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Weakly Supervised Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Basic Dance Step

○ Nelson Yalta (Waseda University), Shinji Watanabe (JHU), Kazuhiro Nakadai (HRI-JP), Tetsuya Ogata
(Waseda University)

Abstract : A deep recurrent neural network with audio input is applied to model basic dance steps. The proposed model employs multilayered
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers and convolutional layers to process the audio power spectrum. Then, another deep LSTM layer
decodes the target dance sequence. This end-to-end approach has an auto-conditioned decode configuration that reduces accumulation of
feedback error. Experimental results demonstrate that, after training using a small dataset, the model generates basic dance steps with low
cross entropy and maintains a motion beat F-measure score similar to that of a baseline dancer. In addition, we investigate the use of a
contrastive cost function for music-motion regulation. This cost function targets motion direction and maps similarities between music frames.
Experimental result demonstrate that the cost function improves the motion beat f-score.

1. Introduction the LSTM layers model time sequence features. We employ

another deep LSTM layer with an auto-conditioned configu-
Methods to generate human motion are being actively in-
ration [11] to decode the motion. This configuration enables
vestigated in various domains. Some studies have developed
the model to handle a longer dance sequence with low noise
applications that go beyond simply generating dance mo-
accumulation, which is fed back into the network. In addi-
tion for robots[1, 2], animated computer graphics animated
tion, we use a contrastive cost function [12] for music-motion
choreographies [3], and video games. Music content-driven
regulation to ensure alignment between the motion and the
motion generation (i.e., generating dance steps for a given
music beat. The contrastive cost function is a measure of
piece of music) involves motion as a time-series [5] and non-
similarity between the given inputs, it minimizes the distance
linear time-dependent mapping between music and motion
of the input patterns in case that the inputs were similar; oth-
[6, 7, 8].
erwise, the distance is maximized. This cost function enables
Due to its physical nature, dance can be represented as
training with small number of samples and avoids the need
high-dimensional nonlinear time-series [5]. To address this
of pre-training, therefore, reduces the need of larger compu-
high dimensionality, a factored conditional restricted Boltz-
tational capabilities. The cost function uses motion direction
mann machine and recurrent neural network (RNN) [9] have
as a target and maps similarities between its inputs. In this
been proposed to map audio and motion features and gen-
study, the inputs are audio features from the encoder. This
erate a new dance sequence. A generative model [4] has
increases the precision of the motion beat with regard to the
also been implemented to generate a new dance sequence for
music beat and avoids the use of additional label information
a solo dancer. However, dance generation requires signifi-
or annotations from the music. The proposed model demon-
cant computational capabilities or large datasets. In addition,
strates improved music-motion regulation.
dance generation is constrained by the trained data. Dancing
The primary contributions of this study are summarized as
involves significant changes in motion that occur at regular
intervals, i.e., a motion beat [6, 7, 8]. When dancing to mu-
sic, the music and motion beat should be synchronized. In ○ We use a deep RNN (DRNN) and a contrastive cost
previous studies [4, 9], generating motion required detailed function to generate long motion sequences. The con-
information about the music. trastive cost function improves the alignment between
We propose a deep learning model to generate basic dance the music and motion beat, is end-to-end trainable, and
steps synchronized to the music's rhythm. The proposed end- reduces the need for additional annotations or labeled
to end model generates large motion sequences with preci- data (Section 2.). We describe the training setup and
sion similar to that of a human dancer. Following a previous feature extraction in Section 3.4.
study [10], the proposed model employs multilayered Long
○ We evaluate the motion beat and the cross entropy of
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers and convolutional lay-
the generated dance relative to the trained music (Sec-
ers to encode the audio power spectrum. The convolutional
tion 4.). We demonstrate that the proposed approach
layers reduce the frequency variation of the input audio, and
increases the precision of the motion beat along with
the music beat and models basic dance steps with lower
cross entropy.

○ Conclusions and suggestions for potential future en-

hancements of the proposed model are given in (Sec-
tion 5.).

