ash replacement below 3%–6% of raw materials with no sig- tunity is warranted.
nificant changes in cement composition compared to controls (Clavier
et al., 2019; Lam et al., 2011; Shih et al., 2003). Most of these studies 2. Materials and methods
produced viable clinkers by pre-selecting replacement percentages most
often in the range of 1–10% (rather than attempting to use the max- 2.1. MSWI ash collection
imum amount of MSWI ash possible), and though results of previous
work demonstrate that MSWI has the chemical makeup to produce a Samples of MSWI fly, bottom, and combined ash were obtained
viable clinker, several issues must be overcome. from nine different facilities in Florida either as they were produced
Multiple authors have reported that MSWI bottom ash replacement (referred to as fresh samples) or from stockpiles weathered outdoors for
percentages as low as 3% cause a decrease in critical variables influ- different periods of time (referred to as aged samples). Combining
encing cement production and performance, such as lime saturation MSWI bottom ash and fly ash (to create combined ash) is a standard
factor (LSF), hydraulic modulus (HM) and compressive strength; in- practice in the US, largely in response to US hazardous waste char-
creased ash addition results in weak hydraulic activity for strength acterization requirements. This combination is approximately 80%
development and insufficient CaO content (Krammart and bottom ash and 20% fly ash, but will vary slightly depending on the
Tangtermsirikul, 2004; Shih et al., 2003). The use of MSWI fly ash in facility operations, ash conditions, and air pollution control chemical
cement production has a similar impact (Lam et al., 2011; Wu et al., addition (Intrakamhaeng et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019). For the purposes
2011). The use of MSWI ash in cement production is also associated of this study, the large amount of combined ash samples (of composi-
with increased trace metal content in clinkers and cements or stack tion reflecting normal operating conditions) from around the state
emissions (Saikia et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2011). provide a means to assess the feasibility of combined ash incorporation
However, perhaps the most important limiting factor for cement pro- in cement production for a variety of combined ash compositions in the
duction using MSWI ash, especially fly ash (Guo et al., 2016; Hartmann standard form of disposal (requiring no changes in standard facility
et al., 2015), is the presence of chlorides and alkalis; these constituents operating procedures).
have negative reactions in the kiln that affect the clinkerization process. The carbonation process that ash experiences when exposed to the
Chloride and alkali from MSWI ash incorporation into cement are atmosphere affects the mobility of different inorganic elements (Ai
known to negatively impact clinker formation and cement behavior et al., 2019; Roessler et al., 2016; Van Gerven et al., 2005). Due to the
(Ampadu and Torii, 2001; Lam et al., 2011; Saikia et al., 2007), and ash processing practices of some facilities (metals recovery, particle size
have been cited as the limiting factor for MSWI ash incorporation into separation) it was possible to obtain ash of different particle sizes. In
cement (Pan et al., 2008). Furthermore, leached chloride from clinker every case, the samples were placed in 19-L HDPE buckets and trans-
with high percentages of MSWI ash is elevated due to the content ori- ported to the lab and hand-mixed on a clean, dry, impermeable surface
ginally present in the ash (Kikuchi, 2001). Multiple studies have sug- to obtain a homogeneous representation of the ash collected at each
gested that chloride should be controlled for if MSWI ash is to be used facility prior to analysis.
in full scale production, such as fixation in minerals or ash pre-treat-
ment such as washing (Kikuchi, 2001; Lam et al., 2011; Saikia et al., 2.2. MSWI ash characterization
2007). In the US, chloride and alkali concentrations in cement and
concrete are strictly controlled (ACI, 2014; ASTM, 2015a,b), and would The as-received moisture content of each sample was measured
likely be the limiting factor for MSWI ash incorporation into cement. upon delivery to the laboratory; for samples with moisture content
Beyond issues associated with lower strength, insufficient mineral greater than 15%, air drying was necessary prior to further analysis
phase formation, or chloride and alkali content, MSWI ash has a highly (high moisture content of the samples complicates particle size and x-
variable composition, and though multiple studies support that MSWI ray analysis). Subsequent to drying, the MSWI ash was size reduced
ash can be used to form a viable clinker, in practice the ash would need until 85% of the sample passed a 4.75 mm sieve. Particle size dis-
to be incorporated into a mix design that accounts for the differing tribution for each of the samples was determined with a Horiba LA-950
chemical compositions of locally available mineral sources. Laser Particle Analyzer. Elemental oxide composition of all ashes was
Furthermore, while technical feasibility of using MSWI ash for cement determined using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), while total en-
must of course be assessed, cost and logistical feasibility must also be vironmentally available concentration of elements was determined ac-
considered. MSWI ash incorporation into cement is not practiced in the cording to USEPA Method 3051A (USEPA, 2007) followed by analysis
US, and thus to understand how this technology might be applied in a by using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
US context, a screening study was conducted to establish the scale to (ICP-AES). These total concentrations were compared to Florida Soil

