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Password: smtom-pphs-11 LECTURE 1:

high energy photon

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An important part of understanding life is understanding

how energy is stored and moved from molecule to
molecule 1
 To understand and uncover the law of life
activity of plant
 To protect and utilize plant in the
agricultural and industrial practice
according to the law

9/19/2014 2
1. Definition 1. Definition
2. History Of Plant 2. Energy Of Organisms
Physiology 3. Law of Conservation of
3. How Plants Work Energy
4. Syllabus 4. State and Form of Energy
References 5. Electron Energy
6. Free Energy

9/19/2014 3
1.1 Definition
What is Plant Physiology?

1. Plant physiology is the study of

 the functions and processes occurring in plants
 the vital processes occurring in plants
 how plants work

2. Plant physiology is the study of plant

function encompassing
 the dynamic processes of growth
 metabolism and
 reproduction in living plant (Taiz L and Zeiger E
1991). 4
3. Plant physiology is a study of the plant way of life,
which include various aspects of the plant lifestyle
and survival including:
 metabolism,
 water relations,
 mineral nutrition,
 development,
 movement,
 irritability (response to the environment),
 organization,
 growth, and
 transport processes

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What is Plant Physiology about ?

4. Plant physiology is about

 how plants use the energy of sun to assimilate
 how they convert that carbon to stuff of which
they are made,
 how plants obtain and distribute nutrients and
 how they grow and develop,
 how they respond to their environment,
 how they react to stress,
 how they reproduce
In short, plant physiology is about HOW PLANTS
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1.2 History of Plant Physiology
1. Sir Francis Bacon (1561 –1626), an English
philosopher, published one of the first plant
physiology experiments in 1627 in the book,
Sylva Sylvarum.
Bacon grew several terrestrial
plants, including a rose, in water
and concluded that soil was only
needed to keep the plant upright

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2. Jan van Helmont
began the research of the process in the mid-
1600s when he carefully measured the mass
of the soil used by a plant and the mass of the
plant as it grew.

After noticing that the soil

mass changed very little, he
hypothesized that the mass of
the growing plant must come
from the water, the only
substance he added to the
potted plant. .

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3. John Woodward
(1 May 1665 – 25 April 1728), an
English naturalist, antiquarian and
geologist, published experiments
in 1699 on growth of spearmint
(Mentha spicata) in different
sources of water.
He found that plants grew much
better in water with soil added
than in distilled water.

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4. Stephen Hales, FRS (17 September
1677 – 4 January 1761), an English
physiologist, chemist and inventor

He is considered the Father of Plant Physiology for

the many experiments in the 1727.
Hales studied the role of air and water in the
maintenance of both plant and animal life.

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5. Joseph PriestleyO2
a chemist and minister, discovered that when he isolated a
volume of air under an inverted jar, and burned a candle in it,
the candle would burn out very quickly, much before it ran out
of wax. He further discovered that a mouse could similarly
"injure" air. He then showed that the air that had been "injured"
by the candle and the mouse could be restored by a plant.
6. Jan Ingenhousz O2 produce d by plants +light
a court physician to the Austrian Empress, repeated Priestley's
experiments in 1778, . He discovered that it was the influence of
sun and light on the plant that could cause it to rescue a mouse
in a matter of hours.
7. Jean Senebier CO2 taken up by plants
a French pastor, showed in 1796, that CO2 was the "fixed" or
"injured" air and that it was taken up by plants in
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8. Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure CO2 +H2O
soon afterwards, showed that the increase in mass of the
plant as it grows could not be due only to uptake of CO2,
but also to the incorporation of water. Thus the basic
reaction by which photosynthesis is used to produce food
(such as glucose) was outlined.

Modern scientists built on the foundation of knowledge

from those scientists centuries ago and were able to
discover many things
9. Cornelius Van Niel  Chemistry of photosynthesis
made key discoveries explaining the chemistry of
photosynthesis. By studying purple sulfur bacteria and
green bacteria, he was the first scientist to demonstrate
that photosynthesis is a light-dependent redox reaction, in
which hydrogen reduces carbon dioxide.
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10. Robert Hill O2 (photosynthesis) H2O
He in 1937 and 1939 performed further experiments to
prove that the oxygen developed during the
photosynthesis of green plants came from water
He showed that isolated chloroplasts give off oxygen in
the presence of unnatural reducing agents like iron
oxalate, ferricyanide or benzoquinone after exposure
to light.

The Hill reaction is as follows:

2 H2O + 2 A + (light, chloroplasts) → 2 AH2 + O2

where A is the electron acceptor. Therefore, in light the

electron acceptor is reduced and oxygen is evolved.
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11. Samuel Ruben and Martin Camen O2 (phot)
They used radioactive isotopes to determine that
the oxygen liberated in photosynthesis came
from the water.
11. Melvin Calvin and his partner Benson were able
to puzzle out each stage in the dark or light-
independent phase of photosynthesis, known as
the Calvin Cycle.
12. Rudolph A. Marcus, a Nobel Prize winning
scientist, was able to discover the function and
significance of the electron transport chain.

