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Ross Vince Arnel T.

Tagbac Grade 12 – STEM E

1. What does the drawing say about freedom?

- In my own understanding on the drawing that was presented. It shows that those
who oppose the government are stripped from their freedom and thus imprisoned.
So there is truly no freedom if our government limits us on the things we say that
opposes their beliefs. Those who challenged them are put into chains that is why it is
named as “political detainee.”

2. What does the cartoon say about choice?

- The illustration/cartoon that was depicted, in my own understanding, is about the

consequences and the chain reaction that will occur in every choice that you make.
For instance, if you chose to disobey your parents and rebel to them, the
consequences that would befall you is: you will not have any support from them
both morally and financially, another is you could be stripped of all your belongings
that they gave to you.

We must be responsible for the choices or decisions that we make. We are held
accountable for any misfortunes that we may face if we make a choice. But there are
certain guidelines that we must keep in mind when facing choices or decisions. First,
never choose or decide when you are happy, sad, angry or any emotions that could
potentially alter the decision you would make. Second, never rush to a decision, only
decide if you have think it over and over again and is clear and sure about it. Lastly,
seek for advice if the decision is too hard for you alone to decide. But always
remember that advices are only there to help you decide, to widen your perspective.
It is not necessary to follow it or to do what is told. You only have to listen and sort it
out yourself. Because the final decision would fall into you, not them.

B. In your opinion, what consequences will these choices/actions lead to?

1. You did not review for your examination.

- The obvious consequences for these kind of action is that you will fail the
examination, receive a low grade and eventually this news will reach to your parents
and you will get scolded or worse, cutting your allowance.
2. You have been swayed by your peers to smoke.

- Once you start smoking there is no turning back, the possible consequences would
be fatal and life threatening. Smoking can kill a person if no action is made to stop
the habit. So if you have been swayed by your peers to smoke then there will be no
positive outcome to it. It’s either you die or live with major illnesses.

3. You chose not to pursue a college degree

- The consequences for this action depends actually, because there are many
circumstances that are at play here. For example, if you chose not to pursue a college
degree because of family problems or financial problems and chose to work right
after graduating high school. Then it is acceptable and the outcome for this action is
that you will now work instead of going to school and will have a narrow chance of
working in a big company. But if you choose to be an entrepreneur and work your
way to the top, maybe, just maybe you will be successful even without a college

On the other hand, if you chose not to take a college degree simply because you are
too lazy and careless about your future and only care about what you want at the
moment and never develop a big picture understanding of your future then the
outcome is clear. You will never get anywhere. You will be poor, unemployed, and
above all, a lazy good for nothing person.

4. You decided to get married right after graduation from high school.

- I also think the consequence would be that you won’t fully experience your youth
because you would be committed to your offspring. So it takes all your fun away
from you permanently. And also before that, you would face your family and the
family of whom you impregnated so it won’t be as easy as it looks.

5. You got impregnated/ You got your girlfriend impregnated before graduation.

- Similar to my answer in number 4, you would be committed to a lifelong journey on

parenthood. You will definitely face your parents and his/her parents and it will
suck really bad.


1. Watch three movies. Pick one character from each movie.

- Lord of The Rings – Gandalf
- Frozen – Elsa
- Finding Nemo – Marlin

2. On a sheet of paper, write down the conflicts of each character faced in the movies.

- Lord of The Rings - Gandalf faces many challenges throughout the tale of The Lord
of the Rings. The Gates of Moria pose a number of these. Gandalf faces the decision
of entering Moria at all. The preferred route is a pass through the mountains, but the
evil wizard Sauruman makes passage effectively impossible.

- Frozen –

- Finding Nemo - He must realize that at some point, he is gonna have to let go of
nemo and let him live his own life. I think this can show us that in reality, although
we would much rather control people and have things our way, we have to let
people make their own choices in life.

3. Then, evaluate what you will do if you were in the character’s shoes.

- Lord of The Rings – I would utilize my resources to completely wipe out the forces
of Saruman and Sauron.

- Frozen – I would learn to fully control my power and not use it carelessly.

- Finding Nemo – I won’t control my son (Nemo) and just let him do what he wants,
with a little guidance of course.

4. From the answer that you gave in number 3, write an alternative ending for the movie.

- Lord of The Rings – Everything would be at peace and order. And chaos will never

- Frozen – Everyone would live happily ever after sooner than the original movie.

- Finding Nemo – There would be no conflict and everyone lives happily ever after.

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