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Republic of ‘ Philippines National Police Commission | NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR INVESTIGATION AND DETECTIVE MANAGEMENT ‘Camp Crame, Quezon City SUBJECT : DIDMIMPLAN re PNP Anti-ilegal Drugs Campaign Plan Project: “Double Barrel” | To : See Distribution | DATE AUG 03 2016 4, REFERENCES: a. CMC No. 16-2016, PNP Anfi-lllegal Drugs chet Plan Project “Double Barrel dated July 1, 2016; | b. DIDM Investigative Directive No. 2015-03, Guidelines in the Investigation, Documentation and Filing of Drug-related Cases dated October 16, 2015; cc, Addendum ID No. 3 dated January 14, 2016; d. PNP Memo Circular No. 2014-016, E-Subpoena System dated May 30, 2014; e. CMC No. 49-03, Case Review Committee to Evaluate Dismissed Cases Related to Illegal Drugs, Heinous and Sensational Crimes; f PNP Manual on illegal Drugs Operation and Investigation dated September 2014; g. PNP Revised Police Operational Procedure 2013; and h. Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 dated June 7, 2002. 2. PURPOSE: This IMPLAN provides the guidelines and procediihas to be rendered by the investigating units in the implementation of Command Memorandum Circular No. 16-2016, PNP Anti-lilegal Drugs Campaign Plan Project: “Double Barrel.” It further strengthens the mechanism in the monitoring of drug-related cases, conduct of criminal investigation and case build-up to ensure the filing of an airtight cases in courts against PNP personnel and other personalities involved in illegal drugs. | 3. SITUATION: For the year 2015, the Directorate for rectal and Detective Management (DIDM) recorded a total of 30,456 drug operations that were conducted by the PNP which resulted in the arrest of 42,551 suspects, and confiscation of illegal drugs worth Php5,737,152 billion. Of this figure, 20,496 cases were referred to the Prosecutor's Office, 8,731 cases were filed in courts and 1,229 are under investigation. Alarmingly, a review of dismissed drug cases conducted by DIDM showed a total of 1,538 cases were dismissed by the courts as of August 2015. Page 1 of 12 Among the grounds for the dismissal of the cases cited by DIDM were attributed to the following: procedural irregularities, planting af evidence/fabrication, chain of custody, failure to attend court hearings, inconsistent testimonies, failure of the prosecution to present evidence due to illegal warrant served, search and seized Further, from April 30, 2014 to July 11, 2016, DIDM e-Subpoena records (QCPD, ‘Angeles and Lapu-Lapu CPO) from DIDM showed that 3,458 PNP personnel has attended court hearings on drug-related cases while 1,208 PNP personnel has not attended the said drug-related hearings. In his Assumption Speech last June 30, 2016, ip Excellency President Rodrigo R. Duterte laid down the battlecry of his administration in fighting criminality, illegal drugs and corruption. As President Duterte said, ‘We will be relentless and it will be sustained”. Along with this line is the program thrust af the new Chief, PNP, PDG Ronald M dela Rosa dubbed as Project “Double Barrel” as the PNP’s Anti-lllegal Drugs Campaign Plan in support to the Barangay Drug Clearing Strategy of the government and the neutralization of illegal drug personalities nationwide The PNP, with the end view of eradicating illegal drugs within the next three to six months need to vigorously intensify its monitoring and conducting criminal investigation; filing of drug-related appropriate charges against PNP personnel who are bungling drug cases or engaging in illegal drug trade as users/abusers/coddlers and protectors; monitoring of the status of drug-related cases of PNP personnel charged with illegal drug-related offenses; and maintaining database of drug-related cases using the Next Generation Investigation (NGIs) such as: e-Blotter System or the Enhanced Crime Incident Recording and Analysis System (e-CIRAS), Case Information Database Management System (CIDMS), Case Management and Analysis System (CMAS), e-Subpoena System, e-Rogues Gallery and e-Warrant System in courts in order to attain higher conviction rate. 4, MISSION: To set forth a sustained and pro-active rn and conducting of criminal investigation and filing of drug-related cases against PNP personnel involved in illegal drug activities and certain personalities in coordination and collaboration with other PNP units and counterparts in antiillegal drugs operations. 