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Father Saturnino Urios University

Business Administration Program

Butuan City, Philippines

A Narrative Report in
On-The-Job Training at Navigatύ Center,
Ampayon, Butuan City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Submitted by:

Sheena Mae A. Ocampo

Submitted to:

Pedrito V. Famorcan III

March, 2019
Table of contents



Chapter I


Father Saturnino Urios University

Vision and Mission

Institutional Goals

Goals of Business Administration Program

Major Course Work

Personal Information

About Me



Narration of Experiences





Problems and resolutions Offered

Chapter III


Accomplishment and Contribution

Competencies Gained

Trainings and Output

Impact to the field of Specilization




OJT certificate

Daily Time Record


On-the-job training, also known as OJT, is a hands-on method of teaching the skills, knowledge, and
competencies needed for Students to perform a specific job within the workplace . Students learn
in the environment where they will need to practice the knowledge and skills obtained during
training. It realized the importance of On-the-Job Training nor how completing internships can
shape their future career. Great academic results and a well presented resume used to be enough to
land a great job in thecompany, but times have changed, and with the economy the way it is now,
companies want students who have had real hands on practical on the job training.

Navigatu is taken from the word navigation. Inspired by the long history of Butuan'sBalangay Boats
which is the oldest wooden watercraft excavated in Southeast Asia showing evidence of early
Filipino craftmanship and seamanship. The Balangay boat is believed to represent the values of
solidarity, harmony, determination, courage, and bravery which the incubator would like to instill
in the minds of those on board. Balangays were used to carry cargo and deliver goods, similarly,
Navigatú shall carry potential ideas, cultivate, and deliver them ready to explore the world.

On the job training for students has been used as a traditional instrument to increase
employability of graduates with connected demand for the labor market. Although trainee is a
concept related to the labor market in Philippines. it does not have a comprehensive legal
basement. In the Internship it provides a brief review of the existing literature related to the
employability of graduates. Regulation of on the job training for students has been proposed as an
instrument for increasing employability of graduates in Father Saturnino Urios University.


This Chapter presents what Father Saturnino Urios University is, its vision and mission, the goals of
Business Administration Program, Vision and Mission, Institutional Goals, Goals of Business
Administration Program, Major Course Work and Personal Information.


We are a Filipino, Catholic, diocesan, educational institution committed to imparting our students
with the skills, knowledge, and competence to succeed in their chosen fields of study. Our
administrators, faculty, and staff are guided by the Urian core values of Unity, Religiosity, Integrity,
Altruism, and Nationalism. We offer a holistic brand of education, and we are proud to be
recognized as one of the leading institutions in Northeastern Mindanao.

As we forward educational enhancement, research development, and service to the

community, our university produces professionals who make significant contributions in their
future lines of work, both here and abroad. Three campuses ensure safe and conducive avenues for
learning: the Archbishop Morelos Campus in Libertad, the Juan de Dios Pueblos Senior High School
in our main campus at the heart of Butuan City. Altogether, FSUU provides an atmosphere of
excellence and innovation that is mindful of society’s ever-changing needs.

Father Saturnino Urios University, a lay-empowered, Filipino, Catholic, Diocesan, Educational
Institution, envisions a community of men and women committed to pursue the work of Christ for
the wholeness of society.


FSUU commits itself to:

1. Provide balanced program of spiritual formation, educational development, research
undertakings, and community involvement for all;
2. Form self-determined Filipinos who uphold the integrity of creation, are crusaders of truth and
justice, proud of their identity and heritage and in a dialogue with different cultures;
3. Empower all as catalysts for social transformation and development.

1. Synergize the development of the people
2. Create innovative programs
3. Expand and strengthen partnerships

The seven (7) Objectives:

In addition to the university’s vision and mission, the URIAN core values, the 7 principles, its vision
of a preferred future and goals, the foundation of the five-year plan includes the following
1. Promote Student success and the student experience;
2. Integrated service for community development, economic development and
3. Strategic HR and Quality of life in the workplace;
4. Large-scale research and its infrastructure;
5. Global connectedness and presence;
6. Campus and Facilities design; and
7. Synergies among disciplines, programs, and services.