L.M. Sarmiento, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

Cleanup Target Levels (SCTL), a risk-based threshold for land applied compared to coal ash will highlight elements of potential concern from
materials in residential or commercial/industrial applications, as a an environmental risk assessment perspective. Elemental oxide com-
comparative metric to screen elements of potential concern. Elements position differences will provide insights in to how MSWI ash may be a
were screened by comparison to coal ash and other MSWI ash samples. chemically feasible substitute from a compositional perspective.
A true risk assessment would involve evaluation of product-specific uses Though MSWI ash is not meant to replace any one material for cement
and constraints, and site-specific parameters such as potential exposure, production (but rather a portion of all materials necessary to create a
hydrogeology, and institutional and engineering controls. Natural pH of suitable composition), highlighting differences in elemental oxide
the ash samples was determined after mixing the ash with reagent composition provides context for how MSWI ash might provide the
water at a liquid to solid ratio of 10 and rotating for 48–72 h. necessary elements for cement production compared to traditionally
used materials. To accomplish this, a t-test was used for normally dis-
2.3. Feasibility assessment tributed samples and a Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for non-nor-
mally distributed samples. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess the
An MSWI ash-amended cement raw mix was calculated and com- normality of the sample distribution. Significant differences were
pared against a typical raw mix (no MSWI ash addition) used by a ce- identified when the “P” value was less than or equal to 0.05, corre-
ment manufacturer in Florida, US; if the ashes in this study were to be sponding to a confidence level of 95%.
used for cement manufacture, that cement would be compared to a
typical cement produced in a local kiln. Theoretical clinker composi- 3. Results and discussion
tions were calculated based on the chemical composition of the raw
materials, as well as quality constraints for alumina ratio (AR), silica 3.1. MSWI ash characterization
ratio (SR), and LSF according to typical values of portland cement from
previous studies; the mean values of the ranges typically reported were 3.1.1. Elemental characterization
used in this study (Lam et al., 2010, 2011). Initially, the maximum A description of the types of ash samples used in this study is pre-
addition of MSWI that could be introduced in the kiln was calculated sented in Table S1 in the SI. The samples include fly ash (identified with
based on an expected ash-amended clinker with a mineral composition a letter F at the beginning of the sample name), bottom ash (B) and
comparable to that to portland cement clinker. combined ash (C). The age of the ash is indicated as fresh (identified
To account for solid material that gasifies in the kiln, the ash- with a letter F in the second position of the sample name) or aged (A).
amended raw mixes were simulated assuming loss on ignition (LOI) For example, the first aged fly ash sample obtained was labeled as FA1.
values of 5% and 12% based on the typical low and high values re- The aging process for the ash samples involved placing indiscriminately
ported for MSWI ash (Bethanis et al., 2002; Lynn et al., 2017; Meima large windrowed stockpiles of ash in ambient outdoor conditions for a
et al., 1999; Shim et al., 2003; Siddique, 2010). Chemical composition period of up to 3 months; no other special treatments were applied.
of the limestone, sand, iron, and coal fly ash (used to simulate the local Natural weathering or aging is commonly performed for MSWI ash in a
cement raw mix) were provided by a local cement manufacturer. beneficial use scenario to control the solubility of trace elements such as
Using Bogue’s equations, the approximate mineral phase composi- Cr, Pb, or Mo (Ai et al., 2019; Nilsson et al., 2016). Aging time was
tion of the simulated clinker (amount of C3S, C2S, C3A, and C4AF) was determined based on practical constraints, but no sample was aged
calculated to determine if MSWI ash amended clinkers produce com- fewer than 4 weeks; characteristics of aged ash from this study re-
parable mineral phases to those of traditional portland cement clinker present an ash sample that is aged to a feasible extent by a given MSWI
(Bogue, 1955; Bye, 1999; Lea, 1988; Taylor, 1997). To simplify the facility. Comments regarding particle size separation at the point of
calculations, the amount of kiln dust typically recirculated in the pro- origin prior to obtaining the sample, or any other special remark ob-
cess and amount of coal (used as fuel) absorbed onto the clinker were served during the sampling event, are noted in the Description column
neglected. of Table S1. A total of 23 samples from nine separate facilities were
Mentioned previously, the presence of alkali and chloride in the used in this study: 13 combined ashes (six aged and seven fresh), three
clinker can affect its quality, thus two additional constraints were fly ashes (all fresh), and seven bottom ashes (two aged and five fresh).
added: (i) the raw mixes would meet ASTM C150 standards for alkali Often, multiple samples of the same type of ash were collected from the
content (0.6%), and (ii) the raw mixes would meet ACI 318 standards same facility; for example, CA3 to CA6 all correspond to aged combined
for chloride content in concrete (0.06% chloride). Through the appli- ash from Facility 2 with the difference being the particle size of each
cation of these variables, we are able to screen and evaluate the max- fraction, reflecting different ash conditions leaving the facility (and thus
imum amount of multiple MSWI ash samples with varying compositions variable chemical compositions for size-reduced and sieved materials).
that would be incorporated into cement production. Detailed calcula- Total environmentally available concentration of elements in the
tion results concerning the raw mixes can be found in the MSWI ash samples are shown in Table S2; these values were compared
Supplementary Material (SI). to the typical composition of coal fly and bottom ashes and to the SCTL,
The economic assessment focused on the cost of MSWI ash disposal provided in Table S3. Coal ash is a typical kiln feed ingredient
and the cost of raw material for the production of ordinary portland (Huntzinger and Eatmon, 2009), thus by comparing the MSWI ash
cement and was carried out using information from the ash generators samples composition against that of coal ash, the possible benefits of
regarding current ash generation, as well as information from local substituting MSWI ash as it relates to potential environmental concerns
cement manufacturers and current industry data regarding costs of raw (e.g., changes in air emissions from the cement kiln) are identified.
materials in Florida. Further, SCTL comparisons were used to identify trace elements of
concern and screening whether concentrations higher than coal ash
2.4. Statistical analysis merit any further evaluation.
MSWI samples generally exhibited significantly lower concentration
Statistical tests were used to assess differences between MSWI ash of V than coal fly and bottom ash; the same trend was observed for Be in
types and aged conditions, as well as differences between MSWI ash coal bottom ash and Se and Ba in coal fly ash. All MSWI samples had a
types and those materials commonly used for cement production. The significantly higher concentration of Mo. Higher concentrations of Cu,
study presented here is a critical analysis of the feasibility of the cement Pb, and Sb, were observed in the MSWI combined and bottom ash
production of MSWI ash, and thus a measure of any statistically sig- samples (regardless of their age) than in coal fly ash and bottom ash.
nificant differences between MSWI ash and typical raw materials for This trend is also observed for As, Cu and Sb in MSWI fly ash. Cd in all
cement production is critical. Trace element composition differences MSWI ash, except aged MSWI bottom ash, was higher than coal ash.