5. EXECUTION: a) General Guidelines a1 The PNP shall make available to the anti-illegal drugs operating units its investigative and legal assistance in the investigation and consequent prosecution of the personalities involved in illegal drug operations and their criminal offenses in violation of RA 9165. The PNP shall maintain close coordination with the PDEA through the DIDM to strengthen the investigative efforts on illegal drug cases ‘on certain personalities and targets. Likewise, through the DOJ, a mechanism for a national synchronized Case Management System on illegal Drugs between the various drug law enforcement agencies in the country for case build-up, investigation and prosecution of certain) drug personalities from drug users, drug pushers, drug couriers, drug lords and international drug trafficking syndicates shall be proposed. Page 2 of 12 a2 a3 a4 as a6 al as ag a10 The Investigator-on-Case (IOC), Arresting Officer, Chiefs of Investigation Offices/Units, Chiefs of Police and Legal Officers shall strictly adhere to DIDM Investigative Directive No. 3 in the investigation, documentation, subsequent filing of drug-related cases and the submission of investigation reports on drug users, pushers, peddlers, druglords and drug trafficking syndicates killed during legitimate drug operations. | In the absence of appropriate guidance, the conduct of investigation shall be an inherent function of every PNP local unit and shall be pursued efficiently without sacrificing the operational integrity of the PNP. The chain of custody of evidence shall be strictly observed to ensure its admissibility pursuant to the Rulés of Court. ‘The PNP personnel, who are court witnesses, in consideration to the evidentiary value and significance of their testimony, shall be required to pursue the prosecution of the suspects related to illegal drugs. | The IOC shall be actively involved in the case, from inception until final disposition, bearing in mind that his primordial duty is to bring the criminals into court and attain conviction of drug-related cases. The conduct of case review on all crime incidents retated to illegal rugs is encouraged to carry out a successful crime investigation and prosecution. The doctrine of command responsibility shall be strictly observed at all times and all activities, operations and actions pertaining to this IMPLAN shall be coursed through the usual and proper channels of communications. Pursuant to Rule 37, POP, “The PNP stil possesses authority to conduct anti-illegal drugs operations provided that the case shall ‘eventually be transferred to the PDEA based on Supreme Court Decisions in People of the Philippines versus Sta Maria (GR No 171019, February 23, 2007) and People of the Philippines versus Rashamia Hemandez et a, (GR No 184804, June 18, 2009) PDEA deputation is no longer necessary ‘or required for PNP personnel assigned with Anti-llegal Drugs Unit’ All. activities/reports/documents pertaining to Legal Offensive against Illegal Drugs shall be immediately furnished to DIDM (Attn: Chief, Case Monitoring Division or CMD). All updates/progress of cases shall be submitted to the DIDM by the concemed Police Regional Offices, Investigation Offices/Units as soon as obtained. It shall likewise be recorded into the e-CIRAS. Page 3 of 12, b) 11 All Investigation Offices/Unts shall stictly adhere to the Bill of Rights under the Constitution, Rules on Arrest, Detention and Custodial Investigation (RA 7438), Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165), and other applicable laws. Paramount respect for human rights is highly mandated a12 The DIDM through the CMD and Information Technology Division (ITD) shall coordinate with PDEA for the sharing of data and development of computer-based case tracking scheme that can monitor the status of all drug-related cases in courts. 13. The DIDM shall coordinate with National Central Bureau-Manila or INTERPOL Manila for the sharing of information and investigative assistance involving international drug | trafficking syndicates operating in the country and arrested foreign nationals involved in illegal drugs activity | 14 All concerned Divisions, DIDM, Investigation Offices/Units shall be responsible for the effective implementation of this IMPLAN. a.15 In case certain drugs users/personalities voluntarily surrendered to non-PNP Investigating Unit/Office, he/she may be turned-over to the Anti-lllegal Drugs Group (AIDG) or CIDG, or maybe referred by the said non-PNP Investigating Unit/Office to the nearest Police Station where the surrenderee voluntarily surrendered. Specific Guidelines b.1 Planned Operation — It involves the participation of PNP investigator in the operation of the PDEA operating unit. b.1.1 Upon request from PDEA, the local PNP unit which has territorial jurisdiction over the area of operation shall provide investigation team to the operating unit. The local PNP unit shall conduct an investigation, provided that it will not compromise operational security and confidentiality b.1.2. The investigation team shall have the appropriate physical fitness, investigative training, familiarity with the area of operation, and such other means necessary to facilitate evidence or data gathering, i b.1.3. The PNP investigation team shall be the main responsible in criminal investigation and shall be assisted by the PDEA in any case. They shall coordinate with the other drug law enforcement agencies and other appropriate authorities in the process of acquiring, securing and handling of the witnesses, victims and other persons