The Business Administration Program is designed to be the source of individuals equipped to meet
the demands of the corporate, industrial and entrepreneurial world of today.
The Business Administration Program develops students and faculty to be proactive professionals
in business and industry guided by Catholic principles and virtues, equipped with strong liberal
education for the social, cultural and economic development of society. The program of the
university provides students with relevant curriculum anchored on liberal education. Sensitive to
the changes in the locality, country and the world; deliver methodologies that are inquiry-based
and data-based. Nurture in the students the value of nationalism, service, social responsibility,
justice and peace, self-determination, and with a deep concern for people and environment. The
program is developing the students holistically in managerial and entrepreneurial competencies
and other skills such as critical thinking, communication and research towards a locally-based yet
globally competitive knowledge workers and industry leaders. Updating teachers and enriching
curricula continually for technological innovations, trends and other developmental changes in
business and information technology.


The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management is a four-year
college course recommended for people who plan to make a career in Banking and Finance
Industry. The program aims to help students acquire analytical skills, perception, and competencies
necessary for sound financial decision making in the business world.

In comparison with BS in Business Administration which deals with the fundamental

concepts of operating and managing a business, BSBA in Finance Management focuses on financial
analysis, economics, investment strategies, management systems, banking and commercial
The curriculum of BSBA in Finance Management includes CHED-mandated general subjects,
with an emphasis on Money, Credit and Banking, Business and Finance, Taxation and Public
Finance, Principles of Banking and Corporation Finance, Principles of Investments, Financial Policy
and Central Banking. These classroom theories are later exercise during internship and on-the-job


NAME: Sheena Mae A. Ocampo

AGE: 21 Years old
ADDRESS: Village II Libertad, Butuan City
Birthday:May 6, 1997
Birthplace: Butuan City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name:Nonilon B. Ocampo
Father’s Name: Grace A. Ocampo
Email Address:

Educational Background

Tertiary : Father Saturnino Urios University

San Francisco Street, Butuan City

Secondary :Agusan National High School

A.D. Curato St, Butuan City

Elementary: Butuan Central Elementary School

A.D. Curato St, Butuan City

My name is Sheena Mae AlaanOcampo, I am a 4th year graduating student of Father Saturnino Urios

University taking up the course Business Administration Major in Financial Management. I have to

follow a career that is in line with my Major specifically in the Office. Through out my years of

studying, I have learned to be More Responsible, to manage time in my studies in order to pass my

subjects. I became optimistic and I am a Patience kind of Person. I was able to handle myself in

every situation in trouble or I am with. I’ve learned to analyzed things first before sputter word that

might hurt to others. I’ve been dealing with people with different personalities and build a friendly

relationship with them, in which I delight and cherish a lot. I’ve been catch up with people that

helped me to develop my confidence. Also , I have gained a lot of on-hand working management and

communication skills through things taught me in experience. I am more positive towards things

and I am able to work under pressure, maximize working time and try my best to contribute

knowledge to everyone. An average Student, but I am enthusiastic and very willing to learn and

develop new skills.


In Navigatu I-tech taught me a worthwhile experiences, they trained us hands-on operating

management. In the office,there are seven (7) start-ups that they incubate and to find investors to
help the economy to be convenient using mobile apps or technology. We are assigned to do their
financial Statement and projection in their start-up. I experienced to meet all the successful people
in the Philippines and hear all their inspirational words to give motivation to us. I have also
experienced the roadshow to indoctrinate the other willing participants to have a traction in
Building Start-up and lastly Navigatalks workshops to show and enhance the knowledge and skills
of a person and to share his/her idea that can possibly help in the government and society and it
was genuine and great experience, indeed.


As I observed, in the office ofNavigatu the ambiance there is so relaxing and enjoy. The
seven (7) teams help each other to do their task in their Start-up. The TBI manager help them on
how to be innovative and run the business well. also in their daily operation of the teams are the
one who operates their own app and to analyze critical thinking in their business plan. They encode
it and find a solutions on how to run the app or website of the business. And also I observed that
our manager is the one who organize the events and bid the money to the city government to
approve it. They invite some successful businessman or a mentor in Manila to embark of innovation
where ideas and originalities are consistently delivered to country and people.
On the other hand, I observed that before the Official Receipts and Quotations will approve it,
there are many process that they need to follow in CSU policies. that’s why before the event it
should be passed one week ahead so that It can be done early. I have observed that the navigatu
encourage you to build confidence and to pitch it to the potential investors in other places. I also
observed that Navigatu has many connections to other establishment in Butuan City like DTI, DICT
and others.


