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What is the most difficult question that

you've encounter in this subject TNCT?

We students always encounter difficulties not only in our subject

but also in our life, We have different problems that we go through ,
We have a lots of problems, difficult or not always remember that
every problem there is always a solution even if it takes so long
just wait for the right time for you to solve your own problem, We
have different way of thinking , we have different way on how we
use our mind, The good thing to do is always listen to those
teacher who's talking infront to gain more knowledge or
informations. The question now is what is the most difficult
question that you've encounter ? Actually all of the questions is
difficult for me because i dont have any idea to that topic ,
because we didnt discuss it yet, but the most difficult question
that i've encounter is What is Intuitive thinking or Intuition ?
at first of course i dont have any idea or any information so i
actually dont know what is intuition but when one of my classmate
says that intuition is something that you know without evidence,
the first thing that pop up in my mind when i hear that is , its
just like your opinion , your own definition to a thing or
whatsoever, and intuitive thinking is basically the kind of
thinking that helps you understand reality in the moment without
logic or analysis. Intuitive thinking or intuition is just like
Instinct, I construct a simple question so that they can easily
know what is intuition "Why do people cheat ?" why do people cheat
when they have someone who love them back? Cheating is a choice ,
Try to think if someone did it to you , will it make you happy ?
ofcourse not ! no one would be happy if their love ones cheated on
them. Intuition has a big impact and it cause a lot to every girls ,
Sometimes some girls are being paranoid they think that their love
ones were going to cheat them , that they replace them easily,
that was intuition do to them. There is Four kinds of intuitive
thinking the first one is Emotional Intuitive Thinking its just
like when someone is saying something to you, you're being
emotional, its just like you're a soft hearted person Second is
Mental intuitive thinking is that you have an idea to a question
or something, and Third is psychic intuitive thinking its just
like you know what is good for you its an ability to choose the
best path to overcome personal difficulty and last but not the
least Spiritual Intuitive thinking, example of it is the Meditation.
There is also Ten Critical Tips for growing your intuitive
abilities 1st is Be the best ,2nd use analysis to support your
intuition ,3rd Put more energy into understanding 4th dont cofuse
desire , 5th Over ride your intuition ,6th Think ahead 7th
Uncertainty ads excitement 8th Use the right decision and last but
not the least 10th Stay alert for intuition barriers , you should
use this 10 to grow your intuitive abilities. Trends Network and
Critical Thinking (TNCT) is one of those subjects that im being
interested and it also got my attention. If you really listen
carefully to the teacher who's talking infront you will realize
how interesting this subject is , Trends Network and Critical
thinking helps you to gain more knowledge and informations , it
helps you to be familiarize in some things , TNCT is part of our
daily life, Trends is those issues that will happen daily ,Global
network ,we use this as our worldwide communication and Critical
Thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgement.

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