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1.3 How Plants Work
 Plant Level 6. Christae 18. Golgi body
 Shoot 7. Nucleus 19. Peroxisomes
 Leaves 8. Nuclear membrane 20. Microfilaments
 Stem 9. Nucleolus 21. Microtubules
 Reproductive Organ
10. Centrosome 22. Plasmodesmata
 Root
11. Ribosome 23. Rough
 Cellular Level 12. Chloroplast endoplasmic
1. Cell wall 13. Chlorophyll reticulum
2. Cell membrane 14. Stroma 24. Smooth
3. Cytoplasm endoplasmic
15. Thylakoid disk reticulum
4. Vacuole 16. Granum
5. Mitochondrion 17. Amyloplast
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Plant Level
• The Shoot System
• Above ground (usually)
• Elevates the plant above the
• Many functions including:
• photosynthesis
• reproduction & dispersal
• food and water conduction
• The Root System
• Underground (usually)
• Anchor the plant in the soil
• Absorb water and nutrients
• Conduct water and nutrients
9/19/2014 • Food Storage 16
Cellular Level

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1. Cell wall - a thick, rigid membrane that surrounds a plant cell. This
layer of cellulose fiber gives the cell most of its support and structure.
The cell wall also bonds with other cell walls to form the structure of
the plant.
2. Cell membrane - the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the
cell, but is inside the cell wall. The cell membrane is semipermeable,
allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others.
3. Cytoplasm - the jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the
organelles are located.
4. Vacuole - a large, membrane-bound space within a plant cell that is
filled with fluid. Most plant cells have a single vacuole that takes up
much of the cell. It helps maintain the shape of the cell.
5. Mitochondrion - spherical to rod-shaped organelles with a double
membrane. The inner membrane is infolded many times, forming a
series of projections (called cristae). The mitochondrion converts the
energy stored in glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for the
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6. Christae - (singular crista) the multiply-folded inner membrane of a
cell's mitochondrion that are finger-like projections. The walls of the
cristae are the site of the cell's energy production (it is where ATP is
7. Nucleus - spherical body containing many organelles, including the
nucleolus. The nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell (by
controlling protein synthesis) and contains DNA (in chromosomes).
The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane
8. Nuclear membrane - the membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
9. Nucleolus - an organelle within the nucleus - it is where ribosomal RNA
is produced.
10. Centrosome - (also called the "microtubule organizing center") a small
body located near the nucleus - it has a dense center and radiating
tubules. The centrosomes is where microtubules are made. During cell
division (mitosis), the centrosome divides and the two parts move to
opposite sides of the dividing cell. Unlike the centrosomes in animal
cells, plant cell centrosomes do not have centrioles.
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11. Ribosome - small organelles composed of RNA-rich cytoplasmic
granules , approximately 60 percent RNA and 40 percent protein , that
are sites of protein synthesis. In eukaryotes, ribosomes are made of
four strands of RNA. In prokaryotes, they consist of three strands of
12. Chloroplast - an elongated or disc-shaped organelle containing
chlorophyll. Photosynthesis (in which energy from sunlight is
converted into chemical energy - food) takes place in the chloroplasts.
13. Chlorophyll - chlorophyll is a molecule that can use light energy from
sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide gas into sugar and oxygen
(this process is called photosynthesis). Chlorophyll is magnesium
based and is usually green.
14. Stroma - part of the chloroplasts in plant cells, located within the inner
membrane of chloroplasts, between the grana.
15. Thylakoid disk - thylakoid disks are disk-shaped membrane structures
in chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. Chloroplasts are made up of
stacks of thylakoid disks; a stack of thylakoid disks is called a granum.
Photosynthesis (the production of ATP molecules from sunlight) takes
place on thylakoid disks.
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16. Granum - (plural grana) A stack of thylakoid disks within the chloroplast is
called a granum.
17. Amyloplast - an organelle in some plant cells that stores starch.
Amyloplasts are found in starchy plants like tubers and fruits.
18. Golgi body - (also called the golgi apparatus or golgi complex) a flattened,
layered, sac-like organelle that looks like a stack of pancakes and is located
near the nucleus. The golgi body packages proteins and carbohydrates into
membrane-bound vesicles for "export" from the cell.
19. Peroxisomes - Microbodies are a diverse group of organelles that are found
in the cytoplasm, roughly spherical and bound by a single membrane.
There are several types of microbodies but peroxisomes are the most
20. Microfilaments - Microfilaments are solid rods made of globular proteins
called actin. These filaments are primarily structural in function and are an
important component of the cytoskeleton.
21. Microtubules - These straight, hollow cylinders are found throughout the
cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells (prokaryotes don't have them) and carry
out a variety of functions, ranging from transport to structural support.
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22. Plasmodesmata - Plasmodesmata are small tubes that connect plant
cells to each other, providing living bridges between cells.
23. Rough endoplasmic reticulum - (rough ER) a vast system of
interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted sacks that are
located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer
nuclear membrane). Rough ER is covered with ribosomes that give it a
rough appearance. Rough ER transport materials through the cell and
produces proteins in sacks called cisternae (which are sent to the Golgi
body, or inserted into the cell membrane).
24. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - (smooth ER) a vast system of
interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted tubes that are
located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer
nuclear membrane). The space within the ER is called the ER lumen.
Smooth ER transport materials through the cell. It contains enzymes
and produces and digests lipids (fats) and membrane proteins; smooth
ER buds off from rough ER, moving the newly-made proteins and lipids
to the Golgi body and membranes

