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Task 1 – 2 Graphic Organizers (20 %): Individual

(High Distinction) (Distinction) (Credit) (Pass) (Fail)

17 - 20 13 - 16 9 - 12 5-8 1-4
 Acceptable of structure
 Excellent structure  Above average structure
 Good structure supporting supporting the content
supporting the content supporting the content
 Attractive design leading  Poor structure supporting
 Attractive design leading the content  Above average design
 Attractive design leading to a to an average quality the content
to a very high quality leading to a good quality
quality work work  Poor design leading to a
work of work
Presentation   Demonstrates average poor quality of work
 Demonstrates very high Demonstrates good level of  Demonstrates good level
technical skill level of technical skill  Demonstrates very poor
level of technical skill of technical skill
 Acceptable presentation level of technical skill
 Excellent presentation  Good presentation style as a  Above average
style according as a  Poor presentation style
style that fully engages holistic concept presentation style as a
the reader whole concept
 concept

 Excellent coverage of
 Acceptable coverage of
 Excellently organized  good coverage of content  Above average coverage
 Contents and
contents and  organized contents and of content
paragraphs are
paragraphs paragraphs  Organized contents and  Poor coverage of content
averagely organized
 Content is largely  Content is largely accurate, paragraphs  Poorly organised contents
 Content is accurate, and
accurate, and excellently and documented using very  Content is accurate, and and paragraphs
documented using
Content documented using good formal language documented using good  Shows poor understanding
average formal
excellent language  Shows excellent formal language of the topic by presenting
 Shows excellent understanding of the topic  Shows good poor ideas, providing
 Shows acceptable
understanding of the by presenting very good understanding of the topic irrelevant content
understanding of the
topic by presenting ideas, providing relevant by presenting good ideas,
topic by presenting
excellent ideas, content. providing relevant content
ideas, providing some
providing relevant
relevant content

 Excellent and relevant  Above average and  Acceptable and relevant  Poor and irrelevant
 good and relevant
language used; very relevant language used; language used; language used; very
language used; very
Language appropriate for the
appropriate for the intended
appropriate for the appropriate for the inappropriate for the
intended purpose and intended purpose and intended purpose and intended purpose and
purpose and audience
audience audience audience audience

 Information was
 Information was
organized excellently  Information was organized  Information was organized  Information was organized
organized in an average
in a very good order in a good manner poorly
Organization  Excellent organization  Good organization with a  Above average
 Acceptable organization
 Poor organization with a
with a very clear clear structure with each organization with a clear poor structure with each
with a structure with
structure with each section logically related to structure with each section section not related to
each section logically
section logically related others. logically related to others others.
related to others.
to others.
 Learners are highly
 Learners are starting
capable in self-
to build their skills in
regulation, and  Learners are
planning and making
proactively take  Learners have strong increasingly taking  When given a deep
choices and decisions
responsibility for their capabilities in self- responsibility for their learning experience,
about their work,
Character own learning They regulation and taking own learning, both as learners look for a lot of
including the what,
can clearly articulate responsibility for their individuals and in direction and structure,
how, when, who, and
Self-regulation how self-regulation own learning. They are groups. With expecting to be given
where of how they will
and and responsibility able to think effectively, occasional support, rather than create a
approach their
responsibility affect how well they make decisions for they are able to plan plan. They look to the
learning. At this level
for learning are able to create themselves, and take their own progress, teacher for guidance at
learners need
worthwhile solutions ownership of their reflect on and improve almost every major
significant guidance to
that impact life, work, learning the quality of their work decision point.
get started and work
and the world. They as they do it.
through major
see learning as an
integral part of life

