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Delta fitness

Complete body workout for rheumatic patients 1

By: ExorLive Content Publisher 4

Physical activity can help to reduce joint pain and contribute to a general improvement of function. The training can
be adapted to fluctuations of your disease. It is important to know that increased pain in an initial phase, can reduce
with training with time.You must have access to exercise equipment for this program.
1. Cybex: Sigma Cycle
You may choose a program and start the cycle or just
press quick-start. To change the resistance press plus or
minus, and to finish press stop.
Varighet: 10 min 0 sec
2. Inclined seated leg press
Place your feet on the platform, shoulder-width apart.
Bend your knees approximately 90 degrees. Contract
abdomen and lower back and push until your legs are
almost straight. Return to the start position and repeat.
Reps: 8-10 , Sets: 3
3. Cable lat pulldown
With a wide grip, lean slightly backward and tilt your head
upwards. Push your chest forward and pull the bar down
to your chest. Slowly return to the start position and
Reps: 8-10 , Sets: 3
4. Seated rowing 1
Sit bent forward with your knees slightly bent and
shoulders pulled forward. Move your upper body
backward, pull handle toward your abdomen while pulling
your shoulders together. Slowly return to the start
position and repeat.
Sett: 3 , Reps: 8-10 8/9/2019 @ 2:02 PM Page 1 of 2 Show video

Delta fitness
Complete body workout for rheumatic patients 1
By: ExorLive Content Publisher 4
5. Chest press 2
Sit with relaxed shoulders, firmly grasping the handles.
Keep your elbows at grip level. Push forward until your
arms are straight and slowly let them come back to your
Sett: 3 , Reps: 8-10
6. LF DAP: Seated reversed flyes
Sit with good back support. Hold your arms together in
front of your chest, your elbows slightly bent and your
thumbs pointing up. Pull the handles out to the sides,
moving your arms as far back as possible. Notice your
shoulder blades pushed toward each other before slowly
releasing back.
Sett: 3 , Reps: 8-10 8/9/2019 @ 2:02 PM Page 2 of 2 Show video

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