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2. PHOTOSYNTESIS I Light Reaction: Synthesis of NADPH

3. PHOTOSYNTESIS II Light Reaction: Synthesis of ATP

4. PHOTOSYNTESIS III Dark Reaction: C3 Plants

5. PHOTOSYNTESIS IV Dark Reaction: C4 & CAM Plants

Glycolysis, TCA Cycle & Terminal

7. TRANSPORT SYSTEM Phloem and Xylem Transport

9/19/2014 23
1. Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E., 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc., Redwood City,
2. Salisbury, F.B. and C.W. Ross. 1992. Plant Physiology
3. Salisbury, F.B. and Ross, C., 1969. Plant Physiology. Wadsworth
Publishing Co. Inc., Belmont, California
4. Bidwell,R.G.S. 1979. Plant Physiology. Mac. Millan. Publishing,
New York
5. Devlin, R.M. and F.H. Witham. 1983. Plant Physiology. The Towa
State University Press
6. Gardner,F.P.,R.B. Pearce and R.L. Mitchell.1985, Physiology of
crop plants
7. Hall.D.O. and K.K. Rao 1981. Photosynthesis, London

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ENERGI  adalah kapasitas atau kemampuan

untuk melaksanakan kerja, yaitu: untuk
memindahkan materi melawan gaya
gravitasi dan gesekan
ENERGI terdapat dalam berbagai bentuk, dan
kerja kehidupan tergantung pada
kemampuan sel untuk mentransformasi
energi dari suatu bentuk ke bentuk lainnya
Contoh: Bahan bakar minyak  digunakan
sebagai sumber energi untuk kendaraan
Proses Pertumbuhan Tanaman : Merupakan
kumpulan dari berbagai aktivitas mulai dari
tingkat molekuler hingga keseluruhan tubuh

KRT-2008 26
Berdasarkan sumber energi yang digunakan 
organisme hidup dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok:
1. Chemotrophs  (senyawa organik)
2. Phototrophs  (cahaya)
3. Chemoheterotrops  (bahan organik +
karbon)  Manusia dan Hewan
4. Photoautotrophs  (radiasi matahari + CO2
(sebagai sumber karbon)  Tanaman
Tingkat tinggi

KRT-2008 27
Dalam studi energi  Hukum
Thermodinamika I yang menyatakan:
Energi dapat ditransfer dan ditransformasi,
tetapi tidak dapat diciptakan dan tidak
dapat dimusnahkan  Dikenal : Hukum
Kekekalan Energi dan Massa
Energi Surya  yang diterima tanaman
berubah bentuk dari energi
elektromagnetik menjadi zat kimia (energi
kimia) yaitu senyawa yang mengandung
energi tinggi dan reduktan
Energi Kimia  ini digunakan untuk
mensintesis Karbohidrat yang merupakan
bahan dasar pembentukan senyawa2
penyusun sel, jaringan, organ dan
keseluruhan tubuh tanaman
 Energi Surya pada akhirnya berubah
menjadi Energi Biomassa dalam
pertumbuhan tanaman
 Jadi ORGANISME adalah pentransformasi

KRT-2008 28
merupakan asam nukleat yang menyediakan
energi secara teratur dalam semua sel
 ATP tersusun dari Adenin Ribose dan tiga
 Suatu organisme yang sedang bekerja,
menggunakan ATP secara terus menerus
 ATP adalah sumberdaya yang dapat
diperbaharui, yang dapat diregenerasi dengan
cara penambahan phosphat ke ADP
 Siklus ATP bergerak dengan laju yang sangat

KRT-2008 29
Persamaan Einstein: E = m.c 2

 Menjelaskan hubungan antara energi dengan

m = massa suatu benda  g
c = kecepatan cahaya (2,997925 x 108 m/det)
 cm/det
E = energi yang dapat dihasilkan suatu benda
 erg
 Semakin besar massa  maka semakin
besar energinya
 Pembentukan suatu satuan massa
memerlukan sejumlah energi
 erg = =
1 J (joule) = 1 N (newton) = 10-7 erg
1 cal = 4.184 J