whose testimonies may be material to the case covered Page 4 of 12 b.2) b.1.6 b17 b18 b.10 The PNP investigation team, prior the commencement of investigation, shall ensure that they are properly equipped to obtain, collect, preserve evidence and if necessary, seek the technical assistance and expertise of SOCO Teams. All firearms, fired cartridge cases and fired bullets seized, captured or recovered during legitimate drug operations and, more importantly, those recovered from the crime scene shall be immediately submitted to the local Crime Laboratory for ballistic cross-matching and examination through the Integrated Ballistics: Identification System (BIS) Al tenprints/latent prints taken from the crime scene shall be immediately submitted to CL for cross-matching through the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). All cell phone, laptop and other electronic devices recovered in the area of operation shall be submitted to the Anti-Cybercrime Group Ce) digital forensic examination. The concerned PNP Regional/Provincial Legal Service shall assign a PNP Legal Officer who shall provide the PNP investigators with the necessary legal advice during the planning, execution, operation and post-operation activities relative to the case at hand. They shall further assist the investigation team in the documentation and evaluation of evidence gathered, filing of charges and keep track of the development of the case. The ITD shall ensure and make available all the data needed using the Next Generation investigation (NGIs). The ITD and the School for Investigation and Detective Development (SIDD) shall continuously train all the investigators, analysts on the ground about the NGls. A POI on Narcotics Investigation shall be developed as part of the training course to be conducted and cascaded for all investigators nationwide. Further,| the STP on CIC and 1OBC shall include Money Laundering and Complex Financial Investigation in coordination with the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) training team Chance Encounter — It involves thd occurrence of PDEA instantaneous drugs operation, where the PNP units within the area shall provide assistance. b21 The PNP Investigation Team shall b.2.1.1 Conduct a prompt investigation of the incident and take Swom Statements of the victims, witnesses and other persons involved in the incident. | Page 5 of 12 b.3) b.22 b.23 b24 b25 b26 b212 Supervise the collection | and preservation of physical evidence in coordination with the SOCO Team of the Crime Laboratory. b2.1.3 Prepare the case folder and subsequently file the appropriate charges against drug personalities involved, either as users or pushers/peddlers. 2.1.4 The PNP Legal Officer who shall be assigned in a chance encounter shall perform the same mandates of the PNP Legal Officer in a Planned Operation (b.1.8). The PNP, through DIDM shall continuously monitor the Legal Offensive Database on Illegal Drugs in consonance with ID No. 3 for monitoring purposes in addition to e- CIRAS. Likewise, the CMD shall pravide a weekly report on Illegal Drug Cases to be submitted to the NOC, DO. ‘A Periodic Case Review and validation shall be conducted by the DIDM and concerned Investigation Offices/Units to review and assess the implementation of the joint operation and investigation, as well as provide the appropriate enhancement training to improve future operations and establish working procedures on investigating illegal drugs operation. ‘The Crime Research and Analysis Center (CRAC) shall come-up with a weekly crime mapping report on illegal drugs using the NGls for submission to the Oversight Committee on Project Double Barrel through CMD. ‘The Chiefs of Police shall coordinate with the local DSWD for the provision of appropriate treatment and rehabilitation of drug _dependents/personalities who voluntary surrendered in their area. The PNP shall conduct investigation and file appropriate charges against PNP personnel who are bungling drug- elated cases or engaged in illegal drugs trade as users/abusers, coddlers and protectors. Disposition of Drug Users and Pushers Who Surrendered (see attached Process Flowchart) - b.3.1 b32 The Duty Investigator shall conduct of pat down search or strip search on the drug user and/or pusher (‘User/Pusher’ for brevity) to ensure that he/she does not carry any weapons. The Desk Officer will determine if the surrenderor is a minor. If he/she is a minor, the processing of the CICL shall be conducted by the WCPD Officer. Page 6 of 12 b33 ‘The Desk Officer shall record ak the blotter book the surrenderor. After the conduct of redundancy pat down search, the User/Pusher shall be referred to the Duty Investigator. b.3.4 Duty Investigator shall conduct record check on the b36 b3.6 b37 b38 b3.9 b.3.10 b3.1t b.3.12 User/Pusher. The User/Pusher shall be required by the Duty Investigator to execute an affidavit stating therein that he/she voluntarily surrendered and is willing to undergo the documentation process that