Navigatu gave me the chance to participate in their “Navigatalks” , because we are the one who
assigned in activity design where the resources, materials, purpose of it and to compute the budget
that can be used in the Navigatalks.Andi am very grateful to servedthe participant and happy
because they are very friendly and active to participate in the event.

Weparticipateand organized the upcoming event in the month of November because the office of
Navigatuinvited the staffs of QBO from Manila to give knowledge of about start-up. To know more
about QBO, it means that this is a Innovation Hub is under the Negosyo Center Plus operating model
although it will be more selective and focus on more mature startups. We are encourage to witness
and observed the Navigatalks. We also participate and assist And they trust us to be there with so
that it can help us in the real future world.

I was able to participate in “Navigatalks with Mr. Carlo Calimon” because we are the one also
organize it again in activity design and give a privilege to talk to him personally, we are so happy
because they give us a motivational quotes in our way to success because he believe in us in our
capacities. I was so nervous to talk to him knowing that I am just a trainee and not well
experienced in interviewing but gladly , I was able to handle it. He was very approachable and
knowledgeable enough.

I also participated in the last month Navigatalks, when Mr. Leo Lallana a Design Thinking
Strategist for On-Off Group based in Makati and has been exposed to the technology industry for
years has visited in the office. The interns volunteer to accommodate him, and help the participants
to do their workshop materials and I was happy because it can give me knowledge to share with
others, it was a very memorable experience to me.


During my stay at Navigatu I was happy because I was able to interact with my the incubates, co-
interns and other people in the building of mechatronics. I was able to meet different type of
successful people during the meetings in conference room, the way they tell about their thoughts
on how to be successful in the city of Butuan, how they talked on what are their strategies to do on
how to achieve their objectives and lastly on how to interact well on the other people with different

It is just a fulfilling that I was able to experience these all during my on-the-job training. I wasn’t
like any other trainees who wash dishes, sweeping on the floor and photocopy, but I was exposed in
a duty with such relevance in my course which is Financial Management. It was a privilege because
it was my opportunity to handle such tasks in which I learned a lot. I was heighten in everything
that they taught me, in every corrections and suggestions that the incubatees and TBI manager gave
us. Because it can help me to be a better person.

Everything that I have learned in Navigatu during navigatalks, roadshows and workshops will be
surely value and treasured. I will be keeping it and I will bring the knowledge and experiences
during my apprentince. I felt so gloomy when I know that my 400 hours is finished, I’ll be missing
the people in there because they are the one who make me feel that I’am worthy person and they
believe in me.

I’ve never been fortunate since the day I engaged myself in the financial position in the office, in
the corporate or professional world. I took everything I gained as a guide for my future.

The first challenge I encountered in Navigatu, it was my first time to duty and I do not know how
to entertain some official in the city government of Butuan because I do not have enough
knowledge on what are the process of the incubates and also they asked what are the operation in
the office, I was so nervous because I don’t have any idea on there. But I encourage myself to
answer it and broad my thoughts during my learnings in FSUU, and our manager was happy for me
because I answer it well.

The 2nd challenge that I have countered when the seven (7) teams asked help on their financial
statement and projection, and It was a little bit confused to us because we are not so expertise on
how to compute that. So we tell them that we need time to compute it, so me any my co-interns
have meeting on how to handle that kind of situation. First we asked help in our TBI manager, so he
told us that to search in the internet and he encouraged us because he believed in our capacities. So
we decide to outsource on the internet on how to compute it, we help each other and tell ourselves
that we could do that because we know that we are equipped and ready in the corporate world.
And atlast in 1 month, we gave their financial statement and projection and discuss them on what
are their condition in every year assessment in their business and they are so happy on the results
of their income and profits.