KRT-2008 30
Konsep Umum Energi
Suatu benda karena kedudukannya mempunyai
energi tambahan di luar dari massa benda itu
 Batu yang jatuh dari ketinggian tertentu di atas
permukaan tanah ke tempat yang lebih rendah
 massanya tidak berubah

 Energi yang tidak digunakan tetapi tersedia

secara potensial disebut: Energi Potensial
 Energi kimiawi  suatu bentuk energi
potensial yang sangat penting yang
disimpan dalam molekul karena
pengaturan struktural atom-atom dalam
molekul tersebut
 Air dalam bendungan menyimpan energi
karena ketinggiannya

KRT-2008 31
Energi Kinetik
 Energi yang terlibat dalam pergerakan suatu benda
disebut: Energi Kinetik / Energi pergerakan  Obyek
bergerak melakukan kerja dengan cara menggerakkan
benda lain
 Orang menulis atau berlari

 Kontraksi otot kaki akan mendorong pedal sepeda

 Pemain biliar mengerakkan tongkat biliar untuk

mendorong bola, yang selanjutnya menggerakkan
bola-bola lain
 Cahaya juga merupakan bentuk Energi Kinetik yang
dapat digunakan untuk melakukan kerja 
menjalankan proses fotosintesis pada tumbuhan hijau

 Panas atau Energi Thermal adalah Energi Kinetik

yang dihasilkan oleh pergerakan molekul secara acak

KRT-2008 32
Teori Kinetik
 Berasal dari kata Kinetikos = membuat gerakan /
 Merupakan landasan dasar dari pengetahuan
 Konsep ini menyatakan: Semua partikel (atom &
molekul) berada dalam gerakan konstan pada
semua tingkat temperatur di atas nol absolut
 Fungsi daun sebagai tempat masuknya CO2
melalui proses difusi
 Energi radiasi matahari berubah menjadi energi
kimia dalam tanaman
 Pergerakan suatu benda / obyek berdasarkan Teori
Kinetik dibedakan menjadi 3:
1. Gerak lurus (Kinetik Translasi)
2. Gerak berputar (Kinetik Rotasi)
3. Gerak bergetar (Kinetik Vibrasi)

KRT-2008 33
1. Suatu gas tersusun dari sejumlah besar
atom & molekul yang dipisahkan oleh jarak
yang relatif cukup besar dibandingkan
dengan ukurannya
2. Molekul mempunyai massa, tetapi
volumenya sangat kecil sehingga dapat
3. Molekul2 berada dalam gerakan acak
konstan pada garis lurus
4. Tabrakan di antara molekul2 dan di antara
molekul dengan dengan dinding pembatas
bersifat elastis yaitu: energi kinetik dapat
ditransfer dari suatu molekul ke molekul
lain, tetapi energi kinetik tersebut tidak
dikonversi ke bentuk energi lain seperti

KRT-2008 34
Energi Kinetik
Energi Kinetik Translasi (EKT): EKT = ½.m.v2
W = m.g
 Dimana: v = kecepatan
w = berat benda
g = gravitasi
Energi Kinetik Rotasi (EKR):
 Molekul yang memiliki dua atau lebih atom yang berbeda
(heteronuklir) dapat melakukan gerak berputar
 Energi yang timbul akibat rotasi atom dalam molekul
seperti pada peristiwa gelombang mikro spektroskop
disebut: Energi Kinetik Rotasi
Energi Kinetik Vibrasi (EKV):
 Energi yang timbul pada pergerakan atom secara vibrasi
dalam molekul disebut: Energi Kinetik Vibrasi.
 Dalam peristiwa ini Energi Translasi & Energi Potensial
dipertukarkan secara terus-menerus dan jumlahnya
konstan, asal tidak terjadi pemancaran keluar

KRT-2008 35
Energi Nuklir
Energi yang dihasilkan dari perubahan status
partikel penyusun inti adalah Energi Nuklir
Energi yang dihasilkan sangat besar  reaksi fisi
nuklir atau pembelahan inti (Nuclear Fission)
Uranium (U) yang dibombardir dengan neutron (n)
 menghasilkan perubahan jumlah neutron
dalam inti (235 menjadi 236), tetapi jumlah
proton tetap (92)
Bom Hidrogen yang terjadi karena penggabungan
(Fusi) inti Hidrogen