L.M. Sarmiento, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

Table 1
Elemental oxide composition of MSWI ash samples. Data obtained using X-Ray Fluorescence technique, with the exception of Cl and SO3 (obtained according to
ASTM C114).
Sample Composition (%)

CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 Cl SO3 MgO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 Cr2O3 ZnO SrO Mn2O3

CA1 38.3 18.8 5.88 4.10 3.27 5.15 1.76 3.07 1.60 1.31 1.44 0.11 1.45 0.08 0.11
CA2 36.2 20.5 5.87 5.24 1.97 3.85 1.65 3.55 1.66 1.14 1.35 0.13 1.32 0.10 0.14
CA3 30.2 23.3 9.57 6.09 3.23 1.69 2.45 3.09 1.29 1.19 1.55 0.10 1.83 0.06 0.15
CA4 32.9 21.6 8.84 3.69 4.41 4.28 2.23 2.67 1.39 1.25 1.79 0.08 1.77 0.04 0.15
CA5 26.7 31.7 8.85 7.26 3.64 3.72 1.89 3.30 1.05 1.14 1.71 0.13 1.43 0.06 0.18
CA6 25.0 33.9 8.13 8.78 3.14 1.91 1.79 4.00 1.06 0.99 1.29 0.19 1.34 0.07 0.16
CF1 35.4 24.9 6.93 4.41 2.25 3.28 1.57 3.15 1.31 1.21 1.33 0.11 1.09 0.10 0.09
CF2 28.7 27.7 8.88 6.32 3.66 3.79 2.08 3.24 1.41 1.18 1.58 0.12 1.16 0.05 0.19
CF3 30.6 29.3 7.14 5.31 3.28 4.87 1.87 2.62 1.20 1.12 1.01 0.14 1.36 0.06 0.12
CF4 24.5 34.9 7.63 8.91 1.92 2.85 2.45 4.08 1.27 0.84 0.82 0.20 1.24 0.11 0.14
CF5 27.5 31.0 5.89 6.83 3.58 3.78 2.81 4.49 1.23 0.92 0.97 0.15 1.71 0.09 0.18
CF6 31.6 31.5 5.15 3.21 3.64 4.17 1.44 3.62 1.42 0.88 1.35 0.16 1.01 0.05 0.09
CF7 24.4 27.8 9.56 10.4 7.72 4.25 2.98 4.05 1.44 0.97 0.89 0.15 1.70 0.05 0.13
FF1 37.4 7.85 2.37 2.23 17.3 8.56 2.18 3.53 2.40 0.55 0.54 0.04 3.08 0.02 0.05
FF2 54.9 3.93 1.51 0.12 8.52 5.54 0.98 3.59 2.37 0.41 0.49 0.14 1.63 0.03 0.03
FF3 34.2 15.6 3.72 1.84 10.5 13.3 5.81 4.65 2.28 0.95 1.11 0.03 2.97 0.02 0.08
BA1 29.5 39.1 8.27 3.41 0.52 1.33 1.52 2.26 0.61 1.31 1.43 0.13 0.83 0.11 0.13
BA2 23.8 43.0 7.30 7.32 0.08 2.33 1.61 3.07 0.82 0.69 0.87 0.15 0.74 0.10 0.14
BF1 27.2 38.9 7.91 7.30 0.69 1.94 1.97 2.22 0.65 1.32 1.09 0.12 0.67 0.06 0.20
BF2 23.2 39.9 11.6 7.85 0.33 2.81 2.07 3.05 0.91 1.23 2.22 0.14 0.71 0.07 0.21
BF3 16.2 50.6 8.84 11.1 0.57 0.97 1.64 5.13 0.87 0.83 1.19 0.13 0.38 0.13 0.15
BF4 23.1 46.3 6.26 4.68 0.86 3.84 1.52 3.18 0.90 1.05 1.86 0.28 0.57 0.06 0.11
BF5 37.6 33.4 5.39 2.64 – – 1.83 2.33 1.02 1.39 1.36 0.14 0.52 0.10 0.11

Care should be given to Cd and Pb, as their presence in cement clinker is for all streams.
known to retard the rate of hydration of cement (Saikia et al., 2007). Further comparison of elements of concern to risk-based screening
Arsenic in the fresh MSWI combined ash and the MSWI bottom ash thresholds indicate that Ba, Cu and Sb concentrations in the MSWI ash
(aged and fresh) samples was significantly lower than coal fly ash, but samples were greater than their corresponding residential SCTLs and,
significantly higher than coal bottom ash; the opposite was true for Ti in furthermore, MSWI fly ash samples exceeded the commercial SCTL for
all MSWI ash samples. Concentrations of Hg were only compared to Sb. All but one MSWI ash sample exhibited As concentrations greater
those in coal fly ash (the high volatility of Hg results in the accumu- than the SCTL, four of which exceeded only the residential level while
lation of this element in coal fly ash, and therefore it is typically not the rest exceeded the commercial level as well. Other elements like Al,
detected in coal bottom ash); concentrations in MSWI combined and fly Cd, Cr, and Ni were also in concentrations exceeding their corre-
ash were significantly higher than those typically observed in coal fly sponding SCTLs but only for some of the MSWI ash samples. As men-
ash. However, Hg concentrations in MSWI bottom ash were consistently tioned earlier, Hg was higher in the MSWI fly ash samples than the rest
on the lower half of the reported range for coal fly ash. As Hg tends to of the samples; however, only FF1 and FF2 showed a concentration of
build up in some kiln operations, potential projects involving the ad- Hg greater than the residential SCTL for this element. Only three
dition of MSWI fly ash or combined ash would need to carefully eval- samples did not exceed the SCTL for Pb, and several also exceeded the
uate the overall Hg balance of the kiln feed materials. Concentrations commercial threshold. Elements found to be both higher in some of the
for other trace elements in the MSWI ash samples can be seen in Table MSWI ash streams than coal ash, and to exceed risk-based SCTLs, in-
S2. The comparisons with coal ash revealed elevated concentrations of cluded Cu, Sb, Pb, and As. Such elevated concentrations do not indicate
Mo, Cu, Pb, Sb, As, and Cd in some streams of MSWI ash compared to that a cement product, or a resulting concrete product, will pose ad-
coal fly ash. ditional risk when using MSWI ash. When used at the replacement
Trace element concentrations were compared among the MSWI ash percentages previously reported in the literature, concentrations of
streams, with special consideration given to those elements that were heavy metals will be greatly reduced in cement and concrete products,
found in higher concentrations than coal ash. MSWI fly ash samples and they should be relatively immobilized in the concrete products. A
showed a significantly higher concentration of As, Cd, Hg, Sb, Se, and more detailed risk assessment will be required as part of the develop-
Sn than the MSWI combined and bottom ash samples used in this study, ment of any specific project. But the screening analysis here does pro-
regardless of the age (fresh or aged ash samples); Cu was significantly vide initial guidance as to the types of elements that may require ad-
lower in the MSWI fly ash samples. The aged MSWI combined ash ditional evaluation, and the sources of MSWI ash (e.g., MSWI fly ash)
samples generally had a similar trace element composition to that of with the greatest potential for elevated risk.
fresh combined ash samples, with the exception of Be which was higher
in the aged samples; the same trend was observed for Ba in bottom ash
samples. All combined MSWI ash samples had a significantly higher 3.1.2. Major oxides
concentration of Sb, Hg, and Cd than the fresh MSWI bottom ash; these XRF results for the MSWI ash samples are shown in Table 1. CaO
elements were also higher in the combined ash samples than in the aged content was typically highest in the MSWI fly ash samples, while SiO2
bottom ash samples, but only Cd in the aged combined ash and Sb in the was significantly higher in MSWI bottom ash samples than any other
fresh combined ash were in significantly higher concentrations than in type. MSWI combined and bottom ash samples showed the highest
the aged bottom ash. Trends observed among ash streams are consistent contents of Al2O3 and Fe2O3. The age of the ash was not found to affect
with the literature (Oehmig et al., 2015) whereby issues with As, Cd the content of the major oxides in the MSWI combined and bottom ash
and Sb mentioned in the previous paragraph are generally associated samples; no significant difference between the aged and fresh samples
with the fly ash stream, while Pb concentrations should be investigated of each type of ash was observed. Though aging of ash certainly impacts
mineral phase formation and solubility of many elements in MSWI ash,