 Learners understand
the communication
task as a synthesis
 Learners are skilled at
and weaving of  Learners are
using multiple strategies
interconnected ideas considering and  Learners are
to weave diverse
into a coherent and integrating multiple beginning to weave
threads of information
integrated whole issues, components or different elements of
together to create an
 They know what the perspectives into their their thinking and turn
integrated whole that Learners are struggling to
big idea is and the content. Their thinking them into a more
Communication makes sense to their effectively communicate the
best way to convey it, is becoming more coherent message.
audiences. They findings and implications of
utilizing the right mix substantive because They are starting to
Substantive, leverage the right mix of their tasks.
of tools and ways of they have to Analyse, use more than one
multi-modal appropriate tools that Communications are likely
communicating. They synthesize and mode of
communication will best communicate to be fragmented rather
skilfully blend a mix of integrate multiple ideas communication, such
each kind of ide, than woven, coherent, and
surprise, intrigue, fact, into a coherent whole. as visual images,
deigned in ways that will substantive
humor, and practical They regularly use soundtracks and
connect with their
elements to connect several modes of spoken word, for
audience, capture their
with, hook, and retain communication to get example, in film or
attention, and leave the
the audience’s the messages in the digital presentations
with the important
attention, and deliver best way.
a clear and
compelling call to

 Learners used digital
elements ubiquitously
throughout the tasking
powerful ways to find  Learners use digital
 Learners can clearly  Although learners used
and develop creative  Learners use digital opportunities to
articulate how infusing some digital elements
ideas and support aspects effectively to identify and pursue
digital elements during the creative
effective leadership improve the creative creative ideas in ways
enhanced their ability to process or to present
for action. Learners elements of the that could not been
Creativity develop creative ideas findings, these were
can articulate in detail learning process. At done otherwise. They
and to lead the work very ‘surface level’ and
about how each this level they may not may have made the
Levering digital more effectively to did not substantially
digital elements has be able to articulate creative process more
create action. They also contribute to the
helped them build clearly how or why this efficient or faster, but
have reflections about efficiency of the process
more creativity into helped, but the are unlikely to have
how they might do this or the quality of the
their work in ways that benefits are evident in significantly enhanced
even better in future creative products
could not have been their work. the value of what was
work. produced
achieved otherwise, created as a result.
and can apply that
understanding to new
and different contexts.

 Learners have strong
 Learners begin each
critical thinking and
 Learners are able to deep learning
reasoning skills,  Learners are able to
articulate how they experience by
including find different points
actively create exploring what the  Learners may be skilled
interpretation, and pathways into
knowledge that is new already know and consumers and
analysis, synthesis, learning that activate,
and usable to them. believe about a topic, reproducers of
and evaluation. assess, and build on
 They are able to and use this as the information, but still
Knowledge their existing
interpret, Analyse and starting point for new struggle to engage in
Critical construction is deep, knowledge and beliefs.
synthesize, and learning. meaningful knowledge
Thinking insightful,  They have good skills
evaluate information  Knowledge construction, their
interdisciplinary or in interpretation and
from two or more construction does approaches to tasks still
Meaningful connected across analysis of information,
disciplines or occur, but is still reflect a “guess what is
knowledge multiple perspectives, and are able to use
perspectives, make rather ‘surface level’, in the teacher’s head” or
construction and characterized by this to construct
meaningful connections e.g. limited to a “guess what is in the
sound practical and meaningful knowledge,
between new ideas and interpretation, with textbook” mind set, and
critical thinking. but usually only within
their prior knowledge, little use of analysis, meet considerable
 Learners also use one discipline at a
and clearly understand synthesis, or prompting and guidance
their skills to reflect time. Synthesis and
why the learning is evaluation. Learners to take their learning
on, evaluate, and evaluation skills are
important, and how this at this level are still beyond this.
improve their own generally still
will help them now or in building their critical
learning process, developing.
the future. thinking and
products, and
reasoning skills.

Task 2- Essay (30 %): Individual
(High Distinction) (Distinction) (Credit) (Pass) (Fail)
25 – 30 19 - 24 13 - 18 7 - 12 1-6

 Excellent introduction  Acceptable

 Appropriate introduction  Poor introduction and  No introduction and
Introduction and closing introduction and
and closing statements closing statements closing statements were
and Closure statements were closing statements
were made were made made
made were made

 Considerable  Limited knowledge of

 Thorough knowledge  Some knowledge of  No knowledge of
knowledge of presentation is
Content/ of presentation is presentation is evident presentation is evident –
presentation is evident evident –
Knowledge evident – no use of – some use of thorough use of
– limited use of considerable use of
reference notes reference notes reference notes
reference notes reference notes.