KRT-2008 36
Energi Elektron
Energi Elektron yaitu: Energi yang timbul karena perubahan
kedudukan orbit elektron
Sesuai dengan model yang diajukan oleh Niels Bohr  Atom
mempunyai elektron (e) yang berada pada orbit tertentu dan
bergerak mengitari inti atom
Atom atau molekul mempunyai tingkat energi paling rendah jika
elektron berada pada orbit terendah yang disebut: Orbit Dasar
Gaya yang menahan elektron pada suatu orbit tertentu terdiri atas:
gaya tarik inti ke arah pusat yang dikenal dengan Gaya Coulomb
(gaya centrifugal) sebesar k (Ze2) / r2 dan daya gerak elektron ke
arah luar (gaya centripetal) sebesar mv2/r
Dalam keadaan setimbang, kedua gaya tersebut sama, sehingga
mv2 = k (Ze2) / r2 dimana:
k = konstanta (8,9874 x 109 N.m2/c2)
Z = jumlah proton
e = muatan elektron saat bergerak melintasi garis singgung orbit
Energi elektron semakin kecil (semakin negatif) bila r semakin kecil 
sebagai akibat dari energi potensial yang hilang karena elektron
semakin mendekati inti

KRT-2008 37
Energi Radiasi Matahari
Energi radiasi matahari yang digunakan dalam
proses fotosintesis timbul dari reaksi nuklir yaitu
fusi inti Hidrogen akibat temperatur yang sangat
Persamaan Stefan-Boltzmann dapat digunakan
untuk menaksir tingkat radiasi berdasarkan
temperatur: R = εσT4 dimana:
R = pancaran (flux) radiasi (ly/min)
ε = konstanta emisivitas (0 < ε < 1)
= menggambarkan kapasitas suatu
benda mengabsorbsi dan memancarkan
σ = konstanta Stefan-Boltzmann
(5,67032 x 10-8 Wm-2K-4)
T = temperatur absolut (273 + 0C)
Radiasi matahari mempunyai suhu pada intinya
sebesar 19.450.000 0C

KRT-2008 38
Energi Radiasi Matahari
Dimana: c = kecepatan cahaya
v = frekuensi
λ = panjang gelombang
Radiasi matahari yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh tanaman adalah pada
kisaran panjang gelombang 400-700 nm yang disebut: visible
radiation atau Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
 Dikembangkan oleh Newton dan Einstein
 Merupakan landasan dasar yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan
hubungan energi matahari dengan proses fotosintesis
 Partikel energi (Kuanta atau Photon) dari radiasi lebih besar dari
energi yang diperlukan untuk melepaskan elektron dari molekul 
elektron akan emisi, dan sebaliknya
 Jumlah energi yang dikandung suatu kuanta atau photon
berhubungan dengan panjang gelombang

KRT-2008 39
Teori Kuanta
 Semakin pendek panjang gelombang, maka semakin
tinggi energinya  cahaya violet (λ=410 nm)
mempunyai energi lebih besar dari cahaya biru (460
nm), kuning (580 nm), orange (620 nm) dan merah
(660 nm)
 E = h.v dimana:
E = energi satu photon cahaya pada
suatu panjang gelombang tertentu
h = konstanta Planck (6,6x10-27erg.det.)
v = frekuensi
Karena: frekuensi = kecepatan cahaya (c) dibagi dengan
panjang gelombang (λ)
maka: E = h.c / λ
 Radiasi photon biru dan merah dapat mengeksitasi
elektron molekul fotosintesis (klorofil), tetapi jumlah
maksimum energi yang tersedia biasanya dibatasi
pada panjang gelombang dekat puncak absorpsi
merah (680 nm)

KRT-2008 40
Teori Kuanta
 Energi ekstra dari photon biru tidak dapat digunakan dengan
baik, karena hanya bertahan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat
 Energi cahaya merah dengan λ = 680 nm adalah:
E = h.c / λ
E = 6,6x10-27erg.det x 3x1017nm/det x 1/680 nm
= 2,9x10-12erg.det
 Catatan:
3x1010cm/det = 3x1017nm/det
1 einstein = 1 mol kuanta
1 photon = 1 kuanta cahaya (radiasi)
1 J.m-2.det-1 = 1 W.m-2
1 = langley = 697,8 W.m-2
10.000 foot-candle = 350 W.m-2
1 foot-candle = 10,76 lux
1 Joule = 107 erg
1 calori = 4,2 Joule

KRT-2008 41
Oleh: Kelompok 1 Klas I
Nama Nim.

Dikirim via email sehari seblm kuliah:
What is the importance of studying Energy in plant
• As plant physiology is about HOW PLANTS
WORK, then sufficient understanding of
energy is important in the study of plant
physiology as

9/19/2014 45
2.1 Definition
Energy is the ability to do work
• Living organisms need energy for growth and
• Energy is the basic requirement of plant to
• Energy sustains the work of biosynthesis of
cellular and extracellular components, the
transport of ions and organic chemicals etc.
• Sunlight is the ultimate source of energy for life.

