I. /58 II. /28 Total: Strictly No Erasures and Alterations Only in Multiple-Choice Part

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General Direction: This is a 100-item test. Read each direction written in every type of test, answer this test in 80 mins. II. /28
Total /86


1.________________ __________________
2.________________ __________________
3.________________ __________________
4.________________ __________________

3 5.________________ __________________

6.________________ __________________
7.________________ __________________
8.________________ __________________


Direction: Label the diagram and provide its effect on the body and the hormone it
produces. Write your answer on the space provided at the right side of the paper.

Cardiovascular System (15 points)




5. 11.

7. 13.

8. 14.



Direction: Write only the letter of your choice on the space provided before each number. Choose the best answer.
__1. System of the body which coordinates and controls its activity is known as ___________
a) Organ system b) Muscular system c) Nervous tissue d) Nervous system
__2. Name the basic structural and functional unit of the nervous system.
a) Neuroglia b) Glial cells c) Neurons d) Perikaryon
__3. What are the components of the nervous system?
A. Neuron, axon, myelin sheath, organs C. Neuron, axon dendrite, myelin sheath, brain, spinal cord, sensory and motor nerves
B. Neuron, axon, dendrite, myelin sheath, brain, feet D. Neuron, axon, brain, outside world, organs
__4. What is a disease that affects the nervous system?
A. Epilepsy B. Arthritis C. Both b and d D. Cancer
__5. CNS refers to which of the following?
A. The central nervous system consisting of the brain and motor neurons
B. The central nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
C. The cerebral nervous system consisting solely of the brain
D. The cerebral nervous system consisting of the brain, spinal cord and retina
__6. How do neurons communicate with one another?
A. Electrically B. Chemically C. Through weak, radio-wave-like impulses D. A and B
__7. A microscopic gap between a pair of adjacent neurons over which nerve impulses pass when going from one neuron to the next is called:
A. Neurotransmitter B. Synapse C. Axon D. None of the above
__8. Which is not a reflex action?
A. sneezing B. coughing C. breathing D. knee jerking
__9. The endocrine system....
A. directs long-term changes such as puberty and pregnancy. C. regulates body activities through the production of hormones.
B. involves glands that do not use ducts to transport their secretions. D. all of the above.
__10. The endocrine and nervous systems are similar in that....
A. they attempt to maintain homeostasis. C. they release chemicals that bind to specific receptors on target cells.
B. they share many chemical messengers D. all of the above.
__11. The hypothalamus...
A. is the highest level of endocrine control. C. integrates the activities of the endocrine and nervous systems.
B. secretes regulatory hormones. D. all of the above.
__12. The condition known as goiter can result from too
A. little TSH. B. much ACTH. C. little iodine in the diet. D. little glucagon. E. much insulin
__13. The pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is
A. aldosterone. B. glucagon. C. insulin. D. somatotropin. E. cortisol.
__14. The hormone responsible for stimulating contractions of the uterus is known as:
A. ADH B. corticosteroid C. epinephrine D. oxytocin
__15. Which of the following is NOT an endocrine gland?
A. Hypothalamus B. Pituitary C. Parathyroid D. Pancreas
__16. Which of this statement is INCORRECT regarding the function of hormones?
A. Reproduction and sexual differentiation C. Maintenance of internal environment
B. Maintain body temperature D. Development and growth
__17. 4 From which part of the body has the blood come, if it is entering the heart of a human from the inferior vena cava?
A. the abdomen B. the lungs C. the head D. the arms
__18. Where does the tricuspid valve prevent backflow of blood?
A. From the right atrium to the right ventricle. C. From the right ventricle to the right atrium.
B. From the left atrium to the left ventricle. D. From the left ventricle to the left atrium.
__19. When the heart beat is listened to using a stethoscope, there are two sounds. These are often described as “lub” followed
quickly by “dupp”. Which one of the following contributes to the first “lub” sound?
A. The closing of the bicuspid (mitral) valve. C. The opening of the tricuspid valve.
B. The closing of the semi-lunar valves. D. The opening of the semi-lunar valves.
__20. Which of these is a function of the circulatory system?
A. removing wastes from tissues C. delivering carbon dioxide to cells for cellular respiration
B. transferring impulses from one cell to another D. all of the above
__21. Which are the components of the circulatory system?
A. heart and lungs B. blood vessels, heart, and lungs C. blood, blood vessels, and heart D. heart and blood
_22. Which is the correct direction of blood flow?
A. right atrium right ventricle pulmonary artery C. right atrium left atrium pulmonary artery
B. left ventricle pulmonary artery aorta D. left ventricle left atrium aorta
__23. Through which path does blood typically flow through the circulatory system?
A. arteries -capillaries -veins B. veins -capillaries -arteries C. arteries -veins – capillaries D. capillaries - arteries - veins
__24. Which type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart?
A. veins B. arteries C. capillaries D. lymph nodes
__25. When an infection occurs, the number of
A. red blood cells increase. B. red blood cells decrease. C. white blood cells increase. D. white blood cells decrease.
__26. The heart is located exactly where in the body?
A. at the center of the chest C. right 4th to 5th mid-intercostal space
th th
B. left 4 to 5 mid-intercostal space D. at the level of nipple, left side
__27. People with brain damage and placed in life support is for _____.
A. heart to pump B. breathing C. brain stimulation D. kidney function
__28. It is the largest artery in the body.
A. Aorta B. vena cava C. Arterioles D. Artillery

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