The 3rd challenge is when our TBI manager was so mad to us because the materials that we need in
the workshop is not ready, the incubates forgot to tells us because there was so very busy doing
their milestone and the roadshow is early morning. He was very disappoint and tell us that to do
the inventory quickly. So me and my co-interns do the task quick and ready it properly. We said
sorry to our manager and told him that it wont happen again and he respond with a smile on his
face and tap our shoulders that we could do it better in our roadshow.

Problems Met and Solutions offered

For almost 5 months of staying in navigatu, I haven’t encountered any major problems at the office.
When it comes to relationship with the incubatee, there was no conflict at all. The incubatee there is
very accommodating and friendly to us. The workforce management there are very well trained,
and the working environment has no problem at all. In the process of papers there is a minor
problem but it can solved it quickly and process it with smooth and clear. And if there’s a problem
in the office, our manager will call a meeting immediately to tell us that what are the strategies on
how the office will be run successfully and find a solutions for that. And also we apprentice and
with the incubates aims to maintain the good quality of Navigatu, because we wanted to prove that
to our manager that we are responsible and we can do better in our task by being active and
attentive everytime.


This Chapter contains the accomplishment and contribution, competencies gained, Trainings
and Output, Impact to the field of specialization, conclusion and recommendation.

Accomplishment and contribution

I am very happy that I have accomplished the 400 hours rendered at Navigatu. It is an honored to
become their apprentice under the supervision of Mr. Elpsalms Franco. I feel contentment that I
was able to help them in their jobs by doing the activity design in Navigatalks, roadshow and
workshops. And also in their inventories of their office supplies. I believed that I contributed
something that can maximize the working time to process the quotations and biding in
accommodation of visitors. And also I was able to help the hands-on operation their because we are
the one who do the finance trusted fund that need in the Navigatu, and entertain the successful
people in the Philippines.

Satisfaction is when I heard the good feedback in our TBI manager. I am totally happy and
satisfied to hear those words that can gained my confidence and be a better person.

Competencies Gained
Even if there were no task in working time, we find ways to help our manager to do the inventories
and PPMP of the office most of the time. I also learned a lot from these school. That time and effort
is very important, and being dependent somehow can mold me to be a responsible in my the task
that had given me. And I am very grateful that I have learned it from the office and the

It help me a lot to be a competent person in a humble way because it can use it in the corporate
world someday and I am so happy to know that the I have learned it from my own way.

Training and Outputs

During my stay at Navigatu I considered it as a training ground for us, because daily operation in
the office was a training for us. Navigatu has big impact for me , it help me to be exceed in my
knowledge and skills that can be used in the future career sooner. They trained me to be a hard-
word working and responsible enough to my task, to have a driven in my work and to be
motivated. To balance my working time and studies and improve myself. They trained me also on
how to handle such situation and to resolve it, and also it gives me confidence on how to talked to
other people proper and politely. This OJT gives me impact in to my career and help me a lot in all
aspects in my future.

Impact to the field of specialization

This training brought a huge help to me improve and enhancing my major which is Financial
Management. I was gladly and blessed to have my OJT in Navigatu which gave me a exposure that is
important in to my specialization. Even thought that we are surrounded by the IT and Computer
Science, it is not a problem to us. Because it can trained us financial student to be dependent
somehow in a workplace, and manage it well in finance function. During my Ojtinnavigatu I was
able to know the financial statement and projection in every start-up in the office.

I was exposed to the things that Financial department are really in to it. I feel so merit because
our TBI Manager trust and believed in us in our capacities to do the financial stuffs and to write a
journal about the experience in navigatu to publish in the CARAGA editorial. We are so very proud
to be part in the navigatu center because we are the one who do the financial every workshop,
Navigatalks and roadshow even thought we are still trainee.

It was overwhelmed to bring the knowledge that I learned from the training, I can say that I am
equipped and ready to apply in the corporate world. Apply all hand hands-on operations and
theories that I have learned in five (5) years studying in FSUU and intern at Navigatu.


