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An easy way to construct a bijection from N to N

Ovidiu Bagdasar
Str. Ciucas 12, ap. 5, Zarnesti, 2200, jud. Brasov, Romania
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1. Introduction :

We start with observing that an infinit set is countable if there is a bijection from it
and N. From Cantor , we know that N2 has the same number of elements like N. The next step
is to observe that also , N k has the same number of elements with N.
Interesting , isn`t it ?
But now appears a beautiful problem . To obtain the bijection .
While preparing the Calculus exam at Politechnic Institute of Bucharest , I was trying to
gather some knowledge in the last days , so I started reading one of the books of my teacher ,
Mr. Octavian Stanasila .
There I saw the next interesting problem :

„ Prove that f : N × N → N

f (m, n ) =
(m 2
+ n 2 + 2 mn + 3m + n )

is a bijection .”

The solution contains a very interesting idea as you can see in [1].

2. Preliminaries :

The next step is of course how to obtain the bijection from N3 to N . We first give a
„geometrical” solution . First we need some preliminary notions :
1. Let us consider (that for imaging how N3 looks) a tridimensional coordinate sistem
where all the points of N3 are given by their coordinates.( after the versors of the three axes )

In this 3D space we call an „a height plan” the geometric place of the (m,n,p) points
for which m + n + p = a .

2. For working easier we also consider the notations:

S 1,x = x ;
x ( x + 1)
S 2 ,x =

So, f (m, n) = S2 ,m +n + S1,m

Let` s prove that f (m, n, p) = S3 ,m +n + p + S 2 ,m +n + S1,m , and after that , so on .

Because we have to find a bijection , the easiest way to proceed is to establish a certain order
to count the points from N3 .
Let us now try to imagine what values should the function take in the beginning points .
Of course that f (0,0,0) = 0 ;
Then , f (1,0,0) = 3 ; f (0,1,0) = 2 ; f (0,0,1) = 1 ;
But now let us get back to serious ( or to a little more serious ) things .
So let` s count the order number for f (m, n, p ) .
And now the things start to become interesting .
Because (m, n, p ) is situated in the „a height plan” , until getting to it , we have to see the
points from all the planes with a lower height .
This number is :

S 3,a = 1 + 3 + ... + (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + a )

(1⋅ 2) (2 ⋅ 3) a(a + 1)
= + + ... +
2 2 2
= S 2 ,1 + S 2 , 2 + ...+ S 2, a

Now , we are situated in the „ a height plan ”. For counting the points we have many
posibilities so we will choose the easiest way to establish an order on these points starting
with the point (0,0, a) , where the function takes the value S3,a (exactly the number of points
wich lay before it ) . We get down now ( speaking after the last coordinate ) when considering
the second row of the plane .
Here , f (1,0, m + n + p − 1) = S3, a + 2
and f (0 ,1, m + n + p − 1) = S 3 ,a + 1

In this plane , before getting to (m, n, p) we have to count :

(a − p )(a − p + 1)
+ m points that is equal to
(m + n )(m + n + 1) + m .
2 2

In fact exactly S 2 ,m +n + S1, m .

So , f (m, n, p) = S3 ,m +n + p + S 2 ,m +n + S1,m that is exactly our “prophecy “.

3. Main results :

And now comes the final step . To find a bijection between N k and N . Now it is
easy to imagine that the bijection is the function :

f (n1 , n 2 ,..., nk ) = S k ,(n1 +n2 +... +nk ) + S k −1,(n1+ n2 +...+ nk −1 ) + ... + S 2 ,(n1+ n2 ) + S1, n1 (1)

where Sk ,a = Sk −1,1 + Sk −1, 2 + ... + Sk −1, a .

Or , in other words , if

Ak ,a = {(n1 , n 2 ,..., n k ) n1 + n2 + ... + n k < a , ni = 0 ...a − 1, i = 1...k}

In this case , S k , a = Ak ,a

and S k −1,a = Ak −1, a and so on for every k.

Obs : In this situation we have to count the number if points wich lay before

(n1, n2 ,..., nk ) .
We have to count first the ones for wich the sum of the coordinates is lower than a , w here
a = n1 + n 2 + ... + nk .

This is Sk ,a .

After that , in „ a height plan ” we have to count , not considering the values of the last
coordinate wich are lower or equal to n k .

Their number is S k −1, a −nk .

And finally , we consider k decreasing to 1 and then we do the sum .

We obtain the formula from ( 1 )

I want to thank to Mister Mihaly Bencze who almost adopted me , without

who today I could be maybe at the Journalistic University , not being able
to write even this small article .

References :

Paul Flondor , Octavian Stanasila.

[2] Mihaly Bencze , Florin Popovici
„About the finitness of the reunion of two finit sets ”
Octogon mathematical magazine vol ... .

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