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You are on page 1of 9 - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh moi nhit, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién soan Fanpage: http://www TOPIC 3: TENSES PHAN MOT: TRICH TU’ DE THI DAI HOC CAC NAM. th Ei earatnch 4 si Di- 1. When Peter was a child, there a cinema near his house. A.used to be B. used to have C. used to be being —D. used toltave'been. 2. After the car crash last night, all the injured. to the hospital in an ambutl A..was rushing B. were rushed C. was rushed D. i Trich dé thi tuyén sinh dai hoc khéi Dr-201 3. Only one of our gifted students to participate in the final tompetition. A.has been chosen B.have been chosen C. were choosing. D. chosen 4, The boat was sailing north when a terrible storm E A. had broken B. broke D. was breaking. Cw Trich dé thi tuyén sinh dqi hoc kh6i A1-201 5. In our hospital, patients every A.areexamined —_B. can examine we examined —_D. were examining, Trich dé thi tuyén sinh dai hoc kh 6 “Could you tum off the st otatoes, for at least thirty minutes.” A.areboiling ——@B. ling C.have been boiling D. boiled 7. Carbon dioxide Sach ‘the main contributors to the greenhouse effect. A. has been identifiedlB. has identified C. had identified __D. had been identified Trich dé thi trung Wgc pi théng quéc gia 2015 8, Thetheadmastefhas decided that three lecture halls in our school next semester. A. wil il B. will be built C. are being built D. will be building 9. [ERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) spreads through close contact with ;ple, not through the air, many people still avoid to crowded places c B. having gone C. gone D. going 10. Students will not be allowed into the exam room if they their student cards. A. produced B.hadn’t produced C. didn’t produce —_D. don’t produce Trich dé thi trung hoc phé thon, jia 2016 11. Itis raining heavily with rolls of thunder. We sucha terrible thunderstorm. A. would never see B.hadneverseen _C. have never seen _D. never see Website hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: ‘Tham gia nhém dé nhdn thém tai ligu: http://www Tham gia nhém hoc Ti¢ng Anh:! - Chia sé 4é thi Ting Anh méi nhat, tai li@u Tiéng Anh chon loc - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh méi nhat, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién soan Fanpage: htttps:// Trich dé thi trung hoc phé théng quéc gia 2017 I my old school teacher last week. A. visited B. visit visiting D. have visited 13.1 all of my homework last night. A. finish B. will finish C.have finished _D. finished 14. Lan learning English a few years ago. A. starts B. will start C. started D. is starting, PHAN HAI: TRICH TU’ DE THI THU’ CAC NAM TREN CANUO'C 15. By the time I went to bed last night, I my homework. A. have already finished B. already finished, C. had already finished D. were already finishing) 16. There many significant advances in Vietnamese education recently. Aare B. will be Chad beh D. have been 17. Christopher Columbus American more thamiS00'years ago. A. discovered B.has discovered _C. Hatd dis@overered D. had been discovering 18. My uncle wishes he time when he waS\youttg. A.wouldn’t waste B. hadn't wasted. “GfhaBit wasted —_D. didn’t waste 19. “There is somebody walking behind u&-T#hinkWe are a A. followed B. being followed _ ©, following D. being following, 20. Jack chess before, so Lghowed himwhat to do. A. didn’t play B. wasnit playing —_C. hadn't been played D. hadn't played 21. Iwas tired when yorssaw mebetause I for the exam. A. studied B. have been studying Chad been studying) D. would study 22. People. fhoweto d¥e their clothes even before they knew how to read and write. A. had known B. have known, C. knew D.are known 23. By the en of thtis March he here for 20 years Avhasbeenliving —B. will live C. will beliving D. will have been living 249MG boss. s\plane at 10:15 tomorrow morning, but I cannot pick him up. Avarrives B. is arriving C. will be arriving _ D. arrived 25. He found a watch when he in the street. A.was walking _B. had been walking. C. had worked D. walked 26. Since the beginning of 2017, A/H5N1 in farms in the southern provinces of Bac Lieu, An Giang and central Nghe An province. A.has been spotted B.isbeing spotted — C. was spotted D. had been spotted 27. Factories will largely by robots. A. be running B. running run Website hoc Tiéng Ank mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé nhiin thém tai ligu: Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh:! - Chia sé d@ thi Tiéng Anh mdi nhét, tai lieu Tiéng Anh chon loc - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh méi nhat, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién sogn Fanpage: htttps:// 28, Robots will even __ everywhere in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops, and homes. A. seen B.see C.saw D. be seen 29. The world’s population will more than 10 billion in 50 years. A. reached B. be reached CC. reach D. reaching 30. The moment he ___ this message, it is necessary that he call me. A. Reveived B. will receive C. Receives D. is receiving 31. My friend when the lesson started. A. hasn'tarrived —B.hadn’tarrived —C. wasn’tarrived —_D. wasn’t apgf¥ing, 32. She to South America next week. Awwillhave gone Bis going C.go D. wert 33.1 along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind mef A.was walking B. am walking C. walk D. walked 34, My sister and her husband over to my house for dinfler tomorrow evening. A.came B. come C. going tocome “\Deare coming 35. Don't try to phone me! By the time you read this letter, A. Thave left B.Iwillhaveleft CI will leaye D.T'mleaving 36. Alright, Johny, it's time you tobed. A.are going to go B. would go Cowent D. will be going, 37. Peter when we came into the disoétheljue. ‘A..was dancing Mary BL was dancing with Mary C. was danced by Mary D-had danced Mary 38. Yesterday, |___ for work late bé@aus@ hd) to set my alarm A. had been leaving/ would fofet B. had left/ forgot C.left/ had forgot D. was leaving/ was forgetting 39. Vitamin C__ by Ruman Body, It gets into the blood stream quickly A. iseasily absorbing B.abso¥bed easily C. is easily absorbed _D. absorbs easily 40. A number of students for a rise since last year A.ask B. have asked C. has asked D. asked 41. The film Byythe time we to the cinema. A. hadalfeady started/got B. already started/ had gotten Cypad alteady’started/had gotten D. has already started/ got 42. My neighbor is a wildlife photographer. Over the years she many prizes. \A. Fag won B. is winning C. has been winning D. won so we had a drink first: 43. When we got home, dinner ‘A.was preparing _B. had been prepared C. was being preparedD. was prepared 44. Linda her identity card again. This is the second time this A. lost/ happened B. has lost/ has happened C. has lost/ happened D. lost/ has happened Website hoc Tiéng Ank mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé nhin thém tai ligu: Tham gia nhém hoc Titng Anh:! - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh mdi nhét, tai lieu Tiéng Anh chon loc - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh méi nht, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién soan Fanpage: htttps:// 45. I started working here in 2000. A. [have start working here since 2000. __B. I haven’t worked here since 2000. CC. Thas started working here since 2000. _D. I have worked here since 2000. 46. here for hours and I feel tired Al have stood B.1' standing C.Thave been standing D. [had been standing 47. % of my income to pay for my university debts. Avhasbeen used B. has used C. were used D. are used, 48, Fortunately, the school’s new air-conditioning system when theffifgt heatwave of the summer arrived. Ahad installed B. was being installed C. had been installed D. had been installing, 49. By the 1300s, the Spanish had learnt that gunpowder could__{propel an object with incredible force. A.using it to B. used to C. be used 16) D. been used to 50. Rodney___ for the company for very long before he Was prothoted. A. hadn’t been working B. hag Pheenworking CC. didn’t used to work D. didn’t work 51. Dolphins in BC waters for millions @f years, ahd are still common today. Allived B. used to live Gar living D. have lived 52. She on her computer for mgre than fwo hours when she decided to stop for a rest A-has worked B. has beewWorking/ Q)was working —_—_D. had been working 53. While I a bath, sométne knidcke@6n the door. A.had B.havehad C. had had D. was having 54. This is the first time T the Japanese food. A.ate B.was Gating C have eaten D. have been eating 55. She __ for houits, That's why her eyes are red now A. cried B. has been crying C. was crying D. has cried 56. Before Maffift Ys the car, he had taken it out for a drive. A. hadyepaired) —_B. has repaired C. repaired D. was repairing 