 Effectively uses
writing strategies to  Uses a variety of writing
 Uses some purposeful  Little attempt to  Does not attempt to
enhance a good strategies.
writing strategies. elaborate ideas or elaborate ideas or
Writing essay.  Uses specific, concrete
 Uses some details and elaborates only elaborates only through
Strategies  uses precise, details to make the
through repetition of repetition of the initial
concrete details to essay clear to the sensory language.
the initial statement. statement.
make the essay clear reader.
to the reader

 Consistently uses  Uses only simple,

 Achieve some unity
appropriate language.  Achieves unity through generic language.  Does not have
through a natural
Coherence and  Shows deep insight a natural progression of  Has lapses in coherence in writing.
progression of ideas.
Style through a natural flow ideas. coherence.  Does not organized in
 Uses some precise
of ideas and an  Uses precise language.  Has the tendency to writing.
effective conclusion. digress.

 Learners are highly
 Learners are starting
capable in self-
to build their skills in
regulation, and  Learners are
planning and making
proactively take  Learners have strong increasingly taking  When given a deep
choices and decisions
responsibility for their capabilities in self- responsibility for their learning experience,
Character about their work,
own learning They regulation and taking own learning, both as learners look for a lot of
including the what,
can clearly articulate responsibility for their individuals and in direction and structure,
Self-regulation how, when, who, and
how self-regulation own learning. They are groups. With expecting to be given
and where of how they will
and responsibility able to think effectively, occasional support, rather than create a plan.
responsibility approach their
affect how well they make decisions for they are able to plan They look to the teacher
for learning learning. At this level
are able to create themselves, and take their own progress, for guidance at almost
learners need
worthwhile solutions ownership of their reflect on and improve every major decision
significant guidance
that impact life, work, learning the quality of their point.
to get started and
and the world. They work as they do it.
work through major
see learning as an
integral part of life

 Learners understand
the communication
task as a synthesis  Learners are skilled at
and weaving of using multiple  Learners are
interconnected ideas strategies to weave considering and  Learners are
Learners are
into a coherent and diverse threads of integrating multiple beginning to weave
struggling to
integrated whole information together to issues, components or different elements of
 They know what the create an integrated perspectives into their their thinking and turn
big idea is and the whole that makes content. Their thinking them into a more
the findings and
Communication best way to convey it, sense to their is becoming more coherent message.
implications of
utilizing the right mix audiences. They substantive because They are starting to
their tasks.
Substantive, of tools and ways of leverage the right mix they have to Analyse, use more than one
multi-modal communicating. They of appropriate tools that synthesize and mode of
are likely to be
communication skilfully blend a mix of will best communicate integrate multiple communication, such
surprise, intrigue, each kind of ide, ideas into a coherent as visual images,
rather than
fact, humor, and deigned in ways that whole. They regularly soundtracks and
practical elements to will connect with their use several modes of spoken word, for
coherent, and
connect with, hook, audience, capture their communication to get example, in film or
and retain the attention, and leave the the messages in the digital presentations
audience’s attention, with the important best way.
and deliver a clear messages
and compelling call to