9/19/2014 46
 Primarily caused by the pull of the Moon on
 Not exactly 24
hours apart
 Causes two tidal

 Sun also causes tides

 Can work with or against the Moon’s force
9/19/2014 47
2.2 Energy Of Organisms
 Organisms are divided into two groups based
on the principal carbon source (Staniewr et al,
 Autotrophic: Organisms use inorganic carbon
 Heterotrophic: Organisms use organic carbon
 Another division of organisms is based on
energy sources
 Phototrophic (or photosynthetic) Organisms use
the radiant (solar) energy
 Chemotrophic Organisms use the energy released
during chemical oxidations
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 Combining these two basic criteria leads to
the recognition of four major nutritional
categories :
1. Photoautotrophs, utilizing light as an energy
source and C02 as the principal source of carbon
(e.g. higher plants, algae, cyanobacteria and the
purple and green sulphur bacteria).
2. Photoheterotrophs, dependent on light as a
source of energy and deriving much of their
carbon from organic compounds. This category
is represented by a specialized group of
photosynthetic bacteria known as non-sulphur
purple bacteria.

9/19/2014 49
3. Chemoautotrophs, deriving energy from
the oxidation of inorganic compounds
and using C02 as the principal carbon
source. This category comprises several
groups of specialized bacteria, including
the nitrifying bacteria and thiobacilli.
4. Chemoheterotrophs, utilizing organic
compounds as both energy and carbon
sources (e.g. animals, protozoa, fungi
and most bacteria).

9/19/2014 50
2.3 Law of Conservation of Energy
1. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
2. Energy is always changing from one kind to another.
3. The total energy of an object never changes. The
amount of energy in the Universe is constant!!

 Potential energy + Kinetic energy = Total energy,

Total energy – Kinetic energy = Potential energy and
Total energy - Potential energy = Kinetic energy

Conservation of Energy is different from

Energy Conservation, the latter being about
using energy wisely
9/19/2014 51
2.4 State and Form of Energy
 State of Energy  Form of Energy
1. Kinetic Energy 1. Chemical Energy
2. Potential Energy 2. Mass Energy
3. Radiant Energy
4. Electrical Energy
5. Nuclear Energy
6. Thermal Energy
7. Sound Energy
8. Mechanical Energy
9. Magnetic Energy
9/19/2014 52
State of Energy
 Kinetic Energy
 Kinetic energy exists whenever an object which
has mass is in motion with some velocity.
Everything you see moving about has kinetic
energy. The kinetic energy of an object in this
case is given by the relation:
KE = (1/2)mv2
m = mass of the object
V = velocity of the object
 The greater the mass or velocity of a moving
object, the more kinetic energy it has.
9/19/2014 53
Kinetic Energy
• The energy of motion.
• The faster the object moves – the
more kinetic energy.
• Kinetic energy depends on both
mass and velocity.
KE = ½(mass x velocity2)
• Kg m2/s2 =Newton*meter=

The greater the mass or

velocity of a moving object, the
more kinetic energy it has.
9/19/2014 54
 Potential Energy
 Potential energy exists whenever an object
which has mass has a position within a force
field. The most everyday example of this is the
position of objects in the earth's gravitational
field. The potential energy of an object in this
case is given by the relation:
PE = mgh
PE = Energy (J = Joules)
m = mass (kg)
g = gravitational acceleration of the earth (9.8 m/s2)
h = height above earth's surface (m)
9/19/2014 55
1 W = 1 J/s
Example of Power from Niagara Falls
 Each kg of water gets kinetic energy of
KE = mgh
= 1 kg x 9,8 m/s2 x 58 m = 568 J
H = 58 m
Flow = 7.6.106 kg/s

 Each second, 7.6 million kg of water fall, or

P = 7.6 x 106 kg/s x 586 J/kg
= 4.3.109 J/s = 4.3109 W

9/19/2014 56
Form of Energy
1. Chemical Energy
 Chemical Energy is required to bond atoms together,
and when bonds are broken, energy is released.
 Burning
 a wooden match (0.3 grams) releases about
 1055 Joules >3,000 J/g, nearly 1 Cal/g
 gasoline yields about
 39 kJ per gram, or just over 9 Cal/g

 A 2000 Calorie per day diet means 20004184 J = 8,368,000

J per day8.37 MJ in (24 hr/day) (60 min/hr)(60 sec/min) =
86,400 sec  corresponds to 97 Watts of power

9/19/2014 57
2. Mass Energy
In the special theory of relativity Einstein
demonstrated that mass and energy
could be traded one for the other.