L.M. Sarmiento, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

Table 2
Composition of typical raw materials in Portland cement manufacture including coal bottom ash (Cheriaf et al., 1999; Kula et al., 2002; Kurama et al., 2009;
Martinez-Tarazona and Spears, 1996; Menéndez et al., 2014), coal fly ash (Acar and Atalay, 2013; Chand et al., 2009; Lam et al., 2010; Rafieizonooz et al., 2016;
Sumer, 2012; Żyrkowski et al., 2016), limestone (Chen and Juenger, 2009; Lea, 1988; Pan et al., 2008; Puertas et al., 2008; Siddique, 2010; Tsakiridis et al., 2008),
sand (Chen and Juenger, 2009; Lea, 1988; Pan et al., 2008; Puertas et al., 2008; Siddique, 2010; Tsakiridis et al., 2008), clay (Pan et al., 2008; Puertas et al., 2008;
Tsakiridis et al., 2008), and bauxite (Tsakiridis et al., 2008; Dalton et al., 2004).
Composition (%) Sample

Coal Bottom Ash Coal Fly Ash Limestone Sand Clay Bauxite

CaO 0.8 – 8.28 1.10 – 10.7 49.02 – 55.06 0.37 – 2.06 4.01 – 8.97 4.65 – 7.64
SiO2 49.97 – 56 45.0 – 64.4 0.25 – 5.95 67.76 – 95.00 52.00 – 60.53 3.11 – 7.00
Al2O3 14.96 – 26.95 10.4 – 33.6 0.08 – 1.69 1.40 – 8.34 12.80 – 15.10 44.44 – 52.35
Fe2O3 5.8 – 15.0 3.76 – 26.1 0.06 – 2.70 0.61 – 14.52 4.20 – 6.02 19.87 – 22.64
Cl 0.02 0 – 0.0545 0.40 0.00 – 0.02
SO3 0.11 – 1.30 0.2 – 0.759 0.00 – 0.77 0.00 0.48 – 2.60 0.54
MgO 0.6 – 4.26 0.343 – 7.06 0.12 – 1.75 0.03 – 1.10 0.80 – 4.95 0.09 – 0.34
Na2O 0.14 – 0.69 0.2 – 4.53 0.00 – 0.07 0.00 – 0.14 0.58 – 1.40 0.09 – 0.15
K2O 0.78 – 3.05 0.8 – 4.23 0.02 – 0.29 1.63 – 2.42 0.78 – 4.55 0.00 – 0.76
TiO2 0.94 – 2.25 0.91 – 2.92 0.04 – 0.07 0.04 – 0.33 0.47 – 0.73 1.31 – 1.35
P2O5 0.19 – 0.95 0.562 – 1.4 0.08 – 0.10 0.03 – 0.48 0.15 0.04
Cr2O3 0.05 0.211 – – – 0.00
ZnO 0.01 0.0324 – 0.0648 – – – 0.00
SrO 0.29 0.0378 – 0.0591 0.07 – – 0.00
MnO3 – – – – – –

