SQL Lab Activity-Delosreyes

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Ree Ann John M. de los Reyes BSEE-5

Create the following tables:

a) Student
Column Name Data Type Size
ID_No varchar 7
Firstname varchar 30
Lastname varchar 30

b) Faculty
Column Name Data Type Size
ID_No varchar 7
Firstname varchar 30
Lastname varchar 30

c) Subject
Column Name Data Type Size
Course_ID varchar 7
Course_Name varchar 30

Insert the following data into their respective tables:

Data for Student

ID_No Firstname Lastname
10-1000 John Dy
10-1001 Josh Sy
10-1002 Mary Terpening

Data for Faculty

ID_No Firstname Lastname
19-0001 Brenda Heights
19-0002 Terry Oak
19-0003 Sally Yee

Data for Subject

Course_ID Course_Name
EM 1 Algebra
EM 2 Advance Algebra
EM 3 Analytic Geometry
EES 2 Advance CAD

1. Find out the names of all the students.

2. Find out the names of all the faculty.

3. Find out the name of faculty with ID_No 19-0003

4. Find out the names of all the subject.

5. List all students that starts with letter “J” in their name.

6. List all subjects with course code that starts with “EM”
7. List all subjects with course name that has “CAD”

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