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Analyzing the Meaning of Art Rubric

Teachers Name: Mr. Contreras

Students Name: ___________ Period: ___________
Category Possible Pts 20 Possible Pts 15 Possible Pts 10 Possible Pts 5 Score
80-65pts Grade: 64-45 pts Grade 44-25 pts Grade: 24-0 pts Grade /80
A :B C F
Description Shows understanding Shows tiny flaws An attempt of No explanation or
of work. Covers and in observation explanation of the attempt of work is /20
explains everything in skills. More work is seen. done.
artwork. Description is explanation and Explanation is
well thought of and description can be partly correct.
observations of work is added.
Analysis Student’s analysis is Student shows an Student shows a Did not analyze /20
excellent shows average attempt of fair attempt of work at all. Is not
understanding of art analyzing both analyzing both able to identify
elements in both works. Shows works. Art elements.
understanding of
works. some art elements.
elements can be
identify, but
shows little
understanding of
Shows Proper Vocabulary usage is Vocabulary is Little vocabulary No vocabulary /20
Vocabulary excellent and describes average and is present. Can be present.
the artworks perfectly. describes the work described a little
enough. better.

Artist Student can describe in Student can Student can Student has /20
Explanation detail the paintings. describe the describe the thought very little
They are able to break paintings enough artworks and about the artworks
down the piece and tell and has a clear somewhat or has no clue
us what the meaning is understanding of understand their about them.
all about. the meaning. meanings.

Comments: Pts Total: /80

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