the lack of difference between aged and fresh samples is expected, as 3.1.3. Alkalis
XRF results report all elements as an oxide, regardless of what mineral K2O content was typically highest in the MSWI fly ash samples.
phase is actually present in the sample. Carbonation only adds an ele- There was no significant difference between the Na2O contents among
ment (carbon) that would not be picked up by XRF. However, if samples the MSWI ash samples. Comparison against the common composition of
were exposed to sufficient liquid (such as rainwater) during aging, we coal ash (Table 2) shows that Na2O in all MSWI ash samples was in a
may expect that concentrations of soluble salts and surface available higher percentage than in coal ash (fly and bottom). When determining
elements may decrease; this is not due to carbonation, but rather gen- the possibility of using MSWI ash in the manufacture of portland ce-
eral weathering. The results for SiO2 and Fe2O3 in bottom ash are si- ment, the high content of Na2O is a limiting factor as the alkali content
milar to those observed in other studies; greater Fe2O3 is expected in in cement is restricted (ASTM, 2015a,b) to prevent enhancement to the
the bottom ash based on the low volatility of Fe2O3 in the boiler (Lam rate of hydration of the cement by increasing the heat of hydration
et al., 2010; Siddique, 2010). Comparison against the common com- (Lam et al., 2011; Saikia et al., 2007). Na2O in cement can enter the
position of coal ash, presented in Table 2, shows that CaO in all MSWI C3A, increasing its reactivity which may affect setting (Lea, 1988).
ash samples was in a higher percentage than coal fly ash and bottom Additionally, higher Na2O content can increase the potential for alkali-
ash, while SiO2 and Al2O3 were in a lower amount. silica reaction; a reaction in which the amorphous silica content of
Table 2 also includes the composition other typical cement raw some concrete aggregates and the alkali species of cement form an
materials, as it is important to understand how MSWI ash composition expansive gel resulting in cracking of the concrete due to the swelling
may compare to traditional kiln feed materials already in use. Lime- (Schafer et al., 2018). When considering total alkalis in the raw mate-
stone is commonly used as the CaO source in the kiln mix (Taylor, 1997; rials, MSWI ash-amended cement presents a greater concern in regard
Huntzinger and Eatmon, 2009). When compared against limestone, the to the alkali-induced issues above.
MSWI ash samples had a significantly lower concentration of CaO than
what is typically observed in limestone; however, CaO content in the
3.1.4. Chlorides
MSWI ash samples was greater than sand, clay, and bauxite. SiO2 in
The presence of chloride typically affects the cement manufacture
MSWI combined and bottom ash samples was greater than in limestone
process by causing operational problems with stack emissions and by
and bauxite while in MSWI fly ash samples the content was comparable;
affecting the durability of steel-reinforced concrete products. As
in all cases, the content of this oxide in MSWI ash samples was lower
chlorides are introduced to the kiln and volatilize, they can combine
than in sand and clay. Al2O3 content in MSWI ash samples was lower
with alkalis and sulfates creating low melting point mixtures that lead
than in clay and bauxite, higher than in limestone, and there was no
to blockages at the stack. Additionally, high content of chloride in the
observed difference between any type of MSWI ash and sand. Fe2O3
cement leads to steel reinforcement corrosion in concrete (Lea, 1988).
content in MSWI combined and bottom ash samples was greater than
In an effort to protect bridge and pavement structures from experien-
the typical content in limestone but lower than in bauxite and could be
cing deterioration due to corrosion, construction specifications typi-
attributed to inefficient metals recovery processes; however there was
cally limit the maximum chloride content in concrete placed; in many
no significant difference against the content of this oxide in the other
places, chloride content is directly limited in cement itself. Some spe-
raw material analyzed. ZnO composition of all MSWI ash samples was
cifications use a single value while others limit the chlorides on a
significantly higher than the typical content of coal fly ash, while TiO2
percentage (of typically 0.06 – 0.30%) per weight of cement or max-
showed the opposite trend. Overall, MSWI ash is not the dominant
imum allowable chloride content per cubic yard of concrete in the mix
source of any one element when added to a cement mix, rather it
(typically 0.4 -0.7 lbs/yd3 or 0.2 -0.4 kg/m3) (ACI, 2014; FDOT, 2019).
contains a variable composition of all of the necessary elements for
MSWI fly ash had significantly higher amount of chloride than all other
clinker formation and would likely replace a percentage of each of the
MSWI ash samples, and higher than both types of coal ashes. MSWI
traditional raw materials in a cement mix, dependent on the variable
bottom ash samples had significantly lower amount of chloride than
composition of the raw materials.
MSWI combined and fly ash samples. No significant difference was
observed between aged and fresh MSWI combined and bottom ash
samples. Although limited data were available for the typical raw