Fig. 1: Model architecture

2. Proposed Framework
However, with time-series data (such as dance data), the
An overview of the proposed system is shown Figure 1. model may freeze or the output may diverge from the target
due to accumulated feedback errors. To address these issues,
the output of the decoder sets its value to consider autoregres-
2.1 Deep Recurrent Neural Network sive noise accumulation by including the previous generated
Mapping high-dimensional sequences, such as motion, is step in the motion generation process.
a challenging task for deep neural networks (DNN) [5] be-
cause such sequences are not constrained to a fixed size. In
2.2 Auto-conditioned Decoder
addition, to generate motion from music, the proposed model
must map highly non-linear representations between music A conventional method uses as input the ground truth of
and motion [9]. In time signal modeling [14], DRNNs im- the given sequence as the input to train sequences with RNN
plemented with LSTM layers have shown remarkable per- models. During evaluations, the model that was accustomed
formance and stable training when deeper networks are em- to the ground truth in the training process may freeze or di-
ployed. Furthermore, using stacked convolutional layers in a verge from the target due to the accumulation of slight differ-
DRNN has demonstrated promising results for speech recog- ences between the trained and the self-generated sequence.
nition tasks [10]. This unified framework is referred to as a The auto-conditioned LSTM layer handles errors accumu-
CLDNN. In this framework, the convolutional layers reduce lated during sequence generation by conditioning the net-
the spectral variation of the input sound, and the LSTM lay- work using its own output during training. Thus, the network
ers perform time signal modeling. To construct the proposed can handle large sequences from a single input, maintain ac-
of model, we consider a DRNN with LSTM layers separated curacy, and mitigate error accumulation.
into two blocks [14]: one to reduce the music input sequence In a previous study [?] that employed an auto-conditioned
(encoder) and another for the motion output sequence (de- LSTM layer for complex motion synthesis, the conditioned
coder). This configuration can handle non-fixed dimensional LSTM layer was trained by shifting the input from the gen-
signals, such as motion, and avoids performance degradation erated motion with the ground truth motion after fixed repet-
due to the long-term dependency of RNNs. itive steps. In the proposed method, we only employ ground
The input to the network is the power spectrum from the truth motion at the beginning of the training sequence as a
audio represented as x1:n = (xt ∈ R |t = 1, ..., n) with n
target (Fig. 2). By modifying Eq. 2, the generated output is
frames and b frequency bins, and the ground truth sequence expressed as follows.
is represented as y1:n = (y(t) ∈ Rj |t = 1, ..., n) with n
frames and j joint axes. The following equations show the mt+1 = LSTMld ([g(xt ), yt′ ]) (3)
relations of the motion modeling:

g(xt ) = LSTMle (x′t ), (1)

mt+1 = LSTMld (g(xt )), (2)

where g(xt ) is the output processed by the encoder with le

layers, and x′t is the output from the convolutional layers. Fig. 2: Auto-conditioned decoder
Network output mt+1 is processed from the current input and
the previous states of the decoder with ld layers (Fig. 2 left).
Then, mt+1 is a l2-norm model.
formalize the extracted music features will be different com-
pared to the previous frame (i.e., g(xt ) ̸= g(xt−1 )) when a
beat occurs; otherwise, it may keep a similar dimension (i.e.,
g(xt ) ≈ g(xt−1 ).
For regulation, we employ a contrastive cost function[12]
that can map a similarity metric for the given features.
To employ contrastive loss, we extract the standard devia-
Fig. 3: Synchronization of motion and music beat tion (SD) of the ground truth motion at each frame and com-
pare it to the next frame. Then, we assign a label equal to 1
when the motion maintains its direction; otherwise, the label
is 0.
At t:
dvt = SD(yt ) (6)

st = sign(dvt − dvt−1 ), (7)

and at t + 1:

st+1 = sign(dvt+1 − dvt ). (8)