The relationship between the mass and the

energy is contained in what is probably the most
famous equation in science,
E = mc 2
 The energy equivalent of one gram of material
(any composition!!) is
(0.001 kg)(3.0108 m/s)2 = 9.01013 J = 90 TJ

9/19/2014 58
 If one gram of material undergoes a chemical
reaction, losing about 9,000 J of energy, how much
mass does it lose?
9,000 J = mc2,
m = 9,000/c2 = 9103/91016 = 10-13 kg

9/19/2014 59
 Atoms are not indivisible
 Made up of protons, neutrons,
and electrons
 The nucleus contains protons
and neutrons

• Subatomic particles have charge (sometimes)

– Protons have positive charge, electrons have
negative charge, neutrons have no charge

9/19/2014 60
• Atomic Number is how many protons an
atom has (Z) A
• Atomic Mass Number is how many
protons and neutrons an atom has (A) Z X
 Elements are defined by atomic number
 Different AMUs result in different isotopes
 12C is “carbon 12”, 14C is “carbon 14” etc
 Mass of particles
 Electron = 0,00055 amu
 Proton = 1,00728 amu
 Neutron = 1,00866 amu
 Positron = 0.00055 amu
 Deutron = 2,01355 amu
9/19/2014 61
 Niel Bohr pada tahun 1913 menyajikan
gambaran novel atom yang terdiri dari
elektron yang mengorbit inti
 Elektron dapat mengorbit pada jarak
yang dekat dengan atau jauh dari inti,
dan tempat orbit ini tertentu

H Proton (+)

Elektron (-)

9/19/2014 62
Centrifugal force =
electrical attraction
between the proton
and the electron
Fe = kZe2/r2
r Fe k = 9.109 N.m2/C2
e = muatan elektron
= 1.60219.10-19C

Centripetal force
Z = jlh proton dalam inti
Fc = mv2/r r = jari-2 orbit
v = kecepatan elektron

9/19/2014 63
 Bohr kemudian mengasumsikan bahwa ada orbit
tertentu dimana elektron stabil
 Elektron yang jauh dari inti dapat jatuh ke orbit yang
mendekati inti karena gaya centripetal diikuti dengan
kehilangan energi potensial (PE)
Mis. Energi total elektron pada orbit n =
En dan pada orbit p = Ep
Kehilangan energi dengan elektron jatuh
dari orbit n ke p ad.
En – Ep

9/19/2014 64
 Energi elektron pada orbit tertentu (n)
dapat diestimasi dengan persamaan
En = -(kZe2/2)(kZe242m/n2h2)
En = -22k2e4Z2m/n2h2 ……..(9)
 = 22/7
k = 9.109 N.m2/C2
e = 1.60219.10-19 C
m = 9.1095.10-31 kg
h = 6.6262.10-34 Js
9/19/2014 65
 Untuk atom yang mempunyai nomor
atom Z (proton + neutron) = 1,
persamaan diatas dapat disederhanakan
En = -13,6/n2 eV ……………….(10)
1 J = 6,25.1018 eV
Singly ionized helium atom which has lost
one of its two electrons. Draw the
energy-level diagram for this ion
9/19/2014 66
The singly ionized helium atom will be
much like hydrogen atom except that the
change on nucleus is +2e, and so Z = 2.
From equation, it is found
En = -54,4/n2 eV
E1 = -54.4 eV
E2 = -13,6 eV
E3 = -6,04 eV
E4 = -3,42 eV
9/19/2014 67
 The Gibbs free energy is one of the most important
thermodynamic functions for the characterization of a
 Gibbs free energy is defined in 1876 by Josiah Willard
Gibbs to predict whether a process will occur
spontaneously at constant temperature and pressure.
Gibbs free energy, also indicating how much work is
attainable for any given process, is defined as
G = H – TS
G is the Gibbs free energy, measured in joules
H is the enthalpy, measured in joules
T is the temperature, measured in kelvins
S is the entropy, measured in joules per kelvin
9/19/2014 68
 Enthalpy (H) is a measure of the energy
associated with a system, and defined as:
H = U + pV
H is the enthalpy of the system (in joules),
U is the internal energy of the system (in
p is the pressure at the boundary of the system
and its environment, (in pascals), and
V is the volume of the system, (in m3).
 Note that the U term is equivalent to the energy
required to create the system, and that the pV term
is equivalent to the energy which would be
required to "make room" for the system if the
pressure of the environment remained constant.
9/19/2014 69
 Enthalpy is sometimes described as the
"heat content" of a system under a given
pressure. Such a visualization assumes no
energy exchange with the environment
other than heat or expansion work. Given
such restrictions, it can be shown that:
 The enthalpy is the total amount of energy
which can the system can emit through heat,
 Adding or removing energy through heat is the
only way to change the enthalpy, and
 The amount of change in enthalpy is equal to
the amount of energy added through heat.
 tightly bound molecules have higher heat energy.
9/19/2014 70
 Entropy (S) is a measure of the disorder in
a system.
 Molecules distributed randomly have high
entropy (large S) while ordered molecules have
low entropy (small S).
 The quantity of G cannot be measured
experimentally, but the change of free
energy (G) or the maximum amount of Ice melting in a warm
room is a common
energy made available can be evaluated. example of "entropy
G = H − TS increasing",
described in 1862 by
 A chemical reaction will have a H < 0 if the Rudolf Clausius as
heat energy of the reactants is greater than the an increase in the
products. disaggregation of
 A reaction will have S < 0 if the reaction the molecules of the
body of
results in increased order and S > 0 if the
reaction results in increased entropy.
9/19/2014 71
 When the concentrations of reactants and products are
variable for the following reaction
we can determine G as
[B ]
G  G 0'  R  T. ln
[ A]

where R is the universal gas constant, T is temperature, and

[B] & [A] are the initial concentrations of the products and
 We can plot G as a function of [B]/[A] to see how the free
energy of the reaction changes as reactants are converted
to product ([B]/[A] increases).

