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Department of Education

Leyte Division
Sta. Fe Stand Alone Senior High School
Brgy. Pilit, Sta. Fe, Leyte

Subject: Introduction to Philosophy of Human Person Date: June 10, 2019

Section: CSS 12C Time: 07:45-08:45

Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view.


a. Topic: Doing Philosophy
b. Reference: Curriculum guide in Intro. to Philo.; Internet
c. Materials: Laptop
A. Preliminary Activity:
What is philosophy?
What is holistic perspective?
What is partial point of view?
B. Activity: Post-it Parade!
Students will answer series of questions whether it is philosophical or non-
C. Analysis:
How did you find the activity?
How did you come up with your questions?
How can you differentiate philosophical and non-philosophical questions?
D. Abstraction:
Teacher gives inputs on how to distinguish a holistic perspective from a
partial point of view.
Deepening Guide Questions:
a. What is philosophy?
b. What is holistic perspective and partial point of view?
c. What is the relationship between holistic perspective and
philosophical reflection?
d. What is philosophical question? And non-philosophical questions?
E. Application:
Distinguish the philosophical questions(Holistic perspective approach) from the
following list of questions.
a. Is the meaning of life the same for animals and humans?
b. Where is the line between art and not art?
c. Is there a meaning to life? If so, what is it?
d. Does fate exist? If so, do we have free will?
e. Why do we dream?
f. Why do we need foods?
g. Is it possible to live a normal life and not ever tell a lie?
h. What should be the goal of humanity?
i. Does love has no forever?
j. Does a person’s name influence the person they become?
k. How long will you be remembered after you die?
l. Where does your self-worth come from?
m. Will religion ever become obsolete?
n. What is the best way for a person to attain happiness?
What philosophical question/s have you asked in the past or is asking right now?
What makes your question personally significant?

Prepared By:
Teacher 1
Noted By:
School head

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