 Learners’ exhibit good  Although learners’
divergent thinking that thinking is grounded
 Learners at this level
questions the status in knowledge of
have an eye not just
quo. They are skilled in  Learners are starting existing solutions,
for novel ideas but for
a wide range of thinking to move out of their they are not fixed to
solutions and ways of
and creative strategies, comfort zones to use one particular way of
thinking that could be
which they use to divergent and outside- thinking, and are
game changers. They
generate innovative the-box thinking to learning to be more
have good instincts
possibilities. They identify and evaluate innovative with some  Learners are still in the
for how to pursue
actively consider and promising ideas. guidance and mindset of looking for a
these ideas all the
Creativity pursue ideas that are  They are developing prompting. pre-determined or
way to fruition.
innovative, maverick, good skills in a range  Learners are using a existing solution rather
Considering  Learners are highly
and/or risky, including of thinking and limited range of than coming up with
skilled at outside the
and pursuing long shots. creativity strategies, thinking and creativity original approaches or
box, creative and
novel ideas and  They are good at e.g. Brainstorming, strategies (such as designs and testing them
solutions innovative thinking
encouraging and syndetic, cognitive brainstorming) to out to see what works.
that works in the real
considering other organizers, attribute generate some They may also
world, makes a
people’s ideas; finding listing, and “what if” innovative solutions inappropriately dismiss
difference in people
the gems in even really possibility thinking. that look outside the others’ ideas.
live, and improve
unusual solutions. An They use these to box e.g. finding a new
quality for people,
increasing sense of the create innovative application for
environment, and
practical, real world solutions that are something that exists
economy. Solutions
dimension ensures that original and that create in another space.
have clearly been
solutions are clearly or add value. They may still be
thought from multiple
address the root working to find
causes of the problem genuine value-adding
and add genuine value. innovations.

 Learners are able to  Learners are able to  Learners begin each

 Learners have strong  Learners may be skilled
articulate how they find different points deep learning
critical thinking and consumers and
actively create and pathways into experience by
reasoning skills, reproducers of
knowledge that is new learning that activate, exploring what the
including information, but still
and usable to them. assess, and build on already know and
Critical interpretation, struggle to engage in
Thinking  They are able to their existing believe about a topic,
analysis, synthesis, meaningful knowledge
interpret, Analyse and knowledge and beliefs. and use this as the
and evaluation. construction, their
synthesize, and  They have good skills starting point for new
Knowledge approaches to tasks still
evaluate information in interpretation and learning.
knowledge construction is deep, reflect a “guess what is
from two or more analysis of information,  Knowledge
construction insightful, in the teacher’s head” or
disciplines or and are able to use construction does
interdisciplinary or a “guess what is in the
perspectives, make this to construct occur, but is still
connected across textbook” mind set, and
meaningful connections meaningful knowledge, rather ‘surface level’,
multiple perspectives, meet considerable
between new ideas and but usually only within e.g. limited to
and characterized by prompting and guidance
their prior knowledge, one discipline at a interpretation, with
sound practical and and clearly understand time. Synthesis and little use of analysis, to take their learning
critical thinking. why the learning is evaluation skills are synthesis, or beyond this.
 Learners also use important, and how this generally still evaluation. Learners
their skills to reflect will help them now or in developing. at this level are still
on, evaluate, and the future. building their critical
improve their own thinking and
learning process, reasoning skills.
products, and

Task 3- ROLE PLAY - Forum (10 %): Individual

Tasks and
aspects Criteria
(High Distinction) (Distinction) (Credit) (Pass) (Fail)
Marks 9 - 10 7-8 5-6 4- 3 1- 2
 Presentation is
 Presentation is partially organized,
 Presentation is
exceptionally well  Presentation is well interesting and  Presentation is poorly
partially organized,
organized, interesting organized , interesting creative organized, not
interesting and
and creative and creative  Speaks with lots of interesting and lacks
 Speaks very fluently,  Speaks fluently, hesitations, lacks of creativity
 Speaks quite fluently,
very confident and very confident and good confedent, body  Does not speak
quite confident, quite
good body language body language and language and facial fluently, lacks
good body language
and facial expression facial expression expression confident, poor body
and facial expression
Individual  Very few errors in  Few errors and  Many errors in language and facial
 Some errors an
Assessment language use and language use and language use and expression
language use and
grammar grammar grammar  Too many errors in
Forum  Role play is very good  Role play is good and  Role play is language use and
 Role play is
and displays displays good stage acceptable and grammar
reasonably good and
commendable stage presence displays quite  Role play is limited
displays satisfactory
presence  Audience appeal is satisfactory stage and unimpressive
stage presence
 Audience appeal is good pressence  Audience appeal is
 Audience appeal is
excellent  Caters mostly to  Audience appeal is not lacking
 Caters strongly to different multiple satisfactory, quite  Hardly caters to any
 Caters to a few
different multiple intelligences boring multiple intelligences
multiple intelligences
intelligences  Caters to vey few
multiple intelligences

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