Fig. 4: Encoder PCAs: a) DRNN model without contrastive
cost function and b) DRNN with contrastive cost function Then, labels d are expressed as follows:
1 if st+1 = st ,
where  d= (9)
y if t = 0 0 otherwise
yt′ = (4)
m otherwise. The contrastive cost function at frame t + 1 is expressed
And the error of the motion is calculated by using a mean
squared error (MSE) cost function, which is be denoted as: Lcontrastive = (dt+1 g 2 + (1 − dt+1 ) max(1 − g, 0)2 ) (10)
where g = ||g(xt+1 ) − g(xt )||2 .
LMSE = (yt+1 − mt+1 )2 (5)
k i=1 Finally, the cost function of the model is formulated as
where k is the training batch size, y(t + 1) is the ground truth follows:
and m(t + 1) is the generated motion as.
Ly = LMSE [yt+1 , mt+1 ] + max(Lcontrastive [gt+1 , gt ], 0).
We employ a vector of zeros in our evaluations as the in-
put of the first step followed by the self-generated output to
generate the dance until the music stops. In this manner, we synchronize the music beat to the mo-
tion beat without requiring additional annotations or further
information for the music beat. Figure 4 shows how the fea-
2.3 Music-motion Alignment Regulation
tures from the output encoder behave after being trained by
The motion beat is defined as significant changes in move- contrastive loss. The principal component analysis (PCA)
ment at regular moments, and a previous study [7] reported features of the encoder output have a repetitive pattern, and,
that motion-beat frames occur when the direction of the move- in our experiment, they move in an elliptical shape and group
ment changes; thus, the motion beat occurs when the speed the music beats at specific areas.
drops to zero. Furthermore, harmony is a fundamental crite-
rion when dancing to music. Therefore, the music and mo-
2.4 Model Description
tion beat should be synchronized.
For basic dance steps, the repetitions of dance steps are The DRNN topology employed in our experiments com-
given by a repetitive music beat, where the direction of the prised a CLDNN encoder and a deep recurrent decoder (Fig. 1).
movement changes drastically (Fig. 3). To avoid using ad- The CLDNN architecture follows a similar configuration as
ditional information, we employed the previous definition to that reported in the literature [10].
The input audio features are reduced by four convolutional ○ To synchronize the audio with the motion frame, we
layers, each followed by batch normalization and exponential extracted a slice of 534 samples (33 ms) of the corre-
linear unit activation. Then, three LSTM layers with 500 sponding position. This extracted slice was converted
units each and a fully-connected layer with 65 dimensions to H short-time Fourier transform (STFT) frames of
complete the encoder structure. 160 samples (10 ms) with a shift of 80 samples (5 ms).
The input to the decoder consists of the previous motion
○ From the STFT frames, we used the power informa-
frame (71 dimensions) and the output of the decoder (65 di-
tion, which was normalized between −0.9 and 0.9 on
mensions) with a width of 136 dimensions. The decoder also
the W frequency bin axis.
comprises three LSTM layers with 500 units each and a fully-
connected layer with 71 dimensions. ○ We stacked the H frames; thus, the input of the net-
For music-motion control, we add the contrastive cost func- work was a 1 × W × H-dimensional file.
tion after calculating the next step and the mean squared error
cost function.
3.3 Motion Representation
For each audio track, we employed the rotations and root
3. Experiments translation captured by a single Kinect v2 device at a regular
In this study, our experiments were conducted to 1) im- rate of 30 frames per second. Then, the captured motion was
prove motion generation with weakly supervised learning and post-processed and synchronized with the audio data using a
2) examine the effect that music with different characteristics previously proposed motion beat algorithm [7].
has on the results. ○ From the captured data in hierarchical translation-rotation
format, we processed the spatial information (i.e., trans-
3.1 Data lation) of the body in a vector (x, y, z) in meters and
a17-rotation vector in quaternions denoted (qx , qy , qz ,
We prepared three datasets due to a lack of available datasets qw ).
that include dance synchronized to music. We restricted the
data to small samples using different music genres with dif- ○ We normalized each vector component using the max-
ferent rhythms. imum value of each component in the range of −0.9 to
Hip hop bounce: This dataset comprises two hip hop mu- 0.9. The resultant vector (71 dimension) was the target
sic tracks with a repetitive lateral bouncing step to match the of the neural network.
rhythm. Each track is three minutes long on average at 80 to Note that we did not apply any filtering or denoising method
95 beats per second (bpm). to maintain the noisy nature of the motion.
Salsa: This dataset comprises seven salsa tracks (four min-
utes long on average). All tracks include vocals and rhythms
between 95 to 130 bpm. This dataset includes a lateral salsa 3.4 Training procedure
dance step during instrumental moments and a front-back
The models were trained for 15 epochs using each dataset
salsa step during vocal elements.
and the CHAINER framework [17] as an optimization tool.
Mixed: This dataset comprises13 music tracks with and
Each training epoch took an average of 60 minutes.
without vocal elements (six genres: salsa, bachata, ballad,
The models were trained using an NVIDIA GTX TITAN
hip hop, rock and bossa nova) with an average length of three
graphic processing unit. For the optimization, we employed
minutes. Depending on the genre, each track includes up to
the ADAM Solver [13] with a training mini-batch of 50 files
two dance steps.
and white noise added to the gradient. Each training batch
employed sequences of 150 steps.
3.2 Audio Feature Extraction
Each audio file was sampled at 16 KHz. Then, we ex-
tracted the power features as follows.
4. Results Table. 1: F-score and cross entropy of bounce dataset
4.1 Metrics Hip Hop Other genres
Method Entropy
White* White
A quantitative evaluation of the models was performed us- Clean*
Claps Crowd Clean Clean
ing the f-score. We followed the literature [7] to extract the Madmom
89.18 - - - - 80.13 - -
motion beat1 from each dance and report the f-score with (Music beat)
regard to the music beat. To demonstrate the benefits of 54.11 - - - - 48.89 - -
(Music beat)
adding a motion cost function, we compared the performance Dancer
62.31 - - - - 54.49 - -
of the sequence-to-sequence (S2S) and music-motion-loss (baseline)
S2S 55.98 46.33 50.58 54.11 32.95 35.84 34.86 1.98
sequence-to-sequence (S2SMC) models with music beat re-
S2S-MC 64.90 55.58 60.62 56.37 37.69 34.63 34.05 1.41
trieval frameworks. The models were evaluated under dif- *Trained data for S2S and S2SMC
ferent conditions: clean trained music and white noise at the
music input with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 20 dB, un- Table. 2: F-score of salsa dataset.
trained noises (e.g., claps and crowd noise) at an SNR of Method Clean* White* Claps Crowd
20 dB, clean untrained music tracks of the same genre and Madmom 51.62 - - -
music tracks of different genres under clean conditions and Marsyas 23.38 - - -
white noise at an SNR of 20 dB. In addition, we evaluated Dancer (baseline) 52.82 - - -
the cross entropy of the generated motion and the dancer for S2S 53.79 52.88 52.76 51.98
the hip hop dataset. S2S-MC 53.96 53.09 53.61 52.48
*Trained data for S2S and S2SMC