will be undertaken by the PNP. However, the documentation process must be first sufficiently explained to the User/Pusher. If the User/Pusher executed the said affidavit, the documentation process will proceed. Otherwise, the User/Pusher will just be advised to retum some other time. If the volume of drug surrenderors is too large, the Duty Investigator will get the basic information and come-up with the schedule and priority on the documentation of the surrenderors with the supervision of the IOC. The documentation process starts with the Crime Registrar, under the mandatory Supervision of the Duty Investigator, making data entry into the CIRAS based on the information that will be supplied by the User/Pusher. The Duty Investigator/Crime Registrar/User/Pusher shall review together the information provided by the latter. If there are no corrections, the Crime Registrar shall immediately upload the data into the CIRAS. Further, three copies of the completed IRF form shall then be signed by both the Duty Investigator and the User/Pusher (Copies will _be given in accordance with PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2014-009). The Duty Investigator shall supervise the taking of pictures and shall be taken in accordance with the SOP ‘on Booking of Arrested Person (Mug shot board must be modified - Name Only). The pictures to be produced must be of high quality The Duty Investigator shall aipenien the mandatory taking of fingerprints and shall be taken in accordance with the SOP on Booking of Arrested Person. Page 7 of 12 6. b.3.13. If the User/Pusher would like to give other information regarding their drug activity (cohorts, suppliers, protectors etc), the Duty Investigator shall assist them in the preparation of their sworn statemer b.3.14 The Duty Investigator shall request the user/pusher to draw sketch of the cohorts house/hide-outs and drug den as basis of application of search warrants. b.3.15 The Duty Investigator shall coordnate with the DOH or government hospitals for the conduct of medical and drug test | b.3.16 If found positive in the confirmatory drug test, the user/pusher shall be referred to appropriate agency for the rehabilitation process. TASKS: a) CMD, DIDM 1. OPR in the implementation of this IMPLAN. 2. Act as Secretariat on Legal Offensive in relation to PNP Project “Double Barrel”, 3. Supervise and monitor the investigation, filing and monitoring of all illegal drug cases until final disposition in courts; 4. Coordinate with PDEA for the development of computer-based case tracking system; ! 5. Evaluate the performance of investigatofs in all police units nationwide in handling cases related to drug-related operations through the Investigators Performance Matrix: 6. Continuously monitor the compliance of ua to ID No. 3 and coordinate with concemed Legal Officers; 7. Develop a program of activities for the successful implementation of this IMPLAN; | 8. Publish a handbook on the guidelines and procedures to be rendered by the investigating units in the implementation of Command Memorandum Circular No. 16-2016, PNP Anti-lilegal Drugs Campaign Plan Project: “Double Barrel"; and 9. Perform other tasks as directed. b) CRAC, DIDM 1. Formulate policy guidelines to prevent bungling of drug-related cases and improve the conviction rate of drug cases filed in courts; 2. Conduct review and assessment on the policies relative to investigation of drug-related cases; 3. Fully utilize the NGIs and diligently come-up with a weekly crime statistics (7 focus crimes) and a weekly crime mapping report on illegal drugs in the country to be submitted to the Oversight Committee through CMD; Page 8 of 12 4, Formulate system in the consolidation of statistics on Illegal Drugs in accordance with this IMPLAN and cme on Project Double Barrel 5. Craft an SOP on Case Tracking System on Illegal Drugs and SOP to be undertaken by Chiefs of Police/Investigation Offices/Units on drug personalities who were arrested and surrendered; and 6. Perform other tasks as directed ¢) SIDD, DIDM 1. Develop a PO! on Narcotics Investigation and shall include it as part of the training course to be conducted and cascaded for all investigators nationwide; and | 2. Enhance the STP of CIC and IOBC to include narcotics investigation, money laundering and financial crime investigation course in collaboration with DHRDD and AMLC; and 3. Perform other tasks as directed. d) ITD, DIDM 1, Develop a computer-based Case Tracking System and Procedure on Illegal Drugs; 2. Strengthen and maximize the full utilization of the NGIs to be able to have an expedient and reliable tool in strategic planning and to arrive at a responsive anti-drug campaign plan; 3. Customized reports needed to capture drug-related incidents and cases through the NGIs; 4. Coordinate with PDEA for the sharing of data and development of ‘computer-based case tracking scheme that can monitor the status of all drug-related cases in courts; 5. Craft Users Training Manual on the system to be developed; 6. OPR