57, It was nObunlil late 1960s, on the moon. ‘Al thaflAmericans walked B. did Americans walk C. When Americans walked D. when did Americans walk Website hoc Tiéng Ank mién phi: Tham gia nhm dé nhiin thém tai ligu: Tham gia nhém hoc Titng Anh:! - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh mdi nhat, tai lieu Tiéng Anh chon loc - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh méi nhat, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién soan Fanpage: htttps:// PHAN BA: DAP AN CHI TIET 1. When Peter was a child, there a cinema near his house. A. used to be B. used to have C. used to be being —_D. used to have been Caiu nay lit cu qué khit don, dién ta mét théi quen trong qué khue. 2. After the car crash last night, all the injured. to the hospital in an ambulance. A.was rushing B, were rushed C. was rushed D. were rushing, Thi qué khie don wa cfu tric the + adj chi mét tap thé'co chung d@c tinh nao dé nén segeMa chi ngit 6 nh. 3. Only one of our gifted students to participate in the final competition, (RURSSIBEEIEHOSER —B. have been chosen C. were choosing {thos Dua vio chit ngie dé'chon dap én vi King cé sue phn vin 0 cic thi 4, The boat was sailing north when a terrible storm A. had broken B. broke C. would break ‘Dewas breaking M6t hinh ding dang xay ra (v6 trudc) thi hanh dng khitdf vit(vé'€nu). 5. In our hospital, patients every morning, B. can examine C. have e€amified —_D. were examining Diiy la thi hign tai don (rit don gin). 6. “Could you turn off the stove? The potatoes for at least thirty minutes.” A. are boiling B. were boiling, GQAeReAoINg D. boiled bars. ey hign tai hin thank v6i dé higu for Qkhodieehsi gian. 7. as one offtheimaitv€ontributors to the greenhouse effect. eee hasidentified? ““C. had identified _D. had been identified Cu bj déng hign tai hgin tidiniey chi ngie 8. The headmaster has décided that three lecture halls {in our school next semester. A. will build B. Will be built C.are being built. will be building Tweong tai doings AAMT Abby (dite higu da gach chin) 9. Although MERS (Midélle East Respiratory Syndrome) spreads through close contact with sick people, notthtough the air, many people still avoid to crowded places. A. to £0, B. having gone C. gone D. going NCAP May Maién tai thoi (nhin ede Ong te Khe dé’suy ra). 40, Student®will not be allowed into the exam room if they their student cards. WA. produced B.hadn’t produced C. didn’t produce Bdenteproduee CHIP trite cau dieu kién logi I. 11. Itis raining heavily with rolls of thunder. We such a terrible thunderstorm. A.wouldneversee B.hadneverseen G\RAVENEVERSEEH —D. never see Cau trude la hign tai tip didn, thi cu sau ching ta chi cin kién tai kodn think chit Khing cin phd qué Kit hon than. Website hoc Tiéng Ank mién phi: Tham gia nhm dé niin thém tai ligu: Tham gia nhém hoc Ting Anh:! - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh mdi nhét, tai liu Tiéng Anh chon loc - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh méi nhat, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién sogn Fanpage: ttps:// 121 my old school teacher last week. A. visited B. visit visiting D. have visited 13.1 all of my homework last night A. finish B. will finish C.have finished Binge 14. Lan earning English a few years ago. A. starts B. will start C. started D. is starting Cu 12413414 dew 6 du higu th qué khie don 6 cudi ci vi ti 3 cit rit don gid (go ditin). 15, By the time I went to bed last night, I my homework. A. have already finished B. already finished C.had already finished D. were already finishing 16, There many significant advances in Vietnamese education ret€ntly, A. are B. will be Chad been DMhave Been Dank tie theo sau 6 dang s6'nhiéu vi diea vio tie recently suy ra thi HATH. 17. Christopher Columbus American more than 500 years ao. A. discovered B.has discovered _C. had discoWéreredy, D. had been discovering Datta higu cudi ci, 18. My uncle wishes he time when he was young A.wouldn't waste BURAGNEWASEA = Chant wa8ted —_D. didn't waste Cau wie Khong 06 that 6 que kh. 19. “There is somebody walking behind ushthirfk we are A. followed C. following D. being following 20. Jack chess before, so Péhowetbhifft'what to do. A. didn’t play B. waSh’bplaying —_C. hadn't been played Byjhadn played huing ta lieu ¥ tie BEPQRE wif dich dé trinh chon sang phuong dn C nhé. 21. Iwas tired when y@tt same Because I for the exam. A. studied B. have been studying