9/19/2014 72
Process Chemical Reaction
photosynthesis 6CO2 + 6H2O --> glucose + 6O2 +686
hydrolysis of Sucrose + H2O --> glucose + -7.0
sucrose fructose

conversion of ATP + H2O --> ADP + phophate -7.3

esterification glucose + phosphate --> glucose +3.3
6-phosphate + H2O

9/19/2014 73
 As an example, the chemical reaction of photosynthesis has
a standard free energy
Go' = +686 kcal/mol
The reverse reaction has
Go' = -686 kcal/mol

9/19/2014 74
Penentuan G
 Jika suatu reaksi berlangsung, mis. zat A
berubah menjadi zat B seperti berikut

 GB > GA = reaksi bersifat eksergonik

apabila (energi dibebaskan )
 GB  GA = reaksi bersifat endergonik
(energi digunakan )
9/19/2014 75
aA + bB cC + dD + free energy

cC + dD + free energy aA + bB

[B] [C]c  [D]d

Keq  Keq 
[A] [A]a  [B]b

G  G 0
 RT ln

G  G 0
 RT ln
C  D
c d

Aa  Bb
9/19/2014 76
 Kimia fisik :
 konsentrasi reaktan & produk = 1 M, dan G & G0
dinyatakan pada pH = 0
 Biokimia :
 konsentrasi reaktan & produk = 1 M kecuali [H+]
= 10-7 M, G’ & G0’ dinyatakan pada pH = 7

 Jadi perubahan energi bebas standar berbeda

antara biokimia dan kimia fisik untuk reaksi
yang melibatkan ion hidrogen
 Untuk reaksi yang melibatkan H+ sebagai

9/19/2014 77
 Pada keadaan standar, [A] = [B] = [C] = 1 M dan [H+] = 10-7
M, sehingga
G0’ = G0 + RT ln[H+]x = G0 + x RT ln10-7
 Jika x = 1, maka pada 2980 K
G0’ = G0 –39,95 kJ atau G0 = G0’ + 39,95 kJ
 Jadi G0  G0’ sebesar 39,95 kJ/mol H+ yang dibebaskan untuk
rekasi yang melibatkan H+. Ini berarti reaksi akan lebih spontan
pada pH = 7

 Sebaliknya, reaksi yang melibatkan H+ sebagai reaktan

G0 = G0’ - 39,95 kJ

 Sehingga reaksi akan lebih spontan pada pH = 0

9/19/2014 78
Ilustrasi 1.
Jika glucose 1-phosphate (G1-P) dikonversi ke G 6-P oleh
enzim phosphoglucomutase pada 250C dengan [G 1-P)
turun dari 0,02 M menjadi 0,001 M bersamaan dengan
peningkatan [G 6-P) menjadi 0,019, hitunglah G0

Konsentrasi substrat, [G 1-P) = 0,02 dan
produk, [G 6-P) = 0,019, sehingga
Keq = 0,019/0,001 = 19
G0 = -RT ln Keq = -1363 logKeq
= -1363 log 19 = -1745 cal
9/19/2014 79
Ilustrasi 2.
Apabila G0’ dari hidrolisis ATP ke ADP+Pi = -7,3 kcal.mol-
1, hitunglah Keg reaksi tersebut

G0’ = -RT ln Keq’
-7,3 kcal.mol-1 = -(1,98.103 kcal.0K-1.mol-1)
(29800K)(2,303 log Keq’)
Log Keq’= 5,35 ; Keq = 2,2.105

Ilustrasi 3.
NAD+ dan NADH ad. btk oksidasi dan reduksi nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide. Harga G0 untuk oksidasi NADH = -21,83 KJ.mol-1
pada 2980K. Hitunglah G0, Keq’ dari reaksi tsb. Hitung juga G
dan G’ jika [NADH] = 1,5.10-2, [H+] = 3.10-5, [NAD+] = 4,6.10-3
dan pH2 = 0,01 atm. Do it by yourself if you like

9/19/2014 80
1. How do plants work to live
2. What is the function of cell components
3. What is energy ?
4. Where do plants for the first time derive
energy from ?
5. What does it mean by potential energy ?
6. How much is the mass energy of 0,5 kg body ?
7. How much is the free energy of ATP
hydrolysis at pH = 7, 250C and steady state
when the concentration of ATP, ADP dan Pi is
10-5 M, 10-3 M dan 10-7 M (G0’ of ATP = 7700
cal.mol-1) respectively ?
9/19/2014 81

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