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FACTS: Penaflor was hired on September 2, 1999 as probationary Human Resource Department (HRD)
Manager of respondent Outdoor Clothing Manufacturing Corporation. Penaflor claimed that his relationship
with Outdoor Clothing went well during the first few months of his employment. His woes began when the
company's Vice President for Operations, Edgar Lee (Lee), left the company Penaflor alleged that his
department had been singled out.

On March 13, 2000, his officemates informed him that while he was away, Syfu had appointed Nathaniel
Buenaobra (Buenaobra) as the new HRD Manager. Penaflor was surprised by the news; he also felt betrayed
and discouraged. Penaflor resigned. He submitted a letter to Syfu declaring his irrevocable resignation from
his employment with Outdoor Clothing effective at the close of office hours on March 15, 2000.

Penaflor then filed a complaint for illegal dismissal with the labor arbiter, claiming that he had been
constructively dismissed. He included in his complaint a prayer for reinstatement and payment of backwages,
illegally deducted salaries, damages, attorneys fees, and other monetary claims.

The labor arbiter found that Penaflor had been illegally dismissed. The NLRC apparently found Outdoor
Clothings submitted memoranda sufficient to overturn the labor arbiters decision. It characterized Penaflor's
resignation as a response, not to the allegedly degrading and hostile treatment that he was subjected to by
Syfu, but to Outdoor Clothings downward financial spiral. Penaflor anchored his certiorari petition with the
CA on the claim that the NLRC decision was tainted with grave abuse of discretion but the CA affirmed the
NLRC decision. Upon denial of his motion for reconsideration, Penaflor filed the present petition for review.

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