Cum Sa Fii Mentor

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Tips for Being a


A mentorship is a one-to-one relationship that’s focused on learning. In a mentorship relationship, the mentor
uses their experience, network, and coaching techniques to help their mentee learn and grow. As you engage in a
mentorship relationship as a mentor, use the following tips to make the most out of the experience.

Be nurturing
Create a risk-free and supportive environment so your mentee feels comfortable sharing their dreams,
fears, and problems they’re facing at work. This means “shout loudly with your optimism, keep quiet with
your cynicism.”
Don’t criticize mentees for mistakes, let them learn

Be open and honest

Both sides have to be open and honest for the mentor relationship to succeed.
Everyone should feel comfortable sharing information.
Mentors should share their own vulnerabilities--be honest about what you don’t know, your
own failures, and what you learned the hard way.
Honesty is key for feedback.

Be confidential
What’s said in a mentor meeting stays in a mentor meeting.
To encourage sharing of problems and fears the mentee might be feeling, keep this information

Be a good listener
Listen first, then ask and advise.
Don’t talk too much during your one-on-one meetings.
Hear what your mentee has to say first before giving your opinion.
Ask probing questions, but let mentees make their own decisions.

Give actionable advice

Avoid super abstract or conceptual topics.
Focus on giving practical advice to help mentees solve specific problems.

Look for organizing themes

Look for issues or challenges that keep coming up with the mentee. Can they be organized under one theme?
Mentors can add unique value by seeing patterns in mentees’ issues that can be solved the same way.

Focus on character, not just skills

Too many mentors focus on just skills acquisition. The best leaders go beyond competency
and help mentees develop their character, self-awareness, empathy, values etc.

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