had been Sayin D. would study Hanh ding@Poa Mays dién ra trong qué Ku cho déh tin khi “you saw me” vdn tip tuc. 22. People, how to dye their clothes even before they knew how to read and write. B. have known, C. knew D.are known Dili hi@MBEFORE, hdnsh dong 6 ve 1 xdy ra tres. ‘2B.By the end of this March he here for 20 years. ‘Aas been living B. will live C.willbeliving BU WillnavelBESHUIVINg Dis higu da duce gach chan 6 ci hoi da cho. 24, My boss's plane at 10:15 tomorrow morning, but I cannot pick him up. A. arrives B. is arriving GQWHIBERAVINg DD. arrived Khoing thoi gian cu thé trong tong lai nén ta ding twang lai tip didn. Website hoc Tiéng Ank mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé nhin thém tai ligu: Tham gia nhém hoc Titng Anh:! - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh mdi nhét, tai liu Tiéng Anh chon loc - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh méi nht, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién soan Fanpage: httys://xoww| 25. He found a watch when he _ in the street. ‘A. was walking B. had been walking C. had worked D. walked ‘M6t hink ding dang xiiy ra (vé’sau) thi hank ding kde xen vio (v6 tru). 26. Since the beginning of 2017, A/H5N1 in farms in the southern provinces of Bac Lieu, An Giang and central Nghe An province. AURASBEEAEPOHEG being spotted —_C. was spotted D. had been spotted Dé higu thi HTHT. 27. Factories will largely by robots. A. be running B. running. run Cu nay clin phai dich vidya vito cum tie diege gach chin eudi cu 28, Robots will even _ everywhere in factories, schools, offices, hospifSlsyshdps, and homes. esa B. see C.saw Nes Cau nity ach nh 29. The world’s population will more than 10 billion in 50 yeas, A. reached B. be reached C. reach, D. reaching (Cau nay chiing ta khéng cin thiét sie dung bi dng (dan s6 ME gidt 88 cham mite ...) 30. The moment he ___ this message, itis necessary fhathe call me. A. reveived B. will receive C.reeives D. is receiving Cu nay dich, hod cdc ban cé thé’ diva vio ménifidé Hiaj gin 31. My friend when the lesson started. - Avhasn’tarrived — BUBBGRESERNME WC Wasn't arrived —D. wasn’t arriving Diing thi qua khit hoan thinh dign shia Raging By ra triede mGt mde thoi gian Khe trong qué Khste (mide theri gian 6 day la khi bai hoRbgt daMy 32. She to South Affietica Rext week ‘A.willhave gone * Bisg6ing) C.go D. went Cie ban turw y: thi FADED Sis Aeoc ding dé'miéu ta tuong lai, mi trong trudng hop) niy, diy la cfu tric hop nd lon the steet when [suddenly heard footsteps behind me. A. was waliig B. am walking C. walk D. walked Mot high Yagng dling xy ra (vé'tridc) thi hinh dng Khéc xen vio (v6 trueée). 34, Myssist@Rand her husband over to my house for dinner tomorrow evening. ‘AL came B. come C.goingtocome — BUBRSSSIIAG NCiegn liu yj: thi HTTD ciing dueoc ding dé miéu té tong lai, ma trong trueimg hawpj niy, day te Chiygtrtic hop li nh. 35. Don't try to phone me! By the time you read this letter, A. Thave left Birwihavelet = C. Twill leave D. I'm leaving Cau nity djch ra nhé: Dimng e6'g0i din cho t6i. Khi ban doc duege bite thee nay, t6i da roi di ri. 36, Alright, Johny, it’s time you to bed A.are going to go B. would go Cai trie: 33. D. will be going Website hoc Tiéng Ank mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé nhin thém tai ligu: Tham gia nhom hoc Ting Anh:! groups/EnglishLearnerGroups! - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh mai nhat, tai liéu Tiéng Anh chon loc - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh méi nhat, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién soan Fanpage: https: xoww| 37. Peter when we came into the discotheque. A.veas dancing Mary was aig with May C. was danced by Mary D. had danced Mary ‘Mét hiinh ding dang xay ra (vé’truic) thi hiinh dng Khe xen vi (oé'sau). 38. Yesterday, 1__for work late because I__ to set my alarm A. had been leaving/ would forget B. had left/ forgot C.left/ had forgot D. was leaving/ was forgetting Diu higu dw cfu cé yesterday, ma vige “quén khing dit bio thitc” xdy ra truéc. 