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Sample Test: PART 1

Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.




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Sample Test





Transcripts: PART 1
1. (A) The man is sleeping at his desk.
(8) The man is typing at his desk.
(C) The man is attending a meeting.
(0) The man is drinking tea.

2. (A) There are TVs stacked up on the shelves.

(8) There is a microwave oven tacked up on the wall.
(C) There are microwave ovens on the shelves.
(0) There are many books on the shelves.

3. (A) The man is standing in front of some picture frames.

(8) The man is selling fans.
(C) The man is standing beside a bus stop.
(0) The man is satisfied with a fan.

4. (A) The woman is buying vegetables.

(8) The man is going grocery shopping.
(C) The woman is selling vegetables.
(0) The woman is buying shoes.

5. (A) The woman is carrying a suitcase.

(8) The woman is folding her umbrella.
(C) An umbrella is being held by the woman.
(0) The man is sleeping.

6. (A) The woman is getting in a taxi.

(8) The woman is talking to the driver.
(C) The woman is being called.
(0) The woman's arm is held up.

7. (A) The woman is sitting beside a computer.

(8) The woman is sitting at a computer.
(C) The woman is sitting next to a computer.
(0) The woman is sitting at the back of a computer.

8. (A) The three men are happy.

(8) The three men are asleep.
(C) The three men look disappointed.
(0) The three men are angry.

9. (A) The man has dropped his jacket.

(8) The man is holding a briefcase.
(C) The man is sitting outside.
(0) There is a cat on the man's lap.

10. (A) The people are listening to the woman. 'r/ O~ :) 6

(8) The woman is reading a letter. 'r/ B 8 L
(C) The people are standing in a meeting room. 09:) 9
(0) The woman is attending a concert. 'r/ V 'r/ 8
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General Directions
This test is designed to measure your language ability.
The test is divided into two sections: Listening and Reading.

You must mark all of your answers on the separate answer sheet.
For each question, you should select the best answer from the answer
choices given. Then, on your answer sheet, you should find the number
of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answer that you have selected. If you decide to change an answer,
completely erase your old answer and then mark your new answer.
In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken
English. The entire Listening section of the test will last approximately 45 minutes.
Directions are given for each of the four parts. There is a separate answer sheet for marking
answers. Do not write your answers in the test book.

Part 1
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear four statements about each picture in your textbook.
After listening to all four statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what
you see in the picture. Then find the number of that question on your answer sheet and mark your
answer. The statements will be spoken only one time, and are not printed in your test book.

Sample Answer


Now listen to the four statements.

Statement (B), "The woman is typing on a computer," best describes what you see in the picture.
Therefore, you should choose answer (B) .

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General Directions
This test is designed to measure your language ability.
The test is divided into two sections: Listening and Reading.

You must mark all of your answers on the separate answer sheet.
For each question, you should select the best answer from the answer
choices given. Then, on your answer sheet, you should find the number
of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the leiter of the
answer that you have selected. If you decide to change an answer,
completely erase your old answer and then mark your new answer.
In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken
English. The entire Listening section of the test will last approximately 45 minutes.
Directions are given for each of the four parts. There is a separate answer sheet for marking
answers. Do not write your answers in the test book.

Part 1
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear four statements about each picture in your textbook.
After listening to all four statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what
you see in the picture. Then find the number of that question on your answer sheet and mark your
answer. The statements will be spoken only one time, and are not printed in your test book.

Sample Answer

Example 0.@@

Now listen to the four statements.

Statement (B), "The woman is typing on a computer," best describes what you see in the picture.
Therefore, you should choose answer (B).


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PART 1. Picture Description PART 2. Questions and Responses

1. (A) The man is watching television. 11. Don't you have Saturdays off?
(B) The man is doing exercises. (A) The weekend is coming soon.
(C) The man is reading the newspaper. (B) We'll meet after that, then.
(D) The man is looking at papers. (C) Usually, but not this week.

2. (A) The office workers are watching a whiteboard. 12. I'm having trouble concentrating on this.
(B) The office workers are looking at a whiteboard. (A) Well, why don't we take a short break then?
(C) The people are taking a whiteboard. (B) You have to concentrate.
(D) The people are cleaning a whiteboard. (C) It's an important issue these days.