L.M. Sarmiento, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

materials, the chloride content in all MSWI ash samples was higher than MSWI ash that could be introduced in the kiln. However, using a wide
the values reported and will likely limit allowable MSWI-ash content in variety of ashes with variable composition provides an idea of a typical
the clinker, especially if MSWI fly ash is considered. Issues with alkalis viable replacement percentage for any one ash stream. The potential
and chlorides support why a considerable amount of research has been composition of the ash-amended clinker was calculated to provide the
conducted about washing MSWI ash to produce a better product for same mineral phases as those of portland cement clinker. This calcu-
reuse (Chiang and Hu, 2010; Lin et al., 2011; Van der Bruggen et al., lation is provided in order to first prove that MSWI ash-amended ce-
1998) ment mixes (using Bogue’s equations and the chemical composition of
each MSWI ash and the traditional raw materials) can provide an ac-
3.1.5. Sulfur trioxide ceptable clinker composition within the given constraints for ordinary
The content of SO3 in the MSWI ash samples was compared among portland cement. This calculation only accounts for the mineralogy of
the three types of ash, and against coal fly ash and coal bottom ash. the cement, without any standard chloride or alkali limitations. Tables
Sulfate is used to control hydration rate and rate of setting for cements S5 and S6 show the elemental composition of the clinker (constrained
(Taylor, 1997). Sulfate imbalances can cause flash set or false set, which by mineralogy only) considering an LOI value for the MSWI ash of 5%
negatively impacts cement performance. Additionally, for mass con- and 12%, respectively.
crete elements, an imbalance of sulfate with aluminum can result in Based on the AR, SR and LSF used as constraints to determine the
delayed ettringite formation, an internal sulfate attack where sulfate in ash-amended raw mixes, the HM was calculated to be 2.18. As shown in
solution reforms (after concrete is hardened) into ettringite crystals Table S4, the maximum amount of MSWI ash that can be included in
which increase internal pressures and eventually lead to failure of the raw mix ranges from 8.96% to 81.7%, with average replacements of
concrete structures (Taylor et al., 2001). In general, MSWI fly ash 24.6% combined ash, 67.8% fly ash, and 12.8% bottom ash. Clearly
samples had a significantly higher SO3 content than MSWI combined some of the replacement percentages are much higher than have ever
and bottom ash samples. Fly ash samples had SO3 compositions as high been reported or likely feasibly, but results for clinker compositions
as 13.34%, with combined ash samples having SO3 compositions over constrained only by mineralogy support that MSWI ash does contain a
5%. In comparison, the highest SO3 concentration observed for bottom large amount of the basic materials needed for cement manufacture.
ash samples was 3.84%. Composition data indicate that a considerable However, these values result in ash-amended clinker that have
portion of SO3 content is contributed by the fly ash stream, an im- elevated alkali and chloride contents. As seen in Table S5 and S6, only
portant consideration for this streams use in cement production. The two of the simulated ash-amended raw mixes resulted in a clinker with
age of the ash did not influence the content of SO3 in the MSWI com- chloride content less than 0.06%, and only one mix met the ASTM
bined and bottom ash samples. MSWI ash samples had a significantly standard of 0.6% alkali content. When limiting the alkali content of the
higher amount of SO3 than coal combustion ashes and conventional raw ash-amended clinker, the potential amount of MSWI that could be in-
materials used in cement manufacture, and though analysis of SO3 in troduced to the kiln was noticeably reduced to a range of
final cement product is outside of the scope of our study, care should be 3.33%–10.10% ash replacement in the mix, averaging 5.4% replace-
taken to avoid excess SO3 content in an MSWI ash-amended cement ment with combined, 3.72% with fly, and 7.61% with bottom ash
product. (Table S7). In this second scenario, only three ash-amended raw mixes
met the ACI standards for chloride content.
By optimizing the ash-amended raw mixes to meet mineral com-
3.2. Calculation of cement raw mix
position, alkali content and chloride content restrictions, the amount of
MSWI ash that was included in the mixes ranged from 0.21% to 10.1%,
MSWI ash amended clinker was simulated assuming that MSWI ash
as shown in Table 4. Table S8 shows the estimated mineral phase
was included in a raw mix containing limestone, sand, iron oxide and
composition of the ash-amended clinkers for the LOI range, while Ta-
coal ash. The chemical compositions of the raw materials (other than
bles S9 and S10 show the elemental composition of the clinker con-
MSWI ash) used to simulate the ash amended clinker are shown in
sidering an LOI value for the MSWI ash of 5% and 12%, respectively.
Table 3. Calcium is primarily supplied by limestone, silica is primarily
The average MSWI ash replacement for mineralogy, chloride, and
supplied by sand, iron supplies the iron and silica, and coal ash supplies
alkali limited mixes is 1.17% for combined ash samples, 0.33% for fly
silica and aluminum.
ash, and 6.36% for bottom ash samples. MSWI fly ash samples resulted
The composition of the ash-amended raw mixes that create accep-
in the lowest raw mix replacement, with a maximum of 0.43%; this can
table clinker compositions based on mineralogy alone are presented in
be explained by the higher chloride content in these samples when
Table S4. Ash-amended raw mixes presented here show the potential of
compared to the other MSWI ash samples (Table 1 shows one fly as
using Florida MSWI ash in cement manufacture and may vary in
sample above 17%). In a past study of MSWI ash incorporation into
practice as the raw mix is dependent on the composition of all raw
cement production, limitations placed on chlorides by kiln operators
materials; a different mix of materials would change in the amount of
limited fly ash percentages in clinker to a similarly low value of 1.75%
(Pan et al., 2008). MSWI bottom ash samples allowed for a higher raw
Table 3
Composition of other raw materials used for simulated cement raw mixes in this
mix replacement, with one sample (BF2) allowing for an inclusion of
study. 10.1% in the mix without the need to add coal ash.
An overall comparison of MSWI ash-replacement potential for three
Component Limestone Sand Iron Coal ash
scenarios is provided in Fig. 1. Raw mix 1 estimates the maximum ash
CaO 50.36 0.07 2.44 3.98 replacement considering only the potential mineral composition of the
SiO2 6.86 98.09 31.83 55.73 ash amended clinker. Raw mix 2 restricts the alkali content according to
Al2O3 1.64 0.78 2.92 21.37 ASTM C150. Raw mix 3 restricts the alkali and chloride contents ac-
Fe2O3 0.75 0.53 56.58 6.31
cording to ASTM C150 and ACI 318 correspondingly. Fig. 1 illustrates
Cl 0.0013 0 0 0.01
SO3 0.07 0.03 1.31 0.7 that MSWI fly ash has a mineral composition capable of creating a vi-
MgO 0.35 0.02 1.02 1.26 able clinker with a large amount of MSWI ash (average of 67.8% re-
Na2O 0 0.06 0.28 0.62 placement), but constraints placed on chlorides and alkalis result in a
K2O 0.02 0 0.8 1.8 considerable drop in viable replacement percentage (3.72% when
TiO2 0.11 0.26 0.287 1.18
constrained by alkalis, 0.33% when constrained by chlorides and al-
P2O5 0.35 0.01 0.127 1.03
LOI 39.96 0.16 0 5.36 kalis). Although bottom ash that is unconstrained by chloride and alkali
limits can create a viable clinker with a much lower replacement