in the system development and IT equipment requirements; and 7. Perform other tasks as directed. | e) PCEID, DIDM 1. Maintain a database and monitor the status of administrative cases of PNP personnel charged with illegal drug-related offenses; 2. Coordinate with DLOD, DPRM and IAS relative to the status of the cases involving PNP personnel facing or charged with illegal drug- related offenses; and 3. Perform other tasks as directed f) BFO, DIDM | 1. Provide/allocate funds necessary for the sudcessful implementation of the activities in coordination with DC; 2. Formulate a program for the inclusion of regular fund support necessary for the implementation of the activities; and 3. Perform other tasks as directed Page 9 of 12 9) hy c,wePc. 1. Supervise the conduct of investigation on children who voluntarily surrendered or submitted themselves in relation to PNP Project: Double Barrel and those who made initial contact with the police or barangay officials; 2. Maintain a database of children who voluntarily surrendered or submitted themselves; and | 3. Perform other tasks as directed. RD, PROs | 1. Ensure strict implementation of this IMPLAN on the weekly submission of reports (Attn: C,CMD); | 2. Designate C,RIDMDIC, InDiv(s) to be the OPR on the monitoring of compliances relative to this IMPLAN and to act as Secretariat on Legal Offensive at the Regional Level; 3. Submit names of designated Case Monitoring Officers to monitor the disposition of drug cases filed in courts by anti-illegal drug units in respective AORs; 4, Ensure the proper processing and documentation of drug users/pushers who surrendered or arrested; 5. The Duty Investigator shall coordinate with the DOH or government hospitals for the conduct of medical and drug test; 6. Ensure that the Duty Investigator will get the basic information and come-up with the schedule on the documentation of the surrenderors with the supervision of the IOC. 7. C, RIDMDs and InDiv(s) shall maintain case tracking system/case monitoring database and case folders for each drug case to be submitted to DIDM (Attn: C,CMD) to include! submission of weekly feport on ID No.3 and dismissed drug-related cases; 8. Cause the relief and institute administrative/criminal charges against any erring PNP personnel, Duty Investigator, IOC or any Field Investigator or Detective who is found to have caused the dismissal of the case and/or acquittal of the accused as recommended by the Committee during the Case Review conducted; 9. In the event that a case is dismissed or released for further investigation (RFI) by the Prosecutor's Office, the concerned PPOs/CPOs shall conduct a case review to determine lapses/errors/anomalies committed by PNP| personnel to include the Prosecution Service and Courts to hold them accountable; 10.Pursuant to ID No. 3 and this IMPLAN, the certifications issued by the COPs/Heads of Office and LOs (PRO3,/PRO4A and NCRPO) shall be diligently submitted to DIDM (Attn: CMD) every Monday; 14.In accordance with LO! 02/09 (UCPER), all COPs shall ensure that crime data to include operational accomplishments are gathered from all sources, such as PNP NOSUs, PDEA, NBI and other LEAS in the locality; and 12. Perform other tasks as directed. Page 10 of 12 h) D, CIDG 1. Ensure strict implementation of this IMPLAN on the weekly submission of consolidated reports (Attn: C,CMD); 2. Ensure the proper processing and documentation of drug users/pushers who surrendered; 3. Designate Invest Div to be the OPR on the monitoring of compliances relative to this IMPLAN; 4. In the event that a case is dismissed or released for further investigation (RFI) by the Prosecutor's Office, the concerned RCIDU shall conduct a case review to determine lapses/errors/anomalies committed by PNP personnel to include the Prosecution Service and Courts to hold them accountable; 5. Submit names of designated Case Monitoring Officers to monitor the disposition of drug cases filed in courts by anti-illegal drug units in respective AORs; 6. Cause the relief and institute administraivefcriminal charges against any erring PNP personnel, Duty Investigator, IOC or any Field Investigator or Detective who is found to have caused the dismissal of the case and/or acquittal of the accused as recommended by the Committee during the Case Review conducted; 7. Conduct investigation on personalities/HVTs involved in money laundering from illegal drugs, in coordination|with ACG, AIDG and AMLC; | 8. Supervise the processing of those drug users/personalities who voluntarily surrendered to non-PNP Investigating Unit/Office; and 9. Perform other tasks as directed i) DCL 1. Provide technical assistance and expertise through the SOCO Teams to the PNP investigation team, prior the commencement of investigation; 2. Supervise the conduct of examination of firearms, fired cartridge cases and fired bullets seized, captured or recovered during legitimate drug operations and, more importantly, those recovered from the crime scene which was submitted by the PNP