I’m grateful that I got to learn a lot of things from my intership. I was satisfied enough to have a
genuine and knowledgeable Sir Elpsalms David J. Franco to get along because he is the one who
manage in all operational management and a mentor to the incubatees, it help me to improved my
skills and abilities not just me and to all people in Navigatu. And I realized that to be intern in
navigatu it help me to improve as a better person. My plans in the future are now prioritized during
my stay in there. I need now to be more serious with my life and apply it to my future career soon
that I have learned from it. The theoretical framework at school are nothing without application
and experiences, I can say that I am ready to face the real world.

I Recommend to Father Saturnino Urios University, that they must continue to support the student

to their studies and On-the-job training in their skills and abilities. And 400 hours is enough for the

student to realize in their working task, it there should have a fair competition to all the student in

this institution and also they continue to motivate the students.

To the Business Administration Program, that due to the quota of students applying for the On-

the-job training it should allow the student to start their training even though the classes has not

yet started. Also. In practicum instructors should be more understanding and patient with their

respective companies, and motivate them that they can do it.

To my fellow Student, first, before choosing the company or establishment, it should be choose

wisely so that can you be learn something new and can help to the future career, because it is a

practice journey that can be enhance and prepare as a person, and also it should be connect to the

specialization of the course that you take, so that It can be used in the real world. Second, time

management is important in studies and On-the-Job training to train well. Third, listen and be pro-

active in your respective companies, always listen and be respectful to your manager or supervisor.

Do the task in a time, and be responsible. Lastly always listen to your instructor in giving you

instruction because they are the one give you a right way to be a better person in real world.

“employment readiness and professional Development”

Being apprentice in Navigatu was a fruitful journey, I can reflect it to my career because it can

used it to my future corporate world. In the office gives me a opportunity to know what are my

strength and weakness and also Job Readiness is based on what employers are looking for. We are

ready for the kind of job we are looking for, and would an employer agree with this decision? We

at The Working office like to think of this checklist as a way to review and engage collaboratively

together in helping us to be ready for your next job. Being self- sufficient on four Employability

Factors that prepare to manage my work life like Career.

Decision-making, or knowing what type of work suits me. Skills enhancement, or having the

skills and education for the work we want. And it enhance our SoftSkills that help me manage

challenges and perform effectively and Understanding the particular stresses or challenges might

my face in my workplace. Getting and keeping a job requires good communication skills. job

readiness programs provide instruction and practice opportunities. Participants learn how to

effectively present their ideas and opinions to build successful business relationships. Getting a job

typically requires completing a successful interview. Job readiness programs typically help

participants practice answering typical questions, such as why the are qualified for the job. Using

role-playing exercises, participants learn to listen, avoid talking too much, speak professionally,

express an appropriate level of confidence, answer questions, and ask for additional information to

show interest in the job without appearing desperate.

“financial Literacy for fresh Graduates and Digital Platform for career paths”

During the seminar, I have a lot of realization of what is in the real corporate world, there are

many competitors and hard to find a job when we graduate. When the first speaker told us what are

the jobs that is can align in our course, and she also taught us what are the strategies on how to pass

in the interview. It was a informative to us that can be use in our journey. And I was amazed what

are the opportunities in the other country that could help us to find a job through that link. And it

was fun to hear some words that can gained knowledge on how to find career in the future, over all

it is a digital platform for our paths in the future that can be a successful person someday.

The second speaker also is very informative about how we can save money because in the

economy today, the inflation is very high that can affect the product and service that can affect in

the society. I have learned a lot on how to budget my salary in the future, first it must have a

emergency fund and investment that can help. And also she taught us what are the effects in the

next few years, that’s why she told us to be wise in spending money. It was very worthwhile to hear

and enjoy because it can gained me more knowledge.

A. Grand launching of Navigatu ( OCTOBER 31, 2018)

with the Deputy ED Engr. Raul Sabularse, DOST Director - PCIEERD

B. Mr. Carlo Calimon, the Director of StartUp Village, Founder of MobKard, and a GoNegosyo
Business Mentor visited Navigatú and talked about Building Traction for Startups
( NOVEMBER 14, 2018)

C. Roadshow at Father Saturnino Urios University ( November 19,2018)

D. Roadshow at Surigao State College of Technology ( November 22,2018)

E. “UX design Navigatalks” Design Sprint Facilitator, Managing Director with

Phil Smithson ( February 19, 2019)

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