L.M. Sarmiento, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

Table 4 (usually from gypsum) is added to the clinker in small percentages

Optimized ash-amended cement raw mixes with acceptable mineralogy that (1–5% (Lea, 1988), thus having a small effect on the CaO and SO3
also account for limitations placed on chlorides or alkalis per ACI 318 and content of the cement, estimated clinker compositions for all ash sam-
ASTM C150. ples were compared against the ASTM requirements. Gypsum is added
Sample Content in Raw Mix (%) to the clinker to regulate the setting of the cement, and the quantity
added is determined by the SO3 content of the clinker and the target
Limestone Sand Iron MSWI Ash Coal Ash SO3; ASTM sets a maximum SO3 content dependent on the type of ce-
CA1 85.32 2.58 1.74 1.13 9.24
ment produced. The estimated Al2O3, Fe2O3 and MgO contents of the
CA2 84.82 2.55 1.67 1.89 9.07 ash-amended clinkers (constrained by mineralogy, chloride content,
CA3 85.48 2.64 1.71 1.15 9.02 and alkali content) was below the maximum requirements of ASTM for
CA4 85.61 2.61 1.77 0.84 9.17 the different types of cement. Regarding the mineral composition, the
CA5 85.65 2.53 1.70 1.02 9.11
estimated C3A contents of the ash-amended clinkers were below the
CA6 85.60 2.48 1.65 1.18 9.09
CF1 85.07 2.51 1.72 1.65 9.04 limits for cement Types III and IIIA; while slightly above the limit for
CF2 85.60 2.57 1.71 1.01 9.11 type II and IIA cement, this percentage is expected to drop slightly
CF3 85.63 2.51 1.73 0.90 9.23 when the clinker is finished into cement. SO3 limits established by
CF4 85.26 2.36 1.55 1.93 8.89
ASTM are dependent on the C3A content (ASTM, 2015a,b), and in this
CF5 85.58 2.45 1.69 1.04 9.25
CF6 85.52 2.42 1.75 1.02 9.29
case the limits would be for C3A content greater than 8%. The ash
CF7 85.93 2.59 1.72 0.48 9.29 amended clinkers simulated had a SO3 content below the maximum
FF1 85.96 2.59 1.77 0.21 9.46 applicable level for all ASTM C150 cement types. MSWI ash-amended
FF2 85.70 2.60 1.78 0.43 9.48 clinkers that are within standard chloride and alkali limits create a
FF3 85.87 2.57 1.78 0.35 9.43
cement that is also within standard composition requirements outlined
BA1 82.57 1.41 1.69 7.24 7.09
BA2 83.49 1.20 1.21 6.45 7.65 by ASTM C150.
BF1 81.73 1.10 0.95 9.73 6.49
BF2 85.27 2.77 1.86 10.1 0.00 3.3. Economic and material flow analysis
BF3 85.17 1.65 1.20 3.91 8.07
BF4 84.31 1.33 1.58 4.35 8.43
BF5 84.43 2.11 1.75 2.72 9.00
The beneficial use of any waste material should also have a benefit
Control 86.16 2.58 1.78 0.00 9.48 for the user (financial, performance, or otherwise). For example, coal
ash or silica fume used in concrete manufacture incur larger costs re-
lative to ordinary portland cement, but the benefit gained from their
incorporation offsets these costs. Costs associated with the disposal of
ash such as transport and landfill tipping fees can be reduced by in-
corporating ash into cement kiln feed. The financial incentive for ce-
ment manufacturers lies in the offsetting of costs associated with the
acquisition of raw materials which may not be locally available or have
a higher cost than MSWI ash; in many cases MSWI facility operators
may be willing to supply their ash to cement manufacturers to reduce
costs associated with disposal.
Life-cycle assessment data for cement manufacture suggest that
approximately 1.60 tons of raw mix are required to produce 0.95 tons of
clinker (Huntzinger and Eatmon, 2009; Marceau et al., 2006). Based on
the throughput capacity (tpd) of the incineration facilities from this
study, and assuming a mass reduction of 70% during the incineration
process (Michaels and Shiang, 2016), it was possible to determine the
mass of ash generated per year and the maximum amount of ash-
amended clinker potentially produced were estimated. Each cement
Fig. 1. Potential MSWI ash replacement in cement raw mix based on three raw manufacturer in the state of Florida, US was assumed to produce 1
mix scenarios. Height of bars correspond to average replacement for each ash in million tons of ash amended clinker per year. Florida provides a valu-
each scenario. Error bars correspond to minimum and maximum replacement able test case for the feasibility of MSWI-ash incorporation into cement,
for each scenario. as Florida has a disproportionate amount of both wastes managed by
MSWI (and thus MSWI ash generated) and cement production (often in
percentage (average of 12.8% replacement), the lower concentrations kilns in close proximity to multiple MSWI facilities). The mass of raw
of chlorides and alkalis in the bottom ash stream means that when materials for each viable ash-amended raw mix (controlled for miner-
considering these variables the allowable amount of bottom ash is still alogy, alkali, and chloride content) was calculated and was used to
higher than that of fly or combined ash. Other studies have reported perform a cost analysis.
that using MSWI fly ash at any considerable replacement percentage Assuming that MSWI operators will provide their ash to cement
would require washing or other processing technique to control for manufactures at no charge, the costs associated with MSWI ash use for
chlorides and alkalis (Kikuchi, 2001; Lam et al., 2011; Pan et al., 2008; MSWI facility operators is limited to transportation. The cost to trans-
Saikia et al., 2007). As expected, the allowable replacement of com- port the ash to the cement plant will depend on the mode of trans-
bined ash (a mixture of bottom and fly ash) is in between that of bottom portation, the distance to the kiln, and the amount of material. In ce-
and fly ash. ment manufacture, post-industrial raw materials (such as the MSWI ash
proposed in this study) are usually transported by road (Marceau et al.,
2006). The diesel consumption factor of combination trucks is
3.2.1. Comparison against industry standards 0.0272 L/ton-km (0.011 gal/ton-mile) (Combs, 2012). Distance to the
ASTM C150 provides the standard composition requirements for cement plants was calculated for the closest kiln to the MSW in-
different types of cement (ASTM, 2015a,b). Although in this study only cineration facility generating each ash sample. An average diesel fuel
the composition of clinker was estimated, given that calcium sulfate cost of $0.82 per liter ($3.12 per gallon) was used to calculate fuel costs