investigation team for ballistic cross-matching and examination through the Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS); 3. Supervise the conduct on the processing of all tenprintsfatent prints taken from the crime scene that was submitted for cross-matching through the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS); and 4, Perform other tasks as directed i) D, Anti-Cybercrime Group 1. All cell phones, laptops and other electronic devices recovered in the area of operation endorsed by the Investigation Team shall be subjected to digital forensic examination; 2. Develop a 24/7 Online Monitoring Hub through the use of internet by conducting cyber patrolling and monitoring of big-time drug Personalities and other high-value target criminals; Page 11 of 12 3. Ensure that cyber patroliers on duty diligently patrols the cyberspace and will exploit the list of personalities involved in illegal drugs and other crimes through different social media platforms and performs covert online engagement tactics for the purpose of gathering information of intelligence value for use of PNP operating units; and 4. Perform other tasks as directed. 1. Ensure strict implementation of the ae on the conduct of investigating anti-illegal drugs operations; of 2. Coordinate with DIDM on the sharing of, information for the development of computer-based case tracking scheme that can monitor the status of all drug-related cases in courts to include the Monitoring of high-profile drug cases filed in courts; 3. Coordinate with ITD, DIDM regarding the full utilization of the NGIs; 4. Supervise the processing of those drug users/personalities who voluntarily surrendered to non-PNP Investigating Unit/Office; and 5. Perform other tasks as directed. k) D, AIDG 7. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: a) Strict adherence to PNP SOPs and Police Operational Procedures is recommended b) Lateral coordination among all Sub-Committee members of Project Double Barrel is encouraged. ©) Respect for human rights must be observed at all times, d) Alllother applicable LOIs and existing PNP policies in congruence with this IMPLAN are still effect. | 8. EFFECTIVITY: Hl This IMPLAN shall immediately take effect upon approval, AuGU Police Chief Si The Acting Director for Investigation and Detective Management y Distribution: PROs RIOMOs ACG ‘ADs ie CRIMELAB, Legal Service Al Dwvisions, DIOM Annex: | Process Flowchart on Drug Users/Pushers who Surtendered Page 12 of 12 . PROPOSED PROCESS FLOW IN THE DISPOSITION OF DRUG USERS AND PUSHERS WHO SURRENDERED START Conduct of Pat down search or strip search on the drug user and/or pusher The Processing ofthe Chats be conducted bythe wero ofeer Bie surrenderor aminor2 The Desk Officer (00) shall record in the blotter book the surrender. After the conduct of redundancy pat down search, the User/Pusher shal be referred to the Duty Investigator (0!) ‘The Duty investigator (DI) requires the surrenderor to execute an affidavit stating therein that he/she is willing to undergo the documentation process. ‘The documentation process must be first sufficiently explained to the surrenderor The investigator User/Pusher will advises the execute an uuser/pusher to Affidavit return some other time Documentation Process Duty Investigator (DI) shall coordinate with the DOH or government hospitals for the conduct of medical and dr The U/P shall be cate Positvein the Cn . confirmatory bt ir > rehabilitation drug test’ process ., DOCUMENTATION PROCESS FOR MINORS WHO SURRENDERED Notify the parents/guardians of the CICL within 8hrs_ from initial contact to bring any proof of age of the thild. Record the personal circumstances of the child and filling out the intake form Determine the age of the child Take the fingerprint and the photograph of the child Notify the Local Social Welfare and Develapment Office within eight hours from initial contact | Record in the Pink Blotter/Mandatory Registry for Investigate and gather all evidence if child surrend was used or induced by another person or group ‘commit the offense, for the purpose of filing of appropriate cases against the user or inducer ‘Tum over physical custody of the child to the LSWDO/DSWD after processing of child within 8 hours trom apprehension CICL records must be treated with utmost confidentiality i DOCUMENTATION PROCESS ‘The Crime Registrar and DI review the information provided by the U/P information is correct? Crime Registrar uploads the data into the CIRAS. Di and U/P sign the 3 copies of the completed IRF Di takes the pictures in accordance with the SOP on booking of Arrested Persons Di takes the fingerprints of the U/P in accordance with the SOP on Booking of Arrested Person The OI shall assist ‘WP voluntarily NO them in the provides preparation of their information on drug activity? sworn statement DI requests the User/Pusher to draw sketch of the cohorts house/hideouts and drug den as basis of application of Search Warrants

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