4.2 Music vs. Motion beat which means that the dance generated by S2SMC was similar
We compared the results to two music beat retrieval sys- to the trained dance.
tems, i.e., the MADMOM and Music Analysis, Retrieval and Table 2 shows the f-score for the music tracks trained using
Synthesis for Audio Signals (MARSYAS) systems. MAD- the salsa dataset. Both models show better performance than
MOM [16] is a Python audio and music signal processing the dancer when tested under the same training conditions,
library that employs deep learning to process the music beat and S2SMC shows better performance than S2S under all
and MARSYAS is an open-source framework that obtains conditions. Note that the size of the dataset influences the
the music beat using an agent-based tempo that processes a performance of the models, and we employed a larger dataset
continuous audio signal [15]. The beat annotations of each compared to the previous experiment.
system were compared to manually annotated ground truth Table 3 shows the results of the mixed genre dataset. As
beat data. We then compared the ground truth beat data to can be seen, diverse results were obtained for each model.
the motion beat of the dancer for each dance. Here, the aver- The proposed methods cannot outperform the baseline, whereas
age f-score was used as a baseline. S2S outperformed S2SMC for most genres. The main reason
Table 1 compares the results of the music beat retrieval for this difference in the results is due to the complexity of
frameworks, the motion beat of the dancer (baseline) and the dataset and the variety of dance steps relative to the num-
the motion beat of the generated dances. As can be seen, ber of music samples; thus, the model could not group the
the proposed models demonstrate better performance than beat correctly (Fig 5).
MARSYAS, and S2SMC outperformed S2S in the evalua-
tions that used clean and noisy data for training. However,
Table. 3: F-score of mixed genres
both models did not perform well when a different music Bossa*
Method Bachata* Ballad* Rock* Hip Hop* Salsa*
track or music from different genres were used as the in- Nova
Dancer (baseline) 62.55 52.07 45.02 62.32 55.84 53.96
put. In addition, the proposed models did not outperform S2S 60.72 49.92 46.19 60.06 64.30 52.31
a model trained to only process the music beat (i.e., MAD- S2S-MC 56.63 48.48 40.91 64.87 63.85 53.71

MOM). S2SMC demonstrated lower cross entropy than S2S, *Trained data for S2S and S2SMC

1 Video samples can be found online

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