L.M. Sarmiento, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

for transportation to the landfill or to the cement kiln in Florida (AAA, and central Florida respectively. Approximately 2 million metric tons of
2018). Cost for all other raw materials (limestone, iron ore, sand, and MSWI ash are generated in Florida annually, compared to 9 million
coal ash) were obtained from a local cement manufacturer. Limestone metric tons generated in the US; these estimates are based on 2016
costs were assumed to be zero as the material is obtained from the throughput data for all MSWI facilities in the US, and assuming a mass
quarry on site (conservative due to cost of labor, quarrying, and reduction of 70% (Michaels and Shiang, 2016). Clinker capacity in the
transporting from the mine to facility). Table S11 in the SI presents the US is reported to exceed 100 million metric tons per year, with 9 mil-
estimated cost of raw materials required for the manufacture of 1 lion metric tons being manufactured in Florida (PCA, 2017).
million tons of ash-amended clinker in a year for all MSWI ashes used in Assuming the previously stated raw mix:clinker ratio, cement kilns
this study. Of the 23 ash samples analyzed in this study, only 1 of the operating at full capacity, and that this MSWI ash generated can be used
ash-amended raw mixes had costs exceeding that of the traditional mix as cement kiln feed not only from a cement chemistry perspective but
(approximately $6.96 M USD for FF2 compared to $6.93 M USD for also accounting for any financial factors (e.g., appropriate mineral
control per 1 M tons). One raw max with sample BF2 required no coal composition, any required ash-pretreatment to improve the quality of
ash to achieve an appropriate mineralogy and cost less than half of the the ash is performed, MSWI facilities in close proximity to cement
control mix ($2.8 M USD per 1 M tons). A wide range of ash composi- kilns), an assumed 5% MSWI ash replacement (a feasible value based on
tions, dependent on facility location, create cost effective raw mixes for this study) of the 9 million tons of clinker generated would act as a
cement manufacturers, oftentimes at a considerable cost savings. disposal sink for approximately 37.5% of the MSWI ash generated in
The benefits realized by MSWI generators by the use of MSWI ash Florida (around 750,000 metric tons of ash per year); for the entire US
would mean availability of more air space at their landfills, reduced ash generation and clinker capacity, a 5% replacement of clinker with
costs of transportation to the landfill, and reduced operation costs to MSWI ash would consume about 93% of US ash production (approxi-
manage the ash in a landfill. The USEPA Waste Reduction Model mately 8.4 million metric tons of ash). Assuming ash composition is
(WARM) (USEPA, 2015) estimates that for collection vehicles, 3.4 L and correct and the chlorides and alkalis can be controlled to allow such
2.6 L of diesel, respectively, are required to transport to and manage replacement percentages, it would be possible to replace approximately
1 ton of waste at the landfill. Savings related to these fuel uses are 13% of the cement raw mix prepared in Florida with MSWI ash if all
presented in Table S12. This example ignores landfill tipping fees. Ash MSWI ash was diverted to cement production, or approximately 5% of
generators may save as much as $1.8 USD per ton of ash-amended the cement raw mix prepared in the US, based on current clinker ca-
clinker. The smallest amount of savings for generators was approxi- pacities and estimated ratio of raw mix:clinker (Huntzinger and
mately $0.04 USD per ton of ash-amended clinker, but use of all 23 ash Eatmon, 2009; PCA, 2017). The results of our study indicate MSWI ash
samples for cement production resulted in a cost savings for the ash incorporation into cement production has sufficient potential value to
generator. The only non-cost-effective sample for cement manu- be a worthwhile venture for ash generators and cement manufacturers
facturers, FF2, resulted in a cost savings for generators of $0.08 USD per to explore this approach further.
ton of ash-amended clinker, meaning that the approximately $30,000
USD discrepancy between control and ash-amended mixes for FF2 may 4. Conclusions
be offset for cement manufacturers if generators paid manufacturers
$30,000 USD per 1 million tons of clinker; the generators would still A scoping study was conducted to assess the feasibility of using
save approximately $50,000 USD per 1 million tons of clinker in this MSWI ash as raw material replacement in portland cement manu-
scenario. facture. Combined and bottom ash samples had the highest Al2O3 and
The distribution of MSWI facilities and cement kilns in Florida is Fe2O3 content of all MSWI ash samples, and the bottom ash also ex-
shown in Fig. 2. Six cement kilns and 11 MSWI facilities are operational hibited the highest SiO2 content. CaO content in all MSWI ash was
in the state. Approximately 1.2 million and 740,000 metric tons of higher than in coal combustion ashes, but SiO2 and Al2O3 content was
MSWI ash is available for cement raw mix replacement in south Florida lower. MSWI ash samples had a lower CaO content than sand, clay, and
bauxite, while Al2O3 content was lower than limestone. Higher con-
centrations of trace elements present in MSWI fly ash samples exceeded
typical values for coal ash, an important consideration for the use of
MSWI fly ash for cement production. Elevated content of Na2O, K2O,
and chloride in MSWI fly ash samples could affect the performance and
durability of ash-amended concrete.
All ashes were able to form a viable clinker, but samples that create
a viable clinker are severely limited by their alkali content and even
more so their chloride content. When controlling for mineralogy, total
alkalis, and chloride content, cement raw mixes could incorporate
MSWI ash contents of up to 10% by mass; fly ash samples were the most
limited by chlorides and alkalis. Average allowable fly ash incorpora-
tion dropped from 67% to 0.33% when limited by chlorides and alkalis.
Though bottom ash amended clinker constrained by mineralogy alone
had lower allowable replacement percentages than fly ash (average of
nearly 12.8% compared to 67.8%), the lower alkali and chloride con-
tent means that when constrained by these variables, allowable bottom
ash incorporation surpassed that of fly ash (6.36% compared to 0.33%
for fly ash). Expectedly, combined ash samples, which are a mix of
bottom and fly ash, had values in between those of bottom and fly ash
Fig. 2. Distribution of MSWI facilities and cement kilns in Florida. As of 2018, Raw materials cost for ordinary portland cement clinker could be
there are 11 MSWI facilities (star markers) and 6 cement kilns (building mar- nearly 2.5 times higher than MSWI ash-amended clinker. An ash re-
kers) operational in Florida. Two regions are identified based on the proximity placement in cement raw mix of at least 5% results in the beneficial use
of MSWI facilities to the kilns: South and Central regions, each comprised of 5 of approximately 37.5% of all MSWI ash generated annually in Florida.
MSWI facilities and 2 cement kilns. If a pre-processing technique such as ash washing controls for chloride

L.M. Sarmiento, et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 148 (2019) 1–10

and alkali, ash reuse potential is even higher. As mentioned before, landfilled municipal solid waste incineration ash leaching. J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc.
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This work was funded by the Hinkley Center for Solid and produced from coal bottom ash. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 209, 767–773.
Hazardous Waste Management. The authors thank the regional cement Lam, C.H.K., Barford, J.P., McKay, G., 2010. Utilization of incineration waste ash residue
in Portland cement clinker. Chem. Eng. Trans. 21, 757–762.
companies that offered support and information for this study. We also
Lam, C.H.K., Barford, J.P., McKay, G., 2011. Utilization of municipal solid waste in-
thank the MSWI facilities for supplying materials. cineration ash in Portland cement clinker. Clean Technol. Environ. Policy 13,
Appendix A. Supplementary data Lea, Frederick, 1988. Lea’s Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, fourth ed. Elsevier Ltd.
Lin, Y.C., Panchangam, S.C., Wu, C.H., Kong, P.K.A., Lin, C.F., 2011. Effects of water
washing on removing organic residues in bottom ashes of municipal solid waste in-
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the cinerators. Chemosphere 82, 502–506.
online version, at doi: Liu, Y., Clavier, K.A., Spreadbury, C., Townsend, T.G., 2019. Limitations of the TCLP fluid
determination step for hazardous waste characterization of US municipal waste in-
002. cineration ash. Waste Manage. 87, 590–596.
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