3. (A) The man is a cooker. 13. When is the New Jersey train supposed to
(B) It is being cooked. arrive?
(C) The chef is working. (A) I'm not sure, I'll check.
(D) The chief is working. (B) Your ticket is not valid today.
(C) It comes directly from Boston.
4. (A) There is no one in the store.
(B) The store is crowded. 14. How do you plan to get that document there by
(C) It is bargain sale time. Thursday?
(D) She is trying on a coat. (A) I expect it to be.
(B) By express mail.
5. (A) The man is taking the phone. (C) Next Wednesday.
(B) The man is talking to a woman.
(C) The man is taking a phone call. 15. Could you look this over for me?
(D) The man is hanging up. (A) No, it can't be predicted.
(B) Sure, but don't count on it.
6. (A) The bicycle is lying on the stairs. (C) Sure, I'll be there in just a second.
(B) The bicycle is next to a car.
(C) The bicycle is hanging from the tree. 16. What do you think of the new vacation
(D) The bicycle is between a tree and the stairs. policy?
(A) Yes, I certainly have.
7. (A) The desk is clean. (B) I think it's a little unfair.
(B) The desk is a little untidy. (C) Not right at this moment.
(C) There is nothing on the desk.
(D) The man is writing at the desk. 17. Isn't that a terrific idea?
(A) Yes, it's a terrible one.
8. (A) The man is working in his office. (B) Yes, absolutely brilliant.
(B) The man is walking down the escalator. (C) No, I haven't any yet.
(C) The man is getting on an airplane.
(D) The man is waiting for a bus. 18. Are you going to Chicago by bus or train?
(A) Neither, I'm flying there.
9. (A) The man is climbing the ladder. (B) My brother drove me.
(B) The ladder is up against a window. (C) Yes, by bus.
(C) The ladder is leaning against the wall.
(D) The ladder is broken. 19. Where is Jim McTaggart's office?
(A) Yes, it's here.
10. (A) The house is being knocked down. (B) Oh, I'm sorry.
(B) A house is being built. (C) It's on the fifth floor.
(C) The man is fishing in front of his house.
(D) The man is eating lunch. 20. I'm sorry I had to put you on hold.
(A) Here, give it to me.
(B) I don't mind a lillie wail.
(C) I can't accept your offer.

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PART 1. Picture Description PART 2. Questions and Responses

1. (A) The woman is learning about the pillar. 11. Excuse me, where is the fax machine?
(B) The woman is leaning on the pillar. (A) It's not working properly.
(C) The woman is sitting against the pillar. (B) Down the hall and to the right.
(D) The woman is leaning on the sign. (C) No problem.

2. (A) The filing cabinet is empty. 12. Why doesn't she ever come to the safety
(B) The filing cabinet is open. meetings?
(C) There is nothing in the drawer. (A) She works nights and isn't around during
(D) The filing cabinet is closed. the day.
(B) She is a very safe person.
3 (A) The woman is walking to her office. (C) I enjoyed meeting her, too.
(B) The woman is on her lunch break.
(C) The woman is carrying heavy boxes. 13. Do you take the bus or the subway to work in
(D) The woman is working in her office. the morning?
(A) I also take the bus.
4. (A) The restaurant is very popular. (B) Yes, I've ridden the subway.
(B) The restaurant is close to the bar. (C) Usually the bus.
(C) The restaurant is closed.
(D) The restaurant has many customers. 14. Are you really going out of business, Joe?
(A) I'll open at three o'clock.
5. (A) The man and woman are talking. (B) We don't take credit cards.
(B) The man is taking a picture. (C) I've really got no choice.
(C) The woman is taking a picture.
(D) The man is taking the woman's wallet. 15 When is the earnings forecast due out?
(A) Mostly sunny this weekend.
6. (A) The man and woman are being served by (B) Revenues declined last year.
the waitress. (C) It will be available next week.
(B) The waitress is being ordered by the woman.
(C) The man and woman are taking a vacation. 16. When will you be able to take your vacation?
(D) The waitress is drinking tea. (A) I will go to Guam for six days.
(B) I'll be eligible after six months.
7. (A) People are sitting opposite the shopping mall. (C) I had a wonderful time, thank you.
(B) The man is beside the shopping mall.
(C) There are cars parked in front of the shopping 17. Sorry to bother you, but where is Pluton
mall. Electronics?
(D) There is a line of people across from the (A) Third floor, second door on the left.
shopping mall. (B) No trouble at all. Thanks.
(C) No. I work for Veritek Electronics.
8. (A) The people are pointing at the form.
(B) The man is filing some documents. 18. How is your new job working out?
(C) The woman is filling out a form. (A) I work out three times a week.
(D) The man has filled out the forms. (B) He's doing really well, thanks.
(C) Well, honestly, not so good.
9. (A) The man is standing in a supermarket.
(B) The man is waiting for a bus. 19. Why did they close the processing plant?
(C) The man is standing in a hardware store. (A) It's just for a month or so. They will do
(D) The man is serving customers. routine maintenance.
(B) I've never really been good with plants.
10. (A) There is a large vase on the reception desk. They take too much time and care.
(B) There is a large vase on the table in the lobby. (C) The process is not that difficult once you get
(C) The vase is next to the man. started.
(D) A woman is arranging flowers.
20. Are you going to take the bigger desk or the
desk near the window?
(A) I'll buy the biggest window I can afford.
(B) Probably not, it's too much work.
(C) Well, the view is really good, so that should
help me decide.


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