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The friendship of the little boy and the little vampire

(3 minutes)
Once upon a time, people and vampires lived together on an island very far from here. In the day, people
went to work, and at night, vampires went out and looked for food. All of the moms and dads on the
island told their children not to go outside at night. They thought vampires were scary, but none of the
people had ever seen a real vampire.
One sunny day, at lunch time, there is a little boy namely Bobby. He met a little vampire who was hiding
in the corner of the room! The little vampire had a blue face and long fangs. The boy was shocked! He
was about to scream but the little vampire put his finger on his lip… sssttt…
“Don’t be scared!” the little vampire said. “I’m a vegetarian vampire. I only eat fruit and vegetables!”
“Oh! Are you sure you don’t drink blood?” the Little vampire nodded.
Good! It’s nice to meet you,” the boy said.
“I’m starving because my vegetables need some water, but I’ll disappear if I go into the sun,” the
vampire said. “Can you help me?”
“Of course,” the boy said. He took a bottle and helped the vampire to water the carrots, the cucumbers,
and the lettuce. Suddenly, all of the vegetables looked better. The little vampire quickly ate those
After the little vampire ate his green vegetables, his face turned into green, not blue anymore! Now, he
was full and happy.
The little boy now understands if the face was blue meaning that the little vampire needs to eat
“Thanks for helping me” the little vampire said, “do you want to be my friend and play with me tonight?”
“I don’t think my mom and dad would allow me to play outside during the night” said the little boy.
“well I could come to your room tonight. How about that?” said the little vampire.
“Yes! That would be a good idea” said the boy excitedly
When the night came, the little vampire knocked the boy’s window room. And the little boy let him in.
They were playing happily. They laugh together.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Bobby, who are you playing with?” mom’s bobby questioned
Bobby and the little vampire shocked and freeze for a moment.
Then Bobby answering with stuttering (terbata-bata). “Nothing moms… I am practicing a play for
tomorrow at scholl”
Bobby’s mom “oo.. okay.. don’t sleep too late”
“okay mom” replied Bobby
Every day after school the little boy helped watering the vegetables for the little vampire and every night
the little vampire came to play with the little boy.
One night, the little vampire asked the little boy to go outside of the room to see the night life. In fact
Bobby was scared but he was curious to see the night life of vampires. So they sneaked around. The
more days they went more aways from home.
They stopped at a very big and dark house.
“This is my house” said the little vampire.
“Your house???” Bobby felt a bit scary and stunned
“don’t be afraid.. my family all are vegetarian vampire” the little vampire giggling.
“But next time I introduce you to them. It’s almost morning. I have to take you home”
There the little boy and the little vampire became two friends.

, because he was very curious about the dark night.

After that the vampire took the boy to explore the island every night, and the boy and the vampire were
best friends.
Kosakata dan ungkapan

1. Vampire : / ‘væmpaɪə(r)/
n. Vampir
Fang : / fæŋ/
n. Gigi Taring
Vegetarian : / vedʒə’teəriən /
n. Vegetarian
Starving : / ‘stɑː (r)vɪ ŋ /
adj. Lapar
Disappear : / dɪsəˈ pɪ ə(r)/
v. Menghilang
Explore/ ɪ k’splɔː (r)/
v. Menjelajah

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