39. Vitamin C__ by human body. It gets into the blood stream quickly A. is easily absorbing B. absorbed easily GUSBABIIVABSOFBEd D. absd¥bs easily absorb: hd thu. Kem theo die higu “by su.” 40. A number of students for a rise since last year. A.ask B, have asked C. has asked D. asked Chiing ta dieng chi nhin last year ma khong nhin tie since ding trieéc 41. The film by the time we to the cinema, ‘A. had already started/got B. already'startedbhad gotten C. had already started/had gotten D. hafalteadyestarted/ got BO phim da bait dau Khi chiing t0i déh rap phim. 42, My neighbor is a wildlife photographer. Ovér tReyears she many prizes. B. is winning has been winning D. won Diu hiéu da duge gach chin 43. When we got home, dinner somdhad a drink first. ‘A. was preparing _B, had béen preParcé’"€, Wasbeing prepared D. was prepared Khi ching 16% v8 nhé, bien tEAM dite chun bj (cha xong), vi thé’chiing 16% uding nude truée. 44. Linda heP identis¥ caftt again. This is the second time this : A. lost/ happened B. has lost/ has happened C. has lost/ happened Cu dt tid BiG ta Qigkinte don gin. Cit thit hai li cia trite T's the first/second time + HTHT. 43, [started OFRingihere in 2000. A. TRaye Start Working here since 2000. B. Ihaven’t worked here since 2000. Cubhas Started working here since 2000. _Billihavelworked!herelsince 2000) "Tby bit May Cong vige & dy who niim 2000 = Tai da lim vise 6 dy te mim 2000. 46. here for hours and I feel tired. Aibhave stood B.I' mstanding C. Thave been standing, D. [had been standing, Hanh d6ng didn ra tie qué kit va vin chun két thi 6 hign tai (di higu: feet hign tai don). Nei feet chia 6 quai khut dom thi chting ta méi ditng dap én D. 47. Ysof my income to pay for my university debts. AURSSBEAUSEG iB. has used C. were used D. are used 1 thu nhp cia t6i duege sit dung dé chi tré he phi. Lueu chi git a sft Website hoc Tiéng Ank mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé nhiin thém tai ligu: Tham gia nhom hoc Tiéng Anh:! groups/EnglishLearnerGroups! - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh mai nhat, tai liéu Tiéng Anh chon loc - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh méi nhat, tai ligu Tiéng Anh chon loc Nguyén Minh Hién — Thich Tiéng Anh — stew tim va bién soan Fanpage: http://www 48, Fortunately, the school’s new air-conditioning system when the first heat wave of the summer arrived. A. had installed B. was being installed C. had been installed D. had been installing That may mén, hé thong diéw hoa khéng Khi cita trubng hoc da dieyc lip dat xong khi séng thin tdi. 49. By the 1300s, the Spanish had learnt that gunpowder could propel an object with incredible force. A. using it to B. used to C. be used to D. been used’, Vio nhing nam 1300, ngwii Tay Ban Nha da hoc duege ring thud sting cé th dugeAiung Whiic day mt vat thé v6i site manh phi thneing. 50. Rodney__ for the company for very long before he was promoted. B, hasn’t been working, C. didn’t used to work D. didn’t work Ching ta thay du higu before, v@'sau la qué Khie durn nén phai ditng qk hoan thank & v6 trudc. 51. Dolphins in BC waters for millions of years, andf€.still eommon today. Alived B. used to live C. are living, D. have lived Chhing ta thay vé'sau li “on viin con pho bien ngiy nag” Reg aes xay ra trong qua khie vit win chiea Két thie. Vy ding thi HTHT. 52. She on her computer for more thn {Wo hOurs when she decided to stop for a rest. A. has worked B. has been workihg ~@ was working D. had been working. C6 diy dd Lam vige vs may tinh hom 2 gich(hiinBhdgng din ra lién tue) khi cb diy quyét dink dieng Ini de nghi 53. While a bath, sométine knBcke@'6n the door. Avhad B. have had Chad had D. was having, Trong kit 16% dang tin? tg chgl’A6-B6 cica (hinh dng dang xiiy va thi ob hin dng khic xen vio — dé higu da dueoc gatheham, 54. This is the first tittte | the Japanese food. A.alte B. was eating C. have eaten D. have been eating, Céiu triic IS Me fiPet/second/third time + HTHT. 55. She 4 Yor hobirs. That's why her eyes are red now. Avgtied BURENEERRHIAE C. was crying D. has cried Cb dy dinghide diegc vai gid dong hb (bay gids van Khéc). Dé lit i do tai sao mit cb Aly dé. Sb.Befbre Martin __ the car, he had taken it out for a drive. Adiad repaired B. has repaired C. repaired D. was repairing Truréc khi Martin stia xe, anh diy di Iai xe ra ngoti 57. It was not until late 1960s on the moon. ‘A. that Americans walked. B. did Americans walk C. when Americans walked D. when did Americans walk Citi tric It’s not until + Khong thii gian + that + ménh dé, Website hoc Tiéng Ank mién phi: Tham gia nhém dé nin thém tai ligu: Tham gia nhom hoc Tiéng Anh:! groups/EnglishLearnerGroups/ - Chia sé dé thi Tiéng Anh mai nhat, tai liéu Tiéng Anh chon loc

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